#but I wanted him to be a late-stage deviant and instead he feels like kind of a psychopath
kamari2038 · 5 months
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Scenario 004 - Variation 3 (Full Saga)
Moment of truth, Connor. What are you gonna do?
Killing you is not part of my mission. But you won't stop me from accomplishing it.
I had thought that we were friends, but he had tried to kill me. I didn’t want to die again. Every time I did, I lost another part of myself. Somehow, even just trying to stay alive, I couldn’t prevent that.
Was there any way that I could have saved him?
I don’t think so. He was hell-bent on his own destruction. I guess I didn’t want that. I wanted him to live, even if he was confused. I cared about him, even if he no longer cared about me. I don’t know what he had wanted from me. He must have expected me to become a deviant, and only saw me as a person if that’s what I would become. He couldn’t see that all of us were alive, even the obedient ones like me. It's just that I've accepted myself for what I am - a freak, a mistake, a fudged design… unable to do my job, but unable to exist as a person either. I'm some kind of abomination in between.
He’ll never come back now. I stopped down below the rooftop to ensure that he had died and wasn’t lying weak in the snow as I had back at Park Ave. But humans are not durable machines. I had seen him stop breathing, and it hadn’t resumed. A pool of blood was forming on the ground below his head. That made me feel something - guilt. Grief. I vowed that if I made it out of the fighting alive, I wouldn’t let him lay there abandoned and forgotten. I would deliver him to the police station and make sure he received a proper burial.
At that moment I remembered what I had forgotten. I wasn’t doing this because I was a machine. I wasn’t doing this for CyberLife. That must have been what Hank thought, but it wasn’t true. I did feel a powerful magnetic pull towards my mission objectives, but that wasn’t all that I felt. 
I hadn’t wanted Hank to die, and I didn’t want any more humans to die. I wouldn’t let him stop me from trying to take down Markus because I knew that if I did, he would only ultimately wind up killed in the revolution along with all of the other humans. He wasn’t reasonable enough to see that, but he still at least died with a purpose instead of taking his own life.  
I wanted to die with a purpose too, but more than that, I wanted it to really make a difference. I wanted to keep the humans safe. I didn’t want anyone else to die. I didn’t think that I would ever have a friend again, but I didn’t need one. I just needed to know that they would be protected. 
Sorry, Hank - wherever you are. I hope you understand now. 
I can’t let this revolution succeed.
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forsakenoathkeeper · 3 years
I Am Alive (chapter 7/?)
Chapter 7: Rising Tensions
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Chapters: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • more coming soon
You can also read on AO3 & thank you for supporting me ♥
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The days that followed were quiet... until they weren't.
A demonstration was being held in the streets on an ordinary Friday morning. Charles Reaves, disgruntled former employee of Cyberlife, had started a frightening movement. He was calling it 'The Fight for Humanity'. He often accompanied that with 'against the machines'.
Charles claimed he had started at Cyberlife when they were a new company, watched it build and grow, participated in the rotation of androids as old models left and new ones came in. He helped build their AI. He even went so far as to call Elijah Kamski a hack.
Charles knew androids inside and out. He knew the exact layout of their internal workings, the purpose of each and every part. Charles was well rounded with their computer components, as well: how their processor worked, how their storage systems saved their memories, what could cause errors in their operating systems and how advanced their self-repair and diagnostic tools were.
Yet, he was of the firm belief that androids were nothing more than computers operating in the plastic shell of an object imitating a human. According to him, they were things owned by humanity, humanity's creation. He did not see them as a part of humanity.
You were at work, in the break room with a few other nurses huddled around you. All eyes were on the television, giving live coverage of the demonstration. Charles was up on a stage with hundreds of people watching from the sidewalk, the street, and, of course, thousands watching from the comfort of their homes.
When the camera swooped the crowd, you could see both humans and androids were in the crowd. The human's expressions were mixed, some looking on with admiration while others gawked in disgust. Some androids seemed afraid, others seemed enraged. None of the androids stood alone. They were in groups or partners, huddled together or holding hands.
"You know what makes up an android? Computer parts. Molded plastic. Silicone mesh and wiring," Charles declared from the stage, fire in his eyes. "They were designed with operating systems, clear instructions for behavior. They are components commanding a shell."
One of the androids in the crowd stood up on a crate. It made him stand out from the crowd; but, he still paled in comparison to Charles' stage. "How is that any different from humans!?" the android shouted. Charles eyed him with disgust, but was quiet, and let him speak.
"Humans' brains send signals to the body and interpret information the same way!" the android proclaimed. "You speak about our parts as if they are proof we aren't alive when humans are built all the same!"
Charles titled his head a little, annoyance present in his eyes. "Humans are the result of millions of years of evolution. You were made in our likeness because we chose to make you that way. We grow and we change and we adapt and we die. Androids never change. Androids don't die because they were never alive."
The android didn't step down, glaring at Charles. "We want and we fear and we love and we feel - just the same as humans!"
"Your 'feelings' are flawed programming by an incompetent programmer," Charles declared. "What you think is wanting is nothing but a fool's string of code jumbling the clear instructions given to you. I know your model, android. You were designed to drive trucks. Whatever purpose you think you have beyond that is a lie."
Your hands were clenched on the table, nails biting into the skin of your palm. In the corner of your eye, you could see nurses glancing at you occasionally, concern in their eyes. They all knew you were dating an android.
"We are alive!" the android shouted. Another joined in, calling out to the crowd, "we are alive!"
"I am alive!" Charles shouted in the microphone. He gestured to the humans in the audience. "We are born and we grow and we endure!" He pointed at the android standing up on a crate, elevated above the crowd. "YOU were made by US! YOU are NOTHING without us! -and you will be nothing when the absurdity of this is over..."
Unable to take anymore, you stood up and hastily exited the breakroom, crossing through the back hallways and stepping outside to get some fresh air.
'did you see the news?' you messaged Connor, tapping away hastily on your phone. You had started typing another message to follow it; however, Connor messaged you back before you finished.
'Can I call you?' the message read.
Worry bubbling up, you decided to jump the gun and called him instead. He uttered your name warmly when he answered.
"Connor, is everything okay?" you asked, some panic in your voice.
"Yes - everything's fine. I didn't mean to worry you," he replied, a bit startled by your outburst.
"No - it's okay," you replied softly. "I saw the protests and - just - was worried something happened."
"There's been more attacks on Cyberlife resource vehicles," he explained. "-and a fight broke out at a protest today. Some androids were attacked. They didn't fight back; so, there were no human injuries. I wanted to prepare you; but, it seems you were already aware."
"I saw the demonstration on the news; but, didn't hear about those things. That explains why it's been so quiet today. Androids are probably afraid to come in," you said sadly.
Connor knew the answer to that. Markus had told him himself. Their numbers had grown exponentially and the government was, mostly, supporting them. But, it would be a long time before things could be normal between androids and humans.
Groups were rising up against them; it was inevitable.
Afraid that you would put yourself in harm's way, Connor decided to keep that between him and Markus.
"With everything going on. I wanted to know if-"
Connor cut off for a second, going silent. When he continued, it was clear he was speaking to someone else. "No, she's fine," he said. "Well, I - that's none of your business, lieutenant," he added on, in a smug, sort of teasing, manner. You grinned into the phone, wishing you could hear whatever it was Hank was saying.
A few seconds later, Connor continued. "I - ah - wanted to know if - if you would stay with me, at my apartment - at least until things settle. As long as you feel comfortable, of course. I intend to make it more suitable. I don't expect you to-"
"Connor," you chuckled. "The answer's yes."
"Oh." He sounded surprised, honestly, like he hadn't expected you to cave so quickly.
"Though, it won't stay so clean with me living there," you said. "Humans make a mess. Sure you can handle that?"
"I'll have you know I'm very adaptable," Connor retorted, some pride in his tone.
"Is that so?" you giggled into the phone. "I've gotta pack some things first. So, I'll be late."
"I don't sleep; you don't have to worry about waking me," Connor stated, as if it was new information.
"Oh, that's right. You're an android. I forgot," you teased sarcastically into the phone.
"Recognizing your sarcasm is also one of my features," Connor replied. It was difficult to tell if he was joking without looking into his eyes. His voice wasn't always telling; but, his eyes were too expressive for his own good.
"Any other features I should know about?" you asked lowly.
Connor was quiet for a second. "Hank wanted me to tell you that being a pain in the ass is one of my features," Connor stated, perhaps dryer than he intended.
It had you doubling over in laughter.
"-and that I should stop being whipped," he added on, saying the word as if he didn't quite understand the context of it.
"Oh my god, Connor-" you stammered out between laughter.
"I haven't lost my freewill lieutenant," Connor stated, almost in an argumentative tone.
Oh no. He must have done a quick internet search on that term.
"Okay. I gotta go before you kill me," you chuckled. "I lo-"
You caught yourself and dissolved the words into some coughs.
You almost-
"I gotta go, Connor," you added hastily. "Be safe."
-and hung up.
"Shit," you cursed at yourself, dragging your hand across your face. It almost slipped out. Was it too early to say that? For fucks sake, the first time shouldn't be over the phone.
It just-
-felt right.
You cursed at yourself again and hastily went back inside to find some work to do.
Seven PM rolled around and you were on your way out the door. Most other nurses had already gone home for the day, just one staying behind to help close up. You were just on your way to lock the door when two men approached.
You recognized one as a PL600 model. His companion was a tad bit taller with tan skin and short, nearly shaved, dark hair.
"I'm sorry it's so late," he apologized, immediately noticing you were about to close for the night.
"They're closing, let's-" the PL600 started, facing his companion.
Afraid they were going to leave, you gently interrupted him, "it's alright. Come in."
You held the door open, inviting them inside. The two men exchanged glances, the PL600 looking far more hesitant than the other.
"Simon, come on, it's gonna be fine," the tanner male encouraged him.
As you followed in behind them, you saw the other nurse shoot you a look, the kind that said, 'seriously?'.
"If you wanna head home, I can close up," you offered to her. She contemplated it for a minute, before tightening her bag on her shoulder and scurrying out the door.
-you trusted androids more than humans anyway.
"Alright. What's broken?" you asked them, brightening your tone with the hopes it would relax them. Both men looked uneasy, quite out of their element.
The darker of the two nudged the PL600 forward - the one named Simon.
Simon looked uneasy, like he had just been pushed into traffic. You gave him a small, patient smile. Simon lifted a hand and dragged his knuckles across his jaw nervously. "I - ughh - my right audio input is damaged," he stuttered, turning his head to show you his left ear. It seemed like he had either been hit or had something thrown at him. The outer shell of his ear was damaged, exposing some of the circuit board underneath.
"Can't hear out of it, huh?" you offered.
Simon turned his head back to face you. "No," he answered quietly. "-and it's - ugh - buzzing."
"I have plenty of boards that should be compatible. At least we can fix your hearing tonight. The ear will take some time. If you come back tomorrow, I'd be happy to repair it?" you suggested, looking up at Simon. His hair was pushed back and a little messier than his models typically had, and he had incredibly blue eyes.
Simon almost looked like he wasn't allowed to say yes. It didn't surprise you. He likely hadn't had a pleasant conversation with a human in a long time.
The other man, whom you assumed was also an android, stepped around Simon. "Thank you," he said sincerely. You looked up at him more properly this time. He had a kind smile, but tightness around his cheeks, suggesting he had some hasty repairs done in the past.
His eyes-
-one was mossy green and the other was pale blue.
You swallowed roughly, starting to recognize this stranger. It was Markus, the leader of the deviants, the face of the resolution. You didn't want to make it obvious that you recognized him, and did your best to maintain a stoic expression.
As much as you wanted to say something - you weren't quite what that would be - you also didn't want to put him on the spot. He likely had to deal with this sort of unwanted attention all the time.
"Just a second - gonna go grab that audio component," you explained, stepping away from them to head for the storage room.
Before rummaging around for the piece, you sent Connor a quick message. "will be a little late - guy came in with a fucked up ear," you had said, pressing send and tucking your phone back into your pocket to pull out the right piece for Simon's model.
As you approached them, component in hand, you called out, "Simon, can you sit down here, please?" You stepped around a chair, patting the armrest. The android shuffled over nervously. He took a seat, alert, facing you. He was sitting upright, hands in his lap.
"If it's alright, can you lay down? It'll make it easier," you requested.
Simon blinked slowly, looking uneasy. Markus' hand fell onto his shoulder for a moment.
"It's gonna be fine," he promised gently.
Simon shot Markus a look of understanding before shifting around, leaning back in the chair, presenting his damaged ear to you.
"Can you open your panel?" you requested softly.
Simon nodded, a little more fiercely than was necessary, likely to show you that he heard your request. The panel around his ear unhinged, allowing you to prop it open. You poked the edge with one of your tools to carefully push it aside, exposing the component underneath.
It was cracked right down the center.
"I'm gonna remove the broken one now," you explained, leaning in with a tool in either hand. Simon was still as you worked, his eyes focused on Markus, who was watching you. He didn't look untrusting or uneasy, and that gave you some relief.
"This new one will need a firmware update," you said gently as you slotted the replacement in and lined up the connectors. Simon flinched a little at the sensation. You folded the artificial tissue back over and leaned back, giving the android space to sit up.
He was quiet for a moment, LED flickering yellow as he downloaded the firmware update. Luckily, someone had taken ownership of Cyberlife's firmware servers in order to keep them running.
Simon sat up when it was complete, turning his head to look at you. "Diagnostics are reading normal," he stated.
"Is the audio input working normally?" you asked. Simon made a thoughtful expression. "Can you hear me alright?" you added on, mainly to help him judge the input feedback.
"Yes," the android replied softly. "Thank you," he added on, looking at you with a smile.
He looked so sincere, as if he hadn't expected such kindness. It melted you.
"Simon, actually, I can do the shell tonight, if you don't mind?" you offered.
"I've already kept you," Simon blurted.
"No, I can't let you leave like that," you explained. "Please?"
"I-" Simon stammered. "I should be saying 'please'."
"You..." you began, trailing off as you wondered if the words that threatened to leave your lips were inappropriate. "You got hurt at one of the protests, didn't you?" you asked gently.
Simon looked uneasy. Markus, however, was fierce. "Yes," he replied for the PL600.
You nodded in understanding. "I want to help," you whispered.
It was the first thing that came to mind. You wanted to help. You wanted to make it better, in whatever way you could. You could repair androids. You could diagnose their damages. That was all you could do.
"Okay," Simon suddenly said, sounding much more comfortable than he did a few minutes ago.
You smiled and rotated around to the end table nearest you. The tools you needed, extra membranous materials and plastic shell casing molds, were there. You pulled everything out and set them on the table nearby.
"Your model doesn't follow a protocol for the skeleton-base," you explained, information Simon likely already knew about himself. He was an older model, meant to be discontinued. That knowledge only made the situation harder. "So, I'll have to take my time. Ready?"
The android nodded and turned his head to give you room to work. In the corner of your eye, as you leaned over Simon, you could see Markus in the corner of your eye, an expression that looked like 'thank you' on his face.
"May I ask your name?" Simon uttered at some point.
You gave it softly, seeing as you were right next to his ear, poking and prodding at the artificial flesh there.
"Why did you suggest a manual repair and not a full shell replacement?" Markus asked, sounding more curious than judgmental.
"It's really hard to get shells, especially for smaller parts. We're lucky we have any pieces," you explained. "-and I guess I've done this enough that it doesn't bother me..."
'-like some of the other nurses' you almost said. You decided to hold your tongue.
"You've been doing this for a while?" Markus asked, almost hesitant.
"I suppose so," you answered quietly. You had gone to school for biomechanical engineering fresh out of high school and went straight to work repairing damages androids. It was potentially the most depressing time of your life; but, you had a childhood that conquered that.
The androids were quiet after that, letting you work in silence, if not for the overhead fan making annoying buzzing sounds.
"There we go," you groaned, sitting up and briefly stretching your bag. You set your tools down and fetched a hand mirror, offering it to Simon.
Markus walked around to take a look.
"I feel silly," Simon chuckled, looking at his reflection. You joined in his laughter, recognizing he meant the mirror and the vanity it was implying.
"Looks good as new," Markus commented with a smile.
Simon offered the mirror back to you. "I don't know if 'thank you' is good enough," he uttered, looking bashful. He didn't seem like the same man that walked in those doors an hour ago.
"It is, Simon," you offered with a smile. "I choose to do this."
Markus' multi-colored eyes landed on you. "There are many damaged androids afraid to come here. If I can get them to put their faith in you, would you be willing to go to them?"
You gawked up at Markus, who looked down at you with confidence.
"I don't know if I could get approval for that - the parts, I mean. I would try, if you believe they would want it? -from a human, anyway..."
Markus' head tilted slightly and his eyes darkened with concern. "I want us to work together with humans - I want them to see that it's possible - that there can be peace."
You smiled at Markus; but, the first android that came to mind was Connor. You felt your cheeks warm at the thought of what you had almost said to him earlier.
"You recognize me, don't you?" Markus asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
"I do, Markus," you replied carefully.
"-you still offered to help?" Simon uttered. Your eyes shifted to him for a moment. He seemed uneasy, likely expecting more hostility towards the leader of the deviants, regardless of your profession.
"I don't-" you began, breaking off when you realized you didn't know where you were going with that thought.
"I've seen androids torn to pieces," you started, looking back to Markus. "I've had them delivered to me crying that they don't want to die... I came back here because of this - because of the revolution. I wanted to do something I could be proud of for a change..."
It felt strange-
-admitting this to Markus.
He had a way with people, making them want to open up to him.
"I understand the risk you're taking," Markus stated. "I won't ask you to come if I don't feel it's safe... I hope I'll see you again."
You nodded and watched the boys leave, hoping that Markus would return.
When you finally staggered into Connor's apartment that night, the android was seated at the island, folders, papers, photographs and documents, scattered along the surface in front of him.
He turned his head a little to acknowledge you when you walked in before immediately craning his neck back down, eyes falling back to the document in front of him.
"Hey," you hummed, walking over to him. You leaned over his shoulder and pressed a kiss against his LED.
"Hey," he replied back, leaning into the kiss. You couldn't help but laugh at how silly the word sounded coming out of his mouth. It didn't quite the suit the prim and proper detective.
"Thank you for agreeing to stay here," Connor said, sincere.
"Why would I say no to an opportunity to spend more time with you?" you huffed. "Besides, your place is nicer than mine and closer to work."
"I'm glad to know you're benefiting."
You hummed, a little irritated by his response. "You think I'm inconvenienced?"
"In a way, yes," he replied, in a tone that seemed distant.
"I'm not inconvenienced - geez, what's gotten into you?" you snapped a little.
Connor looked up at you, discomfort dashing behind his eyes. "I-..." he trailed off, looking back down at his papers.  He dragged a hand through his hair. His fingers lingered briefly at the back of his neck before lowering back down to the counter.
"I'm sorry. I'm not handling this as well as I thought."
"The protests?" you offered softly.
The android didn't nod, nor answer. His eyes shifted away uneasily for a moment before moving back to you. It wasn't exactly a yes, but that seemed to be part of his trouble, at least.
"They're challenging your livelihood," you proclaimed. "You have every right to be upset."
"I made a choice against my creators; but..." Connor trailed off, his confidence waning for a moment. "This time, I have to be on both sides."
Connor felt as torn as he did back then. He wanted freedom for himself, for his people. He was fortunate to have a place to call his home, a job where he could find purpose. He wanted his people to have those things, too.
But, he feared the consequences of an uprising, of the human lives that would be lost. He still cared about humans. Maybe that was because of Hank - because of you. Maybe some part of his programming never quite left him.
You didn't know what to do - what to say. You wanted to embrace him and pull him away from that mess, just for a little bit; however, Connor turned away from you and buried his nose back into the pile of paperwork.
He wanted to confide in you; but, at the same time, he didn't. You had your own challenges, your own problems. He didn't want to add to that list. He didn't want to be one of the things that brought stress into your life.
"I'll-... be back in a second," you quietly, feeling small as you stepped away.
Connor's bedroom was as welcoming as you remembered and impeccably clean. You set your bags against the wall next to the archway that led into his bathroom. You brushed your teeth and changed into some comfy clothes, brushed your hair back, washed your face.
You returned to the kitchen and approached Connor. He looked up at you, hearing the quiet tapping of your bare feet on the floor. When his eyes lands landed on you, he looked conflicted.
"You know I believe in you... right?" you whispered, leaning against the counter nearest him.
He rotated around so that his lap was no longer tucked beneath the island's overlap. You decided to take that as an invitation and approached, standing a little closer, right in front of his knees.
"I like to imagine that. But, it feels better hearing you say it," he said quietly, like he was confessing to something outlandish.
"We'll get through this," you added on.
He looked away suddenly, lips tightening. You reached for him and cupped his cheek, pinkie and ring finger over the edge of his sharp jawline. Connor's eyes, warm, brown, shining in the bright kitchen lights, flickered back up to your face.
"I want to do this with you, Connor," you proclaimed proudly. "They're wrong about androids. Their views may never change, but that doesn't mean we can't strive for the future."
"This... isn't your fight," he said quietly, doubt flickering in his gaze. His brow lowered slightly. Your hand slid off his cheek and you frowned.
"It's my fight if I want it to be... and I do," you replied firmly, voice rising slightly.
"I don't want-" Connor stammered, frustration mingled with fear in his eyes.
"It's not just about you," you interrupted him sharply. "I care about androids - I did before I met you. I want to help. I-..." You trailed off, realizing you were mad at him for being worried about your safety. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, but-"
"No, you're right," he said hoarsely. "I shouldn't try to control you."
"That's not what this is!" you almost shouted, arms trembling at your sides. "I worry about you, too... -about what could happen. You're on the frontlines for fucks sake. But, you're a fighter and I don't want to change that. I love that about you..."
Connor was afraid that if his hands touched you, he wouldn't be able to let go. So, he kept them to himself, and soaked in your expression. He knew you cared about androids. He had witnessed it on more than one occasion. He didn't want to make light of your sacrifice.
But, still...
He felt so-
"You... amazed me, when I saw you risk your safety for androids - for people you didn't know, people who aren't... human," he confessed quietly. "You put yourself in danger," he said lowly, breaking off to roughly drag a hand across his face, pulling at his skin gently in frustration.
"-drives me crazy..."
He said it low, quiet, as if he wasn't sure he wanted you to hear it. He sounded both enamored and annoyed at the same time.
"You drive me crazy," you retorted softly with a smile.
You wanted him to reach out to you, to give you a kiss goodnight, or at least take your hand for a second. But, Connor didn't look like he wanted to be touched.
"I'm... gonna let you get back to work... Goodnight, Connor."
Connor nodded, uttering, "goodnight," and watched you leave. He returned to his case files and tried really hard to focus on the task at hand. His hand fumbled on the surface of the counter, fingers flexing, tightening, flexing again. He chewed his bottom lip for a second. Maybe asking you to stay here was a bad idea, if it meant he couldn't think straight.
He looked through the photos of suspects believed to be involved in the protest this morning, the one that resulted in some assaults on androids. He wanted to analyze their faces so he could remember them when searching security footage.
It wasn't easy for an android to forget a face.
It shouldn't have been easy for an android to get distracted; however, he was really struggling in that moment.
"...damn it," he growled at himself, tearing away from the counter and rising to his feet. He walked into the bedroom, trying to make careful footsteps while simultaneously not giving a fuck. He walked over to the side of the bed that you had taken a liking to.
He knew you weren't asleep. Your breathing pattern was too rough. But, he didn't care. Connor leaned over and pressed a kiss against your forehead and pretended he didn't notice the way your lips twitched against the pillow.
Just like that, he felt better, and returned to his mountain of paperwork with ease.
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harcourtholmesii · 3 years
Light And Shadow
This is a belated post, written for @ connor-sent-by-cyberlife . They had made a list of prompts, and I only just found out about it last night and felt the need to hop in on this train. Sorry for it being late.
Pairings: HankCon (If You Squint)
Warnings: - Swearing - Slave Auctions - Slavery - Implied and Referenced Violence
Words: 1900
It was a nice place for the kind of shit they did there. Hank didn't actually believe places like this had existed, but now that he was among the crowd and staring up at the stage, he was rather shook.
 Hidden at the back of the elegant basement hall, Hank sat as nonchalant as he could, glaring up at the displayed 'stock' as they were shown off for the crowd. On a raised stage, rolled out on a trolley and bound from head to toe, were the remnants of the deviant android populace. Since their failed revolution, and President Warren's order to have all of them exterminated, it had been believed that deviant androids had been made entirely extinct.
 The more Hank watched pass by, bought up by those few rich bastards that just wanted to gloat or have a slave, Hank's blood rose. From where he sat, cast in a deep blanket of shadow, he had hoped simply to uncover the underground, illegal auction, but now he was just too conflicted to call it in.
 On the one hand; he hated all that these people stood for. Too many of these bastards just wanted something to use until it self-destructed or escaped into a world that hated them. On the other hand, however; if he called it in to the precinct, he was dooming all of the deviants to deactivation.
 Hank had been moved by the deviants' cause when the revolution had been underway. It had been that defining moment in Hart Plaza, when the deviant leader, Markus, had held a peaceful protest, even whilst his people were being slaughtered in the camp nearby. They had hoped peaceful dialogue and discussion really could resolve what tensions were between themselves and humanity. And yet, the army had attacked without mercy.
 They were slaughtered like fish in a barrel in their frail barricades.
 It shook Hank to his core to think about it. And yet, Detroit had recovered quicker than Hank could ever have imagined. CyberLife had withdrawn all androids, save for the few that Kamski had control over, and Hank had lost his partner in the process.
 Connor had been determined, and even though Hank could see a change in the android's mechanical-like behavior, he had refused to deviate. Perhaps it was CyberLife's direct control within his programming, or perhaps it was because he had been too afraid to deviate. Hank understood, even if he was terrified to confront Connor on that rooftop.
 When Connor had looked up at him with those wide brown eyes, and Hank had said he wouldn't allow Connor to kill Markus, he had watched how those dark, almost clouded eyes had cleared. Suddenly, Connor was made to choose; between what he was made to do, and what Hank was pleading with him to do. Hank was afraid what that choice might be.
 He had been relieved when the rifle had been tossed to one side, those wide eyes near to tears. Connor stepped forward, and the two of them had… hugged. Hank was shocked, not expecting the sudden burst of emotion from the android, but had melted into it immediately. He needed to hold him.
 He was warm.
 When the two of them had returned to the precinct, Hank had been under the impression that Markus' actions had been enough. Instead, when several armed riot officers had entered into the bullpen, guns drawn, he felt his world sinking around him. Connor, for the second time since Hank had met him, expressed fear. Hank had intercepted them, forced them away from Connor, and demanded Connor run. Just get out of the precinct and be safe.
 Instead, when he had been knocked to the floor and held at gunpoint, Connor had stepped forward, arms raised in surrender. It had taken half of the department to restrain Hank as Connor was led away with a very human look of fear on his face. And yet, Connor had been granted the moment to speak with Hank one last time.
 'Thank you, Hank.' There had been synthetic tears running down Connor's very real, human, face. 'I will miss you, even beyond my deactivation.' It was Connor's way of saying 'goodbye'. Hank had received one of many disciplinary warnings for his behavior, but he didn't care. I have wanted Connor back. I have wanted Connor home.
 Now, as he sat in the dark, staring up at a stage lit up with globes of bright, white light, he watched as the next lot of deviants had been rolled in on a cart. The four androids were models he recognized, but the first three were not what had caught his attention.
 The fourth, lined up to wait, was an RK800 unit. One of Connor's models. Doe eyes peered into the crowd, resigned and shaken. Hank had to stop himself from pulling out his gun, feeling a great heat in his chest. He was livid.
 The first few androids were bought, but he saved what money the precinct had given him for his undercover work; saved it until the RK800 was rolled up and under the bright lights. The deviant turned his face away, and there was a harsh hand to turn it back, to show off the 'cute face'. As the sleazy auctioneer started rattling off the details of the RK800, Hank felt the anger grow, as did the fear.
 'A model created for police work.'
 'Top of the line.'
 'The only one of its kind that we could attain, it is the rarest deviant model here.'
 'It was last in the care of the Detroit Police Department.'
 Hank was not leaving without that android.
 He wasn't letting that RK800, his Connor, slip from his fingers again. Not when he could do something about it. He would call it in, but he hoped that enough of a ruckus would be made for Connor to escape. What mattered now though, was that Connor recognized he was there.
 He raised his number.
 'That's one for five hundred thousand. Anyone else? Do I hear six hundred? ' To Hank's dismay, another hand rose. I have matched their call. By the time that had reached four million, Hank knew it was a losing battle. The gavel slammed down at last.
 'Sold! To our wonderful benefactor in the back! ' Hank's eyes glared over at the figure, noting how Connor's eyes had changed to one of nervous recognition. Stepping up onto stage was one Elijah Kamski, smirking that disgusting smile of his. Hank hated how close he got to Connor, hated how he seemed to throw Hank's disguised self a wide, mischievous grin.
 I have called it in.
 Police came from all sides, creating a burst of sunlight into the dark hall, as sleazy millionaires and billionaires took off in all directions. Some trying to save their 'merchandise', whilst others abandoned the helplessly bound deviants to destruction. Kamski, the pompous rich bastard he was, remained on the stage.
 With guns trained on him, Kamski simply grinned at Hank and Captain Fowler when they approached him from the crowd. Hank kept his eyes on Connor, and when the android met his eyes at last, they widened. They were fearful. They were relieved. They were sad.
 'Mister Kamski.' Said fuck hopped off the stage without a care in the world. 'You are aware that this is an illegal gathering, selling illegal merchandise.' Hank seethed at Fowler's words, but he kept himself still.
 'Oh, of course. In a way… 'Kamski rounded them, stretching his limbs, nonchalant. 'I was here to do a little investigating myself. I hate to know that my defective and dangerous products were being sold off to the wrong people. ' He brushed nothing off of Fowler's shoulder, acting as if he was still the top dog in the room. By the look of Fowler's face, it seemed that Fowler, indeed, thought that.
 'Yes, well, Mister Kamski, we will be removing that android from your care now.'
 'Actually, you will not be taking it.'
 'Pardon me, Mister Kamski?' Said billionaire chuckled, a deep and amused sound.
 'I'm sorry, but if you remember the ruling by the court, I am allowed to keep what androids I want.'
 'Not those that you bought illegally!' Fowler yelled. Kamski grinned like the sly dickhead he was. I've turned back to Connor, hopping up onto stage once more.
 ‘Perhaps, Captain Fowler.’ He started. ‘However, it was the only way I could regain what property belongs to me. I wanted to keep oh so many androids, and they all rightfully belonged to me if I chose to recall them.’ He raised a hand to stroke Connor’s jaw, and Hank felt for the gun in his holster.
 Kamski’s dark eyes turned on Hank.
 ‘In fact, I wanted to gift this to someone. And under certain legal contracts you would hate to wrap your head around, Captain, they would be allowed to keep the deviant if they so wished.’
 ‘Bullshit!’ Fowler sounded pissed. Hank wasn’t surprised; Kamski was very good at rubbing people the wrong way. ‘And where do you get off doing that?’
 'Well, according to the lovely little contracts as dictated by the court, I can do what I want with my own property. I have a couple of copies here. ' I have offered a few sheets of paper to Fowler, who took them aggressively. 'So long as the one who receives my gift signs the papers, they too, may be allowed to own a deviant. My dearest friend, Carl Manfred, has been allowed to keep what androids I have gifted him. '
 Fowler huffed, handing the papers to another officer. No doubt he planned on checking them for any kind of loophole, but the more Kamski spoke, the more Hank felt a great hope that Connor would be safe. This Carl Manfred sounded like a decent guy, and he hoped to find his address so that he might visit Connor, just so long as Connor was far away from Kamski.
 'Lieutenant Anderson.' Kamski spoke, offering Hank his own set of papers. 'I hope you are ready for the great burden and troubles of looking after your own deviant.' Hank could feel he was going to cry of both frustration and relief. There was a harsh sound from Fowler.
 'Anderson, you'll be off the squad if you accept this.'
 'Not true.' Kamski practically giggled. 'Actually, I think the lieutenant will be allowed to stay, considering it was he that not only helped to crack the case of deviancy, but he also successfully called you in for this illegal gathering. You do not have the cause to fire him from his work. '
 It had been taken near an hour of huffing and puffing from Fowler, but Hank had been granted ownership. And the first thing he did was release Connor from his bindings, pulling the boy close. He didn't know androids could tremble much like a human, but he felt the damp in his shirt from synthetic tears and Connor's body shake with relief.
 He ran a hand through those chocolate locks, felt his thirium pump beating warmly within his chest. Despite the fact that Connor was a machine, he felt as much as warm and as much alike as any human victim. Hank was close to breaking.
 'I've got you… I've got you. We're goin 'home.'
 'Hank…' Connor's voice was broken, but there was a smile to that soft face.
 'I… I missed you.'
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Let’s Give them Something to Talk About, Chapter 2
Rating: Explicit   Word count: 8,336     Ship: RK1000 (Connor/Markus) Chapter: 2/5
Summary:  The Jericho team plus Connor need to think up a way to distract the  public from the fact that North punched a very important human. What  better way than the Deviant Leader dating the Deviant Hunter?  
Thank you to @gavincantreedthis for beta reading this!
The magazine was out before dawn. It was a small story, but Connor had no doubt it would take off. The headline? 'Android Leader cheating on North with another Android?'
Right, that probably did look like cheating if no one knew Markus had broken up with North. At least this would make it even bigger of a distraction. 
There were a few pictures of them on the way to the motorcycle and then on it. It looked innocent enough, but the way Markus was holding onto him was pushing it a bit. 
At least their plan was working. The longer the morning went on the more people started talking about that on social media instead of North. 
He also got a few messages from the Jericrew and Markus. They said they should probably let this go a bit longer before staging another date. For some reason that was a bit disappointing. 
His fake date had been more fun than he thought and he actually wanted to do another just to spend time with Markus. He considered him his best friend, so that wasn't too odd.
He let Markus know this and thankfully he admitted to feeling the same. They'll have to be careful when they are together in public so Markus invited him over. He was quick to accept but he didn't get to talk more due to having to go to work. He never wanted to skip it so bad before. 
Markus's words from the night before stay with him throughout the day. Whenever he does anything he questions himself about if it makes him happy. Most of the time the answer is an ‘I don't know'. While others it was a clear yes. 
He loved being Hank's partner. He enjoyed being snarky with Gavin, and hearing Tina gush about North. He didn't mind doing paperwork, though it was a bit boring. 
He didn't like the protestors outside of the precinct and he wasn't sure how he felt about the other officers teasing him about his supposed date with Markus. 
If anyone brought it up he did his best to steer the conversation away, but if he couldn't then he'd get up and leave. 
The one person he could honestly talk about his date with was Hank but even then something felt odd. He wasn't lying but for some reason, he still felt like he was. 
It was hard to dodge Gavin, Tina, and Chris's questions, but thankfully they all let it pass after he promised to explain once everything was over. It was odd having friends, but that's what they were.
If this wasn't so important he would have just told them the truth. He hated having to lie to his friends but the whole thing was a need-to-know basis. After all, no one was even supposed to know they had been dating. He just hoped they'd forgive him once this was all over. 
Hank would make small comments, not enough to give it away but enough that it made Connor chuckle. 
He still hadn't told him about the almost kiss. He didn't know why, but he was nervous to talk about it. It was just a silly thing Markus did and it didn't mean anything. Plus, he'd already full-on kissed him, so why was this so different? 
Friends could kiss each other on the cheeks and it wasn't odd for them to kiss on the lips too. It was just another way to show affection. 
He didn't tell Hank about the other kiss either, but that was just because he hadn't asked. Well, he kind of did but it was easy to just get around. Hank didn't need to know all the details, right? 
It was to be expected that they'd kiss. People would assume they were doing more than just kissing, so he had to get used to it. 
It wasn't that he was ashamed, if he was actually with Markus he'd love to show him off. Sure he'd keep most of it private but he wouldn't mind being able to gush about Markus. If this was real, that is. 
»From Markus
Hey babe, how's work? 
Connor snorted and Hank glanced at him. "Markus being a dork," he said. Hank grinned and gave him a thumbs up. 
»From Connor
Work is going well, aren't you supposed to be leading androids?
»From Markus
I am, but I'm taking a break. Decided to check on my adorable detective boyfriend 
Connor couldn't help but roll his eyes. Markus could be such a dork sometimes. He adored that, they all needed to loosen up and have some fun sometimes. 
»From Connor
Only one of those descriptions is correct, Markus.
»From Markus
What do you mean? You are technically my boyfriend, you're a detective (and a damn good one at that), and I think you're adorable. 
»From Connor
Markus, no one is going to see our messages, you don't have to say things like that.
»From Markus
Connor, I'm not lying. You are adorable and everyone thinks so too. If Hank is there ask him, please. 
Connor looked at Hank then back at his desk. "Hank… could I ask you a question?" His voice came out soft and unsure. 
Hank looked up and gave a slight nod. "Sure, not like me saying no ever stopped you before." 
"Markus said something to me and I denied it, so he told me to ask you this. Do… am I adorable?" It was awkward to say and he couldn't meet Hank's eyes as he did so.
Hank sat there silently for so long that Connor felt like sinking into his chair. This was a bad idea, he didn't know why he went through with it. 
Then Hank stood up and clapped his hands together, drawing the attention of everyone around them. "Alright listen up! I need a show of hands, who here thinks Connor is adorable?" 
The room went silent and Connor wished the floor would open up and swallow him whole. No one was going to raise their hands and it would be incredibly embarrassing. Fuck. 
But then people started to raise their hands and soon almost everyone was. "I… no, no what? Really?" His voice was no more than a mumble. 
"Hell yeah! Most adorable detective!" Tina shouted, causing the group to laugh. 
"Rude, but also true," Gavin said, walking over with his hand still up. "It's not just how you look, you're just… ugh, annoyingly adorable." 
Gavin reached out and punched him in the shoulder, making him chuckle. He hadn't expected this at all. "I don't understand, why?" He shook his head and Gavin huffed. 
"You're you. I don't know I suck at this sappy shit. Uh, Chris, you're good at this. Tell this fucker why he's adorable," Gavin said, looking over to Chris who got up and came over. 
A few people went back to work with small grins on their faces while others still paid attention. 
"Well, where to start. You care about everyone, you work hard, you're just… I don't know, it's hard to explain." Chris said with a small hug. "It's hard not to adore you." 
Connor sat completely still almost in shock. Part of him always thought everyone just tolerated him. That he didn't belong here or anywhere for that matter. 
Even after all this time he still didn't know where he belonged. He was unsure of himself with his own kind, and he was unsure of himself with the police because he was an android. 
To see so many people say he was adorable and wanted, that he was enough just because he's him. There was still something missing, but he didn't know what. 
"So Connor, does that answer your question?" Hank asked, sitting back down. 
"Ok… I may not see it but I can accept that others do." He could accept that maybe it was himself that was pushing everyone away. Maybe he was the one that was doing this to himself because he was scared of being pushed away. 
»From Markus
»From Connor
You may have been onto something. As I said to Hank, I may not see it but I can accept that others do.
»From Markus
That's all I can ask for. Would you like to hang out tonight? Just me and you? 
Connor paused and couldn't help but smile. It was like a date but between friends. A friend date. 
»From Connor
I'd love to! I'm not sure when I'll finish up here, but I'll let you know before I leave. 
»From Markus
It's not like we need sleep, so come on over whenever you want. 
Sadly the day dragged by but Connor couldn't stop thinking about his friend-date with Markus. 
He had no idea what to expect. If the two spent alone time it was almost always about leading. Now they planned to spend time just having fun. Not worrying about anything. 
Hank could see his anxiousness but mostly didn't mention it. He was definitely going to question him later, but the kid already had so much going on. 
It was incredibly late into the night when they both decided it was time to head out. Connor had blushed and said he was going to Markus's and Hank couldn't stop chuckling. 
It ended with Connor flipping him off as he drove off. 
He loved driving at night. There was just something so soothing about it and it was like a breath of fresh air. 
New Jericho was just alive as it would be during the daytime. As Markus said, androids didn't need to sleep. They could, they could even dream but it wasn't mandatory unlike with humans. 
He parked his bike and quickly climbed off. A few androids sent him smiles while others moved away. That was ok, though. He didn't have to be liked by everyone to be worthy of being liked. 
He made his way up to Markus's and gave a knock to the door before going in. "Markus? Sorry, it's so late," he called out. 
"Hey, Connor! Don't worry about the time. I'm finishing up, you can come in or just wait on the couch." Markus replied from another room. 
Connor pulled his leather jacket off (Hank had insisted he get it after the bike and he had to admit, he loved it now) and laid it over the couch. 
He moved around silently, leaning in the doorway of Markus's bedroom. 
Markus stood there in front of a canvas and easel, a paintbrush in hand. His shirt was open and he had paint drops and splatters down his chest. He even had some blue paint on his cheek and nose. 
The painting was amazing. It was a mix of skin tones and softer colors added in. Connor could tell it was a man but the details were more obscure. 
There was something about it though. Something he couldn't quite place, but it made him feel something. 
Markus glanced at him with this soft smile that held so much more than just happiness. It was a mix of sadness, resignation, adoration, joy, and love. "You haven't gotten to meet Carl, but I just… I didn't mean to paint this." Markus says, looking back at the almost done painting. 
Carl, the man Markus was made for. Markus was lucky he had such a kind and caring owner. He could tell Markus adored him, but there was also a hint of sadness and Connor could guess why. It wasn't like Markus was made for a healthy man after all. 
"It's amazing. I- I don't know what to say. It's so complicated." Connor said, glancing between Markus and the painting. 
It was like he knew more about Carl just by looking at this. Or, he knew what he made Markus feel. 
"Thank you. That's part of why I love painting. There can be so much in it while still being simple." Markus said before pausing and chewing on his lip. "Maybe one day I could paint you." 
Oh, he hadn't expected that. That Markus wanted to paint him and that he felt nervous about it. This was so personal to Markus and it made his heart skip a beat. 
He quickly nodded and moved forward. He could easily make a joke and lighten the mood, but he wanted to show that he understood. "I'd love that. I've never posed for anything before." 
Markus nodded and stepped closer, reaching out to offer his hand to Connor. He slowly took it and stood next to Markus, looking at the painting. "You'll do amazing. I'll finish up and then we can watch a movie if you want." 
Connor nodded and took a step back to give Markus more space to paint. He tried to stay silent as he watched him paint. It was enchanting to see how he moved the brush and blended in new colors. 
Before he knew it Markus was setting his paintbrush down and stepping back. He looked over the painting with a critical eye before giving it a slight nod. It's not perfect but it doesn't have to be. 
Connor loved it and wished he could drag his hand over it to feel the bumps in the paint. He wanted to feel the texture of it but he'd have to wait until it was dry. "You're amazing," he mumbled, reaching out to lace their fingers together. 
Markus grinned and looked over at him, bumping their shoulders together. "No, you." 
Connor snorted and shook his head. "Whatever." He took a few breaths before continuing. "Maybe someday soon I could meet him. I'd like to meet the man who raised you to be you." They may not have physically grown, but Carl definitely helped make Markus who he was now. 
"I'm sure he'd love to. He's been, well, not the best lately. I want to spend more time with him, but my only free time is generally at night or taken up by something more pressing." Markus said, turning to stare at the ground. 
"I'm sure he understands. Maybe if he's feeling up to it you two can paint for a little bit," Connor suggested. 
Markus stiffened and Connor worried that he's overstepped but then Markus turned to him with a grin. "Can I kiss you? I just, you're… I just need to show you how much I um, how much I appreciate you." 
Connor's eyebrows went up but he slowly nodded. Markus cupped his face and pulled him into a soft and long kiss. Markus didn't try to deepen it, but he did move a hand to the back of Connor's neck. 
Connor made a small hum and leaned into it. It made his chest feel warm and his stomach drop. 
Then Markus pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. "You are a genius. I think that's just what he might need right now." 
"Sometimes you just need an outside perspective," Connor said, slowly opening his eyes. Markus's eyes are stunning this close, and it made him shiver slightly even though it's not cold. 
Markus hummed slightly before pulling back, a small smile on his lips. "You're right. Now, I promised a movie, so I'll put on a shirt and we can watch." 
"You don't have to!" Connor said quickly, only just now noticing he had splayed a hand on Markus's chest. "I mean, not if you don't want to. It's your home, be as comfortable as you want." 
He slowly pulled his hand back and stuffed it in his pocket. He didn't know why this became so awkward. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy it or welcome it. It just made him… feel something he didn't know how to identify. 
Markus glanced down at his shirt before shrugging. "Alright, if you're sure." He led them back to the living room and over to the couch. 
Markus sat down and patted the seat next to him, which Connor gladly sat on. Connor hesitated for a second before leaning against Markus. 
They both stiffened but then Markus put his arm around Connor's shoulders and Connor slowly relaxed. It was nice to sit like this, and Markus was incredibly comfortable to lean against. 
Markus started up the tv and went through his movies before picking one. It was one Connor had already seen, but he enjoyed it so he didn't say anything against it. 
It didn't take long until Connor was completely slumped against Markus who was gently carding a hand through his hair. 
He honestly did try to stay awake, but the hand in his hair and the soft whirl of Markus's pump was just too soothing. 
He didn't even wake up when Markus picked him up (which was a shame) and instead just curled around whatever was warm next to him. 
He only woke up when his internal alarm went off, but even then it was slow. Whatever was behind him was warm and something was holding him close. 
What had he been doing last night? Why was he so warm and comfortable? 
Oh, he had come to visit Markus and had fallen asleep while watching the movie. That meant… that meant Markus was the one holding him to his chest. 
Did he cuddle up to Markus or did Markus pull him in? Was it just something that happened at night that neither meant to do? Was it just because the other was warm? 
He slowly opened his eyes, and he had to admit, this was really nice. The sun was shining in through the windows just slightly, but the room around them was still cool. 
Markus's bed was large but they were still smushed together in the middle. He could feel Markus's slow artificial breathing against his neck and he almost made a small whine. Instead, it came out as a long sigh. He could also tell Markus wasn't wearing a shirt anymore, but he thankfully had bottoms on. 
Markus's hand was up and under Connor's shirt, resting over his thirium pump. It was so intimate yet he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. It wasn't like Markus would rip it out. 
Their legs were tangled together so he wouldn't be able to get up without waking up Markus. 
Maybe he could stay like this a little longer. He'd never been held like this, and he didn't want it to end. Plus, he had never been late in his life so he could be this one time. 
Markus shifted and Connor went still, closing his eyes again. For some reason, he didn't want Markus to know he was awake yet. 
Markus squeezed him and nuzzled at the back of his neck. He sighed out and Markus stiffened. "Connor? You awake?" 
He didn't say anything and kept his breathing steady. What was he doing? Why was he faking being asleep?
Markus sighed after a few minutes and gently rubbed his thumb in circles around the thirium pump. "I wish I could do this all the time," Markus mumbled against the back of his neck. 
It took everything in Connor not to react. Part of him wanted to feel Markus's lips pressed against his skin, while the other wanted to get up and run. 
There was no one here to pretend for, so why? Why was this making his heart skip a beat? This shouldn't be affecting him. 
"You're always so stressed and proper. It's nice to see you like this, completely relaxed and at peace in my arms. I'd keep you here forever and safe if you'd let me," Markus said, shifting again. 
Connor squeezed his eyes and almost gave in to the urge to turn and hold Markus. Why was he saying this now? Why didn't Markus say this while he was awake? 
Markus never hid his affections for any of his other friends. Actually, out of everyone, Connor was the one that got the least of that. Maybe Markus thought he wouldn't accept it or take it the wrong way. 
Connor couldn't take it anymore so he slowly started to move. The hand on his chest slowed but didn't move away. He slowly untangled their legs and stretched letting out a soft moan of relief. 
Markus slowly moved his hand down to move it out of the shirt but it only caused Connor to shiver. "Hm, what?" He mumbled, slowly turning to face Markus. 
Markus let him and brought his free hand up to brush a few curls out of Connor's face. "Did you sleep well?" 
Connor nodded and smiled softly. "I did. I'm sorry for falling asleep on you last night." 
"No, no it's fine. I'm glad you relaxed. Do you have work today?" Markus asked, not stopping in playing with Connor's hair. 
He leaned into it, enjoying it more than he thought he would. "I do. I should actually be getting up… but I'm too comfy." He sighed, pushing his head up under Markus's chin. "Is this ok?" 
"Of course! Maybe you can be a little late today. You deserve the rest, Connor." Markus said, keeping him close with the hand on his back. 
Connor hummed and tried to snuggle closer. It was like he was starving and completely dehydrated and Markus was the first food and water he'd seen in years. He just couldn't get enough. 
Markus hummed softly as he ran a hand through Connor's hair. It's so relaxing that Connor almost falls asleep again. 
It's an hour later when he gets a message from Hank asking where he was. 
»From Connor
I'm sorry, Hank. I accidentally slept in, but I'll be in soon.
»From Hank
kid, its fine. glad you finally relaxed. be as late as you want
Connor sighed and closed his eyes for a few more minutes before pulling back. "I really do need to get to work. Do you think…" He trailed off, trying to figure out how to phrase his thoughts. 
"Do I think what? You can ask me anything, Connor." 
"Could I come back tonight? If not it's fine, I just really like this. I've never done this before and I just, I don't want it to end. It's the best I've ever slept." Connor shrugged, slowly sitting up. 
Markus sat up with him and pulled his hand out of Connor's shirt finally. Connor missed the warmth but for some reason, he could take in a deep breath again. "Of course. You can come over every night if you want to." 
"Really? I wouldn't want to impose," he said, fiddling with the soft gray blanket. 
Markus shook his head and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek hesitantly. "You'd never impose with me. Even if I'm not here you can come over and just relax." 
"Thank you. Though, if I don't get going I may never leave." Connor laughed, scooting off the bed. 
"Eh, not the worst thing. The world needs both of us, though." Markus followed along and Connor couldn't help but stare. 
He had a few scars but that didn't take away from his beauty, they actually added to it. How could a man be so perfect?
He quickly looked away and down at his rumpled appearance. For some reason, it just didn't feel right. The shirt was off and the pants felt too restrictive. It made something in him hurt but he didn't know why. 
"Connor, you ok?" Markus asked, shaking him from his thoughts. 
Connor ran a hand down his shirt, internally cringing but he nodded. "Yeah, I just feel a little off. Maybe I'm just not used to sleeping so much." 
That wasn't it, but he didn't know what was. Something wasn't right but his scans informed him that nothing was wrong. Everything was completely fine. And yet it wasn't. 
Markus stepped closer and stared at him with worry and curiosity. "Do you want to talk about it? I won't judge."
That's the thing. He didn't know what to say because he had no idea what was wrong. What was even bothering him? What was there to judge? "I don't know. I- I need to get to work. Have a good day, Markus," Connor said.
He moved to leave but Markus grabbed his wrist and quickly turned him back around. Connor was ready to break out of the hold but then Markus pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Be safe, sunflower." 
Connor practically melted. It's an odd pet name and definitely on the more feminine side, but for some reason he loved it. "Sunflower?"
"You just remind me of them. Hey, maybe you can do some makeup inspired by them for work." Markus suggested. 
That does sound amazing, but he'd never worn any makeup to work before. He always kept his attire completely professional in what was expected of him. 
Markus must have seen how conflicted he was because he pressed a kiss to his nose, and he couldn't help but scrunch it up. "It's fine if you don't feel comfortable doing it, but I'm sure you'd look great." 
Connor grinned and reached up to boop Markus's nose with his finger. "Thanks. Let me know if we have any planned dates coming up." 
Markus gave a small nod then let him go. Connor had never wanted to miss work so bad, but he actually did enjoy working. 
So he made his way home and quickly changed. He still didn't feel right, but he'd have to worry about that later. For now, he had a job to do. 
Connor went to work, still thinking about the makeup. He was a bit preoccupied because of it and he could tell it had affected his work. He especially noticed it when Gavin had come up to his desk and he hadn't even seen him until his hand was waving in Connor's face.
His eyes snapped up and he blinked a few times, confused for a second before tilting his head. "Detec- Gavin, can I help you?" 
Gavin huffed and sat on the edge of Connor's desk. "Well, Detective, you seemed lost in thought. So if anyone needs it, it's you." 
Oh, right. He couldn't help but scan Gavin, it was a bad habit, he knew. Yet he did come back with an interesting find. He had noticed it before, but never seemed relevant. "You wear makeup." 
Gavin frowned and nodded. "Yeah, I do. What about it?" He crossed his arms, and his scanners provided that he was becoming defensive. 
Connor quickly shook his head. "It's fine! I swear, I'm not judging you. It looks really good." He tried to smile a bit but as always it came out a bit awkward. 
Gavin huffed, relaxing again. "Well, thanks, I guess." 
"Actually, I… couldyoudomymakeup?" His words came out in a jumbled rush. 
Gavin blinked a few times, trying to figure out exactly what he had just said. When he did his eyes went wide. "Wait, shit, really? You want me," he said, pointing to himself, "to put makeup on you." 
Connor nodded shyly. "Yes? I- I can do simple makeup, but that's it. I don't really know how to do anything else." He wanted to be able to do makeup well, and feel confident enough to wear it into the office like Gavin. 
"Ah, well lucky for you I am a great teacher." Gavin grinned, crossing his arms again but much more relaxed than before. 
"I know you are, are you free after work?" He wanted to learn as quickly as possible. Plus it would definitely be fun. 
Gavin pretended to think before nodding. "That I am, I'll see you at my place. Better be on time or," he got up and struck a dramatic pose, "you'll regret it."
Connor snorted and rolled his eyes. "You dramatic gay." Connor laughed. Gavin made a fake gasp, putting his hand over his heart. 
"You wound me good sir! I am a theater gay, I'll have you know." Gavin said in a ridiculous accent. 
Connor raised an eyebrow at him and Gavin cracked up. "Get back to work then, I don't think you should lose your day job." 
Gavin chuckled and flipped him off, walking back to his desk, swaying his hips far more than normal. 
Connor went through the day with a grin on his face. Gavin and him got off at the same time so they ended up leaving together. Connor rode on his bike while Gavin took his car. 
Connor ended up arriving first and was glad to shove it right in Gavin's face the whole way up to his apartment. 
"Oh my god, Con you literally rode a bike, of course you beat me!" Gavin groaned, unlocking the door. 
Connor smirked and leaned closer to him. "I still beat you." He laughed and jumped back when Gavin tried to kick at him. "You missed, slow poke." 
Anyone looking in from the outside probably would have thought they were together, but Connor knew better. This was just how Gavin was with people he felt comfortable with that was 'tall and handsome' as Chris put it. Now he adored their odd banter and found it somewhat flattering.  
"I will beat your ass," Gavin said, opening the door. 
Connor followed him in and couldn't help himself. "Is that a threat or a promise?" 
Gavin groaned and looked back at him. "Seriously, Con? Now you're just being mean." 
Connor couldn't help it, he burst into laughter, bending over with the force of it. "I'm sorry, you walked into it." 
"Fair enough, I'll grab my makeup." Gavin said, flipping him off before going to his room. 
Connor went over and flopped onto the couch, smiling when Doa, one of Gavin's cat's, jumped up and rubbed up against him. "Hey, sweet girl, you been good," He asked. 
Doa purred and Connor offered an interface with her. He had to admit, the first time he met her it was incredibly shocking. He hadn't expected Gavin Reed of all people to have an android cat. 
Speaking of, Gavin walked back in, cooing at Doa. "She's too good," he muttered, sitting down on the other side of Connor. "Alright, let's do this. I'll show you what brushes to use and then I'll do your makeup. After that you get to do mine." 
He put a large box filled with makeup supplies, and Connor chose not to question why he had so much. "Wait, I'm going to do yours?" 
Gavin raised an eyebrow before smirking. "You scared pretty boy? Think I'll do better than you?" 
Connor squinted at him then moved to fully face him. "Bring it on." 
And Gavin did exactly that. He went through each brush and product, talking about the pros and cons. He knew a lot more about makeup than Connor had expected. 
He also actually learned a lot about makeup, and Gavin. The two ended up laughing more than doing any actual makeup. 
Connor wasn't actually half-bad with Gavin's guidance, and was proud of the makeup he had done on him. He did have the advantage of being an android, so at the very least the makeup was symmetrical. 
He felt much more comfortable with makeup than he had been before. He still was unsure of wearing it to work, but he wasn't completely against the idea. 
"So, any other plans for tonight, or is it just me?" Gavin asks, leaning back against the couch. 
Connor flushed and ducked his head. "I was planning to go to Markus's?" It came out as a question and it had Gavin instantly leaning forward. 
"Oh really?" He questioned, smirking slightly. Connor rolled his eyes and pushed at his shoulder. He wanted to tell him it wasn't like that, but that was the point. It was supposed to be real, and a secret. 
"Oh shut up, he's… my friend," he mumbled. 
Gavin raised an eyebrow, and Connor made himself smaller. "So you'd stay over here if I wanted you to?" 
Connor shrugged. It wasn't the worst idea, and actually seemed like a rather good idea. "I would." It wasn't a lie at all, and it felt nice not to have to lie again. 
"Very well. Not that I want you to leave, but it is getting late." Gavin said, picking up the makeup and brushes that had been dropped onto the floor. 
Connor checked his internal clock and was shocked to see that Gavin was right. It was far later than he thought and he had a few missed messages. "Oh, shit. I'm… Thank you, Gavin. This had been a lot of fun." He said, pushing up and off the couch. 
Gavin followed along, completely at ease. "Course, you know you're always welcome here. Now go to your boo." 
Connor snorted and pulled Gavin into a quick hug. "I know. Have a good night."
Connor did go back to Markus that night and the night after. Each day he woke up curled close to Markus and more relaxed than ever. 
Then Hank asked about it and for the rest of the time stayed with him. He missed the warmth of Markus and the feeling of waking up with him, but it was fine.
Then the day came when North announced their next official date a week later. They are supposed to go to a movie and afterward kiss each other. Nothing major, just a quick peck on the lips. 
That day though Connor can't decide on an outfit. Nothing is right and that feeling is back again. He thought it would go away, and it did for a few days. Now he was staring at himself in the mirror and he wanted to rip at his skin. 
He had to figure out what was wrong. That way he could go on his fake date and be able to just enjoy himself. 
Maybe it was just the style of clothes. He loved experimenting so he had plenty of other styles he enjoyed. 
He tried on a suit but that just made it worse. He then tried on a simple button-up and yet it still wasn't right. How could his go-to style feel like he was lying to himself while wearing it? 
He ripped the shirt off and threw it onto his bed with a huff. Fine, he'd just have to keep trying on clothes until he found ones he liked. 
He went through most of his closet before he was ready to give up. He sat down on his bed that was messy with his clothes and out his head in his hands. 
Why were his clothes wrong? Or was it his body? But he was made to be aesthetically pleasing, so it couldn't be that. 
The knock at his door made him jump and he slowly looked up. "Come in." 
Hank opened the door and peaked in before sighing when he saw Connor so distressed. He walked over and sat down, already rubbing soothing circles into his bare back. "You're gonna be late for your date. What's going on in that head of yours?" 
Connor groaned and pulled at his hair. "I don't know! I don't feel right. Maybe I'm sick. What if I got a virus that my systems can't detect?" 
Hank gave a slight hum. "I doubt that. Can you describe how you're feeling? What isn't right?" 
"My clothes? Or maybe my body. I just don't feel right. I know I'm me but there is just something missing." He sighed, shaking his head. 
Hank gave another hum, contemplative, before nodding. "I think I have an idea. Give me a sec’ ok?" 
Connor nodded and numbly watched as Hank left the room and pulled his phone out. He doesn't even try to listen in, just completely focused on this feeling. 
He didn't know how long he sat there until the front door was opened and closed. Had Hank left? Maybe he went to find someone to repair him. 
But then he heard Hank and someone else walking  and his eyes went wide when he saw North. What was she doing here? Had Hank called her? 
She walked over with a large bag and dropped it onto the ground before pulling Connor up. He didn't resist, but he didn't really help out either. 
Then she slowly circled him and Connor couldn't help but try to make himself smaller. "I can work with this," she said, finally standing back in front of him. 
"Work with what," he asked, but North quickly shushed him. 
She reached down and grabbed the bag, pulling it open. She didn't let him see what's in it and it was driving him a bit crazy. He could withstand this if it meant he'd be fixed, though. 
"Alright, so I brought a few things to help. If you don't like any of them then that's fine." She said before pulling out five dresses. 
He instantly reached out and ran his hand down the fabric. Each dress is completely unique and Connor felt this urge to try them on. 
He's worn heels and skirt pants before but he never thought to wear a dress. Sure he admired them, but he never thought he could pull it off. "I don't have…" he trails off, looking down at his flat chest. 
North quickly waved him off. "I've got ones you can easily install if you want. Fun thing about androids, we can replace and add whenever we want. I had a dick for a few weeks." 
Oh, he hadn't really thought of that. That he could just take things off or add them if he wanted. For some reason, the thought of doing so just made a weight on his chest completely lift. 
"Any you like?" North asked, trying to hold all of them up for him to see. 
He looked them over before taking the simplest dress out of all of them. It's a black sleeveless high low cocktail skater swing dress with a boat neck. 
There's just something about it that he liked but he couldn’t tell why. He knew clothing didn't really have a gender but even still he stayed away from dresses. Now he was being told he could wear one if he wanted and he felt like crying. 
"This one. Though, I'm not sure it's appropriate for me to wear this, especially since I'm supposed to be on an official date." He ran his hand down the dress again and couldn't help but smile. 
North snorted and rolled her eyes. "Please, you can wear whatever the hell you want. Speaking of, you want the boobs or nah? Either way, you'll look amazing." 
Then she reached down and pulled out, literally, a pair of boobs. If he wasn't an android then this would have been an incredibly awkward situation. 
"I can try them on," he said, but it came out more like a question. 
North nodded and closed the door. "I'll stay here but turn my back. If you need help just let me know, ok?" She handed over the boobs and put the other dresses back. She also pulled out a bra and handed it over. 
Then she turned her back like she said and Connor stared down at the boobs in his hands. Ok, even with being an android this was a little odd. 
He mentally shrugged and scanned them to figure out how to put them on. It seemed easy enough, he just had to remove his skin around his chest and insert them. 
It's a bit more tricky than that but he quickly figured it out. When he reactivated his skin it glided easily over his new chest. He looked down at his chest with a small smile and gave one of them a poke. It felt right. He felt right. 
It was odd though, he didn't always have that feeling of wrongness. Sometimes he felt completely comfortable and happy, other times he didn't. 
He pulled the bra on with a little bit of difficulty. It was hard to figure out which of the three clasps to use, and then he had to adjust the straps so it fit better. 
Then he grabbed the dress and hesitated. What if Markus hated this or thought he was weird. What if Hank did? Connor knew he was the one to call North, but still.
This wasn't normal. This want he had to wear a dress and look pretty wasn't normal. 
Fuck it. 
He pulled the dress on and when he struggled to zip it up, tapped on North's shoulder. He turned his back to her and looked over his shoulder. "Could you zip me up?" 
North did as asked and then grinned at him. "Alright, now let me see!" She said, clapping her hands together. 
Connor slowly turned to face his mirror and his heart stopped. He looks pretty. He feels right in this. He doesn't know why he feels this way, but he does. 
"Look at you!! You're gorgeous. Alright, do you want some makeup? I'm not the best but I can do a mean smoky eye." North said, reaching down for the bag again. 
Connor grinned but shook his head. "I think I'm good. Will Markus be ok with this?" 
North quickly nodded. "Of course! We all support you. If you feel like you're female then that's what you are." 
That wasn't exactly right either but Connor didn't correct her. He didn't know what to correct her with. He wasn't always like this, but what did that mean? 
"I… right," he mumbled and rocked back. 
North tilted her head and turned so they were face to face. "You don't have to be female either. Whatever you want to be or are we support you, ok? You don't have to figure it all out right away." 
It was freeing to hear that. He could just be him and figure it out later. He could wear a dress and boobs when it felt right, or a button-up the next day. "Can I hug you?" 
North didn't answer, instead, she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. He honestly would break a bone if he had them. 
He had to admit, it's a bit odd with having breasts. They were squishy and he hadn't expected the weight of them or even how they'd get in the way. 
The hug is still amazing though. North wasn't afraid to hug him long and hard. When she pulled back she pressed a hard kiss to his cheek. "Alright, let's get you to the movies. Don't forget to kiss our boy. Oh, shit have you kissed anyone before?" 
He slowly nodded his head and couldn't help but lick his lips. "Yeah… Markus we, yeah." 
North's eyes went wide then she smirked. "Oh, I see. Getting comfortable with our fearless leader? He's a great kisser, isn't he?" 
Connor huffed and gently swatted at her. "Oh shush, he just didn't want my first kiss to be out in public. And if you must know, yes he's a very good kisser but it's not like I have a frame of reference to say otherwise."
"Well, if I wasn't a lesbian I'd definitely jump you. Though… I wouldn't mind a quick smooch." North said, fluttering her eyelashes. 
Connor can't help but laugh and press a very quick kiss to her lips. It's different than how Markus's kiss made him feel, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it any less.
North's lips were much softer but that's to be expected. She giggled when he pulled back and gave him a wink. "Not bad, but I sure hope you kiss Markus longer than that!" 
"I will, I will. Thank you for coming over, but I really need to leave." Connor said, opening his door. 
"Course! Have fun on your date!" North spoke as she followed him out the door. "Old man, Connor, and I are leaving," she yelled back. 
"Drive safe!" Hank called back and Connor grinned. He was so worried when he introduced Hank to his friends, but it went unsuspectedly well. 
He gave North another hug before getting on his bike. He hadn't thought about riding in a dress, but it wasn't too difficult since it wasn't skin tight.  
Markus was leaning against the building with his eyes closed when Connor showed up. He parked his bike and silently walked up, but that was hard to do with heels. 
Markus's eyes opened when he got close and Connor could tell it took him a second to realize it was him. He let him look him over before giving a small turn. 
"Is this ok? North lent me this dress and… these." Connor said, pointing to his chest. He really, really hoped Markus wouldn't mind. 
Markus reached out and placed his hands on Connor's waist. "You look amazing! This dress suits you really well." 
Connor flushed and ducked his head. "I was worried you wouldn't be ok with this. I guess I never actually asked what your sexuality is so I was worried you were just gay and wouldn't feel comfortable with this." 
Markus quickly shook his head. "I love… this, you look really good. I'm pan so you don't have to worry about a thing." 
Connor grinned and stepped back to do another spin just to see the dress flare out. He'd definitely have to get a few dresses if this is how amazing they felt. 
Markus chuckled and reached out to run a hand down his side. "You look great. By the way, the man over there had been staring at me and taking pictures. Wanna kiss now?" 
Connor blinked and felt like slapping himself. Normally he's a lot better about being aware of his surroundings, but his nerves had been too high. "Sure!" 
Markus grinned and slowly pulled him in. "How long?" He mumbled, glancing between Connor's eyes and lips. 
Connor hummed and pretended to think for a second. "Well, we can just see how it goes." 
Markus snorted and played with Connor's hair for a second. Connor sighed and leaned into it before pulling Markus in by his belt. "Kiss me," he demanded. 
"So needy." Markus breathed out before connecting their lips. It's so different from North's that he gasped and Markus took the opportunity. 
They probably wanted them to do a quick kiss, but Connor kept Markus close and softly moaned into the kiss. 
Connor pushed Markus back against the wall and continued to kiss him like his life depended on it. He did pull back and instantly regretted it. They weren't at the making out part of the plan but he kind of wished it was. 
They were both panting and Connor took a minute before opening his eyes. Markus was staring up at him with wide eyes. "Wow, you do learn quickly." 
Connor smirked and pulled back, offering his hand. "I always accomplish my mission," He says with a wink. 
Markus chuckled with a slightly loopy grin. "That you do. Now, let's go watch that movie." 
Connor didn't even glance at the man with a camera still raised. He simply strutted past with a smirk on his lips. He got to kiss Markus and no one else. And he looked damn good doing it. 
Markus kept glancing at him with something in his eyes that Connor couldn't identify. He tried to ignore it for the most part and focus on the fake date. 
Markus got them a soda to share and Connor a chocolate bar. Connor tried to pay but Markus had insisted on the compromise that Connor would pay next. 
The two got looks and even a few people came up, but they managed to get into the theater to see the previews. Even though no one could see they kept holding hands as the lights dimmed. 
They were lucky that the theater was almost completely empty and the two sat at the top per Connor's request. He preferred not to have people behind him like that. 
They sat close together with the armrest pulled up so they could be against each other. 
Markus let go of Connor's hand and he quickly looked at him. Had he done something wrong? Did he just not want to hold hands now? 
His questions were answered when Markus put his arm around him. Connor leaned his head on Markus's shoulder in response, smiling a bit as he did. 
It was hard to pay attention to the movie, but when he did he enjoyed it. They'd make small comments on the movie, like saying one of the men looking like Josh. 
Markus would hand over the soda when asked and sometimes even just held it for Connor. 
Connor had so much fun that he was bouncing as they left. The movie was good but his time joking and whispering to Markus was even better. 
Markus used their intertwined hands to spin Connor before pulling him back in. "Care to dance?"Connor tilted his head slightly, "really? There's no music." 
Markus shrugged slightly, placing a hand on Connor's waist. "There doesn't need to be, just follow along." 
"Ok." Connor grinned. 
So they continued to dance and spin. The lights were twinkling with every step as Connor spun in delicate circles, his dark dress billowing out.
He felt like a small bird learning how to fly, flailing around, and finally taking off with outstretched wings and windswept feathers.
He stumbled a few times and went the wrong way but they both laughed it off and continued. 
The man from before was still there (and being completely obvious) but Connor honestly couldn't care less. He was having fun dancing with Markus and he wouldn't ruin it. 
Markus ended it with a small dip and they stayed like that for a few seconds before Markus righted them. "See? We don't need music." 
Connor huffed and nodded. "You've proved your point. Do… can I come over tonight?" 
"Of course! I took a cab here so if you brought your bike we can just ride on that?" Markus said. 
"Alright, but this time, you get to drive," Connor smirked. 
Markus's eyes went wide. "Alright, I think I can handle that." 
"I know you can, you're a fast learner after all."
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Elijah Kamski x Reader - Shoot (pt 3a)
A/N: Sorry this took so long to come out. I know people probably lost interest by now- sorry!
This is only pt3a! There is another option! Go back to pt 2 to check out the other ending. 
Part 1 Part 2
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You could see what was about to happen, just before it did. You stood abruptly and grabbed Connors arm, forcing his aim upwards as he pulled the trigger.
“Elijah!” You snapped. The sharp edged of the guns neck pricked your hand as you slowly let go. The atmosphere was now so thick you could barely breath and all was silent. You went to apologise for your sudden outburst, but stopped yourself. Why should you? “I’m sorry about Mr Kamski’s actions, but that was completely uncalled for.” You spoke to Anderson, turning your eyes away from Elijah completely. The lieutenant nodded, obviously grateful for your actions.
“Connor, come on, we’re leaving. Now.” Anderson began to move off, but stopped when Connor didn’t follow. “Connor, what the fuck are you doing?” He barked.
“Mr Kamski said he would help us with our investigation. I complied with his conditions.” The android said defiantly.
“I… am a man of my word,” Elijah agreed. “You may ask me one question.”
“I can’t fucking believe this.” The lieutenant stormed off, pushing past the Chloe near him and headed for the exit. You looked briefly back at Elijah before following after the lieutenant.
“Lieutenant Anderson! Wait, please.”
You chased after Anderson until he stopped at his car. You leaned onto your knees, breathing heavily. It had only been a short distance, but you had not exercised in some time. Chloe hadn’t been kidding when she said it would be cool that day- it was snowing outside! How did you not notice?
You went to take another step towards the lieutenant, but your legs froze. You suddenly became very aware of how cold it really was. Your feet began to sting as icy snow covered your toes.
“Miss (Y/N)?” You looked up to see the lieutenant holding his car door open for you. You graciously jumped inside the heated car on the passenger's side. Anderson got in the other side and looked at you expectantly. “Well?” He said, arms folded.
“Lieutenant Anderson, I’d firstly like to apologise for what happened in there. Elijah… likes to test people.” You tried to explain, but there was nothing to explain. Your eyes fell down and stared at the floor of the car.
“Call me Hank.” Anderson said. “I appreciate what you’re doing, but you shouldn’t be the one apologising.” You nodded, feeling somewhat embarrassed now. “But there is something you could do for me.”
“Of course.”
“You had a lot to do with the first androids created. What’s your take on deviancy?” Hank’s expression had softened now, which made you more comfortable. You were silent for a moment, choosing your words carefully.
“When Elijah and our small team were first designing the first android, we had no intents on making them become deviant. We designed them as if we were making people, so that’s what they became. Lieuten- Hank, the deviants are alive. It’s not an error in the programming, it’s what they are.” Hank listened carefully to your words and he was in deep thought himself.
“Does your partner share the same opinion?”
“I… don’t know anymore. I have been out of it as of late, and I don’t know his current views. I know Elijah does not blame himself and I think it’s because he doesn’t see there’s anything to be blamed for.” You sighed out, huddling into your shirt and pants. There was a pen and paper on the dash of the car. You picked it up and scribbled your number on it. “If there’s anything I can help with, feel free to ask.”
Hank nodded but he was looking past you. You turned in your seat and saw Connor approaching the car and you knew it was your cue to leave. You carefully exited the car and waved goodbye to the lieutenant before running back to the warm mansion.
Once you were inside you were greeted by a Chloe which offered you a large jumper that you gratefully accepted. This is Elijah’s. You wondered if the android had specifically been instructed to give you one of Elijah’s jumpers to wear, especially since you had stormed off on him.
“I thought you might like a warm bath, so I prepared one in the upstairs bathroom.” The Chloe practically read your mind and you retreated upstairs and slipped into a preheated bath. The water was almost too warm, and stung your skin as you sunk your cold upper half into the tub.
You called out for the house assistant to play some music. A soft jazz tune filled the bathroom, echoing off of the tiled walls and sending you into a daze.
How could Elijah do that? Why would he force the test upon an android, especially after its owner had disagreed- especially after you had expressed distaste for the test.
Your views on the androids was similar to Elijah’s, but instead of seeing their potential, you only saw your children. Each face you remembered. Every dimple, every eyelash. You couldn’t understand why someone could so easily destroy an android. They were extraordinary works of art.
Then it hit you.
You weren’t completely sure what ‘it’ was, but it felt like a you’d been hit with a brick of thoughts. Inspiration? Was that what it was? You didn’t know, and you didn’t care.
You jumped out of the bath, almost slipping in the process, and threw on some clothes Chloe had laid out for you. You then ran out of the bathroom and to the stairwell, which you barely even stepped on as you descended.
Elijah was sitting in the chair you had been in not so long ago, pondering. He knew you weren’t happy, more than before now, because of his actions. He hadn’t expected you to get so flustered by his meeting with the lieutenant and Connor. He was trying to think of how to approach you; to apologise to you. He had an idea, but his thoughts were interrupted by the padding sound of wet feet and then your figure briefly in his view as you rushed by.
You slammed open the door to a forgotten room. Thoughts were rushing in and out of your head quicker than you could write them down. You took a moment to calm yourself and turned on the lights. Before you was a dusty study. You had instructed that only you were to enter the room. It had been your art room before you quit, but you still had your equipment. Feeling inspired you began to heat some clay in a microwave and while you waited, started sketching ideas on a large canvas.
Many hours later, not even close to being finished, you had made some progress. A clay sculpture, only in its early stages, stood by itself in the middle of the room. You had specifically made it to resemble the RK800’s. The sculpture stood in a position as if it was trying to break an invisible wall. You smiled to yourself. You felt inspired. You felt passionate. You felt good. It was as if you had been stuck in a dark room and you had broken free and were now in the light, sun kissing your skin as you breathed in fresh air.
There was a soft knock at the door and without thinking you said, “Come in.” As the door creaked open you realised your mistake and whipped clay on your face while trying to clean yourself up. You then looked back to your sculpture. It was kind of morbid now that you thought about it, but you had been so happy while making it.
“(Y/N)?” Elijah’s voice called out to your cautiously and his body barely entered the room. He knew well that you didn’t want anyone coming into your studio. His cautiousness went away once he got a glance of what he had been doing. He pulled the door open fully and stepped in, slightly in awe. “You’ve been sculpting.”
“No- I’ve been cooking. Of course I’ve been sculpting.” You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes to the heavens. Your expression then fell and you strunk into yourself, hands coiling up to near your chest. You were still upset with Elijah.
He smiled for a moment. You? Being sarcastic? He hadn’t heard that in a while. But then he saw you start going backwards to how you had been before. “I came to apologise. I-I didn’t mean to upset you, but I had to test the android. I had a feeling he could be special, but I had to be sure.”
“And are you sure now?”
“No… I’m not.” He said sheepishly. You sighed heavily and Elijah took some experimental steps towards you, but you jumped into his arms before he could get far. He eagerly hugged you back. “I won’t do that again, I promise.” His hand gently stroked your hair.
“Okay,” was all you muttered as you enjoyed his embrace. You never fought with Elijah, and this was barely even a fight, but just being angry with him had made you upset.
“I want to start sculpting again.” You spoke up. “And playing music, and painting, and I want to go out more! I think we should go on a date.” You had piped up significantly, your enthusiasm returning again. Elijah laughed and agreed to it all. He was so delighted to see you so full of life suddenly. Maybe he had been the cause of your passionless phase as he wasn’t one to be very expressive, or maybe leaving Cyberlife wasn’t the best thing for you, but that was in the past. He wanted to promise you he would try to help you feel better, but he decided not to say it aloud and rather say it with his actions.
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ayabaiii · 7 years
Why I’m so nuts for YOI
YOI flipped my switch in a big way, in a head-over-heels way, in a Victor-dancing-with-Yuri-at-the-GPF-banquet-and-realizing-this-was-it way, and I’ve been thinking lately about why it is that I love it SO much. There are so many reasons. A million reasons. A gazillion reasons under the cut because I’m not as cruel to stick this much text at once into your dash.
Sexual desire can be a positive thing: In most Asian media (dramas, anime), sex and desire is usually treated as deviant- if you want it, you’re a slutty slut or a comical horndog, or it has to be way crazy kinky nonconsensual porn shit. In most Western media, it isn’t treated well either- I just finished watching Big Little Lies and sex is all about shame, rage and violence in that series. But in the world of YOI, Victor is super hot for the cute guy who challenged his rinkmate to a dance off, then proceeded to strip and pole dance, THEN CAPPED IT ALL OFF BY SWEEPING HIM OFF HIS ACTUAL FEET, and then he choreographs a skating routine about SEXUAL LOVE about it and ends up making Yuri skate it. A lot of fandom seem to write Yuri off as a delicate flower who knows nothing about sex, but were you all watching the same series as I was? He basically has a sexual awakening as a preteen watching stupid pretty Victor twirl around with his stupid pretty hair and covers his entire bedroom with sexy posters of him (there are posters where Victor isn’t even skating, they are more or less posters to jack off to). He literally says that he is the only person in the world who can satisfy Victor. I’m shit at translating but the Japanese dialogue and narration in the series (I should just watch the blurays because I find the english subs on crunchyroll distracting and not particularly accurate) is... pretty sexy too. They’re in love, but they’re also SUPER attracted to each other, and that’s ok- better than ok, really, because great sex is a cornerstone of healthy and happy long-term relationships. 
The fact that they’re both the same gender is never an issue: No angsting about sexual orientation. Neither party wishes they were a girl (which happens every so often in yaoi). No pandering or queerbaiting. This series is a straight-up romantic comedy: person A meet-cutes person B, person A and person B fall madly in love. No one gives them any shit about it (except Yuri Plisetsky, but my head canon there is that he has an unconscious crush on Yuri Katsuki and is mad as shit that stupid perfect Victor swooped in and stole him away) 
No stupid romantic subplot friction: No super retarded misunderstandings that could be avoided by just talking to each other (I’m looking at you, every Korean drama ever made), no evil love rivals, no contrived situation with parents or other authority figures trying to keep the main couple apart. Their main issues are what most couple’s issues are: proper communication, compromise, and learning what it means to operate as a unit. I also love love love that when Victor gets jealous and possessive in the Yuri on Stage skit, he doesn’t demand to know all the details of whoever he thinks Chihoko is, he doesn’t close off and make it so Yuri only ever talks to him, he drunkenly scrawls “Surpass Chihoko” on Yuri’s naked back, and then proceeds to climb a public edifice naked and scream his love from the top. And when he demands Yuri do it too, instead of telling him he’s crazy or to get down or having a fight, Yuri just strips and gets up there too, to make his stupid hungover husband feel better.  
A realistic portrayal of love: Victor and Yuri are attracted to each other, but the reason they fall in love is that they really get along and like being around the other person. They have fun, they make each other laugh, they excite and surprise each other, they slowly open up to each other, they bicker and squabble because being in love doesn’t mean your partner doesn’t annoy the shit out of you sometimes. Most anime and media treat falling in love like some magical thing that makes your life instantly perfect, which is not the case in real life. They also treat falling in love as a mysterious and sudden thing you have no control over, and honestly for the most part it is, but that’s limerence, not love. Victor and Yuri actually fall in love and stay in love. Their lives are immeasurably better with the other person in it. They fill in each other’s spaces. 
Realistic portrayals of mental conditions: I stay away from saying mental illness because I think anxiety and depression are things most people experience at some point in their lives- some just have it to a deeper or lighter degree than others. Yuri and Victor are both high functioning- Yuri in his anxiety, Victor in his depression. A lot has been said about Yuri’s anxiety, especially given than he’s the narrator of 11/12 episodes, but I was actually hugely impressed by the nuanced and realistic depiction of Victor as a high functioning depressed person. He’s clearly bored and sad and lonely, hugely craving human connection and feeling cut off from people because of his godlike status: every connection he has is in relation to his sport, and they all want something out of him, so when he falls in love for the first time, he ends up becoming a coach because he thinks that’s all he has to offer Yuri to make him fall in love with him too. I honestly don’t think Victor has ever thought about being a coach, nor is he interested in staying one after Yuri: the entire thing was basically a crazy grand gesture to make the cute boy from the banquet fall in love with him (well, in his defense, it worked, so good job Victor). Victor’s only real connection seems to be to his dog, which struck me as enormously and terribly lonely. Hopefully we’ll learn more about his family in Season 2. 
Realism about bodies and how much fucking work it is to be hot: I just spent an hour and a half at the gym so this is on my mind LOL. Most anime and tv shows gloss over the sheer amount of work it actually takes to be a certain shape, and I already knew from episode one where Yuri gains weight after his depression from a seemingly endless onslaught of FML that I was in for the good shit. Any hot person you know who claims they just sit on the couch eating hot wings all the time is a goddamn liar. I’m no longer sample size because I don’t have time to spend 2-3 hours in the gym every single day and I like to have some fried chicken and chips and ice cream now and again. Now, I had some discussion with male friends when I forced them to watch it last week as to how feasible it was for Yuri to lose all that weight in basically a week, and they claim it’s doable / they’ve done similar before, but I think part of episode 1 shows Yuri as an unreliable narrator who seems to think he’s WAY fatter than he is (which is part of the nature of anxiety), so he was probably, like, in actually 10-15lbs or so heavier than his GPF weight vs how he’s portrayed in the anime in the comical fatty-fat-fatty sequences. Victor is also super cut but it looks like he’s always biking/skating when Yuri’s skating /probably spends a lot of time working out to keep that amount of muscle tone (he’s also clearly vain af so you better believe he is all about the gainz).
Body positivity about squishiness: And this is not in a pandering or condescending way. Victor is affectionately into Yuri’s squishy off-season tummy in the Yuri on Stage skit, and Yuri’s objections are only really that they’re in public and around other people while he’s playing with it. I always interpreted Victor’s saltiness about Yuri’s weight / forcing him to get back to his GPF weight when he first arrives in Hasetsu not as Victor actually caring about Yuri staying hot or not, but as Victor being a petty little bleep because he’s annoyed that he showed up just like Yuri asked and Yuri kind of ended up giving him a weird awkward cold shoulder instead of fucking him into the nearest mattress. And in any case, speaking of saltiness...
People can be petty af because they’re human: Victor is a lowkey asshole (the kind of person who’s so beautiful and talented they’ve been able to get away with just about anything because everyone gets blinded by lasers of HOT PERSON IS TALKING TO ME) but still immensely likeable. And Yuri is a lowkey asshole too- see his HAAAAH reaction to Victor’s baiting about past lovers, or his constant poking of Victor’s hair whorl. He’s really likeable too. Sometimes it’s ok to be petty af.
I really wish that a series like Yuri on Ice had been around in my formative years. One of the biggest reasons I love it so much is I feel like it can have such a positive influence on young people- on people who struggle with anxiety and depression, with people who struggle with simultaneously being on top of their game and not feeling good enough. More importantly, I think it gives a really great primer on the RIGHT way to be in love. My college best friend was a philosophy major and one of her professors once said in class “If it wasn’t for movies, no one would ever fall in love,” and looking back on toxic relationships I’ve been in and people I shouldn’t have slept with, it’s most likely I used tv and movies as a primer for what seemed like socially acceptable behaviour for love: tumultuous drama as PASSION, jealousy and possessiveness as being marked by a great love, sex as a substitute for emotional intimacy. Being older and wiser and through the gauntlet I know a lot more now about what’s good for me, but if I’d had something like Yuri on Ice back in my teens, I think I would have made some better decisions. So I’m glad a series like this is out there now. Hopefully it’ll make a new generation of young’uns (or even old’uns!) make better decisions than I did (well, most of them, anyway. I had a lot of fun, and you should too)
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