#gruvia forever
beargyufairy · 5 months
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You with the dark curls
You with the watercolor eyes
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vaniliens · 5 months
Trying to look for Lisanna gifs out here and dodging the ancient (Not really) nalu vs nali discourse and Jealous Evil Lisanna Characterization and FAILING.
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ship-ambrosia · 2 years
Sometimes I miss watching fairy tail for the first time & the anticipation of finding out what ridiculous outfit gray will be wearing next
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lei-z-fan · 4 months
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I am absolutely LIVING for this GRUVIA COVER!!! (It has been forever since we had any Gruvia content I am starved)
Not only that, Gruvia Cover Chapters with “Love” involved in the title 🤧🤧🤧🤧 like come on! I know Mashima Sensei gave us this for Valentine’s Day 🫶
This is DEFINITELY a Gruvia Date™️. Like come on lol an ICE CREAM DATE 💙🍨🩵‼️‼️‼️ Mega Ultra Gruvia Coded
I wanna see Gray indulge Juvia so bad 😭😭😭 We already know he has Brain Rot for her ‼️‼️
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thecatastrophic · 7 months
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“Can we always be this close forever and ever?” My Gruvia high school AU art.
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zolaliz · 2 months
Natsu stayed overnight to make sure Lucy was alright after she got drunk at the party (to make sure she knew it wasn’t all a dream. An intuition perhaps.)
Like everyone was so upset that they didn’t confess or start dating or etc but like. Everyone else, every other ship (minus gruvia) got a narrated scene/exchange and Nalu got a whole emotional “you changed me for the better” and “we’re going to be together forever” ending sequence w music and everything
It wasn’t an “almost confession” it WAS a confession (but it deffo was bait I find it hilarious)
Natsu was going to tell Lucy he loves her (duh) and then thought yknow what, we have all the time in the world- we’re gonna be together forever, so there’s no rush to confess and make things official (can y’all really see Natsu in a relationship rn anyway??)(Natsu and Lucy is so inherently queer cuz there is no way I can visualize their relationship being normal bf gf dynamics in canon but that’s a whole other story)(what they have works for each other. They’re in love and maybe not dating, maybe they are, maybe it’s unspoken, maybe sometimes they wish it wasn’t, but at the end of it all it’s forever for the two of them, and they can take their time, and we didn’t get a confession we practically got a wedding without the dumb wedding-ness of it, just some nice ole soulmate shit)
Brainrot is SO BAD cuz I’ve been watching while I animate for my thesis and aghhh I love them so much and I think the bait is hilarious bc their relationship is already so solid and practically undeniable
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konohamaru-sensei · 4 months
May I pretty please request Gruvia romantic prompt 1: absent-mindedly playing with their hair? I love the way you write the two of them!!
incredibly cute prompt thank you so much, you are a dear! i wanted som sugar today so I took the challenge immediately.
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Gray x Juvia
Rated: G
1656 words
The air in front of his eyes flickered and had Gray not already been sitting down he would have thought he was close to fainting. It was hot, oppressively hot and humid, the kind of hot and humidity of August that not even the prospect of summer festivals and fireworks could make it better. Gray was positively melting and he longed to pack his bag and march to Mount Hakobe for the next week or three or forever.
Each year he decided to go away over the summer, ditch his mission responsibilities and leave the heat of the city behind for the cool of forests and mountains, but he never did. There was always something that he felt like he needed to take care of and so he stayed. This year, it was the guildhall itself.
After a last encounter with a strong enemy half of the building had been ripped apart and though he would not technically been specifically needed for rebuilding efforts, he surely wanted to be there to help, such was in his nature. That, however, meant that he was forced to sit here and endure this heat.
That everyone but Erza was barely moving anywhere, desperate to reside in the shadow that the guild hall provided, did not surprise Gray. It did not surprise him either, that Natsu was loudly explaining to Lucy that he didn’t find it particularly hot. It did give Gray murderous fantasies, but it did not surprise him.
As always she had sat herself down right next to him, their knees touching under the table. There had been a time in which Gray had always moved away from her when she did that, but he had long since given up. Still, he was used to her talking to him, asking him questions, especially when he was feeling as miserable as he did today. On this day, however, Juvia had only asked him if he wanted some water, brought both of them a glass and then, promptly, fallen asleep on the table right next to him.
Juvia was always connected to the water that was her magic of choice. Gray too liked ice and never felt cold because of it, but his body wasn’t ice. He could only use it. Juvia was different, her whole approach to magic was different, she could become liquid at will, of course Gray had known this, but he had never wondered about how it might impact her when she felt dried out.
Her sleeping face, the little droplets of sweat under her hat almost made her look like a half dried out plant. For stupid second he wondered if emptying a glass of water over her might wake her up and then realised that throwing a glass of water in someone else's face was not only incredibly rude, it would also wake anyone up. Water magic or not.
She must be hot under that hat of hers, Gray thought and followed one of the curled blue strands of hair up to where it disappeared below it. Probably it would be easier for her if she would give herself some air to breathe, and that included the head. Slowly, not to wake her, he reached with arm around the back of her head and pulled the thing off.
“Gray-sama,” Juvia sighed and Gray’s heart stopped for a moment thinking he had failed in letting her sleep. When he looked down at her face however, she was still in deep sleep, chest heaving slowly with the rhythm of her breaths. He could feel his face redden. She was apparently dreaming of him.
Nevermind that, he thought to himself and leaned back, his right hand still hovering over the back of her head. He had thoroughly messed up her hair by pulling the hat off so disorderly, strands of curls now hanging down all over her face and in all directions on her head. Still, he could basically see the heat emitting from her body now that she was a little lighter dressed.
Juvia always wore so many clothes. Gray picked up one of her strands and put it behind her ear where it belonged. He had noticed that many times. Even in heat she often wore the long blue coats, hats and skirts as if she was hiding behind them. He didn’t mind, of course, since she could wear whatever made her comfortable, he couldn’t help but wonder though how she could wear anything as warm at the beach or in this humidity.
Gray himself didn’t care for clothes, he ran hot at all times and they made him feel uncomfortable and sweaty, but he also didn’t feel like he had anything to hide. He had wondered often before if Juvia wore as much because of something that had once happened to her, something that kept her guarded to other people onlooking. Sure, he could have asked her that, but it seemed very private. He sorted some of the hair on the top of her head, all out of control and everywhere. 
“Gray-sama,” she sighed again and moved a little. He halted with one of her locs curled around his finger and checked again. It was still just sleep talk.
Maybe she slept poorly too. Gray had never thought about how water and her were symbiotic like this, how her feeling tired might be related to her not drinking enough or feeling too hot. In the future he would have to always remind himself to bring extra water when they went on missions together. Or maybe learn how to extrapolate water from his ice magic if necessary.
She wiggled her nose, which looked cute on her. He could feel something in his stomach turn, but ignored it until she wiggled her nose again. It really was very cute. As he looked closer at her, Gray realised that it was another rogue strand of her that was seemingly tickling her nose. He reached out to take it between two careful fingers so he could get it out of her way.
“Gray-sama…” Juvia murmured and he felt the heat on his cheeks. Was she always dreaming of him or was that the same dream? And why did that matter?
He pushed turned the strand around his finger like Natsu sometimes did when he curled Lucy’s hair for her. When he was about to release it and pull it behind her ear he realised that Juvia had stopped steadily breathing. And that blue eyes were watching his hand move.
The last one had not been sleep talk, Gray realised and pulled his hand away quicker than the speed of light. Juvia was blinking at him, her eyes still seemingly heavy from sleep. Hopefully she had been too sleepy to notice what was going on. How to explain this creepy behaviour? He felt hot in his face and at the end of his fingers. 
“What… Gray-sama, what were you doing?” she yawned.
Gray could not look at her, the embarrassment already ate on his insides: “Just… uh, there was something on your face. Uh, a… uh… butterfly.” Oh my, he really was a champion at thinking on his feet.
“That is really odd, Juvia doesn’t think they are very active during a heat like this,” Juvia tapped her nose. Gray frowned and looked away. “But if Gray-sama says so I’m sure it's true.” Damn it woman, he thought, don’t believe every stupid lie I tell you.
To mask how hard his heart was beating he picked up the hat that he had laid down beside her. “This fell off. I guess you felt a little too warm under it.” He offered it back to her.
Juvia looked at it as if she was considering the heat angle and then immediately put it back on. Gray felt hot just looking at her with it again. Desperate to change the subject he asked: “You always wear so much. How do you not feel hot today?” In the end he was curious why she chose to wear the clothes she wore.
Like a wounded animal, her large blue eyes narrowed. “Gray-sama does not like Juvia's clothing”, she concluded and quickly her eyes glistened round and teary. “Gray-sama only wants women with no clothes.”
He would have fared better if he hadn’t said anything. Maybe he should have just admitted that he had tried to pull a strand of hair out of her face. Would that have been embarrassing? Probably! But it would have been better than what she was thinking of him now.
“No!” he said so decidedly that even Juvia seemed taken aback. “I don’t mind what you wear. I’m just worried you’d be too warm.”
Her face immediately lit up. “Gray-sama was worried about Juvia?” she asked and there was way too much excitement in her voice for that question.
Gray knew that the warmth of his cheeks had absolutely nothing to do with the heat around him. “Ugh,” he made and pushed the bench back so he could get up. “I’m going for a walk.” He did not feel like moving at all in this heat, but there was no way he could stay here now.
“Can Juvia come?” He had anticipated the question and yet his lips curled when it came. Juvia, 5 minutes ago so sleepy that she had bought his lie about the butterfly hook, line and sinker now looking at him wide awake, that sparkle in her eyes that she always had when looking at him.
He turned away from her. “I can’t stop you. Do as you wish.” Though he sounded harsh, he subconsciously walked very slowly, leaving his right arm hanging down so she could take it as she always did. His heart jumped once her chest pressed against his elbow. Gray kept on looking forward, staring at the flickering air of the city to hide how red he felt.
Ah damn. Whatever.
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itsaemjay · 11 months
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Every time I've tried to upload on here it's failed so I've not been posting but I think it's finally worked!
Anyway I'm doing the colour wheel challenge and as it was Fairy Tail day last week I started with my blue character who is my fave anime character Juvia!
I'll hopefully be able to upload the rest now!
Anyway Gruvia Stan forever!
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bumblebeehug · 2 years
im honestly looking forward to see what mashima has in plan for nalu. the story so far hasn’t been nalu-focused since other aspects have been dealt with (gruvia, progression of story etc) so i feel like the future has a lot in store.
i don’t think mashima is going to write the nalu endgame poorly. like, sure, these past arcs haven’t been great on the writing of nalu - fan service and barely any relationship building - but let’s be real, even if it’s mostly fan service in order to keep the nalu readers, the story haven’t given much for Natsu and Lucy to work with. They’re on a job that calls for 99% of their attention - not even a child in edolas is a good enough excuse for any of them to lose focus on the job.
i think many aspects of what’s been brought up so far will come back when they’re in crisis. talking calmly about things has never been Natsu and Lucy’s thing, they go with the flow and learn how to deal with things in the moment, so it doesn’t make sense for them to go through what gruvia has been going through (in comparison) (which i shouldn’t try to compare cuz Gray is in a completely other mental state than Lucy and Natsu, and his love story with Juvia has been about finally admitting to himself that he loves her. Natsu and Lucy don’t stand for the same time pressure - Gray had to come with an answer because he understood that Juvia couldn’t wait forever. Natsu and Lucy are completely willing to wait forever for the other one - and since they don’t have anything to make them realise that their time and possibilities are limited, they won’t make any moves on each other.)
this became longer than i meant it to be lmao, anyways i trust mashima with fairy tail. he’ll probably possibly maybe want to give his fans a story we all can love while also staying true to the fairy tail agenda
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fairydares · 9 months
Reminiscing on the Hard Road (A Gruvia Fic)
Rating: M
Summary: While on his way to a mission, Gray reflects on the hardships, tears, battles, and triumphs which led to him and Juvia finding their happiness together. (Or: the story of how they finally, officially got together told through memories).
AO3 Link ; FFNet Link
Words: ~8,000
Warnings: Please read with caution as this contains adult themes & situations (though nothing explicit). Also swearing and allusions to mental illness, dissociation and depression symptoms especially. Man this feels like the end of a drug commercial. Enjoy!
AN: I realized how long it'd been since I updated Chasing Tails and was feeling really bad about it. I'm so sorry, guys! I've just been really busy! I don't have time to get Chapter 5 up tonight, but I do have the time to share this Gruvia piece I wrote a while ago as a karmic sort of apology.
With that in mind, this is a bit of a rough, long one-shot. It comes from a chapter in a larger, mostly Nalu-focused fic which I may or may not ever actually finish writing. Sooo it's not even really a one-shot so much as it's, like, a segment of a chapter from one. I also barely had time to clean it up ever so slightly.
However, I thought Gruvia fans would appreciate anyway. Maybe one day, I'll write the whole thing because I honestly think it could be a story, or maybe a series of drabbles? This is all you kids get for now, though, lol. no fucks given (just kidding this will keep me up nights.)
Ignoring Natsu's whining about still being motion sick from beside him, Gray buried his hands in his pockets and let his eyes engage in their favorite past-time: roaming the curves of the blue-haired woman walking in front of him.
Him and Juvia had officially been together for over half a year, but his eyes still snagged on the same places they always had. The sway of her blue hair, now long enough to partly obscure the pinch of her waist and flare of her hips with each swish. The pretty, cute flush that lived on her cheeks as she listened attentively to Erza, who was chattering about a famous desert shop in the area. The way shadow and light shifted over the curve of her rear. And—forever his most favorite—the exposed skin of her legs. Long, toned, moon white...and fucking perfect.
Gray felt his cheeks heat, but couldn't find it in himself to drag his eyes away. The solidness and length of their relationship did absolutely nothing to diminish the novelty of her beauty, like he might once have feared it would. Instead, it hypnotized him more surely than ever. Noticing all the men drooling over her figure as they walked past, Gray was aware of the sting of possessiveness and annoyance which rose in his chest, but was also easily able to ignore it.
He was as comfortable as any guy with a stunning girlfriend could be in his own jealousy, these days. More shockingly, so was Juvia, a fact that was plain from the way she shot only perfunctory glares at the women eyeing him and whispering to each other as they passed.
As he stared at her back, his lips quirked ever so slightly. It had taken time, tears, and work—more work than he could ever have anticipated—to get to this point in their relationship. But work had never been more worth it.
His mind wandered to reminiscence. To where it had all started, when they had started, after the 100-Year Quest had ended and he'd finally—with Lucy, Levy, and Erza's help—managed to ask Juvia to be his girlfriend.
"Not just 'yours'," Levy had insisted, explaining that phrasing would confuse her. "Your girlfriend."
He'd actually fought them on it. Not really because he had a problem with commitment anymore (okay, it was a little embarrassing, but not too much) but because the words "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" felt ridiculous, considering everything they'd been through. How deeply he cared about her. For crying out loud, they'd tried to kill themselves for each other. He'd kill for her, die for her, and—most importantly—he would live for her. Beyond making his ears feel like they were going to melt off, the word "girlfriend" felt trite.
But when Lucy and Levy demanded to know if that meant he was going to propose, he'd balked. Actually, having the m-word shoved right up against his nose kind of made his soul flee his body. As ready as he was for a romantic relationship, he wanted to go through the actual experience of having one. Like, with all the steps involved. In order. He was at the point in his life that he wanted it more than anything.
More importantly, he wanted to give Juvia that experience. He was determined to do right by her.
With the girls' reality check, and the point they'd made that ambiguity might make Juvia jump to the wrong conclusion or even hurt her, they'd convinced him. He'd been committed to making his long-awaited confession as special for Juvia as possible, complete with saying any embarrassing words she wanted to hear.
Gray still hadn't felt worthy of the love she gave him. He still struggled to believe he was a man who could protect her. But after everything he'd been through during the 100-Year-Quest, seeing how much she'd missed him the whole time, and his talk with Juvina-sama, he'd understood it was completely unfair to ask Juvia to wait for him to decide he was worthy enough to love her openly. He also wasn't above admitting that Juvina-sama's suggestion that she wouldn't wait forever had disquieted some irrational part of him enough to make him antsy, impatient to make absolutely sure they were exclusive.
He'd been completely flustered throughout his confession, but known it had gone as right as it could. Lucy, Levy, and Erza—who thought they'd been slick, hiding in a nearby bush to watch him confess—had agreed. (Lucy had annoyed him to no end by teasing him over how "adorable" he'd been.)
And yet...Juvia's response hadn't been quite what Gray hoped. Lucy hadn't noticed it, but he had. He didn't know exactly when it had happened, but at some point, he'd learned to read the Water Mage like an open book. For how sincere a person she was—a trait he was all too familiar with—Juvia could also be surprising, even mysterious. As transient as water, with hidden depths you'd never know a thing about unless you were willing to dive beneath the surface.
When Gray confessed, he'd braced himself for joyous screaming. He'd planned to freeze a literal flood of tears before it could wash them both away. He'd been prepared to get a concussion from how hard she'd glomp him in the street. But while she had said yes, demurely accepted the roses, and hugged him plenty tight...her response had been subdued. In hindsight, he could see the pattern her reaction fit: the way her gaze had dropped to the street despite her happy flush, the hesitant, nervous gleam in her eyes, the limited verbal response.
The only times she'd ever acted that way had been when he actually reciprocated some of her affection. When he'd promised to give her a straight answer, after he defeated END. When he'd given her a one-armed hug and said he was glad her "body" was safe, after he'd saved her from that wood bastard.
Something had been wrong. But when the girls who'd spied on him only gushed afterwards, not seeming to have noticed anything off, he'd shrugged off his concerns, assuming it was his own lack of romantic literacy. He'd been nervous, but also really excited to learn.
But as their relationship officially began...it quickly became obvious that there was a problem, and that a one-sided approach to fixing it just wasn't going to cut it.
Juvia had always been prone to mood swings severe enough to make Gray's head spin, but as soon as they started dating, her mood seemed to sink. He'd try to ask her about it only for her to put on an obviously fake, cheery front and insist she was fine.
At first, he was sure it must be his fault. He'd had no idea what he was doing wrong. At that point, the guilt he felt for not taking Juvia's feelings seriously for so long, for abandoning her in Amefurashi Village, and for nearly letting her die in an attempt to save him had been taking a serious toll on him. The guilt had sometimes left him ragged. Every time she seemed down, he beat himself up and tried to do better. Talking, dates, spending time together (even when it meant ditching missions he really wanted to go on with the team), accepting her gifts and acting happy about them (no matter how much they creeped him out).
But the more he'd tried to make up for everything, the worse it seemed to get. He watched her frustration rise as he tried to be more openly affectionate, her denials that she was frustrated getting louder. More and more, she gave, but when he gave back, she'd look ready to explode or burst into tears.
What had made everything come to a head was the sex. A surprise in itself. For all the ways their relationship had suffered, sex had never been one of them. It'd started back in the cabin they shared in Amefurashi Village. From the first night they'd moved in together, Juvia had not-so-surprisingly tried to edge her way into Gray's bed constantly. She'd use excuses of cold weather, make puppy eyes, and sew nauseatingly pink coupley bed sheets to try to lure him (when, he still had no idea).
Meanwhile, he struggled more and more to pretend he didn't find (most of) her antics adorable. Not to mention incredibly tempting. Things escalated to where he'd feel his excitement rising towards the end of their daily training sessions, to the point his body became conditioned to react when he saw the damn sun set.
He also felt increasing dread at the notion of having to turn Juvia down—and for having to sneak out in the middle of every night to "take care" of the problem she always left him with (cold showers didn't exactly work for an Ice Wizard).
Finally, one night, she'd pouted and whined that she was sore from training and begged for a massage. Gray didn't know if it was the fact she was asking him for something instead of offering; the unbelievably cute, sparkly-eyed, hopeful glances she kept sneaking at him; or the fact he could tell she actually was sore from the way her face would pinch as she attempted to stretch provocatively in front of him, but his resolve had shattered.
Before he could think and without a word, he'd lifted his covers and held her gaze, not bothering to hide the dark promise in his eyes.
Her reaction had been priceless. He'd never forget it.
His acceptance seemed to knock the breath straight out of her. Her eyes had gone round as saucers, staring into his eyes like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her cheeks had darkened. She'd stood stunned for so long that he'd started to get nervous, wondering if she'd only been being playful all this time, not really meaning to come on to him or maybe not expecting him to ever accept. But just as he'd been trying to field the disappointment sinking his heart and trying to think of how to promise he wouldn't do anything she didn't want, she'd hesitantly approached the bed, trembling.
After giving her the massage she'd asked for, he'd rewarded her bravery three times over.
After that, for the very first time, the dynamic of their relationship shifted in one, important way—the one which would force him to finally confront his own heart:
In terms of their physical relationship, he became the more dominant one. In this one aspect of their shared life, he chased. Gray flustered Juvia. He hadn't been able to get enough. What had once been a relentless, one-sided pursuit (one where she had, admittedly, been gaining on him without his notice) became a dance which had addicted him before he knew it.
The notion of reciprocating her feelings had once had him running for the hills. So it had been a huge shock to learn just how much he liked it.
She was so obviously happy and disbelieving that first time he slipped her clothes off in the moonlit dark, cursing over her beauty. Utterly awestruck when he'd seen to her pleasure (twice, he still liked to remember proudly) before even considering his own. Sex was the first time he heard her speak in the first-person, the first time she said his name without adding "-sama" (since that battle in the rain, anyway.)
It was when he lost himself in her soft skin, her passion, and her pleasure that some part of him was able to accept the truth she'd had the grace to surrender to from the very beginning.
The shift in their sex life was also when he'd started to twig something wasn't right between them. After Alvarez was when he'd started it back up. His plan had been to wait until he was able to reciprocate her feelings verbally, like he'd promised, but almost losing her had broken him in a way some part of him would never truly recover from. Between that and his final, full acceptance of his own feelings, there'd been no restraining himself. He'd come onto her with all the subtlety of a freight train the second they were alone.
Even then, something hadn't been quite right. She hadn't been herself, quiet enough that—even as...compromised as his critical thinking skills had been, at the time, and even in his heightened emotional state—he'd noticed. He'd pulled back and asked if she was okay, but when her response had simply been to drag him back in for a kiss that made his knees weak, he'd taken it as a yes and matched her passion enthusiastically.
She kept staying quiet in bed. It bothered the hell out of him, and he badgered her about it more than once, but would ultimately let it go when she insisted she was fine. In his defense, there had been a lot of reasons she could've become subdued. They had just fought a war. They were all exhausted from fixing the town and working to build peace in Fiore.
But after the 100-Year Quest and after his confession, she got even weirder. He noticed it all the time, in every aspect of their relationship, but it was especially noticeable in bed, when they were so close to each other, both completely vulnerable.
When they'd cohabitated, he'd almost always been the one to start something. He'd enjoyed that. He'd even (hell, especially) enjoyed the way she'd flirt, pretend to be oblivious to his advances, pout and blush and make him impress her, coax him to the brink of losing his mind before finally caving to both of their desires. Those times where he went from prey to predator had balanced their entire relationship, satisfying both of them.
Gray wasn't some slimeball who needed sex, but he did need some balance in their dynamic. The private, physical side of their relationship was just where it'd happened to play out. It could've played out anywhere in their relationship, if they were off sex for a while for whatever reason.
But as soon as they became official, it became clear she'd fight tooth and nail to make sure that never happened.
She came onto him. Every. Single. Time. He'd been a little surprised, but happy enough. At first. But as he pushed her to talk to him harder and she denied louder, he'd started to guess that something was genuinely, really wrong.
She didn't speak in the first-person when they were intimate, any more. She didn't drop the "-sama." Even worse, he started to suspect she was seducing him even when she wasn't really in the mood. Almost like she felt like she had to.
It had been one such time when he finally flipped his shit. Even now, walking behind her and appreciating her curves, the memory made his mood falter a little.
He regretted how he'd handled things. It shamed him to remember how he'd all but shoved her off him and refused to do anything else with her until she was ready to tell him whatever the hell was going on inside that crazy, watery head of hers. It was an ultimatum. A cruelly-put one, at that. He hadn't realized just how hurt and angry he was until the words flew out of his mouth.
Juvia had opened up, alright.
In fact, she'd exploded.
They'd screamed at each other, horrible things Gray could hardly stand to repeat even in his own head. She'd demanded that he quit wasting both their time and leave her again, like they both knew he would. He'd asked how stupid she could be to think he'd do that, when he was obviously dedicated enough to put up with her psycho stalker gifts. She'd retorted that her "psycho stalker gifts" didn't seem to have any affect on his libido. He'd yelled that she was the one jumping his bones, ever since he'd asked her out. She'd said that was because she actually cared about his happiness, implying that was something he'd never understand.
She'd ended the black, ugly fight with four hoarse words that ripped his heart out of his chest: "This is over, Gray-sama!"
His apartment door had slammed behind her.
He'd been too shocked and devastated to do anything but watch her go, not even managing to stagger to the door and chase after her until she was long-gone. Black curse power had swirled across his skin as he pelted to the guild, growling in frustration when he didn't find her there. Then he'd run all the way to the female dorms at Fairy Hills only to be deterred by Erza, who met him at the gate. She hadn't known anything about his and Juvia's fight, but she'd been drawn by his yelling.
His older sister figure had knocked him out "for his own good."
The next afternoon, Gray had woken up in his own bed. Not bothering to see if he was dressed (it would turn out he wasn't) he'd booked straight to the guild only to be devastated by the news that Juvia had taken a long-term S-class quest just that morning, news which was delivered by a sympathetic Mira.
Sure that it was over, that he'd ruined everything, he'd drunk himself sick—then kept drinking, swinging fists at anyone and everyone who tried to console him until, finally, in the wee hours of the next morning, Gajeel managed to knock him out of it.
The hostility, Gray had expected. Gajeel was Juvia's best friend; of course he was angry to learn that Gray had done something to upset her so much, she'd left for a Quest that could take months or even years to finish without so much as a word to Gajeel or any of their other comrades.
What did surprise Gray was the understanding Gajeel eventually showed.
Gray got his ass knocked flat by the Iron Dragon Slayer. From his back on the ground, he started to spit out what happened. With each word, the larger man had visibly calmed. After enough had come out, he'd awkwardly helped Gray to his feet (his own, gruff brand of apology.) He'd helped Gray sober up, then he'd given him a pep talk.
He'd refused to explain his own guesses as to what was going on with Juvia, insisting "who knows what goes on in that water witch's head." But he'd also insisted that whatever was going on, it for damn sure wasn't what Gray thought, which was that he'd hurt her too badly for her to love him anymore.
"She's obsessed with you," the man had said, scowling in disgust. "She's always been obsessed with you. She's way too stubborn to let it go that easy. It's annoying."
By six AM, Gajeel Redfox—of all people—had talked Gray into chasing after the love of his life. He'd even used his Iron Magic to create a lockpick which got them into the archive room, where they'd found Mira's records...and Juvia's location.
He'd barely had the time to register the irony of her quest's location before he was gone, shooting Gajeel a gruff "thanks" over his shoulder and running home to pack.
It'd been raining when he finally walked into Amefurashi Village.
He hadn't consciously known where to start looking when he arrived, but his feet—following some combination of muscle memory and the fate he'd fought for so long—had carried him to the place where the word "home" had changed for him: the cabin he and Juvia had shared. Where they'd grown together. Taken care of each other.
Where he'd left her. Hurt her. Even if most of the reason to do so was because he wanted to protect her, he couldn't stop hating himself for that.
She was standing outside the place, drenched and shivering, when he got there. As if sensing his arrival as surely as he'd known where to find her, Juvia had turned to look at Gray with eyes that were glassy above flushed cheeks. She'd wavered on her feet.
As soon as she'd whispered his name, she'd toppled. Gray's bag had landed in a puddle with a splashy thunk. He'd lunged to catch her like his life depended on it.
Shouting her name had earned him no response, but pressing the back of his hand to her forehead had been enough to convince him that she had a seriously high fever.
Strangely, as worried as he'd been about her, he hadn't even thought to bring her back to Wendy or seek a nearer healer. In hindsight, he was sure that deep down, he'd realized it would do no good; she wasn't physically ill, but heartsick, just as he was. He'd felt lower than the mud gathering around his boots.
He'd been surprised to discover that he had to break into their old home, and rapidly deduced that Juvia hadn't been staying at their old cabin even though she'd been standing outside of it, both from that fact and the fact that none of her stuff was there.
As soon as he lay her in the bed which had once been his before becoming theirs, she'd begun shivering. For the first time in his life, Gray cursed that he was an Ice Wizard instead of a Fire Wizard.
He'd run outside, grabbed his bag, then come back in—only to curse again when he unclasped the bag only to discover that all its contents were soaked. Thinking quickly, he'd stripped his wet clothes, then hers. He'd climbed into bed with her.
"'M sorry, Gray-sama..." she'd slurred her sleep. "Juvia's so sorry...Juvia had to...I just had to..."
He'd shushed her, rubbing her arms to try to warm her up. "It's okay, Juvia. I know, my love. It's okay..."
He'd kept holding her and whispering soft comfort to her until she'd finally stopped shivering, at which point his frantic worry had abated enough that he could fully admit to himself how good it felt to have her in his arms, her skin against his. How warm she was. How perfectly she fit against him. How much he missed her. She was right there, as close as another person could ever be to him. Yet with how things had been between them lately and how lost she was to fever, he'd never felt further away.
Apparently, he'd fallen asleep at some point, because when he awoke, it was to the rising sun blazing at him from the center of the cabin window. Ignoring his body's reaction to waking up in the arms of the very naked, beautiful woman he happened to be in love with, Gray had instantly dropped his hand to Juvia's forehead, sighing in relief when it became clear her fever had reduced. She wasn't better, but she was getting there.
Quickly figuring out what needed done, he'd dropped a tender kiss to her warm forehead, murmuring a threat against her sweaty hairline: "You'd better not even think of running away again, crazy woman. We are going to talk when I get back."
Gray had dressed, glanced back, and left. He'd met up with he client—a rich and unfortunately good-looking asshole about Gray's age who was way too disappointed Juvia, herself, wasn't the one who'd shown up. Through gritted teeth, Gray informed the bastard it would be a couple days before he and his partner (he was sure to emphasize those words several times) would be able to begin investigating the dark guild threatening the area, as she'd fallen ill.
It annoyed him to no end that the creep seemed genuinely concerned about this, trying to insert himself, demand to see her, and attempting to coax Gray into revealing her location (Gray couldn't help the pleasure and hope which rose in his chest, when he learned she hadn't told this guy wherever it was she was staying; obviously, she'd had no interest in sharing that information.)
The client had thrown a rich boy tantrum when Gray refused to tell him anything, but ultimately let him go when Gray promised Juvia would be there in a couple days (not bothering to mention that he would absolutely be there, too.)
He'd gone to pick up medicine and food. He'd grabbed all the ingredients he could remember for something hearty, mild, and delicious she used to make him when they lived together, a chicken stew that tasted like something he could remember from childhood. Those ingredients, medicine, ginger tea...anything he could think of that might help her feel better, he purchased, barely noting price.
Juvia had been waiting on the porch wrapped only in a blanket when he returned, flushed with both fever and anger.
They'd both been pissed at each other. While Gray locked horns with Juvia's amorous creep of a client, she had apparently been discovered by the landlord who owned their old cabin and only barely managed to talk him out of his anger, ultimately having to pay double their old monthly rent to keep him from calling the authorities—all while wrapped only in a blanket.
A brief yelling match had ensued. It ended when Juvia began coughing rather violently, Gray dropping his groceries in the mud to run to her. Even as she insisted she was fine, he'd ushered her into the cabin, forcing her to sit before he went back out to grab the food he'd bought.
Her face had gone funny when he began grouchily unloading chicken, rice, broth, veggies, and herbs. When he (somewhat defensively) asked what the hell she was staring at, she'd haltingly asked if he'd bought all of that for her. Exasperated, he'd told her of course he had, she'd had him worried sick.
The groceries had been abandoned when she burst into tears.
It had taken several minutes of heart-wrenching sobs on Juvia's part and coaxing on Gray's for the conversation to actually begin.
During their ugly fight in his apartment, she'd exploded.
Here, in the lonely home they'd once shared, she imploded.
While the groceries thawed and dripped on the kitchen counter, Juvia sobbed the whole, messy, painful truth into his chest. She told him everything. She told him how, deep down, she'd always known she wasn't worthy of having her love reciprocated by him. It had been true from the moment they'd met, when she'd been part of Phantom Lord, but remained true no matter how long she'd been at Fairy Tail. That was how she'd put it: "I always knew I wasn't worthy of Gray-sama's love." Not only because of her past, but because of how annoying she was. How gloomy. How creepy and obnoxious.
Gray hadn't even had time to express his horror at the fact she thought those things before she'd been plowing on, her tears only getting thicker and her words only making his heart sink lower.
She said knowing she didn't deserve his love had turned to knowing she didn't deserve to love him at all, when she'd killed Keyes to free Gray's father from his undead life. But even though "Gray-sama had been wonderful enough to forgive Juvia," she'd continued to hate herself, deep down.
She told him that sharing a life in the cabin they were currently in had, for her, been the sweetest kind of torture. That she'd never been so happy—and never felt more undeserving. For the first time, she told him that she'd only had one lover before Gray, some piece of shit named "Bora" who'd never cared about her or her pleasure. Gray had been nothing like him, attentive, caring, and as invested in her pleasure as he was in his own. At first, feeling so cared for had been as overwhelming as it was amazing, but by the time Gray started to pull away from her for his mission, the overwhelmed feelings had slowly begun to fade, letting her forget everything but the happiness she felt with him.
Juvia told him that the day he abandoned her to infiltrate Avatar, everything which she'd started to believe could feel right began to feel wrong, and everything which had felt wrong began to feel right. She'd never felt she deserved to be loved by Gray the way she loved him. Being left by him had, in a horrible way, made her feel like the world was how it was supposed to be.
But it had also ripped her apart.
It had destroyed any confidence she'd begun to gain in herself.
She told him that she resented being abandoned. Resented not being told about his mission to infiltrate a Dark Guild, not just because of their relationship, but because she had once been in a Dark Guild, and could potentially have helped his and Erza's Mission. She'd not only felt betrayed on a personal level, but disrespected as a Mage with no small amount of skill and experience.
It was a side to the issue which he had, shameflly, never considered.
He was mortified when she'd finally let herself chastise him for this—especially when he'd tried to defend himself by bringing up details of his mission only to be instantly struck down and ripped apart by someone who was, in fact, very obviously more knowledgeable about the inner workings of Dark Guilds than either he or Erza ever had been. Hell, Juvia could probably have run the mission almost as well as Jellal had.
For the first time, he saw just how beneficial it would have been to have her on board, despite Erza urging him not to get her involved. He should've gone against her orders, asked forgiveness instead of permission. Over the course of that one conversation, it was clear that having her on board would have shortened the length of their mission by probably several months.
But worse than the benefits they'd missed out on, in infiltrating Avatar, worse than the fact that she resented him, was her admission that she hated herself for that resentment.
She'd apologized. So many times. Too many times to count. Each apology was another crack in Gray's heart. He'd tried to ask her to stop, but they'd just kept slipping out anyway. It was like she couldn't help it.
She'd told him that over time, as she got to know the other women in Fairy Tail—Lucy, Cana, and Levy—she'd realized just how unworthy she was of the care Gray held for even just his friends. She just hadn't been forced to confront her own lacking sense of self-worth...until he openly reciprocated her feelings.
She said that the second he confessed, part of her felt wrong. Like she'd donned someone else's skin—someone who was worth being loved by Gray. Her guilt, her knowledge that she wasn't worthy of him, her bitterness, her self-hatred...all of it had come rushing to the surface.
She told him that, as unworthy as she'd felt, she'd been too selfish to reject him. Too angry at the thought of him being with someone else. Her own selfishness made her feel even worse than before. She'd been determined to be worthy of him, and so she had sought to pay every ounce of love he gave her three times over. At least.
It hadn't made her feel any better. No matter how hard she tried to be sure to pay him back, every time Gray took her on a date or made love to her, it made her skin crawl, because she didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve his love, his affection, or even his attention. He deserved better, and she was nowhere close to deserving him. She never would be.
If there had been even one last, single sliver of a doubt as to how he felt about this woman, it died then and there. Nothing—not his own guilt, being screamed at, or being broken up with—nothing could hurt worse than being made aware of what a hard time she was having. Learning just how badly she'd been dissociating during all their most precious moments. How much pain she was in. How little she thought of herself. How deep her scars ran.
He'd have given anything to take her pain away. He'd have given anything to change it. Right then, he couldn't think of a single thing he wouldn't have done to make her see herself as he saw her: the energetic, caring, fierce Mage he'd come to know. The woman who always eclipsed everything else for just a second, the first time he saw her every day.
He'd wanted to tell her all that, and more. He wanted to apologize. He'd wanted to tell her how badly he missed her after he'd left her here, that this place had been home for him, too. He'd wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, that no day without her smile even felt real, but his voice had been stuck behind a lump of misery and all he'd been able to do, for a very long time, was lay in their bed and hold her while she cried the rest of it out. He wasn't too ashamed to admit he lost a couple tears in her hair, too.
Over the twilight of time it had taken for her sobs to turn hoarse, then to whimpers, then sniffles, guilt, emotional exhaustion, an anguish washed over Gray in their turn.
Until finally, he hardened all of those feelings into resolve.
"I'm really thankful that you're here. For always being beside me..."
Those were the words Gray had said to her before Alvarez, and he'd meant them. For years, Juvia had done nothing but be there for him. Even when he didn't want her there, she stayed right next to him, quietly piecing together his heart and his trust. It killed him that the woman who'd confronted him with her love, made him face down his own weakness, always thought of him, and helped him so much more than he could ever truly thank her for had been hiding so much of her own pain. He wished she would have told him any of this all the times he'd pushed and asked.
But he couldn't blame her for that. Maybe she hadn't opened up to him before then, but her mentions of her days in Phantom and of that shithead ex of hers had driven home, with stark clarity, a realization he wished he'd made a lot sooner: Juvia didn't know how to open up like Gray had tried to demand, because she hadn't grown up somewhere like Fairy Tail.
Unlike Gray and Natsu and the others, she hadn't been taught to bare her pain, hadn't always known there would be someone to listen to her, cry with her, be on her side. While Gray had been fought, teased, and accepted for exactly who he was (more often his whole self than not) Juvia had been abandoned by every single person in her life except Gajeel and those who'd wanted to use her for their own ends. Gray abandoning her had only confirmed what she'd been taught was inevitable.
But the Ice Mage wouldn't linger on that. He wouldn't give any more time to despair.
It was his turn now, he realized. His turn to stay beside her even when it was hard, and do the work. Now, he just had to figure out how. But while he'd been trying to do that, had been gathering his words, Juvia had recovered enough to speak once more.
She'd apologized again. She'd told him that she knew this was too much, that all of this was too much...that she was too much. For the times they'd shared, she thanked him quietly, eyes bright with yet more tears and refusing to meet his as she continued that she'd had to let Gray go because she wanted him to be happy, and she'd finally, finally realized she could never do that for him, not really. Then she'd tried to push him away, and as Gray had tightened his grip, he'd realized he didn't need to figure out what to do, what to say, or how to love her.
She'd been showing him all along.
After a deep breath, the words had come low, and easier than he'd thought. He told her she was right, all of this was a lot...but also that he was so, so happy she'd finally told him what was really going on. He'd been as gentle as possible when he told her he could see how difficult and scary it had been for her to open up about all this and that he was proud of how brave she'd been for doing so, but she'd started crying again anyway, so he'd had to carry on with a shakier, hoarser voice.
He'd apologized. For everything. For not taking her feelings seriously for so long, for not seeing her when she needed to be seen, for leaving her behind and hurting her so badly she'd gotten sick. He hadn't been dismissing her abilities as a Mage so much as he'd been trying to protect her, but that was no excuse. "High-handed and cruel" was a generous way to describe his behavior, and he finally saw that. He'd told her that if he could take it back, he would. But he couldn't. He could only promise to never, ever leave her like that again, and he was more than ready to make that promise. He had been for a long time, since well into the 1oo Years Quest. If she'd only give him another chance, he'd show her.
At this point, Juvia had obviously started to twig that this conversation wasn't going to go how she planned, with Gray accepting she was too burdensome and unworthy for him and leaving her alone like everyone else had left her, because she'd started kicking up a fuss, forcing him to hold her there again.
"Let Juvia go, Gray-sama!" she'd demanded shakily, sounding like she was barely clinging to her determination. But Gray had refused. He refused to let her go like this, not until she'd heard him out.
As brief as the ensuing argument had been, it was also one of the most frustrating conversations Gray had ever taken part in (and he'd fought Natsu on basically every cock-and-bull-ass plan he'd ever come up with.)
He'd tried desperately to insist that while Juvia could be creepy and he did find rain somewhat gloomy, she was not worthless or annoying or obnoxious. He'd tried to tell her that she did make him happy. He'd tried to tell her how he felt about her.
Juvia had not responded well.
A wall had slammed up in her eyes, the same blank one he'd met on that fateful, rainy day so long ago. As she'd kept denying, and he'd kept pushing, their voices had gotten louder. Eventually, Gray had realized it was raining outside the window next to their bed again, and that was the one thing that had forced him to take a step back from his own frustration. Lucky, because if he hadn't, he might have flown off the handle and ruined everything all over again.
Looking down at her, he'd forced himself to cool off and realized he was being unfair; he was asking her to take an entire journey in one leap, to unlearn a lifetime's-worth of lessons about her own worthlessness over the course of a single conversation. No one could do that. It was an unreasonable thing to ask.
And so, when he'd finally gathered his wits and perspective enough, he'd said, "You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to agree with my feelings for you. But you have to believe that they're real...and you have to at least consider my side."
Juvia's eyes had gone wide. As they regained their sparkle, he'd refused to break eye contact. Slowly, the rain had stopped, leaving them in the silent hut.
After what felt like years, she'd shakily whispered, "O-okay."
And Gray had known that they were finally, finally getting somewhere.
Quietly and slowly, with their hands intertwined between their chests and their foreheads pressed together, they'd pieced together a fragile plan. They would stay together and be as they had been, but from now on, they were both going to make a concerted effort to be honest and rebuild trust. Gray started by admitting that missing out on Quests with his team had really started to bum him out, and while this seemed to sadden Juvia at first, she admitted after some thought that in being with Gray, she hadn't been nurturing her own friendships with her friends like Gajeel and Meredy. Lucy had also asked for help training her in Water Magic, and Juvia had declined so far even though she was interested in having someone to teach.
Gray had encouraged all of this...and he'd encouraged her to visit Porlyusica, too, when they got home. The old lady was hardly a Mental Healer, but she'd hopefully be able to help them find someone who was, someone objective and removed from the situation who Juvia could talk to openly. One thing which had sunk in fully for Gray over the course of Juvia's heartrending speech was that it was going to take a lot of time, work, and love to get Juvia to a better place. There was no way the two of them could do it alone.
They'd talked and planned until their voices were hoarse...and then they'd not talked for even longer. Juvia once again dropped the "-sama." She let him come to her. She didn't just surrender herself to him the way she had when they had each other before in their cabin, she'd given him even more—in his arms, she'd bared a small and precious part of herself Gray had never even realized she hid from him.
Over the course of the month they spent in that cabin, he'd cherished everything she gave him more than most men could've in twice the amount of time. How they'd managed to deal with that Dark Guild months and months ahead of schedule, he would never understand, because his head had never been less in the game. Neither of them had been able keep their hands off each other for more than an hour when they were alone together.
Neither had been particularly disappointed when that crotchety old landlord refused to give them back any part of their months' rent. Instead, they'd stayed till June was up breaking the place in thoroughly.
"It's payback for him being a jackass to you!" Gray had once playfully defended against her neck, pinning her against the kitchen counter and grinning as she gigglingly scolded him.
He only prayed no one ever took a UV Lacrima to the inside of that place. They'd go blind. He'd taken her on the couch, over it, against the walls, on the counters and tables, and in more positions than he'd previously known existed in that bed. When they returned home, a bunch of people had pointed out that they both looked like they'd lost weight. Gray didn't doubt it, after all the—
"...seriously, none of you know what it's like, every time we travel...OI, STRIPPER, YOU MAYBE WANNA QUIT EYE-FUCKING YOUR GIRLFRIEND WHEN WE'RE IN PUBLIC, YOU GODDAMN PERVERT?!"
The absolute last voice Gray wanted to hear when he was thinking about such great, intimate things yanked him out of his reflections in the most unpleasant of ways. An expression crossed between a scowl and a grimace consumed his features.
"Gray-sama!?" Juvia spluttered, craning her neck to peer at them over her shoulder with wide eyes. She looked half-scolding, half...affected as her cheeks went rose red.
Gray felt his own face grow hot as he turned to glare furiously at the pink-haired, disgusted-and-disgusting-looking bane of his existence.
"Would you keep your voice down, Dragon Boy?! I was not 'eye-fucking' Juvia!" His cheeks burned hotter as an elderly woman passing by shot him a deeply disapproving look.
"The hell you weren't!" Natsu snapped, drawing even more attention. "I could see all your gross, perverted thoughts right there in those droopy eyes of yours!"
"ARGH! So what?!" Gray just wanted this fight to be over, and figured that sort of admitting to what he'd been doing was the quickest way to make that happen. "Can't a guy even look at his girlfriend without pink-haired, flame-brained losers getting involved?!"
"That's enough."
Uncharacteristically subdued and uninvolved though Erza's command was, it was enough to have both Natsu and Gray cringing and sweating in fear almost instantly.
"A-aye!" they squeaked, then sighed in relief as she shot them one last glare and clanked away.
"Ah, it always goes this way." Happy folded his little blue sausage arms over his chest and tsked. "If only Gray had kept his perverted eyes on himself, we wouldn't even be talking about this."
"And just how the heck is one supposed to 'keep their eyes on themselves', huh?" Gray growled up at the floating Exceed.
"By not being you, apparently!" he cackled back, Natsu soon joining him in his obnoxious guffawing.
"Why, you—! Get back here, you little shit!" Gray made a random grab at the little creep only to curse as he missed his tail by about a centimeter.
Meanwhile, Juvia clasped her still-red cheeks with her hands and donned an all-too-familiar, starry-eyed expression. "Juvia does not mind at all if Gray-sama...covets Juvia in public! How Juvia adores Gray-sama's passion!"
Gray flinched as if he'd been whipped in the back. In a second flat, he was blushing again. "O-oi, Juvia—!" he started, scrambling to find a way to get her to calm down before she came onto him in public.
"However," she continued before he figured out how to distract her, turning to look at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "If Gray-sama is going to covet Juvia on a public street, Juvia thinks he should at least wear clothes."
"Wha—?! CRAP!" Gray shouted as soon as he realized he'd stripped down to his boxers. "When did that happen!?"
Juvia wrinkled her nose cutely and giggled while he scrambled for his clothes. When he was finally yanking his jacket on, he shot her a playful glare only for his lips to quirk when she winked and sauntered after Erza.
That little...she'll get it later, he thought with a huff before shoving his hands in his pockets and strolling after her. He was well aware that he was full-on grinning, now, and didn't care in the slightest.
Little interactions like that...those were the fruits of all the hard work they—especially Juvia—had done when they got back from that S-Class mission. Gray had been prepared for it to be grueling and difficult, to fight. "Relationships take work" was a piece of advice he'd heard plenty, since he started asking for advice about how to love Juvia.
But what he'd never expected to find was that, while it was hard sometimes, it was work he was all too willing and capable of doing, because it was for her. For them. And what no one had told him was that, while loving someone meant their pain became yours, it also meant that their triumphs became yours, too.
Some days had been worse than others. Even though she'd been talking to a friend of Porlyusica's and made an impressive effort to spend more times with her friends, there were moments where Gray had felt like Juvia was back at square one. But he'd been there beside her, encouraging her every step of the way while she healed, learned that he wouldn't leave her again, learned that she was worth all of it. And slowly but surely, she'd healed.
That was what no one had told him: that every time she huffed at him to do his own laundry, teased him, sassed him into taking her on a real date, and even turned him down for sex, that he would feel such a huge rush of pride and triumph.
It was true that the road had been hard, but Gray had walked it with Juvia, and that had made every step worth it.
AN: Ah, sorry I don't have the time to edit this now and make it more cohesive! Also that I can't publish my next chapter of Chasing Tails just yet! I definitely, definitely will come back to edit this piece one day and make it better after I've done that. In the meantime, Happy Belated Gruvia Day!
P.S.: Fun Fact! I named this partly after one of my all-time favorite fics from a completely different fandom. The Hard Road by wthtonibelle, a Kacchako fic (from the My Hero Academia fandom) which is written in a similar way and has similar themes, only it's longer and better lol. check it out if you're so inclined!
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jekde04 · 1 year
Questions and Answers
Gruvia Week 2023 | Day 2: Whisper
Summary: Gray decided to ask the one thing he had always wondered about Juvia, especially during nights when his demons caught up with him.
Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima
Read it on: FF | AO3
"What is Gray-sama reading?" a familiar voice whispered in his ear.
Gray jumped, immediately closing the book he was so engrossed in and trying to hide it from Juvia's view.
"Juvia! Where did you come from?" he hissed, trying to level down his voice as his words echoed in the vast chambers of Sabertooth's library.
Juvia placed her hands on top of her lips, eyes wide. "Juvia is so sorry for scaring you, Gray-sama!" She plopped down beside him, eyes all apologetic and hands reaching out for his. "Juvia was just curious what's got your attention so much. Gray-sama doesn't usually read, you know."
Gray scratched the back of his head. "Uh, it's nothing," he answered, looking away. "I just saw this book on a table and I thought — oi, what are you doing?!"
His face turned beet red as Juvia caught hold of the book he was reading and stared at the title, a little frown creasing her forehead.
"How to treat women..." she trailed off, confusion written all over her face as she looked up at him. "Why would Gray-sama read such a book?" Her brows scrunched up some more as her brain obviously went into overdrive.
Gray sighed. This girl has a wide imagination, but sometimes she couldn't connect the dots even if it was staring at her point blank. Not that he was complaining, as it would save him the embarrassment of the situation...
He watched with droopy eyes as recognition lit the bluenette's eyes and her hands flew back to her mouth.
"Could Gray-sama be thinking of how he should woo Juvia's love rivals?"
"B-but why? Is Juvia not enough? Juvia thought she got rid of all the love rivals already!" Despite her attempts to keep her breakdown quiet, Juvia's voice was already on the brink of reaching a fever pitch, threatening to destroy the library's quiet slumber.
.... And there goes her imagination, Gray thought. Juvia was now in full-blown panic mode, her eyes so round they were almost bulging out of their sockets as she cradled her cheeks.
Gray rolled his eyes and muttered "idiot" under his breath, ignoring his curiosity on how exactly she 'got rid' of her nonexistent love rivals. Reaching out to her, Gray rubbed her lower back gently while whispering, "You have no love rivals, Juvia." It had the intended relaxing effect as he saw her tense shoulders slump a little, but her next words caught him off-guard.
"Then why is Gray-sama reading this book and cheating on Juvia?"
"Ch-cheating?!" Gray sputtered. "Where the hell did that come from?"
"Gray-sama is not wooing girls behind Juvia's back with this book?
"No! There aren't even any pick-up lines in that book!"
Wrong answer, he realized too late as Juvia's eyes narrowed into slits, a deathly aura suddenly emanating from her.
"Is Gray-sama looking for pick-up lines?" she asked in a sinister whisper, barely audible if not for the silence of the library.
"Of course not! Quit putting words in my mouth," he growled, getting increasingly annoyed by the second. So before Juvia could conjure another ridiculous question, Gray covered her mouth to shut her up.
"Look, Juvia. I just found this book lying around and thought it was interesting," he explained. "You'll find it interesting too, if you just read the whole title." Gray removed his hand covering Juvia's mouth as he shoved the book towards her.
Juvia's breath hitched in her throat, and at that moment, Gray knew everything finally clicked in her hyperactive brain. He watched as her face turned a tinge of pink before she asked innocently, "But why would Gray-sama read something like this when he's already got Juvia's heart forever?"
"How to Treat Women: An Idiot's Foolproof Guide to Navigating the Emotions of Rain Women and Winning Their Hearts Forever"
It was now Gray's turn to blush at Juvia's bold words. She may not realize it, but she had a habit of sputtering out confessions out of the blue that would greatly fluster Gray. For Juvia, it was just another fact of life, but Gray doubted if he'd ever get used to the feeling of warmth blooming in his chest, spreading out to every fiber of his being, all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes.
He always got caught off-guard when he would get hit with the reality that this beautiful, sweet, and loving girl in front of him was his.
"Well..." Gray started, racking his brain for words. "It's not like I got you all figured out. There's still a lot of things I don't know about you."
"You could ask," she replied with a smile. "What does Gray-sama want to know about Juvia?"
Everything, Gray wanted to say, but she would probably go on a litany of everything about her... and who knows when that would end? So he decided to ask the one thing he had always wondered about, especially during nights when his demons caught up with him.
"How could someone like you fall in love with someone like me?"
A thoughtful look passed over Juvia's face before she let out an amused chuckle. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she said, "Is it weird that Juvia does not know the answer to that?"
She paused for a moment before continuing. "If Gray-sama had asked this a year ago, maybe Juvia would say it was because he took the rain away. But that was a long time ago, and so many things had happened since then. Juvia felt rejected by Gray-sama more times than she could count."
Juvia giggled to lighten up the mood, but Gray felt his heart drop at her words. Of course, he knew how difficult he was in the past as he tried to fight his growing feelings for the water mage to no avail. But not once had he ever thought of placing himself in Juvia's shoes to figure out how his attitude affected her.
While he was busy sorting out his feelings, driving her away only to pull her back in — she bore the brunt of his indecision and put on a brave face as if nothing fazed her. Only when she admitted feeling rejected did he realize how much she endured, and it hit him like Erza's armored punch in the gut.
"But the thought of giving up was something Juvia just couldn't take," Juvia whispered, bringing Gray back from his musings. "Juvia couldn't imagine a life without Gray-sama. And even if Gray-sama loved someone else and only treated Juvia as a friend, Juvia thought it was better than not having him in her life at all. So Juvia kept showing her love because she knew, deep in her heart, that there would be no one else."
A melancholic smile graced her lips.
"Juvia had long given up on understanding how she fell in love with Gray-sama, but she knew that she loves Gray-sama for all that he is and all that he isn't."
She had this faraway look in her eyes as if he was no longer in the room and she was just talking to herself.
After a while, she turned back to him. "Sorry if Juvia does not have an answer to your question, Gray-sama. But she —"
Before she could say another word, Gray cupped her face and crashed his lips to hers in a passionate lip lock.
Why did it matter why Juvia loved him? She loves him, and he loves her — it's that simple.
The only question he needed to answer was how to show how much she really meant to him so that she would no longer have any fears or doubts in her heart. And he knew the answers wouldn’t be found in any book in Sabertooth's vast collection — or anywhere else in the world, for that matter.
Gray gently pushed Juvia so he could look her in the eyes. "I asked the wrong question." He kissed her again, short and sweet and tender. "What I really wanted to ask was, even after everything... will you please be mine forever?" And before she could reply, he dove for another kiss, full of warmth and feelings he often communicated through actions rather than words.
When he finally let her go, Juvia couldn't help but giggle, her face all flushed. "How could Juvia ever say no after that?"
Gray smirked, tucking a loose blue tendril behind her ear. "Well, the plan was for you to say yes," he whispered.
"Then yes," she whispered back and kissed him once again. Gray reveled in the feeling of having Juvia in his arms, all traces of sadness or doubt gone as if they never existed in the first place.
He had a more important question lingering in his mind, one that he had been dying to ask Juvia for some time now and would open up the bright future ahead of them. Gray made a mental note to start looking for the ring that would go perfectly with it.
A/N: Sorry for the late Gruvia Week entries! I've had this in my drafts for a while but didn't get the chance to edit it until now. Will post more stories in the next few days.
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acacia-may · 10 months
Song + HC Ask Game for Gruvia 💙
Hey there, Anon-Friend! Thank you so much for the ask and for playing my song + headcanon game! Gruvia is a fun pairing! 🥰
Your song and headcanons are below the cut! I apologize if they're too unexpected. 🙈
I actually really like Gruvia as a ship, but I'll be honest with you that the first song that came to my mind when I saw this ask was "Taylor The Latte Boy," and now all I can think about is a Gruvia Coffee Shop AU where Gray is an edgy barista who Juvia admires from afar. 😅😂 So I guess that's what we're going with here...
Gruvia Coffee Shop AU Headcanons:
Gray is working his way through university by working part-time as a barista at a coffee shop. Most of his classes are in the afternoons, so he tends to work mornings which are the busiest time of day for the shop. After a while, he starts to recognize some of the regulars who come in, including Juvia, who he thinks is very pretty (though he probably would never admit it).
Juvia is also a university student but in a completely different program (she is studying to be a teacher whereas Gray is studying engineering), and she comes into the coffee shop every morning to pick up a latte before her classes which are all in mornings. She has admired the "edgy and mysterious" barista Gray for quite some time but is too shy to properly introduce herself.
One day on a strangely slow morning, Gray starts a conversation with Juvia while he makes her coffee and the two are properly introduced. They learn that they attend the same university, and Gray mentions that he is in a band.
It turns out that Gray is in the same band that Juvia's long-time friend, Gajeel, had recently joined, and they run into each other again when Juvia goes to see Gajeel play. They get to talking and really hit it off.
Juvia is clearly very smitten, but it takes Gray a while to admit to himself how he feels about her and that he would like to go out with her. For a while, they mainly just chat at the coffee shop or when Juvia comes to the band's events.
Meanwhile, Gray always gives Juvia extra cream, sugar, foam, or flavor syrups in her coffee, but other than that, he tries to be pretty discreet about his feelings.
Eventually, however, Gray can no longer lie to himself, and knowing the university semester is about to end and worrying that he will lose touch with Juvia over the summer and miss his chance with her forever, he finally asks her out on a date (but he doesn't take her out for coffee 😉).
Taylor, the Latte Boy - YouTube
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gruviasama · 1 year
Gruvia Week Day 3 - Starlight  ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙    ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Summary: Spy X Family Inspired - Starlight Greige! 
Collab entry with @thecatastrophic​ who made the cover art! She is literally the best gruvia shipper bestie a girl could ever ask for
Rating: K
Genre: Romance and Humor
Day 3: Starlight - Gruvia Week | Fanfiction ♡ @gruviaweek
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Starlight Greige
"We award this Stella to Greige Fullbuster! For the meritorious deed of helping save another's life." The Headmaster of Fairy Academy, Master Makarov, said with a booming voice as he pinned the Stella badge on the front of the small boys' uniform coat.
Greige stood tall and proud, puffing his chest out as he listened to all the voices that began flooding his head.
"I can't believe he beat me!" One of the little boys pouted off to the side.
"I can't believe Greige did it; he got the first Stella in all of first grade!" His closest friend, Nashi, beamed in excitement as she calmly clapped her hands for the boy.
"An exceptionally elegant feat, Mr. Fullbuster." His headmaster added internally.
Greige felt like he was at the top of the world at that moment as everyone's attention fell on him, but most importantly, he knew he did well in supporting his 'father's' mission to bring peace between the East and West.
"I never expected he would earn a Stella that way. As far as the mission goes, it's an ideal outcome." Gray thought happily as he stared at his 'son.'
Juvia knelt before her 'son' and hugged him tightly. She knew how much this meant to the father and son duo and was so glad she could experience it with them. "Juvia is so happy for her Greige! That was incredible; you really are amazing, isn't that right, Gray-sama?"
Pulling away, Juvia stared up at her 'husband' with a joyous smile, which Greige easily mirrored; anyone walking on the street would have genuinely believed they were a real family.
'It's strange though...." Gray thought as he looked down at Juvia, who was still kneeling on the ground with Greige in her arms. The small boy looking up at him with big blue eyes made his chest feel whole. "I can't help but think of the time I foiled that terrorist attack...." Greige listened to his dad's thoughts carefully as he approached the pair; he could see a pink tint on his cheeks as Gray replayed the old mission in his head. "I feel that same pride today."
"Nice work, Greige." Gray finally said, rubbing the young boy's head in admiration.
"Call me Starlight Greige from now on!" The little boy demands his father, and to his surprise, Gray lets out a hearty laugh.
"Okay, Starlight Greige."
"These two....this family." Greige heard Juvia's thoughts wander. "Juvia is so lucky to be a part of them. Even if it isn't forever."
"Should we go out and celebrate?" Juvia said in a cheerful voice, standing up from her previous position but not letting go of the young boy's hand.
"Caramade Franks!" Greige shouted his suggestion causing both parents to laugh, knowing how much their son loved eating the pastry.
"Let's go." Gray agreed, placing his hand on Juvia's back and gently pushing her in the direction where to start walking.
Greige felt his mom's hand tighten as she silently panicked in her mind. "Gray-sama is touching Juvia!" She internally screamed; her mental version swayed back and forth like a young schoolgirl in love.
Love? Greige thought to himself curiously. Is it possible that Juvia really loves Gray even outside of the mission?
The young boy started to replay all the time Juvia got flustered, shy, or embarrassed when Gray did anything affectionate. Additionally, he thought about all the times Juvia thought about Gray when he wasn't around.
Greige looked at his dad, who looked unbothered by how he held his wife. It was just a part of the mission for Gray, playing a loving family and perfect husband, but Greige knew that wasn't the whole truth. He had heard his dad talk to himself about Juvia many times before. When she comes out of her room before she leaves for work or just to stay home, he always notices how his father perks up in mood, even if it's just slightly.
Greige walked with a devilish smile as he looked back to his parents, who lightly chatted with one another. Yes. This is my mission. I will get mama and papa to confess their love for each other!
Just then, a wild cyclist appeared on the sidewalk out of nowhere, swerving their bike manically through the crowd, and Gray had to quickly move to action to prevent them from getting hit. Greige cheered when his dad had the chance to show off his secret impressive spy reflexes, wrapping his arms around both Juvia and him, spinning them around just seconds from impact.
Gray tightly held the pair in his arms when he felt a familiar shiver of danger run up his spine. It wasn't a feeling he often got, only when someone got the best of him, but for some reason, he started to feel it more and more around Juvia.
Looking down, he noticed the woman's eyes were sharp as she glared at the biker in rage for almost hitting Greige. Then, before Gray could even feel a shift change, Juvia's hand was thrown out, and the loud bang of the cyclist's bike wheel popping resonated in his ears.
The biker flung forward and rolled onto the hard ground, everyone staring in shock as they rushed toward the man. It was then Gray noticed a familiar pen wedge into the man's tire. He quickly looked down at the inside of his coat and saw his pen was gone. How did she....When did she grab it?
Greige heard his dad wonder. The small boy laughed. Not only is dad a spy, but mom is an assassin. They are so cool. Well...maybe a little scary, but for the most part, cool.
Juvia visibly panicked as she realized what she had done, bending forward in a deep bow. The blue-haired woman shook her head repeatedly. "Juvia is sorry, she doesn't know what got into her."
"Hey, that hurt lady!" The biker yelled, causing Juvia to sink further into herself, but Gray firmly pulled her to stand tall, wrapping his arm around her waist and tugging Juvia closer to him. His other hand grabbed onto Greige as he began pulling the family away.
"Next time, ride in the bike lane, then my wife won't have to teach you a lesson. You could seriously hurt someone."
Wow! Greige thought, shocked as Juvia covered her crimson face from Gray calling her "my wife" she nearly squealed but did her best to contain herself.
"Let's go," Gray muttered to the pair and began walking away, but Greige held his spot firmly on the ground.
"Greige, let's go if you want to get Caramade Franks." Gray tried again, but the young boy only tsked his tongue and turned his head with a pouty lip.
"Where did he learn this kind of behavior from?" Gray tsked.
"Greige is a mini Gray-sama!" Juvia almost laughed.
Having an idea, Juvia went on the tips of her toes and whispered something into Gray's ear that made him flush in embarrassment.
"I'm not going to say that," Gray argued, but Juvia lightly shrugged.
"Juvia thinks he deserves it after all his hard work recently."
Gray clenched his teeth and nervously began kicking his feet as he looked down at Greige's beady eyes. "Let's go...." The world-class spy mumbled quietly. "Starlight Greige."
Opening his arms out wide, Greige heard honorary trumpets and fireworks explode in his head at the use of his new name. "Let's go." The smooth kid spoke confidently, starting to walk....in the wrong direction.
Gray sighed, shaking his head at the young boy's antics, placing his hand on his hair and turning him around.
"Oh," Greige said, flustered, wiggling his limbs to loosen his nerves. His tiny hands adjusted the already straight Stella pin on his chest and started walking again.
Gray grabbed the little boy's hand but let Greige lead until he needed help. Juvia rushed beside them, linking her arms with Gray and smiling kindly at him.
"It's just a mission." Gray studied the woman who stood at his side, her soft smile taking over his mind as she looked at him like he was the most important person in her life. Second actually, Greige being number one, of course.
"None of this is real." Gray reminded himself as Juvia broke their gaze, peering at Greige, who herded the group. "It's just an act so..." Pulling his arm out of her grasp, Juvia frowned until she felt Gray silently slip his fingers to entwine with hers. Greige cheered in excitement as he saw the front of the pastry stand, quickly running ahead to stand in line. "Why am I so happy?"
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juviasbestgirl · 18 days
Calling someone toxic for doing what you do on a regular basis is wild @grayluforever! You forever go into Gruvia, Juvia, and NaLu spaces trying to convince us that they shouldn’t exist. Like the responder said be fr!
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@grayluforever you are the most toxic fan I’ve ever been encountered and I’ve had run ins with ether-gearhead plenty of times before in the past. Girl at least Chris stays in his lane now. You should do the same or else people wouldn’t do what you do to them to you.
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gralunaisland · 1 year
Gray getting a student that wants to learn magic to avenge someone, then sacrificing himself to clear the darkness in his student heart but in the end living so his student never has to live with the same guilt he did and finally understanding Urs sacrifice and making peace with her choice is a better character ark for him than forcing development for gruvia and no one can change my mind on this.
That is immaculate story writing, Anon, absolutely incredible!
I'd never thought about that alternate storyline, but honestly, it makes so much sense! Letting Gray be the teacher for once would be the parallel between himself and Ur and would finally give him insight to her actions and some much-needed closure!
Instead, we got gr///via where in the end, Gray still tries to kill himself, and juvia does it instead which is nothing groundbreaking story-wise because Ur had already done it, so it's not like he learned anything new there. juvia taught Gray nothing but only added to his trauma of losing those he cared about because they sacrificed themselves for him, which only in turn reinforces it in his mind that he needs to sacrifice himself for his friends so they don't have to go through what he did, so he can finally "stop being a burden" and start saving them.
Isn't that just awful? juvia doesn't better Gray in any way, least of all this prevalent trauma that he's toted around since childhood.
I so wish Mashima had gone with your idea, Anon, because man is it good. That would be expecting too much from a man who makes a ship like gr///via canon, though.
(Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts and your patience! I know it's taken forever, but I'm very glad I got to your ask eventually because it is an amazing one.)
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shelbyshoe · 3 months
Mobile Master List ⋆。°✩
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💜 Here is a collection of all the writing I have posted to this blog. Everything with links will be on this blog, FFN, and AO3. I’ll add to this list as I update.💜
I do not consent to reposting, copying, translating, or using my work for AI character bots without my permission.
Resident Evil
RE Multi-Chapter₊˚⊹☆
~When the World Falls Apart (Aeon)
Leon S. Kennedy is the luckiest unlucky man Ada has ever met. Unlucky that he's gone missing, but lucky she's willing to go into a secret facility that the government refuses to touch in order to find him.
Now, she's wandering around a labyrinth with her voice stolen and a gun that doesn't belong to her. Leon's Red9 is the key to finding him and escaping this hellish prison.
Too bad that all Ada has to go on is his voice emanating from his weapon, and there's something he's not telling her.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
RE One-Shots ₊˚⊹☆
~Take a Walk With Me (Aeon)
Leon and Ada retire to a charming harbor town. He has a day off from his job at the docks and takes advantage of the time he has with Ada, far away from the rest of the world, where they can finally grow old together and live in peace.
Rated: M
Status: Complete
Aeon Fluff Week 2024
RE Drabbles/Ficlettes₊˚⊹☆
~Please, Don't Go (Aeon)
The death of Ada Wong
~Thirst Trap (Aeon)
Ada finds Leon thirst traps on tiktok.
~I See You Everywhere (Aeon)
Leon is never surprised to see Ada when he sees her in everything.
~Draw Me Naked (Aeon)
Leon is in a college art class and Ada has volunteered to be the live drawing model.
~Selfish With You (Aeon)
Leon confronts Ada about her motivations for helping him without taking credit for it.
~Sweet Rivalry (Claireada)
Claire has to confront Ada, the leader of her rival girl gang.
~Stay With Me (Claireada)
Claire and Ada had a fight where Ada feels it's best to leave.
~Don't I Know You? (Aeon)
In a universe where Leon and Ada never went to RC. He feels like something is missing, that he was destined to meet her. And then he does.
~There Was Only One Coffin (Claireada)
Claire and Ada are vampires. There was only one bed- I mean, coffin.
Fairy Tail
FT Drabbles/Ficlettes₊˚⊹☆
~Gray VS END (NaLu + Gruvia)
Gray vs Natsu END fight
Rated: T
Status: Complete
~Meeting the Goddess (NaLu)
Nalu as Hades and Persephone
Rated: G
Status: Complete
FT One Shots₊˚⊹☆
~The End (NaLu/ENDLu)
Natsu has defeated Zeref, but at the cost of his humanity. In this path in life, he has chosen the demon seed to defeat his greatest enemy and has taken Lucy with him.
Rated: T
Status: Complete
~The Beginning (NaLu)
Dragon slayers are shunned after the battle with Zeref. Natsu had chosen the dragon seed to defeat him, but at a price. Dragon transformations are more frequent, and one day they will be permanent. Each, in pairs, are out to find the cure along with Natsu and Lucy.
Rated: T
Status: Complete
~Divine Touch ( NaLu + Gruvia)
Lucy is a renowned artist for the nobility longing for a man, well a muse, that she can't stop painting. Natsu is a god of creativity who craves freedom from Lucy's studio. Their desire for each other mount, but they fear the one golden rule. With just one touch their contract is dissolved, destroying everything they've built and keeping them apart forever.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Garden and Lace (NaLu)
By the end of their mission, Levy is over Natsu and Lucy's arguing. She decides to take matters into her own hands. To finally have some peace and quiet, she traps them in her little glass bottle that houses her secret garden. With lots of time to kill, Natsu and Lucy must make up, but Lucy has other sensual plans of revenge.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Tell Her You Love Her (NaLu)
Every night Natsu wakes in a cold sweat. Clearly, the cough is waking him, not his dreams of her. It isn't the flowers that tumble from his lips that scare him. It's telling Lucy he loves her. (Hanahaki)
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Looks Like Rent Is Due (NaLu)
Lucy is fired, again. Saving the day with psychic abilities isn't as rewarding as you think it is. Down on her luck, and with only half rent, she strikes a deal with her landlord's brother, a vampire named Natsu. Free rent for free blood. At least it's a trial run, and he's incredibly hot.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~A Smutty ENDing
Lucy wakes up from the most thrilling wet dream she's ever had. In her delirium, she writes it down. But not in the book she thought. Natsu isn't going to be happy that she wrote smut in the book of E.N.D. Well, maybe he is.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
FT Multi-chapter₊˚⊹☆
~Drained (NaLu)
After Lucy and Natsu are poisoned by a mysterious wanted criminal, they begin to share strange and emotional dreams. As they find themselves drawn closer together by their intimate interactions while asleep, something dangerous is happening to their bodies while awake. To find a cure they must go on a treacherous journey to recapture the escaped criminal.
Rated: E
Status: Ongoing (Planning on remastering and adding final chapter plus epilogue.)
~Desire in Strawberries (NaLu)
Natsu and Lucy are swept away by a festival held by their wealthy client, Lady Nakahara. There is more than mystery and the scent of strawberries in the air as they find themselves intimately closer to one another. What they thought was a friendly feast turns into something more as the puzzling night goes on.
Rated: E
Status: Ongoing (Replotting)
~Fairies After Dark (NaLu)
Natsu, a Horde vampire, desires nothing more than to find his father and leave his brother behind. Lucy, an immortal Valkyrie, needs to get this Horde bounty off her head. Doesn't help the assassin after her is a gorgeous vampire with cherry pink hair.
Rated: E
Status: Ongoing (Priority Fic)
NaLu lovefest 2017₊˚⊹☆
~Day 1: Lust (Fruit and Fantasy)
Look but don't touch. Natsu and Lucy volunteered to help for the Fairy Tail fresh market. Keeping their hands to themselves, and fantasies at bay seem to be harder for them than they thought
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Day 3: Hickey (Shiver)
Natsu and Lucy take a job that sends them on a hike into the mountains. It's a cold winter day and steamy night before they make it to their destination.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Day 5: Chains (Chains)
Lucy is rewarded a virtual reality headset by a client. It was fun to create new places with one of her best friends. It isn't until Natsu turns up, with sexy intentions, that she finds herself way over her head.
Rated: E
Status: Complete (3 ch. 16k words)
One Piece
One Piece One Shots₊˚⊹☆
~Comfort Me (Zoyori/ Zoro x Hiyori)
After a vicious attack by ninja in the region of Hakumai in Wano, Zoro and Hiyori stop to rest at Enma shrine. Their curiosity in each other bubble to the surface as she confesses her drive to take vengeance into her own hands. Feeling powerless, they find comfort in each other, even for the moment of reprieve they so longed for.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
Diamond No Ace
DNA Drabbles₊˚⊹☆
~Winter (MiyuSawa)
Romance, Slice of Life
Status: Complete
~END!Lucy (NaLu)
Status: Complete
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