#and we havent hung out in over a month and i just miss her
knipiko · 10 months
Change (In a house of flies) || Leon Kennedy x reader ANGST ||
Word count: 1k
A/N: I havent written in a while so dont expect anything good LMAOO
Summary: Leon was never a shell of a man he was, no matter what. he will still be the love sick Leon S Kennedy like he was yesterday.
WARNINGS!: Angst, Leon still loves ada, leons kind of a ass but hey we love a good angst fic
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You were a simple person, never needing much. Maybe that was from the grueling days you spent in training to become where you were now, or maybe it was from how troubled you were financially before you were taken into the DSO’s hands. But there was one thing you needed, and that was the truth. 
It was a chilled night with you and your partner, Leon Scott Kennedy. The man who survived Racoon City, Saved the president's daughter, and managed to finish his mission in Lanshiang, China with the help of Helena Harper. He was an incredible man, he was your man. But with a loyal, corny and friendly guy came a troubled and traumatic past. He never spoke of it unless it was needed, but you didn't care. You were never the one to pry deep in someone's past, especially Leon Kennedys.
“I can’t wait to just go home and take the longest fucking bath imaginable..” You shifted the strands of hair collecting over your face and pulled them behind your ear, holding your rifle firmly. You had just recently reunited with Leon after splitting up in the tunnel system to clear more ground and eliminate possible threats. He was a little later than you expected, but you just brushed it off as he had more ground to look through. This place was a disaster, you both were in Germany. In the tunnels of the Umbrella Corporations underground system because of some reports about a heavy amount of missing people around the area, with wires poking side to side or firmly against the spheritic walls, the wet concrete smell and the small puddles of water from one of the leaking water pipes just made the entire trip have a somehow relaxing feel to it. 
Leon had found Ada on his way to meeting back with you in the tunnel system, he missed her. More than he missed you during all those solo missions you leave for. Sometimes you would be gone for weeks, even months. And he would sit there in sorrow, not for his woman but for another he could never truly have, he would cry nights on end about Ada when you were gone, keychain in hand. The same one Ada gave him for the jet ski in Spain. He was stunned when he saw her in the tunnels, lovestruck and felt like he was meeting her for the first time all over again. Leon tried to forget about Ada, but he just couldn't. He talked with Ada, interrogating what she was doing in Germany. Ada kissed him goodbye before they parted ways as he began to find you again, realizing his mistake immediately after parting ways with his first love.
Leon just looked ahead of him, his handgun shifting in both of his hands,”Mhm..” He hummed. You glanced at his hands moving the handgun to each palm, his hands clammy,”Hey, you okay?” You slowed your walking speed to match his, Leon was never this nervous during missions. He looks– no, glances at you before holding his handgun firmly in his right hand, his entire body tensing up,”Yeah.” His jaw clenches up as he kept his eyes forward with the seemingly never ending tunnel. Leon was never like this, from the dozen of missions and the thousands of times you two have hung out, this was odd. His chest pinged with guilt, pain, and regret..
I mean, he WAS your boyfriend. Was it the humidity that made him sweat? 
That made him avoid eye contact with you when possible? 
That causes his back to straighten when even a single syllable slipped from your lips?
The whole situation pulls you from reality,’I'm overthinking this, I don’t even have a reason to overthink!’ You try to calm yourself and reach some form of explanation in your head. You chalk it up as some form of his past trying to come back in his mind, trying to pay no attention. Leon exhales as he sees an elevator, a sigh of relief. You both walked inside, Leon reaching the lines of buttons and pressed the 9th floor, just above where the both of you were. Your brain still trying to find rational understanding behind whatever the reason was behind his nervous behavior, not knowing what was such a big deal.
You swallowed your own spit, worry towering over you. If you just asked again he wouldn't want to talk, but it's better than nothing. Right? You turned your head towards Leon, clearing your throat to make his attention pull towards you,”You know, you're really shitty at lying about your feelings.” You grinned, trying to lighten the mood. After not receiving a response you speak again,”I know I shouldn't pry but, I love you. And I want what's best for you.” That made Leon's heart burn with guilt. He felt awful, but his feelings could never change for Ada. No matter how much he loved you.
You just weren't her. You weren't as flirtatious or mysterious as her, nothing like the beauty he was blessed by when he first saw Ada.
Leon just stood there in the elevator, letting the doors open as he walked out and searched a singular room. Anxiety swallowing him whole, You walked into the room and shut the door behind you, becoming more irritated than worried,”Leon, please.” You pleaded with him, his heart just crushed itself into pieces. Blinking the tears from his eyes before turning to face you.
He sighed,”I saw Ada while we were split.” You became confused, is that all he was worried about telling you? No, it couldn't be,”Is that all?” You asked, folding your arms together. Leon wiped the sweat off of his palms, looking at you with concern. You stared at him, your brain unable to put two and two together. No matter how easy it was, because part of you didn't want to believe what the other part was trying to say. 
Leon shook his head, running his hands throughout his hair,”No, uhm. You know how much I love you, right?” Leon smiled, at least tried too. He knew what he was about to confess, if he didnt he would forever be stuck with these ties of pain and being unable to seek forgiveness in himself. You stared at him, your tone becoming worried,”Yeah?... So, what about you and Ada?” 
He fumbled with his gun,”There's no easy way to say this but uh,” He paused, putting his hands on top of his face before wiping the sweat off, pinching the bridge of his nose,”Say it, Leon. You're making me nervous!” You spoke, practically shaking at the suspense. Leon bit his bottom lip, looking at you,”Me and Ada, well. Kissed, and I've realized I've loved her more than I've ever, loved you." He paused,"Your just not her.”
You were never Ada, could never be anything like her, and you knew it. From the countless stories and the handful of interactions with Ada you now understood.
That look Leon gave her.
That smile Leon gave her.
The way Leon even talked about her.
He was in love with her.
It was never you, he just needed a replacement to forget.
Forget about her.
You were stunned, unable to speak as you wet your lips. Jaw to the floor as you slowly shook your head, Leon continued,”For your comfort, I tried to hide the truth.” Your eyebrows furrowed, staring at him with pure disbelief at what the words were coming out of his mouth,”You only ever cared about your own comfort, Kennedy.” You stumbled against the own weight of what you said, your entire world was crumbling down. And you couldn't stop it. You were furious. You wanted to scream, curse every entities name for putting you in this position. For even meeting Leon Scott Kennedy.
“I still love you, just not the same amount as Ada.” Leon tried to come up with some excuse as he put his hands up dismissively. “You never loved me to begin with, Leon. I'm doing this mission without you.” You adjusted the rifle in your hand and opened the door, walking off.
Leon really hasn't changed since he was in Racoon City, not like he thought he has.
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kaihuntrr · 1 month
one-year anniversary!
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HI. oh my goodness can you believe its been a WHOLE YEAR (and a day, im posting this a day later OOPS-) since i started working on this au? i dont think i started working on the chapters until... the -ber months? but the general brainstorming started now and oh my GOD the amount of changes that has happened while working on this au is insane! im absolutely floored with how much people enjoy this au, and while im too busy to be posting art (im doing some personal work!) i have all the time in the world to talk about how much this means to me.
i've written things in the past, but i havent for the LIFE of me worked on such a long project such as this (we're only halfway through act one of FIVE!) and learning and growing with such wonderful betas and partner (ehehe @mewhoismyself hello there) is just so wonderful <3
SO! in order to make this anniversary special, i've decided to post a little cut/practice scene from act two! this couldnt make the cut with what the plot has in mind, but i figured itd be best to have some nice moments with scott and martyn, eh?
OH! and before i go, the next chapter will be posted a day earlier! <3 im going abroad the day after the original chapter posting date, so i need to rest. i think this back half of the fic is gonna be really something <3
anyway, i wont keep you here for longer. i hope you have a fun time reading this, just as much as my partner and i had fun writing this so many months ago <33
Martyn tried to listen as Scott rambled on about what he’d been up to, how nice it had been to see his friends again. He even tried to let the small twist of jealousy at Scott being so happy over seeing someone else wrench his attention back into the moment, but it didn’t work. The face of Pearl kept flashing in the forefront of his mind, her eyes and jagged scar glowing unnaturally under the moonlight. 
“Oh, and…,” Scott continued to ramble on, but Martyn still couldn’t focus. It seemed that Scott had noticed as his voice trailed off and he looked at the blonde with a tilted head. “Martyn…?”
Martyn gave a grumbled response. His mind blocked out the world around him as he pictured brief flashes of the island, the hollow and desolate stares of the people, the wicked laugh coming from Pearl….
Scott sighed. “Martyn….”
Martyn could still feel a slight buzz in his head from where he was hit. How much blood did he lose back there? He didn’t know. All he knew was that he was glad to be alive. Glad that he was here, still breathing, like everyone else. Glad that he was–
Martyn jerked as Scott’s face was suddenly inches from his own. Scott’s lips were twisted into a pout and his eyebrows were drawn into a scowl. “Huh- sorry, what?”
Scott sighed, letting his head fall forward, “So you weren’t listening to me….”
“No!” Martyn said quickly, throwing his hands up. Panic leapt in his chest, making his heart beat faster. He didn’t want Scott to think he was ignoring him…! “No, I- I’m… I’m sorry…,” he hung his head. “I’m trying to listen- I’m not meaning to ignore you, I just….” Martyn looked down at the sand beneath him. Guilt welled up in his throat. He’d been so eager to see Scott while he was away, and before he’d gotten back, and now that he was actually here… Martyn was ignoring him. He was making Scott feel ignored.
Martyn shook his head, forcing a huge smile onto his face. “So, you said you saw your friends, right? Did you have fun-? Oh, what am I saying, you just said you had fun- haha…,” Martyn scrubbed the back of his head, then straightened up, rolling to his feet. “Hey, do you wanna go see if we can find your bird friend? I bet it’s missed you too!” He pointed towards a path leading up to the forest, “Bet he lives in there somewhere…!”
“Um- Martyn…,” Scott trailed off looking after him.
Martyn took a few steps backwards, away from Scott, and spread his arms, hoping he’d follow. “Or we can go down to the beach! It’s a nice day, it’ll feel great to splash in the water a little.”
“Or- oh, we can go see the decorations they’re setting up for the festival down in the center of town. You said you were excited right, so we can-!”
“Martyn!” Scott snapped. 
Martyn stopped.
Scott took the few steps to close the distance between them, laying his hand on Martyn’s arm, then sliding it down to take his hand. He tilted his head, giving Martyn big sad eyes. “Martyn, talk to me…. What’s wrong?”
It was hard for Martyn to not crack under Scott’s gaze. “It’s just…,” he trailed off, trying to put his thoughts into words. He was just engrossed in them a second ago, but now, trying to tell Scott, he couldn’t think of what to say. “I… uh….”
“You’re alright, Martyn,” Scott rubbed his thumb over Martyn’s hand in a small, circular motion. “Take your time.”
A small pause fell over him. Martyn could hear the slow ebbs of the waves before he managed to speak. “I can’t get her out of my mind,” his voice spat with venom. Pearl’s sadistic glee, her manic grin, her ever-looming presence burned in his head. Martyn’s grip unknowingly tightened around Scott until he looked the other in the eye. His grip on Scott lessened as he looked away. “What good can I be to protect you, when I can’t defend myself from one person?”
“Who said I needed protecting?” Scott raised an eyebrow, his tone still soft but with a hint of skepticism as he leaned to the side to catch Martyn’s gaze again. He let out a weak chuckle and moved his other hand to rest on Martyn’s cheek. “Besides, you can’t protect me from everything.”
Martyn leaned into the touch, not caring how warm his cheeks felt as Scott’s delicate hand pressed into his skin, lightly grazing over the scar Pearl caused. He closed his eyes as he let out a sigh and drooped his shoulders. “But I want to…,” he muttered. He looked at Scott, his face scrunched with worry. “I don’t want you getting hurt at all, Scott.”
“There’s going to be times where I get hurt, Martyn,” Scott narrowed his eyes and withdrew his hand from Martyn’s cheek. Martyn was wide-eyed, only for Scott to hold the hunter’s other hand. “When that happens, all I’d ask is for you to help me get back on my feet.”
Martyn could feel his nerves freeze up at Scott’s warm hold. His gentle stare and concern on his face nearly caused Martyn’s heart to explode. A million things swirled in his mind as the breeze wafted over. “I can’t help it,” he lowered his head, biting his lip. “You should be protected, with all the chaos going around–”
“What chaos?” Scott cracked a smile and shook his head. He shrugged, letting go of one of Martyn’s hands as he gestured around. “All there is to see is you, me, and the beach. Nothing to worry about, right?”
Nothing to worry about for now, but so many things could happen in the blink of an eye. Martyn could practically hear the sound of the sea princes’ ringing in his ears, the one from his dreams laughing as its mouth opened wide to swallow Scott as he screamed-.... 
No. Martyn needed to be prepared for anything, so nothing bad could ever happen to the people he cared for. Nothing. Never again. 
“I still want to fight for you,” his voice was barely a whisper in the wind, cracking a bit from the emotions that crawled up the back of his throat. But seeing Scott’s attentive look, with the slight tilt of his head, Martyn knew he could hear him. “Can I at least do that?” he pleaded. He needed to-. He needed to. 
“You may,” Scott nodded, giving him a small smile. Then his eyes narrowed as a smirk crept onto his lips. “So- I’d like to see how you fight.”
Martyn opened his mouth to respond- just in time for a woosh of breath to leave him as his back hit the ground. Martyn gasped, blinking for several seconds as he tried to figure out he’d gotten laid flat out on his back… with a certain ginger pinning his shoulders to the sand.
“Yikes…,” Scott teased, his eyebrows rising, complimenting the wide grin on his face.
Martyn sputtered, his face immediately flushing beat red. “I wasn’t ready! Sneak- sneak attack…!”
Scott laid one arm across his chest, propping his other elbow on top of it and laying his cheek in his hand. “Most things will take an opportunity for a sneak attack, when presented with one.” He kicked his feet in the air, as if he was lounging on a couch reading a book. 
Martyn flushed all the way to his ears. “Redo!”
Scott leaned his head down, smiling at Martyn in a way that was almost sickeningly sweet. “Are you waiting for a written invitation?” 
Martyn grabbed Scott by the shoulders and surged upwards, knocking the ginger off of him. Scott laughed as he slipped his grip, ducking under one of Martyn’s arms to wrap his arms around Martyn’s torso. 
Before Martyn’s brain could fully process that, Scott had rolled Martyn over top of him and planted him flat on his back again. 
Working on instinct more than pre-thought, Martyn wrapped his arms around Scott’s shoulders and kicked off the sand. He knocked his thigh against Scott’s hip, bumping him off balance just enough to send them rolling over again.
But Scott didn’t end up on his back underneath Martyn. 
Somehow, mid flip, he’d slithered around Martyn’s torso, ducking his arm again and getting outside of his hold. Martyn ended up with his face in the sand and a knee pressed between his shoulders, shoving him down further.
Martyn was about to push himself up with his arms, using his strength advantage to throw Scott off of him, but Martyn froze when he felt something sharp curl around his throat. 
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even swallow. He could barely even breathe. 
Suddenly the sharp points of crescent bladed scythes were touched against his neck so delicately. Suddenly the sharp claws of a hungry beast wrapped around his throat, pricking the skin above his jugular. One wrong move and she’d slid his throat. One wrong breath and the beast would tear him to ribbons.
A figure above him bent down to whisper in his ear. 
“I win!” Scott chirped brightly. He laughed as he withdrew his fingernails from where he’d curled them around Martyn’s throat. “You really do need more practice. Though I’d be happy to oblige…,” his voice turned sing-songy as he plopped back on the sand, his arms holding him up.
Martyn slowly pushed himself upwards, staring down at the sand where his face had been in utter bafflement. Why had that felt-? Why was he-? Why was his heart beating so fast? Why… did he feel like he’d just been hunted…?
“That- that uh…,” Martyn stammered, not really sure what he wanted to say. “You’re a lot better fighter than I thought you’d be.” He turned his head to look at Scott, pushing himself up so he was sitting on his knees.
“I know,” Scott smiled widely, tipping his head back and forth, “Do I impress you, Martyn?” He smiled and hummed teasingly, his eyes narrowed in a joyful satisfaction. 
“Always,” he breathed, a lot more genuine and heartfelt than he’d meant to. Scott’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Martyn felt his face flush and he looked down at the sand. Well, he was in this far. “I think you’re amazing.” 
“Thank you…,” Scott said with a shy little smile. A light hint of red dusted his cheeks. He looked… really nice like that.
Martyn shook his head, roughly clearing his throat. “Well um, as- as fun as this was… I was actually referring to- to my gun combat more than my hand-to-hand.”
“Uh huh,” Scott answered with a small smirk, not sounding like he believed him. “Well, maybe I could help you with that as well.” 
“You know how to use a gun?” Martyn asked, more than a little shocked. How… how much did he really know about Scott?
Scott opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked to the side, then looked back at Martyn. “Noooo…?” he admitted, grinning sheepishly. He sighed, rolling his eyes a bit, “To be honest I thought you were still flirting, not that that was a serious question. And now, well… I’m just embarrassed.”
“Oh.” Martyn tried to hide his sigh of relief. It was one thing to just not know that Scott was a capable fighter -he was a tavern keeper who dealt with rowdy drunks all the time, Martyn honestly should have expected it- but it was another thing to not know that Scott was a trained gunman. For some reason they felt different. Martyn felt a grin split his face. “Would-... would you like me to teach you…?”
“Teach me what?” Scott’s eyebrows pinched together for a brief moment, then shot up towards his hairline, “How to use a gun?”
“Yeah,” Martyn grinned, “It’ll be like the time I was taught!”
“When were you taught?” Scott tilted his head.
“I think I was… seven? My parents knew I wanted to be a hunter, so they taught me,” Martyn hummed, looking out at the beach. He could remember the eagerness in his voice when he asked his parents to teach him. He only knew of the dangers through them and the people he lived around, but he knew his heart was calling out to the sea more than anything else.  “I needed practice, like everyone else, but I’m a natural. A crack shot, they’d told me!” He laughed. Shooting a target from far away was much easier than fighting with swords or his bare hands. 
Scott blinked, processing Martyn’s words. He slowly turned his head to Martyn, eyes widening in shock as all sense of his playfulness dropped. “You were a child when you learned how to use those?”
“Yeah…? I wanted to be a hunter, Scott, so I learned early.” Martyn looked at Scott and shrugged, feeling the ginger’s gaze on his skin felt… different. Martyn learned how to use guns to be a hunter, not to– oh. Was Scott thinking Martyn would…? Martyn shook his head and raised his hands up. “But I can’t shoot a person. A sea monster is easy because they’re big and stupid, but a person…?”
Scott had a judgemental look on his face as it scrunched up. He pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them, resting his head on it as he sighed. “Ending a person’s life is hard, and I’m happy you haven’t shot anyone, but…,” he trailed off. Martyn leaned closer to Scott as he raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you think it’s a little concerning?”
“What’s concerning?”
“You learned how to shoot things, how to kill things, as a kid,” Scott looked away, gripping his arms tighter as he watched the waves flow in and out. “Every life has a purpose; from you, to me, and even the beasts in the ocean.”
Martyn narrowed his eyes. Exactly what purpose could those monsters serve? Being ocean terrors? An effective way to kill humans and destroy ships? To bring fear in the hearts of children? To kill Ren- Jimmy? Why were there monsters in the ocean? Why should there be? 
“They’re monsters, Scott.” Martyn hissed, anger rising in his voice.
“They’re animals,” Scott hissed back, his face pinching into an expression that was almost pained. “They’re just animals….” 
“They’re heartless, cruel, and always starving.” Martyn huffed, pulling out his gun to examine it under the sunlight. Horrible beasts. Disgusting monsters. Murderers. “They’re such horrible, unnatural beasts that every mechanic in the world works to develop better guns and weapons to kill them all.” 
He didn’t fully notice the way Scott shied away from the gun in his hand. “You’re lucky you don’t need to leave the kingdom to see those ugly things,” Martyn spat.
“Ugly…,” Scott grumbled, turning his head away, like he was offended by the notion. “Well, I’m sure most of them would think the same about you.”
Martyn blinked, giving Scott a double take. Ugly…? 
Scott let out a sigh as he stretched and uncurled his legs and arms to stretch out in front of him. He picked up a small handful of sand and watched it fall through his fingers. “Every life is precious, every life is running on limited time. I’m not an idiot. I know things die. But there’s no reason to cut it shorter than it needs to be. ” He smiled wistfully, tossing the rest of the sand forward. “The sea is… scary, but maybe if you had an open mind, you’d see there’s more to it than monsters.”
Martyn followed Scott’s gaze and stared. Was there anything more to them? Surely not. The fondness in Scott’s voice was hard to believe- but the man has never even seen any beast to Martyn’s knowledge. The fond tone that Scott spoke about those- those monsters with… it honestly made Martyn angry. Those monsters took away the people he cared about. The people he loved. People he cherished. Jimmy, Ren… and so many other innocent people lost their lives to the sea, Lizzie’s parents…. The ocean took all of them, and there was nothing to blame but the monsters that infested it.
“They’re monsters, nothing more than that,” he spat, emotions in his chest wrenching into a tight knot that made it hard to breathe. He swung his arm out to the side, bringing his gun up in front of his chest as he rose to his knees, almost looming over Scott. “I know what they are, Scott, and I know I’m doing all that I can to protect you and the rest of the kingdom from the beasts that would just as quickly swallow you whole as they would crush you into pieces!”
“There’s no need for you to be so hostile about it,” Scott snapped at Martyn, his eyes narrowing into a cold glare that felt like icy daggers stabbing into Martyn’s face. Scott stood up and brushed all the sand from his clothes with a sigh. “I understand.” He walked closer to the water, just enough for the waves to lap against his shoes and tightened his fist, as if preventing to lash out.
Martyn blinked. “Was I-?” he muttered to himself. 
He looked out at Scott standing in the surf. He looked… sad. The guilty feeling in his chest built up once more. 
All of a sudden, Martyn remembered just how happy Scott looked with his birds fluttering around him, with the canary nuzzling his palm. Oh-. Scott was an animal lover…. No wonder he-.
Martyn was messing everything up. First he’d ignored him, and he was pushing Scott away by getting angry. Martyn quickly stood up and ran across the beach towards Scott, “Oh, Scott, I’m sorry–”
Scott turned to look at him, a flat expression on his face.
Martyn felt his heart twist, “I- I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to make you feel….”
“Upset?” Scott supplied.
“Yeah…,” Martyn bowed his head. His hand twitched out, reaching for Scott’s but giving up and retreating before he could take it. Martyn turned his head away and bit his lip. “I-... I made you-....”
Scott stepped closer and held out his hand. “No need for that, silly hunter,” he smiled sweetly. Martyn took it almost immediately, surprising them both. Scott let out a chuckle and bumped his shoulder next to Martyn’s. “I’m not mad,” Scott said softly. Martyn believed him. He looked… sad instead. 
“I don’t want you to–”
“You’re just fine.” Scott assured him with a smirk. “It takes a lot more than a simple disagreement to make me actually upset. We’re okay, right?” 
Martyn bashfully nodded, resulting in a wide smile from Scott. Was he… really okay? Or was he just hiding how he felt? For Martyn’s sake? Martyn hoped it was the former. 
Scott put a hand on his chest, giving Martyn’s hand a small squeeze. “Just… try to keep an open mind, alright? The world can be… stranger than you might think.” He smiled a little bashfully, “I might have- a surprise or two… to share, eventually.”
“Like how you can kick my butt in hand to hand?”
Scott’s face split into a wide grin, his eyes lighting up with laughter. “Just like that.”
Martyn felt himself smiling, a laugh escaping him as he squeezed Scott’s hand. Yeah, they were okay.
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muns0nslov3r · 1 year
i hate to see you sad.
eddie munson x fem!reader
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warnings ; readers parents are abusive, yelling, cursing, crying, comfort/angst.
eddie always hung out with you, only at his house though. eddie never thought about it sense you would bring him to yours, just when they werent home.
eddie always wanted to ask "whos they, y/n?" but kept it to himself. you were getting a ride home, when eddie said you guys couldnt hang at the trailer. because of some random reason. when he said no your heart slipped into your stomach filling with fear. as the words spilled from his mouth " maybe we could go to yours?" he looked at you.
you felt like you were gonna faint. you didnt want to be home, you were terrified to go home "yeah sure that sounds..good" you spoke silently as you fidgeted with your rings.
you were on the way there. leg bouncing, your heart pounding in your ears. eddie parked his van outside. as you saw your dad and moms car in the driveway, fear filled inside you more. eddie helped you out of the van.
you got to the door opening it as you sighed bringing eddie inside “ y/n is that you?!” your mother yelled as she stormed into the kitchen already upset about work. “yes mother its me” you mumbled “come on speak up! and whos this boy y/n?!” your mother slammed her book on the table.
“hes my boyfriend” you stared at the ground. “boyfriend?! jesus christ y/n!” your mother pitched the bridge of her nose. annoyed. “you are causing all sorts of trouble lately!!” your mom shouted. “why are we yelling?!” your father came into the room. 
“miss y/n has a little boyfriend” your mother looked over at your dad “ jesus- y/n! you know your not allowed to have those little nasty perverted boys!!” your father yelled as tears filled your eyes. 
eddie looked at you as you hiccuped hot tears falling down your cheeks. he hugged you rubbing your back as you cried into his shirt “ jesus christ y/n your crying about nothing! your being such a crybaby!” your mother yelled at you “ you have no reason to be crying, i can give you a reason to cry y/n ill give you a fucking reason!” your father shouted.
“ what the fuck is your problem?! shes your daughter! what the fuck?!” eddie looked at them both “ young man you do not have the right to speak to us that way!” your mom yelled. 
“ you both are assholes.” eddie said picking you up as he walked out the door getting into the van driving to lovers lake. “ im so sorry you had to see that eds..” you sniffled wiping away your tears with your tear soaked sleeve. 
“ dont be sorry. its okay..here ill ask wayne if you can stay with us. forr.. lets say two maybe three months? if you want it can be more i dont care sweetheart” he rubbed your back.
“that would be nice..thank you eds..” you looked at him “ your welcome..why havent you told me about them?” you looks at your lap. “ i dont know i just..was scared.” you rubbed your eyes.
“ well its okay now..” he kissed your head. as he drove you back home helping you get your stuff packed. your mother and father shouting at you from the stairs.
you both got out safe as eddie drove back to the trailer talking to wayne. 
“ old man?” eddie spoke spooking wayne a bit “jesus- yes eds?” wayne looked at him “ could y/n stay with us for a bit, shes having some..family issues.” once eddie said that wayne understood. 
“of course eds..” he smiled a bit as eddie nodded. “we’ll keep her safe kid.”
if you are dealing with this or know someone who is dealing with this, talk to an adult or a loved one you trust. and find help. you are not alone.
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chadmothman · 5 years
absolutely love feeling like my friend hates me😍😍😍😍
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
Not so angry but my polycule partners all live 3 hours away from me and I don't get to take time off work until the summer because we're busiest at spring (i work at a garden centre) so I havent seen them since new years day (for my throuple) or valentines (for my boyfriend) and i miss them like hell. sucks cuz i had to ask for a special allowance to have day off for next week because my dad is getting married and even though hes not my favourite parent to put it lightly and it taking place 4 hours away i felt obliged to go because of how he's given me a big financial deposit towards buying a house in the future (like thatll happen in this economy lol). I'd rather be snuggling with my throuple or watching my boyfriend play video games than having to deal with my extended family misgendering me and dead naming me ya know. Guess this was a bit of a rant aha
I feel that. I’m tired of people having friends and hanging out with people. I haven’t seen my friends since last August and unless my aunt dies before next August, which is looking more and more like a possibility, I’m not going to see them until them. My best friend has a bunch of other friends she’s met since high school and is living her best life going to concerts of the bands I got her into with her friends and having tons of sex etc. etc. and I know it’s not roses for her but still. My other best friend finally graduated college after putting in her 4 years to get a degree and I’m not really sure what she’s up to tbh and tbh she probably doesn’t have any friends either but. One person I talk to daily just goes to concerts and stuff all the time and has gay sex with multiple people multiple times a week and said they’re now maybe joining a polycule and I’m like cool the one person I like has been in AZ for a month getting a divorce and also we’re not on the best of terms. The other person I talk to every day is also in a polycule but feels underappreciated by his boyfriend which I get but I don’t really relate to either of them and I only talk to them because no one else talks to me daily except my ex who I’m thankful for and one other person (hi). My FP has been away for months like I’ve said and everyone here knows because I don’t shut up about it and everyone is sick of me talking about it and hearing about it and we aren’t even getting along that well but in the past 3 years he is the only person I’ve hung out with outside of my ex here. Hearing him complain that someone he was supposed to go out with bailed when he asked if they could come over his house like you have people you’re hanging out with though. Like every time I talk to him he’s like “I’m busy doing tattoos” like okay. Like I’m sorry your life sucks and I get being a full time parent to a kid with special needs while having a retail job and being in a messy divorce is hard. I do. But you spend your free time drinking with the girl you live with and giving each other tattoos and I guess going out with other people you’ve met there and meanwhile you are my only friend that I’ve made in 3 years and unfortunately I’ve become obsessed with you because I don’t have anyone else.
I get when you have to do something and you take a day off it’s like “finally I have a day off and I should be doing something I want to because I have a day off” but it’s not really a day off it’s “I need to fill an obligation I don’t really want to fulfill” and especially when you’re watching everyone you love doing things without you and you’re stuck with your same family that sucks (luckily my family is great but). I hope you do buy a house where you can come home to your partners every day. Hopefully at least time away from busy work will be better in the downtimes you’ll have to yourself around the wedding.
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peacedolantwins · 4 years
Pain and Embarrassment pt 3
part of my family series
part 1
part 2
It had been 3 months since Ethan decided to ruin not only your relationship, but also the relationship he had with his kids. You had hardly spoken to him since you went out to California to be with your family. You had only called a few times to let him know that you would be back in time for the kids to start school in the fall.
There was so much he wanted to tell you, apologize for, but each time he tried either he couldnt find the words or you hung up before he got the chance to say anything. He had hardly talked to his kids these past months. Skylar and Connor wanted nothing to do with him. He expected as much from Connor, but Sky not wanting to talk to him hurt more than he thought it would. Everyone was handling this differently and coping the best they could.
The little girl who was his whole world from the moment she was born didnt want to talk to her dad. The one man she thought would never hurt her, the one she thought she could trust with her whole heart and would always be there was the one who just did the most damage. She couldnt understand how Ethan could have done something like this to not only you but to her family. The girl Ethan cheated with was only a few years older than she was and she couldnt help but think about all the times she had been to his office and had conversations with this woman. She felt like she had a part to play in this for not seeing it.
Connor not wanting to talk to him hurt in a different way than the rest. Ethan knew he could try and patch up his relationship with the other kids but it felt like there was nothing left to try and fix with Connor. He was gone all the time overseas, he had limited communication and he only came home once in a blue moon. There was no way he could try and sit down with his son unless Connor allowed it and he severely doubted that was going to happen anytime soon. Ethan knew that you were Connors whole world, you could do no wrong in his eyes and he practically worshiped the ground you walked on and while the other kids would tease him about being a mamas boy, Ethan was proud his son was so protective of you. However, this is when it seems to have backfired on him because as soon as he lost you he should have known he’d lose his son too.
Alex and Riley were understandably upset with him. They spoke to him a few times just to call and check in and let Ethan know they were okay. While they havent forgiven him, they wanted to try and move on. He was their dad, and while that doesnt give him a pass for what he did, they love him.
Noah, always looking up to Connor, followed in his big brothers steps and decided he didnt want to talk to Ethan at all. The only times Ethan managed to get Noah on the phone was when you forced him to because while Ethan hurt you, you werent going to cut him off from his own children as much as you might have wanted to. The few conversations he had with his son were short and to the point. Simple answers, he wouldnt talk about anything and Noah always kept the calls under five minutes, almost as if he had a timer running in the background and the dial tone was the alarm that let Ethan know his time was up.
Elise was the only one who would talk to him. She knew something was wrong, she knew he cheated but she didnt completely understand it and what it meant. She knew you were upset with Ethan but she only saw it as another fight that the two of you had and that you would all be okay once everyone said sorry. She missed her dad. She told you as much and she asked when you would be going back home.
And then there was you. You were trying to figure out what all of this meant for you. The relationship you had with Ethan was ruined, you knew that much for sure. But were you going to go back to New Jersey? Still live with the man who cheated on you in your own house? In your own bed? Part of you wanted to try and fix this, if not for you then for your kids. But was this something that could be fixed? You didnt think this was.
At first you were hurt when you found out. Why would your husband do this? Why would he go out and cheat repeatedly while you were home and suspected nothing? Was it something that you did that drove him to this other woman? Was it because you lost the baby? It was something that you two had argued about before and according to Ethan, the timeline matched up.
But the more you thought about it, while you were still hurt, you were angry now. None of this was your fault. You were not responsible for your cheating husband under any circumstances. He made his own choices freely and that wasnt on you. He was the one who messed up and ruined what you two had. Once you had realized all of this you were finally able to start moving on.
You still wanted answers from Ethan, but the answers wouldnt change anything. Your marriage was over, but hearing his explanation would help give you the closure you needed.  
It was now August and the kids would be starting school in a few weeks so it was time to head back to Jersey. The twins had decided to do online school, not wanting to deal with their classmates and you respected that choice. You felt they were old enough to make that choice for themselves. You had asked Noah if he wanted to do the same but he was very much against it because that meant he would be home more often with Ethan and he would much rather deal with kids at school then spend more time with his cheating father. Lizzy however was excited to go back to school because that meant she got to see her friends again and spend time with her dad who she hasnt seen all summer.
You had already talked to Grayson about picking you up from the airport and taking the kids with him for a few hours. You wanted to be able to talk to Ethan alone first without the kids being there in case things got heated between you two. They didnt need to listen to the possible yelling. And Grayson was more than happy to get to spend some time with his niece and nephew.  He dropped you off with all the luggage back at the house you shared with Ethan and left with the kids.
You took a breath and dragged the bags up the porch and into the house and left them by the stairs. The kids could use unpacking as an excuse not to talk to Ethan if they wanted to. You were debating about where to take your things when Ethan came in from the living room.
“Hey,” he said hesitantly.
“Hi,” you didnt know what else to say.
“I, uh, I moved to one of the guest rooms so you can take our room,” Ethan rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“No, I’ll take one of the rooms.” There was no way you were willingly sleeping in the same bed he had sex with that girl in. He made his bed, now he can lay in it. Literally.
Ethan seemed to have come to the same realization and simply nodded.
“You cut your hair,” he motioned to your hair that was now just above your shoulders.
“Yeah, heard you had a thing for girls with long hair,” you replied and pushed your hair back behind your ear, not seeing him flinch at your words. Your long hair had reminded you of the girl with waist long hair he cheated with and you cut yours as soon as you could.
“Y/n,” you could see the pain in his eyes at your remark. Good. He had no right to be the one who hurt.  
“What?” What was there to say?
“Are we seriously going to start this now?” He has gone from apologetic to now annoyed.
“I’m not starting anything, you did that when you couldn’t keep it in your pants,” you pointed out.
“Y/n, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry I cheated, it was a mistake.”
“A mistake? Ethan, a mistake is putting a red shirt with the white clothes. A mistake is forgetting to pick up something from the store.  A mistake is something you can forgive. A mistake is an accident. You don’t accidentally have sex with someone over and over again. You did that knowing what the consequences would be and you did it anyway! You don’t get to stand there and tell me this was a mistake!” You were shouting at this point but you didn’t care.
“You know the sad thing is that maybe, just maybe, I could have forgiven the first time. Maybe it would have been something we could fix. But this? This is so broken there’s nothing left to fix.”
“No, no, we can work through this. We can, I don’t know, go to counseling or something, but Y/n please,” he wasn’t going to let this end. He couldn’t.
“I want a divorce.” You said simply and took out the folder of documents that had to be signed.
“Y/n,” he said quietly.
“Please don’t fight me on this. After what you put me through it’s the least you can give me. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. We don’t need to waste money on lawyers. Sign it and we can move on.” You held out the folder to him.
“I’m not going to sign that,” he took a step back from the offending papers.
“Ethan please.”
“Why not? Ethan this marriage is over. There’s nothing left here, not after this. You clearly didn’t care about us when you decided to cheat on me so just sign the damn papers!” You shoved the folder to his chest only for it to fall to the ground when he failed to catch it.
“No! Because once I sign this that means we’re done. That means that you’re gone and I’ll have nothing left! I’ll lose you completely and call me selfish but I don’t want that! I want to fix this Y/n, please.” Ethan looked close to tears at this point. He knew he fucked up but he didn’t think you would bring up divorce this soon and he definitely wasn’t expecting you to have the papers with you as soon as you came home.
“Well I don’t! Would you forgive me if I had an affair? If I slept with someone I worked with over and over again? If I went public about it before I told you? If I brought this person into our bed for over a year?”
“I didn’t think so. And I wouldn’t expect you to forgive something like that. So please don’t ask the same of me.” You pleaded with him.
“You expect me not to fight for my family? Y/n, you and the kids are my whole world. And I’m so sorry that I fucked it all up. But if you think I’m going to just let you walk out of my life without a fight you’re wrong.”
You let out a deep breath and walked over to the couch closest to you and sat down. Ethan moved to sit across from you, still leaving the folder on the floor. A small part of you wondered if his mistress sat on this same couch that your kids would spend hours on or if he kept her limited to your bed.
“Ethan I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. I’m not gonna change my mind on this so please don’t drag it out longer than it needs to be. I appreciate that you want to fight for this relationship but it’s useless. I’m sorry but I am not going to sit here and let you think there’s a chance of forgetting what happened because there’s not.” Why give him a flicker of hope when there was none?
“So what? You’re just gonna go? Take the kids with you? They’re my kids too.” If Ethan couldn’t fight for you anymore there wasn’t a chance in hell he wasn’t going to fight for his children.
“I never said I was leaving. Or that I was going to take them. Despite all of this, I don’t want to split up this family. The kids don’t deserve that and as their mother it’s my job to take care of them regardless of what happened and how I feel. They come first. Always.” You could be civil with Ethan but things were never going to be the same.
“I would still live here, in another room obviously. Think of it as having a roommate who you just happen to be raising children with.”
“You’ve thought it through havent you?” You could see the defeat starting to take over his features.
“I have.” You nodded. “We’ve all been through enough. We don’t need more change. And if this is something we can’t live with, we cross that bridge when we get to it and figure out what to do then. I don’t want to split up this family if I don’t have to, but Ethan I need you to sign the papers. I can’t let myself be legally bound to you after all of this. I just can’t.”
Ethan seemed to accept this. He didn’t look thrilled about it but he seemed to understand.
“I still want a lawyer to go over it before I sign it,” he said it so quietly you almost didn’t hear him.
“Of course. Thank you,” you were glad he was agreeing to it.
You got up to go into one of the guest rooms that would now be yours when you heard him call your name.
“Hm?” You stopped and turned.
“Are we ever going to be okay?” He looked up at you from where he still sat on the couch.
Would you? You hadn’t really thought that far ahead about the situation.
“Honestly? I don’t know. I hope we can eventually, for what it’s worth. But it’s going to take time.”
Ethan simply nodded at your response.
You grabbed your luggage from where you left it at the stairs and dragged it off to your new room. Everything might still be broken but that’s all it is. Broken. It can be fixed over time but the scars and cracks will always be there. Only time will make this whole thing fade away.
@pgm-dolan @dolandolll @dolanshellyes @mysecretsaremydemons @mmmmmgd @ethandolxns @dolantwinsfavss@knee-deep-in-feels @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday  @sarcasm-at-its-finest2444 @fandomsfeministsandothershit @graydolan12 @ilsolee @inlovewithethandolan @someonedoingnothing @vintagebitttch @sunshinedolantwins @chonisberonica @ardordolan @ethantasy @wasabisama331 @graysavant @atlas-of-a-human-soul @wolfpuppii009 @livexdolan if you wanna be added/want me to stop tagging you just let me know
also pls comment/like/reblog it makes me feel better about myself and gives the validation i desperately crave thank you 
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Sherlock BBC Lestrade              “She’s Gone”
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Summary - Working at Scotland Yard was the best thing that happened to you. The cases, the city, the clues, you live for it all as you compete with your intelligence against your brother, Sherlock. You have been friends with Greg Lestrade for a few weeks, and you enjoy his presence and personality dearly. You pick up on a dangerous case that leaves you vulnerable. Who will come to your rescue? 
Warnings - violence
A/N - Hello everyone! It feels like I haven’t written a story in months....honestly i havent. I won’t say the i was busy excuse. I definitely was sometimes, but i like to relax and chill. I hope you are all staying safe at home and relax and stay healthy and happy and please take breaks and chill online and read some fanfics! I have online school and it honestly is like summer...the weather is getting better, skies are blue. I can study and workout when i want, but i do miss my sports, but not school. I am living this to the fullest! Angst is my specialty, so enjoy this one :) 
You sprinted across the street as quickly as you could in heels. An energy drink in a slim can dangled from your fingers as you walked up the steps to Scotland Yard. You moved swiftly between the people coming and leaving through the doors. It was the second time you were late to this job, and you had only been here for no more than a couple months. You were notorious for low energy in the morning and couldn’t get yourself up from bed when it was time. As you walked up the steps you ran your free hand through your hair, smoothing it out. You checked your blazer, noticing that next to it was a red drop on your white shirt from the drink. You sighed and tried to cover it with your blazer. You walked down the hallway leading to your office. You kept your head down as you passed your boss’s office, hoping he wouldn’t notice your lateness. 
“(Y/N)?” Lestrade called. 
You stopped in front of his door and smiled at him kindly, trying to look sincere. You took a step into his office. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late. It won’t happen again. Did I mi-.”
He cut you off and asked, “What are you drinking?” He pointed at the energy drink in your hand. 
“Oh, nothing. Just a..drink.” 
“You shouldn’t drink that. They are terrible for you. I worry about you.” His eyes hung low and his voice was soft. You appreciated this from him, but you knew nothing was going to stop you from drinking them. 
“Right. I won’t anymore. Again, I’m very sorry.” 
He shifted in his chair. “You’re only ten minutes late. You’re completely fine, dear. I don’t want you all hung up over that. You’re my best person here. Don’t worry.” 
You blushed. “Thank you. Really.” 
Lestrade jumped in his chair to the sound of his phone abruptly ringing. You smiled at him again and slowly stepped out of his office to walk to yours. 
“(Y/N)” Lestrade called for you. You hinted a sense of urgency in his voice. 
You stopped again and ran to the door. 
“Case. A good one.” He arose from his chair and jogged out of the room, softly grabbing your arm to go. You ran with him, nearly tripping down the steps with your shoes. As you dashed out of the front door, you took a last swig of your drink then threw it in a nearby trash. You hopped into Lestrade’s car and he sped away into the inner city. 
You tensely sat, awaiting the case. He gripped the wheel hard and his eyes were focused. His legs never moved and he kept the speed climbing. He was nervous. From your experience of working with him you learned that this happened easily and it would only get worse. Without any hesitation you placed your hand on his right leg and lightly squeezed it. You felt his whole body relax as the car slowed into a steady state. You took your hand away and didn’t say anything. Neither did him. 
After six minutes of riding through the city, he stopped his car in front of a series of narrow brick townhouses. A few police cars were parked near the curb. Lestrade parked behind one. You hopped out of the car and took his side, walking to a particularly narrower townhouse. He opened the door to a few other police displaying tape and signs over the room. You were now in your most comfortable state. By the smell of the house, you knew exactly what happened here. 
“Who was stabbed?” You asked. 
Lestrade whips his head toward you, raising an eyebrow, smiling. “Just like your brother, aren’t you?”
“Except I’m greater than her.” 
You noticed your brother’s voice a few feet away. He stood next to the body on the floor, his eyes darting left to right. John stood behind him, inspecting the floor. 
“Why is he here?” You asked. 
“Excuse you. Why did you bring her, Lestrade? This is easy enough for me. She’s useless.” 
“Sherlock!” John called out, hitting his arm. 
Lestrade stood in front of him. “Sherlock, would you just....don't worry about it. We are here for solving crimes, correct?” 
“Okay. So, why is she here?” 
Lestrade sighed and stepped away, dialing a number. You stepped up to Sherlock and looked him in the eyes. 
“I know everything. I know who did it. I know how it was done.” 
“So do I.” He replied. 
“Oh, yeah? How did he die?” 
He scoffed. “I’m not telling you.”
“You don’t know it. You’re lying.” You looked at the body again. You knew you had it, like you always did. You saw Lestrade hang up his phone. You looked at him until he noticed you. He did and walked closer to you. 
“Did you figure it out?” He asked. 
“I did.” 
Sherlock rolled his eyes. “Let’s hear this one.” 
“Stabbed four times. Each in the same area. Stabbed by a family member. He tried to fight back, but he couldn’t. He was stronger, but the weapon was greater. He was killed by his family member, bloodline. More specifically, a brother.” 
“I knew that,” Sherlock said. 
“I’m sure you did!” You said. 
Lestrade stood and stared at you. “10/10. You’ll have to tell me how you do that. Exactly why you’re my favorite.” 
“Yes, I’m sure that’s the only reason,” said Sherlock, walking around the room. You rolled your eyes at him. It wasn’t a surprise to you, but you noticed a crimson red blush form on Lestrade’s face. 
“It’s a pleasure to be. I suppose I can tell you some things about it.” You said to Lestrade. 
“Oh yeah? What kind of things?” Your brother called out. You sighed. There was no point in competing with this part of him. He knew everything and would exploit it to ensure embarrassment. You took Lestrade’s arm and walked out of the building. 
“Let’s get out of here,” you said, walking toward his car. 
“Do you want to go to Scotland Yard? There wouldn’t be much for you to do there. You were perfect again here. Really, I’m so glad to have you. Not just for helping solve these.” 
You smiled at him to which he returned it. 
“You look tired. Are you getting enough sleep?” He asked. 
“Am I?” You weren’t sure. Wait, yes you were. You suddenly remembered how tired you were. Endless nights reading, thinking, pestering Sherlock. It wasn’t always easy to sleep, especially when you had this job. But you liked it. 
“I don’t know. I hope you are. Are you?” 
You lightly pushed him. “You are such a nanny. I am. We should go back to the office.” You released a long-held yawn. The energy drink was not doing its job. 
Lestrade chuckled. “No, we are not. You are going home and resting.” He opened the passenger door for you and you fell right in. He joined you on the other side. 
“I’m really okay. Am I showing any hallucination signs or whatever? No, I am not.” 
Lestrade drove away to your apartment. “There will be more cases tomorrow I know you can’t wait to get your hands on.” 
You sunk deeper in your seat and closed your eyes. “You’re right. I can’t wait.” You mumbled. The smooth drag of the car on the road made you even more tired. 
“Sooner or later you’re going to have to tell me how you know all that information without even being in the house for more than a minute, well, actually less. I really want to know.” 
You let out a small laugh. “That’s how it always was. You take what you know and connect it, making a plausible yet true explanation. It comes easily.” 
He scoffed. “Of course it comes easily and to Sherlock too.” You felt his eyes on you and he said while laughing, “Does my car look like your bed? We’re almost there.” 
You shifted over. “It does. Very good resemblance.” Much to your liking, it was a very comfortable seat. 
The car slowed down to a stop and you reluctantly opened your eyes. Before you could get up, Lestrade was at your door side. He opened it and grabbed your arms, guiding you to stand. You forced yourself to keep your eyes open and you walked with a hand on him to your door. 
“Fun day today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You remarked.
Greg took the key out of your hands and opened the door for you. “I’ll come up. You don’t think I would let you trip now do you?” He put a supportive hand around you, leading you up the steps. He opened your door, making sure you didn’t stumble down yet. As soon as you saw your bed you collapsed right in, sleep overcoming your body. 
Greg unfolded a blanket and spread it on top of you. He stepped back to look at you, quietly asleep. You were so peaceful. He worried about your habits - not sleeping, caffeine drinks he couldn't ever drink in a lifetime. As soon as you started working with him, he couldn't ever stop thinking about you. You had the mindset of a risk-taker. You could never not live in a dangerous environment, and he knew that. He fell in love with your attitude and intelligence, your motives and charm. You lived precariously. Every case he had, he always counted on you. He was shy but it was almost as if you broke him out of your shell without even knowing...well he did doubt that. You knew everything, and with good reason. He only wanted you to be safe and protected. 
Greg walked to the door and locked it, walking down the steps to the bumbling city. A wide smile filled his face and only one thing was on his mind. 
You awoke to your peaceful alarm eagerly waking you up to start the day. You yawned and stretched your arms and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You noticed you were wearing yesterday’s clothes and the events of yesterday were finally remembered in your head. 
You shook your head and walked to the bathroom. You knew it all, how couldn’t you? Perhaps it was the first day you started working with him, as soon as he dropped a stack of papers when he saw you. That was when you really knew. It wasn’t without saying the feeling wasn’t mutual. It was. You just never showed yourself as lovestruck as he did. 
You turned the water nozzle for boiling water and stepped into the shower, decompressing. Then you did all your other cleansing routines and picked a dark set of pants and a blazer to go with a beige blouse. As you bent down to grab your usual pair of heels you noticed something was missing on the nearby counter. 
The energy drinks 
Of course, he took them, but with good reason. You needed to get your schedule on check and this was the first step in doing so. He cared about you. Without eating anything, which was your second mistake, you frivolously opened your door and skipped down the steps to call for a cab. 
As the cab pulled up to Scotland Yard you gave the driver his money and hopped out. You skipped up the steps, eager to thank Greg and, really, to see him. You dodged the usual people by the door and as soon as you got past, you ran up the staircase. As soon as you by the door of his office, you peeped your head in and smiled at him. Surprised, he looked up and returned an endearing smile. 
“Thanks for last night. I wasn’t feeling the best.” You said. 
“It wasn’t any problem at all. I hope you got enough sleep. You did, right?” 
You laughed at his uptight behavior. It was almost like Sherlock’s whenever you lived on the dangerous side. 
“I did. I feel great.” 
“There’s a new case I wanted you to know about. I’m not on it, but there’s some form of terrorism in London. Nothing active, it's on the down-low, but someone was shot at. There are heads on the killers, but it’s part of a fascist group. A small one. They’re going to start slow, but we’re getting people ready.” 
Your eyes widened. This was exactly what you needed. 
“Who’s on it?” You asked. 
“Uh, Steve, James, I think down in that group. They’re talking about that now. You’re not thinking of....doing something?” He asked, concerningly. 
Your heart dropped but then quickly rose back up. “No. I just wanted to... talk. I’m curious. That’s all.” That was a lie. You could be an asset to this case, a huge one. You just couldn’t let him know yet. 
He eyed you suspiciously. “I’ll be here if you need anything. Just some paperwork for now.” 
You smiled and headed to your office. He knew you were up to something and you were. You opened your door and dropped your purse inside, keeping your cellphone. You walked down the staircase and across the lobby to find Steve and James talking with others. 
You knocked on the glass door, but then led yourself in. They turned their heads and looked at you with a warm smile. 
“(Y/N)! It’s good to see you!” Steve cried out. 
“Did you hear about the new shooting? I bet you did and that’s why you’re here right now.” 
You blushed embarrassingly. “I hate to say it, but you’re right. I can help. Bring me with you.” 
Steve looked to the rest of the group for approval. They seemed hesitant. 
“I think we can bring you. I think my boss will see you as an asset, but you have to get ready and follow our directions. We’re going to the place of the shooting. We have our suspects, but they are hiding, possibly ready to pounce again. A unit’s down there now and we are heading out now. We have to be careful. 
You nodded your head at them and waited. James threw you a vest that you quickly clicked on. You watched them stack in their weapons and guns and whatnot. Steve opened the back door to the outside. You walked behind the whole group who began filing inside a large van. Someone stood in front of the door and stopped you as soon as you were about to get in. 
He raised an eyebrow at you then looked at one of the men inside. 
“Top Detective. We need her.” One of them said. The man shrugged and let you inside. The van speedily drove off down the streets. 
The van slowed down in front of a tall building with alleyways surrounded by alleyways. You waited for the men to exit out as you followed behind. You had your plan. They shuffled inside and walked up steps, turning corners. You suspected it was a financial building. No workers were inside. Not exactly a bank, but something more. A perfect spot for a murder. Busier than ever to notice someone in the clusters of people. Before you knew it you walked inside a large glass office. Blood stained the carpet. Objects and papers were swung off the desk. 
You were in your natural habitat. You knew what happened. Who did it. Why. When exactly. It suddenly hit you hard. You turned your head to look in the hallway and other offices. You inhaled the air as your eyes darted left and right, inspecting everything. You soon came to the correct conclusion that someone, possibly others, were still here, lurking in the corners. You didn’t tell anyone. You couldn’t. You weren’t even supposed to be here. 
Quietly you stepped out of the office and pretended to be leisurely looking inside other offices and rooms. You suddenly remembered Greg. He probably found out you weren’t even there anymore, if not just finding out right now. You felt bad, but you couldn’t help it. This was a hot case. 
You began walking to where your mind let you. You didn’t think. You just walked and let it take over. 
After about five whole minutes, your body stopped. You stood in the center of a narrow hallway. You didn’t know where you were, you just walked where you took yourself, but this place wasn’t safe. You looked left and right and suspected you were at the lowest level. The basement, or even lower. But you knew danger was nearby. You twisted your body and began walking around, looking for stairs or a door when suddenly you heard footsteps. You turned your head around, beginning to panic. You were nothing. You weren’t armed. All these thoughts flashed through your head. 
You heard more footsteps. You began walking left and right, looking for the footsteps. Then you stopped. There you saw him. A tall figure dressed all in dark clothes wearing a white bandana. You felt your heart beat harder by the second. You slowly backed up and began running but you ran into yet another clone of the man you just saw. You knew they were part of the group. How did they dodge security? 
You quickly looked up at him and into his eyes and screamed. Just pure terror. Before you knew it you fell to the ground, succumbing to the man’s forceful punch. 
You did this to yourself. Your own passion for danger turned yourself into danger. You became what you loved most, a case. It was up the man Greg Lestrade to use what he knew to find you. But remember, the clock never stops ticking. 
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hugsfromdad · 4 years
Lemme tell you about the time I got introduced to a girls boyfriend as her baby daddy:
So, my younger brother (19) is adopted and his biological family is extremely close to this other family that used to live down the street. My brother grew up with the daughter(18), and they were/are best friends to the point of being more like siblings. Due to my brother only coming into my life just over 2 years ago, I hadnt met this friend yet. (Imma call her T)
Well, last summer my bother graduated highschool and his biological family threw him a party. T was there. She came late cause her family had moved out of state and it was quite a drive. So i had been hanging at the party for a long time when she showed up.
And lemme tell yall: this girl is gorgeous. I was genuinely confused as to how this (i assumed) 20something year old was so close and playful with my brother. Like, i expected her to be stuck up based on how she was dressed and looked. But she took her heels off the moment she arrived and cracked a joke about something, and 10 seconds into seeing her, i knew she was cool.
She and i wound up sitting pretty close to each other at the table, and we immediately connected and started mutually busting on my brother together. Oh i should mention that i was like 1 month on t at that point, but my voice had already dropped considerably. I was dressed very nicely tho.
By the end of the party, she and i were getting along great, and i think my brother hated us both just slightly. So, i had another graduation party i had to go to, and so I left about the time my brother, T, and a couple of his other friends were ditching his party to go get ice cream. We all walked out together. I think i gave him and T and the others hugs before I left (damn, remember back when we could do that? I miss that) and so while I was curious about T, I was driving for the next couple hours and didnt get to text my brother until that evening.
Welp.... So this is the fun part.
When my brother got in the car with his friends, they apparently all were talking about how hot i was. He mentioned that i was trans like him, and they all were like "couldn't tell." "He's hot either way" and stuff like that. WELL, T up and just goes "I'd fuck him."
Let's just say my brother was equal parts angry and amused and annoyed and entertained. So he tells me everything, so he texted me everything, and I subsequently had a mild stroke because I had never had someone speak so bluntly about attraction towards me before. Also my grey/asexual ass has no idea what to do with sexually bold comments.
So i then ask my brother who she is and how he knew her and such. I come to find out she had yet to turn 18, so once i got over my shock, I obviously was like 'this is amusing and I'm flattered, but i aint about to touch this cause I am not about to be accused of with flirting with a minor." However, I think i just texted him "NOPE. I dont mess with minors." Or something like that. Either way, i thought we were done.
so... I was the 20 year old who was not about to hit on or flirt with T. T, on the other hand, had ZERO problems with drooling over me. (I say drooling not to boost my ego, but because thats almost literally exactly what she did)
My brother realized immediately how much fun he could have with torturing T by using me. So, he just started snapchatting her everytime we hung out. This semi backfired on him tho because she would then immediately facetime him and tell him to give the phone to me. The conversation that usually went down was something like "can i have him?" "No." "But i want him." "No, T. You cant have him." "Let me see him." "No." "Lemme see himmmmmmm." And then the phone would be handed to me and i would sit there half awkwardly half amusedly smiling and saying hello as she just stared at me and gave me a very soft "haaaiii bennnn, how are you?" And then proceeded to compliment me to the point where i would just blush and then hand the phone to my brother when i didnt know what to do.
This went on for....months. She turned 18 at some point, but I wasnt trying to flirt back with her, i only made note of it because I was extremely relieved to at least know that the person hitting on my was legal. And i will say, she would say some very bold things to both my face, but even moreso to my brother. I think partly to piss him off, definitely cause she was dead serious about it, but also because I think he kinda picked up on the fact that i didnt know how to handle her saying those things to me. So...my brother regularly was shouting at her to shut up and that he didnt want to know those things, or that she was talking about his brother.
So eventually she went off to college, and she met a guy there (24ish) and they got together. He's very attractive, obviously relatively older than both her and i, and i was happy she found someone. ...I was also extremely relieved and therefore foolishly thought that that would be the end of it.
Oh how I was wrong.
So, due to quarantine, i hadnt seen my brother for a long ass time. He was with his bio family, and we just facetimed to stay in touch. However, he came over on Saturday and we just out in the yard.
AND SO SHE CALLS. AND SAYS "lemme see my baby daddy'
i obviously was extremely flustered and concerned, so i was like asking her how she was, and how was school, and of course shes making comments about how handsome i am..and such. so im trying to not have to reply to those cause in my head im still dong the math that she has a boyfriend of a considerable amount of months, and so then i ask her about him, and how long theyve been together and so on.
SHE'S LIKE "oh, he's actually here:) you wanna meet him?"
When i tell y'all I started panicking. When I tell y'all ive never been so confused and concerned... I gave my brother a wide eyed look of shock and fear.
This woman. This absolutely bold and unconcerned woman walks into the other room, and goes "hey hun, you wanna meet my baby daddy?"
WHEN I TELL YALL I STARED AT MY BROTHER IN FEAR AND THEN ABSOLUTELY STUTTERED AND BLUSHED MY WAY THROUGH SAYING HELLO TO THIS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL AND SOFT AMAZING MAN, Damn. This guy seems amazing, cause he just grinned and warmly went along with her and we said hello and such, and then i basically threw the phone at my brother and sat there in extremely concerned bemusment for the next 30 minutes
So yeah, that's it. I have no idea as to the inner workings of this woman's mind, but it shortens years off of this disaster bisexual's life. I am never prepared for her when she calls.
I hope yall enjoyed. I havent told a disaster bi story for awhile, and so I figured id share this one cause it greatly and equally amuses And stresses me out. I hope to typos arent too bad cause I'm half asleep✌
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Yeah? Yeah.
Heyyyyyyy this is my gift for @coniello​, who I got in the @sincerely-us​ gift exchange! Sorry I’m posting this so late in the day. The prompt was Evan and Jared going on a road trip, but they’re in a fight so they kinda have to bond again. It was fun to write! 
This weekend was going to be... less than ideal, to say the very least. It was supposed to be fun, according to both Evan and Jared’s mothers, and according to the two boys themselves up until a few months ago.
A trip to a waterpark, the same one where they had shared their sixth birthday party, that had been planned for a year. But now, due to f**k-ups on both their parts, they had barely spoken a word to each other in over two months. A small fight over what movie to watch had turned into a shouting match that brought up every disagreement they had had for the past five years.
Of course, they could hardly tell that to their mothers. So there they were, stuck next to each other in a car for two and a half hours and facing two nights in a hotel room together. On top of that, they couldn’t ignore each other. They had to act as if they were still best friends. G r e a t.
The air between them was thick, and you could practically cut the tension with a knife. Both boys were desperate for some opportunity to relieve it, but unsure of how to.
‘I’m sorry,’ Evan typed into his notes, drafting a message that was likely never going to be sent. ‘I shouldn’t have said anything that I did, and I shouldn’t have accused you of lying about your camp friends. I’m sorry I’ve been forcing my presence on you throughout high school, I know you really don’t want to hang out with me, which is understandable. So yeah... I’m sorry.’
He copy-pasted it into his messages with Jared, staring at the send button and running through every situation he could think of if he sent it and if he didn’t.
Then something popped up on the screen: a meme. From Jared.
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Evan deleted his message, instead sending a simple ‘Was that supposed to go to me?’
‘yes?’ Jared replied. ‘who else would it have gone to’
‘Oh... Aren’t you mad still?’
‘arent u?’
Evan glanced over at him, a confused look on his face. ‘No? I’m the one who messed up.’ He heard Jared snort a little.
‘havent changed at all i see. u arent the only one who messed up’
‘Jared, I accused you of lying about your camp friends purely because I was jealous of them.’
‘just shut up we both did a Big No accept it’
Evan laughed out loud. ‘I’m just... still sorry.’
‘well stop. like now’
Evan looked over and smiled at him. ‘Fine.’
Jared smirked back, but there was no trace of malice in it. ‘loser,’ he replied.
The rest of the three-hour drive was filled with memes, small-talk, and laughing, and, although it was slightly awkward, neither boy had been happier in a while.
“Okay, boys,” Heidi sighed once they were at the doors of the hotel rooms, trying to support the weight of her packed bags. “Make sure you don’t go to bed too late and meet us in the lobby for breakfast at...” She looked around, waiting for someone else to suggest a time.
“Nine?” Mrs. Kleinman offered.
“Yes, nine,” Heidi confirmed. “That sound good?”
“Yeah,” Evan replied. “Thanks, Mom.” Jared just finger-gunned.
“See you in the morning,” Ms. Kleinman said, opening the door of the room that she and Heidi were sharing.
“See ya!” Jared called, swinging into his own room and pulling Evan in by the elbow.
Evan leaned against the door uncomfortably, biting his lip and looking anywhere other than Jared’s eyes. The car was much easier than this. He could easily avoid eye-contact in the car, only having to look ahead, or out the window. “So...” he tried. “How are you?” Mentally, he scolded himself. God, that was such a stupid question. “I mean like how have you been? Because obviously we’ve been talking for a while and I know... s**t sorry, I’m bad at this.”
Jared laughed and threw himself into the crappy hotel room couch. “Evan, chill out,” he said. “Like seriously.”
“Right,” Evan mumbled. “Sorry- I mean, um...”
“I get it,” Jared interrupted, holding out his hand. “Do you like... want to put your s**t down and sit? You’re allowed to do that.”
Evan looked down and realized he was indeed still holding his bags, suddenly becoming aware of the ache in his arms. “Oh, right.” He placed his bags in a neat pile by the beds, a contrast to the haphazardly stacked ones that Jared had merely tossed onto the bed he’d claimed as his own. He still didn’t sit, though, even when Jared gestured questioningly at the couch.
“Made a college decision yet?” Jared asked. “You didn’t know, last we talked.”
Evan nodded. “I’m gonna take a year to save up, then I’m probably going to do some kind of biology, maybe. Staying close to home, though. You were gonna go... somewhere in Montana, right?”
“Montana State,” Jared agreed. “Computer science. I got a s**t-ton of scholarships, too.” Although you wouldn’t guess it upon first, second, or third impressions of him, Jared was freakishly smart, maintaining a 4.0 in high school despite sleeping through class 50% of the time and regularly skipping.
Evan smiled. “That’s- I’m really happy for you, that’s really great.”
“It’s school,” Jared grumbled. “I don’t know why I’m paying to go. I should be paid to go.”
As Jared complained, his face shifted into a childish frown. The expression reminded Evan of when they were in middle school, including some, ahem, certain feelings that tended to pop up when a hormonal and bisexual 8th grader had a smart, funny... kind of cute-
Oh, S**T! Evan thought. Those feelings we’re supposed to have been kicked to curb years ago. But apparently not.
“Ev,” Jared called, snapping his fingers. “Earth to acorn.”
Evan looked at him (well, more like started paying attention to him. He had been staring after all). “Yeah? Sorry, I, um... I zoned out. Sorry.”
“You were staring at me,” Jared informed bluntly. “I mean, who could blame you, I am gorgeous, but-”
“No I wasn’t!” Evan lied.
“You were.”
“Fine then, keep your crush repressed,” Jared teased, both projecting onto Evan and being characteristically oblivious.
Evan turned pink. “I...”
Jared cracked up. “You’re such a dork!” he wheezed.
“I am not!” Evan protested. “You’re the dork.”
In response, Jared held up a finger as he dug through his pockets, finally pulling out a crumpled yellow card. “Uno reverse card,” he smirked.
“You-” Evan said. “You just keep that in your pocket?!”
“Yep,” Jared replied, popping the p.
Finally, Evan sat on the couch, although he remained tense. “I like hanging out with you,” he mumbled, having a momentary burst of courage that left him with immense amounts of regret. “Oh my God, that was so weird, I’m sorry! I just meant like, you know-”
“Evan,” Jared said, trying to stop the word vomit.
“Because we fought and we have talked in months I just missed you, you know? And I-”
“Evan!” Jared repeated, louder, which successfully silenced him. “I know what you mean. You don’t have to explain yourself. I missed you too. I shouldn’t have been such an a*shole during high school.”
Evan smiled weakly. “It’s okay.”
Jared smiled back. “Star Wars?” he asked.
“Oh God,” Evan laughed. “We haven’t watched those since we hung out every weekend in 8th grade.”
“You haven’t,” Jared corrected. “I’m not a heathen, I still watch them regularly.”
“Whatever. Let’s do it.”
One movie later, they had assumed a position in which Jared’s head was resting on Evan’s shoulder and their hands were touching in an effort to make the computer stay steady. Jared stretched a little and looked up at Evan, who had a slight glow surrounding his head from the lights shining through his blond hair. Would it be gay to kiss him? Jared asked himself. YES IT WOULD BE GAY, IDIOT!
Holy s**t, he was actually considering this. He had never been known for being open with his feelings, opting instead for sudden outbursts and passive-aggressive remarks. But lately, he had been doing better. He wasn’t as mean, at least, and slightly less scared of feelings. “Evan...?” he said finally, an audible shake in his voice.
“Yeah?” Evan asked, staring at the space between Jared’s eyes, which was the closest he could comfortably get to eye-contact.
Jared’s hands began to shake slightly, never a good sign. “Can I... s**t...”
Evan moved so he was entirely sat up, taking hold of Jared’s forearm to calm him down. “Jared,” he murmured. “Breathe.” Panic attacks, and the preceding moments, were something that Evan had more experience with than he would care to admit. But in situations like this is was undeniably helpful to know how to deal.
Jared frantically searched Evan’s face for a sign of... something. His eyes moved like those of a caged animal, darting back and forth, even though his body was frozen. Finally, possessed by some other force, he pressed his lips up against Evan’s, staying stiffly there for a moment before realizing what he had done and pulling away.
Evan stared blankly at him for a moment, entirely dumbfounded, before leaning down to repeat it. Jared kissed back momentarily, but pulled away and looked down after a minute.
“Sorry,” Evan muttered. “I shouldn’t have... I didn’t mean to... crap, I messed this all up, didn’t I?”
Jared distanced himself from Evan, giving him a few inches of space. After a few moments of silence, he spoke quietly. “Was that okay?”
“Was it okay with you?” Evan responded, his usual stutter gone and replaced by a shaky, quiet tone.
“If it was with you... yeah.”
“It was,” Evan replied hesitantly.
Jared looked over at him, biting his lip to refrain from a hopeful smile. He placed his hand half of the distance between them, letting Evan decide whether or not to take it.
Evan moved his hand to cover Jared’s. “Yeah?” he asked, repeating Jared’s question.
“Yeah,” Jared echoed.
And there they sat, comfortably silent, the same thought running through both their heads.
Maybe this trip won’t be so bad.
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softforcal · 5 years
Wild One : Prince!Luke
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Summary: Prince AU in a reality where it’s modern but there are lots royal families ruling over small kingdoms. Luke is a flamboyant Prince with a reputation for being wild and a dick to everyone he meets. you’re a Princess and your families want you and Prince Luke to pretend to be in a relationship to make his reputation better with his impending coronation. this is practically princess diaries 2 fam. (Harry Styles makes a cameo because im a slut)
Warnings: okay so there are 4 or 5 steamy scenes. they’re each different but this is smut so: choking, spanking, dom Luke, a tad breeding kink, that sort of thing. slow burn, angst. 
Word count: 14.5k
Note: this is a personal attack on @glitterprincelu. also, every link in this fic is for the same video because i am a hoe for it. 
Here’s a taste so you know what you’re getting into:
Luke forced a similar smile, “you’re right sweetheart, i might be, but i’m sure you’ve heard other things, havent you?” his eyes bore into yours and you fidgeted in your seat slightly, “yes darling you know exactly what i’m talking about.” his voice lowered to something near a growl, “well let me make things clear for you. i’m a sex god. i fuck who i want, when i want, and the girls are grateful to have even a moment of my attention. they beg for it. my room had to be sound proofed so my name wouldn't ring through the hallways every night. the girls who i haven’t fucked, would give anything to have a chance at me and the one’s who have? well they would kill to have me again because the rumours are true baby, i’m that good.” your smile faltered slightly and Luke’s widened, “so if you’re going to talk about what you’ve heard of me, don’t cherry pick darling, you’ll be sorry if you do.”
It was two in the afternoon by the time Luke entered the palace, waltzing past the security as he dropped his large fur jacket on the ground, taking off his sunglasses and throwing them, there were always more where that came from.
“Luke!” His mother called as he began walking up the stairs to his room, “I need to talk to you.”
Luke stopped and let out a loud groan, “can’t it wait till later?”
The look his mother gave him said no as he sighed and followed her into the large living room area, flopping his long body onto a couch so he could kick off his gold boots and rub at his eyes, hands coming back speckled in sparkles. 
splayed across the coffee table were tabloids. “this one’s new.” Luke grinned, picking up a magazine that showed him leaving the club with his arms around two models, a birthday hat on his head and his shirt missing, “they believed me when i said it was my birthday.”
“i’m sure that’s not true.” His mother sighed, eyes going down to the magazine covers as a look of distaste flashed across her face, “you’ve made quite a spectacle of yourself this month Luke.”
“been having fun.” he shrugged, tossing the magazine down as he studied the other covers.
The one from the month before when his buddy, ‘Prince Daddy Ashton’ as all the ladies call him, bought a yacht and proceeded to throw a week long rager on board. someone had leaked a picture of Luke wearing a captain’s hat and spraying two bottles of champagne all over a crowd of girls in bikinis.
then, of course, there was the cover that showed him in his beautiful golden crown and red cape getting a blowjob. that one had taught Luke that open windows were not a good idea when he had ladies over, it had also significantly tightened the on-ground security measures. it had been quite the scandal and no matter how many times Luke insisted that it was a one time thing and the girl had suggested it, people didn’t believe him.
Not that he cared at all. Luke was confident in himself and his life style. Being young, beautiful, filthy rich and royal had its perks.
“Do i need to worry about a new cover tomorrow? i’m sure your escapade last night was less than discrete.” his mother sighed.
Luke shrugged, “it was pretty tame.” he rubbed at his eyes again, more glitter transferring to his hand.
“your neck says otherwise my love.” 
Luke laughed, “shit, forgot about that.” a small sound of movement drew his blue eyes to the door as a maid walked in, “you, whiskey, neat.” he said, snapping his fingers.
“he’ll have coffee.” his mother interjected, smiling nicely at the maid who scurried away.
Luke groaned loudly, “what do you want with me mother.” he only ever called her mother when he was hung over, which had been happening more and more frequently as of late, “i’m tired.”
“Your father is stepping down at the end of the year.” she stated.
“pfff.” Luke rolled his eyes, “as if.”
“I’m not joking Luke.”
“well what does this have to do with me, i’m sure Ben is ecstatic, he’ll finally be king-” 
“Ben won’t be king, he did not score highest on the aptitude test.” Luke’s mother sighed.
the Aptitude Test. Luke hated it. some dumb test to see if a royal would be fit to rule. Every royal was forced to take the test at age eighteen. in families like Luke’s with multiple children under a King and Queen, whichever child scored highest would become ruler upon the parent’s retirement. upon initial retirement request by the king or queen, the test scores of the children would be revealed to the royal family to allow coronation preparation. 
“well, then Jack-” Luke began, eye brows furrowing in confusion.
“you scored the highest.” Luke’s mother interrupted.
Luke laughed, “that’s impossible. I can’t be king-”
“you will be king.” His mother stated.
Never in the history of the aptitude test had a child who scored highest not become ruler. the aptitude test was law, the most important royal law.
But Luke had lived his entire life knowing he would never be king. 
It was like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs as Luke doubled over, feet planting firmly on the ground as he ran his fingers through his hair, “fuck.”
“i wish this wasn’t the case, it’s less than ideal.” his mother began, “but we have to adapt. we have a few months to change your image so when the coronation is finally announced and it is revealed that you will be king, people won’t be as opposed to it.”
Luke began searching his pockets for his flask and he let out a sigh of relief when he found it, opening it to put it to his lips before his mother grabbed it and pulled it away, “for starters, no more drinking.”
“you’ve got to be fucking me.”
“no more swearing.”
“no more but’s, Luke.” she said, reaching over and lifting the summoning bell she rang it twice and a group of people came with stacks of folders.
Luke recognized the Public Relations team, they’d tried to micromanage him when he turned the legal drinking age but had given up long ago.
“what the fuc-”
“what the heck is going on?” Luke corrected himself with a groan as someone handed him the folders.
“we think it’s best if you’re seen with a steady woman. someone proper who can keep you on a tight leash.” his mother explained, “in these folders are details on all of the Princesses who would be suitable-”
“thought you were a Queen not a pimp.”
“Luke.” his mother said sternly.
“i can’t say pimp now?” Luke asked, opening one of the folders.
His mother stood, “just, look through the folders Luke. we need a decision by tonight.”
Luke groaned as he rolled around in his silk sheets, grabbing at the plush fur blanket before sitting up and feeling around for his phone. He messaged the kitchen staff, telling them what he wanted for dinner to be delivered to his room.
his eyes went to the stack of folders splayed out on the foot of his bed and he groaned, opening one. he recognized the first Princess, even met her once or twice but she was always looking down at him. he threw her folder on the ground, grabbing the next one.
the folders described basic information, likes, dislikes, that sort of thing. if they seemed okay, Luke would look the Princess up on instagram and scroll through their posts.
his dinner arrived and he ate it while looking through the rest of the folders. the last one he picked up said your name on it. he’d heard of you before and when he opened your folder he knew why, you were beautiful. he’d heard of you from a few of his buddies. Ashton was always trying to flirt with you and even Cal and Michael agreed that you were super cool but none of them had managed to woo you.
it was a no brainer for Luke in that moment. he threw on a long red silk robe and pulled his hair back into a messy bun, grabbing your folder and leaving his room.
Luke’s first stop was the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass, then he went off to find his mother. she was in her office, as usual.
her eyes went to his hands, the chipped red nail polish and the long, once pianist fingers, holding the glass of whiskey. but if there was anything Luke’s mother knew, it was when to pick her battles and this was not one worth picking.
he tossed the folder onto her desk and took a seat across from her, taking a sip of his drink and grinning at the burn that seared through his throat.  
his mother opened the folder and looked up at Luke, “good choice.” she said, “i’ll contact her family and see if we can make this work.”
It had been a long week for Luke. His mother had enforced a house arrest on Luke, especially after he made headlines yet again with a picture of a girl straddling him in the club and sucking on his neck. 
the PR team had extensively briefed him on all the rules of the ‘relationship’. what he could do and not do.
he was allowed one shot, no more than one, per two hours with a maximum of five shots a day spread out over ten hours if absolutely necessary.
one beer equals one shot, same restrictions applied.
no drugs. except cigarettes but only in specially designated areas on palace grounds where no one could get a picture, and only two per day.
the two of you would go on two public dates in the first week, three on the second, with a steady rate of two to four public appearances each week.
“what about sex?” Luke had asked.
“if you must, invite girls to the palace but there will be absolutely no interaction with any woman but Y/N in public. and any girl you bring over has to sign a confidentiality agreement upon entering the palace, through the back gate.” 
“brilliant, so you’re cock blocking me too.”
“just get them to sign the confidentiality form.” the PR head said, sliding Luke a folder full of official looking documents, each with their own area for a different signature.
“Y/N will be staying at the five star hotel down the street for the entirety of the relationship. prior to each date you will be given information on the restaurants or outings you two will be doing, as well as an itinerary. body guards will accompany you everywhere you go and they are instructed to keep you away from all the before mentioned vices that you are accustomed to.” 
“and one final thing Prince Luke, we have assigned you a stylist-”
“i can dress myself.” Luke stated.
“Prince Luke-”
“i said, i can freaking dress myself, thank you very much.” and with that, he left the room to go get ready for his ‘date.’
Luke’s black boot tapped against the white marble floor as he fidgeted with the legacy ring on his thumb before running a hand through his wild tangle of golden curls. dressed in black suit pants and a black silk button up, Luke didn’t feel entirely out of place with the five star restaurant he was sitting in. 
okay, maybe the choker was an extra, unnecessary touch, but if his mother was able to draw the line at glitter highlighter on the first date, then he’d be damned if he showed up without something to stand out with. 
the sound of heels on marble drew his attention up as you entered the restaurant, a waiter showing you over to the table. 
you looked ravishing. dressed in a beautiful silky dress that hugged all the right curves, Luke’s eyes immediately began undressing you. he stood abruptly, his awkwardly long legs almost knocking over the table as he muttered “fuck” but composed himself so he could open his arms for a hug.
you grinned brilliantly as you tucked into his arms, fitting perfectly. 
Luke allowed himself to relish in the feeling for a moment before pulling away and motioning for you to sit down.
he sat across from you, “if i didn’t know better, i would think you’re actually happy to be here.” he stated.
you smiled, “all for the pictures darling.”
“so i’m Luke.”
“Y/N. you signed the contract?”
“yeah. you?”
“what are you getting out of this?” he asked, lifting up a menu, eyes scanning over it.
“well, i can only assume that because of your need for a public imagine cleansing, it’s likely that when your father retires, which im guessing is soon... it seems like you won the aptitude test.” you answered, not looking up at him as you scanned the menu.
you had the whole thing figured out and Luke laughed, “you’re smart. your folder didn’t say you were smart.”
you let out a beautiful laugh that rang through the restaurant, drawing eyes as people admired the two beautiful royals at dinner. “bet there’s a lot of things my folder didn’t say.”
“good point.” Luke snapped his fingers which drew your attention as a waiter scurried over, “we’ll have your best bottle of wine.” he stated.
“very good sir, anything else?”
“the wine will be fine for now.” you answered before Luke could say anything else.
as the waiter scurried away Luke grinned sheepishly, “wine is something civilized people drink right?”
“oh definitely.” you said sarcastically, “your folder left out the part about you snapping your fingers to get people’s attention.”
“someone made a folder about me?” Luke burst out laughing, “what else did it say?”
“nothing good.” you answered, “now, if we’re going to be seen together, you can’t snap your fingers to get what you want anymore. i won’t have it.”
Luke’s eyes narrowed at you. one date in and you were already making rules. rules on top of the rules he already had. and Luke did not like it. not one bit. “fine. if you don’t want me to snap my fingers then you have to wave down the help.”
“wow, you really are the pompous, arrogant, mama’s boy everyone says you are.” your words cut like knives but the beautiful smile remained fixed on your face.
Luke forced a similar smile, “you’re right sweetheart, i might be, but i’m sure you’ve heard other things, havent you?” his eyes bore into yours and you fidgeted in your seat slightly, “yes darling you know exactly what i’m talking about.” his voice lowered to something near a growl, “well let me make things clear for you. i’m a sex god. i fuck who i want, when i want, and the girls are grateful to have even a moment of my attention. they beg for it. my room had to be sound proofed so my name wouldn't ring through the hallways every night. the girls who i haven’t fucked, would give anything to have a chance at me and the one’s who have? well they would kill to have me again because the rumours are true baby, i’m that good.” your smile faltered slightly and Luke’s widened, “so if you’re going to talk about what you’ve heard of me, don’t cherry pick darling, you’ll be sorry if you do.”
you could feel your heart pounding in your chest as your eyes flickered over the gorgeous blondes face, you opened your mouth to say something when the waiter came back with the wine.
he showed you the bottle and poured you each a modest class before setting the bottle in the middle of the table, “have you two decided on dinner?”
Luke ordered the most expensive thing on the menu, specifying a bunch of different alterations on it before the waiter turned to you and accepted your order as well. 
meanwhile, Luke swirled his wine around before drinking the entire thing, setting his glass down and filling it again.
as the waiter left, you sighed, “i thought your contract specified your alcohol intake.”
“mentioned beer and shots but not wine.” he answered. great, so the whole ‘wine is what civilized people drink’ was fake. 
He swirled his wine around and you watched him, thinking about the way your heart was still beating in your chest like you’d just run a marathon.
He was right. You had heard about him. You’d heard about the orgies and the threesomes, his extravagant sexual antics that always somehow ended up in the news. you’d heard about the models and the movie stars, the songs written about him. 
One of the songs was a bop about ‘the golden haired diva’ and it had been obvious who it was about, especially when the artist won an award for it and thanked the Prince, who had been sitting in the audience with his arms around two different pop singers and just grinned when the camera panned to him.
he was the world’s favourite rich, bad boy.
and sitting there in that restaurant you saw the allure. part of you wanted to do something, anything, that would get him to speak to you in that low voice again. part of you wanted to see what would happen if you asked him to join you at your hotel later. but the part of you that grew up a Princess knew how to keep composure as you set your hands in front of you, interlocking your fingers.
“we should think of something to talk about.” you suggested, “after all, we have to be together for a few months.”
“tell me some secrets.” he suggested, sipping his wine.
“like what?” you laughed.
“dirty secrets.” he grinned at you over the rim of his glass, “a girl who looks like you can’t be as prim and proper as you seem, something tells me you’re into some dirty shit, aren't you babe?.”
you sighed, maintaining your smile, “wasn’t ‘no swearing’ on your contract?”
“didn’t answer the question darling.”
you reached out and grabbed your wine, taking a sip to hopefully loosen up a bit, “this is good,” you noted, setting it down, you rested your face on your hand, looking at the beautiful boy in front of you.
this was one of those moments. you could either choose to let loose and break the ice, answer all his dirty questions, or you could put up a wall and make life more difficult for both of you. 
“why don’t you tell me what you think I like?” you suggested, cocking your head at him with a grin.
he studied your red lips. the way they matched your beautiful red dress. hell, even your nails matched. you were an absolute vision. and there was this big expanse of space between the two of you: the table. 
Luke had never had to hold himself back before. girls were always throwing themselves at him, never keeping themselves at a distance. you were unattainable and part of it made him want you like nothing he’d ever wanted in his life. his eyes trailed down to your collarbones and the way the dress accentuated your cleavage, moving slightly up and down with each breath.
he set down his wine and leaned forward, voice dipping low again, “tell me when i’m getting close, Princess. you like a guy who can rough you up a little, someone not afraid to take charge, when you’re in the frisky mood, a little bit of choking, nothing too extreme, but i think that’s just because you’ve never met the right guy who could introduce you to the darker side of sex, the fun side.”
“and you’re that guy?”
Luke leaned back in his chair, stretching his legs out so one of his feet brushed yours under the table, he shrugged, “i am, but something tells me you don’t have the guts to fully let loose and i’m not down to share control so unless you’re one hundred percent ready to submit completely, it’s not worth my time.”
what a fucking dick. he’s gorgeous, but wow.
“oh yeah? well how about i analyze you and we’ll see how much you like it?” you asked, “you like control because you have a constant need to prove yourself. you grew up the youngest of three children and you never thought you’d be good enough so you made sure you could be the best at things that are important to other people, so... sex. but you don’t want anyone to question you ever. you only go for girls who are submissive because they won’t talk back and hurt your fragile ego.”
Luke rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest but you continued.
“you’re a mama’s boy and everything has been handed to you your entire life. girls throw themselves and are easy because you’re cute and have money so you’ve never had to actually work for anything, which means, any girl who isn’t ‘one hundred percent ready to submit completely’ is probably effort and you don’t know what effort even is which scares the shit out of you. because you don’t think you’d actually be able to get a girl not already falling head over heals for you.” you grinned as he narrowed his eyes at you, “aw, was that too close to home for you baby?”
he was eerily still for a few moments before he downed his glass of wine and stood, “i’ll be back.” he stated, turning and heading off in the direction of the bathroom.
you had been harsh. but he had suggested you weren’t worth his time. And you had been warned that he was an asshole with no experience with female royals, no strong women to contend against him.
the waiter returned with your food and you realized Luke had been gone a while. you sighed, motioning the waiter over, “Hello, i’m so sorry, my friend was feeling a little sick, I’m just going to go check on him, I’ll be right back.”
“of course Princess Y/N.” the waiter smiled, “the bathroom is this way.”
he led you to the mens room and you thanked him before opening the door and peering in. it was a posh, five star restaurant, which meant that they had a full on couch and fireplace in the bathroom.
Luke was sitting on the couch with his phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other. “your food came out.” you stated, drawing his attention from his phone.
“men’s room darling, you can’t be in here.” He said absentmindedly.
“we can get the food to go but we need to be seen leaving together.” you explained.
he stood up abruptly and approached you as you stepped back and bumped into the closed door, you realized how tall he was. towering over you, even while you were in heals. his shoulders broad and the first few buttons of his black silk shirt undone, exposing the tiniest bit of chest hair that worked to make him more manly in an almost animalistic way. a choker wrapped around his neck that drew attention his chiseled jaw, just slightly covered in golden stubble. 
he stepped closer and you bit at your lip, wondering what he would do. he leaned in, and you held your breath, “you’re blocking the door.” he said, his breath brushing over your skin and causing goose bumps to appear as he stepped back and allowed you to move out of his way.
He opened the door and grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he pulled you out of the bathroom. everyone in the restaurant watched the two of you head back to your seats and you sighed, this was not a good start to his public image. 
Luke even pulled out your chair for you as you sat down before going back to his own. You both ate in silence and the waiter cleared your plates, “would you like a dessert menu tonight?”
“Yes.” Luke answered.
“thank you.” you said, eying Luke as the waiter left.
“dessert?” you asked.
“it will look good on camera if we share a dessert.” he stated.
even you couldn’t argue with that. The waiter brought back the menu and Luke handed it to you, “choose whatever you want.”
you sighed loudly as you looked at the menu, choosing something then handing the menu back to the waiter who left again.
your eyes went to Luke’s hands, fingers playing with the stem of his glass. “you should have a professional do your nails sometime. they won’t chip as easily.”
“i like it when they chip. it’s edgy. goes with my look.” 
he just sat there and stared at you and you met his gaze, refusing to back down or apologize. you both stayed like that until the dessert was placed between the two of you.
Luke picked up a spoon, taking a small piece and holding it out to you, “wanna taste?”
you forced a smile, leaning across the table (something that you were fully aware gave him a beautiful view of your cleavage that was practically popping out of your dress) your lips closed around the spoon as you accepted him feeding you. 
he watched your pretty lips on the spoon and he felt his already tight pants getting tighter as he grinned and pulled the spoon away.
Luke took a scoop for himself and put the spoon in his own mouth, sucking everything off while staring directly at you. there was something so oddly erotic about it. 
you felt your skin flush as you looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes anymore. 
you reached for your spoon but Luke grabbed it before you could, he made a tutting sound at you, “not a chance Princess.”
“seriously?” you asked, “you’re going to hand feed me this entire thing?”
“uh huh.” 
Luke knew it wasn't a good idea. he knew you were already driving him wild. he knew that if he continued down this path... well, blue balls were not on Luke’s list of top favourite things. but he could see the way it was affecting you too, and he’d be damned if he gave up on the satisfaction of that. 
Luke leaned down and kissed the first girl as the second one finished signing the consent form. as she set down the pen, Luke turned to the second one, kissing her as well before ushering them out the door to where a guard would escort them off the property, he gave girl number one a final pat on the bum and a cheeky grin, ignoring his PR assistant’s disgusted face.
that’s when his phone rang. Luke padded down the marble hallway, answering the call, “sup?”
“have you seen the magazines?”
“no Ash, i just woke up.” Luke said, yawning loudly and putting his phone on speaker so he could hear better.
“you’re all over the cover.” Ashton stated, “you and Y/N. I didn’t know the two of you were seeing each other.”
Luke stopped walking, turning to look at his PR assistant who was following him like a puppy. in that moment, Luke could honestly not remember whether or not he was allowed to tell his friends.
the PR Assistant began to shake his head but Luke said: “yeah. i went out with Y/N yesterday.”
“and you fed her dessert.” Ashton interjected, “please tell me she put out for you.”
Luke’s gaze went to his assistant who was shaking his head vigorously, “uhhh... no?”
“you don’t sound too certain bro, how drunk were you?” Ashton laughed.
“uhhh....” Luke focused on reading his assistants lips but sighed, “wasn’t drunk. it was just a date.”
“there’s a picture of you leaving the bathroom together, i gotta be honest, i never pegged Y/N for a public sex kind of girl.”
“she’s not.” Luke answered immediately and his assistant let out a sigh of relief, at least he got that response correct, “Look, Ash, it’s not a big deal.”
“well when are you bringing her out for boys night?”
Luke opened his mouth when his assistant started vigorously shaking his head and making an ‘X’ sign with his arms and Luke sighed, remembering the ‘no partying’ part of the contract, “there’s a lot going on right now.” he said as his assistant typed out something for him to read, Luke’s eyes scanned the words as he read them out loud “and i’m trying to focus on this new relationship, so I might not see you for a while.” Luke rolled his eyes at his assistant. 
“pfff, lame, are you bringing her to the gala next month?”
Luke’s assistant nodded, “uh, yes.”
“cool, see you there mate. great job.” the line went dead.
“Prince Luke, the nature of this relationship being PR can only be known to those signing a contract but due to the nature of Prince Ashton’s place in society i find it unadvisable to tell him or anyone else of his stature due to the fact that a breach of contract lawsuit will mean nothing to another royal family if they choose to expose the relationship as PR to ruin your reputation.”
“it’s too early for so many big words.” Luke groaned, “i’m going back to sleep.”
“you have a date with Princess L/N in an hour.” his assistant called.
“of course i do, better wash the smell of pussy from my breath eh?” he grinned at his assistant who scowled, “something tells me Y/N would hate that.”
The dates continued two to four times a week as contractually stated. Mostly at five star restaurants or with the two of you going for walks in public places, flanked by body guards.
after your brutal analysis of him, Luke stayed away from sexual topics. opting to hold his tongue as best he could. 
You brought up political topics and part of Luke assumed that perhaps you had been told to do so, to get him ready to converse with other educated people about such topics. 
Between you, the PR briefings and the royal briefings Luke found himself with not much time on his hands. He missed partying. He missed drinking until he was numb. but most importantly, he missed the girls. 
or, parts of him did. but after the first two weeks of girls signing a consent form, the idea of it had left a sour taste in his mouth. 
especially when the girls brought you up in conversation. Delphi, one of his favourite usual shags had been curled against his chest in a post sex daze when she asked “does Princess Y/N know about this?”
his heart had lurched at the sound of her name and his jaw had set as he stood, putting on his robe and going to grab himself a shot before leaning against one of the bed posts, “get dressed.” he’d commanded.
“Luke, i’m sorry if-”
“Prince Luke.” he reminded her, “and I don’t want to hear it. you already signed the consent form last time you were here and you know your way out.” 
he’d gone onto the terrace without another word, swirling the whiskey in his glass. 
he didn’t know why it upset him so much. 
maybe it was because he’d never really had a girlfriend before, fake or otherwise. it had been two weeks and he’d spent a lot of his time with you. whether he considered you a friend or not, part of him cared about you in a way he’d never really experienced. 
it made his grip on the terrace railing tighten as his jaw clenched. you had power over him. and he didn’t like it one bit.
Luke tried not to pay much attention to the feeling of your small hand wrapped around his arm while the two of you looked at fabric. he was bored out of his mind, yes he liked fashion but usually his tailors would just send him a bunch of clothes every month and he’d wear what he felt like. 
but there he was, shopping with you. he didn’t get why you didn’t just do the same thing he did... but the smile on your face as you ran a hand through the fabrics, looking at everything, he guessed you just enjoyed shopping.
you pulled out a dress, removing your hand from his arm which suddenly felt cold from lack of contact, “what do you think?” you asked, showing it to him.
“it’s nice.” he stated.
“you’ve said that about the past four.” you sighed, handing the dress to the worker that hurried over to add it to your change room.
“they were all fine, gotta see what they look on your hot little bod.” he smirked.
you rolled your eyes, walking over to the change room with him trailing behind you. he leaned against the wall while you entered the changing room. his foot tapped while he waited as he began fiddling with his rings.
the door opened and he looked up, eyes eating up every inch of your body. the dress was stunning. it looked like it had been made for you. 
“i need help with the zipper.” you said, turning to show him your exposed back as your hands held up the dress in the front. 
he almost stumbled as he approached, flexing his fingers as they went down to the bottom of the zipper. he began to zip it up but your hair was in the way.
his fingers brushed against your skin lightly as he pushed the hair over your shoulder, his hot breath on the new exposed skin. he zipped up the dress and took his hands away, eyes looking up to meet yours through the mirror in front of you.
his heart leaped in his chest, having not realized you’d been watching him. 
the tension was so thick it could have been cut with a knife, his eyes devouring you through the mirror. 
“what do you think of the colour?” you asked, fingers skimming over the green material.
“looks-” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat, “looks good.”
“i’m going to wear this gala next week, with a few alterations. is that okay?”
his eyes looked down and you knew he was checking out your ass so you immediately turned around, misjudging how close the tall blonde was standing next to you. your chest bumped against his and you took a hesitant step back, wobbling on your heals as his hands immediately went to your waist to steady you.
you looked up at him and he opened his mouth but you cut him off, “stop.”
“stop what?” he asked.
eye brows furrowing slightly and you marvelled at how beautiful he was. a slight brush of glitter across one of his cheekbones, those crystal blue eyes, and one rogue strand of curly golden hair.
it would have been the easiest thing in the world to close the distance and just kiss him. your breath caught in your throat and you licked at your lips, considering it for a moment.
his eyes looked down at your lips and it snapped you from your daze as you realized you weren’t the only one considering it.
you had to forcibly step back, pulling away from his hands, “just... unzip me please.” you said, turning around again and looking down, “and no funny business.”
“wouldn’t fucking dream of it.” he grumbled after an exasperated breath, zipping your dress down with one hand then turning and leaving the change room and closing the door behind him.
the week passed and you spent each date trying to ignore him the best you could. but he made it very difficult. you touched him only when necessary, when the photographers were around. you kept the conversations short, brief, and about non-sex related topics, which was not easy, but anytime the conversation started going that way you would redirect it.
Luke waited outside your hotel in the limo that would take you to the ball. the limo door opened and you got in across from him, eyes scanning over his outfit as the driver closed the door behind you.
“you got a shirt to match my dress.” you breathed, noticing the beautiful silky green fabric that fit perfectly over his shoulders.
“oh. yeah.” he said, looking down at himself, “that’s a thing people do right?”
“yeah. it is.” you found yourself smiling. really smiling at him.
and he noticed. because you smiled different when you were actually happy. he had thought your fake smile was gorgeous but looking at you in that moment he realized he hadn’t seen anything truly gorgeous until that moment.
“you look good.” you continued, “but... i think you’re missing one thing.”
“and what’s that darling?” he asked.
you opened your purse, pulling out a makeup palette and a brush, “a little bit of glitter. i figured your mom would not allow it but... it looks good on you, so i thought i’d bring highlighter in case you wanted some.”
Luke’s eyes searched your face, the way you were appearing so shy. the way you’d actually listened when he’d groaned about the sanctions on his wardrobe the week before.
“sure.” he said, moving slightly so you could come sit next to him.
you took the smallest amount of glitter and brushed it across his cheek, eyes focused on your work while he stared into yours, appreciating the colour.
his eyes moved to your lips. he often found himself staring at them. how soft and plump they looked.
if you were anyone else, he would pull you on top of him and have his way with you. he thought about the sounds you’d make as he slipped your panties to the side and teased-
“done.” you said, pulling away and going back to your seat across from him, “there, now you look perfect.”
Luke opened his mouth but the limo door opened, you’d arrived at the ball.
you’d been attached to his hip all night. his hand on the small of your back as you greeted all your peers. you kept his drinking to a minimum and oddly enough, he hadn’t minded.
you answered all of the hard questioned and smoothly navigated your way through all sorts of tough discussions on politics, deflecting any negative questions about Luke’s ‘social life.’
Luke found himself watching you effortlessly converse with other royals, how graceful you seemed. but he was getting sort of bored. “Darling, i’m going to grab a drink, want anything?” he asked.
you looked up at him, “maybe a glass of wine.”
you watched him leave before turning back to the people you were talking too but a new group of people were approaching you. you recognized the gang, three of Luke’s friends. among the Royal Bunnies (the girls who made it their mission in life to sleep with royals) this group was called the Pussy Parade.
Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin.
“Princess Y/N,” Ashton said, holding out a hand, “pleasure to see you again.”
“where’d Luke run off to?” Calum asked.
“yeah, i wouldn’t leave you alone for a minute if i were him.” Michael piped in.
“matching outfits, quite a statement though.” Ashton pointed out.
you laughed at their eagerness, “nice to see you all again.” you’d met them all once or twice at different royal events but never really talked to any of them.
Luke watched from where he was leaning on the bar, jaw clenching as he tapped his ring clad fingers against the table, “can you hurry?” he snapped at the bar tender, throwing a bill on the counter in the hopes it would light a flame under the mans ass.
his eyes went back to you, surrounded by sharks. his sharks, but sharks none the less. 
he hated the way they were all looking you up and down. looking at you like a piece of meat. looking at you like... like he did. 
his teeth gritted, “also a shot.” he ordered, throwing another bill on the table.
the shot was placed in front of him and he downed it before grabbing the wine glasses and walking over to where you were standing. “here you go darling.” he said, handing you one.
his free hand immediately went to the small of your back again and you took a sip, eyes widening, “this is the wine from our first date.” you grinned up at him, “you remembered.”
he smiled down at you, a genuine smile that made all of his friends jaws drop, “of course i remembered.”
four sets of eyes widen at this statement. “you can’t even remember my birthday!” Ashton gasped.
Luke rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his wine and shrugging, “you always remind me the week before.”
“he’s got you there bud.” Calum grinned.
“so... how did you two meet?” Michael interrupted.
now was the hard part. Luke wasn’t a fan of lying to his friends but he knew he had to sell this relationship, his hand slipped from the small of your back to your waist, pulling you closer, “i saw her around, thought she was cute, slid into those DM’s, the usual.”
“very romantic.” Calum teased.
you turned your body in towards Luke, tucking your own arm around his waist. in this position, your bodies fit so perfectly and that fact was not lost on you as you stared down his friends, “it was a nice first date.” you insisted.
“yeah, looked like it.” Michael scoffed, “we saw the bathroom pictures.”
you opened your mouth but Luke spoke first, “piss off Michael.” 
his strong language drew the attention of the people surrounding your group. “woah, didn’t mean any offence.” Michael said, raising his hands in defence, “just looked like a good time is all i’m saying.” 
“this is my girlfriend, watch it.” Luke said, voice lowered as he looked down at Michael. you were once again reminded how big Luke was. his friends were all six foot, at least, but he was still taller. and he was intimidating.
and... he’d called you his girlfriend. which... you were, it even said that ‘girlfriend’ was the preferable term to use when he talked about you, but hearing him actually say it was different. it had been a month and he hadn’t once called you his girlfriend.
“Luke, i think we should take a breather.” you suggested, rubbing your hand up and down his back in an effort to sooth him. 
Luke looked down at you then at his friends, slamming the wine and handing the glass to Calum who took it without asking questions as Luke pulled away from you, grabbing your hand and leading you through the crowd outside to one of the terraces. 
it was just you and Luke, the air providing a slight but comfortable chill, not yet warm enough to signify the impending summer, but a welcome relief from the temperature inside. “are you okay?” you asked as he let go of your hand and went to lean against the railing, looking out at the city.
you’d been dating a month and part of you would call him a friend but it’s not like the two of you were close and yet something made you approach the tall boy. you began to rub at his tense shoulders, hoping to ease some of the stress. 
“they think you’re just a fuck.” he stated, knuckles turning white as he gripped the rail.
“it doesn’t matter what your friends think.” you stated, “in a few months this will be over and you can go back to being leader of the Pussy Party and they won’t even remember this whole thing.”
he remained silent but you felt his muscles tense underneath your hand.
you sighed, “do you want to leave?”
“do you want to be alone?”
“Luke, can you look at me?”
he remained still for a moment before turning his body to look down at you.
“do you want my wine?” you asked.
he laughed slightly, taking it from your hand and downing it just like the wine he’d drank earlier. before you could tell him to slow down on the alcohol he simply tossed the glass off the terrace, grabbing your face between his hands as he pressed his lips to yours.
he tasted like wine but it intoxicated you as you melted into the kiss, hands going up to wrap around his shoulders. his tongue teased your bottom lip and one of his hands moved to the small of your back, pulling you closer.
your fingers tangled in his hair, something you hadn’t consciously realized you’d wanted to ever do. the curls were soft and you pulled on them slightly, earning a soft groan that you ate up like you were starving. you’d thought his low voice was sexy but those moans were next level.
his teeth sunk into your bottom lip and now it was your turn to moan. the small sound made his heart jump as he let out a breathy “fuck.” his hand moving from your face to your neck where the cold of the rings pressed against your skin. you grabbed at his wrist, not stopping him,
but you pulled away, collecting your breath as you looked down, his heavy panting on your forehead as he struggled to steady his own breathing.
you focused on his green silk shirt. the way he always knew just the perfect amount of buttons to leave open, you wondered what his chest would look like fully exposed and on show for you. your fingers played with the fabric just above his belt, teasing the sensitive skin just above the band. he swore again and you pressed your face into his shirt as his arms wrapped around your body, pulling you against his chest.
his skin was warm and he smelt like expensive cologne.
you both just stood there for a few moments, the sound of your facing heart drowning out the noise of the city bellow. you could feel his own pulse fluttering in his chest.
“shit.” a voice made you pull away from Luke as you both turned to see Calum standing at the doorway to the terrace, “I uhhh... didn’t mean to interrupt, just needed a smoke.” he waved the cigarette as proof.  
“it’s fine.” you smiled, fixing your dress and hair, “i should go inside-”
“i’m going to stay out here.” Luke stated, voice deadpan.
you didn’t look at Luke, afraid what you would see in his eyes if you did, so you brushed past Calum and went inside. Calum watched you go before stepping further onto the terrace, lighting his cigarette and taking a large puff, “wasn’t sure if it was real or not.” he breathed, the smoke disappearing into the air as he handed Luke the cigarette.
Luke brought it to his lips, taking a long drag, “if whats real?”
“you and Y/N.” Calum answered, “i mean she’s cute but we both know you don’t do commitment.”
Luke couldn't argue with that. he couldn’t think much about anything as he stood there next to Calum, sharing the cigarette. 
maybe it was because you were a challenge. yeah, that had to be it. it had to be. he wasn’t used to not getting what he wanted. yeah. that was it.
he’d just have to fuck you. then he’d be fine. that was a good plan.
Calum finished the cigarette and threw it off the terrace then they both went back inside. you were at the bar with Ashton and Michael and once again Luke felt a surge of anger flow through his body. 
his hand went to the small of your back, “i think i’m ready to leave darling.”
you nodded, telling the boys it was nice to see them again before you allowed Luke to lead you to the elevator. he leaned against the wall and you were both silent until you reached the first floor. you stayed silent the entire limo ride, until it stopped in front of your hotel. and then you were gone and Luke remained numb because it was easier than acknowledging the feelings and the thoughts.
it had been four days since the gala and Luke hadn’t seen you. things kept popping up in your schedule which was understandable. but he needed to see you. 
he was already dressed when his PR assistant knocked on his door, “Y/N canceled.” 
“like fuck she did.” Luke muttered, pushing past the assistant. 
it was a short walk to your hotel and Luke realized he didn’t have a plan on what to do once he got there. but Luke had always been lucky and he showed up as you were leaving. “you canceled our plans to go do something else?” he asked, voice making you stop just outside your limo.
“i have something to do-” you began.
“cool, i’ll come with.” he said, brushing past you as he got into the limo. you sighed and followed, “are you mad?” he asked.
you were taken aback by his question. part of you had assumed he wouldn’t want to talk about the gala. you guessed he’d be one of those guys who avoided confrontation and refused to communicate. but there he was, blue eyes on yours.
“i’m not mad.” you assured him, “just busy, as i said, are you mad?”
“no.” he said, looking down and fiddling with his rings.
“do you want to talk about it?” you asked.
“not really.” 
there was the Prince you knew. you stayed silent the remainder of the limo ride until you arrived at the house, Luke looked around as you exited the limo, “where are we?”
“my cousins baby turned one year old today, i forgot about it if i’m being honest, a year goes by so fast.” you explained as the limo handed you the big pink present from the trunk of the limo.
“we’re at a babies birthday?” Luke asked.
“yeah, you like children right?” you grinned, walking past him towards the house.
there were children everywhere. 
Luke stayed glued to your side, letting you do most of the talking like he had at the Gala. but he also introduced himself to the guests which is when he realized, ‘im meeting her cousin. and her aunt. and her uncle.’
he’d never met a girls family before. 
you hadn’t asked him to come.
another realization that made his chest ache. what would he have done if you had? he probably would have bailed.
but there was that genuine smile again. the one he was already starting to adore. you were next to your cousin, holding the baby in your arms.
she tugged at your hair and you beamed down at the baby.
Luke found himself getting jealous of the baby who had all of your attention and all of your smiles.
and his chest continued to hurt but he didn’t know why.
your cousins husband approached, leaning next to Luke, “are you two thinking about kids?’ he asked.
Luke choked on his water, sputtering and coughing while your cousins husband patted him on the back until he could breath again, “um, we haven’t been dating long.” he answered.
“oh, sorry, i didn’t realize, i just assumed because well, you’re here and Y/N has never brought a guy to a family event like this. not that guys havent offered to come, we all know they have, but Y/N can be kind of private.”
Luke’s eyes went back to you holding the baby and he winced. now he was thinking about having a baby with you?! 
this had been a wild month for Luke, even by his standards. he was confused, and tired and maybe he had a brain tumour or something because if someone had told him two months earlier that he’d be fake dating a girl who is actually super chill and has a beautiful smile and is considering having babies with her he would have said they were fucking crazy. and yet there he was.
you made a particularly cute face at the baby and all the tension Luke had been holding in his shoulders released as he smiled, “babies wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.” he muttered. and it was true.
he set down his water and approached you and your cousin, “um... do you mind if i hold her?” he asked.
your cousin smiled, “of course!” 
you eyed Luke but slowly handed over the baby and he looked down at her with a grin. the baby reached up, wrapping a hand in one of his golden curls and tugging but Luke allowed her to do so. 
he even laughed, an angelic sound that warmed your heart as you watched him. you’d never seen him so vulnerable. no walls up. no sassy or sexual remarks. just a beautiful boy holding an adorable baby.
your heart swelled in your chest and your eyes widened with realization that you probably had baby fever so you couldn’t be trusting yourself, but at the same time he looked so soft.
the baby grabbed at his finger, his chipping black nail polish contrasting the tiny baby hands.
“okay, i’ll give her back now.” he said, moving to hand the baby back to your cousin but the baby began to cry and Luke immediately began cooing, “oh no Sweetheart it’s okay, it’s okay baby,” as he rocked her back and forth.
she settled immediately and your cousin laughed, “looks like you’re a natural Luke.”
a blush crept over his skin and you watched in shock as he grinned at your cousin, “you think?”
this couldn’t be real. this couldn’t be the guy known for raunchy sex parties and having a different woman every night. it couldn’t be.
but it was.
he cooed the baby for a while until she fell asleep before he could give her back to her mama. by the time the baby was back in her mama’s arms you had been internally freaking out for thirty minutes about the absolute cuteness of the whole thing and how confused you were.
you grabbed his hand and took him to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind you, “what’s going on?” he asked.
“we kissed.” you stated, “and i’m really confused about it.”
“me too.” he said, looking at you very seriously.
you almost laughed, “okay good i’m not the only one. so... what do you want from me?” you asked.
“what do you mean?” 
“i mean, we are on this contract for the next few months and if something goes wrong and we hate each other-”
“wouldn’t happen.”
“it could happen-”
“and what makes you sure?”
“i couldn’t hate you.” he says, crossing his arms and leaning back against the sink counter.
“well i could hate you.” you pointed out, “if we make this thing real and you cheat-”
“if we made this real i wouldn’t cheat.” 
“just like that.” you asked in shock.
you looked up at him, considering it, but you groaned, “fuck!” you began pacing in front of him, “being around babies always makes me too soft! i can’t think clearly!” Luke watched you pace and he had to admit he knew the feeling.
“then don’t.” he said, hands grabbing your waist and stopping you from pacing as he leaned down and his lips met yours. you were so distracted by kissing him back, fingers going into his hair, that you hadn’t noticed he’d moved you until he lifted you and set you on the sink counter.
standing between your legs he pulled your body flush against his, his lips moving from your lips to your neck as he sucked on the sensitive skin just below your ear.
you let out a moan and Luke grinned against your skin, “open your mouth.” he stated.
you followed his request as two of his fingers slipped into your mouth, he continued sucking on your neck while you began to suck on his fingers. one of the fingers in your mouth had his legacy ring and your tongue slipped around the cold metal, swirling and sucking it up and over Luke’s knuckle before pushing it down again.
“fuck, where’d a Princess like you learn how to use your mouth like that?” he groaned into your ear, slipping his fingers from your mouth.
his hands went to your hips as he pressed against you, you could feel him through his pants and you grinned, “can’t tell you all of my secrets can I?” you teased.
he grinned, pressing his lips against yours again. “fuck, you’re so hot.” he breathed.
“hmm, you like this?” you asked, reaching between the two of you to grab his dick through his pants as you bit down on his lip.
Luke’s fingers dug into your hips, “Fuck yeah.” he breathed.
“what do you want to do to me?” you asked, rubbing him harder as his head lolled back and his eyes closed.
“pump a fucking baby into you.” he stated.
you stopped your motions and his eyes snapped open, “fuck, I uh, i can explain-”
there was a loud knocking on the door, “almost done in there?!” 
you pushed Luke away from you, fixing your clothes and hopping off the counter, “just a second!” you called, looking in the mirror to see if you looked okay. you turned to Luke, “we will talk about this later.” you stated before you unlocked the door and went out, Luke following a few seconds later. 
“hey, i really gotta get out of here.” Luke stated, “being around all these children is messing with my head.”
“okay, that’s fine, i’ll see you in two days for our Sunday date-”
“come by for dinner.” he stated, “at the palace. i mean, i can’t cook for shit but i have a world class chef-”
“i’ll be there.”
“okay.” he smiled. you turned to go but he grabbed your arm, pulling you into a soft kiss. when he pulled away he smiled, “i’ll see you tonight.”
as soon as he was in the limo Luke swore, punching at the seat. had he seriously just asked you to be ‘exclusive’? had he seriously just promised not to cheat on you?
he began to naw at his lip, it all fairness, he hadn’t slept with another girl in a couple of weeks. the thought of even sleeping with someone else made him feel dirty and Luke had been in plenty dirty situations in his life, many of them self created.
and you were coming over for dinner at his place. he swore again. you hadn’t said yes or no to the whole dating thing and Luke had a few hours to sort himself out.
he rubbed at his temples, still considering that perhaps he just needed to fuck you and then the feelings would go away. well, he’d give that a try and see where it took him.
you expected a servant to open the door so when Luke opened it, standing there in that green shirt, you were a bit taken aback. he still looked amazing in it as he pulled you in for a hug. “so this is the palace.” he said, opening the door wider for you to come in.
you’d started the contract around a month ago but all the dates were high profile for publicity so you’d never actually seen where he lived. 
he showed you the main rooms and the tour ended in his large bedroom. bedroom wouldn’t even be the word most people would use to describe it. it was practically a studio apartment minus the kitchen. 
there was a small dinner table set up with silver platters covering the food. “so how was the rest of the birthday?” Luke asked as you both sat down.
“fine. i left after you did. babies always give me baby fever.” you admitted. 
Luke laughed, “me too. that was sort of wild.”
“yeah, i would have never guessed you’d like children.”
“why? because im a quote: pompous, mamas boy?” he teased.
“you forgot arrogant.”
“right, how could i ever forget arrogant?” he rolled his eyes at you.
“so what was the whole ‘pump a baby into you’ thing?” you asked.
“uhh... i don’t know.” he answered, “why, did you like it? would you be down for that?”
you laughed awkwardly, “Luke, these are the kind of questions you ask a real girlfriend.”
“don’t friends talk about this sort of thing?” he asked, “i mean, haven’t you talked to your girlfriends about this?”
“yeah but i mean... are we even friends?”
“earlier today i said you could be my girlfriend if you wanted so yeah, i’d consider us friends. also, you never really gave me an answer on that and it sort of hurts a guys feelings you know.”
“i am your girlfriend.” 
Luke rolled his eyes, “you know what i mean.”
you sighed, “i just don’t want things to get messy-”
“oh, you don’t like messy?” he asked.
“not really.” you answered.
all of the sudden he was on his feet, pushing the entire table to the ground while you let out a yelp of shock, jumping to your feet as the table and the food landed on the floor, “Lu-” you began to say but his lips were on yours.
as you relaxed he pulled away, bending down and grabbing you, tossing you onto his shoulder, “oh my god you’re such a Neanderthal!” you screamed, wiggling around in his grip. 
then you were falling, landing on plush fur, Luke grabbed your feet and dragged you to the edge of the bed, getting on top of you as his lips attached to yours. he ground his body down against you and you groaned, legs wrapping around his waist.
your fingers tangled into his curls before they moved to the buttons of his shirt, “fuck, this is such a nice shirt.” you groaned.
“knew you’d love it.” he grinned, helping you pull it off his body.
he went back in to kiss you but you stopped him and he pulled away, looking down at you with an odd look, “is this too fast?” he asked, shocked that those words were leaving his lips.
“no, i just want to appreciate you.” you said, fingers tracing his broad chest, “you’ve been teasing me with those button downs exposing just the right amount of chest all month.”
he grinned down at you, running a hand through his messy curls, “you almost done looking Princess?”
“five more seconds.” you smiled up at him.
he laughed but humoured you, waiting for you to finish looking at him, “okay, my turn.” you said, tearing off your shirt and bra as his lips attached to your chest.
his kisses went down your body and he worked on getting your jeans off until they joined the clothes on the ground. his hands went to your hips as his fingers slipped under the waist band of your panties, “are you okay with this?” he asked.
“i thought you were some big sex god, you going to devour me or what?” you laughed, running your fingers through your hair as you laughed.
“i am a sex god, but i like you and i want to make sure you want this as much as i do.” he grinned.
you looked down as he toyed with the last thing between him and you. 
“i want this.” you stated.
“hmmm, you don’t sound like you want this darling.” he said, removing his hands.
“no, wait, Luke, please.” you whined, “please.”
his hands returned to your hips, fingers drawing circles on the sensitive skin, “you sure baby?”
“yeah, i’m sure.”
“you’ve never begged a day in your life, have you sweetheart?” he laughed, looking up at you.
this fuck.
but there was truth in it. maybe you’d misjudged him on your first date. “Luke, i’m sorry if i’ve been a bitch, i’m sorry if i judged you at first and thought you were some sex crazed asshole, i’m sorry-”
there was a tearing sound as he ripped your panties in two and you stopped talking, looking down at him in shock. you were about to say something when he buried his face between your thighs. your fingers tingled in his curls and you moaned at the feeling of his tongue working absolute magic.
“oh my god.” you moaned.
“i prefer Sire.” he said, flashing you the cockiest grin you’d ever seen.
“i am not calling you sire.” you groaned as his lips attached to you once more. 
one of his hands moved from your hip and up to your face and you opened your mouth, accepting the two digits past your lips as you sucked on them. the silver ring in your mouth was driving you wild.
“suck it off babe.” he instructed.
you did as he asked, pulling the ring off as he slipped his fingers from your mouth, the ring caught between your teeth. you took it from your mouth and slipped it onto one of your own fingers.
his fingers that had been in your mouth curled into you and you moaned loudly, pulling at Luke’s hair as he laughed, “you like that kitten?”
“fuck, yes Luke.”
his fingers stopped, “yes what?”
“yes sir.” 
“close but not what i’m looking for babe.” his fingers moved slightly and you moaned.
“yes sire, i love it.”
he grinned, lips attaching to your clit as he pumped his fingers at an unbelievably fast pace, sending your spiralling over the edge as you grabbed the fur blanket, letting out the most sinful noises you’d ever heard in your life as he worked you through your orgasm.
as you came down from your high Luke pulled back, standing up and putting his two fingers in his mouth, “fuck, you even taste pretty babe.”
“please just fuck me.” you begged, unable to say much else as he pushed down his pants and got on top of you, “wait, condoms.”
“you sure you want condoms?”
“Luke!” you laughed, pushing at his chest.
he sighed and moved to his bedside table, pulling out a condom and rolling it on, “you’re no fun.” 
your legs wrapped around his waist again as he teased your entrance before pushing in fully. you both groaned at the feeling, his lips attacking yours again as he began to pound into you.
“fuck princess you’re so tight.” he groaned, one of his hands wrapping around your throat as you let out a loud moan, your hands going to grab his wrist, keeping his hand pressed against your skin.
he usually didn’t do missionary. it was too personal. but this just felt right. there was something about it that he couldn’t explain. his lips found yours and you moaned into his mouth.
“if you keep making sounds like that i’m not going to last too long baby.” he groaned, lips going to your neck.
“me neither.” you said, grabbing his ear lobe between your teeth.
his grip on your throat tightened and you moaned louder, the sounds driving him insane and throwing him over the edge. his quickened pace made you cum as well and you both gripped onto each other like your lives depended on it.
he slowed down and you both breathed heavily as he stayed inside of you for a moment, kissing you sweetly on the lips before pulling out and discarding the condom before falling back onto the bed with you and pulling you to his chest.
“wow.” you breathed.
he laughed, “yeah.”
you both stayed there, enjoying each others warmth as you came down from the post sex high. “you ruined the food.” you stated finally.
he laughed, “i’ll order pizza.”
“woah, since when does Prince Luke eat pizza like some commoner?” you giggled.
he grinned, “you’re right, i should get the chef to make lobster-”
“i’m joking Luke. Pizza sounds great.” you curled up in the blankets and by the time the pizza arrived at the door you were asleep. Luke looked at you, curled up in the middle of the bed like such a Princess. that was his spot. this was the reason he never let girls sleep over. 
part of him wanted to tell you to hit the road, after all, your hotel was a five minute walk away. but something stopped him and he let out a sigh of exasperation as he found a smoke and went onto the terrace, closing the door as to not wake you.
he’d been standing in this very spot a few weeks earlier, angry about the entire situation. angry about your power over him. and yet, here he was again, letting you sleep on his bed in his spot.
the sex had been... like nothing he’d ever had before. which was odd, because Luke had thought he’d tried just about everything in the book. but not that. not with someone he actually cared for. 
he took a long drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke. he’d assumed this whole fake dating thing would last a few months and he could go back to partying, not giving the whole thing much thought.
but in a few months... he’d be king.
he realized, he’d never be able to go back. 
the thought terrified him.
Luke buried his face in his pillow, reaching out instinctively but he only grasped air. his eyes opened and he realized he was alone. part of him wondered if it had been a dream but the torn panties and table mess he’d made the night before were still littered on the ground.
and you weren’t there.
it hurt in an odd way. he’d expected you to be there, even half asleep, you’d been his first thought, his first goal of the day. 
he groaned and pulled out his phone.
Ashton sat in a floaty, Cal with his feet in the water and Michael in the shade as Luke paced back and forth. “when we started dating I didn’t expect to fall in love with her.” Luke explained, “is that even what this is?”
he looked at his friends who all laughed, “don’t look at me mate.” Cal grinned, “you know i think love is fake.”
“Ash?” Luke asked, turning to the eldest.
Ashton shrugged as he sipped his cocktail, “you’ve only been dating a month bud, seems fast to me.”
“also you’ve never had a relationship,” Michael pointed out, “so maybe you’re just in a honey moon phase.”
Luke flailed himself onto a floaty, running his fingers through his hair “this is such a mess!”
“when are you seeing her next?” Cal asked.
“i have no idea! last night wasn’t supposed to happen, the contract-”
“contract?!” Michael interrupted.
“fuck.” Luke cursed himself.
Ashton set down his drink, “you have a lot of explaining to do Hemmings.”
You had spent the past two days locked in your room, your phone off as you tried to sort out what had happened. it had been two days since you left before Luke could wake up. two days since he’d literally fucked his way into your heart. 
you’d hoped the whole thing had been baby fever but that would have worn off by now and you were starting to worry that something more serious was at play.
could you really like Luke Hemmings? of all the possible princes you could fall for, and you had to fall for the playboy asshole who snapped his fingers at waiters?!
you had no idea what he was feeling about it either because you hadn’t talked to him. he’d suggested being your real boyfriend at the party but its not like that conversation ever got fully explored so who even knew? not you, that’s for sure.
taking a deep breath you turned on your phone, ignoring everything and calling a friend. you’d be damned if you let this whole thing get to your head. 
your friend answered on the first ring “Y/N i’ve been trying to get a hold of you for ages! you think your Prince can give you up for the night so you can come party?”
you laughed at the term ‘your prince’ and sighed, “you know what, yeah, i’ll come out.”
Luke’s knee bobbed up and down and his friends stared at him, “it’s bullshit that she doesn’t have a no partying section in her contract and I can’t believe she’d go out and not even answer my texts first.” Luke groaned.
“well she’s not technically your girlfriend-” Michael pointed out but Ashton punched his shoulder lightly.
“she’s probably just freaked out. like you are.” Ashton said, smiling warmly at his friend.
“and you can confront her yourself.” Cal pointed out as the limo pulled up in front of the club.
Luke took a deep breath, running a hand through his unruly curls, “how do i look?”
“you’re a fucking panty dropper mate. don’t worry.” Ashton said before the door opened and they all climbed out.
flashes started immediately and a few people screamed “Pussy Party!” which made Michael grin and scream “Pussy Party!” with the crowd as they were escorted through the VIP door.
Luke looked around the club. he’d missed the flashing lights and the feel of bass in his chest. as soon as they entered girls began approaching. Ashton grabbed two blondes right away and Michael likewise broke off from the pack with two girls. 
Cal is the only one who stayed, hand on Luke’s shoulder as they both looked around. “there.” Cal said, pointing towards the bar.
the last time Luke had seen you, you’d been sprawled out on his bed, your naked body only slightly covered by his fur blanket. 
and there you were, in yet another stunning dress, a drink in your hand as you talked to a few people. Luke immediately recognized one of them by his dark curly hair and cheeky grin.
Luke’s fists clenched at his sides and he took a step forward but Cal grabbed his arm, “you can’t just go in there guns blazing mate.”
“like fuck i can’t.” Luke said, pulling away from Cal and barreling towards you. a few girls tried to get in his way but he pushed past them.
Prince Harry saw Luke’s approach and smiled “hey Luke!” he grinned.
you froze as you felt Luke come to stand directly next to you, his hand going to the small of your back, “Harry.” he greeted before turning to you. you looked up at him hesitantly, “long time no see, babe.”
“yeah, um... haven’t been feeling well.” you answered.
“your phone’s been off.” Luke stated.
you sighed at his possessiveness, “how did you know i’d be here Luke?”
“the paps saw you come in.” he answered, “people were wondering why i wasn’t with you so my mentions blew up.”
“come to think of it, why didn’t you two arrive together?” Harry interjected, leaning on the bar and looking at the two of you with furrowed brows, “you’d be daft to leave a stunner like Y/N alone.”
Luke’s jaw feathered and you noticed immediately, recognizing his anger radiating off of him like it had at the Gala, and on that night you’d been talking to a friend of his, not a rival. this was not going to end well for anyone.
you felt the pull of your contractual duty as you set down your drink and wrapped your arms around Luke’s waist, leaning against his side before smiling sweetly at Harry, “i’m sorry, you’ll have to excuse my boyfriend, he can get jealous sometimes.”
Luke kept his mouth shut as he glared down at Harry. 
one of your hands pressed against his chest and you looked up at him, and finally he looked down at you. he could feel the anger still coursing through his veins. 
you were his.
his arm went over your shoulders, “excuse us.” he said to Harry, voice a growl as he began leading you through the crowd.
“where are we going?” you asked.
he didn’t answer as he pushed you in front of him and into one of the lavish, VIP club bathrooms, closing the door and locking it.
the last time you’d been in a bathroom he had been a soft boy but standing in front of you now was a very angry, sexy, man. 
his shoulders heaved as he looked down at you, taking a step forward as you stepped back until your back hit the wall. his hand came to rest next to your head as he leaned down to be eye level with you.
“you like seeing me jealous?” he asked, voice searing into you, “you like flirting with other men while you’re dating me?”
“i wasn't-” you began but then you realized, “this whole thing is PR-”
“not to me.” he growled, pressing his lips against yours.
you wanted to be mad but the whole situation was making your heart race. you were friends with Harry, nothing more. you hadn’t meant to make Luke jealous but you had to admit, jealous Luke was a panty dropper.
your fingers went up into his curls as he bent down lifting you up and wrapping your legs around your waist as he pressed you back against the wall. your fingers danced over his shoulders as he bit down at your bottom lip.
having your legs wrapped around his waist had pushed your dress up and you could feel him through the thin fabric of your panties as you groaned into his mouth.
“Luke.” you whimpered as his mouth moved to your neck, teeth grazing your skin. he sucked on the area for a few moments, fingers digging into your thighs as he held you up.
he finally pulled away from your neck and moved to set you down on the sink counter, his hands going to his belt as he undid it. your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, finally getting the button down open so your fingers could roam his chest, exploring the ridges of his abdomen and the beautiful V-line disappearing into his pants.
when his belt was undone he stopped, kissing you again as he reached between your bodies and once again tore your panties in half to get them off of you, “you have to stop doing that.” you laughed against his lips.
“i’ll buy you new ones.” he promised, nipping at your lower lip as your arms encircled his shoulders. his hand reached into his back pocket and he pulled out a condom.
you expected him to fuck you like that but he pulled you down off the sink, forcing you to turn so your back was to him as his hand pushed you down over the sink, ass in the air. his eyes met yours through the mirror as he lined himself up with your entrance, hands steadying on your hips in a grip that you knew would leave marks.
he slammed into you and you moaned, moving to press your cheek against the counter but a hand wrapped in your hair, pulling your head up, “watch me while i fuck you.” he growled, eyes still on yours through the mirror.
“you’re mine.” he stated as he continued to pound into you mercilessly, “say it.”
his grip tightened on your hair, “I’m yours.” you repeated.
he let go of your hair, a hand coming down to smack your bum, “Louder.” 
“I’m yours Luke.” you whined, moaning as he hit a new spot inside of you.
this answer seemed to satisfy him as his head tipped down to look at where he was entering you, both hands returning to your hips as he continued to pound in and out. 
“up.” he instructed.
you pushed yourself up a bit and his hand came around the front of your body to wrap around your throat, pulling you up flush against his chest but being taller than you wasn’t making the angle that easy. he swore under his breath, pulling out of you and easily man handling you to be sitting on the counter again as he easily slide back into you.
his lips captured yours as your legs went around his waist and one of his hands cupped your face. “mine.” he hissed against your lips.
“Luke i’m gonna-” you began but he cut you off with a kiss.
“me too.”
his other hand gripped your thigh as his pounding got faster, lips on yours as you both reached your highs, letting out sinful moaning and whimpering sounds as he stilled inside of you.
you both breathed heavily, foreheads touching as he stayed there for a few moments. 
he pulled out of you and discarded the condom and your ruined panties, fixing his pants then lifting you off the counter and setting you down. he pulled your dress down, running a hand through your messy hair to fix it as he looked you over, not quite sure what to say to you, his gaze lingered on your neck where you knew there was a hickie forming.
“I... uh...” he struggled.
you looked up at the Prince, the guy who always knew what to say and yet here he was, tongue tied. “that was amazing.” you said, hoping it would help him find the right words and ease whatever conflicted emotions he was obviously feeling.
he laughed, removing his hand from where it had been cupping your face to do his buttons, “i knew it from the first day i met you, you’d like the kinky stuff.”
“Luke!” you laughed at the return of his cockiness as he did up his shirt, moving to smack his chest but his hand caught yours and he pulled you to his front, looking down at you with a grin. 
“don’t play dumb kitten. we both know you’re a dirty girl.” his words made you let out a breath as you wondered if a round two was a possibility but knocking at the door interrupted your thoughts. someone was always interrupting you two. 
Luke put his arm over your shoulders as the two of you exited the bathroom. “do you want to stay for a bit?’ you asked.
“not really.” he answered, looking down at you and laughing at the shock in your face, “i usually used to go clubbing for women but that’s not a good reason anymore.” he explained, leaning down to press his lips to yours.
you beamed up at your boyfriend. the two of you left the club, he shielded you from the paparazzi waiting outside as he held open the limo door for you before getting in himself, sitting next to you with his hand on your thigh.
“so we’re actually dating.” you stated.
he laughed, “yeah, who would have fucking thought?” 
you pushed at him and he wrapped his arms around you, “either this is real or this is the worst case of baby fever ever.” 
two months later it was announced that Luke Hemmings would be the next king. people were okay with it. everyone remembered the way Luke had been just months earlier but since he met you, everyone had seen the change. 
it was something in his eyes. an emotion that no one had ever seen there before.
it was the way he always had to be touching you, or protecting you from cameras.
it was just the way he was with you.
preparations were made for his coronation. his parents set up to move to a palace in the country they’d always planned on going to after retirement. Luke was in meetings most days but he always arrived back at the palace to find you, adorned in a new set of lingerie he had bought for you. he had entered a new chapter of his life and it was obvious to everyone around.
he no longer snapped his fingers at servants and everyone who worked on the grounds noted the change. 
the coronation was a big deal and Luke was worried about the whole situation but throughout the ceremony, if he ever felt lost or scared, his eyes would just find yours as you’d offer an encouraging smile.
when the festivities had ended and everyone went home, you and Luke finally had the palace to yourselves. he’d sent all the servants home to celebrate. the only sound in the entire palace was the sound of you laughing as Luke chased you around the long hallways, ready to ‘christen’ every room with your love.
it was wild, as you ran through the palace, chased by the boy you loved, to think that he was king. 
you ran to the bedroom and expected him to chase you. when you jumped into the bed and turned to find he wasn’t there, you furrowed your eye brows, sitting up. “Luke!?” you called. 
he entered the room a short while later, “sorry, i was um... just grabbing something.” he said, holding whatever it was behind his back.
“do you have a present for me?” you teased as he took a few steps into the room.
he grinned sheepishly and your heart fluttered, wondering what it could possibly be. “so we’ve been dating for four months-”
“if you include the PR month.” you pointed out.
he rolled his eyes, “fine, we’ve been dating for three months. and...” his adams apple bobbed as he swallowed, then he got on a knee, “i’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” he pulled out a small velvet box that he had been hiding behind his back, opening it to reveal a ring, “i’m sure about this. Princess Y/N, will you take me, a cocky, arrogant mama’s boy, to be your husband?” 
you laughed at his inclusion of ‘arrogant’ because he always seemed to forget it, but not this time. looking down at the beautiful boy in front of you, your heart felt like it was soaring out of your chest as you nodded, feeling your eyes begin to swell.
“yes.” you said.
his face lit up as he removed the ring, taking your hand softly and slipping it onto your finger. 
then he was on top of you, body pressing you into the bed as your arms wrapped around his shoulders and his lips pressed against yours. you were both smiling so much that it was hard to kiss so you pushed at him, rolling so you could be on top.
you laced your fingers with his, marvelling at the ring on your finger as you looked down at him. “how did i ever get so lucky?” you asked.
“well i was given a bunch of folders-” he began but stopped as you laughed and pushed at his chest, “you know i’m a king right. you can’t push me around anymore.”
“oh yeah?” you asked as he rolled his way on top of you again, lips finding yours.
“yeah.” he said, rubbing his nose against yours slightly to make you laugh. 
you smiled at each other, not a care in the world. “I love you Luke Hemmings.”
“i love you too Princess.
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Tumblr media
Genre: angst with slight fluff
Skz zombie apocalypse au
Not much warning really
It's pretty short but I got bored
The storm finally calmed after nearly an entire day of harsh rain and strong winds. Sitting up on a high branch in the first climb able tree I could find I hung my bag and bow on the branch while ringing my shirt out. With the temperature being basically below freezing and having no dry winter clothes or jacket I knew shelter was a must unless I wanted to go through hypothermia.
My body shook violently as another breeze hit my arms and I determined it was time to look for the closest town. Taking a careful glance around me I couldnt see another moving object in sight so I grabbed my few items and leaped out of the tree, bow and arrow at the ready.
Walking through the woods has been scary enough as it is recently with the limited food supply and starving walkers that have been found in hoards but nothing adds fuel to the fear more than being completely alone. I kept my steps as silent as I could and listened to the best of my abilities but in the end I could only hear the thumping of my rapid heartbeat that never seems to calm these days. I use to be able to ignore it when I was with a group but being alone you tend to notice more about ok but yourself compared to when you are with loved ones.
****Four months earlier****
"Y/N you breathe any louder and the walkers will here you," Minho joked as we crept through the abandoned town. Playfully hitting his arm I tried even harder to control my breaths so he could move his jokes onto one of the others. "Unless they hear your blabbing first," Seungmin hushed, "seriously Minho were we not just attacked by a group not even a couple of minutes ago? Let her catch her breath. We all know she is a terrible runner." Rolling my eyes there wasn't much room for arguments. The boys were athletic and strong, only keeping me around for my ability to provide medical care and my shocking ability to hunt. I've tried teaching them for weeks but only successfully having Jeongin shoot a dose after using five arrows and chasing after it.
"Hey it could be worse. We could have Jisung not being tired." Jisung faked a hurt expression with his jaw dropped and a hand slapped to his chest but you could see from the bags under his eyes that if we were to take a small break in one of these buildings he would collapse from exhaustion. "Last I checked I kept watch while I let you guys sleep. I did all of you a favor," he gasped. Placing a soft kiss to his cheek I slightly chuckled at the tiny his face turned and how large the smile on his face turned. "Me too," Jeongin whined while pulling at my arm. Giving him two on his uninjured cheek he seemed satisfied with his reward. I was just happy he was talking again.
He once didnt say a single word for nearly two months due to the trauma of us losing our best friend after we found his family who was going a different way then we were. They claimed to know of a society going west but we were heading east for one we knew of. It was a no brainer he would go with his family and we couldnt be happier for him but we miss him terribly. It took me saving his life and nearly getting bitten for him to find his voice again.
"You are such a baby," Seungmin groaned but apologized once he caught a glimpse of my warning glare. "Last I remembered I beat the shit out of Jisung when he called him a baby. Dont think I wont do the same to you." The boy is an adult now and I refuse to allow the others to treat him as less. "She's stronger then she looks man," Jisung added as he grabbed his wrist, "I thought she broke something!"
"Guys listen," Minho interrupted, "do you hear that? It's called silence and I prefer ot over your bickering." Before I could open my mouth Jeongin grabbed hold of my hand and mouthed a "thank you" while we continued to walk. Security wasn't a feeling we felt but there was a sense of it when we were together. We had eachother.
Taking in a deep breath I had to force myself to think of other things to prevent myself from crying again. After being separated by an attack from a hoard I have been struggling to stay alive, wondering if it was really worth it.
****Three months ago****
I desperately rushed through the city to find the others. Being separated was bad enough but not knowing if they were okay only added to the anxiety. There were bodies and gunshot holes everywhere but no sign of my friends. Losing hope I slowed my pace to a speed walk but kept my eyes shooting everywhere. Then I saw it, Jeongin's bandanna that I used to wrap his ankle after a nasty gash. He never removes it, leaving that for me to do when I wanted to check his wound for infection. I knew it was his when I saw the my fading initials in the corner of the red fabric.
I couldnt stop the tears that rolled down my face with the knowledge that something terrible had to have happened. Tying it around my wrist I spent hours circling the area but when all I found was his bandanna and a few broken arrows from his crossbow I knew one of three things could have happened. They escaped, they got turned, or they got devoured. My heart shattered and all hope was lost. I was alone and I was afraid.
Tightening the filthy bandanna around my wrist I took a few more glances around before I spotted glimpses of buildings just a few miles north. Maybe there is food, hopefully there is because I havent had a meal in days and it's taking a toll on my health. With the constant hunger and running I have become extremely thin and weak but just strong enough to keep moving.
The town was in ruins but the market had a few canned items left. I also was able to find more arrows in a hunting shop and medicine in the local pharmacy. "This should hold me off for a couple of days," I whispered to myself before climbing up to the top of a diner's rooftop to look for walkers.
"This place gets worse each time we come," a voice said in the distance. "Shut up and look for some food. I think we havent scoped out that store all the way since we were attacked last round," another ordered after an echoing smack filled my ears and a pain filled wince. "You hit too hard Hyung!" Fear filled my veins. Last time I ran into other survivors they nearly killed me with a gunshot to my shoulder. I still have a hard time moving it since I never got medical attention and it only happened less than a week after losing my friends.
"Any signs of walkers," another voice asked, "I'm not risking us being separated with a sign of danger." I held tightly to my bow and prepared an arrow before deciding to move backwards to try and escaped unseen. "Nope. I think we are fine," a familiar voice groaned, "now can we hurry so we can go back. It's cold out here!" "Minho," I muttered to myself. Crawling to the ledge I carefully peered over to catch a glimpse of the group below. There were three boys I had never seen before but my heart was bound to explode when two familiar faded hair colors caught my eye. With black roots I could see the beyond faded green hair and another faded red. Seungmin and Minho? They're alive!
"What's that," one of the boys growled after spotting me, "guns at the ready!" "Fuck," I muttered before quickly trying to escape. They're alive! Are the others? I didnt have time to think as gunshots filled my ears. "Is it a walker?" "Its too fast to be a walker!" Picking up the pace I felt my lungs burning but kept going after a bullet barely passed my ear. "Stop your fire! It's not a Walker!" I hid behind a dumpster before my legs could give out and tried to keep my jagged breathing quiet. 'Breathe any louder and the walkers will hear you,' Minho's joke replayed in my mind. Even if it was them chasing after me they arent alone and are not afraid to kill me on the spot. I was in serious danger.
Hearing footsteps I stopped breathing all together and listened carefully as multiple footsteps crept past me. "It looked like a girl," Minho whispered. "Minho did you see what she was carrying," Seungmin asked, "she had a bow. It was silver." Many people we have come across had bows of all kinds of colors but rarely did we see a shining silver one like mine since my father handmade mine before the outbreak as a birthday gift. I never got the chance to thank him after the outbreak began due to him getting infected.
"Y/N," Minho called out. "What are you doing," one scolded, "she could be dangerous!" Damn straight I am dangerous. "Dangerous? Y/N is as dangerous as a housefly. She is just a nuisance," Seungmin scoffed. Rolling my eyes I knew if the situation was different I would have slapped him by now. I could see the men from a small crack just behind me but it was hidden enough to where it would be hard for them to see me. Prepping my bow and silently sitting up I had it aimed just a few inches away from them just in case I needed to scare them. "She is as scary as Jeongin. They are both a couple of babbling babies," he added. I then released my arrow, it landing in the fence right next to the faded pink haired boy. "Holy shit," he yelled in a deep Australian accent making me internally laugh but hood it in to not be found. "Definitely Y/N," Minho and Seungmin said in sync.
"Look man we arent going to shoot but dont threaten my men," the faded blonde yelled, "now come out where we can see you." "Drop your weapons. You can take me down without them anyways," I called trying to sound as strong as I humanly could. Slowly each of them lowered their guns and held their hands up to show they were unarmed. I hesitantly crawled out of my spot and made direct eye contact with the two of my four boys. "You're alive," Minho gasped before racing to me and engulfing me in a tight embrace with Seungmin joining on the other side of me. "Shoulder," I winced, "watch the shoulder."
They both immediately pulled away and gazed at my body. Soaked and filthy with blood and dirt I looked as horrible as I felt even with the rain washing some of the grime off of me. "We thought the walkers got you," Seungmin stammered as tears rimmed his eyes, "we didnt even have time to look for you. The boys found us but said they never saw you while searching the place." "I looked for you guys for days. I didnt leave the city until I was nearly attacked again! I was alone for since then thinking you all were," I couldnt even finish after my voice cracked. I placed my head onto Minho's chest and allowed him to rub my back soothingly. "We need to go," the blonde ordered, "I hear walkers."
The ride to their base took around half an hour in their safari looking vehicles but looking at the multiple fences let me see just how secure they were. They seemed to reside in an altered town with handmade wooden fences that had to be atleast twenty feet tall that must have taken months to make. "I know it's not the best looking place but its safe," the pink haired boy sighed as we pulled in but I shook my head and gave him a shy smile. "Its better than a simple tree."
As we pulled in there were around fifty people waiting around the parking lot to see if all of their men made it back. In the distance I could see Jeongin and Jisung waiting patiently by a tall and clean building that had to have importance to the people who resided here. Minho helped me out of the vehicle and held his arm around my waist as we walked past the crowd with Seungmin hot on out trail. "Y/N," Jeongin cried once we got into eyesight, "oh my god!" Trampling me to the ground I could only cry as he pampered my face with kisses and tears as he repeated over and over "I'm so sorry!"
"Innie! Innie stop it's okay! I'm here! You're crushing me!" Slowly prying himself off me me Jisung helped me get up and then yanked me into him, body shaking as he tried to be gentle. "How did you survive? Oh my god I'm so sorry," he mumbled into my shoulder. Jisung and Jeongin were always more likely to show emotion so their shaking and crying didnt phase me just as Minho and Seungmin tried holding composure. Running my hand though his quickly fading brown hair I tried soothing him while also bringing comfort to myself. They're alive, they are okay, and we are all together now.
"So who is she again," the pink haired boy from earlier asked as four men approached us. "This is Y/N. She is the girl you were supposed to find when you found us," Minho said with a hint of harshness in his tone. They had to be angry. They were lied to and they knew it, I knew it. Nobody came to look for me that day and I was right where we got separated from! "There arent enough apologies I could provide," the familiar blonde sighed while running a hand through his locks, "but what matters is she is here now right?" "This is Chan, Felix, Changbin, and Hyunjin. The eight of us run this place but Chan is the big man," Jisung explained as he fully let me go.
"You talked about your shoulder," Hyunjin asked, "can I take a look at it in the clinic?" Nodding my head I followed behind him with Jeongin glued to my side as we entered the tall building from earlier.
"It looks pretty nasty but I think it will be fine since I cleaned it. We're going to keep an eye on it for the next week or so alright," Hyunjin asked after the last stitch. "Thank you. I could only do so much with a travel first aide kit from a drugstore." Jeongin kept a firm grip on my hand as his friend left the room, leaving us in total silence. "You've been alone this whole time? In the woods? Injured," he asked lowly. "I'm okay now," I encouraged while ruffling his almost white locks with a soft pink hue. "Still havent found dye huh?" He shook his head and mumbled "not worried about it anymore. Too busy around here."
His eyes were full of emotions but I could see so many questions filling his mind that he was pondering if he should ask. "You know to help us feel better we would come up with ways you were alright? Jisung tried making the theory that you found Woojin and stayed with him." Giving him a soft smile I tried to change the subject to clear his mind. "Do you like it here? The boys seem nice." "They baby me. Alot."
I immediately got frustrated but fought to contain it. Have the boys not realized he isnt a baby? Even after I beat the shit out of Jisung? "But Chan has been teaching me how to lead. He told me if anything happens he wants me to take over Miroh. It's pretty cool but kinda scary." My body relaxed at this, so the babying wasn't so bad that he wasn't given respect. It's a big job to lead and he is being trained to do it!
"I'm so proud of you. I know you can do it." "I can now that you're here. Y/N?" I let out a soft hum, listening to everything he had to say, "you know we are staying here right?" "As long as I'm with you boys I dont care where we are. I'm never losing you again." "Well then welcome to Miroh."
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milomeepit · 5 years
An Untitled Document (Roman Angst Oneshot)
Ship: Roceit, background Analogical TW: Depression, anxiety, past abuse mention, unhealthy habits, dysphoria mention, brief eating disorder, death mention, bad family past, brief past mention of violence Word Count: 2k AN: ... yep.
Roman groaned as he tapped his fingers against the keyboard of his laptop. The sunlight streaming in through the window left a blinding white glare on the upper half of the screen, but he didn’t quite care enough to be bothered getting up and closing the curtain. He instead angled it down, sinking lower into the wooden dining chair. His back would surely complain later, but a shower would probably fix any aches or pains from the awkward position.
He wondered if he should get up and walk around for a bit, stretch his legs and give himself a break from his (apparently fruitless) efforts to work. But, then again, it seemed wrong to give himself a break when he hadn’t really done anything.
He had eaten breakfast- if cold leftover pizza and too-strong coffee counted as breakfast- and fed his pets. He’d even played with the cats for a while, and that had left a fleeting smile on his face as he sat down at the dining table with another cup of coffee and a bottle of soda to sip at while he worked.
The last dregs of coffee sat untouched in the cup, now cold and cloudy, while the soda was half-gone already. His teeth felt rough and slimy, coated in the absurd amounts of sugar from the unhealthy drink. The document on screen hadn’t changed since he sat down an hour and a half ago, the cursor blinking and taunting him. Sure, he’d written and rewritten and deleted a few hundred words, but nothing he’d written seemed good enough.
Writing was supposed to be his passion, the thing he could still grab and hold close to his chest when things got rough. It was all he had left at this point. He couldn’t dance anymore, not with the weak knees he’d inherited from his mother, and his own growing ankle issues from several years of working on his feet for whole days with no breaks. He couldn’t remember the last time he performed a song or in a play, the foggy memories of hot stage lights and elaborate costumes and giggling, whispered conversations in dressing rooms now leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Drawing and painting was an option, still, but they were never really his, not after the ridicule he’d received through highschool from one particularly sharp-tongued art teacher.
Roman’s stomach growled, and he grimaced, glancing at the clock. Only eleven o’clock. He couldn’t eat until one, at the very least. He couldn’t let himself slip into comfort eating again, not when he still had a generously padded belly, not when flab swung off the bottom of his arms, not when his back fat poked unattractively out of the bottom of his binder, not when-
He shook his head, as if to clear it like one of the Etch A Sketch boards his nephew loved. He was in a bad enough headspace right now without spiralling down into a dysphoric, self-body-hating hellscape.
He instead turned his attention back to his phone, which sat on the table between him and his laptop, and continued scrolling blankly through social media. Memes and posts and videos flashed past his eyes, some of them drawing a faint smirk or an amused huff. He sent a few to Dee. He was well aware that his fiance was at work, but some of them would hopefully give him a smile when he went on break later.
He set his phone down again and took an absentminded swig from the bottle of soda. He winced as it grated against his teeth, the sugar almost hurting his teeth as it swirled down his throat. He ran his tongue over his teeth, prodding at them gently. He hissed sharply as he got to the loose one at the bottom of his mouth. Adults probably weren’t meant to have loose teeth, he thought to himself. He probably needed to see a dentist. When he could afford it. If he could afford it.
11:11am. Roman spent a few seconds trying to think of a wish, but before his mind could grasp a solid thought, the clock ticked over, and the moment was gone. It was all rubbish, anyway. Wishes didn’t come true, and life was cruel to those who didn’t deserve it. Dee was one of the best people he’d ever met, and certainly his favourite, yet he was a ball of anxiety and guilt complexes. He deserved to feel confident about himself, to love his laugh and his soft tummy and his small stature that put him at the perfect height for cuddling, to love his loud way of speaking and his passion for those he cared about. Roman certainly loved them, more than words could say.
He was jolted from his thoughts by his phone buzzing with a message from Dee. He must have been on break already. Roman had yet to pin down the break times scattered throughout his shift, so he never knew exactly when his beloved would be online during the day.
snakememesaremadeofthese [11:16]: good morning darling <3 how did you sleep? cocoa_crowns [11:16]: hi, love <33 alright, how’s work going? snakememesaremadeofthese [11:16]: oh, you know, same old same old. It’s.. a day pft snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: what are you up to? cocoa_crowns [11:17]: nothing much really, just dishes and laundry
That was a complete lie, but Roman couldn’t quite face telling Dee he hadn’t touched the chores they discussed last night. He fully intended to do them before Dee got home, that was for certain! Just... not right now.
snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: so, are you working this weekend or? cocoa_crowns [11:17]: i havent gotten a shift request yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: all good, that means we can stay home over my long weekend, do some cleaning and stuff.
Roman let out a soft whine. He’d honestly been hoping that he would get a job request for the weekend, between rough finances and missing his older brother. Logan seemed happy to let them stay at his and Virgil’s house over the weekend when Roman was working, though that was likely because Roman was working for Virgil.
At least Dee usually didn’t seem to mind hanging out at their place while Roman was working. He spent most of his time with Logan and Virgil’s three year old son, Patton. Patton, for his part, adored Dee as if he’d hung the moon and stars in the sky with his own hand. It was cute to see, even if a tiny part of Roman stung with jealousy over being replaced as Patton’s favourite. He genuinely did love seeing the two of them cuddled up on the couch together, playing with toys or watching TV or talking.
It made him excited for the idea of having children, in all honesty. Dee had made his desire to one day have kids clear pretty early on, and Roman had to say he agreed. For a long time, he hated the idea of having children- mostly because he didn’t want to be pregnant, the very idea of it set off his dysphoria like an alarm bell- but he didn’t mind the idea of raising a child with Dee.
Speaking of... he turned back to the computer, squinting at the bright white screen. It was meant to be a story about adoption and found families and unconditional love and hope, but... he just couldn’t get it to click. No matter what he wrote, the tone didn’t feel right for what he was trying to hit. It was just... Wrong, and he hated himself for it.
Writing was meant to be the one thing. His thing. But it just wouldn’t flow, no matter how hard he tried, or what tips and tricks he tested out, or how many breaks he took, or what projects he tried to work on. He loved these stories and characters with his whole heart, and he knew people would be interested in this story- after all, he’d gotten a great reception from the first installment in his planned series. He could talk about them for hours, gush about his plans and ideas and characters, but when it came to actually writing them?
Not a chance.
His heart ached. He felt like he was spinning in the same circles as he had been for months. New house, an (ex boyfriend) friend turned vaguely irritating housemate, new pets, a possible new job that would pay well but he was certain he would loathe- despite Dee’s company during breaks- all of these changes were throwing him off rhythm, and while he was sure that they were for the best, and long term, they would help him live a Happy Life, it was upsetting.
A small, shameful part of him wanted to go home. Not home back to the shared house he had been miserable in, despite only living there for a few short months, not home back to Logan and Virgil’s house, but back to the house he grew up in. It was filthy and toxic, and the people there weren’t much better, but it was familiar. It was regular. He knew how to navigate the treacherous landscape of rotting food left piled in the kitchen, of insults screamed over minute irritations, of the stench from medical issues improperly treated, of prescription medications abused and leaving the mother who was meant to protect him in a drug induced haze, of his father bellowing and throwing things and breaking precious objects and walls (and, in some terrifying cases, people), of the two middle brothers fighting and not understanding why it upset him so. He knew how to try and keep the peace, and how to cope when he failed, as was so often the case in that household. He knew who to talk to and who to avoid in that neighborhood, who to run to if he got in a fight, who to stand up against and who to back down from. The scars from knife wounds in his youth had taught him lessons more valuable than his rundown school ever had.
He didn’t realise that he was crying until a fat tear plopped onto the dining table, narrowly missing his phone screen. He hated that he missed it. He hated that he missed his father, despite swearing off contact with him after coming away from their last conversation with a black eye. He hated that both he and Logan were deliberately keeping their mother at arm’s length, trying to save themselves from the pain of her likely-approaching death. He hated that his other brothers were good people, people he loved, and he couldn’t even go near them anymore out of fear for their parents.
Roman glanced at the clock blinking in the lower corner of his computer screen. An hour and a half had passed since Dee had messaged him, and he hadn’t moved from his slouched position at the dining table. He probably had roughly three hours to do everything else he needed to do before Dee got home. That should be plenty of time. Should be.
He noticed numbly that he hadn’t yet changed out of his pyjamas, just thrown on the cat hoodie he’d bought at a convention a few years ago to show it to the kittens and see if they would cuddle up in the large pocket on the front. He probably needed to shower, as well. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bathed.
... Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. He knew he’d had a bath at least semi-recently, because he remembered using one of the bath bombs that he and Dee had gotten at the pharmacy near Logan’s house the other weekend.
He twisted a finger into his hair, pulling his fringe down over his eyes to inspect it. It didn’t feel too greasy, and it looked fine. He was probably fine. Though he should at least wash his face, to deal with his blotchy cheeks and red eyes, if nothing else. Maybe slap on some makeup and go for a walk in the pleasant weather outside. Take the dog with him, wander around town a bit.
As he stared out the window at Dee’s dog, who was sprinting wildly up and down her tether, probably chasing some bug or lizard, he felt his heart sink. He knew he wasn’t going to do any of that. Pipe dreams for someone with far more energy and functionality than he possessed lately.
So, instead, trying his best to ignore the looming sense of dread he felt, and the anxiety he could feel building over Dee’s return and subsequent disappointment over his lack of productivity, he turned his still tear-blurred gaze back to the too-bright screen of the laptop, readied his fingers over the keyboard, and attempted once again to write.
Depression, anxiety, past abuse mention, unhealthy habits, dysphoria mention, brief eating disorder, death mention, bad family past, brief past mention of violence
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azaraspirit · 4 years
Not to expose myself but mod tom fucking reader (maybe in from of his men or at least not caring about being found out cause it's his fucking mob and his fucking girl and he'll take her when he wants)
oh fuck like this is hot as hell and totally in character. i havent written in ages im sorry if this is terrible.
It was like any other day working for Tom. You been together a few months now and everyone knows you are his and is off limits. You started off as his assistant and one thing led to another. There has been electricity between you and Tom since the beginning even before you two got together and now it was stronger than ever. 
The day started as usual but Tom left ahead of you so you didn’t know how he dressed. You met up with him not long after, getting coffees for you, Tom and Haz. No one else mattered. You walked into the building with your drinks in hand. By now you were used the smell of blood, alcohol and cigarette smoke but you silently wished they would switch to cigars like Tom. The smoke didn’t sting your nostrils as much and actually smelled kinda nice. 
You felt the eyes gaze at you as you walked past the men who were playing cards and counting money, making your way to back staircase. Tom worked on the third level, on top of everyone else. He was the king after all.
You resisted the urge to shudder as the men eyed you. They knew better than to touch you but you still didn’t trust any of them as far as you could throw them. Which is why you always promised Tom to have a fire arm with you at all times just in case something happened when he wasn’t around. He trained you and licensed you and everything. The gun always seemed to feel a little heavier when you were around them but then you would forget about it when you were around Tom.
You did your special knock on the door and after Tom said come in, you opened it and the eyes nearly bulged out of your head. 
He wore your favorite outfit: any nice fitting pants and shirt with the collar popped and a few buttons open. 
He flashed that flawless eye crinkle smile as he saw you come in. You forgot eveything else, almost dropping the coffees you carried until Haz came over and took them. He snapped you out of your tunnel vision.
“Oh, uh thanks, Haz.” you managed to say. He smiled and handed you your coffee. You walked over to Tom who was at his desk. 
“Hi, Tommy.” you greeted as you kissed him.
“Good morning, Darling.” he greeted back, kissing you again. “I noticed the coffee, thank you.”
“Anything for you, Tom.” You couldn’t help but to notice how perfectly snug his slacks were that hugged his thighs. You already felt wetness at your core, wanting nothing more than to ride him. 
“Why don’t you go check on the men, Haz? I want to talk to y/n about something privately.”
“Yes, sir.” Haz said with a nod. He knew better than to question him. 
Haz left you and Tom alone. Tom wheeled around in his chair, facing you. “Now that he’s gone, c’mere.”
You sighed in relief. Tom is a tease and knows exactly what he does to you. “My eyes are up here, Darling.” he chuckled as you straddled him, letting out a moan. 
“I know where they are.” you teased back.
Tom’s hands slipped under your dress. “You little slut.” he chuckled.
“Your slut.” you said. 
A growl slipped out of Tom’s mouth and he gripped your hips. You smirked and tugged at his collar. “So you just happen to choose my favorite outfit today huh?’
Tom’s eyes darkened with lust as his hands rested on your ass, giving it a good squeeze that made you moan. “I can wear whatever I want, Darling.”
You can feel his hard on underneath his tight pants. You hung onto him as you moaned and whined, wanting more. “What’s that kitten? You want my cock?”
You nodded, your nipples hardening. He knew what pet names did to you. 
Tom’s hands moved to his belt. You moaned as you watched his throbbing cock spring out of his pants. Your mouth water. Tom raised up your dress and moved your panties aside. “Ride me, kitten.” 
You moaned as you sunk down on his cock, your eyelashes fluttering with pleasure. You stilled for a moment adjusting before you started to move. 
Tom grunted and moaned as he held on, careful not to hurt you considering how much stronger he was than you. You got into a groove and riding him at a fast pace.
And that’s when the door swung open.
“Mr. Holland, I-” A man froze as he watched you fuck Tom in his lap. Tom froze as well. You were the last one to realize what was going on and was about to get off of Tom but he held you down. 
“What is it?” Tom growled.
“S-sorry sir, I didn’t realize you were uh occupied.” The man started to close the door but Tom had other ideas.
“S’okay kitten, just stay still.” he whispered to you.
“What is it?” Tom repeated. “Just tell me since you’re already here.”
The man’s face was red, suddenly trying to remember why he came in here. “We uh some money is missing sir.”
Tom cursed. “Well take care of it. I’ll come down later when I’m done.”
“But sir-”
“What?!” Tom bellowed.
You flinched slightly as you were so close to him. You never see this side of him.
“What do you want us to do sir?”
“I don’t fucking care. Just take care of it.” 
“Yes sir.” The man took that as a sign and closed the door.
Tom softened instantly, caressing you. “You okay kitten? I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You shook your head. “I’m okay. That was...kinda hot actually.” You blush.
Tom raised his messy brow. “Oh?”
You giggle and bite your lip. “Uh huh.”
“God you’re so fucking hot.” Tom breathed as kissed you, making you giggle and squeal.
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WhatsApp? Part 10. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: Man I live for Sam Wilson. He’s too much to handle. He’s that chaotic friend for sure.
Word count: 1.9 K
Warnings: Probably like none? Idk.
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six  Part seven  Part eight  Part nine
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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You had a deep coma until two p.m. the next morning, unable to move, speak or talk, just laying in your head under the blankets, watching some Audrey Hepburn movies running on the TV.
When you for yourself together and felt like standing up, you took a long shower full of bubbles and nicely smelling cosmetics, then you took the rest of the make-up down. Then, with your stomach still being heavy as fuck, you ordered some food from a near pizza shop. Then, again, you fell down the bed, still looking like a piece of trash.
When your phone rang, you picked it up without even looking at the name on the display. You thought that it's the pizza courier.
"I'm sorry man, I can't even walk. Can you go to the third floor, fifth door? On the back of the hall. You can't miss it." - You growled tiredly like a Golum, sounding really tired.
"If you tell me on which address, I will come. Are you expecting someone?" - You heard Steve's voice from the other side. His voice was breathy, so you knew that he's on his daily jog. You couldn't even know ho terrified he actually was because of the answer. You surely were expecting someone. Some man from yesterdays evening. 
His confidence slowly fell down from hundred to zero seriously fast. And you didn't even have to say or do anything for that matter.
"Yeah, queen Liz will be at my place aaaany minute." - You said quietly, but your fingers started to play with the necklace almost immediately. It was perfect and you never wanted to take it off. - "Just the pizza delivery guy. I'm hungry but too lazy to cook. It really made me tired yesterday."
"You were perfect." - He said breathlessly. Your lips curled into a slight smile. Steve was running around Brooklyn park with a perfectly dreamy look on his face. You two were such dorks - "I could not believe my eyes. You were so close and so full of life, so beautiful... Dear lord."
"Steve, you really knew which one am I? Didn't you look after Deena, May or Suzie? Because you surely are not talking about me." - The breath stuck in your breath and your heart was beating faster and faster. You probably had to stand just a few feet from him. He could basically touch you if he wanted to. And you wished that he have even when you knew that Steve wasn't that kind of a man.
"I was looking at you and only you. And what about that solo with your friend? I liked that. That was funny." - Steve smiled. You only heard yourself giggling and squealing. That made the big man a bit worried. He never heard you do those sounds so loudly. But now you had a serious hungover and you were just happy. There was nothing to hide anymore. - "Are you alright?"
"Yes, yes, I am. I perfectly am. Just... You were there, with me, watching us, maybe even singing and clapping, you gave me that beautiful necklace... And..." - You mumbled with the speed of light. You are so sweet. Steve found it nice to find someone so pure and so happy because of such a small thing which was completely natural for him.
"So you liked it?" - Steve stopped and breathed the six miles he just ran. His thighs and ass were slightly burning, that was a sign of a seriously good work out.
"I... I loved it. I will never take it off, I swear!" - You exclaimed. Your head and body hurt, but Steve has woken you up so much, that you have completely forgotten about that. That was just what Steve did to you daily. - "Also, it was you, am I right?"
"I was what?" - He laughed and you heard as he drank something.
"Ten grand out of our twenty-five? You did it, am I right?" - You smiled. Steve was obviously just a really good, real and honest man who cared about local charities. A good heart with a good soul - Steve obviously wasn't the one who would flex on you with his money. He would never.
"Maybe it was me, maybe it was not me. Do not care about that. I and my lads loved it yesterday so we wanted to let you know. Did you get that note?" - Steve asked, his voice tone suddenly changing from playful to hoping. You froze in one place. The note... THE note.
You must've lost it when you were taking the board from Tony Stark himself. Suddenly, you wanted to cry. It must've been something important for him.
"Oh Steve, I'm so sorry..." - You shuttered and sobbed as you were about to cry. What was the note about?
"Hey. Do not be sad, alright? It's not a big deal at all, Y/N. I'll think about something else, just keep your spirits up, sweetheart."
Even tho Steve acted like it was a no big deal, it was a huge one for him. He wrote you a short note, in which he was asking you on a serious date. Sam made him do it because he was so curious about your reaction - old school yes or no note with a date and a location. But you have lost it.
Steve wasn't mad, of course, he wasn't. But he has some high hopes for that. He was crazy about you saying yes, to finally meet you, take you out on a dinner and to be just... With you, your beauty and bright mind.
He was calling you throughout his entire jog and as you ate your pizza. In the end, he truly asked for your friend's number, because Bucky was persistent about getting to know that girl.
"I will hang up. I have a meeting with some friends today, but I can call you in the evening, is that alright?" - Steve stopped in front of his apartment door, adjusting the microphone on his earphones as he was searching for his keys.
"I will hopefully survive today. I will miss you, handsome." - You said in a sweet tone and Steve felt as his knees melt a bit. Now he could imagine your face and expression, your big shiny eyes and beautiful lips curling to a smile. And when Steve closed his eyes, the feeling became even more intense. You were perfect for him.
"Tell me about it. Be safe." - Steve basically purred and got into the apartment. Bucky immediately took notice of his lad and he smiled at Steve. His expression was telling so much without him even saying a word.
"I will, bye." - You sighed lightly and hung up.
"I should take a photo of you." - Bucky joked and when he said a word photo, Sam immediately hurried out of bedroom only in his boxers.
"Ma man just saw some boobs, didn't he?" - Sam clapped cheerfully and Steve just waved him off. Sam and boobs - that could've been an idea for a saga. - "Hope you got the number for Mr. I Will Teach About Jesus. He is just fuckin' persistent because of it."
"Got it. But now we should prepare for that big Avengers evening. Tony will be curious about that ten grand I gave to them." - Steve said cheesily with a laugh.
When he was taking another shower and dressing up, two texts were delivered to his phone. One of them was some Deena's number. Steve figured out that that was your friend's name.
The second one was a cute photo of you - your face, messy hair, slight smile and big eyes looking at him. You had a tank top on to show off your new necklace. The smile was definitely the cutest ever. He immediately needed to show Bucky.
"Yeah. She's... She's just perfect, pal. But I'm more interested in the first text." - Bucky winked. Steve couldn't be mad at him. Bucky always had a thing for girls which radiated that bad girl energy, those nasty ones who could kick his ass. And Deena, as you called her, was surely that type who could show men that she is completely on her own. 
The next day Deena yelled and ran to you just when tried to open the door to your office with a serious load of muffins.
“You won't believe anything im going to tell you, girl. Shut up and listen!” - She yelled all over the building and caught both your shoulders in an eager grip. 
“Okay. Stop yelling. I'm listening.” - You laughed to her face, and she rolled her eyes. 
“A man from that evening texted me this morning. Like... If I wanna hang out today.” - Deena whispered. Yeah. Steve informed you that James, his friend, is going to contact Deena. You just didn't expect it so soon. You had the thing going on for a few months and yet you havent seen him. But James asked Deena out instantly. Just like that. 
You were the jealous one at the moment. Yet you got a smile out of your lips which made you appear happy.
“That's awesome. Is he handsome?” - You asked curiously and entered the building with her by your side. You tried to be happy for James hitting his chances off immediately, yet you felt like Steve could it as well. Was it a problem in you, in him, in the universe, or where the fuck it was?
“As fuck. Man, if he lets me be my own woman and if he won't do the top between us just because he’s a man, I think I'm gonna see him again.” - Deena told you with a totally wicked smile and you opened your mouth. 
“That sounds like you’ve started with wedding plans. Can I be the grand-mother of your first child?” - You joked around and Deena stopped you with a gentle touch on your shoulder.
“Hey. I know what's this about. You're angry that James is initiative and Steve is just surrounded with mysteries. But... You know... James can be a jackass and I can tell you hes a complete dick tomorrow. But you and Steve have invested a few months of your life into that relationship you two have. You know each other. You call each other every day. I don't know James at all.” - She said in all seriousness. That's why she was your friend. She knew what was wrong without you even wanted her to. You hugged her tightly because she raised confidence inside of you.
“If James would act like a dick, I will say Steve to beat him the fuck up.” - You promised solemnly with your hand on your heart and entered the office. 
And so Deena and James started dating. And yet you felt like you and Steve were the first ones even if you haven’t seen each other.
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squeakynico · 4 years
mental note, list of women-based manias
2010-11 - Deena (i thought this was a nervous breakdown... Deena is absolutely wonderful, although i havent seen her in ten years, we are still vaguely in tough online. her mother died still very recently. i once mailed her my grandmother's watch and a casette tape my father made for me when i was a child, out of compulsion.
early 2017 - Momi, a wonderful economist working on her phd who happened to be teaching economics to kids in high school on oahu. she was/is married, to another wonderful person named K.X., and i loved and respectex both of them so much, they were so nice to me and my friend when i felt very lonely out there. this was the mania that got me hospitalized for four months (off and on), and diagnosed (THANK GOD).
late 2017 - Wesley (possibly mostly weed related too) , she is a beautiful young person (well//lol, *30* now i guess? shit she used to complain about getting old and being a has-been, but i always tried to reason. i am all of 33), when i met her she was a recovering heroin addict, whose life love (FOR REAL HIS NAME WAS/IS LEO HE WAS A CHRISTIAN SCHIZO WHO JUMPED OFF THE ROOF OF A CHURCH NOW HE IS IN THE SKY WITH GOD) had died. she met a surfer bra the day we met and fell in love with him, which i thought was perfect because they seemed like a good fit, only he was (*much*, ha) younger at 21 (it's true, that *is* young). we talk sometimes and i give her money sometimes. she's had it very rough... Very rough, and is also bipolar, but once she got really mad at me for pushing her boyfriend who was sitting too close to me, and for leaving her most loved jean jack in a gas station bathroom (because i had just literally MMARCHED into, and Out Of, Chicago i was *really tired* and that thing weighed at least 10 pounds. i was staying at her place. nothing ever happened between us, but i still have her number. her dog Bear is the shit ❤
middle/late 2018 - Laura // Fletcher (the weird infatuation just sort of weirdly jumped from one to the other. mainly because i had been texting Laura about how Satan was misunderstood and an atom bomb may possibly have been getting rrady to be dropped on Houston while she was there. Laura is the Scene Queen of Dallas, and also i think her father and mother found her in a dumpster ((for *real*... whrn i ask who does that, sometimes you already know, she is really awesome and was about to move to spain to study Spanish and be a teacher. her cats' name is Freddie, he looked a lot like Jerry), and we used to sing karaoke at the same bar... for *Months*, always singing karaoke at the same bar but never talking. we hung out a few times before *i* got weird, and i think she thought she was bi, but she had a boyfriend too his name is Evan he is also very nice. she said she felt uncomfortablr once to the bartender of a club we both went to often to sing at, after i had been texting Very Weird, and all i did was empty my pockets in front of him (minus the essentials) and walk away.
i never saw her again, but i told Fletcher and Lindsay about her, and all that i had been feeling. i'm sure Fletcher let me go on as long as she could stand, because she is so kind and understanding. after she said she wouldn't kiss me, and literally *ceased* speaking to me altogether, i still told my mom that i thought she was still listening, without responding, and how *that*s how i Knew she loved me... i got seven tattoos during that time (mostly small line pieces - there is Jesus, and Jerrell, and Laura, and Judy Garland, and ABBA) but Fletcher's is the one over my heart. it's just a weird little cross-squiggle with her initials and a tinu heart and an arrow, because Fletcher means "arrow-maker". she is really cool, i used to play in her best friend's band when i was 20 or 21, maybe 22-23 or for, but we had *never* talked. silence is literally sometimes The Best Therapy. but still, i got *really* weird around that time, i had lost my job because of the Laura mania, and had tried twice to be a truck driver and failed, and a friend had died of an Aneurysm, and i was working at McDonalds (they were very kind to let me, i was a cashier but spoke next to no Spanish in a predominantly Mexican neighborhood). i used to drive to Fletcher's hometown for "fun" (drinking), just to have a look around. it was over an hour aeau from Dallas, and some weeks i would do that almost *every* *night*. that's mostly why i moved to Atlanta from Dallas, to start fresh
2020 - Sandra and i broke up. it was a kind of mutual decision - she had become distant again, after she started he new job which drained her a lot, and i was not being as supportive as i should have, but she had barely spoken to me in a month, and when i confessed that i had been commenting anonymously on her tumblr (well, i didn't confess, but after i told her i had been checking it out, she knew the comments were from me, i guess i have a messaging style that is difficult to mistake) she said something like "i wish you hadn't done that," and i blew up and wrote this longish rant on a prescription receipt at messaged it to her
then she said if i wasn't getting the time and emotional support i needed from her, we she call it quits. and i said FINE SEND ME MY BUNNY RABBIT BACK. it all seems so ridiculoys now, but i'm glad she did so quickly when it was called for. it's going to take a long long long time to get over her (if i ever really do... she once stitched the sleeve lining back into the sleeves of my most loved old coat that my friend gave me many years ago. and she fixed the pocket where i had been secretly hiding beer cans and tiny wine bottles in the lining), but i was mean and unfair when she needed space i didn't understand *how much* space, also all she ever asked for in her online profile was someone to hold hands and make out respectfully with... i guess i was a fluke/am a fluke. i miss her and wish i could see her again. as a confessed voyeur, i got two of the cabbage guys she drew when she was young, tattood on my ribs.
i have had enough manias to know now when something is up, but being on meds doesn't make me any happier. i think this journalling does - not happier, jues... Phew (:})
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archivedatl · 17 years
AP web exclusive: All Time Low tour diary
Posted by Scott Heisel on 08-Dec-06 @ 04:43 PM
Last month, Baltimore pop-punkers All Time Low took to the road with Sugarcult for a series of shows on the West Coast. Here's some of what they saw, in words and pictures. Learn more at www.alltimelow.com.
#1------------------------------------------------------------ Ooohooo So last night we celebrated two awesome occasions...well 3 since matt's molars finally grew in...anyways yesterday was Haloween and our first night of our tour with Sugarcult. I must say, it is pretty strange touring with a band who I spent the better years of my middle school life watching on MTV. Regardless of where this band has been, it definetly didn't eff with their personalities. They were all super nice to us and each came up and introduced themselves. The show went pretty well but it wasn't a good judgement of our the whole tour is going to be because Sugarcult didn't even headline, the Eagles Of Death Metal did, and the tickets for $25 on Haloween night :) I'm sorry but I would never go to a show if those were the circumstances...I'd be out expanding my collection of holiday treats. Tonight the 'real' tour begins so we will see how it goes. We are playing Washington State University in Pullman Washington. We haven't done too many college shows, so this should be interesting...anyways before we got on the road a couple days ago we were couped up in Ben Harper's (formely of yellowcard, now in amber pacific) house/studio in long beach, CA working on our new CD :). We demoed some hot licks that were going to send over to our producer matt squire so that he can put in some input. I heard my blogs are going to be posted on the Alternative Press website for this tour, so if that's the case then...helll yeah! Well I just woke up from sleeping in the van so I am gonna walk out into the freezing streets of Pullman, WA crack my back and grab some Qudoba. Much Love, Jack --jbstar #2------------------------------------------------------------ Yoo dooodds, So I'm gonna update you guys on the passed couple shows...on Wednsday we played Washington State University. Those kids are freaking crazy! Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we made some awesome new friends. I cannot stress enough, how cool the Sugarcult guys are. Which is really cool because I have been listening to those guys since 6th grade! Anyways before we played, matt thought it would be a good idea to have a fork and knife fight backstage...yeah it turned pretty ugly and we should have some footage online soon enough. That night we partied at 'The Christmas House'. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure alex made out with a dog...I really miss Hit The Lights :( Anways...we played Seattle after the college show and it was offf the hoooook. Everyone in the room was dancing and it got pretty redic. As soon as we told them the alex/dog story they went nuts. We met up with the Pink Spiders that night. We were nervous about that because we've heard some stuff...but for real those guys are the shit. There all super nice and we have no complaints about them. We have yet to tour with a band who we don't get along with (fingers crossed). We also heard that we may be doing a few shows with Cobra Starship in Dec, if that happends that would be sick. I'll keep you guys updated. Someone made us a bucket of the craziest donuts ive ever seen at the portland show last night!! They were reallly good. Sorry for the lack of pics, I'll make sure my next post has more, its just hard to take good pics on a sidekick :). Talk to you guys soon!!Jacko #3------------------------------------------------------------ Yo Babaayyss, Last nights show was off the hook! I love playing at The Boardwalk in orangevale calii. The crowd was as wild as usual and a bunch of kids were singing along. A lot of the same kids who saw us there on the Amber Pacific tour came back. Its always cool to see so many familiar faces,,,cough cough hint hint nudge...you get the idea folks! The next couple shows should be interesting...reno and vegas. I wont be able to gamble but at least ill be able to look at a lot of lights. We all have family comming out, so that should be exciting. I havent seen my brother and sister in ages and i know their gonna be wasted so that means they will be even more friendly :) Also Meg n Dia join up in vegas which is sick, SO SIKED FOR THAT!!! We met them on warped and their super nice. anyways i think its time, i go to In and Out because after this tour im not going to be able to go back for a while :( im going to eat there everyday twice a day until we leave Arizona. Ive attached pics from our set on the Epitaph stage at this years Bamboozle Left and also some pics of our acoustic set the 2nd day! Thanks to everyone who watched us either/both days :) love you peace peace n a bottle o' hair grease, jack #4------------------------------------------------------------ Wow...vegas has to be one of the strangest places on this earth. First of all we showed up in Reno (shity city) only to find that only sugarcults crew was there and the show probably wasnt going on. We were welcomed by a hooker in a pink tanktop and no teeth asking if we had any shirts we could give her...Thankfully we have power windows and middle fingers. Thankfully zack was asleep or he might have took her up on some of her offers...he's getting desperate you know..just kidding! Anyways we decided to hang out with sugarcults crew for a little then start the drive to vegas early since it was 8 house. We got to go over the Hoover Damn which was sweet. It's seriously Vegas Vacation all over again! Anyways, we got to vegas around midnight and it was a fantastic site! My bro and sis were staying at the MGM so thats where i headed. Rian to the Excalibur, Alex and Matt to the Venecian and Zack to the Luxor. We all split up and hung out with our fam for the evening. My brother took me around vegas and boyyy was it interesting. I was approached by numerous drunk people. It was basically like an Ocean City, Maryland for older people. It's just a place for adults to drink, walk around drunk, act like teenagers and maybe gamble a bit here n' there. it was Akward to say the least. Anyways the next day was the show at the House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay...probably one of the nicest venues we have ever played. We introduced ourselves to the Meg n Dia folks and got to know our new tour mates as we shared a dressing room. We soon found they are awesome people and they share a love for getting wild! The show was pretty cool, and the crowd was big. It was weird though because the merch was not in the venue, it was in the cassino haha. Anyways Vegas was an experience we wont forget, and I cant wait till we go there again. I hope the next time we go, were 21...actually nevermind because that would be three years :)stay rad, Jack #5------------------------------------------------------------ Lame! Tonight was our last show on the Sugarcult Tour featuring The Pink Spiders and Meg n Dia :( Damone will be taking our place on this great lineup. I am jelous that they get to join up! Anyways we made some lifetime friends on this tour and it was a great experience for everyone. Every single show was amazing and the fans never let us down. Traveling to bumfuck arizona and hearing a couple hundred kids sing your song is the coolest feeling ever. Sugarcult was very warming towards us and their personalities suprised the shit out of me. they were such cool guys and even when zack was sick they made him soup and gave him Emergen-C. WHO DOES THAT !?!? Thats like something my mom does...so in a way Sugarcult are our parents. They actually reffered to us as their younger brothers on stage. At the last show of the tour in Little Rock, Arkansas us and Meg n Dia ran on stage during "Bouncing Off the Walls" and started bouncing around and took over Tim's Guitar n Mic, Marko's (my twin) guitar and Airens Bass. It was so fun to bro down with a band that ive been listening to since middle school haha. Alex also got to soundcheck with sugarcult at Texas AM College because tim was at the hospital taking care of his sickness (i think he had a nasty cold). It was so crazy to see alex soundcheck with a band who for the past few years have held a special spot on my ipod and in my cd player :) I attached a pic of him sound-checking for fun. At the end of the show we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs. This is'nt the end of these friendships though, only the beggining...now we head home to write a new cd. Catch us on the road in the northeast in december when we head out with Cobra Starship! Stay safe, Jack
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