#also what’s the magic emote that lets him smile nice in cutscenes
trashbatistrash · 1 month
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
Siegfried is Actually A Demonic Otherworld Dragon (100% Real!! NOT FAKE!!!)
Everyone, it’s time. Put on your tinfoil hats peeps, and I’ll reveal the TOTAL TRUTH ON SIEGFRIED. Reveals spoilers for JJBA AND SOME GBF THINGS
For starters, I want to show you something.
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This is Siegfried when he was first revealed. Okay. Legit. Dudes been on the run. Definitely would look like he’s been not sleeping for over a hundred years.
Then look at this:
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Do you see something strange?
Hm? Maybe it’s the fact that he looks... younger, even?
He permed his hair and dyed it a lighter caramel, and somehow got rid of his bags? Sorry. I don’t buy it.
But you know what I do buy?
He sucked the life force out of his enemies and victims and made himself younger. Let me tell you a story.
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Long ago, an asshole enigmatic nobleman, Dio Brando, wears the stone mask and becomes a vampire. As a vampire, he sustains his life force and youthful appearance by sucking the life energy of his victims.
Simple vampire stuff.
But the creator of the stone mask is one of the most prominent Pillar Men ever, Kars.
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See something familiar? The long hair? The bulging muscles?
What if I enlightened you ignorant fools and said they had the same voice.
You might be a bit confused, but all shall be explained soon.
Kars, after getting the Stone of Aja and placing it on the mask, becomes the Ultimate Lifeform. He has the ability to control nature itself and turn into whatever he would like (ie, he can grow wings like a bird). How is this relevant-ITS VERY RELEVANT BECAUSE KARS HAS BECOME SO POWERFUL AND UNSTOPPABLE. SO MUCH POWER IN AN ALREADY POWERFUL MAN WHO CAN DO SO MUCH DAMAGE AND PRACTICALLY DESTROY THE WORLD WITH HIS MERE HANDS.
At the end though, it doesn’t last long and he gets blown to space, where he becomes a rock and floats for eternity and stops thinking.
Do you really think a god could merely be stopped like that? I highly doubt such an object in space could remain passively existing there.
But as GBF has shown us-there is a way a God could continue. How?
The Moon People, from what Second Advent has shown us, is very technologically advanced and promotes efficiency, work, and advancements over ‘inefficient’ things like love, leisure, and enjoyment.
Kars has stopped thinking by that point probably, but because it was stated he could not die, he still has some parts of his soul in him. Second Advent also showed us that due to moon research, people are able to transfer consciousness into a vessel/another host (see Alandus).
My proposal is that the Moon People wished to create a powerful vessel that they could study and use to enhance their own race.
But, I’m going to take it a step further. It was simply too much to create a creature that powerful, furthermore, they would need something to transfer Kar’s soul into.
I mean, I dunno if any of y’all ever seen Shadow the Hedgehog, but Shadow was created by combining the blood of an alien named Black Doom with the power of the chaos emeralds and stuff. Same gist over here.
The Moon People, wanting to test their limits, made a pact with an Otherworld creature in order to gain some of their blood to help revive the vessel they would use to research. The Otherworld creatures work and deal in lives/souls. Think Dark Jeanne and Aglovale. Sacrifice is needed to keep the vessel going.
So, the Moon People, after finally creating this creature, try to deal with it but find it’s much too chaotic and too uncontrollable to deal with, so they send it to live amongst the skydom. It is equally as chaotic and unpredictable as the vessel they made, so they try to study it in hopes of seeing different results they never would have before.
Now here’s where shot gets crazy. I’m gonna take a page out of @tainbocuailnge ‘s book and borrow their theory about FGO Siegfried being Fafnir and apply it to here.
Basically, the vessel the Moon People and Otherworld creatures worked to create is Fafnir. Of course, since the Otherworld creatures demand sacrifice and ‘balance’ they decide to go ahead and transfer a bit of Fafnir’s power into a knight that tries to slay it. Fafnir is simply too destructive to exist on its own, and they need to create something that can be capable of defeating that destruction.
The knight that comes is ‘Siegfried’ or basically, what he was before he became the Siegfried we know and love today. Siegfried ‘slays’ Fafnir, although as we later find out that he simply sealed it away (more on that later). The knight that exits is not the ‘Siegfried’ he was before, but instead a new, reborn and potentially powerful creature that the Otherworld can use.
Siegfried tries to be the good knight he was before, but due to the Otherworld blood in him, he too has his moments of chaotic feelings and emotions. The Otherworld knows this.
Siegfried, now paraded as a hero, can freely live his life and continue to be the ‘savior’ everyone wants him to be. He now has the ability to infiltrate and gain trust of those around him. The Otherworld’s desire to take control has him act as a loyal Knight and Commander to King Josef and all of Feendrache. He can’t go exploiting his cover too soon. Not when there’s just so many things he needs to do.
But, since like I said before, to maintain his life force, he needs energy from other people. He can’t just exist at full strength and do what he needs, nor can he just drink peoples life energy away.
So he continues on, doing his best to carry out King Josef’s will. In that time, he finds out about Isabella, and the two co-conspire. In exchange for helping her get rid of Josef, she will offer him human sacrifices. They both have their own ideals, but realize they can’t do it alone and need to gain Josef’s full trust.
Siegfried manages to, as Josef entrusted him with the location of a secret passage/stairwell that leads to a jail cell where prisoners could secretly be out there without anyone knowing.
Then comes the day when Isabella murders Josef and frames Siegfried. This is a part of their plan. Isabella plans to kill Josef, frame Siegfried, and have him go on the run. While he’s on the run, he can form black-market level connections and discreetly find out about other kingdoms and magical/powerful things that can help in their quest for power. Isabella then becomes King Carl’s advisor and plays him like a puppet, while Siegfried’s name was slandered.
Notice, Siegfried always brings up his loyalty to Feendrache, but I want to show THIS evidence that proves otherwise.
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After Lancelot, Vane, and Danchou go down the staircase and find the village Chief as well as Siegfried, this convo appears.
Siegfried basically admits that at any point in time, he could’ve broken them out. He has the power to stop the knights trying to fight them, he has the power to break the villagers out, and he knew they were in there the whole time.
And yet, for years, he did nothing.
Would a hero reaaaalllyyy do that? Why would he simply leave them there?
Like I said earlier, he has the power to do so, and the following cutscenes literally show him beating them with ease.
This, much like most of Siegfried’s appearances, is to seem like a hero and continue his facade of a valiant and strong warrior.
Consider, also, he knew about Aglovale, and did nothing to stop him earlier until war was about to break out.
Siegfried does this routinely to make himself appear trustworthy. The more people who trust him, the more powerful he can become. The more powerful he is, the more he can enact the will of the Otherworld creatures and do what he was created to all along- Test Potential. He was created to continuously overpower himself again and again, doing feats seemingly impossible with a calm and demure smile.
The moments he spends with his Dirt Kids are to distract from the obviously shady person he is. I mean, hell, his behavior even continues with Danchou too. Just because you are nice and trustworthy, it doesn’t mean shit to him.
In the Dragon Knights skin, the description says:
“Every gentleman knows that stepping out in style requires both polish and an eye for fashion. The contrast in the dark and light theme lends to the attire's mature calm and allure. And while a cool expression may veil one's true intentions, a simple bouquet of deep red roses whispers secretly of love.”
I mean, ‘a cool expression may veil one’s true intentions’-INCREDIBLY SHADY. And also, notice the mention of ‘contrast in the dark and light’. Also shady.
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Look at his outfit closely. Most colors are used to symbolize different things, and usually, white represents purity, while black usually represents dark and more repulsive emotions.
His coat is WHITE. When you wear a coat, you’re concealing your body from the cold. In this case, it’s symbolistic for Siegfried acting on his facade as a pure righteous hero, defending justice and being loyal to those whom he serves.
But it’s not the full trust, as Siegfried is wearing a black suit, and notice, one of his hands (concealed with a white glove too), is in his pockets. The other hand, carrying a bouquet of roses, is concealed in his slouched form, partially covered by his coat.
He’s using you. Saying ‘I love you’, as to convince you that he’s there for you and cares for you. He is. But not for the reason you want.
As you’re the Singularity, you have potential. You have the potential to exceed potential, each time overpowering what was thought to be impossible. I mean, plenty of creatures/characters were interested in your potential.
But, by this theory, Siegfried was created to exceed potential as well. You are a perfect example of what potential is, and he craves for that kind of power that you could have. He loves your potential, the power you could provide, the change you can make.
If he could just grasp your potential, perhaps even take your life energy, he could become the powerful entity he was always meant to be.
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“So Happy Together” Analysis
i don’t sleep
tl;dr: tbh not much to go off on about. i think we see a new skin for Iron Bear, one with some stripes. amara smiles, i do talk a little bit about little sisters in bioshock but tbh i think this was all just a stylistic choice lol. oh and handsome jack’s masks- probably Mount Jackmore. i don’t want to get to freaked out over jack returning, but damn gearbox lol u had me there for a second. im pretty sure it’s just a reused cut quest from bl2 that they never got to implement. 
EDIT: here’s all the cut content in bl2 (plus all the non-cut content as well for funsies). you can go to the cut quests and see the audio files for claptrap’s jackmore quest
holy shit can i just vomit all my emotions rn, they’re all good so imma do that so im rational when i start analyzing stuff okay? okay! 
holy shit that was fucking great and im really glad i tempered my expectations to something smaller than i thought because i feel bad for people expecting something huge, i was under the assumption we’d be getting a new mechanic that was like ‘choose ur +1 and they’ll be able to play the game with you if you’re both online even if they don’t have the game’ which was what someone said on reddit. altho im sure the poor company is gonna get spammed now with hate like ‘WTF YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE BUILT THIS UP AAAA’. not to lie, i was slightly disappointed it wasn’t a longer stream, but i mean if they’ve got nothing to announce, they’ve got nothing to announce and HEY! new trailer!!! gonna be combing thru on the assumption this has some easter eggs like the MoM trailer did, just in case. i thought it was a cute trailer, gearbox never explicitly said what it was gonna be, a lot people all just assumed what was gonna happen was a demo/beta which sucks so i hope this doesn’t negatively impact people’s perspective of the game. im staying off reddit for now bc when i first checked it people were pretty pissed and i dun need that negativity lmao
okay! emotions are LOCKED behind closed doors. i am shifting into study mode. here we go boys/girls/those of us who know better. haven’t done one of these in a while, let’s see if im rusty at all.
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claptrap! and the skull on the chair which reminds me of tyreen’s “favorite skull”. 
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tv says “we are under attack, please stand by”
and afaik claptrap is near the beginning of the game, you can see part of the recruitment center behind him when the camera pans.
im thinking there might be something in the roses, specifically the hand-drawn roses later on in the trailer. will be keeping an eye open for that.
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this is specifically a jakobs brand chest. i really like the see-through aesthetic of it
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intro area of the game again. possible hint to the opening cutscene? tbh i was worried that’s what we were about to get because i haven’t finished the roughs of my mock up lol
so what i didn’t notice my first time through is that you can then see claptrap, also being shown in the chest
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waving up at the camera. that’s not trippy at all or anything lol
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this car in the foreground (with no one driving it, mind you)
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randomly combusts, looking quite like elpis in that one shot of the claptrap presents pandora trailer. wonder if that means it’s gonna ‘splode.
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ohhh it spins. please no spin imma get motion sick blech
shot of some cultists. one appears to have a jetpack near the bottom right there
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another explosion to the beat
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the shock wave!!!! that’s awesome
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shock nomads cultists are back. f in chat for our shields
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another cultist seconds before he gets blown to bits
it cuts to black for a secco as it moves thru said explosion
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another cultist, i assume a psycho
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finally some good fucking angles
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idk what i expected from someone who’s first action skill line i ever heard was them shouting MAGIC WALL!!! TAAAADAAAAAAAAH
as a side note
who is shooting those lasers
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we see them coming from behind the VHs, but
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there’s nothing there
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they’re coming from... the wall???
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tfw u shot urself in the foot on accident
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amara is not amused
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`is this some human custom i don’t understand yet`
also i hate that i’ve done this exact dance before when i took dance classes as a kid
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with less style of course, i was like 7
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moze is into it, hell yeah
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this reminds me a lot of Kingsman. where all the blood is like fireworks and stuff. i wonder if that has anything to do with the psycho brainwashing. like little sisters in bioshock. they see roses instead of blood, right? maybe there’s something like that going on with the psychos
i’d certainly hope our vault hunters aren’t brainwashed, anyway.
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this dude looking SHOCKED to see that tho, lmfao
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i relate to this man on a spiritual level i stg
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man he looks pissed
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omfg lol
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“i guess this is okay”
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the body language in this is gold i am just having the time of my life
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this is so cute
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also in retrospect, i think this is one of the turrets we see on promethea. i wonder what it’s doing here!
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moze u ok?
oh nvm she’s into it, look at her! she’s dancing! She’s Dancin’!
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oooo one of the robots from the we are mayhem trailer! okay you can totally see why i think they’re jakobs, RIGHT???
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iirc this is a maliwan soldier
man this is a crossover event, isn’t it?
i get it now. togetherness. i gotchu gearbox.
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some maliwan ships in the sky. possibly sanc-iii on the right? or a ship of the same model as sanc-iii!
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this is a magitek dropship, change my mind
eh, they both start with M, fuck it.
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no idea what fl4k is doing here
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mayyyybe shielding themselves from the ‘firework’/confetti shower
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i like that the confetti explosions are backed up by purple, you know like eridium/slag/siren powers. seriously, maybe this is just how to cultists see us Vault Hunters and the mass murder.
at the very least, the psychos.
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fl4k’s into it. i wish we knew the name of their skag, if it has one. i hope it does.
well now the lasers are coming from the other side! what the hell
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moving on
i think this is the HBC from the speakers, plus im pretty sure that skull and the stained glass are the entrance to mouthpiece’s arena
we also get a different colored explosion. im paranoid jack is somehow making a return (please god no), so i’ll just note it’s the same color as his eyes.
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AND the chests are vomiting out gold guns, which i think, gold-plated gear, is the cult’s way of signifying standing. which im sure is a tongue-in-cheek commentary as gearbox gives out a gold weapon pack as a pre-order bonus. no, like, it even shows up as an ad on the video
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smh gearbox lmao
oh, also, the cultists are doing fuckin flying impressions
im not saying its a reference to the cultist with rakk wings on the cover, buuuut
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bitch it might be lol
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it’s an upside-down vault symbol! ive been trying to figure out what that is in those screens for the longest time!
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back on promethea and we get to see fl4k’s spiderant in action
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their skag, too, of course
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the jabbermon in the back there, too! i wonder if they’re going to be shock or cryo. i would imagine shock given how they’re glowing
also i love the way the flowers look in contrast to the character models
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moze is so happy aw
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i love the way fl4k’s skag comes flying in and slides to a stop. such a good doggo ;-;
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this is beautiful, i want it as a wallpaper
moze skipping? holy shit
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100% verified the best thing i’ve ever seen
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i lied. this is.
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is this the fast travel station effect?
also! IB is looking a bit different
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i wonder if this is a redesign or if IB is wearing a new skin moze picked out
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pan over to zane who clearly doesn’t notice the being of darkness and horror in the doorway
oh also, we’re on eden-6 now. which would explain the fast travel effect
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psychos dancing on the rooftops lol
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oh god my eyes
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nothing to really say here, i just like this screenshot
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pink shields booyah
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this is so fucking cute
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we also get a better look at that one facility on eden-6
is that... red i see? >w> i won’t say it i won’t i won’t say it i swear i just- ATLAS
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i like that zane’s clone spawns with his melee attachment
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not AS excited as the real life version though
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GB pls let this be a zane emote
is that a varkid? on eden-6?
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wtf is a varkid doing on eden-6???
more shots of the facility btw. reminds me a lot of sanc-iii so maybe this actually is the supamax mfg construction facility like i originally thought. hmmmmmmm
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ah yes, of course
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holy shit what is this a reference to?
im told it’s the sex pistols
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the back of the bullet turns into Athenas
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pans in
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enemy with a top hat on. some variation of/upgraded gravedigger? it’s like a psycho but recolored with blue pants and a top hat. you can see it fall off when amara shoots him
y’know, these guys
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some rakk in the background
i am hoping bc this is a celebration of togetherness we’re seeing all enemies everywhere, not that the planets don’t have their own unique fauna.
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she’s so happy omfg
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oh, you want some?
Uhhh then there’s THIS sequence
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they’re doing the flying thing again lmao
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there’s also whatever that black blob is on the left. a spaceship maybe?
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car wheel
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all their eyes started glowing red. uh oh gamers
also another fast travel effect
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hmmmm... zarpedon is that you??
back on pandora.
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“super 87 racetrack”, maybe this is near that motorcade fast travel we saw?
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huzzah! rainbows!
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i do believe that’s sanctuary-iii
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another ship. drop ship?
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elpis is looking nice this time of year. definitely not explode-y. yet.
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pret-ty sure that’s iron bear. moze is standing atop the tower lmao
also! back to it’s old paint scheme. looks like moze was using a skin or smth
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we also have this. are my eyes failing me or is that a big cross on the left? could be where jack was buried. 
also i know there was cut content in bl2 about Mount Jackmore! and this looks like a Mount Jackmore to me. it’s a cut quest where claptrap asks you to basically ruin the thing. but since the quest was cut, it’s still here in bl3. maybe they’ll reintegrate the quest lol
i can’t imagine it being roland’s gravesite. because it looks like the below.
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i do know we’re going to roland’s grave in bl3, but the statues don’t really match up. maybe it is and the statues were broken, or ruined or something and replaced by a cross. could be then that the gravesite was defaced with, well, the guy that killed him. 
im really hoping jack doesn’t make a return. im fine with dealing with what he set in motion, and his influence, and probably even some ECHO logs and movie trailers, but please, for the love of god, don’t actually bring him back, AI or otherwise. im really excited for the calypso twins, i’d really hate to see the focus shift back to that guy. he’s had his fingers in every borderlands game. it’s time to let him go.
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idk what this is exactly. it looks like maybe that weird eye bot troy stands next to in the intro for the behind closed doors panel?
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goodbye mr magical jakobs chest, it’s been real
the RC now has red drapes going down it. have those always been there? i don’t remember those
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hmmmmmmmmm maybe we’re looking at it from the back 🤔
anyway, that’s all she wrote. i haven’t see any hidden morse code messages or anything yet, but if something surfaces, i’ll be sure to add it here.
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squiishiichaos · 5 years
How I Would Revise KH3
I’ve seen quite a few of these going around since the game was released, and I thought of waiting to release it, but  since it’s already written--these are just some ideas from one writer to the fandom of changes I, personally, would’ve made in order to make KH3 more epic than it turned out to be. 
1.  I’m sure a lot of people took issue with the teasing Sora took early on from his friends, not to mention the scolding he got from Yen Sid, but it actually sets up nice for scenes later on, explains the Odd Behavior of the Organization toward Sora in this game, and really could’ve been used for some great character and relationship development. 
Because after being almost Norted in 3Ds, I believe our Golden Boy would likely have some issues he needs to work through.  Beyond getting back all of his main character super powers and becoming the next New True Keyblade Master, he almost became one of the Organization.   That has to be a hit for someone who has spent the last 9 games practically the poster boy for Guardian of Light. 
Having him feel self-doubt and evolving that for the fights later on in the game would have made him feel less flat as a protagonist. 
Especially when we have Marluxia and Larxene showing up everywhere, basically ignoring him like a flea, and telling him, “we’re not here for you.”  After all the threat he’s posed to them--after knowing he’s part of the many lights gathering for their clash at the final battle--you’d imagine that they’d be more inclined to engage him and give him a better reason to fight than, “oh, these princesses here may be made of Light, we’re not really sure and we’re kinda just seeing how it goes down.”
Have Sora feel the impact of those interactions.  Like, “I’m not even worth their time,” level impact. Hell, have a scene in the gummi ship post world, calling up Kairi on his new phone, saying, “Hey!” And have her immediately dropping the smile she got, putting on a face and asking, “Sora, what’s wrong?”  When he tries to say, “I’m fine!” and dismiss it, have her tell him he’s not.  Say, “you wouldn’t be calling me if you were.”   
Have Sora try to call Riku and not be able to get ahold of him.  Just dialing and dialing and dialing, and him feeling neglected and abandoned.  Have Kairi speak to Riku on the phone, because it just so happens to be during one of their breaks in the Dark Realm, and her discussing Sora’s odd behavior.  Make them care, damn you!
*AHEM* Moving on...
2. Riku & Mickey save Aqua early on.  Like, I’m talking Prologue level, KHII.9 early on. 
In the realm of darkness, when they run into the Demon tide, after Riku escapes because of his Replica and Mickey gets trounced, have Aqua appear as the master of those Heartless. 
Since Mickey is hurt, Riku fights in his place and gets walloped after a short playable fight where you get her to half-lifebar and it ends.
As Aqua goes to finish him off--because new keyblades are hard--Mickey shouts out, “Aqua, don’t!  Think of your friends!”
As Aqua gives her monologue about being abandoned and forgotten and alone, have him go, “No one’s forgotten you!  Ven and Terra still need you!” 
“Need me?  Where were they when I needed them?!  Where were you?!  You don’t know what this pain I feel is like--to be forgotten and dismissed--none of you do!” 
Then have Riku chime in, “I do.”  As he stands up and readies his keyblade for another battle, have him stare her down and say, “I once gave up everyone I cared about for Darkness, and I struggle every day to keep it at bay.  But in every darkness, there’s an even stronger light. If you won’t fight the darkness yourself, then I’ll fight it for you!” 
After you finish the initial battle, instead of immediately getting back her light, the duo subdues her and they bring her back to the realm of light. 
Have a Futaba (obligatory Persona 5 reference, sorry) moment for Aqua.  Let her ascent back to Light mean something!
At first, she feels like she failed Ventus and Terra.   Nothing anyone says can help that.  And they all are trying to get ahold of Sora, but he’s busy and he needs to be there!   When he finally answers his phone in the gummiship, Riku tells him the good news and he hops back to the Tower. 
When he arrives, Ven’s heart reacts to Aqua and she immediately reacts.  But Mickey, Axel and Kairi don’t know.  They’re still riding on the moment Aqua smiled for the first time because she found out that Kairi was okay!  That she’d done something right!  Maybe she wasn’t a failure?
But then Sora walks in, and she does not trust him.  He looks like Vanitas and that face haunts her.  After all that darkness, she can’t see him--she only sees those glowing yellow eyes and that sardonic smirk, and it takes all of them holding her back to keep her from casting anything more than a measly couple of low level spells at him before they all tell her it’s okay!  That it’s Sora, the key to Ventus’s awakening.
And Aqua goes up to him, and they’re both apprehensive, but eventually she takes a nice long look, sees through the mirage and smiles, tearfully, at him. 
They agree to go help Ventus while Mickey and Riku stay behind to help train Kairi and Axel.
****Before we continue, I need to make a minor addendum here.  
No Hyperbolic Time Island bullshit for Kairi and Axel.  
They are on the fucking ropes to get ready for this shit.  Thrown into the literal fucking fire, training day in and day out every second of every day to get ready for the throw down they’re now part of.  
Every previous cutscene of them is more emotional because they’re exhausted, slouching against a rock, a wall, a chair, a fucking bed!  They don’t even know what time it is, but they’re sitting there, chatting away and crying because this is the hardest they have worked in ages, and they don’t know if they can do it anymore.  Merlin is merciless.  Yen Sid is biting.  They are on a crunch and there is no time for playing around!  
****Make those scenes so much better for everyone.  They were wonderful, their interactions, but make them real, fuckers!  This is a warzone, and this isn’t DBZ!
3.  Aqua awakens Ventus. 
After her and Sora find Ven, they begin a ritual of waking, but Vanitas feels Ventus’s heart pulsating inside Sora and he attacks.  Sora tells Aqua to keep reaching for the connection while he holds him off. 
Obviously, Sora gets his ass kicked.  Absolutely destroyed. 
Aqua steps in to protect Sora/Ven, and kicks the ever loving shit of Vanitas, but then he fakes his defeat and sneaks up on them as they rush to finish the waking. 
As Vanitas goes to strike Aqua, the last vestige of Ven inside Sora commands the teen around and gives him one deciding blow before his heart exits Sora and leaves for its home.  Vanitas--knowing he’s finished here--leaves, promising them the fight of their lives come their next meeting. 
Ventus awakens and him and Aqua share a cute scene where Aqua tells him she’s sorry for being late and failing to protect him.  Ventus is just like, “Aqua...it’s alright.  You saved me, and now, we can find Terra together!”
Sora breaks the mood when he swoops in, and Ventus goes apeshit (because it was his heart reacting, not his actual conscious >.>)!  Fucking pulls out his keyblade, ready to put down Vanitas for the last time, but Aqua is like, whoa, it’s just Sora!  He’s been keeping you safe in his heart this whole time!
And Sora, confused, is like...the fuck?
So, Aqua suggests he go back alone and they’ll follow along soon enough.
4.  Back at the tower, Riku asks Sora how it went, and Sora recounts his near death experience at the hands of Ventus while Riku is like, Darkness plays tricks on people, as does sleep.  Give them time, they’ll pull through. 
5. Now, with 2 out of 3 found, Roxas and Namine (and Xion) still missing, it is crunch time, people!   So, I had a few playable options I thought up.
First off: Yen Sid’s tower becomes a hub world.  If you leave the hub, you can fly off as Sora to do the Disney worlds and restore balance and peace while he continues to level up his Main Character Plot Armor Powers.
Second Choice:  You can choose to bring Riku or Mickey with you on these missions, but they’re just kinda there as links.  Like, the Sora, Donald and Goofy screen time should not be revoked, so they’re kind of just finisher commands that show up randomly while the 2 of them are doing recon on the Organization. 
Third Choice: You can play as Kairi and Axel and spend ludicrous hours trying to beat Aqua and Ventus while running for your goddamn life at Yen Sid’s tower.   Legitimately, I’m talking, Beginning of Birth By Sleep and KH1 style battles.  You get a potion or something if you win, and you can kick ass as everyone’s 2 favorite Redheads.  *BONUS* Kairi finally gets to be a badass.
6. Once all the remaining Disney worlds are complete, we get to the FINAL PART: 
For starters, Nomura, show them, ya know, actually preparing!
Ven and Aqua, sweating, clearly having just finished sparring or practicing magic and shit, talk about Terra and have their Wayfinder Moment.  I liked their dialogue choices here, so, keep those the same, just make it feel more excited and build the anticipation!
Axel sits on his tower, his new clothes beside him as he contemplates the fact he’s almost earned them.  Saix shows up and that all happens, with Axel calling his keyblade on him, and Saix being like, “Yeah, okay, save it for the morning, when you’re at your best.”  With a sidelong look at the suitcase he’s clearly ignoring. 
Donald and Goofy practice together, and the King arrives to commend them on all their hard work.  To be honest, I don’t even remember if there’s a scene between the three of them here, and if there is, cool!  If not, then, shit, put one in.  
Now.  The big shit. 
The Destiny Trio.
We cut to them all sparring on the shores of Destiny Islands.  Kairi has learned a thing or two from Aqua, but she also packs a real punch.  Riku utilizes his dark flare and other like abilities to enhance their light and build resistance to such attacks--teach them how to prepare.   Sora is his normal badass self, dodging, attacking, and being a good sport.   Mind you, this probably all devolves at some point into a fucking hysterical mess when Kairi drenches the boys with Waterza (which she just learned, the badass), and Sora tackles her into the Ocean as payback while Riku tries really, really hard not to die of laughter. 
After they’ve recovered, Riku excuses himself to sit on the beach so he can have his little chat with Repliku while Kairi and Sora go over to the tree and talk.   
When Kairi grabs the Paopu fruit, it’s just one--because it says share a paopu fruit, not two, you dipshits--and Sora was about to reach for it, too.  The two share a smile as they’re like, “This way, no matter what happens tomorrow, we’ll always have each other.”  
They share it, and then Riku--who is a fucking ninja, apparently--shows up and places a hand on both of their shoulders like, “It’s about fucking time.”   Sora and Kairi share a impish little smile and together, they hold up the shared Paopu to him.  He’s at first taken aback, but he softly smiles and the SCENE ENDS!
8. In the Keyblade Graveyard (I swear I’m almost done), here are the changes I’d make.
First off, when everyone is attacked and whisked off and Sora finally gets that moment where the self-doubt reaches its final form, have him, I dunno, react to losing his friends before Kairi!  Like, calling out names and reaching for them and growing increasingly terrified!   Especially after he just watched all his friends get wrecked by Terranort. 
I would completely erase the Final World Bullshit, because it felt like they just put it in there as a way to explain the fact Sora’s story was coming to an end and Kairi heart stuff when they didn’t know how else to do it, and that just felt sad.  BUT IF I MUST KEEP IT TO MAKE YOU HAPPY, then I propose that you don’t talk to Namine in the land of the Dead.  You instead talk to Chirithy and Strelitzia or whoever the fuck the other chick was, and then you gather yourself together and Sora tells Chirithy, “my friends are calling me back!  I have to go help them!”  While Digimon’s Kairi is like, “yeah, cool, but if you die again, ain’t no one coming up here to save you, dude, so don’t be fucking stupid.”
Since Riku has natural resistance to Darkness (thanks to his backstory) and Kairi is apparently God in this game, Sora only saves Donald and Goofy while they save Ventus, Aqua, Axel and Mickey separately.   Then, together, the whole group goes back to the graveyard, and instead of going through fucking time travel paradoxes that make no goddamn sense, Nomura, the characters regroup and are like, “okay, now, it’s time for the final showdown!”
9. The Gauntlet of Endless Cutscenes
Riku beats up fake Riku himself without Sora, but Sora shows up in the end to help hold off Xigbar while Repliku tears fake Riku apart for the whole Namine scene.  Sora is like, “you good, bro?” and Riku’s like, “Sure, gonna go kill Ansem,” and they part ways. 
Aqua and Ventus beat up Terranort themselves.  They are the ones who release his soul back to his body as Sora arrives to provide backup against Vanitas.   Terra, Ven and Aqua fight Vanitas while they tell Sora to go assist the others. 
Axel and Kairi fight together--for real, though.
Give these 2 badass Redheads the chance to kick some serious ass against Xion and Saix.
Sora arrives and they’re both worn out because they’re new to this and keyblades are hard, so he wards off Xion until Saix does his thing, then the rest is PRETTY MUCH THE SAME, except Kairi doesn’t get kidnapped. 
Because Roxas, Xion, and Sora stop that shit in their tracks (because I want Kairi to be the Touched by Fire badass she always deserved to be, dammit), but when they fail, Kairi swings at him and Xemnas does his teleportation bullshit and knocks her out because, goddammit, she did her best!
Xion and Roxas tell Sora to go while they beat down Saix, and then there’s the Sea Salt trio’s reunion. 
Sora goes to Riku and Mickey (I skipped him because Mickey needs no one’s help, and I would assume Sora went there first to help him and he was like, “the fuck?  I don’t need you!  Go assist everyone else, ya dunce!”), and when he tells them that Xemnas took Kairi, Riku chastises him for his sloppiness. 
Together, they defeat Ansem, Xemnas and Young Xehanort, after which, when Xehanort pulls out Kairi, we get a blast to the past of BBS while the 3 of them try to get her back without delay.  But, Xehanort uses his newly forged no name keys to hold them off while he imbues Kairi with a piece of himself for the final showdown (Because I think DarkKairi is the only way you can kill her and it be okay.  Also, they did hint at the whole princesses of light choose the light bullshit in the Disney worlds, so fuck it, if Nomura can’t keep his canon right, fuck you, I don’t have to keep it right, either, so there.)
This leads to Sora refusing to fight another of his friends, because he has done enough of that in this revised version, and dammit, he can’t do it again!  So, Riku does it for him, because he won’t let anyone else he cares about fall to the darkness. 
But he gets his ass handed to him.  Sora, seeing this, has to fight.  Like the Brother My Brother scene from Pokemon the First Movie (may it rest in peace).  
After the ensuing melee forges the final key--because who the fuck needs Xehanort, am I right?--Xehanort (hah) goes to put an end to Riku and Sora, but Kairi steps in and protects them, sacrificing herself in the process.   
Devastated, Sora goes after Xehanort while Riku stays behind with the other warriors to stop Kingdom Hearts. 
Shit pans out as seen, and after the final battle, Sora mourns Kairi and says he’s gonna go find her.  Shit pans out as seen and Riku still tells them to let him go, but he also leaves him with a snarky, “and if you get lost again, I’ll just pull you out like I always do,” roll of the eyes and everything. 
10.  Okay, so the Ending. 
Everything is the same, except that Kairi and Sora both disappear as Riku leaves the others behind on the beach to go see them.  Leaning against the branch they sat on, he picks up a fallen paopu, looks off into the distance and there’s a glimmer in his eye before the screen
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #351
“Lie and Hock, Lego Magic, Phoenix Tears”
[Lie] Heads out towards the giant tree, looking for Hock and calling out his name-
[Hock] Is curled up in a little ball under a low tree root.
[Lie] - Hock?
[Hock] Snuffles and scoots farther back into the shadows.
[Lie] - Hock please come out...
[Hock] No... the master thinks I'm a danger... because I took the rose- busts into tears-
[Lie] - Hock I know full well you are not a danger, and I want to make certain you are okay
[Hock] But Cp said he could come get me again anytime now...
[Lie] - Explain to me what happened...
[Hock] Snuffles- Offender was in town and complaining of being hungry... I know they feed on emotions and lonely as I am... I offered to satiate him...
[Lie] - I see, and I'm pretty sure I can figure out how my husband reacted...
[Hock] He was so angry... And I didn't understand... the sex was so good and I didn't hurt anyone... I thought you would be happy to not have a hungry Slender being stalking around...
[Lie] Sighs and sits down on the ground, she's changed into just one of CP's shirts since her dress is so covered in blood- Offender...  Well, his main thing is rape.  He's even threatened to go after CP and any member of the manor really.  But what probably made CP panic the most was because of my interactions with him.  When I was very, very little and still human, I happened to pass by a dark alley with my mother, down that alley Offender was taking a victim, and nobody but me seemed to notice.  After I met him again later in life it caused me horrendous nightmares that not even CP could pull me out of
[Hock] Just cries a bit more- I'm so sorry mistress.... I feel like I should just... go away..
[Lie] - No, don't do that Hock, we'd all miss you.  Just be more careful in the future, especially when it comes to slender beings
[Hock] And if he... comes back for me?
[Lie] - Did you accept the rose?
[Hock] I ate it....
[Lie] - Then he will be likely to come again, that rose means he no longer needs your permission
[Hock] I don't mind, I just don't want you to be angry with me.
[Lie] - I'm not Hock, just worried about you
[Hock] Scoots out a little bit- Are you sure?
[Lie] - Yes, absolutely.  And if you ever want out of your deal with Offender, I will try to find a way to make that possible
[Hock] Thank you Lie. And I'll stay out of your builds if he does come back. - Looks down shyly-
[Lie] - Thank you, and if he doesn't give you a choice where?  Well, I'm sure I can get Dawn to visit again.
[Yaunfen] is picking through their inventory- the little thingies just vanished?!?! Where did they go? I thought they looked kinda neat...
[Sammn] - checks her's to find them also missing - Very odd.
-There seems to be a teacher like figure standing outside of a door ahead of them-
[Doc] Strides up to them and greets them warmly- hi, I'm the new science teacher DoctorF. Everything is just perfect except my classroom is lacking chalk and an eraser. Can I pilfer some of yours?
[Yaunfen] We're here to learn stuff!
-The coding of the game kicks in and they are pulled into a cutscene once they get close enough to the teacher.  They are in the classroom and are watching as students learn a spell.  One messes up and ends up getting three others stuck on the chandeliers above-
[Yaunfen] Tries to imitate the others waving their sticks around
-The figures mill around, waiting for the player to take control and play the game-
[Sammn] -can't help but snicker at the NPC's attempt at magic - They most definitely need more studying.
[Doc] Are we just supposed to fly? I can do that, kinda.
-A look at the coding shows they are supposed to have one of three characters to complete the puzzle.  None of those characters are in the room-
[Yaunfen] sneak grabs the chalk from the blackboard rim and passes it to Sammn, it's nearly as big as their stick- Score!
[Sammn] - slips it away - Thanks, I doubt they will even miss it.
[Doc] What else were you missing Sammn?
[Yaunfen] Waves the stick- wingardium leviosa?
[Sammn] Raven feather. Everything else I made do with other items.
[Doc] Looks like a decent place to find one, let's explore a bit more-
[Yaunfen] stupid stick...
[Sammn] You don't need wands to cast, its just a focus.
[Yaunfen] Focuses hard on the stick with their little tongue out-
[Doc] Leads them back out if the room and into another area
-They enter a large and very tall room with staircases that are constantly moving-
[Doc] Finds the first person who looks like a teacher- Excuse me, can you tell me a good place to find a gathering of ravens?
[Teacher] Just makes a greeting noise and waves at them-
-Some of the figures in the pictures around them are moving-
[Yaunfen] Umm....  that's creepy....
pDoc] Too many televisions here.
-Some of the figures wave at passing students as the stairs move around. Some even seem to trigger the movement of the stairs-
[Sammn] This is confusing. We have the chalk, the feather isn't as important. We can go.
[Doc] Same. And all that moving around stuff is dizzying.
[Yaunfen] I don't want to go up there....
[Sammn] - tries to get her bearings - I think this whole place is moving around.
[Doc] Shakes hir head to clear the dizziness and scoots outside-
[Yaunfen] Looks up - There's birds up in the rafters?
[Sammn] Hum, I wonder? - mutters Ianuae Magicae and teleports up to the closest rafter, scaring the few birds perched there.
[Yaunfen] She vanished! And there was no tp message...
-There's a variety of birds, ranging from tiny owls to eagles-
[Sammn] - looks around and spots several long ebony feathers. Carefully scoots over and gatheres a few before repeating her spell, teleporting back. -
-The teachers coding to wave and make a greeting noise is triggered again-
[Yaunfen] Neat trick!
[Doc] Sammn doesn't need schooling. She's already magickal.
-Above them a melodious bird call echoes around the tower-
[Sammn] Now we can leave. - waves feathers -
[Doc] Waves back to the people around them- bye NPCs.
[Yaunfen] Snickers, waving their stick-
-A bright red feather floats down-
[Doc] Looks up and leaps in shock as it twists down in the wind and pokes hir in the eye -OW!
[Yaunfen] retrieves the feather - Are you okay mada?
[Doc] Muffled swearing-
-A very large bird glides down and perches on am unlit sconce set into the wall, it's obvious the feather came from it-
[Sammn] - stares at the bird - Yaunfen, that feather....
[Yaunfen] Hey, it looks like Firebird!
[Doc] Blinking-Kinda...
[Yaunfen] Waves- Hi pretty bird!
-The bird notes Docs eye and moves closer-
[Doc] Cautious watching- I might have something...? - Searches inventory- uuuh, muffin? - holds it up-
-Flaps and hovers near Doc, an impressive feat for a bird so large and let's a tear fall near Docs eye-
[Doc] Nearly drops the muffin in surprise and blinks- That's... better?
-It lands on a railing nearby to preen-
[Yaunfen] Swooshing the big feather around-
[Sammn] That's the first time I have seen one of those up close.
[Doc] So it's a bird that heals things? I wonder if Firebird....
[Sammn] Firebird's a phoenix?
[Phoenix] Looks at each of them carefully-
[Doc] Gestures with the muffin- They kinda look the same????
[Yaunfen] Can I borrow a knife Sammn? Please?
[Sammn] - hands her knife over -
[Yaunfen] Sets the feather against a bit of stone and uses the knife to snip the end off. - Thank you Sammn-
[Doc] Is distracted watching them- Yaunfen?
[Phoenix] Makes another musical call-
[Yaunfen] Takes out a bit of paper and a pot of purple dye to scratch out a few letters on the page. - Now I can write really nice!
[Sammn] Well, that's an interesting use for a such a special feather. Use it with care, Yaunfen.
[Yaunfen] I will... hey! - they take out another piece of paper and write a nice note on it before holding it up for the bird as if they should take it. - For you!
[Phoenix] Looks at the note curiously-
-It's a rather sweet thank you note in slightly shaky letters-
[Phoenix] Takes it in a claw and the note bursts into flames, being transported elsewhere-
[Doc] Whoah! I hope that wasn't commentary.
[Yaunfen] Confused-
[Sammn] No, it's a good thing.
[Doc] After being ignored by the npc's finding someone who's aware is almost unnerving.
[Sammn] Very. Why would it be here? - looks at phoenix - Perhaps trapped here?
[Phoenix] Calls out again-
[Doc] It's yelling a lot.
[Yaunfen] Maybe it's lonely?
[Sammn] - steps closer - If you'd like, you can join us?
[Doc] I'm good with that.
[Phoenix] Scoots a bit closer to Sammn-
[Sammn] - Holds up an arm -
[Phoenix] Hops onto her arm and sidles up to her shoulder, it's a little heavy-
[Yaunfen] You got a new friend. - Smiles-
[Sammn] - shifts gently, getting used to the bird's weight - Yes. So, now we have everything. Ready to leave?
[Doc] Absolutely-Xe makes a portal and hops through, waiting for the others before closing it-
[Sammn] - follows, making sure to duck down while passing through -
-They are once again faced with many portal options-
[Yaunfen] Tucks the feather away and pulls out a candy cane to nibble on- That one maybe?
[Doc] As good as any, I really thought this would be a quick trip...
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longingfreesia · 6 years
visitations | ao3 mirror
mad paradox visits the alternate selves he comes across wading through time every now and then.
note: once upon a time, before i saw his 3rd job advancement cutscene, i "entertained" the idea of dominator creating grace as part of his “perfect virtual world.” then i watched it and realized ‘oh, shit, he moved on actually’ and scrapped it all. this is kind of a result of that, and me going “hm. i wonder if he won’t do that for himself he’d do it for mp” which he probably wouldn’t but will that stop me? this exists so the answer is no
also i dont know how to tag “mp kinda beats up dom.” its not too bad i think but just be aware of that i guess
previous “chapter”
Paradox watches his counterpart in silence for a moment. Was it perverse to take an odd fascination in observing people when they thought they were alone? It didn’t matter to him, and no one knew about it in any case.
Either way, no matter how fascinating it was, it was boring. His counterpart usually had something interesting for him to mess with, it was worth a shot.
“You're open.”
Dom startles, then softens when he sees Paradox. “I suppose I am now. Hello, Paradox.”
“Hello.” Paras eyes seem especially big, now, staring down at his counterpart.
“Was there something you needed?” Dom asks.
“No. I just wanted to be here.”
“Mm. I suppose that's fine. Don't bother me, though, I'm working on something very important.”
Paradox frowns, nose scrunching up and only further accentuating his round face. This other self treats him more like a child. ...Sometimes it's alright, but other timesーlike nowーit irritates him.
“Tell me what it is.”
Dom chuckles. “Insistent as always. Well, it's…” he waves his hand in circles by the side of his head, as if thinking, “virtual reality. Of sorts.” He gains that ever annoying ‘I know something you don't’ tone of voice. “Do you want to see it?”
“Show it to me.”
Dom nods. “Follow me.”
Dominator leads him into a decently sized space off of his lab. This was new, but it hadn't been added to the building, just cleared out… What did he need such a large dedicated space for? And entirely empty, at that...
“Close your eyes.” Dom says.
Dom grimaces and rolls his eyes. “Alright, fine, but don't blame me if it ruins the magic.”
His dynamos swirl around him, following each other in a perfect line as they form a circle spanning the empty space. The thin lines sought through them glow, brighter and brighter until they split open, a jagged, mechanical motion they all execute in unison.
A wall appears around them. It looks like the same type of hologram Dom uses for his keyboards, that kind of thing.
A landscape appears before them, and Paras eyes go wide. The ground beneath their feet turns grassy and soft, and the walls formed by the dynamos looks as if nonexistent now, giving way in favor of a lush expanse of green and a clear sky, seemingly infinite. A large tree thrives in the distance. So this was what his counterpart worked on so tirelessly? At the very least, it was an impressive show of skill.
“This part… is something I have worked on for countless ages. I'm particularly excited to show you.” Dom says, and his voice sounds odd in a way Paradox can't name. “I implore you to close your eyes now.”
Paradox shakes his head. “No.”
Dominator sighs, then, “...Please?”
Wow, please? He was truly desperate, then. “Fine.” Paradox lets his eyes fall closed, and he hears the sound of something shimmering.
“Don't open them until I say.” Dom instructs, and Paradox grumbles. He doesn't like being told what to do. This had better be spectacular.
“Hello,” He hears Dominator whisper. “Are you ready?” What is he talking about? More importantly, who is he talking to? No one else was with them.
“Open your eyes now.”
Paradox does, and feels his heart drop.
A woman with long, white hair and a gentle face stands in front of him, smiling. Her clothes and aura make her seem almost angelic. Her shoulders rise as she smiles even wider, and says, “Hello, Add.”
Paradox, suddenly, cannot breathe. His arms fall limp at his sides and he's fairly certain he looks like an idiot but oh god, he can't breathe.
“How is it?” Dominator asks, seeming satisfied.
It takes a long moment for Paradox to remember how to speak. “That's…”
The woman kneels down in front of Paradox, taking his hand in hers. “Your hair is all a mess... “ A light, tinkling laugh. “Do you need me around to take care of it, even now? It's alright, I will. It's always made me happy to care for you.”
Paradox feels a foreign feeling set alight in his chest, in his throat. He doesn't like it. He hates it. He wants it to stop.
“That's… not… mom.” He mumbles.
“Hm? Ah, no, it's not, but…”
“That's… NOT mom!” Paras voice suddenly raises higher than Dom has ever heard it go, and he tears his hand out of not-Graces. Her face remains unchanging, unfazed by his outburst.
“...I see. It's not good enough, thenー”
“That's not mom! How dare you! How DARE youー” Paradox feels rage seething through his chest, up to his face, bringing hot, angry tears to his eyes. “How COULD you? You'd disrespect her like that? You'd ever think some fucking HOLOGRAM could EVER replace her?” This wasn't good for him, he feels his emotions causing him to lose his focus, lose his grip on realityーhe didn't care. He didn't care, he didn't care, he didn't care.
Dominator throws his hands up, and the simulation dissipates, leaving them back in the empty room they started in. Paradox faintly registers not-Graces face melting into pixels and light, smile never fading in the slightest through it all. Too much. “It wasn't meant to replaceー”
“Bullshit!” Paradox cries. “What else could it be? What other purpose could that have?! Stop trying to lie to me! I’m not fucking stupid!”
“Calm down. It was just a simulation, nothing more. It could never replace her, and it never would. I just wanted to experimentー”
“Exー She’s not yours to experiment on! Is that what everything is to you? Something for you to screw around with like some kind of lab rat?”
Dominator snarls. “Where did you get that idea from? I’ve never insinuated anything of the sort. Maybe you should stop making things up, the time-traveling might be affecting you worse than you’re aware.”
Of course he was being snarky, even now. Even now, even now, after something like that. Paradox can feel his body fighting him, losing his cool and the thin web of will keeping himself together. He didn’t let his emotions run from him like this, not usually, but this wasn’t normal, and more importantly, this was unforgivable.
“Fuck off.” Paradox mutters, trying one last time to compose himself before his body decides for him.
Dominator shrugs. “I tried to do something nice for you. It’s your own fault you can’t handle it. I’ve tried to help you move on from her, but you won’t liー”
“FUCK OFF!” Paradox shrieks, flying for Dominators throat. His eyes go wide seeing Paras form change, twisted and messy the same way the man himself is. He barely registers long, mangy hair and sharp teeth before his back hits the ground and the air is knocked out of his lungs.
“I thought you knew anything. I thought you understood, I thought you knew anything at ALL about how I felt.” His tone lilts up at the end, trailing into near hysterical laughter. Dominators gaze frantically flits around the room, attempting to order his dynamos to assist him.
Paradox rips Doms earpiece out and can hardly hear it when the man beneath him screams. He goes the extra mile and brings clawed hands down on the fallen batteries on Dominators sides. A loud clattering is heard as the dynamos fall.
“Don't try that. I hate you. I fucking HATE you. I can't believe I ever thought you'd get it.”
Dom can see more of the blinding ‘glitch’ of Paras body, now. This close to him, it almost burns. His hair floats impossibly behind him. He grins, and sharp teeth flash and send fear shooting down Doms spine. He's pinned, and there's not much he can do about it. Piling onto that fear like painful rocks was barely being able to breathe, or hearーthe angry voice above him was muffled, as if they were underwater, and the ringing, god, the ringing... Even if he did try to respond, it would only come out a broken wheeze.
“I should kill you. I should kill you for hurting her.” Paradox mutters, then laughs. “Was that some kind of sick fucking joke? Do you enjoy tormenting meーbastardizing her?” Claws dig into Doms shoulder. He's sure he's bleeding, but not enough to seep through his jackets. He can, however, certainly feel blood trickling from his ears from his earpiece being torn out. Motherfucker.
“Were you trying to piss me off? Be honest or I’ll tear your throat out. We both know I’m not screwing around.” Paradox glares down at him, rows of deadly teeth grit hard.
Dominator blearily grasps at Paras hands at his shoulders, knowing he couldn’t shove the flickering mass of ‘man’ off of him if he tried, but figuring he’d be damned if he didn’t at least struggle. It goes about as well as he expected it to, and he winces when Paradox expectedly retaliates.
“Can you not even speak? Can you not even own up to what you’ve done?” He cackles lowly, looking as if he were staring down his prey at Dominator. “Did I hit you that hard? Are you that weak? I thought you were better than that…” His expression shifts to a twisted mix of amusement-turned-disgust. “The version of myself in this timeline is pathetic too. I should’ve known, shouldn’t I?” The claws dig even further into Dominators flesh, now, and all he can manage is a pained rasp.
Paradox suddenly jerks himself up from the ground, taking Dominator with him, only to throw him back to the ground once he’s risen. Dominator grabs at his chest, coughing. His attempt at rising to his feet, or even just sitting up, fails miserably.
“It won’t do any good to kill you, will it?” His gaze is back to being empty, as it usually was, butーbut his eyes were so wide and wild, they didn’t seem to belong on such a hard face as he was making now. It hardly moves as he says, “I’ve seen enough dead versions of myself. I’ll leave you to your miserable false world. You can rot there alone. Howeverー”
His body distorts, and seems to flash back to that of a child when Dominator blinks. No, that’s not right. “I want you to etch it into your entitled brain that if I’m ever unfortunate enough to cross into this timeline again, I won’t care anymore about needless death.”
Paradox is blindingly bright, and Dominators head throbs from the flash and the beating against the floor. When he opens his eyes again, there’s nothing there but a ragged scar upon the ground where he had been, and a clear mark of his damage evident in Dominators appearance.
His glove comes back bloody when he presses his fingers to his collar. He’ll have to repair his dynamos’ batteries, but before then, find some kind of medical care since they’re unavailable to take care of it for him… How bothersome.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Man it REALLY sucks that the only place you can’t take screenshots is in the cutscenes. SO MUCH GODDAMN PLOT HAPPENED!! I’m gonna try and sum it up! basically ORESHIKA GOT REAL
* Okay so to recap what’s happened before: we’re a magic cursed clan of zombie doods who need to defeat Abe No Senmei to break the curse. We can each only live for two years, so the game is built on hundreds of generations of this family marching into death over and over again until eventually some great great grandkid might get a normal life back. But oddly enough it isn’t actually as super dark as expected, cos you dont really have any personality or bonding scenes with the family members. I kinda stopped getting very upset after the first three generations, now theyve just become a bunch of numbers that i have to selectively breed to make a better next generation. Seriously its been OVER 150 CHARACTERS SO FAR and I’’m only around 2/3rds through the game! And like the plot also seemed super simple and it didn’t feel like anything was gonna happen to anyone outside of the backstory?? I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO GET SO REAL
* Abe No Seimei is a cool smarmy ass jerk villain with a neat design and a weird ancient japanese hand puppet. like this really funky cool wooden mask thing with a giant wig that I legit thought was an actual demon attatched to his arm until it started having clickitty clack face animations. I got REALLY UNUSUALLY SAD ABOUT THAT! Cos seriously abe no seimei is just.. weirdly.. nice...? He keeps telling you how to defeat him, he waits to do all his evil plots when you’re there to watch him, he literally sends you letters to come to his grand feasts celebrating each evil plan. And its so fuckin mysterious and getting to know him is really the only thing driving the plot forwards, cos none of your characters have actual voices. And like.. he’s this immortal guy who seems like he wants to die, and he’s deliberately playing the villain so you guys will be motivated enough to find out a way to do it. And like HE HAS ONLY ONE FRIEND and its HIMSELF DOING A STUPID PUPPET PAL VOICE. i’m really abnormally upset that onigashira isn’t really alive! His cute comedy sidekick doesnt exist! MR SERIOUS VILLAINMAN IS DOING THAT VOICE ALL ALONE IN HIS STUPID SAD HOUSE why do i want to hug this horrible jerkface
* Okay but then the other mystery we have is the character Nueko, who’s a weird demigod of some sort who can reincarnate in human form. She’s the one who gave us our magic zombie powers in the first place, she’s got the power to DIE HORRIBLY REPEATEDLY AND FEED PEOPLE HER BLOOD in order to cure them of deadly diseases and bring them back to life and stuff. And this actually becomes a gameplay thing! You can repeatedly bring her back as a new human reincarnation, and then her special skills let her shield allies from damage at the cost of basically going poof back to the heavens again. Its a really useful relief from the punishing permadeath! While not being overpowered cos she can only save one person per dungeoncrawl, and you cant reincarnate her again for a while afterwards. Anyway she keeps popping up every now and again like ‘hey guys i slept off that last death’ and being a super helpful badass team mom and such. But then THE PLOT STARTS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE Cos it turns out she’s got ~magical anime amnesia~ and doesnt understand her demigodness any better than we do. But wtf why does this evil sorcerer man keep implying he knows some secret about her...?
* THE PLOT TWIST SHE’S HIS MOM HIS MOM and seriously I LOVE ONIGASHIRA SO MUCH its like Nueko: What did you say?! Onigashira: *literally looks out the fourth wall* Did you hear it, kids? He totally said “waaaah, mummy, I missed you so much”, right! Literal actual player prompt: Yes/No Bunni, of course: SLAM THAT YES And oh god its just so extra funny cos Seimei actually doesnt even deny it?? He cracks a semi genuine smile and just looks embarassed, its so weird cos its like the only time he hasnt been all smug grumpy asshole. And I mean if it is indeed true that Onigashira is just a puppet, then the whole thing was his genuine feelings from the start.. ... though also DOES THAT MEAN SEIMEI CAN SEE THROUGH THE FOURTH WALL its weird how thats MORE SCARY than the literal demon doing it! like i feel like the game wants me to be scared of onigashira but he’s just SO CUTE AND FUNNY and I really dont want him to be imaginary okay. can we adopt him after we defeat seimei :(
* BUT ANYWAY UMM Yeah, Nueko is actually his mum despite looking younger than him! He kinda inherited her reincarnation power in a broken way, cos he’s half human. Instead of experiencing multiple lives whenever he chooses it, and getting to nap in the clouds in between, instead he just CANNOT DIE NO MATTER HOW MUCH PUNISHMENT HE TAKES. Seriously he introduced himself by setting himself on fire, burning to a crisp and then growing back his skin right in front of us, just to prove it! I can honestly relate to this guy going mad if he’s had to put up with this super crappy immortality that he never even asked for. And also its gotta sting to see that his own mum gets to stay more youthful looking, lol. i mean he’s pretty bishie too right now, but I’m assuming he’d actually continue to age and thats gotta suck!
* Oh and there’s this really cool element that all the bosses that Seimei summons to figth you become new powerups for Nueko! Its an early clue about their connection- at first she’s like WTF WHY IS THIS HAPPENING, but then it turns out these bosses actually originally were her familiars and she left them to look after her son. So they’re still loyal to her original command until she defeats them in battle. Also the WAY these familiars get used is EXTRA SUPER COOL! They’re sealed in magic tattoos all over her body, so she gets more sweet ink every time you reach a storyline milestone. And then she doesn’t just summon them or just boost her stats, she friggin GROWS MASSIVE MONSTER ARMS ALL OVER THE SHOP! Like I was so worried when her design looked all fanservicey at first, but then she’s never degraded in any way and she gets this super disservice power lol. I can’t imagine any smut fanfiction with her! “Yes hunny i will take off my bra and then BRING OUT THE CRAB ARMS” She grows fuckin CRAB ARMS! And snake heads for legs! She can shoot different demons out of all of her limbs and grow giant horns and wing hair and breathe fire and holy fuckin shit yo. And she’s really fuckin terrifyingly stoic badass even before she unlocks her powers! She could probably crush your head in her palm and not even need the crab. basically I Love Strong Mom
* Oh and apparantly Nueko’s husband was another god who got erased from history? Literally nobody is able to say his name, it comes out as garbled scribbled out text. And at the moment its ambiguous what happened, but it might be possible that he was actually sniped out by his fellow gods for being TOO GOOD. Like, he wanted to make peace with demons and give a bigger share fo divine power to humans, and everyone else was all ‘BUT THE STATUS QUO’ and stabbed him in the back. possibly? Maybe? ITS ALL SO MYSTERY!!
* so ANYWAY ANYWAY a required other thing for explaining the EMOTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE MOMENT is that there’s this duo of minor helpful npcs i never mentioned before, cos i honestly didnt think they were gonna be important there’s this justice-powered cute princess who’s determined to do political stuffs to clear your clan’s name and let you back into your former land, though all you really see of it is that she makes a few sentences of progress every time you get back from a story dungeon. And then there’s her grumpy ass bodyguard who’s kinda your rival? he’s always hating on you while she always supports you, and its like he’s jealous cos he has a crush on her and doesnt want commoners talking to his precious princes. And blablabla ‘i am the only one strong enough to protect her GRARR i need to get stronger how did you defeat me’ yadda yadda. Except you dont even get to fight him, again its just like one sentence every story dungeon where he says he was totally gonna rescue the magical artifact you beat him to. Even tho he doesnt do it no matter how many years pass, lol So yeah we like.. didnt really even know them very well, but also they felt like this comforting constant that would never leave? GuesS WHAT THE EMOTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE BIT WAS
* Okay so HEY SEIMEI KIDNPPED PRINCESS LADY HAHA JUST AN ORDINARY DAMSEL IN DISTRESS PLOT we’re TOTALLY gonna successfully get her back, this is probably just filler... HA... HA... HA...
* The rollercoaster of emotions begins! Hey onigashira might actually really be alive! Apparantly this puppet mask is haunted, or something? like onigashira is the name of a whole set of masks that give you super power if you wear them, but turn you beserker loopy demon man. Though they dont seem to be sentient or anything and also like nobody else seems to be able to wear them without losing their humanity?? So like did seimei escape the curse by wearing it as a hand puppet instead? or is the puppet not connected to the masks at all? Or is it gonna be something lame like seimei was never in control of his actions and the puppet is sentient and is the real baddie? COS I LIKE HIM BEING THE CUTE COMIC RELIEF YO Oh, wait, like.. maybe its something like seimei is possessed by the mask but the mask isnt really alive and like.. doing ventriloquism is just his random symptom of this ambiguously defined madness? Like instead of going beserker it made him ‘give in to his instincts’ in a different way, so he stays mostly in control but involuntarily expresses his true hidden feelings through the puppet. Hence why it is the best and cutest goofball who encourages him to be honest and hug his mom. OR JUST I DUNNO I JUST KNOW I HAVE MY FAITH SLIGHTLY RESTORED THAT CUTE SIDEKICK MIGHT BE REAL AND I CAN ADOPT HIM
* but hey guess what happened right after that happy moment of wow cool yay in the middle of me being like ‘yay seimei is so cool yay onigashira is actually gonna play a bigger plot role than just a sidekick and may actually be his own separate character’ SUDDENLY THEY KILL THE SAMURAI And like OHHH NO they dont even JUST kill the samurai I was still thinking the moment was cool!! Seimei throws a second mask on him and curses him to fight the party and i was just like WOW YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD and WHAT A COOL BOSS FIGHT CONCEPT And like I was proud of myself for sweeping the fight super quickly?? I just thought he’d be fine once we got the mask off??? BUT NO HE’S FUCKIN DEAD WE COULDNT UNDO THE CURSE WE JUST HAD TO KILL HIM AND THEY SHOW HIS VERY GRAPHICALLY BLOODIED CORPSE and like his whole plotline got cut off with no resolution?? he only existed to die here?? THE WRITERS NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF LETTING HIM CONFESS HIS PRINCESS LOVE. AND HE ALSO NEVER MADE UP WITH US AND LEARNED FROM HIS RIVAL PLOTS he just died really sadly and then like FOR THE SECOND TIME ONLY IN THE ENTIRE GAME we had an actual dialogue choice to decide the personality of our hero first time: lol onigashira mommy jokes second time: pick one of three ways to try and soften the blow as you tell the rescued princess that her childhood friend and crush just died horribly :(
* :(
* the one I picked was telling her he died saving her, not that he was the one being mind controlled to threaten her. :(
* look can i just headcanon that he became a guardian spirit like my characters can do if they get that rare random event. or like.. geez.. why couldnt nueko use her ressurection powers on him if she could do it for us?? they should have at least had a line of dialogue saying something like ‘it cant be done cos his soul was corrupted by the demon power’ or something...
* also seimei I am fuckin pissed. you have been promoted from trash boss who i kinda wanna give a hug to the same thing but without the hug now. you dont even deserve your sweet sidekick! IM TAKING YOUR DAMN PUPPET PAL, SHITTY POOP MAN i fuckin SWEAR if this game doesnt end with me ripping that puppet out of his hands i am gonna throttle a bitch
* ALSO I FUCKIN SWEAR IF THEY PULL A ‘PUPPET PAL WAS THE REAL VILLAIN AND SEIMEI WAS BRAINWASHED’ I AM GONNA DOUBLE CHOKE YA inm gonna fuckin build my own puppet with animatronic stranglin’ hands
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