apugharami · 2 years
Apu Gharami painting
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fockillo · 11 months
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"That Seems More Centered" goes home as a gift to this daughter from her mama. Awww- so sweet! . . . . . #art #fineart #gallery #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #livewithart #workinprogress #creativeprocess #reliefsculpture #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #gouachepainting #artsy #artexhibition #glencoeartfestival https://www.instagram.com/p/B0d_yHPH63B/?igshid=1hfqj6xwwel98
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lastsonlost · 7 years
Apuarter of straight porn searches by women are for videos featuring violence against their own sex. Five percent of searches by women are for content portraying nonconsensual sex. While men still search for significantly more porn than women, search rates for these more extreme types of sexual content are at least twice as common among women than men.Those statistics make for fairly surprising reading, but are the facts Dr Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a former Google data scientist, discovered when he was given complete access to PornHub's search and views data for his upcoming book.
 "If there is a genre of porn in which violence is perpetrated against a woman, my analysis of the data shows that it almost always appeals disproportionately to women," he writes.But why are so many women so keen to see videos tagged with, say, "painful anal crying", "public disgrace" or "extreme brutal gangbang"? Or content marked as "forced" or "rape"? The feminist porn movement – one focusing on equality and empowerment – might be thriving, but the data shows, proportionally, women are also consuming much more of the most extreme misogynistic sexual material available online.
It  isn't uncommon for women to have fantasies about coercive sex, as the findings of a study into women's rape fantasies from 2012 indicate. The team of researchers from the University of North Texas and University of Notre Dame played 355 young women an erotic rape fantasy – as opposed to a literal portrayal of sexual assault – over headphones to investigate how aroused they became.
The tape's material, derived from the kind of storylines often found in romance novels, tells the tale of a male protagonist who is strongly attracted to the female character. He expresses a desire for sex with her, but she's clearly unresponsive. He attempts to convince her, without success, and she continues to refuse his advances. The male character then overpowers and rapes her. She resists throughout, and at no time gives consent. However, as the man is attractive to her and provides erotic stimulation, she does experience gratification from the forced sex.
Researchers found that 52 percent of the women had fantasies about forced sex with a man, 32 percent about being raped and 28 percent about forced oral sex with a man. Overall, 62 percent of the women reported having had at least one fantasy around a forced sex act. The researchers then investigated if the women's fantasies were indicative of "sexual blame avoidance", a hypothesis that women socialised by our slut-shaming culture chose forced sex themes to negate feelings of shame and guilt.
The opposite was found to be true. Women who reported being less repressed about sex were more likely to have rape fantasies, more open to fantasy in general, more likely to have consensual fantasies and finally, they were found more likely to have high self-esteem.
So if women who fantasise about rape or coercive sex are actually some of the most liberated out there, is it the same story for women who watch violent porn? It's not that clear-cut. There has been very little research into the latter, but a study from 2011 found the women most likely to watch porn – especially the most extreme kinds – were those who had suffered sexual assaults and psychological violence at the hands of their families. 
Dr Raj Persaud, a British consultant psychiatrist, broadcaster and author, said that unlike the women in the rape fantasy study, we don't know the situation of the women searching for violent porn."I think it's probably the case that women who've been abused have ended up with a disturbed view of sex," he told me. "People who've suffered former psychological trauma or abuse are often in abusive relationships – they repeat the cycle. 
We don't know whether the people doing those searches are in an abusive relationship, and are doing the searches because they are being coerced into doing so."There are a lot of unknowns, and without speaking to the women who are searching for this porn, we can't know whether they have been abused. What the search data shows is there's a secret side to people's lives, which psychologists can have difficulty accessing."
"We don't know if they're looking out of interest, or doing it because that's what their boyfriends or hook-ups want, or if they're actually masturbating to it."
Dr Gail Dines, professor of sociology and women's studies at Wheelock College, Boston, and a prominent anti-porn campaigner, told me: "Until we know how long [the women are] staying on the porn sites, and have actual empirical evidence about what they are doing while on the sites, we don't know if they're looking out of interest, or doing it because that's what their boyfriends or hook-ups want, or if they're actually masturbating to it.
"However, says Dr Dines, one thing's for sure: "If these women [who watch violent porn] have been abused, [they] are actually digging the trauma further into the firing and wiring of [their] neurones, driving it further into their limbic systems, and porn delivers a massive hit to the limbic system because you're watching someone going through the same trauma you did.
"So while women who fantasise about violent or coercive sex are apparently often sexually-liberated and have high self-esteem, it's as yet unknown if the same can be said about women who search for violent porn. The data shows us women are searching for this stuff, but until someone commissions a big old study around the topic, we'll never truly know why.
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snitchklo · 7 years
Sueño vs Realidad.
Poco a poco comienzo a recuperar la conciencia y perder mi estado de ensoñacion, me encuentro en un pequeño sofa cama, envuelta entre las sabanas; comienzo a ver todo a mi alrededor, y me siento feliz, muy feliz, feliz como no lo he estado en mucho tiempo, lentamente una sonrisa comienza a formarse en mi rostro, me siento como una colegiala flotando en las nuves, quiero saltar y reir como la primera vez que lo vi.
Comienzo a levantarme, y me doy cuenta que no llevo mi ropa: traego puestos unos boxer y una playera, me pongo de  rodillas en el colchon y comienzo a buscarlo, escucho agua correr; asi que me hago una idea de donde esta. Mi mente comienza a recordar la noche anterior, se que he dormido sola aqui pues con un vistaso a la habitacion alcanzo a ver las sabanas revueltas. Sin embargo desde mi pocision, si estiro un poco mi cuello puedo ver  mas, para mi fortuna  alcanzo a ver el baño, la puerta ha quedado un poco entre habierta, y, no se si es mi suerte o un plan para tentar mi cordura, pero agradesco a dios por la vista,  puedo ver la parte superioir de su cuerpo, se encuentra de espaldas.
Asi que hoy me siento un poco ozada y me dirijo a esa puerta, colo mi espalda contra la pared y antes de arrepentirme pronuncio las siguientes palabras.
-Puedes apuarte un poco, tengo prisa y tambien quiero bañarme-Apesar del ruido del agua, puedo escuchar claramente su risa, la risa que me dice que esta feliz de que este aqui, cierra la llave y se envuelve en una tualla, al salir del baño me encuentra apollada en el marco de la puerta, le dedico mi mejor cara de niña buena, esa a la cual no puede resistirse, me dedica una sonrisa; esa que me dedica solo a mi, ¡me encanta mi sonrisa!.
Hoy es jugueton y me reta con esa mirada a seguir hablando, atreverme a mandarlo en su propio lugar, sin pronunciar palabra comienza a hacerme cosquillas y ambos caemos en la cama, se acomoda sobre mi y siento su peso, su piel sobre mi piel, la mirada que me dedica me indica que estudia mi estado de animo, creo que esos ojos tienen acceso directo a mi alma, donde no tengo ninguna dud de lo que siente y que el puede ver que correspondo sin sospecha alguna.
-Te encuentras bien, ayer no quise preguntar y te di tu espacio, pero hoy quiero una respuesta.- Desde el momento en que lo conosi tome mi desicion y en este momento puedo sentirlo, esta ansioso queriendo escuchar lo que tengo que decir, las palabras que quiere oir, no ha apartado la mirada, paresiera que quiere gravar este momento a fuego lento en su memoria.
-Si, lo hare, estoy segura de esto, este es nuestro momento, te quiero -Esa confecion ha iluminado aun mas su mundo, es terriblemente dichoso como yo en este momento. sin quitar la mirada de la mia comienza a acercarse  y cubre mis labios, comenzamos a besarnos y me hace volar en mil pedazos, encerrados en nuestro propio mundo, mi cuerpo vibra en anticipacion, se siente el cambio ya no estamos jugando, esto es completamente cerio, seremos los dos contra el mundo, en sumirada puedo ver el amor, la confianza, la promesa de que haremos que dure, que trabajaremos por seguir sintiendo como lo hacemos en este instante, al fin va a suceder, lo quiero. me enamore y soy total y complentamente correspondida, no hay ninguna duda nuestra felicidad es plena...
A la distancia comienzo a escuchar un ruido, el bib.. bib...bib. El ruido de mi alarma, esa que estoy destinada a odiar en este instante, aquella que me arranca lo mejor que he tenido, el tonto aparato que me regresa a mi triste realidad; esa donde tu no estas conmigo, donde aun sigues en mi mundo, pero, no como en ese que cree, ese donde me encontraba ase apenas unos segundos, dode ella no se interpone, ese donde yo era feliz...
He vuelto a mi realidad, pero sin querer, aquella que forme me ha traido luz sobre la obscuridad, he podido descubrir por que en este el mundo dije -No.-
Aquella vez que como en el sueño estubimos juntos en una habitacion, hace ya tanto tiempo: cuando decidi que te queria en mi vida, y en ese momento me acorbarde y termine retractandome.
No fue por temor, fue por que no vi amor, tus ojos no me hablaban, no decian nada; eras amble, tierno, cariñoso, pero no encontre lo que esperaba, en la mirada solo tenias ansisas, eso lo seria el momento y nada mas, no habia magia, solo atraccion y determinacion, pero ningun sentimiento real, carecia completamente de lo que queria y buscaba, seguiamos ocultando nuestras almas.Tubieron que pasar 10 años para poder comprender, que es lo que me falto encontrar para poder estar.
Las veces despues, en algun momento especial lo llegue a ver, solo una vez, una sola ocacion, llegaste a dedicarme esa mirada a mi, y en lugar de quedarme esta vez si fui una covarde, preferi escapar, me aterrorizo, pues siendo sincera, a nadie he dejado entrar, nadie ha estado lo suficientemente cerca,eres la unica persona a la que he dejado acercarse lo suficiente, la que ha estado apunto de conocerme realmente.
Ahora me doy cuenta que sin quere fui la que te aparte, ¿Tengo yo la culpa de esto?, sin querer yo solo me puse en este infierno. o es solo mi mente jugando y torturando continuamente mi mente.
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darkemptymoon · 7 years
✨he better not he better not he better not ✨don’t you dare don’t you dare ✨i’ll rip you apuart
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alidarow-blog · 6 years
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Hey everyone, I am having a solo exhibition at Azusa Pacific University in the Exit Gallery from the 13th to the 23rd. It will feature pieces that with themes of fantasy. The opening will be on Tuesday the 13th from 6pm to 8pm, so drop by if you are interested. You can find direction on Google maps too. #art #exhibition #artshow #dragons #creatures #fantasyart #azusapacificuniversity #apuart #watercolor #ink #ceramics (at Azusa Pacific University)
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apugharami · 2 years
Apu Gharami drawing
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apugharami · 2 years
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Apu Gharami  An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse refers to a practitioner in the visual arts only
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apugharami · 2 years
Apu Gharami
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Amy/Rebekah Song are taking home "Meant to Be" (aww - it was meant to be) . . . . . . #art #fineart #gallery #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #livewithart #workinprogress #creativeprocess #playtime #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #gouachepainting #artsy #artexhibition #laartist https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxbuF1hjt1/?igshid=1v6035wyavyoh
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Derby has invaded my pencils . . . . . . #art #fineart #childrensbookillustration #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #livewithart #childrensbookillustration #creativeprocess #playtime #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #rollerskating #artsy #artexhibition #rollerderby https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwc7wl5BGF8/?igshid=11sexxexyqzk1
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"Margaret" gets a home in Chicago. Yay, Gold Coast! . . . . . . #art #fineart #gallery #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #livewithart #workinprogress #creativeprocess #reliefsculpture #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #gouachepainting #artsy #artexhibition #goldcoast https://www.instagram.com/p/ByN9_5WHXoj/?igshid=dfydg1qmnn7m
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Ahhhh!!! Fellow artist took home "It's Time to Fix Your Clock" to add to her "wall of small". So perfect. @chimerapress.jakramer . . . . . . #art #fineart #gallery #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #reliefsculpture #workinprogress #creativeprocess #playtime #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #gouachepainting #artsy #artexhibition #goldcoast https://www.instagram.com/p/ByN3r17nr5s/?igshid=1leu5z4u6rsr6
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"Put it Up", "Love Full", and "Go West" are headed to Cleveland with this sweet collector. Yeah! . . . . . . #art #fineart #gallery #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #livewithart #workinprogress #creativeprocess #playtime #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #gouachepainting #artsy #artexhibition #stcharlesil https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8IRPgHhAR/?igshid=16w7vnz1gzecs
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I LOVE when my work is given as a gift- as these three will be. "Most Famous", "First Day", and "This Isn't Crooked" have become a lovely triptych. Yeah! . . . . . . #art #fineart #gallery #painting #watercolor #studio #chicagoartist #apuarts #drawing #sketch #artcollector #contemporaryart #instaart #abstractart #mixedmedia #originalart #livewithart #workinprogress #creativeprocess #playtime #inkart #markmaking #artinstallation #instaartist #artoftheday #gouachepainting #artsy #artexhibition #dta https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5iH8un2Fm/?igshid=1ok13w3jr0mey
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