oldxsoulsx · 4 years
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
hey, please delete your cooper fanfic. hes said he finds stuff like this weird.
I was under the impression that it was just shipping. I see loads of it on wattpad. sry. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
I quit my job & other news
-- if you don’t care about my life update, just scroll down for upcoming fics and what i’ve been working on--
If you follow me here or on Wattpad, you may know that my job has been causing me a LOT of mental stress. Homework is top priority to me and it was NOT getting done. I was always called on days off to come in, even if I had plans. I ended up shutting myself off from a lot of friends, family, and doing what I love to do (Writing included).
I was going to finish out the Year, since coverage during the holidays is SHIT. But I couldn’t do it anymore. So, I quit. Put in my two weeks the week of Thanksgiving, and this coming Friday is the last shift I will work for this godforsaken company.
My anxiety and stress levels have PLUMMETED since I announced I was leaving. I started not only writing again, but reading. My homework is getting done (thank GOD for online classes, all my deadlines are December 13th for everything) and I’m starting to love things all over again.
---writing update---.
With that being said, I am going to begin taking requests again. I’ve gotten really deep into the Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts universe (I was always deep but the obsession is LEGITIMATELY stronger than ever rn. my boyfriend got us tickets to a Yule Ball coming up in my city and I almost threw up).
I’ll still be writing for the Misfits, and I’ll include Goop/SMPLive members along with Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts stuff as well.
They’ll be mostly ‘one shot’ or ‘imagine’ types of requests, so the main character will be ‘Y/N’. I may find a prompt list and add that, and I would like to eventually make a masterlist of all my fics as well.
If you’ve read this far.... I apologize for the rambling and immense inconsistency with my tumblr account as of late. Please bear with me while I get this shitshow back up and running.
I love you all. I really really do. Whoever is still following me after my months of absence is the REAL GOAT. Thanks for the support when I needed it. <3
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
Hello all! So, I’ve been a bit MIA recently. To be transparent, I’m tapering off my antidepressants bc they made me feel like a robot and I hated that. (: Also, I’ve been feeling kinda lonely and left out as of recent. None of my friends or family members really enjoy the same things as I do and so I just kinda distanced myself. 
If anyone is interested in just chatting, getting to know eachother, and being able to fan girl/boy with one another without any stigma or judgement I’m 1000% always free. I’m hoping that if I begin to chat with others that enjoy the same things as me, I can begin to write again and get back into the swing of things. It would be nice to have others I can talk to about youtube shit bc no one else understands. 
Anyways thanks for reading this if you did and have a bomb ass day love u
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
adhd is having super amplified introspection yet zero self-awareness or decision making skills. i literally never stop overthinking absolutely everything but if you ask me how i am? i dont know. am i enjoying myself? i dont know. my opinion? i dont know. my favorite? i dont know. am i lying? i dont know. do i want this? i dont know. trust my gut feeling? it changes every second. which of these is better? i cant breathe. just pick one? eating glass would hurt less
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
i’m in such a mood
a kryoz mood like look at him lil perfect HUMAN
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
First Date - McCreamy
-you two obviously met on a fortnite server
       -when it was actually popular 
-you had been talking for a few weeks when jay had asked you to have dinner w him
-you werent really aware that he had feelings for you
      -you two have dinner together all the time
-when he sent you the address and you pulled up you realize it was a nicer restaurant
-thankfully he was waiting outside so you didn’t have to walk in all awkwardly
- “jay what is this about”
- “i just… really like you and wanted to take you out”
-you choked on your pasta
-of course your feelings were reciprocated
-afterwards he took you to a nearby park
-you two sat on the swings and chatted about deeper things in life
- “y/n, can i uh… can i kiss you?”
-the kiss was mindblowingly amazing
- “jay, can we have a cuddle night tonight?”
      -cuddle nights were your favorites
-he let you borrow some of his sweats and a big hoodie
-you two cuddled up on the couch watching movies until you fell asleep in his lap
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
Meeting - Kryoz OneShot
this is possibly THE WORST one shot I have written. my inspo is down the drain. and its almost midnight, i’m working a 48 hr shift, and i have a lot of homework to do. but here you go <3
You had first spotted him on the bus, and at first glance he seemed like the type to not care about anything. Bleached hair that reached his shoulders, vape held tightly in his hand. Rings on every damn finger, and fingernails that were painted a royal blue. 
You had been taking the same bus, every morning, for two years straight. College had made sure of that. Most passengers on the bus at 6:30am were only college students, praying there was no delay to make them late for their 8am class. They had learned the hard way by taking a later bus, and being late almost every time. 
The stranger didn’t look like he even knew what was going on. Spacey almost, he seemed so out of it. 
As the bus screeched to a halt, you realized that it was your stop. You grabbed your notes you had been trying to look over and quickly exited the bus. You weren’t expecting him to get off at the same stop as you, but once your feet hit the pavement you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“Do you know where the nearest coffee shop is?” The man asked you, nose turning red from the bitter cold. 
“Yeah, I was just about to head there if you don’t mind me coming with you,” You replied. You definitely weren’t planning on heading there, but he seemed so intriguing that you couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
“Yeah, sounds great. I’m John by the way,” The newly introduced ‘John’ stuck his hand out, offering a small shake.
As you grabbed it, the rings located on his right hand chilled your skin. Just the placement of his hand in yours, though, contradicted that and warmed your whole body.
“(Y/N),” You replied, before the both of you made your way to the coffee shop a few blocks away. “So, I haven’t seen you around before. New student?” 
“No, just visiting an old friend. I was at his apartment but I couldn’t sleep so I offered to get us coffee,” John shrugged. “I did notice a lot of college kids though, should I have picked a different one?”
“Oh, no!” You said quickly “It’s a public bus, no worries. Just most students from the area have to catch this bus or they’ll be late to their morning classes.” 
“Yeah, my friend used to take a couple classes. He dropped out but the apartment was in a great location so he kept it,” John explained. 
You nodded in understanding, the smell of coffee entering your nose. As you got closer, John walked a bit faster to grab the door for you. 
“Thank you,” You said softly, thankful that your cheeks were already red from the cold so he wouldn’t notice your blush. 
“Do you want to sit together? I don’t want to make you late to your class or anything,” He asked, and you nodded, grateful for the company.
“Yeah, sure!” You nodded, making your way to the counter. It was basic bitch season, and you ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. You were waiting for John to crack a joke at you, but surprisingly he ordered one too. 
Before you could pull out your card, he already had paid and grabbed the receipt. You both made your way to a small table in the corner, and you set your stuff down as he grabbed the drinks.
“I wasn’t expecting you to order a PSL too,” You giggle, after thanking him for your coffee. 
“Well,” John says, taking the seat across from you, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. Maybe we should change that up a bit.”
This took you by surprise, you had never been the receiver of any flirtation other than on the night of your 21st birthday. Guys at bars can be so desperate.
“I uh… yeah. I’d like that,” You stutter, cursing yourself for your embarrassing stutter as you sip your coffee. “So, since you said you were visiting your friend, where are you originally from then?”
“Honestly, I don’t know anymore. I’ve moved around so much, but I’m currently in Vancouver with a couple of friends.”
“Oh, how did you and your friend meet then? You seem to be far from home, braving the Canadian winter.”
“Ah, we met online. I was playing video games one night and he joined a server I was on. The rest is history,” John smiled. 
“That’s so cool, I’ve always wanted a friend to play games with, but I never play multiplayer games,” You shrug.
“You play video games?” John asks, and you nod. 
“Oh yeah, Resident Evil, Outlast, a bunch of either scary games or games with a lot of plot.”
“Outlast is the reason I don’t play horror games anymore, fuck that,” John shook his head, a small smile on his lips.
The two of you talked for a while, and what seemed like a few minutes actually ended up being a few hours.
“Shit!” You mutter under your breath, realizing you missed your first- and only- class of the day.
“I’m sorry,” John mumbled, feeling like it was his fault that you hadn’t made it. You quickly shake your head, dismissing that fact.
“No no, don’t worry about it. I have three excuses for this class before she takes a letter grade, I’m alright,” You sigh, shoving your phone back in your pocket.
“Well, when’s your next one? We can’t have you miss that too,” John asks, and you smile softly.
“That was my only class of the day, actually. I was tempted to not even get out of bed today anyways so it’s not that big of a deal,” You grin, gaining a smile from him as well.
“If you wouldn’t have gotten out of bed, I would have never found this amazing coffee shop. So thanks,” John jokes, and you laugh.
“Oh, is that all this was? A coffee emergency?” You banter, giggling slightly.
“It was definitely more than that,” He winks- badly- causing you to hum.
“Was it, now? And what else were you hoping to gain, other than a pumpkin flavored drink?” You rest your head in your hands, giving him a small smirk. 
“Your number, maybe another date?” He suggests, seeming to get nervous after making that statement.
“Another?” You question, causing his face to heat up.
“Well, I just was assuming that this… could have been one… I dunno.”
“John, I’d love to go on another date with you,” you grab a piece of paper from your notebook and a pen, writing your number down before sliding it across the table.
“Here, take this. Text me, let me know when you’d want to hang out,” You say, standing up. “I’d love to keep this going, but since I already missed my class I’m going to head to the library and study a bit.”
“O-okay,” John stutters, folding up the paper and shoving it in his pocket. “I’ll definitely text you.”
“And I’ll definitely text back,” You say, reaching across the table and squeezing his hand “It was nice to meet you, John.”
“You as well, (Y/N),” He replied. Just hearing your name come out of his mouth made you smile wide.
As you left, a text popped up on your phone, causing you to smile. 
Unknown Number 
It’s john
So, dinner at 7? 
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
I like.... started school again and I underestimated how much I’d have to do. And then if I’m not doing school work i’m playing minecraft bc i’m ~depressed~ and i need to increase the ~serotonin~. I’m gonn get it done tho, I promise. More One Shots, More chapters of my Zucc fic. It’ll happen i’m just... behind. But if you guys wanna request and I see people requesting stuff I’ll prob get inspired idk. I’m sorry. I have no excuse for being a TRASHCAN.
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Sorry guysssss. I love you all ❤️
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
Describe my blog in terms of "came for the _____, stayed for the _____"
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
might fuck around and
post another one shot tonight ? any requests? 😅❤️
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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oldxsoulsx · 5 years
-keeping toby happy and safe and accepted
-including mccreamy, inutt, and zuckles as misfits
-respecting swagger’s want for privacy
GO AHEAD AND LIKE + RB!!! i wont tell🤫🤫🤫😔😫
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