#drarry solos dramione any day of the week
radiohead-spiderman · 4 months
(Idk if I should put a content warning but I’m going to just to be safe for; vague mentions of SA. Also this is just how I personally feel about dramione, ship whatever you want)
I will now and forever be a dramione hater, I hate how certain dramione shippers perceive Hermione.
Hermione “brightest witch of her age” Granger would NOT fall head over heels for the guy who bullied her and called her a slur for six years. Also, in what WORLD would Draco ever feel that way about Hermione? Draco was a spoilt little brat who hated muggleborns and thought they were subserviant to purebloods, it wasn’t a “playground crush”, he felt Hermione was beneath him(and NOT beneath him in the way that you guys try to push in fanfics)
Also, ALSO, if the only way you can make Draco a likable love interest is to bash Ron, maybe he’s just a bad love interest.
Don’t even get me STARTED on how heavily sexualized Hermione is sometimes, Jesus Christ it’s like her whole personality is just being a glory hole for Draco at any time of the day it’s GROSS, on that note the amount of SA, specifically of Hermione whether it be from Draco or a third character just to make Draco save her and be a cool good guy, which is in an abundance of dramione’s media is so gross. You give Draco the barest minimum of character development, sometimes not even that, then make Hermione basically just an one dimensional hole with no other characteristics except her sexual prowess, and that’s not saying you can’t make Hermione be comfortable with her sexuality, that’s great, but holy shit is that all she is, is that all the development she gets as a character in your mind??
To make it even worse, Draco is sometimes STILL a piece of shit to her, news flash guys “mudblood” isn’t a silly little insult in the Harry Potter world, it’s a derogatory slur!
It’s not even enemies to lovers! At all! Drarry is enemies to lovers! Dramione is just bully x bullied, oppressed x oppressor at the worst.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk ig, stan drarry and romione
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