#and y'know. open marriages / polyamory is a thing. (^:
tonberry-yoda · 4 months
°afab her/she
°One piece or Overwatch
°Don't really wanna be paired with Sanji lol also not any one piece girls that I'm into except maybe Madam Shyarly and also not into Tracer or Mei
°I'm really freaking shy. I'm usually calm but sometimes depends on the mood so I can be easily annoyed, patient but not that patient. I'm ngl I'm lazy haha, I'm usually pretty stubborn and take some explaining for me to change my mind about something, reserved, very quiet in the beginning but when I get to know someone I'll slowly open up and can be quite talkative if I'm in the mood for it. I like to tickle people (that I'm close enough with) that are ticklish,
°Out of a relationship I want a life partner but def no kids (and leaning no towards marriage), a person I can always go to for whatever it is, no polyamory tbh,
°I love stargazing, playing video games, meditating, listening to music, working out is nice, cooking, hikes (but not like the super crazy ones where you need some equipment) shwimming, worldbuilding, drawing like architecture type stuff, tryna get into caring for plants and things I'm interested in are the ocean - I just love everything about it (the animals, the way it looks both under it and above such as the waves/shore and coral reefs), space (I find it fascinating, like whats out there y'know? And not to mention how beautiful it looks), I love philosophy (can have a bunch of interesting debates y'know?) Also thinking of learning to play guitar later on
°My wardrobe mostly consists of black clothes, band shirts (rock genre), skinny jeans - mainly also black but some have like red patterns and some have like pockets and zippers; think hot topic for an idea, I do have a few things that aren't like that like sweat pants, hoodies, some shorts I'd pair with tights. I paint my nails (mostly black) and I wanna have tattoos one day not sure which kind yet tho - leaning towards oceany beachy vibes or cyberpunk vibes, maybe a few space ones here and there.
°My type of guy is assertive, calm, quiet, - although I don't mind a more different kinda guy like more rowdy and whatnot. I like guys that are kinda blunt (if they know how to be blunt without being rude although I may sometimes overlook the rudeness depending) attractive, don't care for height although most people are taller than me, loyalty. As for girls same could be said for girls. Lookswise I like both of them to be more on the masculine side. Also if you wanna choose a non-human character for me I'd more than welcome it haha be it an omnic or fishman although no minks.. Not really into them tbh
°My music taste is mainly rock (a lot of rock subgenres I like but some I really love are here) and especially metal but I do love a few other genres that I'll listen to every once in a while such as r&b, electronic, pop, and some reggae but reggae is kinda rare for me mainly reggae that's got like a beach vibe going.. unless that's what the reggae seen is? Idk if there's reggae songs that don't have beach vibes but anyways! Also rock reggae is cool and so is ska punk or skate punk; that skateboarder (I think it could be known as that? Maybe im wrong idk lol I blame my crappy memory) music also gives me the beach vibes and there's been quite a few songs and couple o bands I enjoyed in that genre.
°My love language is quality time together and gifts, I can be pretty materialistic (not that much tho) as I just love shopping.
°Idk if mbti types could help but Im an Intp and I know zodiacs are just for fun but my zodiac is actually a lot like me which is Aries~ I also tend to have a preference more towards men than women; tend to like guys more often. I like my space so I can be alone from time to time - It's pretty nice and relaxing
-Thanks for letting me add stuff I forgot btw!!
notes - Hey anon! Your patience means the world to me and I really hope that you enjoy this! My apologies for the hiatus, but hey, I'm not getting paid to do this anyway lol. I really hope you have a super day and enjoy the matchup :)
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it just really fits
the beachy vibe, the love for philosophy and architecture, I just see y'all
he's a super blunt man, and you love that about him
and he loves you with all his heart. it's a lot of admiration for you. he just loves the things your passionate about and could listen to you all day
you two work really well together and travel a lot together
he overall just appreciates you as someone he can have by his side
bro spoils you. if your love language is gift giving, just know you will be showered with gifts
he's honestly the perfect partner to just work with and travel with that will meet your needs with lots of love <3
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multiplayr · 5 years
"At least you and Gabe managed to have families."
Jack associates both Ana and Gabriel with having a family. In context, this statement implies Gabriel had a spouse and even a child(ren), comparative to Ana’s situation: she was married at one point, and had a daughter, Fareeha. It does not elaborate further regarding Gabriel’s marital status, but we can know with some confidence that, at the very least, Gabriel had a child, and he was a father. Otherwise, why associate Gabriel and Ana together, as having families, in contrast to Jack’s inability to have a family (Jack Morrison was not married, and it is unclear if he has children)? 
Marriage and relationships with Special Forces and Special Operations are often complicated, and it isn’t infrequent to have divorces, break-ups, and even infidelity occur. Soldiers (in particular, Special Operations, given their frequent deployments and classified information they are not permitted to bring home) and their relationships are often strained, or distant. The Overwatch organization is not exempt, and both Ana Amari and Jack Morrison have had long-term relationships that did not last. In contrast, Torbjorn Lindholm has a loving wife, and several children and/or grandchildren-----  here, we have a canon example of a relationship working out.  A marriage or relationship prevailing is not unheard of, either.  
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It is confirmed that the family Reaper was observing was not a random family. Given Gabriel’s current age as Reaper (58), we can assume that the family was either one of his children (and grandchildren), or less likely a spouse who remarried. At the very least, knowing that Gabriel had had a family before the fall of Overwatch & the Swiss Headquarters explosion would partly explain and even justify Gabriel’s deep, unfettered anger and hatred for Overwatch, and what “he” had done to him: 
“He did this to me, Ana. They left me to become this thing.”
Gabriel Reyes had not only lost his “humanity,” he also lost his family; his life, in every sense of the word. In canon, the sentience and humanity of cyborgs is disputed and controversial, as evidenced from Genji Shimada’s interactions with others. It would also explain Gabriel’s perceived desperation in researching genetics: recruiting Moira O'deorain, a controversial geneticist and genetic pioneer, to experiment on him, upon his explicit consent:    
“She was personally recruited by Blackwatch's commander, Gabriel Reyes, who wanted someone who could help advise him on matters pertaining to genetics.”
Gabriel was a man with something to lose, everything to lose. He was willing to take risks to avoid the inevitable: he was dying. The augmentation and experimentation done to him under the Soldier Enhancement Program was allegedly killing him. He did not want to die, because he had a family, a career, and a duty to uphold the reason Blackwatch existed at all.  
Gabriel was married, even throughout his career as Blackwatch’s Commander. He was a father, and a deeply family-oriented man who compartmentalized and organized his time with his family (both biological and emotional), and his work. Blackwatch, under the United Nations’ Special Operations Group and Special Activities Division, could not divulge the nature of their profession to “outsiders” (neighbors, teachers, girlfriends/boyfriends, civilians in general). Only his immediate family knew, to an extent, that he was a member of the secret cadre within Overwatch known as Blackwatch.  
Gabriel inevitably “dies” in 2071, in the middle of a United Nations investigation against Overwatch, as an alleged coup broke out at the Overwatch Swiss Headquarters in Zurich which caused an explosion. His spouse, a widow. His children, fatherless. They could not even bury him. 
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