#callout mention
villains4hire · 11 months
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//I think where I'm at now? Despite how people are sometimes or act? I would say that being in the rpc on tumblr if you like writing characters or creating is probably the best platform out there currently. There's brigading or brainlet anons, but one little IP tracker tacked into your inbox and open about it? Suddenly that downside closes off as it's easy to recognize a pattern if they keep it up to block someone IP wise. Then most are too afraid when they realize they can't hide, but let it go, only pursue if they keep it up. Even then, just block at first, confront later- try not to be deranged about it. As any callouts truly deserving of it like for some stuff that would trip my 'bar' in my rules? Then yeah, that won't save you and probably shouldn't. Even then I don't suggest most yee. I try to just keep this a fun zone then me talking ooc when it calls for it.
//The rpc has its ups and downs and there are a lot of questionable things at times? But you curate your own experience here, no one else, remember that. No one is entitled to you or whatever info you decide to give or decide to hear even, no one on here matters unless you want them to. You create your own little online community, if people like it? They'll come to you or willingly interact with you, just know that you're great and stuff. And that the place you are now is the one you create it to be here. Which is why I'm happy with the people I surround myself with and I know they are too.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 6 months
If you are the kind of person who stays up late and you lose your absolute fucking mind around the same time every night (anxiety, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, etc), then that is your body telling you that you need to sleep. Listen to your body. Go to bed.
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saudadite · 5 months
honestly imo trans guys who believe in transandrophobia, especially as being perpetrated by transfems, and trans guys who disavow transandrophobia but consistently malign trans fems on here as being pedophile rapists etc are functionally the same. both presuppose an innocence and moral defensibility based on being cafab, both fundamentally view transfems as being male predators/wielding male privilege or power, and both utilise callouts, campaigns of harassment and ostracisation, and allegations of problematicity/moral degeneracy to punish transfems who dont conform to their views of how trans women should exist. 2 sides of the same transmisogynistic coin
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boinky-spoinky · 3 months
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They are even excusing it as “coping mechanism” when we all know damn well that aint helping that disgusting shit aint helping, i know victims of abuse copes differently, i am the victim of those things but drawing the smiling critters in horrific or even horrible traumatic non consensual actions is not the right way of moving on, there are better ways to help you, believe me drawing smiling critters, hell even children in non consensual actions is not the right way to help you. If your the victim of these tragedies, I understand you and excusing it as hypersexuality isnt an excuse either, so if you know @ Pachi_rizuu, block him and report and if he ever sees thing, im sorry what you went through, no human being ever deserves to be in that situation, but coping hy drawing cp isn’t helping..
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thankstothe · 6 days
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nebulouscoffee · 11 months
The thing about Kai Winn's storyline ultimately being a tragedy is, it's not only a tragedy because her fate (in the eyes of the non-linear Prophets) was already known and nothing she did or said was ever going to make them acknowledge her- not only because she wanted so badly to have a big role to play in the grand, historic story of the newly independent Bajor and just couldn't handle the fact that she was never meant to- not only because the Prophets spoke to Sisko and Bareil and Kira and literally even Quark but not her- not only because she was deceived and raped and killed in the end- but most of all because, it was partly her love of Bajor that killed her.
Think about it- her whole regression during that final arc with Dukat is so tragic precisely because she was THIS close to redemption! Throughout the show, we see that her brain processes information in very rigid, binary ways: if you are not my ally, then you are my enemy. If you disagree with even one of my opinions, you are my enemy. If you refuse to endorse and support me in this mission, you are my enemy. That's part of why she's so easily swayed by fascist rhetoric, I think- she's just unable to cope with nuance. (This is foreshadowed in 'Shakaar', where she puts the whole of Bajor under martial law just because Shakaar disagreed with her over how she was handling soil reclamators.) Her personal narrative is I am the one who will save Bajor -> anyone who gets in my way is my enemy and therefore an enemy of Bajor -> I must stop them using any force necessary for the good of Bajor because I am after all the one who will save Bajor.
But when Sisko discovers the city of B'hala in 'Rapture', she is for the first time forced to accept the truth that he really hasn't been faking this whole "talks to the Prophets" thing- he's the real deal. We learn later on (when she tells "Anjohl" about how she honestly felt nothing the first time she saw the wormhole open) that a small, small part of her actually always doubted the existence of the Prophets. Now, she is faced with definitive proof that they are not only very real, but they also really do have a bond with Sisko. And for a while, she even comes to terms with this! In fact, at the end of the episode, she and Kira have possibly their first completely honest exchange:
KIRA: Maybe we're the ones who need to trust the Prophets. For all we know, this is part of their plan. Maybe they've told Captain Sisko everything they want him to know.  WINN: Perhaps. I suppose you heard that Bajor will not join the Federation today. The Council of Ministers has voted to delay acceptance of Federation membership.  KIRA: You must be very pleased.  WINN: I wish I were. But things are not that simple. Not anymore. Before Captain Sisko found B'hala, my path was clear. I knew who my enemies were. But now? Now nothing is certain.  KIRA: Makes life interesting, doesn't it?
Like, YASS babygirl- you too can learn to handle nuance!! I believe in you!!💪💪
And later on, at the onset of the Dominion War, she comes to Sisko for advice herself. She doesn't want to see her planet colonised again, and she's even willing to put aside her desire to be the main character to ensure it doesn't happen. Driven by pride and the need for power as she is, she is also driven by the desire save Bajor (and preferably be the one saving Bajor, which is the subsection of this desire that ultimately ends up being her downfall) - and she does briefly decide that cooperating with the Emissary is the best way to do this! I think about this scene from 'In The Cards' so much:
WINN: ... I have asked the Prophets to guide me, but they have not answered my prayers. I even consulted the Orb of Wisdom before coming here and it has told me nothing. So I come to you, Emissary. You have heard the voice of the Prophets. You were sent here to guide us through troubled times. Tell me what to do and I will do it. How can I save Bajor?  SISKO: You want my advice? Then this is it. Stall. Tell Weyoun you have to consult with the Council of Ministers, or that you have to meditate on your response. Anything you want, but you have to stall for time.  WINN: Time for what?  SISKO: I don't know. But I do know the moment of crisis isn't here yet, and until that moment arrives we have to keep Bajor's options open. I'm aware that this is difficult for you, given our past, but this time you have to trust me.  (Winn holds Sisko's left ear.)  WINN: Very well, Emissary. We put ourselves in your hands. May we all walk with the Prophets.
In the earlier seasons, Winn would often casually make claims that the Prophets had "told her" something, or that she was just "doing what the Prophets asked"- and her political position as Kai always allowed her to just lie about being in contact with them all the time. Now, you can see the sheer humility- the embarrassment, even- on her face as she (for the first time) openly admits to Sisko that she has never actually heard them speak before; and that they clearly "prefer" him. Yes, there's some (understandable imo) bitterness here- but not at him, at THEM. And when she tries to read his pagh at the end- something she probably does to dozens of people every day, most of whom would unquestioningly believe anything she declares afterwards- she doesn't even try to pretend she felt anything there. It's one of her most genuine moments in the whole show, you can just SEE the redemption arc in reach and it's so heartbreaking!!
I think 'The Reckoning' is a huge episode for her too, for many reasons- but let's talk about how it sets up this fascinating parallel between her and Kira (who Odo describes in this episode as having "both faith and humility"). The Prophets choose Kira as their "vessel" because she was "willing"- meanwhile, Winn was right there just begging to be a part of this! Here she is, with a Prophet right in front of her face- and she prays and postures and begs and prays some more, all just to get ignored. Kira's brand of faith is very, "I am ultimately insignificant and I surrender my power and my body and pagh to the Prophets"- Winn's is more, "if I do all the right things, then I will be able to prove to the Prophets that I am worthy of their attention, worthier than everyone else, and maybe then they'll appoint me the saviour of Bajor! It's My Destiny, You See!! (Why Isn't This Happening For Me??)" And the events of this episode are kind of a big slap in the face to her honestly, because they sort of prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Prophets have no interest in her. Maybe stopping the battle was also an attempt at regaining some kind of agency with them- I DID THIS, I pulled a switch and it had a direct effect on the Prophets, so there!! (Whatever that effect entails). She does care about Bajor. Of course she does. But her ideal configuration of Bajor involves her being a major player in its salvation, which she was just never meant to be. And this is why she's so tragically susceptible to Dukat's manipulation- he was the first person ever to tell her everything she always wanted to hear.
And the intriguing thing about Dukat's deception is, it doesn't all fall apart at one go. It falls apart in layers. And this makes for some excellent, excellent Winn characterisation imo.
First, she thinks the pah wraiths are the Prophets- and they tell her, hey, The Sisko has faltered, Bajor needs you, and only you can fix this. Good lord, imagine finally getting to hear those words after a lifetime of silence! And it's very telling that her first reaction isn't to gloat like she would've in the earlier seasons, but instead to humbly- even anxiously- pray. Bajor needs her, the "Prophets" have asked her to do something, this is her moment! Then, this random lovely Bajoran farmer comes in and tells her even more things she has always wanted to hear- that her activism during the Occupation (ignored by Kira and Sisko alike) saved lives, that he always wondered why the Prophets would choose an alien as their Emissary, that surely Sisko and his followers were mistaken- and finally, "our world will be reborn- with YOU as its leader". Sounds good, right? But THEN she finds out she's been speaking to the pah wraiths and the lovely farmer is a devil worshipper actually. And she tries the "wash away my sins" approach- she wants some kind of quick fix ritual that will "purify" her, so she can continue to be Kai the right way. She even admits to Kira that she's always been power hungry and she wants to change- and I believe her! Unfortunately, Kira then tells her something she doesn't want to hear- that she has to step down as Kai. And surely that can't be, right? She's the saviour of Bajor! She's so complex... it's not simply her love of power that this scene reveals imo, but more significantly, her inability to see herself as not a vital part of Bajor's history; of this whole larger narrative. Like-
WINN: I'm a patient woman. But I have run out of patience. I will no longer serve gods who give me nothing in return. "GIVE ME"!! ADAMI MY BESTIE MY GIRL MY BUDDY THEREIN LIES THE PROBLEM!!!
So, okay, fine, now she's swayed over to the side that maybe the Prophets aren't that great, and maybe the pah wraiths are the true gods of Bajor (because they were willing to talk to her), and maybe she's okay working with the devil worshipper. But then it turns out he's DUKAT- and at this point, she's literally murdered someone, she's ready to stop this, to go back to Sisko and set things right- but then the book of the Kosst Amojan lights up because of the blood she spilled. She did that. It happened as a direct result of her actions. She's just so desperate to be acknowledged... to have a role to play in all this, no matter who offers it to her. So the pah wraiths actually giving her a reaction isn't something she can resist. And here's where things get even more tragic.
WINN: But the prophecies! They warn that the release of the Pah wraiths will mean the end of Bajor.  DUKAT: The old Bajor, perhaps. But from its ashes a new Bajor will arise and the Restoration will begin.  WINN: Who will be left to see it?  DUKAT: Those the gods find worthy. It will be the dawn of paradise. And you, Adami, are destined to rule it.  WINN: You're sure of that?  DUKAT: It is meant to be.
Again with the ease at which she's swayed by fascist rhetoric! Let's be clear, she was (and is) absolutely against the Cardassian Occupation. But her worldview is built on the pursuit of being "worthier" than everyone else, of being "closer to god" than everyone else- her expectation of faith is that it's some sort of determiner of who's doing it The Most Effectively, rather than it being a practice- and she just completely misses that any sort of plan that executes masses and spares whoever is deemed "worthy" is... literally exactly what people like Dukat did to her planet. Something something faith as competition, faith as determiner of inherent superiority, faith as a way to gain power via proximity to god… never faith as submission. And the worst part is she’s self-aware. It’s heartbreaking.
And it's about to get even more heartbreaking, because she truly believes she has arrived at her girlboss moment in the finale (I think the tragedy of her being a rape victim and knowing this and having to hide the body of the one (1) person who was looking out for her while being stuck with her rapist speaks for itself.) After kicking Dukat out on the street (lol), she studies the eeevil texts and realises that to set the pah wraiths free, you need to make a sacrifice. So now she gets to deceive him in return. And she does! The look of shock on his face when he discovers she poisoned him is priceless imo, and her triumph as she taunts his dead body, the sheer joy on her face as she casts off her Kai robes, when she recites those incantations and something actually happens- and that too such a large pyrotechnic spectacle- is so sad knowing what's coming. Because ultimately, the pah wraiths want to destroy Bajor, right? And Winn just doesn't. Of course they don't choose her. Of course they choose Dukat over her! She really thought that by tricking and murdering him, she'd made him the unimportant piece of the puzzle, that she was stealing back his thunder- but tragically, it turns out even the pah wraiths see her as disposable. Of course they resurrect Dukat (a man who's proved time and time again that he wants to see Bajor & Bajorans destroyed) and turn her into the sacrifice. The way she screams "NO!" here breaks my heart- she's betrayed her planet, and it was all for nothing. (Dukat's "are you still here?" is particularly devastating.) I think it's very significant that her final words are "Emissary, the book!"- it shows that in her last moments, she's owning her mistakes- she's stepping away from power and putting Bajor first, and leaving her own fate in the hands of the Prophets. Who, of course, once again ignore her, and choose to save Sisko instead. God.
The utter tragedy that even in the pah wraiths' plan, she was just a pawn. That she died at the hands of the gods she thought chose her, but used her, all while the gods she'd coveted her whole life stood by and did nothing. The Prophets chose Sisko because they believed he would put Bajor's interests over even his own- and now they ensure he will be back one day to see the new Bajor. She never will.
Yes, it was her pride that got her here. Her mean streak. Her inability to cope with nuance. Her inability to see herself as ultimately insignificant. Her inability to surrender to a higher power in any way that didn't involve becoming more powerful herself; more relevant, more "close to god". But it was also her love of Bajor. Because if she'd cared about Bajor less, then maybe the pah wraiths might have chosen her- or at least spared her, or taken her to their realm after she burned, the way they did with Dukat. Now, she ends up being the one thing she never wanted to be: insignificant.
Honestly if I had to summarise the tragedy of her arc in one sentence, it would probably be Kai Winn: Too Evil For The Prophets, Not Evil Enough For The Pah Wraiths. She and Dukat are not the same! She is a perfectly pathetic, sad and wet blorbo and I am holding her gently in my hands while apologising for her crimes <3
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weirdrtvscomments · 9 months
Behold, an hlvrai relic from 2021.
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(if you start drama under this you getting the hammer btw)
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Marauder Film has purchased the cinematic rights for Primordia, which is really cool, but to my dismay the promotional poster they showed for the announcement is, to mine and a few friends' observations, AI generated: the art style and anatomy is heavily inconsistent and there are a lot of nonsense details / artifacting. It doesn't look like WWS is aware of this, either:
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And WWS' coder denying it, I'm going to assume out of ignorance:
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I also looked a bit into the studio (initially to figure out whether this was a running trend with them), but frankly it's really difficult to find any concrete information on them at all; most of their website is made up of dead links and profiles that haven't been updated in at least two years. Even the link to Primordia on their "projects" page has been there unchanged since at least 2020, according to the Internet Archive. That isn't necessarily a problem, considering the purchase of the cinematic rights is just the first step and I assume WWS will keep in contact with them, but from a layman's perspective it's weird how this studio doesn't have much(or any) presence film- or social media-wise. I'm very excited to see what comes next from them, but I'm also hesitant. I'm really hoping Primordia gets the adaptation it deserves.
Here's a breakdown of a few AI tells I noticed in the poster art:
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one-for-one · 4 months
This weeks hot take is that wizard101 is a better MMO than WOW. At a certain point the gameplay of warcraft resembles a rythym game more than a battle system, just optimizing your inputs.
Meanwhile in wizard101, every 10 levels or so a new mechanic is added to what starts as a very simple card battler system. The result being that your relationship to the gameplay is constantly building on itself.
You start off with only accuracy and damage to consider, then get given charms and wards to augment those features. Then you become familiar with power pips around when you get your 2 pip spell. Which is also around when your school gimmick is introduced. Then you learn about treasure cards.
By the time you're in arc 2 your entire pip curve has been recontextualized by having a high power pip chance, half your deck is composed of spells from schools you didn't even know existed when you started out, and you're rediscovering something like the early power pip chance in shadow pips, while flexing into other school spells using archmastery.
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theplantbish · 3 months
Imagine adding a source link to your post when sharing media, wouldn't that be so cute? Just a little [x], a sexy little [source]. What if I'm curious about the media you've shared and want to learn more about it? What if I want to see the entire piece of media, not just the little snippet you've shared? And you've thought of that beforehand by adding a source link? That's so sweet, kind and, dare I say, sexy of you
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dogcasino · 4 months
please don't use the safeutdr tag for callouts
posting this publicly since this has come up before and may come up again and i really personally can't deal with it every time this happens. there are a few reasons why this just really isn't a great idea.
first of all posting about these people in the safeutdr tag only will bring their attention to the tag. the tag operates on an honor system the way it remains something we can use is because it doesn't interest people who will post things against the rules. if you are calling them out by name and posting repeatedly about them, there will be interest, they will be pay attention, etc. the tag literally won't be able to serve its purpose anymore.
second if i am (for example) triggered by incest shipping and trying to use the safeutdr tag to avoid seeing or hearing about incest shipping, the first post being a giant callout about how someone ships incest is frankly going to make me stop using the tag. people who want to avoid these subjects won't use the tag anymore. the tag won't be able to serve its purpose anymore.
i am not saying you cannot make warning posts ever but this tag is not the place to do it. please, if you want people to still use the tag as it was originally intended, don't post callouts in the tag. thank you.
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 2 months
my thoughtz abt teh drama now
remember iz juzt my opinion plz don't harazz me over it
well I find thiz drama waz very zhitty,I thought alex waz problematic,groomer n' pedophile bc I believed on doc I don't actually read it in grain of zalt alzo my friend zaid 2 me it that iz not fake n' I believed her,but I zaw teh ppl debunking teh doc that might 2 be fake I became neutral until alex rezponzez teh doc
i could like 2 apologize 4 jumping teh gun before alex rezponzez it waz zhitty on my part n' I zhouldn't 2 believed that doc n' that my friend zaid it
tbh I think alex iz innocent,not fully bc in fact he waz bad partner n' irrezponzible 2 their fanz I'm glad he take accountability of it but he iz ztill innocent
i think teh rezponze waz good rezponze I'm glad he takez accountability of that he did n' teh mozt thingz of teh doc waz fake
if r zaying "that abt teh other docz?" alex don't have 2 review all of them alzo theze r debunked by kirby_PPG on twitter
how I hated ven did that bullzhit doc he went tranzmizogyniztic n' ableizt on that doc n' mizuzed teh word "groomer" n' "parazzocial" damn he did that doc juzt bc they got butt hurted by alex,abt teh relationzhip needz 2 be rezolved IN PRIVATE NOT IN PUBLIC,damn I agree thiz lookz like a high zchool drama 💀 alzo thiz iz other reazon why dating on internet don't alwayz workz
alzo I hate that alex got harazzed n' doxxed,calling him with tranz zlur thiz iz dizguzting,zame if teh doc iz 100% u zhouldn't 2 do that u r putting him n' hiz family in rizk,doxxing iz not n' never will be juztifiable of it I'm glad that dumbazz who doxxed alex got taken down on Twitter but unfortunately teh commentz from hiz yt pozt not...
I'm zad that martin (iz very dizappointing bc I am teh walten filez fan),chezzkidz,teh modz who waz working on TMC FNF modz,blackMEZ,alex kaizo n' etc jumped teh gun before alex rezponzez n' zided teh "victimz" (they ztill zidez with them) n' they literally actz like immature kidz,which thiz iz very unprofezzional tbh (mainly on chezzkidz) I find thiz iz very upzetting
alzo I think mozt VAz (except thorne ig) left iz bc they want 2 zave their azzez from harazzment,doxxing n' zhit,ppl thinkz if u r neutral which meanz u r horrible perzon
i feel bad of alex he don't dezervez that...
twitter iz a huge zhitty platform which everyone hatez each other,harazz ppl n' doxx them too,tell ppl 2 kill themzelvez n' alot of zhit alzo cancel culture iz a huge cancer tho
alzo I might get hated of thiz,but I will zupport alex bc she lozt almozt everything like friendz,employeez,fanz n' etc...I hope they recoverz that...
i hope everything will be fine n' move on teh drama thiz waz very wild...
n' again don't harazz me bc of my opinion iz very zhitty 2 do
n' don't harazz alex,"victimz" n' anyone they never dezerve that.
TLDR;teh drama iz very zhit,I thought alex waz a problematic bc of doc,but after I zaw ppl debunking teh doc I became neutral until alex rezponzez,I think alex iz innocent,not fully but ztill that ven did iz terrible,iz dizguzting that he got doxxed n' harazzed i'm zad that internet horror creatorz that ztill ziding teh victimz,i think mozt of VAz left bc they don't want 2 be attacked twitter zuckz n' I will zupport alex bc of that he zuffered.
alzo I'm zorry that my Englizh iz zhitty,bc iz not my firzt language
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princessmo · 25 days
how are u trying to start a family when THAT'S the way u treat kids. u should be locked up
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licndcnced · 4 months
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I need to make this post, my main blog @adventurouswind was mentioned in a callout post made for another user who is being callout.
It clearly states on my blog that I can't tolerate drama of any kind and I'm not a strong one for most ships, people can choose their ships but that doesn't mean that others need to support their choice.
Drama in general is just toxic as the toxicity on this site is well known, I suffer from a extremely high anxiety and agoraphobia so my heart and mind can't handle the stress.
I just go on Tumblr here to interact in thread ideas for stories between characters and enjoy drawing, please understand that I'm not one to pick sides.
Note: the callout isn't towards me but one I'm interacting with, I was just mentioned which I now have to state. I am a person who suffers from a extremely high anxiety as well as agoraphobia, please refrain from mentioning me in any callouts when they are towards another user.
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daz4i · 5 months
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orcelito · 7 months
ooooookay so i havent seen anyone on tumblr talk about this directly yet so i figured i'd make a post linking to ppl talking about it. im not personally involved, but since this is an artist i recognize & see around, i figure ppl have the right to know
so uh. long story short. @/valdrickvile on here is kinda uhhhhhh not someone you'd wanna interact with, maybe.
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^ this thread goes into it
& in case anything happens to the tweets, here's the big document that goes into it. ive read thru a good amount of it and uh........... yeah.
im not sharing this as a call to harass the people involved (Please Dont) but just. people have a right to know. so pls just block and move on.
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