#he's also very het in a non stereotypically het way so his vibe can be hard to get fjfjfjf
hxhhasmysoul · 7 months
Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
I find it more depressing than funny, tbh.
I haven't read/seen much BL recently so I'm not sure what the genre looks like but if I remember correctly, you could also find there slow, melodramatic romance.
But the strong gay vibes a lot of the shounen manga exhibit has a lot to do with patriarchy and censorship.
Popular shounen tends to be not that much about what all teen boys are interested in but what they should be interested in, what's acceptable for them to be interested in. It's societal gender expectations reinforced by peer pressure. Japan isn't great on the queer topics due to its history, especially when it comes to men. Not because they are more accepting of wlw, it's just women are societaly more invisible and their interests were/are? considered more frivolous. They can have homosexuality in their low brow media, because in a patriarchal society the media directed at women is by default kinda trashy.
And I'm talking here about women's media because BL and it's cousins are stereotypically female oriented categories, though it's not like men don't read/write it. There's manga that is by gay men for gay men, I forgot the name of it, but what I've seen it, it's more Tom of Finland in vibe than Yuri on Ice. (Though I've seen just a few titles and it's surely far more than just that)
That's why there will be plenty of homophobia in media directed at teen boys. Like there's a whole type of character in shounen that feeds into predatory homosexual stereotypes, like Hisoka from HxH, for example.
HxH is a very interesting example here because Togashi has hinted at times that he wanted to include a gay romance in HxH, and the phrasing he uses between Gon and Killua is quite openly romantic in nature @/https://www.tumblr.com/i-heart-hxh has a lot of meta about it, if you're interested.
In shounen historically two things converged, the homophobia and the ugh, romance is for girls, yuk! So we can't really have het romance in a normal way, because girls have cooties and romance is for girls, but we're also homophobic so we can't have gay characters.
But we also want drama and deep connections and cool lines, so like it all gets very homoerotic but the epilogue will make them straight.
It's getting better slowly, like gradually shounen will have female characters that do stuff, and there will be canon gay characters. Maybe there will even be romance in the major titles, though not in this "Big There", I'm afraid. And no I don't consider whatever the fuck predatory shit is happening in CSM as romance. JJK kinda has one relationship, Kirara and Hakari, but they aren't even officially confirmed despite everyone knowing what they are XD. There was also kinda Chousou/Yuki budding but well mum would not have it, apparently. Hell's Paradise has an established relationship with a bit of romantic flashbacks, but Kittymaru is kinda ace, so it's slightly too queer and not enough a non cringe het romance shounen so desperately needs (Hell's Paradise also has canon queer characters, Kaku took full advantage of Jump+ and it's to be commended).
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boopiddyboop · 8 months
Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo are also considered feminine leaning tho!
Hj has a pretty balanced "feminine" and "masculine" chart overall tho leaning towards feminine.
Moon in gemini is considered a pretty queer placent too (and I can attest to that xp) and the sag placements and 9h(in placidus at least) would make me think the possibility of liking any kind of people and gender, same in 11h tbh.
Btw, even if it wasn't super direct, I still 100% believe that was him coming out as pan bc why would he specify wether man or woman? It wasn't necessary to say🤨 And yeah he said that was a different story but pretty sure he explained it to contextualize on why that was his ideal type, bc also he followed by "SO yeah I don't have an ideal type, I try to see that person vibe first" meaning it was indeed connected to the story.
Also Korean is a very neutral gender language but they do use the word girl or man to define ideal type as well yet not only he specified "wether man or woman" bf but also said the word person a lot🤨
And yeah het ppl can also be attracted romantically or/and sexually bc of the inside too but that's mainly an aroace spectrum and pan experience and you don't really see het allos defining the ideal type excluding their gender unless they are multisexual, ace or/and aro.
Idk I just think since he was soo smooth about it and he wasn't saying "pansexual" explicitly it's easy to ignore and not think much about it but bc of what I said I still think that was proof and he came out!
(2/2) Which I also find interesting is him having planets that even if they don't have to mean only that, they can indicate being in the trans umbrella. Like his Sun/Uranus aspect to say one example. I obviously wouldn't rely on astrology to state any sexuality or gender, just using it to explain the possibility in astrology terms! But either way, no one can convince me Hj is cisgender tbh. And I don't mean it bc of stereotypes or gender expression(gender non conformity doesn't necessarily mean being trans as well although it can be common they align), I mean well those and other things open more possibilities for me thinking so but yeah I just think he isn't cis. But anyways it doesn't matter nor what what we think so
Oh anon, giving me a reason to continue writing essays hahaha- I'll try to address each bit at a time.
Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo are also considered feminine leaning tho!
I did go back and check that I got Virgo right in this writeup, where I put it as neuter leaning feminine (she is the maiden, after all). If I didn't make it clear, I consider the planets with contrasting elements one way or another to be "leaning" as well. So in the case of Scorpio and Capricorn, their elemental positioning causes them to not be as strictly tied to the binary. Scorpio is related to the scorpion that killed Orion, and Capricorn to the goat that suckled Zeus. Of the two, I personally take Scorpio to be a bit more masculine than Capricorn, but that's personal flavor of finding Mars energy a bit more overt.
Hj has a pretty balanced "feminine" and "masculine" chart overall tho leaning towards feminine. Moon in gemini is considered a pretty queer placent too (and I can attest to that xp) and the sag placements and 9h(in placidus at least) would make me think the possibility of liking any kind of people and gender, same in 11h tbh.
I'd agree on the sentiment that Hongjoong has a mixed chart, but I find most people do- it's what makes people that have type dominant charts (stelliums, elemental imbalance, etc.) so interesting because they're that much rarer.
Moon in Gemini is actually one of those placements that trips me up because it shows so differently across different people based on where it's placed. I very rarely can clock it without looking at a chart. Naturally, Ateez would have 3 of them xD
As far as Hongjoong's placements go, it's his Mars in Virgo sitting in the 9th house, not his Sun (edit: as per traditional astrology) which I think would lead him to being way more traditional. The thing highly combatting that would be his Jupiter opposite in Pisces, my belief for one of the artiest-fartiest placements a person can have (especially in the 3rd house!). To your point though, under whole signs that Sun/Venus combo gets thrown to the 11th house, which I would describe as much more open. Interesting how two very different placement systems can generate a similar outcomes.
(Sagittarius is indeed a very forward thinking sign borderline rebellious, but by whole signs it's in the 12th house, so his Mercury, while charged, can work against him in this regard.)
Discussion on the video itself
I do think his verbage is very interesting, and it reminds me very strongly of Felix or Suga. (Felix has also basically come out as much as I think will be allowed of him).
THAT BEING SAID, I would remind us all that an idol's job is to be appealing. That's not being pessimistic so much as the pragmatism of someone realizing their interested demographic and playing to it. Not to say anyone, Hongjoong or otherwise, is lying when they form responses like this. It's just also recognizing that if you approach me at my job about my opinion, I'm gonna give you a neutered answer. I think the same applies to idols. So, while his take to the inquiry makes me raise my eyebrows, as to how far I'd infer something with it..... I stick with my original commentary of "pan-coded".
Finally, if you haven't read enough, I'll link this fun article on queerness in theatre, which I think also applies to other artistic professions such as music or fashion. At the end of the day, I find it very interesting how K-Pop and its fandom has become something a haven for queer people despite being rooted in a still-conservative country.
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mcnuggyy · 3 years
I was really hoping to get Trixie but I got Hev instead jsansadjkbsakj
Only two people have gotten Trixie so far so don’t feel too bad jfjfjff, He’s a hard nut to crack and also kind of a dick so don’t worry too much about it <3
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i-did · 3 years
Do you think trans Neil fics are just a way for people to enforce more heteronormativity into Andriels relationship? From what I’ve seen it just seems like an excuse for writers to feminise Neil more which is really harmful to trans male stereotypes. Not to mention the smut seems like an excuse to write about penis/vagina sex. Idk if I’m overthinking this but it’s the feeling I get and I’d appreciate someone else’s perspective on it
I think the fact that the vast majority of trans representation in fics is smut is pretty telling. I also am unfortunately nosey and back when I still read smut (I rarely do these days, it just makes me feel bad these days instead, haha) I would check out the author, and they were often women, presumably or openly cis since Fandom is an overwhelmingly (but not exclusively) AFAB space.
So far all the trans men I've personally spoken to have mentioned that they can't read any trans fics and actually actively avoid them.
There is also the discussion of language and misgendering of genitals in smut fics, as well as how differently the characters (who are being written as trans) become. Trans andrew fics are dominated by smut as well as writing him as a bottom and very sexual and ... okay I genuinely can't think of another word for this besides "cockslut" so sorry about the informality of language. But they wrote him as a cockslut, and same as neil. Trans men can be tops, and often are because of bottom dysphoria, and anal is still a thing trans men can enjoy, anyone can.
We have a pretty good idea how andrew and neil act during sexual acts together since we are shown andrew jerking neil off and andrew sucking neil off in the books. So when because they're afab they suddenly act very different during sex it can be... suspicious.
Its also important to discuss language used during smut fics as well as what is included and what isn't. Often chests are mentioned, not so often with top surgery in mind, and body hair isn't. Trans men on testosterone are very aware of their body hair and how it has changed, and usually proud of it. I think even a passing remark about how one of them (pre or post op) would have chest hair or a happy trail would be good to mention, when happy trails are often mentioned in cis smut but omitted in trans smut.
Also when having sex with a trans person (yes speaking from experience) it is best to openly and honestly discuss what they are comfortable with and what language they like. Consent is always important to be discussed and when/if your partner has dysphoria that is another element to be considered and discussed. Some trans women get dysphoric about anal, some don't, some trans men keep a shirt on some don't some people keep their socks on some people like some words that others don't. Its best to assume someone doesn't have a misgendering kink! Its not that common and all kinks should be discussed beforehand anyway. Dirty talk should also be discussed, what words are good to use vs not.
A lot of the language see in ftm trans smut (because there is next to no mtf trans smut) ((not that I think it would be much better but who knows I haven't read it)) refers to the genitals with dirty language associated with women (tits, pussy, cunt, etc) but doesn't mention the trans man's erection, in fact I haven't seen any mention T-cocks/T-dicks. Its also best to assume your partner doesn't like those words and use vague terms unless otherwise stated, using general words such as hole is still hot and also not misgendering their genitals. Some people do not see this as a form of misgendering, but not everyone does and the reason people I've talked to about this (and myself) don't read these fics is because the language makes them uncomfortable so we avoid it all together. (As well as the other problems discussed).
The fact that effects of testosterone are hardly mentioned makes me feel like these fics are more so existing for the often afab non mlm consumers of smut fics who use them as porn to get off to and increase their self insertablility. I'm honestly curious about this psychologically, I know some people don't realize they're trans until moments like this, but I also know fully confident cis and sometimes het women get off to gay porn.
Regardless, obviously writing trans neil is not problematic, and same as writing trans andrew fics. But its important to note how you or the author might have changed the characters canon personalities, presentation, reactions during sex and preferences during sex. And also why there is so much emphasis on sex, when people who are trans are trans not just during sex, but also... when they're not having sex, which is most of the time like everyone else. Its also important to note which one you choose to prefer being trans and why, I know a lot of non Americans who only use the word for binder as a chest binder and not a folder assumed neil was trans until it became apparent he wasn't written with the intention of so, but I've also seen people choose to have neil be trans because they think "trans men are just hotter" and if you're not a trans man,,,, maybe. Don't say that. Because that's fetishizing trans men.
Whatmack wrote a good fic where neil is trans and its not just a device for smut, in fact its not about his genitals and sex at all, its about WWI and is really good but mind warnings, its called "in flanders fields" i believe.
Also I'm told I'm an overthinker a lot but honestly? My mind is blank a lot of the time lmao. And then when its not blank I'm just... thinking. I don't think I'm an over thinker regardless of what others have told me lmao, I think they just don't realize how often I'm actually just vibing. Also "overthinking" can be good. Analyzing things and what they mean can be important and questioning stuff is also important. Obviously if you're getting anxious than overthinking isn't good and its overwhelming instead, but a little overthinking is good because some times I feel we under think things and don't analyze what they could mean.
When I have a reaction to something or an instinct idea about something I try to assess why. Do I hate Kora? Why? Do I think she's arrogant and unlikable? Or am I actually being misogynistic and potentially colorist against her, and if she were a white male character would i question her personality and actions as much as I do when she's a woc, much less be annoyed by them? (I love Kora, this is just an example lol)
Also sorry I keep answering these like always 3 am my time which means for a lot of you guys its even earlier in the morning, (whats up Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the Philippines, and other awake places)
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