#and never mentioned the url at all so i dont know what came next
endbeginning · 14 days
wish i kept a list of every multi ive ever had in order w muse lists attached
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bean-green · 5 months
I miss my bean so fucking much. I dont even know if i mentioned it here but i had to put him down about a month ago. He was 9 which is pretty damn good for a rabbit, and i was very well prepared for this, but by gods i was never going to be Ready. He declined over about two weeks, losing weight and very fussy with food. I was picking bunches of grass from my overgrown yard because thats all he would eat regularly. We thought he maybe just needed his teeth done bc that was on the dockett, but when i took him in she said his teeth werent bad enough to explain the weight loss. That appt was on a monday. Im still not sure what was going on at this point or what started it. But he was too weak to get bloodwork done (bc they need to sedate for that in buns) so i was given pain meds for his arthritis and i gave him critical care. He gained a little weight and had an appt for the next week bc he was on track to be strong enough for bloodwork by then. Late that thursday night i noticed his head was drooping more than usual, and to the left. I called first thing in the morning. He couldnt push against my hand on that side either. I sent vids to my roommate whos a tech at his vets clinic. She said bring him in asap, luckily they had availability. We concluded he probably suffered a stroke, and even if i could get him on treatment and meds for that, the other quality of life factors were too low regardless. So i cuddled my baby for as long as i could and sang to him and soaked his entire head in tears while the first sedation round kicked in. I thanked him for the years he gave me and told him he was the best bean in the world and that im so sorry it came to this. It was strange not being able to be in the back while they pushed the final fluid. I didnt even get to see his body after which was such a weird feeling. I opted for returned cremation (as much as i dislike the process and the fact that he cant be truly returned to the earth) because i dont have anywhere suitable to bury him. I was surprised at the closure getting his box brought. I also have two vials of his fur, one white one brown, and his little clay pawprint (they look so funny since they dont have pawpads lol.) but FUCK i miss him so much. Going through all the videos i have of him really drove home the fact that he was not his usual self in the last ~6months of his life. I dont really feel like i shouldve put him down earlier but i cant help but wonder. But until the stroke happened his vets were still very optimistic so thats reassuring. Idk. I just want to cuddle him again. Nothing beat bean cuddles. I will never forget the way he would shove his little head into my neck under my chin when i held him. Sometimes i put my fist in that spot and hold that arm with the other and it almost feels like holding him.
I am just so heartbroken. He was my beanie baby for over eight years. He was with me through SO much. Every time i see my url it makes me sad, but i dont think ill ever change it. Same with my grower acct on insta; i still plan on my company being called Bean's Greens when i found it. Ill never forget him, not in the slightest. I love you forever my beanieweenie. 💔
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florencesmachine · 4 years
tell me what's going on
Why tumblr user donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame/luciehvrondaie is an embarrassment: a Masterpost
Hi if you’re here it’s because you’ve heard that tumblr user donottearmedown is an embarrassment and you’d like to know all the details! Let me break it down. It all started with this post by @minacarstairs (Tessa (yes @minacarstairs’s name is Tessa sorry if that makes this post confusing)), in which donottearmedown originally reached out to Tessa by sending her something along the lines of “Do you ship heronstairs/herongraystairs?” And Tessa replied with something along the lines of “Yeah lmao herongraystairs rights!”
(I wanna note that Tessa was being very polite, and continues to be very polite to people who disagree with her opinions on heronstairs/herongraystairs. She even began her original conversation with dont tear me down by saying it’s a matter of personal interpretation :) it’s donottearmedown who made the conversation mean-spirited)
(Also Tessa pls correct next if I’m wrong on any of this thnx)
And then sometime later, the conversation above ensues in which donottearmedown, seemingly perfectly reasonable at first, disagrees with the ship and offers a link to look at. (She throws this link around any chance she gets. She really fucking loves this link.) I got involved because in her answer, Tessa replies back with a link from a post I made from my own blog starting back in 2018, and then continued to add to it until my account got terminated (long story). You can read through both posts and check out all the replies! But basically we realized during this interaction that donottearmedown wasn’t looking to have a friendly conversation and was, in fact, batshit crazy. They were saying some absolute brain dead shit like that people shipping heronstairs is the same as people shipping Alec x Clary. Here’s the screenshot:
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donottearmedown came back the next day to reply on several of Tessa and mine’s post which she wasn’t even tagged in, such as this one, and this one that had absolutely nothing to do with her because I make that same post every year. Here’s a screenshot from my old account last year via Instagram:
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(there are more posts she replied to but I can’t be bothered to look for them, I’m sure you can find them on their blog if you can spare the braincells)
Racism by donottearmedown:
So, Tessa received this anon which tipped us off to some of the other tomfoolery on donottearmedown’s blog. We decided to look for ourselves and lo and behold, here’s the post of donottearmedown accusing Cassandra Clare of having a “Chinese kink” for writing Jessa:
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Which, first of all, makes no sense because there’s like 2 Chinese characters in TSC total. If anything CC has a straight white boy kink lmao. But by saying this she was basically implying that the ONLY way Tessa (book!Tessa), or anybody who loves Jem, can love him is if they have a “Chinese kink”. Which donottearmedown can’t seem to be able to understand is an incredibly racist thing to say and think.
They also reblogged this BLM link and proceeded to tag it with absolute nonsense like “#smoke weed #lose weight #wessa”. I don’t know if her intentions were to mock the BLM movement but I still found this to be so incredibly disrespectful and tone deaf.
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I also feel like I should mention this ask sent to Tessa in which donottearmedown implies she ~could be~ Asian, but it’s “none of her business anyways” (as if being Asian would absolve anyone of being racist akjsksjsj), but based on the fact that she has a track record of lying and pretending to be a person she’s not (as you will soon see :)) I call bullshit lmao:
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I think that was the last of our interactions until today? Tessa and I were distracted because we have, you know, real lives.
But anyway, that brings us to today.
donottearmedown started replying to posts from mine and Tessa’s blogs which she wasn’t tagged in, again, and made several days ago. This one literally wasn’t even about her, it was about someone else that had engaged with one of Tessa’s posts. I made that post over a week ago and had already forgotten about it, but clearly donottearmedown never stops thinking about us 😳
Why? Because donottearmedown and luciequeenofelfame (now luciehervndaie) interacted on this post, as 2 seperate entities. luciequeenofelfame had also interacted with Tessa and I’s original posts at the beginning of June (you can check the replies on the posts!) coming to donottearmedown’s defense, and praising her for her opinions and other shit like that.
Here’s the screenshot. As you can see here, luciehervndaie reblogs from donottearmedown and adds on to their opinion:
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Now here’s the kicker: donottearmedown and luciehervndaie are the same person.
As in, this bitch literally made up a second blog so that she can pretend to be someone else agreeing with her own opinions and cheering herself on.
Here’s the proof:
I made this post calling out donottearmedown on their racism. I didn’t bother tagging her in the original post because I knew she was stalking my blog and would see it eventually anyway. 😌 And they took the bait, as you can see.
AND THEN I got the notification that luciequeenofelfame had replied to my post. Here’s the reply:
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Now here’s where donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame made an oopsie! 😳
Notice where luciequeenofelfame says “1. I didn’t delete it lmao”. She’s responding to my tags on this post where I’m calling out donottearmedown on her racist post, and my tags read:
“#the fact you went and deleted this post because you KNEW you were about to get slammed #comedy”
(context: @wilhelminacarstairs looked on donottearmedown’s blog recently looking for the post I screenshotted in the link above, and he couldn’t find it so I assumed she deleted it so that I wouldn’t call her out on it. Although she claims she didn’t delete it, so! Maybe it’s still up! Feel free to look for it and let me know lmao)
Now, in the tags I am obviously talking to donottearmedown, correct? So then why is luciequeenofelfame replying that she didn’t delete anything? 🤔 AND JUST AS IM ABOUT TO REPLY-
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Wow, looks like I can’t reblog the post. Why? Because luciequeenofelfame has deleted it, and then IMMEDITALY changed her url to luciehvrondaie, hoping it would cover her tracks. Little does she know, tumblr notifications are forever:
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As you can see, donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame/luciehervndaie realized they made an oopsie, so she deleted her first response and posted it again from the blog she actually MEANT to post it from. Damn if only she knew that @minacarstairs @wilhelminacarstairs and I keep screenshots of e v e r y t h i n g :/ Then she might have gotten away with it! 😩
But yeah lmao here are the posts I made about it immeditaly afterwards calling her out on it because I thought it was funny: X X X X
She defends herself on some of them saying shit like “wow so I’m just making up blogs for support wessa? The majority of the fandom supports Wessa so I’m all of those blogs according to you? I’m thousands of people?!” Or just trying to change the topic back to heronstairs and ignoring the allegations altogether. Like, no luv we’re not saying you’re every single Wessa blog ever. We’re just saying you’re these 2, and we’re right lmao. If you look through both their blogs they also post about the same fandoms, and more damning, make a lot of the same spelling errors. Seriously their speech pattern is exactly the same. Feel free to look through them if you want, and if they don’t start mass-deleting post trying to cover their tracks.
I don’t know how true this is, but according to @fair-but-wilde-child on this ask, donottearmedown is ALSO the infamous twitter stan that complained to CC about TLH having too many gay characters.
luciequeenofelfame/luciehvrondaie (donottearmedown’s second account 😌) is the account responsible for that wessa vs jessa comparison chart that went around a while ago LMAOOOOOOOO embarrassing
tl;dr: donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame/luciehvrondaie is a biphobic racist who’s opinions are so bad she has to make a second account to agree with herself
🥺 tragic
Also I wanna say for the record, as @minacarstairs ans @wilhelminacarstairs will testify, I guessed a while ago these accounts were the same person when I noticed their speech patterns were eerily similar, and how luciequeenofelfame always seemed to reply to donottearmedown’s posts IMMEDITATELY after they were posted. 
So the lesson for today? Cinthia is always right. 😤
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ceratioid · 4 years
slips over my url covered in mysterious oils
SEND ME YOU URL.  ( no longer accepting ! )
Character in general:  which ONE. honestly there’s not really any opinions i have on these characters in general because any opinion i have is based around your portrayal! it be like that when it’s characters with barely any content though tbh 8 ( let’s...see... i guess the only one i can really talk about is velvet, who has a considerable more content than lilith or serenity or molly.
i have.........issues with velvet! i like her, she’s fun & her design is fun to play around with, but what we’ve seen of her personality is pretty disappointing imo. there’s always debates on who the leader of the vs is, and it is only ever between vox & valentino? i think it’s way more interesting if it’s velvet. i like the idea that she gives them freedom, but whatever she says goes. she doesn’t give orders, but they will both do things to plactate her.
really though, i dont THINK they have a leader, but if it came down to it, it’d be a throw up between velvet & valentino. i don’t believe vox is quite as emotional as them & that he’s closer to a lackey for valentino & velvet, if we’re considering the insta content & what little we got of their body language in the pilot (velvet sits in the middle, vox & valentino are pushed towards the sides of her. she gets up in vox’s personal space & while he pulls a face, he lets her wrangle him in for a selfie) etc etc. i just think its fun to think both vox & valentino are below her & do things to appease her because she requires like, very simple little things like following her new social account or liking a post & not leaving her on read, but the benefit of keeping her happy greatly outweighs the fallout of her being upset with either of them. she’s got strings in them!
How they play them:  i’ve mentioned before how much i love your velvet & how you can be creepy without it coming across as something forced. BUT i haven’t talked about your other girls yet idt! 
molly is a character you’ve put a LOT of effort & time into & i can tell that she’s very well-loved. it’s a weird position, because while new content would be great, it’s also not something i want bc i sincerely don’t want her reduced to a throwaway joke or merely a plot point without any personal importance & at the same time...i’d also worry about how they’d write her. i’m just very attached to your depiction of molly, is the thing, lol. i love the fact that she’s pulled away from henroin now & what that means for both her & her brothers. they’re such a tight-knit sort of family that a lot of what one of them does might have an effect on the others, if only minimal. it’s all a very interesting dynamic to write & explore & i feel very lucky to be able to interact with her on arackniss because they have such a bittersweet sort of relationship lol.
i also love that she can’t cook.
now LILITH & SERENITY........i’ve always thought of stolas’ wife as being a ridiculous air-headed rich woman & i’m SOO glad she & stolas have a good relationship because married man hating his wife is such a boring trope. she’s so entertaining & i’m glad you picked her up!
& ngl i never cared about lilith. i love a good milf as much as the next person, but when that’s almost the entirety of what i know of the character, i’m like......okay, but what else is there? i just never got the appeal!
but you have convinced me 8 / i love the struggles you’ve given her in relation to her children & for me the like, turning point was the post where you mentioned her comforting a crying baby. like ugh yes give me that tender but distant & complicated milf who is so broken by loss that the uncertainty is something she’s come to find unbearable.
The Mun:  hi dani!! you’re one of the people i wish i could talk to more if i was like, at all more socially-inclined lol but i think you’re just rly pleasant to interact with ic or ooc & i literally came into this fandom with no one knowing me & me not knowing anyone here & i WAS a little nervous about interacting with you because i was worried we wouldn’t mesh well or whatever for some reason!! i guess i just knew you were like, THE molly, you know? gjdndsjg
RP with them:  i doooo Want to RP with them:  yes!!!
Overall Opinion:  💕💖💞💖💕💘💘💗💞💘💞💖💖💞💖💕💖💞💖💞💖💕💖💘💕💖💞💕💖💕💖💕🌸💕💖💞💖💞💘💖💗💞💖💗💖💘💗
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wychive · 4 years
tagged by : @neo-shitty​ (toffee! ilysm hehe)
tagging: @noya-sannnn , @vitriosan , @hwanami , @luthenia and anyone else who wants to participate
slight warning : mentions of food
this is kind of long so it can help you relax if you want to do this!
[ one ] tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
wave // ateez
when jane showed me and fely (she already stanned ateez) the mv i was like :00 this song is really good and it goes with my type of music; pumped up and really fun. i decided that i wanted to stan them because of this introduction video that they did during pirate king where san broke the toy hammer trying to smack yunho’s ass SHHSSIJS,, i found them really funny and comforting! they made me so happy and that’s why they attracted me so much. + their amazing music ofc 
forever // exo
alright so i originally just casually listened to exo from wolf era up till 2017 when the kokobop teasers came out. they looked really pretty and so i watched them up till kkb was released. it’s what baekhyun’s voice in the forever teaser that captured me into stanning them. everything about the exo’s attracted me, their vocals, their dancing and ofc their visuals. bonus: their time on the ‘360 show(??)’! im not sure of the actual name for the programme but it was where yixing kept pronouncing jurassic park wrong pls that was so cute and funny how could you NOT stan them!
[ two ] answer the ten questions given by the previous person and write 10 of your own for the next person!
what’s your favorite season and why?
we only have two types of seasons here but if this includes western seasons, i would pick spring! flowers give me a sense of calmness whenever they start to bloom so being in a season where it’s just different coloured plants all around you? sign me up pls
are you a cat person or a dog person?
im a cat person! i currently have two cats as pets
what’s your current favorite song and why can’t you stop listening to it?
it would probably be fever by ateez! this is because it gives off freedom vibes and i’ve been stressed lately so the song is a little oasis for me
if you had the ability to do either of the following, would you rather change something in the past or see into the future?
i would choose to see into the future so that i could change what i do now, whether its related to me being lazy or me being selfish,, i would like to keep the past the way it is even if i had some scarring moments. it’s nice to look back on those and see how far you’ve come as a person.
what’s your favorite movie?
my favorite movie would either be spirited away or paper towns,, i actually don’t have a favorite movie because all of them have affected my life in different ways so yea :D
what did miss rona ruin for you this 2020?
probably the food fair this year,, my group of best friends were supposed to go there to celebrate jane and another friend’s birthday. the food fair happens yearly so it wasn’t anything big to anyone else, but to us it was something special. there are a lot more things but this was one of the major things she ruined :/
what’s your favorite album? (you can name one for each genre you like or you can just name one, it’s up to you.)
toffee why my top three would be day6’s sunrise, bts’ you never walk alone and lauv’s ~how i’m feeling~
if you could talk to your past self (person who lived your past life), what would you tell them?
“hey, dude, i hope you’re doing okay. stop being so selfish all the time alright? and stop comparing yourself to others, it wouldn’t do you any justice. make sure to spread A LOT of positivity even if no one acknowledges it. its okay to cry sometimes too. is my soulmate doing okay? i hope they are. i’ll make sure to find them in this timeline, and the next. whatever it takes. learn to love yourself.”
do you have a go-to person? who is it?
uh i dont have a go-to person,, i can’t vent or rant without feeling like burdening the other person or spreading negativity to them. instead i just kind of rant to myself on discord.
if you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?
“hey, kiddo. don’t fall in love too much nor fool around. it’ll affect you badly. appreciate the things your parents do for you, okay? don’t take anything for granted. ignore the people who call you names, they don’t matter here in the future. just be you.”
how do you spend your free time?
who or what is your biggest inspiration?
if you were a character in a horror movie, which stereotype do you closely resemble? and why?
your top 3 fanfiction tropes! (can be nsfw)
do you believe in soulmates and why?
painting or sketching and why?
what is on the top of your to-do list right now?
list down the top 3 things that make you happy.
who are you simping for right now?
what is your first core memory?
[ three ]  bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
[ four ] the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot.
name: [REDACTED], alachi nickname: teja, kai birthday: april 11 zodiac: aries nationality: malaysian languages: english, malay,  learning korean gender: female sexuality: biromantic height: 160 cm / 5"2’ or 5"3’
blog stuff
inspiration for muse: music, other people’s work meaning behind my url: fever (current fav song) + core (aesthetic??) blog established: around 2018 but i started becoming active in late 2019/early 2020 followers: 146  ( i love you all )
favorite animal/s: anything connected to the cat species  favorite book/s: the authentics (abdi nazemian), satellite (nick lake) favorite color/s: lighter shades/mid-tones of cool colours, a dash of yellow
average hours of sleep: 6 cats or dogs: cats coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea current time: 11:34 pm dream trip: south korea, japan, europe dream job: song producer, lyric writer hobbies: listening to music, browsing the internet hogwarts house: ravenclaw last movie watched: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban last song listened to:  no. of blankets you sleep with: 1 random fact(s): my favourite subjects are biology and english!
[ five ] 10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
eternally - txt
fever - ateez
blue - keshi
lights out - exo
00:00  - bts
strawberries and cigarettes - troye sivan
maze in the mirror - txt
i loved you - day6
 illusion - ateez
 stolen moments - the vamps
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
Hey mutuals, followers and p0rn bots, 
Its my blogs 3rd birthday! 
I’ve been lurking, posting, ranting in the SJM fandom on tumblr for three years and that’s kinda Crazy to me. 
So here are some fun Facts that kinda evolve into an appreciation post… and then an anecdotal history of this fandom I’ve been a part of. So thanks for hanging round and talking shit with me. :D
if ur tagged it’s just like a thanks or when I met you - lol you don’t have to read the whole thing... 
and the rest is under the cut.... 
I only liked posts for the First month, I never reblogged. It was my first time on tumblr.
I’ve had the same URL since the start
The first post I reblogged and commented on was @miladyaelin ‘s post about a Volcano in the Frozen Wastes - such a wasted opportunity for World destruction that was not used to full potential at all in KoA hahaha - maybe a spin off series? joke.
The first person to reply to one of my asks was abookandacoffee or @bookofmirth 3 months after I joined tumblr and that’s kinda scary because that means we have been speaking longer than we realised. 
@propshophannah​ thanks for letting me go nuts about theory with you!
The Big blogs in the SJM fandom change, and it's cool that being in the fandom for so long means that I get to talk with all these people and make some real friends.
I made read friends from reading books and talking about them - How Cool Is That!
I had fun making shit posts about Dorian’s couch, Rowan’s relationship status after EoS and seeing my friends come up with some pretty clever memes too. 
The Art is amazing, and actually getting to talk to artists about their art is something I didn't think would happen ever. So I’m so grateful to tumblr for that.
I want to tag a lot of people but - having been here so long means that urls change and I lose touch - plus I think I would go over the “50 tag limit” easily. 
The first kiwi blog who I talked to was @verifiefangirl and we bonded over the Old El Paso advert of “why not both”. 
I want to thank those who encouraged me to write my theories, and I did that for the first year on here. 
I want to say thank you to the people who told me “You know, you can write your theories as fic and people don't get as angry.” Because you were right! And so that started my writing of fan fic, and thank you to those people who wanted to be tagged and let me know what was up - sorry I haven’t written in a while. 
Thank You to @faenet and my Faenet Fam. I joined to share theories, switched it up to write fic, and then evolved into Edits. I was able to learn how discord works and be a part of a team and learn new photo editing skills - I knew nothing before I joined and it's so cool to have become a part of that community.
Thanks to my BookClub brotp - It’s been the best getting to know you all over the last year, discuss books and life. And just have fun. I honestly wouldn't have connected with you guys if we just relied on tumblr because it often requires me to say something first, and i'm not good at that. @theyretheirthere​ sorry I had to tag you twinnie. :P 
Some Fandom History for those who have been here a while ... (well for as long as I have been in the fandom, I know there was a time before this).
Phase One - POST EOS Theory and Beach Scene Debate, Elorcan exists now even tho People still HATE Lorcan (not me but lots of people did). ACOMAF love, nickname of Tam the tampon takes off. 
Phase Two - PRE ACOWAR, Moreil Hype, Fandom super excited, Acomaf love, Rhysand love.
Phase Three - ACOWAR IS AWFUL - Dumpsters on Fire, lots of fandom people left. The ones who stayed had discourse about Moriel, Mor’s sexuality, Nessian, the ending and how it was rushed, Azriel is a smol cinnamon roll who deserved better - lots of Az fics and the birth of Elriel started here. 
Phase Four - TOG FANDOM ARE MAD because Chaol’s novella turned into a Novel. Cyber bullying of Chaol lovers in fandom led to a lot of blogs leaving - just be kind to one another, you can talk about stuff without personal attacks.   
Phase Five - WE ARE ALL GOING STIR CRAZY, Someone released a TOD mock cover and there was a lot of ableist stuff going on. Bad time in fandom. 
Phase six - TOD Came out - Lots of people refused to read, other people felt vindicated about theories, other people were shocked about Maeve. Praise and Hate towards the book and for how SJM handled race and disability. Was she being sensitive or appropriating? Mixed Reviews, again fandom got a little smaller. Acotar Fandom was taking off in terms of fics. 
Phase Seven - Acotar Fandom PRE ACOFAS Fan Fic Mania. Most of us re-read acotar, acomaf, acowar and Fix-it fics, Nessian Fics, Feysand Fics, Lots of Fics. Lots of Art. I noticed the ACOTAR fandom kinda took off while the TOG one floundered.
Phase Eight - A New Novella for ACOTAR, ACOFAS - lots of hype. Lots of mixed reviews - “it had no plot” or “I love it” or “I don't like how the first pov changed depending on the character” or “Yay christmas!!!” or “boo wall scene” or “yay Wall scene!!” Again - more fics and art came from it. Snowball fight was a highlight, art was gorgeous, Amren as a snowball was also good. Fandom was flourishing again, yes we lost some people but we also had a resurgence in creative content.
Weird non-phase - Catwoman: Soul Stealer, was released but wasn't a “must read” for many people.
Phase Nine - Pre KoA, Fandom was Hyped! We were all doing our re-reads, theories came out again, discussions about favourite quotes of things we had forgotten were shared. Again - Some good ToG fic came out because people had it fresh in their minds again  - we were preparing. Edits were great, lots of Edits, Lots of Art. 
Phase Ten - KoA Came out and destroyed us. Fandom was relatively quiet while people abandoned tumblr to read it. Anti’s came out in force, they had more to say about it that the fans did. Fans didn't see this immediately because they weren't on tumblr. About a month after release, We got Meta and discourse on KoA and what it means and what Aelin’s story has meant to us personally. Edits started taking off again. This Phase is still ongoing even a year later. Personally I am in Awe of that book and what it managed to achieve, I wanted to re-read it straight away but it still has so many parts that HURT to read. 
New people slowly trickle into fandom, or pick up the books, its sweet, but as a veteran sometimes seeing the same arguments gets tiring and so I dont comment as much as I used to. I’m still here reading, but I don't really want to write another essay like the ones I've previously written to defend a point so i’m quiet. 
Where I think it will go next? 
Most of the people who remain in the fandom are good at looking at things with a critical eye but saying “I can still enjoy a book”, which I like. 
We will get hyped as a fandom for Crescent City which was pushed back to March 2020, even if we are unsure it’s what we want, I don't think we can help ourselves. 
ACOTAR 4 is in the works with no confirmed release date, just vague mention that it was being pushed back - twas supposed to be 2020 but I'm doubtful, especially if other titles are pushed back first like CC:HOEAB - it was by three months from Jan to March. 
WOTOG was also pushed back, first from release with EoS, then from release with ToD and now from release with KoA (those are all goodreads dates as I was waiting for it and keeping an eye out, but we also had novels added and other books like acofas - goodreads also isn't the best at staying on top of release dates)…. we have had mention of it that it will include art and is co-authored by Lynette Noni, so It is still being made at least - I mean I don't have to cry about it being cancelled just yet. And So I have to stay around for those. I became invested in the World building of TOG to not wait for WOTOG. 
So yeah, it’s been a wild 3 years. <3
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A/N: Requested by: (@feelmyroarrrr)
Author: Star ( @totallysupernaturaloneshots )
Word Count: 1683
Characters: Gabriel x Reader, Sam, Dean, Castiel
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
Warnings: pranking, fluff, alcohol use
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 You were starting to get worried about Gabriel. Ever since he lost his grace, he had been a little – okay, a lot – off. He didn’t know what to do with himself as a human. He complained almost constantly. You were both former angels. You had lost your grace a few years ago, for going against orders and aiding a human instead of sacrificing him. Michael wanted him for a throwaway vessel, but you couldn’t hand him over. He was young, his life had hardly begun. You tried to find someone else, but it didn’t work out in your favor, and you were stripped of your grace.
                You had made a life for yourself on Earth, after a few months of panhandling and hitchhiking across the country. Eventually you ended up in California, and there you stayed. You found an old apartment building and scrounged up enough money working at a movie theater to have it renovated. You became a landlord and after that, things got a little easier. Money wise, anyway. It turned out, being a landlord was kind of a pain in the ass.
                Gabriel came to you one evening after you had to deal with two lousy tenants who made money selling drugs and refused to pay you rent. You weren’t in the best of moods, so when someone knocked on your door asking for a place to stay, you were less than friendly. You had snarled and slammed the door shut, until you took a closer look and realized who it was that was asking.
                “Gabriel?” You asked, your eyes widening. He gave you a sheepful shrug and nodded.
                “What are you doing here?”
                “I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a predicament,” he replied, looking embarrassed. You raised your eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Just stood there with that same half-apologetic smile on his face until you invited him inside. You ended up talking all night. He confided in you about losing his grace, not giving the details but looking so distraught you felt bad for him anyway and gave him a free apartment until he could figure things out.
                It was difficult for him, though. He had to learn how to drive, get himself dressed and showered every day, and work to pay bills. He didn’t much enjoy being human. The one thing he did like was eating. Gabriel, it turned out, had a sweet tooth. He loved anything and everything he could get his hands on that contained sugar. You found it cute. The cuteness started to wear off, however.
                There was a knock at your door one morning as you were getting out of the shower, a quick rapping that wouldn’t stop even after you called out that you were coming. With an exasperated sigh, you threw on some sweatpants and a shirt and went to answer the door. Gabriel walked right past you and inside.
                “Okay, come on in,” you mumbled, closing the door behind him.
                “I feel bad,” Gabriel said, pouting up at you from your couch. You raised an eyebrow and went to sit down next to him.
                “Why? What’s wrong?”
                “My teeth hurt,” he said, his voice rising into a whine as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I can’t eat anything I want to eat because of it. It’s awful. The worst thing I’ve ever experienced.”
                “The worst thing?” you asked dubiously, holding back a laugh.
                “Yes! The worst! I wanted some chocolate peanut butter fudge this morning, so I got myself a slice and I bit into it and all I got was excruciating pain radiating through my entire mouth! I couldn’t even enjoy the deliciousness because of it.
                “That sounds unpleasant,” you said, “maybe you should go to a dentist and have your teeth checked out.”
                “Never!” he cried, grabbing a blanket and covering his head with it, groaning and falling against the arm of the couch.
                “Well, what do you want me to do?” You asked, leaning back on the couch. Gabriel poked his head out of the blanket to look at you.
                “Help me!” he said, giving you a look as if you were supposed to already know what to do. You rolled your eyes and he let out a “hmph,” covering his face again.
                “Alright, alright,” you said, swatting his leg gently. “I might have something in my medicine cabinet. Let me go look.”
                “Hurry!” Gabriel whined as you walked away. You laughed, shaking your head as you dashed to your bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet behind the mirror. You were hoping to have some of that stuff that numbed your whole mouth on contact, but the closest thing you had was baby orajel, left over from a minor toothache your baby nephew had when you were watching him for a couple days while your sister was on a business trip. Better than nothing, I suppose. You shrugged and took it back to him.
                “Alright, let’s try this,” you say, holding up the tube. Gabriel looked at it with doubt.
                “Do I look like a baby to you?”
                “No, but you sure can act like one,” you snickered as he swatted at you. You giggled and held it out to him. “Just try it. It’ll be better than nothing at all, I’m sure.”
                Gabriel continued glaring at you for a few seconds before reaching out and swiping the tube out of your hand. He removed the cap and squirted a bunch onto his finger, rubbing it all around the tooth that was bothering him. You sat down on the couch next to him and flipped through the channels on the tv until you found something that looked interesting. You glanced over at Gabriel.
                “How do you feel?”
                He worked his jaw some and then looked at you in shock.
                “A lot better! This stuff is actually working!” He grinned and you smiled back at him, patting his hair playfully. He cuddled into you and you laughed, letting him.
                “Wanna watch a movie?”
                “Sure. Nothing scary.”
                You rolled your eyes but settled on some action movie with a hint of romance in it. You weren’t paying that much attention to it, as after about twenty minutes, Gabriel started groaning again. You ignored it at first, but it just got louder, so finally, you turned to him again.
                “What is it?” You asked, trying not to be too snappy.
                “Toothache is back,” he complained.
                You were quiet for a moment, trying to figure out what else to do to help him when you got an idea. You smirked.
                “I have something else we can try,” you said, then gently pulled yourself out of his grasp, standing up and heading into the kitchen. You came back a few moments later with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. You shook the bottle in front of Gabriel with a sly grin.
                “This should do it,” you said, moving to sit back down and pour the liquid into the glasses. Gabriel sat up, watching silently, taking one of the glasses when you offered it to him.
                “Drink up!” You flashed a grin and then tipped your glass, closing your eyes and putting your head back to avoid coughing, shaking your head after and wiping your mouth with your arm. “Woo, that burns nice.”
                Gabriel was making a face, but he handled it well. You wondered for a moment if he drank in his free time. You set your glasses down on the table and sat back on the couch. You tucked yourself against him, he was nice when he was quiet and he rested his hand on your hip while the two of you silently watched the tv. When the movie was over, you shifted a little. You couldn’t help it.
                “Need a bathroom break,” you laughed softly. Gabriel gave you a small smile and nodded, so you got up, stretched, and headed to the bathroom. You couldn’t help but stare at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands. You splashed some water on your face before leaving the bathroom. When you come back to the living room, you could hear Gabriel laughing, almost giggling, to himself. You smiled as you walked over to him.
                “What’s so funny?”
                “I’m prank calling the Winchesters!” Gabriel whispered to you, snickering. “Sam answered, but Dean grabbed the phone from him and now they’re arguing.”
                You rolled your eyes with a soft laugh. That sounded just like Sam and Dean. Gabriel put the phone on speaker and muted it so we could hear them but they couldn’t hear us. They weren’t speaking directly into the phone, but you could hear Sam asking Dean not to grab things from him and Dean telling Sam to go back to kindergarten. You couldn’t help but laugh loudly, and had to cover your mouth when Sam got back on the phone.
                “Who is this?”
                Gabriel didn’t think fast enough. Moments later, Sam said, “Gotcha,” and then immediately after – “really Gabriel?”
                Gabriel hit the end button on the screen and nearly fell off the couch laughing. You reached, grabbing the back of his shirt and gently tugging him back up. He let you, leaning his head against your shoulder for a moment after. He pulled away, looked at you. You gazed back at him. Then a gruff voice interrupted the silence and you both looked behind you.
“Why are Sam and Dean telling me they think you might be drunk?” Cas asked.
Gabriel just started laughing. You watched him and Castiel stared at you until you had to look away.
“Um, he has a toothache,” you said, “so we drank some whiskey to help the pain.”
“A toothache?” Castiel repeated, stepping forward. Within seconds, he had set his hand against Gabriel’s face and then declared him healed. You stared at Gabriel as he tested it out.
  “The pain’s gone! Thanks, Cas.”
   “Don’t mention it,” Castiel replied and disappeared.
    You bumped Gabriel with your shoulder and smiled.
    “So now that you feel better, would you like to eat some ice cream with me?”
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simkjrs · 6 years
msa asks (chap. 4  & onwards)
masterpost of msa asks that have been piling up, starting from when chapter 4 was published. thanks for your patience everyone...
answered in chronological order (first sent to most recently sent). i might have missed a couple, sorry about that
ah, the halcyon days of innocence, before everyone finished reading the chapter
to date this is still one of the funniest asks i’ve ever gotten and it’s going in my testimonials
Anonymous said: me @ the new msa chapter:👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
thank you, i do my best
it was too good to pass up!! if you want to message me w/ ur name or url so i can credit you for inspo/the prompt, feel free :p
Anonymous said: I actually thought in the middle of the chapter that temple-dog would help Izuku escape so he would get captured by the other side of the coin and now i'm just crying
fjdlfkjsldf im sorry im like this. i do this 
Anonymous said: in just a few hours the comments went from 5 to flipping 23 25
yeah im very lucky to have so many people follow & support my writing!! im grateful to everyone who comments.
Anonymous said: I wonder how being sick works for MSA Izuku. In that odd state of not being as aware as usual and your mind being foggy, would he hear that star song easier or any other odd spirit shenanigans?
he’d just be kind of out of it and more susceptible to... things 
ahh im really glad you enjoyed chapter four that much!! thank you!!!
fjldkfsldf thank you.... 
Anonymous said: When I first commented on Ao3 I felt like looking at the other comments and I noticed all of them (at the time) had a line along the lines of "he needs a break" so I ended up imagining him just sunbathing on some tropical beach (read deserted island) sipping coconut Juice and sighing happily with noone to bother him.
that would be ideal. i think izuku also would not know what to do with himself
Anonymous said: MSA Izuku ch.4 summary: Kirishima: Hey are you ok? Izuku, literally on fire: Why, what's wrong?
Anonymous said: I just finished msa ch4 and im?? Its 0 dark 00 and I have a 7 hour shift later Toda but I had to put it down and gnash my teeth over how GORGEOUS and HEARTBREAKING this chapter was before picking it up and finishing it. God im so stoked that it came out. Alright my pal, I hope you have a good time period of indeterminate length; take care of yourself yo!!
thank you im so glad you enjoyed it!! and i hope things have been good for you!
correct, although in its defense, if izuku had just been another spirit, their connection would not have had that kind of effect 
Anonymous said: Uh, sorry if this bothering you, this has something to do with Msa Izuku, but not the new chapter (love it BTW, poor Izuku got captured by Overhaul. The cat is a new bar.).So, I would like to ask, just for fun, what would Izuku sees if he meets C/astiel face to face and how would the spirits react?
i think my worldbuilding and spn worldbuilding would conflict in so many terrible ways, but... izuku would prob be able to see c/astiel’s wings and true form? only for a bit before his eyes started getting itchy, and then started bleeding... dont think the spirits would like angels very much. spirits are a very prideful and arrogant bunch who don’t like to be intruded upon or interfered with
Anonymous said: who is Senshajou other than an amazing creature which I love already
senshajou is plato’s ideal cat. they are not exactly a spirit. they just are
Anonymous said: I'm suuuper curious about what the One for All spirit looks like in MSA, because my first thought is that it'd have to be this massive chimeric mutant due to the nature of it's creation and the fact it's been bonded to eight separate people.
coming back and reading this is incredibly funny because like. yeah. ofa is a chimera. not quite for the reasons you think, but yeah
Anonymous said: You know what I'm thinking right now? What of kiri and deku met in public after The Arrest™. The sheer chaos it would bring. The Confusion ™. I'm sure deku would just take one look at kiri and just. Book it. Also ch4 helped inspire me in my endavour to write about my etheral starlight dragon god for a original story i've been thinking up. You're really good at describing creatures beyond Imagination, you know.
you have correctly predicted this scenario. 
also im glad ch4 was able to help you in your writing endeavors!! best of luck!!
Anonymous said: whenever i read msa i always picture izuku wearing like, some kind of grey cloak, with the hood always up and shadowing his eyes no matter the context/location/surrounding temperature. It doesn't make any sense given the general fashion in bnha but I can't help it- msa!izuku is a cloak kinda guy imo
you’re right but msa izuku would also hate the attention that would come with wearing a cloak. he is definitely a hood-up kind of guy
Anonymous said: msa au in which Deku escapes the villain alliance, breaks into Kirishima's home, and just, fucking collapses on the couch. Kirishima gets up the next morning to see the fucking cryptid he'd hunted for days just, sleeping on his couch like a giant cat. What the fuck. What the fuck.
hold that thought
Anonymous said: So I'm reading ch 4 and listening to "I appear missing" by queens of the stone age and it works ridiculously well ngl (also like gd this chapter is so good the hype is real👍👍)
thank you!! this is a p cool song
Anonymous said: In MSA does everyone have a spirit? Have people always had spirits? Do you know how quirks started? Do even quirkless people have spirits? Why don't they have quirks? Could Izuku open their channel, or is the quirk canceling bullets different from quirkless people? So many questions!
most everyone has a spirit but not everyone, people have not always had guardian spirits, i do know how quirks started, quirkless people have spirits, they don’t have quirks because their bodies have not adapted to channel their spirit’s energy adequately, and izuku can try something with unlocking quirks, but it depends on what there is to work with already. quirk cancelling bullets rewind the bond between spirit and human but they don’t erase the adaptations to the body. quirkless people dont have that adaptation in the first place... hope that makes sense 
Anonymous said: dunno if this's been mentioned/acknowledged or asked about before, but wheres izuku's guardian spirit?
he ain’t got one. but why... 
this is a joke but actually, yes. actually, this is very applicable to msa izuku himself, and so many characters i write, actually. this is an icnredibly funny ask and i love the phrases you use  and i would not be surprised if i subconsciously absorb this phrase and accidentally use it in the future. thank you for this
Anonymous said: question: if msa izuku and kirishima were in a dangerous situation and izuku almost got hurt very badly/died but he managed to escape. BUT kirishima didnt see him escape and didnt know he was okay. how would kirishima react
in typical kirishima fashion he would be very worried about izuku and would probably try to figure out a way to rescue him
Anonymous said: im ppl have been talkig abt izu's guardian spirit lately, but wht abt allm's? i like to imagine that when shimura died, she became toshi's guardian spirit
shes not allm’s guardian spirit but shes Around
Anonymous said: ok but the part where msa izuku says release it rly reminded me of cardcaptor sakura just sayin
never watched cardcaptor sakura but thats p cool 
Anonymous said: I'd like to think if MSA. Izu/ku got hit with a quirk erasing bullet it wouldn't kill him, just like knock him out for a good day or so until he wakes back up through spite and the universe just hating him and being like "man thanks for the nap gun guys gotta get me one of those"
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Anonymous said: I had a dream that msa!izu/ku was standing in his cell and staring at a nearby guard and the guard is wondering wtf why is he staring like that but actually he was just really tired and fell asleep. Standing up. W/eyes open.
Anonymous said: I'm sorry but I have to tell you “Would you like to sit?” “No.” is the funniest interaction I have ever experienced in my life I woke up my grandmother at 3 am cause I was laughing so hard and she's doesn't even live on the same floor as me
im so glad that izuku being a bullheaded and troubled teenager can bring some amusement and laughter to your day
Anonymous said: i guess you could say that in the lastest chapter, msa izuku is kicking ass... /and taking names/ BA DUM TSHHHHHHH
Anonymous said: In the MSA verse when someone doesn't like their quirk for example like your OC Mitoki and they don't use their quirk how does that affect their spirit?
doesn’t really affect their spirit except like, psychologically or emotionally, because they would Like for their charge to be able to use their powers in order to defend themselves, but their charge Is Not
Anonymous said: What would Mitoki think of MSA Izuku?
msa izuku: says Anything msa izuku: pulls Those Stunts msa izuku: does stuff of gray legality without bothering to explain himself, ever msa izuku: also is grudgingly a good person mitoki: this guy is hilarious and a fucking RIOT, i have to adopt him immediately
Anonymous said: i imagine after hearing the music of the universe msa izuku doesn't like human music anymore, huh?
i think he isn’t very fond of any music that reminds him of that experience, and how he nearly lost sight of his sense of self. normal, mundane music with absolutely nothing out of the ordinary is probably a relief
Anonymous said: Just wanted to drop in and say that I really love MSA!!! It's a super refreshing read, and I LOVE how you write everyone. I'm so hooked, you have no idea. Thank you so much for all the work you put into it!!
thank you for dropping in and letting me know!! i love feedback like this, makes me happy to keep writing and sharing stuff. i hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Anonymous said: someone: *gives izuku positive attention* izuku: you come into MY HOUSE
yeah that’s pretty much exactly it
Anonymous said: This might be a little weird and specific, but how would MSA Izuku react to someone who does similar stuff to him? Meaning, constantly does weird eldritch shit while sassing away any attempts to figure it out. And also assuming that they keep crossing paths no matter how either party feels about it.
probably kind of uncomfortable, but if this person is reacting to said eldritch stuff the way msa izuku reacts to spirit stuff, i think he’d just recognize this person as someone else who’s going through a lot of stuff and just wants to be left alone, and then msa izuku would proceed to leave them alone. maybe quietly give them a coffee if they look like they need it, then leave.
if this person was enjoying eldritch stuff, i think msa izuku would be kind of envious of them, and resentful, because hey, this person gets a way better deal than me in terms of eldritch mysteries, why do i get stuck with all the bad stuff? 
either way i don’t think msa izuku would spend a lot of time with them, he has a lot of his own stuff to deal with.
Anonymous said: Holy hell. Did Izuku, like, frickin ABSORB afo or some shit??
Anonymous said: Did izu/ku discover afo's spirit's name? And then proceed to destroy afo
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Anonymous said: If I was Aizawa, or any other clever member of the hero crew, my assumption would probably be that Izuku is the product of a quirk that makes physical manifestations of other people's quirks. The person with said quirk probably used it on themselves, thus Izuku. It would reasonably explain why he's so dodgy about his identity, can fix/alter quirks, talks strangely to nothing, and is so effected by the eraser quirk. (It's fun manufacturing wrong but reasonable theories!)
oh thats a really interesting theory!! hmm yeah... it could work, but if i was aizawa i would wonder why izuku didn’t just disappear if he was just a temporary manifestation of a quirk. i’ll deffo consider this though and if it proves useful to the story i hope you won’t mind if i use it? 
thank you for writing in!
Anonymous said: Goodness, I love your work. A part of me silently lives for the day when MSA!Izu and All Might spend time together and AM's just?? Immune to all of Izu's snark, while still being such a dad. Like "Deku my boy, where's the hoodie I gave you? It's getting cold out."/"Based on the trajectory of the moon and sun, in a garbage bin somewhere."/"Oh! Well it *was* my old highschool hoodie. It was probably getting too old to wear anyway"/*Cue frustrated-mortified screams of the little cryptid child*
frankly i don’t think msa izuku would be able to handle someone knowing About Him and genuinely looking after him at the same time, he’s only ever had one or the other at a time, if all might did this msa izuku would short circuit and have a minor crisis because he doesn’t know how to accept affection from someone who accepts him for who he is. this thought hurts me and i regret thinking about this. really good ask, thanks for sending it in
Anonymous said: Your fic ‘know what i’ve made by the marks on my hands’ is a power move in of itself.
fndlfksldkf THANKS, im putting this in my testimonials
Anonymous said: Ever since the beggining of MSA I can't get rid of a certain though. Bakugou's Quirk something horibly adorable and comepletely enamored with Izuku. Like, the moment it sees him, it just jumps at him with hugs and kisses, possibly some purrs. Izuku avoiding the duo because he's so done and tired of the vilent love and explosive heatred mixture.
izuku hates it because both of them are giving him some form of attention and he just wants them to forget about him and be done with it
Anonymous said: Idk whether this was asked but how do names come across in the second intonation?? Like if izuku was saying senshajou (?) would the name come out in japanese or does the second intonation have a way of saying names without actually saying them? Basically would listening in on their conversation reveal a bunch of static and then just "carwash" in the middle of the sentence??
intonations aren’t a new language, just a manner of speaking, where the fourth intonation takes the most energy and the first intonation (normal speech) takes the least. effectively, izuku and all the spirits are speaking japanese, but the intonation they speak in will take their words to a different energy level. if that makes sense. so, no, ‘carwash’ would not show up in the middle of a sentence
thank you so much!!! this is very flattering, and makes me very happy as well
Anonymous said: Hey have you ever played OFF?? Idk the first pic you drew for MSA rly reminds me of it
i have not! but i love the art i’ve seen for it
Anonymous said: so are the guardian spirits in msa bound to their humans in a distance sense? like can they just wander off to somewhere far away from their human or would they hit a boundary somewhere?
yes, spirits are basically bound by proximity! they can leave their charges behind and go gallivanting to another continent but it’s Not A Good Idea for a few reasons and becomes very unpractical. they can travel pretty far from their charges if the necessity arises, though.
Anonymous said: there is a lot of things i could say about your my spirit academia art but the first thing that i thought of was "wow izuku looks good with nail polish"
everyone looks great with nail polish!
Anonymous said: msa!izuku's flirting: you're slightly less terrible than everything else happening in this situation right now
izuku says this stiffly and without looking at the other person because expressing emotion and vulnerability is difficult for him
Anonymous said: Honestly msa!izuku is the most relatable au Izuku. I too wish I could just fade from everyone’s collective knowledge and become the local ghost story middle schoolers dare each other to test. *izuku gets ding-dong-ditched but only because local children are too terrified to stay to see the beast that lives in that apartment*
Wait what does Izuku do for halloween anyways?
i accidentally deleted the second half of your question so that’s just a paraphrase sorry!! but yeah, i’ve infused msa izuku with some of my more cryptid-longing tendencies, i find it hilarious that this has carried through. i love the proposed scenario. it’s incredibly funny and absolutely something that would happen to izuku 
i dont think halloween is very widely celebrated in japan? but if it was, izuku would probably just shut himself in his room for the night because he doesn’t want to deal with any aspect of the holiday
Anonymous said: heya!! i just read your msa fic and i absolutely adore it! the whole idea is just awesome in the every sense of the word and ive found myself already completely immersed in it! your writing of izu/ku is very relatable for me and it only makes me love the fic more?? ahh im just head over heels for it!!!!
ahhh im really glad to hear that!!! i hope you continue to enjoy future chapters, as we explore more of izuku’s character, and possibly, his past :^)
Anonymous said: u have probs already gotten this question before, but was msa izuku (or his soul) merged with his guardian spirit at birth? Cause izuku basically says that something went terribly wrong at his birth... so I'm thinking he somehow merged with his spirit????
something like that! there was spirit fuckery involved.
Anonymous said: I cant help but think prototype!izu/ku's hair would match msa izu/ku v well
im laughing because ive actually drawn msa izuku with a hairstyle DISTRESSINGLY similar to prototype izuku’s hair. msa izuku has got that unhappy, emo vibe about him that just naturally attracts the kinds of vibes that prototype izuku’s hair gives off
Anonymous said: is izu/ku's guardian spirit like nessie or bigfoot or something? cause i swear to fuck he's such a cryptid omg
nah, izuku doesn’t have a guardian spirit. only... himself
Anonymous said: Did All Might give Mirio One For All in MSA?
no idea, haven’t thought about it, won’t figure it out until i actually need to address it
Anonymous said: I just wanna say that I love msa and kirishima is trying
kirishima *is* trying and we are all loving and supporting him for the amazing work he does
Anonymous said: Say, would Shinsou’s quirk work on MSA!Izuku?
you will find that out in, sports festival msa au, wherein msa izuku accidentally takes his canon counterpart’s place right after he’s finished the obstacle course event in the sports festival. i need to get through the end of the sports festival before im satisfied with publishing it... but i’ve finished the shinsou fight. so! you’ll see :p
Anonymous said: Hey I sent you an ask a while ago but idk if you saw it or not, but I just wanted to say that I really liked your latest chapter of msa! The music that you described in the chapter was really amazing and it made me think of this song called “the heaven’s flock” sang by the Texas all state choir. Obviously it won’t be anything close to the ethereal other-worldly music that you describe in the chapter, but it’s what came to mind while I was reading it. You can find it on YouTube, hope you like it!
hey im super glad!! i spent a lot of time editing those paragraphs for Maximum Spiritness, it’s always gratifying to know someone enjoyed them. and yes, i checked out the song on youtube, and it’s pretty cool! choral pieces usually don’t interest me a lot but this one was fun. thanks for telling me about it!
Anonymous said: i just found your ff and I love them! Tired(tm) Midoriya is great and I love him.
thank you!! izuku who is tired of this bullshit and calls it out when he sees it is definitely very fun. 
Anonymous said: where is msa!izuku's physique in comparison to the cannon timeline? is he closer to how he was at the very start of series, or while he was training with All Might before he got One for All?
he’s pretty lean and wiry with plenty of stamina, so i’d say he’s about on par with canon izuku after training with all might pre-yuuei. he probably doesn’t have as much raw strength but i think he has more stamina
Anonymous said: Msa izu/ku escapes from the Precepts' clutches and starts booking it around the tunnels and just. Stumbles upon Eri. Stops and takes the time to fuckin wrangle her spirit to stop it from unexisting him and just books it with her "I'm taking her now bye"
this is hilariously close
Anonymous said: you used a lyric from meet me in the woods for the 4th chapter of msa and god thinking about it that song fits the au?? at least as much as i've seen about it.
thank you!! and yeah, i’ve actually got that song on my msa playlist. specifically, my msa kiri/deku playlist, because it fits so well. [sips that heart hurting juice] im happy someone caught the reference!
Anonymous said: just read the quote from Morrison 'she utilised violence in a purely feminine way' by chucking hot pokers at people and all I can think of is msa!izu/ku being so done with everything and being violent 'in a purely deadpan way', chucking his collection of spray paint cans/ art supplies/ occasional chair at the spirits because he's just so done and LET HIM SLEEP OR AT LEAST TURN UP WITH COFFEE GODDAMIT.
you are not, wrong 
thats what his scripts are for!
Anonymous said: Msa! Izu/ku's laugh sounding like a dead rustling/ raspy monotone that is simultaneously eerie and extremely concerning to the point you want to wrap him in marshmallows.
msa izuku’s laugh sounds very, very tired, which is arguably the same thing
@iamlikecain​ said: Hi ! I juste wanted to say that I love your fic My spirit academia and sassy Izuku is what I now live for. Btw, he doesn’t deserve to suffer omg that poor baby and uuugg I hope he’ll be happy ;—-;
haha thank you!! i’m glad you like msa izuku’s shenanigans!! and yeah. he really doesn’t deserve any of this. things will, hopefully, look up for him soon! i am not setting out to write a pessimistic story, eventually things will get better
Anonymous said: Your my hero academia spirit AU is super frigging interesting??? Im dying to read more :DDD
thank you! im super glad you enjoyed it
Anonymous said: What are your favorite msu!izuku headcannons?
just the fact of him existing in this unrestrained, unintentionally chaotic state of being wherein he does what he needs to and may even do what you want him to, but in a way that makes him and you and everyone else involved feel like you’re all just a bunch of clowns. heres a couple more facts about him though
his goal in life is to become a famous reclusive calligrapher who has retired to the isolated countryside to do calligraphy, where no one can bother him
secretly still really passionate about heroics but kind of embarrassed about it so if you find out or bring it up he WILL try to kill you
messy and not very good at cooking, but doing his best
knows some kind of weird trivia that you wouldn’t really expect
Anonymous said: b r u h what would inko's quirk spirit creature look like?? soft and playful and curious about all sorts of smol trinkets/objects??? would they be combative w izuku too??? ;-; or reach some sort of grudging acceptance of their presence??? smol green abomination belongs to my beloved human, so no fighting little abomination
honestly i haven’t given a lot of thought to inko’s guardian spirit, other than that it’s probably pretty small and not one of the most powerful spirits out there. it’s kind of distant from izuku, bc izuku makes it uneasy, but it cares about izuku in its own way. 
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kitaryu · 6 years
an open letter @osavior
firstly, i want to make it very clear that my intention in this post is not to attack daisy, also known as the popular mercy blog osavior (previously valkiriya, and serenidae before that), but rather to spread the truth. the intention of this post isn’t to hurt her, but to increase the awareness of people who have no idea what she’s done and decide for themselves what to do from there. all urls, names, discord tags, and aliases shown here are done so with permission - those that requested anonymity were blocked out. colors remain consistent with people throughout all screencaps, so as not to confuse anyone. in this post ill be discussing how daisy has directly catfished mun photos, lied about being a med student, potentially lied about her age, potentially lied about having cancer, manipulated several people and tried to turn multiple unaffiliated people against each other.
before i get into the details, i want to establish that i considered myself very close friends with daisy some time ago (here is proof, if you need it. there are posts upon posts upon posts of interaction both ic and ooc between us in which we both make our affiliation with each other very clear). therefore, none of this is shown out of any sort of petty jealousy towards her, but rather as a way to open peoples’ eyes. whether you choose to continue interacting with her or not is up to you, but please at least keep this post in mind. with that being said, let’s continue:
beginning with the most concrete claim, multiple people have said that daisy has posted fake images of herself. in fact, she took it from specific sources, which i will provide in a moment. while i couldnt find any posts of her putting up her “mun pictures” (i believe she deleted them after people mentioned it), many who there at the time can confirm that she did post pictures. for those of you that remember, here is @beijide​ (andy) finding the source she took her pictures from:
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andy isn’t the only person who saw them, however. multiple people mentioned it:
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we’ll come back to the last screenshot later, but here are four people specifically who remember her using the photos from this instagram and this pinterest, run by the same person. you can ask any of the three of us who have opted out of anonymity if you want to confirm that she posted those photos, or anyone else who remembers it. “but, wait,” you might say. “what if daisy really is the person who runs this blog?”
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at first, it’s easy to say that she is. after all, her area of living, according to her old skype account, is the same as this woman’s. however, the owner of mod med blog’s real name is mary ella wood, very publicly announced. it’s no secret. daisy’s real name, however, is leonie - a name she used to go by, back when i first met her in october of 2016 (she gave herself an alias after a little while and then changed it multiple times afterward). what’s more, daisy claims to be a medical student. what kind of medical student has enough time to run a popular instagram, pinterest, and on top of that, a very powerful roleplay blog for tumblr? i think i’ve made my case for this part.
lying about education and potentially age
well, just because she lied about her photos doesn’t mean she lied about being a medical student - but there is evidence to support this, as well.
a year ago, when i spoke to daisy on a daily basis, she said that she was six years into med school:
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only a little while before this, she claimed to be graduating in about a year:
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please note the date on this screencap. october 20, 2016, she says she has about a year left. at the time of posting this, it is november 10, 2017, and her rules, which have only recently been updated (as she just remade her blog within the past few days) claim that she is still a full-time college student:
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the text on this is very small, but it says: “gonna make this short and simple.
i’m a full time college student. i will not always be active !”
she also claims to be 20 years old at the time, so 21 now:
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however, if daisy was in med school for 6 years as of the time she sent these messages, that means that she started med school when she was fourteen years old...which is literally impossible. so, how old is she?
honestly speaking, i don’t know how old she is. however, she has given some unintentional hints.
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in the last screencap, daisy is talking about her mom asking when she’ll get married. so, we know that her older half sister is 20, so she can’t be any older than that, which proves that she can’t possibly be a med student in her 6th year of college.
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but just because she isn’t in her 6th year doesn’t mean she’s not a med student at all. however, her work ethic doesn’t at all match what is required out of a med student:
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but, wait, that doesn’t sound right. typically, med students are known for being hard workers - and there’s a reason for that.
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remember where she said that her gpa and grades were terrible? yeah. i dont have any way to specifically disprove her being a med student (though she can’t be in her sixth year) but at this point, it’s very doubtful.
manipulation and hypocrisy
now that i’ve proven the basics about her, let’s move on. there is so much to talk about here, and honestly speaking, this section and the last are the main points of the whole post - because the body count of daisy’s grasp is terribly large, to the point where i have counted 9 personal victims, including myself, and that’s just who i know about.
so, let’s begin with her direct manipulation:
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she was talking about playing heroes of the storm here, because oni genji had just been released, back when he was a promotional event exclusive. this is pretty direct, honestly, because it’s so passive aggressive it hurts - but i had just gotten home from a marching band competition. i was really tired.
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don’t get me wrong, wanting attention and nice comments once in a while is fine. there’s nothing wrong with that. but getting upset because you specifically asked for compliments? baiting me to send you compliments? what’s even worse is that multiple people sent things, and were often ignored:
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i would send things, too. i sent a lot of nice things, and she would ignore them and then say that no one sent anything.
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i poured so much love into my relationship with daisy. i absolutely adored her, and i told her that all the time, over skype, over asks, anon and not. i wrote with her every day, i spoke to her every day, i talked about headcanons and life stuff and shared my joy and pain with her, because i loved daisy. she was one of my best friends for a long time, and as much as i would like to say that maybe, she was just venting to me, she made her feelings very personal. so...
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...how in the world did she get this idea? why did she think it was okay to make this personal? it definitely seems like she was trying to get me to talk to her more, or maybe even to only talk to her. i dont know.
she had been baiting me to ask what was wrong for about five minutes if i remember correctly, and then in an effort to respect her privacy, i let her be, and offered my support in case she needed it, where she instantly took the opportunity to complain about how little i spoke to her despite the fact that i spoke to her on a daily basis. whats more, a large portion of my inactivity when it came to speaking to people was that i was constantly exhausted because of marching band, and also because i had so little time outside of it.
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i’ll address it more in the next section, but this mercy (we’ll call them red) was constantly under daisy’s scrutiny. on top of that, she was very subtly hinting two things - the first being that i shouldnt even so much as think about complimenting another mercy, and the second being that i should give her compliments, instead.
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why is she trying to act like i’m some sort of popular jock here? daisy has always been a more popular blog than me. and that never really bothered me, because i liked her, at the time, but i still have no idea what sorts of “things i was included into,” because there really wasn’t...anything. i’d play overwatch a lot with my friends, but that was genuinely about it, and was more due to the fact that i played the game every day, with or without people to play with me.
as for the shipping, i never even had that many ships. i had one with her, one with bibi, one with michael, and before she deleted her widow, one with tay...and thats really it. she shipped a lot more often than i did, but she would drop her ships and blame it on the other person (which i’ll get to here soon). daisy has been through tons of ships and i spoke to a good amount of people she used to ship with when gathering information for this post. they were the ones abandoned.
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not only does this imply that she’s a perfect angel who is wronged for no reason, but it also shoves the idea that you dont have the right to unfollow people for whatever you wish. you are under no obligation to keep following people. even if there is no reason at all to unfollow someone, that is your choice. you do not have to follow anyone you dont want to follow.
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this was honestly one of the most direct and passive aggressive things she ever sent to me. i was tired, i had just woken up from about an hour (i think) accidental nap after a stressful day of marching band (which was always very tiring), i was very groggy, and she had the gall to say this right to my face.
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its still so strange to me. i remember being confused when she said this, but i didnt say anything...but i have never heard anyone say anything like this. more often, youre asked how you cant like children, or told its different when theyre your own, or told that you will learn to like them and change your mind.
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this is still confusing considering the fact that daisy has been arguably the most popular blog in the fandom for a very long time. tons of people liked her, and i know i, at least, absolutely adored her. plus, no one, from my knowledge, has ever called her crazy. no one has called her deranged.
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probably the most ironic thing she ever said to me? this. because, i dont know how many of you are aware of this, but daisy dropped me. she quite directly replaced me for another genji blog because i “wasnt active” even though i actually was on this blog, slowly coming back to it with some lowered amounts of replies because i was a week from graduating high school and my focus was more on that than on doing my drafts. and she didn’t just do this to me - she did it to multiple people, as i’ll touch on later in this post. here is what it looked like when daisy dropped me:
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considering daisy was always going on about how she didnt want people to replace her, this is pretty obviously hypocritical.
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she was talking about people who had dropped me as mains before, here. she says here that i was the longest friend she had and her favorite and her number one (while dropping me? lmao) but after this conversation, she talked to me exactly once, one message, and she never spoke to me again. she never tried. she deleted me off of skype (i never deleted her, so while i cant message her on skype, i still have access to everything we said over it) and we unfollowed each other on tumblr after some time and we never spoke again.
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this is the one and only time ill say this publicly: daisy was the reason i went on an indefinite hiatus. i was tired of being dropped (it was the third time i had been dropped so that someone could main another genji, or at least it seemed that way at the time) and it hurt me a lot. i was tired of it. i was tired of getting replaced over and over again.
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daisy was talking about how she didnt ever have a real relationship (romantically) and when i tried to explain to her that romance is glorified and she shouldnt value herself based on that, she turned my words completely around. my mom used to do this all the time when i lived with her. it is extremely manipulative.
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the funny thing about her trying to convince me to send her stuff here is that i basically liked every one of her starter calls. i would send her almost every meme. i would give her anons and talk to her all the time. she would constantly get things from other people and ignore them:
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and then she would complain about people not sending things.
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she only apologized for things she said to me when looking for attention for it, or at least it seemed that way. she would purposely say shes not okay vaguely so that i would ask her what was wrong and comfort her, which is the same problem im currently having with someone else - but that’s a different situation.
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daisy used her illness as an excuse all the time. she would blame anything toxic or manipulative that she was called out for on her bpd, and the only time she apologized for anything, it was extremely self-deprecating - she clearly wanted me to pity her, despite the fact that she had just fucked me over.
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and then there’s this. daisy spoke about this a lot - basically, any d.va ship was considered borderline pedophilia to her. she wanted people to tag their ships with large age gaps, but really, considering she was okay with around a 20-30 year age gap between mercy and soldier but not with a 7 year age gap between d.va and lucio, it was less about age gaps and more about d.va specifically. in fact, she specifically mentioned in her rules that she wanted any and all d.va ships tagged, but didnt specify anything else at all. and considering she claims to be only a year older than d.va? considering daisy was talking to an eighteen-year-old? d.va is a fully matured adult, whether she still occasionally acts immaturely or not. ffs she is in the south korean military. she has a career, and one that requires a lot of mental preparation, at that.
before her mental illness is used as a shield for her, however, whether by her or anyone else, please read this post and this post.
potentially lying about cancer
daisy never spoke often about this, so i’m not entirely certain, but there are definitely things that dont add up here. remember the mention of skin cancer earlier?
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well, i always felt it too personal to ask her more about cancer, but out of everything she told me of her own volition, daisy did tell me a few things that didn’t quite make sense.
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she is pretty clearly saying that she’s had chemotherapy here. she says she had cancer.
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i dont know about most people, but when i had a benign tumor in my brain and needed neurosurgery to remove it (a pituitary adenoma, for those of you who know what that is. my case was apparently extremely rare because it was a tumor inside of a cystic mass, but it was necrotic and not cancerous), i was not okay with tumor jokes. it took a year and a half, maybe two years, for my parents to stop joking about it, and i wasn’t okay with them making humor out of something like that. but, what really doesn’t make sense is this:
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she says here, november 23, 2016, that she has only been in remission a month.
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but she says here, 5 days earlier, that she is donating blood (and has donated multiple times before), that she is healthy.
i dont know what the specific requirements are, but i know that despite me being physically healthy now (at least as far as illnesses and whatnot are concerned), i was never allowed to donate blood (or plasma) because i took hormone regulation pills as a result of my tumor. if blood drives wont accept someone who takes a hormone regulation pill to stabilize their prolactin levels, why would they accept blood from someone who literally had chemotherapy? someone who supposedly had skin cancer?
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im not the only one, either, though. one of the people she claimed replaced her (again, other way around) found out that she was faking cancer, too, and their friend apparently had evidence, though they didnt think people would believe them - which is understandable, considering daisy is an extremely influential figure in the overwatch rp community.
turning people against each other
here is quite possibly the part most directly affecting people. on multiple occasions, daisy would turn people who were completely unaffiliated against each other. people who had never met, or at least never spoke much.
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i was talking to @beijide about the upper screenshot, because when daisy dropped andy for another widowmaker, she vague posted about andy (who, mind you, has a hard time speaking with people personally, though they found it understandably easier to jump into a group conversation) the whole time. andy summed up their situation pretty well when i showed them what daisy said to me - though it’s only a guess, and she may not have been talking to me about andy specifically.
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and then, later:
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she pretty clearly says here that this person (ill call them orange, for the sake of this post) replaced her. i didn’t know orange at all, but with this, daisy convinced me to avoid them. i was under the impression for a year that orange dropped daisy - but in reality, when i spoke to them, they explained the truth:
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daisy ostracized people from the entire fandom on multiple occasions - not just once or twice, but all the time, because she found someone better or because they werent active or just because they played the wrong character.
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at first, i wasnt going to say anything about this situation. i wasnt going to talk to anyone about what she did to me, even though it hurt, because i thought that the only thing she did was replace me - just a problem to do with me, nothing to hurt other people. i didnt realize just how detailed everything she did was.
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and i’m not the first to make a post, either. red (remember when i mentioned them earlier?) tried to make a callout for her before over the same things and was written off as a jealous mercy who faked evidence to make daisy look bad:
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this was after daisy had already turned me against red early in our friendship by convincing me that red had stolen headcanons from her:
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i’ll come back to this last bit shortly.
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she convinced me that red was stealing her headcanons - even though these headcanons are fairly common for mercy players, since she has a certain air about her. i tried to find red to ask them about the truth of the situation, but was unable to find their blog. from my knowledge, they have since left the overwatch community.
later, she sent messages which very intentionally ostracized red:
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and then, regarding the callout red made:
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but red is hardly the only person who got turned against as a result of her. she also turned against @climxtologist, who was originally her friend, when talking about red:
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when i spoke to nicole, however, she told me the truth of what happened.
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even if it had only been orange, red, and nicole who had been ostracized by daisy, it would be far too many - but unfortunately, her body count doesn’t end there.
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i don’t know specifically who she was talking about here, because there were many stories she told that sounded like that, but i had an idea when i was speaking to orange. i started speaking to nikki about everything daisy did, and though he wasnt directly victimized by her, he felt the affects of having friends who were, as well as being a mercy when daisy made sure that other mercy players would never get so much attention:
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daisy, despite saying that she wouldnt keep people from rping or interacting with other mercy players, subtly kept them from ever talking to them. in fact, i was talking about it on discord, too:
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i didnt want to upset daisy by talking to other mercy players, and i know that i wasnt the only one who felt this way. she was extremely possessive of her mains:
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yet, although she would get upset when anyone else talked to another mercy, she spoke or interacted with other versions of someones muse all the time. so why was she allowed to talk to other genji players when i couldnt talk to other mercys?
she even got extremely nasty about people who i used to main who i had thought dropped me (the circumstances were a bit different when i actually got around to talking to them about it, so my disposition here is pretty gross as well, admittedly, and i dont have any excuses for it):
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she was extremely rude about red, who she had never actually held a conversation with. she directly called red a trashbag, called all of their friends trashbags, and claimed no one liked them or their blog, as well as calling it irrelevant. that’s nasty.
but possibly the worst is when she tried to turn me against one of my mains, and closest friends:
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i really should have stood up for bibi here, but i was too scared to upset daisy about it. when i spoke to bibi about it, they said this:
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yes, she said that void was in the wrong for what they did - but she also spoke about them like what they said to bibi wasnt that bad. and that isn’t okay.
daisy pretty explicitly manipulated and lied about a lot of things, including things that would actively harm other people. i am not telling anyone to stop interacting with daisy, but i want people to be aware of everything shes done, because she is actively harming other people, and if anyone decides to break off contact and interaction with me about this, i understand completely. please do not attack or send hate to daisy, as that is not the intention of this post. it is not created for retribution. it is not made for revenge. it was made to protect people and give them the knowledge to make their own decisions.
also this was really funny to me:
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nacimeortiz · 7 years
Wes Tucker @skatingdaze
Wes is such an amazing human being. He literally puts a smile on my face everyday. If it wasn’t for him i dont know where i would be. I hate to be so negative sometimes but i honestly think i wouldn’t be typing this right now if it wasn’t for him being in my life and being so fucking nice to me all the time.
I first met him at freecember and i mentioned that i was 2 months clean on the 8th of that month. I was struggling so much on staying strong. He told me i could do it. I didnt talk to him much that day but im fucking glad i met him there. I was so excited to see him again whenever i had another chance.
Pressplay San Diego came around. I went and i waited in line for 3 hours just to talk to him. I wouldnt say i was “extra” for crying but i cried so much bc we had a very deep convo. I said im 4 months clean… He looked at me and said i knew you would keep your promise that you made. I talked to him about other things as well when i saw him preform he sang his heart out and i was so happy with the biggest smile on my face. I had no idea when i was going to see him again…
Pressplay Orange County came around i waited 2 hours to see him. I didnt care waisting my time as long as i had a chance to talk to him. I went up to him and i say I’ll be 8 months clean on the 8th. He smiles and says you will get there. I didnt believe him. I cried while he preformed because he looked so fucking happy singing on stage. On sunday when he left he hugged me and said next time i see you hopefully you will be a year and a couple months clean. I said i will i dont know where i would ve without you.
Pressplay Los Angeles was last week. I drove with one of my closest friends to Torrance, California. I was scared i wasnt going to be able to see Wes but just my luck we saw him within the first 10 min that we got to the hotel. I didnt go up to him because he was with his friends and i didnt want to be rude. Then i saw him with Sharon but i didnt get to talk to him because they were leaving to get sarah. So i went to our friends room we were staying in and we got ready for url. I went to url and i saw wes he said “oh now you want to hug and talk to me you meanie” i love him so much wow❤. Anyways he preformed and he got off the stage after he was done he was on the side of the stage and i was like wes? And he was like whats up so i was like okay so when we met i was 2 months clean and he was like yeah. Then i was like in san diego i was 4 months clean and in oc i was 8 months clean… He looked at me and said you better have good news. So i was like okay so like on sunday (jan. 8th)… Ill be a year and 3 months clean. And he was like “thats my girl! Im so proud of you baby and i swear to god dont ever do anything like that ever agin.” pressplay happened and im so glad i got to talk to him those 30 seconds at random times.
Wesley Finn Tucker deserves so much happiness in his life. I love seeing his smile bc his smile is so contagious. He makes me and so many other people happy. I’m a Year and 3 Months Clean. I never thought i would say that ever. I honestly thought i would be dead by the end of 2016. Now that i realize that everything does get better it amazes me to see that a year and 3 months ago i was say that i was going to make it to a year. Without wes in my life and seeing him happy idk where i would be. I love him a lot.
I cant wait to see him soon. Sooner than he expects it😉❤❤. Anyways yeah i love wes and i love seeing him smile bc it makes me so happy.
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topicprinter · 5 years
good evening fellow redditers!​tks in advance for reading the following tale and for any advice you may have! buckle up, its a long one (although hopefully our collective wisdom can come up with a few lesson to help others).​---​So, 2.5years ago i joined a startup active in the autonomous robotics field, focused in increasing efficiency in renewable energy maintenance and ops. Clearly, a very specific niche, completely b2b and whose clients are ultimately rather large organizations - but in a very "exciting" and "upcoming" tech space blending hardware/software, iot, etc...​The company actually began 4 years ago by a friend of mine who was solo founder, but backed by a public-private investment firm that only funds renewable-related startups - (apparently this made valuation go from 0 to 1M kind of "magically", before any prototype or really, any actual product work was started. clap-clap?).​As the entrepeneur in this case had a science background (i myself am a business major and have worked in different countries, for organizations of different sizes, and had my own business in the past) we actually spoke at length during the process he went through setting up the business, getting his first coupe engineers, and actually having an MVP. When he needed to create a board of directors, he asked me to join, as his "delegated" director (4 members, founder has casting vote).​At that moment, the company started getting its first enquiries from potential clients, and since they could finally afford paying a salary, i was invited to "officially" join the pre-client, pre-revenue startup as their "COO" (LOL, i know! :D wtf does that mean anyway!?).​The actual job was to ensure all the daily operations of the business run smoothly. This meant creating and maintaining systems from acc/fin to HR admin/hiring to marketing to ops, and I even helped in the tech/IT admin side as I find that calming! :) I thought "hell, why not? these guys may actually be on to something but they clearly dont know a lot abt running a business, and i know i can help" - so i said yes, even though pay was shit (literally minimum wage!!!) and NO EQUITY WAS OFFERED AT THE TIME (the usual "lets talk about it latter" scenario... i think you may know where this is going now! :D)​After i joined the company (sept 2016), we won a few awards and grants, from applications/submissions i wrote (and stellar pitches given by the founder/ceo!!), got our first client (i went to a different continent to deliver the 20k usd kit to equip the client's robots and link up to our software, then did it again last xmas when his operation doubled in size) and hired a few more engineers. Tech wise, we're still using 2 year old version in "production" - suffice to say shit runs on ubuntu 14!!! theres only 3 engineers fulltime, all above average, but only 1 (!!!) is actually a computer scientist, the other are engineers who code... but the product does work, we've served over 1000 "units" of it, and feedback from industry has been pretty great (although its clearly still seen as a "nice to have" and not a "must have" kind of solution)​Fast forward to 2019 and the company is kind of stuttering even though we had our best year last year in revenue (100k,,, :/) and have actually signed up two new clients in Q1 - but the industry is moving fast, our CEO spent most of last year depressing about a failed fundraising round, then on a "startup accelerator" program abroad to "recover his mojo",,, and finally the competition has MUUUUCH deeper pockets (couple of companies,, have raised dozens of millions from vc and work with some of the same enterprise clients we have). Basically he spends most of his time selling, as he should, but unfortunately most of it is spent selling chunks of his company, rather than his companies products/services. In the meantime, I've actually been crazy busy building his business, haven't taken a proper holiday since I joined (literally, 4 days off in 2.5 years!!) and never felt this close to burnout (but im a horse,,, and can handle it "well"-ish. just gimme my caffeine!)​"Fortunately", there finally seems to be a new investor in the picture, and a binding TS has been signed for a 1M round at aprox 4M valuation. (YAY??). Now here's where the fun stars,, right? Well, in truth, the 4x members of the core team, myself included (but excluding the CEO and current 66% (!!) owner) have been feeling increasingly uneasy with the "overworked and underpaid, but too busy to talk about equity" routine and have started to care less and less - at least, i see clear signs of this in the team. I've brought it up with the CEO and he seems to think that its "my opinion" and that "the team is fine"... so, after much talking and little doing over the years (everyone is always "so busy",,,,) CEO finally found sometime to prepare a 7 slide presentation that concluded with a table that was borderline funny, if it wasn't so tragic!!​He listed our 4 names in the columns (myself, and the 3 engineers, which he now deems the "core employees", and the rows were: "percentage of my equity", "money value of that equity" and "cash bonus". The percentages was around 4% each,, then he had the nerve of multiplying that by the valuation of the upcoming round (!!!) and presenting us a dollar value in the hundreds of thousands... the cash bonus row on the other hand read "8 thousand". The "cherry" on the cake? 50% of the shares on offer were actual shares, from his stash... the other 50% were actually to come out from a "to-be-created-eventually" esop, WITH TWO YEAR VESTING!! :D:D:D:D:D:D​Naturally, I left that meeting and went on a two-week "vacation" immediately.​Which brings us to the present day. I came back from holidays, all is "business as usual" he keeps saying that "end of next month" the deal should close (and paperwork signed,, making us 4 "official shareholders", and "getting a Mill in the bank", while "maintaining control" (barely,, like 50.01% counting with us 4). We are about to start another season of field operations, meaning ill be out of the office most of the time actually "bringing home the bacon", while him and the engineers keep "daydreaming" next-version-features back in the office.​Ok, now, all bitterness aside (hard, yes, but i think I can do it), i actually think this is mostly just the work of an unseasoned and naive entrepreneur, who CLEARLY, has never done, nor thought abt any of this before (before going on holiday, i told him to read "hard thing about hard things", which he actually did for once - first business book he has completed in years!!! likes to say hes a "slow reader"!!!) - and NOT the work of some evil genius visionary. The team is almost as "oblivious", none of the engineers ever heard or really understood what an esop even is!! (ye, have i mentioned we're a loooooooooong way from silicon valley here?)​Which brings me to my options:​A) "fuckit!" you know how Jared from Silicon Valley always has his resignation letter ready to hand in!?! :D well, I've been carrying one in my pocket for the two weeks I've been back. Just need to date and sign it and done! but there goes the 1%, give or take, of common stock i'd end up owning after this round. Then go start/join new projects in completely different industries, etc.. (is the ICO craze still going on!?!?! :D)​B) "take a job with the competition" Im pretty sure I can walk into a job with one the leading competitors, at the middle-management level. funny thing is that job would pay me around 5x what i take home today as "COO" :D However, that would get me back to working for "the man", which is exactly what I thought I was "escaping" from when I joined this startup! :P​C) "show him how its done!" Not being one that likes to admit defeat, I thought if there are any "checkmate" moves available to me. Here's what I came up with.. (warning: the following is VERY Machiavellian! :D) Remember how I said the whole team is pretty inexperience? well, turns out neither the company name, nor the main brand that the company uses was ever registered neither in the US, nor in the EU, only in home country. I can incorporate a delaware company using the name of his company (but that name is then "taken" for business, as a japanese company owns that trademark), then register the trademark of his company's product name (which is available also for incorporation), then buy a bunch of related domains and URLs - perhaps even file a utility patent, just for that "patent pending" stamp :P. Then I could either turn around to his company's competition and offer this corporation (effectively blocking his entry into US market without a major rebranding/marketing/legal costs) or offer it back to his company - for the 10% total ownership he should have offered me in the first place!! (im cheap, i know! ;)​D) ... you tell me... how do i keep my dignity, not to mention my motivation, to stick with this prototype of a company when clearly, the owner is looking for employees and staff,,, not co-owners and partners?​et pour la piece du resistance*,*​the CEO and I are high school friends, have been in each others lives for decades, and very much enjoy each other's company outside the professional setting. I actually "miss" just hanging out, as you can imagine this whole mess has put quite the strain of the friendship. There's a saying in a funny language,, that translates to smtg like "you can lose the friend, but you can't miss the joke". Ideally, I'd like to keep the friend, but the joke DEFINITELY won't be on me...​ok,, you did it! thanks for reaching ::: THE END ::: go get a cookie before you get busy replying! you deserve it!! :DHave a great weekend!---TL,DR? hmmm founder of startup i helped build to 100k revenue over last 2.5 years offered me less than 1/5 of the amount ive put in sweat,, a.k.a abt 0.5% at NEXTs rounds valuation
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