fanfrelon · 3 months
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Iwan Rheon & Daniel Webber & Machine Gun Kelly & Douglas Booth in The Dirt
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 3 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Trigger Warning- language, mentions of past child abuse and past self-harm
Previous Chapter
Chapter 21- Mötley fuckin' Crüe
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A week later, you and Nikki were pulling up in front of Tommy's double story mansion across town.
"What are you going to say to him?" You asked, climbing out the car.
Nikki shrugged, "first an apology."
You simply nodded before you walked up the tall stairs to his front door taking two at a time before Nikki knocked. A moment later, Tommy pulled the door open with a cigarette between his lips and a look of surprise on his face.
"Hey, guys." He greeted hesitantly, glancing between you and Nikki unsure what was happening.
"What I did at your wedding..." Nikki began to say causing the confusion on the drummer to double. "I didn't... know... how to do that. How to be there."
"What's up, Nikki?" Tommy asked stopping the bassist struggling with his apology.
"I was really fucking selfish, and I shit on something that was important to you, and I am really sorry."
Tommy glanced over at you briefly before focusing back on Nikki. "I know you pretty well, Sixx, so... I kinda get it. And it's okay. But can you say that last part one more time for me?"
"Don't fucking push it, T-bone." Nikki shook his head with a smirk.
You and Tommy began to laugh before the drummer stepped to the side allowing you both to walk through the front door.
"I heard you and Heather broke up."
Tommy nodded, "yeah."
"I'm sorry, man." Nikki grabbed his shoulder with a small squeeze.
"Knew I'd get you to say it again." Tommy grinned with a laugh.
"Fuck you." Nikki removed his hand while trying not to smile.
Your eyes widened in shock not having realised that him and Heather had broken up. But of course, they would have. Heather would've seen the magazine with the photo of her husband kissing another girl on the front page. And not just any girl. It was you. It was the girl that Tommy would hang around with backstage. The girl he'd lean against during shows. The girl he asked to be his groomsman. The girl he ditched their honeymoon for. No wonder Heather was gone.
"Fuck, Tommy, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-" You began to apologise before he cut you off.
"It's okay."
"It's not okay. Heather broke up with you because of me. I mean, fuck, you were married for seven years and-"
"Y/N, look at me." Tommy instructed, stepping in front of you and pinching your chin gently between his thumb and index finger before tilting your head up until you met his eyes. "It's okay." He repeated.
"How is that okay?"
Tommy sighed, glancing over your shoulder at Nikki. The two of them had a silent conversation you weren't privy to before his warm hazel eyes met yours once again.
"Because I've been in love with you since high school."
Out of everything you thought Tommy might have said, that was not on the list. That wasn't even on the draft of the fucking list.
Holy shit.
You opened your mouth to respond but no words came out.
"Kiss her, man." Nikki said from behind you, giving the drummer the permission he needed before Tommy tilted your chin up higher and he leant down capturing your lips with his.
You melted against his mouth and cupped his face with your hands deepening the kiss before pulling away and glancing over at Nikki who was smiling.
"Alright. We're going on a mission." He declared holding his hand out towards you.
You grabbed Nikkis hand before taking Tommys in your other and the three of you walked out the house towards Nikki's car.
It was time to go get Mick Mars.
Apparently, Mick just had hip replacement surgery, so you drove out to the hospital to pick him up.
You leant against the side of the car between Nikki and Tommy, and the look on Micks face when he saw the three of you together was priceless.
"About time you three got your shit together." Was his form of greeting as a nurse wheeled him out the front doors on a wheelchair.
You smirked pushing yourself away from the car and walked towards him.
"It's good to see you, Mick."
The older man smiled, "you too, kid."
"How's that new hip, dude? Feel like The Terminator now or some shit?" Tommy asked heading straight for the handles of the wheelchair.
"Touch the chair and I'll terminate you, Drummer." Mick threatened pointing at him.
Tommy quickly raised his hands and stepped back before Mick thanked the nurse behind him and slowly stood up out the wheelchair.
You took a step forward with your hand out, Nikki doing the same unsure how steady he would be on his feet, but the older man simply waved you both off and began walking to the car.
"Stop looking at me like that. Let's go get our fucking singer back already."
Locating Vince Neil was harder than you anticipated.
He wasn't at his house and after using the spare key to get inside, it was clear that he hadn't been home for a while.
"Where the hell is he?" Tommy asked, looking around and you had a sinking feeling you knew where your brother had ended up.
Moonshadow's bar downtown.
When Skylar was sick, that was where he went every single night and when she passed, he practically lived there. That place was like a second home to him at that point.
You thought rehab had helped him. He sounded fine when you spoke to him on the phone not long ago, but your brother was still suffering.
"Shit." You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands causing the guys to all look over at you. "I think I know where he is."
The four of you climbed back into Nikki's car and before you knew it, you were heading towards the front door of the small quiet bar. But before you pushed it open, you paused and turned to face the guys.
"Look... just let me talk to Vince first, okay? I-I don't know how he'll react."
They all nodded in agreement before you turned and entered the building.
There were a few people seated at various booths and tables, but there was one man sitting at the bar and there was no mistaking that long blonde hair anywhere. The guys remained by the door, for once actually listening to you, while you walked straight across the room towards your brother.
"You got company." The bartender warned, eyeing you and the guys by the door cautiously.
Vince glanced over his shoulder in confusion before his eyes met yours and he sighed, turning back around staring down at his glass of Jack and coke.
"I-I'm not drinking like I was. Don't worry. This is my only drink even ask him." Vince said defensively motioning up at the bartender.
"It's true. He refuses to let me serve him more than one drink."
You nodded, a little relieved to hear that because for a moment you feared your brother had really fallen off the wagon again.
"I'm proud of you." You admitted, sitting down on the stool beside him before leaning over and resting your head on his shoulder. "And I love you."
Vince didn't say anything to that but tilted his head until it was resting against the top of yours.
"How's your hand?" You asked after a moment, looking down at his scarred knuckles wrapped around his glass.
"Healed." He answered letting go of the glass and squeezing his hand in and out of a fist. "I should have never let dad touch you again. I should have seen it coming and-"
"Vin, it's not your fault."
"It kinda feels like my fault."
You lifted your head from his shoulder and turned in your seat to face him properly.
"It's not your fault." You insisted, reaching over and grabbing his arm. "I'm a grown woman. I can take care of myself."
"Yeah? Well, I'm your big brother. It's my job to protect you and I failed, again."
"You can't protect me from everything, big brother." You whispered, mimicking your words from the day you both ran away from home.
Vince smiled sadly catching on before repeating his own words too, "I can try."
Neither of you said anything for a few minutes while Vince sipped at his drink savouring his one alcoholic beverage before you glanced over your shoulder at the others and nodded them over.
"Vin, the guys are here. They wanna talk to you."
That had your brothers head snapping around so fast, "what? No. Y/N, I don't think-"
"We just wanna talk, Vinnie. That's it." Nikki explained calmly reaching the bar, but your brother just stared down at his glass refusing to look at him. "Come on, Vinnie."
Mick suddenly reached out and placed a firm but gentle hand on your brother's shoulder causing him to flinch.
"Let's talk." Mick said.
Vince glanced over at you hesitantly and you gave him a small reassuring nod causing your brother to let out a deep sigh.
The group of you moved over to a table at the far side of the bar away from everyone else. You sat down between Nikki and Tommy while Mick grabbed some soda for you all and placed it on the table while Nikki spoke.
"I was scared." Nikki admitted, looking at Vince beside him. "After what happened with Razzle, I was scared that I was losing the only thing that ever mattered to me."
"Yeah, your band." Vince muttered.
"No. No. This." Nikki explained motioning to all of you around the table. "Look, we went to war together. Shit changes, people change, but I don't fucking care if Mötley Crüe never plays another note. All I want is my fucking brother back. Because this is the only family that I've ever known."
"We love you, Vin. Okay, fuck, I love ya." Tommy added.
"And I am sorry about Skylar, man." Nikki said gently.
Vince lowered his head avoiding everyone's eyes as his body started to shake and you knew your brother was trying not to cry at the mention of his daughter.
"It's against the laws, man." Vince sobbed, shaking his head. "It's against the fucking rules of the universe."
Your own eyes began to fill with tears as you stared at your brother struggling to hold it together before Mick wrapped his arm around him and that was all it took before Vince started to cry.
"Hey." Nikki soothed, resting his hand on Vince's shoulder.
"We got you, brother." Mick whispered, holding him. "We got you, brother."
Tommy suddenly pulled you into his side while you silently cried, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your back. Tears trickled down your face in a heavy stream despite how hard you tried to stop them, and Nikki reached over with his free hand and grabbed yours on the table giving it a small squeeze for comfort.
Eventually, the tears came to an end. Vince managed to get a hold of himself while you sniffed quietly. Your brother glanced over at you noticing your tear-streaked face before he looked at Tommys arm around you and Nikki's hand holding yours.
"Look, Vince-" Nikki quickly began to say, but your brother cut him off.
"You three together?"
Mick stiffened from across the table fearful that this might be the breaking point for Mötley Crüe. If Vince couldn't accept it, that was it. There was no coming back for Mötley Crüe and the older man knew it. You all knew it.
"I love them, Vince." You began to say before either of them had a chance to open their mouths and say something stupid.
A look of shock washed over your brothers face at those words. He knew that the three of you used to hook up and you eventually told him about the miscarriage. But Vince probably just assumed that it was a casual thing between the three of you. He didn't know that you were in love, and you hoped like hell that piece of new information wouldn't make him any madder than he already was.
You loved Nikki and Tommy.
You loved them both so fucking much, and you were done trying to hide it.
"Yeah, I love them." You continued to say. "And I know you don't approve of that. And we shouldn't have snuck around behind your back way back when, and for that, I'm sorry. But I can't change how I feel."
Vince remained worriedly silent for quite some time while he looked between the three of you carefully.
Tommy and Nikki seemed too frightened to speak which was probably a good thing and Mick was sitting there holding his breath, waiting to see what would happen.
"You guys love each other?" Vince eventually asked, his tone forcefully neutral as he glanced between you all.
"We do, man." Tommy answered without hesitation. "I know your sister is off limits, but we love her, dude. This isn't just some fling or something. We love her."
"He's right." Nikki backed up, Vince's eyes shooting over to the bassist. "Look, man. I've never felt the way I feel about your sister with anyone. I love her, and I'm not going to apologise for it. If you want to walk away, we aren't going to stop you."
"Or you can come back and Mötley Crüe can start playing again." Mick spoke up, resting his hand on Vince's shoulder.
Your brother glanced over at the older man briefly before shifting his focus back to the guys beside you taking in Tommys arm around your back and Nikki's hand still holding yours against the table.
Your heart felt like it was beating out of its chest in anticipation until your brother eventually nodded.
"Let's make some fucking music."
After announcing Mötley Crüe were back with Vince Neil as their lead singer, the first show sold out within an hour of tickets going on sale.
"Tommy, sit still or I'm gonna ruin your makeup." You warned from where you were literally sitting in his lap trying to apply his eyeliner, but he kept tapping his foot. "God, I forgot how fidgety you used to be before a show."
"I can't help it. I get nervous." He said defensively but managed to stop moving his foot so you could finish.
You lowered the eyeliner and stared at his beautiful hazel eyes making sure they were both perfectly even before you nodded at your handy work in approval.
"Can I move now, baby?"
"Yes, but be careful not to smudge-"
His lips crashed against yours before you could finish that sentence. It was rushed and needy, but perfect all at once.
You tossed the eyeliner in the general direction of the desk before resting your hand over his bare chest. Your fingers traced over the new tattoos that weren't there the last time you were on tour together. His hand shifted down to your waist, sliding up under your jacket until his warm fingers found your skin and he kept his hand there while you kissed him back needily.
The door to your dressing room suddenly opened causing the two of you to pull apart. You looked over your shoulder to find Nikki walking inside now dressed in his leather pants and new black jacket. His signature warpaint stripes were on his face along with a bandana around his forehead.
"Looking good, Sixx." You whistled as he closed the door behind himself, his cheeks blushing a little at your compliment.
You glanced back over at Tommy who was still holding you in his lap and now had red lipstick smeared over his lips.
"I need to wipe this off." You said reaching up to his mouth, but he grabbed your hand before you could do it.
"Leave it. It'll remind me of you."
Your heart swelled at that small gesture before Nikki walked over to the two of you and spun the chair you were both occupying around until you were facing him.
"Your look is missing something." Nikki observed looking your new outfit up and down.
It was just a simple pair of leather pants with chains hanging from the belt loops and a sleeveless red lacy top that probably showed too much skin and cleavage, but neither of the guys commented on it not wanting to control what you wore which you appreciated.
"Close your eyes for me." Nikki instructed.
You raised your eyebrows, "um, why?"
"Do you trust me?"
"With my life." You answered without hesitation.
"Close your eyes."
You nodded and closed your eyes before Nikki's hand cupped the side of your face gently and then you felt him drawing a small line along your left cheek bone.
There was no mistaking what that mark was.
"T-bone. What do you think?" Nikki asked tilting your head to the side so Tommy could see.
"She's fucking beautiful, man."
"Yeah, she is." Nikki agreed before he lowered his hand from your face, and you felt the chair start to turn again. "Open your eyes, princess."
Slowly, you blinked your eyes open to find yourself now facing the mirror on the desk. Your eyes shifted down to the singular black stripe of warpaint on your cheek that was identical to what you used to have all those years ago.
You smiled at the mirror, "like old times."
Nikki and Tommy both met your gaze through the mirror with bright smiles.
The faded scars on your face and upper arm from the car crash back in 1984 were traced with glitter like you used to do on tour. However, the healed scars on your wrist were covered with bracelets.
You fiddled with the bracelets for a moment before catching sight of the clock on the wall behind.
"It's show time." You announced, climbing off Tommy's lap before shrugging off your leather jacket and throwing it onto the desk. "You boys ready?"
Tommy nodded, "hell yeah."
"Let's do it." Nikki grinned.
You followed the guys out the dressing room and down the long narrow corridor towards the stage before you knocked on Mick's dressing room door as you passed.
"Mick, it's time!" You shouted before walking over to your brother's door and knocking. "Vin, let's roll!"
Nikki then threw his arm around your shoulders while he walked, Tommy off to his other side fiddling with his drumsticks. Mick came out his room joining you down the corridor wearing his long black coat and top hat and then Vince stepped out in his leather pants and black muscle shirt.
The five of you walked down the corridor in sync together.
Vince wrapped his arms around you and Nikki with a bright smile spreading across his face. Tommy sprung himself in the air with one hand on Micks shoulder and another on Nikki's as he jumped up excitingly causing you all to laugh as you made your way towards the stage.
You slipped free from Vince and Nikki as you rounded the corner towards the backstage stairs and paused at the base of them watching the guys all walk up towards the stage.
A swell of love and pride washed over you.
Whenever Tommy sat down behind his drums and Nikki picked up his bass, and Mick plugged in his guitar, something always happened. It was like the air thickened with excitement. You couldn't put your finger on it, but it was like a weird kind of electrical humidity. You didn't just hear it, you felt it. Then Vince would scream the first few words of a song and all you could think was, 'we're home.'
You were a lot older now but some days you still felt eighteen with these guys.
This band had outlived wives and girlfriends, managers, record companies, agents- everything but itself.
From living in the Mötley House along the Sunset Strip and playing at the Whiskey to this moment... Mötley Crüe had fucking made it.
Nikki suddenly stopped halfway up the stairs noticing you were missing and turned in confusion. His smoky eyes locked with yours and he held his hand out towards you. You jogged up the steps and took his hand with a small squeeze.
"You did it. Mötley Crüe are back." You smiled proudly at him. "This is our life."
"If life was a song, then meeting you was the best verse." Nikki whispered in your ear before he placed a tender kiss to your lips.
You closed your eyes savouring the moment before Nikki pulled away with a bright smile on his face. His hand squeezed yours gently before he led you up the stairs catching up with the others just as you reached the stage and the crowd erupted.
Vince threw his hands up in the air enthusiastically. Tommy and Mick holding up devil horns while you stared out at the stadium full of people in front of you. The crowd was screaming and cheering louder than you had ever heard it as Nikki held your joined hands up to the sky.
After everything the band had been through together. All the years of fights, drugs, alcohol, criticism, heartbreak... after everything, they were still here.
That's fate.
That's family.
And that's Mötley fuckin' Crüe.
A/N: I'm actually crying...
I didn't think I'd get emotional about this. It's just a fanfic, it's a fake story... but it's also real. It's based on true events from the band we all know and love, but to me, writing this story has been like a lifeline. And now it's over and I have no idea what to do.
From listening to Girls Girls Girls in my dad's car on the way to school when I was a kid... to 15 years later and I'm blasting Kickstart My Heart in my own car driving to work... then fast forward a couple years to the 14th of November 2023, I'm standing at Marvel Stadium in Melbourne over 1,5000km away from home with my dad watching Mötley Crüe live in concert.
Seeing Mötley Crüe in person... seeing Nikki Sixx on stage playing his bass... seeing Tommy Lee unleash on the drums... hearing Vince Neil scream the songs I grew up listening to and hearing John 5 tearing it up on his guitar carrying on Mick Mars' legacy... words cannot do justice to how fucking amazing those couple of hours were.
In 2022, I moved to a small country town for my career. I live alone. I have no friends or family in this town, they all live over 8 hours away. I'm introvert with bad social anxiety and I like being alone. I like my own space and having my own house, but it hurts sometimes being this lonely, but Mötley Crüe have helped me. From their music to their books, to their movie; The Dirt, to all their YouTube interviews and documentaries to their social media presence. Mötley Crüe have made me feel less lonely. They have helped me in so many ways and I owe everything to them.
I know I'm rambling, but Mötley Crüe, Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars and John 5 have saved my life. Sure, to some that might seem stupid and pathetic. Mötley Crüe don't know me. They never will. But they have impacted my life so much and I would not be here typing these words if it wasn't for them. 
So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank them.
I don't know what the future holds.
Mötley Crüe are doing some shows in America this year and releasing new music soon (I am so fucking excited to hear it) and according to Nikki on Twitter/X, the band will be back to touring in 2025.
Now, I don't know if that means they will come back to Australia or not, but just the thought... just the mere chance and possibility that Mötley Crüe might be back in my country that is enough to keep going. It is enough to get me out of bed in the mornings and go to work. It is enough for me to keep fighting and I know I will get judged for it but fuck anyone who hates on me for saying that because this band means more to me than you will ever know.
When I first started writing this, I never imaged anyone would even read it. I was purely writing this for myself, but I am so so happy that many of you have loved and resonated with this story and Y/N Neil.
Out all the fanfics I've ever written this one means the most to me. Thank you for coming along on this journey. I have had a blast writing this and at the moment, this story is finished, but who knows what the future holds ❤️
This is Sourwolf_sterek32 signing off. Until next time, stay safe everyone. I'm going to go cry and rewatch The Dirt for the hundredth time to make myself feel better xx
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motsbstrd · 2 months
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oh he’s slaying
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sunsetsixx · 1 month
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deeloveskiss · 4 months
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the dirt (2019)
103 notes · View notes
ritchiesamborasgirl · 17 days
more scenes from the dirt
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How is it that Douglas Booth can pull off being drunk so well he looks sexy even when he's acting drunk.
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one of my all-time favorite scenes in this movie it's hilarious.
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another one of my favorite scenes hahaha 🤣🤣🤣
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and for the grand finale of Mick my favorite character "I'm shocked how much it blows."😂😂😂
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elscaptive · 11 months
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Random "The Dirt" cast photos (๑-﹏-๑)
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muschiettistrashmouth · 10 months
Bestfriends - Mötley Crüe
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Authors note: Hello there! I was planning to write for Mötley for quite some time now but I was waiting for my book to arrive (I still don't have it so, well...). English is NOT my first language and I'm a bit rusty. Anyways, enjoy.
Requested?: no
Pairing: best friends!Motley Crue/reader
Summary: You punch Tommy's girlfriend in the face after she speaks badly of his mother.
Warnings: swear words (duh?), mentions of alcohol.
As best friends with the boys, you were always on tour with them, which means sleeping in the bus, partying all night after the shows, and getting in trouble with the terror twins. And even when you paired up with the boys to terrorize Mick, he still treated you like a baby sister.
On one of those days, you were drinking with Mick and Vince in the dress rooms,  Tommy was looking for his girlfriend/fiancé (you didn't even know anymore to be honest), and Nikki was missing too.
The three of you looked at each other with a knowing glance. It was obvious they were fucking.
"I'll introduce her to my parents, man," Tommy exclaimed excitedly. "She's the one."
Mick snorted, then tried to calm down.
"Yeah, man!" Vince said with thumbs up.
"Such a great girl!" You mock, but Tommy didn't understand your tone.
And that's when she appeared.
She wasn't exactly a pleasant company and everyone knew that, everyone but Tommy.
Chilling on the bus near Nikki, you were listening to Tommy's weird dream. Something about a floating drum. You didn't really catch what he was saying. That's when his girl stabbed him with a pen.
You and Mick exchanged a weird look and then she started to scream, insulting Tommy. You just couldn't stop the laugh that escaped your mouth.
The black-haired woman looked at you, her eyes burning through your soul.
"And you're just a fucking bitch!"
"Really? Never heard that one before." You mock pouted, making the boys laugh.
"A fucking cunt!"
"Wow, so creative!" You show your thumbs up.
"And you should have protected me from your mother." Another smack against Tommy. "That... that bitch! She's a cunt!"
Everyone's jaws were on the floor.
"A fucking cunt!"
You didn't know what the fuck happened, but one minute you were sitting by Nikki, and the other you were standing, punching her on the nose.
"Never speak about her like this again." You and Tommy said at the same time.
She screams in pain and tries to hit you, but at the same time you push her away with your foot, Nikki holding you to try and stop the fight as Tommy made sure she was out the bus in no time, ending things with her right then and there.
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50 notes · View notes
release-the-mccracken · 6 months
Vince: If you had to choose between Nikki and all the money I have in my pocket, which would you take? Mick: That depends. How much money are we talking about? Nikki: Mick! Vince: 62 cents. Mick: I'll take the money. Nikki: MICK!
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 6 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
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Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Past child abuse, and of course, excessive alcohol and substance abuse.
A/N: More specific warnings will be added for certain chapters when required. I also just wanted to add in a quick disclaimer and say that through my research, Vince Neil's parents sounded like nice, decent people. However, this is a fanfic and for the purpose of this story and the plot, I am changing that.
Chapter 1- My Kinda Lover
Growing up, you always knew your big brother Vince had what it took to become a rockstar.
As kids, his favourite place other than the beach was the roller-skating rink where they held lip-synching contests. Vince would drag you there with his surfer buddy John and sign up every time. He'd dress up in flared pants, loud open button polyester shirts, wigs and other accessories he thought rockstars were supposed to wear and you'd help him.
It was during those lip-synching contests where Vince discovered his love for performing. He'd jump around on stage, goofed off, played air guitar and threw the microphone around. The crowd ate it up, and he always won. Always.
It wasn't long before the lip-synching turned into actual singing and your brother had a damn good voice even as a teenager. And not long after that he joined a band. Rock Candy.
It was during one of his performances with the cover band that his path to becoming a rockstar kicked off.
Vince was in the middle of singing his cover for My Kinda Lover on the small stage with his band. You'd sing as a backup singer for Rock Candy occasionally, but this song didn't require it, so you hung by the drinks table swirling your Jack and coke around in a solo cup and listened.
The drink was an important necessity every time Rock Candy performed because you weren't sure how you'd get through watching all those girls fawn over your big brother without it. They were practically throwing themselves on him whenever he performed and although you hated it, Vince absolutely lapped up all the attention from them.
There had been a few incidences where drunk girls got too handsy with him. Pulling at his clothes or jumping on stage just to touch him. One time a woman grabbed his scarf and literally pulled him down into the crowd of crazy females. By the time he managed to get back on stage, half his clothes had been torn off and that was when you stepped in and started ordering people out or breaking noses... usually the latter.
Most women treated your brother like a piece of meat. Like he was nothing more than a toy for them to play with and admire. And Vince, although he would never admit it, he didn't enjoy it all the time.
So, even when not on stage with him, you kept an eye on everything and that was when you spotted the three men.
They stood out amongst the crowd of young people dressed in the bare minimum while they wore leather and dark pants with their jet-black hair. You clocked them the second they walked through the crowd as people who shouldn't be here.
No way guys dressed like that would be interest in listening to Vince's cover band. So, what did they want? Trouble, probably.
You hung back eyeing the men cautiously before they began to make their way over to the drinks stand where you still were. None of them paid you any attention while you leant against the side of the table sipping your drink.
It wasn't like you blended in with the crowd here either, so you couldn't judge the strangers too harshly. Your own tight jeans and leather jacket might as well be a full body suit compared to the other girls crop tops and tiny shorts.
"His voice ain't bad." One of the men suddenly said speaking up for the first time since they got to the drinks stand.
"I don't care if he can sing or not. Look what he's doing to those chicks." The other responded.
The three guys continued to watch your brother sing on stage while pointing and commenting quiet words that you couldn't quite catch.
Downing the last of your Jack and coke, you pushed yourself away from the drinks table and took a step to the side until you were blocking their view to the stage and folded your arms across your chest defensively.
"What do you guys want from Vince?"
The man in the middle holding a bottle of Jack Daniels instantly stood up straight sizing you up.
The older man to his right remained silent and looked over your shoulder back towards the stage seemingly bored by your presence, so you kept your attention focused on the middle guy whose gaze hadn't left yours, but he didn't seem like he was going to answer your question either.
"Don't make me repeat myself." You said bluntly.
His brows furrowed into a frown, the blankness on his expression twisting into annoyance but before he could say anything, the younger guy to his left spoke up.
"Holy fucking shit. Y/N?"
That had your head snapping away from the middle guy instantly and the second you saw that goofy smile and long hair, realisation hit you like a truck.
Tommy Lee.
Well, shit. You weren't expecting to see him here.
You didn't recognise him earlier. His hair used to be lighter, but now it was black. It suited him though.
The last time you saw him was when you and Vince were living in his van about a year ago. So much had happened since then.
A smile broke out across your face which made Tommy's smile brighten further before he held his arms out a little hesitantly like he wasn't sure if a hug would be an acceptable greeting. If it was anyone else, no, a hug wouldn't be acceptable, maybe a handshake at the most, but this wasn't anyone, this was Tommy.
"Good to see you, Tommy." You said accepting the hug.
His long lanky arms instantly wrapped around your body tightly and you hugged him back, tucking your head against his chest and closing your eyes thinking back to the last time you had seen him.
Your father was a mechanic who worked for L.A. County repairing sheriff's cars. He had so many friends within the law enforcement department, he thought he could get away with anything... and he was right.
When he wasn't at work fixing cars or buddying up to the local cops, he was at home getting high and drinking. And the combination of drugs and alcohol made him mad. It made him angry. It made him abusive.
Your stepmother, Vince's real mother, wouldn't stand for your father's crap and they'd end up in screaming matches against each other. They'd yell, scream, cry and break things from the living room nearly every night.
Vince could always tell when the fighting was about to start, and once you got older, you saw the warning signs too before World War III erupted in the house. When you were little Vince would take you to his bedroom and lock the door while blasting music through his stereo so you couldn't hear the screaming and fighting. He'd make it fun and would use his hairbrush as a makeshift microphone and the two of you would sing and dance on top of his bed trying to forget about what was happening across the house.
When you got older and the fighting would start up, you'd both slip out his bedroom window and get away for a few hours until your father calmed down or passed out from drinking. But sometimes you weren't quick enough to get away.
Those nights were the worst because his anger would turn onto you and Vince.
Vince always took the blunt of his anger. He always tried to protect you from your father's rage and violence, but sometimes he couldn't.
You were eight years old the first time your father ever hit you. He was mad about something -staying up too late, not doing homework, playing music too loud, you couldn't remember - it didn't matter anyway.
Your father was always in a terrible mood, the alcohol and drugs made him worse and at the slightest provocation he would take out his frustration on the nearest thing or person which was usually you, despite Vince trying his best to not let that happen.
Your father never outright said it, but you reminded him of the affair he had with another woman -your mother- the woman who dumped a baby at his perfect white picket fence home door with a single note.
'Your daughter, Y/N. I'm sorry'
Vince's mother had taken you in and raised you like her own without hesitation, despite your father wanting nothing to do with you.
You were 16 years old the last time he ever beat you... and the first time he nearly killed you.
"Just stay awake, okay? Keep your eyes on me." Vince practically begged while he sped down the road away from the hell you called home. "We'll be at the hospital soon. Stay awake."
You leant heavily against the passenger side door of the car while holding his scarf against the side of your head. The scarf had started off white but was now stained a bright crimson along with the collar of your shirt.
Blood was trickling down the side of your face from the deep gash on your forehead. The warm liquid sticking and matting in your hair as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
"N-no hospital. We can't afford it." You winced, tilting your head to the side to look at your brother, but even that slight movement felt like agony against your pounding head.
Vince clenched his jaw at your words, his hands tightening and untightening around the steering wheel as he drove, but he didn't argue because you were right. You had no money. And if you went to the hospital, they'd call your father, the very same man you were running from.
"We should go back." You whispered closing your eyes and leaning your head back against the seat behind you. "We have nowhere else to go."
"Hey, no, open your eyes. And we are not going back." Vince stated sternly while he reached over and shook your shoulder until you reluctantly opened your eyes despite wanting nothing more than to just sleep the pain away. "I'm not letting him anywhere near you again. Got it?"
"You can't protect me from everything, big brother."
"I can try."
Before you knew it, Vince was pulling up into the driveway in front of a decent looking house that you couldn't recognise.
"I'll be back. Don't fall asleep."
He was out the car before you could respond, and you watched through the windshield as he ran up to the house and knocked on the front door until a guy you recognised from high school answered.
"Vinnie, what up, dude?" Tommy greeted with a bright smile.
"I... we need a place to stay. Can we..." Vince trailed off while pointing towards a van parked along the side of the house.
"Who's we?"
Vince nodded over his shoulder to where you were sitting in the car holding the bloodied scarf to your forehead.
Tommy's eyes widened in a mixture of shock and panic, "holy shit. Is she okay?"
"No. Not really." Vince admitted, emotion thick in his voice. "Can we crash in your van for a few days?"
"Of course." Tommy answered without hesitation.
"I've missed you, dude." Tommy's voice said, snapping you out of your thoughts as the two of you pulled apart.
His eyes shifted to your forehead searching for the scar that he knew was hidden behind your hair. It seemed you weren't the only one who had been thinking back to the last time you saw each other.
"I'm in a band with these dudes." Tommy explained after a few beats of silence. "Guys, this is Y/N. She's Vince's sister. I was in the same grade as her in high school."
Both men nodded but didn't say anything. Instead, they turned their attention over your shoulder to where your brother was still performing in front of the crowd.
Seriously, what did they want from Vince?
"Yeah, Vinnie!!" Tommy cheered enthusiastically as the song came to an end.
"Thank you! We're Rock Candy!" Your brother shouted into the microphone.
"Shitty name."
You turned to glare at the older and very serious-looking man. Sure, you kind of agreed with him. Rock Candy wasn't a great name, but only you were allowed to insult your brother.
"Okay, seriously, why are you guys here and what do you want with my brother?" You questioned, the smile from seeing Tommy vanishing from your face as you got down to business.
"We're looking for a singer for the band." The one drinking Jack Daniels straight finally said.
"And who the fuck are you?"
His sea green eyes shifted back to you, looking you up and down briefly before meeting your gaze.
"Nikki Sixx."
You stared at him for a moment before nodding, "okay, Sixx. Why do you want my brother?"
Vince looked nothing like these guys. Your brother loved white. He'd wear that white t-shirt you had ripped up the sides of and sewn together with lace everywhere because it was his favourite. He had his hair dyed as white as he could get it and fluffed it until it added half a foot to his height. It was his style, and it was the opposite to these guys.
"He's fucking perfect, man." Tommy responded.
"He's pretty good. Got moves." Nikki admitted without answering your question.
Tommy suddenly darted off, pushing his way through the crowd to where Vince was now walking after finishing the last song. Nikki and the older guy didn't say anything else to you, so you didn't speak to them either while you watched Tommy and Vince embrace in a hug and chat for a few minutes before Tommy returned with his signature smile.
"He's in. I think."
You glanced back over to your brother across the crowd as he tucked the tape that Tommy had given him into his pocket without much thought because he was too focused on the blonde-haired woman chatting him up.
Nah, Vince wasn't in.
Later that night, you found yourself sitting in the bed of your old Ford F150 truck parked on the beach away from humanity because it was quietest spot and best place to sleep.
Between your shifts at the diner downtown and Vince working as an electrician apprentice plus his small gigs with Rock Candy, it still wasn't enough to afford a house or apartment. Vince usually crashed in the bedrooms of which ever girl he was seeing that week while you slept in a sleeping bag in the back of your truck.
It wasn't so bad, especially this time of year. During winter it was harder, and you were going to figure something else out, but that was a few months away and a problem for later. For now, you were going to enjoy the peaceful beach and sound of waves crashing against the shore like a lullaby every night.
You laid in the bed of your truck staring up at the stars shimmering in the sky above you. The cool breeze was slowly starting to kick in, but not enough for you to grab a blanket out from under the front seat.
Something suddenly slammed against the tailgate of your truck causing you to bolt upright and reach for the pocketknife stashed under your pillow only to find your brother leaning against the side of your truck trying not to laugh.
"One of these days, I'm gonna actually stab you and I'm not even gonna be sorry." You warned pointing at him with the knife.
Vince rolled his eyes, "you shouldn't keep parking in the same spot. Creeps might start to notice."
"Oh, creeps like you?" You shot back causing Vince to glare, but there was no real heat behind it.
"I'm serious though. If some pedo realises a young girl sleeps out here alone, that little knife won't do much to stop him. You need a gun or something."
"I can't afford a gun."
"I can steal you one." He suggested.
"Please don't."
Vince snorted softly before pulling down the tailgate of your truck and sitting on it while overlooking the ocean that was lit up by the full moon shining brightly in the sky above it.
"What happened to your new girl? Her daddy kick you out?" You teased, referring back to a few weeks ago when a girl's father did actually kick him out and he ended up in the back of your truck keeping you awake with his snoring.
"Nah, her dad wasn't home."
You frowned a little at his words because if he hadn't been kicked out of the girl's house then why wasn't he sleeping in her comfy bed or at the very least, her couch?
"Tommy gave me this. Said to listen to it and call him." He pulled a tape out from his pocket and held it out towards you. "It's all I've been thinking about. I couldn't even get it up when I was in bed with her."
"Eww! Too much information, Jesus Christ." You swore taking the tape before jumping out the truck and opening the driver side door turning the key to accessories before inserting the tape into the stereo cranking the volume up.
You sat on the tailgate beside Vince while you listened to the music together on the beach where nobody could see or hear for miles.
It hurt to admit, but fuck, they were pretty good.
"This shits on Rock Candy, no offence." You commented and to your own shock, Vince actually nodded in agreement. "You gonna call Tommy and his sketchy friends to join their even sketchier band?"
"What do you think?" He asked, but it wasn't a question. He was going to call.
Next Chapter
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If anyone wants to be tagged let me know
So, this fanfic came out of nowhere.
I recently saw Mötley Crüe during their last show of the World Tour in Melbourne (I am still pinching myself. It was the best night ever!) and seeing them in person literally kickstarted my obsession for them.
I grew up listening to my dad’s 80s music which obviously included Mötley Crüe. I still remember Girls Girls Girls blasting through the car on the way to school when I was 8. And although I’ve liked their music since I was a kid, I never really knew much about them beyond that.
But when my dad asked if I wanted to go to the Mötley Crüe concert with him, I didn’t even hesitate.
I’ll be honest, I had never watched The Dirt before until Vince said during the concert that Mötley Crüe had made a movie and I googled it as soon as I got home.
After watching the movie and seeing them live in concert, I was hooked.
I bought their book The Dirt and binged it in 2 days (that is one hell of a rollercoaster to read) and now I’m literally typing this while wearing a Mötley shirt.
I won’t try and pretend to have been a Cruehead all my life because that isn’t true, but I am so incredibly glad that I have found this love for Mötley Crüe and I hope you all enjoy this fanfic xx
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motsbstrd · 19 days
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baby crüe <33
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sunsetsixx · 2 months
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haywire-hetfield · 2 months
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incorrectcrue · 15 days
Y/N: You’ve saved me. I owe you my life.
Mick: No thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
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2000-man1 · 1 month
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