#c: isengrim
hanzajesthanza · 9 months
stygga this, brenna that. the best part of lady of the lake is in chapter 10 when boreas mun is sitting by his fire roasting a rat for dinner and calls out to dijkstra (in the shadows) to show himself, because he know he’s there. dijkstra comes out and says hi.
then boreas mun is like “and the other guy too” and dijkstra is like “what, WHAT other guy?!” and looks behind himself to see isengrim ALSO popping out of the shadows, like heyy 👋. dijkstra is like what the hell, where did you come from . you were FOLLOWING me?! … just. glossing over that he was. also. following mun .
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horsegirlcahir · 6 days
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ᴛʜᴇ ɪʀᴏɴ ᴡᴏʟғ — of his elven beauty, nothing was left.
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kashuan · 2 years
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some recent isengrim centric sketches... i need 500% more content with him and cahir, completely underutilized dynamic imo...and also have like 1/20th of the ise/dijk sketches i’ve been sitting on for awhile lol
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limerental · 7 months
ficletvember 2023 - day 8
iorveth/roche weird criminals modern au of reason of state or something
Though an elite team of unsavory characters has agreed to work together with the hopes of assassinating the shady CEO of Redanian Industries, that doesn't mean they have to like each other.
content warning for canon-typical violence and a mostly non-explicit blowjob
The intercom crackled.
"Shit, pack it in, lads, our man's long gone."
A moment later, the staccato hum of the helicopter rising from the roof of the factory confirmed the announcement. Radovid had fucking gotten away again.
With their mission failed, animosity predictably reignited among the ragtag crew of would-be assassins. 
"I fuckin' had him. One damn floor away. If you'd kept those heavies off me on that platform–"
"Ah, my mistake, Vernon. I had assumed you preferred your skull attached to your head. You were too close together to take a–”
“Thought you used to be a better fuckin' shot than that. You losin’ your touch? Your eyes goin’ bad, Iorveth? Can you see this?”
A distant middle finger, blurred through the lens of a scope.
“Permission to shoot him, boss?”
“Sorry, denied,” grumbled Dijkstra’s voice through the intercom. “Unfortunately, we need the unpleasant little bastard. Quit bitching and get out of there. All of you.”
There came a chorus of affirmatives from the crew. Geralt, already in the lobby. Isengrim, packing up in the building opposite. Philippa, disappearing easily into the crowded streets.
“Triss,” called Roche. “Law enforcement?”
“Thirty minutes out,” said Triss, her soft voice warped by the distance. Her van was somewhere down on the streets, parked in a discrete location. “I scrambled their comms but–”
“No rush then.”
“Fuckin’ hell–”
"Roche, don't."
“Damn it, someone make sure he doesn’t kill–”
Roche’s intercom clicked off. 
For a few moments, having clicked off his own noisy comms, Iorveth trailed the barrel of his rifle after the figure scurrying across the roof in the unearthly blur of his night vision scope. He considered how much trouble he’d be in if he took a shot after all. Just a few warning shots whizzing near his ankles. Couldn't hurt.
He leaned away with a sigh and rolled his stiff neck and shoulders, beginning to pack away his rifle. A dozen flights of stairs separated this floor from the lower roof below, but the elevator was already pinging.
Iorveth amused himself imagining Roche jogging in place in the little box as it rose.
All that furious energy wasted just for a chance to hit him once or twice before they had to flee as the building was inevitably surrounded.
The door whooshed open just as he clicked the last latch shut on his packed equipment, and the man descended on him, all but vibrating with rage.
Iorveth deflected a punch with his forearm and jabbed with his own hit that Roche twisted easily away from. There was no real sense in hand to hand fighting like this, both of them too well-matched and too familiar. Each strike inspired a fluid counterstrike. They circled the empty room, locked in a stalemate.
There’d been a time when Iorveth would have played dirtier, unafraid to knock the man’s head against a nearby surface in a move that could split his skull in two. Similarly, Roche did not pull the gun from its holster on his thigh and let loose the way he may once have.
Things had been simpler when Roche was special ops and Iorveth part of a now defunct terrorist organization. For now, they were on the same team, and it wouldn’t do to maim or dismember one another before fulfilling their goal. 
After Radovid was dead, no holds barred.
Time ticked by. This building would be buzzing with cops before long.
Roche managed to pin Iorveth with a rough shove against the long span of windows, the city lights glowing on his furrowed brow. 
When their mouths met, the crush of their bodies together was no less furious.
Roche tugged at his braided hair, and Iorveth bit his lip hard. When hands fumbled at his belt, tugging, Iorveth caught them.
“No time for that,” he said. They’d have enough trouble escaping the building as it was. Iorveth could imagine the panicked demands and warnings buzzing from their silenced comms.
Unfortunately, the bastard couldn't resist a challenge. 
“There’s time,” Roche grunted and went hard to his knees. 
Sirens echoed in the distance. Iorveth shoved back the slouch of Roche's beanie to run his palms along his buzzed scalp.
"Hurry up," he said, even the hot pleasure of the mouth stretched around his cock not enough to dull his awareness of how close they were cutting it.
Roche pulled back a moment, breathing in sharp pants.
"You're usually more of a hairpin trigger," he grumbled.
"Maybe you're boring me."
"Fuck you."
The renewed focus and intensity brought him to the edge and over in a few quick breaths, and the warm twitch of his belly had barely waned before Roche was on his feet and had him by the collar.
Roche grunted as his back hit the wall, Iorveth punching the flash of the button to call the elevator even as he sucked a red mark onto the man's stubble-rough throat. When the door pinged and slid open, they fell inside with Iorveth's thigh crooked between Roche's legs. Roche gripped the bar along the wall and rutted up against him as the elevator hummed to life and plunged.
Iorveth watched dark eyelashes flutter as his mouth dropped open, almost pretty.
Later, sprawled out across the dark sheets of their shared high-rise apartment, he'd like to take his time and really watch the way this man's expression lost its stubborn tension momentarily at the cusp of his pleasure. 
The fluorescent lights flickered into the red glow of shutdown just as they crashed into a lobby swarmed with policemen. 
They'd have been wholly fucked had Geralt not appeared suddenly to beckon them down a side corridor. A full-tilt sprint took them through a maintenance hallway and out the other side of the building to crouch together behind a dumpster, listening for the roar of Triss' getaway van. 
"Bastard just had to get a fuckin' punch in," grunted Iorveth as he leaned, breathing hard, against the slump of Roche's shoulder.
"Sure," said Geralt as he eyed Iorveth's undone belt. "We'll go with that."
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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VIKTORIYA VAYS; the corpo ice queen, cyberpunk 2077 (x.x.x)
you know i reign supreme, you can’t imitate her.
pinterest // playlist
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I like the Gwent minigame, yet the unit strength / effects keep confusing me. What do you mean there's just one copy of C card? I had 2 or 3 different ones. Not even from the same location. They were a legal part of decks. "Mockers". E.g. Geralt of Rivia (12 instead of 15), Isengrim Faoiltiarna (15 instead of 10). #📯☠🐿
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aen-consilium · 5 years
Positivity evening at Lully’s. (aka me randomly writing nice things about u all)
@toruvielaepsihiel BABE BABE BABE. You are a wonderful human being and writing with u both ooc and ic is such a pleasure!!! please stop apologizing for bothering me because I love every moment you do that. It’s great to see you getting more and more bold in RPing and I am so glad my Isengrim brought ur ass here??? literally, I would say u are my greatest achievement of this blog uwu. I can’t wait to experience even more awesome thingies with u and our bastard muses. <3
@diguerra your blog has literally awake my love for Warcraft universe again. I hated it so much because of current expansions, I quit playing it, I wanted to forget that game have ever existed. But reading ur blog just... shows me there are still those things I love???? ur writing is so wonderful I live with every thing I read from you, I can’t wait to see your next posts! also ur strong females are such my cup of tea and your passion for them ahhh. Just keep being awesome t h a  n k you.
@lwiica mmmmm. Your bring to life characters others would easily forget about and I love this so much. Your passion for your charas is so i n c r e d i b l e, I love fiding out about your hcs&seeing all of the edits u make! (esp that genealogy tree wtf that was insane). I stan you so much for feeding as all with powerful female royal charas.
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
appendix blog part last
“listen to ghoul get angry about linguistic diversity”
So the next appendix is E: WRITING AND SPELLING, and idk how much I am going to care about this. I kept accidentally reading the part saying that ‘Bolger’ has a soft G in it, so my instinct is to not read any of this. I NEVER use J sounds if I can help it, even going so far as to mispronounce proper names by reading it as either Y or H. Therefore, I’m not reading this section. But I really do appreciate the subheading ‘S T R E S S’
A sort of interesting thing about Tengwar is that it’s supposed to be not so much an alphabet as a set of signs you can map to whatever sounds you are feeling. They wanted it to be really widely applicable, although it seems like this would be really confusing if the language just, didn’t work at all like Quenya. Also there are 24 letters  arranged as a matrix of 4 series vs 6 grades. Series are where the sound is (labial, dental, et c) and grades are what you are doing (aspirating, stopping, et c). Extremely tidy, just as I would expect of a language system made by Feanaro Finwion. However, also as you would expect of, well, Quendi in general, every single letter has a dumb fanciful name that probably has some deep metaphorical significance.
Can I just say, it’s frankly astonishing that you all wanted to read me blogging about this.
Westron has become the native language of nearly everyone who lives in Arnor/Gondor. Okay, why though? Is it just because Numenoreans Were Here First? They weren’t, there were even plenty of Edain during the second age. Numenoreans just declared themselves rulers and everyone was like “yeah you have good technology and seem to be pretty good at murders” I guess. I dunno it just seems like Tolkien is sacrificing linguistic diversity for convenience within the story and his own weird elitism.
...No, wait a minute, it might be because the total population of Gondorians and former Arnorians is just way bigger than every other population. Not the Rohirrim, who still do have their own native language, but I get the sense that everyone in the north used to be subjects of Arnor and had to learn Westron. Even elves learned it, possibly because Numenoreans were the only humans they cared enough about to talk to. Now it’s a trade language.
The Elves far back in the Elder Days became divided into two main branches: the West-elves (Eldar) and the East-elves. Of the latter kind were most of the elven-folk of Mirkwood and Lórien; but their languages do not appear in this history, in which all the Elvish names and words are of Eldarin form.
Fuck you. No um I’m sure he just had too many languages on his plate already. But!! I hate this weird thing where languages Tolkien personally thinks are superior end up dominating populations, even when it doesn’t make much sense for them to do so! Same thing with Dunedain deciding Sindarin is better than their native language because they are gay for the abstract concept of elves. Nobody does that!! Tolkien paints it as tragic that Gondorians lose Sindarin as a native language! He does not value linguistic diversity for its own sake what kind of linguist is he!!!
Hobbits historically have had the tendency to adopt whatever language the humans nearby are speaking, which is curious given their reputation for being extremely hard for humans to find. Why would they need to use human languages  if they are hiding from humans? I think there ought to be hobbit languages is all. Anyway apparently the last language they used before coming to Arnor was Rohirrin(?)-adjacent; their name, hobbit, comes from the same root as holbytla, hole-builder. Cute!
Says here the ents are so long-winded even Eldar didn’t bother to try to write anything in entish or learn it. Ents talked freely, secure in the knowledge that Eru’s children just didn’t have the patience to snoop. Whereas ents love learning other languages, so they get to snoop on everyone.
The strange words and names that the Hobbits record as used by Treebeard and other Ents are thus Elvish, or fragments of Elf-speech strung together in Ent-fashion. Some are Quenya: as Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna Tumbaletaerëa Lómëanor, which may be rendered 'Forestmanyshadowed-deepvalleyblack Deepvalleyforested Gloomyland', and by which Treebeard meant, more or less: 'there is a black shadow in the deep dales of the forest'.
This is a fascinating insight into entish grammar. I love the idea of a language whose grammar is “mash some concepts together to create a Feeling about what you are trying to say.” That’s very me. That is how I talk sometimes when I am not very verbal.
The word uruk of the Black Speech was applied as a rule only to the great soldier-orcs that at this time issued from Mordor and Isengard. The lesser kinds were called, especially by the Uruk-hai, snaga 'slave'.
Oh shit I thought Snaga was his name. I feel terrible for him now. Or, like, it was his name and it was the worst name ever.
Next is a note on translation. The best part of the whole appendices is the bit where it says Pippin was addressing Denethor as “thee” the whole time so everyone thought he had a rank equal to the Steward. This is especially silly because presumably he noticed that humans use formal pronouns but just didn’t bother to try to fit in--this implies that he didn’t understand the significance of “you” and just thought it was more or less a direct synonym. I wish Tolkien had written the hobbits using “thou” in the book, although it wouldn’t have had the same connotations to modern audiences I suppose.
The more learned and able among the Hobbits had some knowledge of 'book-language', as it was termed in the Shire; and they were quick to note and adopt the style of those whom they met. It was in any case natural for much-travelled folk to speak more or less after the manner of those among whom they found themselves...
Oho! It’s because he doesn’t study enough and is incautious and carefree. What a lad. Talks then about the Anglicization of Adunaic names to give a feeling of Englishness--archaic English usages, different name endings being masculine of feminine, et c.
In some old families such as the Tooks and the Bolgers, it was the custom to give high-sounding first-names. Since most of these seem to have been drawn from legends of the past, and many while now meaningless to Hobbits closely resembled the names of Men in the Vale of Anduin, or in Dale, or in the Mark, I have turned them into those old names, largely of Frankish and Gothic origin, that are still used by us or are met in our histories. I have thus at any rate preserved the often comic contrast between the first-names and surnames, of which the Hobbits themselves were well aware.
As VV pointed out... It’s Good. I like to imagine Bolgers trying to come up with the sillest given name that just doesn’t go with Bolger at all. Isengrim would have been a good one, I can’t remember what family he was from.
Meriadoc was chosen to fit the fact that this character's shortened name. Kali, meant in the Westron 'jolly, gay', though it was actually an abbreviation of the now unmeaning Buckland name Kalimac.
Yes!! I’m so glad I finally hear what Kali means. I wonder if Tolkien came up with the English name or the Adunaic name first? I’m guessing English, that seems like how he rolls in this series. Aww Sam’s name means “he’s kinda dumb,” in archaic Adunaic. Leave him alone.
Last, here’s the explanation of ‘Brandywine,’ which I like very much in its complicated series of interwoven puns.
The hobbit-names of this river were alterations of the Elvish Baranduin, derived from baran 'golden brown' and duin '(large) river'. Brandywine seemed a natural corruption in modern times. Actually the older hobbit-name was Branda-nîn 'border-water', which would have been more closely rendered by Marchbourn; but by a jest that had become habitual, referring again to its colour, at this time the river was usually called Bralda-hîm 'heady ale'.
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lunedin · 7 years
G. I. R. L., U. A. R. E. C. O. O. L. ;) (now that's a lot of people haha) (made sure I got in an A there for avallac'h he's important)
You are cool too! ;)
Soo..here we go!:
G: Gaunter O'Dimm >:)
I: Isengrim Faoiltiarna, yes I really like him ok?
R: Rittersporn (German name of Dandelion)
L: Lagertha..gotta get some Vikings in here
U: Ubbe (again..Vikings :’) )
A: Avallac'h ;)
R: Roach :)))
C: Caranthir :P
O: Olgierd von Everec ^^
O: Orianna, ‘cause..why not? :’)
L: Lambert ;)
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
#witcherweekly: aug. 6
milva saves geralt and dandelion
august 6th, day — baptism of fire, ch. 2 — geralt and dandelion, after crossing the ribbon, get drawn into a rainy downpour and run into hawkers mistaking them for elves, getting into a fight which they barely survive were it not for milva, who intervenes as she catches up with them
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they find and free cahir
it is then when they find cahir, who was sent in a box by isengrim faoiltiarna, scoia’tael commander. they free him, but go separate ways. geralt comes close to killing him, but for some reason cannot bring himself to…
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isengrim describing the passage of cahir, from chapter 5
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they ride on through the warzone
back to chapter 2 — the beginnings of the company continue travelling through the warzone, but not before they witness a battle, trapped to watch with a fire behind them and the battle in front of them.
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and one of my favorite lines from the book:
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hanzajesthanza · 3 years
Sorry to bother you, but what chapters does Isengrim appear in Baptism of Fire?
i assume you mean for the famous honey episode? it's chapter five, it is a point of view shift from when milva and cahir are speaking and use the "it is a long story" device to switch to a different point of view.
pg. 189 gollancz 2nd edition / pg. 206-7 superNOWA 3rd edition
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aen-consilium · 5 years
🌻 🐰🦋 🧦🌳🍎⚠️ 🕰️💫🗑️ ay
TEXTS || accepting! || modern setting
🌻 a worried text.
[to: Aschula] are u alright, babe? u seemed terrible quiet this evening. Should I come over???
[to: Aschula] I will bring your favourite wine.
[to: Aschula] and some good lube.
🐰 a goofy text.
[to: Aschula] listen
[to: Aschula] did u know
[to: Aschula] there are white animals??? like w h o le white? wow
[to: Aschula] I want that fur on my floor
🦋 a loving text.
[to: Aschula] are u asleep?
[to: Aschula] please call me if not
[to: Aschula] I wanna hear u before I sleep
[to: Aschula] It’s the more soothing sound to my ears
🧦 a half-asleep text.
[to: Aschula] check out the oven plz i dont remember if i took out chicken it can be fried black by now i hope now what t he fuck even i aam sorry
🌳 a happy text.
[to: Eldain] omg I saw you and Isengrim on the date today :eyes:
[to: Eldain] ‘I don’t believe in love’ huh?
[to: Eldain] I am so happy for you two, seriously, please make it work.
🍎 an apologetic text.
[to: Eldain] alright that fistfight wasn’t needed I am sorry
[to: Eldain] yes I know I was one being annoyed first
[to: Eldain] so let’s forget it, please, it was stupid to argue over it.
🕰️ an early morning text.
[to: Eldain] I neeeeed you, E l d a i n. You promised to come e a r l y.
[to: Eldain] What are you even dooooing, please.
💫 a late night text.
[to: Eldain] Do you think we became a stars after our deaths? do we shine as bright as  our character during life? are we later being a guide to generations after us, always here to show them the right path?
🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.
[to: nuisance] I apologize for my attitude towards you. It wasn’t fair to judge you so quickly. Please, let’s meet one day and try to repair our relationship.
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
[to: nuisance] You were... taking my breath away tonight. Your silky raven strands contrasted against your white robes so beautifully I couldn’t turn my head away. Though I found myself in no interest in bodies; yours kept me captive this evening. If anything I wanted to have on my walls - it would be memory of you from day that passed.
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aen-consilium · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.    Isengrim Faoiltiarna NICKNAME.    Wolf. Wolf Lord. Iron Wolf. GENDER.    male HEIGHT.     193 cm AGE.   around 300 ZODIAC.    taurus SPOKEN LANGUAGES.    common,  elder speech, nilfgaardian
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.    dark brown EYE COLOR.    chocolate SKIN TONE.    tan BODY TYPE.    muscular  yet underweight ACCENT.     not hearable, he speaks clear languages VOICE.   here DOMINANT HAND.    right. POSTURE.   a bit leaning to the front; relaxed yet ready to react SCARS.    too many to count. He is famous for one that is disortting his face, though. TATTOOS.    on his back BIRTHMARKS.    none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    he has canines & pretty short ears what makes him wonders for ages if he is a half-elf; his scar - of course, 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.    some nameless elven village, probably now non-existing HOMETOWN.    same BIRTH WEIGHT.    who cares BIRTH HEIGHT.    ^ MANNER OF BIRTH.    first child of young mother; it was almost painless yet very stressfull  FIRST WORDS.    mom SIBLINGS.   one younger brother/half-brother  Berngar PARENTS.    father ??? mother - Daihmin PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.    Father was missing since Isengrim could remember; yet his brother was born somehow, r i g h t? He was told he died somehow tragically yet no details. He was very close with his mother&brother but also mother’s brother family living next to them. They were basically one damn big family who loves each other.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.   hunter scoia’tael leader CURRENT RESIDENCE.     Zerrikania CLOSE FRIENDS.    he doesn’t keep contact with most of them since his escape RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   that fucker stole his heart somehow FINANCIAL STATUS.    he doesn’t own a single thing that isn’t needed for basic survival DRIVER’S LICENSE.    - CRIMINAL RECORD.    xD w a r    c r i m i n al VICES.   has little or no morality; cruel; lives for simply pleasures; numb yet he doesn’t show it; domination complex; violent even with close friends; afraid of hurting those who are close to him to a point he covers things with white lies
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   bisexual chaotic energy tm ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   demiromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive |  dominant  | switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive  | dominant  |  switch. LIBIDO.    ugh. There is a tale about succubus dying out of exhaustion after having sex with famed Iron Wolf. :) TURN ON’S.    b l o o d, screams, an opportunity to hurt someone TURN OFF’S.     refrain from his violence; losing control LOVE LANGUAGE.    simple - little flowery you can experience with him. He isn’t much expressive; his actions speaks much louder than his words. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.    escpaing from anything serious; too afraid to lose those who are close to him once again. Friends with benefits is his way to go. Yet he has soft heart to keep protection on pretty younger ones&they are quick to melt his heart.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.    I am gonna add one when I  find something perfectly fitting.
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.     fighting, drinking, fucking. He never had time to develop other. MENTAL ILLNESSES.    ptsd. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.    being underweight for long long years destroyed his body in many ways. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    right brain. PHOBIAS.    being controlled, people around him dying, him being the last of his own kind, not being able to protect elves he has under himself. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.    please. He knows who he is, he knows what he achieved, he is not gonna pretend he is someone else&that he doesn’t believe in himself. VULNERABILITIES.   he is pretending to be chill and to not care about himself; but his all life was sacrificed for sake of others and he never stopped sacrificing himself for Scoia’tael - he is simply unable to do so. Yet, he is walking tragedy in fact - deeply hurt, slowly losing his wits and memory, n u m b in too many ways. Broken by war like all of them yet he learnt to love taste of blood.
TAGGED BY:    @gynvaell
TAGGING: too tired to even do, steal it for me
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aen-consilium · 5 years
@thequarrelsome​ ‘Was that anger or foreplay?’
     Isengrim wasn’t eager to throw fight at anyone nowadays; yet sometimes when some poor lonely soul entered his territory&was armed, Faoiltiarna didn’t step back from that occasion. He was a battle veteran; a d d i c t e d to thrill of battle - to screams of pain. It was too easy to go completely mad without it.
     Well, as hell, he didn’t expect to cross his path with a witcher - quick response from other made Iron Wolf to drop delicate elven sabre in contact with other’s steel; he didn’t even turn his head after it. Elf reached for an axe with a wicked smirk growing on his wolfish features, circling other, his steps almost as light as feather falling on the ground.
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     ‘Let’s continue so we can find out, dh’oine! I must say, I didn’t bed witcher yet.’
     Soon after light-hearted words Isengrim rushed forward to clash with other once again; this time with proper caution.
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aen-consilium · 5 years
“You’re lost in this world. Wandering without a purpose.” ; isengrim
Questions/Comments to be sent // ALWAYS damned open
     Wolf Lord chuckled at other’s words, hazelnut eyes rather warmly laid on Eldain. There was no sadness or anger on his face; just chilled acceptance of said words - as they were more a fact than anything else about him. 
    ‘Discovering obvious will not bring you applause, me Cerbin. But you see, even if you have no purpose you can still enjoy your journey.’ a moment&Isengrim was closer, m u c h closer to ex-commander. But there was no aggresive pull of hair or anything usual for Faoiltiarna. Instead, he rested his own forehead against Eldain’s.
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    ‘Especially journey with great company is pure pleasure.’
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