#and my boss cancelled on me yet again!! so thats great
betasquads · 8 months
NEEDY, Niko Omilana
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Summary: Niko was never this impatient. Calling you, texting you to come urgently to his apartment. You've never seen him like this and you wonder how it'd turn out if you stretched the situation by not giving in.
Warnings: gets REALLY heated but no smut bc writing smut is so complicated
A/N: omd my phone broke so this was difficult to write and thats why its RLLY short and terrible. also I was a little uncomfortable writing this even tho I've written smut before + it's not rlly smut just detailed making out. (this is horrible, read on your own risk!)
Humming to your favorite song everytime you had to do work infront of your laptop was the only thing that kept you sane and kept you going without any interruption.
You kept hearing your phone buzzing multiple times, but you chose to ignore it just so you could finish all the work you had to do.
You had to send out emails to clients just like what your boss had ordered for you to do, but the amount of time your phone kept buzzing was starting to get you annoyed.
You still decided to ignore it, that was until you heard your phone ringing. Your eyes that was latched on the laptop across of you was now on the phone that was laid next to you.
You sigh when you realize it's your boyfriend, Niko. You bring the phone to your ears when you answer.
"What is it? I'm still trying to send emails and my manager will kill me if he finds out I haven't sent them yet–"
"Haven't you seen my texts?" His voice was hushed and you could even pinpoint Sharky and Aj talking and laughing in the background.
"No? I didn't know that it was you sending me those messages. What is going on?" You're now worried, confused with why he had to call you since he knew you were busy.
"Well..." His voice trails off, like he was trying to think if it was a good idea to tell you or not.
"Niko just spit it out–"
"I need you here, like right now." You were cut off, a little a taken aback by the fact that he was whispering and sounded too desperate. He always loved your company, but not to the point where he needed you even while you were working.
"Is everything okay? Aren't you supposed to be filming right now?" You question, placing your phone on your shoulder and bringing it up to your ears while typing things on your laptop.
"Well, filming got canceled and they thought it'd be a great idea by coming over at Aj and I's apartment. And I uhm– need you." He clears his throat and sounded even a little embarrassed. You still didn't get the point or the message he was trying to send you.
"You can survive a few hours without me, Niko." You say, half annoyed. You still try to fight the grin that was close to forming on your face.
"No, you don't understand. I feel uncomfortable in those jeans and I need you. I need you to come to my apartment." He sighs in the end, impatient.
You hum when you finally understand what he wants. You bite your lip at his urgency, tempted, but not too tempted where you would give up to him. You wondered how it would turn out if you didn't go to him or accept his request.
"I don't know Niko. Im really busy with all of this. Can't you wait?" You try to hide your laugh, picturing him trying to relieve himself by shifting in any position. You weren't that busy, you could've easily sent the emails and leave.
"Fuck– are you serious?" He sighs. You raise your eyebrows, surpised that he cursed.
"Mhm." You hum, a little extra to get him around the edge.
"y/n, im serious. I need you to come here." He whines. You were a little surprised by how needy he was since usually he was never like this.
"And so am I. Try surviving for a few hours you schmuck." Before he has another word to say, you immediately close the call.
Not even a second later, the phone begins ringing again, a wide smile forming on your face.
You put your phone on silent, nervous, excited to how this would turn out after you finish your work.
This was going to be fun.
The call between you and Niko had slipped your mind. Hours passed by and now you stood infront of the bathroom mirror, applying your daily skincare routine before sleeping. You yawn, ready to tuck yourself in bed.
You were almost fully asleep until you were awoken by the three loud bangs that came from your front door.
You groan since you were really comfortable with your position, hesitantly getting up and walking to the front door.
You unlock the door, not thinking much of it until you were met face to face with your boyfriend. He slowly walks to you and he casts a long glance over your face with his dark gaze.
"Niko." You say surpised, now fully awake and now it felt like you didn't wanna sleep anymore.
His hand caresses your cheek, thumb slowly skimming over your bottom lip as he takes his own between his teeth. Desire builds in the pit of your stomach the longer his burning gaze stares at your mouth, which miraculously have the same hypnotic effect on you despite the usual brown absent from his irises, now it was completely black.
He closes the distance between your yearning mouths and you immediately respond to him, your hands going up to thread through his dark hair.
He pushes you until your back somehow ended up in the counter of your kitchen, leaning above of you, and pressing one hand against the small of your back. You hear plates clattering and pull back from the kiss to see his hand impatiently pushing away the plates to the other side of the counter.
The kiss was heated and needy which made you impossible to think straight. A small whine is emitted from your throat when his mouth leaves yours, as his hand tilts your head back to give him better access to your neck. His hot lips latch onto the exposed skin, sucking harshly with occasional swipes of his tongue to soothe the sensitive, cool skin.
He groans when he hears a satisfied sigh leaving your mouth, knowing that you were actually satisfied. You trail a hand into his hair, lightly fisting the soft locks between your fingers.
"Niko," You sigh, reveling in the feeling of his mouth and glorious tongue working against your skin, as his cold hands slide underneath your top, making you silently gasp.
His hands hook around your thighs and he lifts you up onto the counter. He stands between your legs and you wrap them around his waist, pulling him in closer. Your hands caress the sides of his cheeks and you bring his face back to yours, sealing your lips over his in a hungry kiss.
He let's out breathy whines once you grip his hair to deepen the kiss. His hands wraps around your waist a little aggressively and he pushes himself against you.
He breaks the kiss, his lips still ghosting over yours, "I missed you." He rasps and hums, tracing your jaw and his thumb lingers on your bottom lip. He teasingly runs his lips against yours and claims your mouth in a languid kiss. Niko traces the tip of his tongue over your lips, patiently waiting until you willingly part them for him.
A soft moan is coaxed out of you when his tongue glides over yours, your extremities burning for more. You run your hands up in the back of his neck, your fingers curl into his messy locks. His hand falls from your face, curving over your hip, down your backside and gripping the flesh of your thigh.
"You are driving me crazy. You seriously have no idea," He says out of context and you laugh breathily, flicking his tongue with yours.
His open mouth finding your neck, sucking, biting, and his hot mouth nibbling down to your chest, a rumble sounding in his chest as he reaches the cleavage exposed in the white silky pajamas you were wearing to your bed.
"How was everything? You know– shit– you know your boys and everything." You manage to gasp out, tightening your fist in his dark hair.
He let's out a devious chuckle, lifting your leg with his hold on your thigh and hitching it around his hip. Raising his head, blazing brown eyes meet yours, head cocked.
"It was torture." his teeth graze your neck, your pulse leaping underneath his mouth, emitting a low hum from him.
"And why is that?" You question trying to get a rise out of him since he never really liked going into detail whenever he needs you desperately, breath hitching as he playfully bites down.
"As I said, I really missed you." he replies, kissing up your throat until his mouth seals over yours. His hand flexes around your thigh and you feel his hardness press into yours, your throat, triggering a moan from swallowed by his fervent kiss.
You gasp into his mouth and he hums, grinding into your hips slowly. His intimate touch makes it impossible to form a coherent thought and you groan, breaking the kiss.
Opening your mouths to each other simultaneously, Niko groans deeply, tongue stroking yours. You nudge your thighs apart, pulling him in as close as possible even though the only thing separating the both of you were your clothes. He runs his large hands over your clothed thigh, gripping the flesh of your thighs.
You use his dark brown locks clutched in your fingers to pull his head back, peppering kisses down his throat. His Adam's apple bobs and you slide your tongue over it, hearing his breath catch. "Fuck." He says under his breath, desperate moans falling from his lips.
He breathes through a half moan as you suck hard. He pulls you back up to meet his dark gaze, "How about we take this to my bedroom?" You tilt your head.
"You don't have to sound desperate, schmuck." He replies. You roll your eyes with a smile, Niko smiling and sending you looks that was far from innocent.
And the night ended up with his needs being satisfied.
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
I would like to ask how to be a klee main pls
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So you want to be a Klee main...!!!
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LMAOOO OK JOKES ASIDE THO! I love playing as Klee and am super excited when someone else likes her too! Pls take everything i say w a grain or bag of salt as i know very little of what im doing besides from guides help XD
So short version: Klee is a great DPS, but she doesn't have very good synergy in reaction teams due to her pyro overpowering other elements in battle. She also struggles being very toss-able and squishy health. Not to mention her attack set is a bit slow and many suggest using cancellation techniques which can get very tricky to preform efficiently. Farming crimson witch domain may crush your spirits too, but I think her fun playstyle and kit is worth the efforts! You can burn the grass in your friends world for pranks! throw large enemies around and leave little room for them to attack! Blow up rocks and boulders! Explore the world more by fitting into small areas that may not supposed to be reached yet! Avoid attacks cause she's too short to get hit sometimes! LOTS OF EXPLOSIONS AND EFFECTS! I love it! There's a lot of fun little things that i find makes playing as klee very fun! I find she does best against multiple enemies rather than bosses. Not to say you cant use her for them, but it may not be ideal as a different group!
I suggest going to this Klee guide for an indepth breakdown of her pros, cons, artifacts, teams, etc! KeqingMains site has a bunch of great guides for many characters and is updated frequently!
So Klee is a great and fun character. You can burn grass and set fire to your friends world!!! She can find stuff unique to mondstats area, and overall her kit is just super fun and can have a lot of explosions depending on your team!
Here is my build on her currently:
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Weapon wise I use Skyward Atlas since ive gotten it twice by chance LOL, but widsith is ranked best 4* for her and Kagura’s Verity is best 5* BUT APPARENTLY!!! Kagura is most good just because it has bugs that make it better on klee, it might change if it gets patched out T^T so i wouldnt pull for it specifically, but if you have it already might be good to use! ^v^ Now, despite having her since release my artifacts are still VERY iffy, but thats cause crimson witch domain hates me! LMAO I use Gladiators Finale and crimson witch, and then my goblet is my off piece since i want pyro DMG ! My main advice here is for substats aim for Crit rate, crit dmg, atk % and atk. For the main stats Goblet; Pyro DMG, Sands; ATK%, and Circlet; Crit Rate (Crit DMG if you already have at least 50% crit rate without this piece) As for those cancellation techniques they can be daunting and tricky, but dash cancel and jump cancel arent too bad! BUT!!! Dash canceling is the easiest in my opinion. You attack twice, dash and then attack again. With how much i run around on the field this one is quick to get used to doing!
NOW TEAMS! ^V^ While I find I can use klee in most areas (besides pyro enemies TvT) A good team really makes Klees dmg increase a lot! My main go to is!!! Klee, Xiangling, Bennet, and Venti!
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I use Bennys ULT then Xianglings followed by Ventis and then go crazy with Klee! ^V^ If your supports are built well, after defeating a group of enemies you usaullyt get your ults back immediately. So you can just keep cycle the big attacks! Venti can be opted out for sucrose or kazuha as well! (I think Kazuha is supposed to be best anemo here, but i dont have kazuha LOL)
My other go to team with klee is!!! Klee, Fischl, Beidou and any support that fits your needs.
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This is a great overload team and makes for very fun combat against bosses that can be knocked over. Enemies have little room for attack and theres explosions everywhere which is super fun!!! My beidou isn't built yet, but this team still works great whether your artifacts are top tier or not. As for supports I reccommend a Healer or shield support. Klee sets the ground on fire alot and will take a lot of dmg there ;;; if you have Zhongli his shield is AMAZING!!! If you want to focus on dmg bonuses just stick with bennet and his ult! Diona or Qiqi are good healers that let Klee stay battling while protecting her!
AND LASTLY!!! Multiplayer and world exploration! If your gonna be a klee main u gotta be a lil silly!!! >V< You can mess with your idle friends and burn the grass they stand on >:3 or blow up an enemy over a cliff! Klees explosions can be used on rock piles or geo cliffs that need to be broken! No need to bring out a claymore ^v^ Again very good against multiple enemies at a time since she often knocks them off their feet and sends them backwards! Her small height also can help with avoiding attacks that go over her head LOL
Overall Klee is very fun to play and I greatly encourage you to play her kit! especially if you like explosions and being a lil rascal :3
AGAIN! CHECK OUT KEQINGMAINS FOR GREAT GUIDES! Legit it goes over the attack animation cancellation techniques, artifacts and stats, weapons, teams, EVERYTHING in great depth!!! You can also find resources for most characters if not all of them!
I rambled here alot but thank you for asking!!! <3 idk how helpful this was but hopefully you can have fun!
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monthyear-majo · 3 months
1. Overwhelmed
Right now I am at a point in my life where I feel pressured to be better.
Do you ever see posts about people you used to know and notice how they are doing so well in life? Well, do you really know what's going on in their life? Probably not. But they do a great job at making you feel jealous because they have their life together better than you do. I am only 25, yet still I feel like I have no time. Is that normal? To feel like you have no time? I think it is. I mean, it can't possibly be just me. Life is just so fast and I feel like I've not done anything at all but when I see those kinds of posts from people I used to know it makes me feel like I am left behind.
I work at a cafe. I make drinks all day and come home smelling like tea. I love tea but I don't like being here for ten hours a day. I'm a full time student right now too. I'm majoring in something I thought would at least make me happy but as I grow older and realize how long it's taking me to graduate with a bachelor's degree, I ask myself if I want to be in school anyway. I'm so close yet so far. There is always something wrong with my transcript, always gotta make appointments to talk to my advisor and the problem is never truly resolved. So my graduation date gets pushed behind. I am 25 and only have an associates in which I can probably use but I'm too afraid of change to do anything about it. While my job is demanding and pays shit— I don't really want to leave.
I was clinically diagnosed with depression. a year ago but if you ask me I've had depression for years. I never told my family because having depression in a hispanic household is real taboo. Sometimes I'd bring it up to my parents and they would say it's all in my head. Duh— its a mental disorder? Anyway, they bypassed it all of the time.
Now I struggle to keep myself from wallowing in self-pity but it's kind of hard when you sometimes hate yourself. Your mind, body, and soul. Those things are important and if you hate one of them or most of them, are you even human? Can I call myself a human if I despise the three traits that are meant to make me human? Well, I have a beating heart and a functioning brain I guess.
The financial tension is also kind of insane right now. We have a shitty president who is running up again for elections this term and his runner up? An even shittier candidate who hates anyone who isn't white. Our country is in flames and we keep adding to the fire. Especially our government who make decisions based on ignorance and racism. Now? Now it's hard to afford a gallon of milk because you make 14 dollars an hour, ten hours a day for five days but you still have to pay your twenty-three hundred dollar rent by next month and your $500+ utility bills and you decide you don't really need that gallon of milk. But wait— your tuition payment is due next week and thank god you get paid on Friday! Only your boss pays you three days late causing you to overdraft on your account because planet fitness took out that damn monthly payment that you owe them for using their gym. Do you even go? The answer is no, you don't. So why do you give them 22 dollars every month? Because you don't want to go all the way up there to cancel. Stupid. You've got all of these payments to make, can't afford to help your parents with the rent (because thats the kicker! They're the ones paying the 2300 but you can't even help them with half because you don't make enough unless you quit school and work seven days a week) and all you're left with is .23 cents in your bank account. Not to mention you're 17k in debt with credit cards and loans, some of that debt shouldn't even be yours but you offer your credit to your parents because you love them and want to help them out some kind of way.
Point is, you have no money and no way of getting out of this unstable financial situation without endangering your education and social life. You work to pay bills. You live to not die but die slowly while living. How is that fair?
And then you get depressed but haven't you seen the homeless people who have no food of shelter? Don't you see that the Palestinian's are getting killed? For what? For what? What did they do? Why is America, why is Israel, why—
Because it's all about money. it's all about political power and guess what? You can't do anything about it. Maybe you can boycott, but you can barely feed yourself and you live in a country where everything is about status and power. And they are dying. And suddenly you feel like you don't have a right to be upset or depressed. You are safe, here in a worthless money-driven country and they are there, dying of starvation.
But I am overwhelmed. I work and I study and I still get nowhere. My grades are C-average and despite what everyone says about C's get degrees, you're not achieving anything.
I am typing this at work. it's slow today. I still don't want to do anything and I'm feeling a sort of anger. At myself? Probably. I am tired and I somehow just want to go home and watch my favorite pirate show.
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The REAL problem with Killing Stalking.
My issues with killing stalking...
is that one side said it was bad because of Morals, while another side says what morals? It's fiction why apply real life logic to a small webcomic that faded into obscurity anyway. Both the hype for OR against is what made Killing/Stalking so well known and if cancel culture wasn't a thing it probs would've been a netflic original series [which thank god I do think fiction is seperate from reality and what happens in 'stories' is fair game but live action stuff yeah thats a no from me]
Also the fact that it's just a story- not everything is supposed to have a life lesson/meaning or needs to cater to a persons needs. Sometimes stories have bad endings, some are just shit.
But I've noticed that when something is a cartoon it's held up to high expectations even though ART as a whole doesn't equel to the only platform for children. Art/animation is a GENRE. Killing Stalking has it in the title, it had tags descriptions it was an adult psychological horror made for adults.
But alas the logic applied to anime/art is always used as an excuse that this artist has power and has a reach over millions and is encouraging messed up behaviour.
But when it comes to live actions/stories that hit a much BROADER reach of people, like coporations who spend billions on movies that reach a wide audiance of both children and adults alike that has MORE questionable and more fucked up lessons and yet those are not only ignored- but even encouraged.
Like Wanda from Marvel. In her tv series on disney plus she tortured people as in- how long were those people standing there, waving. Not eating drinking sleeping going to the bathroom like david tenents jessica jones this shit is messed up and she took NO accountability for it but it's fine she's just such a girl boss queen who's been a uber feminsit god I fucking can't stand Wanda.
Loki, murdered an entire race of his own kind, no- okay murdered 80 people in three days, but no he's just a misunderstood emo teenager and no one loves him. Compared to tony. who when he found out his weapons were being sold to terrois shut his company down and moved to green energy/therapy etc.
meanwhile wanda IS a terroist/hydra aka nazi's.
Look I like marvel and don't really care it's just- it's just the double standards for me. People say oh Tony made his villains BITCH that entire town would be super villains from Wanda alone.
Anyway we have adult movies that no one complains about like,
jhonny depps shooter, sucker punch. Phantom of the fucking Opera!?!??!?
Disneys raya and the last dragon. namarri who is an lying sack of shit and telling a victim who is clearly justified in being distrustful is told over and over again that she's crazy- trust the people who ruined the world- ripped a young girl away from her father, and yeah narmarri blames the main character for dragon elsas death then betrays her a third time. Great lesson to tell so many impressionable young kids.
Oh can't stand a wittle age gap with couples, a year, three five- oh no five is too much what about ten or twenty? Any stories with that is just wrong? Okay okay. Go tell that to Disney then come back to me. And no I don't mean the old style classics were based on folklore back in old days where 30 year old men married young women it's not ecouraging or romantisicing it's a time capsule. It isn't something I just heavily critisice just know at that time frame things happened no need crying over spilled milk when I mention the age gaps I don't mean OLD disney. I mean recent.
Princess and the frog. That lottie was so desperate for a prince she says. naveens younger brother. He's six. And if you go "Well yeah she's obviously not-" Exactly. Yet that logic at disney aimed at children is okay.
But when artists/writers make stories that are NO different then the Media we consume on the daily is held to a HIGHER standard against one person who is just trying to make a living. Self cest with loki/slyvia. I got into so uch shit for Oncest on tumblr now this? Fuck off.
Incest with umbrella acadamy. Incest is gross well lookie here. And yet Umbrella acadamy is a really popular lgbt show so yeah.
Mortal instruemnts where Clarys brother sebastaion [jace] actually KISSED her and had a weird obsession with her. Both are siblings by the way.
Remember the movie that came out? In cinema where it just ended implyfing that Clary and jace were siblings? For people who hadn't read the book they probably thought "What a shit way to end it knowing we shipped incest." my sister had to clarify for me. Like oh thank god- still fucked up though!
Also in IRL incest does happen by mistake, two guys who were a couple kept getting comments they looked like twins they got a dna test and well sweet home alabama it was an honest mistake but oh.
Now onto the Gore feast [alice in wonderland having the mouse pop out the beasts eyeball/ carol with jim carrey how marley jaw unhinged and current marvel going the suicicde squad route of so much gore/torture porn]
As someone with intrusive thoughts this excludes me from watching current series that have gore and such. But as an adult I realise this isn't for me and I'll move on with my life to something else.
Meanwhile nothing. No pitchfolks to the problematic content made by corporations that are reaching a far broader audience yet no one cares.
Also horror movies, in scream sydney and her boyfriend weren't exactly okay? Or what about Bride of Chucky?
Tiffany and Chucky?
Or what about Dcs cock-up of portraing Harley/Joker?
And yet when it's a webnovel. All hell breaks lose.
Why the fuck do people on the internet who are just writing stories/fiction/basically doing puppet shows with their own characters held to an IMPOSSIBLE high standard that you wouldn't hold to companies like Disney?
Or better yet, dreamworks. You assume the companies movies is ALL for children? Watch Kung Fu Panda one moment then put on Blades of Glory the next?
As soon as it's in the medium of art/cartoon it's immedietly assumed to be for kids. The mentality of "Monkey see, Monkey Do." Is ridiculous when compared to the double standards of idk name any zach synder film. All critic is met with "It's supposed to be dark and edgy!"
Films are giving a pass, meanwhile anime is raged on, because people assume cartoons are for kids.
Family guy, simpsons, futurama and Susage party beg to differ.
So As a whole on Killing Stalking, something I read YEARS ago and from the top of my head there was no accurate review of wether killing stalking was good or not.
Over all this bullshit of talking about dark content the macab, and more darker tone of content that is engaging in a different way.
The sides were split in two "Just because it's dark content doesn't mean it's wrong. Not EVERYONE can watch bright sunny media where every one sings Kum-by-ya!" "If you watch it, you encourage and even practice it, people are [blank] apologisers."
When both are muddying up the actual content. Like it's just a dark webnovel it said Psycholgical horror in the fucking tag? What did you expect? Steven Universe???
By this stakes saying something is dark and edgy is profonned is so pretentious BUT also being completely against it is ridiculous.
I listented to Emo music and didn't think of self harm once. Just because some inidvuals gravitate or show signs of something doesn't mean a collective group is that because of what they watch.
I personally don't think that would make someone [blank] because a person can be [blank] REGARDLESS of what they watch.
A person can be a predator if they DIDN't Read/ watch dark content they could just as well like 'normal' light hearted media that's 'none' problematic and STILL be that.
Watching kids cartoons could make you sus, owning teddy bears or even toys or merchendise could make you sus and thats what people have been saying for years.
Not realising that most people re-explore their childhood as adults because one, they can because they couldn't afford luxaries as a kid, missed out on their child hood or it was a comfort and they're trying to stablisie themselves. Or most people on the spectrum like 'childish' things and they've been accused of being sus when finally we're in a position to say thats not the case- although some people call them out for being childish immature and need to grow the fuck up but fuck those people.
Look all I'm saying in case I'm not saying this right- this is a delecate subject matter but to summarise in a metaphor. It's so easy to say, video games make you violent. When a person can be violent with or without the influence of video games.
So killing stalking was raised as "It's good BECAUSE it's dark and edgy." "It's BAD because it romanticises domestic abuse."
No one read killing stalking as it was well 18++++ dark themes, Zack Synder would cry dark themes, I needed breaks reading this it's messed up fucked up and ughhhh.
But as a STORY [god my fucking rambling] Was Killing Stalking good? Story wise? Character wise? discussing delecate topics and yeah did it ACTUALLY Romantisice abuse?
No. to all of it.
Thinking back on Killing Stalking I can't help but think how much of a WASTE the premise was.
That there was so much potential just poofed a waste of a good title, the concept of a serial killer on his high feeling over-confident cocky that he can get away with murder and BOOM. Stalker note, and better yet this stalker has photo's is obsessed with him and both play a game of cat and mouse, you don't know which one to feel sorry for, realising these two are playing on a board seperate from others. Having Staler blackmail Killer with "Oh yeah kill me, but my apartment has photo's and evidence of you're crimes I do like to collect everything you own."
So it's two people with a fucked up mindset having their eyes on each other.
Like the idea of hitchhikers who is the seriel killer the hitchiker or the one in the car what are the chances they are both?
But nope, there was like 97% killing and like two moments of stalking...at minimum there was no stalking whatsoever.
It was just truama dump and truama dump like we get it, stalker has a past abuse and OH look at that icky killer has past abuse too who'd thunk?
The relationship between the two was well done.
I pretty much kept reading just so Stalker could get away, most readers at the time were only reading hoping stalker would realise and escape and that the killer would go to jail. It was the first time reading a bl where it made me uncomfortable with the two as a 'couple' most bl are able to normalise it where you don't realise how fucked up it is until years later.
But this brought it to the forefront.
[Personally I [with no info this is speculation] don't believe the author intended the two to being a endgame psycho killers riding into the sunset, it was meant as a badend story, also the 'fanart' of them being cute personally I think if I was writing something that was heavy or touched on uncomfortable themes drawing the couple as 'okay' could be a mental break- in movies when actors go through something you see them in skits/etc red carpets or other movies. I do see fictional characters as 'actors' that are playing a role a part just for this story [but if there's further information I'm ignorant on that the author did something fucked up- thats substantial then yeah, my opinion would probably not change on new information]
So when it came to killer/stalker the way they were written was well done, the slow burn of being a victim trying to survive both having a co-depency and having stockholm syndrome not just the victim but the stalker too on how they were obsessive and even called out for them in the end.
The whole romantiscing it part...well?
This is just a matter of perspective, but domestic abuse isn't always crying and pain/misery. There are good moments, they're are soft moments and good parts and even yeah romantisciation.
Thats the POINT. when someone tries to leave a relationship they think on the good times forgetting the bad and it's also used as a reward system to keep the person happy with their scenario.
Saying it's romanticision is like telling 'SO' victims "Why didn't you just leave?"
Like it's not a romantisciation of Domestic abuse, it's a fucked up relationship and it shows the whole thing as it is. Fucked up, with sweet moments and being completely unhealthy.
BUT take away the killer/stalker main pair and looking at the story/envioment as a whole?
It just dwindled into another bl trope fest.
Worse of, the Killer is well obvs a killer right? And yet there was no comparison or whip lash when you look at Killers life style then the lifestyle around them.
Stalker went through abuse at the military, nothing was done about it. Killer went through abuse at home thats whatever, tragic back story. Who cares?
But the fact that EVERYONE was scummy towards the stalker who was just standing there? like an idiot? What the fuck did he do? He was just standing there!
The aggresive cop who was almost fired and even lashed out?
An old lady smothered a burn patient because he was being loud and no she didn't know who he was, he was just being 'loud'
Who else has this bitch killed? She's even talking about it outloud and no one cares???
Like the world is so violent it's normalised that it makes me think Killer was fine, he was normal.
The fact that the police were incompatent. Like ridiculous but not in a way of, oh like real life where even if you get help they just don't care-
No like geniunaly incompetant. There was no high stakes/agency like the reason things went so wrong was because of the Killers own fuck up of burning his own house down it's like he may as well have turned himself in.
Without the main pair, the whole story as a whole was just bland, the writing potential of mind games, manipiating people, wasted.
With a stupid past/flashbacks backstory, a just victims with so much repressed truama even a therpaist wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. Even though people can be evil, empty WITHOUT truama. Just born one day with nothing.
Instead of having a stalker, actually going toe to toe with the Killer, accapteing ALL the abuse because they would see it as a love language, wanting to kill others so all the attention was on them and dreaming of being their partner in crime not realising their trust was being twisted until the killer could get/destroy the evidence. And the only thing keeping them on a sliver was that the KILLER was being co-dependent and was starting to see the Stalker as an equel that maybe it wasn't so bad having someone on the inside and if anything goes wrong he has a scapegoat. Could twist it where it was the Stalker telling him what to do with blackmail- god so much potential.
When you don't know who to route for- in a AITA? Reddit blogs most responses would be. ESH [Everyone sucks here]
As a story? It's meh. It wasn't dark ENOUGH, the BL trope was a lazy way to fall into an old formula and using edgy content as an excuse to say "IT's supposed to be dark and edgy you just don't get it."
Like it could've been better. Bit of a let down after reading.
I guess the writing would've been TOO complicated and would require thinking but at the same time given that horror/genres get this reception over something that I would consider tame-
[I've been on the internet too long I'm disenstised. I've made it a game where if 'I' feel like scrubbing my eyes then they've gone WAY to far...recently ao3 has been stepping up their game...I approve :3]
idk maybe a Death note/ L VS Light or Sherlock VS moriarty. The concept of a Killer/Stalker would've been so good.
The title is too good for a story like that- it should've been called.
Killing Stalking to just Killing.
Or. Stockholm Syndrome. Thats more accurate to the story I guess.
But yeah this whole "This is dark content you won't get it-" Is an excuse, it could've been darker. More fucked up and better written.
Killing Stalking as a whole? From what I can recall years later which makes this review even MORE biased as I'm probably forgetting details. But from what I remember?
It's mid.
Probably wouldn't read again, and the art style is too much like attack on titan so it sucked.
0 notes
chadmothman · 5 years
absolutely love feeling like my friend hates me😍😍😍😍
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Bidders - Pregnancy Scare Head-Cannon [Fluff]
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Head-cannon where the bidders and OC face a pregnancy scare.
*All happy, nothing dark or upsetting*
Cute fluff as well.
You held your lower stomach, your cramps were getting worse as the days went on.
“What are you moping for now?” Eisuke muttered from his desk, not looking up from his documents.
“My cramps are bad, my boobs are sore and my back hurts,” You whined before adjusting yourself on the sofa unable to get comfortable. You sighed angrily and stood up to see Eisuke staring at you.
“What?” You asked, to no reply.
“Eisuke what?” You said again, walking towards his desk. He had just gone to say something when the doors burst open.
“Boss, we got a problem,” Soryu came bursting in. Eisuke stood straight up, great he took interest in that but no you and your whiney issues. Eisuke looked at you then Soryu.
“Go, it's fine, I’m gonna go and have a nap,” You replied. Eisuke gave your hands a squeeze before leaving with Soryu. You got your hot water bottle and filled it up before pressing it to your stomach, it felt like someone was squeezing it and tying it into knots. You only ever got stomach cramps on your period, but thinking about it you should be on now, but you wasn’t… Shit, shit you thought before running into your room. You grabbed your box where you kept your pills and scanned over them; you hadn’t missed a single one! You checked your calendar on your phone, you were a week late, oh shit. 
When Eisuke returned home that night he was concerned seeing you was still up.
“(Y/N)?” He asked, entering your room and seeing you sat on the floor against your bed, slight tears in your eyes. You had debated for hours whether to tell him and the conflicting thoughts sent you down a spiral of negative thoughts.
“(Y/N) what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?” He asked, rushing to your side and gently holding your face. You shook your head before taking a deep breath.
“I’m late,” You whispered. He looked confused.
“I know you are, your normally asleep by now” He responded. God damn for a billionaire sometimes he had no common sense.
“Eisuke, I’m late,” You retried, emphasising late and it finally clicked. 
“Ohmygod, do you? Do you think you're pregnant?” He asked, one hand reaching down to hold your stomach.
“I… I don’t know, I’ve taken my pill everyday but I mean it’s not 100% effective,” You say with a sigh. You loved Eisuke but being pregnant wasn’t a great time, you were getting married in 6 months, you didn’t want to walk down the aisle heavily pregnant in front of your family and Eisukes business partners. 
“Are you not happy,” He said, keeping his hand on your stomach and looking up into your eyes. His gaze melt your heart and anxiety melt away, did he want to start a family? “Eisuke, I cant wait to have children with you, many hopefully, but I don’t want to be pregnant at our wedding, could you imagine what people would say about me…” You whisper. He pulled you in tightly into his chest and held you.
“I love you and that's all that matters, if we are pregnant we’ll move the wedding forward, hell I’ll marry you tomorrow night,” He said pressing kisses against your hair and you immediately relax into his arms. Hearing the words ‘we’ showed you that you was in this together and that was all you needed. 
“Besides, it would show everyone even more than your mine,” He said, you knew there was a smirk on his face, causing you to chuckle. He somehow managed to wipe all your fears away and make you feel safe. 
He had booked for you to see his good friend Luke who was a doctor first thing in the morning, cancelling all his appointments to be with you.
“I’m really sorry, but you are just late, you're not pregnant,” Luke says and you feel Eisuke hand tighten over yours. You wasn’t sad, there was nothing there to be sad over, it was just a scare.
“Are you under any stress?” Luke asks, going over his forms.
“I mean we’re planning the wedding, I’ve been helping Eisuke with some work as well, um I mainly think its the wedding,” You respond.
“You're stressed about the wedding, why didn’t you say anything?” Eisuke said, turning to you.
“Its… It’s just that it’s changed so much, I know you are who you are which is why we need the big event, but it’s like numbers have doubling all the time, we’ve invited so many people, I don’t even know who most are them are thats all, it’s fine though, honestly,” You say with a smile and squeeze his hand. 
“But everything's good right, this is like normal?” You ask, turning to Luke.
“Yes, everythings in perfect order, you just need to focus less on stressing yourself out and your body will sort its self out,” Luke responded, Eisuke was silent. The only words he spoke was to thank Luke for his time.
“Eisuke, talk to me, I know you're disappointed but we have our future to create the most beautiful children,” You say as you step out onto the street.
“Why didn’t you tell me the wedding was stressing you out…” He asks, turning to you. You sighed a little.
“It’s just, it feels like it's becoming less about us and more about ‘Mr.Ichinomiya finally settling down’, you know I love you and respect your work but it’s feeling more like an event than our wedding, please don’t be mad at me I know how expensive this has all been,” You finally let out, not able to look at him.
“I’m not mad at you! I’m upset you never told me, your about to become my wife, you was more worried about upsetting me than what you wanted, your the most kindest and perfect woman, I hope you know that,” He said, pressing a kiss to your wrists and making you sob a little at his words. It wasn’t often that Eisuke shared his feelings so when did he always made you emotional. 
“Let's keep the big wedding event, but let's get married, just us and those close to us, or whatever you want, we will do whatever makes you happy,” He said softly, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“You’d do that for me?” You manage through light tears.
“I’d do anything for you, besides the faster we’re married the faster we can get trying for our family,” He says with his trademark smirk. That smirk that made you fall in love with him.
“I think we might be good at the whole trying to make a baby,” You giggle as he wraps his arms around you.
“Oh trust me we’re going to be practising everyday before were married and everyday afterwards,” He smirked, placing a small kiss on your lips.
“(Y/N) are you okay?” Soryu asks with a concerned tone as he knocks on the bathroom door. You froze in fear, you didn’t expect him to be home, he had literally left for work. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” You managed, you had been throwing up for the past couple of mornings whilst Soryu had been at work. You had been sitting on the sofa with Eisuke before you felt a wave of nausea fall over you and you bolted for your bathroom and emptied your stomach. This ended up happening for more than a week, you had made the bidders swear they wouldn’t tell Soryu out of fear how he would react. He was extremely protective and would make a bigger deal out of it then it was. You were already anxious of it and didn’t need the added stress on top of it. You had been researching it and the first thing that appeared was ‘pregnancy’ and it almost sent you into overdrive. You were on the pill, you couldn’t be pregnant, you took it everyday exactly at the right time! 
“(Y/N), please let me in,” He said, his voice filled with worry. You knew if you didn’t let him in, he would get the spare key from Eisuke or maintenance, so it was easier to just let him in now.
“I’m fine really its ju-,” You said opening the door before the nausea hit again and you flung yourself quickly over the toilet, spewing your guts up.
“Shh, it’s okay,” Soryu calmly reassured you, rubbing your back gently. 
“Ugh god I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to see me like this,” You whined, standing up and washing your face.
“So how long has been this been happening, truthfully,” He asks, gently holding your shoulders.
“Just over a week,” You say, refusing to look at him. He gently took your face into his hands and looks at you.
“Do you-” He starts, you knew exactly what he was going to say.
“I don't know,” You interrupted him. You couldn’t help but shake a little, you were scared what if it was true? How would Soryu react? Would he stay with you? You loved him deeply and you knew he loved you back but in all honesty you didn’t know how he would react with a baby involved, you weren't married or even engaged. What if he didn’t want to be with you anymore? You didn’t know if you even wanted a baby yet, your writing career had finally taken off and a baby, you’d lose all you'd worked for.
“(Y/N), breath, breath!” Soryu said, his face pressed against your as he gripped your shoulders. Lost in your thoughts of panic, you forgot to breathe and caused Soryu to panic. 
“Soryu, I, I’m scared,” You finally said after a moment of silence, your eyes filled with tears. He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hey, hey come, don’t get yourself worked up, we’ll… we’ll get a test and go from there,” He reassures you, stroking your hair as you gently cry into his chest. You would love to carry and bear Soryu’s children, but not right now, there's too much going on in both of your lives to have time for a child. You take a deep breath and go into one of your wardrobe draws, you reach into the back and pull out a small box.
“I always keep one, incase of an emergency,” You say with a swallow, showing Soryu the pregnancy test who looked just as frightened as you felt. 
“Okay, I don't know how they work, what do we do?” He asks as he scratches the back of his neck.
“I, I have to pee on it,” You say, your cheeks flushing and Soryu chuckles slightly, the first time you’d seen him smile through this whole situation.
“Okay, you do that, I’ll wait here and we see the results together?” He responds and cups his hands over yours. You nod slowly before heading into the bathroom. Okay, here we go you think before holding the stick between your legs. A minute later you emerge from the bathroom.
“It needs three minutes before we know,” You say, too anxious to sit and you pace in front of the bed.
“I want you to know, whatever happens I am here with you, you are not alone,” He says, taking your hands and pressing a gentle kiss to them. 
“Soryu, I, I love you so much, but I’m only 22, my careers it's only just starting I-... I’m not ready to be a mom,” You manage before collapsing against the wall, tears streaming down your face. Soryu leans down and comforts you.
“Whatever happens we're in this together, I love you so much, just calm down and we see what it says first,” His voice was calm and he stroked his thumbs over yours. He helped you to regulate your breathing before the timer went off on your phone. You both looked at each other and you took a deep breath before stepping into the bathroom.
“Its… It’s negative,” You say with a heavy sigh of relief, you even felt Soryu let out a sigh behind you.
“We have our whole lives ahead of us to worry about making and having babies, it’s okay you don’t want children now, I don't think it's wise with how hot everything at the Ice Dragons is, I couldn’t risk anything happening to you or our family,” He says, holding you tight and placing a kiss to your forehead. His reassuring words made you feel better, you were beyond worried he would be angry at you for not wanting children yet but it was fairly obvious he felt the same that it wasn’t the time. 
“One day you’ll be called Mrs. Oh, we’ll have our own house, you’ll have a successful writing career and I’ll hopefully be out of the mafia business and two beautiful children, maybe a boy and a girl and it will be the right time,” He says as he holds you tight, his words melting your heart.
“You seem to have everything planned out,” You giggle, turning to face him giving him a smile.
“I see my future everyday when I look into your eyes,” He softly replied, placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
Soryu made you go to the doctors the following day to find out what was happening, it turned out you were having a reaction to some new products that had been brought in the penthouse shopping. All your anxiety faded away about your little scare, you knew whatever happened in the future you were safe and loved with Soryu. 
Mamoru: “But we’ve used protection, you’ve been taking your pill right kid?” Mamoru asked, he was pacing up down the living room of the penthouse.
“No, no I though one day, fuck it lets get pregnant for laughs and stopped taking it,” You hissed with sarcasm. You leaned over the sofa and took a cigarette placing it in your mouth. Mamoru watched you and pounced on you knocking it out of your mouth.
“You can’t smoke if you're pregnant!” He yelled.
“Who’s pregnant?” Eisuke asked, him and the other bidders came into the room after hearing the yelling. Their eyes settled on you.
“Ohmygod, I’m going to be an uncle!” Baba yelled with excitement. This is exactly what you didn’t want.
“I’m not pregnant, I’m just late!” You yelled and stood up, storming off in anger. 
You were late on your period, you had started a new contraceptive pill two months ago and hadn’t had a period since. You were fretting about it, thoughts building up, you were extremely worried how your boyfriend Mamoru would react. You spent all day deciding whether to tell him or not, but in the end you felt it was best, you were beyond anxious keeping this to yourself and needed his support. But his reaction wasn’t what you expected.
“Come on kid don’t be silly,” Was his response. Come on kid, rang through your ears. Kid? You might be pregnant and he’s calling you kid. 
“Mamoru this is serious! I’m late,” You managed but the detective walked out of your bedroom. You followed him, how was not he responding to you. 
“Mamoru?” You cried.
“Look it's just a shock kid, I didn’t expect this when I come home from work,” He mumbled. 
“And how do you think I feel? I’m petrified, I have no idea what is happening and I’m scared, you're not exactly helping,” You argued back, sitting on the sofa. That was when he then made his statement about ensuring you took your pill.
You slid down your bedroom, pushing your hands against your head and finally the tears began to stream down your face. You were frightened, scared and in all honesty felt alone. Remembering when you had been to the doctors to change your pill he gave you a number to ring if you had any questions or queries, it was only 6 o’clock at night, it wouldn’t hurt to ring. You locked the bedroom door, you didn’t want to see Mamoru's face right now.
“Hello?” A voice said as the phone picked up.
“Doctor Foster? Hi, its Eisuke’s friend (Y/N), I seen you two months ago about changing my pill?” You blurted out. You idiot, you thought, just hi its (Y/N) was all you needed to say.
“Ah yes, I remember, what can I help you with?”.
“I just wanted to ask, since I’ve started it I’ve not a period, this is the second one I’ve actually missed and I guess I’m just concerned,”.
There was a silence, oh god.
“Yeah, your taking (Made up pill name) right? That’s completely normal, the actual pill stops your periods so you won’t get them full stop, I thought you had been made clear of that?”. You let out a heavy sigh of relief.
“No… no this is the first I’ve heard of it but thats really reassuring, thank you, thank you so much, I feel like a right tit now, I’m so sorry for disturbing you,”.
“It’s fine, I’d rather you ring me then worry that pretty head of yours,”.
“Thanks Doctor Foster,”. You click end on the call and fall backwards onto the bed, you feel a ton of weight being lifted. You loved Mamoru, but neither one of you were ready to be parents yet, he was inline for a really big promotion at work and would mean more time away. How could you raise a child together if he was hardly here? You both had never spoke about the future and your plans, you just knew you were in love and enjoying every moment together.
“(Y/N)?” Mamoru said quietly and tried to open the door but not realising it was locked and walked straight into it. You burst into fits of giggles and unlocked the door. Mamoru stood here, before pressing his hands to your stomach and dropping to your knees.
“Mamoru-” You started but was cut off.
“I’m with you every step, we’ll get it all booked and sorted at the doctors, we’ll do this properly. We’ll get married as well, as soon as possible, I’ll find a different job, a better paying one where I can be here more for you and the baby. I am here for every step, your not alone, you don’t need to be scared because you have me,” He says and presses a small kiss to your stomach, it was all too much and you begin to cry. 
“I’m not late, I just rang Doctor Foster, it's the actual part of the pill, I won’t have periods anymore,” You respond before turning your back and walking back into the room.
“Mamoru your the kindest, sweetest man, and I’m so grateful for everything you said but I don’t want you to marry me because we got into a situation, I want you to be with me and marry me because you love me,” You say with tears running down your face. His lack of response worried you and you turned around. There he was in front of you on one knee with a ring.
“I want to marry you, I want to spend everyday with you for the rest of my life, I want to look forward to creating a family with you, (Y/N) I love you, will you marry me?” He says, taking your left hand. You found it hard to breath.
“You really want to get married?” You manage it, coming out with a whisper.
“Of course I do darlin, I’ve wanted to ask you this since we first met,” He responds, gently squeezing your hand.
“Yes, ohmygod yes,” You cry with words and physically. Mamoru smiled and placed the ring on your finger before picking you up in his arms and twirling around.
“I love you sweetheart, so much, I can’t wait for our future to begin our family,” He says, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“It split,”.
“Baba what do you mean it split,”.
“Like it’s split look,” Your fiancee said, rolling off the condom and waving it in your face.
“Mitsu! Please be serious for a minute, it split now or when you know inside,” You said with a blush on your cheeks. Mitsunari chuckled slightly, how was he not taking this serious.
“Princess I’m not sure,  I mean it looks like everything is in there,” He said, holding it up to the light and tilting his head.
“Stop! That's seriously gross,” You gagged slightly turning your head, you couldn’t watch it. 
“Baba, you know I stopped taking the pill, this is serious, we can’t just treat this casually,” You add. 
“Clearly we fuck too rough to be using these,” He says back with a slightly grin of proudness on his lips. He was seriously infuriating at times, how was he so calm over this. 
“Hey come on, it’s fine, whatever happens you know we will get through this together, come on just don’t overthink it,” He said, giving you a gentle kiss.
Don't overthink it. Possibly the worst thing he could have said to you, you were a nightmare for over thinking. It was roughly 8 weeks later and you had completely forgotten all about your ripped accident until it was 3 days into your period and you were late. You’d been throwing up the last few mornings like clockwork, it was becoming a worrying thing for you.
“Princess, are you okay?” Baba asked, getting out of bed to come to your side. 
“Don't touch me, please I feel disgusting,” You pleaded and he respected your distance going to the kitchen to get you some water. Whilst you were busy throwing up, Baba was chatting with the other bidders about your state.
“I just, I don’t know what's wrong, she's throwing up,” Baba said.
“Well, is she late?” Ota asked. Baba looked at him hugely confused.
“She’s in the bathroom, I don’t think she’s going anywhere” He chuckled. The other bidders swapped a concerned exchange. 
“No you idiot, is she, you late, late,” Mamoru said. Baba looked at the bidders before his pupils dilated as the realisation kicked in.
“I mean there was an incident a few weeks ago when the condom split, I don’t know if it happened when pulling out or not,” He said so casually, the other bidders making noises in disgust at his comment. 
“I think you should take her to Luke, get a check up, you might become a dad old man,” Eisuke smirked. 
“I did read in my horoscope, there would be big changes coming my way soon, may this is it?” He said a twinkle in his eye. 
You were furious he had told the bidders about what happened, you were stressed enough about the situation, you didn’t need them adding to it. 
“I just you know, it kinda slipped it out, anyway it’s nice for them to know they all be uncles!” Baba said cheerfully in the waiting room to see Luke Foster.
“Hunny, I know but don’t you think it’s kinda private right now like we don’t know what’s happening, I just don’t need the pressure of this on top of everything,” You say and squeeze his hand. 
“I’m just excited you know, there might be a baby in you,” He says with a grin.
You knew how much he wanted to be a dad and that was no issue but it was only a few weeks ago he was on a mission that went wrong and was almost caught. If it wasn’t for Mamoru, he would definitely be in jail and it frightened you. What would happen if you was pregnant and he got caught on a mission, leaving you and the baby alone? It petrified you to your core.
“Mitsu, (Y/N), come in,” Foster said with a smile and the two of you went into his office. Luke took some bloods and was going to examine you cervix, Baba holding your hand through every step. 
“Right, Miss (Y/N) you’ve recently started taking Zeno (made up drug) is that correct?” He asked, Baba looked at you confused and you bit your lip nodding.
“Zeno? What’s Zeno?” Baba asked looking at you confused.
“It’s a blood pressure drug, it lowers the blood pressure, your fiancée has been experiencing high blood pressure due to her contraceptive pill, that’s why she was taken off it,” Foster says, examining your notes.
“You said it was because you didn’t want to take it anymore,” Baba said stroking your face.
“I didn’t want to tell you, I knew you’d worry,” You giving him a sweet smile. 
“That will explain the vomiting, it takes roughly 8 weeks to enter your system properly hence the vomiting and your period will be also be due to your blood pressure, it won’t be regular for a few more weeks as your body adjusts to the medication, just give it time and it will settle,” Luke adds, he turned to type on his screen.
“So, so she’s not pregnant?” Mitsunari asked, you could hear the loss of hope in his voice.
“Unfortunately not and I don’t recommend getting pregnant at this time, it won’t do you any good Miss (Y/N), I say give it 6 months let your body regulate and then try but everything’s in perfect condition there’s no signs of concern,” Luke finished. 
You looked at Baba, you knew he was so excited.
“Come on, it’s all good, we have the wedding soon and then we can start officially trying,” You say wrapping your arms around him in the elevator.
“I just, I’m scared, what if it takes years to get you pregnant and then I’ll be old, I don’t want to be at risk of not being able to give you a family,” He says, you could tears in his voice.
“Mitsunari! You can run laps around those other bidders! And we try, and try, we try properly none of this splitting protection, we try all day everyday if we have too, I know you won’t complain! And if it doesn’t happen then we look into other options but that’s not for years from now, let’s just focus on the wedding and like Foster said in 6 months we can start trying to create additions for our family,” You say sweetly, pressing your chest against his back and holding him tightly. He turns and wraps his arms around you.
“How did I get so lucky to find the most perfect woman in the world?” He chuckles, placing a kiss to your hair.
“Don’t call me Koro!” You snapped angrily at Ota. He had gotten on your last nerve and you couldn’t help but tell aggressively at him. Your mood swings off lately had become unpredictable and the littlest of things were setting you off. You stormed out the room.
“Jesus, what did you do Ota?” Soryu asked, looking up from the document he was reading.
“Who knows, it’s that time of month, she’s just constantly flipping and changing her moods,” Ota mumbled, he knew better than to follow you and anger you more, instead he’d let you calm down.
You had just gotten out the shower and pulled on your pyjamas when Ota came waltzing in.
“You’ve really upset your master today, you need to make it up to him,” He smirks and nods down guesting for you to please him with your mouth.
“Not happening,” You snapped ignoring him, you wasn’t talking to him. He had done nothing wrong, you was just pissed off. 
“Koro are you ignoring your masters commands,” He growls and stalks over to you, before assaulting your neck with kisses.
“Ota stop it! I am not in the mood!” You yelled and pushed him back off you. You turned and broke down into tears, Ota quickly scooping you into his arms and allowing you to be embraced by him.
“Hey, it’s okays what’s up? I’m sorry I know it’s that time and your confidence drops but I still love you and think you are just as sexy as any other day,” He silently whispers as he strokes your hair.
“But I’m not on, I-I’m late,” You sobbed, finally revealing to him the cause of your constant mood flips.
“Y-your late? As in late? As in how late?” He quickly asks, holding you tight.
“A couple of days, I don't understand we’ve been using protection,”. You hear Ota gulp slightly.
“Ota? You have been wearing protection right…?” You ask, looking up to his face which was flustered.
“Well, there… there was one time, we didn’t,”.
“You what!”.
“It was that night you came to the studio and we had did it in the cupboard, I didn’t have anything on me and everything moved so fast!” He said and you felt your heart racing. 
“Ota! Why didn’t you tell me!” You cried. 
“You can’t just do that expect everything to be fine!”.
“I-I pulled out, I swear! Would a baby really be so bad?” He asked.
“Be so bad? Ota, we’re kids, we share a room in Eisukes penthouse, could you imagine bringing a child here,” You said to him.
“I think bringing a baby to a couple who love each other isn't all bad…”He mumbles and brushes your hair out of your face. You can’t help but smile at him, he was love of your life.
“And if you know, this turns out to be something more than just being late then we deal with it one step at a time,”.
“For someone so young, you're so sensible at times,” You say and press a kiss to his lips. 
Ota had a gallery exhibition the next day which would run for a few nights. You agreed to wait until he was finished and if you were still late you’d take a test. On the final day of his exhibition you woke up, your stomach in knots. You looked down and saw blood staining your pyjamas and bed sheets, oh thank god. You rushed to the bathroom, you finally got your period. 
“Koro, I’m a little busy sweetie is everything okay?”.
“I got my period,”.
“You did?”.
“Thats… thats good, I need to go. I'll see you when I’m home,” and with that he put the phone down. You could hear the disappointment slightly in his voice. You loved him, you really did but you knew deep down it wasn’t time for you to start a family. You waited anxiously for him to come home.
“Koro?” He said quietly as he crept into the bedroom, it was not long after minute.
“Hey, your home, I thought you’d be earlier than this…” You respond, sitting up in bed. Ota sat at the end next to your feet. 
“Ota, I know you think a baby would be great, and it will be but right now it’s not right, we couldn’t bring a baby into Eisukes home, he can barely cope with Baba and you!” You say and he chuckles softly.
“I love you, I really do, I’m just so excited for our future and I kinda skipped ahead. I want to enjoy you all to myself Koro before we have a family, which is why…” He says, crawling up to you and place some documents in your hand. You scan over them.
“Apartment listings…?” You say.
“I want us to live together in Koro, have our own space,”.
“Oh Ota, I- of course oh this is so exciting,” You squeal with excitement. He leans over you and presses a kiss to you.
“I’m so excited to start our future together,”.
85 notes · View notes
kjs-s · 5 years
The tower of Babel
Pairing  Nyota Uhura x reader
Fandom Star Trek Aos
Summary  A malfunction to the universal translator is keeping Uhura busy all the time.
Prompt “I haven’t slept in ages.”
Word Count: 1121
Warnings: This was inspired by a scene episode 4 of the second season of star trek discovery. It not that important to the plot but I still put a spoiler warning.
minor spoiler for Star Trek Discovery episode 2x4
A/N: This is my first  entry for @resistance-is-futile81 Protagonists writing challenge. I am working on a second one for Star Trek Discovery that I will post next week.
@writing-journeyx   @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse@ohyesmarvel@agentpeggicarter @buckyofthemyscira @romantichen @once-upon-an-imagine @locke-writes@lucetheding @marveliskindacool@captainrogerss   @jurassicbarnes@uncomfortable-writers@theassetseyeliner@sgtbxckybxrnes @thetherianthropydaily@dresupi@caplansteverogers @captainrogerss @dirajunara-archive@imamotherfuckingstar-lord @outside-the-government@thefanficfaerie@admiralamott @yallneedtrek@goingknowherewastaken @girl-next-door-writes @janeykath318 @kaitymccoy123 @musikat18
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You tried hard to concentrate on the papers in front of you. You needed silence to be able to do your job and having to work on the bridge was not ideal. However, you had no choice since the equipment in your lab was acting a little crazy lately. That’s why you were staring at the chart in front of you trying to block any other conversation happening around you.
‘’ Are you alright there Lieutenant (Y/LN)? I can still help you with anything you need.’’ Sulu knew how you preferred your workplace to be and you were thankful that you at least were able to work alongside him for the time being.
‘’I’m just a little stuck but I am sure the solution will appear itself like always. Thanks for all the help though boss.’’ You knew how he hated when you called him that, but being your direct superior and one of your best friends made it easier for you to joke around.
‘’Don’t mention it. And don’t worry about your astrometric lab. The ensigns from engineering are working hard to fix everything. You will go back to being the isolated cartographer who barely speaks to the rest of us in no time.’’
‘’I speak to you Hikaru, I just need serenity to help me focus. You know that too much chatter often irritates me even if I don’t address it.’’ He knew you well to understand that. He was happy to have you nearby again that he searched for noise canceling headphones for you.
After a while of trying to find a solution, you decided to take a break and maybe check on the repairs in your lab.
‘’I need some fresh air. I will go for a little walk and be right back.’’ You informed Sulu.
‘’Fine, oh and can you go by my botany to make sure none of my flowers need watering please?’’ He looked as stunned as you were realizing he said that in what sounded like Spanish or Portuguese.
‘’What did you say?’’ You responded in Greek. You looked around and noticed not only everyone being bewildered but also all the monitors being in a variety of languages.
‘’What is happening?’’ Jim asked a little loud to be heard by everyone. It would be a good question if he hadn’t asked it in Gaelic.
‘’I can’t read my console.’’ An ensign pointed out in Klingon. ‘’And what language am I speaking?’’
‘’I can’t understand anything in my controls captain.’’ Another ensign replied in Mandarin. ‘’It must be a problem to the universal translator.’’
Realizing the problem that had occurred you signaled the captain to let him know that you were going to track lieutenant Uhura to help with the situation.
You found her in her room and it was obvious that she was about to take a nap.
‘’Nyota you need to come with me now.’’
‘’Of course, darling but why are you speaking Tagalog?’’ She said while getting ready.
‘’Universal translator has been invaded by a virus and not it’s translating everything into a different language.’’
The two of you ran to the bridge, which was still in complete chaos.
‘’Welcome to the tower of Babel lieutenant. I am so glad you didn’t follow Spock and Scotty on their away mission.’’ Jim was so relieved to see her that his French sounded like a poem.
You smiled as you watched your girlfriend move around the bridge like a dancer and interacting with all the machines. Knowing as many languages as she did was one of the things you admired about her.
She wrote something down and instructed you to track down Jaylah and give her the note. It was telling her to disable the translator hoping the backup one would work and translate everything to Earth English again.
Several hours passed without any progress. Nobody could work on anything without Nyota being there to explain what the consoles where saying. Some people who had learned other languages were able to assist, yet she was the one who did the most.
Late at night, you checked on her worrying that she must have been exhausted. She assured you that she was feeling fine and you let her get back to her job. You knew that pushing her to stop wouldn’t lead to anything good.
Almost at noon the next day, she was still assisting everyone all around the ship. You asked her to stop helping one of the crew members on the bridge for a moment so you can talk.
‘’You need a break. I understand that you are essential to all of us right now but not if you collapse. Jim, back me up here will you, please?’’ You wrote down a note saying ‘’tell her to sleep’’ on it.
‘’I tried to get her to go to sleep then again she won’t hear me. I had a hope you will get some sense into her. I don’t want McCoy to have to chase her through the ship. He does that with me.’’ He said all those towards you in Italian knowing Nyota would know that he had said.
‘’I hear you, captain. However, even though I haven’t slept in ages...’’She rolled her eyes saying that, thinking about how you were overreacting about the fact she didn’t sleep all night. ‘’I need to help everyone.’’ She spoke in English surprising everyone.
‘’Is it fixed? Is it finally over? Can you understand me?’’ Jim looked around to see the relieved faces on everyone around him. Jaylah informed everyone over the comm that she had fixed the translator.
‘’Seems like that. And you know what that means. You will so to see Christine in the med bay so she can check on you and then it’s off to bed. I will come by at noon to see how you are.’’
When you went by her room before lunch, she was still sleeping so you ended up spending your afternoon together. It didn’t strike you as odd that Sulu let you have the afternoon off. Perhaps he was afraid you would worry about Nyota being ok and complain about not being with her. You had a great time and anyone who saw you was grateful for her help during the crisis. You were happy to see everyone treating her with the adoration and respect she deserves. Both her and Jaylah who was reserving the same amount of praise for fixing the issue. In addition, while Nyota was singing a song for you, there was an announcement from the captain informing you of an upcoming shore leave after the away team returns. He was planning to throw a party for the two heroes on the ship.
11 notes · View notes
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"Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who is California Insurance Comany?
Why does the Honda Insight ('00-'05) cost so much to insure? (UK)?
Why does the 2000 - 2005 Honda Insight have group 12 insurance status in the UK?! Its such a shame, I have been looking to upgrading my small car at the moment, and have always liked the old Insight. For some strange reason it didn't ever seem to take off, and it was way ahead of its time, and is still a very good, one of the best ever mass manufactured cars for fuel consumption (may even be the best). It has a 1 litre engine, which produces just 66bhp, but is extremely efficient so achieves 83MPG and has a 0-60 time of 12.1s (top speed: 112mph). Remember group 12. Or I could pick out a Seat Toledo 2 litre Sport - produces 147bhp, 34MPG, has a 0-60 time of 9.4s (top speed: 128mph). This is a group 10. Why isn't the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Any info would be great""
How much will my car insurance increase?
I went for over eight years without getting a ticket and got one over a year ago and one recently. I accepted and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned my lesson the hard way. Anyway, I have been with the same insurer or 6 years and saw a decrease in my rate last year, despite the ticket. My insurer only views records at renewal and mine is not up for almost a year. By then, my first ticket will be about two years old--if they notice it next year. I am middle-aged and get a multi--vehicle and home discount and don't live in the city. My car and truck are about 150 a month or both, with full coverage. How much do you think it might increase to? Thanks.""
Insurance for a new driver?
I'm hoping to get my driver's license this summer (am over eighteen) but do not plan to drive in the near future since the college I'll be attending next year does not allow freshmen to have cars. Does the insurance requirement for taking the behind-the-wheel exam in CA require proof of an insurance contract under my name, or is it just the vehicle I test with have to be insured? Could I borrow my parents' car for the exam and not get insurance for myself?""
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
Are there any North Carolina Health Insurance Agents here?
I need to find an agent or a website that sells other carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous!
For Piper Cherokee 140-160 Owners. How much does it cost to insure your plane?
I'm thinking about getting one of these little planes to build time in when I get back to the states. Just curious of insurance cost and things that can burn your wallet during an annual.
Car Insurance Price for 99' Corolla.?
I'm thinking about getting this 99' Corolla but I'm not sure how much the car insurance will be. -I am 17 years old and i took Drivers Edd. -I live in Rural area. I hope some of this info will help with the estimate. Looking for how much the insurance will cost a year/month.
How much would insurance cost for my moped?
So I'm going to be 16 soon and I'm going to get a 50cc moped. Could someone tell me what the average cost of insurance would cost please? Thanks
Refund on car insurance?
Basically i got my car insurance on the 21st may. And i payed the amount in full. I asked, when the documents ill be arriving and they sed with 5working days. But nothing came. I went on holiday on 5th june and i didnt come back until 15th july. And i find that my postbox is damaged and all my post went back to the royal mail. But i still didnt recieved anything from the car imsurance and because it was a renewal quote, i thought probably they dont need anything of me, coz they have already got my detail from last year and thats why i didnt recieve anything. And this was my first time i paid in full. So i thought they only need my signature when im paying monthly. Anyways i went through my spam mails outa curiosity and i find one email from car insurance that says that my car insurance is cancelled. I called them up, but they arent willing to reinstate a cancelled policy. Now im confused, whether i can get my money bac for the rest of the year or not. And if so, how much will they deduct etc. Ive not had any accidents or motor convictions for the past 3years of driving. And i cant find the cancellation policy on there website and i dnt have any paper work that explains it either. I know i can call up. BUt im curious, whether anyone knows about the idea behind this and how it works. Thanks x""
Proof of auto insurance -- car's or driver's?
I would be driving my cousin's car for a while. Which proof of auto insurance do I need to carry in his car -- my auto insurance card (which lists MY car) or my cousin's insurance card, which lists HIS car -- the one I would be driving? Seems I am confused about WHAT needs to have auto insurance -- the driver or the car.""
Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19?
getting funny quotes
I have title to my exes car and pay their insurance. How do I get out of it?
Me and my girl broke up a year and a half ago. She's a real piece of work. We lived together for 3 years and had everything is each others names. Utility bills, cell phone bills etc. She never paid any of her bills on time and it destroyed her credit. I signed for a car for her because she's had multiple DUI's and didn't have the credit to get her own. She made the payments on it and I never put any money down. The car title is in my name and she has paid it off. She can't get insurance because of the DUI's. I just want to be done with it so I don't have to deal with her anymore but she wants me to hold off until she finished her DUI classes to get a reasonable rate on insurance. She's been telling me the same thing for a year plus. I'm not even sure if she's taken or taking these classes yet or not. I asked her about it the other day and she never responded to me. I had left her a voicemail and she never called me back. This really pisses me off. So my question is if I sign the title and make her sign it as well do I have any more resposibility with the automobile? I just want to drop her from my insurance and give her the title. Is she wrecks or, god forbid, kills someone while driving am I liable for anything?""
Will my speeding Ticket affect my insurance rates?
I live in Iowa, I am 17 years old, and I just got a speeding ticket from a state trooper for going 84mph in a 65 zone. I am insured with State Farm and have no history of any accedents or tickets. Right now I am recieving the good students discount and the safe driver discount and I was woundering if this would affect my insurance rates on a 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks""
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
How much does a teenage car insurance for a 1991 chevolet corvette convertible cost per month?
my grades havent been good till this year i kinda have a bad record idk if that would effect it so ya i no i turn 16 on tuesday and im getting the car for my bday so i need to no quickly how much the insurence would cost thanks
""Car title, insurance, different names?""
Can the title of your car and the insurance be in different names, or do they have to be in the same name??""
Car Insurance company?
Hey I had this car accident. Therefore, I exchanged the whole information, including driver's license, plate number and everything. Even the guy's signature that he is responsible for this accident. Therefore, I called his insurance company representative last thursday, but the insurance guy was away, so he just received the voicemail. I called the representative again and he was still away from the desk. Would it possible this would take this long time? Thanks.""
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
My GF just renewed her car insurance and has to pay an extra 55 a year for 3 years because...?
In June last year some halfwit drove into the back of her while she was stationary at a junction, no claim was made as an accident management firm was used to claim the money back from the halfwit, it was a no fault accident on the GF's part, she also had full no claims bonus at the time. So will every company charge her this premium or is it just her insurance company? This is so unfair!""
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
Is it cheaper on insurance to have 2 people on the title?
I don't have a very good driving record, and when I had insurance under my name on my old car, I was paying almost as much as the monthly car payments. The bank I received the loan from told me that I had to have insurance under my name on the car. I'm looking to get a new car, and I know that the insurance alone would cost me a lot. If I put someone else's name (such as my father) on the title, along with mine, would I be able to get insurance under his name?""
How much does your household spend per month on automobiles?
Including car payments, insurance, and parking Excluding mechanical and gas""
Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
""If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Which auto insurance do you recommend?
I had a Scion XA 2006 and I just got a MINI Cooper 2007. I was insured under my parents insurance at AAA but with the change of cars our insurance would increase twice as much. I'm going to leave their policy and open my own. I'm 22 and I'm a full time student (GPA 3.5), which insurance do you recommend? I have road side assistance with AAA.""
Can I insure my car in California if it is registered in Oklahoma?
I currently have insurance in Oklahoma. My permanent address is in Oklahoma but I am stationed in California and California doesn't require military personnel to register their vehicles there.
What are my best options for self-employed health insurance with maternity in Illinois?
I am leaving a well paid corporate job with great benefits to work for myself. I was recently married and my wife wants to have children soon. She does not have benefits through her job so I need to ensure we are covered well. What are some great options for affordable health coverage in Illinois that includes maternity and what's the time frame before maternity coverage kicks in?
Car insurance question?
My car was in an accident (not my fault, I wasn't in it and the time) when someone plowed into the back. All signs are indicating it's totaled. She and I have no-fault insurance. Here is my questions. 1. Do I talk to the police and insurance company? 2. Do I get any money/compensation from the accident? 3. Do I go after her insurance and Do I get anything from that? 4. Or do I reach a compromise with both parties? If anybody has anymore suggestion feel free. Thanks!!!""
Teen car insurance!!!?
I live in Missouri and I'm 15, going on 16. I need a good car insurance and it has to be cheap! Please tell me some good, but cheap car insurance companies!""
Car Insurance pay out when vehicle written off?
My car has been written off and my insurance have offered my 1,250 for it. They said they use some Glass Vehicle Valuation thing so I went on it's website n had the car valued myself n there's 5 categories for pricing the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent condition - 1,376 Trade-in Average condition - 1,210 Trade-in below average condition - 1,066 Dealer sale price - 2,640 Private seller price - 2,221 Which is the price I should get for my car? It was an 02 plate Renault Megane Coupe Privilege + in excellent condition! I found the same car in a different colour on Auto Trader for 2,000. I think I should get the private seller price as I am effectively selling them my car and not trading it in!? My car was set on fire btw! Awoke at 3am to the thing in flames just a few feet away from my house! ='(""
HELP help help! Prego and no insurance
ok i applied for insurance (blue cross blue shield) right when i found out i was prego (I am 3 months now.)I told the salesman i was prego. He said he will get my cards out to me asap. 3 months passed and i was waiting for my cards. Then i spoke with some1 else i told them i need my cards cause im prego they said OH NO u can not apply while bein prego. Soo they denied me. WHAT DO I DO!! Medicaid wont accept me. Can i call another insurance company dont tell them im pregnant and when i get my insurance cards act like i just became pregnant. Please some1 help. I dont no what to do. SORRY FOR WRITING SO MUCH. THANKS!!! =)
How long will it take to get a auto insurance check?
I was in a car accident june 3rd, I filed the claim the same day.. talked to the guy doing my claim the next day he said state farm would accept 100% fault so I had to send state farm the police report and some other things they needed and they are suppose to send me check. I faxed all the paper work last Tuesday so how long do you think it will take for them to send me a check? I'm just impatient because I have had no car and had to take all this time off work since I can not get a ride to work and a ride to take my childern to daycare and now my work says if I'm not back by next weekend they will fire me. I called the guy doing my claim just to see how long it normally takes but he never called me back. Any ideas? Thanks!""
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
Do car insurance and registration have to be under the same name?
let's say Sally buys a car and it's under her name but gets car insurance under her sister's name. is that okay? or both have to be under Sally's name?
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Back in April I got a speeding ticket CVC22350, went to traffic school, and paid it off. Now, I got another one today, CVC22349 (a) for going 87 in a 65 (on the freeway). I read that I can request traffic school and if the judge gives it to me, it will take the point away but they will still notify the insurance company of my ticket. Let's say I don't do traffic school. How will this affect my insurance rates? I have Wawanesa insurance. This will be my first ticket that they know of, right? And your first ticket shouldn't affect your rates? Please help!""
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Color of vehicle and insurance rates?
Does the color of your vehicle really play a part in dictating your car insurance rates?
No car insurance?
I live in Colorado, and I was wondering what would happen if I were to get pulled over without insurance. My brothers car has insurance, so what would happen?""
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
Automobile insurance coverage?
Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying insureds for damage to their won vehicles is a- collision b- comprehensive c- not available d- both a and b
Does this guy need a license and insurance?
Someone's advertising a fitness class in the local park, for 5 an hour. He claims he's a personal trainer. Does he need a license, permission to train in the park because technically he's running a business, and insurance to run the group??""
Here are my plans when i turn 16 can i do it?
ok to make it real short i am going to turn 16 here in about 2 months here and there is this car ive wanted ever since i came out of my moms woumb lol. Literally this car is my all time dream car. They are not the most ammount of money in the world they are about 10-15k and i was wondering if id be able to pay payments each month when i have a job if i cant would i be able to give my mom/dad the money and they pay the insurence and payments. And also my dad i going to give me around 4k to put on a down payment. Please give me ways i can do it cuz i literally need this car its a dream of mine
Can I claim for mechanical faults on my fully comp car insurance?
My car set on fire whilst I was driving it & as a result is a write off. My insurer is refusing to pay up as they claim its a mechanical fault. Is there anything I can do? Please help.
Insurance Group for Cars?
Hi, I am planning to buy a second hand car, I.e., when I search the car through net, it says Insurance Group is 4/5/6 etc. Can any one tell me how the Insurance Group are being defined which Grade enables me to pay less premium? Which Insurance Group car I should look for ideally? Thanks in advance. Regards, Reed.""
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old?
I am currently looking for a car, such as fiat punto 1.2 or vauxhall orsa 1.0 - 1.2. I have only passed my driving test about 5 months ago and I'm thinking about purchasing a small first car. The only issue is the the expensive insurance, could any recommend me a good insurance company that supports young unexperienced drivers. Please don't include comparison websites such as confused.com, because they don't really help. So far I've found co-operative car insurance company really good with a really good deal for young drivers. Thanks everyone in advance!""
Why are liberals comparing health insurance with car insurance?
When has the government forced people to drive or buy cars? The best way to avoid car insurance is by not owning a car, but with Obamacare if I refuse his wonderful medical care I get fined. I don't understand liberals, first they complain about the big bad pharmaceutical companies, but now they are cheering a law that forces people to buy insurance from those same companies. What if the companies can't afford to give everyones insurance? will Obama bail the out with borrowed money...again?""
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
Why should teenagers have to pay so much on insurance for a BRZ or FRS?
What just because it looks like a sports car it is?? Since 2007 teenagers have been disapointed that they can't get a subaru WRX or STI because of the turbo charger and now that they've made a two door without turbo it's STILL off limits for teens?? It's FOUR cyclinders. Give us a break. All you old farts drove muscle cars when you were our age.
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
How much would it cost if my parent added me to his/hers insurance?
I'm 17 and I've got a provisional licence and I can drive my dads car if I'm on his insurance and if he's in the car whilst I'm driving. He has a modern looking rover that was made in 2002 and litre is 1.4. Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost? Thanks.
Least Expensive Car Insurance in AZ?
I need to switch car insurance companies this month...I am currently with Geico...but its in ALabama...and if I stay with them and switch to AZ, my policy doubles!! I have two accidents and a ticket on there...So i realize I can't get it super low. But does anyone know of a really inexpensive company in AZ? Thanks!""
Car insurance on parent's insurance??? NCB?
I have no idea when it comes to insurance but basically if i get on my parent's insurance...can i still mount up 2 years no claims... or does it not count so that when i get my own insurance it's like starting from scratch?
Can you sell a car without insurance?
Hi all, Right, i want to sell my car. I have cancelled my car insurance and the car is parked on Private Land (off-road). The car DOES have valid TAX & MOT. If a potential buyer wants to view/test drive my car, will he be allowed to drive the car on the public road? As i have no insurance, would his Fully Comp cover my car to 3rd Party? The buyer will only be driving it for about 10-15 minutes. Thanx in advance!""
""What is a good site for getting a quote for insurance on a moped, 50cc?""
I need to insure a 50cc moped, does anyone no anywhere I can get some good quotes""
Need advice on good medical insurance company?
Wanting to purchase medical insurance for a family member. Looking for a very good company who could provide major medical insurance with at least a $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly looking for some basic coverage. Thank you for whatever advice you can give me.""
Do I need car insurance the moment I get my provisional license (CA)?
I'll be going out for my provisional drivers license tomorrow, and I was wondering whether I need car insurance if I do get my provisional license. My parents are planning to allow me to get my provisional license, but won't add me to their policy until a year down the road. Am I allowed to drive alone with my provisional license as long as the car I'm driving is insured by my parents? (California)""
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
How is car insurance calculated?
I'm 16 and I'm buying a used car, need to know how car insurance can be calculated. Also what attributes of a car make it cost more?""
Would I need auto insurance if Im driving a motorcycle/scooter with a Motorcycle Instruction Permit in AZ?
I am thinking about purchasing a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) and also I will be obtaining my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. I would like to know if I would need any form of auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing with my permit. If so, how much would it cost me per month (rough estimate)? I am 16 years old btw.""
Will Progressive insurance do this for me?
Progressive advertises that they show you the rates of other insurance companies as well as theirs. I am a current long time customer of Progressive and want to shop to around for cheaper options. If I call Progressive, will they give me the quotes of other insurance companies without me having to shop around?""
What do you mean by car insurance quotes?
What do you mean by car insurance quotes?
Auto Insurance coverage -- How much Liability and Medical?
I got a couple of questions about about auto insurance coverage. Namely, what's the best amount of liability and medical coverage to select. 1) For the liability, I know it's wise to get the best liability that one can afford to cover your assets. But how about if one also gets umbrella coverage. For example, if one gets an umbrella coverage at a $2 million limit and the liability limit for the auto insuarance is $300,000 or $500,000, does it make sense to select the $500,000 or is it better to select the $300,000 limit since the umbrella coverage would kick in? 2) for medical, is this redundant coverage and not needed because wouldn't the liability portion also cover medical expenses? Or is it wise to get this, for example, if a passenger is not insured (no health insurance), so the medical part would help out in that case? Thanks.""
My car was wrecked and the insurance company paid to have it fixed. Now they have found something they missed?
After paying out around 12,000 to fix my car (body damage only, but new car so everything came from factory) we found out there is something else that needs to be fixed and because the car is so new and they don't make parts for it, whole transmission needs to be replaced, even though nothing it actually wrong with it. Now insurance wants to total my car. I have gap coverage and want to know my options if i would like to keep my car and have transmission fixed myself. At first insurance told me they would pay off car, I keep it and get settlement money, then they told me no settlement money, but I would get to keep car with salvage title and it would be paid off, now they are saying they r trying to make sure I can keep it at minimal cost to me . The lien holder says if the insurance pays it off, they (lien holder) will not allow me to keep the car. If the insurance pays for it, isn't it their option to allow me to keep the car or not? What are my options?""
How much would motorcycle insurance be in ontario?
Okay, so I turned 16 this past december and I am getting a motorcycle. I'm also doing a motorcycle safety course which I heard decreases your insurance. My first day at the course is today and I should have a m2 by April 3rd (I got my m1 on Feb 1st). I'm getting a used Kawasaki Ninja 250r, probably between the years of 2008-2010. I will probably get the bike for around $3800. (the Kawasaki Ninja is $1000 more expensive in Canada than USA). I live on the edge of Brampton, Ontario, very close to where the farms start (literally almost on the edge of Brampton). I will be driving for 2 or 3 days a week for pleasure. Not really going to take it anywhere besides taking it to my school occasionally. My driving record is clean. So, how much do you think I will have to pay and can you recommend me some companies but please give me a estimate of how much you think I'll have to pay. Lastly, my area has no crime rates and I think that I live in a safe neighbourhood.""
How much is car insurance monthly for a new driver in Indiana about?
thanks :)
Can you insure a car without a company?
Do you have to go through a company to insure your car, or can you do it yourself? What I mean is that you could put a large sum of money to one side in a deposit and get back what wasn't spent on claiming. This system works for appartment renting, so why not car insurance? Does it exist? Should it exist?""
What are insurance rates on a ninja zx 6r?
What are insurance rates on a ninja zx 6r?
Car insurance renewal & no claims certificates?
My car insurance is up for renewal soon, I had 1 year no claims before the current policy (but no certificate to prove it) and havent claimed during it. When I renew I like to look for the best price which may mean not sticking with my current insurer. If I change insurer and they ask to see proof of my no claims how can I prove I have 2 years? Will my current insurer issue me with a certificate saying 2 years (1 year with them added to the 1 year beforehand) or just 1 year? The other issue is that surely this certificate will arrive AFTER I want to begin my new policy?? Any advice would be much appreciated""
Car insurance want to know the outcome of trial?
So 2 years ago I won a court case against someone who crashed into me. They Never Never helped me in court at all. I didnt even get to use it After the car crash since the other person insurance expired. Anyway they now sent a paper asking What happened in the case.why?. What can they gain from it? And further more I am not in that car insurance anymore. I haven't been for months.
America - Are you legally required to get Car Insurance?
In the UK you can't go on the road without insurance, is this the same in america?""
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Car scratch - insurance rates?
How much would by insurance rate go up by if I caused a 750 dollar car scratch to another vehicle? My insurance rate monthly is at 62 dollars. I just want to know if that could double or be extremely drastic because i don't know if it would be better to just pay out of my own pocket. thx
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
Can anyone recommend me high school football insurance?
Last year I signed up for insurance called Myers-Stevens, and they covered me only $500 out of $15000 for out-patient surgical equipment fees for my ACL Reconstruction. What the f*** man, do they use arthroscope once and throw it away or something? however, they are the worst school insurance you could get. Can someone recommend me a good High School Tackle Football Insurance Program that actually covers the accidents and injuries? So I have no fear of playing football in fear of getting injured and its high-cost medical bills I have to pay? I live in Southern-California, Los Angeles""
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Car insurance to help disabled grandparents?
My grandfather is ill in hospital and my nan is finding it difficult to drive to the hospital and back on a daily basis. Aunt has MS so she cares for her too, thus I was wondering if anyone knows of a type of car insurance that will enable me to help out with their daily living. I obviously know that standard insurance would work, but I'm a 21 yo male and don't have the funds to get full independent insurance. Thanks for any help.""
How much would insurance be on a 2007 scion tc in Texas?
Im 19 and about to purchase a 07 tc, but I dont know the average cost of insurance for a tc would be""
Does it cost more to get insurance for a motorcycle?
Will the price be even higher if its a new driver on a motorcycle?
Do Liberals know that Affordable Care Act will in fact make healthcare insurance far less affordable?
On Jan. 30 the IRS released new regulations regarding Obamacare - remember that the IRS is in charge of penalizing you should you fail to purchase the mandated insurance - that included cost estimates for the plans the government will offer. Obamacare Lie #4: Obamacare will cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year. http://moneymorning.com/2013/02/08/the-7-biggest-obamacare-lies/""
What is the difference between free health care affordable and universal health care insurance?
Background, I ask many questions in regards to Universal health care insurance, and many people answer with the mind set of free universal health care insurance, So I have to ask the question, does anyone know the difference between free universal health care and affordable health care insurance? I will add details as we go and this question will be put to a vote..""
How to check online what my car insurance for curtain car will be?
I dont own any car right now. Lets say i want to buy Honda civic for $4000 year 2000. I am 27 and have 4 years driving experience in US, no points. 1. how to check what my insurance will be? 2. how to search the cheapest car insurance on the mkt for beginners like me? Thank you.""
What is the best car insurance company?
I need full coverage car insurance on my truck but I don't know who to get can some one help me
Is insurance on jeeps more expensive?
im thinking of buying a jeep 1995 or older most likly (YJ, TJ) do they tend to be more or less expensive on insurance then the average car?""
Would it be a good idea for insurers to give a % of income they give out in claims?
We all look for the cheapest premium, but we have no idea how they would perform if you had to claim. I heard somewhere that car insurers give out much more that household insurance (or vice versa) and can't understand why.""
""If the other guy's insurance pays for damages, does that show up as points that cost me with my insurance?""
My son was rear-ended today. Damage appears minimal, but there is damage. If he has the damages paid for by the insurance company of the man who ran into his car will that cause my son's insurance rates to increase? I seem to recall that insurance companies share information, but am not sure about this issue. Thanks in advance!""
How much is a ticket for driving without insurance in washington state?
I pay almost $900 every six months and I'm sick of it. I've never been pulled over and I only commute 6 miles to work and an occasional trip to the grocery store. It sounds like it would be cheaper risking getting pulled over and get a ticket than to pay the insurance. Anybody have an idea how much the ticket would be?
What does employer sponsored health insurance means?
I know my company offers health insurance but dont understand what sponsored means. Also if I apply for a low income health plan through the state will I be disqualified because the company I work for offers health insurance. FYI the rates that my company offers are insanely high and I cant afford them.
International medical insurance for US-medical trip?
I have a condition that might require surgery in the US, but I don't live there. Please can you recommend an international medical insurance that can cover the surgerical expenses when the need arises? Or anytime i should make a medical -trip to the US?""
Got a ticket and insurance doubled NJ?
I got a ticket on my very first day of driving for an illegal left turn (one of those that you cant make during certain hours unless you are a resident of the street). I got the ticket with 3 points, i went to court and paid off all 3 points and got unsafe driving under my name hoping that it wouldn't affect my insurance, which was under my dads name (Allstate). Even with paying off the points my insurance still doubled. Now my question is, is there anything I can do to lower my insurance? Maybe I can take a course somewhere. Are me and my dad better off looking for a new insurance company? Maybe i should drop my car from my insurance and taking the bus again? If there isn't anything I can do, how long will it take for my insurance to drop again? Right now we are all in hard times and i made it much worse for my family, any help would be greatly appreciated.""
""Motor Trader Insurance Regulations, what are the rules?""
I currently work for a company and drive a modified vehicle for them. It is not modified for speed but for a specific purpose. Anyway I would like to steal their idea and have tried to look for insurance for a similar vehicle (which I would construct). My insurance quote has come back as almost 4000, but I have discovered that they use motor trader insurance to cover themselves. So what are the rules with motor trader insurance, do I need to buy and sell some cars? do I need to be a registered LTD company? What would qualify me for motor trader insurance? UK Answers only please (as the rules are likely to be different in different countries). Thanks SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD BE KILLED IN A HUMILIATING AND PAINFUL WAY. IF YOU SPAM THIS QUESTION I WILL REPORT YOU.""
What are good sites to get multiple car insurance quotes all at once so you can compare?
I don't mean individual insurance companies like geico or all-state, I mean where it can do the quotes for multiple companies at a time. Know any safe & legit websites? I don't want to put my personal info just anywhere.""
At what percentage of a car's value does an insurance company total the car?
My car got wrecked and it was my fault. No other cars were involved. I can't afford to have car payments if my insurance company totals the car. It is fully paid for and I have full coverage. If I make the claim to them, at what percentage of the car's value would the insurance company consider it totaled?""
How do you get help if your pregnant and need insurance?
I applied to Medical but they are taking forever. I think I might already be in my second trimester but have not seen a doctor, so I have no idea. I lost my job but my husband works for the county here in California. His paycheck shows a gross of 1517 every two weeks but this is because the county is weird and includes his crappy insurance as his earnings. His taxable earnings are only 1280 a every two weeks and his net pay is only 1022 every two weeks. I also am willing to do AIM but you have to meet make less than 4400 and a min of 2935 a month. I'm just so tired of the run around and want to see a doctor. I'm really worried, this is my first baby. We are barely making ends meet here in California, we should qualify for Medi cal right? Thanks for your help in advance.""
Can I get around paying really high price for Car Insurance being only 19yrs old>?
I am 19, dont want to pay high price for car insurance. My friend said I can do this: find a cheap insurance company for my dad/mum to get insured on the the nice car (e.g. BMW) just them, not have me on it aswell, then find the cheapest car to insure with co-op, with me under my mum or dad, altogether it shouldnt be more than 2k and you I can drive the beemer, as long as the beemer is registered in my dad/mums name. Can somebody tell me if this would actually work or not? Please no philosophical answers or opinions on right or wrong or against the law - I dont give a F**k. Just want to know whether this would work or if anybody else has any ideas 10 September at 23:00""
Car Insurance in Northern NJ?
Hello, How much do a couple pay on an average for car insurance premiums in Northern NJ? I am insured with liberty mutual and my monthly commitment is close to $140, I have a clean driving history and no claims in the past. Culd you suggest how I cut down on my premiums? Also the best car insurance company in the tri state area.""
If you get a ticket for expired meter does your insurance go?
I just got a ticket for expired meter will your insurance go up because I don't want my mother to know about it
In the uk what car is the cheapest for insurance?
i want to buy a car but the insurance is too much so I want to know what car is cheap to insure
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
Do foster kids get health insurance? Any insurance?
suppose a adoptive kid w/ parents w/no health insurance. the adoption gets dissrupted and now they live in a foster home.
Car insurance is cheaper with a smaller engine right?
I've been thinking about getting a Corsa, which I think could save alot on Car Insurance due to it having a smaller engine. Anyone with a Corsa know how much it roughly costs, I'm 18 and hoping to pass my test later this month.""
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
Youngstown Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 44555
0 notes
michigan disability insurance
"michigan disability insurance
michigan disability insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Low cost liability car insurance in Conroe tx?
What are some places, How many people do you have on your liability insurance and how much do you pay and who do you have? I have two people and atm using AIG. they are going to up my bill over 65 a month. Wondering if anyone else is getting better?""
How can you justify paying this much for insurance?
my insurance was canceled on my a month ago so im shopping around. i have a friend who is a broker who recommended using progressive - for $711 a month. wtf. i have 1 speeding ticket, 1 minor traffic violation, and one comp claim. i used to have state farm and the most i ever paid was $240 a month. this is just wrong in all respects. how do they expect any 21 year old to pay that much? thats a rent payment. i have an 05 scion tc, im wondering if buying a cheap beater would affect the price at all.""
""Can I buy a car under my name, and put it under my parents insurance policy?""
Ive been looking into purchasing a new vehicle, Im 18 and fresh out of high school and my car is okay, but its just a money pit. I want to put the car under my name to get a better intrest rate, but i cant afford paying expensive insurance policy. So can i purchase the car in my name and put it under my parents insurance policy?""
I need to get health insurance. What is the best affordable insurance.?
I travel within the united states so i need to be covered where ever i go. I can only afford 60.00 a month.
What car and insurance?
hi can anyone help my daughter wants a car she likes the fiat punto td sx i think it is and the vauxhall corsa merit and the citroen saxo and the ford ka and fiesta what is the best car for a first time car and what has the most cheap insurance as it would be a provisional licsence ? and what website has the most cheap insurance? if anybody has any idears for any other cars like these please help also is auto trader any good? thanks any Question plz ask
Insurance License transfer?
I work as a Insurance salesman and I have life, health, property and casualty licenses. My boss paid for the training and the test, I am a 1099 and appointed to his agency and I am considering leaving his office, do I get to bring my license or is it onl valid under him? I work in california.""
New Car with Hail Damage - Insurance?
I am looking at buying a new car that has minimal hail damage to the bonnet and roof. About 10 tic tac sized dents all up, extremely hard to see. They are discounting it heavily and I really like the car but when I rang up the insurance company today they said they will not insure it. Does anyone know any companies that will insure a BRAND NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)""
Does it cost more to insure a car with no airbags?
I was thinking of buying a 1986 mustang gt, which has no airbags, would that affect the cost? I was going to put aftermarket Sparco front seats with 4 point safety harnesses in for safety, also would that decrease the insurance rate since I'd be making it safer? Or is it just dependent on car, age, etc.""
When does health insurance kick in when you start a job?
I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?""
How much will motorycycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
im getting a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, how much do you think insurance is going to be? also how can i lower the cost of insurance, will it lower when i turn 18? im taking the msf course and getting it under my family plan if possible thx""
""What insurance company insures the redskins, or fedex field ?
is there an official insurance sponsor for the redskins
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
""Life Insurance -- Is a 78 year old woman too old to get life insurance? If not, who are the better providers?""
I've made preliminary inquiries to get life insurance for a 78 year-old female, however, I get the standard response of no because of her age and the fact that she has been hospitalized in the last year and has pre-existing conditions (COPD, high blood pressure, arhythmia). My sense, however, is that there may be life insurance companies out there with more accomodating terms for senior citizens. If you know of any such companies, or are experienced enough in life insurance to give a definitive no- it's not possible response, please let me know. What are our alternatives, if any?""
Car insurance very expensive?
Hi I live in Miami fl and I am currently insured with Estrella insurance part of uaic. My car insurance costs 264 a month. They told me that after 6 months it would go down but I don't think it will go down much. I have a 1994 accord lx 4 door. I don't see why it costs so much for insurance. I just started driving in December but the car is listed under my mothers name with me as a driver and her as the primary. She has been driving about 15 years and has a good record. We have full coverage because the last checked for us and this actually costs less then the lesser coverage for some reason. I was thinking about changing insurance because I think it is overpriced. Can anyone offer any advice? Such as maybe Whether this is actually a normal rate to pay? Or what other insurance I should try out
Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ?
I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???""
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
How long does it take to be under insurance for car?
i need to know how long will it take for my parents car insurance to be under me as soon as i get my license so i can start driving already im in texas ??
Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?
And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
""New car, Registration and insurance in CA?""
Hey Everybody !! I just got my first car... I just wanna know, do i have to first register the car dmv and then do the smog check ?? should i get the insurance after visitng dmv ?? also, how many days can drive the car without the insurance after buying the car ??? by the way it's used car""
How exactly do you get health/car insurance?
I'm 18 and I moved out to live with my gparents and will be moving out again on my own soon and I don't have any idea how to get health insurance and car insurance.
Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?
I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?
What do can i do? Car Iincident! but no insurance!?
Ok i live in Orange County in California. Yesterday on my way to school i got t-boned by a 1998 Ford F150. I drive a 1998 Honda Prelude. I was driving down a street and the light turned yellow so i ran it and the guy was waiting to make a left turn at a yielding section, he saw me coming when the light turned yellow and he just stepped on the gas and T-boned me on the driver side. He didn't take blame for it, and he states that I ran a red light when his light was green. Police wasn't involved. We are all okay, nothing happened to his vehicle, he just has a light scratch on his plastic bumper, buy my car got wrecked from the passenger side. Now the main problem is i don't have insurance on my vehicle but he did. Now i don't know what to do.""
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
Whats the price for transfering insurance?
Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is
michigan disability insurance
michigan disability insurance
Kit car insurance for new driver?
how insurance companies are looking at new drivers that are thinking of getting a kit car, is it based on value of the car or just what engine it has or what it was made from? what it be higher then standard insurance? thank you""
California auto insurance rates going/gone up?!!!?
I'm turning 25 this month and called because i wanted to get a new (hopefully lower) rate for being that age and not having any tickets or violations. Then they go and quote me something HIGHER than what I'm paying! I asked why and that's what the told me. That the state of California has been hit with higher rates. ~WHY? ~When did this happen? ~Why has no one talked about this? ~Am I the only one being affected? ~Is there anything I can do to lower my rate? ~So being 25 and having no tickets or violations is now pointless when it comes to car insurance??
Some Health Insurance Companies Offering Decent and Cheap Plans for International Students in the US?
I will be studying my Master in the Boston area, this September. The grad-school health insurance is a little too expensive to me. What would be some companies offering decent and affordable health insurance plans?""
Insurance estimate for 99 mustang GT for 16 year old girl?
I'm looking at a 99 mustang GT and some other years (all the 4.6L engine years....99-04 mainly) I was wondering if anyone would know from experience a good estimate of the price of insurance on it. It's bone stock. I know that if you make decent grades you get discounts and I make A/B's in all AP so I don't know if that would help very much? and I have never had a wreck or ticket, & I am just turning 16. This would be my first car. I'm looking at one GT coupe and one convertible. If you have an idea of how much more it would go up with a convertible please tell me. Thank you!""
Different car insurance quote from same provider?
Hi, i went on a comparison site called Q4 insure and had a cheap car insurance quote from a company called ecar which i was very pleased with. i checked the benefits etc and i was quite happy. I went to their website to go direct and to see and make sure that there wasn't any mistakes or extra details i needed to give and the quote came back 800 more! does anyone have any idea why this is?? i done everything exactly the same and was very honest with my answers.""
Health insurance in NY state for pregnant women?
I just graduated with a bachelors degree, and my student health insurance runs out in August. The health insurance offered by my husbands job (which won't open up to me until Jan.1 anyway) considers pregnancy a pre existing condition, and won't cover it. We have been searching for affordable plans, but the only ones we have found that will cover pregnancy aren't accepted in New York state. For all the plans offered in NY that we've been able to find, none cover pregnancies in progress. I would hate to have to use the state provided health care plan for pregnant mothers (mostly because I feel like there is no reason for me to be part of a government program when we are capable of paying for our own insurance, but also because it means we have to go to specific clinics and I won't be able to keep my doctor), but there is no way we will be able to cover all the costs of a birth, especially if for some reason I need a C-Section or the like. Can anyone give me some advice, especially as it relates to the NY state health plan for pregnant women?""
What is the best life insurance company?
what it the most reptuable life insurance company
How much will my insurance be on a BMW 114i?
Ow much will my insurance be roughly on a brand new BMW 114i 25K, I'm 17 yrs old and I think this car is a 1.6l, please tell me how much the insurance will be for me, I need a price with and without my parents added to the policy, my address is 2, bd8 0bw. 2012 plate 3/5 door hatchback Petrol""
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
How does car insurance work?
So I am planning on asking my friend to borrow his car to drive when he's going to travel, but I do not have any insurance. Is it okay for me to drive? His car has insurance, but I do not have insurance under my name. Does that mean if I bump into something, I will get into trouble, even though the car has insurance?""
Does this guy need a license and insurance?
Someone's advertising a fitness class in the local park, for 5 an hour. He claims he's a personal trainer. Does he need a license, permission to train in the park because technically he's running a business, and insurance to run the group??""
Are there any auto insurance companies who dont penalize or raise rates based on a lapse in coverage?
I have gone uninsured for over a few months in Iowa due to being dead broke & am looking into getting coverage again....are there any companies that offer lower penalties than most or no penalties at all? Can an insurance company even check for themselves if you have had previous coverage or do they just rely on your word? If so....tempting lol. Also are there any other options im not thinking of? Any suggestions welcome...Thanks in advance! :)
Insurance question?
My friend has a 1990 Mazda B-2200 Club Cab 4x2 and he's paying $140 per month for insurance. I keep telling him that if he gets a new car his insurance rate will go down because of the safety features on that car. His truck has no ABS, airbags or any other safety features besides seatbelts. He's looking to get a 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the Rabbit has standard 4-wheel ABS, front, side and curtain airbags, traction control, etc. The price of the car is around $17,000-18,000 but he's still worried that he'll pay more each month. Is that actually true or am I completely wrong?""
Do you need insurance for a day when you buy a car?
I m planing to buy a car and i want to know if i need insurance just to bring the car home, a one day insurance or something like that??""
Doing a school project and need health and car insurance cost?
Okay so I am doing a school project (Im a junior in high school) and I was given a pretend life where I am a 33 year old divorced mother of 4. I just need an about range for how much car and health insurance I would need to pay monthly.
What coverage to get for car insurance for my son with ' L'?
what coverage to get for my car insurance , my son jest got his L. so what insurance coverage do i need to add to my car if i want him to drive it whit me , because I'm afraid if a crash happen. I live in british consulate vancouver ( ICBC ) this is the web site of the company (http://icbc.com/) so please help me .""
Can I borrow a car from someone if I don't have insurance coverage under their policy as a 19 year old?
This is more of a situational question than the main question suggests. So here goes: I live with my mom and am listed as an occasional driver on her car insurance policy. I am 19 years old and have a full G license. I go to my dads house on weekends and some days during the week. During these times, I sometimes use the car to run miscellaneous errands for him or myself. These errands are not at all part of a routine and are truly random events. My dad and his girlfriend have insurance coverage but I'm not listed under their insurance policy as an occasional driver simply because my driving of their car isn't routine and it's not worth the extra expense. So technically, this would be considered as me borrowing their car. Because I don't have my own personal insurance coverage (other than the occasional insurance with my mom), does that make it illegal to drive my dads car or is it perfectly legal for me to borrow his car at random times? This is causing a sort of feud that can occur between divorced parents while putting me in the middle so a solution to this problem, one way or the other, is much appreciated""
How much would insurance be on a Mustang GT for a 16 year old driver?
Please give me a price range. Not any comments like a lot or to much. Please give me a price range. Many thanks.
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much would auto insurance be with State Farm for an 18 year old male with a 2006 Mazda 3 hatchback?
No tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ gpa.""
Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
I want to hire 50 car parking spaces from a major retail outlet in the UK with a view to renting these spaces to commuters /I will be sharing their car park with the retailers customers. Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
Buying a new auto insurance policy on a used car?
So im buying my first auto insurance policy (my parents dont want to add me to theirs) for my car. Will i have to pay the premium up front, or will i have to pay in 6 month installments?""
Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am?
Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?""
Getting private insurance?
my husband had blue cross blue shield insurance at his job and im halfway through a pregnancy but now we've lost it anyone know of any cheap but good insurance companies for a family ....growing
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
michigan disability insurance
michigan disability insurance
No proof of insurance ticket in CA?
I got pulled over for speeding, but also cited for no proof of insurance. I was in the process of getting it since I had just bought the car a couple weeks ago. I got insurance a couple days after the ticket. My question is, if I decide to plead not guilty, can I change the date of the insurance and show it to the judge? Would they call the insurance? The insurance sent me the proof through an e-mail so I can try to change the date on it if I wanted to. I dont want to pay the $480 fine for getting insurance after the citation...let me know, thanks""
1 Month Car Insurance?
I'm looking to insure a car for 1 month only, I have did all the search engine checks but most sites want 180 + which is far too expensive. I'm 41 and have held licence 20+ years so no young driver problems. Any ideas??????""
Motorcycle insurance?
What are ways to get cheaper insurance on a sport bike? I'm 24 and am looking into getting one but all insurance sites I've visited say at least 6000$, any hints or ways to get that lower? I'm in Ontario as well. thanks guys""
Renters insurance in California?
What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance?
Will taking a defensive driving class lower my insurance and take points off my driving record?
Ive been in two car accidents one in Nov.2007 and the other Feb. 2008 and i was wondering if taking a defensive driving course would take points off my driving record and lower my insurance.
What is the cost of baby health insurance?
I am doing a project for health class, called baby's first year. I have every thing that i would cost to have a baby except Doctor, Hospital cost and health Insurance. If you know how ...show more""
Is life insurance for people over 70 available?
Is life insurance for people over 70 available?
Which insurance company should I chose? Which one is better State Farm or Liberty Mutual? ?
Which insurance company should I choose Liberty Mutual or State Farm? It's mostly concerning claim payouts and handling.
Why are liberals comparing health insurance with car insurance?
When has the government forced people to drive or buy cars? The best way to avoid car insurance is by not owning a car, but with Obamacare if I refuse his wonderful medical care I get fined. I don't understand liberals, first they complain about the big bad pharmaceutical companies, but now they are cheering a law that forces people to buy insurance from those same companies. What if the companies can't afford to give everyones insurance? will Obama bail the out with borrowed money...again?""
Cheap car insurance for young new driver?
hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you""
Does GEICO stand for General Electric Insurance Company?
Does GEICO stand for General Electric Insurance Company?
Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?
Our 17-soon to be 18-year old daughter has a part time job. She's going to be a senior this year in high school. We gave her a car when she turned 17 and put her on our insurance policy. Her insurance runs us $80/month. We have been paying this for almost a year now. I feel that since she has a job, and has no other financial responsibilities (besides her cell phone), she should be paying this insurance. She is very irresponsible with money, and spends money on a lot of frivolous things. I think having her pay her own insurance each month would help teach her fiscal responsibility. My husband, however, feels that it's the parent's responsibility to pay for their kid's car insurance. What do you think?""
How do I get Insurance before I even buy a car?!?
I'm looking to buy my first car and one of the things the dealership asks from you is proof of insurance. How am I supposed to have car insurance if I don't have a car yet? Secondly, after buying the car am I supposed to drive it home without insurance, registration, etc?""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
""If women are such horrible drivers, why are our insurance rates lower than men's rates?""
If women are such horrible drivers, why are our insurance rates lower than men's rates?""
Affordable health insurance?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
Good student discount for car insurance?
so...i just completed my first year of college, and quite frankly i finished up poorly. my GPA is like a little over 2.4-2.5 and my dad is asking if i'll be able to send my transcript to the insurance (my dad is unaware of my grades). no chance of getting some discount or any at all??...i've kept my grades from my dad for quite some time, and now this is totally gonna blow my cover. i'm screwed aren't i? i'm a full time student and the insurance company is american family. so i guess my question is, do they discount % based on intervals of GPA, or is there just a minimum requirement and it's either you get a discount or not?""
Average motorcycle insurance?
What is the average motor cycle insurance for a 22 year old female who's taken the motorcycle driving course? Anybody know a ball-park figure?
How much will my car insurance cost for 16 year old girl in possibly a ford taurus?
I'm going to be 16 and obviously I'm a girl. I might end up driving a ford taurus. But it's not decided yet. I'm going to put on as a secondary on my car and them my moms dodge grand caravan and my dads dodge dakota. Secondary on all. How much will my insurance probably cost? Would it be smarter to just be a primary on my car and not even on anyone else's car or would it be smarter to just be a secondary on my car? Or a secondary on all? Thanks
How can I get product liability insurance?
I'm going to sell some of my homebuilt PC's on ebay, and I have been thinking about worse case scenarios. For example, if the power supply somehow catches fire and burns down the house, I will have insurance and they wouldn't be able to sue me for everything I have, right? Where and how and how much?""
Car insurance quotes?
when i turn 17 (few months) and hopefully pass my test 'm going to most likely going to get a ford fiesta however ive already looked at claims on multiple cars including the fiesta type i will probably get and every quote is around 5000-7000 so i was wondering if i should (give the car to my mum or dad) and get insured on them for a considerable lower price as the car im looking at is around 2000-3000 im not a boy racer or anything so im not gonna mod the car or rag it rotten i was wondering if i will be able to get away with it or should i just get insured on a car that costs less than the insurance? Thanks all that answer
What is the cheapest possible auto insurance?
I don't care about customer service or anything. I just want liability only cheapest insurance. Thanks
Question about gap insurance?
I just wanted to know about how much the dealer charges for gap or at least an average. I refinanced my vehicle and am awarded a refund of my gap because the new financing is offered with it. So I don't know if anyone has gone through this, but if you have any answers please let me know. Thanks in advance.""
Where can I get an affordable liability insurance for my new small business in California?
I'm trying to open a new residential cleaning business. I already got a quote from state farm but it was way too expensive. 2500 dollars per year. I'm new in this so, I can't afford that amount because I don't even have costumers yet. Thank you!.""
Health Insurance Disability ? How long does one have to file a claim ?
under most policies is there a time limitation to when a person can file ? is it retroactive ?
michigan disability insurance
michigan disability insurance
What should 17year olds be paying for?
What should a 17yr old, still in full time school be paying for if they earn 130 ($260) a month and pay 50 ($100) a month towards car insurance. Should things like a normal haircut be paid for by parents etc? Just wondering about your opinions!""
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
""How much, on average, is car insurance?""
How much, on average, is car insurance?""
""Young adult, no health insurance, I need help!?""
I am going to make this simple as possible: During this year, Jan to March, I have been on my parent's insurance, NJ FamilyCare, which we were enrolled under free-care because we were horribly under the poverty line, or above it? We're poor, that's it. And on April 1st, I was terminated from my insurance, they are saying I am 19 years of age, thus I have no insurance. Late August we (as a family) re-applied with all our names, and sent the papers in. But with a lot of research, I knew I shouldn't have been, under the Affordable Care Act I should have been on my parent's insurance until the age of 26. I meet the requirements: 1. Dependent Adult (19 years old) 2. Full - time student, no college insurance. 3. No insurance for 6 months now. 4. Not employed. I know for a fact, that being a full-time student, and being unemployed, shouldn't affect this, but maybe it is? I talked to a representative from the welfare office, (where my parents applied) and the lady (rudely) told me that because I am 19, and in school, I was terminated. And my social worker won't be done looking at the papers until late November. WTF? That doesn't make sense, so I kept the battle on, and told her that I should be covered under the law. But after some bullsh*tting around, she hung up on me. So I called again. And this time, another lady was saying, her son who is 20 years old, is insured under her insurance, and that I should come in with my parents, and tell our social worker that I am a full time student, who can't afford to be employed, (because of my 21 credit semester), I am dependent, and I have no job. I was like, well, it's not like I don't want a job, I just can't find the time to have one. I used to work 12 hour shifts, so don't think I don't like to work. The main reason I need the insurance, is because of my ADHD and Mania. I also always get sick, and have kidney problems. But with this, I still can't imagine why I was terminated. The lady told me I shouldn't have been under the law, but different people have different ideas... So, I will go to my social worker on the Tuesday, and find out what's happening. But I know I should be covered, and at least for my sake until I am 23-24. To which I plan to graduate and get my own insurance, and home. But if it doesn't work out, what other low-payment options are there? I heard about NJ Protect, but it's expensive on my part, and no way can I burden my parents with out-of-pocket payments. Thanks in advance.""
How much does it cost to replace the windshield on a 2003 Chevy Tracker?
I think my windshield need to be replaced, a small crack is spreading, I think its 20 in now, is it repairable or do I have to replace it? how much does it cost to replace it. If I do it through my insurance, will this change my premium? Thank you (I'm broke, if any one know a cheap place in Austin,TX to replace it, I would really appreciate it)""
Is there a site that compares auto insurance quotes?
Preferably one that gives you quotes on the spot instead of sending your info to companies. Thanks!!
State Farm Renter's Insurance?
I live with my brother and his wife. There names are on the lease and my name is not on the lease. Can I still get Renter's Insurance?
What types of insurance are required in Minnesota?
I have a permit test in about an hour and I forgot what kinds of insurance are required in the state of Minnesota? There are 2 of them I think it's liability and no fault? Help please?
What does my comprehensive and my collision deductible have to do with my car loan?
I just received a letter from Capital One Auto Finance saying that my new insurance policy is inadequate. I upped the comprehensive and collision deductible from $500 to $2500, which saves me over $400 dollars a month. According to Capital One, this is too high and has to be lowered back down to $1000 or less. But I would sooner become an employee at the Bunny Ranch, before I pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. Hell, I would have to become an employee at the Bunny Ranch if I had to pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. I feel like as long as I'm giving Capital One their money, my deductible should have nothing to do with them.""
Can someone convince me Car insurance isn't a complete waste of money.?
I'm only just turning 18 so I've never bought insurance myself my whole life. My stance on insurance is this: You might not have full coverage, they'll try to weasel out of paying you AND you might go for years without getting into an accident. In that time, if you pool up the money you'd have spent on car insurance you'd be able to pay for a car accident anyways. Now I'm just pulling this out of my butt, I don't have much of a basis on saying these things other than its just how i feel about it all, which is why I'm here. What creases me the most out of all this is that i hear car insurance for people my age is high, they treat us all the same and were not given a chance. Apparently no one sees age discrimination if it were slapped on to their face. They force you to have car insurance in Ontario which to me sounds a little ridiculous because i thought insurance was a service, an offer provided by companies, not an obligatory contract the government makes you pay for even if you don't want it. You can see my clear disposition against it at all, quite frankly i about don't wanna drive at all at this point. Though I want to be convinced because Canada's winters are cold, and modern life today kind of requires you to have your own mode of transportation.""
Accident damaged my car how much will insurance give me?
I have a 2004 Honda civic lx coupe and a truck back into me. It knocked off my bumper and I think did damage to the stuff that attaches it because the left side is detached at the headlight and won't pop back. Also the body part over and around the left wheel is bent under and is a danger to the tire. If I end up needing a new bumper and wheel well cover or whatever it's called how much will it cost and how much will i get. Also I have usaa butthe truck that back into me was owned and self insured by vons.
""Know any good, cheap restaurant insurance companies?""
My parents want to open up a restaurant, and so they need restaurant insurance. Would any of you happen to know any good, but cheap restaurant insurance companies? He's looking for a price around 2,600 to 2,800 dollars for the cost.""
""When getting car insurance in Georgia, should I lie about dui's or be honest?""
I have 2 dui's from Georgia within 10 years. I just reinstated my license and need liablity coverage. Should I lie about my driving record just to get insurance, or be upfront right away? Do insurance companies check your driving record right away?""
I rear ended a car on the freeway and damage was minor. How much will it cost me through insurance?
So I rear ended a car on the freeway and we pulled on to the side and got each others info. Damage to both cars are both big and small scratches. I was wondering how much it might cost when I file it through my insurance company. I have liability coverage.
Should Keep or Look into term Life Insurance Quotes?
I have a whole life policy which I have been paying 45.00 per month for 16 yrs. I have to pay this amount until age 99 so they say. The amount it was for when I bought it was 50,000. It builds cash value. I am now 62. Should I keep this policy or look into term insurance?""
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
Where can I find cheap car insurance in Florida? Please help!?
I am a 16 year old girl and live in Florida. I have my learners permit and plan on getting my license in January. I waited awhile to get my permit and only a few months later I was involved in a car accident. My mother told me to go and we were hit from the side and then went into another car. Nobody was killed but two cars were totaled. I took a correction course and got rid of the points on my license. 6 months later I was in my friends car going to the mall when we stopped at a red light. A teenage boy behind us did not stop and we were rear ended. I went to the doctor and have a herniated disk in my lower back. My parents were going to buy me a car until they called our insurance company. They have USAA, who said i would be $500 a MONTH to insure me due to the multiple accidents I have been in. I didn't know they were allowed to charge someone for being a passenger in an accident that they were not at fault for! I need help in finding cheap insurance. Any suggestions?""
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
""Had one car accident ,went to the e.r.Primary health insurance wont pay visit.wants car insurance to pay.?
Pirimary health ins.wants me to file claim with car ins.I did not have medical ins on car policy.They just took care of vehicle totaled.Now what?
Insurance on car?
My dad said insurance on the car I want will be $700 a month.(I'm 18 and its for full coverage) Is that the price I pay if the car is insured under my name? I know if my dad insured the car under his name the price for insurance would drastically drop. My question is would I still be able to drive the car if its insured under my dads name and still be part of the whole insurance thing. You guys, the reason I sold my old car is becouse I wanted this newer car I've wited 3 months so far and I'm planning to pay for the car myself. But insurance is going to kill me. If you can also tell me about some good insurance companies out there that are cheap(we have something century rite now). When I heared how much it would cost I almost cried.""
Can you buy car insurance if you don't have a car?
Aside from the credit card companies, how can you insure a rental car in Ontario. Is it possible to purchase car insurance if you don't own a car?""
Are Virginia car insurance rates cheaper than Maryland's?
I live in the DC area and I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of living in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs. I heard a rumor that if I move to Maryland, my insurance company will jack up the rates. Does that sound right? Why would the rates be higher just because I cross the state line?""
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How to buy a written off car from the insurance company's?
I am looking to buy a car but i don't mind buying a written off car. Cos they cost less and you get more for your money, Does any one know how to buy it of them? How to get in touch with them, I would appreciate your help. Thank you""
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
michigan disability insurance
michigan disability insurance
0 notes
what is an admitted insurance quote
"what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
Is forced placed insurance acceptable when asked if i have insurance ?
gettin new auto insurance
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Car insurance for young men please advise.?
Hey I'm 20 nearly 21 been driving nearly 3 years with no accidents etc . No speeding no nothing , I want a faster car ( fiesta st) 150bhp car . I can afford the car with ease , will my insurence be un affordable ? I can't pay more than 2000 on insurance. Might I add I'm from the uk i""
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
Do you need insurance to get a license in the state of Florida?
I am seventeen years old and still haven't gotten my driver's license. I've been driving with a permit for more than enough time, been to driver's education courses, all that like. My question is this. Must I have insurance to have a Driver's license? Is it possible for me to have the license without insurance?""
Homeowners insurance not renewed?
any insurance underwriters out there....our dog bit an adult neighbor who entered our yard...medical claim filed....agent tells us we wont be renewed....is this typical.....
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?
Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!""
Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance?
Dose any one know how much the insurance would be on a Kawasaki Ninja 500R for someone that is about 18 with no accidents, or speeding tickets and good-ish grades?""
How much should my car insurance go down by after a year?
Female, 18yrs old""
What is the average first year salary for a State Farm agent?
Are additional commissions paid? If so how are they structured.
Do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
What car insurance company would you recommend?
Yeah im 20 years of age and im just going to get my license. Yeah i know...why did i wait so late. But now i want to know what car insurance company would be good. I don't have a huge budget to spend but i do need insurance. HELP ME OUT...
Can you drive someone else's insured car without YOU having your own personal insurance in Ohio?
I'm 17 and i get my license the 26th. My mom is now paying off my car but i do not have insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive hers or anyone else's car that has car ...show more
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
Should I cancel my car insurance policy?
So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.""
Where to find good car insurance for 17 year old boy and a decent car to go with it?
hi im 17 year old boy, just passed my theory test, i have around 1500 for a car, but the insurance is so high, best quotes ive been getting are around 4000 on corsa's and clio's , do u know where i could get cheaper insurance, or an alternative car that will have cheaper insurace, i dont like KA's or micras or cars like that, HELP PLEASE""
Are there any good Websites about Insurance ?
For someone who is newbie in Insurance , Also if it contains cases and Q&A it would be best Does anyone know any ???""
Cheaper car Insurance for 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old male and live in Florida. I have state farm insurance and I was paying 167 a month for minimum car insurance, I have a clean record and I drive a 97 Honda civic. I had a mechanical failure in my car that caused my wheel to fly off while I was driving, I filed a claim and all of a sudden they want 365 a month for minimum coverage, why am I paying so much, 167 already seemed steep to me, I work part time and that basically a week of pay for me. Where can I find insurance that doesnt cost so much? The insurance cost more than my damn car payments did.""
Does car insurance pay sales taxes and destination charge if your brand new car gets damaged?
Does car insurance pay sales taxes and destination charge if your brand new car gets damaged? If your brand new car gets damage totally. what does the insurance company pay for? How long after buying brand new car does the insurance consider it not new any more?
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
Insurance on a 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1?
How much would insurance be on this car? I'm 16, almost 17, in Arizona, by the way. The car has a V8 engine.""
What is the Average Cost of Term Life Insurance?
What is the Average Cost of Term Life Insurance?
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
I was driving without proof of insurance.?
The cop pulled me over for speeding but did not cite me on that charge. He just cited me a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance in my car. I am insured and have a card to prove it. I am a minor in California. Will I have to go to court on my date or can I do it earlier? What will happen to my record? What will I have to go through? thanks
How much did your car insurance drop once you turned 25 yrs old?
Did you save 50%? 25%? Less? I noticed a significant drop when I turned 21 and saved about 40% then. What can I expect next year when I turn 25? Obviously it varies and will depend on if my driving record remains clean....just wanted to get some idea
Car Insurance question: Hitting a deer is 'collision' .. hitting a tree is 'other than collision'?
So, on a Personal Auto Policy (PAP) if you hit a tree it's considered a 'Collision.' .. but if you hit a deer, it's considered 'Other Than Collision.' ... WHY? Is it because trees don't move and deers do?""
""Motorcycle with no License, Insurance, or Registration. ?""
I have a coworker that rides his bike without insurance, a license, and a suspended registration. He's under the impression that, at worst, he'll only be fined. What are the possible consequences if he is stopped by a police officer in the State of California or Oregon?""
Car Insurance Calculator?
Im looking for a car insurance calculator so i can see how much this car would cost to insure should i end up getting it. Im only 17 so calling a car insurance company i would rather stay away from and idk what company my parents are even with But is there a calculator that doesnt require a ton of steps and just lets me put in what car i have and some basic questions about stuff that affects a 17 year old. Calculators i have been looking at ask for like house payments and monthly income ect and im 17. I dont have any of that. So any good and easy calculators to see if this car is too expensive to buy?
How much would it typically cost to replace basically an entire front end of a car?
I was hit by a car shooting out of a drive way and it totaled my buick le sabre. I want to know so that i dont get jipped by his insurance.
About how much do you think my car insurance will cost?
my parents just switched to liberty mutual, I have a car, a blue 99 manual chevy cavalier and I'm 18. I'm trying to figure out how much money from my job I need to save up before I get my license, because I have to pay my own insurance and I've had my permit for a year and a half because I couldn't find a job until last month. I just want a guesstimate please!""
What's some places to check for cheap auto insurance?
I realise that this is not a P&S question, but Cars & Transportation > Insurance & Registration is a deadbeat section. I probably should ask this in R&S since most of you are 12.""
How much is insurance?
how much is insurance for a 1978 corvette stingray?(i want to know how much it is and also if that price is low or not also if i got a older corvette would the insurance go down?) i am 16 but i have a 3.5 gpa im also a guy if that changes anything also my parents insurance is really low.
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
Can I change my auto insurance without extra cost.?
I just purchased a vehicle and had to get full coverage insurance. I have been with Safe Auto for over 6months. I changed coverage on 6-24. I have a bill due on July 11. I want to change to a cheaper insurance company would i be able to do this without more charges? Also would I have to pay the bill due on the 11th.
I want to go to school to learn about car insurance.?
How do I find courses or schooling that can teach me about car insurance
Insuring a new driver?
I will be soon getting my license (California), however I will not immediately be purchasing my own car. I am sixteen and I will most likely be driving one of my parents cars in the interim. Now here's my problem. My dad owns and e55 and my mom owns a 328. My mom commutes every day so driving her car is off the table. My dad almost never has to go anywhere in his car as he is currently on disability. The only problem is insuring me on the e55 will cost a fortune. My dad currently has the car insured under State Farm and their quick estimate say's I'd be paying nearly $600 a month. Now, I know there are multiple discounts I can apply for, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm eligible for. Since this would be a shared policy as a part time driver, would it be significantly cheaper? I'm just looking for options here, my dad wants me out of his hair but he also wants me to be paying insurance. I make enough that I could just barely afford $500 a month but that would leave me with no expendable income so.... help. Thanks.""
Best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
im 19 make live in UK where is the best place to get cheap car insurance, any help appreciated""
I'm having trouble trying to get under my dads insurance policy?
I've just gotten my license and found a car I was going to buy so I called my Dad's insurance company to try to get under his policy. However they said I cannot go under his policy because she knows that I will be the primary driver as well as the fact that my dad is already the primary driver for two other cars. Without my dad my insurance rate is around $4500/yr. My dad does not speak english very well so I have to do the calling and talking. What should I say and do so I can get under my dads insurance policy?
Is there a grace period where you don't need insurance after you get your drivers license?
I'm getting my license tomorrow (as long as i pass the test) but I'm not sure when we have time to go to the insurance office to get my name added. The vehicle is insured. Is ...show more
What's an affordable insurance company?
I don't need an agent I just need something somewhat affordable. I'm 17 and the cost is outrageous. I'm looking and Geico seems pretty cheap but does anyone else have any suggestions?
Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!! Im 18.""
Any ideas about how much insurance would be for this car?
I'm thinking about buying a Mitsubishi Eclipse soon. My bro has one and i drove it a few times and loved it. My current insurance company charges me $30 per month on a Loaded 2003 Ford Taurus SES. Any idea what they would charge for a sports car like an 02 5 speed manual Eclipse or Eclipse GT? And yes, i realize i could just call my company and ask them, but they dont have 24/7 calling and i don't wanna wait til tomorrow Lol Thanks in advance!""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
California has had Tort Reform for over 10 years. What impact has this had on Health Insurance prices?
What impact has it had on medical malpractice insurance rates?
Best health insurance for young married parents?
Me and my boyfriend are wanting to get married next year because he'll be graduating high school and it'll be the best time for us I'll still be a junior and we have a young daughter. We will be going to the same college once I graduate plus it has a daycare for our daughter which is great. Once we get married though I know I won't be a single mother anymore so I probably won't qualify for Wic or medicade. So I want to get an idea now for what the best health insurance is for our situation that would be the most affordable since we will be in college and we won't be making a whole lot of money. What is the best and most affordable health insurance for young married parents in college. Also has anyone else been in a similar situation and how did you make it work.
What kind of insurance do I need?
I know nothing about insurance and this past year I've had a few problems which I paid straight out of my pocket. Needless to say it sucked horribly, thankfully my parents were generous enough to help me :) I now need insurance and its almost March 31st. I have a bad habit of procrastinating haha. So I know NOTHING about how insurance works etc. What is Obama care? healthcare.gov? medicaid? covered california? (I live in LA) I dont need Health Care (healthcare.gov) to get insurance like Blue Cross or Anthem right? Why are people paying for healthcare PLUS whatever insurance agency they get like Blue Cross. I currently have NO income, and I havent worked for a year so no taxes lol. I know health care helps with something that involves taxes. I'd like to get insurance and I heard that Medicaid is good for people with no income, but I'm going to have a small income soon. Do I need to contact healthcare.gov or medicaid or coveredca to get insurance with Blue Cross? What do you folks recommend? HELP!!!!! What is the March 31st deadline for? Do I just need to apply by then? And is that deadline for just healthcare/medicaid/coveredca or is it for the actual insurance company like Blue Cross? I'm so confused... Btw, I'm male, 23, live in Cali, currently no income. Thanks folks! :D""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
Is it against the law to drive with out insurance in VA?
Vehicle Insurance
How much will insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much.""
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
How do I cancel my Kaiser Permanente insurance?
A wise person once said you have to be the change you seek in the world. I am a fit young man that is fed up with the current health insurance scheme in the United States and want something like the system that Singapore has. My plan is to cancel my health insurance, save the money in a high yield savings account for emergencies and actually take a nice vacation every now and then. A vacation to a nice country would increase my overall health way more than health insurance. I will also take out catastrophic insurance for just in case I get into something my medical fund can't cover. It makes no sense for me to pay thousands of dollars every year into medical insurance when I haven't been to the doctor in over 2 years. Can I get my money back? My health is fantastic and I try very hard to keep it that way. I hate going to the doctor. The problem is my company is saying I am only allowed to make insurance changes once a year--in June! I think they have some sort of special deal with Kaiser. Is there anything I can do? I love my job and don't want to quit on principle.""
Is anybody looking for affordable health care insurance?
I work with ASSURANT HEALTH, I can get you a free quote just let me know.""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Parents to buy car or insurance?
How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?""
""For my first car i want a jeep wrangler1997, im 16 will the insurance cost more than a 2005 ford fusion?""
i'm a guy, lives in tx""
What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance?
I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance.
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
Life insurance question?
is there a insurance company that deals with people that has had a illness/disability that was before 18 or like started at birth? i forgot the actual word for it.
""Why do all of my car insurance quotes start at 5,000?! (20 years old)?""
Hey, hopefully you can help me. I have been looking at car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) and I had 16 quotes come back to me from different providers, ranging from 5,550 - 9,860!? I have no health or sight problems, no convictions etc... I'm just a simple standard applicant. I am 21 years old in August, female and looking to insure a Ford KA 2000 1,3 living in west midlands. I really expected insurance to be around 1,500 maximum, am I filling in the application wrong?!""
How much will the incurance go up after i start driving?
im 17 and i want to get my license. but my parents are making me pay for the difference in insurance cost. so i was wondering how much it will go up. we have usaa btw
Free term life insurance quote?
How do I get a term life insurance quote online?
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners?
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners? I am an international student in Ohio. I am older than 21. I get a learner's permit recently and am now looking to buy auto insurance. I am independent and can not be added to other people's policy. I have been searching the Internet, including Yahoo! Answer, for one week to buy auto insurance for adult learners. It seems the majority say I have to be added to other people's policy. Some say I can do it by myself without giving further details. It seems that no insurance companies are willing to give me a quote considering my situation. GEICO is willing to give me a quote one month before I get my DL. Are there some companies that give adult learners' auto insurance? Thanks in advance.""
What Are Some Good Health Insurance Companies?
I used to be a 1099 worker but just recently got switched over to a salary but i still do not have health insurance. Are there any affordable health insurance companies out there that ...show more
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance?
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance? Please suggest me some good options for long term care insurance in Texas.
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
Military car insurance?
Okay so I just graduated boot camp and moved from Texas ( residency) to Virginia. RIght now I have my car insurance through Texas (Geico) and I called them cause I was going to switch it to Virginia and it went up $120 a month!!! I was wondering since im in the military if I can just keep it in my residency state or if I have to switch it where im stationed? Also I am thinking about getting a new car which I would buy here in Virginia so it would have Virginia plates, would I have to switch it then to Virginia insurance? Sorry this is a loaded question but I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me out here and if you have any ideas what I should do , Thanks.""
Where to go for car insurance?
I live in Missouri and plan on getting a new car soon. I need car insurance and would like to know what a good car insurance company would be. I'm single and live on my own and ...show more
Can my health insurance cover it?
My dad went to the dr for a check up and found out that he has slight high blood pressure, so he wants to buy a blood pressure machine so he can monitor it while he tries to bring it down so we have health insurance and was wondering if health insurance would pay for the machine if we bought one""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
Collector Car insuance for 17 year old? Possible?
My 17 year old son wants collector car insurance for his 67 Chevelle that he heavily modified and uses it only for hobby and pleasure. He puts 4,000-4,300 miles a year. We live in California and were wondering if there was a collector car insurance like hagerty, american car collector, etc. that would cover a 18 year old or younger? Any Possible plans? Thanks. PS. He locks it up in our secure garage.""
Any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm?
any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm
Why do red cars go hand in hand with a high auto insurance bill????
Red cars always get a high insurance rate. Not all red cars are sporty or fast so why is this?
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
I don't no where to pay my insurance or how to pay it?
telling me how do i pay my insurance and where do i pay it
How am I supposed to get Medical Insurance if I'm out of work?
I am 59 years of age. I've been out of work since Oct.'012. I live in SC. I have been trying in vain since 012 to get a parttime job. I live alone with my mother. She is 86 ...show more
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
Car insurance so expensive in the uk?
i am 19, i have a K reg 1.6 litre fiat tipo the car is only worth about 120. i have never had any accidents or had any tickets so why does my insurance cost 2600.""
How can a 16 year old get cheaper car insurance?
Since I'm a minor, I guess I have to put my name under my mom's name making her pay so much more because I'm under her name. But, a friend once told me, if I say I live with my older brother, it will become cheaper and it goes under my name. Is that true?""
I got two no proof of insurance tickets?
I got two and Have court for one on the 26th of Sep and the other on the 29th two different vehicles what will happen also when I got my second ticket I got it for speeding... What can I do I have proof of insurance but it is on a different vehicle is there any way I can say I was on my way to changing my insurance to the car I was driving.. I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM 19 years old PLEASE HELP ME IM TURNING 20 on the 28th of August
Car Insurance- Am i covered?
If i drive my uncles car, and i dont have insurance myself am i covered in case of an accident(he has full insurance). hes live in ca and we are in different households. thanks""
Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!
Uninsured driver with no license driving car with insurance hit my car.?
A teenager hit my car. He had no insurance, no license, but he was driving a relative's car that did have insurance. There is no question he is liable, everything seem to be going well. But now there insurance company is telling me they are disputing wheather or not the kid had permission to drive the car. What are the chances I'm gonna get screwed here? And what should I do?""
Will this make my car insurance rates go up?
On Sunday, I was at Home Depot. I came out of the store to discover some ****** hit my car with a metal shopping car, leaving orange paint down the side and a good sized dent. Two witnesses came up to me and gave me a description of the car and the license plate number. I don't want to pay a deductible, I want this jerk to pay for it. If I call my insurance and tell them about it, will my rates go up? How else can I get this guys information to take him to small claims court?""
""After one month, auto insurance gets cancelled?
I changed auto insurance after my other policy lapsed due to direct deposit mix up. I went with State Farm for both vehicles and paid about 20 dollars more per month for a better policy. I got a letter 2 weeks into coverage stating my policies are being cancelled due to not showing 30 days of coverage at the time of purchase. So I guess they can cover me for a month and ditch me? This don't sound right. I have zero tickets and zero wrecks and the same goes for my wife. My agent says the rate will go up from 138.00 per month to 245.00 per month! ! ! ! ! WTF?
Car Insurance?
Can anyone recommend any cheap insurance companies? Thanks in advance. :)
If I upgrade to full coverage insurance can I get previous car accident damages fix?
I have liability and I was in a minor car accident two months ago. I need to upgrade my insurance because the bank than loaned me money for the car requires me to have comprehensive and collision coverage. If I upgrade could I fix the damages to my car?
Health insurance when a baby is born?
Ok me and my fiance are expecting a child sometime in June, now if we are not married by then can i still cover the hospital costs with my insurance or do we have to be married first. Also does anybody know any good (low cost) family insurance that you can pay on per month and be fully covered?""
Math Problems about insurance!!!!???? Urgent?
A- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of buying insurance? 2- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of NOT buying insurance and driving without it?""
How much should i be paying for car insurance.?
im not sure if im over paying or not.. if i pay in full for 6 months up front it will be 700 dollars Im 22, married, and have only 1 speeding ticket that i recieved a year and a half ago.i have nothing else on my record I drive a 2002 eclipse that has been insured for 3 years straight, and i live in a small town with hardly any crime.""
My new job has a waiting period of three months for health insurance but we need medical treatment now!?
My wife has been having serious difficulties with her joints, fatigue, etc. Got bad enough that she ended up losing her job. Doctor told her a couple weeks ago she has rheumatoid ...show more""
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
Auto Insurance Legality!?
I recently applied for a new insurance policy. I was before, on a high risk rate as I had a few past discretions. When they pulled my 3 year abstract they did not turn anything up. I am almost certain that I had a drinking with a G2 charge from over 3 years ago that I thought would remain on my license for 6 years but nothing showed up..... Will this come up at a later date and haunt me? I am worried about legal repercussions Help!""
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
0 notes
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
"Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can i get some good liability car insurance? ?
I wanto insure my vehicle i recently got so any ideas. Although iv had an at fault accident before help...
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
Pregnant with no insurance?
medical/medicare did not approve me. what other healthplans are there?
I was a passenger in a car accident. The car was not at fault. Will my insurance go up?
Also, just to know, assuming that the car I was in had been at fault, would MY insurance go up?. Again, I was not driving.""
Affordable insurance?
I want to start a new job They will offer me and my family a great insurance plan expense free The only catch is that it will not take affect for 6 months The present plan paid for by my employer will only last for 30 days once I leave this job Does anyone know of a basic affordable health insurance plan that i can purchase for 5 months Thank You
""Getting my first motorcycle, need some help picking one out with my current financial status?""
So, I'm 16, and getting a bike is basically a tradition in my family. My grandpa has been riding since he was 14, my deceased grandpa was in a biker gang called the Blue angels which was made entirely of cops, my step grandpa currently has a golden wing and has had 4-5 bikes before that. And my dad had one sport bike until he found it was inconvenient because of how tired he got after riding it [like he didn't expect it from a sport bike though, right?]. Anyways, I need help finding a bike I can afford. Seeing as it's my first bike, (and im only 16), I don't want to spend 15 grand on a bike that I'll probably end up laying down. I'm probably going to buy a used bike for under 2 grand. I'm not picky about the year and what company it was made by. But I'd prefer not to get a sport bike because of this insane insurance costs. And I'm not going to be leaving the state very often, so I don't need a touring bike. Summary; I'm leaning towards a Cruiser. And I'm not gonna be the Jack *** going 80 across the intersection while doing a wheelie, I enjoy life too much. And I've ridden a few dirt bikes before, so I have a bit of experience. Any help is appreciated for finding a bike model that I can get fairly cheap used. And I'd like something larger than 250cc, but I don't want a Ducati Monster engine... You know?""
Car insurance rates on honda civics?
I am a 18 year old female(I'll be 19 in a few weeks) living in Florida and just got my permit on December of 2011, and license July of 2012. I am going to the Honda dealership on October 1st with my dad to purchase my first car. We are not to sure if we are going to lease or finance, it all depends on the car rates and the deals they offer. I will be under my moms insurance through Geico. Because I am a first time driver and a girl i know it can be a little expensive. I know I can get discounts by having good grades which is good because I actually did have good grades in high school and currently attending a college. I just want to know estimates of how much I will be paying. Oh yeah, because I will be paying for my insurance. Not my mom nor my dad. I know it also depends on what type of car you have as well. It will be a white civic either 09 or 10. If anyone can help me out that would be great. I look forward to reading your answers. Thanks!""
Cheap Car Insurance For Young Adult?
I am 19. I just bought a car that needs to be plated. Its a 2002 Daewoo. (model name Lanos). I need to know the cheapest insurance I can put on the car. Ive never had any tickets or violations or trouble with the law. Ive never even been pulled over. I live in Indiana. Any suggestions please let me know. Also, I just moved to Lake Station from Elkhart. I guess you have to go through emissions to get plates but since its an 02 I dont believe I need to do it this year. However, I may plan on going back to Elkhart & thats where my lincence is from. Could I tell the BMV that and they plate it as Elkhart? & I wont even have to go through emissions?""
Will Getting a license in a different state lower car insurance?
If you originally have a drivers license in one state, and move to a different state and get a drivers license there, can it lower your car insurance. I've heard from some people that it can because when you apply for car insurance they won't see any tickets you may have had originally, but I've also heard that no matter what they can see your driving history.""
What is the cheapest insurance for beginning drivers in NC?
I'm about to turn 16 and get my license but I need proof of insurance before I can get it. What is the best insurance to get and how much will it cost?
Will your insurance rates go up if you hit a car but don't cause any damage (California)?
Someone rear ended me but no visible damage was done to my car. I'm going to report it to my insurance company but I most likely won't file a claim. Will the other person's rates go up even if I don't file a claim but only report the accident?
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
Car insurance...?
I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of  would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.
Is it mean to cancel the kids' health insurance?
I pay for all of the health insurance through my job, including his. I told hime that he has 15 days to some for himself and 30 days to get some for the children. He thinks that is a horrible mother because it would all cost me $300 a month but it will cost him $1200 per month. He make 260K per year. I make $70K He he moved out and got involved with someone else. Why should it be free to destroy your family? I really should have done this four months ago when he moved out.""
How do i report insurance fraud?
for the last year i have worked for one of sacramento's mortage realestate companys. during that time i have witnessed my boss committing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of insurance fraud, filing false police reports , theft, vandalism . who do i report this to and is there a reward ?""
Affordable Motorcycle for college student?
I own a car already, and I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle as an option to take. What models are usually affordable for a 18 year old college student?""
How much does your car insurance cost?
How much does your car insurance cost?
Who will pay the medical and funereal fees?
My boyfriends son was killed by a man who ran a red light. His son was NO way at fault. The man has 15,000 coverage on his insurance (california) and that's it. Bare minimum, so now what is done with the 35,000 left for costs not paid by medical ins ect... I feel it would be so unfair for him to have to pay for the costs when his son has passed away, so not fair.""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help.
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
""By looking at these charts, can you understand why the U.S. needed health insurance reform?
How much is Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 october 2 and I was wondering how much it is for me? My family has like the lowest one which is the liability. How much is it for me about? I havent got a car yet, but I have the money I just have to pick one out. It will probably wont be any younger than like 08. Also can I get my license with out have to pay insurance right away? I dont want to drive yet (I dont like driving). I am also a female.""
I have a question about insurance? Help please?
I just recently got my license, and I'm already listed under my mom's policy. (I'm going to be driving her car.) Anyway, the rate obviously went up because she added me to her policy. But they aren't going to charge her for it until next month. Even though I'm listed under the policy, would I have to wait until next month to drive? Because I haven't technically paid yet for my part of the insurance? Thank you!""
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
Provisional insurance for young driver?
Looking to get insured on my mums car but my mums insurance company wont put me on her insurance,,,, could i get insured by a company such as provisional marmalade? Any other suggestions?""
With a driving permit in California ? Insurance ?
Can I drive my dad's car but with somebody else teaching me to drive. Do I need to be in the insurance policy ? How does that work?
What is the Performance break down for State Farm Insurance?
For example: The statements for Sun Lifes performance is broken down into both geographic and market segments. These segments are: Sun Life Canada, Sun Life US, MFS Investment Management, Sun Life Asia and Corporate insurance. I am unable to find this information about State farm online, any help would be much appreciated! thanks a lot.""
What is the average auto insurance cost for young drivers?
I know there are many variables, but I really want general monthly cost for young drivers please""
When will health insurance become affordable?
If the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won't reign in costs, then we need to go to socialized medicine. It is ludicrous that insurance costs so much for individuals.""
What does insurance cover for a car accident?
one of my friends recently had an accident in his Honda city. The body was damaged. But the insurance company pointed to a line which says only 50% of cost of damage to 'rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags' and 30% of fibre glass..what else can get damaged in an accident? If the car is made of plastic and the glass with fibre glass, its basically saying we will pay only a max 50%? Does this exist everywhere or only in India? Can we take the insurance company to court?""
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
Motorcycle accident - How much insurance money will I get?
I recently had an accident on my motorbike where a car did a U-turn in front of me and I went over the handlebars. I fractured my heel, broke a finger and tore the ligaments in my legs. I've been in pain since it happened and am only just getting well enough after 2 Months to walk without crutches. I have not had any sick pay as I work for agencies and have lost around 500 a week. This has almost caused me to lose my house. I want to know how much money I should expect to get as a payout? I'm not expecting to be back at work for a few weeks yet and I still have limited movement in my legs (I can't crouch down).""
Car insurance?
My husband and I are planning on getting a new car and we're looking through auto-trader.com and finding a lot of good cars but is there a website you can go to to calculate how much the insurance of each car to help us narrow our decision down?
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
What company does cheap insurance for learner drivers?
What company does cheap insurance for learner drivers?
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
What's the cheapest way of getting hire car insurance?
I don't really want to pay $25 a day for insurance excess reduction!!
What would you say is a cheap and decent car to purchase and insure? (Please see details)?
My dad and I are trading in another car, with the value of 3000, and as a result, we were looking at getting a car worth around 6000 (or less). He has had no claims for years, however, I have only recently passed my test. Has anyone been in this situation or a similar one? If so, what cars would you recommend purchasing. I'd really like a Mini convertible (as do most people), and so does my dad, but how much would you say the insurance would be. We're talking about 5 years no claims with my dad. I'd purely be a named driver. I did look at the Citreon C3 pluriel, because I was told it was really cheap to insure, but having to pull the sides off the car to make it into a convertible is a bit of a joke! Thanks for your time guys, hope you're having a nice night! x""
Insurance for modified car advice !!?
i want to buy a car that has full interior and exterior body work done to it, will this effecct the insurance ?? also the engine has had a 'ecu chip' and air filter added/changed so will this effect insurance in any way ?? and can i get replys from someone who knows what there on about no some random answer thanks""
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
I'm turning 16 this year and i was wondering about insurance prices on a few cars?
I recently found a 1994 misubishi 3000gt, and a 1997 pontiac trans am. Like i said I'm turning 16 this summer and I want to know what car is better on insurance for a kid like me? I would also like to know which would be better for the winters in Idaho? An estimate will be perfictly fine. Thank you very much.""
""Ok i dont have car insurance but i want to rent a car for a month, is there a car insurance for this situation
so i would just like to pay for the car insurance for a month. I was wondering though do I need car insurance when i rent a car.
How do we work with insurance companies in California?
We are a Southern California Drywall Company and would like to work with insurance companies. How do we get started?
Policy for 17 year old driving on traders insurance!?
Can a 17 year old drive an Audi a1 1.4 sport on traders insurance?
My car was rear-ended but I don't have car insurance?
Someone rear ended my car today. My insurance has been expired for a while now but I still called the insurance company and they filed a claim for me. When I mentioned that my insurance had expired, the lady who filed the claim said that the adjuster will call me on Monday and give me the details. Though the accident wasn't my fault, I am worried about not having insurance at the time. Also, nobody was injured in the accident but my back bumper had a very minor scratch. Was what I did wrong? And should I be worried about anything?""
Parents: 300cc motorcycle vs. 600cc motorcycle?
If you had a 17 year old son and he wanted a motorcycle would it make a difference to you if he started out on a low displacement motorcycle instead of a high displacement motorcycle or would you say no/yes either way.
Where can I get private health insurance?
I need health insurance, like I know many people do. I have cancer, but I guess that's not considered a disabilty because I was turned down. My job does not pay for medical. I know several married couples where they have two different insurance policies through each of their employers, and they get to pick and choose which one to use. I don't have a spouse. I know several people who are alcoholics who have an HMO through their retirement and they are in the hospital every other month, simply because they have over drank. They run to the doctor every two months for very trivial things/ I know of several who abuse the veterans hospital from runny noses to a simple headache, plus they are paid monthly for a disabilty they don't have. They just don't want to work. I think married couples should only be able to use one insurance policy, and these others should be only allowed to go to the doctor a few times a year. If they are an alcoholic send them to AA.""
Is it true when purchaseing a vehicle if the cost is under 7000 you dont have to have full coverage insurance?
i am in texas if any one can help let me know
Why is it so difficult for me to get health insurance?!?
Im 23 yrs old in Maryland and Im trying to buy my own health insurance for the first time. I havent been to the doctor in so long so Ive been having issues lately with my seasonal allergies. During this past year I went to an ENT specialist without insurance to get medication/prescription for a sinus infection and paid cash. The ENT specialist recommend I get sinus x-rays if the medication didnt clear up the problem. I am still having issues with it so I decided to apply for insurance so I could afford further treatment. However Ive applied to 2 places, both companies called me for an interview where they asked me a bunch of questions over the phone about any treatments I received or have been recommended to have. I have been declined twice with them saying get the recommended treatment done then reapply WHY??? OMFG I dont have a serious ongoing illness why are these people giving me such a hard time???? =( What do I do?? Thanks.""
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
How much would insurance be on 96 tahoe?
i'm 19, and i'm about to get my licences. i always be eye balling this tahoe. how much would insurance be on it??""
""Florida Auto Insurance Quotes Online, are they really safe?
Florida residents do you really think entering all your valuable personal information online for an auto insurance quote is really the safe way to obtain auto insurance? A local personalized auto insurance agent who you can pick up the phone and call or stop by their office sounds so much safer and personal.
What car insurance companies do you recommend?
My vehicle was vandalized two weeks ago. I was not satisfied with the way my insurance company handled my case. I'm thinking about switching to another insurance company, any recomendations?""
What is the cheapest 50cc Moped / scooter insurance for a 16 year old ?
I have been look everywhere for cheap moped / scooter insurance and the cheapest I can see is 320 for third party only. I wanted third party fire and theft, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford that if third party is so expensive. The scooter I have is from Direct bikes. It's the sports DB50QT-11. I'm from Scotland and have no convictions. Answers really appreciated. Thanks :)""
Do car insurance rate drop when one turns 25?
If so, how much? I'll be 25 in 3 weeks.""
Insurance cost for jeep patriot?
I am currently thinking of buying a 2008 jeep patriot. I am worried if the unsurance cost for it would be high?
How much is the average price of veneer on your teeth ( average price)?
Only done to the front two teeth.
Farmes Car Insurance?
I had a accident on the freeway a girl hi tme from behind and she had farmers insurance are they good at fixing other peoples cars when their cutomers are at fault
How Much Is Car Insurance? Please Help?
Ok See im 16 and i have a 1990 Pontiac Firebird and I have a Junior License Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black Interior: Grey Miles: 170000
How much for Health Insurance?
I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.""
Car insurance do i have to tell them ??
am trying to fill in a form for a quote, i was involed in a crash which wasnt my fault, the other person admitted responsability, do i have to declare this as a claim ?? or do i not mention this, am trying to get a quote for this years car insurance Thanks""
Insurance for a cheap car?
Hi all, i am living in NYC which has notoriously high car insurance rates. I'm looking to purchase a second beater car to work on as a side hobby. This car would run anywhere from $500-$2000. Is there anyway to insure this car without it being $100/mo? Because those are the quotes i am currently getting for just liability insurance. Seems a bit ridiculous seeing how the cost of insurance would go over the value of the car in just a year or so.""
Cheap car insurance I mean cheap?
Just passed my test and found insurance is massive, I need some kinda voucher or something to get to insure my car. Any ideas. UK ONLY""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for me?
I am 16 years old and have had my driver's license for only a month. I want to get my motorcycle license. I live in California, so I have to take that CHP motorcycle safety course. I was looking at getting a Triumph Bonneville. One that is less than 15 years old but not newer than 5 years. Maybe like a 2001 or something. On craigslist they are going for about 3-4k for what I'm looking for. What would my insurance be about? Just a broad idea is okay and just say a price, not to go on some website to get a quote cuz I don't want a quote yet.""
Live in FL need to know were to get low car insurance rate for my daughters 2001 saturn sl1?
She is going to need comp and collision because she owes on the car she is 22 and has 1 speeding ticket cost per month now is approx 170.00 any help would be great she has progressive now
Is there a website for seeing what class of car you have for insurance to see how much it wil be.?
I know insurance have classes of cars based on a number. Like my old school might be a 7. but my Escalade might be a 20 or something. Please help.
""Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old, impossible?""
I need insurance for a job & i can't afford insurance.. So expensive atm, last year was about 1700 now its 4000 for 1L? What they playing at, anyone insured anyone recently with cheap car insurance at 17, i don't want to know why it is expensive thanks!""
Can you get a car without insurance?
b/c im getting a car without insurance
Can I drive my car with full insurance on a provisional licence?
I have bought full uk licence insurance on my car. I pay fully comp price's (500 a month), But, Im still on provisional licence.. Can I keep my full insurance and drive with my L plates on with a driver with a full UK licence who's held it over 3 years in with me still? They are also named drivers. Thanks!""
Car insurance question?
I have a 2000 Landrover, and right now I'm on my moms insurance policy and the car is in her name. I think its stupid that I have to pay insurance when the car isnt even in my name, but everytime I ask her to put it in my name she gives me some bull about it being like $200 to transfer titles and that it if its in my name ill have to get off her insurance. Is any of that true? And if so, how much does it cost to get your own policy? My insurance is 160 right now if that makes any difference. It's kinda high because I had a wreck about a year ago.""
Car Insurance for any Car in USA?
I am a Senior Indian Citizen of 73 with a US Green Card in Parker, Colorado. I have an international driving permit. Can I get a Car insurance for driving any car hired or private?""
""Where can I find affordable dental insurance, that I can use immediatleywith no waiting period???
Im in the State of VIRGINIA :)
Why is classic car insurance more?
For a teen I mean. I know these types of cars need special insurance companies but these special companies don't take 18 year old drivers. I'm currently parting out a 76 camaro with a tired 250 v6 so it's not fast in any ways. Though it is still called a sports coupe . so I was curious and got a quote and they quoted me $550 a month. strange thing is my friend drives an 04 rsx that's standard (the camaro is auto) and pays the same rate monthly under his parents. What are the factors that determine these rates? safety? engine size? the amount of damage they do? I had a 03 civic coupe (standard) briefly and was paying $260 a month under my parents insurance. According to the insurance company, all these cars are considered sports cars and therefore have higher rates however they would not tell me the reasons why and that is what I am here to ask.""
16 year old insurance drive sports car?
I have found a Toyota Corolla that I REALLY love! It's the perfect car for me, cheap, low miles, good mpg. My only concern is it's a sports version. It will be my first car, so I have NO insurance right now, and I am wondering if they will even insure me for this. My brother has a ford mustang Coupe, and he is under liability. But I'm wondering what my place would be if I got a Toyota Corolla. Will I be able to be insured or not? Thanks for reading!""
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
Help understanding insurance card?
I have us family health plan and online I need to fill something out for school if not they will charge me for insurance when I already have it. What I need is Insurance company Policy number Group name Group number What is on my card: Member id number Group number Rx group number Copay. Can you help me match what I have to what I need
Medical insurance?
Im looking for medical insurance in connecticut that covers ivf treatments completely and consultation fees please help!! Thanksss :)
Car insurance quote?
I am a 17 year old boy in Texas I just bought a white 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2 door Paid with Cash I've never had a ticket or anything on my record Does anyone know about how much my insurance will run?
Are insurance payments for turboed cars high?
I am 17 and I am going to get a car soon. I want to get a '95 Nissan 240sx with a sr20 swap from my dads friend. I know it seems like a lot of car for a 17 year old but I've driven turboed cars before and can handle the power, so please no rude comments. I really want this car but the only thing that concerns me is the insurance payments. Will they be really high because it is a turboed car? And because I'm only 17?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am soon going to buy a used Toyota Corolla and I live in North Carolina. I am just starting to get my driver's license and I was wondering what auto insurance is cheaper? Would it be cheaper if I was on my parents auto insurance?
Medical Insurance too expensive?
Currently I am paying $514.03, every WEEK to cover my family of four. Our employers do NOT cover a huge chunk of the costs. I am completely ignorant to this new Obamacare, but I am also starting to learn about it. The only thing I seen happen with Obamacare is yes my insurance got better and stronger (Open Network), but it also increased over $200 a week. I am not kidding it is about $2,064.00 a month. I can't afford to go to the Doctor and pay the Co-Pays because of my weekly payment!!!! It almost seems better for my husband to lose his job and we can collect welfare/medicaid! What is out there for us? Please don't tell me to shop around because I have and its very expensive. I can save $50 and some even increased over $100. Nothing in our medical history to cause expensive insurance either. What does Obamacare do for this situation? Who can I call to get some help?""
How much does car insurance cost if i wanna pay it every 6 months?
It would just be me on the insurance (Full Coverage).I also only want to lease cars.I feel it's better to pay insurance twice a year as oppose to paying for it every month.
How much does liability insurance cost? How much coverage do I need?
I am planning a day camp this august. I know I need to purchase liability insurance just in case, but how much do I need? There will be a maximum of 140 girls, 55 leaders, and 30 younger siblings (of leaders), (thats 225 people). The minumum would be roughly 50 girls, 25 leaders, and 10 siblings... I just need a guestimate as I am working on the budget and am trying to figure out how much to charge the attendees.Also, how much coverage do I need?""
19 Y/O searching for health insurance advice?
I am 19 years old, I will be starting college in late August/early Sept. as a full time student at comm. college. I am not employed and my mother supports me. unfortanatly, she ...show more""
""Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?""
I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap.""
Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
Always been a fan of Old Minis. Always been in the family. Uncle has had various Mini projects. I've read so many different things about classic car insurance. I'm 17 Years old, recently passed. I've heard that you get get classic car insurance at this age for close to and under 1000. I may not be driving until i turn 18. Won't be driving much. Odd weekend's and to Sixth form a few late days when i can't get a lift off my parent. My Sixth form has it's own car park and the car will be parked on the drive. Just wondering how true the claims are of the cars being cheaper to insure. If so which companies should i go about contacting, and is it best via website or phoning them. Also i would be looking at any Mini, would prefer a 1275 GT. However realise this would cost more. Not bothered about having a Mini 850 or a normal Mini 1000, as i know the Special Eds will cost more.""
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?!?
I'm looking at car insurance and the cheapest i can find is around 2000, that's 166 a month and i can't afford that :/ I'm looking to get a renault clio, corsa or a ford KA, anyone know any really cheap car insurance places i can look at?! X""
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
""24 wanting a first bike, 125cc to start with. How much for a cheap one with insurance?""
Wanting a motorbike, starting off slower though to get the hang of it before getting a bigger engine. Going to be using it for going around the dales on a weekend. Would 1000 pounds be enough for bike and insurance? Any models to look out for on my search too""
Would I get a good insurance price for a 1.8 liter car?
Me and my dad are talking about my first car and I was looking online and I see one that I liked but it's a 1.8 liter is it a good idea and if it does matter it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also would it come under classic insurance
Does anyone know about kit cars and insuring them?
I am a younger driver and was told my insurance wouldnt be as much if I was to buy a kit car. Anybody know about this?
Is there a way to decrease my Car insurance coverage?
i recently just bought a 2004 jaguar x-type for 12,800 with warranty included.payments is 250 a month.but car insurance is 480 a month! is there something is there a way of avoiding paying that much pay that much in car insurance..im 21 and i would like to no if i really need my car to be fully covered or can i just put the car in under there coverage. Plus i don't have the best driving record.""
I'm a first-timer with cars and insurance?
I was trying to research car insurance and taxes but came up with no clear answer. My probem is that I am looking to see how much it would cost for me to buy a cheap car (preferably a Mini or a Beetle) and what the insurance would cost. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm trying to work out how much I have to earn this summer so I can own my first car.
How much will 1 point affect my car insurance???!?
I got a right turn violation about 8 months ago and i took traffic school so im assuming that my insurance won't penalize me. Now i got another ticket(stop sign violation), how much would you estimate the percentage of my insurance? I live in California btw and im 20 years old.""
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
""Recently hit by another driver, got estimate for his insurance company. Not sure I should repair for that cost""
My car is a 1994 Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ miles on it. I would say it is in good or fair condition, the leather seats are cracking badly and it has a few scrathes, etc. I'm just wandering if it is in my best interest to repair this car or for it to be totaled out. The estimate for repairs in $3500.00, which could always go up once repairs start for unseen damage. I'm just not sure the car is worth repairing for that amount considering its condition. The damage is to the drivers side rear panel which is now rubbing something when I turn either way or go over any kind of bump in the road. The estimate does not consider repair for that since that could not be seen by looking at the vehicle. They are also saying the paint can't be matched perfectly because of the fading caused by sun and weather over the years. With everything considered my resale value is not good. I did want to sale this car at some point and get newer car.""
Will my insurance premiums go up from this situation?
This is 2 weeks after the accident (today). After the guy talked to his insurance they said that they will cover his damages and my insurance won't be affected. This morning the guy I hit said he was still going to bring his car in for an estimate in case I still want to pay for the damages because he said he talked to an OPP officer and the officer told him that his insurance company will come after my insurance to have the damages paid for, resulting in higher insurance for me. Should I just tell him to go ahead with the repairs it and deal with my insurance when it happens....if it happen?""
Month to month insurance question?
I am about to sell a 2003 Chev Silverado that hasn't been driven, registered, inspected or insured in several years (I am in Texas, if that helps). I am getting everything up to date as far as inspection plus some repairs that need to be done before completing the sale, so I will need temporary insurance. I have been shopping for just the next month, and have even googled month to month insurance in Texas but keep coming up with insurance companies that only quote a full year. Since I don't currently drive or have any reason for auto insurance, I don't have the option of adding it to an existing policy for a month. I do have an active license so I am eligible to get insurance, but I don't want to pay a huge down payment on the premium and lose it once I cancel after I have handed the truck over in 2 weeks. Are there any companies or websites designed specifically for temporary or month to month insurance? What are the options?""
""If I am 27 and single, do I need to be paying for life insurance?
I have been paying for life insurance for a few years now and I am convinced that I shouldn't be. I do not have any children or plan on any in the next few years. My father says it is so I am locked into a premium. Does that really matter?
I was in an accident today and the other person left the scene, cops came and got all of my info... my car is REALLY banged up.... i have michigan no fualt insurance becuase that is all i can afford... a $500 deductible ..what does this mean? how much will my insurance company cover to get my car fixed? thanks""
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
0 notes
cheap 1 day cover car insurance
"cheap 1 day cover car insurance
cheap 1 day cover car insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I think my short term disability due to giving birth got messed up?
So I want on leave on May 20th due to best rest. I used all my vacation and leftover sick time, and the rest is paid by short term disability, a total of about 9 weeks total. I stayed home 6 weeks after my baby was born since my work doesn't cover any of my pay. I work in a very small private business, just 3 of us. My boss had never handled maternity leave before, and I think he did it wrong. A few weeks after I gave birth he said he got a check from the disability insurance agency, it was made out to his business. So he cashed it and wrote me a check for the total amount from his business account. There was no explanation of how to dole it out, so he just gave me the total amount. Then, just now, 3 weeks later, I got another check mailed to my home from the insurance company?? What happened? I should of only got paid for the 3.5 weeks I believe from short term disability because I was paid for the rest. The insurance company is not open until tomorrow so I cannot call them yet.""
Question regarding auto insurance claim?
Recently, our car got pummeled by a hailstorm. We went to a bodyshop prior to the meeting with the damage adjuster (which is today), and was told by the tech that our car would require both conventional and PDR repair. However, the estimate report was written up today for PDR repair only. Does that mean I'm limiting to PDR repair only? Or can the bodyshop challenges the insurance company's estimate and go for the conventional & PDR repair?""
Cheapest Volkswagen Golf to insure first time driver 17?
mainly looking at diesel looked into the tdi gt and tdi 1.9 any other suggestions i am 17 i have 1 year ncb on a motorbike , garage , etc etc what car would be the cheapest to insure out of the models""
Is there anyway we can boycott all the 'LOOKING FOR CHEAPER CAR INSURANCE ADS'?!?!?
They are so annoying!!
How much would the cost of my father's car insurance increase if I became a young named driver?
I'm currently 19, approaching 20 and haven't started my lessons yet. It has been arranged that if and when I pass I will be put on as a additional named driver on his insurance. He must have a significant no claims bonus and the car is about 6 years old. The car would not be considered sporty/powerful. I know you can't give me an exact number but if anyone has gone through this how much did your premiums increase by? And/or on a percentage scale how much this would likely increase.""
How much car will insurance cost for me?? please help?
becoming a new driver and driving a 1982 corvette with a v-8 how much would the car insurance cost, will it be higher because the car is costly but also cheaper because its not a big vehicle and cannot do as much damage ?""
Insurance companies that will insure a Cat C motorcycle?
I got an online quote for my insurance broker, they took the reg and all was fine until i phoned up and they said they dont insure total loss vehicles.. so now im looking to find a place that will. Otherwise i will be looking for a frame n logbook from another bike lol""
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
Breast Reduction/Will my insurance cover it?
I submitted my request through my primary doctor and of course they denied it. However, they sent me an approval to see a plastic surgeon, so I went. She said I was a great candidate and that she will send pictures and notes to my insurance. The insurance hasn't approved the reduction, but again they sent me an approval to get a mammogram done. is that normal? i got it done and of course everything is fine. I called the PS and they are resubmitting my request a long with the mammogram results. Am i on the right track? Do you think they will approve it?""
How much is a moped? Test and insurance?
Struggling to afford a car, so looking at buying a mope until I have a decent wage to afford a car. How much would the test be and on average how much would insurance be?""
Base salary start for insurance office in california?
How much do you estimate I'd get as an administrative assistant in an insurance office? I have a possible job opportunity to consider for them to help me become a licensed agent and get commision and bonuses. The boss man said he does base salary.
Will my car insurance rates go up if i crashed a car as a valet?
backed into another car as a valet. My company has insurance. The insurance exchanged was my bosses, and the other 2 parties involved (car I was in and the car that was hit). My license number was taken down and I received a traffic ticket. Oh well. My real concern is does MY insurance ever find out about this? Or is it all on the company's insurance?""
Would it be a good idea for insurers to give a % of income they give out in claims?
We all look for the cheapest premium, but we have no idea how they would perform if you had to claim. I heard somewhere that car insurers give out much more that household insurance (or vice versa) and can't understand why.""
GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote?
I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated.
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
Car insurance thats cheap for kids?
I am 17 just bought a car and dont have any insurance i work and make around 120 a week, im still in school and am looking for insurance that is affordable.""
How can i get very cheap car insurance?
im 17 and i want to buy a small hatchback. ive been considering adding a family member as first driver but i would like ideas on how to make it cheaper with me as a main driver, pleaseeeeee help!!""
Car insurance please help !?
I am currently taking my driving lessons. When I pass I would like to get a car but carnt afford the insurance but I need a car for August as I work alot in the summer can I get car insurance and cancel it after a couple of months or is it like a 12 month contract am new to this please help.
Isn't the real problem causing a health care crisis in USA that cost of healthcare/insurance is too high?
Health care costs are out of control and so is the cost to insure. Because of the high cost of insurance many employers no longer offer what used to be a very common employee benefit. So now we millions of americans who are uninsured because they cant afford to go out and pay 600, 700,800, 900 dollars a month for private health insurance coverage. The rich and the fortunate ones with group insurance are taken care of. The ones who dont work and are on medicaid are taken care of, but the ones who are above the poverty line and work but are struggling as it is to make ends meet cannot afford the high insurance premiums and are left uninsured. We need to find a way to make health insurance and health care more affordable ..this is how people will get insurance on their own and the government will not have to tax us more to provide more free health care.""
Why is our group health insurance so much more expensive than getting an individual plan privately?
My husband gets insurance through his work, and they take out $170 a week (he gets paid weekly). So that totals about $730 a month for us and our kids plus maternity benefits. What confuses me is if we were to drop that insurance and get an individual plan with the same company, same deductible, same co-pay, including maternity benefits (exactly the same plan) it would run us about $440 a month. I thought that the whole point of getting on a group plan was that it would be cheaper. I would be okay with it being the same as private but it makes absolutely zero sense to me that it would be almost twice as much... Anybody want to explain? Or are they just screwing us over?""
Can car insurance cost more if you are a different race?
So I'm watching a judge show right now and the guy was like I didn't put the insurance in my name because I'm a black male, so it would be more. I put it in her name because she is a black female. What does race have to do with anything in the statement? Is it true that insurance is more if you are a different race?""
Where can I buy my own health/dental insurance at the cheapest price?
When I turned 19 I was no longer legally able to be on my parents insurance coverage. I need to find out where I can purchase my own insurance at a reasonably cheap price...It's ...show more
""Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
Accidently put wrong date of birth by 3 months on my car insurance?
Iv just accepted a quote online for car insurance without realizing my date of birth is wrong by 3 months, if i tell them to change this should it change the price of my insurance?""
Average auto insurance rates?
I'm doing a cost of living project for my Pre-Calculus class, and I need to find monthly cost for auto insurance. The project is hypothetical, and so far I have been unable to get any sort of estimation as my legal information is not accurate to my hypothetical information. So, I'm asking what would be a typical or average rate for a twenty-two year old female college graduate, relatively good driver, and first time buying insurance would be. The coverage should include Comprehensive and Collision, and it's just one driver, one car. Thanks a ton, and if you could tell me where you got your information, citation or personal experience, that'd be great as well.""
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cheap 1 day cover car insurance
Car Insurance company?
Hey I had this car accident. Therefore, I exchanged the whole information, including driver's license, plate number and everything. Even the guy's signature that he is responsible for this accident. Therefore, I called his insurance company representative last thursday, but the insurance guy was away, so he just received the voicemail. I called the representative again and he was still away from the desk. Would it possible this would take this long time? Thanks.""
How much would insurance cost for a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse?
Im 16 and just about to get my license! I have a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse and I was wondering how much insurance would be for it. Im a first time driver, but im also in a drivers ed class and I have good grades, so that should help with a discount hopefully! But with this info can anyone give me an average or something on what they think of the price of the insurance. Just remember, -first time driver -good grades/drivers ed class -2001 eclipse thanks!""
What is the best affordable device to locate my vehicle asap if it was stolen?
Don't tell me cops or AAA it doesn't work
Insurance with 6 points?
Hi, I would like to get a car because I'm nearly 17 and I have 6 points on my license for letting someone ride my moped in an empty car park. Does anyone know where I could get insurance, so far I have been quoted 6500""
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
""Car insurance under dads name, but he doesn't have or use a car?
My dad just got a bill in the post for around 300 for car insurance However he doesn't drive a car nad hasn't for years and im sure its for my brothers girlfriends car but hes listed as the main driver or something will he have to pay the bill
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone have any idea on the cost on motorcylce insurance.. I'm 26 clean record..Thinking about getting a new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
Can I drive the car on my own insurance?
I have car insurance and I am allowed to drive any car with the owners permission,does the car I am borrowing have to have its own insurance for me to be able to drive it lawfully""
What should you do if you hit a car but have no insurance?
my friend hit a car the other day but he has no insurance,the damage done to his car was very minor and he only scuffed the bumper of the other car, it appears the other driver wants to claim, should my friend admit to no insurance ? please help ive run out of ideas for him..............""
How much would it cost to insure these cars?
How much a year would it cost to insure a: 57 reg Renault Clio 1.1L and a 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L I'm 18, female live off the main road and the car would be kept on a driveway, i live in a quiet little village in Derbyshire, the insurance groups for both are group 1. It will be used to drive to and from college each day so around 20 miles a day, no enhancements on the car, cars have done 17,000 miles, i have had my license for 1 month. Thanks.""
Would it be cheaper to put my name on my parents insurance ?
would it be cheaper to put my name as an additional driver instead of my own as i got the cheapest quote as 3000 euros for my own policy would it be cheaper to put my name as an additional driver on theres? my parents have 25-28 years experience with no claims ?
Will my car insurance go down?
Hi Ive just renewed my car insurance and had a major reduction, i got through my first year paying 4800 (800 deposit and 380 for 10 months) now ive renewed and im paying 1600 (500 deposit and 110 for 10 months). My question is i am moving out of the area i live to live in gloucester, ive done quotes for my car in that area with all the same details as now just with a different address and my insurance is just above 600 not 1600! does this mean if i move and contact my insurance company (RAC) that they will reduce my payments or will i have to still pay the same for the next 11 months? Thank you""
Does having a coupe or a sedan affect your insurance rates?
I'm going to get a new car, and realy want a coupe, but I heard that insurance cost more because is more sporty. Can anyone help.""
Would my car insurance rates go up if I switch?
I'm insured with geico but I've found a better deal with esurance. I can't afford to pay both. I want to cancel with geico and start over with esurance before the geico policy cancels. If I did this would esurance charge me a higher rate? I know it will effect my credit negatively.
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Car Insurance?
How does the car insurance work here in NYC, I don't fully understand, if you have AIG how much does insurance go up for your parents if you are 17. I've heard 1500-2000, (Is this true?)""
Insurance for Infiniti G35 Coupe and Sedan ?
I live in California, is there any difference and if there is how much its difference would it be approximately ? I am 20 years old.""
Is it legal for the State to randomly demand proof of insurance?
Here's the deal. I got a letter from the Ohio BMV saying that I have been randomly chosen to prove I have insurance on one of my vehicles. I do have insurance, have always had insurance, (at least for the last 25 years or so) As I got to thinking about it, it started bugging me because it seems that this violates my 4th, and possibly my 5th, and potentially my 6th amendment rights. The letter kindly apologizes for any inconvenience, then states that if I do not comply, my license will be suspended. I begrudgingly intend to comply, just to avoid any hassle, but before I do (I have 3 weeks) I was hoping someone could explain to me how this can be legal. I can kind of understand having to prove compliance during a traffic stop, but randomly??? Through the mail??? The audacity of these people is troubling. Game on.""
Good first car? insurance?
ok well i wanted an eclipse but they are classified as a sports car so im wondering about the dodge neon not the srt 4 just a normal neon, like are those considered sports cars? im looking for an 04 or newer because im gonna buy my first car sometime and i dont want insurance through the roof so if you can tell me i would appreciate it""
""Do you think that the government ought to put a cap on car insurance ,and the prices they charge since its law""
car insurance is at rediculous rates. government says everyone has to have it , and insurance companies are making it almost impossible to afford. I have a wife and 2 kids we have to have 2 vehicles. but i can't afford the insurance on either one of them. now i'm breaking a law. what does anyone else think.""
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
What is the best kind of health insurance for fertility treatment?
Shopping for insurance and would like an honest answer from the people. I know I will be seeing a fertility specialist and doing lots of lab tests. Does anyone know which kind of insurance would best fit my needs? fyi, I live in northern California. Would a health savings account work?""
How to get cheaper insurance?
I was just wondering, what insurance companies are looking at, like if you are older the insurance is cheaper, if you got no claims benefits, car engine and make and is there anything else that reduces car insurance price? If you haven't got a car but hold a license for like 2 years is the insurance going to be cheaper as well?""
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Changing motorcycles and insurance question?
Long story short I have got a new bike. The bike I am Insured on has about 2 months left before I gather another year no claims. However, I was wondering would/do Insurance companies offer a way for me to transfer the next/last 2 months to my new bike (At a possible cost) then charge me a full year when its due (In 2 months) Any help will be appreciated. I don't want to phone my insurance up cause every time I phone someone like that and tell them I have a new bike I want to insure they go crazy and keep phoning me! I have 1 years NCB and i'll be 18 in 2 months (when I will get 2 year NCB) Cheers Geoff""
How can I get Cheaper Auto Insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi Evolution was wondering if it is possible to get cheaper insurance? My Father owns a Business can we classify it as a business Vehicle? I'll be 18 when i buy it. I can afford the payments, Just not insuracne, lol""
How much is insurance for a new driver that is a male with a 97 sports car?
I'm turning 16 soon and need to find out
How much would car insurance cost for me?
1) I will be 18 by the time I get my car 2) I'm a male (my friend said that counts) 3) I will have a weekend job, and go to college 4) I have never gotten a ticket, or into an accident 5) I will own the car, not rent it How do I sound to insurance companies?""
""Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?""
hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time""
Help with insurance for 17 year old first fresh driver?
my quote was 4,200 :( that's too much it more then a car LOL but like i heard something about this policy between two drivers can anyone explain how it works and if i crash on this policy will the other drivers no claim bonus be effected?""
""If my friend owns a car, can I have full insurance on it?""
If my friend owns a car and I am making payments to him to eventually own it, is there a way that it can be fully insured in my name?""
Cheap car to insure at 17years old?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)""
""Car insurance rates are through the roof and I don't know why, help!?""
I need help with car insurance, I'm having some problems. Okay, I'm a 21 year old single, never married, male and I got my driver's license when I was 18 in March 2008. Now, I know my car insurance rates are high because I'm young and a guy, but here's the problem. I see people who are about my same age who have been driving for the same amount of time as and have no accidents, violations, or tickets like me. My car insurance rates are ridiculously high, I mean insanely high, even compared to others my age. My younger brother even, he's had his license for a year, he's 19, and had 3 speeding tickets and still pays less than me. On average for my car insurance rates, getting quotes online range from about $1500 all the way up to $2500 for 6 months! I used old vehicles, new vehicles, safe vehicles, unsafe vehicles, every kind of car/truck you could imagine and my projected rates are still through the roof. For example, for full coverage with the minimum amounts and highest deductibles, my insurance on a 2010 Mazda 3 would be about $1800-$2300 for 6 months. However, I also got a quote for a 1997 Ford Escort and the same exact coverage is still $1200-$1300. I don't get why my rates are so much higher. A coworker of mine is 21 years old, not married, no tickets, and has had his license since 18 like me, and he has a 2007 Mazda 6 and he only pays about $170 a month, which translates to about ~$1050 for 6 months. I put in my information including SSN on the same company's web site that he uses (Geico) and my insurance rates are about $1700 for 6 months. So my question is why are my insurance rates so high? I have no tickets, no moving violations, no accidents, nothing, and yet insurance rates are so high. I figure SOMETHING has to be on my driving record, but I can't imagine what. How can get a copy of or look at my driving record? I just want to know why my rates are so much higher than other people, male or female, who are about my age and have been driving for about the same amount of time and yet I still pay 2x or 3x as much as me. Please help me out! =)""
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Car Insurance?
How much do you think it would be (insurance wise) to put a 04 or 05 Mazda RX8 on my insurance? Cause its not under sports car since it has 4 doors. And it would be under my moms name.
Which auto insurance company offers the best six month rates for a 19 yr old male?
im looking for a company public or private where i can get a 6 month premium for under $2500. the rates i get or ridiculous. am i expected to cough up $6500 for a 1 yr premium at minimal coverage with all discounts (6 hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included in the premium? thanxxx in advance for ur help""
Will a suspended license affect my insurance?
I just found out my license is suspended in another state from a ticket I don't remember getting from 2003. They just put in on my record because I've been to the DMV several times after 2003 and no one ever said anything about a suspension. I have an opportunity to get a new job, but they have to check with their insurance as I will be driving a company vehicle. Will the suspension affect the insurance? My personal insurance rate has not been affected nor has my current company's insurance said anything about it.""
My 13 Year old Son got an insurance quote in the mail for my car?
How could they have gotten his name on a quote for insurance on my car? Thanks!
Used Car insurance cost?
If i buy a 2010 ford escape used will insurance be any cheaper than if i buy it new, considering im 25 and have a clean driving record""
Home equity loan insurance?
We are remodeling our home for $150,000 and are wondering about home equity loan insurance. The bank offers insurance, but I'm wondering what our other options are. How much should we get and for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you!""
How long until you need car insurance??
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..We do not have any insurance and are planning on buying a used car from a dealership. i tried looking online for quotes but i need the info for the car first..i dont have it..i dont even know which car im getting all i know is i got ten thousand for a car.""
Where can I get consultation for health insurance?
I have been having a lot of insurance problems after about a year ago I went to a PCP for chest pain. They charged me for a general check up ($100) and referred me to 3 places, a hospital for an ultrasound (hospital bill $3500, doctor bill $750), a place for x-rays ($75), and a thoracic surgeon consult. The surgeons office was the only one to warn me that my insurance would not pay for their consult. My insurance, UnitedHealthcare, has only put in about $2000 towards the ultrasound and I am left with a lot of bills that I had no idea I would have until months after these was all done. Now I feel very frustrated and I do not feel like I can trust any insurance company to help me. I was wondering if there are businesses that can help me get the best insurance for me and explain how much everything will cost as I do it. I find it way too confusing to figure out on my own. I have a thoracic disorder which I was born with and I may need surgery. I have had health insurance under my parents until 23, then I got this insurance with UnitedHealth care when I turned 24.""
Can I get a company car as a Farmers Insurance Co. Agent?
So im becoming a Farmers Insurance Agent. I'd like to know if I can get a company car to commute to and from work and if possible for private use? I currently do not have a car but I am a licensed driver. My office will be 30 miles away, one way only so 60 miles each day. I currently have no money to purchase a new car and I've no work experience either. I'm not sure if Farmers offers company cars but I'd believe they do. Any advice? Thanks in advance.""
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
""What is the cheapest auto insurance company in the province of New Brunswick, Canada? HELP!?
I have a new car - 2007 Nissan Versa
What should you do if you hit a car but have no insurance?
my friend hit a car the other day but he has no insurance,the damage done to his car was very minor and he only scuffed the bumper of the other car, it appears the other driver wants to claim, should my friend admit to no insurance ? please help ive run out of ideas for him..............""
How to deal with car accident with no insurance?
FYI: this falls under New Mexico laws I drove a small 2 door honda civic and was on my way to school. There was alot of traffic being it was around lunch time and i was approaching an intersection when this dodge durango came out of nowhere and tried to cross in front of me. (I had the green light) I tried to brake and swerve but my driver side front end hit her passenger front end. I didnt have insurance at the time of the accident and she came and said it was completely her fault and that she went because the other drivers were waving her to go ahead and go. She was 19 with no DL so ended up getting 2 tickets. I, on the other hand,didnt get any tickets and took an ambulance to the E.R. being i was having bad chest pain so my husband emptied the car because it was pretty much totalled. So, since ive never been in an accident before, what steps can i take to make sure she pays for this? I have a disabled husband, a 6 year old child, and now without a car with injuries i cant afford to have right now.""
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cheap 1 day cover car insurance
Maternity leave- short term disability insurance?
Is there a private company that offers short-term disability pay? I am not pregnant, but I plan on getting pregnant within the next year. My employer does not offer short-term disability, and the only company I have found that offers STD coverage is Aflac. With Aflac, it HAS to go through the employer, and my employer said no. Does anyone know of any way to get private coverage through any insurance company for maternity leave if your boss is a douchebag?""
Will my car Insurance rates up if my car was vandalized?
My car was vandalized and there was about $1100 in damage. I m paying the $500 deductable and my insurance is paying the rest. Will my rates go up?
Does an not guilty accident effect the insurance rate in California?
the type where the opposite side confesses of their guilt but the case goes to insurance. will next time my insurance raise or it will be unaffected?
How does a car insurance work?
So the other day i hit an 06 mustang and it left a 1 inch dent it was very small i exchanged info and all then the lady called me and told me the damages were $1008 my insurance said they are going to go check the car to make sure, i was just wondering the dent seemed like a $250 dent will the insurance give them what they say or what the lady says its supposedly worth?""
How much is insurance?
how much is insurance for a 1978 corvette stingray?(i want to know how much it is and also if that price is low or not also if i got a older corvette would the insurance go down?) i am 16 but i have a 3.5 gpa im also a guy if that changes anything also my parents insurance is really low.
Do I need my own insurance to drive my mothers car?
What I would like to do it borrow my Mother's car to drive to work, which is less than 2 miles away. Do I need to have my own insurance, or will her insurance cover me if I'm driving her car?""
Can you have insurance in two state?
I am a resident of California but moved to Washington for school. I need a car to get around and being the typical college, I'm trying to cut down on expenses. I was wondering if I got a car here in WA could I just add the car into my mom's car insurance policy in CA or would I have to pay for my own car insurance here in WA? Also would it be cheaper and better if I bought a car in CA then just have it shipped to WA? That way it'll have a CA license plate. Please help and let me know. Thank you.""
RX-8 annual insurance cost?
So I'm 18 and male, just got my license and need to buy a car soon. Set my sights on an 04 RX-8, but I need to know if I could afford the insurance. I have no accident history (obviously) would be primarily commuting about 15 miles a day, and would go LIABILITY ONLY on my parents' plan. GUESTIMATES WOULD BE APPRECIATED AS WELL AS WHAT YOU PAY FOR YOUR RX-8!! Spank you bunches""
I cant find cheap car insurance HELP?
im 60+ male i want to buy a car for 900 pounds but the insurance is 500+ ive not got a car yet but will be a small car not for work but for every day and only 13-1400 engine size im in the uk can you advise on cheap car insurance tanks
""For pain and suffering money, how much is enough to ask for from your own car ins. company?""
I was in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (under 18 yrs old, no drivers' liscence, no car insurance, failed to yeild). My car was in the shop for 3-4 weeks, I just finished chiropractic care, and my ins. adjuster is going to meet w/ me soon. I have full coverage insurance plus 'uninsured drivers insurance'. So anything my regular car insurance doesn't cover my uninsured insurance pays for anything else. But he also let me know I will be getting 'pain and suffering money. How much should I ask for?!?! I don't even know an estimate of what I should ask for. The worst thing about it is, since the other guy doesn't have insurance, my dealing with my own insurance company. They said after my claim is settled, they will turn around and sue the other driver. I don't want to end up sueing my own car insurance company either. this is my first car accident.""
I have a a term life insurance calculator?
I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks""
""I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name?""
I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name? The description I have for the car(I know some of it is useless, to lazy to take it out): - Clean Title - 1993.5 - Toyota - Supra - About 178k. - 3.0 2JZ-GE N/A - Auto with Overdrive & Manual mode - Black on Black - Targa Top - Major maintenance was done at 171k including timing belt and water pump. - Aftermarket HKS Exhaust, full exhaust all the way through. -Aftermarket Ram Intake - Has the usual rock chips as a daily driver should. But I photographed the two major flaws on the car. Check the pictures out - A/C Blows cold, all the power options work except for cruise control. I think it may just be a fuse. - Doesn't have backseats.""
Can you get temporary car insurance for say a month?
I just got my car but i cant register it till next week. I got a permit to drive it but I do not have insurance, so I heard you can get temporary car insurance for a month. Im not really sure though.. HELP!""
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
Progressive good student discount question. PLEASE HELP!?
i just found out i have to pay $100 per month for my insurance and i just got my license but my parents can't really afford to pay that right now so i was wondering what is their required GPA for the good student discount in California, Please help me.""
High School Sport Insurance?
If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?
Rough estimate of my car insurance cost?
24 year old male, no accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series or 2010 audi A4 With that in mind, what's a rough estimate of what the car insurance would cost?""
What type of car insurance is the best for first time drivers?
About to buy a car for the first time just wanna kno wat car insurance would be the best for a 16 year old
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
""I'm 18, want a Toyota Supra in a few years. Need help!?""
I'm 18 and love cars, especially Jap cars. Before anyone starts, I'm not one of those boy-racer types, I'm genuinely interested in that car. I know you can get a 2nd-hand Supra for less than 5000, but can anyone advise on insurance and how/where to buy a Supra, by age 23/24? I plan on respraying the Supra a bright orange, and getting a bodykit for it - making it look really nice.""
Car insurance price?
any 17 year old drivers (males) wanna tell me the price of your car insurance? and the car you own? Cheers!
How much should my deductible be?
Its almost time to renew my auto insurance policy, and I have a $1000 deductible. Ive thought about going down to a $500 deductible, because I recently had some minor damage to my car (a kid threw a rock at my window and it broke) and my insurance would not pay for it because the estimate was under $1000. Whats the difference between the $1000 and $500? Are the monthly payments different? I am trying to save as much money as I can because Im in school and working part time for minuimum wage. Any thoughts?""
""How much would car insurance be for a f, pa, 16?""
how much would pa car insurance be for a 16 year old, female driver car suggestions: -mustang -X3 or any car on the hyprid/luxury end?""
Would my car insurance pay to fix a cracked windshield?
There was a crack in windshield 6 months ago. I have no ideal how it happened. Now it has gotten bigger and bigger. Would my car insurace pay to fix it now? I have AAA car insurance.
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
cheap 1 day cover car insurance
cheap 1 day cover car insurance
0 notes
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
"Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do you handle car insurance when student goes away for college?
Okay, so I am in Orlando, FL for college and my Mom is moving to California. Is there anyway I can be on her insurance in California, and still drive here? If I'm listed under insurance for living in Orlando, our insurance goes from $138 a month to almost $400 a month. My mom, nor myself, can't afford this. My job is a delivery job, so I HAVE to be insured. Any help here? I want REAL answers from someone who KNOWS what they are talking about. My Mom put it last year that I wasn't driving in Orlando, but isn't that illegal? She wants to do it again, but it's illegal, and they'll know it when they do my taxes. I keep telling her this, but she says not to worry about it. She's just concerned because she can't afford it. There has to be something we can do...""
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Who has a better idea for getting health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
The problem is that, without the mandate, insurance companies won't cover people with pre-existing conditions. Otherwise, people will just wait until they get sick to buy insurance. So you have to create a system where everyone is insured -- a mandate. OK, if you don't like the mandate, how would you get insurance companies to provide affordable insurance to people with pre-existing conditions without a requirement for everyone to have insurance Your solution has to cover the situation where a person gets laid off, wants to start their own business, and needs to buy affordable individual coverage (not group coverage) for themselves and their family. You have 30 minutes. Begin....now.""
Specialist insurance- evos?
im 22 years old and i really would like a mitsubishi evo 4. but the cheapest insurance ive found so far is 1900 fully comp, but apparently you can get specialist insurances for certain cars so is this possible and if so whats the website? i live in the uk. thanks""
""If minors can't sign contracts, why can they get their own car insurance?""
If minors can't legally sign contracts, then why can we get our own insurance policies? The policies are way higher in price, but in Virginia, where I live, you can legally have your own insurance policy and insurance, separate from your parents. They don't have to sign anything, they don't even have to know that you have the policy. Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all of them do it.""
How much would this cost? (car insurance) on average?
I hope to drive when i get too 17. Ive already got 900 saved for driving lessons, And the car will be bought for a 18th birthday present. Im just wondering how much it would be on average to insure myself, at 17, with a car probably about 04/05 Plate, maybe a corsa, or a KA, not something to flashyy. How much on average will it cost in insurance per month?? Thanks..""
Life Insurance or Mortgage Insurance?
which one is better. I live in canada (BC) I have income disability insurance but it doesn't cover my mortgage amount. Incase of a death of one partner the other will get anywhere from 30 000 to 100 000 (depnds on how death happens) plus monthly checks of app.2000 for 2 yrs plus funeral expenses. I pay 108 a month for this. Shuld i cancel my policy and get mortgage insurance do most people out there have mortgage insurance? Is it true that you can not have more than one policy? any experts out there pls advise?
Any one know anything about the new medical insurances?
Please tell me that my co-payments will be less! I pay $15 for my primary care physician, $25 to see a specialist, that my primary care physician sends me to, from time to time, and $25 for lab blood tests. Most of my medicine co-payments are reasonable. Except two: $60 each every 30 days. Ouch. I am 60 and working full-time.""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.
Is the high cost of health care and insurance the result of...??
malpractice suits or profiteering on the part of HMO's and insurance companies?
2000 grand prix insurance?
how much would it cost a 16 yr old to insure on a 4 door 2000 grand prix GT. we have statefarm and are just trying to get an idea of the price. he has good grades and took the driving class also.
Which auto insurance companies only go back three months for accidents and violations?
Which auto insurance companies only go back three months for accidents and violations?
What is a good health insurance plan for two snowbirds that travel between NY and FL?
Hello. I am 67 and my wife is 61. We are going to begin living between New York and Florida now, half of the year in Florida and half in New York. What kind of health insurance is popular for our situation? What is the most affordable plan? We want to be insured throughout the entire year in both FL and NY. I am 67 and my wife is 61. Thank you.""
Which car insurance company would be the best for a 16yr old?
I am about to get my license and want to know what car insurance company I should get, How much should I expect to pay?""
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
Why refused car insurance because of one criminal offence?
Can someone explain why this is happening, and since when? How does this affect your driving? I have one assault offence and have been refused car insurance, what nonsense is this country coming to?""
Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?
I think they're group 1 or something, because insurance is a ripoff, so a car thats cheap to insure and runs would be great? Any recommendations and can someone explain this whole insurance group malarky to me please? I will most likely be a Named driver too and my mother will be the Main, if this makes any difference, thanks.""
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Teen driving auto insurance.?
I am a 16 year old man and i am a week away from being eligible from getting my licence. If I were to get my licence would I need to obtain auto insurance? I would drive my parents car not my own so would I need Insurance or would my rates be deductable explain please thanks for answering.
Insurance would cost for 21 male?
how much would it cost me if i get liability not full coverage ... i havnt bought a car as yet but im thinking of buying 95 accord 4 dr or 96 maxima ... just curious to know what my insurance would be...
Insurance License transfer?
I work as a Insurance salesman and I have life, health, property and casualty licenses. My boss paid for the training and the test, I am a 1099 and appointed to his agency and I am considering leaving his office, do I get to bring my license or is it onl valid under him? I work in california.""
Someone American please answer this Q about Car Insurance?
I am debating on whether or not to do a roas trip in america. I am English and will be 19 and have 1 years no claims when i go. I am male aswell btw (double the price of insurance lol). How much can i expect to pay for insurance and is it possible to buy a car there and insure it??? Obviousily i want to buy a cool non-european car like a dodge to do it in...is that impossible. I would prefer it if you could give me figures for car insurance per month.
What is the cheapest type of car insurance?
What is the cheapest type of car insurance?
Consequence of lending your car in terms of car insurance?
If I lend my car to my brother or sister, but I have car insurance, will they get a ticket when they drive? The car insurance covers the cost of the damage to the car, so does it matter who is driving it? What is the purpose of having someone as a secondary driver?""
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
Do I need to get insurance for me to drive my parent's car?
I'm 15 and a half and I want to get my driver's permit but will I need to get insurance for myself if I want to drive my parents car? My parents have insurance on the car and for themselves. Won't I be covered with my parent's insurance? If so, how much will it cost to get insurance?""
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 16, ill be on the car by myself. the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition. i have state farm along with my family so ill be on their plan, ive done the steer clear program and have good grades which both give me a discount! does anyone have an estimate of what is might be per month????""
Auto insurance question?
what typically happens if ur drivin without insurance and get into an accident that wasnt ur fault...
How Will Obamacare affect Health Insurance premiums?
I am 35 and have applied for health insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield. I have GERD and Anxiety. I believe Blue Cross Blue Shield will try to deny me coverage for those since I already have them. I am thinking of waiting until 2014 so that they won't be able to. But I'm curious. how will Obamacare affect the insurance premiums? If I wait that long will the premiums go up or down?
How much would my auto insurance be? read details?
I'm a 16 year old male. i live in a small town (25000). I would use the car to drive to school and sports activities. It would be a red 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 5.7L LT1. Its a coupe and a v8. i would be on my family's auto plan with my mom, dad, and brother. so how much do you think it would cost to add me to it?""
Driver doesn't have license or insurance?
My fiance sister is 19 & keeps taken their mom's car with total permission. She has a permit but not a license or insurance. What would/could she be charged with if she was pulled over or in an accident. Could his mom get in trouble too? I thought his mom had to press Grand theft auto charges for the insurance company to fix/replace the car. What happens with Grand theft auto charges?
Complicated car insurance question. Car damaged mulitple times. How should we handle this?
My husband and I bought a beautiful gold ford escape two years ago and, since we are still making payments on it, it is fully covered by Geico. Last winter, two separate events ...show more""
17 Yr Old Car Insurance?
Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay""
It is better to get my insurance or let my fathers insurance go up?
i got a speeding ticket and got traffic school from the court,the problem is my car and insurance is register under my fathers name so i cant take the test without an insurance in my name i am 17 yrs,so is it cheaper to get an insurance in my name at 17 or pay the ticket and cancel the scheduled court date for the traffic school (if possible) and let my fathers insurance go up about 10-15%?""
Is there a CHEAP car that fits my needs?
Hey, Im a soon to be 19 year old, looking for my first car, I iwll be getting my licenses next month and was wondering is there like a cheap big body cars out there sorta like the ...show more""
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
How to become an insurance underwriter?
Im looking to move on in my career and I am really interested in becoming an Insurance Underwriter. I am currently studying for the CII FIT exam and was wondering what else I would require. Any help appreciated thanks.
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
Does anyone have either Geico or Progressive car insurance.? Or any of the smaller national companies?
I need to change from State Farm. They are charging me an arm and a leg after 10+ yrs as a customer, and a good driving record. But the past year I have been 'dinged' several times. Which has cost me a very considerable raise- 75%- in premiums. I am getting good rates from Geico and Progressive. But I do not know of anyone in my family or circle of friends who have either of the 'new guys'. I would like some feedback. Thanks""
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old?
I am looking at buying a 2001 Chrysler neon to build up my insurance and I am wondering would it be a cheap car for me to insure as a primary driver also the car will be a base model.
How do i get my insurance quotes lower for driving?
im 17 and i want to insure a car but every quote i get is allways about 4000 - 10000, is the any way i could get them lower on my quotes? like having another person as a driver and things like that?""
What is the average cost of life insurance?
I know individual circumstances apply, but there must be an average monthly cost somewhere. 33 years old, Male Looking for term life insurance, 500K I was just given a monthly quote for $28 per month""
Should I switch to a $20/month health insurance plan?
Alright, I have health insurance through my employer and I pay over $100/month. My friend has an individual policy and only pays $20/month. He thinks I should switch to have the same health insurance as him. What's the catch? Should I change health insurance policies?""
My insurance rates went up for buying a prius?
E-surance added 300 dollars to my 6 month term for buying a Prius. They said it is a new car, and that they cant find the safety ratings. Is this just non sense, and is their another insurance company that wont penalize me for buying a safer, fuel efficent car?""
What car companies have a low insurance for newly passed driver?
i want to buy car i am intrested in mazda rx8, i am wondering what car companies are good for low insurance.""
How can i get insurance?
I cant find any decent prices. The cheapest i found was 255 pounds every month for a 0.9 Litre Fiat seicento, its a horrible litlle car and it cost too much to insure anyway, and the mpg its pretty bad for 0.9L petrol, 35.8mpg Anyway where can i find a decent price for a 18yr old that lives in lonon, 0 NCB, hold a clean licence for 2months""
How should i best pay car insurance?
Okay, so I'm trying to understand car insurance. It says my premium is $833.75 which I guess is the total amount for the insurance for the entire year. I pay $157/month for the full year which is $1000 over that premium. Is that correct? Can I change my month to month plan to annual and just pay the rest of what I owe up front to save me money? Why does it cost so much more month to month?""
Roughly how much would a BMW x3 in group 16 insurance cost?
My mum wants to buy this new BMW x3 2004 and it's in group 16, so is there a rough guideline of how much it would be for a years insurance?""
What percent of damage will Infinity Insurance total a car in california?
according to kelly blue book, car is valued at 15,660 for private party sale damages came out to 8,566 that is about 54% in damages i dont want to drive a car that is this damaged, because it wont be as safe, even after repair. if its not quite at their totaling percentage, is there a way i can insist or push the insurance into totaling the car? and would the fact that Infinity is a real cheap insurance effect their percentage to total?""
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
Where can I find test on life insurance?
I'm thinking of selling life insurance where can I find the best materail for a study guide?
My mums with the AA car insurance what are the likely implications for canceling her insurance mid way?
my mum has paid annually (141 quid) lucky sod. and she is considering canceling it to add me to a cheaper car insurer as adding me on the AA insurance is MIND BLOWINGLY EXPENSIVE, (talking 5grand plus per annum) and with aviva its less than half that... but before she cancel she wants to make sure the AA have no hidden cost as all they state is a refund will be paid if insurance has been paid in full and a cancelation fee of 50 must be paid. thats all the information she could find but she wants to know if there are any hidden tricks insurers pull off if your try and cancel.... please help i know its a bit wordy.""
VW Golf third-party insurance for a new driver?
Looking at getting a car, just passed my test and considering a VW Golf Mk4 (1.4 - 1.6l as a max) I'm not 17, I'm 20 - Would this go in my favour? How much can I expect to be paying, is it manageable?""
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
Can I keep my parents from knowing that my insurance rate has gone up?
I recently got a ticket in Steelville, Missouri for going 15 over the speed limit. I am insured under my parents name. My insurance rate is so high that if I get one more ticket, then I will be dropped by the company. Is there anyway I can keep my parents from knowing about the ticket on insurance? Can I do anything to get rid of the fine on insurance""
19 year old female just passed driving test. need cheap insurance quotes. is anyone else in the same situation?
i am a 19 year old female and have just passed my driving test. i know the insurance quotes i get are going to be expensive but does anyone know who is best to go with (cheapest) and is anyone else in the same situation? Thanks
What are life insurance quotes and its advantage?
What are life insurance quotes and its advantage?
Difference between health and life insurance?
Difference between health and life insurance?
Is my insurance company liable?
My insurance company offered me a policy to cover a de restricted scooter which I agreed to take out, but in order for this policy to take effect I had to give up 4 months of cover totalling around 160 and pay a 80 deposit on the new policy. Last week I was sent a letter notifying me that my insurance was cancelled so I called them and was told that I had to return a copy of my CBT certificate. I rang on Sunday and was told a completely different story and that was that the company they placed me with had decided that they were not going to cover me even though the whole point of changing them was because they specificity dealt with my type of vehicle . They have now offered another policy for 515 pounds with is 100 pounds more than my previous and I am not willing to pay this as they lied to me and told me that I was insured to ride around even though they knew that I was not covered. I have copies of the insurance certificate to prove that they sold me the policy and all other relating documents. Please advise on what I can do.""
First car - Cheap insurance?
NOT a tiny one, such as a corsa, fiesta, polo or golf. I'm looking to pay between xx- 2000. I'd like something sort of saloony, in black. I WAS looking at a Hyundai Coupe. So something like that if possible. I do choose best answers!""
Which is best health insurance company in india?
Hi, I want to buy health insurance for my family. So which is best health insurance company in india? Thanks""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Motorcycle insurance?
i have seen things that say motorcycle insurance is ALOT more then car insurance and things that say car inurance is ALOT more then motorcycle insurance and i dont really know if any one will be able to give me accurate answer to my question but i just want an idea of how much the insurance would be for an 18 year old, with a Honda Rebel, in south texas ((or if there is some where i can find out, that would help to))""
Get SORN first or cancel car insurance?
Hi, might be worth checking this thread out first: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiWBX1zk4PVIcYSG9D1wU2AhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130624061149AAg0TyU I've got the MOT done. But financially, still struggling. My Road tax notification came in and also got an insurance renewal reminder. Road tax expires on 31.8.2013 and car insurance on 3.9.2013 I want to get the car off the road so intend to go down the SORN route. Do I cancel my insurance first? Then get the SORN or vice versa or does it not matter which way I go first? Secondly, if I cancel my insurance, any likelihood I might get some cash back if they pro-rata the insurance for the year? Thank you.""
Car insurance??
I have had my license for about 5 months until i got into an accident. I hadn't killed anybody, but they did go to the hospital to get checked. My ticket was reduced to a parking violation. The whole accident was me hitting a car from behind. Nothing much happened to their car, but mine had 4k worth of damage i had to pay for. How much do you think my insurance would rise a month?""
Young mens experiences of high insurance premiums?
Im a 18year old male that has a full Uk driving license but I don't have a car because of my insurance being quoted at 2500. Just wondered if any else had similar experiences and is it any wonder lots of young men go around without insurance.
""My insurance comp insured my car with a salvaged title, am i gonna have trouble?
I have had full coverage insurance with my insurance on my car for over 2 years and my car has a salvaged title. Recently it endured hail damage and instead of fixing my car they are totalling it out and letting me keep my car minus the cost a salvage yard would pay them. It is valued at 1600-500 for what they could sell it for and i stand to get 1100 but they want me to send them a copy of the title. Am i gonna have trouble since the title says salvaged on it and get less money? They never asked me about my title when i got insurance on it.
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Best Insurance Rate/Company after DUI/DWI?
I got a DUI about a year and a half ago (Yes, I know very stupid) I switched insurance companies after it happened to get a better rate. I am with Progressive now and paying about $190/month. I live in NC and drive a 10 year old Jeep Wrangler, I have an excellent driving record with no tickets or accidents, the only thing on my record is the DUI. Does anyone have any advice on which insurance company might offer the best rates or if there is anything I can do to lower my rate? Is there any way to get coverage without them checking my driving record and seeing my DUI??? Thanks""
California Speeding ticket and no proof of insurance?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
Need auto insurance info on transferring to another state?
My son just moved to IA from NY. He is using one of my cars, registered in MY name. I tried to transfer the insurance to HIS name, at his address in IA, but was told that its illegal to do so. I don't understand why I cant be the owner of a car in one state and have it insured in someone else name in another state. Is this true?""
How much would it cost on average to insure an Oldsmobile Aurora?
So I might inherit my grandparents Oldsmobile Aurora and I looked it up and it says its a sport sedan. Wouldn't that mean that the insurance will be double because it is a sports car?
How much is liability insurance?
I am going to be a new driver soon and I will be driving a 4x4 dodge single cab truck and I live in missouri and was wondering how much liabillity insurance would cost per month? Thanks!
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
What shold I do if I get into a car accident whith no one else involved but I totaled my car with no insurance?
I got into a car accident during a rainstorm, lost control and totaled my car. I still owe money on it and to make matters worse I found out my insurance lapsed. No one else was involved in it and I went to the hospital and didn't file a claim with the lien holder on the car yet. When I came back to the car it was gone. Don't know what to do next. Any answers out there for my predictament?""
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
How much would it cost to import this motorcycle from the U.S to Canada?
this bike costs $ 6000 U.S. How much would it cost to import this bike back to canada. I am looking for all the fees, taxes insurance(if it needs it) every single dollar i would have to spend to bring the bike from u.s to canada. Also if you could list the exact steps that i would have to go through how many days it would take to do everything. I will bring the bike back on a trailer. I have never done this and know nothing about how this works so detail is a must and all the costs are a must to i am looking for dollar amounts. thanks a lot""
What does it cost too get sr 22 insurance?
just need to know a ball park fig
How much is insurance for a 2005 V6 mustang for a 49 year old women?
My mom wants a mustang for her birthday just to drive back in forth to work. What will the insurence cost for her
Why are health insurance premiums skyrocketing?
I thought Obamacare was supposed to make health insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/
How much would the auto insurance go up if I got my drivers license?
Im about to turn 17 Im not going to get it right now but during the summer when I am 17. And I want a car but my mom says that its too expensive. I wouldnt ask for a car if i didnt need it but I need it for this program at school starting next year that I want to take. So I just want to know How much would the insurance go up. We have farmers auto insurance. so please tell me asap < = \
I'm 21 and attending school with no health insurance.?
I was on my parents insurance until they lost there's. What do you do? Health insurance is so expensive.
If you can't afford health insurance?
How will you be able to pay the $3800 fine proposed by the democrats? Also are those fines figured into the cost of the democrats insurance reform as a revenue to aid in paying for the program?
What's the Fastest way to be approved for disability in MA?
And for God sakes don't answer - to be legitimately disabled. That's obvious!!! I have chronic colitis, I'm frequently sick to my stomach and don't have insurance yet. I go to food banks to eat and can barely afford to even live much less do anything slightly fun. I really need disability and know people that have got it because they say they're depressed when their fine (as they told me). So please don't be cruel with a stupid answer. Any real tips?""
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
I need Insurance help?
Hey, I just got a full-time job that pays very well. I make roughly $1500 a month, and I was looking to get a new vehicle as a means of celebrating my new step into adulthood. The vehicle I was looking at was a 2005 Pontiac GTO. I'm 19 years old, so I would have to get my parents to help me with cosigning. That wouldn't be a problem, since my parents have good credit. Now, my parents said that they'd cosign if I pay for both the car payment and insurance monthly. I also pay $200 a month for medical insurance, phone bills, etc. The car payment monthly would be about $400 a month, so that would be about one check. My question is, does anyone know roughly how much insurance would be for me? I currently pay $122 a month on a 2002 Taurus, with just one speeding ticket on my record. Any ideas? Thanks""
What is auto insurance ?
can anybody explain what is auto insurance ?
Can you give me examples of how Obama care will drive up the cost of health insurance for employers.?
Im not totaly clear how and why exactly obama care is going to hike the cost of insuring employees. And are employers the only ones being effected by this new law mandating them buy health insurance for the federal goverment?
Is it true that you don't need insurance on a car registered in New Hampshire?
A friend of mine went to college in New Hampshire. She told me that in New Hampshire the state motto is live free or die and insurance on a car is optional but not required. I'm from New York where people pay out their ears for insurance on cars. I can't imagine that this is true. Is it?
What would be Cheaper car insurance?
im 18 and just wondering, what would be cheaper on insurance in belleville ontario? car, a truck, or a suv??""
Anyone have experience with Medi- Cal? or some other heatlh insurance assistance in CA?
I live in California. I am afraid that I might lose my job and health insurance before I have the baby. Does anyone know anything or every been on Medi-Cal? If so how did it work? Or are there any other options in California for pregnant women with no health coverage? Any information will be helpful and thanks!
Car insurance !!!!!!!!!!!!!?
does anyone no were to get cheap car insurance im 17 male and the quotes im getting are 3000 pound to 5000 pound and they are for 1.1 to a 1.3 and its stupid ive tried go compare mon Supermarket and i cant find any lower quotes can anyone help???
Car insurance help????????????
no one will give me insurance, yes iv made mistakes, and my insurance rate is high and i dont mind tht its just that some of the companys iv checked wont give me insurance iv had 2 speeding tickets at 17 mph ea, and 2 accidents, any1 know any company that will give me insurance? i went 17 over. and no1 was hurt in the accidents. iv tried state farm, all state, and triple A""
What's the cheapest car insurance?
& are add-on cars cheaper than the main car?
Impact of Auto Insurance Quotes on Credit History?
I am with Geico currently and is up for renewal. I am planning to take quotes from different companies. May be they offer me a low rate. But I am scared by the fact that it will impact my credit score. Can you please advice? I have been driving for 4.5 yrs with clean record.
""People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?""
me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have ...show more""
Reviews on best insurance company to work for?
thinking of working as agent for insurance company. Which company has best reviews to work for?
What raises car insurance premiums?
I accidently dented my roomies car with a scratch as well. I was told by a good friend since the car was parked if she took out a claim on it and she didn t list anyone who s at fault (in other words she doesn t know) that her insurance would pay for it. First is that true and if so, would that raise her rates? She told me it would raise her rates. Also she said all it needed was to be buffed, how much do those usually cost? She has a 2007 or 08 Saturn VUE. Because if the buff isn t that much it might not be worth it to challenge her. But there is a possibility the damage might be more then a buff can handle.""
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
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