authoralexharvey · 4 months
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Or, A Sharper, More Lasting Call for Betas
Do you like dark academia? How about fantasy? How about stories set on a magic college campus? How about tragic tales? Monsters? Mind-melding drugs?
All of this and more is found within my debut novel, which is currently in need of beta readers!
After their girlfriend’s best friend is wounded in a monster attack, Simone Allard stumbles across a plot much deeper than they anticipated. As they work to find a cure to their own forming illness and find out the truth, one question remains: how was Nadia involved in this? Nadia DuPont doesn’t know how much time she has or even what is ailing her, but it all gets more complex after meeting Simone on a field trip. As they both work to find a cure to her ailment, all Nadia is certain of is she's on the path to ruin.
Dual-POV third person present tense
Roughly 70,000 words, ~350 pages
For fans of Ninth House, A Deadly Education, and Strixhaven
Content warnings include: Body horror, Death, Drug use, Sexual content (including mild kink), Suicidal ideation, and Terminal illness
Representation includes: nonbinary main character, black main character, main characters of color, gay main character, sapphic main character, mentions of polyamory, a main character with chronic illness/terminal illness, neurodivergent main character, side characters of color, plus-sized main character, disabled side character, queernormative society
Searching for feedback on... anything, really, but especially on characterization, cohesion of the timeline, and worldbuilding. But again, anything (save line edits, that'll come next) is fair game.
Betas will be accepted and messaged by February 1st
Hard beta deadline of April 1st, so there's a 2 month reading period.
Beta reading will be conducted via Google Docs, so a valid Google account is required.
Beta sign up form
Add ASMLP on Goodreads!
ASMLP Tag List (Ask to be added!): @magic-is-something-we-create, @wildswrites, @chishiio, @broodparasitism, @writeblrsupport, @original-writing, @artcoffeecats, @comicgoblinart, @asterhaze, @linaket, @arigalefantasynovels, @ryns-ramblings, @stesierra
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Relationship History Tag Game
Tagged by @authoralexharvey! It was interesting to see a little bit of background on the cast of ASMLP's relationships (or their avoidance of them rather?). I'm sure it's manifesting in all sorts of fascinating ways during the actual story. Well, fascinating for the reader--Nadia, Etienne, and Simone might find it less entertaining.
Rules: briefly (or not) describe what kinds of intimate relationships (platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise) your MCs have had PRIOR TO THE BOOK STARTING. Have they had their hearts ripped out before jumping into your fluffy romance? Are they aro/ace and have never been in a long-term relationship before?
I did this for Isaac, Renato, and Dorian last time, so let's hear from Ben, Ollie, and Kinslayer next.
Yeah, yeah, laugh it up about how you could fill an encyclopedia with all the people he's slept with. But he puts just as much effort into platonic relationships as he does into screwing around. Of course he's close with Desmond, and not just because he's Ben's sire. Desmond was the role model he'd needed since his father and older brother died when he was still a kid (thanks WW I). Desmond showed him that a man could provide with more than just money. That he could fight not just for dominance or honor (whatever that is) or his own anger, but justice, love, and the protection of others. Hanging around Desmond also helped him figure out that he could check off "all of the above" when it came to which genders he was attracted to. That figurative encyclopedia started filling up pretty quick afterwards.
As for Theodore...look, they fight like cats and dogs, but Theo's all right (do not breathe a word of this, got it?). Ben wouldn't say the guy's like an older brother or anything. More like a rival. Micaela likes him anyway, and she's always had a knack for reading people.
Hell, probably because Micaela is good people. She gets a little gloomy sometimes, and maybe wanders off by herself for a decade or two, but she always goes out of her way to help everyone. She's also a crack shot with a rifle, and has a lot of guts in a quieter sort of way. He likes to just lay out by the lake with her sometimes and stare up at the stars.
Same goes with most everyone he lives with in Olympia. They drive him crazy sometimes, but that's kind of how it is with family, whether they're related by blood or not. Well, he is related to them by blood, only in the vampire way, not the--oh, hell, nevermind. You get what he means, right?
You're going to make her say it, aren't you? Fine. She loved...loves...feels something for Renato. You don't survive an apocalypse with somebody and just stop caring when you're not dating anymore, okay? Even after you've been broken up for years and you're afraid he'll do something that'll force you to kill him.
Mergus is their father. For all intents and purposes, and through magic if not genetics. They quite literally owe him their lives. So, Renato can have his little rebellion, work out whatever shit he needs to work out, but if it comes down to the two of them...she knows who she'll choose.
As for other relationships, she keeps it simple, no strings attached. Why would she want to try for anything more after she found out she could be replaced by a fucking goldfish?
They've lived a long, long, looong time, friends. So, for the sake of brevity, they're obviously not going to get around to naming everyone.
Haru gets first mention, though. They've known each other for...well, at least the better part of few hundred years, give or take. Things started out rocky, as they usually do for all their kind. But Kinslayer had grown patient enough over the centuries to not obliterate some scrappy little class three at the first annoyance. And Haru had the sense not just to realize that, but to be curious instead of mistake their disinterest in territorial pissing contests for weakness. Eventually, they took to traveling together sometimes, even settling down and having kids now and then. Haru is, in a nutshell, their partner.
While they haven't forged quite the same bonds with the other ragtag psychic vampire misfits who chose to trail along after them like ducklings at some point, Kinslayer doesn't mind them either. Well. Luxe can go piss up a rope most days. But once in awhile his mouth does come in handy for getting out of a scrape.
On the subject of their kin, if they were capable of regret, not living up to their moniker with Tristan Knox would be their biggest. But they're a mind reader, not a fortune teller. It took some time and doing, but they eventually corrected that misstep. Yessir.
Which brings them to an honorable mention for their little black sheep cousin, Renato. Despair and desperation aren't bravery maybe, but they'll do in a pinch. Kinslayer looks forward to finding out what havoc he'll cause next. And whether he'll figure out how to dig deep enough to find out what he's really made of.
No pressure tags @theimperiumchronicles @k--havok @vacantgodling @korblez @late-to-the-fandom @words-after-midnight & an open tag for anyone who wants to give this a go!
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authoralexharvey · 5 months
Since I'm reading through and working on rewrites right now...
Send me a number 1-191 and I will share my favorite line from that page!
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authoralexharvey · 8 months
ASMLP is the book that I can't stop adding shit to, apparently.
Anyway, I'm writing a new epilogue.
In the dark, the shadow loses all sense of time and space. It cannot remember being anything more than what it is, a vacuous void of sensations. It had a name once, and a sense of being and personality and a grander purpose for its existence. Now, all it knows is hunger. Consumption is all it can think about, a burning urge it has no means to sate. Hunger. The shadow is so terribly hungry. In the scant moments of lucidity—the ones where something within itself wrests control of the shapeless amalgamation—the shadow is able to stretch its consciousness to the edges of its cell. It assumes it’s a cell, at least, given the concrete walls and rune-d bars framing it in. Even if it had the energy to, the shadow can not stretch its consciousness beyond the cell. Still, in those scant moments, it can listen. Footfalls. Dripping mildew. The clicking of locks and the hiss of burning torches. All of this and more undulates in the darkness like waves on the shore, a crooning lullaby in its quietest moments. The tactile instability is enough to drive it mad.
ASMLP Taglist (ask to be +/-): @magic-is-something-we-create, @wildswrites, @chishiio, @broodparasitism, @writeblrsupport, @original-writing, @artcoffeecats, @comicgoblinart, @asterhaze, @linaket, @arigalefantasynovels
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authoralexharvey · 3 months
Last Line Tag Game
I've been getting a few tags for this recently, and I've been putting it off because I'm in the midst of rewrites rn. That said, I did have to write a new scene last night that I'm quite proud of, so this gives me the perfect excuse to share it.
deep breath. Tagged by @magic-is-something-we-create, @anoelleart, @andromedaexists, @indecentpause, @sarandipitywrites, and @skelliewrites. Thank you all very much for the tags, sorry it took me a while to respond.
This excerpt is a longer one, sorry. Content Warning: forceful entrance into one's mind and dissociation.
Professor Chapeau’s glower remains. They flip to a new page in their notepad and the scratch of their stylus fills the silence for several seconds. Then, with a resigned sigh, they brandish the back of their tattooed hand. As their Caster’s mark glows green and purple, tendrils of ice fill Simone’s mind, shocking them in place. They don’t have the time or sigils to prepare a defense as the magic invades their every waking thought. No, no, no, no— “Chapeau.” At once, the tendrils recede. Simone doubles over in their seat, panting as they struggle to comprehend what just happened. The beginnings of a headache bloom to life. Their entire body rattles like they’ve been doused with ice water. “What the fuck.” Professor Favreau’s chair screeches against the ground. “We have a process.” Static overtakes whatever comes next. Simone loses themself to the swirling vortex inside their mind. When they snap back to, they’re standing in the hallway, Professor Darzi’s arm around their shoulder. Raised voices emanate from the closed door. They don’t remember leaving the room. “I am incredibly sorry, Mx. Allard,” he says, for likely not the first time. “What happened was uncalled for. I don’t… it will be addressed.” Simone struggles to parse the sequence of events for themself, but they know Professor Chapeau is the cause. When they think of them, of the way their hand had flashed, how Simone’s mind had been seized like a child’s plaything, the headache between their ears grows in intensity. Simone shrugs off Professor Darzi’s arm, guilt creeping through them at the way he flinches in response. “May I go home?” they ask. They don’t dare utter how his colleague is responsible for the discomfort lingering beneath their skin, how all they can think about now is taking steel wool to their mind and scrubbing until nothing remains.
Tagging: @linaket, @francesiswriting, @imaginationxlost, @stesierra, @bebewrites, and @alistonjdrake. Have fun!
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
I only added one extra scene to this book but by golly did I make sure it was kinda fucked up.
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authoralexharvey · 8 months
ASMLP Accountability - Finale
Intro || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11
It is done. At last, it is done. The first draft of A Sharper, More Lasting Pain has been completed. It's been a long time in the making, clearly, but I'm one step closer to having a finished novel to place on the shelf with other finished novels.
But I'm getting a little ahead of myself.
Today, I did a writing livestream to incentivize myself to write the ending of this novel. If you missed it, the replay can be found here. Regardless, I did it. I finally typed the words "the end".
...For this draft, anyway.
I'm going to put this novel in a drawer for a little bit and let it marinate. After that, I'll come back to rewrite it
Did you know you can read the current draft of ASMLP right now for free? Three websites, three ways to read.
Wattpad || Royal Road || ScribbleHub
Now that this draft is finished, I'll finish uploading the rest of the novel soon. But, if you feel like subbing to my Patreon, you can read the whole novel in its messy glory right now (or piecemeal, depending on your tier, but I plan to have the rest of the chapters uploaded in the next few days).
I'm going to do some more posts in the next few days recapping the novel-writing experience and some of my favorite bits and such, but for now I am tired and I am going to go to sleep for a while.
ASMLP Taglist (Ask to be added): @magic-is-something-we-create, @wildswrites, @chishiio, @broodparasitism, @writeblrsupport, @original-writing, @artcoffeecats, @comicgoblinart, @asterhaze, @linaket, @arigalefantasynovels.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
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A Sharper, More Lasting Pain, a novel by @space-cadead
The Basics
GENRE - dark fantasy, dark academia, high fantasy
INSPIRATIONS - Bloodborne, Dungeons & Dragons, The Radium Girls, Sorcery of Thorns
POV - third-person limited (present tense), alternating POV
TAGS, THEMES, AND TROPES - (dark) academia, authority and its abuse of power, conspiracies, fighting fate, lgbtq, magic, manipulation, memory alteration, monsters, one-night stand to lovers, runic/sigil magic, the inevitability of death
CONTENT WARNINGS - body horror, chronic illness, drug use, mild kink, sex, terminal illness (ish), violence
STATUS - first draft, currently at 25k words
Simone Allard, a second-year Abjuror who loves getting to the heart of a matter. An over-achiever, they often work themself to the point of exhaustion to get the answer they seek.
Nadia DuPont, a third-year Diviner who is tired of this shit. Despite near-constant sickness, she considers herself the life of the party.
Etienne LaChance, a third-year Evocator and Nadia’s best friend. Around the time of her disappearance, a monster critically wounds him and leaves him for dead.
After their girlfriend’s best friend is wounded in a monster attack, Simone Allard stumbles across a plot much deeper than they anticipated. As they work to find a cure to their own forming illness and find out the truth, two questions remains: where is Nadia, and how was she involved in all of this?
Nadia DuPont doesn’t know how much time she has or even what is ailing her, but it all gets more complex after meeting Simone on a field trip. As they both race to find a cure, Nadia's certain of one thing: Simone will be the source of her ruin.
First Lines
Cover Reveal
Read it on Wattpad
@magic-is-something-we-create , @wildswrites , @chishiio @westcountrygothic @writeblrsupport @original-writing
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authoralexharvey · 10 months
I saw a video last night that talked about themes in stories--not in the general way we tend to think of it as like good vs evil or how such and such does such and such, but as a question the book aims to answer. Which of course got me thinking about the question I'm trying to answer with my projects. So I spent a lot of last night thinking.
I think a lot of my projects ask a similar question, which is something along the lines of "How far out of line is acceptable if done for love?"
Taken another way, WTTV asks the question of "How far would you go to get someone dear to you back?" Which is a similar question asked in BTMS, except in that case the question is really "When is it acceptable to move on from a loved one?" Meanwhile, I think in this short I'm working on right now, the question is moreso, "What would you do to obtain the love you think you deserve?"
All this to say I was thinking about the question behind ASMLP. Because, yes, the central relationship is a core part of the plot, but it's not directly related to the question being asked. And I think the question that I am asking with it can be summed up as follows: "In the wake of a communal tragedy, how much onus goes to the individual versus on the institutions overseeing them?"
Which is quite a large question to ask. It's also, in this instance, a large step away from the general question my writing has been asking.
I don't think I'm taking a step away from the initial question I've asked--How far out of line is acceptable if done for love?--but it is kinda neat to see how many variations of this question I've attempted to answer, and the new sorts of questions I may attempt to answer in the future.
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authoralexharvey · 8 months
Last Line Tag
Catching up on tags again. Also using this as an excuse to share the last lines of ASMLP. Granted, the book isn't done yet, but I finished the final chapter at least so. That's a win!
Tagged for this by @aether-wasteland-s, @redotter, @autumnalwalker, and @bardicbeetle. Thank you!!
A couple of steps later, he pauses again. “You have two weeks, Simone. Two weeks to change your mind, and then I will graduate and I will be far, far away from here. I can’t do anything further for Nadia—gods know how much I want to. But I can stop you before you end up like her all the same. “Do not mistake me, though. I do not offer this out of kindness for you. It is a last favor for Nadia and nothing more.” Etienne resumes his uneven pace through the dungeons. This time, he doesn’t stop.
Tagging: @linaket, @anoelleart, @magic-is-something-we-create, @author-a-holmes, @ashen-crest, and @memento-morri-writes. Have fun!
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authoralexharvey · 9 months
Make Me Write Tag
I suppose this is a tag game now, so I'm doing it. Tagged by @aninkwellofnectar for this--thanks, Cammie!
Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP or scene you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, WIP, still make a poll for the vote count). Whichever WIP title or scene or project gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
So, here's your chance to make me work on stuff.
A brief description of each project, if it helps:
ASMLP (A Sharper, More Lasting Pain) - Sapphic Fantasy Dark Academia about two doomed lovers and the monstrous tragedy that tore them apart.
ATHD (Across This Hollow Distance) - Dark fantasy novella and loose retelling of the myth of Eros and Psyche.
Hestia Short - No real plot yet, just vibes. I know it's about a woman who has just exited a long-term relationship and comes to terms with being alone and accepting and even liking this newfound lifestyle she's found herself in.
ABTB (A Bitter-Tasting Blood) - Dark fantasy about a monster hunter who is sent abroad to quell the latest monster threat - and about the twisted relationship she enters into with a part-time monster.
Also tagging @magic-is-something-we-create, @linaket, @alistonjdrake, and anyone else with multiple WIPs at this moment lol
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authoralexharvey · 28 days
Because I still regularly find myself thinking about ASMLP ever since I finished beta reading: I want to learn more about the university Simone and Nadia attend!! When was it founded, and by who? Does it have a particularly widespread reputation, and does that change after the events of ASMLP? And, purely out of curiosity, will it show up in any other books in that world??
I hope you have a lovely day!!!
- @magic-is-something-we-create
Hey Pax!! Happy WBW my friend.
I luckily have enough of a world timeline on hand to answer this question omg so. Gonna answer this in parts.
Voterique is just one of many colleges that were founded around the world ~25-30 years after the events of TWEfA, due to how aggressively said events changed how magic and the world worked. Colleges of the arcane emerged with the goal of educating minds on this new technology and slowly grew from there, with organizations like the A.C.A.S. (Academic Coalition for Arcane Study) coming in the decades afterwards. The two groups (arcane college, A.C.A.S.) have worked in tandem since their inception.
Back to Voterique. I don't have a year this school was founded or who did so, I'm afraid, but it is one of the more renowned colleges due to its size and the amount of prominent researchers who have emerged from within its walls (one such Chloé Duval, for example.) It's the largest such college in its home country of Mertaln, too. Really, up until the events of ASMLP, and a short while after, things could not be going better for this school... but then ASMLP happened. Unfortunately, Voterique was not the only college guilty of covering up the truth of the monster crisis—many of the larger colleges were. As such, their reputations took a hefty blow afterwards.
Finally, will it reappear? Not Voterique specifically, and I'm unsure right now if or when I'll have another project centered around this school system. That said, there are characters who have backgrounds in these schools (Rianne from ATHD, Fel/Chloe from ABTB) and thus have an educated background as a result of these schools. If anything, the entity that ends up showing up MORE is the A.C.A.S. For ATHD, it's the organization Rianne is trying desperately to get into before the book happens. For Fel/Chloe, it's the organization she was in part affiliated with and tenured through in her previous life as a professor.
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authoralexharvey · 8 months
hi what does asmlp stand for, I've only been following you for a little bit and I can't figure it out lol
Oh yeah no worries! ASMLP is the shorthand/tag for my novel, A Sharper, More Lasting Pain. A project I've dubbed "sapphic fantasy dark academia" that features two alternating plot lines.
The first follows Nadia, a woman trying to coast her way through magic college while dealing with a mysterious--and then named and terminal--illness. Her life changes when she meets Simone, someone who is not content to just let her slack her way through life and who desperately wants to get to the bottom of her illness and find a cure. Unfortunately for the both of them, a catastrophic event tears their lives apart.
The second plot line follows Simone, a nonbinary Caster and prolific student, right after the catastrophic event. While at first their girlfriend's whereabouts are a total mystery, a serious of progressing obstacles prevent them from learning the truth. Their biggest obstacle? Etienne, Nadia's best friend and someone who was recently almost killed in a monster attack.
I'll find my WIP intro and share it after this but the tl;Dr is this is for fans of the D&D wizard class, magic schools, Bloodborne, and people who routinely think about the tragedy of the Radium Girls and get upset over it.
Hope this answers your question!
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authoralexharvey · 5 months
pls spoil me:
2, 13, 22, 28, 44, 122, 157
Oh goody a bunch!!
Page 2 is from a prologue that will be mostly scrapped, but I like this line regardless.
Though the trek is long and full of brambles, I am not so eager to retire from it.
Page 13:
It smells of sweat and Serenity and dust, a bouquet all Nadia's own.
Page 22:
The medical ward attaches itself to the administrative offices like an unwanted growth. It juts out on its own at an awkward angle, an amalgamation of crooked shingles and rotting wood and sickness.
Page 28:
The dark green capelet over her shoulders advertises her introduction to the realm of Enchantment.
Page 44:
The moment Nadia enters her apartment, her heart is a butterfly pinned within her chest. A date. With Simone. What was she thinking?
Page 122:
Now Nadia has a chance to regard it better, she notes the way the figure seems to emerge from the shadows themselves, skin so slick it drips.
Page 157:
For once, the scorn dripping from her voice is unintentional.
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authoralexharvey · 10 months
ASMLP Accountability - Update 10
Intro || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9
We are inching closer and closer to the finish line every day. And, even better, I finally finished insurance school, so I can go back to devoting time to getting this draft finished. Yay, me!
Did you know you can read the current draft of ASMLP right now for free? Three websites, three ways to read. We’re up to chapter 18, with chapter 19 coming next Wednesday. Unless you feel like subbing to my Patreon, in which case you can read chapter 19 right now to help tie you over.
Wattpad || Royal Road || ScribbleHub
Which reminds me: If you sub to my Patreon, you get advanced chapters of ASMLP before everyone else! You also get access to some short stories I have released for sale, and I’m working on starting a sort of “behind the scenes” series for my top-tier patrons soon. If you like my writing, it’s worth checking out.
But enough of rambling. Let’s talk stats.
Chapters Done: 20/22
Current Chapter: 20 (Nadia’s)
In the blink of an eye, the scene is gone, leaving behind a blank world of grey. It wrinkles and warps, a puddle disturbed. When the image is clear once more, they stand over a clay jar, dusting their fingers over its smooth surface.
The image changes again. They are Nadia still, hair pulled back in a long, too-tight plait. Their brows are furrowed. They grasp the ends in one shaking hand, a pair of scissors clutched in the other. The metal slides together with a soft whisper that crawls up their spine. They catch their mother’s solemn gaze from the mirror, noting her own freshly-shorn bob. Once, her hair had dusted the floor in soft curls.
“It’s okay,” she says as she steps closer. One ring-laden hand wraps around their own, supporting their grip on the scissors. “Do you want me to help?”
They pause, lump thick in their throat, before nodding. As one, they guide the scissors to the clump in their fist. As the first strands drift down around them, their mother leans in close. “The first cut is the hardest.”
The scene is gone in a puff of smoke. The world rattles as Nadia becomes Nadia once again. She is shaking, inhaling lungful after lungful of air. Her tears burn as they roll down her face.
ASMLP Taglist (Ask to be added): @magic-is-something-we-create , @wildswrites , @chishiio , @broodparasitism , @writeblrsupport , @original-writing @artcoffeecats , @kingsinking , @comicgoblinart , @asterhaze , @linaket , @arigalefantasynovels ,
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
First Lines Tag
Was tagged for this by @magic-is-something-we-create . Thanks Pax! Let's get to it!
Rules: share the first sentence of your last ten stories. If you haven’t written ten stories, share as many first sentences as you have.
ASMLP Chapter One (Simone's POV)
Across the desk, Simone’s Intro to Glyph Design professor reads their thesis proposal with a thoughtful furrow in his brows.
BTMS Chapter One
Eien-Inoue manor is a particularly painful eyesore today.
I Would Enter Haides
It is the beginning of Pyanepsion when Agape first feels the threads of fate shift within her.
Within These Twisted Vines
Isabella was missing.
Pillow Talks
It had started in IKEA, as most disasters do.
The Curse of Floaroma Town
By the time we had our first corpse, it was already too late.
The Temple on Cicaro Hill
It was said throughout the Isles that Muirenn had been born during a thunderstorm.
Lilium Chapter One (Oliver's POV)
Inside the hotel room, the air smelled of cigarettes and death.
TWEfA Chapter One (Katalin's POV)
“Meicha has been disposed of.”
Midnight Darlings Chapter One
The cursor blinked and refused to still.
And a bonus 11th one because TOOD deserves a spot:
TOOD Chapter One
The metal is cold in my hands when I curl my fingers around it.
Tagging: @linaket, @alistonjdrake, @hekaetes, @vcaudley, @author-a-holmes, @juderigor, @vanessaroades-author, @abalonetea, @theglitchywriterboi, and @faelanvance
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