rekaivns · 11 months
Gamble of the Theatergoing Witch (wip title) Fangame/Forgery (HEAVY UMINEKO SPOILERS)
Umineko forgery/fangame/needlessly complex fanfiction I'm working on, with a focus on Tohya and Ikuko. Will be posting updates.
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sabnine · 2 years
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Umitober Day 16: A Single Moment
Featherine asks you to read for her 🌟
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stalbione · 4 months
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Trying to get used to different types of brushes than my usual ones and to add a bit more texture to my colorings, and Auaurora is just about one of my favourite subjects to experiment upon
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pocketyhat-doodles · 1 year
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Bernkastel's letter
Dear Princess Auaurora
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legy · 4 months
outside of the obvious timeline issue (she would be 15 max in 1986) im surprised i havent seen anyone else speculate that ikuko is a post-higurashi rika. it solves basically every hanging metaworld plot thread (auaurora, lambdadelta, etc). it makes more sense than ikuko = sayo which is a theory i cant stand
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whenthechickencry · 4 months
Umineko EP6. Replay Tea Party and ???
The scene where the newly-wed Beato-Battler call Shannon/George and Kanon/Jessica and fulfills both their love is pretty sad.... this is only possible because we are in the Golden Land already. Hahha... the fucked up family aspects can't help but come out here anyways. It's hard to not feel a bit of disgust at complex and sometimes abusive dynamics being rewritten by this but.... if that is what needed for someone to cope with their past or the death of their loved ones who aren't there anymore, for example....
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Ange is offended at the rewriting of reality a bit right now, but she's hoping her prime self can get some self-actualization from this tale all the same. Amakusa also is uh, currently trying to kill her and we see Amakusa and Okonogi discussing it. Amakusa is a little hesitant but will still do it.
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The fact Bernkastel is pitiable comes through a lot in this segment.... she's desperately begging for Lambda's help and berating her for not being able to. Then she talks about how she designed herself to be the cruelest witch in the world as cope for being scared. Bernkastel is terrified at listening Featherine's voice again. She's really fucking unhappy at having to see Auaurora again.
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Bernkastel is the cat of course... calling Rika during Higurashi a cat that is the harbinger of doom is in fact exceedingly cruel.
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Bernkastel is forced anyways so she might as well get some outlet for her trauma, I suppose.
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It is kind of sad to have Bernkastel call herself a monster up to part with the person that brought all her misfortune tbh but.
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howverychaotic · 3 years
Latest episode of Higurashi like
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mesaprotector · 3 years
just umineko/alaska problems: half the places in my town are named aurora something or another, and every time i pass a sign i whisper “auaurora” to myself and have to keep myself from falling over laughing
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1doceamor · 4 years
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when-ryu07-cry · 6 years
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Ange and Featherine!! :D  I don’t specially like Auaurora but she fits SO WELL in this style...! I was living with her. And that one last point in her description is EP6 in a nutshell LMAO
You can follow me on instagram, I’m more active there: @mrcactus99
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solaetis · 5 years
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Miko? I’m an independent witch who needs no Master.
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thewhitefluffyhat · 3 years
Bernkastel’s Umineko Origins
What is this guide?
<< Previous (Bernkastel)
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(Profile continued) “In theory, she holds the strongest power of any witch, but in practice, that is no more realistic than saying a piece of paper can reach the moon if you fold it a hundred times. And fold it a hundred times she did.”
Since “Gou is a Bernkastel origin story” is quite a widespread theory, I figured it might be useful to compile every single piece of information Umineko gives about Bernkastel’s past in one place.
This is meant as more of a comprehensive reference post, so if you’re not interested in that theory, feel free to skip this section! 
Next (Lambdadelta) >>
[Also, spoiler warning for part of one character’s plotline from Umineko Episode 4/Alliance in here.]
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From Umineko Episode 2/Turn:
Bern was probably once (a) Rika. Hard to get more definitive than using Rika’s catch phrase in the ??? Tea Party.
Bernkastel: “...Umm, in times like this, what did I used to say again? ……...Umm, uh, ……...Fi-Fight o~n. Mii, nipah~☆ ...It's so embarrassing, doing this. I've done this much for you, so quickly stand back up.”
Bern is a witch born from being trapped in a game against Lambda.
Bernkastel: “You are now just like I was in the past, when I was imprisoned inside Lambda's world. Shut inside a labyrinth of cruel fate, tormented by a witch, in a manner of speaking. I am a witch who was born from there. So maybe I'm like an older sister to you. So I decided that I'd lend you my power.”
The last time Bern and Lambda played against each other, Bern won by using pieces that started in their most powerful state.
Lambdadelta: “…...W-well, last time, I felt just a little pity and said that she could start her pieces anywhere she wants, and then that idiot Bern totally didn’t pick up on compassion and started with aaall of her pawns promoted on the eighth rank!!”
(Source: https://lparchive.org/Umineko-no-Naku-Koro-ni/Update%2062/)
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From Umineko Episode 4/Alliance:
According to Lambda, Bern has experienced being denied a happy ending herself due to being a witch’s piece, rather than the one who actually experienced the ending she found.
Lambdadelta: “You aren't Ushiromiya Ange. You're a witch's piece with that name. Strictly speaking, the name ANGE Beatrice belongs to a completely different person. Know what that means?"
Ange: “I’m... starting to think I don’t…… ...Huh? Huh? Who... am I? Huh?”
Lambdadelta: “...And thaaat's why I think Bern's cruel. No, I think she's a meanie. Especially since it's not like she hasn't gone through the same thing herself."
Ange: "...Am I... being tricked... somehow...?"
Lambdadelta: "Yeah, but please don't blame Bern, okay? After all, depending on how you look at it, that kid isn't lying. If Beato is defeated, your family will be returned. Returned to Ushiromiya Ange. But she probably didn't say that this Ushiromiya Ange would be you, right...?"
(Source: https://lparchive.org/Umineko-no-Naku-Koro-ni/Update%20116/)
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From Umineko Episode 6/Dawn:
Bern was once a human piece, but after being abandoned by an unnamed Game Master (implied in the manga to be Hanyuu), she became a witch by solving a logic error in place of that Game Master.
Erika: "...My master was also... a witch's piece?"
Lambdadelta: "Yes. That kid's master... was another bad one. Though she created the game herself, partway through, she lost sight of what her goal was. She ended up creating something like a broken game of backgammon, where the start and goal were connected like a donut."
Erika: "What do you mean, she lost her goal...?"
Lambdadelta: “I'm talking about a logic error. In her backgammon game, she was unable to draw up a line of logic describing how to reach the goal she desired. So, the game remained broken, with no goal at all."
“...In that case, she should have quieted down and thought of an answer herself. Instead, she despicably left even the thinking entirely to her piece, Bern.”
[insert long metaphor involving cats, monkeys, and typewriters]
Lambdadelta: “If she wasn't a witch... no, if she hadn't been able to become a witch, she would probably still be a black cat strapped to that typewriter for eternity. That child was blessed by a miracle, succeeded in typing out a 'miracle', became a witch, and returned from that hell alive.”
“That hell was so long and harsh... that her mind was completely broken. That's why she became such a mean and heartless witch.”
(Source: https://lparchive.org/Umineko-no-Naku-Koro-ni-Chiru/Update%2065/)
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At some point prior to Umineko, Bern was Featherine’s longest-serving miko, trained by her to tear out the “guts” of stories.
Featherine: "...A cat who has learned to eat meat and choose its own path. It has been a long time..."
Bernkastel: "It's a path I'd never have to have noticed if you hadn't told me. You're the monster who taught me the taste of flesh. So, you've come back to life. Featherine Auaurora..."
Featherine: "...Augustus Aurora... You never learn no matter how often I tell you that…”
“...Very well. Even that brings back fond memories... I have heard the rumors... It seems you have taken the name Bernkastel, Witch of Miracles, and have been playing a far from praiseworthy Fragment game..."
Bernkastel: "I'm just imitating you. Though I could hardly match up to your level. If the rumors you've heard about me are bad, that applies a hundredfold to you."
Bernkastel sat unreservedly in an antique chair, as though she was already familiar with the place.
Featherine: "...What are you afraid of? I am merely celebrating my reunion with my longest-serving miko so far... Did you really find my messenger cat so displeasing?"
(Source: https://lparchive.org/Umineko-no-Naku-Koro-ni-Chiru/Update%2075/)
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From Umineko Episode 8/Twilight:
An alternate explanation for Bern’s origins: she was Featherine’s pet cat who revived her master.
“Featherine Augustus Aurora. …...The legendary Great Witch. It is said that she surpassed the level of witches, becoming a Creator, and that, upon reaching this forbidden plane, she was cursed with a deadly ailment. However, in life, she once turned her pet cat into a witch. They say that this second witch wanders the sea of Fragments endlessly, searching for any Fragment that can revive her master from the pits of death called boredom, if even for a moment. And so, the cat revived her master. Revived the sacred witch who had reached heights none should reach…”
(Source: https://lparchive.org/Umineko-no-Naku-Koro-ni-Chiru/Update%20156/)
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There’s also this little tidbit from Last Note of the Golden Witch, where Bern outright says she was once in “Higurashi.” That being said, in context she’s referring to the “All Cast Review Sessions” from the Higurashi VN, so… unless you also consider those to be canon, I wouldn’t advise thinking too hard about this. (See the section on Lambdadelta for another good example of this kind of reference.)
(Source: https://youtu.be/ZoIEID02sxI?t=7890)
...And that’s it. So, the question is, what was the game that Bern was trapped in?
It’s possible (and before Gou, not uncommon) to interpret all of these scattered bits of information as references to the original Higurashi. In that configuration, perhaps Higurashi was a game where Featherine/Hanyuu was a Game Master playing against Lambda, with Lambda using Takano as her piece. Rika/Bern won that game in Hanyuu’s place by manifesting a miracle, defeating Lambda and ascending as a witch after Saikoroshi (which then denied her Rika’s happy ending).
But now with Gou in the mix, it looks like the fandom’s long-held assumptions may be due for some reexamination...
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neko-when-they-cry · 4 years
Hanyuu/Featherine connection
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I was meant to make this theory a long time ago and never actually did it. Well, now is the right time! So this is it, my theory of how Hanyuu and Featherine are connected and actually the same person!
So, my theory is that, given that Featherine is extremely old and was stated to have died and revive multiple times, she lived as different people. Hanyuu lived 100 years in the past and could be Featherine first life (we know that for a witch couple of days can be years for them, so imagine how old Featherine is). At some point she reincarnate with the form of the Featherine we know in Umineko and there are probably millions of years of differences between her and Hanyuu in Higurashi.
In the Umineko manga adaptation of episode 6, when Lambda talked about Bernkastel past (clearly showing Rika cough cough), we can also see Hanyuu, which Lambda refered as Bernkastel’s master and a “bad one”. It’s implied that Hanyuu was the game master of the game taking place in Higurashi behind the scene and caused a logic error. Instead of solving it she pushed it on Bern (Rika). This is most likely why Rika had to revive the same month for 100 years until she solved the logic error, aka find a miracle to defeat Takano’s power of certitude (granted by Lambda), and became Bernkastel the witch of miracles. So yes, in a way, Bernkastel did defeat Lambdadelta. 
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It’s mentionned in Umineko that Bernkastel wandered the sea of Fragments endlessly, searching for any Fragment that can revive her master from the pits of death called boredom, if even for a moment. Eventually, the cat revived her master. Bernkastel seemed surprise to see Featherine alive at the end of episode 6, while understand that she must have come back to life. If Bernkastel already brought back Featherine to life in the past, we can assume that she died multiple times.
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We know in Umineko fantasy characters often have human vessel. I believe that Featherine first “vessel” was Hanyuu (Hai-Ryūn Ieasomūru Jeda). After a vessel dies, Featherine can’t interact in the human world anymore, therefore she has to “revive” in a new form. She probably has lived many lives between Hanyuu and Hachijo. And when I said Hachijo, I mean Hachijo Ikuko AND Hachijo Tohya. In Umineko, Hachijo Tohya (as the pen name of Ikuko and amnesiac Battler) is stated to be the human vessel of Featherine, but I do believe that in the past it was Ikuko. We know Ikuko was a writer who seemed to have lost inspiration in writting until she met amnesiac Battler. I do believe that in the fantasy world, her losing her will to write resulted in Featherine death of “boredom”. Then, when they both became the writer Hachijo Tohya, Featherine was resurrected. 
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Lambdadelta did mention that Featherine’s disk around her head got damaged and she lost part of her memory and as a result her personality and appearance changed. I strongly believe it’s the Hanyuu we saw in Higurashi with Rika.
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Some interesting points from the wikis:
- When roughly translated, the two kanji that make up Hanyuu's name (羽入) translate to "feather" (羽, hane) and "in" (入, iri) which, when put together, more or less make up the name "Featherine".
- The first two katakana shared by her middle and last names, "Au" (アウ), are also used by Hanyuu as a catchphrase, "auau" (あぅあぅ). Bernkastel herself calls attention to this, referring to her as "AuAurora".
- The name of Featherine's human incarnation, Hachijo Tohya (八城 十八), contains two wordplays: An alternate reading for the kanji in the name Hachijo (八城) is "yashiro". Coupled with the honorific "o-" prefix, this becomes "Oyashiro", the more commonly-known name for Hanyuu. The name Tohya (十八) is composed of numerical kanji, numbering 18. Breaking down the name "Oyashiro" into syllables (o-ya-shi-ro), each syllable is one possible reading for the numbers 0, 8, 4, and 6. Adding these numbers together results in a sum of 18.
- Another possible allusion to Hanyuu is the fact that Bernkastel is Featherine's miko while Rika was Hanyuu's miko.
- Featherine is a transcendental being which could correspond to Hanyuu being a god. Additionally, Featherine has a habit of calling humans "Child of Man", something Hanyuu did when speaking as a god. It is noted by Lambdadelta that, at one point, Featherine's memory device was damaged, and as a result she suffered a change in appearance and personality. Hanyuu's left horn has a distinct crack on the top, strengthening the link between the two.
(ps: I know Hanyuu’s left horn having a crack is related to her backstory and not Featherine’s disk being damaged, but it still may be a nod of them having a connection.)
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I checked the source for that (it’s in Japanese) and it’s an interview by Ryukishi7. He seems to imply that Hanyuu may have wanted for Rika to remain in the timeloop so she wouldn’t be alone. Source
I just want to specify that I do not think the Hanyuu we saw in Higurashi is the Featherine we know in Umineko. As I said earlier, I do believe that this Hanyuu is an amnesiac Featherine after getting her disk damaged, as mentioned by Lambdadelta. I don’t think Hanyuu was evil or maliciously deceiving Rika, but it seems obvious that she wasn’t that great either and did manipulate Rika in a way for her own interest, which was to not be alone. She’s the reason why Rika went through hell and why Bernkastel, the cruelest witch, even exist. Hanyuu isn’t evil, but she might be an irresponsible and selfish person.
I’ll leave it there. I do have a theory regarding Hanyuu and Featherine for the 2020 Higurashi anime but I’ll keep it for another post. Thanks for reading and don’t hesitate to leave me your thoughts!
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protomankini · 4 years
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puniper · 3 years
might actually binge watch all of higurashi gou just to see auaurora
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puil · 3 years
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still thinking about auaurora...
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