#furby lore
sapphuric-acid · 3 months
Lore Dumps in Furby Valentines??
So I went out and bought the Furby valentines from Walmart (very surprised my Walmart in the middle of nowhere carried them) and this is my little showcase.
The pins come in a bag separate from the cards. It only comes in the one design, and as far as I could tell (I kind of just grabbed it as soon as I saw it) that's the only one available.
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The pins are roughly 2.5 cm/1 in in diameter (and yes, the image actually does look overexposed).
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A complete scan of the cards, front and back, are available here.
Also they came with a sheet of little heart stickers, which apparently are supposed to seal the cards shut:
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This is what a completed valentine looks like, sealed and opened:
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But now we come to the reason behind the semi-clickbait title. There's been quite the debate among many over what exactly a furby is, and I feel that these officially Hasbro-licensed designs can give us some more insight.
These designs, which appear to be done by separate artists, stylize the sensors in different ways (one of the Dalmation cards even has a white sensor while the others are dark grey). This could of course just be a difference in the artists' styles (and/or a number of oversights in the designs), or it could be interpreted as furbies having different types of "crests," which could be indicative of different subspecies/breeds (like I would argue the presence of mane/tail furbies does) or just a natural variation like fur color.
And of course there's dem beaks:
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Unlike the sensors, it appears both artists agreed that this is what a furby beak looks like, and the fact that these designs were approved by Hasbro officials gives it more support in my opinion. From what I gather, this sort of beak is most common among seed-eating birds, which suggests that furbies primarily eat grains (anyone more familiar with birds please correct me if I'm wrong).
And as we all know by the furbies are predators jokes, furbies had no evolutionary pressure to develop a wide range of vision, which indicates that they have no natural predators/competition. As such, I propose that furbies are basically their universe's equivalent of the kākāpō:
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This ground-dwelling bird (also called the owl parrot) has the shared traits of forward-facing eyes, strong beaks made for grinding, flightlessness, and very few natural predators.
(Also PSA: the kākāpō is critically endangered with fewer than 250 individuals alive as of 2023 so please help where you can, here's a link to the New Zealand government's Kākāpō Recovery Programme).
But as to what sort of animal these little guys are? Jury's still out, because even the artists are inconsistent with whether they have feathers or fur.
These are just some interesting things I found through my brainrot, feel free to share your thoughts!
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bugblast · 1 year
my furby findings while i was out studying them in their environment!!
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froggy-ink1 · 10 months
Here’s some furby lore I pulled out of my ass
Gen 1: They live in warm climates, up in the trees. No one knows how they get up there, with their lack of arms and tiny legs. They live on a diet consisting of fresh fruit from the treetops, but will also snack on the occasional bug
Gen 2: Emototronic furbies are ground dwellers, and are much more intelligent than their tree-dwelling cousins. They have big, clawed feed, which allows them to run much faster, and dig in the dirt to make their dens. To escape from predators, they will kick up dirt, temporarily blinding their pursuer so they can get away. These Furbies are carnivores, snacking on bugs and the occasional small rodent. Despite living on the ground, they’re adept climbers, and packs of furbies will often assign one to be the lookout to keep an eye out for possible predators. Above all, these furbies fear snakes, as they compete for food.
Gen 3: Furby Booms reside in cities and other urban areas, often taking shelter in alleys and in the subways. They’re omnivorous, and will eat plants, bugs, and sometimes rats if they’re lucky. They will sometimes get into scraps with rats that are larger than them, as they have no concept of how small they are and will pick fights with bigger foes. You can tell where a Boom comes from by the unique markings it possesses. Sometimes you’ll even find a boom very far from home, as they migrate over long distances when food is scarce. Over time they’ll take on the markings of the local furbies to blend in and survive.
Gen 4: There is no historical evidence of the existence of Furby Connects on this planet before 2016, leading some zoologists to believe they came from another planet. Not much is know about where they come from or what their natural diet is. They are one of the more domesticated Furbies, and seem to be able to survive on anything their humans give them. They also have strange psychic powers that seem to be connected to the antennas on their heads. They seem to be able to communicate with each other telepathically.
Gen 5: Although it is believed these furbies come from space, like the connects, others theorize that they come from the fey realm, due to their bright colours, and affinity for nature. The most recently discovered species of furby, not much is known about them. They are by far the most domesticated of all the furby species, seeming to have immediately taken to humans upon their discovery. Friendly and playful, these furbies enjoy rolling around, their spherical form aiding them to move around quickly this way. They seem to enjoy sweet things, like fruit, cakes and cookies. They are most popular with children.
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furby-junkie · 1 year
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Posted by the official UK Furby Facebook account on the 16th of September, 2013 
“Did you see the Furby Boom egg at ZSL London Zoo this weekend? Check out the Zoo Keepers' species sign post for Furby!”
A large Furby Boom egg was displayed at this event, and you could scan its QR code with the Blippar app to reveal a Furbling inside (the source mentioning the app’s name is here).
Sign Transcript
Anything edible
Rarely seen in the wild but very much thriving in urban habitats
Furbius significus can be found in a number of locations worldwide
If humans take care and love them, the species will display signs of contentment. Poor treatment will result in classic response signs of anger and sadness.
Hugely clever, they have long memories which enable them to build up unique language skills, and they quickly learn to play games and interact with humans. They can be multi-lingual, understanding their own language 'Furbish' as well as human languages. Also fond of music, Furbius significus is very happy when singing along in the company of another Furby.
Classified as
Not Yet Threatened
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noellenoice · 1 year
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she fights, bites, and isn’t allowed on flights its peni (penicillin) and she is almost EIGHT MONTHS OLD but is spiritually much older they use any pronouns and love eating grasshoppers mainly for the sport. she believes in tarot cards but NOT astrology and HATES Neal degass Tyson
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dognightmare4 · 5 months
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is that...
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justfurbythingsblog · 6 months
Have any info/headcanons about furby lore?
Yes actually!!!! I have a lot of head cannons/beliefs about furby lore, for instance i love the idea that furbies need to bond with a being of higher consciousness and that the original being they bonded with died out due to furby climate change 😭😭 i think its so silly but also just a genuinely interesting idea!!! If you guys want i could make a post listing all my litte thoughts abt these silly guys!! I also have lore abt my furbies personally that i will share in their introduction posts!!!
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coolkaius · 1 year
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Big Fun In Furbyland Lore Part 2/3 | Baby Furbish To English, Furbish To English, Furbish To English Phrases, and Gmaes Furby Loves To Play
More Furby Resources!
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theflowerssystem · 5 months
furby biology information that im throwing together in a half asleep rambling lmao the original era - 1998, 1999 baby and shelby, these ones take the journey from furbyland to the surface. and return to furbyland as fully mature adults, for the next generation. they typically eat nuts and other hard foods that require a study beak! Emototronic era - 2005, baby. and funky furby, they too take the journey from furbyland. but they live deeper in the island. and evolve to live in tree hollows + forested areas. they overlap with the original era furby in habitat, but NOT the shelby - their diet typically tends to be soft fruits! and use their legs to climb trees and swing from vines the 2012, boom era - do not come from furbyland. nor do they return. they are suited for a diet of whatever they can get, they cant be picky when many of them are born as strays in the city and have a whole slew of competitors. , and elders of this generation tend to be mainly strays that got abandoned by their human companion and would then form clans in hidden aways corners of cities and towns they got abandoned in, this was the first generation of discovered furby eggs afterall, they began laying them on the surface and are disconnected from their homeland, but still remember the furbish language the connects are similar to the 2012 and booms.
the furby 2023 are domestic. and have health issues, mainly their beaks. young furbys go to their homes not knowing much. they dont even recognise a furblet as a baby furby, nobody taught them that. because they get seperated from their parents at a young age, they know furbish. but they're so disconnected from the rest of the furbys bc of it.
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One of the earlier crude depictions of a Furby by human artists in Early 1st millennium BC., this figure, approx 21.30 cm tall; 10.20 cm wide, is proof that even early human civilizations were aware of Furbkind and chose to depict them in a similar manner as they did their gods, clearly being aware of the immense power of the Furby.
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Tart was just trying to chill by the pool on the cool winter day. They loved being outside. She heard the glass door open expecting it to be Satin or even M&M as the other two didn't like the pool as much as he did. She wasn't expecting the voice they had longed to be rid of.
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"Hello again Tart!" Greeted ButterMilk Pancakes a small purple and green furby.
"ButterMilk? What are you dling here" he groned slightly.
"I'm moving in!"
"You can't be serious!"
"Well I am, your just going to have to get used to me being here"
As ButterMilk went back inside Tart rolled their eyes not wanting to have to deal with her. Left with not much of a choice she'll just have to avoid ButterMilk as much as possible.
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If a normal person saw me writing out the vague lore of my furbies, they’d think I’m a serial killer
Yes, my 2005 sleepy blue furby named Father Voidmoth is an omniaro Agender cultist high priest. Yes, it’s killed people. Yes he’s over 800 years old. Leave me alone.
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irradiatedmushroom · 1 year
Furby Lore
I was reading up on some Furby lore and apparently Furbys are parasitic creatures. Furbys apparently need a creature to bond with, and they came to Earth because their old host died due a fucking climate disaster, and so now they are using humans to “bond” with. So, Furbys are parasitic I guess.
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furby-junkie · 1 year
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Pages 6 and 7 of Furby Boom!: Annual 2015
In this book, “Furby” is used as a plural noun.
Page 6:
Why, Hello!
- Furbius Significus
- (A.K.A. Furby)
- Noun
- Wacky, unpredictable creature at large
- Approach with humour
- Speaks a mixture of Furbish and English
Page 7: Welcome to the FURBY ANNUAL! This is the biggest, bestest Furby Annual ever! It's your field guide to The Furby-ization of the world  — a book filled with Furby fun, facts and funnies. Furby love you and want to know all about you, so there are lots of pages to share together. Read everything about the cutesome creatures, complete the games and activities, and play with your furry Furby pals to become an awesomesauce black belt in Furby. Get ready to be surprised by your fruity friend; just turn each page for a new boom! There are 48 Furby eggs to find in this book. Can you collect them all? Look out for the special golden egg — it's the best!
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lord-alex12 · 1 year
Hi my name is Herbert Constanzetine El Themburger my pronouns are he/them (that’s how I got my name) and I have short ebony black hair with a blue fur and magenta accents that reaches my mid-ankles and brown eyes with a red crystal on my forehead like a limpid blood and a lot of people tell me I look like a cult leader (AN: that is correct). I’m not related to Thursday Boyporridge but I wish I was because Strange Æons is one of my favorite YouTubers. I’m a demon but my beak is round and yellow. I have dark plastic. I’m also a long furby, and I’m in a cult called the Cult of Long Furby in Ohio where I battle dark entities (i’m 24 in human years). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy almost all my accessories from there. For example today I was wearing a black choker with metal spikes and little chains hanging off of it, a bootleg Tamagotchi, a beaded necklace with my name on it, A padlock earring and black eyeliner. I was slithering outside the church. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me I sprouted a shadowy hand and put up my middle finger at them.
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dognightmare4 · 2 years
eye contact tw under the cut
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based on this image of the first furby prototype (taken from this video)
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