#barlo kentucky
thecoffeelorian · 9 months
I read up on skogsrå in the morning, listened to ghost stories about dead coal miners and mama bears in the afternoon, and watched Deer Lady avenge her friend in the evening.
It's a lore sort of weekend.
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lostmidnightwriter · 2 years
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Inktober Day 5: The Boy
For every fan of horror podcasts, who haven't listened to Old Gods of Appalachia, my deepest condolences, so sad for you. For the rest of us, today The Boy has graced us with his presence today, here to blow up your mine and make you piss yourself.
Song of the Day:
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intheholler · 3 months
okay. i'm up to episode five now, so, by increasingly popular demand lol:
my initial thoughts about old gods of appalachia
i think it's really smart in what it relays as "appalachian horror," because this is actually what The Appalachian Gothic is supposed to give
what i mean is it's not just like the usual spoopy mythical forest/"don't investigate the noises in the woods" stuff alone. dgmw, obviously i love the urban legends
but the gothic of an area or time period needs cultural elements tied in to really make it chilling, and this does it well. it stands out in the way that it incorporates the genuine horrors of humanity in appalachia with the supernatural element everyone is drawn to about these mountains. it's very creatively done
like in the barlo, kentucky saga i am currently listening to, it's the dangerous coal mines and the near-possessed preacher turning all hellfire n brimstone at the behest of the haints. it preys (i use this word positively here) on this mix of very specific but common fears, both existential and otherwise, held by residents of the appalachian south. love it
as an aside, i love the narrator's accent because it sounds like mine :') a lifetime of code switching means mine isn't quite as strong unfortunately, but our pronunciation habits and colloquialisms are next to identical, so there manages to be this like warm and nostalgic feeling to it, too
because it's honestly so nice to hear my accent and my family's accent as a critical part of a superb story being told, and not just as a vehicle for mockery and stereotypes :')))
all in all... it is Good Shit
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rest in pieces
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dearophelia · 3 years
also, i feel like you all need to know what i did at oh-dark-thirty this morning
i woke up on the couch after hearing what sounded like a ladder. so, of course, because it was 3:32am and my ambien was going strong, my brain immediately went to someone is in the house
(to clarify this up front: no one was in the house. i have cats and neighbors and a lesbian ghost, all of which make various levels of unexplainable noises.)
and then my brain went to that’s ridiculous, went through a few arguments about that, and ended at let’s go room to room with a staff
(like what am i gonna do high as balls with dried out contacts, really.)
for some reason, i decided that the staff behind the couch was not good enough - nor would either of the two lightsabers within reach do, nor any of the daggers, nor garden variety kitchen knives, for that matter - and i would need the heavy staff. from another room. that i had not yet cleared of the nonexistent intruder. 
3:30am me is not smart.
anyway, i very stealthily (not stealthily at all) got the heavy staff from the closet in the back room and then backtracked to go room to room, like they do in the movies, only in constellation pj pants and a barlo kentucky t-shirt. i even checked the linen closet that can, in no conceivable way, hold a person.
i double checked the doors were locked (yes) and decided to go to bed properly. BUT FIRST decided i need to take a weapon to bed. yknow. just in case.
(this is like that time i took a disney princess foam sword to bed after finding a demonic mannequin in the trash at the old place and lining my bedroom window with salt)
sharp things seemed like a bad idea, the dart gun that would actually deter anyone rightfully requires eye protection (and the priming gear is twitchy even when i’m fully awake), and sleeping with a five-foot rigid staff sounded uncomfortable even though it’s a queen bed.
enter the lightsaber.
which i set by my bed hilt down by the floor entirely out of reach. useful. 
i woke up at 8:30 this morning with no recollection of any of this until about 30 seconds after i saw the lightsaber.
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yo Old Gods of Appalachia is SO GOOD what the FUCK
it's a cosmic folk small-town horror anthology podcast with different storylines set in alternate Appalachia (season 1 is set in Barlo, Kentucky in 1917) where the premise is that Old Gods were trapped in the mountains, and then the miners dug too deep and opened the door
@ everyone who's just finished the magnus archives and is looking for something new: give it a try! let me know what you think!
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nervousenby · 4 years
Oh boy I sure do love being a coal miner in the town of Barlo, Kentucky in 1917! Wait what’s that noi-
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gracieryder · 3 years
Eyy, you got me! It's me, yes. Hi!! Not revenge, though, I just really wanted to chat my out of boredom 🤣 I am in fact in South America! I'm Brazilian :D
On the note of Old Gods of Appalachia: One of the characters plagued by ghost boy is called Bobby, who moved to Barlo, Kentucky, to escape the memories of a fire he was (unoficially) blamed for, and I'm having feelings about this. This episode came out on Dec. 2019...
I'M A GENIUS!! Except not really, that took me a hot minute to figure out. 🤣🤣🤣
I apologize to @myemergence, @hazel-athena, @djdangerlove, and @pragmaticoptimist34 for my terrible guesswork. 😂
And I'm about to have to drive home from work, so I figured it out just in time. 😎
Brazil tho! Very cool!! ❤️❤️❤️
And you are making connections that are not connections right now. Stop that! 🤣🤣💀
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changeling-chatter · 3 years
If I was in Barlo, Kentucky 1917 I would have stopped it
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