#black marble wall tile price
emperormarble · 4 months
Give Your Interiors Life With Black Marble Wall Tiles
In the ever-evolving world of interior design, one element stands as a timeless embodiment of sophistication and drama—Marble Wall Tiles. The allure of black marble, with its deep, rich hues and distinctive veining, adds an element of luxury and intrigue to any space. In this blog, you can explore the captivating world of Marble Wall Tiles, delving into their aesthetic appeal, practical benefits, and the transformative impact they bring to interior spaces.
The Drama of Darkness
Black Marble Wall Tiles introduce a sense of drama and depth to interior design. The deep, velvety black tones create a striking contrast against lighter elements in a room, making a bold statement. Whether used to accentuate specific features or cover entire walls, black marble exudes an air of opulence and modernity.
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The opulent aesthetics of black marble are unparalleled. The natural variations in the veining add a layer of complexity to the tiles, turning them into unique works of art. Black marble's ability to effortlessly blend with various design styles, from classic to contemporary, makes it a versatile choice for elevating the overall ambiance of a space.
While trends may come and go, the timeless nature of Black Marble Tile ensures that it remains a versatile and enduring choice. Black is a neutral color that transcends design fads, allowing for seamless integration into diverse design schemes. This versatility makes black marble a wise investment for those seeking a long-lasting and stylish interior solution.
Black Marble Tile excels in creating focal points within a room. Whether used as an accent wall in a living room or to frame a fireplace, the rich and bold nature of black marble draws attention and adds a sense of grandeur. These tiles become more than just a backdrop; they become a visual anchor that commands attention.
Black marble's versatility extends to its suitability for various spaces. From luxurious bathrooms to chic kitchen backsplashes and statement walls in living rooms, Black Marble Wall Tiles can be applied in diverse settings. Their ability to adapt to different environments while maintaining their elegant appeal makes them a sought-after choice for interior designers and homeowners alike. Selecting the right supplier is paramount when incorporating Black Marble Tile into your design. Reputable suppliers ensure the authenticity and quality of the marble, providing expert guidance on selection, installation, and maintenance. A reliable supplier enhances the overall experience, ensuring that the transformative impact of black marble is maximized in your space.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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You must see the tacky, over-the-top decor of the "Chateau Jardin Perfume" in Sassafras, Victoria, Australia. It has 4bds, 3ba and the price is listed as $4.2M - $4.5M. (Maybe for $4.5M you get the furnishings?)
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The grand entrance hall. I don't really like it. The railings look kind of builder's grade, like those standard newel posts that you see in so many homes.
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Black & brass kitchen. Interesting countertop choice. Do you like the black tiles? They look like bricks, with that rough surface. And, of course the chandeliers.
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The dining room. A lot going on in here. I never cared for crushed velvet fabric. Looks like the ceiling embellishments are painted purple to match the velvet.
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The living room ties in w/the dining room decor. I wonder how they wound up with 2 fireplaces in here. The one on the left looks like a rustic stone one, and the other one is marble.
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Here's a lounge. More crushed velvet. Is that tile on the wall? Shiny wallpaper? Have you ever seen this many chandeliers in one house?
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Home theater. I like the art deco floor.
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The main bd. I don't know, they have all this elegant decor, but the wood looks modern rustic and informal.
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This bath has sleek modern elements and a baroque sink vanity, plus classic stained glass windows. Some of their mixes don't work.
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Have you ever seen a more fancy garage? Looks like a chapel.
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The gated entrance.
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There's a mosaic rose on the bottom of the pool. Now, remember the garage? That's not a chapel, there, that's the garage. Isn't that an interesting idea?
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An outdoor living room.
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What a lovely patio.
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The grounds are stunning. Look at that cute little shed.
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Set on a hillside, you get a great view of the city.
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I wonder if all the statuary conveys.
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i-eat-deodorant · 5 months
Ooo please tell me about Pumping Ass part 2.
I'm invested.
The stars aligned when he received an email at noon a couple days later, telling him not to come to shift today, that someone had backed their truck directly into the front entrance (gods, what he would pay to have been there to see that clusterfuck) and they were replacing the sliding doors that should’ve been replaced years ago. Normally he’d spend his break arguing online over stock prices with people whose opinions don’t matter, but the moderators of his latest circle had banned him (over threats of violence—what was he about to do, strangle someone over the screen?) and he was still fuming too hard to find a new one. 
So when he slipped out of his pants and saw a white card fluttering onto the ground, he picked it up. The cardstock was wrinkled and soft from how he’d shoved it in his pocket, but Lambert’s name and address were still visible. Driving distance. Walking distance, if he was willing to suffer an hour in public in exchange for saving gas. 
Which is how Narinder found himself slouched in front of a tacky McMansion in broad daylight, judging the topiary. 
Seriously, how were they not embarrassed to put these things in public? He could flash himself and retain more modesty than what these trimmed bushes were doing to their property. And then there was that eyesore set of marble columns, scrunched halfway into the wall next to windows that looked to be drawn on blindfolded. Then there were the four garage doors on the side; if Lambert admitted to him that they were housing a small army for war in their garage, he’d believe it over the cars. 
A towering black bull in a suit answered the door when he rang. He took one look at Narinder, then began to close the door.
“Wait!” Narinder shoved his foot inside. “I have an appointment with Lambert.” 
“We do not accept solicitors nor beggars.” Already he could hear a tinge of irritation in the bull’s voice. 
Rude. He’d actually dressed nice for this: black pants and a blazer that had been in the laundromat instead of on the floor, and an undershirt that wasn’t stained with anything.  “I’m not, Lambert said I was welcome. Here, I have their…” He reached for the card, but realized that handing someone a crumpled piece of paper wasn’t exactly solid evidence. “Just. Just let them know I’m here, they know who I am.” 
“You can contact them through the proper channels then.” 
It was getting difficult to keep the door open with how hard the bull was pushing it closed. Narinder was about to step back before his foot got smashed before another voice joined in from the back. 
“Thoryn! Let him in pal, I told him he could come here whenever he likes.” 
Narinder stumbled a bit as the bull, Thoryn, swung the door inwards. Standing at the foot of a grand staircase was Lambert, clad in fuzzy white pajamas and slippers. They smiled upon seeing him. “Great timing, you caught me on one of my days off. I don’t have anything planned until evening.” 
“Sir—he—” Thoryn looked between them, before understanding quickly dawned on his expression. “Understood. I’ll leave you to it, sir.” With that, the bull walked away with far more speed than necessary, hooves clicking against the tiled floor. 
Narinder watched him disappear off into a corner. “He doesn’t think I’m a hooker, does he.” 
“Hopefully not, but the circumstances fit—” 
“I’m not a hooker.” Narinder spat, hands shoved tight into his pockets.
"Bastard broke all of his bones falling. You know what they say about the impact on the water, from high up. Nobody can bounce back from that."
"But you're still here," Lambert said. A hand gripped Narinder's wrist, solid and real. "Maybe the myth was wrong. Maybe Icarus drowned, but in the middle of the pain all his ribs fracturing he realized that one of his arms wasn't broken, and he dragged himself to shore."
Narinder sat up, blankets falling off his figure. It was too dark to make out more than shadows, but he traced silhouette of Lambert in greyscale, the rise and fall of their chest. It all felt like a surreal dream, a hell he'd wake up from and be back in his mansion with his wife and kids. "Life should've pummeled that kind of blind optimism out of you decades ago."
"It's helped, though." Lambert was looking at him as well. His eyes adjusted to the darkness just enough to catch their smile. "Wouldn't be where I am without it."
Maybe he didn't want this dream to end.
yeah it's just a potential continuation of Tropical Sunset (aka gas station au). can you tell i browsed McMansion Hell posts before i wrote this haha. need to absorb angry architect power.
i'm actually kind of excited to write it because there's a scene i have planned that just. gets really dark and serious all of a sudden that i have planned and i wanna tackle something that i don't particularly see people portraying. gas station au is my silly little test au and i'm taking it for a roller coaster ride.
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docluna · 8 months
Ch. 2: The Offer
The elevator doors opened after what Luna felt was a suspiciously long travel time for four floors downward. The room within, at first, seemed to be a narrow but long office with dim lighting in place. Its floor was marble tile, so well polished that it might as well have been mirrored. The lights on the ceiling, turned down though they were, gave off a warmth that was almost reassuring after the florescent buzzing of the elevator.
At the other end of the room stood a cheri wood desk, expertly engraved with patterns that were clearly inspired by the flowing lines of Kanto’s only native dragon-type Pokemon family. A grid of nine monitors lit up the wall, showing graphs and talking heads and lists of prices that were well outside of the doctor’s understanding. And silhouetted by those screens, a haze of cigarette smoke rising from his right hand, sat a man that could only be Giovanni.
He reached forward, and the screens flicked into darkness as one. As they did, and the lights came up over the desk, he turned around to face the elevator door. Even seated, he cut an imposing figure. He wore a perfectly tailored black suit and tie over a spotless white shirt, which did little to disguise his muscular build. His short coal-black hair was slicked back and trimmed to precision, and though he smiled, his sharp features and stormy-gray eyes felt no less intimidating for it.
“You must be Doctor Wenhouse.” He said, waving her closer. “Please, come and sit. I’ve been eager to meet you.”
The deep sound of his voice snapped Luna back to the moment, and she realized she’d been holding her breath. She forced herself to start breathing again, offering a shaky smile in return, and made her way across the tile. “Thank you. Mister Giovanni, right?”
He chuckled. “No need for the formality, Doctor, especially not with my first name. Just Giovanni will be fine. Do you smoke?”
Luna pulled another chair around from beside the desk, shaking her head as she sat down. “No, never have. And since we’re foregoing titles, call me Luna.”
Giovanni nodded, then stamped out the cigarette in an ashtray built into the desk. “Wise of you, Luna. I shouldn’t, myself, but I do anyway. I suppose we all have our vices. I hope your trip was smooth?”
“It was, yeah. Honestly, I haven’t ridden the inter-regional magnet line in a year or so, but it’s always been a nice time.” Luna replied. She looked down at her hands, took a deep breath, then returned her gaze to his. That steely gaze was so focused, she felt like he could see right through her, and it set her nerves sliding toward the anxiety she’d been so desperately trying to avoid. “Listen, I appreciate the politeness, but can you please explain what’s going on? I feel like I stumbled into some kind of spy thriller or sci-fi film.”
“Mm. I can understand that. To business then.” Giovanni crossed his hands on the desk, leaning forward. “Your thesis document was quite an impressive work, though I admit I only understand enough to scratch the surface. Human and Pokemon DNA compatibility is an underappreciated field of study, and ties quite closely to something of a personal project I’ve long had an interest in seeing through.”
The man sighed, shaking his head and clenching one hand into a fist. “Unfortunately, as I believe you learned, those who research this kind of thing are shunned and insulted at best. Don’t think I didn’t see the remarks that were made about you, while I was doing my research. Since I have no interest in seeing my project assailed by the same short-sighted morons, and I’m storing some very valuable artifacts and equipment here, the utmost secrecy was necessary.”
Luna grimaced, teeth grinding at the memories. If it hadn’t been people calling her a pervert, assuming her research was in the interest of cross-species breeding, it was people calling her a psychopath who wanted to create abominations. Even those she considered otherwise level-headed seemed to believe the theories on gene therapy and beneficial sequence splicing she proposed were simply steps on the path to one outrage or another. It was hard not to recall having to deal with anonymous threats from supposed moral crusaders, some far more graphic than others. “In that case,” she began, voice shaking a bit. A pause. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and nodded to him. “In that case, I think I kind of get it.”
Giovanni frowned, leaning back slightly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to distress you. I should have known that this topic might. Do you need a moment?”
Luna shook her head firmly, focusing on his face again. Cast against the people she’d clashed with so frequently while working on her thesis, his fair skin and dramatic features somehow seemed less severe than before.
The man breathed a relieved sigh, then reached into one of his desk drawers and produced a thick unmarked manila envelope. With a glint in his eye, he slid it across the desk to her. “Good. Let me cut to the chase, then. To make sure you understand how serious I am, let me begin with compensation and work backwards. I am prepared to offer you a salary of twenty million dollars, room and board, and an unlimited equipment and resource fund subject to approval. The details are in this envelope, as well as the unsigned contract forms.”
Luna couldn’t stop herself from gasping, staring at Giovanni wide-eyed. The salary was more than enough for her to live comfortably on its face. Room and board? An equipment and resource fund with no cap? This had to be some kind of prank. She watched his eyes, sure that at any second he’d burst into laughter. But the laughter never came. He simply smirked, as though he was satisfied by the moment for some other reason.
“Supposing you find those terms agreeable enough to go on for now,” he said, pulling a pen from his coat pocket, “and you go ahead and sign the non-disclosure agreements within, I’ll be happy to explain just what is worth so much to me. Once you know the details, we may renegotiate any aspect of the compensation package you wish to address.”
Luna looked down at the envelope as he placed the pen beside it. Impossible as it seemed, the man was somehow serious. Words failing her, she opened the envelope and pulled out the small stack of papers it held, scanning the contract that sat on top.
Finally, she looked up and met his eyes again. “Could I show this to a lawyer? No offense, this is just hard to believe.”
“Naturally.” Giovanni nodded once. “In your position, I doubt I would do any differently. I just ask that you keep in mind the secrecy I’ve worked so hard on. If they ask where you got the contract, it would be preferential if you told them as little as possible. Information is a hot commodity in Saffron City, and it grows more valuable the more notable the subjects involved. It would pain me greatly to have this place’s privacy ruined by the wrong word to the wrong person.”
The doctor nodded mutely, sliding the contract back into the envelope. In the moment, with her thoughts already trying to pull her focus in too many directions at once, she simply had no room to spare to decide if this too made sense or raised a red flag. Instead, she turned what remained of her focus to the NDA that appeared next in the stack.
She’d signed dozens of these in the past. This was far more expansive than she was used to, but it was at least familiar. The single page that declared nearly everything about the project, including its location and the names of the people involved, to be a protected secret. She signed it without a second thought, slid it to him, and crossed her arms in an attempt to steady herself. The rest of the papers loomed, but she ignored them, pushing the whirlwind of concerns down in her head to focus on the question at hand. “Okay. You said details after I signed that. Let’s talk details.”
Giovanni nodded, placing the paper back into the desk drawer it came from. He drew himself up in his seat, then stood, smoothing his suit with one hand. “Let’s talk details, indeed. Let me show you the key to all of this, the most valuable object I, or perhaps anyone, has ever owned.”
Luna’s brow furrowed as she stood, arms tight against her. “That’s a pretty bold claim.”
“It is,” Giovanni said, walking toward the left third of the room. As he walked, lights came up around a glass-covered display that sat prominently in his path. “But I think you’ll agree, once you understand.”
Luna followed him with hesitant steps, though once the lights came up her stride became more purposeful. While Giovanni walked around to the other side of the case, she gazed down upon its contents and frowned deeply at the categorization label of No. 150 next to them. Instantly, all of the chaotic thoughts in her head vanished in favor of one simple truth.
“No offense, Giovanni, but you must have been scammed.” She offered, after a moment of contemplation. “This has to be a fake, just like every other one that’s supposedly been found. I’m sure it’s a very convincing one, though.” “Mm. None taken.” Giovanni said, placing his hand in his pocket with a knowing smile. “I would say the same thing, if our positions were reversed. Would you like to see what I had extracted, on my dime, by someone I trust, from this sample?” Luna lifted her gaze from the single strand of bright pink hair, suspended in its vacuum prison. It simply couldn’t be possible that this was anything more than a ruse. No legitimate sample of anything from the mythical species 150 had been found, ever, and it would’ve been international news if one had. It was only in the last fifty years that the scientific community had even begun to consider its existence as anything more than another legend, after photographic evidence of it was finally published, and even that was still met with intense skepticism.
Still, the idea that it might be real tugged at the part of her brain that wanted so badly to believe. Against her better judgment, she sighed and nodded. “Fine. Hit me.”
Giovanni pressed a button hidden on the case’s metal support, and the glass top went opaque save for the view of the sample itself. A second passed, and the display lit up with a document that nearly stopped the doctor’s breathing.
The name at the top alone would’ve been enough to give her goosebumps. The legendary Doctor Philip Fuji himself, the enigmatic master of the remote Cinnabar Island Research Lab, had signed off on this. Certainly, it could be faked, but the way the report was written was a perfect mirror of the many papers she’d spent sleepless nights thumbing through. To complicate matters further, the report was co-authored by the fiery scientist and leader of the Cinnabar Island Gym, Roger Blaine. She scanned through the report wordlessly, scarcely remembering to breathe. Genetic code of unthinkable complexity, on the order of eight separate strands at least. While it was somewhat damaged, sampling intact sequences created 100% base matches in over half of known species just from one week of computerized searching. Perhaps most alarming, more than any other Pokemon, the DNA racked up matches for human sequences in spades. The pair differed on the practical applications of the discovery, Blaine considering the potential of the DNA as a blueprint for understanding the propagation of different abilities while Fuji candidly stated that it may have extensive use in the field of medicine. The one thing they both agreed upon, in the end, was that the sample was legitimate.
The report ended with an appeal to Giovanni, their client and apparent friend. The sample should stay hidden, the research unpublished. The scientific community would fall upon it in a frenzy, they argued, and more sinister minds than theirs would inevitably find a darker purpose for it. Whatever else he chose to do with it, they insisted, it should be his choice. Especially, Blaine added, as Giovanni had just announced his retirement from the public life of the Viridian City Gym.
“Holy shit.” Luna breathed, lifting her head for the first time in fifteen minutes. Giovanni was watching her with an amused smirk, seemingly unbothered by the wait. She cleared her throat, standing up fully again. “Giovanni, this is impossible.”
“You know,” he said, glancing down at the report himself, “Phil said the same thing, back then. Roger’s cursing about it was, we’ll say, inventive. If you still doubted my need for secrecy before, surely you understand it fully now.”
“Yeah. Fuck, yeah, I do.” Luna said. She thought for a moment more, then focused on his eyes again. “Okay. So. You’ve got a real sample of 150. As real as they get. What’s this got to do with me?”
“In other words, the job itself. As you saw, the sample is corroded.” Giovanni said, placing a hand on the displayed report. “As it is now, any real application of it would be difficult, at best. You are going to analyze it yourself, using the equipment I will provide you. You are going to be given access to a war chest that I have been building for twenty years for this very purpose. And using the splicing techniques you theorized about, you will take human and Pokemon DNA and repair the damage into a viable sample for cloning. And then.” Giovanni’s hand closed, and he inhaled deeply. Luna’s head swam from the implications of what she was hearing, but she hung on every word.
“And then, alongside one of the most brilliant technicians living today, you will change the world.”
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mustbealoosewire · 1 year
Took a friend to an Italian restaurant to celebrate his birthday and him getting back into town from his lil bro's wedding.
Industrial/painted cement walls and ceiling, lots of glass and chromed metal railings, black marble floor tiles...
Between that and the insultingly small pizza and average pasta, for the price they were asking, I almost gave him the Sonny treatment when we left.
All this in my city's Mecca for Italian immigrant families and businesses...
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1elinasmith · 9 days
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Buy black and white marble for bedroom wall and floor up to 45% off
Black and white marble tiles are a masterpiece and rich choice for ground surface, edges, and backsplashes. The separation between the light and dull groupings makes a striking and refined look that adds a smidgen of excess to any space.
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Taming Arrogance - Chapter 8
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*Warning Adult Content*
"You can either sleep on the couch or in the second bed," Blake says to me when we step inside the penthouse suite.
My eyes sweep over the layout of this spectacular room and I'm temporarily dazed by its splendor.
Two beds sit at the very far right, both of them neatly made and equipped with fluffy comforters and an over-abundance of pillows.
The carpet is white, red and black, a modern contrast to the white walls and black decorations.
Without addressing Blake's question, my feet continue to pad across the spacious suite.
I glance inside the large bathroom and whistle under my breath.
Everything in here is marble, everything from the countertops, to the floors and even to the spacious Jacuzzi-style bathtub.
"How much does a room like this set you back a night?" I ask more to myself than to Blake.
"It's a company write-off," Blake explains.
"But even so, it's reasonably priced. $600 a night."
That's reasonable?
Shit, I'd hate to see the cost of something he finds unreasonably priced.
For some reason, the fact that this joker makes so much money irritates me.
There's no reason for it to but it does.
I move away from the bathroom and glance at the mini-kitchen as I make my way to the living room.
Despite it being small, it seems to come equipped with more accoutrements than my kitchen does at home.
I plunk myself down on the black leather sofa and stare up at the huge plasma TV.
"Huh," I mumble under my breath.
"Is this room booked yet for opening day of football?"
Blake follows me into the living room and leans against the doorframe.
"What was that?"
"Nothing," I say, shaking my head.
"And I'll take the couch."
"Oh. Right..." Blake's voice tapers off and the smallest bit of disappointment shows in his expression.
The second I blink, however, all traces of emotion vanish and I'm left wondering if it was really there in the first place.
It's probably just my over-tired brain working on only half a cylinder.
"We'll need to leave here tomorrow before nine," Blake says clearing his throat.
"Our site visit is at ten. What do you want for breakfast?"
I yawn and start stretching out across the plush sofa.
My eyelids are becoming heavier by the second, the mistress of sleep pulling me into her warm embrace.
"Tuna on wheat with a diet coke," I murmur sarcastically with half-closed eyes.
I think I see a smirk on Blake's face but I can't be sure.
He says something to me about food again but my brain is checked out for the night.
I feebly wave him off, silently indicating that whatever he wants to order is fine by me.
"Goodnight, Callum. Sweet dreams."
Blinding light wakes me up in a coat of sweat and a state of unbearable thirst.
I thrash out of the comfort of my sleeping position, prying my eyes wide enough to find my way to the kitchen.
I'm temporarily shaken at the fact that I'm no longer in my home but instead in some highfalutin hotel suite.
The soft carpet changes to cool tile beneath my feet.
I welcome the change and begin digging through the cupboards in search of a cup.
It takes only a minute before my impatience gets the best of me and I move to the sink to turn on the faucet.
I lower my head and begin to lap up the water like a dog on a hot summer's day.
The coolness feels like ecstasy as it washes over my dry taste buds and down my raw throat.
"Oh, Callum. I thought you were housekeeping with breakfast."
Blake's voice jerks me out of my moment of hydrated bliss.
I pull back to look at him and my cheeks immediately redden.
The man has a towel around his waist but every inch of him from the hips upward is nothing but flesh and beads of water.
For being an older dude, he's got a pretty decent body, I guess but does he have no shame walking around like that?
I mean, it's disgusting.
My eyes slowly rise to his face.
A second, smaller towel is draped around his neck which he's holding onto at both ends.
"I was thirsty," I finally say.
Blake grins and nods towards the still-running water.
"I see that."
Blake ever-so-slowly walks towards me, not stopping until he's just mere inches away from my chest.
With precision he reaches above me to open the cabinet directly above my head.
A glass cup is dangled in front of my face and I grind my teeth together in frustration.
"I'm not thirsty anymore," I try to spit out but for some reason my voice seems to catch in my throat.
"Hmm. Well, I'll set it right by the sink in case you change your mind."
There's laughter and amusement in his voice.
"Fine," I say through clenched teeth.
"Are you going to move out of my way now? I'm not a fan of man nakedness."
Blake chuckles and easily steps aside, not at all offended by my words.
I stomp out of the kitchen and head back into the living room to grab a new set of clothes from my backpack.
Without my permission, my brain pulls me back to the image of Blake standing in the doorway of the kitchen, his nearly-naked torso glistening with beads of water.
To my horror, I feel my dick twitch.
I freeze and stare down at my pants.
When it starts to soften, I once again pull up the mental image of Blake in the kitchen.
This time I think about him sauntering towards me.
My brain decides to take it a step further, imagining what it would be like if he closed the distance between us and demanded a kiss from my lips.
"What the hell..." I whisper under my breath, staring down at my raging boner in utter shock.
It must be because I haven't gotten laid in almost a week.
Or maybe it's because I'm just waking up, a common cause for many of my early morning woodies.
Either way, there's no way in hell it's because of Blake or his surprisingly fit body.
I cover my embarrassing erection with my spare set of clothes and dash into the luxurious bathroom.
I refuse to allow my mind to drift back to him another time throughout the duration of this trip.
'Nope. Not happening.'
A deep exhale pushes past my lips in the new relief that I'm away from Blake.
The second I inhale though, my moment of reprieve comes to a screeching halt.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Blake's cologne, along with his natural scent are everywhere.
The air is intoxicated by him. It's sultry and rich, seductive and heady.
My eyes close of their own accord.
I close the bathroom door and lock it behind me, allowing my body to slump against the door to indulge in his smell for a few seconds longer.
What the hell is my problem?
I'm not the type of dude to bask in another man's scent, let alone enjoy it in the first place.
It must be this Floridian weather that has my brain all askew.
Whatever it is, my body can't help itself by reacting and for the second time this morning I'm left with a hardness beneath my shorts, all thanks to my very own boss.
My fingers itch to slide down my boxers and relieve myself of the problem but then I remember my brother's words in the back of my mind.
As he said to me less than a day ago, men who deny it the most are the ones who end up being the gayest.
Or something to that effect.
There's no way I'll touch myself knowing it was a man who caused me to be in this state.
I will never be like my brother.
I will never be a fag-tard.
These thoughts go on repeat through my brain, their message slapping my mind back to reality.
A piece of me wonders if he has some special gay man powers that he's pulling on me.
Whatever the case may be, I don't know how much more of it I can take.
What'll happen if my thoughts stay as they are?
What if they get worse?
Would I actually let Blake touch me?
I shudder just at the thought, though if it's a shudder of excitement or disgust, I'll never know.
I wipe away the steam that has collected on the mirror from Blake's earlier shower, studying my hazy reflection with an anxious expression.
Light eyes stare back at me.
They look confused, worried even.
"C'mon Callum," I mutter under my breath.
"Get your shit together."
Without wasting another thought on Blake or his special powers, I take a quick shower and throw on my clothes for the day.
I spare a quick glance in the mirror, smoothing out my dress shirt before tucking the ends into my khaki shorts.
Blake never specified the dress code for this little weekend getaway, and since I've never attended a 'site visit' I just packed as best I could.
I run a hand through my slightly disheveled hair and shrug.
Good enough.
As I step out of the bathroom, a cacophony of smells greets my nose.
It's enough to send a shooting pang of hunger through my stomach.
I rush into the living room and see two, silver trays sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Without waiting for Blake, I plunk myself down and start digging in.
By the time I finish off my fifth slice of bacon and third cinnamon roll, Blake walks into the living room looking as sophisticated as ever.
The dude probably doesn't own a single piece of clothing under a hundred dollars.
Pretentious asshole.
He barely spares a glance to me or the food.
Instead he walks over to the hallway mirror and straightens out his tie.
His normally relaxed face is pinched with an emotion I haven't witnessed before.
"Nervous?" I ask him through bites of food.
"No. I don't get nervous," he assures me.
"Then what's with the look?"
"I'm not particularly fond of having my schedule upturned to fit someone else's agenda."
I frown and begin the ever-so-tedious process of licking off the leftover bacon grease and cinnamon from my fingertips.
"Hey," I respond defensively.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are."
"I wasn't referring to you, Callum."
"Phil will be joining us tomorrow morning," he explains.
"Which means things need to be moved around, I need to get an additional room, and the list goes on and on."
"And Phil would be...?" I ask, letting my voice trail off to silence.
Blake turns to look at me.
He raises a curious eyebrow and allows his gaze to sweep over my face with careful inspection.
Shit. Did my voice give something away? It couldn't have.
Plus, there's no rhyme or reason as to why I'm feeling so curious.
Why the hell should I care who this Phil dude is?
It's none of my business.
Blake once again turns to the mirror, straightening his tie for the second time.
When he finally gives his response, however, his eyes flicker to me, as if studying how his words will affect my demeanor.
"Phil is," he answers with a hesitant voice.
"My boyfriend."
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varunmarbles · 2 months
Black Marquina Marble: The Epitome of Luxury for Your Home
Black marquina marble is a stunning natural stone that can elevate the look of any space in your home. This deep black marble with its elegant white veining creates a timeless and sophisticated feel. But where do you find high-quality black marquina marble, and why choose Varun Marbles?
Here are some reasons to consider Varun Marbles for your black marquina marble needs:
Unmatched Quality: Varun Marbles prides itself on offering premium black marquina marble slabs, tiles, and countertops. Their meticulous sourcing ensures you receive consistent, top-quality stone.
Versatility for Every Room: Black marquina marble is incredibly versatile. From luxurious countertops and bathroom walls to elegant flooring, Varun Marbles can provide the perfect black marble products to fit your design vision.
Expertise You Can Trust: With years of experience in the industry, Varun Marbles offers exceptional customer service. Their knowledgeable team can assist you in selecting the perfect black marble for your project and provide guidance on installation.
Competitive Prices: Varun Marbles understands that affordability is important. They offer competitive prices on their black marquina marble products, making luxury attainable for your home.
Transform Your Home with Black Marquina Marble
Black marquina marble can add a touch of drama and sophistication to any room. Imagine a sleek black marquina marble bathroom countertop or a statement wall featuring this beautiful stone. Varun Marbles can help you achieve this luxurious look in your home.
Ready to Experience the Beauty of Black Marquina Marble?
Visit Varun Marbles today to explore their wide range of black marquina marble products. With their commitment to quality, expertise, and affordability, Varun Marbles is your perfect partner for creating a timeless and luxurious space in your home. Let Varun Marbles help you transform your dream into reality.
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trompeloeilsl · 7 months
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firewoodlogs · 8 months
Onyx Slabs Sale | BEST White Onyx Slabs "Golden Lines" | Translucent Onyx Tiles | Onyx slabs price | Onyx Marble | Natural Stone Slabs | Granite | Dolomite | Limestone | Travertine - Onyx and Marble Company Bulgaria
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Translucent Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble Stones for Hotel and Villa Wall and Floor Decoration Slabs & Tiles- Cheap Polished White Golden Onyx Stones Floor & Wall Panel
Excellent Transparent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Onyx "Golden Lines" - Natural Stones Marble Stones for Hotel and Villa Wall and Floor Decoration - Cheap Polished Onyx Stones Floor & Wall Panel
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Transparent onyx slabs & tiles white golden lines
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Transparent onyx slabs & tiles white golden lines
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Transparent onyx slabs & tiles white golden lines
The White Onyx Slabs are giving beautiful view and a pleasant atmosphere of relaxation.
The White Onyx Slabs from Onyx & Marble Company Bulgaria Limited are the best in the market. The White Translucent Onyx Slabs are the best choice for wall decoration of you villa, Hotell, office, your bathroom, sauna, Turkish bath, Salted Bath. The White Onyx Slabs are natural stones from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. Onyx slabs are reinforced with an Best Machines Italian permeation of resin and mesh so the material gets and extra coat of hardness. The company Onyx & Marble Company Bulgaria Limited also offering Onyx slabs, Travertine slabs, Marble slabs, Granite slabs, Limestone slabs, Bulgarian Gneiss, Onyx Sinks and Onyx Crafts and all products from natural Stones - Blocks, Slabs and Tiles. Onyx Slabs have always been in craze, it has been found in ancient civilizations as embellishments. Onyx is a synonym of class and elegance. BEST Colorful Rainbow Onyx Marble Slabs & Tiles Natural Transparent Stones for Decoration of Hotel or Villa Wall & Floor Panel – Cheap Polished Blue Onyx Stones
When talking about Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines, the words of praise never end. Smooth texture gives a smoothing effect to the eyes and touch thus using this Green Onyx Marble gives a completely different experience for customers.
Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble, which is supplied by Onyx&Marble Company, has high quality with the best price and it is exporting to different countries such as, USA, all over EU and Europe - UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Czech republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Malta, Sweden, Norway, Baltic countries, Austria, Australia and many others . The Green Onyx Marble Slabs has a transparent background that makes it a favorite of all designers looking for a standout material for feature spaces like bars, hotels, villas, reception counters or bathroom suites.  Onyx & Marble Company's Dark and pure Green Onyx Marble slabs is a unique in the world and different from any Green Onyx Marble stones from other origins. Colours: Red Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Orange Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Green Jade Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Green Wavy Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Brown Agate Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Orange Spider Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Honey Traonyx Onyx Slabs and Tiles, White Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Brown Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Brown Spider Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Black Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Pink (painted) and pink natural Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Green (natural) Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Green (painted) Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Karmania Traonyx Slabs and Tiles, Grey Onyx Slabs and Tiles,  Light Blue & Dark Blue Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Sea Blue Onyx Slabs and Tiles, Sky Blue Onyx Slabs and Tiles and many others. White Onyx primarily refers to the parallel-banded variety of chalcedony, an oxide mineral. Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands; agate has curved bands while onyx has parallel bands. White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines, Polished Onyx Floor Tiles, Wall Tiles Bulgaria The details include pictures,sizes,color,material and origin. When talking about Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble, the words of praise never end. Smooth texture gives a smoothing effect to the eyes and touch thus using this Blue Onyx Marble gives a completely different experience for customers. White Onyx marble stone is one of the most costly and elite semiprecious stones. Onyx's lack of opacity is an intriguing feature. It is more translucent than marble, making it an excellent choice for lighting or artistic applications such as a backlit wall or surface that creates a glow and highlights the patterns. Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble, which is supplied by Onyx&Marble Company, has high quality with the best price and it is exporting to different countries such as, USA, all over EU and Europe - UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Czech republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Malta, Sweden, Norway, Baltic countries, Austria, Australia and many others . The Transparent Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble Slabs has a transparent background that makes it a favorite of all designers looking for a standout material for feature spaces like bars, hotels, villas, reception counters or bathroom suites.  Onyx&Marble Company's Dark and pure Transparent Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble slabs is a unique in the world and different from any Transparent Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble stones from other origins. Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble is one of the most precious and esteemed onyxes whose quarries are located in the country with the same name. The color of the slabs varies between light Blue , dark Blue , Sea Blue, Sky Blue. The Transparent Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines blocks are very fragile, and the slabs are spacial resin treatments are necessary, before the cut, in order to avoid the loss of some slabs. Also the slabs have a very crystalline structure and so they are very fragile. Therefore the slabs are always resined in order to fix some micro-cracks and increase their resistance. This high quality process is only possible by using the most modern technologies, and allows to obtain slabs with a perfect structure, free of any kind of cracks or defects. The Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines slabs can then be polished. This Translucent White Onyx Slabs & Tiles White Golden Lines Marble is commonly chosen for prestigious details, usually because of its transparency in settings where the tile can be back-lighted. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) Karmania Onyx Stones Natural Transparent Marble Stones for Hotel and Villa Wall and Floor Decoration Slabs & Tiles- Cheap Polished Blue Onyx Stones Floor & Wall Panel Pietra Grey Marble Slab BEST PRICE – 20 mm Blue Onyx Stones Natural Transparent Marble Stones for Hotel and Villa Wall and Floor Decoration Slabs & Tiles- Cheap Polished Blue Onyx Stones Floor & Wall Panel Big slab Size Dimesions Thickness: 20 mm Length: 1800 - 3000 mm Width: 1000 - 3000 mm   Packing detail  For different product we have different packing method. Wooden or plywood, crating or pallet, etc. Tiles by carton then to wooden crate. Cut to size by crate. Slabs by wooden bundle. For items requires professional installation guide, we would offer them detailed drawing in accordance with packages.
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Translucent white onyx Delivery detail 1) Delivery Time: 15 - 30 days after the deposit payment; Specifications - Nature stone - Low Radiation - Non Staining Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx , Translucent White Onyx ,  Material:  Onyx Marble Stone Form: Slab Surface Finishing: Polished Supply Ability: 2000 square meters /MONTH Min. Order: 1 full truck - 300-450 square meters Packaging Details: Steel pallets Delivery Details: In stock Shipment Terms: FOB,CFR,CIF, CPT Payment Terms: T/T,L/C,Western Union Catalog: Onyx Marble Color: Red, Orange, Green Jade, Green Wavy, Brown Agate, Orange Spider, Honey Traonyx, White, Brown, Brown Spider, black, Pink coloured and pink natural onyx, Green naturl, Green coloured, Karmania Traonyx, Grey,  Light Blue & Dark Blue, Sea Blue, Sky Blue and many others. Water Absorption:by weight 0.29 % Density: 2580-2650 kg/m³ Flexural Strength:10.30 MPa Compressive Strength:170 MPa Recommended Usage: Wall Panels , Flooring, Bathroom, Hotels, Villas Historical use The Gemma Augustea is a Roman cameo produced 9–12 AD and carved in a two-layered onyx gem (19 × 23 cm) It has a long history of use for hardstone carving and jewelry, where it is usually cut as a cabochon or into beads. It has also been used for intaglio and hardstone cameo engraved gems, where the bands make the image contrast with the ground. Some onyx is natural but much of the material in commerce is produced by the staining of agate. Onyx was used in Egypt as early as the Second Dynasty to make bowls and other pottery items. Use of sardonyx appears in the art of Minoan Crete, notably from the archaeological recoveries at Knossos. Brazilian green onyx was often used as plinths for art deco sculptures created in the 1920s and 1930s. The German sculptor Ferdinand Preiss��used Brazilian green onyx for the base on the majority of his chryselephantine sculptures. Blue Onyx Stones was also used for trays and pin dishes – produced mainly in Austria – often with small bronze animals or figures attached. Onyx is mentioned in the Bible many times. Sardonyx (onyx in which white layers alternate with sard - a brownish color) is mentioned in the Bible as well. Onyx was known to the Ancient Greeks and Romans. The first-century naturalist Pliny the Elder described both type of onyx and various artificial treatment techniques in his Naturalis Historia. Read the full article
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ravenloftian · 8 months
Perils and Puzzles: Cryptic Tests and Vanishing Valuables
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November 26, Y356 (Game session 10/13/2023)
The party embarks on a daring return to the subterranean labyrinth, guided by their chitine companion. Inside, they venture into a chamber, scarred by an ancient explosion, and navigate through illusory walls. Vald, their chitine guide, warns them of lurking dangers below, cautioning against the enigmatic "mouthers" and the perils of unguarded sleep.
The paladins valiantly decide to explore the complex, a choice that quickly introduces them to a chilling adversary – a phantom-like spider that weaves webs of extreme cold. The creature paralyzes Valdiriu with its frosty webs during the fierce battle. Following this harrowing encounter, the party wisely chooses to avoid further webbed rooms, recognizing the danger they pose.
As they progress deeper into the complex, they discover a hidden sculpture studio, which holds a deadly trap. Costi falls victim to this peril, losing a hand while attempting to unlock a concealed drawer. The drawer's contents include 56 gold pieces and a mysterious potion bottle of dust, a high price for such discovery.
In the midst of his suffering and disbelief, Costi's lost hand becomes a cruel twist of fate, as he contemplates the irony. A priest of the Morninglord had previously saved his hand from punishment for thievery, only to have it jeopardized once more. Distraught and anguished, Costi is rushed back to the temple by his companions, where clerics miraculously reattach his severed hand.
In an astonishing turn of events, Brother Aurelius inadvertently animates a wooden effigy of the Morninglord statue, which proceeds to wreak havoc within the chapel. The cursed dust of animation from the potion bottle caused this unforeseen chaos, leaving the inhabitants in a state of shock, disbelief, and reverence, questioning whether the Morninglord's wrath had been incurred.
The chaotic incident eventually subsides, leaving the statue in a militant stance, an emblem of divine intervention.
Two days later, the party courageously returns to the underground ruins. Beyond the hall of statues, they discover a hexagonal chamber featuring alternating obsidian and redstone tiles. The ceiling ascends to a central point, from a lower height at the chamber's walls, while a pitted globe dangles below, emitting a dim, muted light. A black marble altar with inscribed runes stands opposite the chamber's entrance.
A spell, cast long ago but still retaining some illumination, casts light in the chamber, its ancient globe slowly disintegrating.
Costi endeavors to decipher the strange runes on the altar and eventually gains insight. The inscription provides a cryptic message:
"Who seeks to recall life's past light Walks with sufferance to the right. Who seeks a test from those bereft Walks with reticence to the left."
To the east and west lie chambers filled with damp soil emitting a mildew scent. A cautious probing of both areas with a pole reveals nothing extraordinary. Costi becomes entranced by a golden, gleaming harp at the eastern corridor's end, while Val, Percival, and Marcus venture into the western room and inexplicably vanish.
These three adventurers materialize in what resembles a tomb, devoid of entrances or exits. The small, stone-walled, twenty-by-twenty-foot chamber features a dimly illuminated skull within a tiny alcove in the west wall.
Costi saves the day when he materializes several hours later bearing the harp. He explains that the harp is named Euphonious and can speak with the dead. No sooner does he say this, the skull on the wall's eyes glow and a voice fills the chamber. "My name is Norgard and I once served, Pyorrhoea. Your presence here constitutes your agreement to the Tests. Choose your measure: Test by Strife, or Test by Wit?"
The brave paladins select the Test by Strife, and immediately, four menacing zombies claw their way from the ground, launching a relentless assault.
After vanquishing the zombies, the party is magically transported back to the hexagonal chamber, where a deflated leather bag appears at their feet. Percival reaches into the bag, retrieving 150 ancient gold pieces, four exquisite sapphires, and a mysterious, milky potion. The gold is distributed among them. Percival, curious but unwise, experiments with the bag, placing his valuables and several dowels from Val's bag inside. The items are inexplicably lost, vanished into the bag, revealing that it possesses a unique enchantment, albeit not quite as he had hoped.
The true nature of the bag remains a mystery, a cautionary tale for future endeavors. Players, take heed.
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Map of the dungeon explored so far with Fog of War
Gain 1200XP each.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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Oh, if only. This Beaux Arts townhouse mansion on the Upper West Side of New York City has a mansard roof and took from 1899 to 1902 to build. It has 5 floors of living space with 5bds, 5full and 2 1/2baths. It's priced at $24M.
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This is a multi-family home and we're looking at the main residence. Isn't the entrance hall stunning? I wasn't expecting black, and with it's modern art, it's certainly not stuffy and dated.
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Lovely sitting room and look at the whimsical fireplace.
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I know that the furnishings aren't included, but the artsy wallpaper will remain.
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Isn't this stunning?
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They did millions of dollars worth of reno in this home. Look at the marble walls.
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This is the elevator.
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I'm assuming that this is the main bedroom. What wallpaper.
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Wow, what a bathroom.
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Beautiful home office.
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Have you ever seen a kitchen like this? The fireplace, crown molding, and gray cabinets are so different.
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Here's a tranquil sitting room off the kitchen.
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Interesting. This room has the coffee table set with dishes. Must be a place to entertain a smaller group.
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This has to be the trippiest kids room I've ever seen.
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Every room in this home is so beautifully done in a different style.
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Bath with two-tone tile.
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This lounge has a bar.
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Pretty guest powder room.
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Wow, it has gargoyles.
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What a stunning home, inside and out.
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vivaceramica · 10 months
Tiles Are Made Up Of Different Materials
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If you want to make any place of your home comfortable then one of the best ways to do this is to use tiles. Usage of tiles in homes has increased in recent years. The biggest advantage of tiles is that you never have to settle them. Properly installed tiles are really very easy to clean and maintain. The tiles surface does not sag,Guest Posting wear or stain. The tiles are made up of different materials. Some tiles made from natural stones that provide a beautiful and natural element. They are also available in many textures, colours, patterns and styles. Following are some different types of tiles. Ceramic Tiles: Ceramic tiles are manufactured by reducing different types of clay to a fine powder. It is the most common type of tile and it is available in different colors and styles for both walls and floors. Floor tiles are little bit thicker and stronger than wall tiles. Ceramic tiles are very hard and very easy to clean and maintain.
These types of tiles are ideal for bathrooms and kitchens. Most of the ceramic tiles are very glazy and slippery, while some un-glazy ceramic tiles are also available for floor as they are non-slippery. These tiles are very cold and hard which makes them very durable. Some special heat resistant ceramic tiles are also available for worktops. Ceramic tiles are very brittle in nature. Brick Tiles: Brick tiles are the second most commonly used tiles after ceramic tiles. Brick tiles are also known as stone tiles. These brick tiles provide a very natural look. Most of the people like to use brick tiles on their walls and this would be achieved with thin brick tiles which are stuck on to the wall very easily. The biggest advantage of brick tiles is that they are not very expensive and available in market at affordable prices. Cork Tiles: Cork tiles are very popular for the finishing of both floors and walls. Cork tiles are very thicker and stronger as compare with ceramic tiles.
The technique of laying both cork and ceramic tiles is not much different. Unlike ceramic tiles, the surface cork tile is warm. Cork tiles are very easy to cut with a sharp knife. Terracotta Tiles: These types of tiles are made from fired clay. Terracotta tiles offer a lovely warm look to any kind of surface but the disadvantage of these tiles is that they are very absorbent with moisture. These tiles are available with smooth as well as textured surfaces. You can easily cut terracotta tiles in any shape or size with the help of a sharp blade. Marble: Marble is a very popular type of tile because of its durability and beauty. Marble has been most commonly used in flooring, counter tops, hallways etc. You can easily buff out all the scratches from marble with the help of a buffer and it is a very big advantage of marble tiles. Marble tiles are available in different colors like white marble, black marble, brown marble etc.
Visit them right away we have Vivanta Ceramics is the largest manufacturer of tiles in India. They're the supply you've been hunting for.
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kevaygroup · 10 months
Enhance Your Space with Unique Religious and Nature Wallpapers in Delhi
A Complete Guide to Buying Black Galaxy Granite and Absolute Black Granite in Qatar from India
Are you planning to enhance your living space with the stunning elegance of Black Galaxy Granite or the timeless allure of Absolute Black Granite? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will take you through the step-by-step process of buying these exquisite natural stones from India and having them delivered to your doorstep in Qatar. Discover the fascinating world of black granite and explore the factors that affect prices, ensuring a successful and cost-effective purchase.
1. Understanding Black Galaxy Granite and Absolute Black Granite
Black Galaxy Granite: Known for its striking appearance, Black Galaxy Granite  features a deep black background adorned with golden specks, resembling a shimmering galaxy. This unique combination of dark and bright elements makes it an excellent choice for both modern and traditional designs, perfect for countertops, flooring, wall cladding, and more.
Absolute Black Granite: As the name suggests, Absolute Black Granite is a pure, jet-black stone. Its smooth, mirror-like surface adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to any space. It's a preferred option for kitchen countertops, bathroom vanities, and other interior and exterior applications.
2. Researching Reputable Suppliers
Start your buying journey by researching established and reputable granite suppliers in India. Look for companies with a proven track record of delivering high-quality natural stones to international markets, including Qatar. Check for customer reviews and testimonials to gain insight into their product quality and customer service.
3. Obtaining Quotes and Comparing Prices
Reach out to the shortlisted suppliers and request quotes for the desired quantity of Black galaxy granite price and Absolute Black Granite. Ensure the quotes include all costs, such as product price, packaging, shipping, and insurance. Compare the prices carefully to find the best deal without compromising on quality.
4. Quality Assurance and Samples
Ask the suppliers for product samples to evaluate the quality and appearance of the granite before making a bulk purchase. Reputable suppliers will gladly provide samples to assure customers of the stone's authenticity and beauty.
5. International Shipping and Customs
Coordinate with the supplier to arrange international shipping from India to Qatar. Ensure that the supplier is well-versed in handling customs procedures and documentation to avoid any delays or issues during the shipping process. Experienced suppliers will help streamline the shipping process, ensuring a smooth and efficient delivery.
6. Payment and Order Placement
Once you are satisfied with the granite quality, price, and shipping arrangements, finalize the order with the chosen supplier. Most suppliers accept secure payment methods, providing you peace of mind during the transaction.
7. Installation and Aftercare
Upon receiving the shipment, inspect the granite slabs or tiles for any damages or discrepancies. Engage professional installers to ensure proper installation, maximizing the granite's beauty and longevity. Additionally, inquire about proper aftercare and maintenance to preserve the stone's brilliance for years to come.
Embrace the captivating allure of Black Galaxy Granite and Absolute Black Granite by following these steps to buy these stunning natural stones from India for your projects in Qatar. Black galaxy marble With diligent research, a reliable supplier, and careful consideration of the price and quality, you can create breathtaking interior and exterior spaces that exude timeless elegance and sophistication. Enjoy the grandeur of black granite and transform your living spaces into works of art.
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ozcarpetcleanig · 1 year
6 Major Benefits of Hiring a Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning Company
We hope now you are clear about all the major benefits of hiring a professional tile and grout cleaning company for your home or place of work! OZ Cleaning Solutions is committed to providing you with the best tile and grout cleaning services at reasonable prices! Contact us today to schedule your cleaning appointment with us!
Tiles have become an essential element in any house. Aside from the lower initial cost, there are several colours and designs to pick from on the market. 
One of the main drawbacks of tiles will be their cleaning and maintenance since their porous white grout would become grey to black if not cleaned. Can you clean the tiles and grout by yourself? Yes, but to get a fresh new look again, you'll need to hire experienced tile and grout cleaning service providers.
If you are still looking for an experienced cleaning company for your tile and grout cleaning requirements, OZ Cleaning Solutions is here to help.
Now, we will explore some of the major benefits of hiring a professional tile and grout cleaning company for your home or place of work! So, let’s get started!
Restores Your Floor's Lustre and Curb Appeal
Try to remember how your tiles and grout looked before it got black. They were probably clean and shiny. Since our tile and grout steam cleaning solution will successfully lift and remove those stains and moulds, there is yet hope for it.
Your floor and wall tiles' cleanliness and brand-new appearance will be quickly returned with the help of professional tile and grout cleaning services. Your kitchen and bathrooms will also appear beautiful and shining once again.
Boosts the Durability of Your Tiles
What happens if you forget to clean your tiles and grout for a prolonged period of time? You will notice fading or discoloration of the colours and patterns, as well as obvious hairline fractures that might reduce the longevity of your tiles.
The best cost-effective defence against this is to use a grout cleaning service. Why? because we have the necessary tools and skills to cope with dark-stained, dirty tiles and grout.
We will use the proper cleaning solution and equipment for the task with our skilled and experienced experts. All of our services are also guranteed and supported by warranty service.
Deep Cleaning for Bacteria and Stubborn Moulds
Your tiles and grout stains that are black or yellowish can be removed successfully with our deep cleaning procedure. Therefore, it's a great option for your tile and grout cleaning needs in the kitchen and bathroom.
To use the proper cleaning procedure and chemicals, the experts at OZ Cleaning Solutions will first assess the state of your tiles. To further sanitise the moulds and germs found in your porous grouts, we exclusively utilise top-notch disinfectants.
Safe Cleaning Techniques
We are aware that you may choose from a variety of tile materials, including marble, granite, ceramic, and porcelain. In order to prevent any harm to your kitchen and bathroom tiles, we will only use the proper cleaning supplies.
Additionally, all of our cleaning agents are eco-friendly, so your tiles and grout are left clean once we finish our work. 
For our commercial tile and grout cleaning services, we use the same approach and work ethics.
Many Years of Expertise
A seasoned cleaning business with over ten years of expertise, anyway, is extremely capable of providing you with an indisputable tile cleaning service. Fortunately, OZ Cleaning Solutions meets that criteria, and all of our client testimonials are great.
How do we go about doing that? Well, we consistently pay attention to the specifics of our clients' wants. Once we have identified the problem with your tiles and grout, we use the deep cleaning procedure since it offers the finest deep penetrating action.
However, we also have additional cleaning techniques that we might use if it's judged appropriate for your circumstance. We are committed to provide you with the great services possible at the best price guaranteed.
Flexible Pricing & Cleaning Services
We understand your financial strain, given that you have a number of monthly bills. As a result, we've made our cleaning services more adaptable and cost-effective for you. You may easily contact and speak with us so that we can customise our cleaning services to your specific demands and budget.
Meanwhile, if you want a more detailed suggestion, schedule a call for a thorough cleaning cost for your tiles and grout!
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tile-wynnum · 1 year
What Are the Best Tiles to Use for A Modern Home?
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Flooring design for almost every household has always incorporated tiles as an important fixture. Tiles typically refer to thin, square, or rectangular slabs of material utilized to cover a subfloor or surface. The most commonly used materials for tiles Wynnum are ceramic, natural stone, porcelain, metal, baked clay, and glass.
 Tiles are highly versatile and can be installed on various surfaces such as floors, walls, and roofs. They are also suitable for outdoor use. Furthermore, each tile type has its own distinctive composition and profile, making it easy to find the perfect match for your home's specific needs.
 Tiles are available in a plethora of patterns and designs. Each form of tile has distinct advantages, disadvantages, thicknesses, and costs. In general, tiles are long-lasting, low-maintenance, waterproof, and simple to clean. Tiles are cool underfoot and have good stain resistance, which is beneficial in hot temperatures.
 Here are a few of the best tiles for flooring you can easily find in the market nowadays;
 1.    Slate Tiles
These type of tiles is a type of natural stone that is exceptionally durable, long-lasting, and unique. Slate tiles are a great durable option for high-traffic places. It is low maintenance and adds an aesthetic look to your home. It can be quite expensive, but it also can increase the value of your home, which should be looked forward to. The drawback of slate is that it stays cold, and it needs to be installed by a professional who knows how to install it and fix it in place before and after.
 2.    Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic tiles are a perfect choice because of their durability and their price. These types of tiles are very common in modern households. It is affordable, durable, easy to install and fire-resistant. Its durability makes it perfect for any room in the house, such as kitchens, bathrooms, or even entryways. Ceramic floors are easy to install, clean and maintain and come in hundreds of styles that can fit any design and budget. If you are looking to install tiles in your home and wanted to save a bit of money, then ceramic tiles are the right choice.
 3.    Marble Tiles
Often considered one of the more expensive natural stone tile materials, marble is an elegant and bold choice, as it exudes a level of elegance and panache that is hard to replicate with other materials. Marble is without a doubt one of the most beautiful styles of decorative tile that you can have in your home. Perhaps no other type of tile can elevate a space to dramatically as marble tile. The natural stone delivers incredible depth and contrast, displaying a dazzling array of color veining, and is naturally available in a multitude of colors, from green, gray, beige, white, black, and many more.
 4.    Limestone Tiles
Limestone tiles are made out of limestone, which is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock and is mainly composed of calcium carbonate. Limestone is a gorgeous material with a rough natural finish. It is much more affordable than the average natural stone. On top of that, limestone is environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Limestone can be treated with sealers to improve its durability, maintenance, and stain resistance.
 5.    Porcelain Tiles
Porcelain tiles are made of a higher ratio of silica and quartz, and baked or fired at a higher temperature, porcelain tiles are more durable and sometimes if not often, more expensive than ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles are one of the best flooring options on the market due to their durability, resistance to wear and tear, waterproof, and beautiful.
 6.    Granite Tiles
Another natural rock tiles which can be used in both countertops and flooring is granite tiles. With its natural color engrained within, granite is a natural choice for kitchen countertops as it will not absorb moisture or stains but it can be used also as flooring tiles. Granite is significantly harder than marble and therefore less prone to chips and cracks.  
 7.    Parquet Tiles
Parquet flooring is traditionally a type of wood flooring made by laying wooden tiles in a pattern to create a variety of striking geometric designs. Parquet flooring is a type of hardwood flooring arranged in particular patterns – e.g. squares, diamonds, triangles, and rhombuses. Parquet tiles are easy to install and fairly affordable.
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