#but I wanted to make something more MCC centric
lily-the-leopard · 2 years
New decorations are hard to take pictures of but we’re ready for MCC!
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tay6119 · 3 years
AO3 DNF fic List
Here it is
The moment you’ve been waiting for
There’s so many good fics out there so do some searching on your own too!
These ones are just some of my favs :)
Not What It Seems Incomplete
This one has some really heavy topics, so read all the content/trigger warnings first before you read it :)
I really like the writing style and how realistically the author deals with the issues of an abusive relationship. While I don’t have experience with one and I don’t truly know, the fact George stays quiet about what’s going on and his friends notice something is up, but they don’t want to say something in fear of being wrong just seems real to me.
Overall good read and I can not WAIT until it finishes up and we get to see a happy ending (fingers crossed)
You’ll Never Have to Be Alone... Incomplete
I don’t even know where to begin with this one.
I am just a sucker for George being in danger/Dream being protective ok..
Basically George has a stalker, someone after him, and Dream immediately flies to Florida to be by George’s side to keep him safe.
This one hasn’t been updated in about a month, but I remain hopeful the next part will come soon and I can just see my boys be happy.
Quiet Dreams of You and I Incomplete
I feel like anyone who knows me at all would automatically understand my love for fake relationship fics.
Here’s one right here for you!
The story is pretty much only beginning as of now, but pretty much Dream and George are going on vacation with Dream’s ex and her new boyfriend.
I like the fact it isn’t immediately George and Dream falling in love and is seeming as though it’s going to be a more slow process as Dream is still struggling to get over his ex.
Feast or Famine Incomplete
This one isn’t really DNF-centric, but oh. my. god.
An absolutely amazingly well-written story so far.
It’s an irl MCC au, with our favorite youtubers as the competitors with the event basically being like an olympics.
The concept is that they all get uploaded into a simulation for MCC, but something goes wrong with the system...
I won’t reveal anymore, you just have to read it :)
I Just Need Time (But I’m All Out) Incomplete
I had this down to include before I knew that so I swear I’m not just simping ok
I love me when a story is so angsty and then it all just gets wrapped up with that good ol’ comfort in the end.
Genesis did an amazing job at portraying the character’s emotions and the progression of their argument just makes sense to me with how they both feel guilty, but are too far to stop themselves
Keep Quiet Incomplete
Basically George gets asked by Dream, Sapnap, and Wilbur to help them out with a huge bank heist.
While it’s a pretty serious story overall, there are many lighthearted moments that keep it from being too heavy.
A nice break from so much angst everywhere.
Like Magic Incomplete
This is a call for more Harry Potter AUs please
George is a muggle-born and Dream is a pureblood.
The plot is absolutely amazing and pretty much follows our favorite simps through their life at Hogwarts.
There are so many good and cute moments with all our favorite CCs, but the story also handles heavy topics like racism towards muggles extremely well.
Please please read it, this author, like the rest, deserves so much love
Crown of Straw, Sword of Gold Incomplete
Knight and king AU!!
Y’all should know I can’t have this kind of list without that au involved let’s be honest here.
There were so many I could’ve picked from, but this is definitely one of my favorites.
The fact that Dream and George don’t particularly like each other, but Dream is still protective (I’m predictable, I know) i just everything to me. They’re basically forced to be together as Dream is George’s knight.
We love a good enemies to lovers, don’t we?
Dance with Me (Sway with Me) Complete
This fic literally has me so soft. George and Dream are just in love and they’re assassins. Is there a better combination than that?
A bit of angst, but completely made up for with all that sexual tension.
Last chapter has NSFW, but it is still a good read and you can get a complete story without reading the sexual bits which is much appreciated even though I don’t always mind it too much
I really tried to keep it so I didn’t just put like 10 Apocalypse AUs or sth because I’m a SUCKER for those and like medieval AUs, so I hope there’s a good variety :) APPRECIATE THESE AUTHORS and any other authors u come across please <33 Sorry most of them are incomplete, I tend to not add a book to my bookmarks unless I’m waiting for an update which is so dumb because then I can never find fics I want to reread gefwdhuijk
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deathordemise · 3 years
kachow hello everyone here’s a writing piece i’ve been working on since god knows when. i started it when tommy was still in exile, so the recent events kinda threw it into the non-cannon compliant, lol. anyway , this entire thing is based off the concept of dream wanting a ‘family’. dw, turned on auto cap to write it lmao. send asks regarding this if you wanna :)
here’s the one person who wanted to be tagged : @head-fullof-clouds
trigger warnings: looking down on someone based of age, imprisonment, gas lighting, one sided family dynamics (?), forced found family (??)
mainly tubbo and dream centric, but mentions of others. there’s more under the cut!!
Dream stands with his hands on his hips, surveying his past hours of work.
“Would you like Ranboo to room with you guys as well? You and him get along very well, and it’s nice to see you hang out with kids your age other than Tommy.”
Tubbo shakes his head, sitting on the edge of his bed. The adult sighs and shrugs.
“Okay, if you’re so sure.” He turns back to the other barrels full of things . Tubbo finally speaks up when he begins to assemble another bookcase.
“ I don’t want Tommy in here either.”
Dream straightens immediately, looking genuinely confused.
“But you guys are best friends! I would have loved sharing a room with my best friends when I was younger. I know you boys had that little fight during his exile, but surely you’ll get over it? I mean, I did spend all this time decorating his side of the bedroom.”
“This isn’t a bedroom,” Tubbo stands up and lunges at the bars. He grips it in an attempt to shake them, but the metal poles remain sturdy. “Dream, this is a prison cell!”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He scoffs. Tubbo remains glaring and hostile.
“You know I’m right. You know you’re making us all prisoners. It doesn’t matter how nice you make the cells, how good you make the meals, how lovingly you hand stitched these blankets. You’re holding us here against our will, with no escape. You’re nothing but a jail guard.” His tirade is cut off when Dream slams his fist into the crafting table.
“Stop!” Dream pauses to collect himself. He shudders, voice cracking is desperation.
“Stop it. You’re twisting my words. You’re making it wrong. You’re making it ugly.”
Dream finally takes a seat, pulling off his mask in the process. He sits with his back against the wall, facing Tubbo again. His head tilts back and he presses the palms of his hands against his eyes, then smooths his hair back.
“Why do you guys always have to make it all ugly? This is my land, you know? I can deal with you guys terraforming, I expected it. I can deal with you guys building whatever the fuck you wanted with my permission. I could have even let the whole drug thing slide! But then there was the thing with the discs.”
“Tommy’s discs.” Tubbo corrects,but he doesn’t acknowledge the teen’s input.
“It was such a simple thing to do. Hand me the discs. Maybe I would have given them back eventually. But you had to fight back. You had to separate yourselves, and start a war. You made it all ugly, and by making me the bad guy, you made me ugly too. I don’t understand. I just wanted you guys to listen to me.”
“You wanted to control us” Tubbo protested, “Like puppets on a string. You wanted us to bend at your will. We’re our own damn people, Dream. We’re not dolls for you to play ‘house’ with.”
“I know you’re too young to understand.” Dream sighs, giving him a small smile.
“It's okay . I forgive you. I forgive each and everyone of you.”
“What about George and Sapnap? Do you think this is what they want?” Tubbo switches tactics, desperate to make the man see reason. Tired of gripping the metal, he too sits on the cold netherite floor.
“George and Sapnap don’t know what they want.” Dream snaps irritatedly. Seemingly hitting the nail on its head, Tubbo plows on.
“Oh,really? Do you think Bad would let you do this? You think he’ll come in here willingly?”
“He goes wherever Skeppy goes.” He waves dismissively.
“Ah,yes, because Bad is so down with Skeppy being tossed into jail.”
“I’m not tossing Skeppy into the jail! Tub- Tubbo, you know this isn’t a jail, right?”
“Then what is it, Dream? What is this, with the iron bars and doors and obsidian? Sam himself built it, and he says it’s a prison. What is it?”
He doesn’t reply at first, fiddling with the cracked and damaged mask in his hands.
“I’m pretty fond of the moniker Pandora’s Vault.” He smiles softly at Tubbo, sending a chill up his spine.
“Yeah. A vault is where people store valuables.”
“I- I do know what a vault is! That’s not my… did you just completely miss the part where I said we’re people? We’re not like those shiny things that you’d stuff into an enderchest.” He sputtered indignantly, at an almost loss for words. Dream wheezes and hauls himself up, dusting off his pants.
“Enderchest is actually kind of a cool name for it. I might just consider rebranding! I like to call it a vault, Tubbo, because a vault is where you store precious things. And to me, there’s nothing more precious than family.”
He walks back over to the crafting table, unaware of the other slowly losing his composure.
“You’re not my family.” He whispers.
Dream picks up on the dread and terror in Tubbos voice. He sets the planks back down gently.
“Remember when we were in the same team competing in MCC?” and how can Tubbo forget that? Standing side by side with your sworn enemy, wearing the same colours with undeniable pride.
“Remember how I helped you train? How we trained together, and I gave you advice and support? Didn’t you like that ? I was like a mentor to you, like an older brother! Don’t you want an older brother? You won’t have to be alone anymore.”
“I’m not alone! I have an actual family, Dream. I don’t need you. I’ve got my whole cabinet. Do I need to remind you that I’m the bloody president, not some weak baby you need to soothe? I’ve got Phil, and Wil-Ghostbur, and I’ve got Tech… I’ve got Ranboo and Niki, and Tommy. No, not…I don’t…” he protests.
“Tommy? Wilbur? Technoblade? You think Technoblade is better than me ? The people who destroyed your country ? Some fucking family you got there. You know what? Fine. Fine! They’re going to be in here with you anyway. I don’t fucking care. We’re going to be one big happy family whether you like it or not.”
“You’re not my fucking family!” Tubbo screams.
“And you are a child!” Dream roars.
“You’re a little boy playing dress up! Do you think you can fill Wilbur’s shoes? You can barely even measure up to Schlatt! At least Schlatt did something. What have you done with your presidency, Tubbo? What have you done ?”
Tubbo finds himself cowering on the floor as Dream's figure looms above him, face pressed against the bars, jeering.
“Answer me, Tubbo. What have you done ? What have you fucking done?!”
Tubbo sobs.
“I’ll tell you what you’ve done,” he continues.
“You’ve exiled your best friend. You’ve surrounded yourself with a so-called cabinet full of people more kniving and ambitious than you. They think you’re an idiot, no, they know you’re an idiot. You weren’t the first choice, you weren’t even the second.”
Silence reigns once again as Dream walks back to the crafting bench. Tubbo manages to haul himself into the bed, trembling the whole time. He only looks up when the iron door swings open and a shadow is cast over him.
He’s calm again. He’s kind and gentle and nice again as he holds out a wooden box like it’s a peace offering.
It’s a bee hive.
“I know I broke your first one and killed all your bees but I really didn’t mean to.” he sounds apologetic, as close to a ‘sorry’ as Dream can get. When Tubbo doesn’t take the box, he sets it down on the beds edge and then clambers on as well, sitting next to him.
“I didn’t mean to raise my voice either. I was just,” he gestures vaguely “,frustrated.”
He smiles when Tubbo picks up the bee hive and fidgets with it, looking everywhere except for Dream's face.
“There we go! I hope you like it. I’ll pick up some bee’s for you later today or tomorrow, yeah ?”
Dream laughs, pulling the teen into a quick side hug.
“It’s gonna be okay.” He reassures.
“Everything’s gonna be okay.”
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