abstractmelons · 5 months
1st episode of the terror when David Young starts coughing his guts up and Hickey just like frowns, frowns more, then gets up and walks away... its fucking hysterical to me
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feluka · 2 months
when i make a post about coptic culture and someone tags it as "worldbuilding"... a chill runs up my spine
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catilinas · 1 month
todays project at work had been. no joke. going through the nautical fiction to determine if any of it has been miscategorised as fiction. nautical literature the ancient genre where famously nobody lies
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
I was thinking about how I know nothing about my chem’s drummer like. he’s up there rocking out every show doing amazing but I literally don’t know his name. he’s just a dude. I like it that way. it’s already too much that I love these 4 men profoundly, I don’t have room in my head to know 1 fact about another man lol
no truly jarrod seems like such a nice guy and awesome musician which is exactly why we all need to continue to ignore him bc as soon as we start talking about him the Fifth Member Curse will activate
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autumn-doodles · 6 months
When your comfort characters are the same guy wearing 2 suits
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alexanderpearce · 4 months
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freshmangojuice · 1 month
can you believe my parents went to Fiji last week and I made 0 red dwarf references about it?
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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a-froger-epic · 4 months
I log on for the first time in weeks, and someone's busy reblogging almost a hundred posts from *this very blog* but also crying in a reblog that RPF is the devil!
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perplexingly · 8 months
I've been reading a biography about Nathan Leopold the past couple days after having seen Thrill me, Rope and Compulsion, and he really is far less interesting than what the media make of him huh
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onelungmcclung · 2 months
(hbo war) writers: what's the philosophy on ignoring inconvenient facts
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 2 months
Oh my God oh my God oh my God, why does “Rise of the Raven” look so incredibly disappointing. Why does Hunyadi look like a Viking warrior. Why are they turning Mara Branković into his first love who breaks his heart. Why cannot we finally be given a proper portrayal of the important events and figures of Central and Eastern Europe. 😭
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not-poignant · 3 months
I'm a reader and from Western Australia. The description of the UTB facility always kinda reminded me of Woodman Point Recreational Camp. Like that kind of set up. More space between the cottages. Being close to the beach. But with Margaret River bushland...... if that makes sense.....lol
Hello fellow Western Australian! :D
I had to look up the Woodman Point Recreational Camp because I'd never heard of it and kind of cringed at how spartan and jail-like it looked. (I'm sure it's very different and a lot more fun to experience! But the photos aren't kind).
I actually imagine for example that Gary's cottage looks actually way more like this, just kind of without the white fencing around the verandah:
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Literally like giant forest behind it, garden around it, kangaroos, and the grass is greener and better maintained and there's also just in general on the grounds, way, way more greenery to create a sense of things being screened off from each other.
There's a reason Efnisien's not mentioning all the other chalets on the property, and it's not just because they're very far apart (because many aren't, they all have to be reasonably reachable by staff).
The standalone chalets I imagine a bit more like this, but more modern, and a lot more glass / curtains to fully open the house (to air out pheromones). And while they're less likely to have forest behind them, there are just a lot of trees etc. and gardens and benches etc. on the property.
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This is probably a better idea re: an aerial view:
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(Though yeah as you say, more space between the cottages, and more grass. There's also a central cluster of buildings where Gary's office/s, the medical suite/s, caterers and all the professional/corporate meeting rooms are!)
It's more of a radial design. Some cottages are clustered closer together, some are duplexes, and some are quite far away due to the possessiveness of the omega (so Caleb and Lucien are very close to the beach and quite 'separate' so they're not likely to catch any pheromones from anyone else).
I'd say there is more grass, and more like...lush maintained gardens with a mix of native and exotic plants from the aerial view. Because it actually used to be a very kind of 5 star self-contained chalet experience, it's got botanical garden level of greenery around the place, that's very well-maintained by gardeners etc. on staff. It's not the kind of place where they get a lawnmower person out once every few weeks, they have full-time gardeners who come in every day and leave every day because there's just so much to do / maintain in the garden/s and on the grounds!
I hope that helps some! I mean it still might remind you of the Recreational Camp, the photos that came up for me in an image search were pretty bare.
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une-sanz-pluis · 3 months
It was Gaunt who arranged Henry's marriage. The object of his attentions was Mary, the co-heiress to Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, Essex and Northampton, who had died at the age of thirty in January 1373, leaving no sons, two underage daughters, and a very substantial inheritance. The elder daughter, Eleanor (born in 1366), was married to Gaunt's brother, Thomas of Woodstock, earl of Buckingham, probably in 1374. What now happened to Mary (born in 1369–70) was naturally a matter of considerable interest to Buckingham. As long as she remained single, the entire Bohun inheritance would fall to him; were she to marry, he would be obliged to share it with her husband. Inconveniently, other duties now deflected his attention. On 3 May 1380, he indented with the king and council to lead an expedition to Brittany with a retinue of 5,000 men. During the following two months he did what he could to ensure that the Bohun patrimony did not slip from his grasp during his absence: on 8 May he obtained a royal grant of the custody of Mary's share of the inheritance during her minority; on 22 June Eleanor came of age and Thomas performed his fealty to the king for his wife's share of the lands. Shortly before leaving he even took the precaution of bringing Mary to stay with her sister at Pleshey castle (Essex), where he arranged for her to be instructed by nuns with the intention that she should join the order of St Clare. According to Froissart, ‘the young lady seemed to incline to their doctrine, and thought not of marriage’. Hopeful of having ensured the integrity of his inheritance, Buckingham shipped his troops to Calais and, on 24 July 1380, set out with his army on a campaign from which he would not return for nine months. No sooner had he done so than Gaunt made his move. Three days after his brother's crossing, he secured a royal grant of Mary's marriage, ‘for marrying her to his son Henry’, and shortly after this induced her mother, Joan countess of Hereford, to spirit her away from Pleshey and take her to Arundel, where the young couple were rapidly betrothed. They were married on 5 February 1381 in a service held at Countess Joan's manor of Rochford (Essex). The connivance of the king and council, who would have been aware of the blow this inflicted on Buckingham, is a measure of the financial and political leverage Gaunt exercised in Richard II's minority government. Gaunt attended and presented Mary with a ruby, as well as paying for the festivities; Henry's sisters, Philippa and Elizabeth, each gave their new sister-in-law a goblet and ewer. The king and Edmund earl of Cambridge (Gaunt's younger, and Buckingham's older, brother) may also have been there, for ten royal minstrels and four of Cambridge's minstrels received gratuities from Gaunt for enlivening the proceedings. There was nothing hasty or clandestine about the wedding.
Chris Given-Wilson, Henry IV (Yale University Press, 2016)
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flamet-draws · 2 years
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Finally got around to starting The Perfect Storm and I am a big fan of Read.
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At first I thought it was weird Bill and Darcy joined in singing Once And For All. Like my brothers in christ you are also privileged people who benefit from the work of these exploited kids. Why are you singing about how the upper-class don't care about you?
Then I realised it's because they're in full solidarity with the newsies. They're willing to risk their reputations and their family businesses to make sure these kids get a fair fucking shot at life. They're in a position to use their wealth and influence to make a difference and they're damn well gonna.
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