#gbg inotorious x reader
quack42069 · 3 years
You flinch at their touch (Misfits)
Before you read, this is a trigger warning! Do not read if you are sensitive about abuse. If you are in a abusive relationship please speak to someone you trust, they do not love you as much as they say they do. In this imagine it’s you both started dating and you were in a abusive relationship and they find out because you flinched at their touch. If you are in need of help call or text this number 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) it’s the hotline for domestic violence between family, relationships etc. I was iffy on posting this but I will take it down later probably. Please get help if you are in a absuive household/relationship.
Fitz/Cameron: “Fuck y/n, Why are you being so distant?” Cameron asked, his voice rising a bit. He was frustrated to say the least. Then he saw the look in your eye, this was your first fight with him and he didn’t wanna scare you. Never. He walked over to you and raised his hand to grab yours, that’s when you fliched. Your arms went to cover your face and you prepared yourself for the impact. It never came. He felt his heart break right there. You lowered your hands looking up at him to see him with a hurt expression. He pulled you into a hug, tighter then any he’s ever given you and he rubbed your head.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I don’t know the whole story but please don’t be scared. I’ll never hurt you. I’m so fucking sorry y/n.” You nodded into his chest. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you in the way your ex did but your body reacted before you could fully process everything.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly. You shook your head and he nodded, kissing your forehead.
Swaggersouls/Eric : You smiled at Eric as he placed the drinks down, you guys had settled on maccas and with that being said you guys began to eat. You didn’t realize how close your drink was to your arm so when you moved a bit it spilt all over the floor. You immediately began apologizing, and he took notice. You didn’t mean to and he knew that so why were you apologizing so much? You had gotten up so quickly and began cleaning before he could even say anything, you were still freaking out and apologizing like crazy.
“Y/n. It’s okay really, you don’t need to freak out.” He said standing up going to where you were bent over cleaning the mess on the floor. He reached to grab your hand and you immediately threw yourself away from him curling yourself into a ball and trying to protect yourself as best as you could. He felt tears cloud his vision. Did you think he was going to hit you? His heart was heavy as he walked slowly towards you. You had moved your hands away from you as you finally realized that he wasn’t your ex, he was Eric. You looked down shamefully, you hurt him. He didn’t know about your past, all he knew was your ex was an ass, so obviously he thought you were scared of him. You looked up at him. His thoughts were running like crazy. You were the first person he was ever soft for, he loved you he knew that , what had he done? He never raged infront of you? What the hell did he do?
“Are you scared of me?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No Eric, I’m not scared of you it’s just, my ex they-” He sat next to you and gently placed his hand on yours. His eyes were teary, he was angry and sad. Sad that you had to go through that, angry at the person who hurt you.
“I’m so sorry Y/n.” You nodded and grabbed his hand, with time you’ll get rid of the flinching and excessive apologizing and everything else your ex made you get use to. Eric was more than happy to help and be extra gentle.
Zuckles/Mason: You guys were at the Misfits house, this was the first time you and Mason hung out with the boys and Toby together. They were all so nice and welcoming, you and Toby hit it off especially! They were filming a video and Mason decided this was a good time to announce you guys as a couple. Once filming was done Mason being the goof he was came to hug you, usually he was pretty mellow with you so you were seeing a bit of a new side of him. You hadn’t told him about your old relationship all that they had hurt you badly, with that being said he didn’t know your triggers, one of them is someone coming at you rather quickly. You flinched as he ran towards you. He stopped immediately and everyone’s eyes went wide. They knew Mason and knew he wouldn’t hurt a fly, but at the same time they didn’t know what was going on when it was just you two. You quickly realized where you were and put your arms down. You looked up at him and saw tears roll down his face. He didn’t care who saw. Did his baby really think he was going to hurt them? He could never. “Mace, no please, I’m sorry.” You said softly placing your hands on his cheeks.
“Did you really think I was going to hurt you?” He asked looking into your eyes. You shook your head.
“No Mason, I know you would never it’s my ex they- ” A loud sob was heard and he pulled you into his chest. Thank god you weren’t scared of him but like hell he was going to find whoever the fuck hurt you and give them a peace of his mind. The room was silent. The boys assured you you were officially a part of the family, seeing how Mason reacted and you and Toby planned on going out for coffee for girl talk in a couple of days. With that being said when you guys went home and you both talked about your past relationships and you both took into consideration triggers you guys had. The night was full of snuggles and light kisses.
INoToRiOuS/Matt : Matt smiled at you as he saw you lost in thought. He reached to brush your hair out of your face. You covered you face quickly, a reflex you got from your last relationship. His smile turned into a confused face then a frown. “What? Did I? I’m sorry.” He said quickly reaching for your hands to rub his thumb over your knuckles.
“No need to be sorry Matt, it’s just my ex. They um- ” He nodded, he understood what you were saying.
“I’m so fucking sorry you went through that.” You smiled at him softly.
“I’m safe now though, with you.” He nodded and kissed your forehead.
“Yes you are, you always will be.”
Tobyonthetele: She reached over to grab the remote, today was unfortunately a day where your anxiety was high. You backed away and she looked at you confused. “Sorry.” She looked at you with sad eyes. She knew a little bit about your ex.
“I’m not gonna hurt you Y/n. I promise.” You nodded and held her hand.
“I know.” She wrapped her arm around you and you snuggled into her, warmth filled you both.
McCreamy/Jay: You told him from the very beginning that your ex was abusive. So, he was always gentle with you and cautious. He just got a bit excited and so when he came out you and you flinched his heart broke. Immediately he stepped back, asking if he could hug you and when you nodded he pulled you in. He brought you to the couch and you apologized, he let you know it wasn't your fault and held you. You two were going to be okay and he took a mental note to make sure that he would be a bit calmer around you.
No taglist for this one! Just in case anyone has a trigger!
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softbeanz · 5 years
Meeting their friends gigantic dog! Like crazy big but sweet and fluffy ❤️
Big happy doggo
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A/n: Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for requesting! I LOVE DOGGOS SO THIS WAS FUN TO WRITE THANK YOU!
When they visited you during the winter, you had warned them of your giant dog
Since it would’ve been a GIANT surprise if you didn’t warn them
They’re all super excited to see the doggo
Of course Swagger is kinda nervous
I mean you did say giant, was he gonna die?
Zuckles was excited he didn’t usually see big dogs and was ready for that to change
Cam was excited but not overly excited ( I kinda see him as a cat person, BUT that’s just me )
Matt and Jay were SUPER excited, they’ve seen large dogs from afar but now they actually got to meet one in person!
Toby, much like Swagger, was kinda worried the doggo was gonna tear through her stuff
When they reached your house they gave you a happy greeting and walked in seeing the giant fluffy doggo
They all sat there starstruck
You beckoned the dog over and they walked over calmly sniffing everyone’s hand
“ oh yeah (d/n) is super chill, I just didn’t know if you guys were scared of dogs “
They all had a big laugh and started petting the happy doggo
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oldxsoulsx · 4 years
I quit my job & other news
-- if you don’t care about my life update, just scroll down for upcoming fics and what i’ve been working on--
If you follow me here or on Wattpad, you may know that my job has been causing me a LOT of mental stress. Homework is top priority to me and it was NOT getting done. I was always called on days off to come in, even if I had plans. I ended up shutting myself off from a lot of friends, family, and doing what I love to do (Writing included).
I was going to finish out the Year, since coverage during the holidays is SHIT. But I couldn’t do it anymore. So, I quit. Put in my two weeks the week of Thanksgiving, and this coming Friday is the last shift I will work for this godforsaken company.
My anxiety and stress levels have PLUMMETED since I announced I was leaving. I started not only writing again, but reading. My homework is getting done (thank GOD for online classes, all my deadlines are December 13th for everything) and I’m starting to love things all over again.
---writing update---.
With that being said, I am going to begin taking requests again. I’ve gotten really deep into the Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts universe (I was always deep but the obsession is LEGITIMATELY stronger than ever rn. my boyfriend got us tickets to a Yule Ball coming up in my city and I almost threw up).
I’ll still be writing for the Misfits, and I’ll include Goop/SMPLive members along with Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts stuff as well.
They’ll be mostly ‘one shot’ or ‘imagine’ types of requests, so the main character will be ‘Y/N’. I may find a prompt list and add that, and I would like to eventually make a masterlist of all my fics as well.
If you’ve read this far.... I apologize for the rambling and immense inconsistency with my tumblr account as of late. Please bear with me while I get this shitshow back up and running.
I love you all. I really really do. Whoever is still following me after my months of absence is the REAL GOAT. Thanks for the support when I needed it. <3
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multitubefics · 5 years
I need you (Zuckles)
Warnings: smoking weed, high behavior, talk of stripping/sex, fluff
Requested: no
Plot: The reader gets really high for the first time and needs to calm down but the only way she can is with her man
Gif by: @sensualkisses
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You and the misfits were chillin at yours and Masons place. They were all high out of their minds and you were usually their sitter. You were all sitting on the couch watching David Dobrik videos.
“Oy, Y/N. You’ve never been high before, right?” Fitz asked me with his eyes hung and a smile on his face. Swags, rolled his eyes and hit his dab pen.
“No.” I said insecurely. I rubbed my arms and looked back at the tv. I have always wanted to try it but I’ve always been scared of the reaction I’d have to it, and if I did I wanted Mason to be there with me.
“You should try it.” Matt said to me sitting back and blowing out smoke.
“I don’t know. Mason isn’t home yet-“ I was cut off by Racc.
“C’mon. We know you want him here, but if something goes wrong, we will all help you. Okay? There’s nothing to worry about.” He said handing me two gummies. I take them in my hand and roll them around. I look at them and they all are waiting for me to chew and swallow. I turn back and look at them and pop them quickly in my mouth I chew them really fast and swallow. They tasted terrible which lead me to cringe at the taste. I shook my head and swallowed the rest of it. They all laughed and waited for it all to hit me. 5 minutes nothing, 10 nothing, 20 nothing, then 30 rolled around and I started feeling really warm in my back. It feels like tickling. I start laughing at the unfamiliar feeling. They all turn their head at me. I was still sitting on the couch but I got the immediate urge to stand up.
“Guys, I feel really warm.” I say to them looking at the fairy lights around the room. They start laughing at me realizing that it had started. I had the biggest dumbest grin on my face. I hugged my small body and giggled.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” I turn my head quickly at all of them still smiling but this time my hair fell over my face. I snicker at the fact that something so silly seemed so freaking funny. I start to cackle out loud and I fall on the floor and I sit on my lower legs. I stare off into space and I stand up I look up at them with wide eyes.
“Nothings wrong but we need to go dancing. I say running through the big hallway away from the boys. I want to go find the stripper pole we jokingly had installed in the living room. None of the boys except Mason knows that I used to be a stripper and a damn good one. I finally found it and I climbed it. I started doing tricks and stuff before I was spinning upside down and I saw all of the boys walk in to the room slowly. I giggle and swing down I spin around in a flag formation and I dismount gracefully back to the ground they all looked very confused/ shocked at the weird amount of skill that I had under my belt.
“I used to be a fucking stripper, mate.” I said in my best impression of Mason.
“Holy shit!” Racc said out loud as they all started laughing. I start laughing too. Deep down inside me I knew I was going to regret saying that to them.
“When is Mason getting back?” I said getting weirdly close to Fitz even tho he towered over me I was.
“Right now.” He said turning me around as I then saw my amazing, wonderful, beautiful, boyfriend walk through the door. I gasp.
“Hi baby. How are you?” I said to him as I struggled to hug his neck. He hugged me back confused and hesitantly.
“I’m good. I guess I could ask you the same question.” He said smiling looking me in the eyes.
“I think I’m high cause I told the boys that I used to be a stripper and oh yeah I also took two edible THC gummies and it feels like everything is alive.” I said in a whisper. His eyes widened as he looked from me to the boys.
“I’m glad you’re here. You make me feel so nice and beautiful like a angel.” I hugged his torso from beneath him. He picked me up and hugged me tightly.
“That is possibly the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” Swagger saidIt felt like he needed to keep hugging me or I was going to die. He started walking so I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me to the couch. He sat down with me now just in his lap straddling him and hugging him.
“Hey Mason?” I said quietly and innocently.
“Yes sweet girl?” He said rubbing my back. I started to giggle again. I look at him and giggle. The boys are looking at us too at this point. I bit my thumb and smiled. I leaned into his ear and in whisper.
“I love you, a lot.” I say louder than expected. He and the boys laugh at me.
“I love you, too baby.” He says rubbing my legs. I giggle and throw my head back and smile.
“You really just turn into a snuggle bear when you’re high don’t you?” Mason said kissing my head. I nod my head and stand up.
“Everyone stand up, right now!” I said waving my tiny arms around. They all get up at different times.
“I want to give each of you a hug individually and none of you can say no.” I walk to leary’s Fitz he has this little grin on his face as he holds his arms out to hug me. The same happens for all of them. I end on my boyfriend and I start to cry a little bit. I sniffle and pull away.
“Aw man, we’re all gonna die.” I said looking at them and my voice cracking. Mason laughed pitifully
“Aw-ha-haw, baby, it’s okay. We’re not gonna die.” He pulled me into him like a baby. I start to calm down.
“We are all okay. You see?” Racc said gesturing to all of us. I started realizing soon how silly it was to think that way.
“Okay, I believe you. Your argument is valid.” I said to him. I started to kind of dose off to sleep from all of my expended energy. I fell asleep to the sound of Masons heart beat next to my ear.
Masons POV
She was finally asleep in my arms. I stood up slowly but carefully and carried her unconscious body to our room. I placed her on her site of the bed with the blanket tucked over her. I walk back out to the boys and stood in front of their fortnite game.
“Who gave her that shit?” I said seriously. Everyone pointed at Racc. I walk up to him and smack his head. He flinched and grabs the affected area.
“Ow, you fuck. Why?” He said sourly looking at me.
“You gave her edibles when I wasn’t here you fucking dick head that’s why. That was not your decision to make!” I said with a finger in his face. He stood up and looked down.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have forced her into anything, man. I’m sorry.” He said. I shook his hand.
“It’s fine. I forgive you.” I say back down in my seat.
“Your girl was a stripper?” Matt asked me. I smile and nod.
“Yeah. And a damn good one.”
Thanks for reading my first fic on here. I will write about any topic with any youtuber as long as I know who they are. Thank you!!
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quack42069 · 3 years
Dance's & Kisses - Misfits
For : @aminormistakewasmade my beloved <3
Also you can't tell me these songs don't fit them 0-0
Goodguyfitz : You and Cameron jumped around the shared homes living room to 'Like a G6' by Far East Coast Movement laughing with each other as you both made your way towards each other, your back towards his front as you both danced a bit suggestively with each other. With his hands on your hips and your hands on his, you giggled as he left open mouthed kisses on your neck, serotonin filled you both as you two danced to the beat. As the song ended you both collapsed on the couch, you on his lap.
"Fuck I miss the club." Cameron groaned.
"Me too Cam." You laughed as he kissed you, both his hands grabbing your face.
"I'm so glad we're doing this though, I'd take this over the club any day." You smiled and pushed his shoulder lightly getting up and pulling him up with you.
"Then come on!" You exclaimed going back to dancing as he laughed and joined as well.
SwaggerSouls: Eric's arms wrapped around your waist as you turned the oven off. The smell of brownies filling your shared house. Bean and Bear purred against your leg as Eric grabbed his phone playing 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' by Paul Anka on. You smiled as he kissed your neck softly, pulling back and spinning you around to face him. Your arms went around his neck as his went around your waist again rubbing your sides. You giggled as you placed your head on his shoulder, his hand coming up to rub your back softly as you two swayed carefully. Bean and Bear coming back to you two purring against both your legs as you and Eric smiled at each other. This was definitely not the last time you two would be dancing in the kitchen together.
Zuckles/Mason: The flashing neon lights and people around you didn't even seem to phase you as Mason pulled you towards him. Your arm wrapped around his neck and his hand low on your hips. You both pulled away as 'White Lies' by M-22 played through the club's speakers, the dj saying something you couldn't make out. You both smiled at each other as you two jumped along with everyone else, his hand grabbing yours as you two continued to jump with the crowd. Eventually he made his way behind you, grabbing your hips as he leaned to kiss your cheek. You smiled and turned to kiss him on lips. Smiling into the kiss you pulled away seeing a sweaty Mason with rosy cheeks and a cheeky grin as you two continued to dance to the upbeat music. Not seeing Fitz and Toby smile at each other, happy to see you two madly in love and happy.
Tobyonthetele : Toby smiled at you as she grabbed your hands bringing them to go over her shoulders, her hands going down to your waist grabbing you softly as you two swayed softly to 'Sparks' by Coldplay. Your foreheads leaning against each other as you both looked into each other's eyes lovingly, your eyes filling with tears. You had been feeling a bit off for the past few days, so Toby being an amazing girlfriend tried making you feel close to her and as protected as possible. She mouthed 'I promise you this, I'll always look after you." Which made many tears escape your eyes. She wiped them and gave you a kiss, ignoring the salty tears. She pulled away grabbing your face in her hands.
"I love you Y/n. I always will, I promise." She whispered, You nodded as your foreheads connected again. You were going to be okay.
iNotOriOuS/Matt: You rolled your eyes playfully as Matt walked up to you, slurring the words to 'I'm yours' by Jason Mraz. He was a bit tipsy as were you and everyone else around you two. Cameron and Eric laughed as Matt grabbed your hand pulling you off the chair of the outside restaurant. He dragged you to the fairy lit dance floor that was just a few steps away as you both giggled swaying back and forth, his hand rubbing up your sides lovingly. Toby quickly pulled her phone out recording the cute action as the rest of the Misfits cheered. Matt stuck his tongue out slightly at you as the lyric "I've been spending way to long, checking my tongue in the mirror " came up, you scrunched your nose up at him as he kissed your face repeatedly making you both laugh. The rest of the restaurant smiling at you two and some couples even standing to join you two on the dance floor.
McCreamy/Jay : You smiled up at Jay as he began playing 'Love Like You' by Steven Universe through the speakers of your shared home. You two had just finished your marathon and were both feeling a bit lovey. Reaching his hand out, you grabbed it and let out a small laugh as he tugged you up from the couch, bringing you into his chest. You two swayed, giggling and singing the lyrics to each other. He spun you around, his lips being placed on yours once you faced him again just as the song ended. You both sighed happily into each other, cherishing the moment.
Taglist : @ultimate-sdmn-trash @kiit-ty @owotalks @yadywho @gognotfound @btsiguess-kpop @nocturnal-dreams @butterfly-on-my-love
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quack42069 · 3 years
Misfits with a British s/o Hc's
He ADORES your accent
You love his
You two have different slang, so often times you use each others
Everyone thinks it's cute how you two switch
You two don't even realize it half the time
He likes to make fun of your accent as a joke but you do it right back
Often times you two try to switch accents
So you do his and he does yours
Ends up in fits of laughter
Known as the couple with the cute accents
*Insert history joke here*
Oh man he loves your accent
He does give you shit for it though
"Hey Y/n, say water!"
"Shut up Swagger."
"Last time I checked that's not how you pronounce wotah."
Also makes fun of you
His love language is teasing you so...
One thing he adores is how you pronounce his name
When he first heard you speak he just knew you were the one
Loves laying down on your chest and just listening to you talk
Not only loves your accent but the way you speak, the tone, everything!
He thinks it's funny how different your slang is from his
He'll have you tell him a bad word in your slang and will say it to Koby (His brother) and have Koby wondering what the hell he said
Koby asks you and when you say it he's like "Oh gee."
Honestly didn't really...for lack of better words...care?
She just thought it was a cute accent, but didn't really give much thought
Sure the words you would say were different but she was more interested on why and how differently you called things
She still loved it though don't get me wrong! She just didn't gush over it
"Hey Y/n! What do you call these?"
Country boy in love with a British person yes
Oh man, constantly trying to do each others accents
He loves when you try to copy his southern accent
and its pretty funny listening to him try to do a British accent and it just sounds like an aussie accent cause he's around a bunch of aussies
Meeting his family was adorable
Their accents + yours = Just so cute
His family LOVES your accent and often times while telling people about you they say, "Matts got himself a Brit!"
So cute though, and he loves just listening to you talk
Deffo in love with it
"Shut up kiwi."
"You wanna go there?"
Also adores your accent
A bit of teasing
Not that much though
He loves your accent but he also doesn't really gush about it
If he see's a British person on the tv show he'll say "Look! It's your friend!"
You kinda look at him like 0-0
That's how the "Shut up kiwi." starts
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quack42069 · 3 years
Nickname they gave you - Misfits
Goodguyfitz/Cameron: Darling
Cute and simple!
SwaggerSouls/Eric: Precious
Not big on nicknames, but precious is just something he loves calling you because you are precious to him!
Zuckles/Mason: Sunshine
He loves the nickname because just like the sun you bring light into his life!
Tobyonthetele: Babe/Buttercup
Usually calls you babe, but once said "whats up buttercup," and it kinda stuck, but she usually calls you babe.
McCreamy/Jay: Sweet Cheeks
He had a huge laugh with this one, he found it hilarious and just continues to call you this cause its so funny and he likes how you just shake your head and smile.
iNoToRiOuS/Matt: Sexy
He thinks you're sexy and never fails to mention it.
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quack42069 · 3 years
How they are when they are jealous(Misfits)
Doesn't get jealous much
He knows you love him and if he ever feels like someones getting a bit too close to you mans would just walk over
He wouldn't say anything to the person just to you
"Hey babe, need me to refill your drink?"
You just look up at him with wide eyes when he flat out ignores the other person
Other person gets the hint that you're taken and walks away
You just laugh and so does he, he'll be sure to keep his arm around you and make sure everyone knows you're with him and he's with you
Also doesn't get jealous much
He loves and trusts you with his whole heart
If he does get jealous he'll just come up to you and put his hand on your lower back asking who the person is
When they start to introduce themselves...
"I'm -"
"I don't care." He'll say with absolutely NO SHAME
He'll smile and just pull you away, giving you a big kiss
The rest of the night he will have you near him 24/7
Get's jealous pretty easily
If he's jealous he will make it KNOWN
Also it's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he's a bit insecure and doesn't want someone better to snatch you from him
"Oi who's that cunt talking to Y/n?" He'll ask one of the people near him while looking over at you
when everyone says they don't know he will walk over to you wrapping his arms around you
You smile as he kisses your neck softly, meanwhile he's throwing glares at the person watching awkwardly
Person gets the hint and walks off, if they come back they get cussed at by Mason
Get's jealous pretty easily honestly
You would not be able to know if he's jealous or not
He's acting perfecting fine one minute and once your home he's pouting
"Who was that person you were talking to?"
"Oh that was ____, they are nice and wanted to be friends."
"Are you mad?"
"No, I don't care." He does.
You reassure him with lots of kisses and cuddles and he gets over it, you let him know that he's the only one for you
Does not get jealous
Like at all
He knows at the end of the day you will be in HIS arms
If he ever does feel like someones getting a bit to close to you he will walk up and you'll introduce him as your boyfriend and they will get the hint by then
She's also not one to get jealous
If she feels like they are getting a bit too flirty she will take matters into her own hands
"Hi I'm Toby, Y/n's girlfriend."
And if they continue to flirt she will just pull you away and give them glares from across the room while you're in her arms
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quack42069 · 3 years
Their reaction to your cute aggression (Misfits)
Normalize cute agression pls, also by biting/squeezing their arm it isn't meant to harm! Just letting you know LMFAO.
Goodguyfitz/Cameron : When you bit him, he would be confused but he wouldn't not expect it, its just another one of your quirks.
Swaggersouls/Eric : Mans would laugh and ask what the fuck you are doing when you first bit him. He then would be fine with it as long as you didn't do it in public.
Zuckles/Mason : He would be confused, but then he would bite you back playfully, now it's become habit to just softly bite each others shoulders.
iNoToRiOuS/Matt : "Did you just bite me?" and when you nodded he just sighed and shook his head, mumbling "Woman I swear." which earned him a hit to the chest.
Tobyonthetele : "You my beautiful Y/n, are so weird." She would say each and every time you bit her.
McCreamy/Jay : When you first squeezed his arm because you got a little to happy he just smiled and now he loves when you do it.
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quack42069 · 3 years
Showers with them (Misfits)
18+ nothing too graphic.
Fitz/Cameron: You both were running late to a dinner with your family, you were staying at a hotel so when their was only one shower and two of you, you both hopped in and showered and quickly got dressed and went to the dinner. The next day he asked if you guys could shower together again and it started with that. You both prefer showering together, sex or not, you both enjoy washing eachothers hair or washing each other’s bodies.
Swaggersouls/Eric: He usually suggest showers as a way to relax and be close with you. Showers with him are often either super cute or super 18+, more often then not it’s just both of you standing under warm water and washing each other’s bodies, very calm.
Zuckles/Mason: You suggested it to him at first, he was having a rough day so you asked if he wanted to shower, at first he thought you meant shower sex, but then you started washing his hair and body and he was much happier with that. He felt very loved and he found out he loves to wash your hair.
INoToRiOuS/Matt: He suggested at first, he always wanted to try shower sex so you did. You had to wash your hair first and he did it and soon he started joining so that you guys could wash each other, sweet intentions only, after the whole shower sex experiment you both preferred the bedroom.
Tobyonthetele: She suggested it! You were having a really bad day, so bad that you couldn’t even get up to shower or eat or anything, being the sweet girlfriend she is she decided to bring you to the shower and help wash your hair and body. Now she does that whenever your feelings and down and you do it to her.
Mccreamy/Jay : He suggested it! He just wanted to try something new and so you guys did ! You guys both agreed it wasn’t your thing so now if you shower together it’s just washing each other’s hair or bodies.
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quack42069 · 3 years
How they respond to hate towards you (Misfits)
GoodGuyFitz/Cameron: He is usually very patient, but when it comes to someone hurting you he RAGES. He made a whole ass stream dedicated to the people who hate on you, saying they aren't true fans of his and that he understands jokes and stuff but that you don't deserve any of the hate you get, he then later apologizes to you for putting you through that and then cuddles you a lot, even if the hate didn't bug you much.
SwaggerSouls/Eric: The first hate comment he saw was on twitter and he immediately blocked them and grabbed your phone and blocked them as well, he then tweeted saying if he saw ANY hate towards you it would be blocked. He doesn't care much about hate towards him but if its to you... sucks to be them. When he addressed it on stream he saw people saying they wouldn't send hate until that one guy said something rude and he went OFF. "You motherfucker this is the people I'm talking about, How the fuck are you gonna hate on my s/o they've done nothing to you you fucking asshole." Yeah, he loves you.
Zuckles/Mason: He first saw it on his livestream, when someone said his s/o is probably 'ugly' or a 'clout chaser' he immediately responded and said, "Fuck you cunt, your getting banned and you can't come back, they aren't a clout chaser or ugly or any of that shit. If I see any hate towards them you are banned and I don't care how long you've been following." and chat and mods proceed to protect you.
iNoTorIoUs/Matt: He just blocked them, and when they tweeted off another account asking why they were blocked he said "I blocked you because you hated on Y/n, just letting you all know, you hate on Y/n its an immediate block. No questions asked. They don't deserve any hate."
McCreamy/Jay: When he first saw the hate he knew you saw it so he went to you as quick as possible, he said that they were just angry and mad for absolutely no reason. He honestly was more sad then angry cause ?!?!? how are they gonna hate on you when you've done nothing wrong. He then tweets saying if he sees any hate on you, he will block them or mute them.
TobyOnTheTele: She blocked them immediately, and went to comfort you, then she made a quick instagram story talking about how you did not deserve hate and how if she saw any they would be blocked.
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quack42069 · 3 years
How they get your attention (Misfits)
Goodguyfitz/Cameron : He places things on the top shelf. He loves when you have to go wake him up or bug him to help you grab whatever you need to grab. You know he does this on purpose so you play along, you could easily hop on the counter or grab a chair but you decided to just give in and go get him.
Swaggersouls/Eric : He would just tell you honestly, he’ll tell you he wants to be near you or hug you or that he wants your attention. You’ll give in obviously and spend a couple hours cuddling until one of you has to get up and do work.
Zuckles/Mason : In order to get your attention he’ll ask for help for basic tasks, he needs to do the dishes ? “Y/n! Come dry them” does he need to do laundry? “Y/n! Do I put it on a 30 minute cycle or 60 minute?” He knows damn well what cycle to put it on and he knows you don’t need to dry the dishes right away.
INoToRiOuS/Matt : He’ll hover around you. He doesn’t wanna ask for your attention but if your doing computer work he’ll be right next to you watching whatever you are doing, if your washing dishes he’s just lightly talking to you and drying them. You know his pattern so you know what he wants even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
Tobyonthetele : She will become extra touchy, she’ll be giving you more random hugs and kisses and will be leaning onto you a bit more then usual. She makes it obvious and sometimes will straight up tell you that she wants cuddles.
Mccreamy/Jay : He’ll make comments like, “it sure is cold here, maybe you should come cuddle.” Or he will lie and say, “Y/n! Your show has a new episode come lay down and watch it with me!” You know your show doesn’t have a new episode but you’ll happily go lay down with him anyway.
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quack42069 · 3 years
Be better - Matt/iNoToRiOuS
Matt/iNoToRiOuS X GN! Reader
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He looks so good in this AH
“I don’t ask for much Matt.” You said softly looking at him. He glanced at you and looked back down at his feet. Guilt rising in his chest.
“I know, and I’m sorry.” You shook your head. Months. It has been months since Matt last took you into consideration. Leaving his mess for you to pick up, not showing you affection like how he used to. Hell the only affection you get is sex, and even that’s not good anymore. He was getting comfortable with you doing everything and after telling him repeatedly to do better he hasn’t. So here you both sat on the edge of your shared bed.
“I asked for something so simple, Matt.” Your voice began to break slightly as he nodded.
“I know and you deserve better. I’m sorry.” You scoffed.
“Then be better.” You cried. His eyes looked at you, full of shame and sadness.
“I love you.” He said, pulling you into a hug. You melted into his shoulder, tears rolling down your cheeks as he rubbed your back. He’s done this one too many times. It’s an endless cycle between you two. He apologizes, says he’ll do better, then stays the same while you still do absolutely everything, and he gets mad at you for being tired or for being in a bad mood. You pulled away standing up quickly.
“No. I deserve better.” You said shaking your head. Matt stood up as well.
“Y/n. Don’t do this over a load of laundry. Come on.” He sighed. You chuckled. He didn’t get it.
“It’s not over a load of laundry Matt! It’s everything! I asked you to do something so simple while I was out and you didn’t do it! I asked yesterday to do the dishes and I had to do them!”
“So what do you want me to do? Laundry? Dishes? Fine! I’ll do it! Leave me alone and I’ll fucking do it! All you do is nag!” He yelled. You shook your head.
“I nag? I fucking nag?” You yelled right back. Walking up to him so you both were yelling at each other, face to face, him towering over you, but you didn’t care. You know he wouldn’t dare lay a hand on you.
“Yeah! You fucking nag! I edit and I make content so that I can support us! So that we can live comfortably! Then you’re in my fucking ear, telling me everything I haven’t done to make you happy.” You shook your head. You understood he had work, but so did you. He turned away from you, running a hand through his hair.
“Fine. I’ll leave you alone. That’s what you want right?” You yelled. He nodded.
“Yeah! Yeah that’s what I want.” You shook your head.
“Fine. I’m done. I’m gone Matt.”
“What?” He asked, turning towards you eyes watery.
“I’m gone. No more nagging no more of anything!” You yelled walking out. You heard Matt rush behind you as you slammed the front door calling Toby quickly.
Taglist : @gognotfound @noahsfag @btsiguess-kpop @ultimate-sdmn-trash @yadywho @kiit-ty
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quack42069 · 3 years
Song they post you to ( Misfits)
GoodGuyFitz/Cameron : 3005 - Childish Gambino
SwaggerSouls/Eric : I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Zuckles/Mason : Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
Tobyonthetele : Stay - Rihanna
Mccreamy/Jay : Out of my league - Fitz and The Tantrums
iNoToRiOuS/Matt : Sure Thing - Miguel
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quack42069 · 3 years
Birthday Questions - INoToRiOuS/Matt
INoToRiOuS/Matt x GN! Reader
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You looked at Matt as soft snores left his mouth. You slowly moved out of his grip and stepped into the hallway, you closed your shared door. February 24, today is his birthday. You went downstairs and started making a small breakfast for the two of you. Once you finished you walked upstairs to your shared bedroom. You smiled seeing him in the same position he was in when you first left. He was a pretty light sleeper so he must’ve been tired. You placed the tray of food down and crawled over to his side of the bed. You kissed his cheek and left small kisses on his face. He looked at you confused.
“Hi baby.” He said and pulled you onto him.
“Happy birthday!” You said snuggling your face into his neck. He chucked and said a quiet thank you.
You pulled back and got the tray showing him what you made, his eyes crinkled and he brought you in for a kiss, cupping your cheeks. You giggled and pushed him away slightly.
“Eat your food! I slaved away in the kitchen all morning for you!” He laughed and grabbed his phone quickly, he took a photo of you and the food and began to eat, you began eating with him and you both talked about the plan for today. You explained how the boys were going over and were going to sing him happy birthday when he inturrupted.
“Okay but seriously, what are you supposed to do when people sing the happy birthday song at you?” You looked at him with a blank expression while he looked at you with an eager one.
“Well, their singing it to you, first off not at you, and your suppose to - well- ” You stammered.
“Exactly!” He exclaimed, putting a strawberry in his mouth. You rolled your eyes and grabbed a piece of your toast. Oh the questions he asks you.
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softbeanz · 5 years
Mason with a very calm reader?
Zuckles and calm s/o
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A/n: thank you for requesting!! And sorry if this is kinda short! I hope you enjoy! ~
Let’s all be honest here..
He really needs a s/o who’s calm because he holds the crazy for the BOTH of you
Ok but being serious he really does need a s/o who he can go to when he needs a break
You are his ROCK, his ANCHOR, his one and only
The boys can’t help but laugh every time you come around because Mason will be acting like a idiot and you’ll be sitting on the couch watching him with a smile
When you two first start dating he tries to act sane but that flies out the window after a month or two
When it’s just you two he is like a different person
He says;
“ it’s cause you give off a vibe that mellows out mine “
Which is true
You have small quiet conversations which kinda freaks the boys out
They are so glad you two are dating
The constantly have to worry about Mason doing something stupid, but with you around he’s surprisingly chill
Needless to say they take you along with them everywhere
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