#reason i was with them was cause my boss cancelled so i had nothing to do
the-firebird69 · 6 months
Trump vows to cancel Biden executive order on AI to protect free speech (msn.com)
odd from a man who has ai after him day and night from dave a. and that may be why annd you see his technique. sacrifice and stand up for his enemies. hopeing they wont hit and he can try to stop them sorta. pitiful. but his game. ai is not a human being and does not have rights and it is not free speach to limit ai. no. it has nothing to do wiht speech. it is one of the freedoms in teh constitution freedom to succeed and prosper. but not at someone elses expense and not at the general populaces expense. and ai is a danger and does cause danger and is cover for auettes killer programs. and seek out joel and son and more and he supports it he is a weasel.
a big weasel. a huge liar. and biden is right
ai is bad and nasty all of it really and he said how to and nope fully rworng and we are a mess
we take you down biden and this is one reason and we control it with threats. and he says no. and we say produce proof. and he shall send it have it sent. and i t will be costly, so i balk and talk and they dio it anyways. but it shall be interesting. and mb not he says most of my brain gone due to it. and oh
and i saw it. he traced it found one. and they took parts and more. and it is a normal compoter and the programs he was after. and rewrites and is contaminated mostly. but yeh the computer kiled him. and had it done yes. saw it wiht my own eyes an android hit him. and tons see who no. and the boss did. said he is out and not good. now we hv the proof i had him say we would forward and shall and to the parties who can stop you idiots trumpsters we try you dont
star of shicago pd lol ok cat woman and there lol
dave steels his bosses tools and it is code. and the two fight. trump says i kill you anyways pushes dave and dave watned it. sees it now nope. shall. slowly and infight. need it now. now we have proof to the fool and it wont work no will we need it to go out and tommy f does the surgeries on a lot and the mega computer crowd the clans. an they hit alot. and need youout as you remove the infight natuarally they say. it is on they say and we say eh ok
Thor Freya
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chadmothman · 5 years
absolutely love feeling like my friend hates me😍😍😍😍
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angellesword · 3 years
You were disgustingly in love with Park Jimin, your coldhearted boss.
“I’m your Calico cat, here to see you.”
pairing: ceo!jimin x secretary!reader
word count: 3.2k (one-shot) PART OF INTRO SERIES
gennre and content warnings: fantasy au, angst, fluff (?)
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Aside from the fact that Park Jimin was the epitome of beauty, your colleagues didn't understand why else would you be head over heels for him.
Seriously. What was wrong with you? How could you fall in love with Park Jimin when it was obvious that he was the human version of Satan? He wasn't just bad, he was vile.
You had been working as his secretary for ten years and yet, you only saw him smile less than ten times. Jimin was always scowling and always clenching his jaw. Most of the time, he was pissed off. But in his defense, it's only because his employees were "fucking dumb." Jimin said this under his breath while crumpling the piece of paper in his hand.
You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, still waiting for the perfect time to ask if he needed you to fix whatever the people working for him had caused.
You didn't have to wait long though. Jimin turned his glare at you, his burning eyes were almost as bright as his golden desk name plate: Chief Executive Officer Park Jimin.
"What was my schedule last Friday?" You couldn't help but flinch upon hearing his rough voice.
You were used to seeing him irritated, but never to you. This was because you always made sure to do your best in order to please him.
The admiration you had for Jimin was really out of this world.
"It was your birthday, Sir. I cancelled all your meetings as per request—"
You weren't able to finish your response because Jimin was already cursing you.
"You fucking what?" He asked even though he heard you just fine. He knew that you cancelled his meetings last week.
"I cleared your schedule last Friday." He was demanding an answer so you repeated it.
But you wished you did not.
If you only knew that he was going to throw hurtful words at you, then you wouldn't have said anything. Perhaps you would even try to turn back time if you could.
Unfortunately you couldn't.
"How could you clear my schedule without informing me!?" Jimin clenched his fist, raising his voice.
He never raised his voice. His tone was always rough, but never really loud. He didn't have to shout since he could already make someone feel small just by looking at them. The fact that he was screaming now only meant that you royally screwed up.
You screwed up because as said, you cleared out his schedule last Friday without consulting him first. This infuriated your boss because it turned out that he was supposed to meet Ms. Sim, a very important person who Jimin had been meaning to talk to, hoping to persuade her to enter into a business project with him.
You ruined the moment. Ms. Sim sent a letter to Jimin this Monday. She told him that any hope of them working together was now shattered. She said she didn't want to work with someone who didn't value the importance of time and a promise.
"I-I'm sorry, Sir—" you stammered an apology. You wanted to explain, regrettably Jimin wasn't letting you.
He kept cutting you off.
"I don't need your apology, you idiot. The damage has been done! Do you even realize how fucked I am now, huh!?"
You were not a crybaby, in fact, you had thick skin. You had endured far worse things than this. You had been ridiculed before for being homeless, for not being able to fend for yourself when you had an able body.
Some people could be mean. Just because you were physically okay, they'd immediately think you were also okay mentally and emotionally.
Maybe that's what Jimin thought too. Maybe the reason why he was being this mean was because he thought you could handle yourself well.
"You're good for nothing. Why did I even hire you!?"
You were standing for a good thirty minutes in front of your boss, quietly taking in whatever form of insult he threw at you, but for some reason, telling you that he regretted accepting you to work in his company hurt the most.
For the past decade, you took pride in your work. Park Jimin chose you to be here, like you were perfectly fit for the role.
But you were wrong. You weren't competent. Park Jimin just pitied you ten years ago.
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The intense growling of your stomach should be embarrassing. You spent the better half of your life hiding from people the signs your body made to say you needed help.
Dry eyes, feeling cold, and having intense dreams. These are just some of the things you felt that you used to brush off, but were impossible to do so now.
Your eyes were never dry anymore. Tears kept streaming down your face because it was hard to live on the streets. You didn't just fight the changing weather. You also fought for the ugly feeling in the pit of your stomach as people looked at you with disgust.
You didn't feel cold. You felt hot, your rage was boiling. It's unfair that other people got to enjoy a cozy bed while you were stuck puffing the polluted air.
You were no longer experiencing intense dreams as well. As time passed by, you just found yourself staring into nothingness.
You were kicked out from the apartment you were renting because you couldn't pay anymore. You didn't have a job. Your boss fired you when you told him you didn't want to sleep with him.
You were stuck on the street now, about to eat a piece of bread a kind stranger gave you. This was your first meal after two days of not eating any solid food.
You'd probably be dead if not for the free bubbler at every corner of the city where you lived.
You were just about to take a bite on your bread when a poor calico cat appeared in front of you. He didn't look well. As a matter of fact, he was almost close to death.
The furry pet was limping. His chocolate eyes were cold though, like he wanted you to notice his struggle without him telling you that.
Your heart recoiled. This cat reminded you of yourself. You understood him so without having second thoughts, you instantly divided the bread into two and fed its half to the cat.
"Here," you cooed at the little animal, smiling brightly while watching him munch the bread.
"You want more?" You cooed again, to your surprise, the cat pushed the bread away, as if telling you to eat the other half.
A smile bloomed on your face. You were hungry so you ate it in one go. Thankful that your stomach wasn't growling that loud anymore.
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You got used to the presence of that same calico cat you had fed. He had been staying with you for a month now.
He never left your side. He didn't have a collar either. It's safe to assume that he wasn't owned by anyone, and so you decided to name him.
Meeting him was a happy accident. You didn't feel alone anymore. You had this pretty calico cat by your side.
He's fun to be with. Serendipity was playful. He secretly loved it when you pet his head. His brown eyes were the first thing you saw when you woke up on the street every morning.
Everything changed, however, when a very loud thunder echoed through the city. It was raining so hard, sadly you didn't have a roof under your head. You and your cat got wet. Serendipity couldn't take it any longer. He was scared of the thunder and he hated the rain.
Your cat ran away and you were alone once again.
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Serendipity never came back. It had been a month since he left but it still hurt when you think about him.
Maybe he didn't want to be with a loser. Your life was useless. You didn't have a dream.
But you were having a nightmare.
"No!" Beads of sweat formed in your forehead when you woke up. The rough ground hurt your back but it was your least concern.
What's bothering you was when you came face to face with a pair of brown eyes, similar to your calico cat.
But he was no cat.
He was a human, a beautiful one.
"W-Who are you?" Your breathing was ragged. The remnant of your nightmare was still fucking with you.
You dreamt about the time you got kicked out of your apartment. Everything was fading away, as if telling you you didn't belong anywhere.
"Park Jimin." He answered without hesitation.
It surprised you. Why would he tell you his name just because you asked? He looked like a wealthy man. Wasn't he disgusted with someone like you?
You barely bathed. You were sure you looked like a mess. You were his complete opposite. He was wearing an expensive suit, his shoes were shining, just like his slicked back hair.
It was weird.
Weird because he looked like an angel, but his aura screamed authority, like a demon ready to tempt you.
"What do you want from...m-me?" You stammered before you could complete your question. He was intimidating you.
You were seated on the cold ground. He, on the other hand, stood tall and proud in front of you.
It showed exactly how your social status in life differed.
But Jimin didn't seem to care about social status or whatever. He just smiled softly as he handed you his calling card.
"When you call that number, just say the key word and they will direct you to me."
You furrowed your brow. What the hell was he talking about?
"Congratulations. You're hired." He spoke again before you could clear up whatever bullshit he was saying.
That day, you learned that Park Jimin was a confusing man. He appeared in your life without a warning, just like Serendipity.
Oh, and by the way, the key word he was talking about was the name of your lost calico cat.
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Thinking about what happened ten years ago served as an eye opener for you.
Park Jimin didn't hire you because he thought you were competent. No, that's not the case.
You realized now that he only went to you that day because he pitied you. How foolish of you to think otherwise. This was what made you sad. You lacked hope, you found it in Jimin.
What we can’t find in our life, we look in someone else’s, and then we end up crying if they turn out to be the opposite of what we expected them to be.
You didn’t know him. He didn't know you either. He probably saw you struggling on the street and since he had a pure heart, he thought he could give you a chance to start a new life.
Park Jimin made you dream.
He helped you get back on your feet when you didn't have the courage and the will to even crawl.
But you disappointed him. Ten years of service would become nothing because you messed up the opportunity he had been looking forward to all these years.
You ruined his business contract with Ms. Sim. It embarrassed you so bad that you went home that morning, ignoring the fact that Mr. Park wasn't done reprimanding you.
It's rude to walk away just like that; however, you couldn't listen to him anymore. It pained you to hear him confirm your greatest nightmare: to appear like you weren't enough.
It's Thursday now. You filed a week of vacation leave. You were surprised that it got approved right away. You wondered if Jimin intervened.
Maybe he couldn't bear to see your face. Maybe he was allowing you to recover from the pain before he broke your heart again.
He would definitely fire you. There's no way he'd keep you around after what you had done.
It's a little unfair though. You were just partly at fault here. Jimin told you before that whatever his mother asked should be followed, as in no further question needed. Mrs. Park asked you to cancel her son's meetings last Friday because she was going to throw him a surprise birthday party.
You played along, thinking that Jimin deserved a break from work. He sure did. The photos circulating the internet showed how happy he was with the party.
He even called you that Friday night, saying that it was the best time of his life, however he missed you there. He said the event would've been perfect if you only showed up.
You didn't. Mrs. Park invited you but you decided not to come. The party was for Jimin, his family, and friends.
You were just his employee, so imagine how surprised you were when that same Friday night, Jimin also told you he'd like to take you out to dinner on Monday. Apparently his mother told him that the surprise party was only possible because of your help.
You were very hands-on. You made sure that every little detail would be in accordance to your boss' liking. You knew him best. You were the only person (aside from his family) who managed to stay with him for a decade.
Your colleagues teased you about it. They said that Jimin had a soft spot for you, that maybe that was why they would never understand why you were in love with your boss.
Jimin's affection was exclusive for you.
No one saw how cutely he acted around you. He looked at you using those angel eyes, Jimin even made coffee for you every single day. It's a little ironic considering that you were his secretary and he was your boss.
Admittedly there were more things he showed you that proved how much he adored you. You liked how he always made you feel better using words as well:
"I love that color on you, it makes your eyes pop."
"Let me do it for you. Rest. I hate the tired look on your face."
"Well, do you need me as a listener or someone who would give you advice?" Was the question he asked whenever you told him what's bothering you.
Jimin was the sweetest that you also thought that he had feelings for you. Actually, you wanted to move forward so you planned to confess to him last Monday.
It's romantic.
You imagine looking at the skyscrapers, drinking wine and him as you admitted your love for him.
"I'm so dumb," you chuckled bitterly, shaking your head. It felt wrong to wallow in self-pity like this. You should've just made use of your vacation leave instead of staying home and crying.
You were clutching a cream sweater near your chest. You bought this piece of clothing as a gift for Jimin's birthday. You were planning to give this to him last Monday, but that's out of the picture now.
"No. This isn't right. I shouldn't pine after my boss. I'm young and—" Talking to yourself came into a halt when you heard something scratching your front door. Actually, it had been going for a while so you couldn't ignore it any longer.
Huffing, you made your way to the door and opened it.
No, you weren't imagining it. After ten years of not seeing and hearing from him, Serendipity, your calico cat, was here again.
"S-Serendipity?" Even though you knew it was him, you still stuttered his name as you squinted.
Were you dreaming?
"Meow~" You're not. Serendipity was real and he was making his way inside your home despite not being invited.
"Serendipity!" You called again, this time, you were certain it was him. You stood idle behind the door before turning to look at your furry pet. He was burrowing under a sweater.
"Serendipity, no!" You whined, rushing to snatch the sweater away from him. "This isn't yours. It's for Jimin!"
You knew you couldn't give it to your boss, but you just didn't want the sweater to be ruined. It changed, however, when your cat started showing signs that he was unhappy.
"Oh no, don't be sad..." You caressed Serendipity's head after giving the sweater back for him to burrow.
Your cat still remained sad though. He held his ears back, his tail was tucked, and his hair was standing on end. This caused you to panic a little. You hadn't seen him in a long time. You couldn't afford to make him feel blue.
"It's okay, baby. You can have that sweater. Jimin doesn't deserve it anyway."
Serendipity suddenly looked intrigued with what you had said. His ears perked up, meowing like he was urging you to tell him what was wrong.
You scoffed, in the mood to rant. The pain Jimin caused you was coming back stronger now that you found someone who was willing to listen to you.
"I mean, if he respects me as a person, he would've at least let me explain, right?" You looked at your cat, as if you were expecting him to nod his head and agree with your sentiments.
You had been talking shit about Jimin for quite some time now. Frankly speaking, Serendipity looked a little sulky. Perhaps he was getting tired listening to your complaints.
"He's so annoying. Why did I even fall in love with my jerk of a boss?"
That seemed to be Serendipity's last straw. His expression upon hearing you confess your love for your boss was priceless.
Like a human, his jaw dropped on the floor, brown eyes growing big.
"Hey, you okay?" You creased your forehead, worried that your calico cat was acting weird.
His body was trembling, there's a blinding light coming out of his little body.
"S-Serendipity?" You called as you took a step away from the furry pet.
You were contemplating whether to run for the hills or not. This was definitely weird. But in the end, you chose to do the latter: you remained glued on your spot, mouth also hanging open as you watched your calico cat turned into a human.
A fucking human.
Not just a human, but Park Jimin.
Your boss.
Park Jimin!
What the fuck was happening?
Did you really just see your calico cat turned into the human form of Park Jimin?
"Oops..." Was the first thing Jimin said. His reaction made it seem like he didn't mean any of this to happen, like he didn't want to be caught, but fuck. He really had the audacity to cover his naked chest with the sweater, not thinking that his fully erected cock was on display, as if ready to be sucked.
The idea got you all hot and flustered, especially now that Jimin was smirking at you. He didn't even look like he was bothered. In fact, it seemed like he was enjoying showing off his perfect body.
"Cat got your tongue?" Indeed. Jimin's loop-sided grin grew bigger. He was a few feet away from where you're standing, you could see him playfully wiggling his brow.
"I-I..." You stammered and then immediately trailed off, unsure of what to say or think.
"By all means, continue talking shit about me. I have all the time in the world."
He wasn't lying. Jimin was your calico cat, here to see you.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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fuck-customers · 3 years
Fuck managers! I scheduled a surgery for mid june in mid april, plenty of time in advance. Also not for anything serious, but definitely something thats been bugging me for almost the entire year so far and has already caused me to miss work, so my supervisors at least vaguely know about it. Also something that will definitely take at least a week or two of recovery so I had to take some time off for it. Our time off request system is online and tells us what days are blackout days and can’t be requested off. Usually that’s reserved for holidays. The days I scheduled said nothing and didn’t seem to be blacked out which was why I picked those time in the first place. You can see where this is going
Fast forward about a week, I’m at work and one of my supervisors asks me to look at the schedule real quick, and she goes “so I denied the vacation days you took in June for father’s day weekend and the blackout days around it, but the rest are good to go :)” Now my managers are actually pretty understanding, and again I had completely forgotten that I had scheduled it over fathers day which was definitely on me, but again there was nothing indicating it on the request system either so I figured they would be fine! I work in a bakery so holidays do tend to be busy but...not fathers day. Most people get their dads steak and shit like that, not fruity colorful cakes (although they definitely should). I’ve worked there for nearly 5 years and fathers day has NEVER been especially notable in terms of sales.
So assuming my boss would be cool and help me work something out if I told her, I was like “oh, I actually scheduled surgery for that time.” Again, usually they’re cool and understanding and actually work around you very well.
Well not today! She was kinda just like “yeah?” and stared at me blankly. So kind of taken aback I was like “uh...I’ll see when I can...reschedule it for I guess?” To which she was like “sounds good!”
Now I had picked the days I did specifically because I’m going on a work trip in mid may and won’t be back until the 31st. Fathers day is the 20th of June and I scheduled surgery for the 11th. So I asked her “I won’t be back from the work trip until May 31st and the only other available surgery date was June 4th...instead of my current date y’all think you would be okay with me just...being gone for a whole month? Or back for a couple days between the 31st and 4th just to leave again?” And keep in mind, literally EVERY time I’ve taken time off in the last year, they’ve asked me to either just not do it or have texted or called me trying to beg me to come in. Every. Time. I know this won’t be any different, and I don’t wanna toot my own horn but I do good work and they STRUGGLE when I’m not there which is exactly why I asked this. But of course she was just like “no yeah that’s fine, hell, just take the whole month off!”
It kind of just ended there but the more I thought about it the more pissed I got. Like the schedule is already out until mid may and I’m not ?? prepared for surgery like right now even if that was an option. Then the work trip, and then doing the surgery on the 4th might not even be enough recovery time before the fathers day blackout starts! I’m not gonna be in pain and risk my recovery for that shit! Not to mention doing it after is out of the question since 4th of July follows so soon after and that’s DEFINITELY a much busier holiday for us. I don’t want to keep waiting to fix this problem and the date I picked really is the best option without pushing it out until almost AUGUST when it’s been bothering me since JANUARY. And I do feel bad for scheduling it over a holiday but again I got no indication that it was blacked out! It’s hard enough already to schedule anything longer than 2 weeks without accidentally doing it over a holiday, at least this holiday isn’t all that busy!
Not to mention the fact that that kind of behavior is on brand for her. She acts super nice and like I said is actually really cool and understanding and is totally cool with working with you with this kind of stuff...unless she’s in a bad mood. She’s very much the type to take shit out on us and sometimes she’s super weird and stubborn and vindictive and it’s just dependent on her mood and how shitty she feels like being to you that day. And since she’s a supervisor she just gets away with it. Earlier that day even my bf had texted me like “hey, (supervisor) is in a bad mood jsyk” and when I come in what does she do? Use her authority to be weird to her employees! She’s always been like that and I have stories on stories about her, this just really rubbed me the wrong way.
Anyways this story does actually have a happy ending! I continued my day and had just resolved to having to reschedule surgery and figured I would exact revenge by leaving for my trip and just staying away as long as I possibly could, when my team lead comes RUNNING up to me and goes “oh my god, do NOT reschedule your surgery jfc” and I was like “oh but I can if y’all really need me to?” (I’m too nice) to which she goes “NO!! That’s crazy!!! Thank you for even CONSIDERING doing something like that but no absolutely not. You’re not fucking around at home doing nothing for 2 weeks it’s SURGERY.” And ended the conversation by walking away so that was that lol. I’m very glad one of them actually has some sense.
Oh, and other supervisor came up and did this thing she likes to do when she’s wrong where she doesn’t apologize but DOES find a way to just brush off her wrongdoing. This time she comes up to me later in the day and was like “haha yeah I told (team lead) that you told me the time off request that I denied was actually for surgery and she stopped what she was doing, shook her head, and IMMEDIATELY came up to talk to you lol” like yeah no shit dude?? Oh the team lead was disappointed that you’re being a bitch and had to clean up your mess?? And is also actually reasonable and didn’t expect me to literally cancel getting my body cut open to come work a stupid holiday that’s not even busy? Real shocker lmfao
TLDR boss tried to make me reschedule a much needed surgery bc I scheduled it on blackout days that no one told me were blackout, other boss comes thru and is like “wtf thats fucking crazy please don’t do that jfc”
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
Into the night.
A/N: You should read the post before this to get an understanding of this AU. Fair warning, this is pretty long. Enjoy! 💚
Disclaimer: mention of child abuse ahead. Be warned!
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Cold. Merciless. Dangerous. Mysterious.
They were the only words that many used to describe the Hamato Clan. No one wanted to mess with them in fear of what they would do, countless stories were told of those who had double crossed them and in result, hadn’t lived to see the next day. The most feared gang caught in a dark and ruthless world of crime, violence, blood and lust. Others wanted their wealth and power but not everything is what it seemed to be. 
The cold breeze hit Leonardo’s face, as he gulped down air quickly into his lungs. He was sure those horrid nightmares would have stopped, it had been almost 11 years for God’s sake. Cursing under his breath, he knocked down the tub of medication which rattled on the floor. The view of New York was beautiful from all the way up here and as frantically as he tried to focus on it, those poisonous thoughts blazed through his mind and he had no power to control it. 
“Father please don’t leave again” The young teen cried, trailing helplessly after the rat who swore angrily. Being only 13, he wasn’t able to grab those supplies that his brothers needed. They were forced to rely on Splinter but he would hardly help them. They were lucky if he even brought down the bare necessities for them to survive on. 
“How many times do I have to tell you leave me alone?! Enough!” Splinter growled, loosening his tie as he made his way to the sewers steps. But Leo had to try for his brothers, he couldn’t look at their pain anymore. He couldn’t go back empty handed, to witness Raphael put up a brave front despite actively bleeding and bruised practically everywhere on his frail body. He couldn’t see Donnie on the verge of another panic attack because he didn’t know how to fix them. He couldn’t bear to see Mikey trying to hold it all together but breaking down in the bathroom , when he thought nobody was listening because he couldn’t live in this nightmare. 
“R-Raph is hurt and we don’t have any more bandages” Leo spoke timidly, trying to sound clear and confident but his voice trembled. Splinter stood still and the turtle could already smell the sour whiskey from his clothes. It had been a bad day, he presumed. Whiskey was only drunk whenever a loss was incurred. And that usually meant he wouldn’t be home for days, much o the turtle’s pleasure. 
“What have I said about speaking back?!” Splinter bellowed, his arm whacking Leo backwards until his shell hit the tunnel. The side of his shell had already been damaged due to constantly training day and night to perfect the routine Splinter had set them. But an audible crack had been heard and a small gasp left his lips, already seeing a trickle of blood roll down his skin staining the previous bandages. He hadn’t even time to register the pain until Splinter loomed over his body, his eyes black and dangerous. 
“Father I’m-” Leo’s breath hitched in his throat, tears prickling his eyes painfully watching his hand raise slowly. ‘Not again, please not again’
“You’re absolutely hopeless, you hear me?!” Again Splinter punched the turtle, laughing each time when the terrapin recoiled in pain. Leonardo held his tongue, scared to further anger the drunken rat. Every slap, punch and kick was taken without a sound because the punishment for wincing was double the amount than the beating now. And he wasn’t so sure his shell could take anymore.
“Look at you! You expect to take on my legacy acting like a pathetic little girl?! Get out of my sight before I finish you” With one swift punch to Leo’s jaw, Splinter left to go topside. He could hear his evil voice cackle on the phone to one of his partners in this mysterious business he refused to utter a word about.
“Why do you hit us so much? What did we ever do to you?” Leo sobbed quietly, curling into a little ball on the floor. The punch on his plastron seared throughout his body, burning in hot white pain. Yet it must be nothing compared to what his brothers were going through. They were awaiting Leo but the eldest could barely move, let alone walk to their home. 
Home, usually described at being comforting and loving but he hadn’t felt any of these emotions since they moved in. He used to yearn for a mother to come and take their pain away but as he grew, that dream slowly died as hope in him also began to wither. 
Maybe one day things would be different...
Blaring traffic shocked the turtle out of his trance and with a shuddering breath, he took several deep breaths. He l
“Why must I be reminded of such memories?” Leonardo sighed, his hand drifting over his temple to soothe the dull ache. No matter how long it had been, the wound from his past was still fresh. They say time healed all pain so why did his still hurt? Some nights it was bearable and some nights it felt like he was being suffocated in his mind, slowly driving insane.
Physical pain definitely was a lot more tolerable than verbal, even now he could still hear the echo of Splinter’s voice reprimanding him whenever he failed. Those stabbing words ringing louder and louder in his ears, berating him for being stupid and weak. Laughing at how his ridiculous attempt of leading a team. Leonardo never wanted anything more than to make Splinter proud but during his years, he realised that it was never going to happen.
Splinter only cared for himself and Leo, along with his brothers, were merely pawns in his cruel game.
But now was not the time to dwell on these matters, things had to be done and completed. His phone rang jarring him out of his thoughts and he picked it up rather reluctantly.
“What is it, Silas?” His assistant/companion spoke quickly, picking up the disinterest in Leo’s voice. He was never one for sugarcoating his feelings or emotions, if the boss wanted something done it was pronto.
“Beast is requesting dinner with capo and the mob. Your presence is required, sir” Holding his urge to groan, the turtle glanced down at the lights that decorated the buildings of New York. They were so beautiful but he couldn’t even take the time to appreciate it, reality had called and with great reluctance he had to answer.  
Beast... what was there to say? He was a snob, ignorant, extremely wealthy but lacked any common sense or values. Leo’s patience was practically non existent whenever he communicated with him. While he provided a great reference for other business partners, Beast himself was on thin ice with the brothers.
“Dinner at... 1am?” Leo scowled, looking at his watch. Beast, while had been an average business partner, had constant demands and ideas that were completely absurd. The brothers were tiring of his constant requests and awful timing.
“I did not suggest the convocation at this late sir” The assistant began but Leo interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. 
“Be that as it may, unfortunately I cannot attend. Cancel my plans for tonight, I have a reconciliation to attend to and the conference will take up most my time” He ordered, observing the bonsai trees that stood on the balcony. One thing he grew to adore was his plants, they were simple and with enough care and love, blossomed into something gorgeous. 
“I don’t think Beast will be pleased with the rejection. He only wants a few words with the mob and especially you, Capo” Silas tried to reason but the terrapin was adamant.
“Enough. Reschedule this meeting tomorrow at 11pm sharp. Am I understood?” Leo commanded and Silas nodded, already writing it down in his notepad.
“Crystal. Enjoy your night sir” ‘Unlikely’... Hanging up, the blue cladded turtle inhaled a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Cancelling the meeting is a mistake but there were bigger fish to fry tonight. Other duties lay heavy on his mind and with a turn of his heel, he left his safe haven. 
As he entered his room, a young woman appeared at his door. Her heels echoed on the polished marble floors, grinding on his last nerve. God he really didn’t want to deal with her right in this moment. Her eyes settled on his and her face lifted into a small smile, one he did not mirror back.
“Katherine, what brings you to my quarters? Surely you’re old enough to understand you cannot barge in whenever you please” Leonardo watched as the young woman quickly stepped back, picking up the heavy discomfort that lay in the air.
“My apologies Leonardo. It’s Raphael, he said that you guys are attending a conference tonight but it’s our 3 month-”
“I fail to understand how this is my problem” He was quick in letting her know, he hadn’t the time to listen to her. Truth be told, he would never understand why Raphael stuck with her. She caused more pain and grief than anything to him.
“Okay... but could you tell me at least why?” She cocked her head and Leo turned, his face set in a hard frown.
“That is between me and my brothers Katherine. I do not appreciate when people interfere in my business. That much should be painfully obvious” His tone was calm but the harsh voice was clearly heard.
Opening his cupboard door, the small picture of Eva caught his eye. A small pang of sadness washed over his body before getting a grip on himself, refusing himself to succumb to the weakness. Eva was the past yet it seemed no matter how long the years had gone by, the yearn was as strong as ever. He wondered if he would ever be free from the shackles around his heart that locked tightly in his chest.
He had to accept that no matter how much he hoped on a wishing star or to the sky, she simply was not coming back. On the side showed a glass mirror, outlining all the features on his face. Sleep hadn’t come to the turtle much recently, he was lucky to get 4 hours and that was on a good day.
“You know you can just call me Kiki like everyone else” She raised her brow as he grabbed his navy blue velvet suit, the unreadable facial expression plastered on his face while his dark sapphire eyes burned into hers. Still standing at the doorway, she felt almost scared of him. Despite being with his brother for around 8 years, she never felt like she knew Leo. No one did, he kept to himself and only showed his true colours to those he cared about.
“Katherine, if that is all you have come to say then I highly suggest you leave me be now. It would not bode well for you to overstep your boundaries” With an almost snarl, he walked forwards and closed his door. 
“Would you like some champagne, Mr Hamato? It’s the one you specifically requested, Dom Pérignon” The waiter asked and Leo nodded his head, flicking through the newspapers as he awaited the rest of his brothers to join him. This meeting was better suited to the office, he didn’t need any extra ears or eyes to listen in on the information discussed between them. 
“God, I need a drink” He could hear the brute’s voice carry through the halls and into the meeting room.
“Right away boss” Greyson, his assistant spoke and vanished to make his preferred alcoholic beverage.
“What is the occasion, dear brother? As much as I like to spend time with you, I’m assuming you haven’t called us for fun” Donnie sat down, his ankle resting on top of his thigh as his attention diverted to his brother. Delicately folding the papers up and placing them to the side, Leo eyed his younger brother with a smirk. 
“Always straight to the point Donatello. And you’d be correct, I’ve called this meeting to discuss our next steps” He spoke authoritatively as the turtles settled in their seats, glancing at the board which held ideas and secret plans.
“Did ya cancel tha meetin’ with Beast tonight?” Raph asked, eyes skimming at the tablet. That was very unlikely of the leader, he was the one always nagging to keep up with business meetings and such. 
“Yes, I’ll be damned if I have to listen to another lie of his again. He cannot speak clearly and I have no time for beating around the bush. Once we’re done with this proposal, it will be a big relief to have him off our backs” Leo sipped his wine, flicking through his notes. A few names picked up but on the whole, everything seemed relatively calm. But there was no resting, they couldn’t afford not to be on their guard. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, he could feel it in his body. 
“Fuck sake, how many times do I have to tell you I hate when you organise my notes like this” Mikey sighed irritably as his brothers smirked, looking at each other with amusement. 
It was a running joke that Mikey couldn’t hold an assistant down for more than 2 months. Perhaps it was his picky way of being organised or that he had a short temper and hated his things being out of place, they didn’t know. This new assistant fumbled with the drinks, paling as his boss shouted his displeasure. 
“What happened to Donetti Licata?” Donatello asked, chuckling at his younger brother expecting another childish story about organisation as it as had been the story before. 
“Fired him. Caught him screwing Mia in my bed. Which reminds me I really need to employ someone who actually has a working braincell” Mikey spoke nonchalantly while his brothers looked at each other wide eyed.
“Oh... shit. M’sorry Mike, that must’ve been hard” Raph murmured, surprised at how well his little brother was taking the whole thing. Almost... too well in his opinion. Amelia had been the light of his life, his love at one point. They both brought out the best in each other but perhaps it was simply a mirage to the toxicity that lay just under the surface.
She wasn’t the Amelia he fell in love with and as he came to grips with that, the idea of losing her forever felt absolutely scary to him. He tried everything to put their relationship on track but it was Amelia who refused to partake in anything.
“Hmm? Oh.. yeah. It was tolerable once I beat the shit out of him. I can’t ever believe I trusted the fucker....” Mikey leaned back on his chair as another glass of wine was placed in front of him. Yet the lump in his throat felt unmovable, rendering him breathless. 
“Don’t tell me ya still wit’ her Mike. Yer deserve better than that” Raphael’s hand ached to knock some sense into the terrapin. Even if she would countlessly cheat on him, which she probably had done, all she had to do was flutter her lashes and sweet talk him. And just like that Mikey would forgive her in that second. In his eyes, Mia could do no wrong. She had Mikey on a leash but of course, he was oblivious to it all.
“You still with Kiki?” Mikey retorted, venom in his words while his eyes glared at his brother. Raphael’s frown deepened, holding his gaze. While he knew it was in the heat of the moment, he wished Mikey could see the damage Amelia was doing to him. Kiki was different only because Raph knew her past, knew that she was damaged too. How could he, of all people, leave her hanging alone?
“Children, behave. What do we do about these last few payments? I’ve talked to Xavier and he’s saying Gomez hasn’t responded to anything. It’s high time we pay a special visit, he’s got to know who exactly he’s messing with here” Donnie rolled his eyes at the quarrel and adjusted his glasses, raising them closer to his eyes. Leonardo seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before looking at his family again.
“If that’s the case then I want you and Mikey to check it out tomorrow. Me and Raph will deal with Beast, we all know how dramatic he likes to get when he doesn’t get his way” They all knew the last time they messed with Beast, how he threatened to take his money away and leave them bankrupt. Regardless of his filthy money, the turtles were not affected without it.
Years of investing and saving up had allowed them to live luxuriously. They had everything they ever wanted, Beast was just a liability to them. They needed him to increase potential business partners. To be able to stay at the top, they needed to associate with people at the top. If that meant doing business with idiots who couldn’t hold their ground and lacked any sense of morals and values, then so be it.
This was the mafia, after all. Nothing was pretty here.
“He’s clearly trying to inherit the property, why not just kill him altogether” Mikey pointed out, leaning back on his chair but Leo shook his head.
“Too risky. He may be a fool but he’s a smart one. He has plenty of connections with others, much powerful than the ones we have. We’ll keep him on the side but don’t turn your eyes, he will strike when least expected. Once we secure this deal, you can unleash all your anger on him. For now, we stay in his good books. However long that may be” He grimaced at the thought of the meeting they were supposed to have instead of this one. How long the turtle brothers would remain on his good side was unknown but hey, only a few more months of his bullshit and it was home run. The brothers continued to talk about upcoming events and nearing the end of the meeting, they all grabbed their belongings. 
“Wait a sec, Amara’s coming here tomorrow?” Mikey read out the small note on the board and Leo nodded, finishing off his wine. 
“Yes, well technically she’s visiting but we needed some help around here and she agreed to stick around for a while” She was a close friend to the turtles, meeting them after they newly escaped Splinter’s clutches. She had found them at a time when they were barely breathing and even without knowing who they were, she nursed them back to health. They all were indebted to her. Throughout the years, she went back to Italy since her father was part of their own mafia but her loyalty to the turtles never wavered. 
“At least we get ta see a new face ‘round here. But goin’ back ta before, I can’t wait ta finally kill that bastard” Raphael cracked his knuckles, unbuttoning his vest. He never was one to take orders from people, he was incredibly stubborn and arrogant to take commands from someone else. He barely followed Leo’s on a good day, let alone someone who continually threatened him and his family. If it were up-to him, he would have Beast’s head on a silver platter and sent directly to his team 
“All in due time brother. For now, let’s focus on getting our money back and dealing with Beast”
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gr0vndz3ro · 4 years
Cop!Bakugou x Villain!Reader(NSFW)
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Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Cursing, forced sub!bakugou, dom! reader, dub con, bondage because if you think im writing a cop au and not use hand cuffs youre dead wrong, choking, degradation, spit, oral, overstimulation, gagging, hair pulling, unprotected sex
Word count: 3973
A/N: Me and @1-800-callmekatsuki were thirsting over bakugou for hours and I HAD to write this. I ended up getting really into this so it ended up being a little longer than I expected but I hope y’all enjoy. Also this is the photo that got this whole fic started. The art is not mine.
A little side note I’ve gotten a few comments in regards to the current situation going on in the US and trust me I get it, but this blog is just a place for me to personally escape the things going on irl. I wasn’t writing this in correlation to anything going on and I’m sorry if people think this is bad timing but this story is free of any personal opinion and just something fun for people to read. I want my blog to be for other people what it is for me, just something to enjoy. If for any reason this story bothers you I’m really sorry🥺🥺 I’m just a horny girl who just want to write smut and I think fbi/ cop bakugou is hot 😭 If reading anything in regards to a cop (even when not negative) is something that bothers you then please feel free to keep scrolling. I don’t take any offense to people not liking this, but I did work hard on this and for those of you do read it I hope you guys enjoy it. ❤️
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Arms crossed against his broad chest, Katsuki scoffed at the briefing he was just given by his chief. The criminal that the precinct had just managed to catch was believed to be tied to the League of Villains. Y/N Y/L/N, her quirk was called Sirens Song. She’s able to control men with just the sound of her voice. She had been caught trying to smuggle weapons, thought to be for the L.O.V, in a boat that she stole from two unfortunate men that happened to cross her path.
This whole thing was a waste of his time, he could be out there trying to find the actual threats. Instead he was in this meeting, listening to the description of just another wannabe villain. When the chief had finished with the case details, Katsuki got up from the chair, ready to go back to his patrol when the man spoke up again.
“We are going to be keeping her in holding for a few days to try to get as much information we can get out of her to see if she’s the connection to the League that we’ve been looking for. On the screen you will see a list of the interrogation times and who goes when, as well as who will be covering what over night watch shift. After you have checked for your name you are free to go.”
Rolling his eyes, the blond walks over to the board and sees he is set as the over night guard for tonight. He clenches his jaw, instead of being able to go home after a long day, he’s forced to work all night. Watching some criminal trying to pass as a real target. He whips his head to his boss, stomping over.
“Oi, what the hell is this supposed to be huh?! You got me working for 24 hours, ain’t that illegal or some shit?” Not being able to control his anger at the situation.
“Officer Bakugou I see that you’ve taken a look at the board. Don’t worry about the work load, you’ve been assigned to a fairly peaceful district so there shouldn’t be to much strain on you. If there any other problems you have I would recommend biting your tongue. You’re already on thin ice this week due to you run in with Officer Midoriya. Be grateful you are involved in this case in anyway. Now if that will be all.” The chief says not allowing Katsuki the time to interject, leaving afterwards to go to his office.
Left there grinding his teeth, he holds back his dying urge to curse the man out and leaves the building to start his “easy” patrol. He hated easy days, it wasn’t what he had joined for. He wanted to hunt down bad guys and make them suffer for what they did. He wanted to put away thugs and criminals, not right a ticket for an unpaid parking meter. I’m to good of a cop to be a fucking meter maid. His jaw firm as he thinks about the cases other stations were working on. The good that he could be doing if he wasn’t here, having his talent go to waste. Saving people was what he wanted to do, be the hero that saves the day. But all because of his temper, he now had the “easy” shift.
He pulled back into the station at 10 pm to start the over night watch. mostly everyone had gone home, except for the few stragglers finishing up their last amounts of paperwork for the week. He heads to the break room to grab something quick to eat when the chief walked into the room.
“There is a few things I wanted to tell you about your shift tonight and about the situation at hand. The suspect quirk is very powerful, while the room they’re in cancels quirks, the effects of hers can still be felt to some degree. They are no where near her normal strength and more of a temptation that most are able to snap out of after a few seconds. Do not under estimate her Bakugou, do you hear me? I will not be filling a missing suspect report because you are to arrogant to follow commands.” The chief explain to him, belittling him the process. If the anger he felt could be seen physically, everything in the room would have been exploded.
“Yeah, yeah I hear you loud and clear. The idiot isn’t gonna be a problem.. sir.” His attitude barely peaking out at the end of his sentence, a slight smirk on his lips. With that response, his boss leaves for the night, officially leaving Katsuki alone in the station to start his second shift of the day. 
Coffee. If there was any way that he was going to get through this night it was going to be with lots of coffee. He goes to the coffee pot and makes himself a small pot. With a mug in his hand he starts his walk over to the holding cells. He turned the corner and sees you sitting there in the cell. His eye widen subtly, Damn she’s hot. Maybe he wouldn’t need coffee after all. He took his seat near your cell so keep an eye on you. There wasn’t much he could really do. There was no way for you to get out. Basically he was just there to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself until the detectives come back to investigate you more. As he sat there he got a good look at you. Your clothes were dirty a torn from you chase from the cops, rips on you pants exposing parts of your thighs, and the rip on you shirt showed just enough of your abdomen to leave him dirty thoughts. Thoughts of how soft your skin is, how it would feel under his calloused fingers. How you would react to his touch, goosebumps covering your skin. He looks up to your face. Small scratches liter it but that does nothing to hide how beautiful you are. The way your eyes catch the light and how pieces of your hair fall out of your pony tail framing you face. Your hair slightly a mess, probably due to running yet all he could think about was how much he wanted to mess it up even more. You run his hands through it and just yank your head back with a fist full of your locks. The two of you hadn’t even exchanged words to each other but he knew he wanted you. You’re eyes met his after he was done checking you out.
“Do you like what you see?...” Your eye brow raised in amusement as you caught his wandering eyes. You take this time to check out the officer who you assumed would be watching you tonight. His uniform and vest highlighting how broad his chest is, the sleeves tight around his arms due to the amount of muscle it was trying to contain. His pants tightened around his thighs. Blond hair slightly covering his eyes. He clenches his jaw and you swear that thing could cut diamonds. This man was hot and you cant help but smirk at the fact he was checking you out. You look back down to his chest to see his name tag, Bakugou. “...Officer Bakugou” His face immediately pulls into a scowl in defense. 
“Oh you fucking wish” He pulls his eyes away from you and rest his head on the back of his seat. He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable, finding it impossible as this chair was a piece of shit. So he stands up and starts looking around trying to find something else to focus on. You break him out of his thoughts.
“Do you have anything else that I could wear? These clothes are ruined and I’d like to be in proper clothing.” You say in reference to your tattered clothes, ruined by jumping over fences and having them get caught and rip. You hear a ‘tsk’ and see him start to walk off. Rolling your eyes at the mans action, you sit down on the chair in your cell seeing as he walked off without giving you a response.
“Here” you look up to see him sliding a shirt and pair of pant in through the bars. You walk over and grab them from his hands, running your finger tips across his skin in the process. He yanks his hand back before you can try to touch him again. You wanted more. Frowning, you walk back near the chair and set your clothes down on it, your hands go to the edge of you shirt but you stop feeling a burning gaze on your back. You turn around to see him staring at you.
“Do you mind?” Raising your eye brow at him.
“I have to watch you to make sure you don’t attempt to do anything that could cause harm to yourself.” He says coldly, as if he wasn’t dying at the opportunity to see what was under your clothes.
“Okay then suit yourself.” With a smirk on your lips you pull you shirt off over your head, making sure that he could see everything. You slowly fold it and move down to you pants, your finger lingering at the zipper for a moment before pulling it down. Your hands make there way to waist band and tug them down, shimming out of the tight pants, making you butt sway infront of him. If he was going to watch you, you were going to make sure he got a good show out of it. Hands linger around your curves as you snake the fabric down your legs at an agonizingly slow pace. Katsuki could feel his pants tightening at the sight, his breath catching in his throat. A smirk across your face as you see his flustered reaction to your stripping. Activating your quirk you slowly walk over to the bars separating the two of you.
“Why don’t you get in here” Your words putting the man in a trance as he struggles against your suggestion. Starting to get ticked of he isn’t already subdued you speak up again, “Don’t make me repeat myself, you wont like the consequences.”  He feels himself start moving towards your cell against his better judgement. He fights against the feeling in his chest pulling him forward, but before he knows it he’s infront of you inside of the cell. A sinister shine in your eyes as you step closer to the blond, closing the distance, Katsuki could feel the room getting hotter. Your hands make its way to his chest, paralyzing him underneath your touch. 
“Look at you, now go be good boy for me and sit down.” His face burns red at the demand, no one talks to him like this, so why was it turning him on so much. He stays in his place as his last attempt at keeping his dominance over the situation. Your hand travels up to his jaw, fingers roughly grasping either side as you growl into his ear, your patience being tested “Do not test me pretty boy, do what you’re told.” 
You see him struggling against your command feeling conflicted at the switch of power. You put both of you hands on his chest and push him down onto the chair. His eyes wide unable to stop you as you reach down into his pouch grabbing his cuffs. Quickly, you rip off his vest and shirt leaving his torso bare. You walk behind him in the chair, your hands on his shoulders running down his arms, a burning trail left where ever your nails lightly scratch, until your hands make it his wrists. Roughly grabbing them and yanking them behind his back, cuffing his wrist to the chair, permanently securing him in place to allow you to do whatever you please. He assumed you were just going to take advantage of the situation and leave, but he was sorely mistaken. You travel to the front of him leaning forward to kiss his jaw, traveling down to his neck. You roam his neck, searching for his pulse, kissing it once you find it. A groan rips out past his lips, unable to stop it at the sudden pleasure coursing through him. The noise sending a wave over power over you as you start kissing more harshly, sucking and biting at the spot, desperately wanting to hear the noise again.
Once satisfied with the mark now on his neck, you back up standing in front of him, your hands moving down to his pants as you start undoing them. His eyes widen as you pull down his pants and underwear down in one swift movement, his raging boner slapping against his abdomen as he sucks in a harsh breath at the release from the tight confinement. A whine leaves his lips as your hands leave burning trails all over his body, purposely avoiding where he was starting to crave your touch most. Desperate to know how your soft touches would feel against him, the anticipation of whether you’d be gentle or not was starting to eat him alive.
“Did I hear a whine baby? Are you that desperate for me. Look at you, rock hard and I haven’t even done anything yet, absolutely disgusting.” Your words like venom. He twitches as your hand grasps the base of his cock, a deep gasp coming out at your sudden touch. Your other hand goes to his hip pushing him down. Your mouth goes to his ear, “If you fucking move again, I will stop do you understand?” Katsuki swallows hard, suddenly unable to find any words. He hisses as you hand leaves his dick to his throat, choking the man. “Answer me Bakugou”
“Yes princess” He couldn’t help it anymore. He was under your trance but he could care less, all he knew was he needed you. That evil smirk crosses your face once again at his submission. 
“Good boy” You release his neck and trail back down to his throbbing dick. Your thumb brushes over his tip collecting all of the precum oozing out of it. You slowly pump him in your hand, his breath catching in his throat. You gather the excess saliva in your mouth and spit it onto his hard cock. His eyes shoot to yours as the cool liquid meets his burning hot member.
Your hand starts a steady past as you move up and down, making sure to add pressure to the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft. Your hand twisting every time you get to his tip earning a deep groan from his throat. He gets lost in ecstasy as you start picking up the pace, giving extra attention to his tip. He’s so caught up in it that when you replace your hand with your mouth he lets out a moan. You make him bottom out inside your mouth and the noises coming from the man infront of you make you let out a moan yourself, the vibrations only bringing him further pleasure. 
“Fuck princess that- ugh- feels sooo good” your tongue presses deeply into the vein all the way up to his tip, you make sure to give extra attention to the sensitive swollen head. Relaxing your throat, you take him all the way in, him pressing down your throat. But it was completely worth is for the look on his face. Eyebrows furrowed and his head thrown back in pure bliss. You move you head back up adding your hand in to meet his balls as you start massaging them. Katsuki is a moaning mess under your touch and wants nothing more than to run his hands through your hair and fuck into your mouth relentlessly. Watch as you start tearing up at the lack of air as he just gets off. But being completely under your control instead turned him on to no end. The added pleasure from your hand in combination with your mouth was sending him over board. He throws his head back as a deep groan leaves his lips along with several profanities as he shoots hot white ropes into your mouth, His orgasm taking over him with no warning. Surprised by his sudden release you swallow all of his seed, yet continue your movements. When he notice that you show no sign of stopping he lets out a whine at how sensitive he was. He tried moving away but your free hand grips his thigh, fingernails digging in as he hisses at the pain.
“Wha-what are you doing? I cant-” his voice uneasy from a mix of coming down from his high and the sensitivity he felt. You release his dick with a loud pop.
“You see I never said you could finish, but you decided to be a selfish little whore and finish anyways.” You stand up, releasing your grip from both his balls and thighs. You push his knees together and then move your hands to the clip of your bra and undo it, letting it drop to the ground. Your hands shoot to your breasts as you give them a rough squeeze, Katsuki drinking in the sight, whimpering as his sensitive cock twitches. His eyes glued to your hands as the travel down your body to the waistband of your matching underwear. Your fingers toying with the band, slightly dipping it and bringing it back up, loving how Bakugou reacted to your every move. His face flushed from the hormones rushing through his body, his dick painfully hard at the beautiful image infront of him. You pull the underwear down your thighs, strings of slick connect to the lacy clothing. Saying that everything that had been happening wasn’t turning you on severely would be dead wrong. Every moan that left his mouth sent a jolt straight to your core and you wanted, no needed, something, and you knew exactly what you were going to do.
You bring you legs on either side of one of his massive thigh and lower yourself onto him. His eyes widen as you grind yourself against him, throwing your head back as pleasure courses through you at the friction. His eyes shoot to where you were seated and watched as you shamelessly got yourself off on him. He watched as your juices drip down his leg, his cock twitches as he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within your walls, slamming into you. He wines as you let out a loud moan, the friction feeling so good against your swollen clit.
“Please princess- fuck- let me make you feel go-” You stop his talking by shoving the lace into his mouth and grab his jaw roughly.
“All you deserve right now is to be my pretty little fuck toy okay. If you can behave then maybe ill let you fuck me.” You purr into his ear, your hot breath fanning across his neck as you move your hips grinding against him. You moan at the feeling, continuing to expertly move your hips back and forth. As you feel yourself getting close you reach your hand up to your nipples and starts tugging at them sending waves of pleasure into your core, giving you just the boost you needed. Your hand shoots to the back of Kastuki’s head tugging on his soft hair as you chaise your release. He watches your every move as you cum all over his thigh, his cock throbbing at the sight of your orgasm. Your eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed as you bit your lip, failing your attempt to hold back your moans. Once you come down from your high you move your legs so that you are no longer straddling his thigh, but now his waist, your soaking core pressed against his dick. A muffled moan attempts to leave his lips at the much needed pressure. Your hand goes to his mouth and you retrieve the now soaked pair of undies, a trail of saliva following. “Do you want to fuck me baby?”
“Yes, please Y/N. please let me fill you up.” he groans as you move your hips to grind against him.
“Do you think you deserve to touch me?” You ask the desperate man, a smile on your face at how eager he is.
“Fuck yes, let me make you feel so good” You lean down to wear his pants were grabbing the key, reaching behind him pushing the key into the cuff unlocking them. His hand immediately go to your body assaulting everything he could touch. Firmly grasping your breasts moving his  hands across your body down to your hips as you lift yourself to allow him to slip into you. A moan escapes both of you as he bottoms out due to how slick you were. Your walls clench around him holding him like a vice. He trusts into you holding onto your hips and you place your hands onto each of his shoulders, letting you stabilize yourself as he rutts into you. 
Each of his thrusts hit all of the right spots, rubbing against your walls deep inside of you. You’ve never felt this filled. You lean down and your lips meet with a fiery passion. Tongues fight for dominance as he speeds up his movements. You eventually win, not wanting him to forget his place. You break away from the kiss, a mix of both of you spit dripping from your mouth and you let it drip onto his glistening chest. You look down at his lustful face.
“You fill me up so good Bakugou, hitting every spot with your massive cock. Are you close baby?” Your hands making their way back to his hair, tugging at the blond locks as you feel the familiar feeling building in your core as he slams into your g-spot.
“uughh yes. I can feel how close you are, So fucking tight- god, fuck- let me cum with you princess.” His words enough to start the overwhelming feeling so you lean into his ear.
“Then cum with me baby” He sends a rough thrust into you and you come undone, a white flash taking over at the intensity of this second orgasm. You yank on the locks of hair in your fingers. Katsuki groans feeling you clench around him, trusting into you haphazardly as his own orgasm takes over, completely filling you with his hot cum. 
He slows his movements, riding out both of your highs, until he comes to a stop still deep inside of you. You both stay there catching your breath as you rest you head on his shoulder trying to regain your senses. After a few moments you lift yourself off of him, immediately missing the fullness. You move off of his lap and allow him to stand up to grab his clothes. He bends over grabbing his pants and pulling them back on. While fumbling with the button he is suddenly interrupted by a hard hit to the head causing him to fall to the floor. You frown slightly at him as you place the chair back on the ground. You slip on your clothes and drag him to the cell wall and sit him against the bars. You clip the cuffs in place securing him to the bar as you back up slightly, pushing the fallen hair out of his face.
“Its nothing personal I promise” You stand up and walk away from the unconscious man toward to door, key in hand. You unlock the cell door and walk out, not before turning back to him one final time.
“Plus I don’t think this is the last time we will be meeting.”
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A/N: AAAAAAAAA im sORRY. If you guys enjoy this one I can do a part two were the tables are turned??? because im a slut for dom! bakugou
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darling-dummy-blogs · 3 years
Being with You- Victor Li
Summary: Victor’s birthday is just a few days away, Cassie wants to spend time with him so she made plans with him. However a sudden business trip Victor needs to attend the week of his birthday ruins her plans. Cassie ends up having to cancel the plans. But suddenly seeing Victor returning the night before his birthday, telling her how he feels about her shocks her..
Paring: Victor Li X Cassie (OC)
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Word Count: 2k
Notes: Based on the prompt below: 
 “Did you just kiss me?”
~ It’s Victor’s Birthday! 
~ Happy Birthday to My Tsundere of a Husband~ I love you. <3
Cassie sighed as she gazed at the calendar above her workspace, which had been filled with a lot of important dates and reminders scattered throughout the month of January. However she looked at a specific date in particular. 
January 13th. 
A day that she grew quite fond of. Why did it seem so special? Well it was Victor Li’s birthday. Her boss and her close friend. She had always gone all out for his birthday, at least ever since she had met him and got to know him as a person and through working with him. 
Even though he always seemed to scold her for doing so, she knew that he enjoyed himself. She had noticed in the few years that she had known him, he grew to be more relaxed and comfortable with her. 
He was more kinder with her, and even softer. Which ultimately caused Cassandra to catch feelings for her boss. A risky move on her part, but she couldn’t help herself. Or even stop herself from catching feelings no matter how hard she tried. 
Not only that but if he were to ever find out and didn’t feel remotely the same, she would risk losing him as a friend. At the mere thought of that, she frowned and winced. That was not a risk she wanted to take at all. 
She shook her head, she didn’t want to think about the negatives right now, it wasn’t the time for it. 
Cassie wanted to do something with him. She then turned to her phone that rested on her desk. Grabbing it and quickly dialing his number. 
Victor sat at his desk, working away as he normally did, he was nearly done with all his work for the day, already feeling exhaustion. 
He had quite the long day, having back to back meetings with investors and clients. His brows were furrowed as he worked.
Reading through emails, revising through reports and signing off on papers. Just an average work day. 
However, today seemed like one of those days where it felt exhausting. It wouldn't be the first time it has happened. 
Just as he finished reading through yet another email, his phone lit up and rang. He looked at it, Cassandra's name appeared on the screen. 
He felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards at the sudden call. He took off his reading glasses and picked up the phone, answering it. 
"Hello?" He spoke.
"Hey Victor!" Her voice spoke through the phone, sounding cheerful as always. His smile grew a bit wider. 
“How come you’re calling? It’s pretty late.” He asked, leaning back in his office chair. 
“Well I was calling because I wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy on your birthday!” She spoke cheerfully. 
Victor’s eyes scanned over the work that laid out on his desk, it was only 2 days away from his birthday. “I don’t think so. I might have to do a little work but I’ll be available. Why? What are you planning?” He asked, his tone becoming rather playful. 
“Umm… That is a surprise!” She spoke, her voice beamed. “But you’re working? On your birthday? That doesn’t seem like fun.” He could hear the pout in her voice. 
He chuckled, he normally didn’t care for surprises but when it came to her, it was an exception. “Alright then. I’ll take the day off and I’ll spend it with you. Would that satisfy you?” He teased
She was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, as though she was thinking about it, “Hmm... yes, yes it would!” She let out a giggle. Hearing it through the phone filled him with a warm feeling. 
“Alright, then I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Goodnight, Dummy.” His voice coming out soft at the end, a smile on his face. “Goodnight, Victor.” 
And with that the two of them hung up, Victor let out a sigh, one that he didn’t realize he was holding in. Along with the feeling of his heart fluttering within his chest. This feeling he grew to be very familiar with whenever he was talking to her. It was a nice, blissful feeling. 
However the moment of bliss passed as his phone rang once again, his eyes snapped down to look who was calling. It turned out to be his assistant. His smile turned into a scowl. 
Victor groaned as he had to go back into work mode. He picked up the phone. 
“What is it?” His voice came out stern, as he heard his frantic assistant’s voice, informing him some bad news. 
His scowl turned into a deep frown. As he took a deep breath, before ordering his assistant, “Book me a flight for tomorrow.” He ended the call before setting his phone down, resting his hands on his hands. 
Damn it… How was he going to tell her? 
The overwhelming feeling of sadness washed over Cassandra's heart, a frown appearing on her face. 
He really wasn't going to be back for his birthday?  
All the plans she had made for that day slowly going down the drain as she stared at the last series of texts he sent her. 
'I'm sorry…' 
'I really wish I didn't have to go.' 
'When I return, I'll make it up to you. I promise ❤' 
She didn't reply to them. She didn't know how to. The feeling within her heart only worsened.
His birthday was tomorrow… 
She knew it was about a business deal, and she understood that perfectly, but of all the days to choose, the business trip had to take place the day before his birthday. 
And she didn't even know when he plans on returning. It's been hours. She hasn't heard from him since she last spoke to him, which was earlier that afternoon. The call replaying in her mind over and over again. 
He was already at the airport when he called. Telling her the news...
"I have some bad news." Victor's voice spoke on the other end, sounding quite unhappy.  
"...What is it?" Cassie spoke, confused as to why he suddenly called her at 1:30PM.  Shouldn't he be at work right now? Or better yet in a meeting? 
"I received a call last night after we spoke and there had been some issues with a client. So I'll be going on a business trip," 
There was a pause. 
Cassandra gulped as she suddenly spoke, "And…?" 
"...I will most likely not be back tomorrow."  
A long pause… None of them spoke a word. 
"Cassie?" His voice came out much softer, concern evident in his tone. 
"I have to go." She finally spoke, ending the call almost immediately, not giving him a chance to reply. 
And that was the last that she had heard from him. He tried calling her again but she silenced her phone. Too upset to answer and definitely needing to rethink and cancel the plans she had made for the two of them. 
Cassandra huffed, realizing how childish she acted earlier. She should have been more understanding of the situation. 
Surely, if he were there with her, he would have scolded her and called her a 'Dummy' for being so childish. 
She plopped down on her comfy bed, staring up at the ceiling, her mind being filled with thoughts of Victor. 
Letting out a groan, she ran her fingers through her hair, "Get… Out… Of... My.. Head!" She muttered as she gripped at her long brown locks. 
But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. Turning her head to the side, she glanced at her clock. Taking note of the time 11:45PM. 
She should really go to bed, even though now there was no reason to get up early. 
However, the sudden ring of her doorbell caught her off guard. It was late at night. Who could be at her door? 
She made her way out of her bedroom and to the front door, opening it and coming into contact with Victor. 
Her eyes widened. 
The two of them stared at each other for a while, that was until Cassie cleared the silence with the most obvious question. 
"...What are you doing here???" She blurted out. "Aren't you supposed to be on your business trip?" 
"...That wasn't important." He spoke, as he stepped closer to her, shutting the door behind him. "Spending time with you, is more important to me." 
She blinked, in utter shock, her heart beginning to pound within her chest. "V-Victor.. But-" 
She got cut off almost immediately as he pulled her closer to him, in a warm yet welcoming embrace "Cassie," His voice came out in a soft whisper to her ear. “I came back earlier because I wanted to be with you.” 
“Wha-” She was speechless, purely in shock realizing that he was actually standing in front of her. That it wasn’t a dream or a hallucination. 
He continued however, “After I called you at the airport earlier, I couldn’t focus on any business.” 
“Why? Wasn’t that meeting super important for you and for LFG?” She inquired, her voice being muffled slightly due to being in his hug, she looked up at him as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck to reciprocate his embrace, rather than stand there awkwardly while he held her. 
After a moment of silence, he spoke again, his voice becoming even quieter against her ear. “Dummy… do I really have to spell it out for you to understand?” He pulled away, staring at her with a soft look. One that held so many emotions behind it. 
She could feel her heart skip a beat just from his expression alone. At a loss for words she opened her mouth, ready to say something, anything but nothing would come out. He leaned in closer, their foreheads touching and their breaths intermingling with one another. 
“Victor…” Her voice came out in a soft whisper, and it wasn’t long until he closed the small space between the two of them, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Surprising her once more, not expecting him to go this far to express how he felt. 
Sometimes it was hard for her to decipher how he felt about her, there would be times when it would be obvious but then there were times when it was as though those obvious moments never happened. 
A moment passed, and he pulled away, taking in her speechless expression, her cheeks flushed bright red in that moment, as she stared into his eyes. “Did… Did you really just…” Her voice wavered as she cleared her throat, trying to get her thoughts together. “Did you just kiss me?” 
“Yes, yes I did.” He spoke calmly, the corners of his mouth rising into a beautiful smile as he took in her flustered expression. 
“I-” She still could hardly communicate with how flustered and shocked she was. She had so many questions and so many doubts and thoughts that crossed her mind. She wanted answers but at the same time she didn’t. 
“Cassie, I like you.” He finally admitted. “The main reason I am back so early is because after our phone call at the airport, I couldn’t stop thinking about you… And I didn’t want to be away from you.” 
I always enjoy being with you, there has never been a time where I didn’t enjoy being with you… 
He thought to himself as he glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, reading the time as he looked back at her, with a loving gaze. “Especially on my birthday.” 
It was now 12AM on January 13th. 
She couldn’t believe this was happening, her heart was beating wildly at this point. He likes her? He actually likes her?? 
That was what was really what shocked her, but it also gave her a sense of relief. She really feared that she was the only one with feelings and feared that it would affect their friendship and work relationship. 
She couldn’t seem to hide the sudden smile that appeared on her face as she pulled him into another kiss, surprising him this time, his cheeks lightly flushing only for her to pull away moments later, a smile on both of their faces. 
“Happy Birthday, Victor…” She whispered. 
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k-hiphopshit · 4 years
You Are A Goddess (Jay Park x Reader)
 hey guys... what’s up? how’s it going? let’s just cut to the shit, i felt nostalgic and started reading the imagines i used to port and I want to start writing again so...here goes nothing, this was requested by anon probably years ago i’m sorry baby for taking this long but I hope they see this and like it
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Jay was a very handsome and charismatic man, you met him when you had gotten a job as Joon Kyungs a.k.a Dok2 personal assistant, so that meant you had to make a tons of phonecalls to other artists and people in the industry to confirm, arrange or cancel and inform about all types of things.
Jay was a bit stunned when he heard your voice over the phone, he could hear your smile, you sounded like you were really happy and excited for something and since he was drowning in responsibilities it was a breath of fresh air to hear someone talk in such a soothing and positive way. When he found out you were calling on Kyung’s behalf he got in contact with him and asked him about you
“Oh (y/n), she is my star right now, she is on top of everything and i’ve never met a person that is smiling genuinely so much”
After a few weeks joon kyung hosted an event for his birthday which meant you were in charge of pretty much everything and had to make sure everything went smoothly and exactly how your boss requested it. You saw Joon Kyung waving you over, he was with Dong gab and two other men you hadn’t personally met but you knew of them, well it wasn’t that hard since it was the infamous Jay Park and Simon D
“(y/n) let me introduce you to my good friends Jay Park and Kisok”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I am a big fan of your music and achievements”
“Thank you, that means a lot. We’ve been also hearing a lot of good things about you as well”
Jay took the lead and tried to stall the conversation as much as he could. As soon as you walked over to them he felt your positive aura that was so addictive, you seemed so grounded and so effortlessly put together it was fascinating for him, since in his industry they were so many people that tried so hard to seem like something they aren’t and were never meant to be it was a nice fresh tone to be around someone that seemed authentic.
“I’m sure he is exaggerating as always, but i’ll gladly take any compliment I can get”
After that Jay pursued you, he wanted to be around you, listen to you talk, he craved that comfortable and inviting aura you exude, not too long after that you started dating and not too long after that you were puking like you had been possessed by a Demon.
Jay was so excited about the baby, of course he was shocked at first and very scared since he had so many people depending on him that he was on call 24/7 with everyone and a child is a big responsibility, however in his eyes he couldn’t wait to be blessed by you with such gift, you would bring a life into this world, a beautiful combination of him and you and how could he deny himself such heaven?
He made sure you had everything you needed at any time, he was there at every doctors appointment, he was there when you needed some help to put your shoes on, baking and making all kinds of crazy recipes that you craved and of course he was there when you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Kyung Mi.
Yet not everyone shared his excitement, the media were ruthless and the fans were not pleased to say the least, their idol and a well known bachelor was suddenly not only in a relationship but also was having a baby. Your face was plastered all over the tabloids and of course they started digging up your past. While you were still pregnant Jay made sure to hide as much as he could, after you gave birth not only you started seeing more and more of it what also did not help was the extra weight you had gained and it seemed to be very stubborn,
“What are you doing? it’s 3 am?”
Jay had just walked in after a concert, expecting to find his girlfriend and baby girl sleeping, on the contrary he found you exercising and doing crunches at the living room with the baby monitor right next to you.
“Exactly, which means is the only time I can work out without Mi needing something”
He had noticed how you started eating less, always talking about new healthier recipes and it wasn’t the first time he had caught you working out in the middle of the night. He huffed and walked towards you as he sat down on the floor while you kept going with your work out
“Baby you’ve been staying up late to work out more and more”
“Don’t start Jay, you just got home as well”
“I had to work”
“Yes, so did I Jay. But now I have a family to take care of”
He bit his lower lip in a settle way to hold back his words. He knew how much it hurt you that you were staying home since you loved your job so much, of course Kyung understood and told you that when you feel ready to come back the spot is yours. Still, you felt in complete, nothing was the same anymore, you didn’t fit in your clothes, your breasts were swollen and bruised since Kyung Mi was starting to bite and of course the waking up in the middle of the night from the crying did not help either. Jay tried to help as much as he could , unfortunately he couldn’t drop everything and stay home so he understood your frustration.
“How about we take a shower together? We are both sweaty and we can... help each other”
“You can go first”
That also was a part of your new life, you wanted to have sex with Jay... who wouldn’t the problem wasn’t him it was you, you felt fat and ugly and just wanted to cover up and go to bed.
Jay was of course very supportive and expressed his feelings for you every day, that didn’t change the way you saw yourself even when you wished it did. Jay sighed and got up from the floor, leaving you be and getting lost in his own thoughts.
He had to do something and he had to do it quickly. Some how some way there was something he could do that would help you, of course that meant he needed advice from a woman and preferably someone that knew you.
“What’s going on big papa?”
Jessi teased as she picked up the phone. You and Jessi had gotten closer over the years and she was someone you used to go out with very often, so Jay thought maybe she had any good ideas.
“Hey, I need your help with something”
“I hope you didn’t hurt my baby (y/n), you owe her after pushing a baby out of her”
“No i didn’t do anything. She’s been very distant lately, she seems to be kind of sulking because of the baby weight and it has taken such a big toll on her”
“Well yeah i’m sure it did, have you tried like having a conversation?”
“yes but she is shutting me out, blaming me about not helping her and missing her job”
“Oh man, Let me see what I can come up with”
Jessi was a Saint sent straight from heaven. Her plan was brilliant, she went over the house at 10 a.m and pretty much kicked you out and send you at a well known spa and resort as a “god mother gift” where she had planned a full boy massage and a facial, as well as a sauna and yoga. You haven’t felt this relaxed in a while, letting someone take care of you and not having to worry about the baby crying and if she needs a diaper change was something she desperately needed. 
After everything she was led to a room that had a big package with a beautiful pink bow and a letter. As she opened it she immediately recognized the hand writing.
“To my baby mama,
Take a sweet nap and in 3 hours a hair and make up artist will come to get you all dolled up for our dinner. 
I love you,
your baby daddy”
You smiled and chose to not open the box yet, you left it to the side and laid down on the bed smiling brightly at the letter he had left you. You knew he cared but it was still nice to see that he really did try.
As the letter promised a hair and make up artist came and hooked you up with the good stuff, they made you look like a person you hadn’t see in a while. You went for a nice soft gold eye make up and a red lip and you hair just a nice blow out but it was just so refreshing to finally look like your old self. Then came the the time to finally open the box and of course what was inside was absolutely stunning
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It was tight around your stomach which you did not love and it did put you down a little bit but since you had nothing else to wear you just pushed it in the back of your mind, he had even bought your favorite perfume to wear and of course you noticed the lack of undewear in the box.
As you walked in the hotels restaurant you noticed nobody else was in here other than the servers and Jay. He got up and offered you a single red rose
You giggle as you took it and gave it a little sniff. You couldn’t hold back and went in to hug him, which he wanted to do as well.
“You look ravishing baby”
“Thank you, you look handsome as well”
He pulled back your seat and as you sat down he placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder right on top of the extremely thin spaghetti strap of your dress before taking a seat directly in front of you.
“Tonight is not about me beautiful, tonight is dedicated to you. The sexiest woman on the planet”
“Oh please, maybe after I love half of what I weight”
“Baby why are you putting yourself down? You know I would love you no matter what you weight right?”
You bit your lip. You knew Jay loved you, it was just you that felt insecure and almost like you were holding him back from everything, his career, his friends, everything had changed now and you felt responsible for it, the reason that you were so good at your job was that you took responsibility for everything so naturally it happened now as well.
“I know it’s just, I feel like I’m holding you back”
“What? What do you mean?”
“You were supposed to have a world tour this year and you cancelled it, as well as many other performances cause you wanted to come to doctors appointments”
“Exactly, I chose to cancel them baby, I wanted to be there”
“Yes but... I don’t know I just feel like I’m a burden, also I’ve gain weight and I feel... ugly”
There was a silence after that, since the waiter came and placed the food in front of you. You looked down at your feet, embarrassed and also a bit nervous of what Jay would say, after the waiter walked away Jay got up from his seat and kneeled in front of you, placing his one hand on top of yours and the other reached your chin so you can meet his eyes.
“You are one strong woman you know that? You loved me unconditionally and you gave me a beautiful child, sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve such a person in my life, you are no longer a woman to me... you are a Goddess. That’s why I don’t think i’ll find a more perfect time to do this”
“Do what?”
He reached for his pocket and pulled a small red velvet box. As soon as you saw it you started tearing up and your breathing stopped. Jay looked at you once again, he was saving it for the end of the meal but now it just seemed such a perfect moment.
“(Y/F/N) will you do me the absolute honor and let me your husband?”
you whispered as you bot got up and went for a passionate kiss letting your feelings flow and the tears roll down your cheek. You were so happy, finally after so long you felt the connection you had with him before the baby, you missed this pure raw bond you shared, the passion flowed after so many months of complete drought.
“You are so pretty even when you cry”
You laughed once again as you gently wiped your tears not to mess your perfectly applicated make up. He slipped the ring on your finger and kissed your hand 
“Let’s eat and then I can take my dessert in the bedroom”
“Can’t wait mister Park”
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Flying Out
Peter x reader x Shuri
Notes; Everyone is of legal age.
Warnings: Mention of injuries, single derogatory word, and some not so nice behavior don’t read if triggering.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or something like that. Honestly, you thought it was total shit. Distance only makes you miss a person until it almost hurts.
Both Peter and Shuri would agree with you on that. Shuri especially. 
You and Peter both lived in New York. Only an hour away from each other, but Shuri lived on a whole separate continent. 
Tony and T'Challa introduced the three of you to one another. T'Challa had brought his sister to New York when he had to deal with business with your father. 
While the two of them and the Avengers dealt business, the three of you had run off together. The three of you had spent the entire duration of Shuri's stay together and were sad to see her leave.
The three of you had kept in contact. Phone calls every day, video calls whenever you could manage, and when Shuri came down next time, you and Peter asked her out.
Though the three of you couldn't always see each other, you tried your best to be there for one another. And you were always there when it really mattered.
Once a month, you and your dad had a movie night. It had been a tradition since you were a child, and you treasured the time you spent together.
"No, we're not watching Harry Potter again." Your dad said, throwing a pillow at you.
"It's a classic!" You exclaimed, blocking yourself from more pillow attacks. "Besides, I love these movies. Don't you want to make your little girl happy?"
"That is emotional blackmail." Tony pointed at you. "Who the hell taught you to be so manipulative? I didn't do it. Was it Cap?"
"Pepper." You smirked. 
"Boss, protocol 'Baby-spider Fell Out The Web.'" FRIDAY announced, causing your father to jump from his seat.
"Dad, what does that mean?" You asked, standing as his suit began to form. "Dad!"
"Peter's hurt." He said quickly. "Stay here." He added before his helmet snapped on, and he flew away.
"Dad!" You began to protest, but he was already gone. "Fuck!"
As soon as your father left, you'd patched through a call to Shuri as you opened up FRIDAY's scans on Peter's vitals.
"Y/N? You do know it's two in the morning here, right?" Shuri asked, yawning. "Not that I'm upset to hear from-"
"Shuri, it's Pete." You cut her off. "God, I don't know what's happening, but dad got an alert from KAREN, and FRIDAY says his vitals are dropping, and I'm kind of freaking out-"
"Y/N, darling, breathe." Shuri soothed. "I need you to calm down. I can't help you if you don't calm down."
"Pete's hurt." You rushed out. "FRIDAY's scans say his heart rates dropping rapidly. Dad went to help him, but I don't know what's going to happen." You said, choking back a sob.
"It's okay. Peter's going to be okay." Shuri assured you. "I'm going to board the jet, and I'll be there as soon as I can. I promise. Peter is going to be okay." 
"Dad's on his way back." You read from the screen in front of you. "He's alerted Cho and Bruce to prep the med bay." 
"That's good. That's good. I'm coming, Y/N. Pete's going to bounce back. Peter always does. Say it back to me."
"Pete's going to bounce back." You stuttered, nodding to yourself. "He's going to be fine."
"Exactly. Go be there for our boy. I'm going to be there as soon as I can. I promise. I love you." Shuri told you.
"I love you too." You said before the call ended, and you raced to the med bay.
Peter had been shot six times. He'd gotten caught in the middle of a gang war he'd been trying to stop for months. And he'd been shot.
Your father had rushed Peter to Bruce and Cho, who hurried him away. You'd been sitting in the waiting room ever since with your father by your side.
"Maybe you should try to get some sleep." Your father suggested, squeezing your hand.
"No." You shook your head, continuing to stare at the doors. 
"I want to be awake when he wakes up."
"He's not going to be awake for a few hours. Come here." He said, pulling you closer. "He's going to be okay." He said as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Go to sleep, hon."
The next thing you knew, someone was shaking you awake.
"Y/N? Y/N, it's Peter. He's out of surgery." Shuri said, kneeling in front of you.
"He's okay?" You asked, sitting up in your chair.
"He's okay." Shuri nodded. "He's still unconscious, but he's gonna be fine." 
"Thank Thor." You sighed, wrapping your arms around her. "Thank you for coming." You whispered into her neck.
"I'll always come. That's a promise." She said, pressing a kiss to your check. "Let's go wait for spidey to wake up, huh?" She suggested.
"Peter, I swear to Thor!" You shrieked, running behind his couch.
"What? I just want a hug." He evilly grinned as he made a mad dash towards you.
"You're an asshole." You groaned as Peter wrapped his arms around you and smeared cannoli filling on your face. "I'm breaking up with you and keeping Shuri."
"You love me." Peter scoffed, licking the filling from your cheek. 
"Gross." You sighed, pushing him away from you. "You're banned from the filling. I'm demoting you to clean up."
"It's my kitchen!" Peter argued as you strutted back to the kitchen.
"It's my nonna's recipe." You rose a brow. "You know you never win against Shuri or me."
"That's because I let you both win." He said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Because I love you." 
"I love you too." You smiled, cupping his jaw and kissing him lightly. "Now clean, or no cannolis for you."
"Yes, ma'am."
An hour later, the two of you were seated in Peter's small kitchen, enjoying the cannolis, when Peter's phone rang.
"It's Shuri." He told you before answering. "Hey, pretty girl," Peter said into the phone.
"This is T'Challa," T'Challa announced, causing Peter to squeak and thrust the phone in your direction.
"Hey T, how's my second favorite dignitary?" You asked, sounding every bit like your father.
"I was doing well until this morning." He sighed. "There was an accident in the labs today." He said, causing you to freeze.
"Is Shuri okay?" You asked, putting the phone on speaker.
"She's okay now. There was a small explosion in one of the labs today. Shuri was thrown back and has broken her leg."
"Are we able to speak to her?" Peter asked.
"She is currently asleep, but as it turns out, Shuri has already sent a jet. It's set to arrive at the compound in two hours." T'Challa said used to his sister's antics.
"We'll be on it." You said, Peter nodding with you. 
"Thank you." He sighed. "I'll be there to greet you when you arrive." 
"I'll call Happy to take us to the compound if you want to talk to May." You said once the phone call ended. 
"Angel," Peter said, kissing your temple as he picked up his phone.
Six hours later, the two of you were landing in Wakanda with T'Challa waiting for you.
"Welcome back." T'Challa greeted. "It is good to see you."
"You look tired." You bluntly stated as you and Peter neared. 
"As it turns out, Shuri does not like bed rest. I've had to force her back to bed three times." He sighed, leading the two of you into the palace.
"Makes sense." Peter nodded with a small smile. 
The three of you made your way to the hospital wing and into the room where Shuri lay asleep, her mother at her side.
"It was time for her next dosage of pain medication," Ramonda explained, noticing the worried looks on yours and Peter's faces. "It's nice to see the two of you again. I apologize for the short notice."
"Please, there's no need for apologies. We'll always come if Shuri needs us." You informed the queen mother.
"Well, a thank you is still in order. I believe seeing the two of you will greatly raise Shuri's spirits." She smiled as she rose from her chair. "T'challa and I will take our leave now, and give the three of you some space."
"She's going to be so loopy when she wakes up," Peter said as the two of you sat down. "Do you think she'd kill us if we record?"
"I think she'd kill us if we didn't." You reasoned, leaning your head on his shoulder. 
This isn't where you wanted to be. You and Peter had been planning to spend a month in Wakanda with Shuri for weeks now. The plans were all set, and on the day you were supposed to leave, you found out you had to stay.
The Maria Stark Foundation had a charity gala every year. The date always changed due to scheduling, and this year you were the only one that had not been informed that the date was today.
As it was a foundation in your nonna's name, and the money went towards people in need, you couldn't skip out.
Luckily for you and your partners, you were a Stark, and Stark's are problem solvers.
"You go on ahead." You told Peter. "I'll stay for the gala and tonight. I'll fly out first thing tomorrow and join the two of you then."
"Angel, I can just stay with you. Shuri's not going to be mad if we postpone the trip a day." Peter said, rubbing his hands up your arms. 
"No, you go." You shook your head. "We made these plans months ago, we're not all postponing because I had a scheduling mix up. Go, have fun, I'll be there tomorrow."
And that was how you ended up alone in the corner of a ballroom in an uncomfortable dress.
There was nothing you wished more to do than take out your phone and talk to Peter and Shuri, but you couldn't. Because that was somehow ruder than you standing the back, ignoring the press.
"Did you get dragged here too?" A voice said, interrupting your musings. Lifting your eyes, you noticed a boy around your age standing in front of you.
After racking your brain, you came to recognize him as the son of one of your dad's minor business partners. Jacob.
"No, not dragged. I wanted to come." You said, taking a sip of your drink.
"But you had better plans?" He guessed.
"Not better, just ones I was looking forward to." You answered, causing him to chuckle lightly.
"I get it." He nodded, stepping closer. "I've had to cancel plans I was excited about too. But what can you do?"
You and Jacob continued conversing for another half hour before the two of you decided to get more drinks.
"Would your dad kill you if we went to the gardens?" Jacob asked. "It's so warm in here." He added, pulling at his collar. 
"I don't think he would." You said, checking your phone for the time. "We've got half an hour before speeches. We should be fine."
Jacob took the drinks in his hands, and the two of you made your way out in the gardens. The two of you walked into the beginning of the maze, where a bench was located.
"Thanks." You politely said as Jacob handed you your drink.
Almost ten minutes after the two of you came into the garden, your mind was beginning to feel fuzzy. It was when you acknowledged the bleariness in your head, did a hand land on your upper thigh.
"Jacob, I'm in a relationship. I wasn't trying to give you any impression otherwise." You told him, tongue weighing a thousand pounds, grabbing his hand.
"Don't be a tease, Y/N." Jacob admonished. "You know you want this. I know what a slut you are, with a girl and boy warming your bed every night? You want this."
"Fuck you." You snapped, rising to your feet, only to fall when your knees buckled.
"I'm a businessman, Y/N, just like my father. I don't like no." He said, kneeling above you.
"Get off, Jacob, get off." You wanted to scream but could only manage a whisper.
"Just let this happen." He said into your ear before licking a stripe down your neck.
Jacob pinned you to the ground, and with your head getting heavier every second, you soon couldn't move at all.
Non-reader POV
"I can't believe you put a mattress under us," Peter smirked, running his hand up and down Shuri's back.
"It's a safety precaution." She murmured. "Always have to have one."
The two were curled up on the ceiling in one of Peter's webs. Despite having full trust in Peter, Shuri had insisted on putting a mattress under the two.
Shuri let out a sleep-filled groan as her phone began to ring.
"Send it to voicemail," Peter suggested.
"Can't it's Y/N's tone." She said, answering, putting it on speaker, and sticking it onto a web.
"Shuri, are you there? Is Peter with you?" Tony's panicked voice came in before she could say anything.
"Tony?" Shuri asked, raising her head. "What's going on?"
"There's been an incident. We were at the gala, and Y/N was attacked." Tony told the two.
"Attacked? Is she alright? Are you alright?" Peter quickly asked.
"It wasn't that kind of attack, Pete. How quickly can you two get back here? Y/N won't talk to me, she's shut down. She needs you. Both of you."
"Tony, what happened?" Shuri asked, sharing a dread-filled look with Peter.
"I think Y/N has to be the one to tell you." 
Reader POV You don't remember being brought back to the Tower. You can vaguely remember being in the med bay and speaking with Cho, and suddenly you were in your room.
You remembered being alone, staring blankly at the wall, and suddenly you weren't.
"There she is." Peter waterily smiled. "You with us, angel?"
"When, when did you get here?" You asked, looking between him and Shuri.
"Not long ago," Shuri assured you. "Your dad called us, told us you needed us."
Memories of the gala pushed their way to the forefront of your mind, causing your eyes to sting.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, squeezing your eyes shut.
"You have nothing to be sorry about," Peter said immediately.
"But I-"
"No, we don't want to hear any of your reasonings. Nothing that's happened is your fault." Shuri cut you off. "Nothing at all." She repeated firmly.
"Can you handle touch? Can we touch you?" Peter asked you.
Your hand lightly tapped the bed beside you, and both your partners slowly climbed up next to you.
"You're going to be okay, angel." Peter promised, his hand hovering over your back. 
“We’ll be here with you, every step of the way.” Shuri added.
Though the three of you couldn't always see each other, you tried your best to be there for one another. And you were always there when it really mattered.
Taglist is always open, as are requests. I do get your requests and I am trying to write them all I promise.
@rvgrsbrns​ @smilexcaptainx​ @hopingforbarnes​ @starlingelliot​ @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @skeletoresinthebasement​ @agent-barnes40​ @reann-loves-sebstan​ @skadikh​ @summergeezburr​ @buckybarton03​ @sunshinepower17​ @bindythedemon​ @natasharomanoffismywife​ @keenmarvellover​ @bbybarness​ @storiesbystarlight​ @buckybarnesplumwhore @bromieeeomieee @marvelmenarebeautiful @nikishadow
All women taglist
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snarksandkisses · 4 years
What I think about COVID-19 this morning - Malia Jones, PhD, MPH
What I think about COVID-19 this morning
March 5, 2020
 Maybe I'm the closest thing you personally know to an infectious disease epidemiologist. Maybe not--I'm not an expert on this virus by any stretch, but I have general knowledge and training from studying epidemics that is applicable, so here are my thoughts. 
 First and foremost: we are going to see a tremendous increase in the number of US cases of COVID-19 in the next week. This is not because of some new pattern in the spread of the disease, but rather due to a major change in the requirements to be tested. Until yesterday, if you had flulike illness but had not recently traveled to China, Italy, South Korea, or Iran, you could not be tested. This is just the way healthcare works, you get tested if you meet the case definition and the case definition included travel.
 As of yesterday, you can be tested if you are sick and have a doctor's order to be tested. So expect things to feel a lot more panicky all of a sudden. We will see hundreds or thousands of new cases as a result of testing increases.
 Second: is that panic legitimate? Sort of. This is not the zombie apocalypse. The death rate of 30 deaths per 1000 cases is probably a wild overestimate. (The denominator is almost certainly wrong because it is confirmed cases--and we only confirm cases when we test for them). That said, even at 3 per 1000 cases, this would be a big deal. A very big deal. By way of comparison, the death rate for influenza is between 1 and 2 in 1000 cases. So, yeah. Roughly 0x to 30x worse than a huge global flu pandemic? That's a problem.
 Unlike flu, COVID-19 is not *particularly* dangerous for children, so that’s some happy news. It is dangerous for older adults and those with lung conditions, so we need to be extra careful to protect those populations from exposure. 
Also, for millions of Americans, getting any serious illness requiring a hospitalization is a major problem because they can't pay for it. And our health care system is probably going to struggle to keep up with it all. And with China basically closed, our global economy is going to take a huge hit and we'll feel the shockwaves for years. Those are real concerns.
 What can we do? Our focus should be on *slowing down the spread* of this disease so that we have time to get caught up. Here is my advice:
 1. Wash. Your. Hands. Wash them so much.
The current best guess is that coronavirus is transmitted via close contact and surface contamination. A very small study came out yesterday suggesting that the virus causing COVID-19 is *mostly* transmitted via contact with contaminated surfaces.
I have started washing my hands each time I enter a new building and after being in shared spaces (classrooms especially), in addition to the standard practice of washing after using the bathroom and before eating. Soap and water. Hand sanitizer also kills this virus, as does rubbing alcohol (the main ingredient in hand sanitizer).
 There is no need to be obsessive about this. Just wash your hands. A little bit more effort here goes a long way. 
 2. Don’t pick your nose. Or put your fingers in your mouth, on your lips, or in your eyes. Surface contact works like this: you touch something dirty. Maybe it's an elevator button. Virus sticks to your hands. Then you rub your eye. Then you touch your sandwich, and put the sandwich in your mouth. Now there is virus in your eyes and mouth. See?
 You may be thinking, but I don’t pick my nose because I am an adult! An observational study found that people sitting at a desk working touched their eyes, nose, or lips between 3 and 50 times per hour. Perfectly normal grown-ups, not lowlifes like my friends.
 2a. There was one note that came out suggesting that face masks actually promote surface contamination because you're always adjusting them--i.e., touching your face. I don’t know if that’s true. But face masks should not be worn by the public right now, unless you are the person who is sick and you're on your way to or actually at the doctor's office. The mask’s function is to prevent spit from flying out of your mouth and landing on things when you cough or sneeze. It flies out of your mouth and is caught in the mask instead. If you are the person who is sick and not on the way to the doctor, go home. Let the people who really need them have the masks. Like doctors.
 [ETA on 3/6/2020 honestly people I am getting so much push back on the mask recommendation!! The world is running low on masks. If everyone wants a mask so they can feel ok about keeping their Daytona Beach Spring Break plans and then hospitals in India can't buy them anymore, shame on us.]
 Coronavirus does not appear to be airborne in the sense that doesn't remain floating around freely in the air for a long time, like measles does. You are probably not going to breathe it in, unless someone is coughing in front of you. If someone is coughing in your face, feel free to tell them to get their ass home and move 6 feet away from them. (Yeah I know, if you have a toddler, you're screwed.)
 3. Sanitize the objects you and lots of other people touch, especially people outside your family--like door handles, shared keyboards at schools (brrr), salad bar tongs, etc. Best guesses are that the virus can live on surfaces for 2-48 hours, maybe even longer, depending on the surface, temperature, and humidity.
 Many common household cleaning products will kill this virus. However, white vinegar solution does not. You can make your own inexpensive antimicrobial spray by mixing 1 part household bleach to 99 parts cold tap water. Spray this on surfaces and leave for 10-30 minutes. Note: this is bleach. It will ruin your sofa.
 4. "Social distancing." You're going to get so sick of this phrase. This means keeping people apart from one another (preferably 6 feet apart, and sanitizing shared objects). This public health strategy is our next line of defense, and its implementation is what will lead to flights and events cancelled, borders closed, and schools closed.
 For now, you could limit face-to-face meetings, especially large ones. Zoom is an excellent videoconferencing option. If you spend time in shared spaces, see #1. Ask your child's school about their hygiene plan, if they haven't already told you what it is. If I were in charge of a school setting, I'd be hand sanitizing the s*** out of the kids' hands, including in and out of each space, and taking temperatures at the door. I am planning to email our school nurse right after this to ask if they need my volunteer help cleaning surfaces.
 If you can telecommute, do that a little more. If you are someone's boss and they could do their job remotely, encourage them to do that. 
 Avoid large gatherings of people if at all possible, especially if they are in an area with cases OR places that lots of people travel to. If you attend group events and start to feel even a little bit sick within 2 to 14 days, you need to self isolate immediately. Like for a tiny tickle in your throat.
 5. All your travel plans are about to get screwed up. If you are considering booking flights right now, get refundable tickets. ETA: most trip insurance will not cover cancellations due to a pandemic. Look for "cancel for any reason" trip insurance. 
 Considerations for risks related to that trip you’re planning: how bad would it be if you got stuck where you are going for 3 to 6 weeks? How bad would it be to be isolated at home for 2-3 weeks upon your return? Do you have direct contact with people who are over 70 and/or have lung conditions? If those seem really bad to you, rethink your trip, especially if it is to a location where there are confirmed cases. 
 6. If you are sick, stay home. Please! For the love of all that is holy. Stay at home. Your contributions to the world are really just not that important.
 7. There is a good chance some communities will see school cancelled and asked to limit non-essential movement. If someone in your family gets sick your family will almost certainly be isolated for 2-3 weeks (asked to stay at home). You could start stocking up with essentials for that scenario, but don't run out and buy a years' worth of toilet paper. Again, not the apocalypse. 2 weeks' worth of essential items. Refill any prescriptions, check your supply of coffee, kitty litter, and jigsaw puzzles.
 8. I do want to remind everyone that when public health works, the result is the least newsworthy thing ever: nothing happens. If this all fizzles out and you start feeling like ‘Wah, all that fuss for nothing??’ Then send a thank-you note to your local department of public health for a job well done. Fingers crossed for that outcome.
 9. Look, I think there are some positives here. All this handwashing could stop flu season in its tracks! We have an opportunity to reduce our global carbon footprint by telecommuting more, flying less, and understanding where our stuff comes from. We can use this to think about the problems with our healthcare system. We can use this to reflect on our positions of privilege and implicit biases. We can start greeting each other using jazz hands. I'm genuinely excited about those opportunities.
 There is a lot we don't yet know about this virus. It didn't even exist 90 days ago. So stay tuned, it is an evolving situation. The WHO website has a decent FAQ. Free to email or text with questions, and you can forward this to others if you think it's useful.
 May the force be with you. 
 Malia Jones, PhD, MPH
 I’m an Assistant Scientist in Health Geography at the Applied Population Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I study social contact of humans, and spatial patterns of infectious disease, among other things. 
   P.S. The number one question I am getting is, did you really write this? Yes. I wrote this. 
 I didn't write it for professional purposes, so I didn't put my work email on it. It was really just meant to be an email to my friends and family in advance of what I expect to be an escalation in the panic level. But it was apparently welcome information and went viral on FB. I've decided not to edit out the swears, even though I wrote this with a much smaller audience in mind. 
 Thanks for checking your facts! Go science! 
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monst · 4 years
Choking bakugou during hate sex~ thats the dream
That expression make me hate you less
All characters 18+
Bakugou katsuki x Reader
Warnings: Rough sexy times, Choking, Degradation, mean words and a sub Bakugou ^.^ 
If anyone were to ask about the nature of your relationship with Bakugou they’d get an eyeroll and a frown while saying “Those two hate each other.” And they wouldn’t be wrong. Both of you loathed each other, and the reason for your mutual hatred was incredibly juvenile. 
You see both of you had graduated around the same time and were fresh faced pro-heroes when you met… Sadly the both of you had similar tempers and worked in the same district. To make matters worse the both of your had a short fuse and were very, very competitive. Naturally the similarities in your personalities had the two of you clashing.
“Fuckface you apprehended my villain!” You hissed. 
“I don’t see your name on him dipshit.” He retorted. 
“Get the fuck out of my way asshole.” You’d sneer.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t hear you. Must be because you said nothing relevant.” he sassed. 
“You shitty hero! You destroyed half the building!” You roared. 
“I didn’t see you do anything helpful Princess.” He spat. 
These were just a few of your day to day conversations. And quite frankly everyone was sick of it. The tension was terrible when the both of you were in a room hell, it couldn’t be cut with a knife because you’d need a chainsaw to even put a dent in it. And to make matters worse the two of you would go off at the drop of a pin. So that led you both to your current situation… Trapped in a quirk cancelling chamber until the two of you could hug and sing Kumbaya. That wasn’t happening anytime soon…
As a matter of fact it seemed as though the both of you were intent on maiming each other. The screams and war cries coming from the room were terrifying. So much so that the evil doers decided that the both of you didn’t need babysitting or maybe it was because they really couldn’t stand the horrific sounds…. So off went your bosses while the two of you were at each other’s throats. 
Bakugou wiped at his bruised lip wiping away the blood from the stinging split when the both of you pulled away. You weren’t faring any better as you rubbed at your arm, the spot sore from how tight he had gripped you. You panted like wild beasts, glaring at each other so fiercely that medusa herself would have turned to stone. 
“I fucking hate you.” You hissed. 
“Something we can agree on you fucking cunt.” He spat. 
“Admit it.” You hissed. “Your just fucking jealous that i’m stronger than you that’s why your always trying to ruin my reputation.”
“Ha! You tryna blame me because your ratings are lower than mine? They’re lower ‘cause i’m obviously the better hero.” He shrugged. 
“Stay off my fucking turf or else Ba-ku-gou” You mocked. 
“It isn’t your fucking terf you cumrag it’s a distrcit. I swear how the fuck did you even graduate?” He insulted. 
“Listen here you fucktard!” You seethed jabbing your finger into his chest harshly. It only prompted him to grab said finger, which only pissed you off even more. And it seemed as though the both of you had the same idea as your foreheads ricocheted against each other. And when you finished consoling your throbbing skull you turned to continue the argument. You weren’t expecting him to be doing the same. And you weren’t expecting to have any form of contact with the blonde that wasn’t violent. But this.. This was soft, smooth and plush. 
The both of you had accidentally kissed. And two people have never moved away from each other so quickly. And two people had never latched onto each other so fiercely. You didn’t know who started it but you can both agree that neither of you were going to back down. Your lips smushed up against each other in something so brutal that calling it a kiss would have been wrong. In fact the action was mostly teeth, clacking against each other while the both of you shared an unblinking gaze of fury.  
You hand gripped his soft blonde hair harshly while his hand dug into your ass. Nothing about it was soft, nothing about it was loving. This was just another competition, of what? one couldn’t really tell but neither of you intended to lose. And in your heated battle the both of you tore at each other’s clothes. 
When your breasts were gripped tighter than intended you hissed, sinking your teeth into his neck in retaliation. And when your hands tugged at his blonde stands with the intent to yank them out your back met with the cool surface of the only table in the room. The structure was sturdy and held you both. But you weren’t having it. You weren’t going to let him fuck you. No, you were going to show him who the top dog really was. 
And so while his calloused fingers teased your clit vigorously you moved your hand towards his length. You held in all sounds as his finger tugged at your hardened nipples and one could give you an award for not making a sound when his fingers slipped into your drooling heat. But when his quick thrusts shifted and he met with a texture different from the rest of your smooth walls you cracked. 
“Ah~” You wanted to slap that shark-like grin off the red-eyed man’s face. You could have lost yourself in his touch. In the way your pussy squelched with every thrust, the way your nerves shot bolts of pleasure throughout your body hell you were even drinking up the way his muscles flexed when he’d push his fingers deeper. You would have considered letting him top, your hand retracting as your mind was slowly being changed. It seemed as though everything would be set in stone had Bakugou not spoken. 
“I fuckin’ knew it.” He leered “All that big talk but all you really wanted was to get fucked to have someone split you open like the sl-hhngh.” He stopped mid-way, his lips parted allowing a moan to slip past  unfiltered. One of your hands held a firm grip on his throbbing cock while the other hand squeezed his balls. You weren’t expecting the high pitched yelp when you applied a bit more pressure. You rolled your eyes when you saw his roll back. ‘Of course he likes pain.’ 
His stunned form allowed you to wrap your legs around him and switch positions. You were met with a glare once you were looking down at him but his protests died on his lips when you swiped your thumb over the head of his slit. “Oh fuck.” He gasped when you pressed against it. 
“You look better like this.” You teased “Subdued and whining like a bitch. It fits you.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He snarled. His face then took on a deep red color as he couldn’t stop the sound of protest that left his plush lips when you let go of his heavy cock. 
“Stay put.” You ordered. He wasn’t too fond of the order and went to lean up only for your hand to wrap around his throat. When you squeeze the muscles there he froze and from the look on his face you could tell that he was confused so you applied more pressure eliciting a surprisingly cute gasp from the man. 
He was so focused on the fact that he was getting dizzy that when you sunk down onto his cock he mewled loudly. His hips jerking up as his face twisted into something positively sinful. Your cunt squeezed down around him at the sight and you didn’t hesitate and began a quick and rough pace. You wouldn’t lie he felt amazing inside of you, his thick length brushing up against spots you weren’t even aware existed. 
You were so lost in the sauce that you had almost forgotten how hard you were gripping his neck. But when you loosened your hold his tongue lolled out to the side in bliss. “F-Fucking do it again.” He rasped thrusting into you harshly. 
“Such a needy bitch.” You grinned. “I’ll choke the life out of you if that’s what you want.”
“You better not hold back you fu-ngh.” The way you slammed back down on him was almost painful. And when you felt him pulse inside of you, you couldn’t help the quip that left your lips. 
“So, m-much for being better than me Mmm you’re already about to cum.” You mocked. He could only glare at you through tears completely drunk off the pleasure. And true to your word he did cum first. Hot thick spurts shooting up into your pussy. But you weren’t done with him yet and even when he whined in overstimulation you continued to bounce on his cock. 
“Look at you~” You hummed “You really do look good like this.” 
Bakugou couldn’t even form sentences. You made out words like ‘bitch’ ‘My turn’ being slurred out. He was wrecked. And you were beginning to tire.
You both dressed in silence. Your eyes wandering to the bruises around his neck. A smirk tugged at your lips. And you bent over to tug on your shoes. 
“Oi fuckface what’s with the look.” He frowned. 
“Dunno for a moment there I didn’t hate your guts.” You paused. “But now that it’s over I still hate you.”
“Ditto, I hope you fucking rot.” scoffed. 
“….Wanna do it again.” You asked, You were about to get back up when his hand met the back of your neck. He pressed against your ass and leaned down to your ear. 
“I wonder..” He paused “Would I hate you a bit less if you could make that expression you were talkin about.” 
“Only one way to find out. Unless you’re too pussy to choke me correc-
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
If Only (Shigaraki x Reader)
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Summary: Tomura Shigaraki meets a young woman at a local convention that leaves an impression on him and has him wondering: could he really have a normal life with her, or is his life destined to be nothing but destruction?
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader Rating: G. Warnings: Angst, manga spoilers for Shigaraki’s backstory.  Word Count: 3.5k+ Note: My entry for the BNHarem Discord collab! Yes, this is a SFW one, and yes I did enter it. It was a bit of a challenge for me to write but I like how it turned out! The full masterlist can be found here, so make sure you check out the fics from all of the talented writers!
Tomura Shigaraki decided this was a mistake within the first ten minutes of entering the convention center. Furthermore, he had decided to correct this mistake within the first fifteen, leaving without the thing he went to the convention for in the first place. The entire hall was too loud, too noisy, too full of people. The atmosphere was stifling, the air conditioners running at full blast still not being enough to cool down such an enormous space with so many people crammed in at once.
But one thing happened that made him change his plans. He ran into someone. Literally. As he is turning a corner, trying to find an area that was not packed full of people so that he could catch his breath, he runs directly into someone. The sudden collision takes you by surprise as you barely right yourself from toppling over.
As you gather your bearings, Shigaraki finds himself taking the opportunity to study your outfit. You are cosplaying as a character from a video game series that he is a big fan of, the costume remarkably true to the character herself. He finds himself appreciative of your attention to detail and the level of work you must have put into the cosplay.. But annoyance bubbles up inside of him as he sees that you ran into him because you weren’t paying a bit of attention to where you were going, choosing to stare at your phone instead.
“How about you watch where you’re going?” He sneers at you, giving the glare that usually gets people to back down immediately. But he is mildly surprised when he sees you are not intimidated by his presence, choosing instead to give him a bright smile.
“Sorry, but I am so close to beating this level! Didn’t want to put it down.”
He blinks at your response before leaning around to glance at your phone. You’re playing a popular mobile RPG on a particularly difficult level. He knows this because he plays the same game, and even he had a hell of a time beating it.
You curse under your breath as you lose, putting up a good fight but ultimately being overwhelmed by the third phase of the boss. When you look up at him to see him staring at you, you blush and quickly glance away. Huh, he thinks, that’s new. You’re not afraid of him, not disgusted by his appearance like others.
“The third phase is the hardest,” he finally ventures as he points to a few skills and characters on your screen. “Try using those instead.”
Your face turns serious as you revise your setup, restarting the level and playing through it again. You are so focused on your game that you don't even notice Shigaraki watching you like you are something new and unique. He tears his eyes away long enough to start watching your screen as you enter the third phase, utilizing the characters and skills he told you about with a decent amount of skill.
When you finally beat the level, you do a happy fist pump and a squeal before moving towards him. He tenses, anticipating an attack and ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. But when he feels arms wrapping around his neck, he freezes completely.
This is new territory for him. The only way people touch him is with malice as they try to kill him, as they try to harm him. Not with kindness or gratitude. He’s still trying to process it as it ends with you pulling away with a big smile on your face. He finds himself wanting to help you again in some way so that he can experience the feeling of being hugged again.
“Thank you, I’ve been trying to beat that level all day!”
“It’s no big deal.” He shuffles a bit in place before scratching at his neck.
“Well I appreciate it anyway. I was on my way to lunch when we bumped into each other. Do you want to go with me?”
“You can stop mocking me,” he narrows his eyes at you. “I don’t appreciate it.” Nobody is this nice, he thinks, you must be making fun of him somehow. His fingers itch to wrap around your neck, to kill you for this offense against him.
He expects you to finally be afraid, to stop talking to him and leave him to his solitude again. But instead, you furiously shake your head. “Oh no, not mocking you at all!” You bite your lip and fidget with your costume. “I just think you seem cool, is all. My friends make fun of me for liking games, and they definitely don’t help me beat levels.”
This time, the rage he feels is directed at anyone who would make fun of this woman in front of her. He’s shocked by this realization, and at the fact that he really does want to talk more. To get to know the one person who doesn’t seem to be bothered by him. He glances down at his shoes as he mumbles an apology, not knowing what else to say.
“Well there’s only one way to make it up to me.” Of course you want something. Nobody ever wants him for him, only what he can do for them. He was stupid for thinking anyone could be different, that -
“You gotta take me to lunch,” you happily explain. “It’ll be my treat!”
He gives you a slow blink, staring as if trying to process your words. Someone wants to spend time with him? Voluntarily, simply because they seem to like him? He didn’t expect anything like this, and yet there doesn’t seem to be any deception from you. You’re simply standing there as you wait for his answer with a hopeful look on your face.
“I, I guess that’s fine,” he agrees hesitantly, “I still have some time before the thing I want starts.”
You instantly light up as you hear his agreement. “What is it that you’re waiting for?” You ask as you begin to lead the way to the dining hall. “Maybe we could go together?”
“Oh, it’s the big event for Cyberpunk 2077. Been waiting for that game for years and since I was in the area, I thought I’d stop by.”
“Oh god, I am so excited for that one. The character customization alone is going to take me hours.”
He chuckles at that, your sheer excitement for everything shining through as you discuss the details of the game together while walking to the dining area. True to your word, you happily pay as you finally choose a place to eat, and the two of you settle in to continue to talk about games. He finds himself really enjoying talking to you. You are so innocent compared to what he’s used to, so carefree and eager to talk about things you enjoy.
“You know, I was wondering something. Why are you here alone?”
Your face falls at that statement as you glance away from him. It was the first time he saw such a sad look on your face, and he finds himself almost mad at being the one who caused that look, even if it was indirectly.
“Ah, I was supposed to be here with a few friends.”
He waits for you to finish your sentence, but you trail off and say nothing. “And? Where are they?”
“They - they had to cancel. But it’s totally okay!” You wave your hands quickly as you try to change the subject. But Shigaraki is not about to have it.
“They abandoned you,” he states flatly.
“Abandoned is a strong word,” you hedge. “They said they just had other things to do. It really is okay.”
His eyes narrow at the last part. He knows a lie when he hears one, and this is the first that he’s noticed since he started talking to you.
“They didn’t just have other things to do, did they?”
You glance anywhere but at his face, willing him to not ask any more questions. But now his curiosity has peaked, and he repeats the question.
“Okay, fine,” you give a long drawn out sigh. “They were supposed to be here today, cosplaying with me.  All of us as a character from the group, you know?”
He nods his head as he internally realizes where this is going, the very thought making his blood boil.
“But well, they - they said,” your voice wavers just a bit, “they said this morning that they had better things to do and cancelled. It’s okay, really.”
But he is perceptive enough to realize that it’s not okay. The look in your eyes says you’re hurt, but you’re also used to it. You simply accept being abandoned by your friends as a thing that happens. He knows the look of defeat and rejection in your eyes very well. After all, he sees it every day in the mirror.
“That’s why I asked you to join me for lunch, you know.”
He gives you a questioning look as his thoughts race to figure out what you mean. Do you mean that you invited him to lunch just so you wouldn’t be alone? That thought hurts, for some reason that he couldn’t explain.
“You’re alone too, aren’t you?” You look him directly in his crimson eyes and hold his gaze. He knows on some instinctive level that you don’t just mean at this convention. You’re more perceptive than you initially give off, he realizes suddenly.
He finally nods his head. “I have a few people who support me, but -”
“But you don’t have your person yet, do you?”
This question confuses him, and he waits for you to elaborate on it.
“You know, your person!” Your voice is back to a slightly happier tone, and he’s glad to hear it. “That one person you really connect with, who you would do anything for.”
“That is a rather naive concept,” he says automatically, without considering what he’s saying. But you don’t seem phased by his slightly rude comment.
“Naive, maybe. But I think it’s true. That you just connect with people sometimes.”
He must have inadvertently started frowning at your words, because you give him an adorable pout. “Don’t give me that look,” you playfully reprimand him as you give him a light poke to the forehead.
He gawks at you in sheer surprise for several moments, leaving you to giggle at his expression. He has never had anyone touch him as casually as you do. Instead of making him uncomfortable, however, it makes him feel strangely warm.
It’s then that he hears an announcement come over the convention hall speakers, informing everyone that the keynote presentation for Cyberpunk 2077 is about to begin in 10 minutes. He glances at you, waiting to see your reaction.
“There’s your cue, right? Go have fun!” You give him a smile that appears forced, as if you don’t want him to leave but are holding yourself back from saying so.
“I mean, you could come with me,” he murmurs, “I guess I wouldn’t mind you tagging along.”
“Ah, I don’t have a ticket for that part. Couldn’t afford it. But go ahead, I wouldn’t want you to miss it on my behalf.” You stand up from the table as you turn to leave. Before he realizes what he’s doing, he’s grabbing your arm and gently pulling you back towards him. You stare up at him with both surprise and hope in your eyes as he tucks you into his body, wrapping his arms around you. You feel stiff for only one second before you link your arms around him as well, burrowing your face against his chest with a contented sigh.
You stay there for what feels like hours, neither of you wanting to part. But when you finally do, it is with reluctance on both your parts. “Hey, one last thing before I go,” he begins, “I just wanted to let you know that I really wish -” He is interrupted when another announcement blares over the speaker, warning of 10 minutes left until the presentation. Your face turns to one of disappointment as he shrugs off what he was about to say. “I have to go, bye.”
He turns on his heel as he quickly leaves, trying not to remember the look on your face as you wondered what he was about to say. In truth, even he’s not sure of it. He doesn’t know how to feel about you, about his feelings. But he does know one thing. He liked you, liked talking to you. He thinks he’d like to get to know you more. Could someone like him, a villain who destroys everything he touches, really have someone like you, someone kind and upbeat?
Probably best that he doesn’t answer that question, even to himself.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
The presentation finally ends, crowds of people filtering suddenly out of the biggest convention hall on the property. The crowd is finally starting to bother him, too many people pushing against him, and he is eager to finally leave when he hears the sound of crashing glass and screams.  His head turns in the direction of the commotion, vowing to leave, when he hears his name being mentioned and something else that makes his blood turn cold. Your voice, saying something with sheer terror in it.
He’s moving before he’s even aware of it, racing around the corner and pushing people aside to get to you immediately. When he finally makes it to you, his vision almost goes red with the sheer rage that he is feeling at what he sees in front of him. You’re laying on the ground with minor cuts and bruises from broken glass and two heroes in costume standing over you.
“Where is Tomura Shigaraki?”
“I don’t know!”
“Yes you do, we have witnesses saying you were eating with him earlier.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I ate alone.”
He is shocked at the fact that you, of all people, are lying to heroes. To protect him, even though you must realize who he truly is at this point. He doesn’t understand why he feels he has to do something to prevent these heroes from hurting you. Only that he does.
“If it’s me you want, I’m right here.” They whirl around instantly to attack him, but he’s ready for that. These are heroes who have no business hunting down a villain such as him, and he disposes of one of them instantly, knocking him completely out before turning away to meet the other one.
But fear floods his veins as he sees the hero has lifted you up and is holding you by your neck. You look at him with wide, tear filled eyes, as if asking him to save you.
“She has nothing to do with this,” he hisses at the hero, “leave her alone and deal with me.”
“You mean to tell me that someone like her willingly spent time with you, not knowing who you are? I don’t believe that at all.” The words cause Shigaraki to almost physically recoil, but he holds it back as he glares at the hero.
“Jet let her go.”
“Do you happen to care about her? I didn’t think you could care.” He narrows his eyes at Shigaraki. “Just turn yourself in and she doesn’t have to get hurt.”
At these words, rage unlike anything Shigaraki has ever felt fills him, and before he can even think of what he’s doing, he’s grabbing the hero with all of his fingers, tossing him away as he grabs for you.
“You saved me,” you mumble quietly as you look up at him, tracing a finger down his face tenderly.
He puts you down just a shade too quickly, causing you to lean against the wall for support. “I did not save you, you were just here.”
“No, I saw you. You were going in the opposite direction when you heard me. You came back for me.”
“Why were you even in this area to begin with? You said you didn’t have the ticket to be here.”
You glance away from his harsh tone, but your cheeks look flushed. “I went ahead and bought one. So that I could see you again.”
The wind is taken from his lungs as he realizes that you were here waiting for him. You were injured because you were waiting for him. You’re too vulnerable, too weak, not able to defend yourself. Everything in him rebels in what he’s about to do, but he has to. He squeezes his eyes shut as he realises this is it. This is his answer to the question of whether someone like him could have someone like you.
“Yeah? Well I sure as hell didn’t want to see you again.”
Your eyes go wide as you shake your head. “You’re - you’re lying. You wanted to say something to me before you left. It was that you wanted to see me again, right?”
He lets his expression grow cold. “No. I decided to be nice and not tell you how much I hate you. How much I wanted to leave so that I didn’t have to spend a moment longer with you.”
“You’re only saying these mean things because you want to push me away.” Tears run down your face as you try to deny his words. “But I won’t let that happen. I care about you!”
“You don’t even know me,” he snarls, “I could kill you in an instant and would think nothing of it.”
You let out a small gasp as you continue to try and deny his words. “No, you’re lying, you don’t mean any of these things. You didn’t have to save me but you did.”
“Maybe it’s because I wanted to fight them. Wanted to kill them.”
“But you didn’t! They’re still alive. You’re a good guy, you just -”
He growls at you as he steps aside, pointing backwards to something on the floor. You stare in incomprehension, trying to figure out what you see. When you glance back up at him, he knows you realize what happened. But he also sees the desperate need you have to deny it.
“Fine, I’ll show you the truth.” He wraps his hand all the way around the unconscious hero’s leg, watching your reaction closely. You begin to tremble, not looking at him but at what is happening to what used to be a man.
Ah, he thinks, there it finally is. The look he’s been expecting to see since the moment he met you. The fear. The disgust. The hatred. It’s written all over your face, all the expressions that he never wanted to see.
“Why,” you whisper as tears run down your cheeks. “They didn’t have to die, there was no reason for it.”
“I told you. Because I wanted to. And I could kill you just as easily, if you don’t get the fuck out of here right now.”
“But I love you!” You blurt the words out suddenly, and he feels the whole world collapse around him. No no no, this was not supposed to happen. He lunges at you, pressing your back against the wall as he raises a finger up over your skin.
“Yeah? Well I don’t love you. You’re useless and annoying, and it’s no wonder your friends abandoned you. Keep your worthless love.”
“No,” you choke back a sob as you pull away from him completely, an action that he allows with reluctance.  Even in these circumstances, he doesn’t want to let you go. But he waits for the words that he knows he’ll hear from you. To be called a monster, less than a person, nothing but a being of chaos and destruction who lives only to destroy.
“Well you still have it,” you sob, “you need it more than I do.” And with that, he watches as you take slow steps away from him, and he watches as you turn away and flee. Running out of his life for good.
It had to be this way, he tries to convince himself. There was no other way. Someone so innocent, so kind, would never make it in his world. If she couldn’t handle what she saw just now, there was no chance.
But your final words keep echoing in his head, refusing to leave. So he briefly allows himself to consider the possibilities, as he wipes away a tear that he pretends was never there at all.
If only his quirk hadn’t activated as it did, killing the few people in this world who cared about him. If only he hadn’t committed his first murder shortly after that, killing his own father. If only he hadn’t been taken by All for One, manipulated and molded into a weapon of nothing but destruction and decay. If only, if only, if only. So many places where things could have been different, where he could have had a life where he was loved. But he knows, deep in his heart, the only “if only” that truly matters.
The one that, if true, would change everything, make everything in his life be okay again. Allow him to have love and a life worth living for instead of worth dying for.
If only he were still Tenko Shimura.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @dee-madwriter, @ttamaki​, @lildreamer93, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @1-800-callmekatsuki, @league-of-thots, @ichor-and-symbiosis
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Lockscreens (ch. 5)
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tw: Pining, mentions of stripping (playful)
Word count: ~2.9k
Genre: Angst, fluff
All trigger warnings will be tagged and posted at the beginning of each chapter! This will have *manga spoilers*
Pairings: Bokuto x fem!reader, Kuroo x fem!reader
Summary: Nearly four years ago, Bokuto left the love of his life for volleyball. Despite all the time, he’s still very much in love with her. He comes home to a major surprise leaving him wondering…What happened while he was gone?
AN: There is an official Lockscreens Spotify playlist! Please feel free to give it a listen 💖
Masterlist | prev | next
ch. 5: Best Friends (19 weeks)
The blaring sound abruptly drew him out of his deep slumber. “What?” He muttered, rubbing his face.
“Kurooooo,” she whined. “I need your help.” He furiously blinked, trying to rub the sleep away.
“What’s up?”
“I have these super bad cravings, do you mind picking it up and getting it for me?” 
Kuroo sighed deeply. “This is what you decided to wake me up for?” He groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead.
“Please? I’d owe you one! And you’re awake already.”
“You owe me a lot more than just one, kitten,” he warned. “What on Earth are you craving right now?”
“I really want dark chocolate covered blueberries and a salmon onigiri. Oh! And maybe some meat buns.” An exclamation. “Maybe peaches too!” 
He blinked. “What?”
She let out a loud whine. “Kuroo! Don’t judge me! It’s what the baby wants, okay?”
“I’m not judging that’s just..super particular. Alright fine, I’ll pick it up and head over.”
“You’re literally the best! Love you~!” And with that, she hung up. The rush of blood filled his ears as those words echoed in his ears. He pinched his nose, breathing deeply. Glancing down at his phone, he looked at the time. 2:26 A.M. She really had such inconvenient timing. At this rate, he wasn’t going to get sleep until at least 4 A.M. His eyes glided down, looking at his lock-screen. A smile tugged at his lips at the familiar face. It was a photo of (Name) laughing, her navy peacoat draped over her shoulders and the collar of her dress pulled up. Kuroo had taken the photo when they went on their fancy dinner over a month ago.  
He sighed, wiping his face with a hand as he got up. The sooner he left, the sooner he’d be back in bed. With one last grumble, he slid into a pair of sweats and an old volleyball hoodie as he made his way out of his apartment.
“The doctor did tell you last week that your cravings were going to get worse,” Kuroo teased as she opened the door for him. He’d visited four different convenience stores to find everything on her list. She ignored him, snatching the plastic bag out of his hands. (Name) waddled over to her sofa, plopping down as she rummaged through the bag. She pulled out the meat bun and onigiri, holding one in each hand as she took savage bites out of them.
“Oh my god, this is incredible,” she moaned, eyes squeezing shut in pleasure. 
“Oh yes, please do that again, I just love hearing that,” Kuroo teased.
“Shut up rooster-head.” (Name) swallowed, pulling out the peach drink he got her. “Aw, Kuroo! You got me my favorite, you’re literally the best.” He shrugged, taking a seat beside her. He reached for the bag, only to have his hand smacked away. “No! Mine.”
“I literally brought it for you!” He argued. “Let me get my food, woman.” She pouted, before pushing the bag towards him. He laughed at the familiar sight.
It was post-practice during their third-year. Kuroo and Kenma were joining (Name) at her house for their weekly movie night. “Ooh, can we stop by the convenience store?”
“Didn’t you just eat?” Kuroo teased. She had eaten her second bento while they were taking a break during practice.
“So? If you guys are coming over to watch movies, we should have snacks!” She argued, stopping directly in front of the store. “Do you guys want anything?”
“I’m okay.” Kenma replied, barely glancing up. Kenma sat down on the bench as he continued playing on his DS.
“Suit yourself!” She grinned. “How about you, Kuroo?”
“I’ll go pick for myself, thank you.” They walked inside. “Knowing you, you’d pick something weird for me.” 
“Hey, don’t you trust me?”
She giggled, tapping his nose before skipping away. “You should! I practically raised you, y’know?”
“And why do you think that?”
“Well, I did save your ass in English,” she teased, squatting down to survey the snacks at the bottom row. 
“Yeah well, you needed help in science. It cancels there.” 
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “You know you love me. And with love, comes trust!” 
His heart skipped a beat. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, dear.” She rolled her eyes at his term of endearment. Kuroo picked up a bag of chips, choosing some more snacks as they made their way down the aisle. “What’s on the agenda for movies?”
(Name) hummed, paying for her snacks as they made their way outside. “Depends! I’m open for whatever.” She tugged Kenma off the bench before skipping off in front of them. Kuroo and Kenma stood beside one another as they trailed behind. Kuroo’s soft smile was not missed by the younger boy as he observed the female, (h/c) hair blowing back as she skipped. She hummed a tune from (favorite song) as she unlocked the door, dropping the snacks onto the table as she gestured to the couch. “Make yourselves comfortable!”
“Don’t we always?” Kenma muttered, sliding onto the reclining seat as (Name) bustled around to clean up the couch a bit. Kuroo plopped down onto the couch, kicking his legs up onto the table. She smacked his legs to make them fall off, ignoring his cry of indignation. 
“I’ll be right back!” She ran upstairs towards her room. 
“When are you going to tell her?”
Kuroo jumped, looking at his male best friend. “Tell her what?”
“That you have a thing for her.”
Kuroo’s cheeks flushed red. “No I don’t!”
“Sure. You totally weren’t watching her with a dopey smile either.” Kenma rolled his eyes, aggressively using combo moves in order to defeat the boss. “You’ve been in love with her for years now, we all know.”
Kuroo blanched. “Does she?”
“Nah, she’s just as dumb as you are when it comes down to it.” 
“Why the hell am I coming down to Kenma saying that I’m dumb?” (Name) pouted, blankets bundled in her arms as she appeared at the doorway. Kuroo jumped, his blood freezing and heart clenching. “Not that I’m saying Kuroo isn’t, but I definitely am not!” 
“Yes you are.” 
Kuroo let out a high-pitched laugh, earning an odd look from (Name). Kenma just shook his head in distaste. “Is that all you heard?”
“Rude, Kenma! And yes, rooster-head, that’s all I heard.” She plopped down on the couch, spreading the blanket over their laps. Kuroo let out a sigh of relief as (Name) turned to Kenma, raising her brow. “So, pudding-pop, why am I dumb?”
“You’re just always dumb.” She leaned over to playfully shove him, causing Kenma to mess up. “(Name)!” He swore, glaring at the girl. Kuroo leaned down for the snack bag, only to have his hand smacked away by (Name). He glared at her as she rummaged through the bag, pulling out her own snacks before she handed him the bag.
“That’s your own fault, pudding-pop.” She laughed, before she leaned back against Kuroo. The captain’s heart lurched as he looked down. Her head was practically resting on his chest, her warmth seeping through his clothes to his heart. If loving someone felt like this, then he definitely didn’t mind.  
She glanced at the clock, finishing the last of the snacks and throwing the trash into the bag. “There’s no reason for you to go home; I’d feel terrible if you drove home this late.” She bit her lip. “Why don’t you sleep in my bed tonight?” Kuroo looked at her, his eyebrows raised. When they were in middle-school, it wasn’t uncommon for them to share a bed. But once they had gotten to high-school, they were forced out of the habit— mainly due to rising hormones and fear of what others would think of them.
“Are you sure?” He hesitated. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Just get in there, you big dummy.” She rolled her eyes, making her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She paused, standing in the doorway. Her eyes sparkled slightly as she looked at him. “Thanks for coming, Kuroo. I appreciate it.” She mumbled. 
Kuroo grinned, “I’m just glad to be of service.” He stood up, brushing his pants as he slipped into her bedroom. Hazel eyes surveyed the room, it wasn’t that different from before. Her desk was neat and organized, there were medicinal posters up on her walls, and there were soft golden fairy-lights dangling along the side of the wall. He undressed, leaving him in his boxers as he slipped under the covers. The mattress was so soft, he’d have to ask her where she got it. The sound of running water turned off, and the clicks of light-switches caught his attention. He glanced at the glowing red numbers on her desk. It was already 4:40 A.M. Thank god it was the weekend tomorrow. The door opened, and she entered. 
“Ugh, I forgot how big you are,” she grimaced, crossing her arms as she looked at him. “Budge up, will ya?” She was dressed in an oversized t-shirt, black panties peeking out from under them. 
“And you’re hardly wearing clothes,” he taunted before scooting over.
“Oi, my house, my rules. If you’re gonna be weird about it, you’re more than welcome to sleep on the sofa.” He simply tsk’d in response, lifting the blanket up so that she could slide in beside him. “You say I’m hardly wearing anything, Kuroo you’re not even wearing a shirt!” She whined, her hand brushing against his chest. 
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” he teased, blowing air onto her face. 
“Don’t be such a prick.” 
“Goodnight princess.” 
A hum in response as her breathing got heavier. “G’night, Tetsu.” His heart stuttered.
(Name) groaned as the light filtered into the room, falling onto her face. She felt so warm and comfortable. Her attention was drawn to a weight on her waist. (E/c) eyes blinked at the chest that it was pressed against. Pulling back slightly, she looked up to see Kuroo’s sleeping face, a pillow pressed against his head. She stifled a giggle, taking in how relaxed the male looked. A sudden urge hit her. Oh shit, gotta pee, her eyes widened. Wiggling out of his arms carefully, she waddled to the bathroom. She might be pregnant, but the gods help her because she absolutely refused to have any sort of accident. 
 As she returned to her room, she couldn’t help but lean against the bed-frame as she looked down at his peaceful face. 
“Kuroo, I don’t understand this,” she whined, burying her face in her palms. They’d been studying for hours now. 
“What don’t you understand?” 
“I keep getting the wrong answers.” With one hand, she shoved the book towards him, plopping her head onto the desk. “Can I just drop out of school and become a stripper?” 
“No,” a bemused smile crossed his face, “it’s your last year. This is literally just high-school chemistry, that I’m helping you with. There will be no stripping here!” 
She grunted into her arms. “You’re right, I doubt anyone would wanna see that anyways.” 
Kuroo shifted uncomfortably. “That’s not true.” 
(Name) lifted her face, freezing. He was so close. All she’d need to do is lean forward just a little bit. “Are you saying you would?” She breathed. 
“Maybe.” He licked his lips, eyes wide. “Or maybe not. Maybe I just don’t want my best friend putting herself out like that.” Hazel eyes darted down to her lips. She could practically feel his lips against hers. 
They sprung apart as the door suddenly crashed open, revealing Lev. “Senpai, I need help studying!” 
“You gotta be quiet when you’re studying, you dumbass,” Kuroo retorted, cheeks slightly red. “Otherwise you bother everyone like you always do.”
“Don’t be mean to the baby tree,” (Name) scolded, her cheeks also glowing. 
“Why are your faces red?” Lev cocked his head.
“It’s just hot in here,” (Name) stammered, sitting up straighter. “How can I help you study, Lev?” Lev plopped into the chair beside her, pushing his books towards her as he explained his issues. In the corner of her eyes, she surveyed Kuroo. Did they really almost kiss?    
She shook her head, making her way back to her kitchen. She couldn’t be catching feelings now. Not for her best friend while she’s pregnant with her boyfriend’s— ex-boyfriend’s?— baby. She didn’t even want to think about how they were also best friends with one another. Silently, she wondered if these were feelings that she’d always secretly suppressed. It’s not like she’d never had a crush on Kuroo before. She’d had one when they were still in middle school, and she’d always assumed those were just one of those things that happened. With a more aggressive shake of her head, (Name) stepped into the kitchen, taking things out to make pancakes. As she hummed a familiar tune, cracking eggs into a bowl, she jumped. Warm arms snaked around her waist, a chest meeting her back.  
“Well aren’t you cuddly this morning?” She chuckled, patting one of his arms affectionately. Kuroo just tightened his grip, burying his face into her shoulder. His breath warmed the back of her neck. 
“Sleepy,” he muttered. “I blame you.”
(Name)’s giggle filled the kitchen, sounding like a windchime swaying in the breeze. “You didn’t have to help.” He awkwardly shrugged, tightening his grip as he rubbed his face into her shoulder, dangerously close to her neck. Goose-bumps raced along her skin. She leaned back in his caress, closing her eyes. The warmth of his body swept through her. “Hey, Kuroo?” He hummed in response. “Do you wanna move in?”
“Huh?” He rubbed his face into her shoulder, hiding his burning cheeks. Hoping that she couldn’t feel it. “Move in?” 
“Yeah.” She hesitated. “I mean, you’re always over. And I feel bad calling you to come over late at night.” She took a deep breath. “It’s also kinda lonely, y’know? Like it’s basically just me here by myself after living here with Kou for so long.” 
“That’s the last of the boxes, babe!” 
“Finally!” Bokuto collapsed onto the couch, letting out a massive sigh. “That took so long.”
“That’s what happens when you move somewhere,” she giggled, perching herself beside him. (Name) looked affectionately around the house. After an entire day of moving things in, they’d unpacked (most) of their boxes. It was the end of their first year of college, and they’d decide to move off-campus into their own house for some privacy for the upcoming school-year. Excitement pulsed through her. She and Bokuto had just celebrated their first anniversary after years of friendship, and things had never been easier. Of course, the couple had their issues. Bokuto had issues balancing his school-work with club volleyball, and she’d been so overwhelmed with her classes and internship that it was difficult for them to find time together. But, it was all worth it in the end. Now, she’d fall asleep and wake up beside the love of her life every day. “Kou, what do you want for dinner?”
“I’m too lazy to eat,” Bokuto groaned, draping an arm over his eyes. She patted his arm.
“Too lazy to eat? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that,” (Name) teased, elbowing him slightly. “Ah well, if you’re too lazy, maybe I’ll go get dinner all by myself. Alone. In our new neighborhood.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. 
She made a move to stand, only for arms to snake around her and throw her into the couch. (Name) giggled loudly, blinking up into golden pools as Bokuto hovered over her. He peppered kisses all around her face. “Let’s order in, and just spend our first night in our new home together, okay?” He murmured, brushing her hair away from her face as he drew her into a soft kiss. “Besides, I want to spend time with the love of my life in the place where we’ll raise our kids.” She gaped, tears welling up. His eyes were shut as he nudged her nose with his. 
He flushed, pulling back. “Well yeah, I wanna have kids with you.” He pulled her hand up to his lips, kissing the promise ring that sat there. “I promised you forever, didn’t I?” Arms wrapped around his neck, dragging him down to her as she slotted her lips against his.
“God I love you,” she whispered in between kisses. 
“Y’know, this is a perfect time to break in that new bed,” he grinned.
“Kou!” She squealed, smacking his chest. Her eyelashes fluttered as she stared at him. Her heart had never felt so warm. 
“Are you sure?” Kuroo pulled back, turning her so that she was facing him. “I don’t want to intrude.” 
She nodded. “Yeah. If anything, we can put a bed in the nursery for now and you can stay there so you have your own space.” (Name) offered him a small smile. “Is that okay?”  
“Well, if you insist,” Kuroo teased, tapping her nose. He grew serious. “I’d do anything for you, (Nickname).” 
She wrapped her arms around him. “You’re the best, Kuroo.”
Fun facts
💟 Kuroo sleeps with D.N.D. on except for notifications from Kenma and (Name).
💟 (Name) typically craves onigiri and meat buns. Other things she craves are her usual study-hangout-movie night snacks. 
💟 (Name) and Kenma both have a bad habit of staying up late. They usually call each other when they want company, but only Kuroo would actually get up and go visit one of them so late, so they’ll call him if they need something.
💟 Both Bokuto and Kuroo disagree about who introduced (Name) to her favourite peach drink. It was actually neither of them. Kenma introduced it to her during one of their movie nights. 
💟 Kenma had known that Kuroo was pining for (Name) for years. He was tired of hearing/seeing it and warned him that someone else would ask her out if he didn’t get a move on. Kenma also almost confessed to (Name) on Kuroo’s behalf
💟 The last time Kuroo and (Name) shared a bed was their first semester of high-school. When she told one of her girlfriends, they shamed her for it so she stopped letting Kuroo sleepover. 
💟 At training camp their first year, Kuroo forgot to pack a sleep shirt and wandered around Shinzen after curfew. (Name) was also out to get a drink of water and shrieked when she saw Kuroo because she thought he was a ghost.
💟 When Lev told the team about what he stumbled upon, he got his butt kicked by Yaku for cock-blocking. Lev was the only one on the team who didn’t realise the tension between (Name) and Kuroo. 
💟 Bokuto randomly surprised (Name) with the keys to their new house after enlisting Akaashi’s help to plan and organise everything. 
AN: Officially switched my update day to Thursdays! Please feel free to pop into my inbox if you have any questions, comments, or concerns 💞 I love interacting with you all!
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leiasfanaccount648 · 4 years
The 3 Times Kenma Didn’t Get What You Wanted for Your Bday & the 1 Time He Did
(Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: Like all friends, they remember what is most important to them, especially one another’s birthdays. However, Kenma seems to be struggling with finding you that perfect present year after year.
A/N: This is for the absolutely lovely @briswriting​!!! I’m so happy to call you my friend, that you got me into Animal Crossing, and I hope you have an amazing bday today <3 :)
Warnings/Contains: Fluff, birthdays, the tiniest amount of angst. Disclaimer, I did some research on the video games I mentioned in this but none of the release dates match up lol.
Word Count: 2033
Elementary School; 5th year
“Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!”
“Wait, what?”
Kenma looked up from his GameBoy as he heard people talking by the door of the classroom. He saw one of his neighbors that he had bet through Kuroo talking to some of her friends and receiving some gifts and snacks from them.
Kenma looked at the desk in front of him and saw a few more trinkets and such from people in other classes. They may not have known each other for that long, but (Y/N) was the first friend of his that actually wanted to play video games rather than volleyball like Kuroo.
(Y/N) was nice, and had great taste in games; he would gladly call her his friend. So what do friends of a couple months get one another for their birthdays?
“Good morning, Kenma!” (Y/N) brought him out from his thoughts as she walked over and sat down at her desk, facing him with a bright smile. “What’re you playing?” She peered over his desk to try and catch a glimpse at what game was on the screen.
“I, um,” Kenma glanced down at his GameBoy as Pokemon: Red and Blue was still playing. He didn’t get to answer as (Y/N) already saw the screen with a gasp.
“Are you about to play the battle against Professor Oak?”
Kenma couldn’t explain it, but he felt his heart jump at her knowledge of the game. He knew that she played it, but he thought that she had just gotten it a couple weeks ago. “Yeah, I am.” He smiled shyly and quickly paused the game so he could talk to her properly. “Happy birthday, by the way. I’m sorry, but I didn’t get you anything.”
(Y/N) shook her head, waving her hands in front of her as well. “No, no! It’s totally fine! Trust me, you didn’t have to get me anything.” She smiled, moving her hair out of her face shyly. “Honestly what I keep getting from my friends gets to be too much of a hassle.”
Kenma smiled a little, finding her reasoning quite amusing; however he could tell during lunch she definitely enjoyed eating the cookies that someone had made her. He tried to think of something he could do for her, but he trusted her word to not worry too much. Besides, there was always next year.
Middle School; 3rd year
It was late, almost too late to Kenma’s liking as he had just finished volleyball practice and wanted to do nothing than go home and finally get some rest before the weekend started tomorrow. However, he had one last thing to do.
Kenma had been hearing (Y/N) raving about the game for weeks, and he had managed to get it pre-ordered and delivered the day that it came out. Now he stood outside her apartment, hoping that she would like it.
He texted her to come to her door, and it was obvious that she was confused, but did so nonetheless. She smiled as she saw him, about to greet him, but he beat her to it, holding out a small, wrapped box for her to take.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
“Oh my god, Kenma you didn’t!” (Y/N) grinned wide as she noticed the shape of the wrapped box her friend had handed her. She opened it without hesitation, expecting to see Pokemon X and Y, but instead saw Animal Crossing: New Leaf. She felt touched that he remembered how much she wanted that game, but still looked up at Kenma with sorrow.
“Kenma, I am so sorry,” she laughed nervously, starting to feel guilty. “But my parents got me the game already along with a new 3DS.” (Y/N) knew that there was no way that he could have known, but she felt guilty nonetheless over the fact that Kenma had spent his money to get her the game.
Kenma on the other hand felt nothing but embarrassment. He realized his mistake and that he should have asked her parents if she was going to be getting the game. “I’m sorry. I should have asked if there was more than just that game that you wanted.”
Like she did back in elementary school, she shook her head. “No, you’re fine, Kenma.” She laughed softly to try and lighten the mood, but she could still tell that Kenma felt awkward about getting her a game that she had been gifted not 3 hours ago. Then she smiled. “Wait! Now that you have the game, we can play it together!”
Kenma tilted his head a little, confused. “I thought it wasn’t a multiplayer game.”
“It’s not, but we can still keep up with one another’s progress and stuff. It’ll be like when we play Pokemon and see who can defeat the boss quicker!”
Although it wasn’t Kenma’s ideal choice of game style, he still kept the game and played with (Y/N) both online and while they hung out together. Soon enough, he became addicted and got a whole level ahead of (Y/N) despite their agreement to build their islands and such together.
High School; 2nd Year
It was raining after school, and Kuroo had decided to cancel practice due to the weather scheduled to get worse throughout the evening. Kenma felt grateful for two reasons. One, he could go home and finish his homework early before playing some more Animal Crossing. Two, he could see (Y/N) before she had her club and give her the batch of his mom’s homemade brownies that he promised her a few days ago.
Kenma was on his way towards the room where he knew she would be at, however he didn’t expect her to be sitting outside the door. He saw her phone in hand along with her backpack leaning against her. Then he caught sight of her face and rushed over as soon as he saw the tears in her eyes. “(Y/N)?”
(Y/N) looked up at the sound of her name, instinctively reaching up to wipe below her eyes before putting on the best smile she could muster at the last second. “Kenma!” She chuckled and stood up quickly to straighten herself out. “What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at practice?”
“Kuroo cancelled it due to the weather planning to get worse. So I decided to bring you the brownies since you said you wanted them for your birthday.” Kenma reached into his bag and pulled out a small container that contained the sweets. (Y/N) didn’t say another word, just stepping forward and bringing him into a hug.
Kenma froze as she did so, not sure how to react. “(Y-Y/N)?”
“Just,” she took a deep breath to keep from letting out any tears. “Let me have this, please?”
Kenma looked at her, wondering what it was that was causing her to be so upset, but he knew that she would tell him on her own time. For now, all he did was hug her and he practically felt the tension and nerves in her body melt away, ignoring how his heart raced rapidly due to her being so close and for so long.
That year, Kenma was the only one who had remembered (Y/N)’s birthday.
College; 1st year
It was a couple days before (Y/N)’s birthday and Kenma was stressing beyond belief. Ever since high school, Kuroo he had begun to realize that he had developed feelings for her and he never knew how to express them into words or actions. 
He remembered the day that Kuroo pointed it out to him because they were playing an online game together and Kenma had managed to lose against both him and Bokuto. Needless to say it was obvious that something was bothering him and Kuroo needed to know (even if he already did).
Either way, he wanted to do what he thought would make her happy for her birthday. Some had been flops while others he felt like haven’t been the right gift, but he still did what he could.
This year however, he wanted to know exactly what she wanted.
The two of them were in the middle of playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons when Kenma thought he’d just ask via the game while they were fishing on his island.
‘btw, what do u want 4 ur bday?’
Since they were at different universities and couldn’t physically see each other, (Y/N) assumed that he would just craft/give her something in the game.
‘a cat to cuddle & love 4ever’
Kenma chuckled at her reply, smiling to himself as he typed out one himself, but (Y/N) added another response.
‘even though it’s not in the game XD’
Kenma froze for a moment as he realized how (Y/N) interpreted his question. But he still got an answer and wasn’t going to take it for granted. He quickly got on his laptop and pulled up Amazon. Lucky for him, he found a cat plushie that he knew (Y/N) would like that would arrive the day before her birthday.
On the fateful day, Kenma headed to her dorm as he knew she was spending her birthday on a different day with her family and would most likely be cooped up side playing games (much like himself). Once he messaged her to come outside and was met with a ‘read’ text, he knew she was on her way down to greet him. When (Y/N) saw him with the stuffed cat in his arms, she ran over and hugged him tightly as she could.
Kenma almost lost his footing and fell, but he managed to stay standing and hug her back. “I know what you said you wanted a cat, but I didn’t want you to get kicked out of your dorm.”
(Y/N) laughed, shaking her head at his words before pulling away. She also took the cat plushie from him to get a better look at it before holding it in her arms. She smiled shyly at him. “Kenma, I was talking about you.”
“Wait, what?” Kenma’s eyes widened, repeating the words she said a couple days ago in his head. He felt his cheeks start to turn pink as (Y/N) spoke up again.
“All I wanted was to spend my birthday with you.” She glanced to the side, starting to feel flustered. “You’ve been my best friend for years and you’re so nice and considerate, not to mention cute,” she giggled, pausing briefly. “It’s practically impossible for anyone not to be around you and,” she met his gaze again. “I like you, Kenma.”
Kenma didn’t know when he did or what made him think it was a good idea, but he reached out with one hand and held the back of her head as he pulled her in for a kiss, which she gladly returned a second later. Once he pulled away, he smiled shyly as though silently apologizing for being so straightforward and sudden.
“Uh,” Kenma cleared his throat, letting go of her so she could have some space. “Would you like to go get some dinner?” It was obvious that he wasn’t sure what to say or do at the moment.”
(Y/N) simply shook her head, reaching for his hand and leading him into the building in which she stayed at. “I’d much rather spend my birthday eating takeout and playing video games with you. How does that sound?”
“But, it’s your birthday.” Kenma followed her to the elevator, still holding her hand.
“Exactly, so that means we’re going to do what I want.” (Y/N) giggled and kissed his cheek before stepping inside the elevator with him and pressing the button for her floor. “And I want to cuddle you while we eat and play Animal Crossing together.”
Kenma smiled, squeezing her hand to let her know his thoughts on her plans for the rest of the evening. “Sounds like a plan.” He was thankful that he decided to bring his Nintendo Switch with him.
“Oh, and that means that I want all of the turnips you bought yesterday, too.”
“Wait what?”
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kitty-cat-is-back · 4 years
What Am I Doing with My Life? Chapter 1
Pairing: Sero Hanta x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first fic, so I hope you guys like it! If I’m being honest, I have no idea what this is currently or what this is going to turn into, but this is just a very self indulgent fic, so I’m sorry if this isn’t for you! Definitely my inspiration to even take a crack at writing a fic is @reinawritesbnha, so you should definitely check her out cause her fics are wayyyyy better than whatever you’re gonna read now! Anyways, I’m terrible at writing summaries, so just have a quick read for yourself and see if you like it! Oh, also this is a real world au, so no powers for any of the characters! ANYWAYS, I hope you like it! :)
Warnings: signs of depression, a hint of angst (idk)
With a groan, you rolled over and aimlessly searched for your phone, promptly shutting off your alarm. A sigh escaped your lips as you stared up at the cracked ceiling, already hearing the loud stomping of your upstairs neighbor so early in the morning. You gazed out the window, staring at the luxurious view of the brick wall from the building next to your apartment, anything to prolong starting the day. Once you didn’t think you could hold off any longer on getting ready, so you dragged your body up and out of bed, mosing into the bathroom as you pondered the same question you did everyday: What am I doing with my life?
You didn’t feel like you were sad per se, but you certainly weren’t thrilled about life. Everyday felt like a rut… Wake up, work, eat, sleep, and repeat. You honestly can’t remember that last time you really felt happy. Well… Maybe back then…
You walked into the classroom early groggily, the sun had barely even risen in the sky. The room was mostly empty, spare a boy sitting at his desk, looking much too mischievous this early in the morning. You placed your stuff at your desk and gave yourself a small pep talk in your head. Today was the day you were finally going to do it. With a few more words of your own encouragement, you slowly approached the boy’s desk, gaining a closer look at what he was doing. Curiosity getting the better of you, you pushed your mission aside and started off with some simple small talk.
“What are you doing?” you asked, an eyebrow raised quizzically.
The lanky boy with shaggy black hair and an infectious smile averted his gaze away from his creation to peer up at you. He grinned cheekily before looking back down and pulling more tape from the dispenser to add to the mass he had already formed, “Making a tape ball.”
You tilted your head in confusion before hesitantly asking, “...A tape ball? What for?”
He shrugged, “Dunno yet… Probably gonna throw it at Kaminari during 4th period. We’ll see how I’m feeling,” he stated, wrapping more and more tape around the sticky monstrosity.
You hummed in response, attempting to hide your smile at his antics, even though his attention was solely placed on creating the tape ball. A silence fell over the two of you as you continued to watch him, rocking back and forth on your feet nervously. Just spit it out already! This was your chance! You ceased your rocking and promptly cleared your throat, “Hanta!”
The boy’s brows shot up at the exclamation and turned away from his abomination, giving you his full attention. He just now noticed the makeup adorning your face, something he’s positive he’s never seen you wear before, but can recognize the effort you put into it. His cheeks flushed at his prolonged staring at your beauty and finally stammered out, “Y-Yes?”
This was it. You balled up your fists and tensed up, almost as if preparing for impact, “A-Are… Are you… Are you busy… this weekend…?” you asked, unsure of the words.
Hanta relaxed a bit, though still a bit on edge as to why you were acting so awkward all of a sudden, “Oh, that’s it? No, I’m not particularly busy,” he pondered aloud, “Probably just gonna hang with the squad… Hey, you can join us if you want to! I’ve been dying to properly introduce you to them! I mean, they all know you from around school, but they don’t like… know you know you, y’know?”
You visibly deflated, your mind racing to figure out how to remedy this problem, “I told you… I don’t think your friends would like me. I’m so awkward around new people, I would probably just embarrass you… B-But that wasn’t what I meant!” you paused and took a breath, mentally preparing yourself, “I was trying to ask if you wanted to go on a da-”
Your words were cut off by your friend walking into the classroom. They spotted you and quickly made their way over towards you, “There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere for you! C’mon, we’re gonna go chill in the cafeteria before classes start!” your friend said as they tugged on your arm.
Your mind went into panic mode, glancing frantically between your friend and Hanta, “N-No… Wait! I was just-”
You were cut off once again, “Just finished talking? Great!” your friend said, pulling harder on your arm, “Bye Hanta! I’m sure you guys can catch up later!” they said before successfully pulling you out of the room, leaving behind a confused Hanta.
Once having exited the classroom, your friend let out a disgusted scoff, “How many times do we have to tell you? No. Hanging. With. Hanta. It’s really that simple. That whole friend group of his is no good!”
Your shoulders slumped and your face fell into a frown, “There’s nothing wrong with Hanta… Just because Mina ghosted you after a hookup doesn’t mean the whole group is-”
“Oh. My. GOD. I told you not to ring up the ‘incident’ again! You know it makes me upset!” they said with a huff. They shook it off, “Whatever, but that doesn’t matter! I won’t have my best friend hanging out with those losers and then ultimately getting your heart broken when they don’t want you anymore! So you either listen to me and stop hanging around that guy or we’re not friends anymore.”
This felt like one of those moments in your life where the decision you make would drastically alter your life. You had a choice of two paths and whatever you chose, you couldn’t go back and try again. You stayed silent as you weighed out your options.
“Hellooo?? I’m waiting!”
“Hello? Are you even listening to me?!”
“Hello? Are you ok?”
You snapped out of your reminiscing and looked up to see your office assistant giving you a concerned look. You started rapidly blinking in confusion, wondering how in the world your body had managed to take you all the way to work without dying while you were caught up in a daydream. You let out a heavy breath and leaned back in your chair, “Yea…” you started, “Yea, I’m fine. I just… didn’t get much sleep last night is all…” you said with a little bit of conviction.
Your office assistant nodded, definitely not convinced, “Right… Anyways, I guess now seems like a good time to bring this up. Your twelve o’clock appointment called and cancelled. That was the only patient you had scheduled, so I think you should take this opportunity and take the day off. In the year that you’ve been working here, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you take time off for yourself. You may not think it, but even psychologists need mental health days,” they joked, trying to lighten up the somber atmosphere of your office.
You rubbed the back of your neck, desperately racking your brain to come up with a reason to stay at work. If you were working, you weren’t thinking and if you weren’t thinking, you were better off that way. You opened your mouth to start spilling out excuses, “Well…”
“I’m gonna stop you right there. I know every single thing you’re about to say and I’m not having it today. I’ll stay and do some work around the office and answer phone calls if needed. You may be my boss, but I’m ordering you to take the day off. You deserve it. You need it.”
You sighed and hung your head. There was no getting out of this. You held your hands up in defeat, “Alright, alright, I give. I’ll take the day off. You win…” you grumbled. After a victorious cheer from your assistant, you packed up your stuff and headed out of the office. Now that you were alone again, you were left with nothing but your own thoughts.
Maybe your assistant was right about this whole day off thing. I mean, remembering back on your high school days? If you’re starting to believe that you peaked mid-way through high school, you must be going crazy. But… You felt like you were kind of right about one decision drastically changing your life. One choice led you down a path that you couldn’t escape and were forced to keep walking down, no matter how many times you wanted to walk back and find your way again. Maybe you wouldn’t be here if you had chosen a different path, or maybe nothing would’ve changed at all. It doesn’t make sense to wonder about it now. The choice was made and nothing can be undone.
Getting lost in your thoughts again, your body still magically transporting you from one place to the next, you missed out on the man chasing you through the bustling streets of the city, calling out your name like a madman. He pushed through the crowds of people walking in the opposite direction of him, mumbling out apologies every few seconds. He finally managed to make his way to you and grabbed your wrist to gain your attention,
You snapped out of your thoughts for the second time that day and whipped around to see the boy you knew long ago, but he had turned into a man. Your eyes became wide as your jaw dropped in disbelief, somehow managing to stutter out,
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