#anyway I love slapping rose patterns on everything so that adds up
alecz-obssesionz · 20 days
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lmaohuh · 3 years
put your head on my shoulder
flarrie (flynn x carrie) au where everything is the same except it’s set in washington
request: none
word count: 2.9k+
tw: mention of character death, fluff with a little angst in the beginning (please let me know if i need to add more trigger warnings !)
a/n: i definitely got carried away but this was super fun
Carrie's head slams down on the desk with a loud thud. She had been studying all day for her math test that’ll be in two days. She is in dire need of a distraction right about now. She finally picks her head up and looks around for an activity to keep her occupied for a bit to accompany her procrastination. Carrie catches sight of her window and does a double-take when she notices the small flakes falling from the sky. She walks to her window and quickly throws open her window and goes to lean on the windowsill before thinking twice and grabbing a small towel nearby to lean on to protect her clothes from the puddles that had pooled up.
Her first thought is ‘snow is the gayest weather’ which somehow makes so much sense in her head. After deciding not to dwell on that, she thinks about how different her life has become in the last couple of months. She’s friends with Julie and Flynn again after finally apologizing and having a very sad but very informative talk about what the hell had happened between the trio. It’s still a little awkward at some points but she hopes that in time they’ll be right back to where they were before ‘the idiotic incident’ as she likes to call it.
The boys, Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Willie now too, are very new to her and it took her a long time to comprehend. She saw them at school once after reconciling with Julie and Flynn, before she knew they were ghosts so she said hi and the looks on their faces were priceless. They had a very long and confusing talk as to why she could also now see them because the only people that could see them were her immediate family, Flynn, and her. They had yet to see if her father could see them but they decided that that was for the best because he just found out Julie was in a ghost band and being able to see them constantly is a whole different chapter that he nor Dr. Crystal are ready for.
After all this reminiscing she feels the urge to look under her bed. She walks away from the windowsill and looks hesitantly for the box she knew would be there since she hadn’t touched it in years. Carrie sits on her bed with a bounce holding a pale pink box with gold details that shimmer on the surroundings. She pulls open the magnetic lid to find many piles of crumpled notebook paper, photos, and so much jewelry. 
On the front and backs of the crumpled papers are notes scrawled in pink, orange, and purple pen. - they all had their color, Carrie was pink, Julie was purple and Flynn was orange. - none of them wanted to get scolded for talking in class so they would pass notes very discreetly. It took some practice and coordination but due to all of their dance skills, they had finally perfected the pass with grace and elegance.
Friendship bracelets, necklaces, and even a couple of anklets filled the majority of the box. Carrie remembered sitting on Julie’s bed for hours with Flynn making so many of these in varieties of colors and different patterns. They would talk and giggle the night away making jewelry for each other and rarely for themselves. Carrie decides to slip her pink, orange, and purple bracelet on for good luck.
Pictures. There are so many pictures. With Ray being a photographer, everywhere they went there was a picture of them and they all looked so happy. Whether they were at a museum or a theme park they always found a way to make anything fun because they were together. Towards the end of the pile carries stops for a moment and her eyes widen. The picture she’s looking at is from a specific night she will never and can never forget. The picture is of Rose braiding Carrie’s hair into a long french braid and a couple of feet away is Julie painting Flynn’s nails on the coffee table. Carrie’s eyes got misty looking at this picture because this was the place she had declared her home.
When Carrie was a baby her mom had taken off never to be seen or heard from again. Until she met Flynn and Julie in the first grade it was just her and her dad. Then she met Rose. Rose had acted like such a motherly figure and taught her everything her father couldn’t. When she was about eight her father was touring the world and was never home much so she usually slept over at the Molinas since her father deemed it unnecessary to bring such a young child on a tour. She loved the Molinas’ house because it always felt warm and comfortable there. When Rose got sick, she and Julie stayed optimistic. Flynn was always over a lot anyways but once Rose started getting sicker she practically lived there too to help. After Rose passed was when everything happened. Carrie had never been close to or met her biological mother but it still felt like a loss and having to lose another maternal figure in her life was too much to handle. She became cold and distant and when Julie and Flynn confronted her about it, she snapped and they parted ways.
“oh- shit shit shit”
Carrie looks up and sees a pile of snow on her floor, and she recognizes that voice, and a stupid grin spreads across her face and she forgets about the wet lump of ice on her floor. She runs to the door and peeks her head out seeing a disheveled Flynn panicking below after realizing the snowball soared through the window and didn’t slap against the glass like it should’ve, had Carrie’s window not been previously opened.
A wicked grin spreads across Carrie’s face as she grabs her puffy coat and gloves, closes her window, and runs out to the back door. She opens the door quietly to not alert Flynn and grabs a huge handful of snow and throws it right at the back of Flynn’s head.
Flynn whips around at lightning speed and you can tell from the look in her eyes that it is so on.
Both girls rapidly lean down to make more snowballs but Flynn is faster and chucks it at Carrie while she’s still making hers.
Although both girls are now drenched and covered in snow, Flynn has declared herself the winner because she was faster than Carrie. Carrie states that she had a better aim and the two bicker like a married couple until they both end up giggling at how ridiculous they sound. Flynn falls back into the snow to make a snow angel and Carrie follows suit. Carrie gets up first and reaches her hand out to Flynn who takes it and hoists herself up with it. While admiring their snow angels, Carrie breaks the silence.
“Why’d you come here in the first place, did you wanna talk?”
Flynn tenses up at the question. Carrie knows better than to push her to talk, so she walks toward her and rubs her back. Carrie flushes red at the action. She always used to do this to comfort Flynn but this time it feels different. Carrie had finally come to terms with the fact that she had a gigantic crush on Flynn. She had given up, but the physical touch was not helping her get over said crush.
The snow starts falling hard and the wind starts blowing harder making both girls colder.
“Hey, uh, Flynn, why don’t you come inside? It's getting chilly out here and I can make us some hot cocoa inside?” Carrie asks cautiously as to not rush Flynn into being comfortable around her again.
“Sounds great, I’ll just text my mom that I’m hanging with you for a bit.” 
Both girls’ grins are wide and filled with joy. They walk to the front door, arms brushing against one another. They get inside and take off their boots so they don’t lead tracks into the house. They hang up their coats to dry and Carrie glances over to Flynn's braids who have snowflakes littered throughout. Carrie runs to grab two small towels and hands one to her so they can dry off their hair and anything else that might be wet with melted snow.
Carrie walks to the kitchen and Flynn follows close behind. Carrie starts heading to the kitchen and Flynn sits at the island facing Carrie.
“So, where's Uncle T?”
“He’s super busy today with music and meetings and whatever. He hasn't been home since 10 am and he probably won't be home until pretty late tonight.” Carrie’s smile drops a little as she says this, Flynn sees this.
“So, home alone huh. What have you done today, where’s the mess?!”
“Um, I woke up and ate a bagel before my dad left, and then I studied for the math test on Monday.” Flynn's jaw dropped right when she said studying, “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Let me just clarify that you are home alone and decided to use this as study time?” Carrie nods, “Are you crazy? You could do anything you wanted to and you studied!”
The Keurig beeps that it's ready but neither girl hears it as they're too focused on each other.
“I have my math final on Monday and I really need to study.”
“So you've been studying all day? It's like 7 pm or something.”
“I told you, my math final is on Monday and I'm stressed and I had to study.”
“That's in two days, there's always tomorrow.” She sings the last part as a little jingle and pairs it with puppy dog eyes. Carrie can't say no to that face, how could she?
“Why don't you stay all day,” a small smile spreads across her face, “I’m home alone and we can hang and watch a movie for the rest of the night.” Realizing what she just did, Carrie flushes red. 
So much for not rushing.
There's a pause between the two where they just stare at each other. Carrie starts to feel the rage inside of her, she's mad at herself for thinking that fly-
“Yeah totally, that sounds really fun. I just have to call my mom real quick but I’ll be back.”
 Carrie’s thoughts were interrupted by Flynn's acceptance. The brunette leaves her stool with a little hop and wanders into the next room to make the call. Carries rage settles.
At this moment she realizes she should probably pour the hot cocoa now that it's been ready for so long untouched. Flynn wanders back into the room while she pours Flynn's mug.
“Hey, you have stuff that’ll fit me, right?” The thought turns Carrie’s cheeks pink.
“Yeah, yeah I have stuff that'll fit you.”
“Good, because my mom doesn't want me to walk back to grab clothes since the storm has gotten worse and it's dark.”
 Carrie nods and hums in understanding.
Flynn tries to take the mug of hot cocoa before it's finished.
“Wait, it's not done yet!” Carrie goes to the refrigerator and grabs the aerosol can of whipped cream and her jar of pirouline wafer sticks. She puts a stick into the mug so it sticks out and then sprays a huge dollop of the cream onto the cocoa. “There.”
“You remember my hot cocoa toppings?” She says with a chuckle
“How could I forget, if I did you probably would have thrown a fit and I can't handle crazy Flynn.” She teases, but you can tell there's love there.
“That is so MEANNNN!” She says with fake sadness and shock. Both girls are left in giggles.
Carrie pours her own mug and then grabs her jar of mini marshmallows. She grabs a handful and plops them into the warm pool of chocolate. She tops it off with whipped cream.
“Still on that mini marshmallow kick?”
“They are better than the other types of marshmallows.”
“Carrie, they are all the same marshmallows.”
“They taste different!” Both girls laugh at her ridiculous antics.
Carrie had been using only mini marshmallows for everything since she was a kid and refuses to admit that all marshmallows are the same no matter their size.
Carrie goes and walks around the island to go sit where Flynn is. They both drink in silence for a moment to embrace the warmth of the cocoa before Flynn sets her mug down and gets all tense again. Carrie opens her mouth to ask what's wrong but Flynn speaks first.
“Do you wanna know what I was gonna say earlier?” She whispers this as if what they're discussing is top secret. Carrie turns her head to the right and sees Flynn's hands wrapped around her mug as she stares into the mug. 
“If you want to tell me, you know I’m here for you.” Carrie matches Flynn's volume. At this volume, she feels like she and Flynn are in a bubble, floating above all. Speaking too loud would burst their bubble and would send both of them flying down to the ground.
“I like you.” Carrie's head whips up faster than anything she's ever seen. 
“I like you and  have liked you for so long and it's very clear that the feelings aren't reciprocated so I shou-”
Carrie wasn't always an impulsive person but right now seemed like a perfect time for impulsive decision making. Carrie cut Flynn off by kissing her. It took a moment for Flynn to realize what was happening but she soon started kissing back. It wasn't anything intense like their constant bickering, it was soft and sweet. She had always seen in movies these intense and hot kisses and read about them in books but this, this was way better. They break apart and stare at each other for a moment realizing what they just did. Both girls wear the largest grins on their faces. Carrie breaks the silence.
“Hi, sorry, did you get lost or…” Flynn teases. Carries mouth drop open with a smile and she runs to the couch to grab a pillow and wack her with it, “What was that for!”
“That was for being mean after I just kissed you.” She pouts. Both girls laugh. Yeah, this is where they're supposed to be.
“What are we, like what is this,” Flynn gestures back and forth between the two of them, ”now.”
“Well, this is kind of like a date, right?” Flynn cocks her head to the side then nods, “Then I guess we are like ‘dating and we’ll see’ type of thing?”
“Sounds perfect.” Both of their hearts are filled with warmth in each other's presence.
“Hey I have an idea, what do you say to popcorn and movie night?”
“Can we watch Tangled?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
Tangled had been their movie ever since they were little. Flynn was always obsessed with the fact that her name was the prince's name and Carrie loved the pretty purple dress that Rapunzel wore. Their favorite part of the movie they both agreed on, the frying pan. The thought of taking a frying pan and hitting someone with it was so funny to them and a little concerning to their parents who were scared that their daughters were going to start wielding frying pans.
“I’ll make the popcorn, you set up the movie.”
“Okay, go team go.” Flynn mocks.
“You are the worst.”
Flynn answers her by shooting her the biggest smile she has and Carrie just rolls her eyes. God, she's so lucky.
Carrie grabs a bag of popcorn from the pantry and throws it into the microwave. She presses the popcorn button because after numerous amounts of tests the popcorn button actually pops the popcorn the most successfully. As Carrie is watching the popcorn, Flynn is sitting on the couch going through Disney Plus to find Tangled.
“It should be on my continue watching section.”
“You watched it without me!” Flynn whips her head around in fake dramatic form.
“Of course not, I'm not a monster.” Flynn raises an eyebrow and Carrie simply ignores the teasing. “My little cousin and her friend were over and they wanted to watch Tangled so I put it on for them. I can already hear your question, no I did not watch with them, I cleaned the kitchen to make sure I didn't.”
“I'll let it slide this time.”
The popcorn beeps so Carrie pulls it out of the microwave. She puts it into one big bowl and walks over to the couch and sits right next to Flynn. Flynn already had gotten down more blankets and pillows to snuggle with because she knows you can never have too many. As Carrie settles in, Flynn plays the movie. Flynn grabs a handful of popcorn and lays her head on Carrie’s shoulder. After Carrie's initial bluescreen moment she rests her head onto hers. 
By the middle of the movie, Flynn falls asleep first with Carrie not far behind. 
At around 10 pm, Trevor gets home and comes in quietly not sure where Carrie is and if she's asleep or not. That's when he sees two heads leaning on each other completely still. The tv has shut off by now automatically so he knows they fell asleep. He walks to the front of the couch to see their two little faces squished up against each other. He quickly snaps a picture for Carrie knowing she loved pictures and would want another to add to her stack that she had hidden somewhere. He walks up the stairs as quietly as possible and goes to sleep knowing that his daughter is happy.
(i don’t like how i worded the ending but yall get the gist)
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ambiencespectrum · 5 years
dave&rose youtube ghost hunters au let’s go
“we’re technically more gen paranormal hunters,” says the caption at the bottom of the video. it’s in brackets and red comic sans. it disappears as the shaky film pans to a girl with pale hair and darkly colored clothes more suited to a trip to a quaint local bookstore and cafe, rather than standing on a dirt road next to a decrepit fence around an even more decrepit building.
“A bit of a cliche to start the season off with,” says the girl, the video zooming in on her face. she raises an eyebrow, smirking. “But the classics are the classics for a reason.”
“who doesn’t love a creepy old asylum?” says the cameraman, and the video blurs and flips around to be too-close to his face. black shades reflect the lens back onto itself, hair pale as the girl’s blustering in the sudden uptick in wind. “it’s a fucking staple in horror media, has been since the dawn of it. nothing scares the shit out of people like the remnants of their fucked up treatment of the vulnerable and neurodivergent.”
“And ghosts,” says the girl off-screen. “And demons. Though, those could be applied metaphors in this context...”
the camera flips around again to focus on the girl, as the cameraman says, “shit, rose, why not both?”
the girl- rose- smiles in the manner of someone who knows more than anyone else present, is aware of that fact, and is feeling pleasantly surprised that a peer she’s deigned with her presence has grasped even an inkling of her thoughts.
“Both,” rose agrees as a bird call shrieks in the distance and the video cuts it off abruptly. it next shows rose walking in front of the camera and cameraman, leading the way into a semi-dark hall. the walls peeling paint, the floor cracking and lifting. the heels of her chic boots click as she walks, the beam of her flashlight swaying gently.
“A distinct lack of incomprehensible warnings scrawled across the walls,” says rose, shining her light upon an old smear that’s turned brown over the years.
“yeah, kinda kills the total package deal hype of an asylum,” says the cameraman. “like, what’s the point even if you don’t get at least a few death threats or cult phrases thrown your way?”
“Perhaps it will prevail yet, Dave. There is always possibility of poltergeist, or an apparition.”
“been there, done that. maybe some specter will finally have the intangible balls to go corporeal and possess your gothic little heart, raven madison.”
“That reference is vampires, dear heart.”
“tomato potato whatever. but, uh... if they don’t like your hentai octopi buddies...?”
“Then they may attempt to establish a connection with you.”
“haha, yeah, sure. come at me bro.”
the feed cuts again, with static this time as rose turns an amused gaze towards the cameraman. it comes back with a new person standing in the frame; sporting dark sunglasses despite the early evening and shadow filled room. he’s saying, “i swear to god, rose, if you drop my baby i’m making you buy me a whole new rig, sound sampler, mic, lens, custom bitchin’ paint job-”
“Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up, Dave,” rose says sweetly and firmly. he stops rambling, lips tugged down in a frown. rose continues, “Now, let’s get on with the part of the program subscribers click on our video thumbnails for.”
“why am i the god damn ghost nip again.”
“Because the Strider charms are irresistible to the common lingering spirit.”
dave scuffs his shoes on the filthy floor, his sigh echoing off the surrounding room. rusted bed frames litter the sides of it, rotted fabric clinging in places and showing traces of animal habitation. dave’s sunglasses glint in the glare of rose’s flashlight, hair a washed out white. “just ‘cause every ghoul from here to canada wants a piece of strider ass doesn’t mean i have to be bait every time.”
as he says that, a figure flickers into existence behind him, looming with hollow eyes and an overextended jaw. the video cuts as it lunges at him.
it comes back at a weird angle, with more red comic sans appearing on screen. “sorry for the shit footage, SOMEBODY couldn’t bother holding off exorcism foreplay.” purple text is quick to follow it, in comic sans as well. “You’re very fucking welcome for that, you enormously ungrateful asshole.”
the camera is clearly on the floor, giving view of only that and two sets of feet. rose’s boots now have scat stuck to one sole, and a handful of burrs on the back of her tights. dave’s hightops dangle suspended a foot off the ground, laces swaying as he hovers, the rest of him perfectly still in the air.
“Now, I understand it’s been very lonely here, Frederick,” says rose’s voice, “but the body you are currently residing within is already claimed for the remainder of eternity. It won’t be open for new tenants until it is well and gone to dust, I assure you.”
dave’s laces shake as his voice responds, all guttural screams far louder than he has ever spoken before.
“Now there’s no need for name calling,” rose says. “We’re two adults, having a civil conversation. The furthest ring’s heralds and doombringers and mindflayers own our family tree, so even if I wanted to give him to you, I quite literally can’t-”
dave’s voice explodes again in wordless sound, and the video is flipped and rolled. the film only steadies again after the camera has been sent skidding across the floor; now offering rose and dave’s full figures within the frame. from across the room, anyway.
dave hovers in the air, like he’s hanging by the neck and swaying gently on a noose. rose is faced away from the lens, fingers tensed into claws.
“That’s quite enough of that,” rose says snappishly, “he isn’t yours to keep,” and she grabs dave by his shirt collar to haul him downwards. she slaps her palm to his forehead and the video is dragged into darkness, extinguishing everything as its audio devolves into whispers and then speaker bursting howls. the silence that follows immediately after is chilling.
picture is then restored. it comes back inside a van, filled with travel bags, pillows, polaroid photographs tacked to the walls, precarious stacks of books and dead things in jars on top, and two disheveled individuals sitting shoulder to shoulder.
“so,” dave starts, voice gravelly, “turns out ghostly possession makes your mouth taste like death’s ass.”
“I told you so,” rose says primly. she has a bruised cheek, hair like a bird’s nest, and her black lipstick is smeared in the rightmost corner. she holds herself like a dignitary for it.
“fuck off, lalonde,” dave replies, running a hand through his even messier hair. his neck has a blooming bruise around it in the pattern of a rope, his shirt collar is torn at a shoulder seam, and black viscous stains the front downwards. “that was demonic conjuring, totally different field of freaky mindbody highjacking fuckery.”
“You’ll have to forgive him,” rose says to the camera, patting dave’s knee patronizingly, “it’s his first body-sharing experience.”
“i shared my body plenty, shared it in ten different states, i just pre-fucking-ferred sharing it consensually.”
“You, and I quote, said ‘come at me, bro’. In the presence of aggressive, tortured spirits, you might as well have writ permission in neon.”
“wow, wow. some feminist you are, victim blaming me for this. new low for you, rose.”
rose rolls her eyes. “Moving on with our review. The trip over had a decent number of well-meaning townsfolk warning us away from here, notably one who started crying halfway through. Unfortunately, I’ll have to dock points for the lackluster atmosphere of the asylum itself. It wasn’t as overtly foreboding as we’d been promised, and, again, the graffiti from its former residents failed to strike even an iota of fear into our hearts.”
“i got possessed though, which is sexy in theory but shitty in practice,” dave adds in a drawl. “kinda like communism and capitalism. got some sick air while i was at it, but i didn’t crawl on the ceiling even once. i did however get to hear the screams of the lost souls bound to the building and i think my new choker will last a few weeks at least. that’s worth a few points.”
“Agreed,” rose says amiably. “A solid 7.5 out of 10?”
dave shrugs. “about there, yeah.”
the video transitions to blank blackness, displaying with purple text “We are not professionals in any manner of speaking, but our death’s are more difficult to ensure than yours. Do not attempt this at home, do not attempt this with friends, do not attempt this if you value your mortal soul and fragile human psyche.” the message below that is in red text and reads “like subscribe and comment”
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berrynooboos · 6 years
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I’ve been working on this for basically the whole month of august. I wanted to do something huge. Not only as a followers gift, but as a couple other things. One as a thank you for being there for me while I was at my lowest point this summer. So many of you donated, or even reblogged to GoFundMe, and that means to world to me. Without all your help, I would not have made it to this point here in all honestly, the funds helped me survive and I just can’t thank you enough. No amount of stuff I upload will ever be enough, but I want to try anyway. The last reason being the fact that I wanted to do something big to welcome myself back. Which isn’t as cool as a reason as the first but you know xD.
First I have a whole bunch of clothes for you! Most of which are TM-AM, Three of which are AM only, and then a single outfit for PU, CU, and AF.
From left to right, top to bottom;
@rented-space‘s 3T2 Celeb Casual Vest in two floral patterns and colors -  I originally was going to have these be a default replacement, which is why there is only two, but for some reason they aren’t defaulting, so here they are instead! TM-AM
@rented-space‘s 3T2 Not So Chilly Scarf in 40 patterns - I wasn’t going to do 40, it was originally going to be like only 20, but then I went searching, and found a whole bunch of unicorn patterns, and well... I have a bit of a Unicorn problem xD. TM-AM
MissTiikeri’s Male Crop top in 20 patterns w or w/o lace undershirt - This was one of the first things I made, which is why the previous top was only going to be in 20 patterns. I liked @furbyq‘s idea of having an undershirt, but didn’t want to copy completely, and wanted something more Berry’s style. So I made lace undershirts to go with them! Though I realized that might be too femme for some, so they also come without the undershirt. AM Only
@deedee-sims Sweater Drape in 40 Patterns - I’m a sucker for shirts like this. With the tied sweater. Makes me think of *coughdreamdaddycough* So it comes in the same patterns as the not so chilly scarf. TM-AM
MDP’s 4T2 Sweater Knit in 23 colors - This is the first one that comes in my TS4 Crystallum colors. I figured those would be a nice set of rainbow colors to use. Each has a white undershirt. TM-AM
@rented-space‘s 3T2 Romantic Robe in my crystallum colors - The robe is the main color, while the shorts are in another of my crystallum colors. Any of the clothing that comes in dual colors will share the same color combo. As in, if the clothing is in Rose Quartz, the other part of the clothing is always going to be in Light Azore. I don’t know if any of this makes sense. xD AM Only
@deedee-sims‘s Townlife Hoodie in my crystallum colors - I love this hoodie. It looks so comfy. I was happy when I found that @linasims2 converted it to toddlers. TM-AM
@rented-space‘s 3T2 Trend Sweats in my crystallum colors. - This one comes in solids and dual colors. The shoes of which are always white. AM Only
@deedee-sims‘s Positive Thinking Shirt in my Crystallum colors - I was using this one for a default as well, but the default I was trying to recolor, the same thing happened as the Celeb Casual Vest. They were the same file, so I don’t know what’s wrong with it. So instead I made this a full set. TM-AM
@rented-space‘s Lukaz Layered Tee in my Crystallum colors, and a random saying for each - I had originally only made them in my colors, but decided I needed to spice them up. So I threw a couple of random words or sayings on them to add a little flare. TM-AM
@rented-space‘s 3T2 Start-Up Chic in argyle patterns in my Crystallum colors - I thought this top would look really cute in argyle patterns, and I was right. It’s that perfect dose of being a little nerdy, but being kind of stylish as well. xD TM-AM
@rented-space‘s 3T2 Luke Nightshirt in my Crystallum colors - I love this nightshirt, and had wanted to recolor it for a while but never got around to it. But finally I have! CU only - Pajama Section
@linasims2‘s Townlife Hoodie w/ Shorts - This is the PU conversion of the townlife hoodie I mentioned above. It comes in the same colors as the TM-AM version. PU Only
@deedee-sims Peasant Wedding Dress in my Crystallum Colors and Floral patterns - Normally I don’t do many female clothes, as the TS2 community has far too many colorful female things already, but this dress is beautiful. So I just had to slap a floral pattern on it, and recolor it. Mama Pumpkin looks beautiful in it. AF ONLY - Formal Section
Next I have accessories, makeup, and skins!
Daislia’s Fox ears in my Otherworld colors to match my hair recolors - I love these giant ears, so naturally I had to recolor them. I’m not sure what ages they work for, but I have a feeling it’s AU only.
Fairy wings in 70 galaxy prints - Because I don’t have enough things in galaxy prints apparently? But I think these came out really pretty. Who doesn’t need Space Fairies right???
@lilith-sims‘s Delicate Lips in my Otherworld Colors  @furbyq‘s Midnight Creeper Lips in my Otherworld Colors 
Kiwi’s Colorpoint Nose/Ear Blush in my Otherworld Colors 
Eltaninz Galaxy Blush in 90 Galaxy Prints
Eltaninz Smooth Sailing Blush in my Otherworld Colors
Mass Effect Andromeda Species Face Masks converted to TS2 - All credit for these goes to Bioware, all I did was extract them and make them fit on the TS2 faces. I didn’t make a swatch for these, but you can see what each one looks like on my TS4 conversion of them HERE.
Finally, I recolored @lilith-sims Honey Skinblend with Freckles in my Otherworld colors. Some of them didn’t translate well into skins, but I made them anyway, I still think they look cool. They are geneticized, and townified. They are sorted with the default skins, as that is how my game is geneticized. The numbers range from 0.02 to 0.99
Meshes should be included for everything that needs them, if I forgot anything please let me know, and thanks again for all the follows!
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m-emoriam · 7 years
day 4: different worlds
exactly where you’d like me (1802 words)
"Care to dance?" Robert asks, and Aaron thinks he's talking to Rebecca, until he looks up again. It takes Aaron a moment to realise that, yes, he's definitely asking him to dance, because he's looking right at him and holding out his hand. "I'd love to hear more."
(Or: An AU in which the boys meet each other at Rebecca's masquerade ball) Complete with some good good masquerade aesthetic, an Aaron/Rebecca friendship, and some (pretty much) no-reason kissing. B)
Aaron tugs nervously at his mask. He pushes it up his nose, feels too suffocated. He pulls it down, and feels like it'll fall off.
"Stop fidgeting," Rebecca tells him, putting a hand on his back to push him forwards. "The string will come undone."
Aaron grumbles as Rebecca pushes him through the crowd of people. She's saying something about elastic strings, but he's not listening to her. He's too busy looking around, taking it all in.
He was reluctant when Rebecca told him she'd be holding a masquerade ball, and that he had to go. It's all a bit too fancy for him. He'd be much more comfortable having a pint at the pub, but it's not like he had any choice on the matter. She has a thing with persuasion, so it's hard to say no.
They stop at one of the tables at the far end of the hall, and Aaron makes a face when Rebecca passes him a glass of champagne. He downs it in one go. It's too sweet and he hates it, but maybe if he gets drunk on it, he'll stop being so stupidly nervous. Why is he so nervous? It's just a party, he reminds himself. It's not even his first high-key party. Being friends with Rebecca White has its perks — especially when party-throwing is one of her specialties.
Rebecca looks stunning. Her mask is expensive looking — rose-gold, with an array of black feathers attached to one side. She's wearing a black dress that stops just short of her knees. It's irritating, how effortlessly gorgeous she is.
She bought Aaron's mask for him. It's custom made to fit his face, simple black leather, and it covers the top half of his face. It's nice, he supposes. Doesn't mean he still doesn't think he looks daft, though. Still, it could've been worse. She could've bought him one of the ones with a beak.
They're in the middle of a conversation about business at the scrapyard when Rebecca makes a delighted noise and holds up a finger to shush Aaron momentarily. She skips forwards, graceful even in her heels, towards a man approaching the two of them.  
"You made it!" Rebecca exclaims, grinning massively. He kisses both of her cheeks in greeting and accepts the glass of champagne she offers him.
"Wouldn't miss it," Robert says. He takes a sip of his champagne. He's dignified. Well put together. He practically screams extravagance. From his perfect suit, to his carefully hair. His mask is golden with the hint of a intricate pattern engraved into it, and it covers all but the bottom half of the right side of his face. His outfit probably costs more than everything Aaron owns. He dislikes him almost instantly — he usually does, with his type.
Robert's eyes turn to Aaron, who's still standing there, unsure of what to do with himself. "And who's this?"
"This is Aaron Dingle — I told you about him. He co-owns the Holey Scrap in Emmerdale," Rebecca tells him, placing a hand on Aaron's arm. Slyly, she adds, "An excellent investment opportunity, if you ask me."
"I bet. Robert Sugden," he says, stepping forwards to shake Aaron's hand, and. Either Aaron's imagining it, or he catches Robert looking him up and down. Is he... Is he checking him out? Or is he just curious? Not used to seeing someone of a lower class at an event like this, probably. Is it that obvious that he doesn't belong here? Aaron shakes it off, instead busying himself with finding some more champagne.
Robert and Rebecca immediately launch into a conversation of God knows what. Something boring and completely out of Aaron's league, obviously.
Awkwardly, he sips at his champagne and starts fiddle with his mask. He looks around again. Debates just wandering off for a bit (Rebecca would kill him if he just left altogether, like he wants). On the other side of the hall, there's a string ensemble, accompanied by a pianist and a percussionist, playing classical tunes. In the middle, couples dance together, all donning masks of different colours, shapes, sizes. He feels weird here, out of place. But it's a good opportunity to get some business, Rebecca says.
Speaking of — she's been trying to get his attention for a while now. "Aaron, are you alive in there?" she asks, waving a hand in front of his face.
"Er, yeah." Aaron blinks, somewhat confused. He glances at Robert, who's smirking at Aaron from behind his mask. "What were that?"
"I was just saying," she says, slapping Aaron's hand away from the string tied around the back of his head, "that you and Adam pretty much started your business from the ground up."
"Um. Yeah, we did," is all Aaron can say.
"A man of few words, then?" Robert notes, and he's still smirking. His stupid smile only widens when Aaron glares at him. Christ, Aaron thinks, downing the rest of his drink and putting the glass down on the table behind him. He's not drunk enough for this, yet.
"Care to dance?" Robert asks, and Aaron thinks he's talking to Rebecca, until he looks up again. It takes Aaron a moment to realise that, yes, he's definitely asking him to dance, because he's looking right at him and holding out his hand. "I'd love to hear more."
He's about to decline, but then Rebecca's elbow is digging into his ribs. "He'd love to," she says, taking Robert's glass from him.
Aaron shoots Rebecca an annoyed look, but lets Robert drag him away with him anyway. She's grinning and wiggling her fingers at him. He hates her, sometimes. Hates how he always seems to end up doing what she wants.
It's awkward at first, because Aaron doesn't really know how to dance, but he lets Robert rearrange his hands until they're in the right position. It's not long until they're dancing. Well, it's more like just lazy swaying, and Aaron trying to avoid eye contact. He can feel Robert looking at him, and it's hard not to look back. He just wants to get this over with, though, so he'll act as disinterested as he can until Robert gets bored.
But he doesn't. The song seems to go forever, and Robert's still just watching him. He's calm, moving Aaron around on the dance-floor and he's still watching him. Frustrated, Aaron looks up at Robert, who's looking back at him with fierce green eyes and his stupid smile.
"What?" Aaron hisses, digging his fingers into the fabric of Robert's jacket. He tries his best to look threatening, but it's hard when only half of his face is showing. Probably not the best idea, to be picking a fight, but something about Robert just annoys him.
"You're not very talkative, are you?" Robert asks.
"Just not to people like you," Aaron grumbles. Like what? He's known this guy for a minute, and he's already making quick judgements.
But Robert just laughs. "That's fine," he says, lowering his voice. He leans in and presses his cheek against the side of Aaron's face. "I usually prefer as little talking as possible."
Aaron pulls away. Was Robert just flirting with him? Is that what that was?
"So," Robert says, stepping towards Aaron again. He slides his hands around his waist and pulls him closer. "You want to go get some air?"
And all Aaron can do is nod, swallowing hard.
Robert has Aaron pressed up against the wall of the function hall, one hand on his neck and the other on his hip. They're kissing, heated and desperate, and it's hard, since they both have their masks on. As soon as they got to somewhere dark and secluded, Robert was on him with hands and lips.
Aaron slips a hand under Robert's jacket, tugging his shirt out from his jeans. He splays his hand out on his back, feels Robert's skin jump beneath his cold touch. At the first slide of his tongue against Aaron's mouth, he digs his nails into the flesh of his back. He pulls away, looking up at Robert with half-lidded eyes. "Take off the mask," Aaron says. Demands.
"What's the point in a disguise if I'm just going to take it off?" Robert teases, matter-of-factly. Aaron rolls his eyes, rubbing a hand across his forehead. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," is Robert's eventual response, and Aaron kind of wants to punch him. He doesn't, though. Just presses closer to Robert and slides his hand further up his back.
Laughing, Robert takes off his mask and. Yeah, okay, he's handsome. He has the same smug smirk on his face, but now Aaron can see the freckles under his eyes. The true green-hazel of his eyes, and the shape of his mouth. "Go on, then," Robert says, slipping the mask into the inside pocket of his jacket.
Aaron tugs on the string and removes his mask. It's a relief to finally have the thing off. It still feels like he has it on and it's irritating up until the point when Robert is kissing him again.
Robert's fingers are immediately in his hair, pulling and tugging at the gel in Aaron's hair, and normally, Aaron would be irritated – he had to spend long on his hair, only to have it messed up again before the party's even over. But right now, he doesn't care. He wants Robert's hands in his hair as much as possible. It keeps him grounded, keeps him from turning into jelly before this can really go anywhere. He can feel the want thrumming inside him, bubbling in his chest.
Aaron hums against Robert's mouth, trying to get closer to kiss him deeper. He still has the mask in his hand. He'd throw it down if it weren't so expensive, and if Rebecca wouldn't kill him.
Robert's hand leaves his hip, reaching up to brush his fingertips against Aaron's jaw. He kisses him hard, and Aaron's about to grab a hold of his arm, mask be damned, but. But then Robert's pulling away, grinning smugly when Aaron chases his lips.
He doesn't say anything. Just slips his mask back on and pulls Aaron in for one more heated kiss. He's walking away before Aaron can even register what just happened.
When he finds Rebecca again (It takes him almost half an hour), she loops her arm through his and pulls him close. "Sounds like Robert's interested in the scrapyard," she tells him. "I gave him your number, hope that's alright."
"Um. Yeah," Aaron says, and when Robert calls the next day and tells him, "I think this would be a profitable investment. For both of us," he can practically feel him smirking. They make arrangements for a second business meeting for the following week.
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