#bhadra silvertongue
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Another bunch of random WS based doodles. Third sketch was Jazz during the winter break of Fantastic Enterprises heading off to Nexus to see a man about some ink ;3
Bhadra the draken and Ashenko the mordesh (first and second sketch, respectively) belong to @pleasantcowboykid Tai the green bean (fourth sketch) belongs to @serbaki
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eldanseeker · 6 years
Of Guy: “He trusts me again. He trusts me. Does he know how much that means? I won’t let him down again. I can’t, especially after seeing where I’d be if he hadn’t bluffed me out of FCON’s reach. I just wish I could talk to him about this dying thing. Somehow I can’t bring myself to do it. Maybe I’m afraid he’ll understand too much.”Of Bhadra: “Does she still despise me, for what my brother did to her? She’ll always have my admiration and respect, but I don’t know if that’s enough, now. What do I even say to her, to make things right? ‘Hey Bhadra, I’m sorry I got you captured by the Dominion and my brother tortured you and would have left you for dead in the end’? Fuck. There are few people I want to actively reach out to, whom I want to be on agreeable terms with, but Bhadra is one of them.”Of Farid: “I didn’t think I could let myself love someone again as much as I do Farid. And I know why I love him. But in a way I haven’t figured out why he loves me. We’re such opposites in so many ways. But he brings out parts of me I tried to bury for too long. With him, the desperation fades away. Please, stay with me. If the end is coming for me, I want it find me in your arms, and I want it to have to fight to tear me from you.….I wonder if he’s as sore from last night as I am….”Of Kaamos: “I should see what he’s been working on lately. We’ve both been so busy with our own matters that we’ve barely had time to notice each other. I like having another scientific mind around here.”(Pax) Of Guy: “Well fiddlesticks, I’m nearly out of the Captain’s favourite soap. Time to make some more. Just because he’s up and about again doesn’t mean he should forego taking a nice, long bubble bath. He still needs to relax, for Weave’s sake. I’ll give him a soothing scalp massage, that always helps.”Bonus:(Darius) Of Guy: “The man is quite the impressive actor, I must give him credit for that. I would be rather interested to meet him, and see the man behind the screen. One can even respect the accomplishments of a heretic.”
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pleasantcowboykid · 6 years
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Just a little sketchy of my dorken and her crush. Vivia explains how to fix a scanbot. Bhadra is tooootally listening.
Vivia belongs to the lovely @spongyturtle
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fantasticfriends · 7 years
Greetings from Libertalia - Departure
Previous Greetings from Libertalia posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
It was a grim several hours worth of waiting before Commander Serapis paid a visit to our heros contained within the Revenant’s holding cells. An offer was made - Seeker and Jeremy would be staying on board the ship, the mordesh would be executed, and the rest of the crew would be free to go. A rejection was given - along with several taunts and threats from the understandably belligerent captives. The Commander’s response was to have his soldiers present them with the gruesome sight of a pair of draken horns and a severed tail - all of which undeniably belonged to Bhadra.
Furious, Rook attempted to lash out at Darius from her cell - only to have him turn around and slice into her arm with his sword. He departed without another word, leaving the crew horrified and heartbroken. Desperate to help his friend, Elrabin spent the next few minutes attempting to force his espernetics past the cell’s suppression field to try to send healing energy to Rook. This was a maneuver that backfired as the power went out. Suddenly, the cells were open, and like an exploding can of shaken protocola, the energy backfired on Elrabin, rendering him temporarily unconscious.
As the crew made to retrieve their weapons and take advantage of their unanticipated freedom, Jeremy came careening around the corner from the lab - literally glowing with primal life energy. Being hooked up to the relic had given him the ability to fry its internal circuitry, and the force of its destruction had been enough to cause the power outage. As he made the realization that Seeker was not among the crew, the question was raised as to whether they should bother to retrieve him at all. Elenia in particular was very clear about her opinions on the matter - for it was unclear where Seeker’s loyalties truly rested, and Kaamos’ condition was in fast decline. Without quite understanding what he was doing, Jeremy discovered that he was able to transfer some of the primal life energy he carried to Kaamos - effectively restoring the potency of his vitalus. Though when Jeremy tried to use this same ability to heal Elrabin, he was unsuccessful.
It was time to use the chaos of the power outage to escape. Jenny and Bron went looking for Seeker while the rest of the crew legged it to the hangar, meeting only minor resistance along the way. An rather beat-up Seeker was found chained to a wall on one of the upper levels - and Jenny was quickly able to free him with the use of her tool kit.
The hangar itself was mess - full of rushing technicians and scattered soldiers. The power outage had reached there too, leaving the bulkhead doors jammed shut. With Elrabin’s help, Jeremy was able to channel the primal life energy once more - this time using it to jimmy open the hangar doors. Jenny, Seeker, and Bron met them at the ship just in time - though as the crew prepared to make their escape they made the horrifying realization that Commander Serapis was headed for the door panel - aiming to destroy the controls and lock them in.
This time, Seeker rose to stop him. Throwing himself between his brother and the controls, Seeker was not only able to shield himself with his espernetic powers, but also create the illusion of Darius’ sword shattering. The blowback of force from the shield was enough to knock many of the hangar’s occupants off their feet - including an unprepared Kaamos, who suffered a concussion from the resulting fall. Rook and Elenia rushed to his aid, and though Seeker still sustained injury from his deflection, it bought the crew precious time. Jenny and Jeremy helped get Seeker back to the ship, and Bron was able to safely pilot everyone out of the hangar, away from the Revenant, and back towards home.
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pleasantcowboykid · 6 years
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Just a Bhadra headshot while I remember how to art again.
Is a Draken still a Draken without her horns? Stay tuned...
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pleasantcowboykid · 6 years
30 + 12 for Gypsum and Guy, 18 for Bhadra!
30. Have they ever been bullied? 
Gypsum has never experienced bullying. On Gnox, she was the chieftain’s daughter. On Nexus, she is a giant pillar of sentient rock. People know better than to pick on her.
Guy experienced a fair amount of bullying from being the “new kid” after he was adopted. However, his guileless good will and quirky humor often confounded his bullies enough to leave him alone. It’s weird to punch a kid who keeps trying to hug you.
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it? 
Gypsum defied clan law and the tenets of the Way of Stone regularly by sneaking out to the fields where all the Dominion tech lay rusting after the war. She was more interested in charting stars and learning advanced medicine than in following the Way. This is, of course, why she was eventually kicked off Gnox.
To anyone’s knowledge, including every public record, every law enforcement organization, and every snooping journalist, Guy Fantastic has never done anything illegal, ever. They are all very wrong.
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them? 
As a gay woman forced into years of sexual slavery for the benefit of a man, there is a particular “masculine” taste that makes her skin crawl and blood boil. You can probably figure out what.
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pleasantcowboykid · 7 years
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Thought I’d try my hand at this aesthetic thing. I had quite a lot of fun! Hopefully it’s apparent to those who know her, but this one’s for Bhadra.
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eldanseeker · 7 years
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Dawn was just beginning to touch at the edges of the valley as Seeker padded across the wooden bridge, his footsteps somehow muffled by the stillness. He cast a quick glance at the ship, but made no move toward it. Instead, he stepped off the bridge, onto the stone where Bhadra’s memorial stood.  Slowly, a little gingerly, he knelt before the shrine. The motion felt awkward, foreign and yet familiar, nudging at the corners of his memory. He exhaled deliberately, pushing down the feeling. Unhurriedly, he dragged back his left sleeve, and with a razor pulled from his pocket he made a short, marginally deep cut across the back of forearm. He watched as the blood rose to his skin and trickled down his wrist to drip onto the stone where he knelt. After a few moments, he spoke quietly. “It’s not precisely the blood of the man who killed you.” His voice sounded a little raw, even to him. “But seeing as my brother isn’t likely to show up and offer a vein to you, I thought I should do it for him.” Feeling like he should say more but unable to conjure the words, he fell silent again. His eyes could pick out the faint scratches on the urn set above him. He could smell the faint muskiness of the furs that tinged the crisp, still-cool air, and hear the cracked whispering of the braziers on either side. But no feeling came to him, no sense that maybe, from somewhere beyond, Bhadra was watching him with her bold gaze. Maybe she was too busy haunting Darius. The thought twisted his lips into a shallow smirk. He fished a bandage out of his pocket, wrapped it perfunctorily around his arm, and then got to his feet. His attention lingered on the shrine for another few moments. Then he turned and silently walked back the way he had come.
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fantasticfriends · 7 years
Greetings from Libertalia - Some Unfortunate Occurance
Previous Greetings from Libertalia posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
Much to Jeremy’s surprise, after the crew’s return from the exo-lab he received an offer of help from Dr. Volescu. Proclaiming that she had experience in Cassian medicine, she set her assistant Vadim to oversee the work on a potential cure for Jeremy’s condition.
Unfortunately, while Vadim’s reassurances came from a place of genuine kindness, they did little to convince Jeremy that a viable cure was on the way. Thus, when he received a proposal from the head of the Dominion crew to fix him in exchange for handing his half of the relic over, it was with an increasing desperation that Jeremy agreed. He confided his decision to both Jenny and Bron, and while he attempted to discourage Jenny from wanting to accompany him to the Revenant ship, eventually the deal was made that Jenny would wait in a nearby town and receive regular text updates so she would know that Jeremy remained safe during his meeting.
Jenny received word from Jeremy that he was being taken to the lab upon the Revenant, and that was when communication ceased. After several hours without word, Jenny set up a meeting with Rook and Bron in the crash house where she relayed the distressing situation via hologram. Several of the crew wound up present at the meeting - and between them a plan was devised to approach the Revenant and offer negotiations for Jeremy’s release. The crew departed together, with most of them staying concealed on their ship as backup within the Revenant’s hangar while Seeker and Bhadra handled the negotiations.
Negotiating apparently went less than stellar. After a long wait for the crew, Seeker and Bhadra showed up with a few extra Dominion uniforms and proposed Plan B - to pose as Dominion crew members and escort the rest as prisoners down to the holding cells in the hope that they would be able to locate and free Jeremy along the way. The ruse worked well enough and they found him in the ship’s medical lab - unconscious and hooked up to a machine that connected him directly to the completed Eldan relic. Rook, Elrabin, and Marko(!!) quickly rendered the attending scientists unconscious. Upon the discovery that the Dominion had been using Jeremy as an experiment to record and control the effects of the Eldan tech, Jenny very nearly killed one of the scientists on the spot - but Kaamos stepped in as a voice of reason, imploring her not to make any rash decisions.
Elenia used her knowledge of Cassian technology to disconnect Jeremy from the lab equipment and quickly pocketed the relic. Meanwhile Bron carried the incoherent and debatedly delusional Jeremy out of the lab with the rest of the crew. It seemed out of some divine sort of luck that the journey back to their ship was unobstructed. As they reached the hangar, their escape seemed imminent - until the Revenant’s Commander, Darius Serapis, emerged from their own ship and suddenly they found themselves surrounded by a worrisome amount of Dominion soldiers.
The surprise did not end at their ambush, instead the crew watched in confusion as the Commander embraced Seeker, thanked him for assisting in the capture of the Exiles, and called him brother. Outnumbered and outmatched, Seeker was whisked away by the Commander, Jeremy was returned to the lab, Bhadra was apprehended for immediate execution, and the rest of the crew were placed in holding cells. There, Kaamos found himself facing the threat of going ravenous, Elenia was tased into unconsciousness by a rather annoyed security guard, and the everyone left fell into silence as they tried fruitlessly to figure a way out of their predicament.  
It was, by all accounts, a rather rough night.
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fantasticfriends · 7 years
Greetings from Libertalia - The Incident at the Exo-Lab
Other Greetings from Libertalia Updates can be found here. 
The top floor of the exo-lab was mostly empty save for a large mainframe structure. Seeker was able to tap into it in order to discover that the lab was once run by an Eldan named “Corvis”, and was commissioned by the Order of the Progenitors. Meanwhile, Avo used his own tech-savvy skills to lick one of the Eldan electrical panels. The resulting shock knocked the young aurin back, and as Rook and Elrabin rushed to his aid a concealed datacube emerged from the screen and played an entry from the aforementioned Corvis.
With Avo injured and beginning to exhibit some worrying side effects from the shock, he was sent back to the ship while the rest of the crew pressed on into the lower levels. Upon descending the stairs, Yora, Bron, and Bhadra were immediately drawn to a caged figure at the other end of the room. It was a large blue murgh - one that had been confined in the lab for an unknown amount of time. Together, Bron and Yora attempted to find some way to open the cage.
Beneath the stairs, Jenny discovered an old, locked chest. Opening it was easy enough, yet when she did, a trap was released in the form of a noxious green fog. As luck would have it, time had vastly diminished the once-lethal effects of the fog, but it still wrought havoc on the lungs of those nearby - which happened to be Jenny and Seeker. The only advantage was that they had managed to uncover another datacube from Corvis, giving more information on the happenings of the lab - which seemed to have been created for some sort of hybridization project.
In the search for more datacubes, Kaamos observed a flickering light amidst a cluster of augmented spider eggs. Not wishing to disturb the nest, the possibility was discussed to dangle Elrabin by his legs to try and fish it out, but it was decided that having Axel try to remove it would be a far less risky idea.
That was incorrect. Axel smashed into the eggs, releasing several terrible spiders along with it. Half the crew frantically worked to smish the spiders while Bron was finally able to pry the cage bars open and free the murgh within. The murgh promptly gave its thanks by dashing for the stairs and disappearing. With luck, the spiders were easily disposed of and yet another datacube was revealed. Seeker recorded everything, but it seemed nothing else could be found.
It was a surprising time for a Dominion crew to show up. Comprised of four heavily armed Cassians, they came in search of the same thing the crew had - a missing fragment of Eldan tech to match the one already in their possession. Initially Bhadra and SixtySix Titancore used their charms to convince the soldiers that they were apprehending the crew of Exiles within the lab. Unable to hold his tongue, Elrabin was knocked unconscious by a very reluctant Seeker in an attempt to keep him quiet. But despite all their efforts, it did not stop the Cassians from insisting they search everyone in the lab for the other half of the Eldan relic. 
Before things could grow too dire, the freed murgh from before made a conveniently timed return. It flew into a rage at the site of the Dominion and attacked, thus giving our heroes a chance to escape. Due to some quick thinking on Jenny’s part, she used her spellslinging powers to slip into the Void and travel ahead to have their ship ready for the crew’s hasty departure. With that, it was time to head back to the Nebula for some much needed rest before deciding what could be done next. 
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pleasantcowboykid · 7 years
"Does Alder like Sa-sha's mates? Does Sa-sha like Alder's? Ra-fee said Bad-ruh does things with her tail. To mates. Was Ra-fee being gross? Gyp-see's big. Would mate with an Aurin?"
“Heh, right, like Sasha has mates.”
“Hey, shut up! It’s not like you do, either!”
“I’d give you a demonstration, love, but my tail doesn’t swing your way.”
“Oh, goodness. I don’t think I could ever do that with an Aurin. I like it really rough, you know? I’d be too worried the whole time to enjoy myself.”
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pleasantcowboykid · 7 years
Bhadra, how would you feel about having more Draken around?
“…Conflicted. I long for the companionship of my own people. I miss the wordless intimacy, the simple closeness of my tribe. I miss not having to reign myself in around other species, to know that every punch I throw is a welcome thing. But so many Draken are deeply loyal to the Dominion, and the Dominion has caused me nothing but pain.We aren’t all lapdogs. I know there are others whom the Dominion has hurt, who are biding their time. But it’s just not a question that can be asked. I just have to be here, out in the open, representing a better and bigger world, and then hope that they’ll find me.”
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pleasantcowboykid · 6 years
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
Guy Fantastic: I just picked this one because it was low-hanging fruit. It’s such a good name for a charismatic European-ish man’s man. I’m not sure where ‘Fantastic’ came from. It just popped into my head when I signed up for WS beta.
Alder Brightwood: He’s an aurin, sooooo treeish name. Alder is one of my favorite trees. Brightwood just sounded nice and foresty to go with it.
Sasha Sunwisp: Another that just popped into my head. I was jumping around in whimwood trees at the time. It sounded sunny and girly and I liked the alliteration.
Gypsum Opalhand: Gypsum after the mineral, also after the main character in one of my favorite books, A Fistful of Sky. Opalhand was the surname of my jeweler dwarf in LOTRO.
Kaamos Ivuneq: I wanted a name that was a blend of Inupiaq and Lapland culture, because that’s how I designed his home Enclave. Kaamos means ‘polar night’ in Finnish, and Ivuneq is an Inupiaq word meaning ‘high pack ice.’
Bhadra Silvertongue: Bhadra is a Hindu name meaning ‘good.’ Silvertongue is in reference to her talent as a diplomat. She chose both names herself when she escaped from Cassus.
Corinna Kabinov: This one I really just picked from lists of Ukrainian names and Surnames. Her full name is Eveline Corinna Catalina Kabinov. Since she’s a writer, I liked the idea of her publishing as C.C. Kabinov.
Neculai Dalca: Same thing. Just played around until I had a name that sounded intimidating.
Morducai Voidhound: Morducai is a morph of Mordecai, because Mordecai was taken on my LOTRO server but worked really well as a name for a creepy gravedigger. Voidhound…void because he’s a spellslinger and hound because, uh…he likes dogs. That must be it.
Bolo Vaara: BOLO is a police acronym for ‘be on the lookout for’ and vaara is Finnish for ‘danger.’
Farid Patel: Farid is an Arabic name meaning “unique,” which is a joke because he’s a clone. Patel, I chose after the protagonist in the book Life of Pi.
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fantasticfriends · 7 years
Fantastic Enterprises Security Clearance Levels
N/A: No security clearance required beyond company-issued ID tags and keycards.
F: Some confidentiality required relating to NDAs and sensitive files.
E: Employee is entitled to basic secure information as it relates directly to their responsibilities.
D: Employee granted access to view limited personnel files as necessary to perform duties. Briefed on classified information after approval from supervisor.
C: Unrestricted access to company resources and information as approved by any B-class supervisor. Keycards equipped with access to store rooms, libraries, and personnel files as relating to employee duties.
B: Employee is allowed free access to all restricted databases and resources (except A-class). Keycards cleared for entry to most restricted locations in and out of HQ.
A: All previous tiers, as well as full access to all classified company information, resources, and locations, unless otherwise deemed “unreleasable” by Mr. Fantastic himself.
AA: Complete and total access to all company information and resources. Granted only to Guy Fantastic, Farid Patel, and Bhadra Silvertongue.
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pleasantcowboykid · 7 years
I am not sure who this is for so I will answer for everyone!
If you came home and saw blood on your floor, what would be your first reaction/thought?
Guy Fantastic: Must’ve been a fun party!
Gypsum Opalhand: Oh dear…someone didn’t make it to the medbay.
Sasha Sunwisp: Help! Help! Someone’s been murdered!
Alder Brightwood: Woah, cool.
Kaamos Ivuneq: This is not tonally consistent with our mission statement.
Bhadra Silvertongue: Did someone order in?
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pleasantcowboykid · 6 years
Negative OC Traits
Bold always or almost always applies. Italic occasional or situational.
Guy Fantastic
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | impulsive | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | overambitious | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | rebellious | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Kaamos Ivuneq
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | impulsive | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | overambitious | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | rebellious | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Gypsum Opalhand
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | impulsive | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | overambitious | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | rebellious | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Bhadra Silvertongue
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | impulsive | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | overambitious | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | rebellious | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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