#aluw sky (he/him)
author-main · 6 months
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Sky in the final boss area commissioned by @gemglyph <3
I miss Sky, I should do some more sketches of him :')
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salafiway · 5 years
الحمد لله
All praise and thanks are for Allaah alone
استدلّ  أهل السنة  على علو الله تعالى على خلقه علواً ذاتياً بالكتاب والسنة والإجماع والعقل والفطرة :
The people of Sunnah and Jama’ah (adherents to the prophetic way) believe that Allah is exalted above His creation because of the evidence of the Quran, Sunnah (prophetic traditions), consensus of the scholars, common sense and man’s innate instinct (fitrah).
أولا : فأما الكتاب فقد تنوعت دلالته على علو الله ، فتارة بذكر العلو، وتارة بذكر الفوقية ، وتارة بذكر نزول الأشياء من عنده ، وتارة بذكر صعودها إليه ، وتارة بكونه في السموات...
1) The Quran describes the "exaltedness" or "highness" of Allah in different ways, as His being high and above, and by describing how things come down from Him, and go up to Him, and by stating that He is above heaven.
فالعلو مثل قوله : ( وهو العلي العظيم ) البقرة/255 ،
"… and He is the Most High, the Most Great." [2:255]
( سبح اسم ربك الأعلى ) الأعلى/1.
"Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High." [87:1]
والفوقية: ( وهو القاهر فوق عباده )  الأنعام/18 ،
"And He is the Irresistible, above His slaves …" [6:18]
( يخافون ربهم من فوقهم ويفعلون ما يؤمرون ) النحل/50.
"They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded." [16:50]
ونزول الأشياء منه،
(Things coming down from Him):
مثل قوله : (  يدبر الأمر من السماء إلى الأرض)
5 ،
"He arranges (every) affair from the heavens to the earth … " [32:5]
( إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر ) الحجر/9 وما أشبه ذلك .
"Verily We: it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e., the Quran) …" [15:9]
وصعود الأشياء إليه
(Things going up to Him):
، مثل قوله : ( إليه يصعد الكلم الطيب والعمل
الصالح يرفعه ) فاطر/10
"… To Him ascend (all) the goodly words, and the righteous deeds exalt it …" [35:10]
ومثل قوله : ( تعرج الملائكة والروح إليه ) المعارج/4.
The angels and the Rooh (Jibreel) ascend to Him …" [70:4]
كونه في السماء
(Allah is above heaven):
، مثل قوله: ( أأمنتم من في السماء أن يخسف بكم الأرض  )
الملك /16
“Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven, will not cause the earth to sink with you …?" [67:16]
ثانياً: وأما السنة
(2) The Sunnah:
فقد تواترت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من قوله وفعله وإقراره :
Many reports were narrated "mutawatir" (i.e. with a large number of narrators at every stage of the isnad/chain, such that it is impossible for them all to have agreed on a lie) ....from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), describing his words and deeds and things of which he approved.
فمما ورد في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم في ذكر العلو والفوقية قوله ( سبحان ربي الأعلى )  كما كان يقول في سجوده وقوله في الحديث : (  والله فوق العرش ) .
For example, he used to say "Subhana Rabbi al-A’la (Glory be to my Lord Most High)" in sujood (prostration), and in some ahadeeth (reports) he is reported to have said "By Allah Who is above the Throne."
وأما الفعل
Among his deeds is
، فمثل رفع أصبعه إلى السماء
the gesture of pointing up with his finger
، وهو يخطب الناس في أكبر جمع ،
when addressing the people in the greatest gathering
وذلك في يوم عرفة،
on the Day of ‘Arafah
عام حجة الوداع فقال علية الصلاة والسلام
during his Farewell Pilgrimage.
( ألا هل بلغت؟ )
He asked the people, "Have I not conveyed the message?"
( ألا هل بلغت؟ ) .قالوا : نعم
They said yes...then He asked them again “have I not conveyed the message?
( ألا هل بلغت؟ ) قالوا: نعم
They said yes..then He asked them a third time “Have I not conveyed the message?
( ألا هل بلغت؟ ) قالوا : نعم . وكان يقول :
and they said "Yes!" Each time, he said:
(Have I not conveyed the message)
(  اللهم ! أشهد )  ، يشير إلى السماء بأصبعه ، ثم يُشير إلى الناس .
he said: "O Allah, bear witness!" - pointing up to the sky and then at the people.
ومن ذلك رفع يديه إلى السماء في الدعاء كما ورد في عشرات الأحاديث . .
He also used to raise his hands towards heaven when he made du’a (supplication), as reported in many ahadeeth.
.  وهذا إثبات للعلو بالفعل
This is proof via his actions that Allah is exalted and high.
(3) وأما التقرير،
An example of an approval of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which indicates that Allah is exalted and high
كما جاء في حديث الجارية
is the hadeeth (report) concerning the young slave girl,
التي قال لها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم :
to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
أين الله؟
"Where is Allah?
قالت : في السماء.
She said: "In heaven."
فقال : ( من أنا؟ )
He asked, "Who am I?"
قالت : رسول الله .
She said, "The Messenger of Allah."
فقال لصاحبها : ( أعتقها، فإنها مؤمنة ) .
So he said to her master: "Set her free, for she is a believer."
فهذه جارية غير متعلمة كما هو الغالب على الجواري ، وهي أمة غير حرة ، لا تملك نفسها، تعلم أن ربها في السماء،
This young girl was uneducated, as many are, and she was a slave, but she knew that her Lord is above heaven.
وضُلّال بني آدم ينكرون أن الله في السماء ،
Some misguided people deny that Allah is above heaven,
ويقولون: إنه لا فوق ولا تحت ولا يمين ولا شمال بل يقولون : إنه في كل مكان !!.
, and they say, "He is neither above nor below; neither to the right nor to the left. He is everywhere!"
ثالثاً: وأما دلالة الإجماع ، فقد أجمع السلف على أن الله تعالى بذاته في السماء ، كما نقل أقوالهم أهل العلم كالذهبي رحمه الله في كتابه : " العلوّ للعليّ الغفار " .
3) The consensus of the scholars: The salaf (pious predecessors) agreed that Allah is above heaven, as is reported by scholars such as al-Dhahabi, may Allah have mercy on him, in his book Al-‘Aluw li’l-‘Aliy al-Ghaffar.
رابعاً: وأما دلالة العقل فنقول إن العلو صفة كمال باتفاق العقلاء ، وإذا كان صفة كمال، وجب أن يكون ثابتاً لله لأن كل صفة كمال مطلقة ، فهي ثابتة لله .
(4) Common sense: Highness is a quality which is associated in people’s minds with perfection. If this is the case, then it should be attributed to Allah because every absolute perfection should be attributed to Him.
خامساً: وأما دلالة الفطرة:
(5) The innate instinct of man (fitrah)
فأمر لا يمكن المنازعة فيها ولا المكابرة ، فكل إنسان مفطور على أن الله في السماء،
There should be no dispute that man instinctively knows that Allah is above heaven
ولهذا عندما يفجؤك الشيء الذي لا تستطيع دفعه ،
Whenever something overwhelming befalls a person,
وتتوجه إلى الله تعالى بدفعه،
and he turns to Allah for help,
فإن قلبك ينصرف إلى السماء وليس إلى أيّ جهة أخرى ،
he looks towards heaven, not in any other direction.
بل العجيب أنّ الذين ينكرون علو الله على خلقه لا يرفعون أيديهم في الدعاء إلا إلى السماء .
But it is strange that those who deny that Allah is above His creation still raise their hands in supplication to no other direction than towards heaven.
وحتى فرعون وهو عدو الله لما أراد أن يجادل موسى في ربه قال لوزيره هامان :
Even Pharaoh, the enemy of Allah who disputed with Moosa (peace be upon him) about his Lord, told his minister Haman..
( يا هامان ابن لي صرحاً لعلي ابلغ الأسباب أسباب السماوات فأطلع إلى إله موسى .. الآية ) . وهو في
"O Haman! Build me a tower that I may arrive at the ways, - the ways of the heavens, and I may look upon the god of Moosa …" [40:36-37]
حقيقة أمره وفي نفسه يعلم بوجود الله تعالى حقّا
He knew in his heart of hearts that Allah is real,
كما قال عزّ وجلّ
as ALLAAH says (interpretation of the meaning):
( وجحدوا بها واستيقنتها أنفسهم ظلما وعلوا ) .
“And they belied them (those ayat/signs) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their own selves were convinced thereof …" [27:14]
فهذه عدّة من الأدلة على أن الله في السماء من
الكتاب والسنة والإجماع
These are a few of the indications that Allah is above the heavens; this proof comes from the Quran, the Sunnah, the consensus of the scholars
والعقل والفطرة بل ومن كلام الكفار
common sense, man’s own instincts and even the words of the non-Muslims.
نسأل الله الهداية إلى الحق .
We ask Allah to guide us towards the Truth.
And Allah knows best.
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khutbahs · 4 years
Where is Allah?
Praise be to Allah
Allah is Exalted, High Above His Creation and Above the Heavens
,The people of Sunnah and Jama’ah (adherents to the prophetic way) believe that Allah is exalted above His creation because of the evidence of the Quran, Sunnah (prophetic traditions), consensus of the scholars, common sense and man’s innate instinct (fitrah).
(1)   The Quran describes the "exaltedness" or "highness" of Allah in different ways, as His being high and above, and by describing how things come down from Him, and go up to Him, and by stating that He is above heaven. For example (interpretations of the meaning): (Highness): "… and He is the Most High, the Most Great." [2:255] "Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High." [87:1] (Above): "And He is the Irresistible, above His slaves …" [6:18]
"They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded." [16:50] (Things coming down from Him): "He arranges (every) affair from the heavens to the earth … " [32:5] "Verily We: it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e., the Quran) …" [15:9] (Things going up to Him): "… To Him ascend (all) the goodly words, and the righteous deeds exalt it …" [35:10] "The angels and the Rooh (Jibreel) ascend to Him …" [70:4] (Allah is above heaven): "Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven, will not cause the earth to sink with you …?" [67:16] (2) The Sunnah: Many reports were narrated "mutawatir" (i.e. with a large number of narrators at every stage of the isnad/chain, such that it is impossible for them all to have agreed on a lie) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), describing his words and deeds and things of which he approved. For example, he used to say "Subhana Rabbi al-A’la (Glory be to my Lord Most High)" in sujood (prostration), and in some ahadeeth (reports) he is reported to have said "By Allah Who is above the Throne." Among his deeds is the gesture of pointing up with his finger, when addressing the people in the greatest gathering, on the Day of ‘Arafah during his Farewell Pilgrimage. He asked the people, "Have I not conveyed the message?" and they said, "Yes!" He asked again, "Have I not conveyed the message?" and they said, "Yes!" He asked a third time, “Have I not conveyed the message?" and they said "Yes!" Each time, he said: "O Allah, bear witness!" - pointing up to the sky and then at the people. He also used to raise his hands towards heaven when he made du’a (supplication), as reported in many ahadeeth. This is proof via his actions that Allah is exalted and high. An example of an approval of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which indicates that Allah is exalted and high is the hadeeth (report) concerning the young slave girl, to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Where is Allah?" She said: "In heaven." He asked, "Who am I?" She said, "The Messenger of Allah." So he said to her master: "Set her free, for she is a believer." This young girl was uneducated, as many are, and she was a slave, but she knew that her Lord is above heaven. Some misguided people deny that Allah is above heaven, and say, "He is neither above nor below; neither to the right nor to the left. He is everywhere!" (3) The consensus of the scholars: The salaf (pious predecessors) agreed that Allah is above heaven, as is reported by scholars such as al-Dhahabi, may Allah have mercy on him, in his book Al-‘Aluw li’l-‘Aliy al-Ghaffar. (4) Common sense: Highness is a quality which is associated in people’s minds with perfection. If this is the case, then it should be attributed to Allah because every absolute perfection should be attributed to Him. (5) The innate instinct of man (fitrah). There should be no dispute that man instinctively knows that Allah is above heaven. Whenever something overwhelming befalls a person, and he turns to Allah for help, he looks towards heaven, not in any other direction. But it is strange that those who deny that Allah is above His creation still raise their hands in supplication to no other direction than towards heaven. Even Pharaoh, the enemy of Allah who disputed with Moosa (peace be upon him) about his Lord, told his minister Haman (interpretation of the meaning):
"O Haman! Build me a tower that I may arrive at the ways, - the ways of the heavens, and I may look upon the god of Moosa …" [40:36-37]
He knew in his heart of hearts that Allah is real, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): "And they belied them (those ayat/signs) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their own selves were convinced thereof …" [27:14] These are a few of the indications that Allah is above the heavens; this proof comes from the Quran, the Sunnah, the consensus of the scholars, common sense, man’s own instincts and even the words of the non-Muslims.
We ask Allah to guide us towards the Truth.
And Allah knows best.
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author-main · 6 months
(for the requests) maybe wild hanging upside down in a tree? idk i think they'd like it
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Like a bat
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author-main · 8 months
For a moment I thought Sky was also on the group music choir :(, maybe something with music (without four ) I mean, I know Sky plays the harp (at least on game cannon)
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Sorry for taking so long with getting to these requests! Here's a doodle of Sky talking to Wild about his new lyre.
I feel like post-SkSw, Sky would've given Sun her harp back. But! for his birthday he gets this!
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author-main · 1 year
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Practicing the current Links
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author-main · 1 year
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I'm coming back for a weekend to post these. I'll open up the inbox for it too, if you wanna send me a question.
My commissions usually look something like this, you can order one on my ko-fi.
ko-fi here
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author-main · 1 year
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PoV: You're actually going to die soon
Thanks again to @gemglyph for commissioning me! I love the lighting :)
ko-fi here
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author-main · 1 year
If it were to happen in canon, what would sky think of raven wild upon meeting them?
I wonder if people from Skyloft have worse night vision than later Hylians, and that's why only professional knights can fly around at that hour. I'm not sure what Sky would think about Muninn (raven Wild) upon their first meeting, but I think Muninn would be helpful to him if they ever had to patrol together at night.
I'm a little surprised anyone remembered I drew Muninn.
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author-main · 1 year
Oooooo! How about sky and A2?
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sky when wild snatches his sword in a half second
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author-main · 1 year
Newest ask wild update reminded me of this Cuphead scene specifically and I just wanted you to know that, good job on the art Sky is serving as usual. He's about to get served a can of whoop-ass tbh
Thank you and yes Sky's super hot as always you know what would make him hotter if Wild punted him right into the s
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author-main · 1 year
queer hcs for all the links. geender pronouns all the good stuff
Ooooouuuhh Hi I gotcha
Time: Any gender, any pronouns. Coming from the woods where their family were all genderless tree children, Time never understood why anyone would call them a boy but honestly doesn't care. Call Time whatever you want, just make sure they know you're talking to/about them. Sometimes Malon will call them her wife, and in turn Time will call her husband.
Time is asexual. And for most of their life they thought babies came from cabbages.
Twilight: He's a cis man, he/him. Can confirm that Shad was Twilight's pan awakening. He never thought much about dating growing up. His mind was... focused on not dying. But he supposed that, since all the married couples in Ordon were a man and a woman, that's what he wanted for himself. Maybe a little gender nonconforming?
I wouldn't say that's not what he truly wanted at one point. I think, if he did find a woman he loved, he'd still be happy. But he and Shad are already happy together, and he wouldn't trade him for the world. It's hard to explain. Maybe one day I'll write a little exchange between them about this.
Warriors: He or They, preferably they/them. No gender label. Doesn't make a big fuss about being called a man, but only because they're actively blocking you out. They will literally just not listen to you anymore.
I like to think the captain is pan/aro. Romance indifferent. They may ask about dating from time to time, but doesn't really care.
Legend: Trans man, he/him. Internally? Maybe a bit of a hopeless romantic before he met Ravio. He talks about Ravio like: "He's a pain but he's MY pain and if anyone makes fun of him I'll kill them."
Functional bisexual. Not as useless as Wild is when someone attractive walks by.
Sky: Cis man, he/him. He wears black lipstick and paints his nails black. He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. Call him pretty and you're gonna get a very conceited "I know <3"
Demisexual. In all honesty I don't think he and Sun are that big on PDA. A few hugs and kisses here and there, but overall, maybe they aren't that touchy.
Hyrule: Masc Agender, he/they. He has no preference in either of those pronouns. I guess he wouldn't care too much if you called him "she", but he would get confused and not pick up that you're talking about him.
He's acearo. consider qpr hyrule+wild
Wild: For a long time, Wild's parents didn't know if they were male or female. Right now, in ALUW, Wild is a boy, and uses they/them pronouns.
They're a Bi disaster, Demiromantic nightmare. They think everybody is pretty. But the moment you recommend going out with somebody, they get this weird nasty feeling in this stomach.
Four: Cis boy, he/him. in ALUW, the colors are basically treated like the emotions in Inside Out, so they don't differ in pronouns or gender.
He's gay and likes bad boys.
Wind: Trans boy, he/him. I don't think much about Wind and his romantic interests. I feel like he's more interested in adventuring and caring for his family.
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author-main · 2 years
how does aluw wild get along with the other links? like is he closer to some than others? :0
I would say read the ask blog, but I guess this is a rambly recap of sorts. and Wild uses they/them pronouns in aluw. that change wasn't until recent arcs.
General- The Chain isn't sure how to properly deal with Wild. They're some strange kid who just showed up a couple months ago and either overshares or bottles up, there's rarely any in-between. Wild is intense to them but still is just as valuable as any other Link. They like Wild's food, are interested in what they know (because Wild has forbidden future knowledge), but just don't know how to fully work with them just yet. But they're all worried about Wild. They've just experienced 3 pretty intense interactions including Wild in the past few days. But that's ALUW spoilers.
In-dept rambles down below, but... Wild is the closest to Twilight, and the most distant to either Sky or Hyrule.
Time- He's cried over this kid. He thinks they're mentally fragile and paranoid (which isn't really true) because of what Wild's said about themself. At first, he thought Wild was just some rude-ass, cowardly kid. He thought Wild couldn't take care of themself, and he still somewhat does. But for how long can he think that after knowing they've survived on their own for months? Nowadays he's more caring towards Wild and hopes they'll one day feel comfortable with the chain.
Twilight- Twi's a loving and gentle person. He can say that he's only ever hated two people, and neither of them was even Ganondorf. He's starting to treat Wild as his own child. Even told Wild that he loves them, and he does. Wild reminds him of himself in some ways. And... he doesn't want Wild to feel the way he once felt.
Warriors- They wish they and Wild were closer. There are things Wars believes they could bond with Wild over. Even if those things are traumatic. Hopefully, we can get to see their convos in the near future.
Legend- I try to make Legend a lot friendlier than people think. He's very nice to Wild in his own little way. I guess he feels compassionate towards the champion. He might also see a little of himself in Wild. It's rarely ever shown in the story, but in a few posts, you might sense a thin lining of Wild's bitterness. Legend might be able to feel that.
Sky- Sky has a strange relationship with Wild. He doesn't necessarily like them or hate them. But he'll talk to them casually, you know? If their friendship grows a little more, I think they'd get in trouble a lot. Daredevil Duo?
Hyrule- He can relate to Wild's struggles with being hunted. He's the most curious and excited about Wild's era. He hopes it's a bigger version of his own and he wants Wild to talk about their era more. But Wild's pretty secretive about their journey and only just now talked about their home at length. Hyrule isn't as weirded out by the way Wild talks about their circumstance as the others are. I think Hyrule and Wild have a similar mindset, they're only a few steps away from the same personality.
I haven't thought far enough along to think of Four and Wind's relationship with Wild. But Wild acts like they're their little brothers/grandkids. Wild has snuck them rupees and has baked them snacks. They even gave Four and Wind nicknames. Wild sees themself in Wind, they're both big brothers after all. Four and Wild have the potential of growing closer. They're around the same age and Wild's really sus of Four. But that's it.
[BONUS] Wild- Wild hates Wild. That bitch is annoying and ruins their life at every turn.
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author-main · 3 years
You got any wholesome/soft shadlink headcanons?
I'm gonna say Link, even though these are technically notes for ALUW too.
They like to explore together. Link wants to take Shad to more than the City in the Sky. There's so much in Hyrule to discover.
Shad’s a visual and tactile learner, so getting the opportunity to explore dungeons and sacred areas, especially with Link, really excites him.
Shad helped Link learn how to sing. He's also the more artistic of the two.
Link taught Shad how to fight with a sword, along with archery.
They don't like Castle Town festivals. Too much noise and people. It stresses them out. Usually they'd spend festival nights indoors, maybe slow dancing or singing along to whatever music they hear.
Summer is Link's least favorite month because he doesn't get as many cuddles. Winter is his favorite. Link gets plenty of kisses all year long, though. So no worries.
Link will sometimes wear purple and/or red.
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author-main · 3 years
Who’s your favorite and least favorite  character design in aluw
Oh gosh...
Well, I really like Twilight's design. I've been thinking a lot about him recently... if you couldn't tell already by the constant posting about him. I like his tunic the most because I made it several different colors and it looks sorta shiny.
I think my least favorite would have to be... maybe Winds? I feel like his design would have been stronger if I gave him black hair. It's one of those things that I can't change now. I did give him black hair in the modern au though, so that's nice.
regardless of who's my least favorite or favorite, I think the older adults (Time, Twi, and Wars) are the most difficult to draw. Their features are a lot more defined and slim than the others. even Sky is easier to draw because he's squishy.
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author-main · 3 years
.. im almost disappointed that he's not First. Think of all the angst potential there.
If I get my hands on the SS manga, things could change. But with the way ALUW is going rn, Sky is the first hero, with the “hero before him” actually being him.
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