#before I had a barebones idea for a first book with (extremely extremely) loose ideas for the second and third books
prozach27 · 1 year
#literally so ecstatic that book ideas keep coming to me and getting life breathed into them#I’ve had this book series on the back burner for over a decade#just waiting for it all to click#I’ve tried to force it to click a few times and it never would#but the ideas just won’t!!! stop!!! coming now!!! once everything fit into place#before I had a barebones idea for a first book with (extremely extremely) loose ideas for the second and third books#like oh in book 2 they leave their city and in book 3 they come back#but now the central themes and symbolism of the first book have all clicked into place and the story makes SO MUCH SENSE#and!!! I understand the theme of the three books together now!!#and the second book’s plot just keeps hitting me in waves and it’s SO INTERESTING#I really love the symbolism of it#took me a second to get used to it but I really love it now#I’ve even found the passages to include at the front of the books that authors always do for cool fiction novels#at least for books 1 and 2#the titles of the books also came to me which is GREAT bc I only had the first one originally#and the second book?? it’s missing one central piece - what the society they enter looks like#it needs a central monument or image for the reader to latch onto#but the rest built around it is??? so good???#my book 3 is still relatively barebones but I think that’s probably good#I now understand what the theme of the third book will be and some pivotal scenes that drive it home#the rest should probably wait until the first two books are cemented in#but??? idk I’m just so excited??? I think these books could be a big deal#like they just have a certain quality about them that makes me very excited lol#now to just get all of this on to a paper
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merrinpippy · 7 years
Everything’s Fine in the Beast Division
Written for the Tomarry Valentine Exchange. I will publish the five chapters throughout the next three days, this of course being the first. Happy Valentine's Day @clarisselwyn (or @voldemortsheart)! I hope you like it! :)
Also on archive, with the second chapter too: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9697649/chapters/21888392
It was raining outside when Harry took the lift up to Level 4 of the Ministry of Magic, except it wasn’t technically actually raining and ‘outside’ meant in the fake windows of each of the ministry’s department levels.
The ministry employees in the lift with him were staring, but Harry was used to that after eighteen years of being publically known as the only person to ever have survived the killing curse as a child. He had already been sent multiple letters from the Department of Mysteries inquiring if he might allow them to run some invasive tests for an undetermined amount of time. Harry had ignored these letters, but the presence of the strange Unspeakables might be one of a few downsides predicted by the Weasley twins to his time here at the ministry. However, the strange fluttering in his chest wasn't nerves, but the snitch he made a habit of keeping on his person.
It had been (whether he knew it or not) an aspiration of his ever since he was young, to be an auror. The idea had been planted when he’d learned of his parents’ murders, and nothing had replaced it since. It was the only thing he could think of that offered meaning to his life as he’d never really felt a calling from anything other than Defence Against the Dark Arts, except perhaps Quidditch. But as well as he’d done in Concealment and Disguise, Stealth and Tracking, and Magical Jurisprudence, his knowledge of Dangerous Beasts had been mysteriously lacking (Harry loved Hagrid dearly but flobberworms were unlikely to come up in auror training).
So Luna had spoken to a close friend of hers that happened to be the leading authority on magical creatures and now Harry was here, stepping out of the lift in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, on his way to begin an apprenticeship with Newt Scamander.
Harry was the only one getting out of the lift on this floor, so he couldn’t ask any of them where the Beast Division was. The first thing he noticed as he looked around was a litter of kneazles being cooed at by what seemed like half of the department and certainly everyone in the room, on the couch in the corner of the room.
The room itself looked quite like the auror office except much more relaxed and more spacious, a quality Harry much preferred. There were plaques on each of the doorways branching off, and Harry made it halfway to the one that read ‘Beast Division’ before anyone noticed him.
Though quite a few members of the crowd seemed like they wanted to talk to him, a red-haired woman dressed in clothes that looked more muggle than magical thrust a kneazle into one of their arms and forbade them from following her. Harry watched on with some trepidation as she jogged over to him and shook his hand.
“Mathilda Grimblehawk, investigator, good to meet you. Of course I know who you are, the famous Harry Potter in our department! If you’ll just follow me I can take you to Newt’s office straight away.”
Bemused, Harry did follow Mathilda into the Beast Division, another large room with more branches off of it. This room was even more relaxed, with a multitude of couches, coffee tables, stacks of books and strange ornaments placed haphazardly around. If Harry’d had to guess what the place would look like, he wouldn’t have guessed this- he could barely reconcile this image with that of the dull, stern Ministry he knew. But, he supposed that if Newt Scamander worked here, he shouldn’t be too surprised...
“We do take our work seriously, I swear,” Mathilda was saying. “But when you bring in a particularly vicious kneazle who turns out to be a new mother of five, there’s no passing up the opportunity. Except for Newt and Mr Barebone, but they practically live inside that suitcase anyway- here we are!”
The door that Mathilda knocked on read: ‘ Newton Scamander and Credence Barebone | Investigators and consultants in various sub-departments of the Beast Division ’. Harry didn’t think this really clarified what they did, but he supposed he’d find out soon enough.
When the door opened, it was decidedly not Newt that answered. A pale-skinned man with black hair and a shy demeanor opened the door- Credence, Harry assumed.
“Hi, I’m Harry Potter-?”
Credence nodded slightly. “Newt’s waiting for you,” he said quietly, and opened the door further to invite him in.
“I’ll see you later Harry!” Mathilda said as the door closed, but Harry did not get a chance to answer her.
The office was rather plain, the seat, desk, and few sets of drawers not doing much to fill the space. The only notable object was a suitcase on the floor which Harry immediately recognised in its infamy. Without preamble, Credence opened the suitcase and disappeared inside, however a second later he resurfaced and said, “There’s a ladder.”
There was indeed.
It was like Harry had apparated into a cottage somewhere far away- the space was massive, reminiscent of (but infinitely more impressive than) Mr Weasley’s tent that they’d stayed in at the Quidditch World Cup.
Shelves were filled to the brim with tools and odd devices, items of clothing were scattered around, and plants made their homes in the most impulsive of places. There was a desk here too, covered in papers with scribbles and sketches. It gave the impression of being heavily lived in, and Harry could only describe it as cosy.
“It used to be more of a shed,” Newt said, bringing Harry’s attention to the kindly freckled wizard in one of three doorways. “But when Credence came to stay I thought I’d enlarge it a little. Though Credence has disappeared for the moment- he’s not particularly comfortable around strangers.”
“It can’t help that his name has barely left the papers even after all this time,” Harry said, having seen many times the Prophet’s articles about the ‘extremely dangerous Obscurial let loose on Britain’. He could say from experience that it was not at all fun being pestered by the wizarding media, and he couldn’t imagine how bad Credence had it.
Newt smiled, though, seemingly appreciating Harry’s sympathy. “Quite,” he replied, and stepped forward to shake Harry’s hand. “How about I show you to your room?”
“Room?” Harry said, confused.
Newt only smiled again, a twinkle in his eye as he led Harry out of the room. Down a short hallway were doorways to four rooms. Newt turned to face Harry, tapping one of the doors with his wand and leaning against the doorway as it opened.
“Credence and I sleep here more often than not, just for convenience. You can go home if you want of course, but you have a place here too for as long as you want to stay.”
Harry couldn’t bring his eyebrows down from the top of his forehead. “Wow, Mr Scamand-”
“Please, call me Newt.”
“Newt. This is very generous of you, thank you so much,” Harry said earnestly.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. I’d like to show you around a bit if you’re amenable, so you can leave your rucksack in here for the time being.”
Harry, who’d all but forgotten he was even carrying a rucksack at this point, did just that.
“Are you a herbologist as well as a magizoologist?” Harry asked as they returned to the main room, eyeing the various species of plant hanging or lying around the place.
“It’s just a hobby, really,” Newt dismissed. “Well, that and some of the plants made good feed. While we’re on the topic- how much do you know about beasts?”
Harry grimaced. “I’ve read the most recent edition of Fantastic Beasts, but other than that my knowledge is mostly limited to hippogriffs, flobberworms, and blast-ended screwts.”
“All fine creatures in their own way,” Newt said lightly. “How about I show you some of mine?”
The outside of the cottage-area was even more magnificent than the inside. It was like they’d entered another dimension completely, so different was the change. He was sure that there wouldn’t even be enough space in an entire level of the ministry to hold the many vast habitats that Harry could see, from desert to rainforest to glade.
“You’ll recognise these,” Newt commented, pointing to a couple of screwts. Harry wrinkled his nose. He could go the rest of his life never seeing one of them again and not lose any sleep over it, but he took care not to say this aloud.
Newt took him for a tour around the habitats pointing out creatures, most of which Harry recognised in some way but some of which he did not.
“Are those hives? Do you have magical bees?” Harry asked, intrigued at a pair of normal-seeming beehives but keeping his distance.
“Oh no, these are just normal bees,” Newt assured, coming to stand next to Harry. “They’re endangered, don’t you know?”
Harry turned to grin at Newt only to catch sight of something dark in a secured area behind him. “That one I recognise too. Creepiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen dementors in person.” Harry pointed and Newt followed his line of sight.
“Ah, the lethifold? Maybe I did make it seem a bit ominous. There’s no need to worry, though- it’s contained and even if it wasn’t it only attacks people when they’re asleep.”
“In a really horrifying way.”
“Well, yes. But I imagine it would be very friendly if we got to know it better,” Newt said. Harry was quickly seeing the Hufflepuff in this man.
He decided to let it go.  
“You know, I actually remember reading about the dementors at Hogwarts in the Prophet,” Newt said as they moved on once again. “Weren’t they there for reasons involving you?”
Harry grunted noncommittally, and he thought Newt would have left the subject alone if Credence hadn’t come out to meet them, having heard part of their conversation.
“Dementors at a school for him?” Credence asked. “Why would you think that?”
“Harry’s something of a celebrity,” Newt said, grinning good-naturedly at Harry. “He’s always in the Prophet for the most minor of reasons, which you’d know if you read it ever.”
Credence frowned. “I don’t like the Prophet,” he replied, and Harry couldn’t have agreed more with Credence if he tried.
“The Prophet’s been hassling me ever since I came to Hogwarts,” he said with a note of bitterness. “Doesn’t want to leave me alone because of a stupid scar on my head. Can't go one week without five reports on what I happened to have for lunch yesterday. Rita Skeeter especially.”
Credence was looking at Harry as if reevaluating him, while Newt wore an approving smile. Harry felt his face redden at his own outburst and he said no more.
What he didn't feel, however, was the snitch in his breast pocket. Frowning, he patted at it. The snitch was gone.
“Something wrong?” Credence asked.
“Something missing,” Harry replied, trying to remember if he’d left the snitch with his rucksack.
“Something shiny?” Newt asked, his eyes fixed on something by the cottage.
Harry and Credence both followed his gaze to something small, dark and moving. Even from this distance, though, Harry could make out his snitch’s feeble attempts to escape the creature's grasp.
“Honestly, niffler,” Newt groaned. He jogged back towards the cottage, trailing Credence and Harry behind him.
The niffler, likely having spotted them, disappeared inside the cottage. Newt didn’t miss a beat following him in and then locking the door behind them when Harry and Credence joined him.
And then there was chaos.
Harry didn’t know so many things could be uprooted by one spell, but Newt managed to both find and cast said spell in an attempt to catch the niffler. What resulted, however, was the contents of the living room minus the niffler being flung and suspended in the air. The firewood narrowly dodged Harry’s head and dashed the three of them in soot.
“Why do you even own a snitch in the first place?” Credence asked offhandedly, as if this was an everyday occurrence. Maybe it was.
“First snitch I ever caught in a game. Dumbledore gave it to me as a birthday present a few years back.”
Newt had located the niffler. He dove left to cut it off while Credence dove right. Harry braced himself to catch the niffler if it slipped between the two. It did. Harry did not catch it.
“Was that the one you caught in your mouth?” Newt asked, slightly out of breath.
“Don’t- don’t tell me you read that in the Prophet too!” Harry yelped as a flower pot previously suspended in midair fell. Harry caught it right before it hit the floor and set it down, while Newt and Credence were surrounding the bookcase the niffler was hiding in.
“No, this time Luna told me,” Newt answered over his shoulder.
Harry frowned, joining them and trying to figure out which cranny the niffler had stuffed itself in. “But she wasn’t even at the school when it happened, why would she know about that?”
Newt paused and turned to look him in the eye. “Harry Potter plays his first ever game of Quidditch and catches the snitch in his mouth?! In Hogwarts, it would be stranger if she didn’t know.”
Of course, the niffler chose that moment to make a mad dash for freedom, slipping between them once again and scurrying underneath the table. Other objects were falling now too; Harry juggled what he could catch in his hands, tossing them haphazardly onto the table that Newt and Credence were attempting to cover. An unfortunate few of them were potions, hopefully harmless, which sprayed them in strange colours as they smashed.
“Accio niffler,” Harry tried, and then “Accio snitch,” but neither actually worked. He almost suggested that they leave the niffler alone (at least for now) but felt that it would be somewhat rude.
“Watch the ladder!” Newt yelled- the niffler was climbing it to escape to the room above, and for once Harry was faster, climbing after it and leaping to block the door.
This room, being smaller and far less cluttered, was not the escape the niffler was hoping for. Newt and Credence, having climbed out of the suitcase after Harry, lunged at the niffler at the same time as Harry did, the result being the three of them lying in a heap, the niffler somewhere between them.
Feeling the brush of tiny wings, Harry grasped at the snitch and pulled it out of the tangle of bodies, thrusting his arm into the air. The snitch, for its part, immediately stopped struggling.
“I’ve got it!” Harry yelled triumphantly; Newt and Credence cheered; the door to the office swung open.
The three looked up from the floor in unison at the newcomers. The first Harry recognised as a very unimpressed Percival Graves, head of the DMLE. Harry’s face flamed as he realised exactly how stupid they looked, covered in plant dirt and other questionable substances in a pile on the floor. Harry’s hand was still in the air, clutching the snitch… he lowered it sheepishly.  
The second man Harry had never seen in person, though he knew at once who it must be. Black wavy hair, perfectly styled. Porcelain skin. Limber and tall. Sharp, angled features, and handsome, oh so handsome… this had to be Tom Riddle, Permanent Secretary to the DMLE and Minister Picquery’s (unofficial) first advisor. If Harry wasn’t already bright red, he would blush again.
Riddle’s eyes met his and Harry looked back to Graves quickly, not wanting to be caught staring (though he was sure Riddle must have known).
“What on earth…” Graves started, but then shook his head and bent down to help Credence to his feet, shifting Harry and Newt around in the process.
A hand appeared next to Harry’s face and he looked up, wondering if Riddle meant the hand for Newt instead, but Riddle’s eyes were locked on Harry and he had no choice but to take the (soft! Firm! Warm!) hand and let himself be pulled effortlessly to his feet.
“Thanks,” Harry said quietly, unsure where he stood.
“Please don’t tell me that you three were playing some bastardised version of Quidditch when we came in,” Riddle said, and Harry looked down to the snitch and then at Newt.
Newt had pulled himself to his feet, taking the niffler with him and grinning. “Got him,” he said to Harry, who had to stifle a laugh. “Scourgify,” he added, cleaning himself and Harry.
Credence, on the other hand, had already been dusted off by a suspiciously personal Graves.
“So this is the new apprentice to the disastrous duo,” Graves commented at Harry wryly, the insult mollified somewhat by an affectionate hand on Credence’s shoulder.
“I had hoped that whoever it was would be a good influence on the pair, but I see I have misjudged,” Riddle replied.
Harry crossed his arms, indignant. “I’ve only been here for half an hour!” he said.
Riddle looked amused. “I’m not sure whether that speaks for you or against,” he remarked.
Graves cleared his throat. “As much as I’d like to hear the whole story- and I will be hearing it, by the way- there is actually a reason Tom and I dropped in.” He sighed. “There’s been a report of a large creature attacking a witch and a couple of muggles. We need you to identify it and tell us how to neutralise it, fast.”
“What about the other investigators? Grimblehawk, for example?” Newt asked, though it was clear his interest was piqued.
“All busy, but when we go into the field it’ll be with a bunch of my aurors to make up for it. Do you know of any creatures that are, and I quote, like a ‘giant red spidery thing’?”
The first thing to come to Harry’s mind was aromantacula, but that couldn’t be right because to his knowledge they weren’t red.
“You want to know how to neutralise it?” Newt asked. Graves nodded. “Alright. I might know what it is, but to be certain- and to trap it- I’ll need a moleskin pouch filled with three decoy detonators, a probity probe, spellotape, and a rubber duck.”
Riddle and Graves exchanged a look.
“Don’t you trust him?” Credence asked, but quickly amended this when he realised this was perhaps the wrong question to ask. “He’s the best magizoologist in the world, he knows what he’s doing.”
Riddle looked unconvinced, but Graves shrugged. “You boys wait here. We’ll get you your items, and then we’ll come up with a plan, get the aurors, and go.”
Riddle’s eyes met Harry’s one more time before he and Graves left the room, leaving Harry feeling a little flustered. A few seconds passed before he turned to Newt, who was returning niffler to the suitcase.
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
Newt beamed. “Absolutely.”
“And what’s that?”
“Breaking the rules. Look, I think I know what this creature is and I don’t want it neutralised! It needs to be studied. Objectively. By us.” Newt locked the suitcase and picked it up without a care. It was surprisingly trippy to witness. “The things I asked for were, naturally, pointless. But it will buy us some time so that we can get to it first without the aurors barging in and making a mess of things- no offence, Credence.”
“None taken,” Credence said with a smile. At Harry’s questioning look, he clarified. “Me and Mr Graves, we’re uh, dating.”
“Okay, but there’s a problem with that plan,” Harry said. “We don’t know where the creature is.”
Newt nodded. “I suspect Percival left that particular detail out on purpose. But it’s no matter, Queenie should be on her shift now, we’ll pay her a visit.”
Harry had no idea who this Queenie was, but he followed Newt and Credence from the office anyway. He slipped the snitch into his pocket where it was content to stay, safe from any wandering paws.
It had only been forty minutes.
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elianas-cozycorner · 7 years
Astronomy (Credence Barebone/Reader)
“Hello, lovelies! This little idea came about in a roleplay with a great friend of mine, @maximoffmarveltrash. She’s so detailed with our roleplays there was no way I couldn’t help but write for Credence outside of the roleplay. I took stuff directly from the rp, to be honest. This takes place in Hogwarts, Golden Trio Era, with a Slytherin Credence and a Professor Newt (Who is a huge help to you). I gave you a house in this one, my apologies! At least, you get stuck with my house; Hufflepuff! Please enjoy!
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“Hey,” You turned to your friend, a curious look on your face. “Do you reckon Professor Scamander would let me have one of the baby Nifflers he recently acquired? I mean, with the Christmas break coming up and Credence having to go home to... Her for the holidays, I would like to get him one of those little rascals as a present. I mean, to help him cope. I know he loves the Nifflers and I... I dunno... Thought it was a good idea?”
"I dunno. Why are you asking me?" You walked along with your friend, walking down the school grounds to the greenhouse, where your last class of Herbology would be held before the break, and listened to them ramble. "It's not like I could do anything to help."
“I figured half as much, but I was wondering if you thought it’d be possible.” You sighed, shuffling your feet.
“Look, you’re an A student in Care of Magical Creatures, I’m sure the Professor would trust you with a Niffler. You just have to talk to him and see... For yourself, I’m not doing this for you.” Your friend bit into the apple they were currently hold, salvaged from the fruit basket at breakfast. 
“I suppose you’re right...” You let the conversation die off there, instead you continued your rather peaceful walk. That was, until your friend began to talk again.
“Do you think I could drop by on your trip to Hogsmeade this weekend? I know you planned to go with Credence, since he’ll be leaving in a few days, but I’d really like to get to know him better.”
You hesitated, not sure if it would be the best idea for the seventh year Slytherin. His time at Hogwarts had been fine, but he was quite reserved and shy, not to mention anxious and a little paranoid. You had had plenty of time to get to know the boy, meeting him on the train to Hogwarts in your second year. You’d persisted with your attempts to befriend him always being gentle and patient with him until he finally learned to trust you. Of course, you were still gentle and patient with him, knowing that he was truly a boy starved of affection. You’d grown close together, knowing each other quite well, so you pondered your friend’s question with care.
“I mean,” You friend interrupted your thoughts, stumbling over their words. “If you’d rather me not not go, I won’t I was just throwing the idea out there.”
You smiled, patting their shoulder in a reassuring manner. “I’ll talk to Cree about it, okay?”
They smiled back, patting your shoulder. “Okay.”
When Herbology had finished, you checked your schedule and noted the words inked boldly, “Free Period”. You smiled, knowing you had time to run down to the small cabin that Professor Scamander had been given and ask him about the Niffler. It was convenient that the Professor’s home had been built within the Forbidden Forest right behind Hagrid’s hut, so you knew the way well. You bade goodbye to your friend, who had Potions next, and raced down the snowy scape to your destination.
You went with haste, mindful of the ice patches but always managing to almost slip. Careening down the hillside, you ignored the walkway entirely and shot past Hagrid, who was on his way to opening the door to his home. Leaving the half giant utterly confused, you quickly came to a stop at your Professor’s door. You knocked quickly, three raps in a row followed up with one solid knock three seconds after, like he’d instructed all his students to do. He’d said it had something to do with pixies, teachers, and escaping creatures, not that you’d paid much attention.
He answered timely, nodding at you with a smile before ushering you inside. “Must be awfully cold out at this time.”
“Yes, definitely, Professor!” You pulled your Hufflepuff scarf tighter around your neck for emphasis. 
He smiled warmly, gesturing for you to sit down on an armchair that sat beside a desk, his desk. This room was his “office” as he called it, despite being to large and made to be a den. He pulled up a chair from his desk, sitting to face you. “None of that now, call me Newt. Anyways, what do you need? Is it about the essay I-”
You smiled, kindly interrupting him. “Ah, no, Prof- Newt. It’s actually about the Holidays and, well, Credence.”
Newt perked up at the mention of Credence, being his so to speak, fatherly figure. He sat straighter, leaning forward to look at you with curiosity. “What about all that then?”
“Well, I was wondering if you’d be willing to allow me to take one of the new Nifflers off your hands?”
The whole situation was taken care of in no time at all. Newt was extremely happy to give you a Niffler, trusting in your choice to give it to Credence. He’d been delighted to provide you with not only the niffler (you’d chosen the smallest one with a brown fur, perfect for Credence) but a specific guide on taking care of them, three months worth of feed, a suitcase, much like his own but smaller, for the little beastie, and a beginner’s guide to ‘hosting beasts’. You were ecstatic, thanking him profusely and even giving him a hug. He was just happy to help and get another troublesome niffler off his hands; one was enough work, but seven was too much.
You couldn’t wait to present the creature to Credence, tough you knew it’d have to wait until after tomorrow, when your trip to Hogsmeade would be over and the rest of the gifts for the boy would be bought. However, you could now go to the common room and successfully make use of her free time by settling the niffler into its new home.
And, that’s exactly what you did. You had the niffler tucked in your arms, under your robes so no one could spot it, and the case, which contained all the necessary items for its care, trailed behind you with a simple spell.
When the time for you to take Credence to Hogsmeade came, you’d already talked to him about bringing your friend. He’d agreed, stating that he’d like to get to know your friends better. So, now, you find yourself walking between Credence and your friend, F/N. While you would occasionally turn to Credence for his opinions and to talk to him some, he’d stayed quiet for most of the trip. 
Walking around Hogsmeade with the two was actually more excitable and more fun than you could’ve hoped for. The town was bustling, students and townsfolk going into the stores and shops dotting the roadside. Smells filtered through the air. Cinnamon and paprika in one area and vanilla and lilac a step away. Flower shops next to joke shops, Taverns next to clothes shops. The streets were full of people as diverse as the shops were. An Chinese woman walking with and Indian male, hands loosely clasped together. A pale woman leaning her head against a darker womans shoulder, looking at rings in one shop window. And, amongst the bustling busy, beautiful people, three walked alongside each other. One a gorgeous man/lady beside a black haired man, walking between the first and the other in a slightly hunched position. They walked with each other, close but not touching, offering each other comfort without physical affirmations. With Credence warming up to your friend little by little, you found him more willing to put in his opinions and converse just a slight bit more. You found that your friend had been wiling to leave you two alone for a bit when they left to go look at the bookstore, spying a muggle book of interest. You were left with Credence to go about your shopping, mostly staying quiet but engaging in small conversations when the need or want arose. Truth be told, your cheeks weren’t really red from the cold, like his, they were so because of your proximity to the boy. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t fallen for the charming Slytherin over the years, and frankly your meeting on that train was what you considered the best moment of your life.
You snapped out of your thoughts when Credence’s soft voice cut the silence around you. “Didn’t you have gifts to buy? I-I m-mean, we’ve been walking o-outside for quite some t-time now.”
“Oh! Right! Course I do. Erm... Would you mind going to Honeydukes? I have some sweets to buy...” You wanted to say ‘for you’ but you couldn’t, it was one of his gifts. Besides, he didn’t eat sweets all that much, She never really gave him the chance. You knew he loved sweets, so you’d buy him as many as he was ogling in the shop.
Next, you both went to the book store. You bought a few books, including two that he’d mentioned to you earlier that he’d like to have. Then, you went to a clothes store. You bought a new bow tie for him and a new scarf for you, he was busy looking at a mannequin when you slipped the bow tie in with you scarf. You were happy with your success thus far. After meeting back up with your friend you all went to the Three Broomsticks.
Now it was dusk, and you were on your way to the astronomy tower. You’d agreed to meet Credence there during lunch, in order to successfully exchange gifts before he took his leave in the morning. You had a satchel wrapping across your chest and your new suit case in hand. The tapping of your shoes echoed down the empty hall that led to the tower. You were ten minutes late, but hoped Credence could forgive you. Hustling up the stairs, you tried not to drop something and not shake the case around too much. You stepped into the tower, being hit by cool air and cinnamon. The spice was probably due to something Credence had bought.
You smiled at him breathlessly. "Hello, sorry about the tardiness." You sat next to him putting down the case lightly and setting the satchel atop it. It was a rather big, rather full satchel. He gave a light smile, excusing her tardiness. He, too, had a rather big stack of presents for you.
You clapped her hands excited. "You first!"
He hesitated, choosing a small rectangular parcel from the top, handing it to you. Unwrapping it you found a book, one you’d been waning for so long. Hugging it close and thanking him profusely, you watched as he smiled, giving a small ‘you're welcome’ in return. You took your satchel and opened the top, picking out a small parcel a little bigger than the one he’d gifted you. It contained a journal, filled with little beasts in the outer margins of it's blank sheets.
His eyes widened as he opened it, a smile pulling at his lips as he, very carefully, placed it down beside him. He gazed down a moment more, taking in the small hournal, before taking a small box out of the pile. He opened it up towards you, revealing a small bracelet with dangling charms. The charms were wooden and handmade, including a niffler and a thunderbird.
You gasped at the sight, in awe of his talents. "That's... That's for me? Oh, Credence, this is beautiful..." You let him place it on your wrist smiling down at it fondly. "I'll never take it off." You then handed him a weighty bag, containing all the sweets you’d bought for him. He gave you a small smile, eyes lightening as he picked one out, consuming it as he handed you another small box. The box turned out to be new pencils and pens, all lined up neatly above a thick stack of creamy white paper. You smiled fondly at him, brushing your fingers across each item carefully. "You know me well, Cree..." You handed him another bigger parcel, within it contained the few books he’d taken an interest in and a few other items he'd taken interest in, including his new bow tie. He gasped when he saw it all, he hadn't thought you were paying him much attention. "Thank you." The words were whispered, a sacredness in them. He handed you the last gift he had, a large parcel. Inside was a sweater he'd had help making with a niffler on it. You hugged him, touching your fingers to your favorite creature. You slipped it on over your uniform, giggling. Then, you stood motioning for Credence to do the same. He did, standing and stretching his limbs. He towered over you slightly, looking down into your beautiful E/C eyes. You smiled up at him for a moment before turning your attention to the case. Kneeling, you opened it and motioned for him to climb inside. "Newt had to help me with this one."
His eyes widened in shock at the miniature version of Newt's case. His eyes shone as he leaned back, taking it all in. He broke out of the trance when you tugged him over, his eyes widening at what he saw. A niffler, a small, warm, thieving niffler. You bent down into the Niffler's hollow, taking the small, fluffy, warm creature into your arms before holding him out to Credence. You smiled brightly at his awed expression. He reached out with trembling hands, shuddering as you transferred the tiny beast into his arms. The Niffler nuzzled his nose into Credence's arm, before clambering up and burrowing into his hold. There was an overload of emotions, he felt safe, he felt loved, he felt at home. You bit your lip, shuffling, your hands clasped behind your back. "W-well?"
Credence thought of many words to say, of you and the warmth you produced in him. "I love you." 
His words were rushed, like he needed to get them off his chest and he did. He had fallen for this beautiful, impossibly kind hufflepuff and he'd needed to tell you, he needed to see if you felt it too. Felt the burning warmth when they touched, felt the tingling when he heard your voice, felt the happiness when he heard your name, felt the sorrow when you’d left. He needed to know. And so, the woods fell from his lips, rolling out before him, with a Niffler in his arms and his heart in your hands. You flushed a brilliant red, eyelashes fluttering as you blinked up at him. He watched, afraid. And now, with no answer and the seconds drawing on, he regretted ever saying it. His thoughts were sent reeling, only to stop completely when he noticed you’d increased your proximity to him. You gently reached up to brush his cheeks with your thumbs. He lent into the touch, hope soaring. 
“May I?” You asked, smiling up at him gently.
He nodded, and you stood on your toes to meet his lips. A touch of strawberries from you and sugary sweet from him. The niffler wormed its way back into its nest unnoticed, content with watching the display. You wrapped your arms around Credence gently, his resting now on your hips. He pulled away slowly, eyes blissfully closed. When he opened them he was met with your eyes, which shined like a thousand stars. "I love you too, Credence."
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