#have to repost this on my main otherwise I can't have it in the tag properly blaughghgh
kaelio · 9 months
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Nicolas de Lenfent
[dream version]
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drdtfuitgumies · 1 month
pinned post
(updated: 6th may 2024, i forgot to finish a sentence??? added a rule about ship asks)
this blog is unofficial, and not affiliated with danganronpa: despair time, the official danganronpa franchise, spike chunsoft, or nisa. all characters belong to danganronpa: despair time; all art is made by me unless stated otherwise.
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-) (31/5/2024) arei has been jailed and will not (directly) appear for at least two weeks
let's have fun!! rules & quick faq under cut
blog explanation & rules
i'll be drawing the drdt characters in my fuit gumy style (example above, and also it needs to be spelt exactly that way). ideally i post one thing a day, but real life circumstances might help or hinder me
requests are currently open. i can't promise that i'll get to every request and i don't know if i can answer every ask, but i'll try my best!
i do not Bite but please be nice to me!! i am just a 1) gremlin 2) a Student who needs stability and routine
i can draw headcanons, aus, and such, but i'll be adhering to canon most of the time. also, i love weird combos too if you can find an explanation for them interacting whether platonically, romantically, or a secret third thing
if a request has multiple characters, please specify if you mean it romantically or not, so romantic interactions can be given ship tags as well. if it isn't specified in the request, i'll interpret it as platonic by default (i'm pretty dense and have trouble interpreting interactions sometimes)
i won't draw, read any of these asks, or interact with certain blogs if they contain: nsfw (out of personal comfort!), hate speech (what are you doing here), proship
this blog is NOT spoiler free! most of my art here is 99% going to be unserious shitposts anyways, but this is here just in case. also since drdt is 16+ this blog is 16+ too
any of my art posted in this blog can be used for personal use with credit (icons, headers, wallpapers, discord emotes for private servers and any other social media that lets you do that kinda stuff), but (for now) please don't repost in other social media (you can just share links if you'd like!)
quick faq before anyone asks
call me gremlyn (18+)! you can find me on @thatseitagremlin (drdt sideblog) / @iamjustagremlin (limbus main)
for this blog i draw with miro . com by default so i can restrict myself to a limited brush and color palette. this helps my brain not get distracted when drawing. depending on what tomfoolery i come up with or what requests i get i might use other apps though!
whit is the posterboy for this blog because he's my favorite character. my blorbo, if you will. my other faves are j, nico, and xander (i feel a Lot of cuteness aggression with xander specifically) if you're curious
i'm an omnivore and am fine with most ships but if i had to pick a ship to fight for it'd probably be charwhit or areiden. i also like jarei but i'm not sure if i prefer it platonically, romantically, or a secret third thing, and i'm not bothered enough to find out soon
also, do you guys know how to run an ask blog. because i don't. but once again, let's be nice and have fun!!
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casdeans-pie · 6 months
Fanfiction Q&A
Tagged by @thepagemistress thanks so much for the tag!! I love stuff like this asdfghjkl
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Supernatural because it's my most recent fandom and I have extreme destiel related brainworms - but I do also still write Izuocha/My Hero Academia stories from time to time. I've officially 'left the fandom' but I find the ship cosy to write, so they're easy to come back to every so often. I would really like to get back into writing for Genshin too at some point! There are so many characters and their personalities are all so barely defined that it's a lot of fun to shake the grab bag of them and play around with ships and tropes.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ahh they're all MHA. I wrote them at kind of the emergence of the MHA fic scene though. So it was just good timing. It's crazy that they've remained my most popular fics even this many years later wow.
Also fun fact, the two ships here had fandoms that actively hated each other because Ochako is in both of them. I was living my best multi shipping life.
Also also, the jump in number between #1 and #2 is wild. BBB is a fandom experience I will treasure forever.
#1 Beep Beep Beep - Izuocha / My Hero Academia - 2,245
#2 Saw This. Thought of You - Izuocha / My Hero Academia - 787
#3 Ceiling Scorch Marks - Kacchako / My Hero Academia - 675
#4 Green's Your Colour - Izuocha / My Hero Academia - 582
#5 Sweaty Palms - Kacchako / My Hero Academia - 544
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Heck yeah!! It may take me anywhere between a day and a month, but I will always reply at some point. I like to repay the kindness of leaving a comment with acknowledgement <3 even if all I can manage back is a keyboard smash and a thank you
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, easily easily Don't Stop Dreaming (Izuocha/MHA) I cackle like a classic disney villain every time someone leaves a comment about how they didn't notice the main character death tag and the ending broke them. Did I put it in the middle of the tags simply to make missing it easier? maybe so.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Okay this one is hard. Because 99% of my fics are fluff. They pretty much all have a happy ending lmaoooo
The cheesiest happy ending might have to go to Cat Thief (Reddie/IT) though - that whole fic I tried to capture the vibe of a cheesy Hallmark movie and then for the ending I really dialled it up to ten. Cavity inducing honestly aaa
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so??? I've had the odd piece of criticism here and there, which makes me like >:( because I didn't ask for crit and I'm doing all this for freeeee
But otherwise, nope <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not anything I've ever published (because it's not very good asdfghjkl) It's honestly very vanilla and mostly about the ooey gooey feelings more than the smut itself, so I don't know whether it would really appeal?
Either way any smut I ever decide to post on AO3 would have to be anonymously. Too many people I know in real life know my Izupie username and just the thought of one of them googling me one day and finding my AO3 is bad enough even without any smut fics being on there RIP
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Hmm, not really crossovers? I write AU's of other worlds - like, I wouldn't write the cast of IT meeting the characters of Soul Eater, but I wrote the characters of IT in the world of Soul Eater. Does that make sense??
Two birds with stone because Dances of the Souls (Reddie/IT/Soul Eater) is also the craziest 'crossover' I've ever written. I saw some fanart and got inspired, and to this day I can't believe I wrote like 10k words of that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did !! Many manyyy years ago. Someone sent me a message to say that they'd noticed somebody had reposted one of my fics but just changed the characters. Can't even remember what fandom they'd made it for.... They'd stolen a whole bunch of Izuocha fics and just changed the names! So a few affected Izuocha writers including myself sent them messages asking them to take the stolen fics down and within a few hours their whole profile had been deleted.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No!! But I would LOVE that !! Anyone who ever wants to translate any of my fics, please know the answer will be yes!!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm the process of that actually with Seal My Heart (Izuocha/MHA)!! It's been such a fun process but I feel so bad because I'm really bad at procrastinating and getting distracted by working on multiple things at once and I don't have a whole lot of free time, so I am probably the worst collab partner you could have!!! (sorry!!!!)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I usually change this answer based on my current fandom tbh! Right now I can't imagine any ship affecting my brain in quite the same way as Destiel.
I think it's the ALMOST of it that has given me infinite brainworms and hurts my soul. And they have just the most delicious dynamic. They're best friends. They're fighting. They're soft. They're gonna burn the whole world for each other. They're wearing silly cowboy hats. etc etc
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I wish I had it in me to write part 2 of Barks (Reddie/IT). I had this whole extra plot with all these conspiracies and saving the town and ultimately wanted to end it with Eddie getting turned into a werewolf too, but it had already gone on to nearly 100k words and I just wanted to write other things asdfkl
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm.... I would say maybe the way that I create a mood? I like to really appeal to all the senses when I write to kind of make you feel like you're there in the scene. Changing my writing style to add to the atmosphere is also something I think I do quite well? Like short choppy sentences for tension etc etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Dialogue all day. If everyone could just, not speak? That would be great. I really struggle to capture characters specific voices.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
I can't say I've ever given it much thought... I think it would be okay as long as you're VERY sure that it's correct.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ahh that would be my Yu-Gi-Oh self insert fanfiction all hand written in a little notebook that I wrote as a child :') I wrote me and a friend into so many adventures with the Yu-Gi-Oh characters. It's extremely cute.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Beep Beep Beep without a doubt. I had so so so much fun with it. I have a whole notebook filled with plans and notes about each character (even the ones that appear for small scenes or are only mentioned!) and I just had a blast the whole time coming up with what cameos I could insert and little references I could scatter around. I had backstories planned out that didn't even make it into the fic but helped inform how this universe had changed the characters from their canon counterparts.
Updating it and having people anticipating the updates was such a buzz I can't even explain. I would get messages about it, some very kind artists drew fanart of it! The whole experience was all I had ever wanted as a fanfic writer. I loved every moment.
On a more recent note - I haven't written anything as self indulgent as Flicker, Fizzle, Pop (Destiel/Supernatural) for a long long time and I LOVE that for me. I had soooo much fun! And I was so excited to update it because I had so many people excited to read it! Very very fond of this fic <3
Phew that went on for longer than I expected - turns out I can ramble about my own writing for a long time, who knew right???? asdfghjkl;
Tagging some writers! @encyclopika @amynchan @citrinediamondeyes @velvethopewrites @loserchildhotpants @king4aday @fivefeetfangirl @jemariel @microsuedemouse No pressure though! (I'm just curious about your answers hehehe) But also if you see this and you're not tagged and wanna do it anyway - do eeeeet!!
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wistfulwatcher · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @tessaservopoulos, thank you! ☺️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
40, though 2 of those are graphics for events/challenges.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My AO3/main writing fandoms are Yellowjackets, The 100, Once Upon a Time, and Supergirl. I've been writing since I was 12 though, so I've also written for CSI, Criminal Minds, Buffy, Smallville, Glee, Lost, and Friends.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1) let our mercy be the gifts we lay - swan queen 2) Deliver Me - swan queen 3) sharing is caring (it can be fun) - swan queen 4) let me lend a helping hand - supercat 5) it takes two to tango, and other dance cliches - swan queen
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I did my early fanfic writing on forums and livejournal, where the culture was to respond to each comment. It's actually how i made most of my fandom friends pre-tumblr, just getting into long conversations in fanfic comment threads that would veer wildly off-topic. I really miss that, and unfortunately I do feel like the culture has shifted to the perception that replying to comments is more to ~boost your stats on AO3 (which could just be me being a worry-wort, but it makes me hesitant sometimes!).
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am so not an angst writer, but I wrote one truly angsty fic for the doctor mechanic angst day, called hands of time where one of the pairing dies at the end. I'm glad I tried it, and I was actually pretty proud of the writing overall, but I'm certain now that I'm a fluff girl, through and through!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
With the exception of the aforementioned angst, all my endings are happy! I can't do it any other way. Any of the established relationship fics are probably the happiest (because any first time fics I usually give a hopeful but not perfect ending, to show that they WILL be happy but it'll take a bit of work which feels the most realistic to me), but it takes two to tango, and other dance cliches is probably truly the happiest ending because it's the fluffiest fic to begin with.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I am very fortunate, I do not.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Pretty exclusively, yes 🤭 I like to write smut with feelings, where the smut is all about characters connecting and working through their issues. I love smut, but it HAS to have depth or I don't care.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written exactly one crossover for a glee landcomm challenge, and it was a glee/community crossover. It's the first time I wrote a humor fic, too!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think a lot of my swan queen fics have been reposted on those Russian (iirc) sites back in the swan queen heyday. But I don't think any have ever been stolen, stolen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I did just get podficced for the first time a few days ago, on let me lend a helping hand! I can't wait to listen to it ☺️
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Possibly as part of a landcomm challenge, but if so I don't remember the specifics? Otherwise no. I'm notoriously a TERRIBLE collaborator, I'm too much of control freak to co-write 😅
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
This is such an incredibly difficult question. Any pairing I've written for holds such a special place in my heart, and inspired me deeply enough to write. The only pairing that's a contender for this title that I haven't written for is Xena/Gabrielle (and that's in part because they're too canon for me to feel the drive for, although I did at one point start a post-FIN fix-it fic, but didn't get far).
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started a post-Scream 5 Sidney/Gale fic that I was excited about, but lost steam on. I'd like to finish that one day, but I doubt I will. I have a lot of Misty/Nat ideas in the mix that I want to write, though I do have hope I'll write those once I make it through the winter blues.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think dialogue is my strong suit, in part because I write to try and get a good feel for a character and their voice. But I think I get the most compliments on movement/how I describe the physical behavior of characters which always surprises me since that doesn't feel like my strength!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Motivation feels very difficult for me, so I write in weird jags and it's unpredictable (which is so frustrating to me!!). But actual content-wise, I think my biggest weakness is action, especially fighting or scenes without much/any dialogue. They just never feel organic to me, no matter how much emotion/reflection I try to put in there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Use it sparingly, and only when it won't detract for those who can't read it or it is translated as part of the dialogue. I think it's most meaningful when the translation is part of the story, otherwise you're taken out of the scene to check notes for a translation (if you're like me). Single words, short phrases, or pet names rarely detract in my opinion, even if it's not translated in the fic since you can usually glean the meaning from context.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Friends, Monica/Chandler. It's still floating out there and it's truly terrible 🫣
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
My most recent fic, dust off those rusty strings, is my overall favorite. It's the longest work I've ever written, and I think it's the best, as well. I put a lot of effort into foreshadowing and parallels within the story, and I felt like I grew over the course of writing it. It was also a perseverance project for me, because I really thought I was going to give up after the Yellowjackets finale aired 💔
Tagging: @alinaandalion, @tabithatwo, @toocabaret, @woodenpicador, @lesbiantahani, @laurabenanti, @shinyalice, @tunemyart, @strangesmallbard, and @damelola (and of course, anyone else who would like to!).
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dnangelic · 4 months
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Exclusive ( ^ idc for any of these labels for myself tbh whats below is more important🏃‍♂️ )
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals ( if you have a sideblog that's fine! )
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free (it's a 30 year old series nobody pays attn to anymore though??? dark's been dead for over 10 slutty slutty years 😭 laksjlkdjg)
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms (there are a few i'm uncomfortable with!)
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom (aslkdjf all five of them?? 🥺)
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text (i get very bored of single one-liner exchanges very fast!)
*Action* (dark will text like this. errybody watch out for teh glompz XD sorry)
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply ( i'll usually match paragraph structure + text size of my partner but very rarely i can't be bothered alsdkjlg. )
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (this goes for dark x daisuke, not just dai x dai (or dark+dark) too. i don't do any of that romantically ever ❌)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in its content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC (i love ppl who can't stop talking ooc abt their muses actually, but i don't like too much random irrelevant content, esp if it's untagged)
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC (i'm very very spotty and slow/negligent with ooc messages due to my bad eye health/short free time timeframes so it helps to skip small talk if you message me specifically through ims or discord!)
Message me IC (i try to at least get my inbox completely free and clean asap, so asks are always your best bet if u want the fastest response to something!)
Make a starter (as long as we're mutuals, random starters are completely ok! tag me in whatever whenever. )
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call (i don't usually reblog memes or make starter calls! i do try to like others' calls though and sometimes send in memes or random unprompted asks! i often respond IC-ly a lot to replies on my posts! if you reply to a reply i make on your post IC-ly, (or otherwise tbh) i will probably turn it into a proper interaction thread!)
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more
I am multi-muse (i kind of am, kind of am not, but i don't reaaaally consider myself one due to the bizarre way dark and daisuke.... well. work. 'i don't get it' appearances and superficials aside they're genuinely the same character, have the same motivations, conflicts and inner feelings about themselves, bonding with one is bonding with the other, relationships or dynamics can potentially end up repeating if you treat them separately as a duo instead of a whole single unit, which is ehhh to me. if that makes sense!)
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (you can also just drop stuff whenever forever! i dont mind at all. alternatively if there's something you want to see moved along, feel free to tell me you're dying to continue a certain thread/scenario and i'll push it to the top of my priorities✨)
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aceoflilies · 1 year
Welcome to the Ace Space!
Call me Ace! I use she/him pronouns and I'm 21.
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This is my primary blog! If you're looking through my profile because somebody's been liking your Pokéblogging posts, my active Pokéblogs are @humming-pokemon-helpers, @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour, @wigglytuff-guild, @pkmnathlete, @malie-city-library, and @mc-pokeprincess. Happy to talk about them OOC here too!
Otherwise, this blog is where I reblog stuff (sometimes with commentary), talk about my favorite fluff ships & series info, post the rare fics I complete, and sometimes even talk about life!
My main fandoms are Pokémon (most common), Undertale/Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, and Splatoon (mostly for Pearlina content), but occasionally I'll talk about other series that interest me. Under the cut for post-shortening's sake.
Most of my ramblings are pretty much just character headcanons/interactions, but at times i like to focus on world-building/larger theories, and I'd love to connect with other people with those interests in my fandoms (especially Pokémon SWSH and SV!!)
Also, if anybody ever wants to toss me some writing requests, feel free! Just know I make no guarantee of speed. (If you want to see my writing, here's my AO3!)
A few things to note about me:
This should generally be a SFW blog! Please keep any asks/requests or the like SFW, but as long as you're respectful, anybody can interact.
I post a lot about ships I like! More below the cut. I try to tag 'em.
I try to be canon compliant. I make no guarantees of that.
Maybe I'll post OC stuff here one day???
If you're discriminatory towards any marginalized groups (racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, ableism, fatphobia), I reserve the right to block freely. Likewise, if I say/repost something that makes folks uncomfortable without realizing it, please let me know! Happy to correct myself.
Other reasons I'll block people: being rude, posting pro-ED content, posting pedo stuff, actively hating on my faves. Probably other stuff that squicks me I'm forgetting right now, too.
That's most of the important stuff! Please feel free to reblog, I'd love to find some mutuals here I can talk about shared interests with!!
Favorite characters/pairings/hobbies below the readmore! It's a lot. You have been warned.
My Faves!
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Characters (top favs in yellow, sorry the list is so long,,,):
Hop (Pokémon SW/SH): I could rant about this boy for days and still not have said enough about how much I love him as a rival and character. He is the best thing to come of out SW/SH. And besides, we love Wooloo enjoyers.
Nemona (Pokémon S/V): She has so much passion and energy for battling!!! She genuinely just wants to connect with someone even though she's so misunderstood!!! Also, she can't handle exercise. I feel you, girl.
Hanamaru Kunikida (Love Live! Sunshine!!): I'm not much of a Love Live fan anymore, but I still love Hanamaru so so much. She is sunshine and light and sweetness and a bookworm and she gets so much joy out of enjoying food and spending time with her friends. A comfort character of mine.
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune): She's such a nervous little dork who's actually just a freak (affectionate), and honestly that is peak young lesbian representation.
Kris Dreemurr, Ralsei, Susie (Deltarune): Please ask me to rant about them individually. I love all of their writing.
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon): I live for her gremlin energy. Yes, even the eating mayo straight from the bottle. I also admire the fact she managed to pull Marina.
Marina Ida (Splatoon): They really did make the coolest, prettiest hacker girl who loves anime and manga and said "make her fall in love with the scrungliest little squid".
Ashe Ubert (FE3H): He's just a little guy!!! A little fella!!! Love his voice acting, his love for books, cooking, and honor, and his tragic backstory. Poor boy.
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2): Is Danganronpa a great series. No. Did Danganronpa give us the most beautifully chaotic lesbian I have ever seen and then cruelly rip her from my hands far too soon. Yes.
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney): Please, Capcom, please remember she exists, I am begging you. Yes she's another "teenage assistant putting on a brave face so she can help solve the mysteries". But I love her magic tricks and her interactions with Phoenix and Apollo, so here she is.
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney): Please stop giving him backstories.
Bianca, N, Yancy, Skyla (Pokémon B/W/B2/W2)
Gloria, Marnie, Victor, Bede, Leon, Raihan (Pokémon SW/SH)
Arven, Penny, Clavell (Pokémon S/V): If you want more Penny and Clavell, I write them constantly on @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour.
Lillie (Pokémon S/M)
Nagito Komaeda (SDR2): No defense here.
Komaru Naegi (DRAE): I do not like UDG for many reasons. I do like Komaru.
Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Rin Hoshizora, Umi Sonoda, Kotori Minami, Ruby Kurosawa, You Watanabe, Emma Verde, Rina Tennoji (Love Live!): My grab bag of gay people. I also generally love most of Aqours.
Edelgard, Caspar, Linhardt, Mercedes, Annette, Marianne, & more (FE3H)
Pretty Much Everyone In Undertale.
Dusa, Artemis, Zagreus, Thanatos (Hades)
My OCs! Feel free to ask about them.
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Personal ships!
Mostly in the "I like the dynamics" sense, rather than the "I think these two would be perfectly well-adjusted together" sense. Ships with minors in them are purely fluff.
Hop/Gloria/Marnie (Pokémon SW/SH): Hop/Gloria is my main focus, just because I think their high energy (in my headcanons, anyways) play off of each other really well. I also like Gloria/Marnie for sunshine/serious. I also like Hop/Victor. I think about the Sw/Sh characters a lot.
Nemona/Juliana (Pokémon S/V): After 君と雨上がりを and Biri-Biri, they're canon. But also, you can't just ask someone to be your best rival like that!!!
Pearlina (Splatoon): They were literally built for each other. They are perfect. I will pull out a thesis on the Octo Expansion and Splatfest dialogue. Do not make me do that.
Caspashe (FE3H): Three words. Gay cat dads. (I also like Casphardt.)
Edeleth (FE3H): Yes, I'm basic. Speaking of basic:
Wrightworth/Narumitsu (AA): Like I said. Basic.
Klapollo (AA): I just find 'overly flirty guy and straight-faced serious guy who believes not a word of it' such a fun dynamic.
Suselle (DR): May I please point you to the ferris wheel scene as a whole.
Alphyne (UT/DR): Just a classic. They're cute and complement each other really well.
Komahina (SDR2): In the sense that "I think if you leave them in a room for enough time the room will literally explode". They're fun because they're so terrible. And on very, very rare occasions, fool you into thinking they're not.
Mikan/Ibuki or Band-Aid (SDR2): Let's be honest, 2-3 was a cop-out.
Rubymaru (Love Live! Sunshine!): Sunshine and sweetness.
Standard Love Live ships (When I say standard, I mean basic.)
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Hobbies/other interests! (Alternatively: Ace Touches Grass)
Cooking/baking! I don't post my food much, but I do tag food.
Writing: I started out with Club Penguin fanfiction at age 8 so you know I'm the real deal.
Practicing Japanese! I like to practice by listening to Japanese music (Ado/Suisei/Polkadot Stingray/Aqours/Vaundy/King Gnu/YOASOBI) and playing games in Japanese.
Archery! I got to try out kyudo in Japan. Best thing I ever did.
Sightseeing, trying new restaurants and foods!
Libraries, I work at one!
Reading (one book, in two days, every 6 months.)
Psychology! Mainly clinical and developmental psych.
Collecting stuffed animals and other cute things!
Animals! Favorite are penguins and foxes :)
RTGame, the Drift King Himself
Bad Karaoke (in Japanese.)
If you got this far, thanks for at least skimming over my post! Hope to make some new friends, allies, or maybe at least queer-coded rivalries here on Tumblr.
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jasonsmirrorball · 5 months
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welcome to my blog!! before entering, here are some things you'll need to know! please read them carefully before continuing so as to make sure we can all have a good online experience ♡
this is now an 18+ blog, so please have your age accessible/visible somewhere on your profile when following otherwise you will be blocked. i have no problem with minors interacting with my sfw fics but this is not a space for minors. this blog does interact with 18+ content and most of it goes untagged, so minors please do not follow this blog.
before reading a fic, please read the tags and if you feel it hasn't been tagged accordingly, feel free to (politely) let me know. you are in charge of your own media consumption and if you don't like something, your best route is not to read it.
this blog occasionally interacts with content you may find triggering/don't like. it's up to you to choose what you interact with and i advise you to take any warnings into account beforehand.
if you interact with 18+ content, you must have your age accessible on your blog somewhere otherwise you will be blocked. 18+ content will always be tagged as such and if you don't have your age, i will assume you are a minor and as such block your blog.
most of the fanfiction on this blog is self-indulgent and probably ooc at times. if it bothers you, please don't read it.
DO's and DON'TS
please do drop by and chat! even if i'm not accepting requests, i love talking about jason and welcome all thirsts and thoughts!
please don't ask me to become moots, it puts me in a bit of an uncomfortable situation and i prefer to make online friends genuinely. (this only applies to reqs going forward. to any of my current moots please know this isn't directed at you)
please don't bring any discourse into my inbox, whether that is to do with fandom practices (e.g. aging up) or disputes between other blogs
please don't copy, translate or repost any of my works. please also refrain from feeding any of it into a.i. my works are only posted on tumblr and archive of our own.
i make liberal use of the block button for my own peace of mind. please do not interact with my blog/posts if you fit the basic dni criteria.
this is not a space for minors but also any blogs exhibiting hateful behaviour. terfs, racists, homophobes you are not welcome here. i also block blogs that are pro ana/ed and anti-semitic + islamophobic behaviour.
this list isn't exhaustive but those are the main things i don't feel comfortable interacting with
in general, i believe in curating our own online experiences so if your vibes are weird i'll block your blog and i encourage you to do the same! it's not personal at all ‪♡
⋆⭒˚。⋆'i sent an ask in, but it hasn't been answered yet, have you received it?'
most likely yes! i take some time to get to asks, and often answer them out of order depending on what i have energy for. if it's a question about something, i'll usually answer it straight away or as soon as i can get to it but any fictional character thoughts (which are always always welcome) are usually answered whenever i can get to them. i also like to hoard asks for a bit (which is an awful habit but it can't be helped) so if you see me active on the dash and not responding, it's nothing personal i promise !! and please don't hesitate to send them in!! i will get to them when i can ♡
⋆⭒˚。⋆'why was i blocked, and can i get unblocked?'
9 times out of 10 it'll be because you interacted with something that was 18+ and didn't have your age in your profile. i'm happy to resolve this if you put your age in your profile! otherwise, it may simply be because i feel uncomfortable by content on your blog and don't want that in my space or feel that my blog may not be the space for you. it isn't personal at all! we all curate our own internet experience and this is part of it.
update: going forward, i will also be blocking any blogs that follow this account that i feel may not actually be an adult. this is for my peace of mind and i apologise if you feel i have wrongly assumed. however, i would rather block an adult than have a minor interact with/follow my blog.
⋆⭒˚。⋆'when will my request be filled?'
please be patient with me!! often times it takes me a while to get around to requests. sometimes i'm hit with a burst of inspiration, and others i can't get two words out. i want to do your requests justice! that being said: sometimes requests will go unfulfilled and i apologise for that. i'll do my best, but at the end of the day i am just one person and this is a hobby
⋆⭒˚。⋆'are your requests open?'
i will always have it in my navi whether they are! if they're open, please specify and let me know that it is a fic request, as sometimes i get thoughts that i like to answer via ask format that rarely go beyond a short blurb or a few sentences. please don't send any requests if they're not open, as i will probably delete them.
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thefanficwriterscraft · 3 months
Loved this week’s new episode! I’m definitely guilty of putting short fics (<1k words) into a singular story instead of a series (though it’s all the same ship/universe). I’ve actually been struggling with the idea of continuing to do this or not but get caught up with 2 things:
1. The thought of having them ALL as individual stories on my page stresses me out from an organizational standpoint. And
2. I wish AO3 had a way to split a work, because I don’t want to lose the comments attached to each chapter/fic by deleting and reposting since I didn’t have the foresight to originally post them as separate entities. (Though with this option then you also run the risk of spamming everyone who’s subscribed to you on ao3).
And I guess also adding on to this and the ao3 improvements mentioned, I’d love if there was a way for an author to highlight their favorite works, because otherwise if you have an author who writes a lot of short works, they add up and things get buried 150 fics deep.
Sorry for the massive drop in the inbox 😅 This has been something on my mind for awhile and the episode just brought it all back. Thanks for all the work you put into the podcast!
Thank you so much, and our apologies for the delayed response as I (pebblysand) was on holidays. So glad you enjoyed the discussion!
Regarding your first point, I can't help/relate, because I think honestly, the opposite would stress me out haha! Having all of my one-shots bundled as one instead of individual stories would drive me nuts! I would feel that is disorganised 😅.
Having said that, I want to be clear that I do think it is legit to do this in some circumstances. For example, from 2015 to 2018, I wrote a bunch of three sentence stories in different fandoms, ships, etc. as a writing exercise. I mostly posted them on their own on tumblr, but ended up bundling them when I uploaded them to AO3 years later. I bundled up together in one fic all the ones that were for the same fandom (so there was one big fic for TGW, and one for silk), then created a series to link them together. The TGW "fic" had multiple ships so I created one chapter for each ship, which I tried to indicate as clearly as I could in the summary.
I think the same thing applies if you're writing multiple short-ish (less than 3k) one-shots in the same pairing/ship/universe. Like: if, say, you're writing post-war Dramione, you have a vision for that universe and all of your one-shots are coherent with that universe and with each other. But again, I do think it's important to consider the fact that it may cause people to rec your work less. Because they might like one story but not the others, and so instead of reccing one chapter, they might just rec nothing at all.
I think it depends on your comfort level for this. For me regarding my own series what comes in threes, I didn't care because a) I published these on AO3 years after I published them on tumblr, and it was more about archiving them than promoting the work, as these stories were very old and I wasn't writing in these fandoms anymore, and b) both of these were in fandoms where reccing isn't the main way people find fanfic. I've mentioned this on the pod before but there is a massive difference in the way people find fics in big fandoms that are too massive to search (tags, rec lists, bookmarks, etc.) and small fandoms where you can just refresh the front page each day and find stuff. TGW and silk are small enough that I knew anyone reading fanfiction for these would be trolling the front page, and thus see the fic as it was published and be able to decide for themselves if they wanted to take a look or not.
Regarding your second point though, I feel you! I haven't talked about it on the podcast but I've been going through a similar struggle of my own with my long work. Castles has three very clear "acts" that are around 100k each. I didn't anticipate this early on and posted all three acts in one fic, and am now very stressed/nervous that it's making this fic too long for people to read. I would love to be able to retroactively split it, but I also, like you, don't want to lose the comments. I really wish there was a way to do this! 😫
And to your third point, I very much agree. I don't have that problem as I mostly write longer pieces but yeah, I get you!
Thanks again for your kind words and for taking the time to write to us! It's amazing to know our little podcast isn't just going out and falling into the ether, and that people are listening!
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curious-sootball · 5 months
Hello! Congradulations, you have found my blog. This is its masterlist of tags and rules - I will greatly appreciate it if you read the whole post and comply. So,
• This is my main (and only) blog. Everything I reblog goes here, because I don't want to juggle managing a bunch of sideblogs. (Tfp fantasy au sideblog is a shared blog, it is currently inactive). Please use tags for navigation, I tag vent posts, nsfw and gore (both when I post and reblog, although i don't reblog vent posts)and I assume you know how to filter tags/content.
• I'm an aromantic asexual. I'm not interested in random sexting or online dating; unsolicited flirting and/or aphobic BS will get you blocked.
• My art tag is sootball_draws , although I only made it this year and haven't retagged all my art with it yet. Searching for fandom specific tags(e.g. "hollow knight" or "hk [character's name]") or "traditional art" on my blog will also help you find my art. My au-specific tags are vigilante tiso!au, tfp fantasy!au and playing around with tma fears in ga'hooleverse. Those are aus that I specifically helped to create, other aus aretagged with what creator named them (e.g. boatem knights au, the magus archives au).
• If you follow me and you have a blank/unfinished-looking blog(e.g. default icon/pfp, one of the default header images, white main theme, no name/description), I will block you and report you for spam because you look like a porn bot(if you want details on why people are blocking porn bots so much here, search "the bot plague", but long story short - they use actual people to look legit and spread malware-filled links). This isn't twitter or facebook or insta or tiktok, you can't make a blank lurker account. Seriously, there are multiple easy-to-find guides on how to customise your blog, just type "tumblr etiquette" into tag search. If you still have a blank blog by this point, you get the bot treatment.
• If you go through my account spam liking my art and art I reblogged without reblogging anything in turn, you might also get blocked! Depends on how annoyed I am with you. This isn't me begging for numbers - if I don't want to share an art piece, I just don't post it! I share my art with the fandom because I want to bring joy! Tumblr isn't twitter, tiktok or instagram - likes are private bookmarks!!! Liking things without reblogging leaves a message that you enjoyed something, but don't want it to be known, like you're a victorian era married gentleman who doesn't want to be seen entering or leaving a brothel. Most tumblr users don't check the "likes" folder on other blogs, so no one sees things if you just leave a like on them. Reblogging is NOT the same as reposting, and whoever told you otherwise is a liar and an idiot: reblog is that tiny green recycle icon button next to like button. Reblogged post can easily be tracked back to the original poster by clicking on their icon, or you can tag it with "art by op" or "other people's art" on your blog to make it clear it isn't yours. I put time and effort into art I make - to see an equivalent of a bunch of "eh, cool, i guess" responses can be really disheartening. You're actively making fandom spaces worse when you do this. I have no patience for that.
• Should be pretty obvious, but racists/terfs/swerfs/all kinds of exclusionists/ai "art" supporters will be blocked on sight. I'm not giving you fuckheads a platform, go eat a cholla cactus.
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anomalouscorvid · 1 year
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banner from fallen london / loveliest of birds loveliest of bugs
chipper / tiercel / magnesium / crow
it/its, fae/faer, ze/hir, gmt timezone. previous pinned post was a reblog of a bat post that i think you should look at
anomalouscorvidae on artfight
fallen london players, send a calling card or other message to Chipper Crow (end-game main account, in-character as carrie) or Elphinstone (mid-game alt account, in-character as elphinstone)! can't guarantee rp responses to non-rp messages but if you send something in-character i can try 🪱
i have a neocities but i've yet to put much on there. for now look at my toyhou.se profile and my sheezy.art profile
interests include fallen london and rain world, so expect to see those. but mostly fl honestly. also, this blog is full of spoilers. i try to tag spoilers when posting in main tags, but not as much otherwise
i do not tag reblogs of bugs. if you need me to tag a certain creature of any kind in a reblog, i'd recommend just unfollowing
this blog also contains untagged body horror and drawn gore (reblogged - i tag in the case of original posts)
i try to remember to add alt text to images i post, but this blog includes undescribed reblogged images
check with me for permission before using any of my art, and same for characters - i'm fine with unexpected visual art of my ocs, but not with writing about them without permission. also, i don't care about reposts of gifs i've recorded (not drawn) of games like rw
active sideblogs include:
@miros-bird - sideblog for reblogging miros bird content. if i see miros bird content, it goes on there (basically entirely reblogs)
@lithobiusforficatus - this one is an aesthetic sideblog, for both personal projects and certain OCs (basically entirely reblogs)
further info like tags beneath cut
i have a set of tags for collecting posts about certain kinds of creatures - these are: #sighthound tag, #myriapod tag, #chiropteran tag, #pigeon tag, #hymenopteran tag, #worm tag, and also as a more general category i'll often tag animal photos and stuff as #perfect critters
i have some other tags for various purposes:
#acheiro-angelic - current main worldbuilding project. tentatively counted as urban fantasy, but also involves spec evo. mainly focuses on angels (which aren't particularly religious in origin)
but there's also #pigeon harpies - the other important part of acheiro-angelic's world... harpies are actually just giant sapient magical pigeons it's so very true
#cosmos-neathy sims shenanigans - my main sims 3 game, which includes sim versions of: the calendar council from fl, the notail o-class from the cosmosdex, the downpour slugcats from rw, some of my ocs, and a few other fictional characters
#garlic and mint (slugpups) - garlic (ID 9876) and mint (ID 7879) are two slugpups who i encountered on an expedition as rivulet in rain world. i now spawn them in at the start of almost all expeditions. they choose violence a lot, and seem to really like karma flowers
#[name] (oc) - this is my standard way of tagging OCs. if i haven't tagged a post as such, it's probably not art of an oc, please don't assume it is
#art / #digital art / #drawing / #digital drawing - these tags are probably actually too vague to get my art any reach from them, but i tag almost all my art with these, so they work for categorisation purposes
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kitocrystal · 2 years
Oh hello, welcome to my art blog! Let me introduce myself:
- My name is Kito/Pippo!
- I prefer he/him but generally don’t care whichever gendered term you call me by. Just treat me with respect, thank you.
- You can repost my art, but properly credit me. Do not say “credits to the original artist,” say my @ visibly and clear.
I also use twitter! I have two accounts on there:
- My main art acc
- And my interactive/moot account
- I am a minor, and I suggest you back off if you don’t fit my dni criteria.
- Homophobic, Transphobic, Sexist, Racist, Ableist
- Pedo, Incest, Proshipper, Groomer
- Harasser, Bully, etc…
- Art thieves. Get out, we don’t like you.
What kind of posts this blog might and will have:
- My art. Mainly funky doodles, and the occasional finished pieces (pff, motivation? Idk her).
- Fanart. I am multifandom, and I have little to no knowledge about the concept of consistency, that will surely show in how many times I switch between this and that fandom. So expect me to draw characters from a lot of different fandoms, sometimes even dead ones.
- Answers to asks. About all types of stuff really, maybe about my characters, backstories, what this and that means, etc..
- Requests. For art of fandoms and stuff, I'm willing to doodle or draw fandoms that I'm not even in, so if you ask, I might actually do them. But read my request info in order to know what you can or cannot request.
- I don't do reblogs unless it's to reply or smth. Otherwise my entire blog is gonna just be my own posts.
Request Info:
- Please send any requests or ask into my inbox. Dms are fine (mostly) but I am much more comfortable with you sending it into my inbox.
- You can't request NSFW. Violence can be acceptable to an extent, but graphic gore is a nono. (i.e. organs and bones aren’t allowed, but blood is, probably vomit as well but 🤷‍♂️)
- Ships are cool, crackships are cooler. No adult/child, non-con or problematic ships.
- Any fandoms can be requested! And I don't really care if I'm not in that fandom, if I think the request's cool then I'll do them.
Main tags that will exist for now, probably more to add later, no additional tags bc I'm lazy to list them:
#oneshot oc, #oneshot
#kitos art
That will be all folks! There might be more to come, but we'll see.
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spinnysocks · 6 days
Welcome to my Den! 🐾
*remakes pinned for the millionth time :3*
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By: @/feathers-fins-and-fangs, @/batsbolts-andboards, @/phantompawz, @/timberbark, @/mollytoons, @/sweetpeauserboxes, @/lookineedsleep
Last updated: 05/06 🌙
Pronouns Page | Boundaries | DNI in bio
Rb'ing for Palestine: @iftheresanythingleft | Moodboard request blog: @poetryforcoyotes
Some stuff about the blogger!
My name's Spinny! You can also call me Spin, Rico or Kib if you'd like. This is my Main Blog! :)
My favoured pronouns shift; in (bold) are my favoured atm! - he/him 🌿 it/its 🌿 they/them 🌿 xe/xim 🌿 sol/sols 🌿 star/stars 🌿 void/voids 🌿 myth/myths 🌿 coy/coyote 🌿 fox/foxs 🌿 indo/indos 🌿 faun/fauns 🌿 snow/snows
I prefer interchangeable use of those above, but generally answer to he/it and any of my neopronouns <3
Very queer!! I'm nonbinary, genderqueer, xenofluid, aroace and a fuck ton of other labels that I hoard at @foxsocksvoid :)
I'm an alterhuman! My polymorph ‘type originates from maladaptive daydreaming and neurodivergence among other things. Planning to make a post going into my identity more!
I am neurodivergent (suspected AuDHD), suspected OCD and a maladaptive daydreamer with some other coping mechanism disorders. As a result, I find interacting etc hard so please bare with me. I'd appreciate tone tags for instance, more in my boundaries ^^
I am a gemini, my birthday is June 6th and I am pagan! I am just a creature guy who loves movies and is going into animal conservation :D
Self-proclaimed Warrior Cats veteran (god I'm old...) but relatively new in the Lion Guard fanbase! Great to be here c:
Blog Information!
Except for this post, I type almost entirely in lowercase!
My blog is SFW (strictly NO NSFW) but contains swearing!
Please tag me if responding to a comment/any mention, otherwise I don't see it! :c
I repost stimboards which may have auto-playing gifs and art that may contain minor blood or animal death (warrior cats or other art)! I tag these under #tw blood, #tw gore, #tw death, #tw cat death and #tw implied death. I do not tag auto-playing gifs.
IF something ever happens to Tumblr, I'm “spinnysocks” or “ricoofdoom” on everything. I'd probably migrate to discord as well as pillowfort or cohost but Tumblr is my everything so hopefully not!!
This post will likely be updated on a near-daily basis due to pronouns shifting and general forgetfulness.
Other info can be found on my boundaries post / just ask! ^^
Send me asks!!! (/nf) They are always open and I love getting any asks or mentions about anything at all! Send me or tag me as much as you'd like <3
I have character opinion bingo asks that are always open too! Check out the tag for who I've been asked about already ^^
I'm also completely happy to participate in tag games of any kind! They're so fun!!
Current fixations: Warrior Cats, Clangen, The Lion Guard, Yellowstone Unleashed!
Other fandoms: Madagascar, Watership Down, Night At The Museum, Guardians of the Galaxy, Space Jam/The Looney Tunes, Kung Fu Panda, Sonic, Shakespeare and Dead Poets Society. Mada is probably my oldest and I'm very fond of it c:
Games I like: RDR2, WolfQuest, Endling, Stray, Shelter Generations, The Isle, Path of Titans, Planet Zoo, Minecraft, Roblox, Rain World and Lioden. I own RDR2, WQ, Endling, PZ, Minecraft, Roblox and Lioden while the others are interests (aka my pc is shit and/or I can't afford them LMAO)
General: movies, cinema, writing, drawing, more to add
Basically, I love creatures, fantasy and animated movies! Please talk to me about any of the above interests if you'd like to, I don't bite!! <3
My “Random Shit” links!
Watership Down uquiz (my first post 🥹)
What Species Would You Choose To Be Reincarnated As (poll)
Warrior Cats mass animations playlist (need 2 remake)
Favourite Character Bingo 2023
The Lion Guard stuff!
Royal Mjuzi! Nduli AU
Young crocs headcannons
Christmastime headcannons
RDR2/Wild West AU (part 1! part 2 in works)
Jumanji AU
Scar's Guard AU fanfic & the Scar's Guard AU post
Warrior Cats AU
That's all! Thank you very much for reading <3 🐾
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mindrole · 3 months
Question about reposting to Twitter (sorry if it's silly): by reposting you just mean stuff you post here, right? You're not going to change course and only post there and not here?
I wish I could give advice otherwise, but I don't use Twitter (which is why I'm asking this in the first place) also hope you recovered well from being sick!
i've been good and healthy! thanks for the well wishes!
when it comes to this i prefer posting on tumblr massively, so don't worry about me moving and setting up there as a main platform or whatever! its comfy here! i like the base of lurkers i've cultivated.
tbh it is mostly a "i wanna post art on twitter because the fanbase is largely over there" kind of ego thing. at first, i assumed i would be posting in parallel, but.. honestly tweeting should be a spur of the moment thing for me, and i have no sense for maintaining side accounts and accounts for specific subjects in particular (this blog in and of itself is a miracle). also i feel watched if i'm out of my element. i don't think it's possible for me to suddenly switch my main hub of cell series posting unless i somehow gained a group of people to bounce off of on a daily basis. i can't use twitter just to post mindlessly like i do here, i like to be chatty instead. at least on tumblr i entertain myself. idk what the difference is. i can use my own personal account just fine weirdly enough, but side accounts never tend to work out and i forget they exist quickly.
basically all i've been wondering from anyone who may know or may be interested in seeing it... the methodology of crossposting my art to twitter when its been a while.. tbh all i draw these days are doodles and stuff that's only funny to me so the mental block is a little strong. it's like "eh... it's not worth the effort.."
initially i intended on mirroring my longer text posts too, like on fusetter or something, but eh... ehhh.... i'll just keep it on tumblr... it's the same thing isn't it. so i'm only concerned with my art right now
also i feel kinda dumb tagging most of the art whenever i post it. but i also don't have much reach on twitter yet, so posting art without tagging it and having people follow until i build something up feels pointless. but also back to the point feeling dumb, i don't mind being seen at all, but i don't want anyone to scroll and go "what's this guy doing here" and such... idk why but it's probably mental illness. i just don't like to stand out in a way that makes me look like i'm trying too hard. but idk how to appear effortless (<-see i overthink too much, there's probably nothing of the sort going on)
but i want to at least semi-cultivate a habit of crossposting stuff even if it's not all of it!! idk if that makes sense.
ironically i think there is very little audience on tumblr compared to twitter for the corner/niche i've accidentally occupied (i.e. being obsessed with the interlude+com+characters that barely exist for some reason especially since i don't post about the main game that much anymore). also just in general i feel like my way of thinking is too strange. i can't fathom that people keep coming back to check over here. thank yew🥺🩷 (<-he was shot out back for this)
every day i am perplexed why this blog has people keeping watch on it, i feel very humbled and happy about it but i also scratch my head a little bit. it's very fun even if confusing. i like the level of interaction i have. so i'm not gonna switch over...!!! don't worry!!!
at the very least i have every intention continuing to archive my art in the poipiku attached to the twitter account... the twitter account itself however, is at a standstill, i have no idea what to do with it, which is why i'm doing the last ditch "phone-a-follower" effort
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ask-that-weird-dog · 4 months
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??? // INTRO // 1 // TO BE CONTINUED...
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Read the following before you ask...
and don't make me tap the sign!
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* no NSFW! this blog is intended to be 13+ so please don't send anything sexually explicit or excessively gory, thank you!
* please be patient! I draw all the responses, and that can take some time. I also may hold onto some asks for future pieces, too.
* the Kris of this blog goes by they/them only! please do not misgender them in asks or they will be eaten... I mean deleted.
* interactions with other ask blogs are perfectly welcome and encouraged! I'm always happy to meet another kindred spirit.
* this isn't a roleplay blog! I won't be doing threads here, just silly one-off doodles. I will, however, be making an ask-driven comic!
* treat the mod with respect! please don't come here stirring up drama or sending hate/harassment etc. you get the idea.
* the mod is an adult! please remember this when interacting.
Please do:
* send asks directed to Kris! they can hear your text as a disembodied voice and will respond to you accordingly.
* offer Kris objects, either by text or as a submitted picture! accepted items will be added to their inventory.
* use asks to suggest ideas to Kris! if you want them to actually do it though, you'll have to be convincing!
* interact with Kris directly, to a degree! any physical contact will be experienced as a 'hand' that only they can see.
* send IC asks from other character blogs! they're just for fun and games though, and may not be considered canon.
* send asks to the mod if you have questions or concerns! I'll happily tag triggers, explain bits of the AU, or clarify rules as needed.
* send joke m!as for special events! I may be selective on them though, and they likely won't be canon to the main story here.
* tag this blog in any posts you'd like me to see! I'll happily check out anything you'd like to send my way, within reason.
Please do not:
* send asks to characters other than Kris! they can't hear you; if you want to send a message, you'll need to convince Kris to do it for you.
* send asks that alter their world, or force Kris or other characters to do something! you just don't have that much power in this world.
* send asks containing explicit 18+ language, slurs, gore, or sexual content. anything like that is getting deleted on sight, sorry folks.
* misgender Kris in asks; those are getting deleted too. also please don't interact IC if you're an RP/ask blog that genders the kids.
* try to rush the mod on replies. drawing takes time, and I might not get to every reply. you can ask off anon if it was deleted, though!
* send stuff unrelated to the AU to this blog. if you'd like to chatter about other stuff, I've got a main blog and I'd love to see you there!
* repost any of my art without permission! please ask before using my work elsewhere. reblogs, however, are always encouraged!
Q: So, what AU is this for anyway? A: I've been calling it 'Deltarune Monsterswap,' mainly since there isn't already an AU named that as far as I can find, and it describes the concept fairly well! Basically; everyone who's a human is now a monster, and everyone who's a monster is now human. Think Overtale but for Deltarune, basically! There are some definite personality differences as a result, though Kris will be the most obvious upfront.
Q: What sort of monster is Kris? A: Kris is a monster based on el cadejo, a mythical dog spirit from Central America! Their dual nature of devil dog vs angel dog seemed like an interesting concept to work with, especially since I personally headcanon Kris to have some Central American ancestry and wanted to pick something local to the region. Plus, I dunno, they've always given me scruffy stray dog vibes. This kid absolutely eats food off the floor when nobody's looking and you can't tell me otherwise.
Q: My ask wasn't answered! What happened to it? A: If it didn't break any of the rules I've listed off and hasn't been answered yet, it's probably still in my inbox! I'm liable to hold onto asks that I find fun but haven't found a place for so that I can use them in the future, so don't give up hope. They still might appear in the future! I promise I appreciate every one, even if it can take me a bit to get some of them done.
Q: Can I ask about future events or for hints? A: You can try! If something is TOO spoilery I might keep my lips sealed, but I'm willing to give hints and ideas on occasion. If push comes to shove, the worst case scenario is me posting it with a little :)c to mildly menace you a bit. I mean hey, lots of 'Players' look up guides to find secrets, too. It's on theme.
Q: Will there be any ships involved? What ones? A: I'll be sticking to canon for the most part on these; characters that have crushes will still have them, but we're generally sticking to canon-compliant territory here and they won't be a major focus. The farthest I get out of the box is that the Kris of this blog BRIEFLY had a crush on Noelle when they were younger, but it went unnoticed and has long since faded. The most you'll really see of that is a bit of awkwardness on Kris's part. Noelle will still have a crush on Susie, but at least for now it's unrequited.
Q: So, who's the mod behind this thing anyway? A: I don't really talk about myself; I grew up in the era of 'don't share personal info online' and still kinda live by that in public! The most you'll get is: I go by Timey, use she/her pronouns, I'm 28, and my left thumb is hypermobile. That's about as personal as I get, sorry!
AND THAT'S IT! Thanks for reading, and here's hoping you'll enjoy bothering this ridiculous critter as much as I do.
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 4 months
Howdy hey, you can call me Skipp!
I'm still on the newer side of tumblr despite having an account for litteral years.
I do the art things, so that's mainly what you will find on here, but this blog is also just a regurgitation of my mind! Anything and everything I like will be posted or reposted here. There is little to no curation of my posts other than with tags. This includes fandoms (old and new), my ocs, and random inner monologues I've decided to put into words!
Fandoms! :D (trust me when I say that these are just some not all)
Tales of Arcadia
Mostly trollhunters, but I still love the others in the series a whole bunch! This obsession comes and goes in waves but will never truly fade, so watch out for that lol
Percy Jackson/Rick Riordanverse
The show has rekindled this flame to intensities it's never had before!
I'm newer to the fandom (got into it through rise), and am slowly making my way through the rest of the shows. Currently watching the 2003 turtles which, from what I've heard, is the best one so I'm definitely looking forward to it!
Secret Trio
Love them. They're so goofy! This also includes more than just the main three btw! Just as long as I've seen or heard of it and it crosses over with them, I'm down!
Mystery Kids
They are chaos incarnate and you can't tell me otherwise. Just like with secret trio, I'm all for different interpretations of them and the inclusion of different media's!
Call me a zombie because as long as I'm kicking, this fandom will have an active fan. I love this show so much.
Powerpuff Girls
I'm more into the fandom side of this than the actual show. I read the fics and love the fanartand aus. But tbh I don't remember much of the actual show ;^^
Love it. Will always adore it. My go to comfort show. I don't care if no one remembers or even knows what this is bc I do! And i will keep making fanart for it by myself in this empty corner till the day I Persish.
I even made an au for it!
I do a lot of cc reposting, not just for me, but for anyone who might like the same stuff as me (but mostly for me).
Sally Face, Little Miss Fortune, Fran Bow, and the like.
Games with this vibe just call to me.
I love fashion and fun outfits, so be prepared for a lot of couture reposting as well lol
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blueaizu · 1 year
Aizu Updates: Projects for June
It's been a hot minute since the last one of these, so I think it's time for another one. I'm thinking that having this be a bi-weekly thing would be a good schedule. I'll be talking about my time on Bluesky so far, Clip Idol, and some other miscellaneous updates.
These still need a proper name. I'll call them Aizu Updates since I blew my creativity budget on drawings and games. I will be retroactively adding the tag and title to previous posts like this one so they'll be easily accessible.
First I'll talk about my time on the elusive Bluesky. I managed to get on there thanks to someone generously giving me an invite code (NOTE: If it was you and you'd like me to specifically mention your handle, please feel free to reach out and I'll add it in; otherwise I'll keep you anonymous so people won't try hounding on you for invites. By the way: I'll only give invites to people I trust!). Bluesky is similar to Twitter on the surface, but it's actually a decentralized platform with no algorithms, at least not like the ones you may be used to on other platforms. Currently there's a "What's Hot" tab for posts with 12 or more Likes, and there's a Following tab that's always presented in chronological order that covers original posts, reposts (read: retweets), and even replies to other people. At this point in time, hashtags aren't implemented and DMs don't exist. The people there are kind of tight knit so specific communities aren't really a thing just yet, but that could change pretty soon. For now, I'm spending most of my time on the platform trying to get more artwork uploaded since I feel there's a sore lack of it.
A new development is something they're calling "Algos," which are basically a way to add more tabs functioning closer to the algorithms of other platforms. This is part of where Bluesky's decentralization comes in, because (from my understanding) it's a way to change what the platform thinks you're most interested in seeing on the fly without needing to make a fresh account. This is what will separate Bluesky from Twitter and could be a huge development for the future of social media in general. With it, you'll have more control to influence what things the platform assumes you'll want to see instead of just being at the mercy of one algorithm that's rigged by some guy with an offensive musk.
=== With that out of the way, let's talk future projects! ===
The biggest thing I'll be doing in the immediate future is a complete mad dash to finish Clip Idol. I'm supposed to be presenting it again very soon and I need to finish all of the artwork for it so it's in a presentable state. I'd love to make more minigames for Harley to play, but I think the time is coming to put a cap on Clip Idol and get started on something new. It's the only way I'll get better at making games, and I'm sure people will want to play this one! If you haven't seen the previous update I made about Clip Idol, I'll share a link to the latest in-progress video I've uploaded:
=== Vtuber Stuff ===
I've also been hard at work on my Vtuber model, who I decided I'm going to call... Aizu. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not a very vampire-y name, but his design came from ideas based on a lot of self-reflection (but still with a few liberties, I definitely can't pull off wearing a crop top in real life), so it's the same as my current username. Some people have called me a vampire before, so you know what? They're right. I am a vampire!
The model is already fully rigged, but I'm still running tests to make sure his tracking works properly. I'm also still drawing backgrounds, including the main one I'll be using. A goal I have for his streaming background is that, as much as possible, I want it to feel like it's in a real place. Just doing a fancy border won't cut it. Conversely, I'm back and forth on whether I should have him holding a controller and using a drawing tablet, but for my first Live2D model ever I feel it may be a little too ambitious. I'd like to start doing streams as Aizu before the end of the year, and since I'm making the model myself I could always add those bells and whistles in later.
I've talked about Aizu a fair bit and already made him my profile picture, so I'd like to pull back the curtain a little bit to show him in action! This is from a while back so his model is in an earlier state (note the darker wings), but in broad strokes this is how Aizu will be:
And with that, I've got a lot of last minute changes I need to make for my friend's book illustrations before I can continue my own projects, so this is where I'll have to end it for now. Until next time!
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