#giloy sticks
ramgopalayurveda23 · 1 year
Benefits of Giloy and Different Uses
Giloy is known as Guduchi in Hindi and scientifically known as “Tinospora Cordifolia.” In Ayurveda, there are many names for Giloy, such as “Root of immortality” and “Master medicine for Ayurveda.” It is also commonly known as Heart-leaved moonseed for its heart-shaped leaves and its reddish fruit. Giloy or Guduchi clings to the trees, and it tends to acquire the medicinal properties of that tree. Giloy that sticks and grows on the neem tree is considered the best and more beneficial.
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naturefitindia · 2 years
Symptoms, treatment, and prevention for common monsoon ailments
The summer heat is relieved by the monsoon. The flu, cough, cold, malaria, typhoid, dengue fever, and pneumonia are among the numerous infections and diseases that are prevalent at this time of year. This year's monsoon poses a greater challenge than usual because the entire world is already battling a pandemic.
Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Yoga, Sowa-Rigpa, and Naturopathy are just a few of the Ayush systems that all agree that this time of year, with changes in weather and an increase in microorganisms, our body's immune system weakens. This increases our susceptibility to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections of all kinds. We can easily boost our immunity and get ready by taking a few simple preventative measures and changing the way we live.
We'll talk about some typical monsoon illnesses today, along with how to avoid them and treat them.
1. Common Cold and Cough: 
Signs and symptoms include headache, sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing.
Maintaining body heat and frequently washing hands can help prevent these. Immunity is boosted by consuming warm foods, concoctions, and golden milk (haldimilk). Kapalbhati and pranayama are yoga asanas that enhance respiratory health.
Treatment options include gargling with warm saline water, inhaling eucalyptus oil steam, and taking a hot foot bath to relieve chest congestion, headache, and inflammation. A homoeopathic doctor should be consulted before taking homoeopathic medications like Aconite, Belladonna, and Euphrasia.
2. Stomach ailments, such as amoebiasis:
Stomach ache, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, headache, fever, and lack of appetite are typical symptoms.
Avoid eating out, stick to drinking only purified water, and wash your hands before every meal to prevent this.
Treatment: Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to maintain hydration. Ginger can be consumed by putting it in food or tea to help with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Pain can be reduced by putting hing (hsafetida) or hingwater on the area around the naval. Ipecacuanha and NuxVom are two homoeopathic medications that can be used to relieve pain.
3 diseases spread by mosquitoes
Due to the buildup of water, mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya are quite prevalent during the monsoon. Fever, fever with chills, muscle pain, and weakness are common symptoms.
Prevention: Preventing diseases spread by mosquitoes is the best defence against them. Neem oil, or karpooradi thailam, works wonders at keeping mosquitoes away from exposed skin. Mosquitoes can be repelled from a home by using a fumigant made of lemongrass, nochi, and neem leaves. Other methods of prevention include using a mosquito net, not allowing water to collect around you, and spraying DDT down drains.
Treatment: Resting and consuming plenty of fluids are part of general treatment. You can consume papaya and giloy juice because they boost immunity and platelet count. Fenugreek water is also advantageous because it is known to lower fever and strengthen immunity. In consultation with a homoeopathic doctor, homoeopathic medications like Natrum Muriaticum and Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be taken.  
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arunveda · 3 years
Is Giloy really good for health?
What is Giloy?
Giloy is also called Guduchi or Amrita in Hindi. It is a shrub that is widely used to prepare various kinds of Ayurvedic medicines. Here we have discussed the top 9 health benefits of Giloy which will encourage you to include Giloy in your daily routine.
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What are the benefits of Giloy?
1) Giloy helps to treat chronic and dengue fever
Giloy is an excellent anti-pyretic (fever-reducing or Javarghana) herb as per Ayurvedic research which boosts the immunity of your body that helps it to prevent and combat re-occuring fevers.
How to use Giloy for fever-2-3 tablespoons of juice of giloy can be mixed in 2-3 tablespoons of water and mixed. This mixture can be consumed daily (on an empty stomach every morning)
2) Giloy controls blood sugar level
It is called “Madhunashini” meaning “the thing which breaks down sugar” in Ayurvedic terms.
How to use giloy for controlling your blood sugar levels- Take powder of giloy (half a teaspoon) with water twice daily after your meals.
3) Giloy makes digestion easier
Diarrhea, vomiting, colitis and other such problems related to digestion can be easily cured by using Giloy.
How to use Giloy for a better digestion- in a glass full of lukewarm water, mix a pinch of giloy powder and drink it two times in a day.
4) Giloy reduces stress and anxiety
Giloy is known to calm the mind as well the body which helps to enhance your memory and improve cognitive functions.
How to use Giloy to calm your stress and anxiety- Mix equal parts of giloy juice and water and drink it every morning before breakfast.
5) Giloy can treat arthritis and gout
Giloy has great anti-inflammatory properties which make it the Ayurvedic treatment of choice for arthritis, joint pain, and gout.
How can we use Giloy to treat arthritis and gout- A teaspoonful of Giloy powder with a glass of warm milk.
6) Giloy improves eye sight
If you apply Giloy topically then it will significantly improve your vision. It is quite often used in Panchkarma as well.
How to use Giloy for a better eyesight- Boil the leaves (or powder) of Giloy in water. Let it cool and then apply it over your eyes.
7) Giloy can be used to get glowing skin
Giloy is full of antioxidants which prevent stress caused due to oxidation by free radicals that speed up ageing. Giloy also has an additional benefit of improving blood circulation which drastically reduces the signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, etc.
How to use Giloy for youthful skin- Take a cup of milk, put a giloy stick in it and boil. Let it cool and drink it daily.
8) Giloy improves your respiratory health
Breathing issues that can be caused due to conditions like Asthma or excessive smoking. It relieves the inflammation in the tracheal region of the body. This allows the person suffering from breathing problems to breathe freely and take deeper breaths thereby increasing the amount of oxygen that gets inhaled.
How to use Giloy for making your respiratory health better- Wash a few branches of the plant properly and peel thee outer skin of the branches using a kinfe. Put these stems in a mixer and put a glass full of water in it and make a smooth, drinkable juice out of it so that it is easy to consume.
Where can you find Giloy?
Giloy can be easily found in any pharmacy and can be bought over the counter (i.e. it does not require any prescription from doctors).
Does Giloy have any side effects?
Giloy usually does not cause any adverse effects in normal, healthy adults. Giloy, however, may be a potential cause for issues if you are suffering from any autoimmune diseases, like Lupus, Crohn’s disease, etc due to the stimulation that it causes on the immune system.
And if a patient is already taken any other anti-diabetic medications then they should stay away from Giloy.
Also, if you are pregnant or lactating, it is best to avoid taking anything without asking your doctor.
To conclude this article, we have answered the question whether giloy is really good for health and the answer, as you must have clearly understood by now is- YES! Giloy is, in fact, one of the best natural, herbal, safe ingredients to include for your daily consumption.
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pallavivyas · 3 years
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Our daily regime fòr boosting #immunity before sleeping during this second wave of #coronavirus. #Giloy #kadha is an effective remedy to protect you against all kind of #viralinfections, fever etc. Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, #antipyretic (that reduces fever), #anti-inflammatory, #antioxidant. This classical #medicine is the ultimate answer to all #health anomalies. In #Ayurveda, its called Amrit. Giloy is our national aushadhi. Its effective for all kinds of fever, reduces stress and anxiety. Giloy Kadha recipe for 2 people Boil Water- 2 cups Add Giloy stem crushed in mixer grinder Turmeric powder 1tbsp 3 Mint Leaves 2 Tulsi Leaves 1 Cinnamon stick Few Black pepper Ginger Powder You get giloy powder, juice or tablets on any pharmacy these days. We are just lucky that we have a giloy creeper in our backyard. Boil it and then simmer to make kadha for 15 min, strain and serve. Add honey to taste. You may add lemon if you wish to. (at Vpo Serathana the-Kangra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-v5bDJjnd/?igshid=oosih1dwo44z
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blogisoherbal · 3 years
6 Simple And Natural Tips to Lose Belly Fat
Did you know that having more than a few extra inches around the belly can lead to various diseases as it is the most harmful fat in the body?
So if you want to get rid of that, you can either work out, avoid junk food and alcohol to get that lovely flat belly.
Other than that, the following are a few tips on how to burn belly fat quickly:
1. Do aerobic exercises
To burn fat fast, it is very important to do cardio training. According to numerous studies, this is the most effective form of exercise for reducing belly fat.
When you burn many calories, your general health improves. So go ahead and start doing high-intensity workouts of running, swimming or aerobic classes. Remember that frequency and duration are very important for satisfying results.
2. Eat less refined carbs
Avoid eating refined carbs as much as possible to lose fat around the belly and have a good metabolic health.
You don’t have to stick to a strict low-carb diet, however, replace that with unprocessed carbs. Instead of white bread, white rice, and sodas, switch to vegetables and whole grains.
3. Eat a high protein breakfast
Have some Greek yogurt, protein smoothies, scrambled eggs or porridge or if you’re a vegetarian try some paneer. If you eat proteins in the morning, you will feel full until lunch and not have any cravings for pre lunch snacks.
Proteins help in increasing your metabolic rate while retaining muscle mass lost during weight loss. If you’re a non-vegetarian, eat proteins such as eggs, fish, chicken, beans or dairy in every other meal.
4. Drink plenty of water
Regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, 4 to 5 liters of water each day is recommended and will burn more calories.
Also, drinking right before you eat lowers your appetite as well as calorie intake. But do not substitute water with other beverages containing lots of sugars and calories.
Another good tip is to drink warm water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach to give a good start to your metabolism and digestive system.
5. Lower your salt intake
The salt in your food retains water and makes your belly bloated. Before you buy any food item, make sure the nutrition label does not mention high sodium levels since processed food always contain salt, added sugar, and unhealthy fats.
6. Try Instant Slimming Oil
InstantSlimming Oil (ISO) is a tried and tested slimming massage oil that contains extracts of 16 natural herbs, including Giloy, Nirgundi, Punarnava, Murva, Turmeric, Pippali, Shalparni, Tulsi, etc. All the herbs used in ISO combine together to attack the fat deposited underneath your skin by targeting the cellulite thereby removing extra inches from the cheeks, buttocks, belly, thighs and arms. Another positive of ISO is that it does not induce any kind of weakness in the body.
For further information on ISO, please visit https://www.isoherbal.in/
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healthsekrets-blog · 4 years
5 healthy drinks to boost your immunity
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Giloy Juice - Giloy juice is too much beneficial for the human body because it contains an array of benefits. It helps to boost immunity, improve the digestion system, treats diabetes, and also help to reduce stress and anxiety. This herb has also anti-aging properties that help to minimize dark spots and wrinkles. How to prepare it: Take two glass of water in a saucepan and add a long stick of giloy plant which is cut into small pieces add boil the water till it remains half and cooled it down at room temperature and then consume it. it can be taken once or twice within a day. Coconut water - Coconut water comes immensely handy while treating dehydration related problems. It is a powerhouse of carbohydrates and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. It can also be used to control the higher blood pressure of the body. Golden Milk - This kind of milk plays a crucial role in enhancing the immunity of the body. It is very helpful to increase brain functioning and also gave tremendous relief in joint pains. Turmeric is loaded with antioxidative properties that prevent infections being occurred in the body. How to prepare it: It is very easy to prepare. Just add a half teaspoon of turmeric and a piece of ginger in a saucepan and boil it after that add a pinch of cinnamon powder until it becomes flavourful and now it is ready to be consumed. Green Tea - Green tea is not too much used traditionally but nowadays it is gaining popularity due to its advantages. Read the full article
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murali04 · 4 years
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#Giloy or #amrit #plant they grants immortality one stick shows some greenery this gives the joy of birthing new life (plant ) (at Shreyas Colony, Bangalore, Karnataka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4-WPKjqxH/?igshid=1aycbpkx7dre0
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Corona virus/don’t panic/do worout/best diet/stay healthy Greetings to all the viewers a new article for you all In todays article I about coronavirus with you all As the whole world is affected by it as of now I am not any medical expert so I will not talk about a lot of technical details But as a fitness expert I would like to tell you In order to fight any illness, it is essential for our immune system to be very strong To achieve that a nutritious diet and good workout are essential So, in this video I will share will you all Foods you should be eating to strengthen your immunity And as all gyms are closed worldwide, what are the exercises you can do at home to keep yourself healthy Along with these, what are the precautions you should be taking during this time will be discussed Let’s start our video Before starting with the workout and diet part I want to talk to you all regarding a few things I know the situations are a bit tough lately for everyone, but do not panic We all, including me are panicking a lot after reading news and messages on social media, which we shouldn’t do We should try to remain calm and relaxed People are panicking and stocking loads of hand sanitizers, tissues and napkins in their homes And a lot of them have purchased many masks as well People stop doing this As the ones who might actually need these items may not get access to these easily when needed So, stock up according to your requirements only There are a lot of misconceptions related to food as well Many people think that If they eat non veg they will get coronavirus because someone has told them This is actually incorrect But yes, if bodily fluids of an infected person land in your eyes, nose or mouth you might get affected Hence, no need to miss non veg from your diet but do cook it properly before eating Another thing which you all should do is social distancing Although the government has taken many initiatives and a lot of crowd pulling places have been shut already But still you should try to remain at home as much as possible and avoid going out Try to maintain distance from those suffering from common cold too And if you yourself are suffering from cold or cough stay at home, rest and avoid going out There is no need to get nervous as this disease is curable And if you already have any respiratory issues or are 50+ years of age you need to take some extra precautions In these times you should stay mostly at home, take care of your diet and exercise so that your immunity is intact One of the most important things is hygiene It should be your rule to maintain a good hygiene in your daily lifestyle and in recent times you should be extra cautious about it Keep washing your hands with soap frequently Before and after eating food and exercising Along with this keep yourself as well as your surroundings neat and clean These are some of the things you should take note of But as I told you that I will be sharing a workout schedule with you all for when you are unable to go to the gym How you can exercise at home without any equipment Before starting any exercise, warmup is essential We are going to do so here as well I have selected 6 exercises which you should include in your warmup routine The first one is high knee raises In this you need to raise your knees as high as possible If your rhythm is good you can perform it faster as well The second exercise is butt kick This is how you perform butt kick and you can even speed up the exercise The third exercise is jumping jacks Like this The fourth exercise is spot running In this you just need to stay at one place and perform Next, I will do standing front leg raises Like this Here you do not have to give a lot of jerk and try lifting your leg as high as possible while keeping it straight My last exercise will be mountain climbing In this you need to hold your body on your hands and toes while slowly bringing your knees inwards Try not to touch the ground with your toes while moving the legs Like this Perform all these exercises for 30 seconds each for 2-3 sets Lets’ start with our workout now The first exercise which we are going to do is decline push ups For this you need a raised platform with some height to it Here I am using this box but you can use your bet, chair or any platform on which you can place your toes Like this Maintain shoulder width difference between your hands Go down in a controlled way and come back up Breathe out when you come up Try to perform this exercise in a controlled way Like this You can even perform normal push ups or knee grounded push ups if you are a beginner Here I tired to make my exercise a bit challenging that is why I selected decline push ups The second exercise which I will perform is frog squats First let’s see the difference between normal squats and frog squats Keep your feet shoulder width apart just like in normal squats In normal squats we sit parallel to the ground Whereas in frog squats we will go down further Come up partially Go down again Then stand up straight Watch carefully Go down once Come up partially Go down again, then stand up straight Perform it in a controlled way And if you are unable to perform frog squats you can perform regular squats instead The third exercise which we are going to perform is Bulgarian squats I am using the same platform which I used to perform decline push ups On this I will place my one leg Like this Now move your other leg a bit forward And then bend both your knees and go down Like this Come back up and then go down again There is no need to go down too much, you just need to have a good balance Breathe out when you come up Perform this exercise with both your feet But if you are unable to perform this exercise properly you can perform lunges as well For the fourth exercise I will perform two exercises in a superset First is leg raises In this keep both your hands below your hips and lift your legs slowly Breathe out when you lift your legs The second exercise will be high knee crunches In this I will keep both my knees like this and do crunches But while going back don’t take your upper body completely down Breathe out when you lift your upper body Like this The fifth exercise which I will perform is back dips To perform this you need to keep both your hands on a platform And they should be hip width apart Now bring your legs forward, you can keep your legs straight as well as bent Now bring your body down where you back if moving along the platform Don’t go too down as it will cause strain on your shoulders Now come up slowly Keep your core muscles tight throughout Breathe out and hold for 1 second when you come up The last exercise which we will perform here is star planks Just like we hold our body parallel to the ground with our forearms and toes in normal planks Here we will do the same But there will be some distance which will result is a star position It is a bit difficult to perform this exercise, but do give it a try And if you are unable to perform this, you can even do regular planks Lets’ see how these are performed Place your toes and hands wide apart Now you just need to hold your body parallel to the ground Like this With this 1st round of our 6 exercises is complete And we need to complete 3-4 sets similarly Because we are not using any weights here in order to increase the intensity of the exercise we will have to do higher number of repetitions Try to perform 20-25 reps of each exercise And minimum rest between the sets The target should be to complete 3-4 rounds in 30-40 minutes Now we will discuss about nutrition so that your immunity remains strong Everybody knows about general nutrition But when you are not going to the gym and are unable to go out you don’t burn a lot of calories You should reduce some calories from your diet whether is protein or carbs Try to include good fats in your diet To fight coronavirus or any other kind of virus your immunity needs to be strong So along with normal nutrition try some home remedies so that you are able to fight coronavirus Firstly, you should take vitamin c in your diet in good quantity For this you can add citrus fruits to your diet twice a day Or you can squeeze a lemon into water and drink it twice a day Second, if you want to remove toxins from your body you need to consume more fluids in any form I would suggest you to keep your body hydrated and drink lots of water throughout the day if you are able to drink lukewarm water it is even better Third, use ginger and garlic in your diet and both of these help you fight normal cough and cold you can eat 1-2 cloves of garlic empty stomach in the morning with water and you can boil crushed ginger in water and drink it fourth, you should use turmeric and tulsi leaves at least once in your daily diet my suggestion would be to add turmeric and 4-5 tulsi leaves to 1 cup of milk at night, boil it and drink it the last thing which I would like to suggest, which is a very strong immunity booster as well is Giloy if you boil few sticks of giloy in water and drink it 2-3 times a day it will boost your immunity a lot and help you fight many diseases this was our video for today and I hope you all liked the video all the things discussed in this video about diet and exercise will help you handle the situation smartly while you are at home I will bring more videos for you all soon Till then take care of yourself and your family Most importantly take care of your health Take care
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Table of Contents
Why follow a healthy lifestyle?
My diabetes story
My diabetes diagnosis and how it affected me
Researching ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
What is in Sugar Knocker? How does it benefit diabetics?
How to consume Sugar Knocker
Why take Sugar Knocker?
Order Sugar Knocker here.
·       Cinnamon
·       Amla
·       Kala jamun
·       Bitter gourd
·       Tulsi
·       Turmeric
·       Gurmar
·       Banaba
·       Heart-leaved moonseed/Giloy
·       Vijaysar tree
·       Salacia reticulata (Saptarangi)
This post is about how I discovered Sugar Knocker – A natural herbal supplement to treat Diabetes and fight diabetes naturally.
Suppose someone were to ask us if our goal was to live a long healthy and disease-free life where we never had to take any medication, we would naturally say yes and jump with joy.
And suppose you were a diabetic and someone asked you if you wanted to control sugar levels naturally—to treat the root cause instead of just symptoms of diabetes what would you say?
I have type 2 diabetes and when Mr Girish Banvi, the brain behind Sugar Knocker asked me, I said yes. I was keen on doing everything I could to get off my diabetes medicine.
However, to achieve that goal, we would need to consciously follow a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercise and staying stress free.
Why follow a healthy lifestyle?
I am sure you will agree that sticking to a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. Given a choice between joining friends for a drink and dinner at the end of a long and tiring day—and catching a healthy dinner and sleep—you know what most of us would pick.
We’re human and often end up making choices that are not so healthy. Life gets hectic and, in our quest to accomplish it all, we neglect our health. But making the pledge to eat smart, exercise daily, monitor our stress levels and quit smoking—sets the stage for a healthy future.
Being in good health also means a good quality life with a stronger immune system and less disease, where we enjoy better relationships and are happier at work.
My diabetes story
I lead a reasonably healthy life. No smoking, no alcohol. I am vegetarian and make good food choices. I walk every day. The one area I need to work on is getting enough sleep. And my wake-up call came one day, five years ago, when I went for a full health check-up. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Now, diabetes runs in my family and I knew I was at risk. Yet, during the months preceding the diagnosis, I was guilty of not paying attention to my diet, stress or sleep. Exercise was out of the question with work deadlines.
I could have easily avoided this, but you know what they say—hindsight is always 20/20 vision.
The diabetes diagnosis changed my life forever. After I went through the initial “why me” misery, I pulled myself together, determined to show it who’s boss. I took stock of my lifestyle and made changes. I learned the risks of diabetes. If ignored, diabetes can lead to other health complications that make life hell.
High blood sugar levels affect the workings of other internal organs like the kidney, heart and liver.  To list just some of the complications of diabetes:
Skin issues
Eye health risks
Nerve damage
Numbness in the feet and hands
Kidney disease
Heart health – risk of stroke
High blood pressure
Can you imagine living with all that? If you are overweight, it is even worse. The visits to the doctor, the expenses and the stress can be depressing.
The good news? With the correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, the complications of diabetes can be prevented or delayed.
My diabetes diagnosis and how it affected me
My HbA1c, when I was diagnosed with diabetes, was 11.4. My cholesterol levels were high—I don’t even want to mention the numbers. I knew that if I didn’t take my health seriously and make changes, I would be sabotaging my health. I changed my lifestyle overnight. I roped in my family to motivate me to stick to these changes which were:
Healthy food—plenty of salads, sprouts, vegetables and fruit.
Eliminating processed foods and packaged foods from our diet
A one-hour brisk walk every day
In my case, cut down on coffee
Sleep by 11 pm. (I used to stay up much later than that)
I also cut down on my work commitments to reduce stress levels.
But then, making a plan is not the same as following it. Switching to a healthy lifestyle overnight meant working really hard at it.  My doctor put me on diabetes medication. I wasn’t very happy about that. I wanted to believe that I could achieve normal blood sugar through diet and exercise. I had no choice but to take the medication to prevent diabetes complications.
Of course, there were side effects – stomach troubles. Then the new stress: I stressed over taking the medicine on time. I stressed over eating right. I stressed over losing income after giving up assignments so I could have free time. While my family was extremely supportive, it wasn’t always easy for them to follow my diet. Also, my folks have a sweet tooth and dessert was a part of our meal plan. Fortunately, I am not fond of sweets but still. There were days I wished I just didn’t have to do any of this healthy lifestyle business. It gets tedious.
Researching ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
However, something good came out of it all. I decided to educate myself about diabetes and solutions available. I also started a new blog to post tips that worked for me, because every little change helps.
Read: Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Here’s the first thing to know: are you at risk for type 2 diabetes?
If you answer yes to one of more of the following questions, you are:
Family history of diabetes
Physically inactive
Have high blood pressure or take medication for it
Have low HDL
High Triglycerides
Had gestational diabetes
Have unhealthy eating habits
Don’t get enough sleep
High stress levels
As I said earlier, you can take control of your health by making a few changes.
You can prevent type 2 diabetes! If you have a family history, just keeping track of blood sugar levels can alert you to prediabetes, the precursor of type 2 diabetes and you can take the necessary steps to control it. In fact, you can even reverse type 2 by managing it properly.
On that positive note, I doubled my efforts to find what treatments were available besides the standard pharmaceutical medications and Insulin therapy.
After all, I come from a family that specializes in home remedies and natural remedies for practically every ailment. Moreover, I was alarmed at the potential side effects for some of these medications such as bloating, dizziness, skin rash, weight gain and kidney disease, which seemed as bad as the diabetes itself.
I also came across a number of natural remedies suggested by trustworthy sources. At this point, I must tell you one thing: there is no such thing as a “diabetes” diet. The diabetes diet is just a healthy diet that is applicable to all those who want to stay disease free.
But there are certain foods that enhance a healthy diet and paying special attention to consuming them definitely helps.
As an informal diabetes health educator, my mission is to share whatever authentic information I discover and what works for me.
I came across several interesting Ayurveda products in the process but was a little wary about trying them as the reviews were not always encouraging. Granted that we are not all the same and our reaction to a condition or medicine is different. Nevertheless, there are some standard parameters we look for: such as whether the treatment option has been through clinical trials, the results experienced by those who tried it, the number of years it has been in the market, the ingredient list, and so on.
One day, while talking to my neighbor, she mentioned Sugar Knocker, a diabetes treatment in ayurveda – an ayurvedic sugar treatment product her aunt was using for managing her diabetes and how well it was working for her. She went on to describe how her aunt had started it, the benefits she was experiencing and how she has now almost reversed her diabetes and was in great health.
Curious, I Googled the product. The results led me to its website. There I viewed the YouTube video of a speech by Dr B M Hegde on diabetes. Very inspiring. I was now eager to learn more about Sugar Knocker.
My main question was: would it work for me?  Would it help me get off my diabetes medication? What would I have to do?
What is in Sugar Knocker? How does it benefit diabetics?
Sugar Knocker is made of a combination of 11 natural herbal supplements for diabetes proven to help manage blood sugar levels. These have been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes for decades and considered safe to take even if one is taking prescription medicine for diabetes. In fact, many of these ingredients are already on my kitchen shelf!
Here is a quick overview of the herbal ingredients for diabetes used in Sugar Knocker.
·       Cinnamon
Improves blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, helps with weight control and reduces the risk of heart disease – especially beneficial for people with type-2 diabetes.
·       Amla
Improves the functioning of pancreatic beta cells as well as increasing uptake of glucose by the cells. Is also an anti-ageing tonic and immune-stimulant.
Watch this video – How to use amla for diabetes:
·       Kala jamun
Has a positive effect on the pancreas by checking the conversion of starch into sugar in cases of excessive production of glucose.
·       Bitter gourd
Strengthens the immune system and helps to maintain cholesterol level and triglycerides in liver and blood.
·       Tulsi
Blood purifier, antioxidant, improves heart health, respiratory health and nerve health. Prevents and heals infections, reduces cholesterol levels and emotional stress.
·       Turmeric
Helps reduce blood glucose levels and increases insulin. Prevents oxidative stress and decreases glycosylated hemoglobin, controls diabetic neuropathic pain, heals wounds.
Watch this video: Turmeric for diabetes
·       Gurmar
Regulates appetite, blood glucose levels and triglycerides and pancreatic function.
·       Banaba
Rich in dietary fiber, minerals like zinc and magnesium and vitamins. Improves glucose metabolism and used in diabetes treatment.
·       Heart-leaved moonseed/Giloy
Helps in managing immune system, blood glucose levels and overcoming hypoglycemia.
·       Vijaysar tree
Regulates b cells of pancreas and used as herbal medicine for diabetes.
·       Salacia reticulata (Saptarangi)
Normalizes blood sugar and insulin levels and healthy blood lipids.
I am familiar with almost all of these herbal ingredients for diabetes and was now eager to know even more about ayurvedic sugar treatment – Ayurveda for diabetes.
Let me confess – I wanted to try Sugar Knocker for myself. I called the contact number on the website for more information. I wanted to talk to the CEO of Sushrut Ayurved Industries, Mr. Girish Banvi after I read the story behind Sugar Knocker.
It so happened that Mr Banvi was visiting my city. We made an appointment to meet. It was a most pleasant meeting and I got to hear firsthand about how he developed Sugar Knocker.
He was in the business of supplying medicinal plants to top ayurvedic product manufacturers like Dabur, Zandu, Baidhanath, Himalaya, in the 1990s. During a family function, he noticed many family members and friends taking insulin before food. This and his rich knowledge of herbs inspired him to develop an effective natural diabetes dietary supplement that would not only help control blood sugar levels but also promote overall health.  He then collaborated with industry experts and after intensive research, tests and clinical trials, to arrive at the unique combination of 11 herbs that had the potential to rebuild pancreatic Beta-cells. In 2005 the ayurvedic supplement Sugar Knocker was born.
Sugar Knocker is 14 years old today and regarded as one of the best ayurvedic remedies for diabetes with a user satisfaction ratio of close to 88%, many of whom have reversed diabetes without any side effects.
Here are some testimonials for Sugar Knocker.
How to consume Sugar Knocker
As Sugar Knocker works on the root cause of diabetes and attempts to rejuvenate the pancreatic beta cells, initially it must be taken alongside prescription medication to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar. After sugar levels stabilize, you can cut down your prescription medicines by at least 50%. Eventually, you can stop your prescription medication and also Sugar Knocker.
A healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise while taking Sugar Knocker speed up the process of achieving normal blood sugar.  Along with my three months of Sugar Knocker, I also received a diet chart detailing what to avoid and what to eat and it looked easy enough as I was following most of it anyway.
Sugar Knocker dosage is designed scientifically to manage and control diabetes.  Here’s the guideline. It is to be taken 15-20 minutes before food.
Sugar LevelCapsules / DayDosage
140-199 mg/dl2 capsules1-0-1
200-250 mg/dl3 capsules1-1-1
300+6 capsules2-2-2
Blood sugar must be checked two hours after meals.
Gradually, as blood sugar levels come under control, prescription medication can be cut by at least 50%, after consulting your physician.
Needless to say, diabetes treatment can be effective provided proper nutrition and exercise are followed along with continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels. Any changes to prescription medication must be done only in consultation with your physician.
Sushrut Ayurved Industries has a range of health supplements such as Amla, Banaba, Berberine, Cinnamon, Curcumin, Fenugreek, Garlic, Kalonji Seed Extracts and Moringa—all of which are proven to promote overall health.
Why take Sugar Knocker?
I have started taking Sugar Knocker because it is made of natural herbal ingredients proven to work for controlling diabetes. It addresses the root cause of diabetes, nudging the pancreas to resume their normal function by generating the beta cells. It helps increase uptake of glucose by cells and exerts an insulin-like action. It also regenerates the lipid mechanism. Besides preventing diabetic retinopathy and oxidative damage it also helps prevent micro-vascular damage. Best of all, there are no side effects, as I have learned after talking to some people who are very happy with their experience.
I am expecting progress in three months and will post an update by December 2019. I am maintaining a chart of my weekly blood sugar levels and will also try to follow the diet chart that came with Sugar Knocker to the best of my ability. I know that if I stick to it strictly, I will see results in three months—if not, a little slower.  I make sure I walk at least one hour every day and stay active. I expect Sugar Knocker will also help me with my overall health because of the ingredients.
If you are struggling with type 2 diabetes, I understand how you feel. I strongly encourage you to invest in your health with a proven natural product.  Allopathic medicines have nasty side effects in the long run. Diabetes is not a lifelong ailment. You can manage it well by making a few lifestyle changes. You deserve to be free from diabetes, just like me. Why not take a holistic approach?
Order Sugar Knocker here.
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New Step by Step Map For benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
Another scientific study identified that consuming aloe drinks may help to forestall liver destruction attributable to Liquor. (sixteen) A lot of the most prized components on earth of Ayurveda are commonly readily available all over us. They may be lurking somewhere inside the kitchen area or quietly expanding inside of a neighbour’s herb yard. Just one this kind of case in point is aloe vera. Ghritkumari, as identified in Hindi, it can be able to curing A variety of ailments with its numerous overall health benefiting Houses. juice generally is a tad unpalatable, but enjoys multi-fold wellbeing benefiting Qualities that will established your frowned faces appropriate. towards your diet is usually to juice it and also have it diluted with h2o on a daily basis on an vacant abdomen. It clears your process, aids in digestion, will help in retaining apparent skin, balanced hair and excellent eyesight. Amla Strengthening the immune system is among the finest benefits of taking Aloe Vera beverage. It is because of The truth that when the immune process is strengthened, it thrust back conditions. In the form of the gel, Aloe Vera is best recommended for hair care. It is composed Practically 100% of Aloe Vera and might be applied nicely over the unusually dry and prone scalp. Powerless hair is revived by the addition with the plant again. Aloe vera juice can be ordered on the internet or for most overall health foodstuff markets. When searching for aloe vera juice, it’s crucial to take into account the quality of the product. is undeniably a powerhouse of nutrients. The necessary minerals and nutritional vitamins that it incorporates, are not simply integral to our human body's well-becoming, but will also indispensable to stopping and managing several of the commonest and prevalent disorders. FIGHTING DISGESTIVE Condition : Taking Aloe Vera beverages first thing from the morning is thought to fight and deal with An array of digestive Diseases such as; constipation, very poor digestion, acidity and gasoline. It is additionally beneficial in boosting appetite and trying to keep a check on body weight acquire. Lowers Strain: Drinking Aloe Vera beverages will help the human body to cope with variations that come about on this planet close to us. Thereby helping us to adapt to those changes rather then fighting towards them. Aloe Vera plant has a long custom being a medicinal herb. Your gel is especially Utilized in the natural procedure of skin ailments. Find out far more regarding their results listed here. You can consume aloe vera juice on an vacant stomach; nonetheless, you should limit your consumption to Harmless doses. Just one research found that aloe vera contains a gastroprotective effect when ingested since it aids inhibit the quantity of gastric acid. This helped to lessen discomfort from the intestine and decrease gastric inflammatory responses. (12) This surprise plant from North Africa is not any stranger to elegance care: with much more than 200 elements, Aloe Vera is ideal for hair care and can help with damaged, dry hair.
The Basic Principles Of benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
Learn the way having probiotics may also help to enhance your digestion and what else you can do to improve your digestion. benefits of aloe vera juice: Aloe vera juice can help sustain clean, radiant skin and promotes hair expansion Our content articles are depending on scientific evidence, created by specialists and actuality checked by gurus. We attempt to be objective, impartial, straightforward and to present either side of your argument. One example is, the juice can raise the impact of some diabetes prescription drugs and bring about potassium reduction if taken with a few coronary heart remedies. Drinking aloe vera juice might Provide you with reduction when heartburn assaults. The compounds current in aloe vera juice assistance Regulate secretion of acid as part of your abdomen. The effects have even been revealed to combat gastric ulcers and hold them from finding bigger. juice could be a tad unpalatable, but enjoys multi-fold well being benefiting Attributes that may established your frowned faces appropriate. Preparations of aloe vera are actually utilized for digestive ailments. Diarrhea and constipation are prevalent difficulties the plant is perfectly-noted for assisting with… Assisting THE SKIN: Taking Aloe Vera beverages first thing inside the morning may also help to externally treats myriad of pores and skin complications. It's got an anti-ageing result and acts being a moisturiser. Aloe vera gel from the plant leaf is effectively-documented for its ability to lessen inflammation for a topical preparing. Even so, the exact same enzymes in aloe vera beverages aid secure your gastrointestinal lining. One more ingredient located in aloe vera juice, aloin, is associated with the development of tumors in rats. Having said that, decolorized aloe vera juice, which has the carcinogenic material from aloe eliminated, didn't have the very same outcome. For click here , aloe vera juice isn’t controlled like prescription medication, and it’s up for the company to make certain the item is Harmless. A lot of Web customers now swear by simply introducing an aloe vera plant for the living room. So you're able to squeeze the juice directly from the leaves, you cut costs and packaging squander concurrently and does not just your own private hair, but in addition the setting something excellent. Permanently offers normal those with a possibility to develop an Excellent fiscally protected long run. This is a chance to commence a company with actual prospective, uncapped income, and demonstrated effects   For a conditioner or mask:- Soon after shampooing, It is usually probable to easily massage aloe vera to the hair for a treatment, depart to soak for 5 minutes and then rinse comprehensively. Scalp and hair are so refreshed. For the most up-to-date foodstuff information, overall health strategies and recipes, like us on Facebook or stick to us on Twitter and YouTube.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
The Sleuth Journal is an impartial option media Corporation comprised of people and teams Operating to get rid of the light on fact in federal government, politics, environment and local news, civil liberties, natural health and fitness and drugs and various vital subjects the mainstream media fails or refuses to expose. This info is currently being presented for you within an effort and hard work for advancement inside the knowledge of our financial and political corruption and the New Environment Buy. This entry was posted in Way of living and tagged 8 bienfaits de l'aloe vera pour la santé, aloe vera diet, aloe vera gel, aloe vera morning, benefits of drinking aloe vera. What Is The Best fat reduction options Folks who regularly slide sick should take resort in aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice when blended with Amla juice and giloy juice is understood to spice up immunity and fight diseases. For some individuals, drinking aloe vera juice is really an obtained taste. Nevertheless, one thing is for certain: drinking aloe juice is superb for the health and fitness. two. Reduce the perimeters from the aloe vera leaves which has a knife and discard. Then Lower the rind from the back and front from the leaves and discard likewise. It's also possible to utilize a peeler to do that. Recent scientific tests posted in various scientific journals have demonstrated that oral intake of aloe vera juice can aid managing blood sugar and reducing lipids in diabetics and hyperlipidemia clients." In this article, you can find out what scientific research has unveiled as to your overall health benefits of drinking aloe vera juice. You will also learn if you can find any side effects of having aloe vera internally. The juice is commonly Utilized in many other herbal tonics pivotal in curing hormonal difficulties, and also pancreas and spleen relevant Ailments. Cancer patients adhere to the food plan rich in natural vitamins and suggesting a well balanced diet plan. In this kind of conditions, treatment with biostimulants dependant on aloe juice is usually recommended: juice with equal parts of honey eaten daily might help a fantastic offer in treating chilly and cough. Blend a couple of teaspoons in drinking water and gargle with it 2 times every day to remove mouth ulcers. It has been advised that you ought to usually purchase aloe vera juice that is certainly freed from aloin (such as this 1). The aloe vera plant is astounding, getting many therapeutic Homes to it. The leaves of the plant are the place you will see the yellow-colored liquid that can perform miracles. You could previously know that aloe vera gel can be extremely useful to your skin, assisting with sunburn, insect bites, rashes, cuts, plus the like. For additional hair expansion:- The speculate plant can promote hair progress. The contained chemical compound beta-sitosterol stimulates the blood circulation on the scalp, and this promotes the formation of hair. The scalp pores are cleansed of sebum and Dust, producing more room to improve. At the conclusion of the final century, new methods ended up introduced that allow preservation from the helpful Homes of agave. The first health-related experiments had been executed in 2000. Dr. I. Dankhov utilised stabilized aloe gel to determine antitumor exercise.
Fascination About benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning
Aloe Vera plant has an extended custom like a medicinal herb. Your gel is principally used in the organic remedy of pores and skin ailments. Learn a lot more with regards to their results below. Find out about the ideal foods to take in that will help keep your liver in great wellbeing and also the worst habits that will injury your liver. There are a variety of unsweetened, commercially manufactured aloe vera juice beverages that aid support wholesome digestion. Some of these preparations advise drinking a tablespoon of aloe vera juice three moments on a daily basis. (seven) The juice is usually Employed in a number of other herbal tonics pivotal in curing hormonal troubles, in addition to pancreas and spleen associated Problems. Seek out natural and organic, pure, and 100% aloe juice. It’s crucial to consume pure aloe vera juice instead of a blend which includes fillers. Study the label diligently. A stabilizing gel can relieve lots of adverse signs or symptoms. It can be shown from the diet regime of most cancers people due to its Houses to revive metabolic processes in the body, strengthen immunity. juice first thing during the morning. Have a little part (twenty-thirty ml) diluted in a very glass of water. It is possible to choose to combine a little lemon juice and honey to enhance the palatability. Dr. Guatam implies mixing amla Drinking aloe vera juice will help minimize the signs or symptoms of constipation and enhance stool frequency. Scientific studies have proven that aloe vera extracts can improve water content in the big intestine which can influence the regularity of stool. Reports clearly show that purified and decolorized juice is actually a safer selection when compared to coloured aloe vera. When shopping, hunt for the subsequent statements to the label: You must have already been previously advised a million moments right before, It's really a magical potion for your overall health. This single liquid provides a heal For lots of ailments ranging from a cough and cold to arthritis. In reality, aloe vera juice is a Section of Ayurvedic medicines and tonics. The wellbeing benefits of aloe vera are numerous, which amazing plant will let you not only on the outside by aiding your skin, but on the inside in addition. Be sure to retain some aloe vera gel often on hand for skin ailments, particularly when you may have youngsters. A lot of the well being benefits of aloe vera are in the nutrient-wealthy flesh on the leaf. Aloe juice is made by crushing The full leaf to extract its content. , as recognized in Hindi, it really is effective at curing A variety of ailments with its a lot of wellbeing benefiting Attributes. Aloe vera juice has usually been a Portion of a lot of Ayurvedic preparations, medicines and tonics. The aloe plant is rather h2o-dense, so it’s a super way to stop or deal with dehydration. Staying hydrated assists One's body detox by offering a method so that you can purge and flush out impurities. The juice also packs a hefty punch of nutrients that improve One's body’s organ output.
Indicators on benefits of drinking aloe vera juice first thing in the morning You Should Know
Medical professionals from the Mayo Clinic alert that top doses of aloe vera gel can cause various issues. A big dose of aloe vera gel is one,000 mg of pure extract every day. This can have an impact on kidney wellbeing, result in diarrhea, or interfere with certain diabetic issues or anticoagulant medicine. (five) Experts for quite some time working on the condition of oncology. The first experiments with the usage of aloe showed The problem of using this plant because of the small shelf existence. At Wholesome and Organic Earth, our mission is to empower men and women to consider control of their own individual wellness by furnishing thorough, simple and perfectly investigated details. You may drink aloe vera juice on an vacant belly; even so, you should Restrict your ingestion to Risk-free doses. For diabetic issues and cholesterol, add 60 ml of karela juice to the aloe vera juice. It doubles the prospective from the aloe vera juice. In case your digestive technique isn’t operating optimally, you won’t take in most of the nutrients through the food you’re taking in. It's important to maintain your internal motor nutritious in an effort to enjoy the benefits from the diet plan. Decolorized (purified, reduced anthraquinone) complete leaf aloe vera is taken into account safe. A modern review in mice fed a variety of concentrations of purified aloe vera for 3 months confirmed no adverse outcomes at all with the juice. This question plant from North Africa is no stranger to attractiveness care: with in excess of 200 ingredients, Aloe Vera is ideal for hair care and allows with weakened, dry hair. Insect bites: Applied to the wasp sting or mosquito Chunk, the gel has anti-itching and anti-inflammatory Qualities. Just dab some Aloe Vera gel straight onto the stain and Enable it react. The itching is going to be fewer very quickly. It might be a very important all- all-natural nutritional supplement to the healthful Life-style when employed properly first thing just about every morning. Many of the benefits of drinking Aloe Vera first thing from the morning are; A lot of people arrive at for aloe vera to take care of a burn or scrape, but are there other benefits? See how aloe vera juice stacks up in opposition to acid reflux. Aloe vera juice consumption flushes out toxins from the body. Drinking it early within the morning will allow you to in many ways, appropriate from curing digestive concerns to cleansing the method. Most of the health benefits of aloe vera are within the nutrient-wealthy flesh with the leaf. Aloe juice is made by crushing The full leaf to extract its information. Researchers have concluded which the side effects caused by unpurified aloe vera juice undoubtedly are a result of the presence of anthraquinone, which is taken into account a laxative.
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healthsekrets-blog · 4 years
5 healthy drinks to boost your immunity
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Giloy Juice - Giloy juice is too much beneficial for the human body because it contains an array of benefits. It helps to boost immunity, improve the digestion system, treats diabetes, and also help to reduce stress and anxiety. This herb has also anti-aging properties that help to minimize dark spots and wrinkles. How to prepare it: Take two glass of water in a saucepan and add a long stick of giloy plant which is cut into small pieces add boil the water till it remains half and cooled it down at room temperature and then consume it. it can be taken once or twice within a day. Coconut water - Coconut water comes immensely handy while treating dehydration related problems. It is a powerhouse of carbohydrates and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. It can also be used to control the higher blood pressure of the body. Golden Milk - This kind of milk plays a crucial role in enhancing the immunity of the body. It is very helpful to increase brain functioning and also gave tremendous relief in joint pains. Turmeric is loaded with antioxidative properties that prevent infections being occurred in the body. How to prepare it: It is very easy to prepare. Just add a half teaspoon of turmeric and a piece of ginger in a saucepan and boil it after that add a pinch of cinnamon powder until it becomes flavourful and now it is ready to be consumed. Green Tea - Green tea is not too much used traditionally but nowadays it is gaining popularity due to its advantages. ............ ........... Read the full article
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