#aza does memes
thettempest · 1 year
whatcha up to? tag game
tagged by @bioticbooty 😊
Currently Reading: fanfics, mostly tlou and got. and my own stuff lol
Last Song: another way out - hollywood undead
Last Movie: still glass onion i barely ever watch movies lkfdklfdkl
Currently Working On: random dragon age fics & some gta-inspired things & some original things that will never be seen by anyone but me lmao. playing choices again. also updating sims 4 bc i'm fully back on my bullshit 🙃
tagging: @undeadlosersanonymous @jediemma @donttouchmymetalson @slytempest & anyone else who would like to do it!
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sharkieboi · 2 years
certain fb group for animal care people just makes me sad sometimes cause it’s either just people looking for engagement by asking a very easily searchable question with “cute animal pic for tax!!1!1!1!!1!” so they can get some likes or people discussing actual literal human rights violations that their workplace is trying to commit and being like “but am i the bad person for buying donuts for my team when susan in HR who i never interact with is lactose intolerant?” or people using the anonymous post option to have impromptu group therapy
#shhh sharkie#like. it used to be a pretty good resource. and i’m not gonna leave the group.#cause every once in a while there’s actual useful or fun posts#and i’m not on fb enough to care really#but wow does it just make me cringe every time i check fb#it’s literally always just either a stupid question that you can absolutely find with any search engine#using that as an excuse to post the ‘cute’ animal pic that wasn’t getting enough likes on your other social media#like ‘hey what do you guys feed your lions? cute pic of said boy for tax!’ girl there’s literally several manuals for what to feed lions#or it’s someone being like ‘hey my manager kicked dirt in my mouth and called me an idiot idk maybe i’m the problem?’#or it’s someone being like ‘i’m depressed and overworked and also my mom just died anyway do you guys have self-care tips?’#half of these posts will be made by people who aren’t even keepers.#ugh i’m just complaining i do really wish we had an actual good resource to communicate with other keepers#that wasn’t paywalled like an aza membership#but was also more well-managed so that you don’t have to sort through all the above to find actual resources or advice#the amount of comments and even posts (!!!) that the person mentions they’re not even in the field!!!!!#and not even ‘anymore’ like literally never have been!!! why are you in this group!!!!!#this is not wild green memes this is a group for animal caretakers!!!!!!!#idk i’m just salty i fucking hate social media but i can’t get rid of it
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void-botanist · 4 months
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I like how I'm putting the pieces of Aza together and she's coming out more wild
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There's a viral video circulating from the Fort Worth Zoo, of two keepers who ended up in a habitat at the same time as a silverback gorilla. Spoiler for good news: neither the humans nor the gorilla got hurt. It's a bad situation that ended extremely well, and that's why I want to talk about it.
The audio for this video is mostly someone praying loudly, so if you need to turn the audio off to watch it, you won't miss anything relevant. If you don't want to watch it, here's the summary: it starts with a keeper running around the corner into the main exhibit, pursued by a large male gorilla. She is quickly able to get into a doorway at the back of the exhibit, but does not completely close the door because the gorilla is standing across from her, watching. He eventually moves off to the right hand side of the exhibit, where we can see a keeper is trapped in the corner at the front. She was trying to move towards the exit as he moved to the right, and she stops, standing very still behind a tree, while he stays along the far right wall. They stay like that for a minute, and then the gorilla runs to the front right corner, and the keeper is able to run to the door in the back of the exhibit and get to safety.
Let's start with basic information. Even though it's just going viral now, this video is from October of 2023. It was taken not by a guest, but by the zoo security officer responding to the situation. Hmmm, seems like he maybe should have been doing something else during that situation, instead of than taking a phone video. It's going viral now because the guy (who is no longer employed at the zoo) decided to post it on TikTok for his five minutes of fame. This guy immediately started giving all sorts of media interviews, answering questions like "why no tranquilizers" inappropriately, making memes out of his own video, generally distasteful shit.
Zoo spokesperson Avery Elander gave a public statement that "thankfully, there was no physical contact between keepers and gorilla, and all staff and animals are safe." A comment from the zoo has also indicated that the incident was due to keeper error. (As opposed to, for instance, something in the fencing breaking.) According to the guy who posted the video, a lock was left unsecured and the gorilla was able to open the door to the habitat. I don't know if I buy it, and again, this just... is probably why he doesn't have a job anymore. By sharing that detail - real or not - he places a ton of public scrutiny and blame on that keeper team. (If that's what happened, I can promise you it will have been dealt with internally.) He also was nice enough to say he wouldn't name the women in the video... but verified they're still staffers at the zoo... which means they're eminently identifiable! Excuse me while I ragequit for a second.
So there's two reasons I wanted to talk about this. The first is to make sure it is well known that this guy is purposefully and intentionally exploiting the worst day of someone's life for media attention. Their lives were in danger, and he's using it for fame. His name is in the media articles - I'm not going to share it because he doesn't deserve that attention. The second reason, though, is because this video is a masterclass on how to survive if you end up sharing space with a gorilla. Every zoo person I've spoken to or seen comment on the video is so, so impressed with how the keepers handled themselves.
The gorilla in this video is 34-year-old Elmo. All apes in AZA zoos are managed in protected contact, so keepers are supposed to be separated from them by a barrier at all times. The zookeepers were in the habitat putting out a mid-day meal when he got out. Watching the video, you can see he's not actively being aggressive towards them - he's not making threat displays or trying to approach them. Mostly, Elmo seems like he doesn't know what is going on and he's kinda freaked out about it. (This is confirmed in the zoo's press statement, too). The staff stayed calm, and importantly, watched and waited to see how he'd move and act.
The zoo did say one thing, though, that's a bit misleading. In one article, their press person I quote as saying “In general, gorillas are considered the “gentle giants” of the great ape species.” Just because this may be true in comparison to other great ape species doesn't meant gorilla aren't still incredibly dangerous. This type of messaging always worries me, because I think it leads people to misunderstand the risks of being close to megafauna. Gorilla are extremely strong animals, and their social norms/behaviors are very different from that of humans. That's why it's such a big deal any time people end up in gorilla habitats, and why sometimes in those circumstances lethal measures have to be taken to protect human life.
These keepers are incredibly lucky to be unharmed. These women stayed safe specifically because they're trained professionals who knew how to act around gorilla, they knew this particular animal well, and they'd learned the escapes from the exhibit just in case this ever happened. We should applaud them for their cool heads and quick thinking.
As for the guy who posted the video? As a colleague put it, may he always step on a Lego.
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aza-trash-can · 7 months
Local tiny dragon unaware of the concept of gender
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dragongambler · 3 years
4, 7, and 11 for the S/I meme! -Jellyfish-Ships
The wheel of fate I used picked Craft.
4) How did your s/i feel when they first met your f/o(s)? How do they feel about them now?
(I picked a specific timeline for this question)
At first, they didn’t react differently to 3999 (Azathoth as I call him) and Tally. I did become Tally’s friend before 3999 told her that he did like them. Much to the horror of the poor bean’s dismay, because... let’s say Aza hasn’t always been a good partner. I mean, he represents primordial chaos.
Now, they love the two of them. Aza is their boyfriend (To put it simply) and Talloran is their girlfriend! Craft has two hands and they are happy to hold both of theirs, even if they are technically hold the one pair of hands.
7) Give us 3 random facts about your s/i!
-In this timeline, I did something a little odd. By technicalities, this version (and only this one) should be RL Kondraki, because they are considered his youngest child. With Dra/ven being their older brother.
-They have the best control of their reality bending, but overuse of it makes them very sick. So, when there are containment breaches, they mostly rely on a firearm they carry and the impossible to contain Aza.
-Craft, if they are in the sun for long periods of time, have freckles going from one cheek to the other (crossing over the bridge of their nose). Also, when they are super happy or excited, little stars will appear in their eyes.
11) Does you s/i have one outfit they're always seen in or multiple?
Craft’s normal style has them dressed in a suit, but they tend to wear tennis shoes instead of dress shoes and they have some cool shoes. The only consistent things in their outfits are their lap coat and name tag, which are mandatory.
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hellsparadiseessays · 5 years
Aza Brothers Week - Day 6
And today is a day dedicated to Tôma! Chôbe may have stolen my heart, but I can’t ignore his brother. After all, they go as a pair the Stardust Brothers, according to UG The Meme Lord and it would be a massive disservice to their personal to ignore Tôma, especially since he’s the one to provide us with the insight into their past and their life, through his own point of view. Initially posted ealier on Twitter (also here because Twitter decided to be fucky lol), you’ll find it here under the cut! Btw it’s spoilery up to the latest chapter, #71, so go catch up before reading.
1. Tôma’s perception of himself
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At the beginning of the story, Tôma is both very admirative of Chôbe and fearing of falling behind and being incapable of following. It’s a sad, sad situation, because it means he can’t perceive himself as equal to Chôbe. He puts him on a pedestal instead. Considering Chôbe seems to have handled a lot to protect Tôma (who was younger, and thus didn’t know better and had a duty to follow as a little brother - Chôbe said it himself, if Tôma is lost, he can blindly rely on his big brother), and Tôma relied on him to take the lead, it has resulted in a young man willingly living in his brother’s shadow and feeling anxious about his own ability to keep up. However, it also fuels him to move forward, fully knowing that Chôbe wouldn’t abandon him. It’s a peculiar situation that shows how aware of everything Tôma is, both about the general situation he’s in and his own feelings. That is the sign of a smart person, in my opinion, even when said person needs a little nudge, a little help to step up...
2. Chôbe’s perception of Tôma
Especially when the brother he admires and fear not being able to follow views him like that: 
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Chôbe’s own abandonment issues (as expressed here) aside, have you noticed how Tôma is depicted in his mind? In a relaxed, confident posture. Chôbe wants to protect and support his brother, but he also sees him in a very positive light, something Tôma doesn’t seem to be fully aware of. He knows Chôbe wouldn’t abandon him, however he doubts his own abilities much more than his brother does. 
3. Tôma is competent and Chôbe knows it
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Despite Tôma’s personal doubts and fears, Chôbe readily trusts him with delicate matters (such as infiltrating the Asaemon) because he knows Tôma can do it. Tôma always seems as happy as a puppy to be praised by his brother, and I think he underestimate how proud of him Chôbe generally is.
4. Tôma is the wise one of the duo
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Look at him, asking the reasonable questions. 
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Look at him, explaining stuff for Chôbe because Chôbe was a bad student who didn’t listen at school.
Tôma is presented as skilled, educated (he even silently roasts Sagiri on her lack of skill in poetry, in the bonus pages of volume 4) and generally on the no non-sense side of things to balance his brother’s wilder temperament. A perfect example of Blue Oni to Chôbe’s Red Oni! haha it’s exactly like my Trick or Be Tricked essay, they’re the human version of Shuten-doji and his right handman lol
5. They poke fun at each other in their own way
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Tôma casually roasts Chôbe on his apparent lack of gratefulness, because Chôbe is a rough bandit from the wild who may have a tendency to complain for the sake of complaining. 
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Chôbe goes full Typical Big Brother because it’s oh so funny to make Tôma squeak by doing the weirdest nonsensical shit. People who have a sibling irl will know exactly that feeling - hell I had to death with that with my twin brother irl. Though Chôbe does seem to be quite the prankster on a day-to-day basis. Fitting with his Trickster Archetype profile too. 
6. Tôma’s development
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wow much photoshop such skillz
Tôma arrived on the island while being an anxious young man, eager to keep up with his brother and easily freaked out. Yet we also saw Chôbe’s view of his brother, and it’s much more caring and positive than Tôma thinks - though this situation has probably been fueled by Chôbe’s handling of their sordid situation when they were children, telling Tôma to rely on him in case of doubt because he’s the older brother and thus knows better - causing Tôma to stay in his shadow from his own volition as a consequence. He even says so himself, his brother is special and difficult to follow. 
However, the situation shifted after the terrible fight against Gabimaru and the subsequent separation they experienced. Tôma saw his brother’s distress with his newfound abilities, and took it upon himself to be the one to save and protect. Stepping up like that is the one thing Chôbe was most happy to see when they reunited, and he openly expressed his pride to see Tôma finally consider himself as an equal to him. 
Having a twin brother myself, I really get that entire situation at a personal level. My own circumstances made me feel... Very inadequate throughout most of my life, and it’s difficult to shake that sort of shadow - especially with my brilliant twin brother who would always put me down. He expressed his joy at seeing me finally stand my ground and openly take control of my own life not so long ago and it was very surprising for me. That damn bully of a brother wanted me to show myself while being a dick about it all along. As you can see, my relationship with my brother is not like the Aza brothers’ at all, it’s in fact completely broken so seeing their relationship being so positive despite all the shit they went through is really touching. They care, they care a lot, because they have nothing else than each other. So, despite my own broken-beyond-repair relationship with my brother, I can really appreciate their dynamic and give my kudos to UG for that. He really nails it with these two. 
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sazandorable · 4 years
magnus archives end of the decade ask meme which im just gonna answer entirely bc it’s really cool!!
the archivist: when and how did you get into tma?
June 2018, so I’m at about 18 months of obsession now (and have literally been thinking about it at least once a day every day since). MAG104 Sneak Preview was the first episode that I had to wait for after being all caught up; it dropped right on my birthday, and gosh what an episode!
sasha: which episode you were most afraid of on your first time listening?
MAG018 The Man Upstairs and MAG024 Strange Music were the ones that most scared me, though others have unsettled or fucked me up more. 024 is now one of my favourites and does nothing to me anymore, but 018 still holds the title of most unpleasant, I think. I hate neighbours.
tim: at which part of the decade do you think tma would've scared you most and/or which part would it have scared you least?
For some reason though I think I’d have been completely immune to the scary elements while I was studying abroad in London in 2010. 18-19 yo Aza was an unwisely fearless idiot.
martin: which entity(s) would you have been an avatar of at the beginning of the decade? at the end?
Probs would have been a big fan of the Spiral or Stranger
basira: did you meet any new friends through tma?
Yes!! Basically 80% of my twitter friends and all of my discord friends are from TMA(/RQ). I’ve met up with quite a few IRL once or more and had a great time. (... I also dragged quite a few old friends into TMA, including some of my oldest best friends who are not big in fandom.)
melanie: out of the podcasts you've listened to over the past decade, how does tma compare among them?
Best overall, on all accounts, be it writing, plot, worldbuilding, natural-sounding dialogue, voice acting, editing, pacing, character development, handling of exposition, soundscaping, representation, humour...
to note, i’m not a huge listener of podcasts, but I’ve listened to WTNV, TPP-Juno Steel, Wooden Overcoats, and last week I binged the first two seasons of The Bright Sessions and was really enjoying it... and then it blindsided me with straightness I just absolutely couldn’t swallow, instantly dropped it and haven’t picked it back up x’’D Anyway, imo TMA beats all these shows on most if not all accounts; it also (imo) avoided losing steam and turning into a repetitive rehash of itself after a season or two, and doesn’t ever feel too fanservicey (to note, i’m fucking thrilled at no one being straight on Mars, TPP just happens to be just a little too campy for me). It also has a fantastic feeling of everything tying together and making you work and engage with the content, which I haven’t yet encountered in other podcasts.
(I also feel like RQG is better on all accounts than TAZ-Balance, the only other actual-play podcast I’ve listened to yet, although I really enjoyed it too.)
elias: did any episodes remind you particularly of any memories you made over the decade, whether scary or not?
MAG048 Lost in the Crowd, as well as the S3 mini arc of Jon travelling the world, reminded me of my own travels, although I had never gone on an entire vacation alone — it inspired me to start doing it, though, so now relistening to MAG048 reminds me of specific memories of travelling alone!
MAG053 Crusader and MAG064 Burial Rites reminded me of my time studying Egyptology and archaeology in uni >w< I came very close...
and MAG081 always reminds me of my own childhood curled up in public libraries.
georgie: what did you do while listening to tma? did you listen with friends or other people?
I usually listen to podcasts while doing chores or cooking, playing video games, or in public transport. In the case of TMA i also binged it at work. Consequently, I have specific memories of:
cooking meat while first listening to MAG018 The Man Upstairs
while cooking, cutting my finger deeply while listening to MAG034 Anatomy Class
my face lighting up while walking in the middle of the street as Melanie described the giant fucking thing in space in MAG106 A Matter of Perspective
reshelving books alone at work while relistening to the same episode an hour later and bursting into tears upon catching that holy shit is Jon ace
and I associate TMA with Stardew Valley and Breath of the Wild.
daisy: over the past decade, did you visit any of the locations featured in the statements?
I’d already been to London a lot. I’ve been to some places mentioned in passing like Lyon, Oxford, Edinburgh and Florence.
Post listening to TMA, I’ve made a point of going to the Tate Britain and see the Panopticon whenever I’m in London, and last time I was in Paris, for the francophone meet-up, we went to see the Rue Lagarde from MAG134! (Also Oscar Wilde’s grave for the RQG fans)
leitner: did you do anything this decade you wished you'd listened to tma before doing? likewise, did you do anything that you wish you'd listened to tma after?
God I’d have liked to have TMA while I was staying in London in 2010. Also wish I’d already found RQ in general and “had” it to help me through 2015.
Otoh it’s probably good I only found it after I was done with my librarian studies because it would probably have influenced me to stick to my original desire to go into archivistics or museum sciences, and I’m not sure I would actually have liked that as much as I enjoy being a public librarian instead.
michael: did the "influence" of any entities feature prominently throughout your decade? which ones?
Lonely, but in a positive way! Well, I’ve fucked a few people over, but that was self-defense, toxic relationships I had to cut off. Overall I’ve grown into my independence and am very happy about it!
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thisisocd · 5 years
Do you realise the misconceptions you're spreading with your fictional characters with OCD post? Aside from, Glee, none of those characters actually have OCD, and saying they do promotes the idea that those behaviours are part of OCD when they're not. Monica, for example, doesn't clean to reduce intrusive thoughts or anxiety. She enjoys cleaning. She's the type of person who would say 'I'm so OCD'. I'm surprised to see this from your blog as I thought you understood OCD better than that!
in reference to this post: https://thisisocd.blog/post/185209226745/fictional-characters-with-ocd
let me preface this post with: I’m going through a bit of a rough stretch and I use this blog as an outlet for this kind of thing.  However, I really don’t ever mean to offend anyone; and I’m really, really sorry if that post did offend any of you guys.  I hope you guys know that I made it as a joke, not as a serious, informative post, and I hope you, anon, can forgive me.
At the same time: Monk, Aza, and Emma all canonically have OCD (3 of the 5); Monica and Sheldon have “fanonical” OCD (the other 2), which means that many fans headcanon them as such.  I am fully aware of the controversy about Monica as having OCD or not–I would argue she has OCD tendencies at the very least, if not full blown OCD–but that’s just my take.
But the main point of that post was really that we need to stop taking ourselves so seriously.  AND that we can often relate more to these fictional characters than we’d think at first glance.  But most of all, it was a meme/joke/whatever you want to call it, and it was just one way to look at OCD and OCD tendencies.
This kind of post is a way for me to cope.  If you don’t like it, that’s okay, but just because your coping style is different than mine does NOT make mine any less valid.
TL;DR: I am not perfect, nor is my blog--and I’m sorry.  AND I also hope you can recognize my intentions with that post were for humor and not for informative content.
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taintedcoins · 5 years
Twilight, Whisper and Cupcake for Aza and Evod
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twilight - best friend?
Dot & Jude! Though, Dot is a bit closer to her. Both of em can trust each other a lot and as much as she loves Jude, she feels as if he doesn't fully understand her yet. [ If family counts, then Bennett is also her best friend, aside from her viewing him as a father figure aside from the both of them. ]
whisper - how much sleep do you get?
Not a whole lot, she doesn't need to sleep, actually. She does it only because Jude does it sometimes, but she gets an average of... 3 hours of sleep.
cupcake - are you a good cook?
Not at all- she doesn't know how to cook. The only thing she can cook are cookies and that's about it.
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twilight - best friend?
...She has none. [ however, she considers Caleb and Seren ( @dreamddrop ‘s OC’s) to be important to her. ]
whisper - how much sleep do you get?
Depends on the situation/mood, she’ll either sleep for 10-15 hours or 3-5 hours, there’s nothing in between. 
cupcake - are you a good cook?
She has never touched any kitchen utensils, unfortunately-- her host, however, is a decent cook. She’s able to make a small meal if she had to.
Ask meme!! 
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kivaember · 6 years
God looking over that ask meme I kinda wanna know them all about Aza
Ask and ye shall receive!
Σ(゚Д゚;): Have they ever sprained or broken their leg before? How about their arm? What was the story behind it?
Aza has, like, broken almost every bone in his body at this point. It’s mostly due to his reckless attitude when it comes to fighting or from dumb shenanigans when he was drunk. 
╰(*´︶`*)╯: Do they appreciate hugs? Would they prefer to give hugs or receive hugs? What kind of hugs do they like to receive and/or give?
Aza is VERY against people intruding on his personal space - especially to give hugs. The only people he tolerates them from can be counted on one hand, and for him to enjoy them, most of the time it has to be something he instigates or clearly wants. He just isn’t a huggy person in general :\
ಠಿ_ಠ: Do they look up or down when they are trying to recollect something?
Down! He tends to scowl and glare at the ground, which always makes people think he’s pissed off about something (he isn’t, he’s just thinking really hard…)
ヽ( ´O`): What is their body language like when sleepy?
Droopy ears, half-closed eyes, moves very slowly and stretches a lot. Sometimes rubs his eyes a lot. 
(Д゚≡゚Д゚): When they are surprised by somebody do they physically jump? Scream?
Aza squeaks or yelps, and his tail fluffs right up as he physically jumps away from what startled him. Sometimes he goes straight for his sword, or he’ll throw his hands up like he’s gonna start getting into a fistfight lol Aza’s first instinct is always to fight whatever scares him
(⸝⸝⸝ ̑ ̑⸝⸝⸝):  Does their face get red after they drink?
He does get a bit flushed yup! 
(„ᵕᴗᵕ„): Does their face turn red when embarrassed? If so, how else do they react when embarrassed? (I.E. Shifting of weight upon foot, etc.)
Aza turns bright red when embarrassed, and he tends to look down at his feet and fidget. Sometimes he’ll pinch or rub behind his ear in a self-soothing gesture, or cover his mouth. 
( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ»: Do they have a sensitive spot/s?
YES. Behind his ears and at the base of his tail are his very sensitive spots - he tends to melt or get really horny if they’re stimulated. Otherwise he’s kind of ticklish on the bottom of his feet?
(〇o〇;): What is their body language like when they are stressed? Do they try and hide the fact that they are stressed? How do they recover from said stress?
It goes two ways, depending on what exactly is stressing him. If he’s anxious!stressed, he’ll always try to keep himself curled in and tucked close. His ears will be flat, his tail will be tucked between his legs, and he will avoid contact with people. Sometimes he might pick at his wrists and accidentally leave scratches on his skin. In this state he tends to go hide up in a tree or lie amongst a flock of sheep or something to chill out. 
If he’s angry stressed, then he bristles. His fur will be fluffed out and his tail will lash about. He will growl or snarl a lot, baring his sharp canines and he will make sharp, cutting gestures with his hand. He’ll look like he’s a split second away from punching someone and in this state he tends to go and hunt monsters or whatever to cool down. 
ಠ-ಠ: Do they like it when people touch their hair?
Only people he trusts. He’s twitchy if people tend to have their hands anywhere near his face or neck in general due to… past experiences. 
(ノ≧ڡ≦): Do they like to show affection by physically teasing? (I.E: Shoulder punches, etc.)
Yes! While he’s not a huggy person, he did adopt Bluebird’s style of affection showing, which tends to involve shoulder punches, hip bumping, friendly elbows to the ribs, etc. Quick, physical touches that don’t involve trapping someone between your arms, lol
♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪: How are they like when they dance? Are they stiff? Fluid? A good dancer? Do they prefer to dance with a lot of others, with one other person, or alone?
He’s… horrible. He’s an awful dancer. He’s too ‘stompy’ and he moves far too stiffly. Good footwork when sword fighting, not so much with dancing (he’ll step on your feet).
ง ( ⌓̈ )ง: Are they physically strong when it comes to fights?
He is ridiculously strong! Despite his small size he’s dense with muscle and a pint-sized powerhouse, and it’s easy enough for him to throw even a Roegadyn over his shoulder with little to no issues. 
(´∀`): Do they laugh when they get nervous?
Depends on what he’s nervous about. If it’s with friends or about a minor/mundane thing, he does get giggly. If it’s with something serious or something that also causes him anxiety, he gets faintly nauseous and quiet.
ಥoಥ: How are they like when they cry? Do they just stream tears nonstop? Does their nose get clogged to the point that it’s hard to breathe? Is it easy for them to speak when they are sobbing? Do they hiccup when they cry?
He has two ways that he cries! His most common is what Bluebird dubs his ‘pretty crying’. It’s silent, he doesn’t smudge his eyeliner, and the only sign that he is crying are tear-tracks on his cheeks and slightly unsteady breathing. This is mostly because growing up he had to master the art of crying unseen and unheard, so it’s an automatic response for him to force it down as much as possible and to hide it as much as possible. Bluebird absolutely hates it. 
When he’s not forcing himself to be quiet, he fucking bawls, like he sounds like he’s gonna hyperventilate levels of sobbing. He has to be pretty fucking upset for this though, where he can’t force himself to be quiet and it all just explodes out of him like a big volcanic explosion of sadness. These massive crying fits always make him feel better though, even if physically he gets a headache, sore eyes and stuffy nose from it. 
 ಸヮಸ: Do they lean back or forward when they laugh hard? Do they snort? Slap their knee? Do that seal-esque clap? Do they often laugh to the point that you can’t hear their laugh anymore?
Aza just fucking cackles. Like straight up howls until he gives himself the hiccups, which end up sounding like kitten-like squeaks :3
「(°ヘ°): How does one calm them down when they are freaking out? Do they prefer physical comfort, or would they rather be left alone?
When Aza freaks out, it’s best he’s given space until he indicates he wants physical contact. Normally he’ll cram himself into a corner, or under something, something that gives him some kind of comfort, and it’s best for a person he trusts just to kind of… not leave him alone, but linger just out of arm’s reach. Ready and waiting to help him when he finally asks for it. He definitely does not want people touching him when he freaks out, because it makes him panic and lash out without thinking. 
⊙.☉: Does their voice get an octave higher when they lie? Does it crack?
Aza put in a lot of ‘ums’ and ‘uhs’ when he’s lying, and he shuffles his feet and scratches at his neck. This is if he’s lying through his teeth, but lying through omission he can do without batting an eyelash. 
( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡): Does having somebody stroke their head make them feel relaxed?
Again, only with people he trusts. If it is someone he trusts, he just purrs at having his head stroked. 
(ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*): Do they prefer kisses on the cheek? Forehead? What about neck kisses?
If it’s Aymeric kissing him, he prefers all three! Neck kisses if they’re going to be doing sexy stuff are his favourite, though. 
(-.-): How should one wake them up? Do they get out of bed easily?
Aza tends to try and stay in bed if someone tries waking him up. His sleeping schedule is so fucked up, that most of the time he’s awake by dawn anyways, but if it’s the rare time where he’s still sleeping by dawn? Yeah, no, he’s staying in bed, thank you very much. 
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thettempest · 5 months
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go to pinterest and search celebrity, outfit, quote & aesthetic and post this with the first picture that appears, that is your vibe!
wasn't tagged by anyone i just thought this looked fun lksdklds
i'm actually kinda obsessed with this so like, good job pinterest honestly
tagging anyone who thinks this looks fun! 💕
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careful playing games | tina & aza
WHO→ Tina Cohen-Chang  & Aza Jabari WHERE→ Abandon City Hall Station WHEN→ Friday 29th June  WHAT→  Aza being shady af but Tina like "haha thanks! WARNING→ None
Tina since she last met Aza was aphrenrsive to ask for any sort of help, but she knew that if she got any tech assistance from the wrong kinda help it would backfire on her.  It was better she knew the original source of the code hence help from Aza. The tech witch was skilled miles beyond Tina and she knew that she could learn a thing or two quite easily from her. She paces around the deserted underground station, waiting for her to come. What she was asking her was a lot but Marley seems like she needs this to be secret to talk to everyone. The thought of a private networking system wasn't half a bad idea, she was actually surprised that no one had thought about it before. Now here she was hoping that this thought was a few spells away to reality.
Aza arrived to the station late with starbucks. She is looking fresh and cool, with sunglasses, her hair put on a massive hair do on top of her head showing bright purple and blue dreadlocks. She takes a sip of her iced coffee and smirks at Tina "Sorry. Did you wait too long? I needed a coffee, I was all night up" she shows a second cup "I wasn't sure what you like, so I bought a caramel frappuccino" he is excited and very curious about what Tina wanted from her.
Tina can't believe that right now Aza was a living walking meme. Oh aethernet humour. God Aza always looks so cool and awesome. She was actual goals in every  way possible. "Please coffee is a means of survival, no sorry needed. " She laughs,"I get it, once you start something there is no stopping until it is done." Tina looks at the other coffee, taking it from her,"Any coffee is good coffee in my books. Never tea though." She takes a sip of the refreshing coffee that just hit the spot. "Thanks for coming on such short notice. I kinda need help and I know you are the best tech witch to go too."
Aza makes a gesture with her hand like taking importance of the coffee "Yeah, I know, it's like you are on it, and there is only two line more of code, right? it's no problem, and then it's five am and you had written eight pages of code and the initial thing you thought you were making, now it's so much better and bigger..." she sighs taking another sip through the straw of her iced coffee, feeling the refreshing drink giving her life again "No worries, girl" she winks though Tina can't see that through the glasses "What do you want from me?" she smiles.
Tina nods enthusiastically,"Aether yes! Like you have to finish it. There is always five more minutes or five more lines that you need to get done and yesss! Just yes." She smiles happy that she could have someone to relate too, almost as refreshing as the frappuccino. "You are a blessing I swear," Tina thanks her. "Well...I wanted help with developing a private chatroom, that could not be accessed by anyone. Do you think that's possible?" For a change, Tina was being direct with what she needed.
Aza puts a serious expression, she pretends she is thinking about it as she drinks her coffee "hmmm" she let's out a loud unnatural sound get out of her mouth as if she was very deep in thought "I may know how to do that, yeah" she says with a chuckle "Are you into naughty business, Tina?" she asks still smiling.
Tina chews on her inner cheek, wondering if what she was asking might have been too much or impossible. Aza is pondering makes her sweat a little. "Oh you might?" she plays it coy to crossing her arms over her touch. "Wha-wha-what?" But Tina clears her throat trying to play it confidently."More like a troublemaker. A friend asked me to help them out."
Aza takes another sip of her drink looking at Tina very interesting in what would be the next thing that will come out of the young witch's mouth. "Yeah, I think I can do it" she confirms. Aza narrows her eyes behind her sunglasses, that sounds like bad shit, and  that irresponsible kids  could get her in trouble if she doesn't cover her ass "So secretive of you" she smirks. She saves the fact to herself that every code she creates she can access to whenever she wants. It doesn't seem like Tina is thinking of paying, even though this clearly a job. But when secret chats are in play she is always interested, secrets can be payment in the right times, and Aza always had money on the bank. "So... then this chat is for you and your friend to share evil plans?" she jokes moving her sunglasses down and winks at Tina "I don't mind making that, I have some experience with similar requests I had before, but it may take me a few days to get it done" she explains.
Tina knows that she is asking for a lot but it seemed that Marley really needed this. The things that the kids had been through in the years really had been something and if it was important than it certainly would be something that was needed for the lengths that needed to go. "You can?!" Her face lights up at the wise tech witch's response.  Tina smirks playfully back at her,"Gotta keep some people guess about me."  Tina sways her head a little,"I wouldn't call them evil plans, just stuff we need to keep between us." Well, that could be evil planned but Tina didn't know that. "If you could that would be amazing, Aza and if there is anything I could do to help you?" She knows a tech witches codes are there own but she could not help but be curious about what the process would entail.
Aza laughs when Tina keeps being mysterious, must be a Tech Witch thing, and she does well in not trusting anyone just 100%, some things are better kept to themselves. She shakes her head and finishes her drink "There is nothing I need right now, I can work on this code by myself... but if I need something in the future... well, you may get a call" she smiles.
Tina felt a whim of excitement that things were starting to work her way, that Aza could actually do it. She sips on the drink trying to hold her chill. "I get, working alone is always more productive." Maybe Tina could study her codes, later on, that was the way she taught herself most stuff. Not taking it for much,"Sure, when you need me just call me." Just helping each other when needed, a tech witch thing right.
Aza winks at her "Do you need anything else from me? I should probably try to sleep an hour or something" she laughs "but before I go... let me give you this advice... from me to you, as a gift" she says cheerfully "whatever these secret businesses are... get in trouble enough to have fun, but not enough to get caught" she moves her sunglasses a little down so she can look at Tina's eyes "You know what I mean?"
Tina was understanding that Aza had hit her wall of no sleep, not many would admit to having one. "Oh yeah, you go and get your rest Aza." Although the older tech witches voice was cheerful and light there was still an air (or spark) of seriousness in her tone. She nods taking the words in. "Yeah I know what you mean," Tina forces a smile on,"Sure I'll be careful. Thanks, Aza."
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gunpowder-smoke · 7 years
for thyne meme: 3, 22, 30, 33, 36
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
i think she’s quite fond of her hair, even if it’s unruly. hard to do anything with it but she takes care of it so its soft and grows quick
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
she tried to get a tattoo once but her powers forced the ink out, unfortunately. she’d love to get some tats but Cannot. she can get peircings tho! she usually keeps several in her ears and on her face. her current favorite setup is two on one eyebrow, one on the other, and one in her nose. she swaps it up sometimes tho
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
aza is a Huge b-grade movie buff, loves schlocky horror (and thoughtful horror). she used to play piano as a kid but hasn’t practiced in Years. she goes out to concerts whenever she can get a hold of tickets tho. loves live music.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
honestly? home, to her living space or her greenhouse. if she was stuck out and about she’d try to slip away to go hang out in the park or smth.
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?
not meeeeedical conditions per se? buther regen powers actually keep her from ever getting drunk! her body metabolizes alcohol (and drugs) so fast it never gets a chance to sink in even if she wanted it to. her regen also gives her a massive appetite. if she has to regrow something big like a limb or a lot of organs and such then she has to sit down and have a big meal afterwards to replace all that energy.
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pklove-archive · 7 years
multiples of 11 for the ask meme!
11. are you listening to music right now?
Jude  does listening to leon play piano count cause if so then that
22. description of crush.
Kinda short, funny, really sweet. very talented and a rlly good musician. He lives very far but thats fine we’ll make it work one day. He’s pretty much a dj. and he likes frogs i think? 
33. something you want to learn
Uhh Id like to get better at spanish and i rlly wanna pick up on swedish again some day i feel bad for not continuing that
44. age you get mistaken for
usually 15~17
55. tumblr friends 
I have a good couple.
you ofc, sabi, leon, jules, joel, aza.. ik im misisng a few but those are the ones i can recall at, 
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frvddiemercury · 7 years
you should talk about aza, tell us about him! you and leia have this ship with cool muses, they both seem so well developed and stuff. i'd love to hear about him!
HOH my god this is So cute? yes dude. i want 2 write about meme son, i NEVER get to -- i wish ppl wud send me memes n stuff but they DONT so this is super cCute im cryin okay so aza...... i chanegd his fc and im not disclosing who is #fc is but hes an italian Prince. hes a little CUtie pie (his appearance has been slightly altered from that of the actual fc, hes skinnier n stuff .. and like, Blonde. originally he was zayn, and then his fc was changed, and now he doesnt even rly have a fc because he looks so different from what his fc actually IS if that makes sense. if you recall border days it was zayn but hes changed since then, hes someone else now because i wanted him to have italian heritage and obviously zayn doesnt and i aint about that ethnicity erasure u know? NOT CUTE. morals over aesthetics - i changed his fc but then changed his characteristics anyway so now all he shares is facial features nd ethnicity with said fc) and hes just so >? beautiful. anywya so he was born in 1996 making him almost 21 ... n a #BABY and basically he grew up in newcastle, england w/ five sisters n his Mom n dad. his dad comes from italian heritage and takes it VERY seriously so he speaks fluent italian n Basically, his accent is so cute because hes a geordie which is the CUtest accent ever in the world. Go od bye. anyway so his father is called nero n hes a rich af businessman but also a DAD like hes a super n*ce dad. like he raised his children Perfectly, he was a Family Man !! and aza always had everythin he ever wanted , his Mom is lowkey a golddigger but shes pretty n she was Kind of a good mom ig?? but nero kept the family together n loves his wife n kids more than Anything (: and anyway so ya.. he moved to the USA when he was 6teen to be with his aunt n uncle to pursue a music career because hes SO talented like his Voice is from the Gods. and he got signed and like is so famous Now hes a #star but hes so god damn humble and just luvs memes - hes sosososo pure. hes a #dog dad to little hades aka a black pug who is the richest pug in the world ?? and hes lactose intolerant and so Dramatic about it. when he was a teen he got into cocaine which was bad.. BAD . bad as fuck. so yea he got hooked n like struggles w it a lot even now ?? but he was rich as fuck when he got hooked so never had to steal for it or anything but he genuienly fucked everything up and like,,, has Long term damages because he was so so so addicted like he lost his friends and his family because he was just so reckless with it?? and of course he’s married to Grey who is a businessman , and he’s 27 so he’s a bit older n wiser but grey has #issues and depends entirely on aza for everything - aza is a housewife. he cooks n cleans n does everythin for grey but grey is very controlling honestly, aza and him fight all the time because grey is just always wanting to know where he is and what hes doing and its not okay. so ya they fight a lot BUT all in all aza is a cute.... baby... angel. he luvs memes, hes italian and british and blonde and he has lil freckles and glasses and he lkes to draw , and also he likes to watch superhero movies and sing and play the piano and bAKE. his fav movie is shrek and his fav superhero is deadpool and his fav food is cereal and his fav drink is mango juice but sometimes milkshakes BUT he has to have dairy free which he hates but hes so allergic to dairy god Damn it?? and he sings like an angel n is a huge popstar. he luvs his dog.. he luvs his fam.. he shouts in italian and has super cute dress sense. hes tiny.. hes a mere BABY. and hes just so fvking pure i love him so much. 
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