ghostofafruit · 6 months
haha I'll fanfic anything! My lamp (he's a skull) and my plague doctor mask are currently an enemies to lovers plot line
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henk-heijmans · 3 years
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Last picture of Rina, Mexico, 2011 - by Olaf Raymond Benold (1958), German
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sodapopsgt · 4 years
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*hands you a darnold* *hands you a darnold* *hands you a d
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cronchywaters · 4 years
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orange to pink means you're pretty comfy, i think.
(reblogs > likes)
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sodagendered · 4 years
okay so. this is an evil powerade (darnold x benrey) fic i wrote like. three months ago and i’ve finally decided to stop being a COWARD and actually publish it somewhere. uhh enjoy, ig? i hope i got both characters right, but who really knows lmao.
fic under the cut!
well, this was certainly... a predicament.
it was after the science team had left darnold alone, and he went back to his lab in order to grab a few things he had forgotten. there he found... well, who else but the strange security guard who not only ruined his computer, but downloaded the pyro update on tf2 when darnold told them specifically not to. and here that guard was, sitting at the desk, randomly pressing the keys on the keyboard, as if that would start the device back up. however, they seemed distracted enough; darnold figured he could just walk over to his desk, and...
"oh, hey, what's up," the member of security swirled around when darnold took a step towards them. so much for grabbing what he needed and getting out of here undetected.
"i'm just here t' grab a few of my potions before i head home," darnold explained, making his way behind the desk so he could rummage through it mindlessly.
"neat," the guard nodded and turned back around to work on the computer some more, which darnold couldn't help but chuckle at.
"your friend said your name is... benrey, correct?"
"well, benrey-" darnold paused as he placed some cartons and buckets of his potions on the table, "-i'm not sure what you think you're going to do with that computer. you've completely destroyed it, you see."
"nah, it just needs some gamer fuel and it'll be- i'm gonna fix it riiiiiight up. don't worry about it. i got it aaaaallllll figured out."
"well, good luck with that."
darnold shook his head and smiled. despite how rude benrey was before, they made him... oddly happy, and that brought a familiar glow to his cheeks.
suddenly, darnold had a realization...
"oh! you're forzons ex, aren't you, benrey?"
benrey appeared slightly caught off guard by darnolds question, but remained in his seat.
"uh... yeah, how'd- how do you, uh- know that?"
"well," darnold removed the glove on his left hand, showing benrey the irate gamer themed wedding ring he was wearing, "he and i are married, and before we were even engaged he would talk about you a lot. not ever by name, but... i can certainly understand what he would find appealing in you."
oh, dear... did he really say that last part out loud?
"mhm, yeah," benrey scoffed before letting out a long exhale. they didn't seem phased by darnolds last comment, but he did keep his eyes locked on the ring with an evil intent.
from what darnold could remember, benrey was always a fan of the angry video game nerd, and apparently their claim that the irate gamer was a rip-off of avgn was what caused him and forzon to break up. a rather humorous end to a relationship, darnold felt, and when forzon was relaying this information to him, he had to force himself not to laugh; though a snort or two escaped him at times. he was happy that forzon didn't break up with him over something so seemingly miniscule, however. in fact, forzon was the one who proposed to him, which darnold was surprised by given forzons... nature.
"yoo, your computer's fixed, friend."
darnold was snapped out of his thoughts when benrey said that, and he walked over to the back of the lab with curiosity. benrey turned the screen to him, showing that tf2 was booting up, and darnold took notice to the fact that the pyro update was still downloaded onto it. oh, well, he'd deal with that later; right now he has other matters to address.
"woah, golly- how did you manage to do that? that- that computer was well beyond repair!"
"gave it some gamer fuel, like i told you to do before," benrey smacked his lips in a teasing, yet somehow pleasant manner, "shoulda listened to benrey. maybe then wouldn't have problems."
darnold chuckled and shook his head for what felt like the hundredth time today. benrey seemed to have that kind of affect on people.
he leaned over benrey, placing his hands on the table so he could get a better look at the screen. with this placement, darnolds head was now resting on benreys shoulder, and their hands appeared dangerously close. benrey took very quick notice of this, as to be expected.
"bro, you're so close... we aboutta kiss right now?"
they gave a toothy grin and glanced at darnold out of the corner of their eye, waiting to see his reaction, though it wasn't the one he was used to, which were gordons. instead of an angry outburst, and/or a fit of laughter, darnold barely seemed phased by it at all. all benrey really did was make him blush a little, though it was difficult to tell that was the case. considering darnold was married to forzon, benrey really should've expected this, but they didn't; so they let out a loud, disappointed sigh.
"maaan... not even a little smooch or nothin'? what're you, home of phobic, BUDDY?" they snorted, and in response, darnold placed one of his hands atop of benreys and laced their fingers together.
"if you'd like a smooch, delete the pyro update, and do it right now."
"no!" benrey immediately protested, "i wanna... i play with the pyro poof! you really shouldn't be so- shouldn't be so mean to it. it's not bad."
"well, gee, i guess you won't get any kisses then!"
"ohh nooooooo!"
"delete it, then. please."
with a grumble, benrey reluctantly opened the steam file for tf2 and moved all the corresponding files into the recycle bin. when they were done with that, they pushed away from the desk, spinning around quickly so that they tripped darnold over and caused the mixologist to land in his lap.
"can i get that smooch now, please?" their smile was wide, with their eyes half-lidded, as if this wasn't even that big of a deal (which, to him, it wasn't).
"hmm... fine, i suppose you deserve what was promised to you. i can't have anyone going unsmooched now, can i?"
darnold adjusted himself so that he could be comfortable, and after a minute or two of both him and benrey giggling to themselves, he placed a hand on benreys cheek and made their lips meet.
the kiss lasted a lot longer than darnold expected; he thought it was going to be just a quick peck and it was over with, but that very obviously wasn't what benrey had in mind. in fact, it very quickly turned into a make out session; whenever their lips would part, benrey would quickly connect them again, which darnold wasn't against... it was just something he wasn't entirely used to. forzons kisses were always a mix of passionate and fast, since he was basically always on the move. tommys kisses were gentle, sweet, and often didn't last very long either. so benreys kisses were something darnold would have to get used to.
eventually, though, darnold had to pull away so he could take a breather, and benrey was fine with that. they wanted to get a good look at darnold anyway. their smile was just as wide as before, but had a bit more of a dorky vibe to it now, which darnold found absolutely adorable. he teasingly used his index finger to poke the tip of benreys nose, and they both laughed in response.
"man, that was really, fuckin, uh... epic, awesome sauce moment. wanna, uh- wanna go again? please? can we- can we please go again, bro?" benrey asked once the giggle fit was over with.
"hmm... maybe later, i really ought to get home," darnold responded, tapping his chin in thought, "forzon is probably getting worried. though, knowing him, he-"
"nah, don't, uh- don't worry about forzon, he'll be fiiiiinnnee," benrey interjected, nuzzling his nose in the crook of darnolds neck, "it's comfyyyy heeerrreee... stay with meee..."
after a moment of thinking, darnold wrapped his arms around benreys neck and nodded.
"all right, fine, but if forzon gets angry i'm going to blame it all on you, you little rascal."
"hahaha, ah... that's fair."
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regardjewelry · 6 years
Check out this amazing Ethiopian opal ring. This thing is so amazing in person. Stop in and take a look. #regardjewelry #benold #ethiopian #opal #jewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewelrygram #instajewelry #instadaily #instagood #instagram #instalike #aamazing #videooftheday #gemstones #gemstone (at Regard Jewelry)
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Website : https://www.benoldfp.com/
Address : 130 N. Preston Road, Prosper, TX 75078
Phone : +1 817-235-6863
Benold Financial Planning offers comprehensive services in financial planning, investment, insurance and estate plan analysis that allows you and your family to fulfill their hopes and dreams.
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coincl · 3 years
Những diều cần biết về ETF tương lai bitcoin trước khi thêm vào danh mục đầu tư
Quỹ giao dịch trao đổi hợp đồng tương lai bitcoin đầu tiên của Hoa Kỳ sẽ ra mắt vào thứ Ba, một cột mốc quan trọng đối với ngành công nghiệp tiền điện tử và những quỹ khác có thể sớm theo sau.
ProShares ETF được chờ đợi từ lâu sẽ cung cấp khả năng tiếp xúc với các hợp đồng tương lai bitcoin - các thỏa thuận mua hoặc bán tài sản sau đó với mức giá thỏa thuận - thay vì chính bitcoin.
Karan Sood, Giám đốc điều hành và quản lý của Cboe Vest, một nền tảng tư vấn tài chính ở McLean, Virginia, cho biết: “ETF thể hiện sự đột phá đối với những gì có sẵn trên thị trường ngày nay. “Đó là điều mà các nhà đầu tư rất vui mừng.”
Hiện tại, các nhà đầu tư có thể mua bitcoin thông qua các sàn giao dịch tiền kỹ thuật số. Nhưng có những lo ngại về an toàn khi một số người lo lắng về việc tin tặc hoặc mất cái gọi là khóa riêng cung cấp quyền truy cập vào tài sản của họ.
Một lựa chọn khác, ủy thác bitcoin, cung cấp một cách dễ dàng hơn để thêm bitcoin vào danh mục đầu tư thông qua tài khoản môi giới hoặc tài khoản hưu trí. Nhưng những tài sản này có thể đi kèm với phí cao hơn và giá trị có thể không phản ánh sự thay đổi giá tiền kỹ thuật số.
Mặc dù ETF tương lai bitcoin không cung cấp những gì ngành công nghiệp cuối cùng mong muốn - các quỹ đầu tư trực tiếp vào tiền kỹ thuật số - nhưng nó cung cấp một lựa chọn khác khi các công ty cố gắng giành được cái gật đầu từ Ủy ban Chứng khoán và Giao dịch để tung ra các ETF bitcoin thông thường.
Giá bitcoin đã tăng hơn 2% vào thứ Hai lên 61.958,24 USD, theo Coin Metrics.
Các chuyên gia tài chính cho biết có một số điều mà các nhà đầu tư tiềm năng cần cân nhắc trước khi đổ tiền vào ETF tương lai bitcoin.
Mặc dù các khoản tiền có thể có “mối tương quan rất cao” với bitcoin, nhưng tài sản này sẽ không phản ánh giá trị của tiền kỹ thuật số vì nó theo dõi giá của các hợp đồng tương lai, Sood nói.
Đó chỉ là rủi ro cuối cùng mà bạn có thể chấp nhận.
Jordan Benold - Đối tác tại Benold Financial Planning
Hơn nữa, chi phí để sở hữu quỹ nhiều hơn so với tài sản cá nhân. Nhưng một số nhà đầu tư sẵn sàng trả nhiều tiền hơn cho “tính thanh khoản, lưu ký và thực hiện” của ETF so với việc tự quản lý tiền tệ, ông nói.
Tuy nhiên, một số cố vấn coi tiền tệ kỹ thuật số là một tài sản đầu cơ và nói rằng việc đặt cược vào giá của các hợp đồng tương lai có thể không thể đoán trước được.
Nhà lập kế hoạch tài chính được chứng nhận Jordan Benold, đối tác của Benold Financial Planning ở Prosper, Texas, giải thích rằng sự biến động của bitcoin kết hợp với hợp đồng tương lai có thể là một canh bạc như thế nào. “Tại thời điểm này, bạn thực sự thích chơi bài poker có tỷ lệ cược cao.”
CFP Anthony Watson, người sáng lập và chủ tịch của Dearborn, chuyên gia nghỉ hưu thịnh vượng có trụ sở tại Michigan, cho biết giá trị của Bitcoin đến từ các yếu tố cung và cầu của “một nhóm người tham gia thị trường không ổn định và không thể đoán trước”.
Tuy nhiên, nếu khoản tiết kiệm khi nghỉ hưu và các mục tiêu khác của ai đó đang đi đúng hướng và họ có "tiền vui chơi" muốn đầu tư vào hợp đồng tương lai bitcoin, thì một số cố vấn sẽ không từ chối khuyến khích một số lượng thử nghiệm tối thiểu.
“Tôi chỉ nói rằng hãy làm điều đó ở quy mô rất, rất nhỏ,” Benold nói. "Hãy thử nghiệm trước."
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cabaret-soup · 7 years
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MARILYN SANE : check her out on YouTube at unnamed drag channel. Born at six years old when dragged up by sister who introduced her to family as Louise from next door. Boy name Lewis Barlow, drag name Marilyn Sane is an amalgamation of David Bowie’s Alladin Sane, singer Justin Sane and the caricature of femininity Marilyn Monroe. Her drag takes inspiration from cartoons, comic books and Buffy enabling Miss Sane to present her acclaimed entertainment characteristics; tailoring looks, penning ’n’ singing songs and generally being funny as F*ck. Top 3 achievements 1 Hosting Nottingham Pride 2 Cover Star of the local paper 3 Making great friends through drag No1 Goal for 2017 Spread more laughter and keep having fun Social facebook.com/marilyn.sane.5 Instagram at Marilynsane. booking [email protected] #boldqueens #dragqueen #dragqueens #lgbt #comedy #humor #queer #marilynmonroe #dragsinger #benold #triplethreat #meme #illustration #drag #cabaretsoup #art #simple #pimple #acne #marilynsane #unnameddragchannel
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If you want to be successful and achieve true freedom financially, emotionally, and intellectually, then you have to banish laziness from EVERY aspect of your life. This is especially true when it comes to one’s thoughts. If you want to become someone special and achieve great things, then you have to think differently than your peers. It is simple. If you think like everyone else around you, then you will make a DECISION to become average and pass the buck onto someone else. In doing so, you will become more like a sheep than a human. Dare to think for yourself! Always make time to educate yourself and learn from the greatest minds in history. If you want to become free and have true wealth, then study those women and men who have already achieved what you want. What will you choose? Be bold! #benold #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #thinking #LShustlehard
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demonicvulcan · 7 years
Ben’s last name before marrying Hikaru was probably something so horrible and embarrassing that he had to change it. like Benold or Benry or McCoy
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cronchywaters · 4 years
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they're just some epic gamers in love, they cannot change this.
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sodagendered · 4 years
i have now decided to claim benrey x darnold as a new ship. i've legit never seen it before so i get to name it. it's benold. thanks hlvrai community do i get to be popular now
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usaone-news · 4 years
Кодовое слово спасло мальчика от похитителя, пытавшегося заманить его в машину по пути из школы
Адрианна Элдредж из Джорджтауна (Техас) до сих пор приходит в себя после жуткого инцидента, во время которого ее 13-летний сын чуть не стал жертвой похищения. От подозрительного незнакомца мальчика, который возвращался домой из школы, спасло предусмотрительно придуманное матерью кодовое слово. По словам Дэниэла — ученика 7 класса в Benold Middle ... Читать далее
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sartorisrealty · 5 years
280 Whitney Woods Cir, Georgetown, TX 78633 - Homes for Sale in Georgetown from Sartoris Realty Group on Vimeo.
280 Whitney Woods Cir, Georgetown, TX 78633 - Homes for Sale in Georgetown sartorisrealty.com/properties/listing/abor/8984158/Georgetown/280-Whitney-Woods-Cir
Steve Klein stunner on 2.5+ acres w/beautiful trees & mature landscaping. Gourmet kitchen w/6 burner stove, marble counters & custom cabinets. Floor/ceiling fireplace & beams in living. Mstr - high ceilings, beams & opens to pool & hot tub. Mstr bath - stone shower, double marble vanities, closets w/built-ins. Bonus game room/ 5th bedroom w/full bath & wet bar. Views of Georgetown Lake & preserve from balcony. Covered porch looks out to pool, yard, greenbelt. Attached 3 car & detached 2 car garage.
MLS #: 8984158
Brokered by eXp Realty, LLC.
If you would like to schedule a private tour of 280 Whitney Woods Cir in Georgetown, TX please call the Sartoris Realty Group at 512-520-0900!
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Features: Georgetown ISD 4 Bed Home for Sale in Georgetown 5 Bath Home for Sale in Georgetown 4,082 Square Feet 2.541 Acres Built in 2014 Williamson County Russell Park Estates Jo Ann Ford Elementary School Douglas Benold Middle School Georgetown High School All Sides Masonry Jetted Tub Wood Burning Fireplace Vaulted Ceilings Greenbelt View River View Stainless Steel Appliances Septic on Property Wood Flooring Wrought Iron Fence In-Ground Pool
280 Whitney Woods Cir, Georgetown, TX 78633 sartorisrealty.com/properties/listing/abor/8984158/Georgetown/280-Whitney-Woods-Cir
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Dustin Sartoris, REALTOR® Sartoris Realty Group, Brokered by eXp Realty 310 West Main St, Suite 205B, Round Rock, TX 78664 Phone: 512-520-0900 Email: [email protected]
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