#and rhett's hands on link's waist?
jula483 · 27 days
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HUG. again 💙🤎
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steve-s-slut · 5 months
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He could've grabbed him by his arms, but nope 🤏
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lallyloo · 5 months
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mythicalshipping · 1 year
*deep breath* 
Okay, so I’d seen the cuddling videos and wasn’t really sure what to expect with this one...
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...excuse me, their WHAT now?
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This feels like a fic prompt. Like the writers just...browsed Rhink Tumblr for an idea that Wouldn’t Go Too Far. 
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Rhett was just demonstrating, but Link couldn’t help himself and was like “ME FIRST!” 
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Dude, you’re not covering your a** at all with this, but nice try. 
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Is Link like, unable to hug people (or maybe just Rhett?) with his eyes open? If so, that is so adorable and I can’t deal with it, excuse me while I walk into the sea. 
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Not Link’s hand pressing and Rhett’s chin pressing fOr ScIeNcE.
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LINK’S ~*FACE~* IS JUST PURE BLISS (and I’m sure he wasn’t low-key thinking that if Rhett just tilted his head down a lil’ further, it’d be a forehead kiss). 
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Link couldn’t let go. ;-; PLS. HALP.
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DAYUM just calling Link out; I wouldn’t have noticed, but now I cannot unthink about the locked hands ;-;
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Link patted Noah because only Rhett has a key to his lock... ;-;
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Charles Lincoln “Who’s jealous? I’m not jealous” Neal III
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I watched this clip back and it DEFINITELY wasn’t...am I alone in this? 
Either way...someone is jelllyyyyyyy.
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Maybe Link just wanted an excuse to talk about his Rick Rubin dream...science is still out on what exactly dreams meme but THIS is kinda telling, just sayin’... ;) 
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Not the mirrored stances ;-;
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Link’s facial expressions through this entire episode look positively o*gasmic whenever he’s hugging Rhett. 
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“You want to envelope me?” ;-; (And also, fun fact, if you are shorter than your partner, and they wanna be little spoon, just shift so that your head is resting slightly above theirs and wrap an arm around their waist). 
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THIS IS SO TENDER I JUST ;-; And Rhett’s face is pressed up right against Link’s nealples. 
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...Uh, okay...not where I was expecting this ep. to go but...
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Stevie giving 11/10 commentary, and also can I just point out RHETT’S. FACE.
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Yeah, real coherent response there Rhett. 
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Rhett suggesting they just *actually* make out. As if he could handle the FEELS. I wish someone would have called his bluff. XD
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Rhett is the Princess of Genovia, I don’t make the rules. (peach-worthy and I were totally on the same page with this one ;) ). 
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So...what exactly do you want to feel from these hugs, Rhett?
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Rhett low-key panicking.
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This screencap is unedited. Noah is all of us. (And okay okay, so they didn’t REALLY kiss obviously, but a girl can dream right?)
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And so, it’s time for Stevie to reveal if leaning to the left when you hug someone is more romantic or platonic. And Link is just like “I’m just gonna put in a Superman pose and pretend that everything here is for science.” 
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Link is fidgeting SO MUCH here.
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Finally, a man of truth. ;) 
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But is his guess correct?
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Rhett and Link standing there just re-evaluating their entire lives.
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Rhett grasping onto this for dear life. 
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Stevie...that is fanfic writing ma’am. 
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Oh no. WhatEVER will they do? ;) 
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He’s not wrong, but it’ll come back to haunt him a bit later. ;) 
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Jessie is such a real one <3
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Rhett beckoning Link for them to try the five second hug before pedaling tf BACK, in fear that he seems too eager. 
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...for what? In case it goes on too long? XD
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Link fighting the urge to lock his hands ;-;
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Link truly is unable to hug Rhett without looking entirely blissful. Rhett patting Link’s back and counting out the pats to take away some of his own worry, but Link, even still, looks happy anyway. 
Noah is all of us looking on. 
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Link Neal and his PROJECTION.
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...you guys good there? lol
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Not this mirroring...
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YEAH WE’LL DO THE 10 SECOND HUG. BUT UH, OBVIOUSLY, FOR SCIENCE, AND IT IS GONNA BE JUST *TERRIBLE*, SO LESS SPICE IT UP WITH OUR OWN FANFIC?!?! HELLO?!?! EXCUSE ME?!?! (Omfg my stream of consciousness screenshotting self named this “you mean like your mission trip?” D:)
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I think I’ve read this fic before...
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This is their suggestion and I JUST...pls I need (another?) Mythical OT4 beach ep. 
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Link just SINKING into the hug. 
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...WTF auto-generated closed captions?
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Me trying to recover from this ep. 
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Idk what part of the ep this was in, but I need a GMM London trip because of reasons. 
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Hi Appa, are you still taking prompts? If so, how about a Tweet I saw this morning "Should I stop hoping for us?"
Oooh anon, I'll always take a prompt this delicious!
Link is in his element. He’s gathered a crowd, holding court at the grill, playing with the tongs he’s just used to flip the meat. Rhett leans against the door frame and brings the beer bottle he’s holding to his lips, but forgets to take a sip.
The people surrounding Link roar with laughter and the way he beams tugs at Rhett’s chest. When you’ve spent almost your whole life with someone, things tend to follow a pattern. Rhett knows to wait for what happens next. He knows Link will seek him out; he’ll want to make sure Rhett has witnessed his triumph. And there it is. Link’s gaze finds his and his smile widens. Rhett lifts his drink and tips it towards his best friend. Link returns the gesture, his gaze intense. For a beat, no one else exists. The backyard is empty except for them. Link’s attention slides under Rhett’s skin, takes root deep inside him and awakens a familiar ache. It’s almost a comfort at this point. After decades of waiting. Wanting. After all that, Rhett’s grown used to his bittersweet pain.
Then the moment breaks, the chatter of the guests is suddenly loud and distracting and Link is pulled back into whatever conversation he’s been the center of. His eyes slip away from Rhett’s, leaving a chill in their wake. Rhett’s arm falls, the bottle in it clanking against the door frame. He rubs his chest with his empty hand and turns around, desperate to get away from the magnetic pull of the man haunting his dreams.
“Oof!” Rhett huffs, as he collides with a smaller figure, standing right behind him.
“Whoa there,” Jessie says, laughter in her voice as she steadies Rhett by wrapping her arms around his waist. The ache inside Rhett eases a little and he manages a smile. Jessie looks up at him and like always, she sees behind the mask he’s spent years mastering.
“Tough night, honey?”
Rhett makes a sound halfway between a confirmation and a denial. But she knows. She always does. And her hands are soothing as they map the familiar plains of his back. Rhett lets out a long breath and lets himself be carried by her touch—metaphorically of course since as we all know, he is a big man.
“He looks handsome tonight, doesn’t he?” Jessie says, her voice carrying a note of sympathy. Rhett shakes his head, but relents because she doesn’t have to call bullshit, her face does that for her.
“He’s always handsome,” Rhett concedes without fully giving in.
“True,” Jessie says with a nod. She falls silent, watching him. And suddenly, Rhett is exhausted. Air escapes his lungs and he tries to pull it back in as if mere oxygen could fill the void in his chest. Some of the anguish inside him seeps into his features and Jessie’s lips tug down at the corners. She reaches up and traces the creases on Rhett’s forehead with her soft finger tips.
“Babe?” she coaxes.
Rhett closes his eyes, trying to keep the words in, trying to stop himself from verbalizing his fears. As if saying them out loud could tempt the fates to take notice and make them true.
“I just— I wonder if…” he starts, words already tumbling out despite his superstition. “Should I just— Should I stop hoping for us?”
The sound of glass shattering makes both of them jump. It’s too fitting. A record scratch following what feels like a confession. But it’s only a coincidence—someone’s dropped their drink. Applause and teasing words fill the living room and Rhett turns away from his wife, suddenly feeling too raw to accept her comfort. But she follows, tugs him closer and grabs his jaw to force his attention back on her.
“It’ll happen. I know it. One day, he too will see clearly,” she whispers, her voice granite and her face so certain the shred of hope Rhett almost let slip away reels itself back in and wraps itself back around his heart. Rhett lets his forehead drop against hers.
“Promise?” he asks, his voice a mere rasp. And she promises, once, twice, three times. She promises with her sweet mouth and her steadying presence and somehow, Rhett is strong again. He can keep waiting. What's another year or two when he's already gotten a lifetime?
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unhinged-nymph · 9 months
It kills me how whenever Link goes to sit on Rhett's lap, Rhett almost always puts his hands on Link's waist, probably to try and keep him from sitting too far back, but in contrast you have Link who clearly didn't know what to do with his hands when Rhett sat in his lap on Jimmy Fallon 😂
Link’s waist just begs to have hands on it so how could Rhett ever resist?
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jacularmetteld · 3 years
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sneakykinkylinky · 3 years
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⚠️ Rhett’s hands on Link’s waist, hips, small of his back... 
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macyrae · 3 years
Today was the day, Rhett and Link were finally going to kiss on GMM. Of course, they couldn't just kiss-no, that's not their style. So, they made it into a game. They were to guess what was being ran over in reverse. It was a game they have played before, only now the seconds left on the clock mattered. However much time it took them to guess, was the same amount of time they would have to kiss.
By the end of the 3 round game, they had to kiss for a whopping 20 seconds. Of course the crew made it almost impossible for the guys to guess right away, thus the 20 second time. They stood from the desk and moved to the other set, where Chase stood atop a ladder, dangling a mistletoe.
"You know, it's not Christmas, guys." Rhett spoke. Everyone laughed while both Rhett and Link had a smug look on their faces.
“This is probably on a lot of people's Christmas lists though." Stevie spoke over the speaker.
Both the guys kinda laughed, avoiding looking at each other.
“Yeah. 'Please Santa, all I want for Christmas is for Rhett and Link to kiss’." Link spoke sarcasticly.
“Yeah!" Chase said, still standing above the two.
“Shut up." Link looked up to him while everyone laughed.
"Okay, lets get this over with." Rhett said while they both positioned themselves under the mistletoe. They both looked at each other and laughed.
"I'm worried about your glasses like stabbing me." Rhett said.
Link looked upset and retaliated, "Well, your beard is covering your lips." Rhett laughed, causing Link to smile and laugh along with him.
"Well, I can't take off my beard, but you," Rhett reached forward and took Link's glasses off and handed them to Chase before continuing his sentence, "can take off your glasses." Rhett was surprised Link didn't put up a fight.
He looked at him, Link's face was a little red and he was smiling. “Why you gotta make it sexual?" Link raised his hands.
"Hey, man. I'm just tryna set the mood." Rhett laughed at himself while Link just rolled his eyes.
"Stevie, you ready with time?" Link spoke.
"Almost. But I think you guys should get closer." Stevie spoke in a sultry tone. The guys stepped towards each other, Link having to look up pretty high.
"God, you're so tall." Link almost whispered it while he placed his hands on Rhett's shoulders and stood on his tiptoes, causing Rhett to laugh.
Link lowered back to the ground, then Rhett spoke, "So, Stevie. Where do you want our hands to go?" Rhett held his hands up while his eyes scanned link's body.
"Shouldnt you be asking me?" Link furrowed his brows and smiled.
"Okay, okay. Link, Where do you want my hands to go?" Rhett asked while Link just smiled.
"Just, put them on my waist, man." Link grabbed Rhett's hands and placed them where he wanted them.
"Okay." Rhett said. They were both nervously laughing.
Rhett pulled Link a little closer and spoke, “You gotta put your hands somewhere too.”
Link put his hands on Rhett's arms, slightly squeezing his biceps. “Here okay?"
They both laughed for a beat. Rhett grabbed Link's hands and put them on top of his shoulders, and then returned his own hands to Link's waist.
"What, you wanna slow dance?" Link said. They both laughed and started swaying side to side for a beat before Stevie spoke, "Okay, guys. You ready?"
Rhett looked to the camera and said, "I guess."
He returned his gaze to Link who was smiling. Rhett couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Okay, Three, two, one! "Stevie started with the rest of the crew joining in.
With the guys still smiling, Rhett leaned in, along with Link.
Their lips met, the crew cheered and clapped. Their lips stayed closed for a few seconds, but when Rhett moved his hands from Link's waist to his lower back, Link's mouth parted open. Rhett took full opportunity and pressed his tongue into Link's mouth. Link let his hands linger up into Rhett's hair, not pulling too hard. Their bodies were pressed together, Rhett pushing Link closer to him. Link couldn't take bending his neck upwards anymore. So, he got on his tip toes and arched his back, pushing his weight into Rhett. They both smiled and laughed threw the kiss, both silently battling over dominance. Link eventually gave in and let Rhett take control. They swayed back and forth, pressing their tongues in each others mouths, and still smiling, so caught up in the moment, they almost didn't hear Stevie call time.
Their lips parted, and not look­ing away from each other, Rhett spoke. "Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing." Then Link said, "You know what time it is."
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hugespace · 3 years
Prompt: van, thunderstorm, link is scared and rhett is there for him and gives him hugs and kisses
Thanks love 😘
There you go! 🥰 I ended up writing some high school Rhink - lots of fluff with a dash of angst. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
*** (~2k words) ***
"How the crap did you miss that, Rhett?!" Link rapidly turned his whole body in the passenger seat, making his bleached blonde locks flap around on the top of his head. "How are we even out of gas-? Didn't you just say, like yesterday, that you'd fill it up?!" he threw his hands in the air, staring with disbelief at his friend who sat quietly behind the wheel.
Rhett muttered something in response, his head downturned and eyes focused on his own lap.
"Rhett!" Link exclaimed impatiently, not having gotten a clear answer out of the other boy.
"I thought we'd make it, okay?! I was gonna buy gas with some of the money we'd get after the gig!" Rhett repeated his explanation in a raised voice this time, finally looking his friend in the eyes and shrugging in the process.
Link only returned the look with wide eyes.
"Are you serious-? You're so irresponsible!" he answered even louder after a few short seconds of processing Rhett's words. "You're telling me you wanted to buy gas with the money we won't even get now because we won't get to the damn concert- because. You didn't. Get. Gas. In the first place?!" Link continued thought clenched teeth. "What the crap, Rhett?!"
The taller boy felt his face grow warm. Sure, perhaps Link was right, it wasn't the smartest decision of his life, or even of just that day, probably – electing to risk not reaching their destination in a borrowed van full of equipment for the two of them and the other members of Wax Paper Dogz just to be able to spend the last of his cash for the week on snacks. But he certainly wasn't going to give the other boy that, or the full reason for getting them stranded in the middle of a road on the way to the farm they were supposed to play at, for that matter. Truth was, Rhett didn't do well with criticism. Not even when it was earned.
He opened his mouth and got ready to match Link's tone, when a powerful crash of thunder resounded directly above them all of a sudden, immediately preventing the shouting match that was surely about to ensue.
"What was that-?" When Link's voice reverberated to Rhett's right again, it was remarkably smaller and less filled with anger than just seconds ago.
"Shit" was the only response the older boy could muster as the sky opened up, letting thick and heavy drops of rain fall onto the world around them, drumming angrily against the van's roof.
"At least we don't gotta worry about the gig-?" Rhett tried for a reassuring smile after a few beats of silence between them ticked by, interrupted only by blaring sounds of the summer storm they’d apparently gotten caught in. "It ain't gonna happen now with that rain-" he conceded, hoping it won't anger Link any further.
The younger boy was silent, the unexpected arrival of thunder seemed to have not only taken away his temper, but his voice as well.
A pair of blue eyes, still wide open, met Rhett's. The fire that burned in them just moments before the first loud crash fizzled out completely, giving way to a cold shade of fear, and the face they belonged to quickly became visibly paler, taking on a greyish colour only intensified by the sudden lack of sunlight.
"I don't like this-" Link whispered, clutching the edges of his seat with such force that his knuckles soon matched the paleness of his face.
Now, Link didn't exactly suffer from a deadly fear of thunder, not to Rhett's knowledge at least, which after more than a decade of being best friends meant it could as well be equalled to a fact. On the other hand, he wasn't especially keen on those either, and the aspect of being trapped in a metal can in the middle of a country road with absolutely nowhere to go to seek refuge only added another dimension to that.
Instinctively, Rhett reached out a hand and rubbed the other boy's shoulder soothingly.
"Hey- Hey, look at me. Link-?" he leaned forward trying to catch his friend’s eyes again and grasp his attention, temporarily directed towards the sky where bright flashes of lightning cut through the dark graphite clouds one after another. "Hey"
Link finally directed his attention back to Rhett, gulping loudly, almost comically, if it weren't for the entire situation. "We're gonna be fine. The car's safe, we're better off here than anywhere outside probably, just don’t touch the doors. We'll wait till the rain passes a bit and then I'll go get us gas, okay? The station's not that far. We'll be good." Rhett added in a calm voice, still keeping his right hand on Link and gently rubbing his upper back.
"Okay" the boy replied, still in a weak voice, and drew in a deep breath, only to be startled by another instance of rumbling thunder and hastily clasp Rhett's other hand.
"Sorry..." he cleared his throat and tried to compose himself once the sound of thunderclap died down, leaving them only with the deafening banging of raindrops against the van. Link went to retract his hand but was stopped by Rhett's before the taller boy could think about it.
"Ssh, don't. S’okay, brother."
The split-second decision to comfort Link and hold him like he hasn't since they were kids came from the feeling of guilt for getting them in that situation in the first place, he told himself. And sure, he did feel responsible for making Link endure the storm in a car stuck in the middle of nowhere all because of his stupid idea. But it wasn't just guilt; the vulnerable look on his friend's pale face combined with the fear in his big glassy eyes made him look like the boy he was when they were still in grade school - small and innocent, and it tugged at Rhett's heart in a way he didn't fully comprehend, awakening an instinct to protect Link no matter what.
"Do you... Maybe we'd- Should we...?" Yes, Rhett did make a decision but was suddenly struggling to articulate it. The scared boy next to him wasn't really listening anyway, his whole attention focused on the sky again and his free hand grasping Rhett's sleeve and trembling. Rhett cleared his throat and tried again. "We should move to the back."
"Whaa...?" Link started but was cut off by his friend gently removing his fingers from the fabric of his shirt and swiftly moving to the row of seats behind them.
"C'mon. It's gonna be more comfortable. The stick's poking my leg when I lean over like that." the older boy offered from the expanse of the middle row, gesticulating to the gap between Link and the now empty driver's seat.
If Link was hesitant to join him, another growl of thunder must have been enough to persuade him because suddenly, he was clambering to join Rhett, inadvertently nudging his thighs and elbowing him in the process.
"Auch! Okay, okay- Com'ere" The older boy grabbed the other's shoulders once he was situated next to him and moved his body even closer, encircling it with his long lanky arms and squeezing hard, making Link's head fall onto his chest.
To his surprise, his best friend didn't protest, he only burrowed his face deeper in the front or Rhett's bunched up flannel and breathed in deeply, obviously trying to relax.
"Good, good" Rhett praised absent-mindedly and slowly stroked Link's smooth hair, temporarily stunned by the feeling of warmth and peace holding the other boy so close gave him. After a couple of minutes of stillness, he felt Link's arms move, too, and wriggle in between the backrest of the seat and Rhett's lower back, finally hugging him back around the waist. It made the taller boy instinctively seek even more contact, and he lowered his head, positioning his face on Link's hair and eventually, before he could rethink it, leaving a kiss on top of it
Link froze and tensed up again, though this time there was no crash of thunder or flash of lightning to blame it on.
Oh no. Rhett's action caught up to him. This was weird. He was being weird. They never kissed each other, not even like that, not even when they were kids. His heart sped up from embarrassment and he was sure his friend could feel it, with the way he was still clinging to his chest. But he wasn’t letting go- In fact, he seemed to hug Rhett even tighter now, nuzzling his face into his body, left cheek smushed against his sternum.
Shyly, Rhett risked another smooch to Link's head, this time as close to his forehead as he could reach in the position they were in.
In response, the boy let out what sounded like an appreciative hum, or maybe even a tiny whimper, and a warm breath against Rhett’s skin, making his heart pick up the pace again. Continuing the pattern of acting before we could talk himself out of it, Rhett gathered his friend and tried to pull him even closer, not even sure if it was possible at that point, and was rewarded with Link landing almost entirely in his lap.
The face of his best friend was now nearly level with his. It was blushed, he realised, the earlier sickly tone of his complexion gone almost completely. His hair, equally blonde as Rhett's though significantly longer, was dishevelled. The sight was endearing, there was no other word to describe it, and the look in Link's eyes, blue as ever and soft now – not as filled with fear anymore, only made the effect it had on Rhett more intense.
Blinded by the affection that flooded him all of a sudden, he leaned in again, now able to kiss Link's forehead, and left another peck there, keeping his lips pressed to it for a bit longer. Before Rhett could really get used to the new sensation, Link straightened his back, making himself taller in Rhett's lap and as a result, bringing his own lips to the same hight his friend mouth was at.
The taller boy flinched slightly and almost recoiled on instinct, seeing how there were no more than two inches of tense air filled with petrichor separating their faces, and nothing else.
Instead, he gathered all of his courage and closed that gap, planting his lips square on Link's.
They were incredibly soft, almost cushiony, and oh so warm. And they were moving against his! He realised, stunned, as the other boy's hand reached up to his face and gently cupped his jaw.
Rett felt his own lips form an involuntary smile, soon matched by the lips he was kissing. As they started to separate, both beaming and searching each other’s faces with sparkly eyes, he took in the near silence that surrounded them.
The rain stopped, there was no banging on the roof of their van and no rumbling of thunder above. It was like the clouds dissipated the moment they kissed, giving way to sun again, Rhett thought not caring about how silly and romantic at the same time that idea was.
Divine intervention or a simple coincidence, he didn't care. The sky was clear now and so was the fact that he just shared a kiss with the person he loved most in the entire world. How he hadn't realised that earlier was unimportant. It might have taken being stranded in the middle of a road, surrounded by nothing but trees and crops and a thunderstorm worse than any other time that summer to get there, but they did, in the end - that was all that mattered.
And with that thought, Rhett embraced Link trying to put all of his love into it, and went to kiss him again.
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rileyrooin · 7 years
We all have favorite Rhink moments that take our breath away. There are so many for me, but this one from GMM 879 gets me every time.
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(Psst, if y'all wanted to share some of your favorites, too, I wouldn't complain. 😉)
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lallyloo · 9 months
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Prompt: Rhett meeting links boyfriend after there break up🥺
Thanks for the juicy prompt, lovely anon! I've clearly given up on the drabble thing. Hope you like this!
Rhett’s been dreading this day ever since Link’s and his big blowout and the break up that followed. He knew it was coming. He’d just hoped it would have taken a little bit longer. A couple of years maybe. Or a nice round decade.
But no, it only took three months for Link to announce to their friend group that he was bringing a date to the dorm party. Everyone else met his news with vocal excitement. Rhett could only muster a half of a smile while the rest of his capabilities were rerouted to keeping his shattered heart on life support. 
That had been a week ago. And here he was now. Link’s new boyfriend. Brad.
Fuck Brad.
Rhett stood at the doorway leading from the living room to the kitchen and scowled at the pair over his half-finished beer. The guy was pretty. Of course Link would get a pretty guy. Link could have his pick of the guys of NC State—gay, bi, even supposedly straight guys on occasion—everyone tended to fall in love with his chaotic but sweet energy. The sparkling-blue eyes weren’t a hindrance either. Neither was that tiny grabbable waist and those soft lips he used so damn well… 
Stop that! Rhett shook his head, aggravated with his treasonous brain. Things Link did with his lips was not something Rhett needed to think about while in public, wearing pants that didn’t exactly help hide a possible hard-on. Rhett huffed and took an angry sip of his drink.
Yes, Link could have anyone he wanted, but did it have to be Brad? The guy stood there like he owned the place—he had his arm slung around Link’s shoulders and had this cocky grin on his face that made Rhett’s blood boil. Link was snuggled tightly against him, his arm wrapped around Brad’s waist with his hand stuck into the guy’s jeans’ pocket as if to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere else any time soon. Rhett wanted to gag. Or cry. Possibly both.
“Huh.“ Olivia’s voice startled Rhett and he turned to look at the girl who’d appeared next to him.
“Huh what?” 
“Don’t you think…?” Olivia started, tilting his head to the side. Rhett followed her gaze to the happy new couple. 
“Think what?” Rhett groused, bracing himself for some kind of a comment about how cute Link’s new boyfriend was. Olivia turned to look at Rhett, cocked her perfectly-sculpted eyebrow and turned back towards Link.
“It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. 
“What are you talking about?” Rhett asked, unable to hide his annoyance. She needed to spit it out, whatever it was, so Rhett could quietly retreat into the kitchen and move as far away from Brad as he could.
Olivia let out a stifled giggle. She covered her mouth and nodded towards the pair. “It’s you.”
Rhett’s heart stuttered. Was he that obvious? Was his gut-wrenching jealousy so easy to read? No one knew about his and Link’s relationship. At least, that’s what he’d thought. Before he could deny, deny, deny, Olivia continued. “Link’s gone and started dating your twin.”
Rhett’s gaze flew back to Brad. And yes, Olivia was kind of right. There was a clear resemblance. Same shaved head and a goatee. Green eyes. Tall and lean. Now that he thought about it, even that annoying as hell smirk was actually quite similar to his own. 
Rhett couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. Olivia was watching him carefully and matched his smile. 
“Yeah, you have nothing to worry about. He’s just a band-aid. You’ll be back together in less than a month,” she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She nudged Rhett’s side with her elbow. “You can breathe now, McLaughlin. He’s still yours.”
Olivia was gone before Rhett could react. She’d marched through the crowd and was already talking animatedly with Link, ignoring Brad’s attempts at taking part in their conversation. All she left in her wake was a lingering hint of her citrusy perfume and a kindling of hope that now bloomed inside Rhett.
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cheekyrhett · 3 years
@summer-mclaughlin is right.
the flat masculine planes of link’s body have changed something for rhett. where his wife’s hips slope, supple and softened under the weight of her sons, link’s hips are bony. flat. smooth under rhett’s hands and solid, too.
he gives link’s hips a shake. this can’t be real, can it? him and link in bed together, and link under his hands, all for rhett’s taking. at least- he likes to pretend. he pretends he had link that day, under the lights and the peeping camera’s eye. wishes he’d had link in a position more compromising, less stiff. alas, he went home that day with nothing more than a ghosting feeling of link’s hips in his hands.
home now, rhett’s alone and imagining he’s got link’s hips again. rubbing up and down his sides to feel that sexy dip in his waist. not curvy like jessie’s, but taut. like he should have been a speedo model in the 60’s. wiry and lithe and erotic. rhett bites his lip. his hand wanders down to his bulge, and without hesitation he cups himself and starts to rub one out.
if he could, he would’ve had link alone in that bed. nobody watching and nothing- nothing under that damn onesie. he’d be touching link’s bare skin under the onesie, just sticking his hands right on him, invited. and link squirming in his hold, turning pink and giggling and tenting, tenting like rhett’s tenting his sweatpants now. rhett pulls his cock out and imagines doing the same to link.
as he strokes himself, he pictures one of his hands on link’s hips, the other on his cock. both stroking up and down, feeling where link is like him and so unlike the body usually under his hands. if he could, rhett would do more than stroke him. he’d get his hands lower- lower on link’s hips, and behind him. on his ass. fingertips teasing the crease of his taut little bum. he’d make link suck on his fingers so he can open him easily. so he can stick one in him.
rhett grits his teeth, tightening his hand on his dick. yeah, he’d feel link open with one finger. curious. and maybe- rhett feels his whole body heat, tingling with desire and curiosity- maybe he’d ask link to touch him too. ask link to get his hands on his body, on his hips. pull rhett close by the hips and touch him around the back, mirroring link. like they should have mirrored during the cuddle session, but more eager. more intrusive.
rhett’s hand speeds up, and the one not on his dick starts to flex. he wants link to be more intrusive with him. less hesitant, more bold. he wants link to poke him where he’s vulnerable, working his way inside. sweaty, rhett dives his free hand down the back of his pants. he wants link to do it, to touch him there. open him up. please, link. open me with your fingers, but don’t let them tremble. touch me without quivering. i dare you.
rhett comes like that, one hand down the front of his sweats jerking himself with a feverish intensity, the other glued to his tailbone, fingering himself shallow and teasing, slightly withholding satisfaction, denying himself the pleasure the way he knows link would.
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jacularmetteld · 6 years
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lovelyrhink · 6 years
my fav thing about remembering canon rhink moments is half the time i’m fucking wrong
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