#bajoran tarot
vesperstardust · 8 months
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Bajoran Tarot (in a circle, starting left) Celestial Temple (The Star) Ten of Orbs (Ten of Pentacles) The Borhya (Judgement) The Emissary (The Magician) Derna (The Moon) Invasion (Death)
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washed-up-wurmcoil · 8 months
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quasi-normalcy · 8 months
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Love that the Bajorans apparently have their own Tarot cards.
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 2 months
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #24
( 30 / 03 / 2024 )
Question 1. Which species uses the 'kellicam' measurement? a. Bajorans b. Vulcans c. Humans d. Klingons
Bonus Question: What is 1 kellicam in kilometres?
Question 2. TRUE OR FALSE Character 'Li Nalas' from DS9 reappears in Lower Decks.
Question 3. How many named relatives does Quark have ( excluding those not related by blood )? a. 3 b. 7 c. 11 d. 14
Bonus Question: What is his marital status according to Memory Alpha?
Question 4. What did B'Ellana's mother call her? a. MuSHa' b. Lanna c. Bey d. Beylana
Question 5. Fill-in Question! To which quadrant does the Acamarian Ruling Council belong?
Bonus Question: In which series do they appear?
Score: __/ 5 + 3 bonus ( Answers under cut )
Question 1. d. Klingons
+ Approximately 2 km, or 1.24 mi.
Question 2. TRUE.
+ He appears on a set of Bajoran tarot cards belonging to Shaxs.
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Question 3. c. 11
+ Divorced.
Question 4. b. Lanna
Question 5. Beta Quadrant.
+ The Next Generation ( TNG ).
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phatburd · 6 months
violence!: 4, 14, 22
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
If we’re talking about my most recent block, it was on Reddit where the dude tried to argue gender essentialism at me. Basically, he asserted that my call to write women like people was bullshit and that women should be written like women (weak and helpless). Yeah, I did not and do not have the emotional bandwidth to deal with that shit.
Even better though, when other people in the thread brought up Ellen Ripley as an example of where a role was originally written for a man but Sigourney Weaver was cast instead. The dude then stated he had never watched any of the Alien movies, but he read the Wikipedia article on Ripley and assumed she must be a boring and poorly written character because she was a woman.
Yeah, dude … delete your fucking account. All of your accounts, everywhere.
Tumblr blocks? Yeah, it was the Nth blog that posted the TOG van speech verbatim and declared JoeNicky to be the most perfect thing ever. Went into the blog, found their AO3, blocked that, then blocked their Tumblr. Because clearly this person and I have nothing to say to each other, and I’m tired and I get petty when I’m tired.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Making the bottom in an m/m ship extremely feminized, sometimes straight up infantilized. This isn’t to say there aren’t feminine gay dudes in RL, because there are. I’m talking about fan works.
I don’t know if it’s out of ignorance, sexism, misogyny, or just boring-ass heteronormativity, this idea that someone has to be the “girl” in a same-sex pairing. And every time I see it, I’m reminded of this little cartoon:
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I don’t really get top/bottom discourse and especially the need to assign specific personality traits to the top or the bottom. It was something I set out to not do in my m/m Bessimu fics. I wanted to write them as equals, and I think I succeeded.
(FWIW, I see Bessimu as both being switches, because that’s more fun. I also find it hot to write Bessières as a power bottom dom and Murat as the submissive service top, and it’s not what one would expect when judging them by their public personas.)
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
From The Old Guard? Those three and a half thousand years that Andy spent alone as the only immortal on the planet (as far as anyone knows).
I’ve been wanting to explore that period and, yes, it’s fucking intimidating. Historical documentation is more miss than hit once you start going back to certain points in human history.
Three and a half thousand years is a really fucking long time. What did Andy do, where did she go? What did she see? There’s a lot of potential to mine there, and maybe I’ll do it someday.
For the Napoleonics? Joseph Fouché is a fucking amoral bastard, but I think people forget he tried to save Marshal Ney. Ney, being Ney, was either politically naive, stubborn, and/or he just wanted to fucking die already when he refused Fouché’s offer of fake papers and an passport to sneak out of France in the aftermath of Napoleon’s second abdication.
(I’ve also read that Laurent de Gouvion St. Cyr was the one who offered the passport and papers, so take the above with the proverbial grain of salt. St. Cyr did vote for exile in the final trial, which lends weight to that too.)
I also have a shitload of question marks around Bessières’ final years and the way it gets treated by academics, but that may be better off in a post of its own.
For Star Trek ... no one ever really talks about what kind of influence Sisko might have had on the Bajorans other than just being the Emissary/Space Jesus. Like, did baseball become a national sport and baseball leagues spring up all over the planet? Is there ticky-tacky Emissary merchandise one can purchase, like humans have in real life of the Pope?
(Sisko did show up on a pack of Bajoran tarot cards in Lower Decks, and I squealed over that, ngl.)
Thanks for asking! 😘
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horta-in-charge · 2 years
Content Warning: Contains 18+ content MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, spoilers for DS9 S7 E6 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River, explains how Weyoun 6 is alive in the other parts of this series, I used episode dialogue and it does not belong to me please don’t sue me, my OC is very uncomfortable, out of body experience, sensory weirdness, references to religion and religious figures, my OC is an atheist which in this case just means she doesn’t subscribe to any religion but unfortunately knows immortals are real, if you read Broken Covenant you know she can’t go to any location moving at warp without help, forced choice scenario but it’s not sexual, Greek Mythology, telepathic communication.
Author’s Note: I listed everything I could think of, please let me know if I missed anything. One (1) Librarians reference this time though! However it’s also in regular lexicon so it shouldn’t make too much of a difference. Telepathic communication is in ‘’ and italicized. Regular italics are just normal thoughts. Thanking @deepspacedukat for dealing with my askbox shenanigans, advice, and this pretty gif and @heavensamralime​ for their help on Discord. Love you Bug!!! 
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Rainbow Rider
In Appalachia, an old couple sat on the floor in a darkened room, a table between them as they shook a cup of bones. When the bones fell from the cup, the reading was unmistakable.
In New Orleans, a vampire saw songbirds’ wings beat out patterns while they cut across the dusky sky.
In Rome, an octo-centenarian set of tarot cards refused to give any other readings, even after the owner had cut and stacked the deck.
In the White City, Shangri-La, monks read their tea leaves and sat silent.
In Machu Picchu, the wefts of ancient looms wove new lines without aid.
On DS9, she scratched her ankle using her booted foot, and almost cursed that her holosuite reservation was tomorrow on her day off, because she needed a good swim. The ravens behind her ears were unmoving as usual and the adder on her arm was still. The paperwork, however, seemed to multiply while she blinked, not that there was any real paper at all. Just files… and reports… and requisitions… and charts. If only she wasn’t so itchy! 
Nothing particularly exciting was going on. Unless she counted Odo’s trip to pick up an old source, but that wasn’t actually doing anything to take her mind off of the incessant need to scratch her ankle. It hadn’t been this bad since she’d been stationed on Starbase 375 during the war when she’d served as a trauma surgeon in its hospital wing. Holodeck time was precious and while she did get more than the average staff did, it still wasn’t enough to prevent her from feeling itchy, and even worse, occasionally sick. 
Since nothing topical would work, she pursued her duties head on as an attempt to distract herself. She reached for her glass of sea salt water and took an undignified swig while reviewing swing shift’s physical records. For the most part, everyone seemed in good shape. A few people were low on iron, one on calcium, and someone else needed their potassium dosage lowered within the next week. She made a note and sent all of this to Drs. Jurati and Bashir as they would be more likely to see any of these patients than she was. Hardly anyone came into sickbay at this hour unless something was horribly wrong or Julian wanted to work on an experiment- and that was assuming he’d left after his shift ended. Her Bajoran nurses, although to be fair there weren’t any Starfleet nurses on the station, were attending weekly services and would clock in about an hour from now.
There wasn’t any obvious foreshadowing. Just a natural sense kicking in that someone was there. It wasn’t just any someone- it was Iris. She turned in her swivel chair to face the lesser goddess, though only lesser because she wasn’t one of the main twelve, she was still a goddess in all things. She stood to receive her.
‘I have come with a message, little one.’ While it was slightly irksome to be called little, in this case, it was not insulting whatsoever. She was little in all ways except height.
‘Who has sent you?’ Maybe questioning a goddess wasn’t exactly the best idea, but it’s not like she came with an address stamped onto her forehead. Beware of strange mail, as they say.
‘Eunomia and Eirene send this message,’ Two of the Horai - Good Order and Peace- but no justice. ‘Do you accept it?’
‘Yes.’ Without warning, the goddess grasped her shoulder, and she split in half. Or perhaps three-quarters. It was strange, being in two places at once. The visibility of her in one place, but the physicality in another. She looked down at herself and saw nothing, but felt everything. Every sense accounted for her surroundings. She was on the Rio Grande. A Weyoun was on the monitor speaking absolute lies, or at least to her they were. 
“-Please have a safe and pleasant journey back to Deep Space Nine.” Odo was cradling another one of Weyoun’s clones in his arms. This one was grievously ill. She moved and caught his hand, holding it as she felt his body suffering from whatever poison he had taken. 
“They say voluntary termination is quick and painless, I’m afraid it's not true.” While he spoke, she manipulated the water in his body to hydrolyze the leftover poison into non-lethal compounds. Every single molecule of him vibrated on a frequency she knew and yet didn’t, but that mattered little because she could map it better than any tricorder ever could. 
“I’ll get you a pain suppressor-” Odo was speaking now, as she tried to undo some of the damage the poison had caused, she felt almost like she had endless energy, no doubt given to her by Iris, who she could still feel holding onto her shoulder.
“That won’t be necessary, but there is one thing you can do for me.” Weyoun’s body was still in critical condition as many of its systems were damaged. Fortunately, the extra energy was helping her heal him faster, but she could only do so much with what little spare water he had in his tissues.
“What’s that? 
“Give me your blessing.”
“I can’t.” Good job Odo! At least you’re keeping him alive enough to beg you for it. 
“Please, Odo. Tell me I haven’t failed. That I’ve served you well.” Well I’m certainly going to fail if he dies, keep him talking Odo! 
“You have. And for that you have my gratitude…” Almost there you Vortan son of a bitch! Stay with me here- you foppish, pointy eared diplomat! “... and my blessing.” Weyoun went limp almost instantly from his catharsis, and Odo held him, not knowing what to do. Fortunately, Weyoun had passed out, which was great for her because now she wasn’t using as much of his own stored energy to help heal him by fighting his own biology. She only needed her own. 
When the water levels in his body were as used up as they could be to heal him safely, she let go. Let’s hope he makes it back to the station. Odo did go to all this trouble to try and help him, unwittingly, but at least he did decide to bring him along. Not to mention the Horai. She was pulled back into her own body, and once she settled, Iris let go of her. The goddess disappeared in a flash of rainbow. 
She grabbed her water glass and drained it in one large gulp, then crossed the room to the replicator and ordered herself a bag of saline. The glow as it materialized was pretty. She took it out and then put the glass in and watched it disappear at the touch of a button. She pulled a metal straw out of her pocket dimension and stuck it into the bag like a juice box and drank ravenously. It too disappeared into the replicator, and the metal straw back into her pocket once she’d forced every last drop of saline into her body. 
When the nurses came, she was doing paperwork. 
When Weyoun came, she was fast asleep in her own bed.
When her shift came, he was in his new quarters resting.
On Earth, the readings went back to normal.
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commander-jbennett · 1 month
(red is for things he can do readily, blue is for situational/it depends, the colors help my eyes lol)
swim (he doesn't like it, but he can) / scubadive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / drive (he can drive a car and has a valid license, he can also pilot a shuttle) / draw / sing (he doesn't like singing in front of others)/ play an instrument (guitar and hurdy gurdy)/ maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than one language (english/standard, Bajoran, Vulcan) / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture (basic chair, table, bed frame) / build a house / sew a button / customise clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado / cut bell peppers / cook / bake (with a recipe)/ basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound (temporary fix)/ fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot (Simple knots)/ create a shelter without tools or bought materials / make a cocktail / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all pokemon in the pokemon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading hearing it once / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / ice skate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
tagged by: stole it tagging: steal it
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russianblue-nx01 · 4 years
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Deep Space Nine Tarot
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bonnierosebryan · 7 years
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Deep Space Nine Tarot : III The Empress : Major Kira Nerys
The Empress represents :
Feminine power and protection, a female leader, maternity, fertility, love, art, beauty, working with children, nurturing and caring for others, giving and receiving pleasure, luxury, bounty, receiving a lavish reward, harmonizing with natural rythmes, connection to nature and the earth, cherishing the world, feeling vibrant.
Kira Nerys :
Kira’s love and connection to Bajor, and her drive to protect and care for its people is at the core of her being. Everything she does is motivated and shaped by this, her spirituality is drawn from it, and it defines her: she is, above all things, Bajoran. 
She’s vibrant and active, and functions best and most naturally, when she is in a position of authority. A powerful leader, though firey, she commands justly, with great empathy for her fellow soldiers and comrades. She has no tolerance for tyranny and exploitation. 
Kira shows great tenderness and compassion for children, and has a natural maternal energy (which she fully discovers during her experience with Kirayoshi.) 
Having grown up under the occupation, in dire poverty, her life on DS9 is luxurious by comparison, where she is well provided for her every want and need.
As a lover, she values harmony and gentleness. She is tender, faithful, and gives great care to her lovers when they are injured or ill. 
During The Reckoning, Kira receives an exceptional and lavish reward from The Prophets, one that even she feels unworthy to receive, and yet, The Prophets realize her goodness of spirit, and see her true Bajoran heart.
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