stitch1830 · 3 years
I remember you saying that the Su-Lin drama won't happen in your AU but if it did happen, how would everyone (Taang, Zutara, Sukki + their kids, and the world) react?
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! Also wow can't believe you picked up on that! I've thrown out a ton of answers about ships, so I'm glad that some of the info is sticking! Haha.
Oof this feels like a long and hard question, but let's break it down!
There's certainly the opportunity for the whole rift to happen, I have Lin and Su butting heads a lot, partly because of the LOK influence, and partly because a 6 year age difference between sisters with very different personalities can bring up a lot of drama. So, if Suyin runs with a bad crowd, gets arrested by her older sister, and accidentally scars her for life, this might be how everyone reacts.
Taang: Idt Toph has the full agency to just ship Suyin off to her parents since Aang is in the picture. My guess is that there's more of a conversation that occurs between Aang and Suyin (she's very close with him) and Toph and Aang probably make the collective decision for Suyin to either live with her grandparents or go with Gyatso (he'd be around 18 and travelling the world). They would notice her struggle with being confined to one area (Republic City) and would find ways for her to explore the world and find herself. She would still be reprimanded for what she did (and hopefully show remorse), but I don't think Lin would see it as enough. And Lin's stubbornness and grudge holding is unrivaled in the Beifong family. While I don't think she would place a ton of blame on her parents or family, I can see her taking the permanent scar thing poorly (I mean, who wouldn't) and never want to forgive her sister. She always gets away with things and never has to take responsibility, and now her punishment is to just travel? It would infuriate the woman because this is her sister and people always give her what she wants... Maybe it takes a couple years for the hurt in her heart to simmer, and then another few years for her to humor the idea of seeing Suyin again, but it would be a long road to forgiveness (none of that rock throwing for 5 minutes and "I'm sorry"//"Hey be a part of my life again" stuff).
Their brothers would be pretty proactive in listening to each side and trying to help them mend the wounds, but it still takes a lot. Gyatso would be the big mediator between the two and trying to tell both sides of the story, and Kenji would probably be the soundboard mainly for Lin since they both stay in Republic City. Unfortunately, the only two people that can really talk it out are Suyin and Lin, and while Su is ready for the conversation, Lin simply wouldn't be.
The rest of the family, Zutara, Sukka, and their kids would probably struggle with the situation as observers. Everyone has their own opinions on the matter and they want to help them get through it, but it's not their place to butt in. I think the dunebabies' cousins will try and talk with them, especially since they're all older than Lin and Su basically, hopefully helping them come to a resolution sooner. Lin might hear more of Kya's take than anyone else because she's always looked up to them, but other than that, it's kind of this demon and grudge that Lin has to deal with.
As for the world? Well, it would be in gossip columns everywhere and a subject brought up constantly in meetings and Q&A sessions. They would definitely hate it and almost always refuse to comment on it. There have been one or two times where Toph and Aang lose their cool and chew out a reporter, but not as often as one would think.
I think what would make Lin actually talk to Suyin would be a conversation with her mother and father. She would want to hear why Su got a slap on the wrist, and to hear the reasons why she should forgive her. Aang would probably discuss the pacifist benefits of forgiving, but Toph would probably talk about how it's not productive to hold grudges on people you love or something a little more blunt than Aang's suggestion, and how refusing to talk about the matter won't make the pain or frustration go away. She'll have to talk to Su face-to-face to find any closure, even if that closure isn't forgiveness.
A lot of words and thoughts, but hopefully they make sense! Thank you again for the question, Anon. This was a fun one to answer! Feel free to ask more questions or get some clarification if you need it, and have a nice day! :)
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