#com-mom-der and clawdeen
nny11writes · 2 years
im amused at how well you nailed everybody's character with so little context... season 2 hadnt even come out yet??? but scorpia would ABSOLUTELY cry over anything, and her lil baby lying to her would probably get a nice shedful of tears. she would somehow think it's her own fault for not being a responsible mother that makes her kid feel like they can tell the truth.
the idea of entrapta being the semi responsible parent despite irresponsibly creating life is funny to me. she built her own parents like you said, AND she actually has looked after kids (emily.... imp... wrong hordak...) so it makes sense shed be quite paternal even without actual role models to go from.
catra thinking shes never going to get attached to the kid and then being the most insecure parent xD
i love how you just straight up made a scorptra baby because why the fuck not (i love how entrapta just straight up made a scorptra baby because why the fuck not)
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lol, thank you! It's a weird one because I started it so early on so I feel like I can see which parts (because apparently not ALL of the parts are posted like I thought they were) I wrote early on and which have been added since :p
I stand by Scorpia isn't an easy crier, but my god when it's her own kid she is nothing but water works! Absolutely she'd be like, "What have I done that make her not trust me????" While Catra is rolling her eyes like, "Scorpia she's a child, she can and will and should rebel." Meanwhile Entrapta sagely is nodding along, "Everyone does and is allowed to have secrets. It doesn't reflect on you."
They still talk with her later and make sure she knows they love her and she can tell them anything.
Look, Entrapta may be banned from the history museum because she kept sneaking a group of kids into the back to see the real dino bones, but one on one with a kid she will default to parenting rules imo. She programmed her own parents and I feel like she would want something to go by for it, so her rules are all very reasonable and she follows them well. If Clawdeen ever feels strongly that Entrapta is being unfair, they 100% sit and discuss it. Clawdeen knows if she can convince any of her moms of her point they'll change their mind lol.
Look my parents negotiated with me when I was about 4-6 years old that I would never have to wear dresses again and I could choose my own clothes from either the boys or girls section as long as I understood that my uncle's wedding was THAT DAY and there was no time or money to get me something different so I had to wear a dress instead. I am biased and SPT is like my parents. No curfew, just let us know if you'll be coming back after we're asleep. You broke this rule that you knew about, and this is the punishment we'd already told you about, does this still seem fair to you? No mandatory chores, but I was not allowed to leave a mess in shared spaces. So if I insisted on not doing my own laundry that was fine but I had to suffer with stinky clothes lol. There was a lot of negotiating, discussion, and checking in with them.
One time, I forged my dad's signature for a while in Elementary school and really thought I was slick, then when I got in trouble I forged it on that and my teacher crossed it out and told me I had to get an actual signature and explain why there was one already on there. My dad just let me cry about it for a while as he assured me he wasn't mad, and the first thing he checked was why I forged his signature. I did it because I always forgot to get it for my homework so I'd sign it before class when I remembered, and I didn't want him to be mad at me for getting in trouble at school. He was understanding and we came up with a solution so I wouldn't forget.
I base SPT on this kinda model where if one of them just knows they're the wrong person to handle it they make sure Clawdeen knows they love her and then have someone better set up for it do it.
Eventually all three will share basically all responsibilities, but at the start Entrapta holds the responsible parental reins. Once Catra isn't scared she'll over react and Scorpia is less of a push over, then the chaos can really kick off!!!
Catra is just really like, "Well if I say I won't care about this person, then I won't!" when in reality she will become so protective of them it's almost hilarious. Catra doesn't latch on easily but once she's decided you're one of her people, fucking good luck try to not be.
Catra: I wish we had super soldiers to back up the bots :(
Scorpia: Ooo, that would be so cool!!!!
Entrapta: I can do that, Hordak has cloning stuff anyways so I just need some DNA, like hair or nails.
Catra, who does not know what cloning and DNA are: And you'll make a super soldier!? Heck yeah, permission granted! I shed all the time. >:D
Scorpia, wildly misinterpreting what's happening: Yay, Super Pal Trio!!!!! <3<3<3<3
Clawdeen: How are babies made?
Entrapta: Well, you see, when you have at least one willing donor for genetic materials and access to a state of the art lab, you can grow one!
Catra, thinking she's being funny: Or two people can just fff-
Clawdeen: Science or magic garden, got it.
Catra: Wait- no-
Scorpia and Entrapta: YES
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nny11writes · 2 years
I have decided I don’t want to scramble for this fic again. :)
Summary:  Super Soldier Experiment, SSE, Log 13. Log 14? No, definitely Log 13. Having acquired permission and DNA samples from Catra (see Log CC291) and Scorpia (see Log SS174), I have begun what I believe will be my first successful gene splicing and IVF work thanks to Hordak's cloning technology. Or in other words IT'S BABY TIME!!!!
Daughter, DD, Log 1. Ignore al Super Soldier Experiment, SSE, logs. The Super Soldier Experiments are officially finished, see SSE log 19 for results. Addendum to CC Log 302 and SS Log 190, we are now new mothers. Reminder to self: find old parenting books, I'm sure I've got them stashed away somewhere... awwwww, look at her little deadly stinger! Who is the cutest little thing! You are, you are!
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nny11writes · 2 years
Com-mom-der and Clawdeen
So my little niece was born this last weekend, and apparently I decided to finish this scene from CaC because reasons???? L is adorable and (as long as she and my sister pass their tests today) I can’t wait until she’s finally home so I can go over and snuggle with her somewhere more comfortable. :p
Anyhow, enjoy the hurt/comfort lol
Catra did her level best not to cry, first and foremost because she hated crying. But Clawdeen had just finally calmed down and fallen asleep and Catra didn’t want to wake her.
After all, it was Catra’s fault Clawdeen had been upset in the first place.
She curled up tighter into a little ball of misery and shoved her face into the mattress to hide the few traitorous tears that leaked out. Entrapta’s hair ran soothingly over her arms so Catra tucked them in and under to get away from the touch. She didn’t want to be comforted. She wanted to just be miserable alone but neither Scorpia nor Entrapta had let her leave. 
“It’s okay Catra.” Scorpia whispered, actually whispered as she curled around Catra’s body. “She’s okay.”
Yeah. And that was good, it was just…
“Catra, you need to breathe.” Entrapta instructed as gently as she could. “You need at least seven liters of air per minute.”
Her chest hurt as she held her breath but eventually she was forced to exhale, the hiss of air stuttering as she fought for some control.
“There we go,” Scorpia kissed her shoulder blade and that did it.
Catra sobbed, “I’m- I’m a ba-bad mom!”
“No!” Scorpia squeezed tighter at the same time Entrapta said, “Well THAT'S just factually incorrect.”
“Then, then why does she cry every time I hold her!? She just- she can tell! I shouldn’t b-be here, she hates me!” Catra shook violently as she wailed and gasped, desperately wishing she would just stop talking.
The baby hated her. She wasn’t even old enough to walk and she hated Catra just like everyone else. Why did she think she could do this? She should just go back to being a Commander and leave before she really fucked the kid up irrevocably.
“It’s okay that she only wants her mama.” Scorpia kissed the back of her neck before continuing. “That doesn’t make you a bad com-mom-der.”
The stupid name almost got a watery giggle from her, Catra’s insistence on Commander had been overruled by two enthusiastic dorks who then chose the dumbest thing. But at least it wasn’t mommy or cat mom.
Entrapta’s hair wiggled until she could wrap it around Catra’s arms again and Scorpia continued to nuzzle at the back of her neck. Disgusting. When had they gotten this domestic and ooey-gooey soft? Probably around month three, that was when the sleep deprivation had really started to kick their asses and created the poison rat pile situation.
She tried to sit with Scorpia’s reasoning. She did. But she had to voice her own traitorous fear. “But what if it does?”
“Catra, if we literally took this exact situation and then totally changed major contextual parts of it, we could make it mean anything we want it to. But that is literally changing the situation which we can’t do! …or maybe we could? It would be more portal work though to try and reach an alternate dimension where you weren’t a good mom. And while I would be THRILLED to work on the portal again, you said not to and the simulations were less than optimal, what with the everyone dying thing. Which is a lot of effort to go through to prove that you are a good mom compared to the bad mom alternate reality version of you. So, instead, I propose that you accept our word for it because your brain seems to like lying to you, like, a lot.” Entrapta topped this grand declaration off by essentially slapping Catra’s head in an imitation of a gentle pat.
Had her and Scorpia been talking? They had to have been talking and trading methods behind her back. It was very Scorpiaesque.
But it also did work a little. Catra almost unwillingly felt her body relaxing a little bit. “Okay. But what if-”
“Do you want me to tinker with Hordak’s portal machine?” Entrapta cut her off. “Because what I’m hearing is you want me to tinker with Hordak’s portal machine.”
“Please don’t!” Scorpia squeaked.
“Okay, but if Catra’s gonna be stupid about this, and the only way to prove it-”
Scorpia pleaded, “Sweetie bean, do not open a deadly portal!”
“We don’t know that it’s deadly!” There was a long pause before Entrapta deflated and collapsed over both of them. “I mean, we have a lot of evidence from the predictive trials. So it’s only probably deadly.”
“Yeah, that’s, uh, not good.” Catra finally managed to mutter, and after having her moping ball so disrespected she finally gave up and uncurled fully. Instantly she gained a large claw around her middle and Entrapta’s knee under her chin. It wasn’t comfortable but it was…it was nice. She guessed.
“So you believe us?” Entrapta asked excitedly.
“No. But I can try. I guess.”
“That’s all we’re asking, Clawdeen loves you! You’ll see!” Scorpia cheered, and then winced as she realized how loud she’d been.
They all held their breath but Clawdeen remained snoozing peacefully in her little infant pod.
“I’ll label it a tentative success.” Entrapta stage whispered as she began typing away on her pad.
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nny11writes · 2 years
Who was I crying over Com-mom-der and Clawdeen with? Venn was it you? 
And, more importantly, what was the stuff we hashed about Clawdeen and Adora? Damn tumblr’s DM system, and my inability to easily search it for past convos T-T
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