#don’t be shocked if i delete this in an hr or a day idk
bakubunny · 14 days
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a/n: *sighs.* here we go again.… ken ryuguji has been quickly taking over my brain. i would like to blame thank @sovya for planting this seed. pls forgive me bc i know this isn’t rly a thing. i just think he’s pretty and other dumb shit.
tags: soft!draken, f!reader, fluff, established relationship, cooking together, daddy kink (sort of?), daddy as a pet name, reader called baby, draken’s kind of sweet here, probably a bit ooc idk (sry)
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“yeah, baby?” he replied. he pulled a container of leftover rice from dinner the night before out of the fridge.
“will you let me ask you something and not give me shit for it?” you asked. scents of onion, garlic, and pepper permeated the air as you stirred the pan before you.
ken grinned. “maybe. is it somethin’ i should give you shit for?”
you smiled in return. “maybe, but….”
“but…?” his smile softened. he set his hands on your shoulders behind you as you worked.
“i’m asking you not to. just this once,” you replied. “please.”
a silence filled the room. ken’s brow furrowed.
“alright. what is it?” he said.
you hesitated, keeping your eyes on the stove in front of you as a distraction.
“can i call you daddy?” you said softly.
ken stood still. “what?” his tone was biting when he spoke.
“sorry, that was stupid, i-” you replied, pulling away to busy your hands further with anything not near him.
“no. look at me.” he said firmly. ken stepped over to where you were and turned you around by the hips. “did i fucking hear you right?”
you looked up, eyes wide, his onyx gaze now a little softer though his brow stayed furrowed.
“i don’t know, did you?” you reply. “if i’m gonna piss you off, we’re not talking about it.”
his hands held tight as you tried to escape his grasp, pushing on his stomach.
“i’m not -” he sighed. “ask me again. i’ll be nice. i promise,” he said softly.
the sound of food sizzling on the stove behind you somehow lessened the tension in the room.
“can i call you daddy?” you repeated. “just like… in general?” it felt embarrassing, the way your tummy flipped and your mouth went dry trying to get the words out. you chewed on your lip waiting for his reply.
“you're serious? you mean that?” he said. his expression was difficult to read, but his eyes flickered down to your lips and back up.
you nodded in reply.
a small laugh left his lips. he leaned down towards you. “yeah. i thought you'd never ask.”
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mini gremlins: @dcsiremc @bookcluberror @zazter-den @i-literally-cant-with-this @r4td0lll @naughtygobbo
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
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wow, so you might have noticed i’ve been a little absent from tumblr these past few days, a couple of things happened that reminded me i have a lot to be thankful and grateful for
first: i hit 1k last week which just absolutely blows my fuckin mind, y’all do not know how grateful i am for each and every one of you. it genuinely feels like yesterday i was nervously writing the first part of feel something and now i’ve got a whole masterlist and a giant support system. thank yall for always supporting me and treating me so good i love you guys so so so much
second: saturday night i was in a pretty serious accident with a deer, i’m okay (super super sore tho fml) my car is well... my car is not okay. at the end of the day i am just grateful to be alive and relatively okay - always wear your seatbelts you guys!!!! i firmly believe we would be having a much different conversation if my seatbelt hadn’t locked 
so i thought it would be fun to do a game/ask night and celebration to celebrate 1k and walking away from my accident - the theme is simply my most used emojis
🥺: let me simp over you - could be a blog compliment, fic compliment, something i love about you, maybe me simping abt our friendship?? idk let me have free reign to love on you
🤷🏼‍♀️: typical games - would you rather, fmk, send me a number and i’ll shuffle my liked songs on spotify and tell you what song comes up after that many skips, literally any other celly game you can think of  (pls no cym it gives me anxiety)
✨: let’s get dramatic - tell me a secret and i’ll tell you one of mine (you can go on anon if you want!!)
👀: kink same or kink shame - tell me your kink and i’ll tell you if i share it (lex gave me this idea a few cellys ago and i’ve wanted to do it but never fit it in before so creds to her ig)
🌻: this is my positivity tag emoji lol - send me something positive and i’ll send you something positive back (maybe something really awesome happened to you today?? maybe you have a fave positive quote?? maybe you just want to see a picture of my puppies??)
😭: the angsssstttt - let’s talk angsty fics, have a good fic rec to make me cry?? wanna talk about some of the pain i’ve inflicted via my masterlist??
🥵: let’s thirst - send me ur nfsw thoughts?? send me your celeb crushes and let’s simp?? (rae if u submit something abt pegging i will delete it :) )
😇: anything goes here - idk i like to have an option with no prompt because some of my favorite celebration stuff has come from these so
[obligatory taggin some moots so it don’t flop statement] [obligatory sorry if i missed tagging you i love you so much i’m just still in shock from the force of hittng a deer at 110 km/hr statement or alternatively i’m worried im annoying you and dont wanna tag you to be annoying idk could go either way]:
@rekrappeter​​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​​  @sortagaysortahigh​​ @euphoricmalfoy​​ @socialwriter​​ @anxietyandtacos​​ @rudyypankow​​ @midnightmagicmusings​​ @mdlyncline​​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​​ @bricksatanakinswindow​​ @stargazingstarkey​​ @anonymous0writer​​ @softstarkey​​ @sguymon21​​ @danicarosaline​​ @notphilosopherstudentblog​​ @outrbanks​​ @downbytheouterbanks​​ @royalmerchant​​ @butgilinsky​​ @jjaybank​​ @popeheywards​​  @tempestuousjj​​ @rae131415​ @https-luna​​​ @love-chx​​ @outerbankslut​​ @honeyycheek​​ ​​ @kookkyra​​​ @cognacdelights​​ @stfukie​​​ @pogueszn​​  @starkeybabie​​ @x-lulu​​  @spideymyluv​​ @sguymon21​​  @angellissy​​ @drewstarkey​​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @jiaraendgame​
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myvelouri · 4 years
What I wanna know is why did you torture me that day I needed you so much? That day I really needed you to be my girlfriend. It doesn't happen much, but when I need some support I had hoped my girl would be there for me.
The day I'm talking about is when our work again ganged up on me and shoved me in the meeting office and tore me up and wrote me up for bullshit. It was so degrading and there's a whole HR case built around it all. You knew I had going through this with and you had my back sort of. They have been harassing me and just, it's been unfair and horrible. Especially since I'm a good worker and I do a lot.
Anyway, that very day I told you they called me to the office and railed my ass again and I was extremely upset. I texted you about it. I came over after, and you had this lil box of treats for me. It was cute. I was like, yes! That's the kind of shit I like lol. But... But it wasn't completely real. This night ended horribly... BECAUSE of you. You hurt me more than the managers at work did
So I let you hear the recordings of the managers treating me like shit. You were on my side. It was a lot, you saw my anxiety flair up and everything. Suddenly your phone was blowing the fuck up. It already was, but now it was insane. Suddenly you said it was your best friend R. I tried to look but you hid the phone immediately. Then you said "I have to talk to her... But privately" and I said huh? Why? Show me the screen, like, what did she say, what's wrong. And you wouldn't let me see it. I kept asking and you walked away, and you said you'd send me a screenshot... I said wtf why send a screenshot, just flash me your screen real quick, it's that easy... But you wouldn't... And during this era I was already aware somethin was going on behind my back. So, my anxiety flared the fuck up so so bad. I even told you, babe....you're making my anxiety really fucking bad. And you walked out the door and I said BABE just show me the screen, and you made that face like, it implied how I'M the one who's being gross by not being trusting and by being invasive. But I wasn't. That face you made was a way to manipulate me into making me feel bad or guilty for asking to see your phone, to make me feel ashamed so that I'd not ask anymore. But in reality you were fucking cheating and R wasn't actually R, it was your dumbfuck ex and you changed his name to your girl best friend "R." (I'm not using real names here). And I fucking knew it. But at the time you still hadn't admitted to it. You admitted to this way way way later when I had to persuade you so hardcore. Like, you WERE literally going to go on the rest of our lives without ever telling me. That's scary. That's fucked up. But anyway
That night, you took forever on the phone and then you sent me a screenshot, but you had blotted everything out except for two messages from R. I said this doesn't show shit!
And then I asked you what really was goin on. I even said that that's not R, who is it really
You came back to the room and you had said "oh it was just R, she's out drinking and she's just drunk and being a dumbass, but her brother is there too and I talked to him too and he said he's taking care of her"
I feel like that entire lie was just so that you thought that if I maybe heard you talking to your ex, you knew I'd hear a male voice, but you tried to plant "oh it's R's brother" to try and trick me further. That's so fucking evil bro.
And this whole time, this night was really meant for me, cause I really really needed you. Cause I was seriously hurting from work. And us as well. Cause I knew shit was wrong.
And then I honestly asked you what happened with R. You said you can't tell me and that R wouldn't want you telling anyone about her personal shit. I said no way dude, you were gone a while and you did that whole gesture, you called her in private? Shady. Then you wouldn't show me the screen? Shady. Then you blotted out the screenshot of the texts? Shady. And now you don't want to tell me about ANY of it? SHADY. I already let go of that other time you did this. Which I knew was a lie. You used your grandma's sister's illness as a cover for cheating. Fuck, you FAKE cried and accused me of not being considerate that you don't want to talk about your day with Grandma who was supposedly so sad because of the sickness, and like, yeah, your story was all over the place and I kept asking and I just know you were with him that whole day. Fuck you dude. Idk what's worse. The actual cheating, or lying about it and manipulating me and not having even the slightest ounce of guilt while doing it. The capability you have rather. Holy fucking shit.
But back to this night. How the fuck? So I asked what happened about R. And I kept asking cause my anxiety was high now. Shaking. I was shaking. And you then finally said "okay... So R's dad almost died and so she was texting me saying morbid stuff like 'ha my dad's dead'" and shit like that. I said well... Why wouldn't you tell me that? It's not that bad, she's drunk and upset... We've told each other much deeper things...
I asked her, well, okay, then the texts you just blotted out. If what you're saying is true then why won't you just show me the texts right now? Just show me it, the unedited one... Show me.
You fucking wouldn't show me. And so I hot more anxiety. Cause you were lying. And I knew it. I asked you over and over. And you started crying a bit but saying "I DONT WANT to talk about it!" And you said talking about things makes them real and you don't want to feel. I said I'm your boyfriend and you can't keep hiding R. Cause you'd been hiding everything between you two for the past month+. And I've become fed up with it. I can't do that. I don't fuck with secrets. And so you really put up an act. Started crying. Then after so much, you finally said "ok ok... It's just that me... And... Me and R... Well... We're..." And you sat on my lap as you are crying. I just want the truth. You said finally "me and R aren't going to be friends anymore" and you went into other stories about how y'all were bestfriends and at the other bestfriends wedding you all said you'd be BFF for life and meant it.
At that point I said... Okay. Alright. Well, then can you just show me the texts she sent? Not all of them, just the literal one you edited, just that, there's like 5 tiny messages there. It's not much. I don't want to scroll through, shit just send me the unedited screenshot.
So my anxiety was sky high. I was already shaking uncontrollably when you had left the room to call "R" and you didn't give a shit. You let me suffer with anxiety. I already HAD anxiety from the abuse at work.
So you still wouldn't let me see the messages. At that point I said okay wtf is really the truth, cause you're just telling me things that are unrelated to what is happening in this moment, to what those texts are actually about and it's dead obvious
So then we're in the bed and you say you don't want to talk about it. You say you don't want to tell me. I ask and ask. Finally you say "R says I'm dating an old man, and that I like old dick" and I was shocked to hear that. I had already said I'm prepared to hear whatever it was so I held back my hurt. I said "okay. So R doesn't like me... So is that what the texts said? Is that what she said to you? But that makes no sense, why would she just text you that and you call her and it be such a big thing? This doesn't make sense... So now that you already told me what she said, can I see the actual texts now? I mean why not, you already told me what it said so just show me" and you said no. You wouldn't show me. And I said I don't trust you at all. And you went into your phone and deleted the whole thread between you and R... Which was suspicious. Well, you actually laid there and deleted individual texts one by one and then showed me. I said what the fuck? It doesn't count as you showing me when YOU DELETE SHIT. wow
And I was already shaking. Well it turned out much later in the future, R had indeed said they about me but she said it in a joking way. Yet you used that on me as if to say she was being cruel. You actually used hardcore attacks against me in order to hide the text messages and the actual truth. And what was the truth? That R wasn't R, and that it was in fact your ex. And yeah, I figured that the text was "baby" and it went on.
You actually prolonged it so much
And you continued to see him after. And you cheated even more. Then kept going to him after making shit physical.
I just want to know why you tried to hurt me when I needed you... Why did you keep lying in a row like that... And then you kept seeing him for months after even after seeing that I caught on and even after you saw how much pain you put me through, like, it was physical, you could SEE my pain, I was shaking. You never once thought of me when you were out with him getting drunk, kissing me, letting him call you baby, who knows what else
I hate you so much for just that.
There was so many incidents
Why did you keep lying? Why did you keep breaking the trust when you SAW I was catching on and already caught on
Why did you try to play me when you couldn't get away with it
But besides that... Why did you try to play me when I was your hubbu... I thought you wanted to take care of me babe... I thought I was yours and my heart was in your hands... I trusted you... Why did you do it?? I cry still
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kipaparappa · 3 years
It really takes time for me to compose myself and try to retell the story that I went through
My very last day there was the most unpleasant. I mean each day I spent there was very uncomfortable, but the harassment was severe in my very last day working
Prior to my departure, I have had my very manager express some unpleasant words to me, mocking me, and so on. But the biggest villain of all was instead, the translator and HR manager
The translator loved to manipulate people to throw me under the bus. The HR manager was also an old hag bitch who thinks too high of herself. I don't care of their issues, but the way they dragged me into their mess was... i don't know.. unforgiveable
it's not that I desperately want them to let me into their circle. But they really made me look like a miserable loner who didn't know how to make a social life, if it wasn't for them. They were extremely toxic. But somehow, I was able to numb myself throughout my working days there
Recalling all those experience... is another story though
I was determined to 'not lose' to their petty drama. So, I tried to seclude myself as much as i could.
Before I can say a date, my very manager again, said 'its okay (if she quit), I don't like her anyway.
And I wasn't able to chose my leaving day, thanks to their so-called policy
Fast forward, I handed out my resignation paper to the manager HR. She was able to curse the hell out of me, but her potential love interest(?) [yeah she's a minx who's after a married man], or her higher up was there so she emphasize her reply to the word "that's very good to hear'. And I know, what she meant by that was; it's good that she can get rid of me as soon as possible
Few days before the designed resignation date, there was a fuss between those koreans and they pointed me with their fingers from my back. And after that, I was dragged to enter a meeting room by the HR. She told me that those korean wanted me to leave that very day. I was in utter shock. And what made it very upsetting for me was the one who broke it down to me. The HR manager, and its slave the petty translator. They hated me so much, and to inform me such notice perhaps felt like a victory for them
I was so angry but I tried to make my face as emotionless as possible. "Do they have something on me?" I asked but the HR was like "yeah, don't be too dramatic". I was harassed, open and naked, vulnerable. No one could stand up for me, even myself, and I forced myself to see how everything's ended right before my eyes.
I cried a ton that night, I was shameful, angry, ripped apart, humiliated, betrayed. It was the worst ever. or supposedly so, but again I was pretty numb at that point. Idk how I was able to retain myself like that. But then I decided to go to the office next day, before anyone could and deleted all my data before completely leaving the office.
Looking back, It can never be less hurtful for me to recall. I am dumbfounded on how weak I was, how could I let myself fall like that. How dare them and bla bla bla. I don't know though, it was still very challenging for me even to think of. I want to restore my dignity so no one could ever hurt me like that ever again
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