#did I do it right. this is how you make fan characters right -phys
furies-inthe-mirror · 7 months
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whaddahell............ kitty cat drinkee.............
hi this is my fucking tadc oc. its name is Fizzy it is a soda object head cat thing. it can probably speak. do not drink whatever liquid is in its glass bc that probably qualifies as its brain or something
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nobloodshed101 · 10 months
My opinion on the fell Poth / Poth stans. [½]
[trigger warning!!: pedophilia, my own opinion.]
Btw if you don’t like this don’t read because this isn't a place supporting these ships, no one's making you read this, or anything so please fuck off if you just going to just bitch.
For this blog, I'll be discussing the ship Poth. Of course, you can ship it but don’t make it weird.
By weird I mean by nekophys idea around the ship, which is just disgustingly weird, by that I mean.
When nekophy made goths design childlike, their excuse of this was because goths parents were geno and death and that means goth doesn’t age physically, even when nekophy says goth was 20 the character looked like a toddler. They could have easily made him look his age and only stopped at 20, not to mention that raven [aka goths brother] somehow doesn’t age physically like his brother and look his age.
between the art of palette and goth it made it out to look like a pedophilic ship. Which some of stans from Poth supported the idea. [also being that half of Neko Phys fans were children which this creator basically broadcasted this adult-child relationship.]
The fandom is far worse though, the fandom has either over sexualized the two Indvidual's or making them very awkward and out of canon, the Poth ship was felt more forced than anything. There was no character growth between them or having it feel like there was any love in it.
Of course the friends to lovers trope isn't bad at all, unless you know how to do it right, the dynamic ship between palette and goth was just dreadful and at times annoying, at times during these interactions it felt like palette wasn’t INTRESTED in goth like goth had feelings for palette- it seemed so one sided even if you switched the roles. though still the fandom still starts to force these two together just because they were ‘cute’ which is an idiotic reason, and plus makes no sense if you ship two fictional characters because they’re cute or seem like good friends.
Not to mention how out of character the characters were, and how they made palette this big Zaddy alpha and goth a softie uwu little omega needing protection all time, it was so uncomfortable and mind draining that makes the ship very toxic in a way, it makes it feel like it's just two other people and not the original characters.
I get in every fandom there will be bad stans but that doesn’t excuse half the shit they did and traumatized some minors while doing it and shows them that some of the dynamics between these ships are considered ‘okay’ just because it was drawn cute.
Some of Poth stans are just toxic in general, they don’t care for plot or morals only that they get their ‘omg so cute gay softie stuff!’ which a horrible mind set and for another failure ship I'll be discussing and the 2nd part in this which is about fell Poth and might be a little longer, but back to topic.
This mentality must stop cause it's just sickening at this point how long this ship has grown and not in a good way at all, also being that the two characters can't love someone else but that certain character, its normal to ship a character with someone ese who you think is compatible for each other.
But of course, there's those type of people who think their entitled to others ships and say that character you're shipping with a different character with is wrong just because they aren't with their character, they think is better, for an example ill show a demonstration here with person A and person B.
Person A: “oh wow! I like these two characters together better; I like their dynamic better.”
Person B: “you can't do that!”
Person A: “why?”
Person B: “because I don’t like that ship dynamic and mine is better and yours is poopy and dumb >: {“
Do you see what I mean here?
You of course could have your opinions and all, but you shouldn’t force or attack someone else for not having the same opinion as you.
And that’s another thing from fandom! They are very quick to judge someone or something if it doesn’t match their ideal of a certain subject.
Not to mention goth after these past YEARS hasn’t got any lore or growth from nekophy, he was just left at a dust shelf and let her fanbase do what they please with goth even if it morally wrong, I think nekophy should just give up on ownership of goth already by how little care their character is receiving or attention.
And by that, I mean to someone who will have head canons and lore for goth and have him be not so robotic.
But of course, you may have your opinions on this matter. I'd love to read about it in the comments from your perspective.
Okay Cya bye <<333
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616phyla · 11 months
1 & 7 if you’re still taking asks cause I like chaos and I think I might have an idea about 1 🫣
The character everyone gets wrong
I FEEL like you might be thinking I'd answer Shatterstar (?) or Thanos (?). Which is what I would answer right now but I'm curious. I do think there's more characters people get wrong I probably would agree LOL.
BRIEFLY: Shatterstar suffered so much from Peter David just not giving a shit about him and writing him like a biphobic stereotype and making fun of him, but people don't understand who Star actually is and keep continuing this and thinking it's true! Star is really smart and can be offputting to others because of his attitude but I love his arc about learning to value his own emotions and feelings and experiencing love and connection for the first time, without acting like there is something wrong with his behaviours, it's like other people need to accept him and he needs to treat himself like a person and not a weapon. Also like I hate how people act like he would cheat on Ric like he isn't codependently obsessed with him lol, like he watches dating shows canonically he knows cheating is bad PAD. IDK people just treat him like a big joke which is sad. He is not a himbo also.
Thanos - There's so many things fans and writers get wrong about him. I think for one people fundamentally misunderstand his relationship with Mistress Death and are like "LOL he is a simp/incel/getting cucked" when it's like... the thing with that is that for one she is a personification of an abstract entity and two not actually what is going on in the stories. Like he was so isolated and alienated from everyone that he thought he could only find solace and hope in literal Death. It has an allegorical component you know. Also people ignore all his development and act like he's still a conquering nihilist, which they do in canon too which is sooo annoying because his arc into valuing life and hope again was so good. Seeing him grow and help and assist... Also if you don't understand everything going on with Adam and the Magus and Thanos you don't get him... universal forces to stop each other exploding everything and save each other for real. IDK people just don't treat him like a character and just some big scary plot device sometimes. He is not obsessed with the Earth, he is not doing stuff for ideological reasons, he is a guy with personal issues who ultimately causes his own downfall but then sees the error and tries to grow.
Neither of those were brief.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I don't .... exactly hate her but I feel like you of all people would get this but I get kind of annoyed seeing Carol now because of how her fans act especially in regards to Phyla. Carol getting so much attention and books all the time and Phy didn't even get to have an ongoing ever... and then Carol fans try to use Phy just to say Carol is a lesbian or whatever else it's annoying, otherwise they just ignore her.
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umnvatra · 3 years
About Zhongli's state in the game right now..
I just want to vent(?) and let out my thoughts about this whole ordeal as a Zhongli simp. Take note that if you are someone who has Zhongli or wants Zhongli/is planning to roll for Zhongli and wants to read this post, be prepared. Because as much as i hate to say it, this one is gonna be harsh. I wish it wasn't, but the truth really hurts and is also something that i struggled to accept sjdjdjchsk
Ngl i'm probably going to get hands thrown at me because of this post but i really, really want to vent about what Mihoyo did to his character. This week has been a roller coaster when it comes to Zhongli. From being super excited for his release, being elated getting him, to being absolutely devastated at all the comments and information that had come out prior to his release.
Basically, as a 5*, Zhongli is very underpowered and underwhelming. This is something i hadn't noticed myself because my Zhongli still didn't have a proper build and weapon yet, but when i did, i felt my own happiness plummet at the weight of the reality.
I don't care if he is strong as a support or a dps, and no i don't want him to necessarily be good at being dps. But this will include a lot of stuff regarding damage because he is a five star with nuking potential. It's also this way because he is THAT underpowered. Even having him be a very good support would be a blessing, but as it goes, he is not.
First it was the comments in Youtube videos, arguing with each other about how bad/good he was. Those comments made me question a lot of things. But i felt absolutely crushed when Jinx and Tuner uploaded their stream of their Zhongli and Xinyan testing.
For those that don't know, Jinx and Tuner run a youtube channel where they test many things in Genshin and provide objective information about them based on the results of their testing. When i saw how incredibly disappointed and frustrated they were with Zhongli, i felt really, really sad. After all, they provide maths. Not only are they one of the genshin youtubers that i trust but they also study characters closely and tell you if a particular 5 star character is worth pulling for or not. And you guessed it, they concluded that Zhongli was NOT worth pulling for as a five star character because he is so heavily underpowered.
Then there comes the arguements presented.
Majority of people thought that Zhongli was going to be more of a support character rather than dps, and i could see why, but ironically he has more potential as a phys carry. And this information comes from the testing that Jinx and Tuner made.
Xiangling is still a better physical carry than Zhongli especially when you take into account the abilities she can use while attacking. Zhongli's pillar has questionable energy recharge generation, something that i too had noticed. Every tick of the pillar does NOT guarantee an energy, and it drove me crazy. Meanwhile you have Xiangling who can easily bring out energy with Guoba if she so wanted.
And you need C6 Zhongli in order for him to heal like Noelle too by the way. And Noelle is a 4* that is guaranteed on your first time playing the game. 👁
Zhongli's shield is good for sure, but then you have Noelle who can shield + heal. In terms of stuff being done, Noelle's is better. Zhongli's shield is strong yes, but it can STILL disappear after one or two hits from enemies (at least from our experience in higher AR. I have no idea if the same applies to lower AR).
Now for his meteor. Yes, his meteor is good. Not only is it spammable, but it deals great damage as well. BUT THEN you have Ningguang who can be a better burst spam and possibly deal more damage than his could do (remember, Ning has a lot of jades that could each deal 1k if built properly). The duration for petrification is 3 seconds too, which, a lot of people argue isn't enough time (personally, i have no problem with this since i do not mind it much). And apparently his meteor got nerfed because it does not increase geo damage and phys damage as it used to in the beta testing with petrification.
How about his ability in being able to break shields by holding E? Truth be told, i expected that he was going to be able to explode all shields in one go, but it does not work for every one of them apparently. Shields by hilichurls do break with just one E hold. But the ones by Mitachurls don't. I also tried breaking the Geo Hypostasis's pillar using his E hold and it did not break immediately. This could differ however. 👁 I'm still not sure if its because i have not properly built him right for breaking them or not. And about Stonehide Lawachurls... it's the same as the Geo Hypostasis pillar. The geo shield does not break immediately.
I'm not saying all this because i am mad at Zhongli. Rather, i am disappointed at what Mihoyo did to him. I am absolutely happy to get Zhongli. He is the one character i had been looking forward to for MONTHS. I saved resources in advance for him and even held off on leveling up my current team so i could dump all said resources on him when i get him. I stayed as AR35 for many many weeks because i wanted to level him up properly before ascending my World Rank. I think he is super fun to use especially with his burst and i absolutely adore the animation and when he crosses his arms and does his 'osmanthus tea' monologue at the most random times with his lil hand gestures. Even just listening to his voice while being idle fills me with so much happiness. There is so much joy in getting him. Which is why i am very disappointed at Mihoyo for how they butchered his character.
After Jinx and Tuner made their video about the results of their testing with Zhongli, i was genuinely saddened but i gradually came to accept the truth. It sucks, it hurts, but it is the truth. Even they said that they wanted Zhongli to be a GOOD character, but he is just insanely underpowered right now. You can invest resources into him and make him work, but compared to 4* and the other 5*, it takes so much effort. To make him decent, you'd have to level his stuff up so much but that also applies to four star characters and they perform better than him. Husbando > meta yes, but i gotta say that it still stings when my underleveled Xiangling and Fischl could do a much better job being a dps and support respectively than him when he's many levels above them.
Which brings me to the main point of this post.
Why was Mihoyo scared of making him strong? OP? Why did they nerf him so much? He is a 5* character Mihoyo, make him be STRONG at something. It's why he's a five star. But no. They watered him down so much to the point where even four star characters can do his own job better than him. His pillar doesn't even deal damage upon being destroyed just like Geo MC's. The range of his pillar's resonance is too small, and given the fact that his auto attacks can push enemies (except for the bigger ones of) or can be easily walked out of range to is 👁👄👁
And it deals criminally low damage. Like, why? Why not rack up the numbers? What is the problem????
The more i think about it, the more i can see the points that people have been pointing out. If the issue of energy generation with his pillar is RNG based, then that's simply screwed up. It already adds into the lists of problems that doesn't help with how underpowered he is. And as i am writing this post rn, there are lots and lots of Chinese players enraged about how weak he is as a 5* and causing HUGE fights in forums. People in the genshin subreddit had been debating again and again over heated arguements about his abilities. Even if you visit the genshin subreddit today and check every post about Zhongli, you will see people in the comments mention stuff about how he performs in the game and his abilities.
Mihoyo, give him a buff. I know that giving buffs isn't your thing, but there is honestly thousands and thousands of people expressing their disappointment and anger in how weak you've made him. He is a fan favorite. I love him. Majority of the genshin fanbase do. His character is really good and it hecking sucks that he is having major difficulties in fitting in on the game right now. He deserves better. Make him strong. Buff him. Adjust some of his abilities. Literally give. our. geo. dad. justice.
Those who don't care about damage is probably rolling their eyes at my rant rn but given how objectively weak he is compared to the other characters in game, it won't hurt if he gets a buff.
When the survey for Zhongli and Xinyan comes, rate him low. I know. It sucks. It's despicable. Even i hate it. But that is why we have to do it. If we become honest to Mihoyo about how much weak they made him, then maybe they are going to consider buffing or adjusting his abilities.
I'm sorry for the negative post. There is still hope for geo dad. He is incredibly fun to use but if you are debating on whether to pull for him or not, my answer would be
If you absolutely love him as a character, go for it.
Otherwise, just wait for now. Because his state in the game isn't looking so good at the moment.
For those that already have him and are also disappointed or saddened by what happened, take comfort in knowing that tons of people are still using Zhongli (including me who went through such roller coaster of emotions lmaoaoaoa) regardless of the information that he is behind in terms of being a dps and support. And that there is still hope for him (WAIT FOR THE SURVEY AND RATE HIM LOW YO 😭😭😭 IT WON'T GUARANTEE THAT MIHOYO IS GONNA BUFF HIM BUT WITH ALL THE PEOPLE RAGING RN THERE IS A HIGH POSSIBILITY THAT THEY WILL LOL)
Have some goofy screenshots that i took while playing as Schlongli
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doctorlexipedia · 7 years
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What is your character’s full name? Alexandra Caroline Grey-Sloan
How is it pronounced? Ah-licks-and-rah Care-o-line Gr-ay SL-OH-n
Does your character have any nicknames? Lexie, Lex, Little Grey, Grey, Lexipedia, and all the other crap she got nicknamed as an intern/resident 
When and where were they born? April 17th, Seattle
What’s their occupation? Neurosurgeon
What gender do they identify themselves as? Female
What’s their eye color? Hazel-y brown
Do they wear glasses or contacts? Nope
Hair color? Dark brown (sometimes with a slight reddish hint to it)
Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to? Everyone remembers blonde Lexie being a thing right (ngl I live for blonde Lexie who knows maybe I’ll have her make a comeback)
Height? 5′6 and a half
Do they have any birthmarks? None
Do they have any piercings or tattoos? She has her ears pierces, and she has one tattoo on her lower back (because it’s hard for me to forget Chyler’s back tattoo so let’s make that a thing for Lexie)
If not, do they want to get some? She’s open to getting more
Do they take an healthy life style? For the most part, she tries to stay healthy. She could do without all the fries and chocolate but hey, it could be worse.
How easy do they get sick? An average amount? Probably a couple times a year she ends up sick.
Any marks on their body ( injuries, … )? Yikes this poor thing. She’s going to have some scarring/slight discoloration on her right shoulder from her burn and a scar above her right eyebrow towards her temple thanks to the Halloween Party. She has a few scars on her forearms from when she and the interns decided to practice sutures on themselves. From the plane crash, she has scars above and below her left eye, as well as more than she can count on her lower abdomen, pelvis, and legs.
How do they usually dress like? When she’s not in scrubs, generally it’s jeans and a t-shirt.
What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves? She loves her brain, and she’s not a fan of all her scars because even though they show what she’s been through, she thinks they’re ugly.
Positive traits? Caring, compassionate, hardworking, knowledgeable, strong, optimistic
Negative traits? Anxious, kinda clumsy, overly emotional, self critical, vulnerable
What do they consider to be the best and the worst on their personality? Her optimism for best, how emotional she gets for worst.
Are they more extroverted or introverted? She’s somewhere in the middle.
Any talents? Etch-A-Sketch drawing, she can carry a tune, and she can pack suitcases really well. She also kinda considers her memory to be a talent too.
What are their fears? Wolves, spiders, centipedes, eels, airplanes, letting people down
Do they have any phobias? Aerophobia - fear of flying.
What is their soft spot? Can you have a soft spot when you’re already a softy?
List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand? People who don’t use their turn signal, loud chewers, seeing books put upside down on a shelf.
How far did they went in school? Are they still studying? Preschool through to med school. And no, she was done with school a long time ago.
Do/Did they like school? Lexie loved school. She had good grades, she was prom queen, she had loads of friends. And college and med school were just as good for her.
What type of student are they? Lexie was always a fantastic student. She was usually at the top of her class.
What is/was their favorite subject? She loved math.
And their least favorite? Phys-Ed
What were they / would they be voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook? Most likely to be president, most likely to succeed
Who are your character’s parents? Thatcher & Susan Grey
How would your character describe them? Her mom was the best mom there could be. She was a sweet woman with a really big heart. Her dad.. he was a good dad to her, for the most part, but she thinks he makes crappy decisions.
Do they have any siblings? Molly (younger sister), Meredith (older half-sister)
Are they close with their family? She and Molly grew apart when she started getting closer with Meredith, not to mention them living in completely different places. She isn’t close with Thatcher these days either, they don’t really keep in touch often. Her mother is dead, so there’s that. But for her immediate family, she’s close to them. She loves her family.
ROMANCE & SEXUALITY - * you can totally skip for younger characters
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation? I firmly believe that Lexie is bisexual/biromantic
Are they seeing anyone right now? She’s married.
Have they ever been in an relationship? A few, yes.
Have they ever been in love? Definitely.
How easy to they fall for someone? She doesn’t fall right away but once she does fall, she falls hard.
In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out? The early ones in her high school & college years were because they wanted different things, and people weren’t all that faithful. All of the ones once she began at SGMW that didn’t work were because she loved Mark.
What do they look for in someone? Someone caring, funny, a little challenging, a little (or a lot) older than her, compassionate, intelligent, and confident.
Do they believe in love at first sight? or fate? Not love at first sight, but fate yes.
What’s their views on romance? Do they go after it or avoid it? Lexie loves romance
What are their turn ons and turn offs? Mark Sloan is her turn on lmao. No but really just like.. confidence and maybe a little cocky (but not to the point of being a dick y’know?) and all the stuff that’s in the what they look for in someone question. Turn offs are when the other person acts like a dick, isn’t really intelligent, bad hygiene, etc.
Were they ever cheated on or cheated on someone? Yes
Do they want to get married in the future? She’s already married and isn’t about to go marrying anybody else any time soon.
Have kids? She’s got plenty of those
Are they right or left handed? Right handed
Is there a saying they keep on repeating? Nah, not really.
Do they curse? Lexie’s not one to curse often. Words like ass or bitch might come up, but the bigger ones like shit or fuck, she’s not usually caught saying those except maybe by Mark when they’re in bed
What’s their worst habit? Stress eating. 
Do they drink or smoke? How frequently? She doesn’t smoke. Lexie does like a beer when she gets home, or a glass of wine. And when she can swing it, she’s a fan of going over to the bar for a little bit.
Are they an early bird or a night owl? She’s neither, she’s just.. a bird. Her schedule changes because of work so she’s learned to adapt to both late nights and early mornings.
How tidy is their room? It’s very clean.
How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning? It takes Lexie anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half. It depends on the day.
What’s their favorite color? Yellow and pastel blue
Favorite movie? Aristocats
Music Genre? She’ll listen to everything.
Food? Peanut butter cups
Books? All of ‘em. She loves books.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Water
Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate
Indoors or outdoors? Indoors
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yumikoflare · 7 years
tagged by looser @inspiringnokias ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ thank u!
- Nicknames: yumi / nighty - Star sign: aquarius!
- Height: 5′1′’  - Last thing I googled: 'the eye infinite’ comes up first bc i search it a lot a;sdlasas; the actual last thing was ‘naan bread’ bc @gay-trash-cats and i were talking abt bread and i googled it to make sure LOL
- Favourite music artist: it’s always gonna be after the rain!!!! i’ve also been rly into infinite recently (´,,•ω•,,)♡
- Song Stuck In My Head: THE EYE......
- Last Movie I Watched: i thiiink it was suicide squad?
- Last Tv-show I’ve watched: i don’t watch tv shows LOL uummm last anime though would have to be kuzu no honkai...... not a fan
- What are you wearing right now: it’s literally almost 8pm and i’m still dressed in my phys ed uniform smh
- When did you create your blog: sep 2014 wow
- What kind of stuff do you post?: seasonal anime, memes, and interaction w mutuals/followers are probably my main things .. i have such awfully sporadic content i’m surprised people follow me LOL
- Any side blogs?: yeah!! but for now i’m only comfy w sharing my stim/aes sideblog, daylight-trail!
- Do you get asks regularly?: only when i rb ask memes! 
- Why did you choose your url?: copy-pasted for the 400th time: “yumi is a nickname from the name yumiko, which is half of the name yumikoflare. during the time i made the name, i was self-studying japanese (still am!) and i thought japanese names were really beautiful. so i was looking through a list and liked ‘miyako’ and ‘yumiko’, but happened to like yumiko better. i wanted an actual name that could be used on a majority of social media, so obviously just yumiko wouldn’t work if i wanted something that wasn’t taken. so, the kanji for yumiko was 弓子 meaning ‘archery bow’ and ‘child’ and for some reason the word ‘flare’ matched with archery bow to me, so i slapped it on and bam’ + as an addition, i’m pretty sure there was another kanji for it? something like how the ‘yu’ was beauty and ‘mi’ was wisdom or something? and ‘ko’ is still child, but yeah”
- Gender?: female
- Hogwarts house: ravenclaw :00 - Pokemon team: mystic - Favourite colour: not picky but i like dark purple - Average hours of sleep I get: usually 6-7 hrs - Lucky number: 2, 5, and 12 - Favourite characters: ashiya hanae, abeno haruitsuki, yuuri katsuki, and isana yashiro come to mind - How many blankets do you sleep with? 1 - Dream job: anything that i’ll be happy with that has steady pay! - Following: 366 blogs
i’ll be tagging: @gay-trash-cats | @edgypastels | @mukyami | @adventuringonline | @blepwoof !!! i tagged mostly new people this time so if you don’t want to do it you don’t have to~
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