incorrectfafner · 7 years
Soushi -in the middle of teaching health-: Eating too much of one thing is bad for you. Take, for example, Kazuki curry.
Classroom: -scandalized gasp-
Kazuki: -scandalized gasp-
Soushi: Fats that are typ--Kazuki, you are not a student in this school. Please leave.
Kazuki: I'm an alumni!
Soushi: ... I suppose a review of health wouldn't be bad for you. -mutters- Given your track record.
Kazuki: ovo -sits down-
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judette-mathis · 7 years
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Whats a flasher?
Fafner week: Day 3, Island life
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siriusloire · 7 years
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Fafner week 2017 Day 7 FREE DAY I wanted to draw Heaven and Earth Canon and so, here she is! I can't say if she just got up or if she put her pajamas on for going bed early
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spectralsword · 7 years
Soukyuu no Fafner, Soushi & Tsubaki, "Dream Fragments"
Fafner Week 2017 Day 1 (9/18) Prompts A) Firsts B) New life (both kinda work)
Soushi gets Tsubaki ice cream.
Author is Lady Harken
She had asked for ice cream, and while Soushi thought that was a rather simple request, now that they sat in the Alvis cafeteria he felt somehow bothered. Watching Tsubaki happily enjoy the small carton's contents, it occurred to Soushi that she had probably never had ice cream.
"Is it good?" He asked before taking a sip of the can of coffee he had. Had it even been 48 hours since she had left the Coacula? It still felt somehow unreal to have her sitting there across the table, but at the same time, Soushi felt better than he had for years. Perhaps it was because of her; perhaps it was because the last 48 hours had also solved a lot of his issues.
Well, outside the part where he was second-guessing his choice of location. It didn't seem to bother Tsubaki, though, and she just looked at him with a smile. "Really good," she said, picking up more ice cream with her spoon. "Why? You're afraid it isn't?"
Soushi glanced around. "It just somehow feels like the Alvis cafeteria isn't exactly the most ideal place for this. I simply wish the circumstances could be a little more..." He paused to find the right word. "Domestic?"
"No, this is fine," Tsubaki replied with a somehow meaningful look in her eyes. "This is more like you, Soushi, so I'm glad the first time we eat dessert together is here. Though next time you could take me to a cafe."
"If it doesn't ruin the experience, all right," Soushi agreed. "And if that's what you wish for. We can go to a cafe and get proper ice cream. Or why not a parfait. Whatever you want."
"Mmm. It's just one of those things I sometimes dreamed of," Tsubaki said, stopping to eat another bite of her frozen treat. "Simple things," she mused. "Like seeing the blue sky with your own eyes. How the wind feels like when it catches your hair, or what it feels like to dip your toes into the sea." Soushi nodded his head a little, listening to every word. If trying something like that was what Tsubaki wanted, he would make sure it happened. "Or having your big brother take you out for ice cream," Tsubaki added with a giggle.
Whether this location was more like Soushi's style, that decided it. "There's a cafe called Rakuen in town."
"I know," Tsubaki said with a smile.
Of course she knew; Tsubaki knew everything about the island. "Mr. Mizoguchi took over it," Soushi continued, his voice as matter-of-fact as ever. "I believe there's parfaits on the menu. We can go there tomorrow and you can eat all the ice cream you ever want."
Tsubaki gave him another one of those knowing looks, but there was something genuinely happy in her expression, and Soushi decided it was a good plan.
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fafnerweek · 7 years
And here they are! Below is this year’s prompts. Please tag your posts with “fafnerweek2017″ so I’ll see them.
Day 1 (9/18)
A) Firsts B) New life
Day 2 (9/19)
A) What if(s) B) School life
Day 3 (9/20)
A) Alvis B) Island life
Day 4 (9/21)
A) Peace B) in memoriam
Day 5 (9/22)
A) illness B) Green
Day 6 (9/23)
A) Kinship B) Companionship
Day 7 (9/24)
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soushimemenashiro · 7 years
Fafner Week Day 1: Firsts / New Life
Relationships: Gen
Astronauts and Astrophysicist AU, first detection.
Fic also available below.
“Hmm. That’s interesting…”
Looking up from the bacterial sample from an experiment, Kazuki made a small questioning noise. It wasn’t rare that Soushi stayed up late and kept continued communication with the astronauts (“Minashiro, don’t you have sleep to do?” Maya called out from the ARED, breaths coming in rhythmic pants) and it also wasn’t rare that he talked to them as he analyzed their gathered data, sometimes even explaining in trailing sentences as he worked. When Soushi didn’t reply to that, Kazuki finally spoke up. “What’s interesting?”
“Some data from two days ago,” Soushi said. He didn’t elaborate for another five minutes, and there was only the sounds of papers and the gentle beeps and buzzing of a pad through the speakers as Soushi did whatever he was doing on Earth. Rolling his eyes, Kazuki only shook his head and turned back to the dishes. “Ah, sorry. It’s… I’m looking through the spectroscopy data right now, and there’s…”
Kazuki hummed. “Yeah?”
“There’s an abnormally high concentration of silicon from Altair. It’s fascinating, because…”
Blinking, Kazuki jotted down more observational data from the other samples and sent them back to earth. Opening the secondary covering, he took pictures as well, absently tapping the pad and creating yet another tree of folders. Kazuki didn’t really know the usual growth rate of Klebsiella pneumoniae culture, but this wasn’t looking good. He was glad these particular superbug experiments were under strict ‘To Be Kept in Closed Environment’ orders.  “Altair? Silicon? How?”
Over the intercom, Soushi sounded distracted. “Well, that’s what we have to figure out. Given the previous limitations of our detecting devices, it’s extremely likely that we’ve missed numerous exoplanets in that region, especially if said planet is terrestrial. AZURE’s modified coronagraph is expected to spot at least a few of these undetected exoplanets. Perhaps this is one of them. Of course, this still has to go through rigorous analysis, but… very vexing, indeed.”
“Aah, I see,” was all Kazuki could offer. He’d let Soushi and other experts in the field work on it. He honestly was already having a bit of a hard time keeping up with what Soushi was saying; it was only lifelong practice that helped him right now. Well, lifelong practice and some periods of intense studying. “What do you think, though?”
“Hmm? What do I think what?”
“If it’s an abnormally high concentration of silicon, what do you think it’s all about?”
“Well… we still have to process the data, but… If I am to guess with no real weight to the claim, it could be a terrestrial planet, perhaps with silicon outer layer? It might even be earthlike.”
Kazuki laughed. “That’s a standard textbook answer if I’ve ever heard one.”
He could hear Soushi huff on the other side. “Science is not something based on mere guesswork, Kazuki. Science is based on rigorous experiments and peer-reviewed studies.”
Honestly, if he laughed any harder, Maya and Canon would hear from the other chamber. Good thing they were on maintenance duties.
“Maybe it’s aliens,” Kazuki said, grinning. “Silicon-based lifeforms. What form would they be again? I remembered someone saying something about that. Crystals? Something something not technically able to breathe oxygen, or if they do they’ll exhale crystals.”
Soushi snorted, and from the rustles of paper it seemed that he was now officially distracted from work. Kazuki would’ve felt guilty, if only it wasn’t oh, 10? 11 PM on earth. Soushi’s work hours were long past. He really should be home by now. Had he even eaten dinner yet? Oh right, he had—Kazuki almost forgot both he and Maya had “shouted” at him to get something to eat around four hours ago. Kazuki liked Maya. She was that one person he knew that consistently kept her common sense to her: eat regularly, sleep regularly, don’t do stupid things… And she was a good person, too, with a good heart and a good ear. Sometimes Kazuki wondered what led her to want to become an astronaut, of all things.
“What kind of websites have you been reading?” Soushi said, and Kazuki could imagine him crossing his arms over there. “But yes, I’d imagine they probably wouldn’t really be that well adjusted for earthen environment specifically. I’ve also read that silicon doesn’t make very stable long-chains, or at least not alone. That would make it a problem if it wants to be complex, multicellular life. And that’s without accounting information-encoding: for complex life to exist, it needs some form of DNA—something to tell the collection of molecules how to arrange itself, things like that. While we do take precautions in case of extraterrestrial lifeforms lingering on the exterior of space shuttles, it doesn’t mean that they are truly capable of invading us like in the movies.”
Kazuki laughed and hummed the theme song of that one conspiracy theories series that was always the only thing at 2 AM that wasn’t news or the 20th rerun of the same documentary. Soushi humphed. “Or in dead hour TV serials. It could still be aliens.”
“Really dumb aliens,” Soushi settled for, at last. “Worry more about those antibiotic-resistant strains in your hands, Kazuki. I’m sure humanity will be more than ready to face the silicon-based aliens… who’ll arrive most likely millions of years in the future, because they probably were the silicon-equivalent to early single-celled bacteria right now.”
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria were no joke. It was easily one of the most well-secured laboratory module in the space station, because nobody needed doubly-superpowered bacteria taking over this ominous tin can whizzing through the sky at 28,000 km/h. Without a crew, or at least life within the vessel that knew how to operate the machinery and help in refueling efforts, the space station would then fall into earth and then the bacteria would proliferate on earth, taking over, and everything would be wiped out in three years and only resistant wildlife would survive.
“For the sake of humanity, Soushi,” Kazuki said, faking seriousness, “I hope you are right. After all, true dangers don't always come from intent. Maybe they think they’re saving us from our stupidity by mind-controlling us, but meanwhile we’d be in tiny resistance-bunkers, fighting for our lives and living in fear for the next few centuries.”
“We won’t be invaded by crystalline aliens,” Soushi confirmed. “And certainly not mind-controlling ones. I think you’ve been watching too many movies.”
On earth, seven months later, a new paper finds that the source of the signal was something far smaller than a planet, something hurtling straight towards earth. Further research is needed, the paper notes.
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siriusloire · 7 years
Kazuki enjoys the moment of peace he's living with family and friends. Fafner week 2017 Day 4 Prompt: Peace
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judette-mathis · 7 years
Sometimes reality is better than a rosy what if
Series: Soukyuu no Fafner,
Fafner week: Day 2, What if(s)
Characters: Maya, Kenji, Sakura, Canon.
Rating: PG
Words:  868
Summery: Sometimes, Maya wondered how things would have been had Shoko survived.
Note: What is being on time?
They were having a group study. Kenji, Sakura, Canon and Maya all gathered around the table in Rakuen.
Kazuki wasn't there because he was in a coma. Soushi was gone. Koyo was gone. Mamoru was dead. Karin was dead, and Shoko, too, was also dead. Thinking about it made Maya feel cold and alone. Almost everyone she had grown up with was gone. Kenji and Sakura were still here, though the two spent most of the time with each other since the girl woke up.
Of course… Canon existed, the former Neo U.N. soldier that went through tons of horrors and acted like it was nothing. They were training partners, because they both started piloting fafners around the same time. “You two match,” Soushi had said in his usual blank emotionless tone that irritated Maya.
At the time, she couldn't deny his assessment. She still couldn't. Maya felt drawn to the girl like a moth to a flame that burned too brightly. Forever afraid that if she got too close, she would be burned, so she drew a line but at the same time she wasn't sure where it was.
“Maya?” came Canon's voice. Canon was looking at her with a mixture of concern and curiosity. It wasn't an expression she got often. She was always the one that showed others concern and comforted them in their time of need.
“Yes?” she responded, hoping the lack of life in her voice wasn't as obvious to others as it was to herself.
“...I was wondering if you could help with this question, but are you okay?”
Maya smiled. It was weak and fake and probably the worst one she had put on since Kazuki fell into a sleep he may never wake from. “I'm fine. Thank you,” she lied.
Canon accepted her lie though. Just as she accepted everything else Maya threw at her. It was almost as if despite how quiet and socially awkward she was, the girl always had her arms open, inviting Maya to dive in and confess all her worries and troubles. It made her feel vulnerable and she hated it.
There were things Maya didn't tell her mother, and things she didn't tell her sister, but she told Canon everything for a reason she couldn't understand. Was it infatuation? Or maybe that she knew Canon's sins were so great that she couldn't and wouldn't judge her.
Maya hadn't been sure what to think of Canon until one day, she said, “If we never came to this island, would Michio still be alive?” Canon had confessed it on a dark rainy night in the comfort of Maya's arms. It was the first time she had ever seen her cry. Canon had shook and whimpered for hours. “If only I was stronger,” she had said. She was so vulnerable and weak. Hiccups between her words mixed in with choked sobs. It was the first time Maya thought ‘I want to protect this girl’. She reminded her of Shoko, if Shoko cried and was an emotionally stunted Irish child soldier. Shoko didn't cry--she never did. She just grinned and bore all her pain. Maya hated that as well.
It was something that nagged at her. What if Shoko was more honest about her pain too? What if she didn't always try to grin and bear the pain? What if she hadn't ? Maybe Kazuki wouldn't have ran away. Maybe he would have never met Canon and she would have never came to the island with Michio and Miwa wouldn't have been born.
If Canon hadn't been there to stop her from chasing after Kazuki into that worm sphere, would she have rushed to her death? Or maybe she would have been trying to stop Shoko instead. Would Koyo still be around then, if nothing ever happened to Shoko? Would it have been better if they were still here instead of Canon and Miwa?
‘No, I don't want to make that trade,’ a part of her screamed. ‘But I miss my best friend,’ another part of her yelled.
“If you could go back in time and stop all the bad things from ever happening knowing full well you would also lose some good things. Would you?” She said aloud accidentally. Her question earned her the confused stare of the other three at the table and she wondered if maybe she could play it off.
Somehow as if they had heard her thoughts, Kenji and Sakura both looked at Canon before looking back at Maya. ‘If you could get back Shoko, Koyo, Mamoru and everyone by sacrificing Canon would you?’ would be the uncensored version.
“No,” was what Kenji and Sakura both said. Canon however smiled and faintly and said, “If it would make everyone happy, that small sacrifice would be worth it.”
Her answer made Maya's already souring mood feel worse, “Forget I asked,” she said too late. The blink and knowing smile from Canon made her sick.
Maya decided that she hated what ifs. It was much easier to sink into reality and deal with the consequences then ponder things that would never come about.
She thought that she probably would never come to understand Kazuki.
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judette-mathis · 7 years
Composure (or lack thereof)
Series: Soukyuu no Fafner,
Fafner week: Day 1, Firsts
Characters: Sakura, Kenji, Maya, Rina, Canon.
Rating: PG
Words:  434
Summery: It was her first kiss, of course she was embarrassed.
Note: Wooo fafner week. this is late but it actually aint my fault i swear.
Sakura’s cheeks flushed and she stared wide eyed at the boy whose cheeks were just as red as hers if not more. She was at a lost for words, and he didn't look much better.
They had been dating for some time yes, but that hadn't meant that she could just brush off a kiss on the lips like it was something simple. While she stammered for words, Kenji coughed and averted his eyes. Well he at least seemed to have a better hold on his thoughts than she did.
“Um… yeah!” He so eloquently said. Sakura swore he could be a poet. Kenji glanced at her and she quickly responded by immediately looking away. This was a level of ridiculousness that made her want to punch something.
They fought festum and risked their lives in battle constantly at a point, and yet she couldn't maintain eye contact with her boyfriend after a kiss. If she saw one of her friends behaving like this she would have teased them to no end, but here she was, acting shy and embarrassed.
Briefly she allowed her eyes to wonder to Kenji to see he was avoiding looking at her. She wanted to chastise him for the behavior but then it would make her a hypocrite since she was doing the very same thing at this point.
In an attempt to gather some courage she smacked her own cheeks then forced herself to look at Kenji. She could do this, it was only making eye contact. Sakura reached forward and placed her hands on either side of Kenji’s cheeks, forcing him to make eye contact with her.
Unfortunately just as she was opening her mouth to speak, they were spotted.
“Such shameless PDA in the middle of the school hallway. Who knew the student council president was such a rebel…” Came the teasing voice of Maya who looked to be heading home alongside Canon and Rina.
“Maybe it's time Senpai gets demoted,” Rina commented, glaring at the two as if she had been personally offended.
“Does that mean I would have to take over?” Canon questioned. She didn't really look particularly bothered by their public displays of affection, but then it was Canon so who really knew what went on in her head.
Without thinking, Sakura roughly pushed Kenji away, making the poor boy land roughly on his bottom. “We weren't doing anything!” She quickly turned her wheelchair around and made a break for it. She could hear Kenji calling after her but ignored him.
Even she got embarrassed at times. It was her first after all.
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fafnerweek · 7 years
FafnerWeek is officially over!
I’m happy to announce that the third annual FafnerWeek has been a success!
Here’s a breakdown as usual of all the fanworks done:
Fanfics: 17
Fanart: 1
Edits: 1
Chat: 1
Total: 20
To those who didn’t get to participate, that’s quite alright! Liking/reblogging as participation plus there’s always the next one.
FafnerWeek has come to a close. See you all next year!~
~mod alex
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siriusloire · 7 years
Kazuki tried to understand how to do a pot and he slowly gets all of the teachings his father is giving him during years. Fafner week 2017 Day 6: Kinship
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siriusloire · 7 years
Ryo, due to his health, takes a break while returning home and he meets Kazuki for the second time. He never thought that the kid could have a strange wish about his future. Fafner week 2017 Day 5 Prompt: Illness
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siriusloire · 7 years
Fafner week 2017 Day 3: island life
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siriusloire · 7 years
Fafner week 2017. Day 2: what if(s)
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siriusloire · 7 years
Fafner week day 1: New life Starting a new life could be hard, but Kazuki never thought it could be THIS hard with a small child.
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fafnerweek · 7 years
FafnerWeek has been extended for one more day!
If you have not had the chance to post some works and/or missed a few days, here’s your chance to do so!
FafnerWeek officially ends tomorrow 9/25 at 11:59PM PST/PDT/whatever that thingy is at the moment.
~mod alex
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