#can you tell I'm not an experienced blogger lmao
nightdancersnest · 2 months
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Okay with permission obtained from @tomhoppusdelonge here is hands down my favorite piece of art I've posted to this blog so far! (and among my favorite pieces I've made in a hot minute)
In my head I've been affectionately referring to this drawing as "Orkangel Tomabyte" which is as good a title as any :3
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sevdoesnotexist · 2 years
Hey do you know what happened to @cock-dealer/morg? Sorry for the random ask i saw you reply often but like. i was offline for like a week straigh5 and now hes gone + im genuinely sad and also worried bc he was one of my fave bloggers lmao is he okay?
Hey so a lot has happened since March if you haven't been around. Essentially (from my understanding), Morg experienced abuse at the hands of medical staff during a hospital stay that left him in a really bad place dealing with the trauma that was brought on by that. He is and was often posting about his poor mental health and suicidal ideation.
A few weeks ago he had attempted to kill himself, I don't know him well enough to say what attempt # it was for him overall but I'll say "the first time" even though I don't think it was. In around this time too, there was "slur discourse" happening around who should and shouldn't call themselves a cripple and a lot of discussion around honouring Tai's memory by respecting the origins and meaning behind the cripplepunk movement.
A lot of emotions were running high and honestly I had seen the discourse in the community as petty insquabbling until shit hit the fan. I was kinda not touching it past my opinion on cripple being a slur that only some people can reclaim. Anyways through this discourse Morg had been receiving a lot of anon asks egging him on, telling him he's a shit person, really just generally horrible stuff and some anons who weren't necessarily approaching in bad faith got caught in the crossfire, which those interactions were used by the handful of people vocally disagreeing with Morg to further the narrative that he was a Big Bad Exclusionist™
Eventually Morg got pushed past the point of frustration and presumably while under the influence of whatever he had taken in an attempt to take his life or I also know he has mentioned the stress of it let to a psychotic episode which seems to make a lot of sense to me. Basically, he sent an anon to one of the people who was one of the instigators and main users furthering the discourse vaspider an ask that read along the lines "you got what you wanted" and posted that he had tried to kill himself for the "second" time. Around this time I know I was personally very worried and constantly refreshed his blog and sent him anons with kind messages like everyday just trying to combat the SHEER amount of hatred he was receiving not FROM users like vaspider and happysadyoyo but BECAUSE of how they were framing his mental health crisis was definately resulting in MASSIVE amounts of anon hate and suicide baiting.
The final straw for me is when I made a vent post about my feelings on the matter and vaspider literally shouted me down and called me an asshole for venting about my medical trauma and my feelings on the cripplepunk discourse. It was a really mask off moment for me I think they felt like betrayed that I didn't side with them since we were mutuals or something but regardless it made me really uncomfortable and honestly was incredibly triggering also so I blocked them as well as y'know, whoever I felt like, as I'm allowed to :))
Then like a week after that all happened, happysadyoyo, a user who WAS mutuals with me and vaspider but had actually NEVER interacted with Morg in his life, made a fucking YOUTUBE VIDEO about morgs suicide attempt, relating it to the show Thirteen Reasons Why and his own time spent being a manipulative asshole, essentially trying to insinuate that Morg had tried to take his life as a way to guilt and manipulate someone over Internet slur discourse. Yup. I was disgusted by the behaviour and openly said as much. The link is actually still up as far as I'm aware, yoyocunt refused to take the video or even the post with the link down, citing "his own psychosis"
From there I guess people who were watching this happen to Morg from the sidelines thought it would be funny to give those users a taste of their own medicine and started sending them a lot if gross anon hate including stuff like scat porn. I also think this was probably an attempt by some to paint Morg and his followers in a bad light. I mean while we had a giggle over the misfortune of people who had been royal douche canoes, we also all have made it pretty clear that we don't condone sexual harassment or suicide baiting. Those users often take screenshots of posts Morg makes without the context of a reblog or the notes cropped out in order to give the impression Morg is like, actively telling his followers to send them death threats and poop vids but like, that's just not the case.
So like you missed the most batshit insane turn of events, I don't think I covered everything concisely because I'm high but yeah basically people started disrespecting a dead kids movement and memory as well as trying to villainize a mentally ill trans dude for disagreeing with them and being rude about it
And, he's still here by the way, he's just @penis-peeper now.
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heliosoll · 2 years
"I know I'm being very cordial in this response but I do hope it comes across that I'm sorry about hurting your feelings." Bestie shut up that is your sincerity 😭 the way you handled that whole situation has me 🥺🥰 love u and this safe and drama free blog!! Also not sure if im overstepping here but i did want to give my unsolicited personal opinion (yikes) just because i think it would give some perspective to u maybe idk jskaka. You've mentioned a few times that you to some extent see yourself coming across as blunt or maybe even me@n (censoring that bc u r not spoiler alert) and i was trying to think of how to word and explain this and i must have ✨️manifested✨️ the answer bc u literally gave me the perfect example in the tags of the ask u posted after that. A lot of shifting/loa bloggers have that really weird coddling+mean thing going on, kinda condescending and makes the bloggies feel ashamed or a bother to ask for help. There's also a lot of entitlement between those who have and have not and then mixed in with the frustration from people who are not believing in results and all that stuff, you know how it is. You aint got none of that bs here. You're very patient and I'd like to think more than blunt, it's a better word to say simple. You don't try to fluff it up or 'ive answered this a hundred times already, yall need to stop overcomplicating lol'. It has a lot to do with the way someone speaks yanno? Even in a few asks ago, you were very empathetic and gentle in saying that you know it's frustrating to hear but persist in there not being a problem and then even suggested that blanket affirmation. That kind of understanding nature is so rare to come by and its the reason why for the last few months u have become the sole shifting blog i follow and while yes i am the one who 'did' everything, it was under your guidance that i have let go of so much anxiety and disbelief. You promote the barebone necessities on this blog and that's literally all u need to shift. No limiting beliefs or backwards bragging. Your shifting post can literally be summed up by 'intention is all you really need' but you made a whoooole post about the ins and outs plus fine print. Like any question someone could possibly have, any loophole or limiting belief that could arise, you think of it beforehand and address it before it can be asked. I see that dedication and I applaud you for that like you really out here feeding a bunch of shifters for FREE 🤧 Anyways my life is so much better after finding this blog and learning how to do things the proper way. Thanks for all the effort and not enforcing any miniscule limiting beliefs. I think most people would agree that ur very friendly, kind and generally a good person, not mean at all. I've never once felt frustrated, discouraged or uncomfortable here. You're like the cool senior who looks sharp but is actually really sweet and tells all the freshman which courses to take and how to pass the class. Tldr; ur not blunt, ur just stating the facts as u should and we love u for it. This blog has brought me a lot of sollace (see what i did there) so i wanted to take the time to write this all out bc ur like my fave person evurrrrr. This is uhhhh also a bit of a doozy to post so u can absolutely delete this after u read it lmao anyway love u bestie 💓
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I don't think I'll ever be able to truly express how much this means to me. This is literally the nicest ask I've ever gotten! And a little embarrassing to admit but this made me tear up a bit. Everything you said is exactly how I wanted this blog to be for people. I wanted it to be a safe space for all kinds of shifters - new and experienced. I wanted it to be an easy going space with no limiting beliefs and acceptance of all different kinds of beliefs.
I can't thank you enough for this 🥺 It makes me really happy to know that so many people feel safe and comfortable here. And I'm so glad I was able to help you too! Every now and then I wonder if I'm actually helping people so it was really nice to hear :')
This ask helped me a lot actually because I can see where you're coming from! I think I just get worried that some of my more "to the point" answers could come off as mean to people but I can see why they wouldn't as well. I don't really know what else to say this is just such a sweet message and I'll be thinking about it for a long time. Thank you so much for taking the time to quell my worries and bring in a new perspective 🥺 It really helped!!
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cozycreaturescorner · 4 years
Thank u kind sir 😩 i think i might be autistic but none of my friends believe me. I looked up the dsm and checked all of bullet points lmao. I'm worried to talk to a therapist about it bc I'm also trans and we all know how that goes...So idk where to go from here.I'm anxious I'm just using it as like a scapegoat bc I have a hard time with lots of things that are supposed to be normal and easy for most people and get overwhelmed v easily and just won't push myself to work harder... -💚🌻
thank you for being patient! i'm on my break now so i can respond properly, and fair warning: this response is a tad long, i wanted to make sure i didn't miss anything!
first let me tell you, you are 100% not alone in feeling those things, that absolutely resonated with me
the thing is, nobody, and i MEAN nobody, knows you better than you know yourself. if you experience all those traits, and always have, if you feel that that definition is the best thing to describe you, then autistic is a term you can use for yourself (i'm still undiagnosed and use it, other folks do too)!
I remember first stumbling across an actual list of what autistic folks experience a few years ago, reading through it and thinking oh, OH, i fit into everything on this list. I spent a while thinking about all these things i've been experiencing my entire life, and how, hey! they were actually autistic traits! i followed autistic bloggers and vloggers and read about other people's experiences with being autistic, and the more i read, the more it everything made sense to me, the more i knew completely, without a doubt, that i'm autistic.
as far as getting diagnosed goes, i'm not gonna lie, it might be difficult. people who aren't cis white men very often go undiagnosed for a large portion or even their whole lives, because autism so widely seen by people (even medical professionals who should know by now it's not true) as something that only cis white boys can have.
be persistent. if you know wholly that you are autistic, you ARE. if someone refuses to screen you for it, or refuses to believe you for whatever reson, find a new person
good luck!
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jjkfire · 7 years
I need advice. So I'm going on two years out of high school and I workout in my towns community weight room which happens to also be connected to my old school. There is this senior boy who has been flirting with me and hinting that he wants to 😏😉. I'm still a virgin but I'm so sexually frustrated that I really want to have sex with him but I'm also one of those old school girls who wants my first time to be with someone special. I'm not going to wait for my first time to be with my 1/3
husband because thats not going to happen. But I do want my first time to be with someone who respects and loves me and who I also love. But I also want my first time to be with someone experienced cause I know I'm going to be awkward AF. And I know this shouldn't matter but it's in my mind, I don't know what people will think. These are the people I went to high school with and I know all of their families and some of them are so judgmental. 2/3
I just don't want to be seen as (not the word I was going for but is the only one coming to my mind) a cradle robber. And I don't know what my sister/mom would say because I tell them everything. Especially my sister. She's told me all about her sex life and while she has no room to judge me on mine, I just don't want to look like a hypocrite. 3/3
oh man i am so severely inexperienced in this area that I’m afraid I’m not the best person to come to for advice haha so take whatever I say with a grain of salt i guess... 
I think waiting for your first time to be with someone you trust and feel safe with is great! I’d hate for you to feel unsure and then let that ruin sex for you, you know what I mean? and totally feel you on that wanting someone experienced thing lmao. so if I understand correctly this guy is a senior in high school??? from my experience..... high school boys don’t know what they’re doing half the time so hahah but maybe he’s different who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yes you’re right, you shouldn’t let what other people think bother you but I also understand how worrying it is and I find myself struggling with that too. but I mean also here’s something to think about... does it look like he just wants to score with you because you’re older and he can brag about that? are you okay with him sleeping with you just because of that because there are people out there who don’t care and that’s fine. also i mean sex isn’t everything and there’s no problem waiting for someone you’re 100% comfortable with to come around. in conclusion, don’t do anything you think you’ll regret because I don’t think it’s worth it to feel all down or all worried about what everyone thinks over some like 15 seconds of pleasure & a maybe orgasm if you’re lucky hahaha. 
lastly, about your mother and sister. I can’t say much because I don’t have a relationship like that with my mum and i don’t have a sister but I think your sister might be someone good to talk things out with. if she talks about her sex life with you, i’m sure she’ll be able to give you much better advice as compared to you know... me hahah. also, why would she view you as a hypocrite? the two of you seem close. if she’s comfortable enough to share such intimate details with you, I’m sure she wouldn’t judge you or anything. she’s been your age before, maybe even in the same position as you and if anything i think she’s the best person you can turn to for advice because she knows you better than me, knows your situation better, the inner workings of your town and all that goes on in there better and these are all things I cannot account for. gotta weigh that benefit over costs you know what i mean?  p.s: pls know that im just like a lame blogger so my advice shouldn’t you know be taken as the final word or wtv. do whatever you’re comfortable with (: anyway, i wish you all the best and i hope you’re happy no matter what decision you make!!!
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