#gaybabygroup x reader
softbeanz · 5 years
Headcannons for Ezra having a goth gf/ having a crush on a goth girl?
Racc with a goth s/o
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A/n- thanks for requesting! I really don’t know too much about goth culture? So I kinda just did what I know and hoped it wasn’t offensive so I’m super sorry if it’s short! Also I could find a gif so here’s a cute cuddly raccoon <3
Met you somehow through Fitz
You were hanging out with Swag and you just seemed SO cool
Once he got to know you better he wanted to copy your style and music taste
Makes jokes like “ lets go to hot topic “
Or “ dude have you heard My Chemical Romance “
He's so funny amiright’ *unimpressed*
He still makes the same jokes
But now he’ll actually buy you tickets to your favorite band and buy you whatever clothes you want
Often says to his friends
“ my goth girlfriend is cooler than yours “
He’s gonna match clothes with you because your style is AWESOME
And your music? Full blast on the speakers
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softbeanz · 5 years
hi friend i love your writing ❤️ could you maybe do something about swagger, fitz, and inutt all having a crush on the same person and shenanigans ensue with all trying get that persons attention? keep up the good work!
Having the same crush
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!!(not my pic))¡¡
A/n - thank you for requesting, sadly I don’t write for Inutt so I wrote this just for Cam and Swags. I hope I don’t disappoint! :((
Fitz and swagger are good friends
And even though they may have major feelings for you, that’s never going to change their friendship
They’ll both agree that whoever you pick, they’ll be supportive of one another
But that doesn’t stop them from wanting your attention
Cam likes to take you out on walks and little “ friendly “ lunches
He’ll hold your stuff for you and buy you books you two can read together
Swags likes to take you on long drives and will take you to watch movies you like
He likes to give you his sweaters when your cold and likes when you two play old board games
Surprisingly they aren’t competitive, they always remind themselves of the little agreement they made and promise to not keep one another from hanging out with you
If you choose Fitz -
Swags is a little disappointed but is supportive as he promised
He won’t take you on a lot of long car drives or go to the movies as much
But he’ll always make time for a board game or two
If you choose Swags -
Fitz is bummed and hides it well
He gets over it fast when he sees how happy you two are
He still takes you out to book shops to read together
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softbeanz · 5 years
Natural haired reader? With either cam, zuckles or swaggy. You can pick😊
Natural haired with the boys
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A/n - thank you for requesting! I hope you don’t mind that I made these with ALL the boys! I couldn’t choose but if you want a certain person you can resubmit another request! I hope you enjoy~
The boys love you no matter what
It's insane how much they care about you
Which means they don’t judge you for anything
So if you have naturally curly, straight, in between
They love it no matter what
While they do find it disturbing to find strands of it in different places around the house
They won’t call you out on it, because i mean; Its apart of nature.
The boys will learn how to curl/straighten hair from you
It pays off when you wanna do your hair but don't ACTUALLY wanna do it
They’ll buy you WHATEVER you need (gel/washing products/certain curl conditioner)
If you have long hair they like to braid it
If you have shoulder length hair, they like to try different hairstyles out
If you have short hair they like to gel it into wacky hairstyles
They just love everything about you
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softbeanz · 5 years
Boys having a afro headed friend
Boys with and Afro headed friend
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A/n - thank you for requesting! I did some “ research “ on this, ( since I myself don’t have an Afro ) and I hope it came out correct! ~
They love it
They absolutely love your afro
Weather it be big, medium or small
They just love it
It's just unique and beautiful and they are all just fascinated by it
Some of the boys ( like mason, toby and inutt ) like to fluff it around for fun
When you get out of the shower and lounge around the house they love watching it grow more and more dry
And when it becomes more and more dry, its given more volume
They get you any certain shampoos/conditioners/hair products that you may need
They also like watching you style it differently
It's not everyday they get to have a friend who has an afro, so they’ll constantly want to touch it.
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softbeanz · 5 years
Requests are CLOSED for now!!
Request list!
Markiplier writings:
A day with Markiplier
Dog days
Being buds with Amy
Jacksepticeye writings:
A day with jack
Sweet mornings
Flour and fun
Fitz writings:
Dating Fitz
Do I know you?
Tattooed S/o
Streaming interruptions
Cuddles with short s/o
Love you-
Minecraft bed 🤧
Having the same crush
LOZ botw writings:
Dating link
Rare visitors
Raccooneggs writings:
Dating Raccooneggs
Gaming with Raccooneggs
Sitting with Racc
Milkshake date with Racc
4th of July with Racc
Racc with a writer
Racc with a goth s/o
Swaggersouls writings:
Dating Swaggersouls
Traveling with Swagger
Living with Swags and the Misfits
Meeting the boys
Panic attack with Swags
Swagger and sick S/o
Mornings with Swags
Late nights with Swagger
Having the same crush
Zuckles/Mason writings:
Tattooed S/o
Dating Zuckles
Kumbaya my lord
Zuckles and calm s/o
Zuckles and a sweet s/o
Park date with Zuckles
Misfits ( as a whole! ) writings:
The misfits visit your town
Natural haired with the boys
Boys with Afro headed friend
Freckles and plants
Big happy doggo
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softbeanz · 5 years
Hi, so idk if you’ve gotten this one yet, but can you do hcs for the Misfits with a s/o with freckles(like hella freckles) who loves to garden? I love your writing 👌❤️
Freckles and plants
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A/n- thank you for requesting! Sorry for the long wait, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things! This was such a sweet idea it was fun to write, sorry it’s short! ~
They absolutely adore your freckles!!
Most of the boys wish they had them too
So don’t get weirded out when they stare at you for long periods of time
You swear they’re joking when they say they’re trying to count them
Once Toby almost finished counting but you ended up moving and making her lose her place
They love that you have a green thumb!
Because of you they get more plants to liven the house
But you usually always have to take care of them since they end up killing them
Mason actually killed a CACTUS. how do you even do that?
All the plants have names and name tags thanks to Cam
They constantly tell you to start up your own little plant shop, saying “ you’d be perfect for the job! “
Which they aren’t wrong!
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softbeanz · 5 years
Meeting their friends gigantic dog! Like crazy big but sweet and fluffy ❤️
Big happy doggo
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A/n: Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for requesting! I LOVE DOGGOS SO THIS WAS FUN TO WRITE THANK YOU!
When they visited you during the winter, you had warned them of your giant dog
Since it would’ve been a GIANT surprise if you didn’t warn them
They’re all super excited to see the doggo
Of course Swagger is kinda nervous
I mean you did say giant, was he gonna die?
Zuckles was excited he didn’t usually see big dogs and was ready for that to change
Cam was excited but not overly excited ( I kinda see him as a cat person, BUT that’s just me )
Matt and Jay were SUPER excited, they’ve seen large dogs from afar but now they actually got to meet one in person!
Toby, much like Swagger, was kinda worried the doggo was gonna tear through her stuff
When they reached your house they gave you a happy greeting and walked in seeing the giant fluffy doggo
They all sat there starstruck
You beckoned the dog over and they walked over calmly sniffing everyone’s hand
“ oh yeah (d/n) is super chill, I just didn’t know if you guys were scared of dogs “
They all had a big laugh and started petting the happy doggo
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softbeanz · 5 years
Raccooneggs dating a writer
Racc with a writer
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Racc absolutely loves it
He loves that you write
He wants to help you in any way
Well, to the best of his ability
One time you were trying to find a word and you asked him, giving him a vague description
You never figured out what the word was
He likes to read them out loud
“ im giving it a more dramatic flare! “
He boasts about how creative you are all the time
He’s kinda jealous but he's too cool to admit it
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softbeanz · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could maybe write a fluffy dating hc for Swaggersouls?❤
Dating Swaggersouls:
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A/n: thank you so much for requesting love! Swagger was actually the first of the group that I started watching and he deserves the world. I heckin love him; and I’m sorry if this is super short ;^; ~
he’s SUCH a gentleman
he treats you so well, he puts your needs before his
He takes you out on super romantic dates
He is LITERALLY the embodiment of Romance
Hand kisses, temple kisses, cheek kisses
He opens the door for you ALL the time
He loves to flirt with you and gets super flustered if you do it back
He can get jealous really quickly, but he trusts you
If you like baking or cooking, do it. He’ll love you forever
He loves to cuddle, especially after recording or streaming for a while
He just goes up to you, weather your laying on the couch or in bed; and just holds you close to him
It makes him feel so relaxed
Whenever he sees something that reminds him of you, he will instantly get it
If your having a bad day he will listen to you rant and will be a shoulder to cry on
You guys have a designated movie night, game night and reading night; (You started them when you guys first moved in together)
He will hum you to sleep if your having a hard time
He loves to call you; Hun, Baby, Mine, and Sunshine
He loves to be called; Honey, Love, Baby, and knight in shining armour
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softbeanz · 5 years
Late nights with swaggersouls. Very fluffy pls ❤❤❤❤
Late nights with Swagger
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A/n: holy frick these headcanons are literally SO FLUFFY like IM CRYING IN THE CLUB RN 🤧 but thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy! ~
He won’t ever say it out loud.. but his favorite times are when you guys stay up late
He’ll be so caught up with editing that he forgets to check the time
So you’ll come into the room and just tap him on the shoulder
He’ll instantly apologize saying something like;
“ shit I’m so sorry baby I completely forgot about the time “
When you announce that you wanna stay up with him and let him work he feels bad
To get him actually go back to work you gotta just sit on his lap and cuddle him
He’ll give you a few kisses and get back to work
While most nights you two stay up, there will be silly conversations and stupidly funny jokes
Some nights it’s just silent, only cuddling while he works
Sometimes he can’t focus on getting the work done, those nights you usually just rub his back and sing quietly
He can’t help but smile every time he hears your voice, and usually after about 5 minutes of listening to you he’ll quickly finish the work
He absolutely LOVES it when you fall asleep on him
He gets super giddy and loves to just sit back and admire how happy you look with him
That’s why nights with you are his favorite, he always gets reminded of how lucky he is to have you
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softbeanz · 5 years
Mason with a very calm reader?
Zuckles and calm s/o
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A/n: thank you for requesting!! And sorry if this is kinda short! I hope you enjoy! ~
Let’s all be honest here..
He really needs a s/o who’s calm because he holds the crazy for the BOTH of you
Ok but being serious he really does need a s/o who he can go to when he needs a break
You are his ROCK, his ANCHOR, his one and only
The boys can’t help but laugh every time you come around because Mason will be acting like a idiot and you’ll be sitting on the couch watching him with a smile
When you two first start dating he tries to act sane but that flies out the window after a month or two
When it’s just you two he is like a different person
He says;
“ it’s cause you give off a vibe that mellows out mine “
Which is true
You have small quiet conversations which kinda freaks the boys out
They are so glad you two are dating
The constantly have to worry about Mason doing something stupid, but with you around he’s surprisingly chill
Needless to say they take you along with them everywhere
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softbeanz · 5 years
Fitz: I’d put my Minecraft bed next to yours
[y/n]: wha-
Fitz: haha just kidding... but what if..
[y/n]: Cam stop
( ok but this was funnier in my head- )
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softbeanz · 5 years
yes yes thank you! the misfits (+ Racc if that’s ok) visiting Y/N and exploring the town? preferably a town near the beach or something. who would want to go where and how would some of them react to being back in the US? thank youuuu!
Misfits visiting your town
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!!(the pic isn’t mine)¡¡ - I mean if it wasn’t obvious
A/n- thank you for requesting! I wrote a TON of stuff and it might be all over the place lol! Sorry if a missed a few things, but I hope you enjoy
When Cam brought up the fact that the boys haven’t seen you in a while both Ryan and Sam instantly bought plane tickets over to the U.S.
Ryan texted you and gave you a heads up explaining that they would ALL be there in a couple hours
Luckily you didn’t have anything planned that week ( i mean even if you did they still would’ve ended up going )
So after a couple hours of readying up for the boys they finally arrive
And let's just say you’ll probably have to apologize to the neighbors later
They are used to living in a big house with the neighbors being a little bit farther away then what it's like in your neighborhood ( that and there all just super excited to see you again )
The first night they end up bunking at your house, but since their all super tired from the uncomfortable flight seats; they end up just falling asleep all over the living room
In the morning, instead of all of them raiding your kitchen you all decide to go to a cute old fashioned diner that was placed on a pier/boardwalk
Toby is taking the cutest aesthetic photos of you in the booth
Cam is telling you the stupidest jokes
Jay is keeping you up to date on all shenanigans going on
Mason is scarfing down on his meal
Matt is showing you ALL kinds of memes
Swags is trying to find places to go for the week
And Ezra playing games on his phone
After the hectic breakfast you guys end up making the rest of the day a beach day
You spend a couple hours exploring the beach and then a couple more hours looking into the cute unique shops that are littered on the streets
Ryan and Sam gather all the boys’ things from your house and bring it to their hotel
As the day comes to a close they all give their goodbyes and head to the hotel
Ryan and sam had yet ANOTHER surprise up their sleeve
They rented a GIANT ( and i mean giant! ) Rv and had planned to drive it along the coast
Everyone was excited as all hell
You guys ended up visiting all sorts of different beaches and rode on so many carnival rides at different piers/boardwalks
Matt and Jay mostly loved visiting the local shops
Cam and Swags liked the unique restaurants
Zuckles LOVED being on the beach ( and so did toby )
And Ezra liked the long car rides with good music
They all loved being out all together and hated having to leave :(
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softbeanz · 5 years
Hi❤! I was wondering if you could make a hc about mornings with Swagger or something like that, i thought that would be really cute and i really love your writing💖
Mornings with Swags
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A/n: thank you so much for requesting(and for liking my writing, it’s very appreciated)! Sorry for the wait heh 😅, when writing this I had so many ideas so it might be a little all over the place but I hope you like it! ~
He’s a very peaceful sleeper surprisingly!
He’d find one comfortable spot and sleep like that the whole night
Mornings can go two ways
You wake up before him ( usually this one )
Or he wakes up before you
His sleeping schedule is usually messed up because he spends late nights editing his videos
He’s a very stubborn person to persuade, which means it’s hard to get him to go to sleep at a reasonable time
Only way to get him to go to bed is:
“ cuddles please? “
“of course “
When he does wake up before you he usually sits there and admires you
If he gets impatient waiting for you to wake up he’ll give you loads of kisses
If you catch him staring at you when you wake up he gets a little flustered:
“ your staring again “
“ what? Me? No “
If you have a hard time going to sleep, or it’s just a hard day he’ll HUM TO YOU
It’s so calming and he loves helping in anyway he can
He often says
“ waking up knowing you’ll be next to me is the best feeling in the world “
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softbeanz · 5 years
Fitz: *holding tiny ukulele* I love you bitch
[y/n]: oh my god..
Fitz: I ain’t ever gonna stop lovin you *strums out of key* bitch
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softbeanz · 5 years
fitz cuddle headcanons with a really short s/o (about 5’2)? i think that would be really cute~~ keep up the amazing work, i love your writing~ 💕💕
Fitz cuddles with short S/o
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!!(not my gif)¡¡
A/n - thank you for requesting! I’m not ver far off on the height (being 5’4) but honestly anyone next to this tree of a man would be short! I hope you enjoy! ~
Being short is tough when your with Fitz
He absolutely loves it because you have to always ask for a kiss
Also he will purposely put objects on high shelves just so you can ask him to get it with that adorable pouty face
Now when it comes to cuddles it’s a different story
He LOVES being held close
He honestly just loves how tiny you are
and since he can’t always bend down to be near you GORGEOUS face
Cuddling is the time he can!
If YOU want to be held he’s fine with that, he loves making you happy!
He needs to be sleeping facing your face, he feels much more safe and calm
He likes being close to your chest so he can hear your heartbeat
Claims it’s the second best sound in the world right after your voice
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