badarchitectrecords · 6 months
Listen to Pretend (Stay Away) by Isha Gidda!
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timetravellingkitty · 2 months
you speak punjabi i speak punjabi (and its sister language yes im flexing) chal gidda paane aa naal or bhangra?
ki yar. bhangra
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405blazeitt · 4 months
adding badebussen to my spotify like should this go on the faulty deep sea submersible playlist or no
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ginkgoleaves · 10 months
Been listening old Punjabi/Bhangra mixes in the mornings and nothing pumps me up like bindrakhiya
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vijayentertainers · 1 year
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Well-Reputed Gidda Bhangra Jago Group in Ludhiana
Gidda Bhangra is considered an important part of Indian culture and people from different cultures gather to compete with each other. Vijay Entertainers is one of the finest service providers that offer Gidda Bhangra Jago groups in Ludhiana, serving visitors for a long time. The group n very dedicated to their work and has provided a lot of entertainment and joy to people.
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So I learned something today about the "gidda gidda" chant that you hear in the boss battle music for Dark Beast Ganon in Twilight Princess.
Well, that chant is actually a Russian Orthodox chant called "Mercy of Peace" heard at 0:23 in this video.
This is especially funny to me considering this isn’t the first time Koji Kondo has, whether intentionally or not, included a religious chant in one of his Zelda songs. You may remember in the original version of Ocarina of Time, the music in the Fire Temple included a chant which you can hear at the 0:40 mark of this video.
That chanting is an Islamic prayer that was originally taken from a sound library but upon realising what it was and wanting to avoid offending people, the chant was removed from later versions of the game and replaced with inaudible synthesized chants similar to what was used in the Shadow Temple music.
You’d think they would have learned their lesson the first time about using religious chants in a language they don’t understand.
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hibikore-archives · 1 year
よしもとかよ「日々是好日」。vol.105 (2023/4/12 + 4/19)
2023   12th + 19th april  
M1 春は萌え (おおたか静流)
  M2 gidda beaivvas (Angelin Tytot)     M3 le doux avril (Austine)
  M4 mailmmi biekkat (Niko Valkeapaa)     M5 Ophelie (Hector Zazou)     M6 tavasz,tavasz (Sebestyen Marta)     M7 spring can really hang you up the most (Rickie Lee Jones)       M8 prayer wheel (Eddi Reader)    
  < 好日の素 …整う方法を知っておくこと >   ここしばらくの間に よく耳にするようになった、「整う」ということば。 サウナがお好きな方には 特に身近な表現なのかもしれません。   そもそもの「整う」ということばが どういう状態を表現するのか 調べてみますと、 「必要なものがすべてそろう」とか 「きちんとした状態になる」「まとまる」 「調和が取れる」といったことのようです。   なるほど、そうなると サウナで整う、というのは 心身がクリアな、すっきりした状態になり 調子がよくなって多幸感を得る、ということ なのだな、と理解できますし、 きっと人それぞれに 何かしらの「整う」方法が あるのだろうなぁ、と考えるわけです。   ここしばらくの わたしの「整う」方法は 筋トレとストレッチ。 昨年の今頃にも 身体を動かすことをテーマに お話ししていたのですが、 2か月ほど��から 今までより少し負荷をかけた内容に 変えて、取り組んでいます。   予定のない日には じっくりと1時間ほどかけて 身体をほぐしていくと、まさに「整う」感じ。 行っているあいだは 集中しているし、 結果はどうあれ(笑、 行ったあとの達成感もあり 今ではやらないと物足りないほどになっています。   それぞれの「整う」方法を 無理のない範囲で続けていけたら まさに日々是好日、的なのかもしれない、と思う このごろです。         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *        < 日々是食べたい! … ヴィクトリアンサンドウィッチケーキ >  
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  イギリスのお菓子や 紅茶がお好きな方、また ヌン活を 楽しんでいらっしゃる方には おなじみのケーキかもしれませんね、 ヴィクトリアンサンドウィッチケーキ。   スポンジケーキに ジャムがはさんである、 シンプルなケーキです。 レシピによって はさむジャムはさまざまですが、 ラズベリーのジャムが 多いようです。   さて、問題はケーキの生地。 どうも現地イギリスでは 日本でいうスポンジケーキとは ちょっと異なるようです。   実は、初めてじぶんで買い求めた レシピ集が イギリスのケーキの本でして、 その冒頭に 基本のケーキとして登場しているのが このヴィクトリアンサンドウィッチケーキ。 しかし、材料や分量を見るに どう考えても 日本でいうスポンジケーキよりは カトルカールのような バターケーキに近いもののようなのです。   実際につくってみると スポンジのような弾力がありつつも、 日本のスポンジケーキより しっかりした生地。 この感覚の違いに、うーん…となりつつも 正解を知らないために リベンジしたい気分が高まっているわたし(笑。   ただ、これはわたしだけでなく 一緒に食べていただいた方々からも 「確かに紅茶に合うね」という意見が出たので ヌン活のお供としての お菓子、ということは なんとなく合点がいった次第です。   この頃では カフェやお菓子屋さんでも 店頭に並ぶことがあるので、 いろいろな生地のものを いただいてみたり、 さまざまなレシピを参考にして つくってみたりしながら じぶんなりの好みというか 落としどころを探していこう、と 思っています。  
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desertislandcloud · 1 year
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The Unyielding Light
Stranded in the desert a lone dwarf races against the coming dawn.
Death burned the stars from the sky as Cavernshard's legs pounded on hard stone.
Palid red replacing the blanket of night. Heart hammering with every footfall. Hard desert behind her. Baren valley yawning before her.
As Cavernshard ran from the dawn across the Golden Desert, the light of the sun painting the peaks of the mountains, she remembered.
She remembered everything.
Her mother and father telling tales of the Tombshaper. Which gave life to the people of light and death to the people of darkness. How cruel they were to worship that which silenced her kind.
A child's logic applied by one who had never seen the sky let alone the day.
Tears streaked past her as she pushed forward. The hard earth painful under her heavy footfalls. Strong limbs trembling with their own weight. Beard full of dust and sweat. Her burden dragging her down. Only her dwarven lungs refused to yield to the weakness of flesh.
Cavernshard was still a child, though barely, when they brought down the lifeless corpse of a gargoyle from the surface. Even in death his great feathered wings and curved horns gave an air of nobility.
Though that nobility had not stopped Tombshaper from taking his life mere paces from the safety of Womb's Shadow. The gods mocking all who lived below with his expression of relief.
As one of the shadowed people his nameless shell was given the honor of laying in the resting place of her ancestors. The Standing Grave, where all who were bleached by the sun went.
She stumbled for a moment as she realized it was bright enough to see her next step. Her exhausted mind having conflated her echoes with her vision.
The angel's halo was an affront to her and to the others new to adulthood. They did not understand why the matriarch and patriarch allowed one who wore a symbol of death into the deep places. Even as the angel collapsed, gasping for breath, and the attendants rushed them to thinner air she felt only satisfaction.
For the Krr took one look at the gargoyle who was his kin and hurried on.
Familiar rage stoked her inner fire, pushing her forward. They did not need the Seventh Circle's empty promises of walking in the light! Just as they did not need to be dragged into the angels' thousand cycle long cold war with the demons. Let Krr reconcile their doctrines themselves.
Dust tore at her throat even as her body preserved it's water. The useless gold around her bringing to mind how highborn would come to gawk at the Standing Grave. Ogling the corpses of her fellows. Faces frozen as they gazed upon the sun for the first and final time.
But the life of a Nu-gidda is long and for almost a hundred cycles Cavernshard had no reason to walk among the dead...
Until they brought down her brother's screaming corpse.
Her mourning shook the great pillars with the force of her Rhythm. Wordless magic pouring from her lips as a futile prayer to the Forge Womb herself. Not even the earth mother could bring back one claimed by Tombshaper.
No less than six antiphasers sang interference so her mourning would not bring the cavern down around them.
Cornerstone was the deepest shadow of her family. The one Cavernshard was closest to, though that said not much at all. She always felt safest in his arms, which seemed to be the Womb's Shadow herself.
And now he was gone and his stone fingers curled around an ashwood box.
Cavernshard screamed blasphemy as her legs gave out. Pulling a cracked horn to her lips she blasted Rhythm from it's mouth. It's broken form shattering as echoes resonated with the canyon walls. Calling for aid from someone. Anyone.
Gently, she brought out her burden. The box was small in a Nu-gidda's hands and unadorned save for where Cornerstone's frozen fingers scrapped away the varnish as she pried it from his grasp.
Her skin burned. The sky was full red as the giant sun grazed the horizon. Boiling heat dripped from her eyes. Though if it was because of the stinging light or her growing terror she could not say.
She was going to die.
Her father's prayer fell jumbled from her lips. Her father who came from the nations above. A reminder that they lived thanks to the shadow of the Forge Womb. The shadow of the world.
"Oh, Holy Darkness protect us."
Her brother's burden, now hers, drove her beyond the world she knew. To gaze for the first time in three hundred cycles the stars.
"Shield us from the Unyielding Light."
The yawning void turned her stomach and she averted her eyes. Vision planted firmly on home below.
"Yield not our souls to the Uncaring Sun!"
That was why she refused to travel by airship. That was why Cavernshard was there when the sandstorm blew apart the caravan.
"Shroud us in the Shadow of your Womb!"
For days Cavernshard hid until thirst and duty drove her forward.
"Stand before us and the Curse of the Divine!"
The light of Tombshaper was all around her now. Smothering her, blinding her, burning her.
"Oh, Cavernous Night keep us from the cruel ravages of Day!"
Cavernshard shut her eyes against the suns rays, thinking that this must be how her brother died.
"Until Blessed Twilight again covers the worlds!"
She was not stone. She lived.
Tentatively, Cavernshard opened her eyes.
The Void stretched out above her, slowly she reached out. Her hands touching something soft. Pitch beast pelt. So black they are nothing but shadows even in the brightest light.
Beside her, hands gripping an orichalcum bracelet sat a goblin, one of the people of light. A skystone glowed around her neck. It's meager light casting her green skin in shadow. Her braid standing straight up as she channeled the talisman's Presence into holding up the pitch beast pelt. Into saving Cavernshard's life.
She was the most beautiful woman Cavernshard had ever seen. A laugh tore from her throat, startling her savior. Again tears filled her eyes and as they fell she realized.
She was going to live.
She was going to live.
The goblin mage said something in Hob but Cavernshard shook her head. A question in Demonic followed but she could only catch her breath as a grin split from ear to ear.
Finally the mage signed something in Mountain Hands.
Sitting up, Cavernshard wiped at her eyes and signed. "Could you repeat that?"
Smiling at a common language the goblin obliged. "The nearest cave town isn't far. My companions went for help." Startling as though just remembering, the mage offered her a cantine.
Cavernshard restrained herself from snatching it out of her hands. And again when she took small sips instead of downing it all at once.
"You are safe now."
Safe. Above the Womb's Shadow with only a single layer of skin between her and death. Half starved and at the mercy of a stranger.
And yet... Said stranger was channeling what little Presence she had to save her. Using, from the looks of it, the very clothes off her back for this cramped tent.
Returning the water Cavernshard picked up the ashwood box and held it to her chest. Yes. She was safe.
"What's that?"
Cavernshard thought about it. Metal tool? Antique instrument? Relic of a lost civilization? All applied. Instead she chose the lie that was not a lie.
"A simple knife."
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kariachi · 2 years
Realized I didn’t have an official list of daemons for the Plumber Brat parents, so may as well fix that. And add some grandparents where they’re still around and in the area, for reasons. And siblings in Alan’s case, again for reasons. In it’s own post because these fuckers are barely canon where they are at all.
Mendevin- Jubilation (unnamed sea serpent of Osmosian origin) [they/them] Eva Jones- Rufus (Snowcap Hummingbird) [he/him]
Marcela Wheels- Toni (Great Grey Owl) [he/his]
X10A Wheels- Adomi (unnamed ungulate of Kinet origin) [he/his] Tristan Wheels- April (Black Francolin) [she/her] Maria Wheels- Xavier (Malnad Gidda) [he/his] Kyxan Wheels- Thaia (unnamed predatory avian of Erinaen origin) [they/them]
Ramona Armstrong- Seve (Broad-Snouted Caiman) [he/his]
Armando Armstrong- Rosalva (Lesser Roadrunner) [she/her] Oumbia Armstrong- Margiav (unnamed small mammal of Khoron origin) [he/his]
Mercedes Validus- Pánfilo (Yellow-Headed Caracara) [he/his] Victor Validus- Miela (Tarantula Hawk) [she/her]
Selan Albright- Lassi (unnamed chiton of Pyros origin) [she/her] Lamar Ellis- Ola (Bean Weevil) [she/her] Felicia Ellis- Chrys (Poodle) [he/his]
Jessica Albright- Silver (Klipspringer) [he/his] Kayzisk Albright- Nial (unnamed reptile of Pyros origin) [she/her]
Christopher Albright- Duchess (unsettled- settles as Barking Gecko) [she/her] Jason Albright- Prince (unsettled- settles as Bat Hawk) [he/his] Sarah Albright- Queen (unsettled- settles as Cockatrice) [she/her]
Fiby- Jie (unnamed avian of Anodine origin) [they/them] Gabriel Morningstar- Serafina (Cape Fox) [she/her]
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tatsatayur · 2 months
Desi Malnad Ghee: The Healthiest and Tastiest Option
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Few items match the purity and richness of ghee in terms of nutrition and well-being. The Full Moon Day Desi Malnad Gidda A2 Bilona Cow Ghee stands as a traditional medicinal elixir derived from forest-grazing cows and presented in a traditional brass vessel. This blog aims to explore its remarkable advantages, unravel its magic, and narrate the captivating tale of its production.
Ancient Wisdom and Timeless Tradition of Ayurveda
The age-old holistic wellness approach is strength and health. The Desi Malnad Gidda A2 Full Moon Day BILONA Cow Ghee is proof of this age-old teaching.
The BILONA Process at Its Basis
100% Source Traceable: The ghee derives from Desi Malnad Gidda cows grazing in the forest.
Remedy Elixir: Beyond culinary delight, it’s a precisely crafted medicinal gem.
Made in Brass Vessel: Authenticity is enhanced by employing a brass vessel and adhering to the traditional method.
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Why is Bilona Cow Ghee considered so unique?
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Desi Malnad Gidda A2 Full Moon Day Bilona Cow Ghee distinguishes itself for several reasons:
Milk from Forest-Grazing Cows: The cows’ free grazing in the lush Malnad region yields antioxidant-rich and nutrient-dense milk.
Full Moon Days’ Significance: The ghee-making process coincides with full moon days, believed to enhance the milk’s nourishing and therapeutic properties.
Ancient Bilona Method: Despite its labor-intensive nature, this method ensures the production of the finest quality ghee.
Why should I use Bilona Cow Ghee?
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Desi Malnad Gidda A2 Full Moon Day Bilona Cow Ghee offers a plethora of health benefits:
Enhanced Gut Health
Reduced Inflammation
Improved Nutrient Absorption
Boosted Immunity
Aid in Weight Management
Enhanced Brain Function
In addition to these benefits, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), promoting fat loss and muscle growth.
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data-for-ai-scrapers · 2 months
Hee gurn, kuwohm dowm. Yenna wanna ku ibby bonna locky.
Comma livva boom an' I picked her, Gobba uba nera doo na turnip nerb, Give a stahm big noops ibba jer jimmup, Give a wahn choot need me fovva luv. Git opp una hoo, ah ma dee dee ep, Dit dock una too big, eebu mat, Ur dune on a taykay — gurn, I can't way Tu watch you doodah thing!
Sheeky fawa yomp pig simpit on th' hurky-durks, Fawa rim big spricky illa back be dirk, Fawa GJ snippy-snack crumply snurf, Sum on, sum on, sum on! Sheeky fawa burrs, sheeky fawa bwees, Sheeky fawa coo flay simma fown deepin' th' kreeze, Fawa crickles an' th' griffin an' th' squirn, Sheeky dawa moom, sheeky fabby gurn!
Crumply gurn, sheeky fabby, gurn. Sheeky fabby, gurn. Sheeky fabby. Crumply gurn, sheeky fabby, gurn. Sheeky fabby, gurn. Sheeky fabby.
Sew give a seed with ya' farma' shod Gaddle limma bub da gidda liddle while. Noobie day in a pibbly smurf, Roop me yib puma crumply mine. Sakeeya neeya heeya an' godd nees arns, Spineeya rose it bin fo' blarn, Teegle a muck leed gurn bo zharn. Yibs, yibs, yibs!
Sheeky fawa yomp pig simpit on th' hurky-durks, Fawa rim big spricky illa back be dirk, Fawa GJ snippy-snack crumply snurf, Sum on, sum on, sum on! Sheeky fawa burrs, sheeky fawa bwees, Sheeky fawa coo flay simma fown deepin' th' kreeze, Fawa crickles an' th' griffin an' th' squirn, Sheeky dawa moom, sheeky fabby gurn! (Uh!)
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thedancebible · 3 months
Unveiling the Splendor of Traditional Dance Attire with TheDanceBible
The Gidda dance, with its roots in Punjabi folk culture, is a celebration of femininity, and what better way to embody this spirit than with the right attire? Gidda dresses, curated and designed by TheDanceBible, seamlessly blend tradition with contemporary aesthetics. Adorned with vibrant colors and intricate embroidery, these dresses not only reflect the cultural richness of Punjab but also ensure comfort and ease of movement, essential for the spirited Gidda dance. Read More At: https://shorturl.at/cdeAW
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sankarati · 4 months
Sankranti Glam: Unleash Your Style with Samyakk's Ethnic Outfits
Makar Sankranti, a significant festival in India, is celebrated to mark the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. On this important day that holds a special place in our calendar, people all over the country celebrate with excitement and enthusiasm. The festival, known by various names in different regions, holds cultural and historical significance and is celebrated with diverse traditions.
Festive Kaleidoscope: Makar Sankranti’s Cultural Symphony Across India
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Makar Sankranti is celebrated with diverse traditions across India, each state bringing its unique charm to the festivities.
In Punjab, it’s celebrated as Lohri, marked by bonfires and vibrant folk dances. People wear colorful Phulkari designer suits, celebrating with bhangra and gidda.
In Gujarat, Uttarayan is celebrated with kite flying, and women adorn themselves in vibrant chaniya cholis.
In Tamil Nadu, signifies the culmination of the harvest season with families coming together to cook the traditional dish ‘Pongal’ and express gratitude for abundance. Pongal involves traditional attire like Pattu Pavadai for women and Veshti for men.
Assam celebrates Magh Bihu, known for community feasts, traditional dances like Bihu, and lighting of Mejis (bonfires). Women wear traditional Assamese attire, the Mekhela Chador, characterized by elegant silk or cotton drapes, while men don Gamosas, traditional handwoven scarves.
These celebrations showcase India’s cultural diversity through distinctive outfits and rituals during Makar Sankranti.
Why is Makar Sankranti Celebrated?
Solar Transition Celebration:
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Makar Sankranti marks the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of longer days. As the sun starts its northward journey, symbolizing the arrival of warmer days, the festival signifies the triumph of light over darkness. The word “Makar” refers to the zodiac sign Capricorn, and “Sankranti” signifies the sun’s transition.
Cultural and Harvest Celebrations:
The festival is also closely linked to agrarian traditions, marking the onset of the harvest season. Farmers express gratitude for the bountiful crops and pray for a prosperous agricultural year ahead. The festival fosters a sense of community as people come together to celebrate the abundance of nature.
History of Makar Sankranti:
Ancient Roots:
Makar Sankranti has ancient roots and finds mention in various Hindu scriptures. It is believed that the celebration has been observed for thousands of years, dating back to the Vedic period. The festival is not only a time for religious observances but also a way to celebrate the cyclical nature of the sun and its impact on agriculture.
Religious Significance:
In Hindu mythology, the day of Makar Sankranti is associated with significant events. It is believed that on this day, Lord Surya (the Sun God) visits the house of his son Shani (Saturn), signifying the end of their differences. Devotees take holy dips in rivers and visit temples to offer prayers, seeking blessings for prosperity and well-being.
Special Food During Makar Sankranti:
Sesame and Jaggery Delicacies:
One of the hallmark features of Makar Sankranti is the consumption of sesame and jaggery-based sweets. Til ladoos (sesame seed sweet balls) and gur (jaggery) are often used to prepare various traditional delicacies like til chikki, gajak, and rewri. These foods are not only delicious but also hold nutritional significance, providing warmth during the winter season.
Pongal in South India:
In South India, particularly in Tamil Nadu, the festival is celebrated as Pongal. The signature dish, also called Pongal, is a special rice dish cooked with newly harvested rice, lentils, and jaggery. The act of boiling over of milk during the cooking process is considered auspicious and symbolizes abundance.
Kite Flying Tradition:
Symbolism and Tradition:
One of the most cherished traditions during Makar Sankranti is kite flying. The sky becomes a canvas for colorful kites, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The tradition of flying kites symbolizes breaking free from the past and soaring high with new aspirations. It is believed that the higher the kite flies, the closer it gets to the divine.
Kite Festivals:
Across India, various states organize kite festivals during Makar Sankranti, attracting participants from all walks of life. Cities like Ahmedabad in Gujarat are particularly renowned for their International Kite Festival, where the sky is adorned with kites of all shapes, sizes, and colors. These festivals promote community spirit and friendly competition among participants.
The Allure of Tradition:
Beyond the religious and cultural significance, this festival also provides a unique opportunity to showcase and celebrate India’s diverse fashion heritage. In recent times, the fusion of tradition and modernity has given rise to a trend that blends not only the classic charm of Sarees and Lehengas but also the ethnic allure of designer salwar suits and men’s designer kurtas, creating a fashion statement that resonates with the spirit of Makar Sankranti.
Saree Swagger:
Modern Drapes:
The saree, a timeless piece of clothing, has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent times. Traditionally associated with grace and elegance, the saree has now become a symbol of empowerment and style. The trend of ‘Sari Swagger’ encapsulates the fusion of tradition and modernity, as young individuals experiment with drapes, fabrics, and accessories to redefine the saree’s narrative.
Contemporary Draping Styles:
Traditional designer saree drapes like the Nivi style or the Bengali drape are being reinvented with modern twists. Experimental pleats, quirky twists, and unconventional pallu placements have become a common sight, allowing wearers to express their creativity and individuality.
Fabric Innovation:
The traditional silk sarees are making way for lightweight fabrics like georgette, chiffon, and organza. These fabrics not only enhance comfort but also provide a fresh and breezy look. Handloom sarees from different states are gaining popularity, promoting the rich craftsmanship of Indian weavers.
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‘Sari Swagger’ is all about blending cultural influences. The fusion of designer fancy sarees with contemporary designer silk blouses, jackets, or even belts is becoming increasingly common. This blend of traditional and modern elements reflects a dynamic and evolving cultural identity.
Statement Blouses:
The blouse, once a modest accompaniment to the saree, has now become a canvas for artistic expression. Elaborate embroidery, intricate patterns, and bold designs transform the blouse into a statement piece that complements the elegance of the saree.
Contemporary Jewellery:
Traditional jewellery is being reimagined with a modern twist. Kundan, Polki, and temple jewellery are now paired with contemporary designs to create a fusion that effortlessly combines the old and the new.
Footwear Trends:
The choice of footwear plays a crucial role in completing the ‘Sari Swagger’ look. While traditional juttis and mojaris are timeless, contemporary styles like embellished sandals and block heels are gaining popularity, adding a modern edge to the overall appearance.
Lehenga Love:
Experimenting with Silhouettes:
Lehengas, traditionally associated with weddings and special occasions, are now finding a place in the wardrobes of fashion-conscious women for festive events like Sankranti. The ‘Lehenga Love’ trend focuses on experimenting with traditional silhouettes.
Asymmetrical Cuts:
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Designer Lehengas are no longer confined to the traditional A-line or flared silhouette. Contemporary designers are experimenting with asymmetrical cuts, mermaid styles, party wear designer lehenga and designer silk jacket lehengas. This experimentation adds a modern touch to the traditional ensemble.
Vibrant Colors and Embellishments:
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Makar Sankranti is a festival of colors, and this is reflected in the choice of lehenga colors. Vibrant hues such as mustard, turquoise, and emerald green dominate the designer festive lehenga palette. Intricate embellishments like mirror work, zari, and thread embroidery further elevate the festive vibe.
Salwar Suits for Women:
Comfort and Elegance:
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Salwar suits continue to be a popular choice for women during Makar Sankranti festivities. Known for their comfort and elegance, these outfits provide a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Lightweight fabrics and vibrant colors make designer salwar suits ideal for both religious rituals and festive gatherings.
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The versatility of festive salwar suits allows for a myriad of designs. From traditional Anarkali suits to contemporary straight-cut suits, designer sharara suit, designer palazzo suits, women can choose styles that suit their preferences. Embroidery, sequins, and mirror work add a festive touch, making salwar suits a go-to option for Makar Sankranti celebrations.
Fusion Styling:
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Embracing the trend of fusion fashion, women often pair their ethnic salwar suits with modern accessories. Statement earrings, embellished juttis, or even a contrasting dupatta can elevate the overall look, making it a perfect choice for those who want to experiment with traditional attire.
Men’s Kurta:
Classic Elegance:
Men’s kurtas remain a classic and timeless choice for Makar Sankranti. The simplicity and elegance of a well-fitted kurta, often paired with churidars or straight pants, make it an ideal traditional ensemble. Solid colors or subtle prints are preferred, allowing men to participate in the festivities with sophistication.
Experimentation with Silhouettes:
The evolution of men’s fashion has brought about experimentation with designer kurta outfits. Asymmetrical cuts, shorter or longer lengths, and various neck patterns provide men with the opportunity to showcase their personal style while adhering to traditional aesthetics.
Incorporating Handloom Fabrics:
Handloom fabrics like khaki and silk are gaining popularity in men’s kurtas. These fabrics not only contribute to the rich cultural heritage but also add a touch of luxury to the ensemble. Handwoven details and subtle embellishments enhance the overall appeal, making the kurta a standout choice. Samyakk offers wide range of Kahki Woven Tuxedo suit, Light khaki zaro woven silk kurta, Resham Embroidered Silk Waistcoat kurta, Silk Modi jacket and Multi-color Printed Silk Kurta.
Cultural Impact:
Preserving Tradition:
The fusion of Designer Printed Sarees, Party Wear Lehengas, Plus Size salwar kameez, and men’s party wear silk kurtas during Makar Sankranti harmonizes tradition and modernity, defining vibrant festive fashion. It reflects a broader socio-cultural shift towards embracing and celebrating diversity. The amalgamation of traditional attire with modern elements not only preserves cultural heritage but also allows for a dynamic and inclusive representation of Indian identity.
Revival of Handloom and Indigenous Craft:
The revival of traditional designer outfits, handloom sarees, and ethnic embellishments in contemporary fashion promotes the preservation of cultural heritage. It encourages a sense of pride in one’s roots and contributes to the sustenance of indigenous craftsmanship.
Inclusivity in Fashion:
The acceptance of diverse styles and the breaking of gender norms in fashion demonstrate a growing awareness and acceptance of inclusivity. Fashion is becoming a platform to express individuality, irrespective of gender or cultural background.
As Makar Sankranti approaches, the convergence of tradition and style takes center stage, epitomized by the fusion of Sarees and Lehengas. This auspicious festival becomes a vibrant canvas for self-expression, where individuals across India showcase a unique blend of cultural richness and contemporary dynamism through their fashion choices.
In this celebratory atmosphere, Samyakk stands as a beacon of choice, offering an extensive collection that includes Kanchipuram sarees, Banarasi sarees, Designer sarees, organza sarees, and an array of lehengas – from Designer and party wear to Bridal lehengas. The brand’s commitment to providing enticing colors, diverse fabrics, and intricate embroideries aligns seamlessly with the festive spirit of Makar Sankranti.
As kites fill the skies, Samyakk invites individuals to soar to new heights of style and individuality, making Makar Sankranti not just a festival but a celebration of fashion, culture, and personal expression.
Wish you all readers a very prosperous makar sankranit from team samyakk.
Written by,
Shaloni Rao
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vijayentertainers · 1 year
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Best Gidda Bhangra Jago Group in Ludhiana | Vijay Entertainers
The Bhangra Group is a vibrant and culturally-diverse collective of performers who specialize in traditional and modern Bhangra dance and music. If you want to book the best Gidda Bhangra Jago Group in Ludhiana, then you connect with Vijay Entertainers. Our group performs a mix of traditional and contemporary Bhangra music and dance, with vibrant costumes and lively choreography.
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sankrantiglam · 4 months
Sankranti Glam: Unleash Your Style with Samyakk's Ethnic Outfits
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Festive Kaleidoscope: Makar Sankranti’s Cultural Symphony Across India
Makar Sankranti is celebrated with diverse traditions across India, each state bringing its unique charm to the festivities.
In Punjab, it’s celebrated as Lohri, marked by bonfires and vibrant folk dances. People wear colorful Phulkari designer suits, celebrating with bhangra and gidda.
In Gujarat, Uttarayan is celebrated with kite flying, and women adorn themselves in vibrant chaniya cholis.
In Tamil Nadu, signifies the culmination of the harvest season with families coming together to cook the traditional dish ‘Pongal’ and express gratitude for abundance. Pongal involves traditional attire like Pattu Pavadai for women and Veshti for men.
Assam celebrates Magh Bihu, known for community feasts, traditional dances like Bihu, and lighting of Mejis (bonfires). Women wear traditional Assamese attire, the Mekhela Chador, characterized by elegant silk or cotton drapes, while men don Gamosas, traditional handwoven scarves.
These celebrations showcase India’s cultural diversity through distinctive outfits and rituals during Makar Sankranti.
Why is Makar Sankranti Celebrated?
Solar Transition Celebration:
Makar Sankranti marks the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of longer days. As the sun starts its northward journey, symbolizing the arrival of warmer days, the festival signifies the triumph of light over darkness. The word “Makar” refers to the zodiac sign Capricorn, and “Sankranti” signifies the sun’s transition.
Cultural and Harvest Celebrations:
The festival is also closely linked to agrarian traditions, marking the onset of the harvest season. Farmers express gratitude for the bountiful crops and pray for a prosperous agricultural year ahead. The festival fosters a sense of community as people come together to celebrate the abundance of nature.
History of Makar Sankranti:
Ancient Roots:
Makar Sankranti has ancient roots and finds mention in various Hindu scriptures. It is believed that the celebration has been observed for thousands of years, dating back to the Vedic period. The festival is not only a time for religious observances but also a way to celebrate the cyclical nature of the sun and its impact on agriculture.
Religious Significance:
In Hindu mythology, the day of Makar Sankranti is associated with significant events. It is believed that on this day, Lord Surya (the Sun God) visits the house of his son Shani (Saturn), signifying the end of their differences. Devotees take holy dips in rivers and visit temples to offer prayers, seeking blessings for prosperity and well-being.
Special Food During Makar Sankranti:
Sesame and Jaggery Delicacies:
One of the hallmark features of Makar Sankranti is the consumption of sesame and jaggery-based sweets. Til ladoos (sesame seed sweet balls) and gur (jaggery) are often used to prepare various traditional delicacies like til chikki, gajak, and rewri. These foods are not only delicious but also hold nutritional significance, providing warmth during the winter season.
Pongal in South India:
In South India, particularly in Tamil Nadu, the festival is celebrated as Pongal. The signature dish, also called Pongal, is a special rice dish cooked with newly harvested rice, lentils, and jaggery. The act of boiling over of milk during the cooking process is considered auspicious and symbolizes abundance.
Kite Flying Tradition:
Symbolism and Tradition:
One of the most cherished traditions during Makar Sankranti is kite flying. The sky becomes a canvas for colorful kites, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The tradition of flying kites symbolizes breaking free from the past and soaring high with new aspirations. It is believed that the higher the kite flies, the closer it gets to the divine.
Kite Festivals:
Across India, various states organize kite festivals during Makar Sankranti, attracting participants from all walks of life. Cities like Ahmedabad in Gujarat are particularly renowned for their International Kite Festival, where the sky is adorned with kites of all shapes, sizes, and colors. These festivals promote community spirit and friendly competition among participants.
The Allure of Tradition:
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Saree Swagger:
Modern Drapes:
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a. Contemporary Draping Styles:
Traditional designer saree drapes like the Nivi style or the Bengali drape are being reinvented with modern twists. Experimental pleats, quirky twists, and unconventional pallu placements have become a common sight, allowing wearers to express their creativity and individuality.
b. Fabric Innovation:
The traditional silk sarees are making way for lightweight fabrics like georgette, chiffon, and organza. These fabrics not only enhance comfort but also provide a fresh and breezy look. Handloom sarees from different states are gaining popularity, promoting the rich craftsmanship of Indian weavers.
c. Fusion Styling:
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d. Statement Blouses:
The blouse, once a modest accompaniment to the saree, has now become a canvas for artistic expression. Elaborate embroidery, intricate patterns, and bold designs transform the blouse into a statement piece that complements the elegance of the saree.
e. Contemporary Jewellery:
Traditional jewellery is being reimagined with a modern twist. Kundan, Polki, and temple jewellery are now paired with contemporary designs to create a fusion that effortlessly combines the old and the new.
f. Footwear Trends:
The choice of footwear plays a crucial role in completing the ‘Sari Swagger’ look. While traditional juttis and mojaris are timeless, contemporary styles like embellished sandals and block heels are gaining popularity, adding a modern edge to the overall appearance.
Lehenga Love:
Experimenting with Silhouettes:
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a. Asymmetrical Cuts:
Designer Lehengas are no longer confined to the traditional A-line or flared silhouette. Contemporary designers are experimenting with asymmetrical cuts, mermaid styles, party wear designer lehenga and designer silk jacket lehengas. This experimentation adds a modern touch to the traditional ensemble.
b. Vibrant Colors and Embellishments:
Makar Sankranti is a festival of colors, and this is reflected in the choice of lehenga colors. Vibrant hues such as mustard, turquoise, and emerald green dominate the designer festive lehenga palette. Intricate embellishments like mirror work, zari, and thread embroidery further elevate the festive vibe.
Salwar Suits for Women:
Comfort and Elegance:
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Variety in Designs:
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Fusion Styling:
Embracing the trend of fusion fashion, women often pair their ethnic salwar suits with modern accessories. Statement earrings, embellished juttis, or even a contrasting dupatta can elevate the overall look, making it a perfect choice for those who want to experiment with traditional attire.
Men’s Kurta:
Classic Elegance:
Men’s kurtas remain a classic and timeless choice for Makar Sankranti. The simplicity and elegance of a well-fitted kurta, often paired with churidars or straight pants, make it an ideal traditional ensemble. Solid colors or subtle prints are preferred, allowing men to participate in the festivities with sophistication.
Experimentation with Silhouettes:
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Incorporating Handloom Fabrics:
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Cultural Impact:
a. Preserving Tradition:
The fusion of Designer Printed Sarees, Party Wear Lehengas, Plus Size salwar kameez, and men’s party wear silk kurtas during Makar Sankranti harmonizes tradition and modernity, defining vibrant festive fashion. It reflects a broader socio-cultural shift towards embracing and celebrating diversity. The amalgamation of traditional attire with modern elements not only preserves cultural heritage but also allows for a dynamic and inclusive representation of Indian identity.
b. Revival of Handloom and Indigenous Craft:
The revival of traditional designer outfits, handloom sarees, and ethnic embellishments in contemporary fashion promotes the preservation of cultural heritage. It encourages a sense of pride in one’s roots and contributes to the sustenance of indigenous craftsmanship.
c. Inclusivity in Fashion:
The acceptance of diverse styles and the breaking of gender norms in fashion demonstrate a growing awareness and acceptance of inclusivity. Fashion is becoming a platform to express individuality, irrespective of gender or cultural background.
As Makar Sankranti approaches, the convergence of tradition and style takes center stage, epitomized by the fusion of Sarees and Lehengas. This auspicious festival becomes a vibrant canvas for self-expression, where individuals across India showcase a unique blend of cultural richness and contemporary dynamism through their fashion choices.
In this celebratory atmosphere, Samyakk stands as a beacon of choice, offering an extensive collection that includes Kanchipuram sarees, Banarasi sarees, Designer sarees, organza sarees, and an array of lehengas — from Designer and party wear to Bridal lehengas. The brand’s commitment to providing enticing colors, diverse fabrics, and intricate embroideries aligns seamlessly with the festive spirit of Makar Sankranti.
As kites fill the skies, Samyakk invites individuals to soar to new heights of style and individuality, making Makar Sankranti not just a festival but a celebration of fashion, culture, and personal expression. Wish you all readers a very prosperous makar sankranit from team samyakk.
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