donutdrawsthings · 1 year
I've made a side blog for all the free resources I've made over the years! @donut-toast-resources
I just thought it'd be handy to gather them all in one place
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 2 years
Hoorah! Fall CSA is here!  This is the time of year when we begin to exhale after a long season of non-stop growing/picking.  While we are still deep in the harvest phase of our farming season it is approached without the same intensity and fervor as planting season in May, strawberry season in June or Blueberries in July.  Rather, we pause daily to sip on our coffee and occasional donut rather than burn our mouths trying to gulp and go.  There is still much in the ground to pick and store, but with the change in light levels and drop in temps, it is not like anything will be going to seed anytime soon.  However, frozen ground is on the horizon, so we can’t totally hibernate and catch up on the most recent season of Stranger Things just yet.  Other things on the Edgewater shortlist include planting garlic for next season, keeping up with raspberries, harvesting roots, buttoning up fields, rolling up greenhouses, digging potatoes, and eating as many fresh baked cookies made in the farmstand’s kitchen as possible before the kitchen staff goes on Winter Break. 
Lemonbalm: make tea! Let leaves steep in hot water- add honey if desired- enjoy.
JENNY’S NOTE: This is a GO-TO recipe in my house- big hit with all.  We never have all the ingredients.  Many times we’ve made this without the lentils or onion- BUT the main players here are cabbage, feta, toasted almonds, fresh herbs, salt, and dressing.  If you can gather those essential foods then chop on and eat up!  Also, the book this recipe is from, START SIMPLE by Lukas Volger (Copyright © 2020 by Lukas Volger. Published by Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Reprinted by permission.) proves to be an excellent harvest eating resource.   
½ cup brown, black or dark green lentils
½ medium white or yellow onion
Olive oil
5 cups sliced cabbage
¼ teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons red or white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
¼ teaspoon honey
½ cup crumbled feta cheese
1.2 cup coarsely chopped toasted almonds
½ cup parsley leaves or dill fronds
Combine the lentils with 1 cup water and ½ teaspoon salt in a small saucepan.  Bring to a simmer, cover, and cook until tender, 12 to 18 minutes, depending on which lentils you use.  Drain off and liquid left in the pan and allow to cool.
Meanwhile, slice the onion into paper-thin wasps, preferably using a mandolin, or working carefully with a chef’s knife.  Warm about ¼ inch of the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat.  Dip a piece of onion into it to ensure it’s properly hot- it should sizzle immediately- then add all the onions.  Cook, stirring often with a fork, untl they get crispy and turn a reddish-brown color, 10 to 20 minutes. Watch carefully for the final few minutes, as they burn easily.  Use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a paper towel- lined plate and sprinkle with salt.  SAVE THE OIL!
When the oil has cooled until it’s safe to handle, strain it through a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter to remove all solids into a glass jar (I use a 3-inch strainer for this task).
Toss the cabbage, ½ teaspoon of salt, and the sugar in a colander and let soften for 15 to 30 minutes, then gently press with a spatula to drain off excess liquid.  
Combine the vinegar, mustard, and honey in a jar, along with the 3 tablespoons of the cooled onion-cooking oil.  Shake to emulsify.  
Fold the cabbage, lentils, cheese, almonds, and parsley leaves with most of the dressing in a serving bowl.  Taste and add more dressing if needed.  Pile the frizzled onions on top, tossing them into the salad at the table it’s being served.  
 NOTE ON YOUR CORN: This stuff is not  the freshest, but ideal for soups, read on for soup inspo…
Prep Time 25 mins/ Cook Time 30 mins/ Total Time 55 mins/ Servings 6
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
1 teaspoon paprika
2 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves minced
1 lb potatoes, scrubbed and diced into 1-inch pieces
1 ¾ cups cooked white beans, drained and rinsed
sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste
1 hot pepper/chili of choice, minced (see notes)
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup beer (I used Muskoka Brewery Harvest Ale)
5 cups vegetable stock (See notes!)
5 cups corn kernels, scraped from about 5-6 cobs of corn
¼ cup fresh lime juice
½ cup roughly chopped fresh cilantro
Heat the oil in a large soup pot over medium heat. Add the onions and saute until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the paprika and thyme and stir. Add the potatoes and stir to coat in the spices. Add the white beans, season everything with lots of salt and pepper, and stir.
Add the chili and garlic to the pot and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Slowly pour in the beer. Let it froth up and then gently stir. Bring the beer and vegetables to a boil. Then, add the vegetable stock to the pot and give it another stir.
Cover the pot and bring the chowder to a boil. Reduce the heat to a strong simmer and let the soup cook, covered, until the potatoes are completely tender, about 15-17 minutes.
Once the potatoes are tender, add the corn and continue to simmer the chowder until the kernels are cooked and slightly soft, about 5 minutes. Then carefully ladle half of the hot chowder into an upright, vented blender (like a Vitamix). Turn the blender on and slowly bring the speed up to high. Blend the harvest corn chowder until creamy and smooth, about 40 seconds.
Return the blended portion of the chowder to the pot and stir to combine. Stir in the lime juice as well. Check for seasoning at this point and adjust if necessary. Serve the harvest corn chowder hot with chopped cilantro on top and extra black pepper.
Recipe Notes
I blend half of this chowder to give it a creamy texture, but if you’d like yours to be SUPER creamy, throw a handful of soaked cashews into the blender as well.
I used a freakishly hot banana pepper from my garden here. A jalapeńo would be amazing!
If I know that I’m making corn chowder, I like to simmer some really good homemade vegetable stock with scraped corn cobs beforehand. If you only have time for boxed stock, just give it a boil with the scraped cobs for 20 minutes or so. It will still make a difference!
If you avoid alcohol, just use more stock and add a touch more lime at the end.
Corn and potatoes are starchy and need lots of salt and acidity to come alive. Season liberally!
Vegan harvest corn chowder is made hearty with white beans and flavourful with beer, lime, hot peppers, and cilantro. So cozy and delicious.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
LBAF - Deleted Scene #1
Here you go, you heathens. 
This scene happens a few weeks after Max and David start dating. 
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David walked up the stairs, carrying the magazines in one hand and a box of donuts in the other. There was a little skip in his step, he noticed. He was excited to see his boyfriend. It felt weird to call Max that. 
David giggled to himself and hoped no one saw that. 
Also, the Consul wasn’t home apparently. So, that was nice.
Once he made it into the apartment, he gave Max the box of donuts and a kiss on the lips.
“Double glazed,” Max made an appreciative noise as he shoved one into his mouth. “David, you really know how to make a man moan.”
David’s cheeks reddened. Someone cleared their throat.
David turned around and almost dropped the magazines. He whirled around and glared – or did his best impression of it – at Max.
“You said he wasn’t home!”
“You wouldn’t have come if I had told you he was home,” Max shrugged.
“Max!” David groaned.
“Are you wearing my sweater?” the Consul demanded incredulously.
David looked down at the pale blue oversized sweater and then looked at Max. By the Angel!
“I didn’t know!” he said quickly. “Max was wearing it last week and then he left it in my room and-”
“He left it in your room?”
“Relax, dad!” Max rolled his eyes. “I just spilled some sauce on it. We didn’t even do anything that day!”
“So, you’ve been doing things on other days then???” the Consul inquired.
David was contemplating whether he should jump out of the window and run back to the institute when the high warlock walked out of the bedroom, tying an orange robe around him.
“David is here!” the man in orange said cheerfully. “Wonderful! Just in time for breakfast!”
“Oh, I don’t have to stay,” David said quickly.
“You heard him,” the Consul repeated. “He doesn’t have to stay.”
“Alexander, hush!” the warlock said and kissed the Consul on the cheek. The Consul shut up and went to the kitchen to make coffee.
David wished he could make portals too so he could get out of here. It’s not that he didn’t like the Lightwood-Banes. He loved them in fact.
But their energy was too much for him sometimes.
He felt something rub against his leg and looked down. He picked up the cat with one hand gave him a kiss.
“Bonjour, mon cheri,” David whispered at the cat.
The little creature purred in his palm and tried to sneak inside his sweater.
“You know, David. I was worried about Max dating at first,” the high warlock said, pouring himself some tea. “But now my heart can rest easy. Chairman Meow is an excellent judge of character.”
“Yeah, if Chairman likes you then it means you are simply amazing,” Max smiled as the cat ran up to the warlock boy.
“Chairman likes anyone who feeds him tuna,” the Consul mumbled. “He is just a cat.”
“Dad!” Max covered the cat’s ears.
The high warlock gasped. “Alec Lightwood! You take that back!”
“You know I was worried about Max dating too,” Rafael said.
“Awww,” Max cooed.
“I mean I was worried about the person you were dating,” Rafael pointed out.
“Eat ichor,” Max flipped him off.
“Rafael,” David said and held out the magazines. “Here you go.”
The older boy, who was sitting on the dining table and staring at his laptop, looked up. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he looked utterly tired.
He took the magazines from David and glanced through them.
“David,” the boy said emotionally. “You are my emotional support bro.”
Rafael was studying for his finals. David had promised to help him out with some of the resources he needed.
“Hey!” Max complained. “That’s not cool. I got you cookies from Levain last night!”
Levain was one of the most famous bakeries in New York. Max had taken David there one day as a surprise so he could meet the head chef and learn his recipe for their infamous chocolate chip walnut cookie.
David didn’t know what Max had to do to pull that off, but he was sure there were some bribes – or possible threats – involved.
“You summoned them by snapping your fingers,” Rafael corrected now. “And you didn’t even pay for them!”
“Max!” the older warlock gasped. “How could you?”
“That’s right!” the Consul didn’t look pleased. “We are disappointed with you, Max.”
“You ordered from Levain when I wasn’t home?” the high warlock sounded hurt.
“Okay, we are disappointed about different things apparently,” the Consul rolled his eyes. “Max, you are not supposed to summon things without paying for them.”
“Because it’s unethical?” Max asked, eating his breakfast with no sign of remorse.
“And because it’s illegal,” the Consul corrected. “It’s not okay to steal!”
“But Levain is a big brand!” Max complained. “It’s okay to steal from the rich, dad!”
“We are the rich!” the Consul replied incredulously.
“Dad is right. You are basically contributing to the monopolization of resources by the 1%,” Rafael explained, tapping one of his massive textbooks.
“Nobody asked you, Rafe!” Max groaned, mouthful of cereal. “Show off!”
“No more stealing things,” the Consul said – in his Consul Voice. “Not even from the rich.”
“Not even cookies?” Max pouted.
“I can make you cookies, Max,” David interjected carefully.
“Aww,” the warlock cooed. “There you go, my little robin hood. Problem solved.”
“Guess I’ll take down capitalism in another century,” Max rolled his eyes.
David smiled at that. Max was going to do great many things during his long, long life. David wished he could see them all.
“What’s that then?” the Consul asked from the kitchen, pointing at the stack of magazines.
“Porn magazines,” Max snickered.
“What!?!” the Consul choked on his coffee and glared at David.
“By the angel, Max!” David groaned and then looked at the Consul. “There are just regular magazines and journals, sir.”
“I asked him to find stuff for me from the New York Library,” Rafael mercifully explained. “They are references for my final essay.”
“Why do they ask you to use references anyway?” the high warlock demanded, eating a piece of fruit.
“It’s to validate the claims, Magnus,” the Consul pointed out, sitting down next to him.
“My son doesn’t need to validate anything,” the older warlock huffed. “They should just take his word for it.”
“Oh, Bapak!” Rafael sighed dramatically. “How I wish you were a professor at Columbia.”
“It’s a nice place actually,” the high warlock hummed appreciatively.
“You’re just saying that because literally every one of Rafael’s friends flirted with you when we went for that parents event,” the Consul grumbled.
“They weren’t flirting, Alexander,” the warlock corrected. “They were just giving me compliments.”
The Consul rolled his eyes at that.
Max picked up one of the magazines and flipped through it. “Dad, did you really think these were porn magazines?”
“No, I didn't!”
“Nobody even reads porn magazines anymore,” Max pointed out and then giggled. “Oh my god, is that what you used during your time?”
The Consul went red in the face. “During my time??”
“That’s very presumptuous, blueberry,” the high warlock shook his head. “Pornography is not just for young people!”
David was just quietly standing there and taking in all the banter. He wondered if breakfast in their apartment was colourful like this every single day.
“Well, young people don’t read magazines,” Max huffed. “We use the internet like normal people!”
“We??” the Consul demanded. “You watch porn?”
“Everyone watches porn,” Rafael pointed out, eyes on his books.
“Yeah even David watches porn!” Max grinned.
“Excuse me?” the Consul said.
“I don’t!” David almost yelled. “I don’t even know what that is!”
“You don’t know what porn is?” the Consul asked suspiciously.
“I mean, I do know,” David said - no, blabbered. “But just like the normal stuff. No weird stuff!”
“What exactly do you mean by weird stuff, David?” Rafael giggled.
David was sweating now. The window wasn't that high, right? He could just jump out and run off. 
“That’s enough,” the high warlock said. “There will be no kink shaming under my roof!”
“Yeah, just because I looked up tentacle porn does not mean I am a weirdo,” Max pointed out, glaring at Rafael.”
“Tentacle porn?” the Consul blanched.
“It looked very tricky to be honest,” Max sighed. “Not my thing.”
“It’s not that tricky,” the high warlock said, putting jam on his toast. “The key is to-”
“Okay, we are done here,” the Consul clapped his hands.
Max picked up the box of donuts and took David’s hand. “Cool. We are going to my room.”
“Door open!” the Consul yelled after them.
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foodreceipe · 3 years
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Humans may have invented the croissant. But machines perfected it.
Last week, I ate a wonderful croissant. Shaped in a familiar crescent, with the points fused in the center, this croissant was buttery but not oily, light but still substantial, and its layers peeled and flaked off without reducing the whole thing to a pile of sharp shards and crumbs. The first bite was pleasantly sweet, all the better to complement its savory filling: a sausage patty and a slab of too-yellow egg, just warmed through in its greasy wax paper packaging. I was at a rest stop off the New Jersey Turnpike, and the Burger King Croissan’wich, which has been in rotation on BK’s menu for longer than I’ve been alive, was the obvious and best choice for a meal on the road. A breakfast sandwich made between two halves of a croissant? Say no more.
At this point in my life, I’ve eaten croissants from just about everywhere that I can get my hands on one, but as is often the case when a food is deeply connected to a country’s national identity, the experience of eating a croissant in France can feel like communing with the height of the form. The dingiest boulangerie in the neighborhood in Paris where I lived for nine months had croissants that could make me tear up, even though I knew deep down that they weren’t really that good. A French croissant made with French butter by a real French baker always had that certain je ne sais quoi.
“It has to be a thrill for anyone,” Jim Chevallier, a food historian of French foods and the author of August Zang and the French Croissant, tells me by phone. “You have a whole confluence of people’s emotional expectations and nostalgia.” That experience is due in part to France’s historically good PR campaign for itself, he says. “Part of the image of France, and one of France’s big selling points, is that the French version is better,” Chevallier explains. “There’s a certain amount of national pride in it.” A Croissan’wich—having been invented in America in the 1980s by a fast-food chain—might not, by extension, seem as legit.
When you start to peel back its buttery layers, you’ll learn that even this quintessentially French pastry is itself dubiously French.
But when you start to peel back its buttery layers, you’ll learn that even this quintessentially French pastry is itself dubiously French. In Larousse Gastronomique, an encyclopedia of food history, croissants are said to have originated in Budapest in 1686, “when the Turks were besieging the city.” The story goes that the Hungarian bakers, who worked underground, sounded the alarm that the Turks were coming, and as a result of their patriotism, they were permitted to make pastries in the shape of a crescent, the emblem of the Ottoman flag. Other sources claim the pastry was invented during the siege of Vienna years earlier. Chevallier writes that if either of these stories were true, the bakers would have made a buttery roll based on an Austrian kipfel, not a flaky croissant, and that roll was invented long before either siege. Chevallier also debunks the well-circulated myth of Marie Antoinette bringing the pastry with her from Austria.
Chevallier links the arrival of the Austrian kipfel in Paris to August Zang, an enterprising Austrian businessman who opened the Boulangerie Viennoise around 1839. “Zang was very much a hustler and an entrepreneur,” Chevallier explains, and his savvy marketing made the kipfel explode in popularity across Paris. French people called the Austrian kipfels “croissants” because they were crescent-shaped (“croissant” is the French word for “crescent”). It was near the end of the 19th century that French bakers began incorporating thin and buttery laminated dough into their kipfel rolls—the kind of dough that makes croissants flaky. “The croissant changed, but people still thought of it as Viennese.”
Partly because of its labor-intensive preparation and partly because of its extreme butter content, the croissant has been elevated to an almost mythological status for food fans around the world. Its dough is pressed firmly (or laminated) with layers of butter, refrigerated, and proofed for long hours, then cut into precisely measured identical shapes. Its particularity and precision are qualities we tend to associate with Frenchness. Aurélien Legué, head chef instructor at Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute, writes by email that Le Cordon Bleu defines a croissant as “a buttery, flaky viennoiserie made with a pâte levée feuilleté (layered yeast-leavened dough), rolled and shaped in a half moon.”
In the early 1970s, the first industrialized croissants steamrolled right over this careful process and caused an uproar. Just as fast food was proliferating in France (the first McDonald’s arrived in France in 1972), Jean-Luc Bret opened the first La Croissanterie in 1977, where croissants were mass-produced on machines and cranked out all day long, not only for breakfast. This evolution from meticulous, handmade preparation to a machine-mixed, kneaded, laminated, and shaped croissant began to spill over into other countries, bringing the Croissan’wich to Burger King in 1983 and similar items to other chains like Starbucks, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Dunkin’ Donuts soon after. Now, you can get a vacuum-sealed croissant just about anywhere, as long as you’re content with it being eerily shelf-stable.
The act of making a croissant, Chevallier says, is meticulous, “but most things that are meticulous about it can be industrialized.”
“There’s a point where it’s like the emperor’s new clothes,” Chevallier says about the difference between a handmade and a machine-made croissant. “You’ve got a continuum from really disgraceful things like these French cafés that sell crescent-shaped bread—that’s almost fraud—and then the other end, where things are really pretty good, and people are claiming that they can taste the very exquisite nuance in this thing.” The act of making a croissant, Chevallier says, is meticulous, “but most things that are meticulous about it can be industrialized.”
In America, you can’t get fresh, perfectly crafted and human-made croissants on every corner, like you can in France, so the mass-produced options more than scratch the itch, even if they’re not made with high-fat Breton butter and farm-fresh eggs. At Dunkin’, croissants have been on the menu for “decades,” Mike Brazis, director of global culinary innovation at Dunkin’ Brands, wrote by email. “They are baked fresh every day in a process of folding thin layers of dough, sometimes until there are more than fifty layers.” Doesn’t that make them just as much a croissant as a croissant produced at the legendary Boulangerie Utopie in the 11th arrondissement? “We think our croissants are a great expression of the form, with a light, flaky texture, delicious aroma, and delicate but satisfying flavor,” Brazis says. “They are the most popular way our guests enjoy breakfast sandwiches.” (Personally, I prefer a Croissan’wich.)
“A preoccupation with authenticity all too often masks privilege and power,” explains Rachel Hopkin, a radio producer and folklorist who has written several papers on the lore of the croissant. “In the case of croissants, this privilege could involve having the resources to go chasing around France in search of the best croissant, or study at a top pâtisserie school, or get imported ingredients, or say what is authentic and what is not.” But the reality is that our personal relationships to croissants are what make them croissants.
Does a croissant have to be born and bred in France to truly be considered a croissant, if the original croissants weren’t born and bred in France in the first place?
“It comes down to the quality. Is it well made or is it not?” Chevallier says. “People have found various ways to reach that goal. How much do you care that what you’re eating in 2020 is not the same thing you’d be eating in 1920?”
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kailpizzas · 6 years
Radical Honesty
Well, if I’m going to do the whole radical honesty thing rather than slowly fade away from logging my actions to get the whole picture, the past 48 hours is a great example of that.   (tw for disordered eating, vomiting)
[I’m gonna take a moment here to analyze and add some perspective/introspection to what I wrote below. What’s in the brackets here is written AFTER my 48 hour hellfest. First, as I write these things down and really think about it, it’s not “that” much. My Mcdonald was probably less than 800 calories and the dunkin sandwich is less than 600 (because I don’t eat the egg) (also just learned they have a wake up wrap version that’s only 250 calories!!).  But it’s the feelings behind it. It’s the way I’m taking my stress out on myself and putting myself further down than I already put myself down. It’s about feeling even more like I’m spinning out of control so I might as well keep spinning. I don’t know. I hate how I can’t get a handle on it. I know how desperately I need to eat healthy and lose weight (for my liver, not for societal beauty standards), but I have no self control. I have no will to not do this to myself. I think once the insurance at my new job kicks in I’ll look to see if there’s any sort of outpatient stuff I can do but... In the mean time, if anyone has struggled with this and has any tips/resources, please reach out to me. And along with that, if anyone has advice on how their partner might be able to be supportive, let me know too. But more on that at another point.]
Up until Wednesday I was doing just fine.  Tuesday night was rough. I finally went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with psoriasis, tried to pick up the medicine they prescribed and was told that my health insurance was expired. I was really upset and flipping out, pulled into a Dunkin Donuts about to buy food and managed to stop myself from going in, and pulled out and went home. Victory! Avacado toast for everyone.
It didn’t last long. By the next morning, I had a very disheartening email about health insurance stuff, bought a sandwich at dunkin, and promptly puked it up upon arrival at work.  Managed to stick to my lunch that I brought from home for lunch, but as we got into the afternoon I got reamed out by the director of an organization I’m on and lost a lot of work time talking to them. I felt like shit, so naturally I got mcdonalds, scarfed most of it down on my ride home, and puked it up. Went to my meeting, had a nice brownie, and my partner had Chinese food for us for dinner when I got back (she did not know about the McD’s). Managed to not eat a lot of it (and the chicken was breaded which I didn’t expect and was able to be like “nope, not what I wanted, not gonna eat it) and had a few beef sticks and a bit less than a cup of rice.
Today I had to pick up my taxes, which takes me past my favorite bagel place that is otherwise out of the way so intentionally was going to let myself go.  I even filled my thermos with water so I wouldn’t get juice or milk or coffee #nailedit. Work started out ok, but our nonprofit is connected to a food shelter and when the food for it is about to expire, they offer it to us (because they can no longer give it out). It’s only my 3rd week, so I didn’t know this and was unprepared. So half a chocolate croissant and two girl scout cookies later...
After work I had to head to a volunteer thing I do, so naturally scarfed down a dunkin sandwich (DO YOU SEE A THEME PEOPLE? THE THEME IS BROWN SUGAR CHIPOTLE BACON AND CHEESE ON A CROISSANT) (sidenote: since I don’t like the egg, many time I manage to fold everything into just half the croissant.) and a chai. Managed to not puke that up.
After, one of the people I volunteered with was going to go to the gym with me, but ME being ME I stop at quick chek on the way, get a sub and chips, eat half of it all, and hate myself for the entire 45 minutes we spend at the gym. Tried puking it up, only got a bit. On the way home, stopped at another quick chek, tried to puke a bit more, and then got a vitamin water zero and a small pack of sour patch watermelons. 
So yeah, not been great.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Chef Works Weekly Bites | Chef Works Blog
Welcome to Week 28 of 2020. Chef Works® Weekly Bites is where we take a dive into the notable food stories of the week. We took a break from the traditional Weekly Bites for a couple of months to bring you news, links and resources specific to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacted the hospitality community.
Moving forward Chef Works will continue to use all of its media channels as a reliable resource for our readers, friends and customers.
The regulations and requirements seem to be changing day-to-day and from state-to-state. Yet one thing remains the same – restaurants need business and they need help.
But what’s the best way to support them? One theory is that dining-in is not the way to go right now. MSN has the report, by way of the USA Today Network.
You’ve heard the argument that spending money at a local place is crucial to keep it in business and its staff employed. But is a parade of people coming in, some of whom unknowingly may have the virus, really fair to those who work there? Are you, in other words, helping or hurting the people involved in the restaurant business by dining out?
You can read the full story here.
If you are choosing to dine-in, however, please show up to your reservation. London-based, Michelin-starred Chef Tom Kerridge called out and blasted 27 diners who failed to keep their reservations Saturday night on Instagram. Here’s the story from Insider.
With so many restaurants pivoting to take-out over the past five months, some sustainability measures have taken a hit. Fortunately, Johnnie Walker will be available in paper bottles starting in 2021. Read the story from Food & Wine.
Avocado toast was SOOOOO pre-pandemic. Let the age of avocado milk begin – so says People Magazine.
The folks at Krispy Kreme want to make sure you can celebrate their 83rd birthday in style. This Friday, if you buy a dozen donuts, you’ll get a free dozen (seriously!) Be the office hero, or simply have yourself a wild Friday night.
Read more about the deal here from Yahoo!Life.
Watch the final chapter of Sound Bites with Chef Maeve Rochford, up now on the Chef Works YouTube channel!
See the latest videos and stay connected with Chef Works on our other social channels:
Pair the Galveston Chef’s Bib Apron with a Men’s Havana Shirt and Baseball Hat for a complete look behind the bar, on the floor or in the back of the house.
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donutdrawsthings · 6 months
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Made an OC challenge thingy! Draw your OC with status effects that slightly alter your OC's base design (red-faced, baggy-eyed, sickly pale, hair a mess... you name it)
More resources can be found here @donut-toast-resources
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wyley2020-blog · 4 years
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Friday, February 14, 2020
Day 23
Today was a weird day. It started out with my waking up on the couch (with my face unwashed and teeth not brushed, ew) while my Mom was getting ready for work. I could hear her talking to my Dad in the kitchen. I dozed off again and then I heard my brother getting up for school. Luckily I didn’t have class today so I got to just keep sleeping. I decided since I went to bed so early last night I could get up early today. I ended up putting on Disney+ and watching a few episodes of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody until I dozed off again. Then I woke up a few hours later and then about an hour later after that. 
Then I got a text from my friend asking when we were going to meet up to do something, and she had the idea to go to a place called Glam Donuts, so I agreed and had some eggs and toast, packed a lunch (chicken sandwich, a cliff bar, and some trail mix and a water) and left. We were originally planning on meeting at the library but she wanted to make sure they still had donuts. We met at the library and then she drove us to the donut place from there. 
Inside Glam Donuts was so pretty. They had a really cute pink couch and pink ceilings, a disco ball table, and angel wings on the wall (that we took pictures with, obvi). It was a really good time and we took a few pictures and played CandyLand while sitting on the cute pink couch. I will definitely go back there because of how cute it was (the donut was okay lol). 
After Glam Donuts we headed home, and on our drive home we listened to the She Is Coming EP by Miley Cyrus and also Sunshine Kitty by Tove Lo. We decided we wanted to go see Tove Lo at Palace theater this Thursday, so we are gonna get tickets soon. When we got to the library we looked around the movie section and I found the movie, The Miseducation of Cameron Post. I had to get it ever since we watched the trailer in my LGBTQ+ Literature class. Then we walked over to this cute little study area on the second floor of the library. One weird thing while we were there was that the wind was STRONG and the trees surrounding the building, their branches started to scrape and bang against the winder, so every time the gusts of wind came, it sounded super loud and scary lol. I worked on my resume and looked on Pinterest for inspiration. 
After the library I picked up my brother from his driver’s training class after school and then we went home. My Dad made chicken and I ate that while watching this Tiny Home show renovation show on Netflix. Then I worked some more on my resume and then went to bed. 
Overall, I consumed:
- Media (social)
- Music
- Food (donut, packed lunch, chicken at home)
- Gad (driving)
- Resources (water, electric, etc)
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kdmarketresearch · 4 years
Africa and Middle East Sugarcane Syrup Market Likely to Acquire Rapid Growth  as Demand Increases 2017-2023
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KD Market research launches a new market research report on the Africa and Middle East Sugarcane Syrup Market. The study covers a detailed in-depth analysis of the global market along with the regional and country level analysis. The study also delivers a complete analysis about the major & niche players of Africa and Middle East Sugarcane Syrup Market which includes profiling of ILLOVO SUGAR (PTY) LTD, Super Syrups, Tongaat Hulett, Atlanta Sugar SA (Pty) Ltd, Sunshine Sugar, FROZY EGYPT, Kenana Sugar Company, White Nile Sugar Company (WNSC) Co. Ltd, GM Sugar Uganda Limited, and Kinyara Sugar Works Ltd
The Africa and Middle East sugarcane syrup market size is expected to be reach $2,074 million by 2023. Sugarcane syrup is a thick concentrated syrup formed as an intermediate product of the sugar-making process and used as a natural sweetener. Sugarcane syrup is dark golden brown in color, with a slight molasses flavor. It is made by evaporating sugar cane juice for several hours, which converts sucrose contained in sugarcane to an equimolar mixture of glucose, sucrose, and fructose by the process of hydrolysis. As a result a thick concentrated syrup, which is sweeter than sugar is formed. This process is repeated several times, and each time a different type of sugarcane syrup such as liquid sucrose, invert sugar to refiners syrups, are produced depending upon the specific functional requirements of the final products. The syrup is majorly used as a natural sweetener by bakery, dairy, beverages, confectionaries, processed foods, and other industries. It is used to prepare variety of bakery and beverage products such as donuts, biscuits, chocolate, pancakes, cookies, and health drinks & sweetened beverages. They are used as natural preservatives to reduce water activity and also employed in medicines for improving their taste.
Request for sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/sample/3185
Sugarcane syrup contains higher amount of sucrose, which makes it sweeter than sugar. It has been widely and extensively utilized by the food industry owing to its inherent advantages over sugar. It is widely used in the preparation of various bakery products such as waffles, cakes, pancakes, bread rolls, and French toast. It is also used for flavoring a wide range of food products such as hot cereal, ice cream, sausages, fruit juices, corn fritters, baked beans, fresh donuts, and baked apples. Sugarcane syrup is also used as a basic sweetener in the production of sweetened beverages such as cocktails, mixed drinks, and beers. It is also used as an alternative to honey. Thus, increase in number of food & beverages industry along with rise in use of sugarcane syrup in bakery and confectionery products drive the Africa and Middle East sugarcane syrup market.
Furthermore, the health benefits associated with cane syrup also increase its demand among households, thus boosting the market growth. In addition, growth of the agricultural industry, results in the high production of cane sugar is expected to have a positive impact on the industry. However, changes in consumer dietary habits, along with rise in awareness regarding the health hazards associated with high sugar consumption is expected to impact the demand for sugarcane syrup during the forecast period. Other factors, such as the high transportation and distribution cost of sugarcane syrup and increase in demand for alternate sweeteners also restrict the growth of the market. In addition, rise in concerns over the economic and ecological impact of huge scale sugar crop farming is projected to hinder the growth of the sugarcane syrup market. The sugarcane syrup production is an economical process that consumes less energy, water, and other resources as compared to sugar, hence reducing overall cost of operation and offering several benefits to manufacturers. Further, ease of processing, convenience in use, and batch-wise consistency that improves the production process, increases its demand among food processors. These factors fuel the growth of the sugarcane syrup in the upcoming years. In addition, changes in taste preferences, increase in health consciousness, and desire to live healthy life surge the demand for organic sugarcane syrup among consumers. These factors are anticipated to provide lucrative opportunities for market growth.
The report segments the sugarcane syrup market based on territory. The report analyzes the production and consumption of sugarcane syrup in all the states of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Middle East, West Africa, and Malawi. In addition, the report briefs about market size, key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities for sugarcane syrup in these territories.
Key players profiled in the report include ILLOVO SUGAR (PTY) LTD, Super Syrups, Tongaat Hulett, Atlanta Sugar SA (Pty) Ltd, Sunshine Sugar, FROZY EGYPT, Kenana Sugar Company, White Nile Sugar Company (WNSC) Co. Ltd, GM Sugar Uganda Limited, and Kinyara Sugar Works Ltd.
·The report provides an extensive analysis of the current & emerging market trends and opportunities in the Africa and Middle East sugarcane syrup industry.
·The report provides detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of current trends and future estimations that assists to evaluate the prevailing market opportunities.
·Comprehensive analysis of factors that drive and restrict the growth of the market is provided.
·Extensive analysis of the market is conducted by following key product positioning and monitoring the top competitors within the market framework.
·The report provides extensive qualitative insights on the potential and niche segments or regions exhibiting favorable growth.
By Territory
· Malawi
· Southern African Development Community (SADC)
· Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
· West Africa
· Middle East
Access Complete Research Report with toc@ https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/report/3185/africa-and-middle-east-sugarcane-syrup-market-amr
Table of Content
1.4.1. Secondary research 1.4.2. Primary research 1.4.3. Analyst tools and models
2.1. Market snapshot 2.2. CXO perspective
3.1. Introduction 3.2. KEY FINDINGS
3.2.1. Top impacting factors 3.2.2. Top investment pockets
3.3.1. Drivers High production potential of sugarcane Increase in consumption among food & beverages industry and households Health benefits associated with sugarcane syrup
3.3.2. Restraints Increase in awareness about health concerns Growth in demand for alternate sugar substitutes
3.3.3. Opportunities Growth in demand for organic cane syrup Productivity improvement opportunity
3.4. Porters Five Forces Analysis
3.4.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.4.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.4.3. Threat of substitution 3.4.4. Threat of new entrants 3.4.5. Competitive rivalry
3.5. Manufacturing process analysis 3.6. Value chain analysis
4.1. Introduction 4.2. Market size and forecast 4.3. Malawi
4.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.3.2. Market size and forecast
4.4. Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
4.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.4.2. Market size and forecast
4.5. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
4.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.5.2. Market size and forecast
4.6. West Africa
4.6.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.6.2. Market size and forecast
4.7. Middle East
4.7.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.7.2. Market size and forecast
5.1. Alteo Limited
5.1.1. Company overview 5.1.2. Company snapshot 5.1.3. Operating business segments 5.1.4. Product portfolio 5.1.5. Business performance
5.2. Associated British Foods plc (Illovo Sugar (Pty) Ltd)
5.2.1. Company overview 5.2.2. Company snapshot 5.2.3. Operating business segments 5.2.4. Product portfolio 5.2.5. Business performance
5.3. BKB Ltd. (Atlanta Sugar SA (Pty) Ltd)
5.3.1. Company overview 5.3.2. Company snapshot 5.3.3. Operating business segments 5.3.4. Product portfolio 5.3.5. Business performance
5.4. Gledhow Sugar Company (Pty) Limited U
5.4.1. Company overview 5.4.2. Company snapshot 5.4.3. Product portfolio
5.5. GM Sugar Uganda Limited
5.5.1. Company overview 5.5.2. Company snapshot 5.5.3. Product portfolio
5.6. Kenana Sugar Company
5.6.1. Company overview 5.6.2. Company snapshot 5.6.3. Product portfolio
5.7. Kinyara Sugar Works Ltd
5.7.1. Company overview 5.7.2. Company snapshot 5.7.3. Product portfolio
5.8. Mumias Sugar Company Limited
5.8.1. Company overview 5.8.2. Company snapshot 5.8.3. Operating business segments 5.8.4. Product portfolio 5.8.5. Business performance
5.9. Nzoia Sugar Company Limited
5.9.1. Company overview 5.9.2. Company snapshot 5.9.3. Operating business segments 5.9.4. Product portfolio
5.10. RCL Foods Limited
5.10.1. Company overview 5.10.2. Company snapshot 5.10.3. Operating business segments 5.10.4. Product portfolio 5.10.5. Business performance
5.11. Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation
5.11.1. Company overview 5.11.2. Company snapshot 5.11.3. Operating business segments 5.11.4. Product portfolio 5.11.5. Business performance
5.12. Sango Bay Estates Limited
5.12.1. Company overview 5.12.2. Company snapshot 5.12.3. Product portfolio
5.13. Star Africa Corporation Limited
5.13.1. Company overview 5.13.2. Company snapshot 5.13.3. Product portfolio
5.14. Sunshine Sugar
5.14.1. Company overview 5.14.2. Company snapshot 5.14.3. Product portfolio
5.15. Super Syrups
5.15.1. Company overview 5.15.2. Company snapshot 5.15.3. Product portfolio
5.16. Superdoll Trailer Manufacture Co. Ltd. (Kagera Sugar Limited)
5.16.1. Company overview 5.16.2. Company snapshot 5.16.3. Product portfolio
5.17. The Mehta Group (Sugar Corporation of Uganda Limited)
5.17.1. Company overview 5.17.2. Company snapshot 5.17.3. Operating business segments 5.17.4. Product portfolio
5.18. Tongaat Hulett Limited
5.18.1. Company overview 5.18.2. Company snapshot 5.18.3. Operating business segments 5.18.4. Product portfolio 5.18.5. Business performance 5.18.6. Key strategic moves and developments
5.19. Umfolozi Sugar Mill (Pty) Ltd
5.19.1. Company overview 5.19.2. Company snapshot 5.19.3. Product portfolio
5.20. White Nile Sugar Company Co. Ltd
5.20.1. Company overview 5.20.2. Company snapshot 5.20.3. Product portfolio
6.1. Introduction 6.2. Key regulations governing trade of sugar
6.2.1. Malawi 6.2.2. Other regions
7.1. Introduction 7.2. Product quality requirements for sugarcane syrup
7.2.1. Sugarcane syrup 7.2.2. Molasses Light molasses Dark molasses Blackstrap Unsulfured and sulfured
7.2.3. Invert syrup 7.2.4. Golden syrup
8.1. Introduction 8.2. Price trend analysis for sugarcane syrup
8.2.1. Suppliers 8.2.2. Customers
8.3. Pricing structure for sugarcane syrup
9.1. Marketing strategy by industry players 9.2. Marketing and promotional channels for Ethco and Presscane Limited
Request for Exclusive Discount on this Report @  https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/discount/3185
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KD Market Research is one of the best market research organization that provides B2B research on the growth opportunities of the industry which is the prime factor of the overall revenue of the organization. We identify the pain points which our client is facing around revenue methods and provide them with a comprehensive database which helps them to make intelligent decisions that could ensure growth to the organization.
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ihealthlove1-blog · 5 years
The Flexitarian Diet: A Detailed Beginner’s Guide
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The Flexitarian Diet is just a style of eating that promotes mostly plant-based foods while still allowing meat and other animal products in moderation.
It’s more flexible than fully vegetarian or vegan diet plans.
In case you are looking to add more plant foods to your diet but do not need to completely eliminate meat, going flexitarian may be for you.
This report gives a summary of the Flexitarian Diet, it benefits foods to consume and also a one-week meal program.
What Is Your Flexitarian Diet?
The Flexitarian Diet was created by dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner to help people benefit from the advantages of vegetarian eating whilst still appreciating creature products in moderation.
That is why the name with this diet is a combination of the language flexible and vegetarian.
Vegetarians eradicate meat and also other animal foods, while vegans completely restrict eat fish, eggs, dairy and most of the animal-derived food solutions.
Since flexitarians eat animal products and services, they’re perhaps not regarded as vegetarians or vegans.
The Flexitarian Diet does not have any straightforward rules or advocated numbers of
calories and macronutrients. In fact, it’s more a lifestyle than a diet program.
It is predicated on the following fundamentals:
Focus on protein in plants rather than animals.
Be adaptive and incorporate animal and meat products from time to time.
Eat the least processed, most natural type of foods.
Limit added sugar and sweets.
Due to the elastic character and focus on what to include instead of restricting, the Flexitarian Diet is actually a favorite choice for people who want to eat healthily.
The creator of the Flexitarian Diet,” Dawn Jackson Blatner spells out just how to begin eating flexitarian by incorporating certain levels of beef per week in her book.
But following her specific tips isn’t required to begin eating in a flexitarian manner.
Many people on the diet can eat more animal products than many others. Overall, the goal is to eat more nutritious plant foods and less meat.
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Possible Health Benefits
Eating flexitarian may provide several health advantages
However, because there isn’t any clear definition with this diet, it’s hard to check whether researched benefits of other healthful diets employ to the Flexitarian Diet.
Nevertheless, research on vegetarian and vegan diet plans is still valuable in emphasizing how semi-vegetarian food diets could promote health.
It appears to be essential to eat mostly fruits, legumes, vegetables, whole grains, and other minimally processed whole foods in order to benefit from the health benefits of healthful eating.
Decreasing meat ingestion while continued to consume refined foods with lots of Additional salt and sugar will not direct to the same benefits
Cardiovascular Illness
Research following 45,000 adults within 11 years found that vegetarians had a 32% lower risk of heart disease, in comparison to non-vegetarians
That is likely due to the simple fact that vegetarian diets are usually rich in antioxidants and fiber that may reduce blood pressure and increase good cholesterol.
A review of 32 research on the impact of vegetarian diets on blood pressure showed that vegetarians had an average systolic blood pressure almost seven factors lower compared to that of people who ate meat
Considering these studies looked over strictly vegetarian diet plans, it’s hard to assess if the Flexitarian Diet might have precisely the identical influence in blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.
But, flexitarian ingestion is meant to become primarily plant-based and can probably have benefits similar to fully vegetarian diets.
Fat Reduction
Flexitarian eating could also be useful for the waistline.
A few studies show that individuals who follow a healthier diet may lose more fat compared to those who do not
A report on studies in more than 1,100 people total found that those who ate a vegetarian diet for 18 weeks lost 4.5 pounds (2 kg) more than individuals who failed to
This along with other studies also reveal that those who follow vegetarian diets are inclined to Eliminate the maximum weight, in comparison with vegetarians and omnivores
Considering that the Flexitarian Diet is closer to a vegetarian diet compared to a vegan one, it can help with weight reduction but possibly not as much as a vegetarian diet might.
Type two diabetes is a worldwide health epidemic. Eating a nutritious diet, notably a mostly plant-based one, may help prevent and manage this disorder. This is most likely because plant-based diets help weight loss and contain many foods that are high in fiber and low in polyunsaturated fats along with Extra glucose
Research in over 60,000 participants found that the incidence of type 2 diabetes was 1.5percent lower in semi-vegetarians or flexitarians compared to non-vegetarians
Additional research demonstrated that people with type 2 diabetes that consumed vegetarian diets had a more 0.39percent lower hemoglobin A1c (three-month moderate of Blood Glucose readings) than people with the illness who ate animal goods
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes all have nutrients and antioxidants that may help prevent cancer.
Research suggests that vegetarian diets have been associated with a reduced overall incidence of cancers but particularly pancreatic cancer
A 7-year study on cases of pancreatic cancer in 78,000 individuals found that semi-vegetarians were less inclined to get this type of cancer, in comparison to non-vegetarians
Therefore, incorporating more vegetarian foods by eating flexitarian may decrease your cancer hazard.
Might Be Good for Your Environment
The Flexitarian Diet may benefit your health and the environment.
A review of the study on the sustainability of fermented Diet Plans found that switching from the typical Western diet into flexitarian eating, where meat is partly replaced by plant foods, could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 7 percent
Eating more plant foods may also drive the demand for more land to be committed to growing vegetables and fruits for humans instead of feed livestock.
Cultivating plants necessitates far fewer resources than raising critters to eat.
Downsides to Eating Less Meat and Animal Products
When flexitarian and also other healthful diet plans are well-planned, they are sometimes quite healthy.
But, many may be at an increased risk of nutrient deficiencies when they cut back on meat and other animal products based on the adequacy of these other food choices.
Possible nutrient deficiencies to be aware of on the Flexitarian Diet include
Vitamin B12
Omega 3 fatty acids
A review of the study on vitamin B 12 deficiency discovered that most vegetarians are at risk for lack, together with 62% of pregnant drinkers and around 90% of older vegetarians being deficient
Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products and solutions. Based on the amount and quantity of animal products that a flexitarian chooses to comprise, ab 12 supplements may be recommended.
Flexitarians may additionally have lower stores of iron and zinc since these nutritional supplements are absorbed from animal foods. While it’s possible to get enough of these nutrients from plant foods alone, flexitarians Will Need to plan their own diets so to accomplish this
Most seeds and nuts, whole grains and beans contain both magnesium and iron. Adding a supply of Vitamin C is a Great way to increase iron absorption from plant-based foods
A few flexitarians might limit dairy and need to eat healthful sources of calcium to acquire adequate amounts of the nutrient. Plant foods rich in calcium include bok choy, kale, chard and sesame seeds.
Finally, flexitarians ought to be wary of having sufficient omega3 efas, usually seen in fish. Sources of this plant-based kind of Omega 3, Alpha Linolenic acid (ALA), include antioxidants, chia seeds, and flaxseeds
Remember that eating flexitarian gives you the flexibility to eat up varying quantities of animal and meat products. If the diet plan is well known and includes many different whole foods, nutritional deficiencies might well not be a concern.
Foods to Eat on the Flexitarian Diet
Foods to eat frequently include:
Non-starchy veggies: Greens, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, green beans, carrots, cauliflower.
Starchy vegetables: Winter squash, peas, corn, sweet potato.
Fruits: Apples, oranges, berries, grapes, cherries.
Plant-based milk alternatives: un-sweetened vanilla, citrus, berry and soy milk.
Herbs, herbs, and seasonings: Basil, chamomile, mint, thyme, cumin, turmeric, ginger.
Drinks: sparkling water, tea, coffee.
When integrating monster goods, Select the following when potential:
Eggs: Freerange or pasture-raised.
Poultry: Organic, Free Range or pasture-raised.
Fish: Wild-caught.
Meat: Grassfed or pasture-raised.
Dairy: Organic from grass-fed or pastured creatures.
Foods to Reduce the Flexitarian Diet
The Flexitarian Diet not only encourages limiting animal and meat products but also limiting packaged foods, processed grains and added sugar.
Foods to minimize include:
Processed meats: Bacon, sausage, bologna.
Refined carbs: White bread, white rice, bagels, croissants.
Added sweets and sugar: soft drink, donuts, cakes, cookies and candy.
Quick food: Fries, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, milkshakes.
An Example Flexitarian Meal Plan for One Week
This one-week meal-plan supplies you with the notions you will need to start eating flexitarian.
Monday Breakfast: Steel-cut oats with apples, milled flaxseed, and cinnamon. Lunch: Salad with greens, shrimp, corn, black beans, and avocado. Dinner: Lentil soup with whole-grain bread and a side salad.
Tuesday Breakfast: whole grain toast with avocado along with poached egg whites. Steak: Burrito bowl with brown rice, beans, and vegetables. Dinner: Zucchini noodles with tomato sauce and white beans.
Wednesday Break Fast: Coco-Nut yogurt with carrots and walnuts. Steak: Whole-grain wrap with hummus, veggies, and chickpeas. Dinner: Grilled salmon, baked sweet potato and green beans.
Thursday Breakfast: Smoothie made with unsweetened almond milk, spinach, peanut butter, and frozen berries. Lunch: Kale Caesar salad with lentils and tomato soup. Dinner: Baked chicken, quinoa and roasted cauliflower.
Friday Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries and pumpkin seeds. Lunch: Chard wraps with mixed veggies and peanut dipping sauce. Dinner: Lentil stew and a side salad.
Saturday Breakfast: Over-easy eggs with sauteed veggies and fruit salad. Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich with crushed berries on whole-grain bread. Dinner: Black bean burgers with avocado and sweet potato fries.
Sunday Breakfast: Tofu scramble with mixed veggies and spices. Lunch: Quinoa salad with dried cranberries, pecans, and feta cheese. Dinner: Stuffed bell peppers with ground turkey and a side salad.
Eating a flexitarian diet plan is about limiting the use of meat and animal products while focusing on healthful foods that are wholesome. Many people may decide to eat fewer or more animal products than displayed in the above-mentioned meal program.
The Main Point
The semi-vegetarian Flexitarian Diet targets healthy plant fats and another whole, minimally processed foods that are fermented however promotes meat and animal products in moderation.
Eating flexitarian may aid fat loss and reduce your risk of cardiovascular problems, cancer, and diabetes. It might even be helpful for the planet.
However, intending your flexitarian food decisions well is necessary to avoid nutritional deficiencies and benefit from the many health benefits.
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jeramymobley · 6 years
Marketing Stack: 5 Questions With IHOP CMO Brad Haley
There are fewer stronger word associations in the food business than “IHOP” and pancakes. But the International House of Pancakes brand had let the core strength of its relationship with the beloved breakfast food slip a bit lately.
So one of his first orders of business after joining IHOP as Chief Marketing Officer last August, Brad Haley commissioned research that led to a new campaign that highlights the importance of pancakes as a passion and delight to the iconic blue-roofed brand—and to its fans—without getting syrupy.
A new U.S. spot titled “Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes” shows the joy of pancakes with two pilots who are so obsessed about getting to IHOP that they, amusingly, end up making an unscheduled detour for a stack.
“The idea was a rallying cry for us and our guests,” Haley, who was hired from CKE Restaurants by IHOP parent company DineEquity as the brand’s new CMO in August, told brandchannel. “We haven’t reflected that fun as directly as we are now.”
IHOP also just announced the return of all-you-can eat pancakes for $3.99 (through Feb. 11) to kick off the brand’s 60th anniversary celebrations this year.
“Our top priority at IHOP is to rebuild sales and traffic momentum by executing against a broad four-pronged strategy, which includes significantly enhancing the guest experience; running great restaurants; building and driving traffic; and being where the guest is,” CEO Stephen Joyce (who was also named to the position last August) told investors recently.
So as part of its brand-refresh efforts, IHOP is expanding its delivery platform as part of an emphasis on building “off-premises” business, to generate revenue in new areas including airports, universities, casinos and travel centers. It’s joining with franchisees to remodel 300 restaurants this year, and tweaking its menu to introduce more non-pancake choices such as French-toasted donuts. And while it never has been truly “international” since being founded in Los Angeles in 1958, the chain is working to expand abroad, where IHOP currently enjoys less than 3 percent of consolidated revenues.
We spoke with Haley (right) about how he’s refreshing the IHOP brand and re-engaging customers in one of the iconic names in fast casual restaurants.
Brad, what led you to take the IHOP role?
My first exposure in the restaurant industry was Jack in the Box and then I spent 17 years with CKE, which owns Carl’s Jr. and Hardees. CKE had been based in California and moved to Franklin, Tenn., recently and got a new CEO. So I started looking for other opportunities. I kind of grew up with IHOP and it was a great, iconic American brand and I reached out to them and they happened to be looking for marketing resources.
It’s a brand that has just a huge amount of latent love. Usually it’s a family occasion to go to IHOP and more often than not you’re getting pancakes—under an iconic blue-pointed roof—and people invariably smile. But this wasn’t being tapped into or communicated very effectively through marketing communications. To me that was a huge opportunity.
How did those customer insights lead to the new campaign?
Everyone loves IHOP and if anyone can own not only the physical stack of pancakes but also the emotional reaction you get from being served them, that’s IHOP. That was a huge opportunity. We’ve done a lot of work with our guests to understand how to dimensionalize that. The idea of “Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes” was putting all of those insights together. It’s a rallying cry for people who love IHOP and love our pancakes. This brand is fun and the experience is fun and we make people happy—a rare thing in the marketing world.
Pancakes Pancakes Pancakes. And more Pancakes Pancakes Pancakes. Oh, and some Pancakes as well. Also pancakes. http://pic.twitter.com/K4q0y71VgL
— IHOP (@IHOP) January 8, 2018
How are you improving the customer experience?
People view us as another home. We’re in the midst of a major remodel, which will be complete by 2020. We’re moving along so the in-restaurant experience and physical environment will be looking as good as we can possibly make it for all of our guests, and we’re also expanding our points of contact where you can experience the brand, such as our first airport location, at DFW. We’re at universities, and moving into more urban and rural locations.
How are you addressing consumers’ food and nutrition demands such as low-carb and gluten-free?
We have a variety of healthy options such as egg-white omelets and items that are gluten-friendly. And people can customize any entry. But ultimately it’s about serving great tasting food that people love.
How else are you communicating the joy of pancakes around the 60th anniversary this year?
We kicked off the year with the perfect promotion, $3.99 all-you-can-eat pancakes, as a birthday present to our guests. It’s a great offer for America’s favorite pancakes. After that there will be a variety of other things we’ll be doing. You’ll see different things from us this year than you may have seen in recent years, and some of that is just the fact that it’s our 60th anniversary and we’re revisiting how we’re doing things for the next 60 years.
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imsohealthy1 · 4 years
Best Gluten Free Restaurants in Atlanta 2020
I’m so thrilled to lastly share this Best Gluten Free Restaurants in Atlanta 2020 useful resource with you! You’ve solely been asking me to make this for… 5 years  It’s solely been since COVID that I’ve been absolutely gluten free… Up to now, we had been largely Paleo (and gluten free) at dwelling, however after we ate out, I’d eat no matter I needed. Throughout COVID, I spotted that the thriller rashes I used to be getting on my face and thighs was from gluten (cue the tears). So after we lived in Atlanta for three years, I didn’t pay as a lot consideration to the most effective gluten free eating places in Atlanta… We lastly had the chance to journey, and we bought to go to Atlanta to see Chaz’s household earlier than heading to the seaside with mine.
The Atlanta Aloft Marriott
Chaz and I had the superb alternative to reach in Atlanta, then spend the night time in town simply the 2 of us! We knew we needed some alone time, and we actually miss Atlanta (particularly the meals scene!). We bought to remain on the Aloft Marriott downtown. I had by no means stayed at an Aloft lodge earlier than, and it was actually enjoyable!
They’re a lodge that has the neighborhood vibe of a hostel, however you get your individual room The primary foyer had a bar, a front room kind space, and tons of video games: board video games, a pool desk, and many others. There was a beautiful out of doors pool, too. It’s downtown in Atlanta, so it was centrally positioned to every thing we needed to do!
  Now that we went again to Atlanta and I bought to strive some superb gluten free meals, I wish to share a roundup with you! A fast be aware: I don’t have Celiac illness. Despite the fact that these eating places might have gluten free objects, it’s best to name and ask about their cooking practices to make sure they’re as much as your requirements.
Are there any of your favorites I missed? Please let me know!
Best Gluten Free Restaurants in Atlanta 2020
Should you’ve been right here lengthy, you recognize about my obsession with bartaco. It’s my household’s favourite restaurant of all time. I instructed the employees of our bartaco right here in Boulder, Colorado that if I had to decide on ONE restaurant to go to for each meal the remainder of my life, it will be bartaco. It’s that good! They’ve SO many gluten free choices, and are very accomodating. You will get the entire tacos on a corn or lettuce tortilla. They’ve tons of starters, sides, and rice bowls which can be all gluten free. Bartaco has three areas in Atlanta. Try bartaco right here!
Man, Superica. Oh, how we miss you. Superica is the most effective Tex-Mex you’ll ever eat. It’s owned by Ford Fry, the Atlanta chef-owner that you simply’ll be taught extra about by way of his many eating places featured under. Once we got here in city and had ONE night time to eat out in Atlanta, we went to Superica. They’ve home made corn tortillas, and we ALWAYS get the fajitas. It comes with garlic butter that you simply placed on high of the fajitas and your world is full! Get a high shelf margarita and thank me later! Try Superica right here.
Revolution Donuts
Revolution Donuts makes THE greatest donuts I’ve ever had in my complete life. They had been so near our dwelling, that we made a behavior of happening Saturdays to choose up our favorites. You need to strive them! I additionally love that they’ve a full espresso and espresso bar. They are saying this about their gluten free choices: “A baked cake made with almond flour (hint quantities of grain/gluten attainable as a result of shared facility). We provide one taste in the case every day (see our menu above), however with a pre-order, it may be produced with any of our customary glazes.” Try Revolution Donuts right here.
St. Cecelia
St. Cecelia is one more excellent restaurant by Ford Fry. St. Cecelia is categorized as coastal European food- suppose Italy, Spain, and France. They characteristic scrumptious seafood and pasta. It’s particularly superb as a result of they handmake their gluten free pastas. Their gluten free pastas are made with almond flour. Their menu adjustments every day, however you should definitely examine them out right here!
Iberian Pig
Iberian Pig was by FAR our favourite, native fancy date night time restaurant. They provide SO many scrumptious tapas which can be gluten free! Plus, they’ve a whole lot of sheep and goat cheese, which will also be a plus for these of you who can’t tolerate cow’s milk dairy. They’ve two areas: Buckhead and Decatur. Try Iberian Pig right here!
No. 246
No. 246 is one other Ford Fry favourite. Cooks Ford Fry and Drew Belline partnered to open no. 246, which is an Italian-inspired, domestically pushed restaurant. We lived in Decatur, so this one is near dwelling for us! They’ve nice salads and starters, a whole lot of that are gluten free. And identical to St. Cecelia, their pastas could be made gluten free! Try No. 246 right here.
Arepa Mia
Should you’ve by no means tried Venezuelan meals, you HAVE to go to Arepa Mia to strive their arepas! Arepas are made utilizing a pre-cooked corn flour, and so they’re to. die. for. This was one among our native favorites! This restaurant can also be particular as a result of they’re 100% gluten free! Try Arepa Mia right here.
Good Karma Coffeehouse
Good Karma Coffeehouse is totally gluten free! They’ve nice espresso, and serve breakfast and lunch. I really like them as a result of they’ve the entire basic bread-y breakfast favorites like waffles, pancakes, and french toast! Try Good Karma Coffeehouse right here.
Le Petit Marche
This valuable cafe-style restaurant will transport you to Paris! They’ve a scrumptious, expansive menu as massive as their out of doors eating patio! They’ve gluten free bread, so you may get sandwiches and even french toast that’s gluten free! Try Le Petite Marche right here.
Hell Yeah Gluten Free
Hell Yeah Gluten Free makes superb baked items: donuts, desserts, breakfast sandwiches, and cinnamon rolls. They’re first come, first served, so that you’ve bought to name forward or get there early! Try Hell Yeah Gluten Free right here.
Your Pie
Chaz and I met on the College of Georgia in Athens, Georgia the place Your Pie began, so it holds an in depth place in our hearts! They’re a fast-casual pizza chain, the place you possibly can both select one among their fabulous pizzas or make your individual! They’ve a gluten free crust, and you’ll inform the workforce member about your gluten allergy. Test our Your Pie right here.
Farm Burger
I actually admire Farm Burger as a result of they use grass-fed beef! In addition they supply native, contemporary substances. I additionally love their seasonal salads and candy potato fries. Should you’re craving a burger, THIS is your house to go. They’ve 4 Atlanta areas and some exterior the perimeter as nicely. Try Farm Burger right here.
Grindhouse Killer Burgers
Grindhouse Killer Burgers makes some killer burgers! Their burgers are scrumptious, and so they have the most effective gluten free buns I’ve ever had. I additionally love that they’ve candy potato fries. They’ve 6 Atlanta areas. Try Grindhouse Killer Burgers right here.
Should you’re on the lookout for the Southern hen and waffles expertise, that is the joint for you! ALL of their hen is gluten free, and their menu is clearly marked with the GF choices. From waffles, to biscuits, to Southern sides- they’ve all the good things! Try Chick-a-Biddy right here.
Sally’s Gluten Free Bakery
Sally’s Gluten Free Bakery presents breads, muffins, pies, desserts, cupcakes, and extra. They’re a 100% gluten free facility. It’s household owned and operated. Try Sally’s Gluten Free Bakery right here.
True Meals Kitchen
True Meals Kitchen is a nationwide chain, however no much less scrumptious! They’ve all types of salads, bowls, entrees, pizzas… Their menu is clearly marked GF so it’s simple to navigate. Try True Meals Kitchen right here.
Flower Youngster
Flower Youngster has proteins, salads, and sides, and their menu may be very clearly marked! I’ve by no means been to this restaurant, however y’all mentioned it’s scrumptious and I ought to embrace it! Try Flower Youngster, inluding their different areas, right here.
In search of different assets? Try all of my journey posts right here!
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Healthy Meal Plans For The Week
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The NYC Vegan And Vegetarian Delivery Guide (1) added to Google Docs
The NYC Vegan And Vegetarian Delivery Guide (1)
It’s been weeks of cold tofu, ramen packets, and back-to-back recipes from an article titled “10 Simple Ways to Cook with Eggplant.” So whenever you’re ready for a vegan or vegetarian meal that came from somewhere other than a drawer in your fridge, use this guide. It has 24 great plant-based options all over NYC that offer delivery or takeout.
For more ways to support the restaurant industry right now, you can find some ideas and resources here. And for a list of great NYC restaurants supporting people in need, read our guide to 30 NYC Restaurants Giving Back To The Community.
If you’re looking for a list of all of the delivery options near you, check out our neighborhood directories for Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Jersey City. For takeout options that work for just about any mood, check out our guide to NYC’s Delivery & Takeout Options For Every Situation.
THE SPOTS  Avant Garden $ $ $ $ Vegetarian  in  East Village $$$$ 130 E 7th St 8.4 /10
If the veggie burgers and canned beans routine is getting old, try takeout from Avant Garden. From 4-9pm, you can order interesting combinations of vegetables, toast, and pasta to your door. Everything at this East Village spot is vegan and you’ll get 20% off if you call the restaurant directly to place your order.
Blossom $ $ $ $ Vegetarian ,  Vegan ,  Italian  in  Chelsea $$$$ 187 9th Ave Not
If Buddy the Elf were vegan, he’d order pasta from Blossom. The quality Italian dishes here are creamy, gooey, and savory enough to delight anyone who loves a mountain of sauce-covered noodles. See for yourself and order a plate of rigatoni alfredo online from either the Chelsea or UWS location - both are open from 12- 8pm daily.
 Beyond Sushi $ $ $ $ Sushi  in  Midtown $$$$ 62 W 56th St Not
This vegan mini-chains Sushi rolls filled with things like mango or sweet potato have earned somewhat of a cult following. But even if you’re not in the mood for sushi, they have hummus mezze plates, mushroom dumplings, and seitan skewers available for takeout and delivery as well when you order from their Upper East Side location. Plus, they’re delivering all the way from Houston to 100th Street - and if you’d like to help them provide plant-based meals for healthcare professionals on the frontlines, you can donate here.
Chote Nawab $$$$ 115 Lexington Ave
Once you accept that the tofu scramble you’ve been eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is contributing to your depression, order some dal or baingan bharta from Chote Nawab. All of the vegetable curries and kebabs here taste like they came straight from the Garden of Eden, before Adam and Eve ruined everything over a piece of fruit. Order a few online and be sure to get some extra naan too because you can never have too much naan.
 Bunna Cafe $ $ $ $ Ethiopian  in  Bushwick $$$$ 1084 Flushing Ave 8.2 /10
If you live in Bushwick, you’ve probably been to Bunna Cafe. But just so that everyone is on the same page, this Ethiopian spot is affordable, healthy, and so satisfying that you’ll probably forget everything is plant-based. When you order online, you can choose between five, seven, and nine vegetarian dishes including things like squash, kale, cabbage, and potatoes - plus tons of injera to sop it all up with.
Clementine Bakery $$$$ 299 Greene Ave
Clementine Bakery does vegan cakes like Sacha Baron Cohen does political satire. Plus, they’ve got a great breakfast burrito and sandwiches with things like tempeh bacon and sage aioli on their all-day vegan menu. They’re open from 9am-5pm daily.
 by CHLOE $ $ $ $ Vegetarian  in  Greenwich Village $$$$ 185 Bleecker St. Not
Several locations of this vegan fast food chain are doing delivery and takeout right now. So if you want some french toast, a meatball sub, or mac and cheese with tempeh bacon delivered to your door, head to their website or download their app to order.
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plus more restaurant intel you won't find anywhere else. TRVL ATL ATX BOS CHI LDN LA MIA NYC PHL SF SEA DC Subscribe Smart move. Excellent information will arrive in your inbox soon. Do you have friends and family who also eat food? Enter their emails below and we’ll make sure they’re eating well. (Don’t worry, we won’t subscribe them to our newsletter - they can do that themselves.) Help Your Friends No Thanks Well done. You’re a good person. All good. We still like you. Want to quickly find restaurants on the go? Download The Infatuation app.   Brooklyn Whiskers $$$$ 760 Bushwick Ave
This cafe in Bushwick has an entirely vegan menu of things like cinnamon rolls, everything croissants, and donut holes available for delivery and takeout. So the next time you need to be reminded of the circle of life, try one of their sweet, round pastries. And if you’re hungry for a full meal, Brooklyn Whiskers also has entrees like biscuits and gravy and a caprese salad with vegan mozzarella and focaccia bread.
 Champs $ $ $ $ American ,  Diner  in  Brooklyn ,  East Williamsburg $$$$ 197 Meserole St Not
Maybe being alone in your apartment with a seitan philly cheesesteak is your idea of the perfect Friday night in. We support you. Make it happen by ordering takeout from Champs Diner, the go-to spot for vegan junk food in Brooklyn. You can call the restaurant from 10am-10pm, or get delivery.
Gordo's Cantina $$$$ 140 St Nicholas Ave
If you’re looking for more Mexican takeout or delivery in the Bushwick area, you can order Gordo’s online. They have a separate vegetarian section of their takeout menu with chile rellenos, enchiladas with roasted peppers, and a guacamole trio.
 Dhaba $ $ $ $ Indian  in  Murray Hill $$$$ 108 Lexington Ave Not
This is one of the best Indian restaurants in NYC and the menu has sections devoted to both vegan and vegetarian dishes, respectively. Whether you’re in the mood for spicy potatoes cooked with cumin and green chilies or cheesy paneer in a creamy pepper sauce, you’ll find it here.
Honeybee’s $$$$ 95 Avenue A
This Southern vegan spot in the East Village is offering 20% off your takeout order when you call it in. But if delivery is your only option, you can still order dishes like chick’n and biscuits, a pulled pork sandwich, or an apple pie sundae straight to your door.
 JaJaJa- Plantas Mexicana $ $ $ $ Mexican ,  Vegetarian  in  Lower East Side $$$$ 162 E Broadway 7.1 /10
The LES and West Village locations of Jajaja are offering takeout and delivery right now. So if you’re looking for a vegan chorizo burrito, sweet potato tacos, or nachos large enough to pass as an offering to the God of Nachos herself, get a meal from them.
Loving Hut $$$$ 76 Bushwick Ave
We’ve all got more time on our hands these days. So if you’re in the mood to scroll through a huge menu until you see something you like - try Loving Hut in East Williamsburg. They have everything from tacos and risotto to curry udon soup and pad thai on their very long menu - and it’s all vegan. You can call 718-388-7567 or order online.
Peacefood Cafe $ $ $ $ Vegetarian  in  Upper West Side $$$$ 460 Amsterdam Ave. 7.6 /10
None of the dishes at Peacefood Cafe are necessarily healthy, but everything on the menu is delicious and vegan. So if you’re social distancing on the UWS, consider some crab cakes, focaccia cheeseburgers, and strawberry cheesecake - we recommend ordering all three to go along with a home screening of Call Me By Your Name this weekend.
Queens Brewery $ $ $ $ Bar  in  Ridgewood $$$$ 1539 Covert St Not
Going on your daily walk in Ridgewood? Stop by Queens Brewery’s takeout window and pick-up something from their rotating menu of vegetarian breakfast options. They’ve done grilled cheese sandwiches, breakfast tacos, and Spanish tapas so far. Check out their Instagram to see what they’re serving today.
Rip's Malt Shop $$$$ 10 Clermont Ave
The vegan double cheeseburgers, loaded potato salads, and sauerkraut-covered hot dogs from Rip’s Malt Shop are the kinds of things you’d want to eat out of a helmet at a MLB Game. But since you’ll be enjoying this plant-based junk food from home, we suggest a large mixing bowl, a long highlight reel, and a rootbeer float from Rips’ menu to wash it all down. If you live in Brooklyn or Manhattan put down the tofurky and order a few sports stadium dishes online from their Brooklyn Navy Yard location.
Planted Cafe $$$$ 333 Smith Street
Even if your blender is still on back-order and most of the fruits and vegetables at your local grocery store are gone by 9am, you can still drink a smoothie or eat a colorful bowl of health from this cafe in Carroll Gardens. They also have vegan huevos rancheros, “egg” sandwiches, and jackfruit tacos available for delivery and takeout right now.
Seasoned Vegan $$$$ 304 W 117th St
It’s no secret that this place serves the best vegan soul food in NYC. And everything from baked mac and cheese and collard greens to BBQ “crawfish” and po’boys are available for delivery and takeout right now. Call 212-222-0092 if you’re near Harlem and excited to eat something that will have you happily rubbing your belly on the couch.
Sol Sips $$$$ 203 Wilson Ave
Sol Sips is offering vegan Caribbean dishes like sweet potato fritters and collard green salad for pick-up and delivery within a five-mile radius of their Bushwick restaurant. And since nothing on the menu costs more than $15, we highly recommend ordering an extra vegan mac and cheese for later. You can call in or order online via website.
Spicy Moon $ $ $ $ Chinese  in  East Village $$$$ 328 E 6th St Not
Want our advice? Get the dan dan noodles and steamed dumplings from this vegetarian Szechuan spot delivered before your next all-day sleep binge. And even if you don’t plan on going nocturnal anytime soon, you should still get takeout from either the East Village or West Village location of Spicy Moon the next time you want dinner at home to be exciting again.
Teranga $ $ $ $ West African  in  East Harlem ,  Harlem $$$$ 1280 5th Ave Not
If you’re looking for an uptown spot where you can get a one-bowl meal, Teranga specializes in West African-inspired grain bowls. We’re partial to their joloff bowl with salmon and black eyed peas, but you can always just mix and match ingredients to make whatever you want. Just be sure to get the fried plantains.
Toad Style $ $ $ $ Vegetarian  in  Bedford-Stuyvesant ,  Brooklyn $$$$ 93 Ralph Ave Not
Toad Style is the right place to get your basket of deep-fried cauliflower in Brooklyn. They also do things like a veggie burger, pizza fries, and a banh mi. It’s sort of like By Chloe, with a little more character. If you’re in the mood for vegan junk food, order some now using their website.
Familiars Vegan Coffee Shop $$$$ 94 Ralph Ave,
This cafe from the people behind Toad Style is a great option for a bagel with vegan prosciutto or balsamic “caviar.” They also have coffee, soups, and other sides available for delivery or takeout starting at 8am every day.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/nyc-vegan-vegetarian-delivery-takeout Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created April 7, 2020 at 02:06AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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john2983miller-blog · 5 years
What a Perfect Cafe Need To Be
What a Perfect Cafe Need To Be
A Cafe wont be a Cafe if it is without coffee. That's probably one of the most useful method of explaining a coffee bar or Cafe. The significant making a decision factor in establishing the most effective cafe is by the superb preference of its coffees. Different kinds of coffees and brews are offered in the market as well as it is rather inviting to try each of them. Nonetheless, this is not the only consider identifying what makes an excellent cafe.
The musical background of a cafe Lynchburg is what mostly attracts clients, apart from the establishment's broad array of coffee brews and mixes. The music also accounts for an excellent coffee experience and usually, the very best type of songs to play while sipping a good mug of high levels of caffeine is a soft jazz or heart tune.
 Every cafe offers chairs and tables for their customers to put their personal belongings and also most importantly, sit with their fresh cup of coffee to relax while they drink every addictive decrease of the brew. The cafe must have a lot of chairs on which their consumers will certainly be seated. A couch is often an excellent concept to provide an extra comfortable and homely feeling inside the cafe. Tables needs to be stable as well as not rocky to stay clear of probable spills of liquids.
 Cafes are additionally of different types and one of which is an internet cafe. It is a compulsory for such kind of coffee establishment is the broadband web connection. If it I not a web cafe, it is a plus if the shop has complimentary WiFi solutions as it brings in consumers also.
Every establishment has a style, however whatever it is, what's important is that the chairs, table and also couches are organized in a suiting format in addition to a collection of decorations that match the atmosphere of the cafe. The cellular phone signal is also a pertaining to consideration for people to come in a cafe.
The temperature inside the cafe must enhance the ambient temperature level or the temperature level outside the store. Warm inside if the weather is cool outdoors and the other way around.
Most people say that the most effective coffee companion are donuts, however there may likewise be other foods to accompany this well-loved mixture. So a cafe is one that is finest if it additionally a diverse menu of breads sandwiches and also various other possible food stuffs that might perfectly blend with every sip of coffee. They should also come with an affordable rate. Various other beverages might also be served like water as well as soft drinks.
Coffee is not only a morning staple however it is something that some people like to consume anytime of the day. So a cafe's hours of operation plays an important role in making it 'patronizeable' by clients. Obviously it is always important for the clients to be greeted with a smile at whatever time the shop is open by its team and also staff members. A cafe whose team are friendly, friendly and accommodating is said to be well enjoyed by several customers.
The cafe might additionally include a line of novelty product as well as materiel that might stimulate extra interests from customers. Maybe a minimal design of coffee mugs, tall glasses or mementos birthing the name as well as the logo of the cafe.
 I have taken a trip throughout the nation. And also with every location I have actually gone to, I've drunk on my preferred drink, coffee, in many different coffeehouse Lynchburg. I have actually never been a person to just stop at the closest coffee chain for my coffee fix either. I've constantly been one to look for the "mom and pop" kind coffee area. The places whose character is formed by the proprietors, team as well as those who frequent the shop.
Below are the top 4 things I assume develop a coffee shop's personality and make it what it is.
To me, music can impact anything. Your state of mind, your power, and well, your cafe. Music can substantially enhance or entirely damage the ambiance of a cafe. I seem like a coffee shop need to be consistent in the type of music it plays to its clients. If it plays calming acoustic music one day, yet dancing songs the next, consumers might not know what to anticipate. While variety can be a fantastic point, drawing in a regular sort of client base may not exercise so well if a shop's songs is too diverse. A best instance of not corresponding is when among my preferred coffee shops played digital music regularly and after that someday shrieked vulgar rap songs. I had to leave so I can get my job done.
A friendly personnel is extremely essential. My daily shop has to do with 50% related to the truth that I know the team as well as really feel comfy at the shop. They understand my name, what I drink and all concerning me.
The atmosphere of a shop Lynchburg is whatever. It's produced by the individuals in it, the music, the shop's style as well as the art on the wall surface. Every one of these things interact develop an energy and a vibe. Personally, I like uniformity. Additionally, I such as a combination of coziness with a diverse feeling. Pictures, paints, as well as displays of antiques are several of my favorites. Also, below's one that is essential, temperature. Among the most popular coffee chains I can consider seems to want to freeze their customers out by boosting the a/c unit. That's a terrific means to spoil every little thing.
The Coffee Itself
Because I am discussing what makes a coffee bar a "excellent" coffee bar, I probably likewise need to speak about what I directly assume is one of one of the most vital factors in having one. The actual coffee and products supplied. Are there just 3 items offered? Is the coffee really great? Is it as well weak? Does it have a poor aftertaste? Is there coffee constant with every order?
What are your thoughts on what makes a great coffee shop Lynchburg?
Elvis delights in writing about martial arts, cancer cells survivor concerns, music and coffee obviously.
 Are you trying to make a decision if you wish to roast your own coffee for your coffee shop 24502? Are you simply opening a coffeehouse as well as find yourself torn in between toasting your very own coffee beans as well as purchasing coffee from somebody else? Hopefully I will have the ability to put all of it in perspective so you can make an enlightened decision.
There are a lot of variables when taking into consideration roasting coffee for your cafe. This truly is one more job of kinds. You will currently be in charge of more than just roasting coffee beans. You will certainly also need to maintain correct roaster maintenance, buying as well as keeping green coffee, appropriate packaging if you intend to pre-package your coffee (generally not a great suggestion, much more on this later), and also assigning as well as keeping separate an area specifically for toasting.
There is also a great chance that when people know that you roast your own coffee beans in your shop, you will certainly get rate of interest from various other stores, cafes, dining establishments and also other establishments wishing to buy your item wholesale. Try to plan for this as it can open an entire brand-new income stream. Although this is completely as much as you.
Do not make the decision to roast your own coffee beans based upon the cost element alone. Besides green costs being double what they were a year earlier, it is still more affordable to roast your own as opposed to acquire coffee from a roaster. However there are aspects associated with coffee toasting that you should realize before you start toasting coffee yourself, as I will explain during this post.
You also will now have the cost of purchasing a coffee roaster. Whether you pay for it outright or finance it, you still have to pay off the financing or recover the cash you made use of to get the roaster so there is the additional debt service. If you will open a cafe, this added price will certainly add roughly $10k-30k to your tools cost. Yes, coffee roasters are not inexpensive!
If you do choose you want to roast your very own coffee beans, you have other decisions to duplicate gas or air roaster? The gas roasters, in my viewpoint are the better ones. They can operate on natural or lp gas and the heat resource is an open fire on a revolving drum. The inner drum heats like an oven. You can roast small sets from 5-30lbs prior to you enter into industrial-sized roasters. Nonetheless, I believe fire drum roasters offer your coffee beans a more also roast, and generally far better taste account.
The various other alternative is an air roaster called a liquid bed roaster. It makes use of warm, forced air either warmed by a fire, or electrical power (heating element). The force of the blowing hot air inside the toasting chamber keeps the beans suspended in air for even roasting. Consider the old air poppers for snacks. I assume that fluid bed roasters are better for greater capacity roasting of 250lbs or more each time. The air is much hotter and also the roast time is a bit shorter.
Nevertheless establish the ability that you intend to roast coffee beans at: your shop just or you and other stores, cafes as well as dining establishments? If you believe you are mosting likely to try to wholesale, obtain the bigger roaster. You will certainly require a minimum of a 30 pound roaster in order to adequately roast for wholesale. Anything less and also toasting will take you 2-3 times much longer. Having the ability to roast 30lbs of coffee vs. 10lbs is clearly an advantage. A larger roaster will be available in helpful for wholesale. However for simply your own shop it will be an advantage as well since you will have the ability to roast larger sets of coffee beans and also in a quicker period, enabling you to put on every one of your hats a little less complicated.
The roaster needs to likewise be properly vented as well as linked to a gas or propane line, if applicable. It is very likely that you will need to have a plumbing contractor placed in a gas line and/or have an electrician include a power receptacle especially for the roaster. You may additionally have to have a HVAC individual placed in the exhaust stack if you city requires this done by a certified service provider. Be sure to add this price to your list when you obtain your quotes.
In regards to a defined toasting location, this is a must. Roasting coffee in any type of sort of business or semi-commercial roaster is noisy. As a matter of fact, it can be very noisy! You will certainly not want to be toasting during your shop's open hours unless you can segregate the roaster completely or at the very least, partially. Some shops placed the roaster in a space on its own or set up at the very least a 3/4 wall surface so they smother a lot of the audio.
If you are planning on toasting for wholesale also, this specified area is even more damaging. Besides a roasting location, you will require a storage space location for eco-friendly coffee, mixing location, packaging location and also prep/ship location. That is a lot of additional space for the majority of independent coffee shops as well as it's tough ahead by. Pick your room intelligently.
Having stated that, if you occur to be a one-person operation you do not intend to roast when your shop is open anyway. There are way too many distractions that can wreck your roast and even cause a fire if you are not listening. You must pay attention to your roaster at all times. Ask me just how I recognize this.
A word concerning bean screens for your shop: I am a huge advocate of allowing customers to smell the actual beans prior to they get. This suggests putting them in a glass or sturdy plastic jar. Then you can obtain the brownish "Kraft" tin-tie bags, get some tags printed as well as a range as well as sell the coffee beans by the extra pound. You are done!
If you still intend on roasting in your shop, know you are starting something remarkable. It is a great deal of work yes and also focus to information, yet the resulting item will certainly have people talking about the fresh roasted coffee beans you have available in your shop. It takes greater than a need for freshness or to conserve cash; it takes interest for the bean. Good luck to you!
 Having a coffee shop business is a really cool suggestion for a very first service endeavor. Many people really think about beginning a coffee area but don't for a number of reasons. Some do not have enough funding as well as think that that's the end of their coffee shop dreams. You can lend cash from a bank or from financiers, so it isn't impossible to start a coffee service with very little cash.
Another point that protects against people from opening their very own coffee organisation is they think there are currently way too many coffee homes around. They don't want to take on various other cafes. This is exactly how a pessimist believes. Are you a pessimist? Or do you really feel that you can make a coffee shop organisation work? The good news exists are some things you can do to make a coffee house a lot more competitive as well as successful.
1) Supply a solution besides offering excellent coffee. Nowadays a coffee bar needs to have Wi-Fi. A cost-free one at that cousin you can secure free Wi-Fi elsewhere. Some individuals like to work or browse while having their coffee. So, make your coffee shop business pleasant to people that require to go on the internet. Offer fast Web and some tables that are suitable for them to position laptop computers on.
2) Employ employees with good work principles and also who can forecast a great photo for your cafe. Like they claim, your employees are a representation of you, and also your coffee shop business. Screen your workers well and pick those with an upbeat as well as pleasant personality. Observe your staff during peak hrs and see who have the ability to deal with pressure well without ending up being visibly short-tempered. It can get crazy throughout peak hrs. You will want to maintain team that can still remain enjoyable and also job effectively even when under pressure.
3) Find an area where several coffee drinker socialize. These areas are universities, libraries or book shops, and also office buildings. You need to additionally see if there are currently other coffee shops because location. Check brand-new neighborhoods that are being developed. You will have a much better chance of success in position where you set-up shop first. You can seek new areas being built by surfing on web sites of property developers.
4) Bear in mind of the atmosphere in your shop. It is very important that people outside your coffee residence can additionally see a comfy looking coffee home. It will certainly motivate individuals to find within. Make use of a dimmer to change lighting, you do not desire your lights to be also intense or as well white; furnish your cafe with comfortable sofas; offer some reading material; and use colors and also artworks to make your coffee shop organisation more welcoming.
5) Use high quality coffee beans that are freshly ground to highlight abundant flavor. You don't intend to sacrifice taste for profits. Coffee junkies agree to pay more to consume alcohol excellent coffee in a nice coffee house. You can likewise sell coffee beans and also ground coffee to consumers. That will certainly likewise include in your earnings and make individuals be available in the shop to purchase their weekly supply of coffee for their residence. Once they are within, they will likely have a cup of coffee as well as maybe have something to consume.
You can still locate other means to make your cafe click. Being prominent in the coffee shop business will certainly always get you lots of customers. Serve food at your cafe due to the fact that some individuals will certainly intend to consume something apart from having coffee. Offer treats, cookies, pastries as well as cakes. Educate your servers not to make your clients wait as well long. When the desire for caffeine comes, your client will want their solution immediately.
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cadernonutrionline · 5 years
 People don’t change their lives all in one go. It’s not how human beings work. The world around us, our friends, work, homes and personal preferences remain. What you eat and how much you move can’t be plucked out and addressed with a variety of measures that the rest of your life can’t support.
I’m not writing a dieting how-to because I think you know how to eat healthfully. This is a series about how to build a life that supports the weight you want to be.
Sustained change comes from small, step by step alterations to our routines that have a big impact over time. 
Diet and exercise are the tip of the iceberg, and the part people already know the most about. I’m covering portions never discussed but equally important to success like, how do you speak to yourself? What in your day is occupying too much time? Do you live in an area where it’s easy to walk?
One of the great joys of getting older is developing the ability to see patterns. Understanding how seemingly disparate things connect and what that connection means. I’m going to teach you that same awareness in order to create change in your life. What to pay attention to and what to discard to achieve and keep a healthy weight.
What you eat and how much you move can’t be plucked out and addressed with a variety of measures that the rest of your life can’t support.
Most importantly, prescribed diets rob you of your ability to work out for yourself what will work long-term. The struggle towards sustainable changes is an important part of the process.
I wrote this to share what I learned in a straightforward and compassionate way. For years I was at my wit’s end about my ballooning weight. Dreading weighing myself, living in denial, cringing at pictures, embarking on wacky diets, and general self-loathing were the constants in my life. 
I’ve watched friends do the same things with half-measures and strange diets that had little hope of long-term success. Each time they blamed themselves when the plan became impossible to keep up, and each time it became a little harder to see a way forward. 
If I, as a 47 year old woman with a thyroid condition (I was diagnosed as hypothyroid since my early-thirties which is a low performing thyroid that frequently makes weight loss difficult) and a lifetime of weight issues could successfully lose and manage my weight without counting calories, journaling, exercising like a maniac or starving myself, maybe I was on to something.
Should you lose weight?
A better question might be, are you so ready to lose weight that you are willing to examine your life with honesty and make uncomfortable changes?
The first step in this process is to decide, yes, you want to do the necessary life work to be able to lose weight and keep it off. It matters enough to give it space and attention, you are ready.
There are shallow pleasures like buying a tiny, red bikini from London and wearing it on the beach in Puerto Rico with absolute confidence. But, that is the least interesting thing I can tell you about losing weight. Through this process I learned how to trust and rely on myself to find the right solutions. How to be kind to myself and how to accept the person I actually am. Flaws, frailties and all.
Instead, I began to explore one, simple question: what’s possible?
If I take a walk every day, what might happen? If I stop eating now and take the rest home, how soon will I be hungry? If I get a bike and ride it for the sheer joy will I keep at it? If I eat this sugary thing what happens to my cravings? If I skip the brunch invite and go hiking with a new friend will I feel as though I missed out? If I choose to live near a trail, will I use it? How can I move more all day long?
If this all sounds unsexy, you’re right. It’s also incredibly liberating observe yourself without judgement. No more shame or recrimination, no more shoving yourself into the one size fits all plans that make no sense to who you are. Does this work for you or not? Yes, keep. No, discard.
What I found through this process was a cascade of changes that altered my life entirely for the better. To change your weight you have to change how you conduct your life. All of it. I am a more centered, grounded and confident person as a result.
Let’s talk about food.
You have to eat less to lose weight, and you have to eat less to keep it off.
I realize this statement is going win me an avalanche of hateful comments, but I am sticking by it. I was eating too much, you probably are too.
The advice to ‘move more and eat less’ has come under fire recently as being too simplistic and ineffective. That’s only because our lives often work against our ability to make that happen. The intent of this series is to address the real-world problems that keep people stuck in their bad patterns. Eating less and moving more requires forethought, planning, and redefining yourself, to yourself. This series will take on the problems, one by one.
It’s not surprising we all eat too much. The modern world is constructed to over-feed us at every occasion. Restaurant portions are enormous, every social encounter includes food, it’s all over social media. You can drive for miles down some roads filled with nothing but places to eat. All of that seeps into our consciousness.
The ratcheting up of portions is something I experience as a restaurant owner. If I actually served real portion sizes I wouldn’t have any customers. My place focuses on quality over quantity and still each entree is two to three real servings. Enormous is the new normal.
It’s not a personal failing that we eat too much. Our world is filled with food and experiences designed specifically to encourage us to sit and eat. I’m amazed anyone can stay slim without a lot of effort.
Please don’t breathlessly tell me about some diet that cuts out whole categories of food but allows you to eat all you want of others. It’s just a sneaky way of saying the same thing. You need to eat less.
The question is how to do this in a way that becomes automatic and relatively painless. A way that does not rely on your ability to never eat bread again for the rest of your life (but definitely less). Most of all it needs to be a way that isn’t an enormous shock to your body. There are serious health consequences to starvation diets, most noticeably hurting your baseline metabolism.
I’m not interested in prescribing or advocating any particular diet because what I’ve discovered in the last eight years is that clean eating is a bit of a myth. I’m not suggesting you are going to lose weight eating big plates of burgers and fries, that’s clearly ridiculous. I am saying that you are going to have to figure out what kind of daily eating will nourish and satisfy you, and keep the weight off. My principles will set you on the path to doing that.
In addition, I’ll be adding links to books and articles that focus on science-based conclusions which helped me learn how to make even better choices. Not just in food, but time of day to eat, and how to gently trick yourself into eating less.
I place food in two main categories, food that makes you over eat and food that doesn’t. What that is changes from person to person. For me it’s generally sugary things that cause problems with cravings and compulsive overeating. I’ve known people who reacted that way to salty things, some to beer, some with fried foods.
This was an important discovery because it flies in the face of ‘everything in moderation’. I can’t be moderate with some things, so I do my best not have them at all.
Consider the quote below of the 95 year old yoga instructor featured in the LA Times. She doesn’t ever eat large quantities of anything, but she eats what she likes and keeps moving. Not dissimilar to what I do right now.
I’ve never weighed more than 100 pounds, but I can eat whatever I want. I just don’t eat a lot of it. Breakfast is a slice of cinnamon raisin toast with Irish Kerrygold butter, peanut butter and sliced bananas, and an espresso. I like El Pollo Loco chicken breast or thigh, nothing else with it, and I have it with a salad. I love mashed potatoes with butter and heavy cream.
The trouble comes because we live in a hyper-capitalist economy that suggests eating nearly constantly. Once you pay attention to all the opportunities to eat and drink that are literally shoved in front of your face, you’ll get an idea of what you are really up against.
My principles will help you create a defense to the endless cues to eat and regain a sense of control over when and how much you eat.
An interesting effect of eating less is also eating better. There is more room for veggies, salads and satisfying foods when you aren’t filling up on nonsense. Good eating can happen more naturally.
Willpower isn’t a useful tool.
I mean, on some level it is. I find the strength not to put my face under chocolate fountains but I don’t rely on willpower to make good decisions and science backs me up on this. Turns out your willpower is a set amount and every time you use it it gets depleted. If you have a life with a lot of temptation to sit and eat, it won’t be too long before your day of good intentions is derailed.
Then there are the temptations you may not even be aware of. If your daily commute has you driving by several fast food restaurants and you have to resist the pull each time, that’s a depletion of the willpower bank. If you go to a coffee shop with a big display of lovely pastries and have to force yourself to glide by, yet another depletion. That’s all before 9a.
Add to the mix your own genetic predisposition for craving certain foods and it’s easy to see the futility of relying on a finite resource to maintain a healthy weight. Constantly fighting yourself is not a way to get things done.
Plus, there is something wonderfully liberating about accepting yourself as you are. I am a person who wants to eat the fucking donut. Maybe the whole box if I could stomach it. Instead of feeling like a failure for that I work to limit my exposure. Turns out you can engineer virtuousness.
Our bodies have been constructed to respond to sugary, carby foods with singular purpose. To consume it quickly and find more. Accepting that, and creating a life that makes access more difficult is a much better solution than the narrative of personal failing. You are supposed to WANT THE DONUT. There are food scientists working around the clock to get us hooked on their product based on just this premise.
I’ll be writing more about this very subject in the coming weeks, but it’s an important concept to adopting my ‘change your life to change your weight’ approach.
Your body is a miracle. As-is, right now.
I know it doesn’t feel that way when you are carrying excess weight and have to fight the daily battle of incremental consumption, but it’s true. Having a body is one of the best things about being alive. It’s a vehicle for pleasure, intimacy and expression. It’s your access to living a full life.
As frustrating as my own charge has been; obesity, two bouts of breast cancer and all the other attendant issues of getting to forty-seven (even a bad cold can make you feel dubious about the joys of a body), I’m in love with it. Swimming in the ocean, an orgasm, a deep hug from a friend, holding my boyfriend’s hand, putting on a yummy moisturizer, dancing, smelling the rain, a long hike; these are my body’s gifts. You have them too, right now.
Your body isn’t a burden, it’s an opportunity. I went from being the girl who could barely get through gym class to a woman who tried running for the first time at forty and loved it. Exercise brought me a new level of appreciation for my body, and has given me a tool to control my weight, my mood and immerse myself in nature. That could not have happened until I removed the yoke of shame and wrong-headed thinking.
The idea of finding value in the present is an important one. I’m asking you to invest in the person who already exists, not the future perfect. You aren’t good when you lose the weight, you are good right now. I tried to circumvent this step for years, each time failing to make sustained progress.
If you aren’t ready to make that leap, just keep reading. One of my principles will help you rewrite your inner dialog. A self-esteem hack that worked wonders for me, and has its roots in behavioral science.
How to use this series.
First and foremost, read this introduction carefully. The ideas I’m imparting are important to understanding the principles. How carefully you read through this is directly proportional to the time and attention you are willing to put forward on losing weight (truth bomb).
In addition, go back and read the links I’ve embedded throughout. They aren’t by accident, they are important bits of information to educate yourself about this process.
The principles are the heart and soul of my series and where you can start practicing your own changes. I’m writing one new principle each week (or so) and rolling them out in my own magazine. That should give you enough time to work with it before the next one.
Several are up already, time to get started!
Each principle may or may not resonate immediately, read it anyway and give it some thought. Try it. The idea is to teach you how to reshape your life through the actions I took to do it for myself.
You are free to modify and tweak these ideas as they apply to you. Encouraged, even. This process has to be yours alone in order to work.
The principles are a practice, much like meditation or anything that requires sustained use to be useful. Every meal, each walk, how can I best practice this principle?
You’ll notice I’m not suggesting you create goal weights or try for your dream weight. I didn’t find that helpful because I wasn’t sure when I started what a sustainable, healthy weight would be for me. After eight years I now know it’s 152 pounds. That’s the weight where my clothes fit correctly and it isn’t agony to keep it up. I would encourage you to focus on the behavior and life modifications before settling on a weight. The idea is to end up somewhere you can stay for a long time and it may take some experimentation before you know what the number will be.
I strongly encourage you to read science-based approaches to eating and exercise by authors who have a long history of giving sensible advice. Jane Brody at The New York Times is one of my favorites.
Every year January rolls around with the promise of a clean slate. In one fell swoop, we will do everything differently. I see it at the suddenly crowded gym or watch friends embark on strange diets (at least, strange to me). I cringe a little about all this because I too, have tried to fix everything in one go. It never worked.
It’s a question of the grand gesture versus incremental progress.
January, and its attendant resolutions, is about the grand gesture. The grand gesture is deliciously satisfying at the start, but incremental progress is feeling the payoff for many years to come.
This process is not a quick fix. It’s not a set plan, it’s not a boot camp, or 30-day challenge. It’s the long process of learning self-awareness, connecting the dots in your day-to-day and creating a life that supports the person you want to be.
I think you deserve better than a quick fix. If you’ve been frustrated by other approaches, or, like me, could not fulfill someone else’s made up regimen, try this with patience and space for it to work.
Starting a pre-set diet is by definition doing something temporary. My way builds more slowly and quietly, but each small change will add up to something meaningful.
I’m well aware of the seductive quality diet plans offer with their simple ideas and quick results. My principles can’t offer that same initial rush. Instead, think of where these diet ‘success’ stories will be two to five years from now. I’m eight years down the road and still making it work.
Incremental progress is not a lesser version of progress, it’s the only sane and sustainable way forward.
It is possible to change your life, and as a result your weight. I’ve done it after many years of fits and starts, feeling defeated, and never quite having all the pieces together.
You can learn, you can do better, you can fix things that have long troubled you. I am proof.
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Sunday, January 13, 2019
post #370
main points:
- brunch with sheena at IHOP
- finish booking seattle and chicago trip with jwoos
- two NY app reviews
- looking around at other local smash tourneys
- dinner with dad and sheena
- help dad clean up / set up the kitchen a bit for renovations / 7 minute workout
- find resources for how to learn chinese through watching TV shows and found a viki, a site with an insanely useful learning tool!!
- help sheena with her AP lang essay
today i:
- woke up at 10am. i felt really exhausted and passed out shortly after and woke up again to my alarm at 11am. i chilled out in bed for a bit and finished up typing friday’s blog post. it snowed like an inch last night :o dad had already woken up to shovel the snow and he and mom had cleaned up most of the kitchen cabinets and made some space for the garage to move the old counters into. they had also added plastic covering for stuff in the living room like TV and couch
- went to get brunch with sheena at IHOP. we spent a while trying to figure out where to go and we just settled with IHOP lmaoo. dad gave us the last two dunkin donuts so he could recycle the box. we left and got there around 1pm and got a table for 2
- we both got a breakfast sampler. she upped her pancakes to strawberry bananas but i stuck with the normal buttermilk. i usually get a french toast combo but i was feeling something more salty so i got the sampler. it was p good
- came back home around 2:30pm and finished booking the seattle plane back home and the seattle airbnb with jwoos. we figured out what we were gonna do and the timeline and then booked everything over messenger and then we were done :D 
watched an excellent video on the benefits of college from johnny harris, the guy from vox
- i did two NY app reviews and also just kind of browsed around the local smash community website. trying to see if there were any other tourneys nearby. there’s one happening next tuesday and it’s like a 40-50 minute drive from me. idk if it’s worth it cause the event doesn’t seem to have too many people showing... at least on the fb event
- ate dinner with sheena and dad around 7pm. we were pretty hungry and mom went to go pick up grandma and grandpa from the airport to take them to their place in philly. we started eating and had some beef + potato, beef tender and some veggies. it was part of the stuff dad was preparing from yesterday cause we won’t be able to use the kitchen much starting tomorrow. it was a pretty good meal. dad talked a bit about the soviet union and communist china with rations for foods. and how they used potatoes a lot. each family in china, even if you had the money to pay for food, could only get a certain amount. which is wild... like a set amount of rice per family, set amount of meat. it didn’t matter how many people were in your family... people would starve. mom came home halfway through us eating and also joined in on eating. then she went to take a shower and sheena went upstairs to do homework. dad talked to me a bit about the government shutdown and then materialism / spending money in a capitalist society like the U.S. vs in asian countries like china
then we packed up the dishes. he stored the foods and i washed the dishes. then i helped him put up a plastic curtain thing from one side of the kitchen into the open front door area so that it would block out dust from the renovations
- i did a 7 minute workout with sheena in mom’s room. dad reminded us to do it :p mom was on her phone on the couch chilling while we did it LOL. we had to do it in their room cause the living room’s taken up by all the new cabinets that’ll be installed
- i spent some time online trying to find a way to learn chinese by watching TV because i really want to learn it well (finally). my dad suggested it and so did many people on the internet from what i saw before. i came back to a fluentu blog post that suggested a few TV shows to watch, starting with chinese dramas. i tried to watch a chinese drama but it was kind of hard to understand with chinese speaking and chinese subtitles... i was like... i need a way to understand what they’re actually saying
so i thought maybe the solution was to get more guided videos. and i went back to the fluentu site. i found it before and tried a free trial. i signed up for another free trial and realized why i stopped using it. though they have a good approach to learning, the selection is a bit limited. i was hoping for more full length TV shows but they had mostly short 3 minute commercials. it was cool that i could select vocabulary/subtitles to save them for later to learn. they also had double chinese subtitle and english subtitles. i was like “that’s handy”
i watched a paper marriage commercial. then i tried to watch a TED talk and i realized that reading just the english subs might actually be all i needed. so i found a chinese drama with english subtitles on viki and watched the first 3 minutes. it actually wasn’t too bad. but i feel like i still needed chinese subs to understand the english equivalent of what they were saying... so i needed double subtitles
i found some reddit threads where people asked and a few people pointed to downloading different tools that can display multiple subtitles. then someone said viki had a learning mode that was built into the web player... i was like... whaaaaat??
i looked up viki learning and there it was: a chinese and english double subbed list of 30 chinese drama TV shows. i spent some time finding one that i thought i might actually enjoy watching. then i started the first 10 minutes of it and was so impressed. it had the same features as fluentu. i could click on the vocabulary in the subtitles to understand what it meant, while also getting the english equivalent. and it was all 100% free??? without even needing to make an account?? BLASPHEMY!! i was wonderfully surprised. what an amazing site. my dad also came to check in on sheena and me and i showed him the site and he was also impressed. good job viki team :D 
i watched the first 10 minutes but then had to stop cause sheena needed some help with her lang paper :p she was writing the refutation and concession paragraphs for a paper about creativity classes and whether they should exist or not. she needed help with examples for her argument and i gave her some ideas and worked with her for 20-30 minutes
- took a long shower around 11:30-12
- sheena needed some more help with the concession + refutation points. she needed to come up with a concession example/conclusion so i helped her out until 1:40am, where she finally finished and printed it out. she went to sleep :p she gotta go to school early tomorrow. the grind begins again
- i’m writing this at 2:29am i’m gonna brush my teeth and sleep
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