#auntie iris
You guys are just going to gloss over the fact that Donna has an Aunt called Auntie Iris?
What are the possibilities she has a red time travelling bus with a talking panda?
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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meeting auntie iris' boyfriend
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beanhusk · 6 months
"so, i arrived in southampton, which allowed my mother to say i was a problem from the day i was born. and i've not come to the edge of the universe to discover i'm still dealing with THAT" 😭😭😭
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aa-auntcle-bracket · 1 year
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spookyvalentine · 2 years
mass effect au: white collar
Kasumi Goto, the galaxy-renowned art thief, forger and professional conman. Special Agent Shepard, the c-sec agent spearheading the white collar task force who caught her. EDI, the rogue AI posing as Kasumi’s very human partner-in-crime
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ART BY @naarisz ‼️💖‼️
canon, crime lord, (sports coach coming soon)
Fic under the cut!
“Hello, Suit,” EDI greets, and bustles past them to set the pile of supplies Kasumi asked for on the already-crowded kitchen table. She has to push a carafe of wine uncomfortably close to the edge of the table to make room for her favorite portable printing press. EDI sniffs—hints of oak, vanilla and plum, before deepening into notes of chocolate and cherry. A Clos de los Siete, perhaps? She’d mentioned to Kasumi just the day before she was in the mood (oh! what a good friend she has). “Kas, when did you set the Malbec to breathe?”
No response.
She turns to look at her friend—observes the flush across her cheeks, the slight perspiration at the temples, her pulse jumping through the thin skin of her throat. Kasumi’s biometric readings honestly hurt to look at. She bats away the offending program.
EDI then examines the agent, who has increasingly been responsible for such reactions.
She supposes the suit always is dressed acceptably, but this is far more fashionable than their usual button down and tie.
A pinstripe vest accentuates a broad chest and a tidy waist. Their pants are… tighter? And perhaps a touch short—exposing the vulnerable jut of ankle bone. A quick scan informs her the agent is wearing vintage Brakala—a batarian designer of revolutionary couture, combining cultures and time periods—something that she doubts the agent would ever purchase for themself (let alone afford it with a government salary).
The navy fabric clings to their muscular frame and flatters their golden skin, EDI can concede.
Humans usually say something at such a sight, don’t they? Quickly, come up with something—
“You are… wearing more suit than usual?”
“Hello, Edie,” Agent Shepard says, and their face twists like it usually does when EDI talks to them—as if torn between hilarity and bewilderment. (This is a good reaction, right?) They smooth a large hand down their chest, looking down at the vest, a little self conscious—it’s charming. The action pushes out the suit jacket, and EDI catches a glimpse of their holstered pistol. Always armed. “I’m taking my wife out to dinner. Samara dressed us up, for some reason.”
“Not just for some reason, Shepard,” Samara says, swanning into view and petting the fur stole wrapped around her elegant neck. “It is the fourteenth anniversary of your first date—you must celebrate in style.” She pats the center of the suit’s chest twice, with a delicate jingle of silver bangles. She then gestures back to the open door with a deeply content expression. “Your radiant wife.”
And goodness gracious, radiant certainly is apt word choice. Samara has an impeccable vocabulary and knows exactly how to wield it, a quality EDI admires deeply.
“Mrs. Suit,” EDI says, because somebody has to respond, what with Kasumi audibly swooning behind her while the agent looks like someone hit them over the head with a baseball bat. “You look lovely. I mean—you always do. Of course. But—”
“Thank you, Edie,” Irikah Krios says, and dazzles EDI with a smile that could stop the heart beating in her chest (if she had one, that is). Irikah glances past her, notices the table cluttered with old paper, tubes of ink, the very obvious holoprojection of an ancient Hokusai, and raises a sly brow ridge. “I hope we’re not interrupting anything.”
“You are a most welcome, and striking, reprieve from the bureaucratic oppression in my midst,” EDI says, tilting her head at the suit. It’s enough to jolt them out of their stupor.
She revels in Irikah’s laugh, a glorious tinkling of bells with the faint rumble of a purr underneath.
“Wow,” Agent Shepard says, drawing breath like they’ve surfaced from a deep dive. “Iri, wow!” They stagger towards their wife before finding their balance and nearly running to her, sliding big hands around the span of her waist and—
Well. The suit may not have the same dexterous command over language as Samara, but to cop a word—wow!
That is a smooch.
They kiss her once, fiercely; twice, sweetly; and a third time, briefly, before pressing their lips to the dark scales at the center of Irikah’s forehead, holding her close. She slides her hands up their sides and under their suit jacket, letting out a pleased hum, and then takes a step back to give her spouse (in Kasumi’s parlance) major elevator eyes.
“My, my,” Irikah says—and, wow! EDI can feel the vibrations of her throaty rumble from across the room. Her sunset-orange eyes positively shine through the dark sclera. “I almost want to open my present now.”
And will wonders never cease. A blush sits high across Agent Shepard’s cheekbones.
“Honey,” they say, shooting EDI and Kasumi a mortified glance. The blush has reached the tips of their ears, a scorching red.
Such a prude, really. EDI can read their biometrics, they can’t hide from her. It’s cute, though.
Irikah seems to agree, patting their cheek with a cooing trill. The suit practically melts into her touch.
Together they make a remarkably dashing couple. Under the warm vintage light, the two of them practically glow golden. Actually? Irikah, literally—again, wow! The burnt umbre silk of her simple gown slinks almost… obscenely over her body, thin as water, and as she presses back into her spouse, the fabric falls back to reveal a generous slice of a gold-scaled thigh. Kasumi makes a sound similar to a whistling kettle.
“How did you manage to land a date with that, Suit?” EDI surprises herself by blurting. Blurting! It’s. Well. Very unusual for her verbal processing to precede her. Part of EDI is satisfied that her organic coding seems to be rolling successfully, but another part of her wants to pull out her core and run some tests.
Irikah immediately lights up, something gleeful sparking behind her eyes—EDI feels something truly priceless is about to be dropped into her lap—and of course the agent spoils her fun, placing a finger over their wife’s opening mouth.
“Please, Iri,” Agent Shepard practically begs. “We have a reservation to catch.”
“Oh, honey,” Irikah says, fondly smoothing down the lapels of their jacket. “If you say so.”
They let out a gusty sigh of relief. Shepard turns to guide her out of the apartment, but she breaks away and beelines for Kasumi.
“Kasumi,” Irikah says, catching both of her hands. “Thank you, for bringing my spouse home to me.” She presses a kiss to Kasumi’s knuckles, and then ghosts her lips across her cheek.
EDI is certain her friend’s knees are audibly quaking before she manages to shrug off the thanks and find her own winning grin. “Anytime, Irikah. I… owe Mercy. A lot.”
The golden drell nods, gifts her with another sweet smile, and joins her spouse at the door. The suit gives Kasumi a solemn nod before wrapping an arm around their wife’s shoulders and guiding them out into the night air.
Samara looks fondly after the couple before winking at EDI and Kasumi—knowing, saucy!—and the door closes solidly behind her.
“EDI,” Kasumi groans, like she’s been punched in the gut and clutching at her forearm and squeezing. Her pressure sensors register remarkable force from Kasumi’s thin fingers. “EDI, those married people are going to be the death of me.”
“Yes, yes,” EDI agrees.  She would bet actual money that her friend didn’t even notice Samara’s exit. “They’re both very shiny. But—hey!” she has to snap her fingers in front of Kasumi’s face a couple times to get her attention, and gestures back at the kitchen table. “We’ve got some work to do.”
(If you wanna know more about white collar au, here’s my first post sketching out the world! (it’s a lil outdated but bear w me))
thank you @jadevakarian for your batarian fashion designer’s name, brakala!!!! 🥰
thank you @acrylicsalts-inspo for the never-ending gift that is EDI as mozzie 🤌
to me @bbwind design of irikah krios is the ultimate. take a peep here and here 🤩
AND AGAIN THANK YOU @naarisz for blowing my tits CLEAN OFF the art you’ve made for me is nothing short of spectacular. Y’all go check out her shep Jocelyn and all the incredible stuff she creates 😍
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(WIP) Your local professional goth learning how to be a teenager (courtesy of her diesel family + uncles Adam and Alfred.
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go-to-the-mirror · 6 months
DONNA: ...And so my mum gave birth to me in Southampton because Auntie Iris didn't want to drive.
NOT!DOCTOR: 🤨 Also I've discovered object permanence.
DOCTOR: Can I have a hug after The Horrors?
NOT!DONNA: L + ratio + i'm goop now
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melbush · 5 months
mrs flood & donna having an auntie iris
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bitchinbarzal · 6 months
At this point she was already pregnant (baby Luca) but she didn't know it
Mama Hischier was ready to raise this baby alone and in secret, i need drama
😮‍💨 oh bestie the angst. I know this doesn’t really fit with the original storyline but I’m going to make it because it’s too good.
Nico was in Switzerland for the summer with Naomi. You were supposed to fly Iris over half way through the off season before joining your girlfriends on a beach vacation in Greece then coming home to jersey.
However, plans change. You were sick, so severely sick.
You’d ended up calling Nico three weeks into the off season
“I need you to come back to jersey and get iris”
“What?! She’s not supposed to be here for another-“
“Nico, I can’t get into this with you can you do it or not? I can’t bring her there anymore”
You had it out on the phone, him accusing you of being difficult assuming it had something to do with Naomi being there or what he’d told you before he left.
It wasn’t, there was someone else you were too focused on.
Luckily, Timo’s girlfriend had shows in California so they were still in the states and they’d agreed to come to jersey after the shows were finished to get Iris and take her back to Switzerland with them.
You thought it best to let her go to her dads before it got bad.
Iris however was constantly watching you throw up, scared something was wrong. She was so worried.
You knew you were pregnant. Mom's intuition. And you were terrified.
You were scared, the fear from before was coming back up. Everything you’d been through four years ago was sitting at the forefront of your mind.
You were pregnant with Nico’s baby and he was trying to have a baby with someone else.
You hadn’t told him, after your conversations about him and Naomi you decided very selfishly, you’d do this alone.
In Switzerland, Iris was lapping up the love from her auntie, uncle, oma and opa.
All of them had watched her over the week and how Naomi interacted with her.
About a week into her trip, Iris was in bed ready to sleep when her grandma headed up to say goodnight. She stopped when she heard the little girl speak
“Is daddy coming to read to me?”
“No, your dad is busy. He doesn’t want to see you” Naomi snapped and his mom frowned listening to her tone “and Iris, I know your mommy sent you here to ruin our summer but please sweetheart just leave me and your daddy alone this week ok? You’re really bothering us”
She could hear the quiver in Iris’ voice “but mommy’s si-“
“I don’t care. she’s a pain in my side and so are yo-“
“Enough!” Iris scrambled out of bed to her grandma’s arms while Naomi tried to stumble out an excuse for what she’d clearly said.
“I think it’s best you leave Naomi, you’re not welcome in our house any longer”
They made off downstairs, Iris sniffling and Naomi yelling behind them about how they couldn’t kick her out, this wasn’t fair.
“Woah, what’s happening?” Nina asked, stopping the conversations she was having with her brothers and dad in the living room to focus solely on her distraught little niece.
Nico’s mom stared at him in a way she hadn’t since he was a child
“I want her out of our house, now”
He nodded, up out of his seat and straight towards Iris who shifted her head so she wasn’t looking at her father. Nico’s heart broke, he had no idea what was going on.
He left the house with Naomi and didn’t arrive back for almost two hours, by this time Iris was fast asleep in her uncles lap.
When he did come in the family were all waiting for him just as he’d left. He didn’t care about them, or what they had to say. He cared about Iris.
He approached her sleeping form and crouched down infront of her, kissing her cheek before lifting her up into his arms and taking her up to his bed.
He held her all night, still fully dressed in his clothes he’d worn all day. He just had to hold his girl.
When the morning came and Iris woke up she had to gather her surroundings before she saw Nico and cuddled into him some more
“Morning princess”
“Hi daddy”
He sucked in a breath before saying “You want to talk?”
Iris contemplated it for a minute before she said
“Are you and mommy fighting because mommy’s sick? Is that why Naomi doesn’t like mommy?”
Nico frowned “Mommy’s sick?”
Iris nodded "We went to the doctors home and she was crying" now Nico is internally panicking, a million thoughts running through his mind of what could be wrong with you.
"But the doctor lady gave mommy a present to take home and she was smiling after”
“What did she get?” He asks and Iris jumps out of bed, leaving the room momentarily before coming back in holding something.
He takes it from her hand and he is instantly relieved, it's just her sonogram. It takes him a moment before he quirks his head. That's not Iris. He knows her picture, it's in his stall, he sees it everyday.
Then he sees the name and date at the top.
You were pregnant.
Nico has a wave of emotions fall over him for a moment, anger, jealousy, hurt before he turns to Iris
“Mommy’s gonna be okay, ‘ris I promise”
She hums, still stuck into his side before she says
“Yeah squish?”
“I wanna go home to mommy”
“Yeah, me too”
So they travelled back to Jersey that night, the two of them needing your comfort.
You were in the middle of watching a movie when they came through the door, startling you
“Mama I’m home!” Iris shouted, jumping up onto the couch and into your arms
“Hi babygirl, what on earth are you guys doing back here?”you were looking at Nico to answer that.
He sat down next to you, pulling the blanket you had over him too then put down the sonogram on the coffee table infront of you both.
The smile on your face dropped and you looked at him, panicked.
“I hope it’s a boy” is all he says before grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
He knew. He knew it was his baby.
You squeezed his hand back “Not the baby mom you’d hoped for-“
“Hey” he grumbled “You’re the best mom and if I get the choice you’ll be the only mom to all of my kids”
“We’ll talk when she’s in bed ok?”
You nod, letting it go for now while watching Iris cuddle into your side to watch the movie and Nico’s hand spreads out across your belly.
He had everything he ever wanted under that roof
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themalhambird · 7 months
(from the same universe as this, chronologically proceeds it. Picks up almost immediately after the final episode of Series 1)
Shahara is not going to miss her Baba’s birthday party because her taxi driver turned out to be a mad woman. She’s still not sure why she let this Iris Maplewood person keep driving her while she rambled on about time travel and quantum whatever, except that she’s been a copper long enough to have a sense for when she’s in danger, and she didn’t get that from Maplewood. So it was easier to take the taxi ride and put up with the rambling than it was to try and stop the cab, get out and walk -  and Maplewood refused to take a fare which was a bonus. So Shahara gets to the party exactly when she’s supposed to, and she revels in the hug she gets to give her son, and the hug her Baba gives to her. She revels in the crowd of family and friends- the Aunties and Uncles she can never remember if she has a blood connection to or not. That’s never been important. What’s important right now is good food and good music and good talk, and how good she’s gotten at distraction when the question of whether she has a man in her life yet or not comes up.
Except, throughout the night, at the back of her mind, is this nagging feeling- this unease about the fact that, well, this unease about the fact that she didn’t feel any unease when when some random cabby sprouting conspiracies about the Kyal corporation somehow knew a whole ton of personal details about Shahara’s life. And then there’s that sense she’s had all day, this- what’s the opposite of deja vu? The sense that suddenly you were in a place you hadn’t been mere moments before? She’d shrugged it off as tiredness- the stress of the job- she’d spoken to her inspector earlier about maybe putting in for some leave. And perhaps that’s an even better idea than she’d already been thinking. If she’s taking Iris Maplewood seriously, she’s cracking. 
I’m not taking this seriously, she tells herself firmly, sipping at the mocktail as she watches Jawad run about with the other kids.  I’m not going to think about it at all. I don’t believe-
“-a word you say,” Shahara tells Maplewood as she gets into the front of the woman’s taxi. “Just for the record. I’m agreeing to this because- I don’t know. I want to prove to myself that you’re talking nonsense, I guess.”
“I’m not, but that doesn’t matter. You’ll see for yourself soon enough,” Maplewood said. The car is sitting at the top of Longharvest Lane, headlights illuminating the alleyway. “I don’t know which of them it will be tonight, but one of them will show, I’m sure of it.”
Right. Either a detective sergeant from world war two or a detective inspector from the victorian era is going to materialise out of nowhere. Kyal, one of the biggest finance….trading….look, Shahara has never really been sure what Kyal is or does, and honestly she can easily believe that a corporation that big, handling that much money, is corrupt somehow. What she can’t believe is that it’s a Doomsday Cult and that Iris Maplewood comes from the future, and has travelled back to 2023 so she can get Shahara Hasan, and two blokes she’s sent others to fish out from the past, in to the same place to help bring Kyal down because together they already managed it once (sort of) by stopping an explosion that decimated the world…today, but also a few days in the future. Something. This is nuts.
“I hope it’s Hillinghead,” Maplewood muses. “He seemed- easy enough to reason with. I think. I don’t know, the memory’s blurry. It didn’t really happen, but also it had to have happened for it not to have happened. Bootstrap paradox, or something. I don’t know. There are echoes…I was sorry for him. I can’t remember why.” 
Shahara clenches her fist tight. She is resolutely not remembering some kid sitting at the table of a fast food place with a gun in his hand. She isn’t-
“Thirty seconds,” Maplewood says. “I’m going to just,” she switches the car headlights off. “Don’t want them exploding,” she explains. 
“Exploding?” Shahara exclaims. “You didn’t say anything about anything-”
The streetlamp outside flares white hot. Glass shatters, smashes some more as it falls to the pavement. There’s a red glow, almost like a bleeding wound, in the darkness ahead- for the briefest of moments. Shahara squints, trying to see properly, but the glow is too bright and everything else too dark…
And then it’s gone. There’s nothing but darkness and the rowdy sounds of London late at night behind them. Shahara stares, stunned, through the windscreen into the blackness beyond. Iris flicks the headlamps back on. In the two, brilliant beams of light, the blocky shape of a body can be seen crumpled in the road. “Oh my god,” Shahara breathes. 
“I’ve got a blanket, there’s a torch in the door your side,” Iris says. She’s already got her door open, pulling a blanket that had been folded up on her lap with her. Shahara fumbles to catch up, grabbing the torch and stabbing for the switch with her thumb. 
“Why a blank- oh,” there’s no need for the rest of the sentence. As they hurry over to him, Shahara can see that the man who appeared from nowhere is completely naked. He’s already stirring, running one hand through tousled black hair as he starts to bring himself onto his knees, coughing. 
“What the hell-”
His cockney accent reminds Shahara of the teenagers she’s spoken to on occasion- kids trying a little too hard to sound hard, to fit in. 
“Hillinghead?” she asks cautiously
“The hell is a Hillinghead?” He looks up at her. In the torchlight Shahara can see that he’s quite a handsome man- kind of dapper, except that there’s soot on his face. 
“Charles Whiteman?” Iris says. She hands him the blanket. Whiteman takes it with a frown- blanches when it apparently hits him that he’s naked, and hastily wraps the blanket around his waist like a towel as he wobbles to his feet. 
“Yeah? Who the hell are you? What the hell-” he looks around. “Where the bloody hell am I?”
So, time travel is, apparently, real. 
Iris has got a flat- they take Whiteman back to it, and Shahara…Shahara has to go back to work. She has to go to her job and deal and…honestly, it’s easier than it should be. The whole thing doesn’t seem real, even when she stops on her way home to drop groceries off to check in on the woman from the future and the man from the past. Even when she goes for drinks in the coppers’ pub, and she goes and finds the photograph from Whiteman’s era, just out of curiosity, and immediately finds a face she knows. Whiteman doesn’t seem bothered by the fact he’s in the future so much as grousing that his Inspector’s going to do his nut about his disappearing, and grumbling that ‘Esther’- whoever Esther is, kid sister, Shahara thinks, from the irritated-fond way of talking- is going to cause chaos if left unattended for five minutes. She likes him- she’s getting to like Iris too, truth be told- and he’s entertaining on a stakeout. Because they’re still missing a Victorian. 
By Iris’ calculations, Hillinghead should have materialised the night after Whiteman. But it’s almost a week later, and they’ve been watching each night, and there’s nothing.
“Hasan! Case for you! Take Rick.” She catches the slim file that’s thrown at her by the Inspector. “John Doe, Royal Hospital. Doctors reckon he’s well enough for talking. Need to find out who he is, need to find out how he ended up badly beaten and stark naked in Longharvest Lane.”
The folder drops from Hasan’s hands. “You what?” she says, but the Inspector’s already moving on, assigning other cases to other detectives, and Rick’s making his way over to her so she shakes herself and picks the folder up off the floor. She opens it, and finds a few cursory notes from the uniform officers that first attended: IC1 male, contusion to the right temple, assorted bruises, broken bones…found the night before Whiteman showed up. There’s a page of photos paperclipped in- she focuses in on the close up of a handsome face,if dishevelled face: reddish hair and a beard- a nasty bruise on his right temple. And there’s a photo of his wrist, as well, and it’s got the same mark that Iris Maplewood and Charles Whiteman both have. She manages to snag a photo of the page of photos on her phone before Rick reaches her, then hastily shoves it back in her pocket “You up for driving?” she asks. Rick grins. 
“Hell yeah. Thought I’d have to fight you for it.” 
“Nah. Jawad’s off school - stomach bug or something. To be honest, I could do with the time to message dad a bit, check in on how they’re doing.”
“Ah mate.” Rick says sympathetically as they head out to the parking lot. “Sorry. Hey, if you wanna swing by once we’re done at the hospital. We can always say we were chasing up a lead.”
“Nah, it’ll be alright. Mostly I wanna make sure he’s not conning Grandad into letting him eat nothing but ice cream all day. If we were closer maybe, but it’s out of the way. Besides, we might actually have leads.” 
She’s pretty sure that they won’t. She’s pretty sure that the man they’re about to speak to is from the 1800s and she really, really hopes he hasn’t told anyone at the hospital that because he’ll get himself sectioned faster than he can blink. She gets into the passenger side of the car, fastens her seatbelt, and sends the photo to Iris. This him? She writes underneath.
Fifteen seconds later, Iris pings a simple message back:
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corallapis · 6 months
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donna also being born somewhere else, 'a little known fact.' MY AUNTIE IRIS 👁️
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aa-auntcle-bracket · 1 year
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lurking-latinist · 6 months
Of course Donna has an Auntie Iris. Bet she drives a bus.
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Hey Cathy! I’ve got an update on Assistant, looks like the foundation updated their file, and it’s not looking all too good…
Object Class:
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP - [REDACTED], Otherwise known as “Chameleon” is to be contained in a large, empty room consisting of padded floors and walls, fluorescent lights seem to be disliked heavily by Chameleon. It has been observed to squint often, the lights seemingly harming its eyes. If the lights in its cell are off seem to glow a lime green from the slanted iris.
Chameleon is under no circumstances allowed to communicate with on-site personnel, it has been observed to be highly manipulative, saying whatever it takes to get what it wants. This has resulted in New MTF Agent Windsor being contained in the same cell as Chameleon because it successfully manipulated Windsor into being its ally, Windsor being hesitant to contain it as a result of this.
Subject appears to be a middle-aged humanoid with pale, grayish skin, pointed downward-facing ears, long, black, type 4a hair. with almond-shaped eyes with a black sclera and a neon green iris, a long and fluffy tail with the same kind of fur-like hair on its head. And most prominent and recognizable, many scars, the largest being a burn scar surrounding it's left half of the face, small bumps spread across the darkest parts.
Chameleon typically wears casual clothing with smears of oil from frequent machinery projects, few have been finished according to observations.Chameleon has been observed to have what appear to be shapeshifting abilities, subject at first observation seemed to be human, with near direct opposite traits to its true form. Caucasian facial features with warm, tan skin; short, gray type 2b hair, normal human eyes with a green iris. Along with normal ears and a lack of tail. This ability could have been proven useful if Chameleon did not have a highly manipulative personality.
Prominent features include: Sickly, gray skin; Long, black, 4a texture hair, Almond shaped eyes with neon green Iris and black sclera; downward facing ears, Long and cat-like tail with the same attributes as hair, Many scars
Frequent clothing it typically wears is a worn, red sweater; colorful hairpins, brown cargo pants; and gray Doc Martin’s modified with blue flower details
First contact came in the form of Staff searching for The Star, mistakenly breaking into Chameleons apartment, it attempted to stay hidden but was unknowingly unsuccessful, a new intern who wished to stay anonymous nonverbally gesturing to the subject, who carefully snuck to where was presumably its bedroom, where it later escaped and was never seen again, that is until The Stars punishment, where the subject was seen fleeing a large gothic tower with a kid in tow. Nearby MTF agents reported hearing the subject say in a hushed voice, in its normal form with a paper bag on its head; "Cmon kid, we gotta go ASAP, these people wanna hurt Sage and she's making sure we're all safe, we gotta let her focus, ok?" The kids nodded, one saying "wish auntie Sage didn't hafta deal with meanies., the Subject nodded in agreement before rushing out of the scene.
The subject has also been reported to go by the name "Assistant" despite legal documents saying otherwise, it's legal name being "Connie [REDACTED)". MTF agents that have interacted with Chameleon have reported it being outwardly friendly, though secretly manipulative in nature, with a gap in its two front teeth when it smiles. Chameleon appeared to be in a relationship with The Stars stage magic assistant, who has yet to be named, much to the dismay of newer researchers who stated and we quote "I can fix it" when given a photo of Chameleon. Said researchers were given Keter duty by Dr. Sherman in response.
Chameleon has also been reported to be close with The Star, observations will continue to restrict this universes access to other worlds, hopefully limiting The Stars power.
Chameleon is not allowed to be let out of its cell, not unlike other contained entities. It’s manipulative nature has led to the O-5 council to conclude that Chameleon is a danger to all known universes, including its own. Despite junior researcher Windsor’s speech that Chameleon was normal for its world, he will soon be demoted to D-Class as punishment
Dear Sage, this is bad... We have got to get there and quick.... S.V. knows how to make a portal to get there, and since Theron was mentioned, we can likely assume it's the universe branch I'm originally from. My necklace could be used as the connection between the universes if it's the universe I'm from. Then we need to get everyone we can to help. We're storming the Foundation to get our friend back, no matter how hard it is...
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bluejay-flies · 3 months
Iris: "T-that's why auntie was hurting...
Rose, desperately pulling her back by the tail:
"No, Iris! Wait!"
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I kept laughing to myself as I drew it, it’s so stupid and I love it xD
Iris picked up some bad habits from mew
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bitchinbarzal · 3 months
“I miss my mommy”
One night Iris climbs into Livys bed in tears begging for her mommy. And Liv FaceTimes Mama H and it breaks both of their hearts to see Iris so sad.
“Auntie Liv?” The door cracks open and Livia looks up from her phone.
“I miss my mommy” she bursts into tears and Livia immediately scoops her into her arms and bed.
“Hey, hey it’s ok we can call her” she says, pulling up FaceTime.
Iris sniffles, cuddling into her aunts chest “Daddy said I couldn’t because Naomi is sleeping”
Livia rolls her eyes “fucking Naomi”
When the call connects mama h’s heart breaks for her sobbing babygirl “Mama I wanna come home!”
“You have to stay, stay with auntie Livy”
Livia stroked Iris’ hair “yeah baby stay with me”
“But I jus’ wanna go home… wanna be with mama”
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