#devised theatre
ignitelimelight · 17 days
Okay so now that things have died down and the police aren't actively pursuing folks
I'm working on a devised protest piece of documentary theatre about the Portland State University pro-Palestinian protest encampment with a team of other protest theatre students. We wrote 134 pages of documentation on the events -- from Snapchat stories to official press releases to observations from on the ground. It has been hard and traumatic and I am so so proud of my comrades and colleagues.
It's been about two weeks since the encampment was raided by PPB, and now we're finally in a place to start devising. Again, I'm so proud of these artists for their bravery working through the trauma they themselves faced in the Park Blocks and behind the barricade, re-enacting not only their own steps but stepping into the shoes of the authority figures who caused violence to them.
And I'm so proud of us for making the space a safe space to explore these hard things! We had discussion, did some nervous system calming rituals to open and close the liminality of the rehearsal space, and made sure to check with each other when we were doing some of the more physically triggering pieces. We've been discussing in class how "safety" impacts our ability to do edgy work, and I'm seeing first hand how it is freeing to explore feeling unsafe in a space that is actually safe.
Anyway it's going to be a cool piece and I'm very proud of it and I'm happy I get to say a little something now, even if it's just shouting into the void
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annachportfolio · 3 years
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Na podkladě deníkových zápisů publicisty Ondřeje Trhoně zkoumáme limity deníkové formy jako způsobu sebereflexe. Jak ovlivňuje psaní na nejosobnější možné úrovni myšlenka na budoucího čtenáře? Kdy je deník spíše nástroj pro péči o duši a kdy na něj autor i čtenář pohlíží jako na literaturu?
Ondřej se skrze snahu porozumět své duševní poruše dostává k ohledávání vlastní identity. Co konstituuje jeho mužství? Můžou oční stíny, náušnice a nalakované nehty ohrozit vztah s jeho otcem? Kde leží hranice mezi péčí o sebe, psychickou poruchou a egoismem? Mít možnost se o sebe postarat, ať již skrze psychoterapii, nebo třeba jen volbou kosmetiky, s sebou nese možnost vytváření lepší budoucnosti. Jak obtížný je přechod od péče o sebe k péči o svět kolem sebe? Může se osobní sebereflexe rozvinout i na širší společenství, třeba národ, nebo dokonce celý ekosystém?
Together with Anna Prstková, Adam Kratochvíl, Vojtěch Vávra
Photography: Káťa Opuntia
scénická skica, Festival Nultý Bod 2020, Studio Alta (CZ)
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coven19 · 3 years
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our starting point for research we want to do and practices we want to explore!
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encorearlington · 4 years
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Flip the Script: A Parent’s Perspective -- Encore Stage & Studio Catch the cast of Flip the Script on the Millenium Stage at the Kennedy Center tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 6 PM! (Photo by Deb Kolt)
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globalhivelabs · 4 years
We had an amazing time in London for the first full production of MEDUSA.
We gathered for this two-week rehearsal process at Mill Hill Library and Jacksons Lane Art Center.
Our ensemble consisted of London based artists including Nell Hardy, Eliza Harris, Rhiannon Kelly, Amber Savva, Samy Elkhatib, Jimin Suh, and Jenn Geiger.
This London ensemble was a mixture of people new to the project, and some who had worked with us before. The different connections to the narrative and understanding of our devising style and access mission made for a fantastic and fruitful workshop process. Building on themes and ideas that were explored by the previous ensembles in London, Paris, Piacenza, and Chicago, this cast dove head first into creating our most nuanced and technically realized version of Medusa’s story to date. The ensemble was led by director Katie Merritt, with support from Anna Donnell, Denise Yvette Serna, Elliott Sheppard, and John Jack Paterson.
"Saturday 9th November:​ ​Today was our final rehearsal before we get into The Pleasance on Monday! Today I really feel like we’ve cracked the audio description aspect of the production! We have been striving to incorporate audio description in the smoothest way since our first workshop in January 2019. Along the way we used a narration technique as well as including it in the dialogue but with this production we’ve weaved it completely into the story, the scenes and the movement which, I think, heightens the storytelling! I’m really excited to see what audiences think of it on Monday but I feel like we’ve come so far in 11 months and I hope that more and more companies can do work with accessibility like this. One image that remained throughout was the image of the Pegasus at the end of the show. Having performed our piece in its many versions across three different countries, the way that this image and its message has transcended languages and cultures was really stunning to watch."  -- Eliza Harris
Did you miss MEDUSA in November? Book now for Fusion Theatre Company’s highly anticipated remount at London’s Cockpit Theatre!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "And as we find ourselves inside Medusa’s own mind, the multinational cast supplement the English narration with simultaneous translation, in languages from French and Italian to Korean. It helps underscore how Medusa’s story – finding herself and her life weaponised as a result of somebody else’s actions."
Review from The Reviews Hub 
⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A truly accessible production and an empowering contemporary perspective on the classic Greek myth.”
Review from Theatre T 
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nathearichardson · 5 years
- it's 2039... I'm in the future group of LaGuardia :))
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knoxspeccoll · 5 years
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Stack Stories!
Devised theater, a process where a group of people come together to collaboratively create a theater production, was a popular tradition at Knox for a few years. Devised can almost be considered the place where Improv meets screen writing: in it, a group of people come together to create (or devise) a play or a script, and it becomes a collection of all of their voices.
In the Archives, we have various records of several devised shows that played at Knox—posters, programs, news articles, and even a whole script for one of them. These were all mainly student-run (and therefore written, directed, and acted) endeavors, but in 2009 Lyndsey Snyder, former dramatics teacher, actually ran a course on the topic resulting in a production called “Beyond the Fourth Wall.”
All these items are examples taken from our Dramatics Series in the Archives.
Audition Call for Devised Theatre, 2003-2004
“Grundle” Script, 2010-2011
“Your Place in the Gene Pool” Program, 2005-2006
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larryland · 5 years
Auditions for Composite's Devised Theatre Performance
Auditions for Composite’s Devised Theatre Performance
Auditions for Composite’s devised theatre performance
Monday June 3 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm Creative Action Unlimited studio, 6 Greenwood Drive, East Greenbush 12061
Join us for auditions for this unique project, directed by Stephanie Remmert!
We are looking for 5 actors to join us in creating a an original theatre performance about Identity, through exercises, interviews and writing prompts..
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michaelcsm · 5 years
Creating Something New From Scratch : This is what I’m doing this year.
matahari jangan tidure, nanti hilang belang (a piece for the masses) 
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2019 is the year for trying new things for me. We all try new things every year of course. But 2019 is quickly becoming a larger departure from the usual I guess.
First there’s my new job as Creative Director at Malaysiakini, after spending 5 years with RTV Malaysia, Nuffnang. Malaysiakini is a brand new world for me -click here to read a recent post about what I’m doing at Malaysiakini. 
And then, there’s this, “Matahari”. So to my dear friends, hope you can make some time to check out this show slated for 22 - 25 Aug 2019. Stay tuned to me or Theatresauce for updates.
Read on for more of why this is new for me.
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I’ve been involved in the local theatre scene as an actor since 2003. Over the years, I’ve experienced ups & downs in terms of how active I am in the scene. Some years are more active than others. But I’ve never participated in devised theatre before. 
What is ‘devised theatre’? 
Devised theatre - frequently called collective creation - is a method of theatre-making in which the script or (if it is a predominantly physical work) performance score originates from collaborative, often improvisatory work by a performing ensemble. - wikipedia. 
Confession: I've largely avoided getting involved with devised theatre works because I never thought I was good enough to do it. 
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Acting in a piece of established creative script that has been researched, work-shopped and developed over time is hard enough. To create something from scratch with a bunch of people and then put on a show? I just couldn’t fathom it before. 
What’s changed you may ask? 
Am I good enough now? Truth is, I don’t think I will ever think I’m ‘good enough’. But the thing that’s changed is that I now believe that wherever I am as an actor or creative person, I have something to offer.
Perhaps that’s better than being ‘good enough’. 
If you’ve read this far into this post. Firstly, thank you. Secondly, leave me a comment or drop me a message with : 
1. Do you want to collaborate and create something with me? Let’s talk. 
2. Is there a piece of work that I’ve acted in or produced that you’ve liked? Do share. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Good and bad. 
Hope to see you at the show!
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paultankersleyroyal · 6 years
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Here’s a teaser for my upcoming piece. It’s my senior project at Troy, and I couldn’t be more excited!
It’s called
and it’s a original piece made in collaboration with my cast and crew
If you’re in Troy Dec. 10th, come see us do work!
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nataliereviews · 6 years
Living House Theatre- Come To Daddy
Bruford at Summer Hall, 3rd August
The first thing I should say to you before you see this show is keep your mind open. You don’t have to understand everything in this performance. With this attitude you can just sit back and enjoy the talent of this theatre company. Come To Daddy is a devised show, with slick and innovative movement, striking imagery and a committed cast. The show will take you on a journey of many emotions, some of which you may not even be able to identify. The performers carry an aloof, mysterious tone, leaving you to ask more questions than will be answered. Come to this show because you won’t see anything else like it at the fringe. Challenge yourself to something new…
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cbreg · 6 years
playing with light.
im tired of feeling this way // elijah who
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coven19 · 3 years
Springtime Plans
We’re a month into our spring semester at UMass Amherst, and the coven has been working for a few weeks on reestablishing community guidelines and laying the groundwork for a spring iteration of our work together - we collectively generated a vision for what we want to explore and set to research, this time diving right into ritual creation and coming from a place of deep knowledge about each other and our collaborative styles.
Here is our vision board for the spring semester’s work together:
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Onward and upward!
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Arcadia University Theatre’s production of The Doll House Project, December 7-10, 2017. 
Check out our Flickr for more production photos, and our blog for more information.
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globalhivelabs · 5 years
London→Piacenza→Chicago→London - A year with Eliza Harris
Global Hive Labs has collaborated with more than 50 artists over the course of our work on Medusa. Each new connection we make opens up the opportunity to learn from new perspectives, and to deepen our analysis of the subject. There are some folks who joined us for a week, or a few days, others who have weaved in and out of the tapestry in different cities, bringing fresh eyes to familiar shades of color.
We’re excited that London based actor Eliza Harris will be joining the new ensemble in London at The Pleasance in November. Eliza has performed with ensembles in London, Piacenza, and Chicago this year, bringing a unique perspective and set of skills to the project.
Medusa has shaped my 2019 in so many ways and I’ve been fortunate enough to collaborate in London, Italy, and Chicago. In allowing me to devise and perform with artists from so many countries and cultures, it’s allowed me to create theatre that speaks to the amazing multicultural world we live in, and leaves no one out! The work we’re doing with Medusa is so important as we seek to create a wholly accessible theatre form for all, weaving accessibility into the very tapestry of the piece. I’m so excited to share the work we’ve done with new artists and share our mission and creativity with London in November! I love being able to give Medusa a voice that hasn’t necessarily been heard before. I’m so grateful to the team at GHL, Fusion Theatre, and Chez Actors for allowing and encouraging me to create my own original songs as my own way of giving these mythological characters a new voice and I can’t wait to share some of them with you when we open on Monday 11th November!
Please consider donating to our fundraiser for production costs and artist stipends for Fusion Theatre Company’s production of Medusa. Every little bit counts. We can’t do it without you.
MEDUSA 11th Nov 2019 - 15th Nov 2019 Downstairs - Pleasance London 8pm
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nathearichardson · 5 years
And this is my creation for the group of LaGuardia's past...
12 Feet Long...
8 hour set building day...
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