shamipking · 4 years
Avatar: The Incarnation of Hao-Shaman King Fanfic
Book One: Prologue
Status: In Progress Fandoms: Shaman King, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra Rating: Not Rated Warnings: None Characters: Manta Oyamada Additional Tags: AU, Crossover, Canon Continuation, Alternate Universe-Future Summary:  Not so long ago, my great grandmother, her wife, and their friends were heroes. Avatar Korra merged The Spirit Realm with ours, brought the power of Airbending back, and restored balance to the world. But things are never that simple, and an ancient Avatar reincarnating as himself has returned, and threatens to bring chaos along in his wake. What happens when the one who should bring balance is the one who will break it? External Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25606687 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13658136/1/Avatar-The-Incarnation-of-Hao
Air. Water. Earth. Fire.
My name is Manta Oyamada-Sato. Non-Bender, and, someday, heir of Future Industries.
Not so long ago, my great grandmothers and their friends were heroes. Among her many successes, Avatar Korra merged The Spirit Realm with ours, brought the power of Airbending back, and restored balance to the world.
Grandmother Korra is gone, and the Avatar cycle spins on. The Avatar can have a long life or short life, like anyone else, and within three generations, the first Avatar of the rebuilt Air Nation was born.
But things are never that simple. An ancient Avatar known to reincarnate as himself, rather than pass the Avatar Spirit to new host, has returned once more. With the power of his past lives, and the memories of his own body, his power threatens to leave chaos in his wake.
Can the world survive such an Avatar? What can we do when the one meant to bring balance is the one who will break it?
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shamipking · 4 years
Avatar: The Incarnation of Hao
Chapter 1: A Nomad in Republic City
Status: In Progress Fandoms: Shaman King, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra Rating: Not Rated Warnings: None Characters: Manta Oyamada, Yoh Asakura Additional Tags:  AU, Crossover, Canon Continuation, Alternate Universe-Future External Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25606687/chapters/62152525#workskin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13658136/2/Avatar-The-Incarnation-of-Hao
Manta always had a cursory connection to spirits. People had for decades now, with the Spirit World taking up residence as Republic City’s backyard. Manta, however, liked to believe it was his ancestry that made the affection he and the spirits shared special.
He did not know for sure if it was, but it made him smile to think about it.
Attachment to the spirits aside, Manta felt he lived a particularly unassuming life. No easy feat for the heir of the biggest company in Republic City, but he was happy to manage it. With no bending to speak of, or many talents outside of studying, his life was set well in stone by his father. Though also a non-bender, Manta knew Mansumi still had the power to move mountains. He was more ruthless as chairman of Future Industries than grandmama Asami had been, or even his grandfather after her.
Though it wasn’t the life Manta would have chosen for himself, he hoped that when he someday inherited his great grandmother’s company, he could steer it back in a direction she would be proud of.
He tugged on a stiff business suit-- a carbon copy of his father’s. He ambled through the Sato estate, and onto the street where a Satomobile would be waiting to take him to the tutor his father insisted upon.
No son of mine will spend his day frolicking with spirits or daydreaming about bending!
Manta often wondered how the grandson of an Avatar could have such a bleak worldview.
As with every morning, the thought ran idly through Manta’s head as he sighed and walked to meet the driver. Door already open. Master Oyamada, he would be greeted. Sato, please. Or Manta, would be his reply, which was never heeded. He could do it with his eyes closed. He may as well have, so lost in thought as he was. It took him a long moment to realize he had not, in fact, stepped into his private Satomobile, but onto a white patch of fur. Which was also still attached to the animal that had grown it.
At the same time Manta began to mutter, “what…” he heard a rumbling growl and found himself lifting into the air.
“WHAAAA--!” He hollered, gripping the fur for dear life. When he opened his eyes, he was dangling from the fur by his hands. It was from here that he realized he’d been standing on the tail of a sky bison, the same tail he was now hanging from, and was face to face with it’s rider.
The brown haired boy wore a bemused expression on his face. He was dressed in the traditional orange robes of the Airbenders, though worn even looser than Manta normally saw, with the front hanging open. The boy also, Manta realized, sported no tattoos.
I guess this kid isn’t a master yet, Manta thought. Hold on, I’m still STUCK UP HERE!
“You stepped on Mune’s tail,” the other boy pointed out, unhelpfully.
“C-C-C-Can you get me DOWN FROM HERE?” Manta exclaimed, clutching the tufts of fur tighter. The bison, Mune, growled again and shook its tail. “Plea-he-he-he-se” he added as he was tossed to and fro.
The air nomad laughed, and leaned over the edge of the saddle to stroke the bison’s fur. “That’s enough, Mune, it’s alright. He won’t hurt you. ‘Atta girl.” Seemingly soothed, Mune brought Manta back up and allowed him to clamor into the saddle. He breathed a shaky sigh of relief.
“Sorry about that,” the strange boy said. “She likes to play, but can take it too far sometimes.” He was grinning, almost nonchalantly.
“Th-that’s playing?” Manta was dubious. Airbenders tended toward the carefree but this was pushing it, wasn’t it?
“She’s a bit rough with her herd mates, too. My name is Yoh, by the way. What’s yours?” Yoh extended his hand, still smiling, still an affectionate humor in his voice talking about a several ton bison rough housing.
“Oh, um, it’s Manta,” he shook Yoh’s hand. “I’m sorry I stepped on your bison. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”
“It’s alright, you might have startled her a bit but you didn’t hurt her,” as if in assent, Mune rumbled almost gently, or, Manta assumed, the closest the creature could get to “gentle”. Again, Yoh leaned over the side of the saddle to pat her. Then he slumped back over, his back to the edge and arms behind his head, and stared up peacefully at the sky. Is this what he’d been doing before Manta came out?
“Pardon me, but, what are you doing here?” He realized Yoh and Mune were where his chauffeur was usually parked. “Please tell me you didn’t land on a Satomobile parked here.”
Yoh looked back at Manta, almost as if he had forgotten Manta was there, or had expected him to leave. “Nope, no one was here. Mune was tired and we needed to land somewhere in the city,” he paused, in a way that suggested he’d finished, before continuing. “Come to think, though, someone drove by a bit before you showed up. He did seem angry that I was here.”
Is it any wonder why? Manta thought. “Ack! That driver was supposed to take me to my lessons! I’ll be late!” He shot up and began frantically searching up and down the street for Tamurazaki. The Satomobile and his driver were nowhere in sight.
“I can take you! Just tell me where to go,” Yoh said, already crawling to the front of the saddle and over the lip to take up the reins.
“Wait, no, that’s not--”
“Mune, yip yip,” Yoh called, and the bison took off before Manta could finish. As they climbed over the towering buildings, Manta shut his eyes and clung to the side of the saddle, screaming until they leveled out in the air. Even then, he felt he might faint.
“Where are we going?” Yoh asked again. He seemed perfectly at ease on Mune’s neck. Manta figured he would, too, if he could practically fly.
Manta was the opposite of at ease. “Just. Just a couple blocks south of where we were. Big building, near some spirit vines,” he was pressing himself against the floor of the saddle. “Please don’t make me look. Just put me down somewhere close, it’s fine.”
He kept his eyes glued shut until Mune landed safely on the ground once more. At Yoh’s insistence that it was ok, Manta climbed from the saddle and slid down her tail. In a voice as wobbly as his legs, he choked out, “Thank you,” before turning to walk in the direction of his tutor.
“No problem,” Yoh called down. “It was my fault anyway.”
He’s right about that, Manta thought. “Uh, well. I guess… I’ll see you around?” The kid would be hard to miss. Airbenders and sky bison weren’t uncommon sights anymore, but that didn’t mean a giant white beast was inconspicuous in the city.
“Sure. You should come to Air Temple Island, sometime,” Yoh mused. “That’s where I’ve been sent for training.”
“I’m not a bender,” Manta’s response was automatic, he was used to it coming up in conversation.
“You don’t have to be,” Yoh assured him. “I think my teacher would like to know what friends I was making. Think about it!” With another “yip yip!” Yoh was airborne again, flying in the direction of Yue Bay. Manta watched him, feeling a mix of bewilderment and awe.
“Friends, huh?” He muttered to himself as Yoh and Mune disappeared behind the tall buildings Manta couldn’t see over. Even though he barely knew Yoh, he found he liked the sound of that.
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