#beverley crusher imagine
thestalwartheart · 10 months
Top 10 Female Characters
Rules: name your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag people.
Thank you, @cicerfics and @dude-watchin-with-the-brontes for the tag!
In no particular order (because I had enough trouble choosing ten women from ten fandoms - I cannot imagine even starting to rank them!!!):
Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre. (Does Jane Eyre have a fandom? Idk but she's one of my all time ride-or-die characters).
Jo March from Little Women.
Elle Woods from Legally Blonde.
Phryne Fisher from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
Captain Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager. (Idk if Star Trek is one fandom so I might take the opportunity here to say UHURA MY BELOVED YOU WOULD ALSO BE ON THIS LIST IF NOT FOR THE ONE FANDOM RULE!!! ALSO UNA AND CHAPEL AND BEVERLEY CRUSHER AND JADZIA OMG THERE ARE TOO MANY!!!)
Peggy Olsen from Mad Men (though, fuck, oh my god, Betty Draper and Joan Harris like COME ON).
Death from The Sandman.
Judi Dench's M from James Bond.
Éowyn from LOTR. ("I AM NO MAN!" NO YOU ARE NOT, BABE!!!!! TELL THEM!!!)
Mabel Mora from Only Murders in the Building. Or is it Shiv Roy from Succession? Who knows? Only my mood (constantly changing and wildly unpredictable) will tell.
Hardest list of my life because women are my favourite guy etc etc. Shout out to Vesper Lynd who did not make this list but who I think about too much to be healthy. Also Eve Polastri from Killing Eve, you have no idea how close you were!!! And Dana Scully and Olivia Benson and Donna Noble and Rose Tyler and Martha Jones omg I am about to fall on the floor with indecision. Quick, I'm gonna tag some people before I redo this list again.
Tagging @foxsoulcourt @themerc @@mr-iskender @mobius-m-mobius @aprettyspy @bishybarnaby @samanthahirr and anyone else who wants to play along. I love talking female characters PLEASE talk to me about them.
Apologies for a) my mania and b) any double tags. Okay, love you, byeee 💜
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You Are Not Alone - Beverly Crusher X Reader
A/N: Hello! This a request for @iciclesandsnow so I do hope you enjoy it and I hope it’s what you wanted! Thank you for the request! x
TW: mentions of mental health, death and lots of crying. If any one of you reading needs someone or wants to talk, don’t hesitate to message me, I’m always here for anyone. Especially during a time like this. Be okay guys, I love you all. X
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Days went on. Weeks went by. Years could have gone by for all you'd noticed. Nobody aboard the Enterprise knew what was going on in your life and your head, and if you had to be quite honest with yourself, neither did you. You couldn't remember the last time a genuine laugh had left your throat. These days it was pity laughs, laughs to keep up appearances, and those were starting to become more effort than they all were worth.
The beginning of your Starfleet career was amazing. You'd graduated the academy with top marks and found yourself assigned to your first mission within weeks of graduation. Your father was a captain, away on a 3-year mission. He was the closest family member you had, always encouraging you to follow in his footsteps, never once pushing you where you didn't want to go. To say you missed him was an understatement, the thought you were going to see him again soon kept you going.
Jean-Luc Picard was your captain on the Enterprise, and you couldn't have asked for anyone better to serve under. He was stern and serious, though deep down his close crew knew that he was a kindhearted man. The captain had become somewhat of a father figure to you, the advice he gave and the lessons you learned from him would stick with you for the rest of your life. A man who valued his crew and the relationships he had formed with them, he could tell when things weren't quite right. From what Jean-Luc gathered, he was not alone in his thinking.
Your captain wasn't the only relationship you'd formed during your time on board. People like Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher and Will Riker became very close friends of yours, not mention the unexpected friendship that flourished with Worf and Data, the most unlikely of friends you'd thought you would make. You had the knack of getting along with anyone, and were more than friendly to all who knew you, which is why nobody wanted to see you as sad as you seemed.
"So what do you think it is?" Will asked to the group, consisting of Deanna, Worf and himself, all sat around a table in Ten Forward, the topic at hand being you. They exchanged glances before Deanna spoke up.
"I'm not sure, every time I see Y/N, there's a feeling of sadness, a real sadness, but I'm not quite sure what it is. I'd like to help, though I feel Y/N doesn't want that.." she trailed off in thought. Will sighed. "I don't do well in those situations either, I can't talk to people like that. I'm far from an emotions kind of man." Your friends wanted to help, but how, they knew not.
Going about your business in more than silence, you completed the tasks you needed to, finishing as quickly as possible so you could return to your quarters, having little to no energy or patience for your job today. Your comm badge rang, and the captain's voice rang through.
"Lieutenant Y/N, report to my ready room."
Sighing and standing, you didn't reply, but set off for the bridge nonetheless. Even in your current mindset, you were not one to ignore your higher officers orders. Stepping into the turbolift, you were met with Dr Crusher, who smiled sweetly at you. She was a very good friend, you could say you trusted her with anything. You meekly smiled back, barely even moving your lips.
"Y/N, everything alright?" Her question hit the air, silence offered as a reply.
"If you don't want to talk, that's perfectly fine. I'm worried, though. If you do need anyone for anything, please don't hesitate to come to me. I'm here to listen, and my arms are open, as always." She stepped out on her level, leaving you with a squeeze to the shoulder. You half smiled, a silent acknowledgement of her offer, she caught it and left you be. Your floor came and you made your way through the bridge, feeling some eyes on you as you walked. If you were facing them, you would have seen their worry. Giving each other glances, they returned to their work.
"Y/N, please have a seat" Picard said, a softness in his voice that wasn't usually present. Sitting, you stared at him, confused as to your summons. "We had word from Starfleet today concerning your father's ship." He took a deep breath, watching your face ever so slightly shift from confusion to concern. Continuing, he himself became nervous. "Your father's ship was attacked by Romulans two days ago, and your father died in the battle. From what Starfleet has said, he fought valiantly, he managed to save many lives, sadly not his own. I'm sorry, Y/N."
You stood, eyes planted at the floor.
"May I be excused, sir?" your voice came, barely a whisper. Looking up at him, he nodded, offering a sympathetic smile to you. Just what you wanted, sympathy. There was nothing worse, in your eyes. Storming off with a hell of a pace, you left the ready room, tears flowing fast down your face. Crew looked on, puzzled.
Reaching your quarters, in time you thought wasn't quick enough, you locked the door, and leaned your forehead against it. Slamming a hand down on the door, you pushed yourself off and smashed the vase off the table next to the door. It shattered against the wall with a deafening crash. Whatever switched in your head forced you to continue throwing things with no prejudice, whatever was closest hit the wall. The commotion from inside your quarters drew attention from two ensigns passing in the hall, who swiftly decided to alert the first senior officer they could find.
Minutes later, your quarters were a mess, shoes flung about, smashed statues and cups, possessions strewn all over the floor. The door chimed and you ignored it with full acknowledgement, and it persistently rang out, angering you more that someone had dared bother you at a time like this.
On the other side of the door stood Captain Picard, Worf and an extremely panicked Dr Crusher attempting to override your door lock. Picard placed his hand on Beverly's shaking ones as she tried her best to not her panic take over. She cared, it wasn't hard to see. She cared to the point that her nerves came to the surface. Wordlessly, he offered his support to her. The banging slowed, but still hadn't stopped, and the trio had finally gained access to your quarters.
Before you could turn to see who had entered, there were two dainty arms around your torso and a mane of ginger hair in your face. Beverly had engulfed you in a hug, and you lost it. Your tears flowed freely as she pulled back, bringing you to the edge of your bed to sit down. The captain and Worf surveyed the outcome of your rampage and the damage was awful. They turned their attention to where it should be for the moment. You.
"Y/N," the doctor's soft voice brought you from your thoughts, you looked up, your teary eyes meeting her very concerned blue ones. "What happened?" You couldn't answer and instead looked down at your lap, crying silently now. The two men shared a look before Picard bent down to your level.
"Whatever it is, you know we can all help. Any one of us is here for you at any time, you need only ask." He placed a hand on your knee and patted it gently, you smiled somewhat, though you weren't sure how genuine it was. You knew his words were true and you were grateful for the crew, your mind at the minute couldn't quite process that thought. "Mr Worf, let's leave them to it, there's no danger any more I don't think." You chuckled slightly, and because you were staring at your lap, you didn't notice the look shared between the three of them as the two men exited, leaving you and Beverly alone.
"Now, what happened?" You sniffed, as she moved to sit beside you rather than kneel in front of you. You began to explain.
"The past couple of weeks have been the hardest of my life, and I can't tell you why. I don't know why. It started with me feeling a little down, which I know from time to time is normal, so I didn't go to Deanna. It got worse as the weeks went on, I started being late, I couldn't finish reports and I couldn't even bring myself to socialise with the crew, with my friends." She took your hands as you stopped, a silent encouragement for you to continue. Beverly knew you needed to get this all out, and she was determined to make it happen.
"The captain told me earlier on that my father's ship was attacked by Romulans whilst on a science mission. He had managed to get some people out in shuttles but didn't make it himself. He was my rock, Beverly, he.." You couldn't even finish, and she took you in her arms, letting you cry it all out. After what seemed like an eternity for you, but had in reality been around 5 minutes, she let up as you calmed.
Beverly took your face in her hands and made you look at her. You could almost hear her heart break at the sight of you so red eyed and teary.
"I am so sorry, Y/N. I am so sorry this happened to you. Things like this are not easy to deal with, it doesn't need to be said. But always remember, I'm here for you. We all are. This crew is a family, and we stick together through the good times and the bad times. No matter how bad things get, help is always there." She wiped your remaining tears and smiled. Her smile was beautiful and contagious, you couldn't help but smile back. A genuine, tooth bearing smile for the first time in ages, because you knew. You knew that everything you'd been told was true. They were your family, and they had your back.
"How about we go and get something to eat, yeah?" She extended her hand and you took it, standing and thanking her silently. She grinned again, and began walking off, thankful she had her Y/N back again.
"One final thing. Remember, no matter how bad the fall, the crew of the Enterprise are always there to catch you."
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
ahh hello again! I absolutely loved the Q as a father headcanons, and I was wondering if I could request an imagine/oneshot based on them, specifically about Q going and complaining to Picard and him being horrified that he got reader, an ensign training in the medical center with Beverly, pregnant. And then perhaps reader and Q being called in for a meeting with all the higher-ranking officers (Picard, Riker, Deanna, Data, etc) and being really freaked out or something! you can feel free to take it in any direction you'd like, I just really liked the concept! thank you so so much!! <3
Hope you like it!
You and Q announcing to the Enterprise crew that you’re pregnant would include:
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•your first point of call was Beverley, you needed this to be officially confirmed…and as she ran the tests she was able to confirm that you were ten weeks pregnant and that the foetus was looking very healthy. Q smiled as he saw his child on the scan, but the smile swiftly vanished as he realised that this must’ve happened when he was a human, his child would be human and not Q- the dangers and risks are untold.
•and that’s how and why he found himself pacing in Captain Picard’s Ready Room, the good Captain did NOT like the fact that he’d been summoned into his Ready Room, but seeing an agitated Q he felt concerned.
•and that concern only grew as Q sunk into a chair. To be fair to the God like entity he didn’t beat about the bush, he very swiftly announced that he’d gotten you pregnant while he was a human…
•you could’ve knocked Picard down with a feather! No amount of Tea, Early Grey, Hot was going to fix this…he was shocked! He was horrified!
•while Picard silently considered the issues with all of this Q was rambling about the hideous nature of pregnancy and birth and babies. He was panicked! He wouldn’t abandon you or the child, but the Continuum can never find out! They’d kill the child!
•as Q started to spiral Picard was left with no option but to smack his acquaintance round the face. It worked to get Q’s attention back, even though he cried out ‘ouch Jean-Luc that hurt! Do it again!’
•Captain Picard called an emergency meeting- you, Q, he, Dr Crusher, Deanna, Data, Will and Worf would all be in attendance. This was not standard procedure for a pregnancy, but then this was no normal baby!
•you could see the shock on everyone’s face as Captain Picard explained that you were currently pregnant with Q’s child. Will looked like he might faint! And Worf looked furious! You’d been fraternising with the enemy!
•but then Beverley jumped in to your defence, the baby was 100% human, her scans had confirmed that! So technically, biologically this baby presented no more physical risk than any other!
•to which Data and Worf retorted about the risk of other Q attempting to ‘eliminate’ the Enterprise to make sure that the baby isn’t born…Q reluctantly had to agree. It was an entirely possible thing.
•yet finally eventually you were given your say, you were going to have this baby. You were going to love and cherish this child with all your heart, whether they approved or not. And you weren’t going to sacrifice your career either!
•as you spoke up about the way you’d love and take complete responsibility for the child, Q was reminded why he adores you over every other mortal in existence! You were fiery and passionate, refusing to take no for an answer when you knew something should happen or be.
•Q still wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of a screaming infant that soiled itself and required complete care and attention. But with you there to keep him on track, he thought it would be manageable.
•Q took your hand and smiled at you softly, silently agreeing that he would be with you every step of the way. That’s your make it work. Yet on the other side of the table Picard’s eye twitched. This seemingly perfect moment was in fact just the beginning of lifelong headache he was now forced to endure!
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S3 E18 Allegiance
Oh yeah, this episode stresses me out. So much of the initial dramatic tension is derived from the audience knowing Picard is fake and having to watch the characters suffer through awkward interactions until they figure it out too.
"it's edible. But I wouldn't call it food" it looks like Jell-O....and I would give that roughly the same assessment.
Her uniform is interesting. It's effectively the newer pattern but with inverse color scheme (much like Wesley will have once he attends the academy) but there's no collar and there's no vertical shoulder seam. It also looks like it's is a two piece like the men have (as opposed to the one piece the women like Dr. Crusher wear)
Oooo, poker.
"I guess, right now, I'm comfortable with our relationship just the way it is"
I think was I dislike most is how all of this testing isn't just testing authority, it's testing (puting strain) on everyone's personal relationship with Picard. The trust each of the principal characters has in Picard is deep and profound. They would undoubtedly put their lives at risk if he asked, not just because he is their captain but because he is their friend. These tests violate that trust.
Riker's stress response, touching the bridge of his nose, is the emotional pay off I needed because that's exactly how I feel. I love that Geordi moves to sit with Riker and Troi. Again, it feels like more than just Geordi going to the next highest ranking officer, there's a personal support system that exists too. Riker isn't just a leader by rank, he's also a supportive and contentious person. They're all stuck out in the middle of space, which is inhospitable to human life in every way imaginable, and they're only going to make it through if they can depend on each other along the way.
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This "family" meeting in Riker's quarters reminds me a little of "Pen Pals"
The collective support and acknowledgment of faux-Picard's behaviour is comforting. They all have each other's backs in the best way.
I like how level and matter of fact Riker is as he stands his ground against fake Picard on the bridge. His face is expressive but his voice is soft.
Patrick's eye contact didn't line up very well with himself. Jonathan has a similar issue in "Second Chances" but I hadn't noticed it until now with any other doubling.
The little glance Picard gives to Riker, (and the glances Riker gives Data and Worf) are wonderful because juxtaposed to the recent experience, with the imposter, this Picard and Riker know each other so well they need only a silent glance to communicate, as does everyone. It's evidence of their bond and trust.
"now get off my ship"
I love Will and Beverley teasing Picard (teasing in a safe relationship is both an expression of that safety and and means of strengthening an already existent bond.)
Okay, so I actually like this episode a lot more now that I've worked through what bothered me, and what I like, about it.
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Hey, I would love to request for Star Trek of that's alright? :) How about an imagine where you are a gifted new ensign who is profecient in almost all aspects of the work on Enterprise, so you can't decide which field to go into engineering, security, science or command also you are frustrated by people being so slow. So Beverly and Troi to the rescue! They try to cheer the reader up and offer guidance?
{ Oh, this ask is very interesting!
All these Star Trek asks make me feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve 👧 }
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You are the one who asks for her support and advice since you feel very lost and confused about your career and she’s here to help you, it’s her job, after all.
Deanna has read your curriculum, she is very impressed of your great abilities, and that you are very skilled. You are like a genius since you can manage every kind of job. It’s impressing but she can understand it can be very stressing as well.
Deanna thinks you should take your time and don’t be hasty because it’s a very important decision and, after having taken it, you won’t be able to change it. You have to think about it with calm, she can listen to you and help you but she can’t decide for you.
It seems you are running out of time as if you had afraid of losing your chance, you see the other people as slow and maybe you also think that they are not as good as you but this is your biggest mistake. She perceives this behaviour as an insecurity and, only because you can manage all these disciplines, it does not mean you are better than the others and you need to gain experience.
This can be a starting point: trying and finding your perfect job. For example, one day you can work with Geordi as a engineer, the other day with Worf as a member of the security and then with Beverly as a nurse. You will have a clearer idea about the job of your dream and your decision will be more rational. You will find a job more interesting than another and you will see how that job truly is, if it suits your needs and if that job can make you happy somehow.
For Deanna, the personal satisfaction is very important and you should follow your desire, maybe it’s not a rational choice but it’s more realistic and fairer. 
So many people are forced to do a job they don’t like only because it’s more suitable or easier but you are lucky, you have so many skills and so you can do the job you like. Don’t waste this chance. 
Of course, you can’t do everything, not even Data who’s an android does all those jobs even if his knowledge is superior but you are still a human and so one job is enough. 
After your training –you have tried all those jobs-, you and Deanna will have a new conversation. She wants you to tell her your experiences, how you found those jobs. She wants to know the positive and negative sides of every job. In addition, the feelings you have felt and the ideas you have about them.
She wants to know your opinion about the colleagues you have met because it’s very important. Human relationships are essential in the Enterprise and you need to trust people and they have to trust in you. Maybe it’s the hardest part of the job but you have to examine this aspect, too.
Deanna will keep talking to you until you are ready and your doubts will be cleared.
Suddenly you realize that you would like to work with her because she is so smart and kind and she truly makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. You may ask her if she’s looking for an assistant.
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The Doctor is very impressed of your skills and she’s sure you will have a great time on the Enterprise.
In spite of everything, it seems you are not very sure and you have no idea about your future because you find every job very interesting but uncertain at the same time. Maybe none of them is good for you. You have not found yet the job of your dreams and you are more confused than the first day you have been teleported in the Enterprise.
Beverly noticed your discomfort, she’s a doctor and so she understands people. Well, she’s not like Deanna but Beverly is very smart and sensitive and maybe she can help you to clear your mind.
When Beverly accepted this job, she was not sure; she did not know if this was the right decision to take even if her reasons were different from yours. Beverley had to face the demons of her past, even talking with the Captain was so hard for her, and the bruises in her heart still burnt. With time, she healed and she won her hidden demons but she had spent days in total confusion and discomfort. She can understand it can be hard for you but it’s not impossible.
In the Enterprise, she has lived so many adventures, known a lot of different people and aliens, she is  happy here. This is her new family, here she has also found a new love –even if she has not found the right time and the courage to declare her feelings to Picard yet-, but she keeps every moment she spent in this big family as a treasure. 
Beverly wants you to do the same, whatever your job is, there will be more than that because the adventures you will live will make you a better person and maybe even the job you don’t like now will be able to surprise you. Never say never!
Beverly tells you that sometimes you have to follow your instinct because nobody knows you better than your heart and it will never let you down. It can be an irrational choice but it does not mean it’s wrong. Beverly often took the risks and the choices she made were not the easiest but they have proved to be the rightest decisions and she does not regret anything of her life.  
Sometimes life is like a poker game, if you don’t take the risk then you will never win and you will never live. 
After the discussion you have with Beverly, you are not afraid and your future does not seem so obscure and tangled anymore. Yes, you are going to live so many adventures you cannot even imagine, you will reach stars and galaxies no other man has ever dreamt and this is the greatest gift you could desire. You were just creating problems from nowhere and life never stops to surprise us.
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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424: Manos: the Hands of Fate – Part II
At some point in writing last week's review, I suddenly realized that what I was doing was taking the movie seriously.  Who the hell does that?  Who looks at Manos: the Hands of Fate and decides its skewed little universe needs to be examined under a philosophical microscope as if it's fucking Dostoyevsky?  I mean, I do, clearly, that's kind of my whole schtick is trying to say smart-sounding things about stupid movies, but why do I do that? I don't know.  Maybe it's just because nobody else does.  Even the worst art is someone's expression of themselves, after all. Somebody's gotta try to figure out what it all means.
So.  Manos.  The, uh, Hands of Fate.
The most obvious running 'theme' of Manos is the incompetence of law enforcement, as embodied in the movie's two useless cops. These guys don't seem to have anything much to do, as we first see them threatening tourists with tickets and harrassing a couple making out in a convertible.  They're not 'bad cops' in the sense of being villains: they can be overly lenient, but they're not corrupt, nor do they behave like the cops in Laserblast, who drove up Billy's insurance premiums for their own amusement and confiscated the teenagers' marijuana in order to smoke it themselves.  The cops' presence in Manos seems to have been designed as a potential promise of help. We're supposed to imagine them as the cavalry, appearing at the last moment to pull the family out of danger – but of course this goes unfulfilled, and in the end Mike, Maggie, and Debbie are on their own.
As far as I can tell, the cops fail to come to the rescue either because they have no idea how to do their jobs properly, or perhaps because they just can't be bothered.  They pester people about tail lights and choices of makeout location, but are completely ignorant of the murderous cult in their midst!  They are told that a car went down the road and never came back, and they hear gunshots, but they are either unable or unwilling to investigate further.  They go as far as their spotlight will reach, then turn back, concluding that the shots they heard were 'clear over in Mexico'.  The next day they're probably back to writing parking tickets, never having realized that anybody's lives were in their hands.
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The cops' refusal to go all the way into the dark actually kind of supports my theory that the International House of Torgo exists in some kind of bubble in the universe that isn't always connected to the outside.  The longer I think about that, the more it seems to explain.  The only question is, if people are, as it seems, vanishing into this desert Bermuda Triangle on a fairly regular basis, why hasn't anybody noticed?  Are the people who go in simply erased from the outside timeline once they're in the clutches of Manos, so that nobody remembers they existed in the first place except Dr. Beverley Crusher?  Am I really such an outrageous nerd that I just said that?
The other thing I find myself wondering is whether any real-life cops went to Manos' El Paso premiere.  Supposedly this was a big event at the time, attended by the mayor and various other (relative) VIPs who wanted to see their homegrown movie.  Did this include the sheriff or police chief or whoever else was in charge of the law in Texas in the sixties?  If so... what did he think of it?
Even if IHOT doesn't actually exist in its own pocket of spacetime, it does occupy what we might consider its own pocket of subjective 'normality'.  In the movie we see two different groups of people trying to deal with a disruption to their 'normal' lives.  Mike, Maggie, and Debbie are lost, in a strange place surrounded by very strange people, and would like this distressing interlude to end as quickly as possible.  For them, 'normal' means spending the weekend doing whatever there is to do at Valley Lodge, and then returning to their regular schedule of jobs, school, or household tasks.
There is possibly an exception in Debbie, who is too young to realize that there's anything wrong with her surroundings.  She's in a new place, so she runs off to explore.  Her dog disappears, but tha's okay, because a new one arrives to befriend her.  The temple of Manos is merely a 'big place' with a bunch of funny people sleeping in it.  Debbie's idea of 'normal' is still forming, so she simply accepts these things and carries on, even as her parents panic.
Although I said I wasn't interested in talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff, there's kind of a neat parrallel here. According to Hotel Torgo (if you haven't already seen it, you guys really should watch Hotel Torgo), actress Jackie Neyman, who played Debbie, thought John Reynolds was a lot of fun to hang around with on set.  It was only as an adult that she realized his odd behaviour was because he was high on LSD the entire time. Like Debbie, she didn't have the frame of reference necessary to understand what was wrong with her experiences.  While everybody else was starting to question whether Hal Warren knew what he was doing, or indeed whether he could find his own ass with two hands and a flashlight, Neyman assumed it would all work out through sheer movie magic!
At the same time, the cult of Manos is also coping with something abnormal, but for them it's the family themselves.  These unwelcome outsiders have arrived and invited themselves in to this closed-off little world, and now something must be done about it.  In the minds of the cultists, the only way to fix the problem is for the newcomers to be either killed or else brought permanently into their universe. The idea of letting them leave and pretending it never happened is not even considered, possibly because they can't afford to have the outside world find out about them, or possibly because, as Torgo warned and as the family discovers, there is no way out.
The biggest problem with either of these potential solutions is Debbie, who is doubly an abberation because she is a child.  There are no children in IHOT, although as I will argue in next week's review, Torgo fills that role to some extent.  The dispute therefore centers around whether Debbie is to be considered sacrificial fodder like her father or a potential wife like her mother, and it becomes quite bitter.  The Master himself, according to Torgo, has mixed feelings about this – perhaps this is why he awakens his wives to let them hash it out, but their argument turns violent.  For the cult as for the family, this night seems to turn the entire world upside-down, introducing things nobody is prepared to cope with.
In the end normality is restored, but it is the cult's normality, not the family's.  The threefold death of Torgo (more on this in my upcoming Torgo-specific piece) even leaves room for Mike, who otherwise would have been killed as a matter of course.  The version of 'normal' that wins out is the 'normal' of the majority – the cultists are the Master, six wives, and Torgo, eight against a family of three, one of whom has no real concept of 'normal'.  The family simply cannot compete.  In real life, too, it is often the 'most common' that is considered 'normal', and if what is most common changes, or if the perception of what is most common turns out to have been incorrect all along, media is frequently slow to catch up. Watching movies and television would, for example, give you the idea that there is a far higher percentage of white people in North America than there actually is, because white is thought of as 'normal' and therefore ought to be 'most common'.
Like the tiny moments when something in the visuals of Manos sort of works, I'm pretty sure that all this stuff is completely accidental.  Hal Warren had no idea how to tell a story straight, let along incorporate sympolism and allegory.  If there is any intentional meaning in Manos: the Hands of Fate, I think it may be inherent in the title – fate.  From the moment their car stops in front of IHOT, the family is doomed.  Their fate is unavoidable.
The first sign of this is Torgo's unsettling statement that there is no way out of here.  This appears to be patently untrue – the road still exists, and they could just walk across the desert back to El Paso, which was visible over the hill in the opening scene.  Yet every attempt at escape is thwarted, sometimes for no appreciable reason.  When they try to leave, the car won't start. When they try to run, they find themselves compelled to turn back in the curious belief that they'll be safer at the house.  The police hear the shots, but do not come.
Even when the family looks like they've won, they ultimate lose. Mike shoots the master, but the next time we see him, he and his wife and daughter have been enslaved.  There's no reason given for this, no sequence of events that could possibly lead to it.  Time and causality seem to turn themselves inside-out to ensure that things end the way they must, and the whole cycle inevitably starts again with the next set of lost vacationers.  The word of Manos, as spoken through the Master, is not only the law of the house, but the law of the universe itself.
Believe it or not, folks, I'm not done yet.  I once joked that I could write a PhD thesis on family dynamics in Manos: the Hands of Fate – the punchline was that in order to understand what I was talking about, my committee would have to watch the movie.  Stock up on the liquor, because you're getting an abbreviated version of that next week.  I've seen this movie way too many times.
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S3 E12 The High Ground
"I don't want to be in the transporter room to greet her" Riker gets so many fun little lines, and I love Jonathan's delivery. Also, his responses like this tends to be on the emotional side. Not to say he's overly emotive, but rather that he's just recommended a decision based an emotional response as opposed to a rational one. (Fear of Crusher's anger and the ensuing discomfort that would cause.) Or more accurately, I imagine he agrees with her decision, but chooses humour to convey the same end goal without reiterating her same argument.
I like the design of those police uniforms.
It's so interesting to notice Riker's posture at the conference table, everyone is sitting up straight in their chair and he's leaning over and has his legs crossed (typically Jonathan crosses his legs in the more American "masculine" way of ankle on opposite knee. Patrick typically does the more European "feminine" cross of knee over knee. I genuinely think the difference is more about physical comfort and culture than it is about expressing person assertiveness or gendered dominance but there's a lot of study on body language that's interesting to consider. I also have an acute disdain for gendering culture.)
Oh look, Deanna's back in the green/blue dress. Part of the issue I have with Marina's costume is not just that she's excluded from not wearing a uniform but because the change in clothing invites commentary on "what is she wearing this time?" At a level no one else is subjected to. Sure, they have their casual clothes (I'm waiting for Riker's blue blouse) but with with less attention to her character (she doesn't get funny clever lines nearly as often as Riker) her appearance take the place of substance. If you go on YouTube and watch when old interviews Marina did on chat shows and late night television to promote the show she mainly was asked about her makeup, her hair, her outfit. Patrick and Jonathan by contrast are rarely subjected to questions of such over objectification. (Though in a 1992 interview Joan Rivers practically asked Jonathan if he cheats on his wife...a lot of those shows are shit for interviews).
Okay, back to the episode
That truss looks like the Gatherer's truss in "The Vengeance Factor"
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out Riker is working with a woman, it's just the two of them and they are NOT flirting.
This terrorism depicted here is very reminiscent of the IRA who opporated to end English control of Ireland from 1969 to 1997. (This episode aired January 1990). Fin's line "Don't you know? A dead martyr is with ten posturing leaders." Sounds fairly Catholic, at least in essence.
This Mallen Streak for all of the men on this planet is an.... interesting choice. It looks like the women have an inverted coloring in their hair.
Oh boy. Here's a "our culture is superior" speech. I haven't missed those. I haven't counted by any means but I think Crushr gets the most of them possibly seconded by the Picard.
I'm really not sure why this guy has read American history books but I also imagine Fin is already a better man that Washington, for a few reasons, including his apparent lack of slaves.
Oh, here's Picard's little speech...at least he concedes that there's no easy answer.
"the Irish unification of 2024"
That music though...
"his signal?!" -Troi...It's that brain/cleavage relationship Marina was talking about.
But then she has the wherewithal to call for security so...(just imagine Riker doing everything she does and ask yourself "is that believable behaviour?" He'd call security but he would also anticipate Geordi's plan)
I really love the moment Beverley and Picard see each other. They're silent but you can sense the relief at seeing each other both professionally and personally.
"[Wes'] had good role models" space dad and crusty baguette FTW 😂
This episode pairs well with "The Hunted" in asking about enabling and moral obligations.
Uh... if they're 30m underground without surface access how is there oxygen to breathe? I suppose the same question can be asked of a starship.
Lovely little moment between Riker and Wes. Wes doesn't need to say more, Riker knows what's at stake and what Wes is actually saying. Riker's the kind of person who gives off a sense of safety. Wesley can express the vulnerability of fear for his mom, because in many ways he's a scared kid, and Riker's reaction is to offer earnest assurances. Wes and the audience can trust Riker will do everything in his power to get her back safely.
I like the lighting in the cavers once they've hit the generator (it's all moody and theatrical...but I like it) in general the lighting for season three seems a lot better than the previous two seasons.
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That was one of the heavier episodes. Even the happy reunion ending didn't take away any of the weight. The episode brought up questions about the federation's culpability in interplanetary conflict and unlike "The Hunted" they had already become involved. But, they seem to just walk away from this deeply traumatised society as if everything was fine (this episode needed an ending more like "The Vengeance Factor"). The federation's apparent moral "high ground" as the producer of grand speeches seems to remain unblemished. That is unless you take this episode to be self critical of Star Trek's progressive depiction of the future, but that cynicism and self aware criticism doesn't seem to be Star Trek's style.
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S3 E1 Evolution
This synthesizer intro music completely embodies the stylistic sound that I think of as "TNG".
Wow, poor Wes (Wil) has a lot of acne.
New spacesuits boys and girls! (And gender non-conforming friends!) I like the look of these a lot better. The collar is my favourite addition and I like the interior colour along the edge. If you look closely you can see the front segment of colour is actually three panels of fabric. Frakes look like he had to squeeze into his, it's especially tight across his lower back. At some point they get new uniforms with the same design but slightly different construction. These also match the dress uniforms much better.
Riker...just points at Wes....like the goofy space dad he is
But now the synthesizer music is a little heavy.
Ship shake!
AND WE GET A NEW TITLE SEQUENCE!!! This sequence is part of what, to me, really signifies TNG settling into its identity.
Gates McFadden is back! I've read that Patrick specifically advocated to get her back on the show after the writers staff changed up a bit.
Last season Majel was established as the computer voice which is also a significant but subtle part of the TNG world.
Crusher should also ask Riker about Wesley. I know she feels closer the Picard, but Riker was much more attentive to him. And wasn't she only gone for a year? I get teenage years are important but did she and Wesley never communicate during that time?
Welsey the wunderkind... We're back to the wonder-boy/prodigy Wesley. Last season that didn't feel all that prevalent. Sure Wesley is talented but he didn't get into the training program which kind of undercut his portrayal as said "wunderkind".
"the container had been left open" wow Wesley, wow. That's the passive voice; the correct line is "I'd left the container open." Being a good student doesn't mean your not an idiot.
I fucking hate band/fanfare music.
"do it gently" Patrick says the line so gently
Damn it Wesley! You're mom just had the most mature response imaginable, don't you dare take that for granted.
I'm so glad Pulaski is gone and we have Beverley back.... Nothing specific instigated this thought, in just enjoying having Dr. Crusher back.
Also, let's appreciate that Wes finally owns up to doing something really stupid and none of the commanding officer ridicule or berate him. The accept what he's done and set about fixing the problem.
Is Riker sitting on Picard's desk?
There are fish in the guest quarters. Do they get fed automatically or is that someone's responsibility?
So, this blue lit room with the round hole grates for walls (it looks like a bunch of a connect four games), I can't recall ever seeing this room used again, is that accurate?
Data gets possessed a lot. I think this is the second time after "The Schizoid Man".
What "food" is on Crusher's plate?
Welcome back Doctor Crusher ☺️
This explains some of the treatment of the women in the cast and Gates exit and reentrance to the show (I specifically chose this link for Wil's reaction)
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S1 E11 The Big Goodbye
Here's the first holodeck adventure.
Oh no, Halloween doesn't exist in the future!? I refuse to accept that.
The future also doesn't have pockets apparently.
Once you get used to holodeck Picard's excitement over them seems fairly juvenile. Obviously this is the first introduction to them in the series.
Earth apparently doesn't have city blocks anymore...
Wait, did Picard call a meeting to talk about the holodeck? Look how relaxed Riker is leaning back in his chair.
Crusher is clearly disappointed Picard wasn't just inviting her. Riker seems interested at the idea of a programmed woman's kiss feeling real. It's for science guys.
It's perhaps odd that they use A.D. for old dates, it's not all converted to star dates.
"look what the cat dragged in" Data: cat? Speaking of which I wonder when he got Spot.
It would be interesting to see that ship shake stabalised because it looked like it was entirely the camera and nobody moved.
I really like the interaction between Wes, Will, and Deanna on the bridge. Will is firm but kind when he gives his reasons that Wes should stay, even the fact that he gives a reason over just an order shows his gentle handling of Wesley. Troi's intervention is also gentle, it's supportive of Wes' desires and a strong argument in favour of his request, but remains respectful of Will's authority. It's all very diplomatic and affectionate, and they all have small smiles after the exchange.
Beverley's struggle with makeup seems far fetched considering she always has makeup on... though not having a compact is believable. It is a bit odd that she understood gum enough to take it, unwrap it, chew it, but then not know it's only for chewing.
Data is trying way to hard with the jargon.
Data, Picard, and the lamp is a wonderful bit of comedy and believable too.
Why does Geordi give way for Wesley to explain? Geordi is the highest ranking officer there. Also, the calm gentle Riker from before suddenly is an obviously frustrated one, and he shouldn't take it out on Wes. Obviously humans are complex, and if a character reflects a person well they should be as complicated, but what's the difference between a complected character and a contradictory and unrealistic one? If Riker, anyone, is a good commander they should never display their true emotions to their subordinates.
I imagine a punch from Data is fairly damaging. Also, if Data has no emotions why would he "want" to punch someone? There wouldn't be an emotional pay off. Though it would be a new experience for him and he's all about learning.
There's nothing quite like star trek diplomatic gibberish.
Riker and Troi exchange a look of incredulity as Data narrates.
Step on it
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