#Best Herbal Medicine for Diabetes
oldforestayurved · 7 months
Established in 2014, Old Forest is one of the best Ayurvedic companies that offer a quality tested range of herbal medicines at cost effective rates. Their mission is rooted in a deep reverence for nature, and our commitment is to harness the natural power of herbs, traditional remedies, and holistic healing to enhance your health and quality of life
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agronayurveda · 9 months
Madhumangal Capsule - Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes
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agronayurveda01 · 9 months
Madhumangal Capsule - Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes
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agronremediesofficial · 9 months
Madhumangal Capsule - Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes
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wanteddistributors · 1 year
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Wanted Diabetic Herbal Medicine Franchises In Pan India.For Diabetic Herbal Medicine Franchises please Call us:+91-11-46710406
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drraos · 2 years
Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetic | Ayurvedic Diabetes Solution
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Chyavana forte-D Ayurvedic Tonic has ranked amongst the top diabetes remedies. The medicine boosts the nervous system, enhances the immunity and also solves the diabetic onset problems & & improve your overall health.
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rishikulherbal · 2 years
Best Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes
Best Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes
Diabetes is a growing problem that is confronted with the aid of many people in recent times. People are uninterested in allopathic drug treatments as they are terrible for one’s health, for this reason they’re slowly turning toward Ayurvedic tablets for diabetes. We have listed a few herbs in an effort to help you lower down blood sugar level faster. We are an herbal company primarily based in…
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archetypal-archivist · 8 months
Notes for Outer Wilds World-Building
-head canon heavy, but grounded in reason I think-
Healthcare: Lots of treating symptoms but not a ton of fixing the thing that caused the initial problem as the Hearthian body is remarkably sturdy and when self-healing can't take care of it, it would take some advanced healthcare to fix it (ex. punctured lung, strong infection). And that's not always something the Hearthians have, as why would they put a ton of effort into advanced pharmaceuticals like penicillin and invasive internal surgeries when it's so rare that someone gets hurt to that point and doesn't immediately die from it in a matter of days? I picture most medicine is herbal in nature, plant-derived and highly concentrated if necessary, such as opioids/morphine for pain that can be taken by injection until you get home and can patch yourself up. Bandages and bed rest and going off of what's taught to you (with a dose of improvising) are key to Hearthian healthcare. For the Hearthians, it's less unwillingness to help in cases of disability and more not being sure how, as the tech to do so would need to be jury-rigged or made from scratch. How well this helps varies as some things like missing limbs and damaged hearing can be accounted for but things like malfunctioning kidneys can't. Ironically, diabetes would spell bad news for a Hearthian.
Food: They don't have birds on Timber Hearth or else we'd see a lot more primitive wings for flying, so that means the animal life differs from earth. Lots of bugs and amphibians and fish, but very few mammals if any as fur is weird to the Hearthians. Hearthians are likely omnivores, given their history, but no trapping of land animals beyond insects. I imagine mostly teams of gatherers picking food from known locations and being careful about how much they take, and maybe some "controlled burnings" to clear out unwanted brush and give room to grow for the plants they actually want. The burnings may be more of an accident but the effect is the same regardless. Berries, nuts (especially pine nuts), cattail tubers and pith, water reed shoots, edible wild greens, and bread made from the flour of ground up tubers/acorns/pine nuts is common. This is supplemented by fish, the fat of which (Google candle fish) and the gelatin formed by boiling their bones are also used in many things. Marshmallows are made the old way, from mallow roots and sugar cane. Snow covered in sap or molasses is a treat, made more common with the invention of rockets that let you grab snow and fly it back to the village before it melts. Chera (borrowed from the fandom) is a tough, fibrous fruit that is sort of bready and is used much like apples are as a thickener in bread and eaten as mash on its own. Pickling, smoking, and canning are very common in Hearthian culture and are key ways of preserving food for when certain key gathered plants are out of season. During the insect mating season when the flies are out in full force, people will smack the clouds of bugs with sap-covered sheets of metal, scrape the bugs off, and grill them up into patties like burgers. This time of year is all hands on deck and not everyone likes eating fly patties but as food, it's incredibly nutritious and ground up flies are sometimes added to food that is lacking. Cooking is communal for the bulk of it, with a town cook pot and storehouse being open to the public to pull from, but if you want to eat beyond standard hours or mass-produced fare, you're on your own and you best hope you know how to cook over a wood fire stove. Filling the communal food pot is often a job foisted on hatchlings and the elders supervise. Specialty foods like sap wine are a trade item or are saved for celebrations and traditions.
Travel: Hearthians don't have wheeled carts as getting things into their crater via wheeled cart would be difficult at best. Instead they'll drag chopped down trees where they need to go via sleds or float them on the rivers or lower them into the crater with elevators. Anything else they'll carry down personally. To get around the planet, Hearthians just walk and if it takes more than a day, they camp along the way. Now that ships are a thing however, travel has shrunk the world by a lot- not that it does the average Hearthian much good. The ships are dangerous, prone to causing fires if one tries to land on Timber Hearth proper as rockets plus grass equals bad. A skilled pilot can pick a decent landing spot that's damp or barren enough to not be a problem, but it's usually so far from where you want to go that it's better to walk anyway. Said average Hearthians also do not like dealing with g-forces or potential death. Those are the only reasons why it's not normal for astronauts to ferry average Hearthians around like a taxi service or to take materials from point A to point B across the planet. None of this matters on the Attlerock however, as there's nothing to catch fire there, so ships will haul stuff up there all the time at Esker and Hornfels' behest. Rocket fuel is made from flammable gases pumped up from underground by the mining equipment as waste. It used to be released into the atmosphere to keep the miners from suffocating or exploding (a problem, sometimes those spouts would catch alight) but Slate had the bright idea of storing it in tanks under pressure. They already had pressurized air for the miners at the deepest depths to breathe where air was hard to come by, why couldn't they bottle up the waste gases to dispose of more safely? Like burning it elsewhere?
Clothing: Fabric is made from the fibers of a linen-like plant called flush, names for the purplish hue at the base of the reed's stem. The weavers' house is filled with Hearthians whose job it is to separate the fibers out and spin them into thread. From there, the weaver in charge of the loom will dye the thread with plant-based dyes and use a flying loom to quickly weave bolts of fabric. It takes a LOT of thread to make fabric but thanks to the weavers' bugging Slate into making them into a machine running off water power, the thread-making time has been cut down significantly. However, the whole process still takes a while so most Hearthians only own a few pieces of clothing and they're expected to patch it, hand-me-down it, and wash it until it is literally in rags before they get more. Hatchlings get the worst of it, they get pretty much nothing but hand-me-down clothes as they outgrow things too fast for unique outfits for each of them. Scarves, hats, and handkerchiefs are an exception and are often the only piece of clothing a hatchling has that survives to adulthood, which makes them all the more precious. Dresses- which take more fabric- and anything patterned or multicolored is a sign of indulgence/finery or a very nice gift and is such relegated to fancy clothes for fine events. Shoes are made of fish leather or treated fabric strips wrapped around a wood sole and structure and then sewn in place.
Economy: Hearthians run on a trade economy, with every person expected to contribute in some way. You are always guaranteed food from the communal cook pot and shelter in either a house of your own or on someone else's couch/floor, but beyond that you get side-eyed if you ask for things too often without offering something in return. Fortunately, Hearthians have a strong oral tradition and a very relaxed (boring) lifestyle so most are happy to trade gossip and stories for basic amenities. Building houses, weaving fabric, gathering food, working in the mines, and watching the hatchlings and tasks like those are ones that are never required for people to do, you can walk off and take a break whenever. However, it's seen as poor taste to do that for more than a few days at a time without cause because if you aren't working, you're letting your fellow Hearthians down. If you can't do big work for health reasons or lack of skill, you're expected to pick up small work like knitting, patching things up, cooking at the communal food pot, etc. What most hatchlings end up doing is they either find a passion and just continue with it into a proper "job" that helps the village in some way, they get an apprenticeship, or they get picked up by an adult and pretty much conscripted in order to "keep them out of trouble." Fire watch and astronaut and jobs like it are jobs of high prestige and are very demanding in the body, and as such run as apprenticeships with Gossan and Tektite selecting who they want to teach from those that come up to them and ask to learn. Such jobs don't do much to physically help the village (beyond bringing back space relics but those aren't always useful to the village at large) but they do bring in a ton of interesting stories and those are prime currency for the Hearthians.
Life Cycle: Hearthians are hermaphrodites that breed like fish do- during certain times of year, Hearthians may feel the urge to slip down to the river and release sperm and eggs into the water. Couples can go together, but most don't make much of it, seeing them as temporary dalliances or choosing to put up with being a little hot and itchy for a few days, refusing to go, and then the season is done for them for the year. The sperm and eggs mingle in warm underground pools and incubate there until they get hard and heavy enough to be picked up by the current. Due to how the waters of Timber Hearth run, the eggs more or less end up being carried to the same place every year where Hearthians in charge of raising hatchlings go to pick them up. The eggs are candled to check for life, then swaddled and placed into cribs to hatch. Hatchlings are raised in batches together in the Hatchling House, with sick ones quarantined in a back room to keep the rest from getting ill (so things like measles don't wipe out a whole generation). Hatchlings are fed mash until their baby teeth fall out, then they are fed real food like fish with bones in it. They only are named when the caretaker is sure that they will survive their first month or three of life, then they are introduced to the village by that name. They are allowed to go outside for the first time once they can walk and talk a little bit, an occasion marked by giving them shoes. After that, a hatchling may leave the Hatchling House to live on their own once they have a place to stay lined up, work, and they either can drink sap wine (which hatchlings don't have the enzymes to digest) or meet a certain height. As Hearthians age, the ears droop more, the skin pales, and the body starts failing. Past a certain age a Hearthian just kinda stops healing, as if all their sturdiness is limited to their younger years, and if they survive past even that, then their mind begins to go. Deaths are grieved and the dead buried with song and music being played with a space being left in the song for the deceased to "play a solo" and the rest of the band picking up after as a reminder that life goes on. In a few rare cases, hatchlings can imprint on an adult and vice versa, which gives rise to more "standard" parent child bonds and frequently, apprenticeships.
Calendar: The Hearthian planet does have seasons, sort of, but mostly a "hot and dry" vs "cool and wet" divide. No snow, their winters are just slightly more rain than usual and their summers are slightly warmer and with a chance for thunderstorms. However, there are still holidays involved with the changing of the seasons, mostly tied to when food is more or less available and when the solstices are. The alignment of the planets is also celebrated but that's a more recent celebration that popped up and it intensified into a major holiday only when the observatory got built with its ability to lock down alignments to exact dates. Breeding season is an informal holiday, being a few days in Spring and Autumn where sap wine is plentiful and people are expected to take some time off from work to relax. Hearthian formal holidays involve getting everyone in the village to sing, dance, and play music together around a bonfire. Stories and sap wine flow thick and fast and the best storytellers and musicians are treated to the best food and treats. Musicians will sometimes "duel" for funsies to see who is better at improvising and technical skills, to the joy of the crowd. Informal celebrations, like when an astronaut launches for the first time or one comes home or a batch of hatchlings are given a name on their name day lead to similar events, just scaled down some with only non-busy people attending. However, Hearthians love a good party so many will make time for such gatherings if they can.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
3 Useful Mushrooms In An Apothecary!
Mushroom dance, mushroom dance, whatever could it mean~
Mushrooms are amazing! These fun-guys are excellent for a multitude of reasons, so many in fact that if I attempted to list them out now this post would be excessively long. So instead, I’m going to give you a little post about a couple of lovely mushrooms that are incredibly useful in your home apothecary!
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Lion’s Mane
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Latin Name: Hericium erinaceus
This funky lil mushie is best known as a nervous system tonic! It shares the immunomodulant and anti-inflammatory activity of several other mushrooms used in herbalism practices.
Laboratory studies have found that polysaccharide-rich extracts such as that of lion’s mane promote the health of the gastrointestinal mucosa, protect against gastric ulcers, and may help eradicate the Helicobacter pylori bacterium (He et al., 2017). 
Traditionally, lion’s mane is used to calm the shen (lightly translated as “spirit”). Herbs that calm shen are noted as being helpful in  easing anxiety, depression, etc. This aligns with clinical evidence that shows lion’s mane can help alleviate depression and anxiety and enhance mental focus (Nagano et al., 2010), without any overly stimulating effect.
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Latin Name: Cordyceps militaris
Don’t worry, this isn’t like The Last Of Us! Cordyceps are actually very useful in traditional Chinese medicine.
Note that there are hundreds of species within the Cordyceps and Ophiocordyceps genera. The species included in official Chinese pharmacopeia is Ophiocordyceps sinensis (formerly Cordyceps sinensis), although Cordyceps militaris is generally a fungi used interchangeably with the former.
On top of its usage as an immunomodulant, cordyceps is also used in many instances of  recovery after illness, persistent fatigue, and for support of respiratory, and kidney health (Hobbs, 1996; Lin & Li, 2011). 
For anyone looking to use cordyceps, it’s important to know that there are some significant quality control issues with any wild cordyceps products. Wild cordyceps are at risk of being host other types of less-desirable fungi (Winston & Maimes, 2007), including the kind we often refer to as “mold” and isn’t considered safe to ingest! Commercially grown cordyceps mycelial extract is available as an alternative to wild cordyceps and doesn’t have the same contamination concerns for product users.
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Latin Name: Grifola frondosa
The beta-glucan polysaccharides found in maitake have been extensively researched for use in a wide variety of immune conditions. Maitake is also being looked into as an interest in cardiovascular and metabolic health. It is speculatedd that this special little mushie may have hypoglycemic and hypotensive activity, help regulate blood lipid levels, and assist in weight loss (important to note that these actions have not been confirmed through clinical trials). Preclinical trials have demonstrated that maitake may be helpful in restoring insulin sensitivity and regulate blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes.
Wonderfully enough, maitake is also considered to be an excellent culinary mushroom! It is described to have a rich and buttery flavor with a meaty texture.
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collectivecartomancy · 3 months
Dandelion & Diabetes
Hey Everybody! Here’s my final for Rootwork Herbals People’s Medicine School.
Once it’s accepted, I’ll be a real, live community herbalist and I’m so excited! 🥹 🥹 🥹
Please feel free to put any questions or concerns in the comments, or email me directly at [email protected].
Thanks for bearing witness to this wonderful experience :)
As ever, wishing you well,
Cyree Jarelle
Dandelion/Taraxacum officinale: Overview
Dandelion is a perennial flowering herb that grows from a long taproot.
Its name has been associated with the Persian tark hashgun, which means wild endive.
Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs, suggests an origin in the Greek taraxos is more likely. Taraxos is a Greek word for "disorder" and as Rodale's writes, akos means remedy.
This is the relationship that humans have kept with Dandelion. It's abundant, nigh unkillable, and easy to identify. The designation officinale refers to Dandelion's inclusion in early apothecaries. Its earliest written virtues are in the Tang Bencao, written during the Tang dynasty.
Dandelion has a history in Europe and the United States, where it's used to treat diseases of the liver and GI tract.
Dandelion is a bitter stimulant with diuretic and laxative properties.
Unlike other diuretics, dandelion does its work without depleting potassium in the body. This is due to the potassium richness of dandelion itself.
Type 2 Diabetes & Dandelion
Diabetes is an endocrine disorder. It primarily affects the pancreas, an organ in the digestive system found in the upper abdomen. The pancreas produces the hormones to control blood sugar, including insulin, glucagon, peptides, and somatostatin. It also makes enzymes essential to the digestion of food.
Diabetes has many risk factors and symptoms, but all types of diabetes involve insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes is characterized by the pancreas no longer making enough insulin to process sugar in one's diet. This can cause disruptions throughout the body, with notable impacts on the heart, liver, and eyes.
Wirngo et. al published "The Physiological Effects of Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) in Type 2 Diabetes" in 2016. There they attribute Dandelion's anti-diabetic properties to its "bioactive chemical components." These include "chicoric acid, taraxasterol (TS), chlorogenic acid, and sesquiterpene lactones," they write.
Wirngo et. al. assert that herbal medicine and other traditional medicines have "demonstrated potential to alleviate diabetic symptoms, enable recovery, and improve health." Dandelion does this by fighting inflammation, which can harm tissues throughout the body.
Dandelion's bitter taste is due to "sesquiterpene lactones." These include "taraxacolide, dihydro-lactucin, ixerin D, taraxinic acids, phenyl propanoids, and ainslioside." These constituents have have anti-inflammatory properties. Dandelion's foundational action as a bitter facilitates proper digestion.
Dandelion is so rich with CGA that it is a viable alternative to proprietary antioxidants. CGA itself is anti-diabetic, and it's best in it's natural form according to Wirngo. It also contains high levels of CRA, which combined with other inulin rich herbs such as Burdock Root and Chicory, helps people metabolize fats better.
When we metabolize fats better, it can decrease our cholesterol. CRA can also make us produce more bile, which breaks down fat and helps flush waste from our livers. CRA is also a strong anti-diabetic.
Bile breaks fat down into fatty acids. Fatty acids provide our bodies with a source of energy. Their presence also impacts the body's response to hormones, including insulin.
In fact, the way our bodies work with fatty acids can be very important for individuals with diabetes. This is because many people with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance. Their bodies may not be able to store fatty acid as easily.
As a result, these fatty acids may deposit in the liver. This can cause Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease, which allopathic doctors cannot treat well. They generally just tell patients to lose weight and lower their cholesterol. (Ask me how I know lol.)
According to Sears and Perry, "90 % of obese type-2 diabetic patients have NAFLD." Even people without diabetes are likely to have NAFLD though, due to poor nutritional options in the United States. They go on to note that researchers expect 50% of Americans to have NAFLD by 2030.
Dandelion is a beautiful medicine for people in this position because it supports the liver and helps lower cholesterol. It does this while also stimulating the metabolism, and aiding digestion. It's highly anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic. Dandelion root is also among the vegetables highest in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene becomes Vitamin A in the body.
Vitamin A improves eye function, helps the immune system and keeps our skin healthy. This is essential for people with diabetes, because they are prone to complications with all three, many of them serious.
Dandelion has the potential to ease symptoms of diabetes at low cost.
Specifically, it can lower the cholesterol, which is a major risk factor for the heart and liver complications of type 2 diabetes. This is essential because 80% of people with diabetes live in countries without high incomes.
As Chen et. al report in their article "Income-related inequalities in diagnosed diabetes prevalence among US adults, 2001−2018" the " burden of diabetes falls disproportionately on low-income populations."
In the United States, the people experiencing the strongest correlation between poverty and diabetes are Black and Latina women between the ages of 45-65.
These are the people who have the most to gain from dandelion medicine. It's free in most cases, can be cultivated even in small spaces, and it's cheap. It's identifiable even by children, and abundant nearly everywhere.
Dandelion reduces blood sugar through its caffeic, chicoric, and chlorogenic acid components. It also "effects glucose uptake directly and indirectly" through its "alkaloids, glycosides, amino acids, terpenoids, inorganic ions, steroids, carbohydrates, and galactomannan gum" components.
Importantly, Dandelion has extremely low toxicity.
Dandelion Vinegar
Many diabetics avoid alcohol. If you're not into alcohol, try this vinegar!
- Fresh dandelion tops
- Fresh dandelion leaves
- Dried dandelion roots
- Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother, if you can get your hands on some)
1. Clean a glass jar of your choice
2. Sterilize the jar with boiling water.
3. Let the jar dry
4. Wash your fresh ingredients so that they are completely free of dirt and bugs.
5. Grind all ingredients down as fine as you can using a clean coffee grinder, clean blender, or a mortar and pestle.
6. Fill cleaned and sterilized jar up halfway with Dandelion parts.
7. Cover Dandelion parts with vinegar, then fill jar up to 1/2-3/4inch from the top with vinegar.
8. Stir and release any air bubbles
9. Top with a plastic cap. If you have no plastic caps, use parchment paper between the metal of the jar top and the rim of the glass jar.
Works Cited
The Role and Anatomy of the Pancreas. Animated Pancreas Patient. Youtube. September 6, 2013. Accessed January 26, 2024. 
Article Source: Income-related inequalities in diagnosed diabetes prevalence among US adults, 2001−2018
Chen Y, Zhou X, Bullard KM, Zhang P, Imperatore G, et al. (2023) Income-related inequalities in diagnosed diabetes prevalence among US adults, 2001−2018. PLOS ONE 18(4): e0283450. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283450
Choi UK, Lee OH, Yim JH, Cho CW, Rhee YK, Lim SI, Kim YC. Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root and leaf on cholesterol-fed rabbits. Int J Mol Sci. 2010 Jan 6;11(1):67-78. doi: 10.3390/ijms11010067. PMID: 20162002; PMCID: PMC2820990.
Fan M, Zhang X, Song H, Zhang Y. Dandelion (Taraxacum Genus): A Review of Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effects. Molecules. 2023 Jun 27;28(13):5022. doi: 10.3390/molecules28135022. PMID: 37446683; PMCID: PMC10343869.
Gamboa-Gómez CI, Rocha-Guzmán NE, Gallegos-Infante JA, Moreno-Jiménez MR, Vázquez-Cabral BD, González-Laredo RF. Plants with potential use on obesity and its complications. EXCLI J. 2015 Jul 9;14:809-31. doi: 10.17179/excli2015-186. PMID: 26869866; PMCID: PMC4746997.
Kania-Dobrowolska M, Baraniak J. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L.) as a Source of Biologically Active Compounds Supporting the Therapy of Co-Existing Diseases in Metabolic Syndrome. Foods. 2022 Sep 15;11(18):2858. doi: 10.3390/foods11182858. PMID: 36140985; PMCID: PMC9498421.
Li J, Luo J, Chai Y, Guo Y, Tianzhi Y, Bao Y. Hypoglycemic effect of Taraxacum officinale root extract and its synergism with Radix Astragali extract. Food Sci Nutr. 2021 Feb 26;9(4):2075-2085. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2176. PMID: 33841825; PMCID: PMC8020951.
Li Y, Chen Y, Sun-Waterhouse D. The potential of dandelion in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases: A review. J Ethnopharmacol. 2022 Jul 15;293:115272. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2022.115272. Epub 2022 Apr 8. PMID: 35405251.
Pfingstgraf IO, Taulescu M, Pop RM, Orăsan R, Vlase L, Uifalean A, Todea D, Alexescu T, Toma C, Pârvu AE. Protective Effects of Taraxacum officinale L. (Dandelion) Root Extract in Experimental Acute on Chronic Liver Failure. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Mar 24;10(4):504. doi: 10.3390/antiox10040504. PMID: 33804908; PMCID: PMC8063808.
Sears B, Perry M. The role of fatty acids in insulin resistance. Lipids Health Dis. 2015 Sep 29;14:121. doi: 10.1186/s12944-015-0123-1. PMID: 26415887; PMCID: PMC4587882.
Seo SW, Koo HN, An HJ, Kwon KB, Lim BC, Seo EA, Ryu DG, Moon G, Kim HY, Kim HM, Hong SH. Taraxacum officinale protects against cholecystokinin-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jan 28;11(4):597-9. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i4.597. PMID: 15641154; PMCID: PMC4250819.
Suo C, Polanski K, Dann E, Lindeboom RGH, Vilarrasa-Blasi R, Vento-Tormo R, Haniffa M, Meyer KB, Dratva LM, Tuong ZK, Clatworthy MR, Teichmann SA. Dandelion uses the single-cell adaptive immune receptor repertoire to explore lymphocyte developmental origins. Nat Biotechnol. 2024 Jan;42(1):40-51. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01734-7. Epub 2023 Apr 13. PMID: 37055623; PMCID: PMC10791579.
Wirngo FE, Lambert MN, Jeppesen PB. The Physiological Effects of Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) in Type 2 Diabetes. Rev Diabet Stud. 2016 Summer-Fall;13(2-3):113-131. doi: 10.1900/RDS.2016.13.113. Epub 2016 Aug 10. PMID: 28012278; PMCID: PMC5553762.
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His patients very well-recognized his approach. He has specific protocols for treating autoimmune conditions with evidence-based practice. He has specialized in treating autoimmune condition diseases where Western medicine has a limitation of only managing the condition rather than reversing it. In addition, he has extensive knowledge in herbal plant cultivation processing and manufacturing 100 percent genuine Ayurvedic medicines. Within this 25+ year period in Dubai.
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All treatments are carried out under the supervision and consultation of Dr. Sathya and his team of experts, who specialize in evidence-based Ayurvedic management. The center is equipped with state of the art facilities and employs highly trained therapists and staff.
Colon hydrotherapy is a highly advanced and effective treatment offered by Dr. Sathya’s clinic. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment that helps remove toxins and waste from the colon, promoting better digestion and overall health.
Dr. Sathya’s center is committed to providing her patients with personalized and effective healthcare solutions. She believes in a holistic approach to healing that emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.
Ayursathya Ayurveda is the perfect destination for those seeking effective and personalized healthcare solutions. With a focus on functional medicine protocols and evidence-based Ayurvedic management, her center offers a comprehensive approach to healing and wellness.
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oldforestayurved · 7 months
Established in 2014, Old Forest is one of the best Ayurvedic companies that offer a quality tested range of herbal medicines at cost effective rates
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Ham Dard Di Abeat Capsules: A natural supplement for diabetes that helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve metabolism and prevent complications.
Hamdard Jigreen Syrup: A liver tonic that helps protect the liver from toxins, infections and inflammation. It also improves digestion, appetite and overall health.
Hamdard Iksir Shifa: A general tonic that helps boost immunity, vitality and stamina. It also helps fight infections, allergies and weakness.
Cipzer Araq-E-Mako: A natural liquid that helps improve memory, concentration and mental alertness.
Cipzer Habb-E-Pill: A natural pill that helps treat constipation, piles and fissures. It also helps improve bowel movement and digestion.
Cipzer Araq-E-Gaozaban Syrup: A natural syrup that helps calm the nerves, mind and heart. It also helps treat insomnia, headache and palpitation.
Cipzer Majoon-E-Jograj Gugal Paste: A natural paste that helps treat joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism. It also helps reduce inflammation, stiffness and swelling.
These are some of the best-selling Unani products on Health Mug that you can buy online at attractive prices. You can also get free consultations with experienced doctors in various fields such as Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Nutrition on Health Mug.
What is Unani Medicine?
Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece and was developed by Arab and Persian physicians. The foundation of Unani medicine is the idea that a person's health and disease are determined by their four humors blood, phlegm and black bile as well as their four temperaments sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholy. Unani medicine aims to balance the humors and temperaments by using natural remedies such as herbs, minerals, animal products, diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.
In India, unani medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of diseases, including kidney stones, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, skin ailments, and digestive problems. The Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) oversees unani medicine and is recognized by the Indian government.
Why Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Unani medicine might be worth a try if you're seeking for a holistic, natural way to improve your health. However, finding authentic and quality Unani products can be a challenge in today’s market. That’s why we recommend you to buy online Unani medicine with Health Mug.
Health Mug is an online platform that offers a wide range of genuine Unani products from reputed brands such as Hamdard, Baidyanath, Rex Remedies, New Shama Laboratories, Dehlvi Naturals, Qarshi Industries, and many more.  You can also search for specific products by name or by ingredients.
What are the Benefits of Buying Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Health Mug not only provides you with the best Unani products online but also gives you the benefits of free home delivery, easy payment options, secure transactions, discounts and offers, and customer support. You can also get free online consultations from experienced Unani practitioners who can guide you on the proper use and dosage of Unani products. You can also read reviews and ratings from other customers who have used Unani products and share your feedback.
Health Mug is your gateway to health with Unani medicine. Whether you want to prevent diseases, treat chronic conditions, or enhance your overall wellness, you can find the right Unani products for your needs at Health Mug.
How to Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Buying online Unani medicine with Health Mug is easy and convenient. You just need to follow these simple steps:
Visit Health Mug Website and select the category of Unani products you want to buy.
Browse through the product and add them to your cart.
Proceed to checkout and enter your delivery address and payment details.
Confirm your order and wait for your product to be delivered to your doorstep.
So what are you waiting for? Buy online Unani medicine with Health Mug today and experience the healing power of nature.
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bodyboostbro · 1 year
Bodyboostbros.com is a Professional Fitness Platform. Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. We’re dedicated to providing you the best of Fitness, with a focus on dependability and Fitness. We hope you enjoy our Fitness as much as we enjoy offering them to you.
In Bodyboostbros.com we discuss about:
Cardio Training & Fitness Technology, Cardio Training, Exercise Bikes, Rowers, Step Machines, Treadmills, Vibration Platform Machines, Exercise Machine Parts & Accessories, Exercise Machine Attachments, Treadmill Lubricants, Treadmill Replacement Parts, Fitness Technology, Activity & Fitness Trackers, App-Enabled Fitness Trackers, Heart Rate Monitors, Pedometers, Stopwatches, Clothing and Footwear, Clothing, Boys’ Activewear, Girls’ Activewear, Men’s Activewear, Women’s Activewear
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0witchy-bitch3 · 2 years
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Continuing with the drink spam as I’m finding them really fun to creat (and enjoy) Todays new experience was Kúmenkaffi, or Caraway coffee, from Iceland! The idea to add caraway seeds into my cafetière came without external research however once I tried it I decided to look it up because it was to delicious to be a unique concoction. And of course its a thing! The caraway adds a subtle sweetness and just elevates the coffee. I personally don’t take sugar in my coffee, or any of my drinks for that matter, but the seeds had a similar affect in cutting the tannin tastes. The best thing is thats its not an overpowering flavour in the slightest, its very harmonious. 100% recommend! ☕️✨
Like with most spices, caraway seeds come with health benefits that modern science can back up. But as with all things, do your research before adding large amounts into your diet. Caraway is an excellent source of, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, niacin and folate. But they are not a suitable supplement if you are deficient. Caraway seeds are also a good source of antioxidants, containing significant amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these are carotenoids. However one of the most interesting properties of caraway seeds is their ability to reduce chronic inflammation. Potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases linked to this type of inflammation, namely heart disease, arthritis and arthritis. However I have to stress that a couple spoons of seeds from your kitchen spice drawer are not going to win the fight against each individual’s genetic lottery. Caraway has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Which does not make it ideal for those with diabetes. In to large a quantity (a measurement that is relieve to each individual) caraway can therefore cause a person to become hypoglycaemic. Things like this is why its important to do though research before you add any significant amounts of any herb into your diet. There are many plants that have positive medicinal properties but nature is not a laboratory. There are countless factors that influence the potency and effects a herb can have on the human body and unlike modern synthesised medicine there is little to no regulation in dosage. If you are ever unsure about something either consult with a physician, do more research (taking into account bias) and think “is the person telling me this trying to sell me something” herbal and ‘natural’ remedies are a big market nowadays and in the pursuit of profit, side effects are glossed over. Folk medicine can interact with prescriptions, and just because something works well for other people doesn’t necessarily mean its suitable for you. Remember, lavender honey can help sooth a sore throat but it ain’t gonna do shit against pneumonia. Aloe vera can sooth a sunburn but it won’t fight sepsis. Stay safe, stay educated and support modern medicine xx (also get vaccinated its 2022)
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healthymushroom · 2 years
Health Advantages You May Not Be Aware Of But Should Be There are numerous advantages to eating mushrooms. Mushrooms are fungi that belong to the mushroom or umbrella forming species, which has over 140 thousand species. However, the ones being studied for potential health and nutritional benefits are insignificant.
Throughout history and in various locations, the mushroom has been given various names. Among the names mentioned are:
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The Healthiest Mushrooms
Before delving into the health benefits of mushrooms, it's a good idea for anyone who's interested to learn about the various types of mushrooms. This section contains information on the best cooking and medicinal mushrooms. It will also assist in educating people about the edible and highly beneficial mushrooms.
Mushroom Chaga The Inonotus Obliquus, also known as the chaga mushroom, resembles burnt charcoal or wood and lives as a parasite on birch trees and other trees. It has a lot of healthy benefits, as evidenced by its high ORAC score. ORAC, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity, measures a food's or ingredient's ability to protect the body from free radicals that cause breast cancer, liver disease, heart disease, and other diseases. The reishi mushroom (ganoderma lucidum), also known as red reishi or ling zhi, is important in Chinese herbal medicine because many people believe it has miraculous health benefits due to the miracle ganoderic acid. This medicinal item lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and helps with anxiety, hepatitis, insomnia, and cancer tumors.
Mushrooms, Oyster Pleorotus ostreatus has more applications than other types of mushrooms. The oyster mushroom, known as the most versatile, provides culinary, medicinal, and environmental benefits.
Mushrooms Shiitake Shiitake mushrooms have a meaty and versatile flavor that complements a variety of Asian dishes. Shiitake mushrooms are also high in B vitamins, which aid in the fight against cancer cells, infections, and cardiovascular disease.
Furthermore, shiitake aids in blood sugar control and is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Shiitake mushrooms contain all eight types of amino acids, which help with weight loss, muscle building, digestion, and overall wellness.
Mushroom Maitake Maitake (grifola frondosa) mushroom, also known as "hen of the woods," "king of mushrooms," "dancing mushroom," and sheep's head. It is a potent herbal remedy high in beta glucan and the maitake d-fraction that aids in the treatment of a variety of health conditions including cancer, high cholesterol, post-traumatic stress disorder, and others.
Other edible mushrooms that are safe to eat include agaricus blazei murill, white button mushrooms, and portobello mushrooms. Furthermore, the mushroom is known as Italian Brown Mushroom and Italian Mushroom in Italy.
Mushroom Maitake Maitake (grifola frondosa) mushroom, also known as "hen of the woods," "king of mushrooms," "dancing mushroom," and sheep's head. It is a potent herbal remedy high in beta glucan and the maitake d-fraction that aids in the treatment of a variety of health conditions including cancer, high cholesterol, post-traumatic stress disorder, and others. Other edible mushrooms that are safe to eat include agaricus blazei murill, white button mushrooms, and portobello mushrooms. Furthermore, the mushroom is known as Italian Brown Mushroom and Italian Mushroom in Italy.
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Mushroom Health Benefits You Should Know
#1 – Prevention of Breast and Prostate Cancer #2 – Prevention of Diabetes #3 – Strengthening of Bones #4 – Helps in Absorption #5 – Boosts the Immune System #6 – Controlling Blood Pressure #7 – Controlling Anemia #8 – Other Important Nutrients in Mushrooms
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