#hell. even Cellbit without Roier??
scraemoo · 6 months
I cannot stand the thought of a team dying I can't I can't I can't I
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
A very exciting day from the Merpepito AU
Read on Ao3
Pepito has been a pirate for one month and three days, and he has finally been given his first Pirate Job.
"Pepito, I'm trusting you with something very important," Captain Celbi had said as the ship had pulled into port.
He had crouched and pulled out a small leather pouch from the pocket of his coat. He held it out to Pepito, nodding seriously as Pepito took the pouch in both of Pepito's hands.
"Pac and Mike are going to go grocery shopping while we're here, but they always forget the most important food when I send them shopping," Captain Celbi explained. "They don't buy any candy, and we both know how important candy is."
Pepito nodded seriously. Candy is important, Apa Quackity says that it's one of the major food groups along with fish, seaweed, and cocaine.
"So I need you," Captain Celbi continued, "to take this money and make sure that you get candy. One piece for every crew member, and two pieces for yourself as payment for taking on this very important mission."
And so here Pepito is, grocery shopping for the first time as a pirate. Mister Pac and Mister Mike and Richarlyson are with him, but they don't know about his mission; it's a secret mission, Captain Celbi had said!
The Sky Pepito town is huge, but Pepito doesn't think they'll get lost. Mister Mike seems to know where they're going even if Richarlyson does keep running off and getting lost in the crowd and punching people until Mister Pac goes to get him.
"Settle down, Richas!" Mister Pac groans. He takes Richarlyson by the hand and pulls him to his side. "You're going to get arrested like this, you know!"
"And?" Richarlyson challenges. "So what! Pai Cellbit gets arrested all the time!"
"Cellbit is also a complete sociopath," Mister Mike comments. He looks at the grocery list with a hum. "He told us to buy coffee, how the hell are we supposed to make coffee on a boat?"
Pepito doesn't know what a 'sociopath' is, but it sounds cool! Some kind of artist, maybe?
He looks around the market. There has to be a candy stall somewhere!
Back in the Reef, Miss Niki had the best candy. She made taffy out of The Ocean's salt, and she sold it alongside her cookies in her shop, and, man, Pepito really misses Miss Niki.
...He doesn't miss anything else about the Reef, though! Definitely not Apa Roier or Apa Quackity or Apa Mariana or Apa Carre or Ama Rivers or Awuelo Foolish, that would be silly!
Pepito is a pirate now. He's doing a Pirate Job for a Pirate Captain, and he's going to end up in sooooooo much trouble with the Navy because of it! (Everybody knows the Navy hates candy. It's because they're lazy disgusting sacks of organs and blood, according to Captain Celbi, and he's never wrong!!)
Pepito jumps as someone taps his shoulder. He looks up and sees Mister Mike looking down at him with crinkled, smiling eyes.
"Don't get lost, now, Pepito," he says. "Cellbit will leave you behind if we go back to the ship without you."
Pac gasps and smacks Mister Mike's arm, but he's smiling, and Richarlyson is laughing.
Pepito's eyes well with tears, but he doesn't cry. He knows that they're all pirates. They're evil. Of course Captain Celbi would leave if Pepito got back to the ship late, he's a pirate captain, and Pepito still hasn't finished his first Pirate Job.
So Pepito bites Pepito's lip and puffs Pepito's chest out. He will not be left behind! He's going to finish his Pirate Job, and then Captain Celbi will say he's a Good Pirate, and then Pepito will be a Good Pepito again.
...But Pepito can't see a candy stall or shop anywhere. Captain Celbi had said that this was supposed to be a secret, but if Pepito doesn't tell anybody that he was given this job, then it's still a secret!
Hesitantly, he tugs on Mister Mike's sleeve and spells out with his finger in the air, "C A N D Y"? (Apparently, there's something called 'sign language' in the Sky, but Pepito hasn't learned that yet, but at least Pepito can spell using the Sky Language now!)
"You want candy?" Mister Mike asks.
"Oooo, I want candy, too," Mister Pac eagerly says. He looks at Pepito with a smile. "When we're done shopping, we'll get some candy, okay?"
Pepito beams, all tears gone.
Richarlyson grumbles and tugs his hand free. He ducks his head, mutters something under his breath, glares at Pepito through his bangs.
Pepito frowns, all smiles gone.
He doesn't get why Richarlyson doesn't like him. They're friends, right? Captain Celbi always seems happy when they're playing together.
...Unless Richarlyson knows that Pepito is a Bad Pepito. Unless Richarlyson knows about the Very Bad Thing.
Uh oh.
(Cellbit watches the water, leaning against the ship's railing. He can dream of seeing him again, can't he?
Suddenly, a bright light erupts out of the ocean just over the horizon.
Cellbit frowns, standing and adjusting his hat.
That can't be good.)
Halfway through the grocery list, Richarlyson escapes again.
Maybe that's for the best, Pepito thinks. He likes Richarlyson, but he doesn't want Richarlyson telling his dads about the Very Bad Thing. Pepito likes Misters Pacandmike, they've been the ones teaching Pepito how to write the Sky Language. They're smart, and they're nice by pirate standards. Pepito doesn't want them to hate him, too.
So Pepito keeps watching Mister Mike argue with the saleswoman at the bakery. She won't sell him any bread because Richarlyson stole some cookies on his way into the crowd, it's rude. Maybe she's a pirate, too.
But the hair on the back of Pepito's neck raises on end as he hears a familiar shout and a, "Hey, watch it, kid! Where the fuck are your parents, huh?"
Pepito is a Brave Pepito. Pepito is a pirate! Pepito isn't scared of anybody!
But Pepito doesn't want to see the hatred in Apa Roier's eyes. He wants his last memories of Apa Roier's face to be happy ones where Apa Roier still loves him and wants to be his father and doesn't hate him or think he's a killer or a Bad Pepito.
Pepito can't help it.
Pepito runs.
Pepito holds Captain Celbi's money close to his chest, and he runs.
"What the-" Mister Mike exclaims. "Pepito! Where are you going!"
"Pepito?" Apa Roier asks. He shouts again and calls, "Pepito!"
Pepito ducks into the crowd and drops to his knees, clutching Captain Celbi's money tight so he doesn't lose it.
Apa Roier may be a fast swimmer, but Pepito is a Small Pepito. He knows that Apa Roier is super tall, so Pepito crawls between people's legs and under and through skirts and he hopes that Apa Roier can't see him because Pepito doesn't want to see him.
Pepito is gonna be in soooooo much trouble...
("He's a good boy," Apa Roier says. He glares over Pepito's shoulder at Luzu. "Not a killer. Can you get that through your skull, hmm?")
Pepito sniffs and wishes he was back home where he could hide under his bed until Apa Mariana would get on the ground with him and wait until he was done being scared. Apa Mariana would hold Pepito's hand and talk until Pepito felt better, and Pepito misses him so much. But now Apa Mariana has a New Pepito to hold hands with. He doesn't want Pepito anymore.
Suddenly, something heavy pounces upon Pepito from behind, knocking him down.
Pepito lets out a whine and faceplants onto the ground. He hears his glasses crack (at least he hopes it's his glasses...)
Captain Celbi's money digs into Pepito's stomach. It hurts...
"Got him!" someone shouts, and, oh, it's Richarlyson. Of course he's working with Apa Roier. He wants a Good Pepito, too, doesn't he?
Pepito whimpers and shakes his head. He wiggles, trying to get free, but all he does is rattle Captain Celbi's money a bit.
Richarlyson laughs and reaches under Pepito's stomach and pulls out the money pouch.
"This is Pai Cellbit's!" Richarlyson gasps. His other hand wraps around the back of Pepito's neck angrily. "You stole this from him!"
Pepito shakes his head again. He might be a Bad Pepito, but he isn't a thief! Captain Celbi gave that money to him for a job! A Pirate Job! So Pepito can be a pirate like everybody else!
"Hey, mister!" Richarlyson shouts. "I have Pepito!"
Pepito's stomach hurts, but not from getting tackled this time. He's going to be sick. Apa Roier hates him. He's came all this way just to find Pepito and arrest him and call him a Bad Pepito and-
Richarlyson is yanked off of Pepito; he shouts and fights and kicks right into Pepito's back.
"Richarlyson, what the hell?" Mister Pac demands. "What does Pai Cellbit always tell us?"
Pepito pushes himself up and back onto his hands and knees. His glasses are cracked, but he can still kinda see...
But then he's picked up by Mister Mike, and then they're running through the crowd.
Pepito glances down and sees that he's only being held to Mister Mike's chest by one arm. Mister Mike's free hand is holding a gun.
Mister Mike turns his head over his shoulder and shouts, "You are so grounded!"
"What? No!" Richarlyson protests.
"Crew protects crew," Mister Pac says. "Pepito is crew whether you like it or not."
Squinting, Pepito can see Mister Pac dragging Richarlyson along behind him as they hurriedly speedwalk through the crowd.
Mister Pac has his sword drawn, but it looks clean. That's good, Pepito doesn't want Apa Roier hurt.
"He stole from Pai Cellbit!" Richarlyson argues. "He's a traitor!"
Mister Mike rolls his eyes. "Who doesn't steal from Cellbit? Honestly, Pepito stealing from him is enough to make him crew in my eyes."
Pepito's jaw drops. A pirate likes him...!
They continue rushing through the crowd, groceries abandoned. Captain Celbi is gonna be so mad, but he might not call Pepito a Bad Pepito if Pepito's lucky. It isn't Pepito's fault that Apa Roier talked to the Sea Witch! Blame the Sea Witch, not Pepito!
The ship appears over the crowd, and Pepito can almost see the Pepitos on its deck. But his glasses are broken, so all he can really see are smudges that are vaguely Pepito-shaped.
"Cellbit!" Pac shouts. "We need to go!"
Captain Celbi appears over the railing. With his hat and his coat and the clear scowl on his face, he looks truly evil. (So cool...)
"What the fuck did you do?" he demands as they approach. "You were gone for twenty minutes!"
Mister Mike is the first on the ship. As soon as he's on board, he drops Pepito to the ground and reaches out to grab Richarlyson and pull him on board, too. He gently shoves Richarlyson to Cellbit, who takes Richarlyson by the shoulders and holds him still in front of him.
Captain Celbi looks at Mister Mike, and then he looks at the out-of-breath Mister Pac, and then he looks at Richarlyson, and then he looks at Pepito.
His eyes darken, a weird rumbling sound coming out of his throat that almost sounds like growling, but that can't be right. Sky Pepitos don't growl.
Pepito shrinks back. In the air, he shakily spells, "S O R R Y."
"It wasn't Pepito," Mister Pac says. "There was some- some guy at the market who saw Pepito and started chasing us! I don't know, he might be Navy? But they don't usually go after mermaids, right?"
"Who cares who he was?" Mister Mike huffs. He still has his gun out. (Scary...) "Fuck that guy."
He glances at Richarlyson. "You're grounded, young lady. Go below deck."
Richarlyson's jaw drops open in outrage. "But- but he's a thief!"
He holds out Captain Celbi's money pouch. "Pai, see? Pepito stole this from you! He's untrustworthy."
Captain Celbi sighs and takes his money back. "I gave him that money so he could buy candy because you guys never let me have any. Go downstairs, we'll talk later."
Richarlyson's face falls, but he storms downstairs, kicking a bucket full of soapy water over on his way.
Captain Celbi looks at Mister Pac. "We can't leave yet. Baghera and Mousey are still on shore, and we definitely don't have the food supplies to set sail right now. Next port town is over a month away, we'll starve before then."
He takes Misters Pacandmike to talk, occasionally glancing at Pepito.
Pepito lets them be. Pepito isn't a pirate. He can't participate in Pirate Stuff. He failed his Pirate Job. He'll never be a pirate now.
He walks to the gangplank and sits with his knees to his chest. He can't see much of anything, but maybe he can help Miss Baghera and Miss Mouse with their bags when they come back to the ship.
Pepito can't see, but Pepito can hear.
"Shit!" Apa Roier shouts in The Ocean's Language.
If Pepito squints just right, he thinks that he can see Apa Roier backing away from a wooden post on the dock with a hand to his forehead. He's shouting and in pain and it's all Pepito's fault.
Apa Roier's head snaps between the docked ships, looking. Searching. Probably very, very angry.
And then he sees Pepito. And Pepito sees him.
Pepito can't help it. Pepito starts crying as Apa Roier comes running towards him, tripping over himself as he scrambles up the gangplank with extended arms.
"Pepito!" Apa Roier cries. Pepito can't see the look on his face, but Pepito bets he's angry. "Pepito!"
He keeps chanting Pepito's name as he runs, because he's always liked Pepito's name. He always says that it's the best name Pepito could have, and it's probably his favorite name, so the New Pepito is probably named Pepito, too.
Pepito stands and tries running, but his vision is so blurry with his glasses broken and with the tears in his eyes that he manages to trip over the bucket Richarlyson had kicked over and he falls.
Warm arms scoop Pepito up and hold him close in a tight hug.
"Pepito, what the fuck," Apa Roier demands, his face buried in the top of Pepito's head. "A month, Pepito, what the fuck?"
Pepito shakes his head, his entire body quivering. He wants to hug Apa Roier back, but is he allowed to? No, right? Apa Roier's angry...
A cold shadow falls upon them from above.
A gun clicks, cold steel pointing right at Apa Roier's head.
"I'm going to give you one chance to get off of my ship," Captain Celbi coldly says, voice low and flat and absolutely terrifying. "Let go of my crew member, and get off of my ship. One. Chance."
"Your crew member?" Apa Roier scoffs. "He's my fucking son."
Captain Celbi inches closer until the gun is pressed into Apa Roier's hair; Apa Roier doesn't so much as flinch.
Pepito shakes. His lip wobbles, tears streaming down his face and snot bubbling out of his nose. He wants his dad!
In the language of The Ocean, Apa Roier says, "We're going home, Pepito. I'll beat his ass."
Pepito shakes his head frantically. They can't go home, the New Pepito is there, and Pepito doesn't wanna meet them! The New Pepito probably looks cuter than Pepito does. Doesn't need glasses. Is a fast swimmer. Doesn't have asthma. Isn't a killer.
But he can't say this. He can't say anything.
Behind Apa Roier's back, Pepito spells to Captain Celbi, "D A D."
Captain Celbi meets Pepito's eyes.
He lets out a breath, lips pressed together and eyebrows furrowed, but he nods and backs off, clicking his gun until it's safe.
And then Apa Roier lets out a war cry and lets go of Pepito, swinging a leg out and knocking Captain Celbi to the ground. He laughs and lunges for his gun, trying to wrestle it from him. Captain Celbi's hat falls off, revealing the pointy white things on the top of his head; they press flat against his hair and he bares his teeth angrily.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Captain Celbi demands.
"You kidnapped my son, what the fuck do you think?" Apa Roier snaps. He crawls on top of Captain Celbi, his knee between Captain Celbi's legs and his chest pressed to Captain Celbi's chest.
"Oh my gods," Mister Pac quietly says. "Mike, I think they're gonna..."
"Cover your eyes, Pac," Mister Mike replies.
Pepito doesn't know what they're talking about. All Pepito can do is watch uselessly as his dad and his captain wrestle on the deck.
"I didn't kidnap him!" Captain Celbi argues. "Bad brought him to me!"
"And you took him!?" Apa Roier incredulously asks. "Fucking pirates-"
He looks at Captain Celbi, and he goes quiet. He stops fighting.
Confused, Captain Celbi looks up at him. And then he stops fighting, too. The pointy things on his head stick right up, seemingly happy about something.
"Oh," Captain Celbi quietly says. "Hello."
He and Apa Roier are still borderline holding hands over the gun. Apa Roier is still flush to Captain Celbi's front, and Apa Roier's knee is still stuck between Captain Celbi's legs.
"Hi," Apa Roier says, voice soft, almost reverent in a way, the same way he spoke when he talked about how evil and bad and disgusting pirates are. "You kidnapped my son."
"I really didn't."
"I'm not getting off this boat until you give him back."
Apa Roier leans in close as he says that.
Captain Celbi licks his lips. "Then I guess you're going to be stuck here for a while, because Pepito is a prized member of my crew. I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world."
Pepito is... a prized member? Of the crew?
Pepito can't help it. He gets up and runs to Captain Celbi and gives him as good a hug as he can with Captain Celbi pinned to the deck.
He's a pirate!
Pepito is finally a pirate!
Best day ever!
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guapoduoshipper · 3 months
q!Cellbit has already noticed that something is off. But that doesn't mean he's falling out of love with q!Roier, let's try to see things from his perspective because then we'll notice that this is not what is happening:
q!Cellbit returned from purgatory, after which he himself said he had been fighting and killing to survive, every day the same thing, for weeks, months? he doesn't know. He lost track of time, time is a spiral, it seemed like an eternity but in the blink of an eye, he was back. Everything is still confusing and he doesn't remember things well, so after returning from almost hell he finally meets his husband again, smiling, happy? q!Roier knows how to hide his pain very well behind a smile, so after asking how he is and explaining that the choice to stay in purgatory was made because he thought that q!Roier would be better off away from him... he has a confirmation of this ?
This specific scene has a lot to analyze, first when q!Cellbit says he felt saudade [the strong feeling of missing, longing for someone or something] of q!Roier and apologize, he makes a joke and says "You left me alone culero", probably Doied thought that would be the most appropriate and safest reaction to fake being q!Roier, right? Maybe that would be correct if it weren't about such a serious situation that lasted so long, because we know that q!Roier told Richas that he felt like he was just existing, he was preparing a plan and doing everything to find his husband so that would definitely not be the appropriate reaction that q!Roier would have to this situation. Then q!Cellbit says "I thought you'd be better off without me and you..." at this moment his voice breaks, despite believing in what he's saying he doesn't want it to be real. "You're okay, aren't you?" it's as if you can perfectly feel the mix of sadness and fear that q!Cellbit's voice transmitted when saying this. "Yes, I'm fine! I'm feeling good, I'm feeling new!" - "See? Maybe that was the best thing to do" the confirmation that q!Cellbit was terrified of having, his sad tone of voice when he said that maybe being away from him was what brought the joy back to q!Roier it's heartbreaking. But q!Roier [Doied] doesn't seem to want to talk about these things for long, changing the subject, speaking only superficially or just going somewhere else.
Doied once again seems to have understood well how q!Roier works most of the time and with most people, but that's not all he is, that's not the essence of q!Roier. Doied cannot fake the deeper layers that make up q!Roier's existence, he becomes just a puppet with ready-made lines and repeated actions. And maybe that's why in a way he's also avoiding deep talks with q!Cellbit because if there's anyone capable of noticing that something isn't right with his husband, it's q!Cellbit... and that's exactly what's happening. Doied needs to divert topics and tries to move away because if he spends more time around him, the facade will become too obvious and this was shown to be true after two big things that Doied failed to replicate, the aspects of q!Roier's personality, and q!Cellbit noticed.
1- q!Roier would never attack q!Cellbit to hurt him. They already had a pvp fight, in which q!Roier lied about the result to make q!Cellbit feel better, they give each other shoulder pushes, light slaps on each other's arms and are very close physically, always talking close and with physical contact, they are known for always having their foreheads together when talking and this hasn't happened even once yet. During purgatory q!Roier really refused to kill q!Cellbit, constantly nodding his head to say no and stopping attacking but when he killed q!Cellbit, it was something that was soon explained as it was part of the event and it wasn't "real deaths" since things remained with them after they died, but even so, after this event q!Roier stopped smiling and demonstrated how much that affected him. There's even a moment that could almost be a parallel, in one of the days of purgatory, q!Roier had a very strong sword and asked q!Cellbit if he wanted it to be tested on him, this time q!Roier [Doied] simply started attacking q!Cellbit without even saying anything, and after q!Cellbit got very confused and said "Well... if that makes you happy", Doied chooses the safer answer "It's just a joke!"
2- q!Roier is extremely protective of his family. Upon seeing Pepito and Richas fighting a boss and q!Cellbit asking for help, Doied was just making jokes and took a while to actually try to help, something that q!Roier would never do, he would be the first to ask them to stay away and would be fighting to protect them.
So with everything that's happening now, what is q!Cellbit feeling and thinking? It's necessary to keep in mind that the key issue in all of this is something that is impossible for q!Cellbit to discover on its own. He doesn't even know about Doied's existence, q!Roier doesn't remember anything about his past and nothing was ever said about body swap, despite knowing that the federation carries out absurd tests and experiments, nothing like that had ever happened. However, there is something similar that may be considered in the future, the existence of something like q!Quackity and ElQuackity, perhaps at some point q!Cellbit will begin to suspect that perhaps this is not his husband because no matter how much he hates himself and has a very low self esteem, by now he must be confused as to why his husband is acting like this, but the love he feels for q!Roier is something that saved him, so it is strong enough to survive everything. I keep asking myself, what will happen when he discovers that the person in front of him has the same smile, the same eyes, the same body but the soul is not the same, that's not his soulmate.
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blackspies12 · 3 months
God this new arc has so many possibilities. I can never predict Roier.
I’m wondering how CC!Roier will portray Doied while he’s acting in Q!Roier’s body. Like there’s definitely gonna be subtle things that tell the audience and the other players that “hey somethings up with this guy!”
Oooh one way can be like how y’all know how Cubito Roier can never stand still. It be kind of cool if Doied always stands still during conversations or while he’s doing anything as an opposite to q!Roier.
If I remember correctly, Doied’s main reason for doing this is because he hasn’t been around many people and wants to have that experience and cause he thinks it would be funny. It makes me wonder if that means potentially Doied will get very attached to Roier’s life including the people around him like Pepito, Foolish, Leo, Richas, Jaiden etc. Hell Doied might even fall for Cellbit.
Or perhaps it’ll be the complete opposite. Jealous that his brother got to live a life outside the Federation, he will intentionally make things worse.
Will Doied act apathetic towards q!Cellbit because he intentionally wants to sabotage their relationship, furthering Cellbit’s belief that Roier was happier without him?
Will Doied act like how Roier did initially with Pepito, acting distant with Pepito?
We have no idea and god isn’t that exciting this rp can go anywhere!
I actually do think that Doied will do a pretty good job pretending to be q!Roier since he mentioned he’s been observing him. Yet doesn’t that mean he will only know the q!Roier that is able to be seen with Federation cameras. He gets a pretty good picture ngl since the Feds can see almost anything but there is still a couple of places that we don’t know if the Feds can access. Like Cellbit’s Fear Room and most importantly Cellbit’s murder room just a lil beyond the castle. Yes we saw Cucurucho there prior but considering Cucurucho still questions whether Cellbit murdered the workers, it’s safe to say Cucurucho hasn’t gone back there.
This means that Doied wouldn’t know about the last conversation spiderbit had before Purgatory.
Perhaps not being privy to some of Roier’s more private conversations will be Doied’s downfall.
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imhidingonceagain · 10 months
I never ever thought Slimeriana would be as tragic as they are.
(Disclaimer: Long post)
Hear me out. I think most people don't notice how sad their stories are because both Charlie and Osvaldo are funny as hell. But their characters are so fucking tragic.
I would like for people to understand that they're not the worst parents as everyone in the Island has made them look.
I'm not denying the fact that they fought a lot (that's a whole other thing because they always fought but they also ALWAYS ended up gravitating towards each other and even defending each other -and having weird sex but let's avoid that one-) but when it came to Juanaflippa they loved her with their whole hearts.
Let's remember how at first they named her "Juanaflippo" but when she told Mariana that she was a girl he accepted her IMMEDIATELY and he communicated the fact to Slime who also accepted her WITHOUT A QUESTION.
Slime adored Juana and till this day he thinks constantly about her.
But Mariana also loved her so so much. I don't know if non Spanish speaking people understand the constant words of endearment Mari gave to Juana whenever they were together. He talked sweetly to her and made sure she felt loved (look at them celebrating her birthday).
And I'm emphasizing Mari because at the end of the day he ended her life (twice).
Slimecicle, on the other hand, ended Tilin's life when he was babysitting them (I'm pretty sure Tilín was nonbinary or gender fluid, not sure).
You know why that's tragic?
Because those incidents happened because both content creators have the shittiest luck and are honestly not the best at fighting. NOT BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THOSE KIDS.
Let's remember that everyone in the Island were thrown into parenthood and each of them did the best they could (and props to Charlie and Mariana because both of them were present for their Minecraft child).
I can never forget Slime yelling "How do I fix this?" And Mariana yelling "No, Juanaflippa, no!" When Roier told him they had to go and he couldn't even retrieve Juanas's body.
When Juana passed away seems like Mari finally understood that at the end of the day Slime and him only had each other. That's when he started saying proudly to everyone that Slime and him were a couple.
But then Tilin's accident happened and Slime went to exile and everything went to shit again.
Their interactions became minimal and that's also tragic because despite their fights they're the only ones that understand and care for each other.
Mariana was constantly mocked by Roier (I love q!Roier but he was really mean towards Mari most of the time after the incident and that's super sad when you remember that they're supposedly best friends)
And Slime also suffered because he's now considered a cold murderer by everyone.
I'm pretty sure most people don't know that not only Quackity was hunting him. When Luzu briefly cameback to the Island and BBH and Foolish told him Tilin was his child he immediately asked for Slimecicle's location so he could get "revenge" (and if you're not familiar with Luzu, you won't know what he's capable of. Slime is lucky that Luzu was busy IRL because otherwise we would have had a big confrontation).
Fast forward till the last "interaction" when Slime attended Roier and Cellbit's wedding. He bitterly said that "Mariana couldn't even be there", that only tells me that he was hoping to see Mari.
Then Roier proceed to say that Mariana had been seeing/sleeping with other people when that's certainly not true (again, I love q! Roier but what kind of friend are you, dude?)
After that Slimecicle talked to Baghera and proceeded to say that he thinks Mariana and him and not together anymore and he also said to Baghera "If you see Mariana beat the shit out of him" but honestly, he wasn't irritated when he said those things, he didn't sound angry even.
No, he sounded wounded and hopeless.
So... In one hand we have Mariana who has disappeared completely, we don't know if he's at home depressed (but that the most likely scenario. We saw at Juanas's funeral that he tends to get depressed whenever something bad happens).
On the other hand, we have Slime who has been spending more and more time as Gegg.
And let me remind you that Gegg's all fun and games until you remember that Slime admitted that everytime he becomes Gegg his true self is affected.
We don't know if Slimecicle himself will not comeback one day.
I wish they spoke to each other because I truly believe only they can help each other. Only they understand the guilt and grief they're feeling.
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someidiot-withadhd · 3 months
so, I’ve had a day to think about what happened, and this is all my thoughts together in one place
Second, the island reset was absolutely unexpected, but it added so much to the story! The whole reset of the island, the federation trying to get rid of everything, and start anew(it might not be the federation, but still) IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA!! It correlates with the beginning of the server, when the run down buildings were still present, but disappeared one day.
Cellbit and Roier’s characters were amazing! Phil and Slime did a great job on the side quest they received, and I need more interactions with those four.
Charlie and Tubbo’s relationship is surprisingly accurate to real parents. Tubbo: “Do you know where sunny is”
Charlie: “I was about to ask you”
Tubbo: “Shit”
They’re just like my parents lmao
I don’t remember much from the end of Charlie’s stream, but I do remember dry sobbing as I clicked onto tubbo’s stream, and then collapsing when I saw him still doing the bit. I know it was a joke, BUT IT ACTUALLY TOOK SOMETHING OUT OF ME THAT I CAN NEVER GET BACK…
so many fic ideas popped into my head while watching this, but I can’t remember most of them…
I wonder if the ruined buildings from the start will be anything related to what’s happening now! Has this happened before? How many times will it happen again! (Will everyone have to eat just rabit meat when they first spawn in again like before?)
this is was a win for pissa fans, fitpac fans and everyone. WE GOT THE KISSES YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, season one of the Qsmp was amazing, and I’m going to go insane without it for the next week.
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somebluemelodies · 5 months
DAY ONE OF SPIDERBIT THEME WEEK STARTED BY @anonymous-dentist! :D SELECTED THEME: ROYALS part of my existing spiderbit royals au, which you can find here :)
All things considered, this gala is actually tolerable.
It's not that Roier hates galas - he likes dressing up, gossiping with townsfolk, participating in a few dances. It's the politics he doesn't like: classist courtiers, uptight generals, all the talk of pacts and trades and treaties, this and that-
Too many negatives and not enough positives.
But this? This is his first gala with Cellbit as his personal guard. As his partner.
There was another gala, months before. Back when Cellbit was still practically a stranger to him, one of the knights who patrolled the parameters of the massive ballroom and down the halls to ensure nothing went awry. Back when suitors were coming up to him left and right, looking to flirt and dance and win his hand alongside his heart. Roier would humor them, but they would never win. Even if it made his parents increasingly exasperated with him.
There will be none of that this time around, though, at least he certainly hopes. This time, things are different. So much different.
In what has to be a first, there's no armor on Cellbit to be found. Instead, the silver metal has been replaced with black and white and deep emerald fabrics; a high-collared shirt and a long coat. The guard's sword is in its sheath attached to his waist, though, veiled from immediate sight by a black cape, and he expects nothing less.
In no uncertain terms, Roier has trouble looking away. But it's fine, because Cellbit keeps looking at him, too, with unadulterated adoration, smiling with such a warm fondness that it makes him melt all over, and he wonders how the hell he went for so long without it.
(There's a lot of other eyes on them at first, too. It makes Cellbit stiff in his vigilance, his face open to the world and not just his world. But Roier's hand barely leaves his.)
(They really do stand out; dark greens and reds contrary to the bright yellow-golds and vivid violets of the prince's parents. A match that could rival, indeed.)
The gala enters its full swing and everything is, well, normal. Tolerable. The prince makes his rounds with the townsfolk, getting his favorite clue into the local drama. Chisme.
The guard accompanies him, too, but occasionally walks off to strike conversation with his own companions, or do his own silent checks around the borders of the ballroom. The latter doesn’t go unnoticed by Roier.
“Ya, mi amor,” he chastises fondly when Cellbit returns once. “Nothing to worry about.”
The band starts playing a tune that makes Roier perk up immediately, and before Cellbit can dispel the recognizable glint in his eye, the guard is being pulled deeper into the ballroom, Roier’s hand sliding into his own as the prince’s free settles on his shoulder.
Cellbit huffs, but he’s anything but upset, especially with the way Roier’s face lights up with a laugh, pressing closer still.
(And he remembers why dancing isn’t so bad, after all. If it means this.)
(They’re getting married. Married.)
The song ends with Roier getting twirled out with a laugh and a flourish. Then, it’s clear he gets another idea, tugging Cellbit’s hand lightly. “Sigueme, sigueme.”
They’re slipping out of the ballroom and down a hall, going up the stairs. Their final destination is revealed when the prince pushes open one of the double doors and they’re hit with a cool summer breeze.
“They’re going to notice we’re gone.” Cellbit quirks a brow.
“And? I saw the look on my father’s face. I am not listening to another general if I can help it.”
The guard hums, smiling amusedly. “Brilliant solution.”
“I’m full of them, no?” Roier responds.
“Sometimes.” The quip is met with a gasp and a smack to Cellbit’s shoulder. Roier pulls back in faux hurt, hand to his heart and everything, but then Cellbit’s hands are on his waist and he’s pulled right back. The prince pouts. “Hijo de puta.”
Cellbit only smiles knowingly, and Roier feels positively fuzzy. Their lips connect, and he’s flush against his love once more, arms circling snugly around the guard’s neck.
(A fire burns. All it took was patience.)
(He’s never letting go, now.)
When they finally pull apart, Roier rests his head against Cellbit’s shoulder, and they hold each other tighter still.
They can’t hear the music from the ballroom anymore, but it doesn’t matter. The night is their guide, as it always has been, and all is well.
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youphoriaot7 · 7 months
That night, when Roier gets back to the castle, the bed is empty. No one is there. No one has been there all day, either—the castle is just as empty as it was left the day before.
He does his best not to panic.
Instead, he goes searching. He checks N.I.N.H.O. (He's already found Cellbit there a couple times, sitting lonely on the edge of the small bed.) But the walls are as silent as ever. He checks the favela, on a whim—but no one is there, either.
On his way to the main square, he happens to run into Philza, and asks him if he knows where Cellbit's run off to this time. Instead of offering a direction, the older man explains everything that's happened over the past three or four hours.
Roier knows where to look.
The door to the Ordo opens with a hiss as he steps inside, trying to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible. The main hall still has debris scattered from end to end, the remnants of the two cages discarded in one of the corners. He pushes forward, down the corridor, trying to ignore the pain still clinging to every wall.
The heart rate monitor beeps steadily as he reaches the hospital wing. There, he finds the full aftermath of the night's events: an unconscious president, lying exhausted in the hospital bed, and a worn-out investigator, slumped against the couch nearby.
Silently, Roier slips onto the cushion next to him, trying not to disturb him. Cellbit barely lifts his hands from his face, not even bothering to check and see who entered the room. Instead, he simply leans forward, elbows bracing against his knees.
The room is quiet, the only noise breaking the tension being the constant, consistent beep of the monitor across from them. Then, suddenly, Cellbit lets out a small, choked noise, and Roier glances over in surprise.
The other man's shoulders are starting to tremble, even as he buries his face deeper into his hands. Without a word, Roier loops an arm over Cellbit's back, rubbing his thumb against his husband's shoulder. He doesn't need to know the full story to know Cellbit's hit his limit for the day—hell, the week. Hell, the month.
He simply pulls the other man closer as the tears start to fall faster, and doesn't say a word when they wet the sleeves of his hoodie. And if Cellbit falls asleep there after a while, then maybe Roier takes a quick nap of his own; each clasping the other's hand for comfort, the steady beeping of the heart rate monitor their only comfort as they drift into slumber.
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lucky-whispers · 5 months
I'm hyperfixated on QSMP so have this. Don't mind if it's bad pls I just needed to get this down quickly I have an essay due soon 😭
notes: angst, about the eggs and the last day of Purgatory. Reader is gender neutral and on team bolas. The reader has their own egg (e/n), major character death bc I don't know if everyone got off the egg island.
You had been celebrating with your team, moments before for the victory of Philza, who beat Tubbo and were on your way to go save your eggs
You were laughing, screaming BOLAS BOLAS BOLAS! With your teammates, punching Philza playfully on the shoulder, lifting him up with Cellbit
When the video came on, you raced to the museum, desperate to find your baby. The time with bolas was fun, but it was hell knowing you were somewhat safe and (e/n) was suffering. Their (accessory) was crooked and ripping, dirt on their shell.
You would never forgive yourself if your kid was hurt and you could have stopped it, even if you were being held hostage and had no say in the situation
So when you saw them finally, after weeks of worry and crying, after everything you had gone through to save them, you almost broke down crying. You didn't though- you had to stay strong for your kid.
You were talking to them, gently and making sure they were safe. As one of the older kids, they had been helping take care of the younger (newer) eggs.
You were so proud, and so happy to finally see your kid you could only smile and listen to their adventures
Everything happened so quickly, you barely had any time to react
El Quackity joined the entity's side, and when you tried to comfort Roier the meteors and earthquakes started.
Leaving Roier's side, you started to punch the glass, trying to get to your kid, having lost your items when switching from green team to red. You heard your friends screaming around you, desperately trying to save their kids.
Your heart shattered when (e/n) placed a sign, saying 'Its okay, mama/papa/parent. I love you, I know you tried.' "PHILZA DO SOMETHING!" You heard Foolish scream, and your heart shattered as your egg disappeared. "FUCK! NO! NO NO NO!" You screamed, ripping your voice, sobs racking through your body so painfully you couldn't try to get up. You felt someone tear you away, but no matter how hard you fought against it, you couldn't get through their grasp.
You cried out, screaming cuss words at the entity who wasn't even there anymore. "MY BABY! THEY TOOK MY KID! PLEASE! GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!" You didn't even care as your vision blurred, and you saw Badboyhalo dragging you along, dapper running behind. You didn't have the energy to fight, but you would be damned if you let another kid die. You picked up dapper, running faster than Bad, who gratefully nodded at you as you ran to the boat.
In the end, you didn't make it. You sat in horror, watching as Cellbit said goodbye to Roier in chat, and the few who got into the boat, asking where everyone was. You felt bad shaking, as he clutched Dapper to his chest, you quickly pulled him along and messaged Philza 'Catch.' You used the last of your elytra and threw dapper on board, falling into the sea. You were pushed by the current onto land, where you sat down next to your friends who had just missed the boat. Watching as egg island was destroyed. Without knowing if your egg was alive. All you could do was hope their death was painless.
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starry-bugs · 7 months
now the thing is, it's not easy to get in to save cellbit. there's guards, a lot of security, a good amount of them die by roier's hand. but it's surprisingly easy to get out.
nobody tries to stop them
hell, even for days after the rescue, nobody comes after them. there's such a lack of federation workers other than the ones out doing unrelated jobs that it makes cellbit and roier paranoid. so they move in with roier's parents for awhile, just to be safe.
it doesn't help that cellbit's been feeling a bit sick lately, sleepy and without an appetite and just wanting to stay close to his now fiancé. it's nothing, right? he's home, it's okay. it's probably just side effects from whatever weird diet they probably had him on while he was stuck there, he can't really remember it...
but its fine! he's fine and okay and with his family. even if he keeps biting his own mouth on accident and he keeps losing track of time and where he is. he's just... recovering. yeah, that's it, he's just recovering
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moiteneia · 8 months
Today - The eggs are gone.
I'm watching Cellbit's live and he has isolated himself from the rest of the island. Without his son and his husband not around, he is canonically only focused on building the Order. And yet, whenever he looks away, even if it's just to drink coffee, he thinks of Richas.
He despaired seeing the empty bed... Realizing that there was nothing in the Castle or anywhere, not even a book or a plaque left behind. Then, guilt-ridden over the fight he and his son had before the egg disappeared.
Now, he's just alone, trying to wait for some hint, some clue, but alone. Completely alone and, even if it is reacting calmly, he never stop reacting.
Yes, he is in shock. But he also tried to investigate everything possible, even about the stolen waystones (and naming the culprit by deduction). Now, he has nothing else to do. 
And we also continued to see him being sensitive: he went to Bobby's grave and gave him a flower and yet, he realized that his husband, q!Roier, was also suffering, not judging de that he was trying to laugh and joke about the situation, understanding that it was his way of dealing with the loss of yet another child. 
Furthermore, q!Cell doesn't really know how to express himself regarding the pain he's feeling, he even tried, but every time we see that he ends up quieter or leaving. He's definitely not well.
The pain is complicated, but pray the eggs are okay. I have no doubt that each of the island parents is capable of bringing hell to it.
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goingferalapparently · 9 months
i think its interesting that q!jaiden has a tendency to eavesdrop/spy on people
i think its even more interesting that it didn't start like that - that it was developed after she started doing the cucurucho tasks. or maybe after bobby's death. one of them.
i dont think i would have noticed it as a pattern at first.
eavesdropping q!bbh and q!baghera's conversation on the second day of tasks made sense, you know? because they were definitely intentionally not saying this in front of her. and it was kind of justified at that point.
(my question about that is that pomme definitely saw her, so i just want to know whether pomme told q!baghera about it)
and then q!cellbit + q!roier's wedding was just. a lot of spying and eavesdropping on people. q!quackity + q!slime's conversation (about tnt??), q!slime trying to proposition q!roier (????? im not even sure whats happening there), q!quackity following cucurucho off to the train station...
(and all of those made sense, you know, because interrupting someone's conversation is not something people usually want to do, and q!slime and q!quackity were being sus as hell then)
but now ive (finally) hit the stream with the final presidential debate and its after the debate and she's crouching above the pit (??) that q!cellbit + q!roier (+ richarlyson) are in, ducking in and out of the edge to ensure she stays out of sight of the trio down there...
(im not 100% on what's going on there but it sounds like they're teasing each other and talking about family?)
and, see, where eavesdropping those other conversations made some semblance of sense (information she's been intentionally excluded from, not wanting to let people know that she's suspicious of them), this one is q!roier and q!cellbit. two of (at the point, three) people she invited to bobby fields, of all places.
(c'mon. bobby fields. it's The Friendship Step for q!jaiden. its the "i trust you and i trust you when you said you trust me")
and then, as they head up, she sprints away and pretends she was just. in the trees heading towards them. she does say she doesn't want to interrupt them, which is fair, but-
see. the thing is. noticing they were busy talking and not wanting to interrupt is reasonable. it makes complete sense! but eavesdropping during that is. well.
i think shes maybe a little wary of what people think about her and what they're hiding from her now - even the people that are probably closest to her. i think that's a little sad.
anyway. after that, she stumbles across q!bbh and q!etoiles talking and immediately hides behind a tree to eavesdrop. she doesn't listen to the end, but listens enough to get the gist of what they're talking about before leaving.
and then after that!!
(if you cant tell, im essentially live-reacting)
after that she meets q!antoine and, without hesitation, lies about where she stays. which is a 100% fair because bobby fields is most definitely a special place and i don't think i've ever seen antoine from her pov before this and one could definitely count how many people she's invited to bobby fields before this, but!!!
(oh my god she got hit with the "oh why are you hosting the final debate? is it because ur the connection to cucurucho?" AAAAAAA i should verbalise my thoughts ab the suspicions towards her in another post some day)
all this to say, i think q!jaiden has trust issues and i think its a little sad.
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qroier · 5 months
edited my post from yesterday on spiderbit eurydice and orpheus to be clearer. it is now. way longer klsdjfk. but the idea is the same. anyway enjoy reading if you do and uh. pues f if you don't, no? lskdfjsdk. kinda already mentioned it in the post but should clarify here that i'm 100% talking about the greek myth.
Thinking about spiderbit as eurydice and orpheus is so interesting to me, cause I think depending on how you look at it and how you think of the story, there's an argument for both. And then you remember everything that was purgatory and how clear of a parallel it is to the myth hdksjdks. Honestly though, I feel like the purgatory parallels are the biggest reason roier cubito as orpheus is winning out on that one poll, and I kinda have to disagree with that. The evidence for orpheus roier is there from the start. Roier cubito is always and forever a perfect, permanent orpheus figure even before considering purgatory, and it's down to the devotion roier and orpheus cling to and the grief they both drown in. (The rest under the read more)
Backtracking first for a bit to set the stage. There are many different versions of the eurydice and orpheus myth out there, and its nature as a myth means that interpretations (and translations of any original latin or greek versions) are always changing. Disclaimer of course that my understanding and general knowledge of the myth has been mainly influenced by the wider english-speaking cultural approach to it. I'm focusing on the orpheus archtype from my understanding of what it means (which I'll explain along the way) because otherwise if I didn't I'd end up getting too boggled down in "virgil said this according to this translation" and "ovid went more in this direction following this translator" details. and there is no way in hell i'm struggling through translating on my own with my measle little two years of latin classes under my belt lskdjfkldfj.
But regardless, here's a very basic and brief summary that most versions tend to follow: Eurydice and orpheus are married. Eurydice dies. Orpheus treks out to the underworld through the power of music to save her and get her back. He's told the only way he can have her is if he makes the treacherous trip back to the mortal realm without turning to look at her once. He looks back right before he makes it, and fails in saving her. Sounds familiar, right? slkdjfsk
Don't get me wrong, orpheus cellbit still makes sense in a way. That's part of why the poll and idea in general is so interesting. Heed the disclaimer again but to me, the biggest, most obvious, and most immediately linked connotation the myth has always had is one of devotion. Like the type of devotion that would take you all the way into the afterlife and all the way back in the hopes that that might save the person you love. Cellbit cubito is nothing if not devoted, and normally in the loudest ways possible. He loves shouting out his devotion at all times to anyone in close proximity. It just makes sense that if anyone could hold the level of devotion necessary to be orpheus it'd be him, cause we all know he'd do anything for roier.
Plus being honest, it also makes sense just going by the dynamics in their relationship that they most often present to others. Roier cubito kinda likes playing into the dynamic of asking other people to "save" him, whether that's from mobs or hunger or anything, so long as it's not something actually serious. So much so that the idiot (said lovingly) has conditioned everyone, and I do mean everyone, both islanders and audience alike, into thinking he's defenseless and needs saving. Maxo put it best that one time when he said he felt like roier after cellbit saved him from some mobs, only for cellbit to have to correct him and say that it's usually the other way around. As far as most are concerned, cellbit does the rescuing while roier gleefully asks for the help. It is very easy to make the jump from the idea that eurydice is being saved and the image of roier cubito calling out for help with a scorpion that he could (normally at least, I know he didn't have any weapons or gear that one time during purgatory) bring down on his own. It definitely doesn't help that cellbit is, of course and as always, already running to roier with a weapon in hand to kill the scorpion. At the first chance, he's already trying to help. Anything for his husband.
So it makes sense that orpheus cellbit, who clearly loves doing the saving, would drag himself through hell in his devotion to save eurydice roier, who loves being the one saved! But then you start remembering how the story came about. You start wondering, well, why does the devotion need to be so strong? Why does eurydice even need to be saved? What has brought the both of them to the gates of the afterlife? Oh. Right. It's because she died. She's dead. Eurydice, the love of orpheus’ life, is dead. 
Saving her takes and is devotion, yes, but it's also an attempt to escape grief. If she’s saved, there’s no need to mourn. If she’s saved, then she’s not dead and there’s no grief. And, always, there is no one more grief-riddled than roier (except maybe maxo, whose grief has permanently killed him). No one knows more intimately than roier how tough of a fight it is to escape constant grief because he is constantly grieving, and it just keeps getting worse. His number one recurring theme since arriving on the island has been that he will lose loved ones. To the point that sometimes, even if the person is still technically around, the grief around them and the relationship that once was finds ways to persist (just look at the mess that revolved around spreen cubito before he was confirmed to be dead).
The devotion still applies to him too, of course. Even though it's in quieter ways, there's no denying that roier is as equally devoted to cellbit as cellbit is to him. Cellbit once promised roier he'd rescue him if the feds ever arrested him. Roier once told cellbit he'd go after him and wouldn't stop until he got him back if the feds tried taking cellbit again. And that's not even the only time roier has promised that, he's said similar things multiple times before. He even had to fulfill that same promise once already, back during the regret arc when cellbit went missing trying to save felps. If there is one thing that is true, it's that roier is not lacking in orpheusian devotion.
Actually, extending that devotion from being based in romantic love to also including familial love just makes it all the clearer how much of an orpheus roier has already been. Orpheus fights through the journey, holding on to hope and powering himself through devotion, because the alternative of having permanently lost eurydice, of having to succumb to grief, is too much for him to take. Roier fought through the entire island and later a dungeon, holding on to hope and powering himself through devotion, because the alternative of having permanently lost bobby, of having to succumb to the grief of loosing his son to something outside of his control, was too much for him to take.
And then they both fail. Orpheus looks back too early. Sometimes he forgets, in his excitement to be so close to the end, sometimes doubt gets the best of him and he has to check, and sometimes the need to see his love again overwhelms all his senses. Sometimes maybe it's somehow all three. Roier also looked back too early, in a way, but cucurucho only knows what way that actually was. It could have been that he technically did die right at the very end before he could make it through the dungeon, or it could have been that the gods were feeling particularly cruel that day. Either way, bobby wasn't returned to him. Either way, eurydice vanishes in the morning light after orpheus gets one last glimpse of her. Either way, Bobby vanishes behind the door after roier and jaiden are given only 10 minutes to say goodbye.
This is all without even touching on some of the details about how roier's singing charms everyone he meets and how music is such an important part of his character (for those of you unfamiliar with the myth, orpheus' connection to music is so deep that the greeks named a constellation after his lyre). Or, as notes in the last version of this post pointed out, how his previous journeys to the underworld have shaken his faith and trust (which would probably need to be a whole entire other post on its own). 
Roier is just permanent orpheus. He can't help it. If you believe that characters in myths are left behind, endlessly retelling their journeys even once the book is closed, then orpheus is still there, making that trip to the afterlife and back. His story is being retold through roier, who is here now. Roier, who has already gone on two trips to the afterlife and back, already told this story twice before, and is now preparing himself for a third (even a fourth, if you want to extend this whole thing and include purgatory and the eggs). It’s retold in how Roier has to do the saving, again, because he keeps getting left behind. In how he’s always drowning in grief, in some way or another. How he’ll drag himself through the journey every single time if it means a chance at saving someone he loves. If it means saving himself from more grief.
So the stage is set. Purgatory happened. Orpheus has loved, again, and he's lost, again. Roier may like it when he's the one being saved but he's been forced yet again into a position where he has a chance to do the saving. He's facing an increasingly insurmountable mountain of grief on one side and a plunging chance at salvation on the other. The book has been turned back to its first page. The story is rewinding to tell itself again. We know what path he'll pick. Now all that’s left is to see if this third trip succeeds. To see if this retelling is one where orpheus does not look back. And if he does? Well.
"Dying again, [Eurydice] did not blame her husband — What could she complain of except she was loved?" - ovid, translator: stanley lombardo
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unmotivated-student · 5 months
Spoilers for the end of purgatory❗❕❗❕
This thing doesn't have a name but I based it on Cellbit's pov
"Keep going"
Those two words were spinning through Cellbit's head as he felt the weight of time ticking away.
In the end, the eye had won, the competition didn't matter at all, they could only save a single egg and that couldn't have been his child. Supposedly his team had won, but that didn't matter much in the end.
That didn't feel like a victory.
But he still had a reason to move forward, the only one he had left in fact after failing in his attempt to save his son.
His husband.
The one who had always been there for him.
The one who was willing to share the same future as him, no matter how dark it would be.
The one with whom he wanted to continue sharing a future.
At that moment the future was so close but at the same time it felt so far away.
He needed to know if Roier was okay, he had to make sure of just that one thing.
He looked at the countdown.
There were only a few seconds left before the whole island went to hell and as if he had called him with his mind, a message from Roier appeared on the screen of his phone.
He felt a wave of relief run through his body, at least now he knew his husband was okay and was probably already on the boat.
But there was no time to respond, he had to keep walking.
It was another message from Roier, probably after not receiving a response to his previous message.
And one more.
"He must be worried" Cellbit thought.
He didn't really want to worry his husband but the boat still seemed to be far away. He knew his husband and knew how reckless he could be when it came to one of his loved ones, so he decided not to answer that question and instead took another look at the countdown.
There were only thirteen seconds left and Cellbit was running out of time but he didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to one of the people he loved the most.
"adiós guapito" [goodbye guapito]
After sending the message Cellbit took a couple of steps still with a minimum of hope to reach the boat in time, but when he saw that there were less than five seconds left in the countdown he stopped.
He wasn't going to make it, he knew it, so he decided to use that time to write one last message.
While he was typing another message from Roier appeared on the screen.
"no pendejo" [no stupid]
He assumed his "goodbye" worried his husband even more.
Cellbit didn't want to worry Roier, he really didn't.
He didn't want to leave him alone either, he wanted to be there for him forever just like Roier had been there for him.
Cellbit wanted to tell him not to worry, to take care of himself, to live for both of them, that everything would be fine...
But there simply wasn't enough time, so he continued typing.
"te amo" [i love you]
After sending that message Cellbit put his cell phone back in his pocket.
Time had run out and although the island was literally about to collapse along with him, his mind could not let go of the image of his husband.
"Forgive me for leaving you alone."
"Forgive me for not being able to protect your smile."
"You were the first one I saw when I arrived on the island and I would've loved you to be the last thing my eyes saw before I left."
"I'm very selfish aren't I?"
Well, I couldn't resist trying.
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
Hi, I loved your c!roier x q!cellbit fic and I am happy that you are planning a sequel. Can I ask what was on c!roier mind while he was possessing q!roier body?
Okay, let me try and explain this as best I can without writing an alternate pov fic:
Chafaland is destroyed by this point in c!Roier's life. He just chose to stay behind just in case his child stopped being lost. He couldn't leave Sally 2, could he?
But then he gets Yoinked and stuck into another body in another dimension, swapping places with q!Roier, who has to sit in a destroyed Chafaland by himself surrounded by blood and aged and broken Baby Things for four days. But this isn't about him
c!Roier is very confused, but the first thing he really notices is the ring on his finger, and then there's the attractive man literally falling into his arms with a matching ring, and c!Roier fell in love at first sight
Roier's a smart guy in any universe, and c!Roier already had some experience with spells and rituals, so c!Roier figured out really quickly that he ended up in another dimension. He knew that he didn't belong, but he could tell that Cellbit didn't know. And that was perfect, actually! Because that meant that they were married! (Because that's definitely how that works)
c!Roier was so wrapped up in this fantasy domestic life he'd literally stumbled into that he never even noticed Cellbit figuring out what happened. He was so happy for the first time in... ever. He had finally gotten his happily ever after, even if it's technically not his
But c!Roier got around any possible moral problems by going "Well, I am Roier. So his happy ending is my happy ending!" and moving on before he could think too hard about it
But when he realized Cellbit was trying to send him back, c!Roier wasn't even angry. He realized that he couldn't be, because this was Roier's husband, the og Roier. Of course this Roier got to be married and happy, he deserved it. c!Roier didn't. He was going to be alone forever and ever
But then q!Cellbit told him that he should find his Cellbit. His Cell, Cellbo, Cellbit, whatever, and now he's hopeful for the first time in years and years and he's going to get married and they'll have a happy family and he'll name their child Sally 3 and it'll be a happily ever after
(Meanwhlie q!Roier comes back and is like. Goddamn, babe, that was one hell of a nightmare. I dreamed I was emo. And Cellbit just had to nod like "Yes ofc guapito ofc it was... just a dream...")
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hushberry · 6 months
heh. hehe. half-baked spiderbit AU time. demon!cellbit and human!roier
i've been thinking it about for a bit now, but today's stream really got my blood pumpin
cellbit's a demon who has managed to escape hell--not to terrorize the living, but because hell fucking sucks and he gets no respect down there. he blends in among the humans and keeps a low profile, for the most part, though he's social enough to make a few friends and hold a job. he keeps tabs on other paranormal beings in the city, and gathers whatever news they may give him about the current political climate of hell. he hasn't even killed anyone yet, which he thinks is pretty impressive, thank you very much.
roier's the guy who clocked cellbit's demon status and thought, "hey. i could use him." he's trying to break INTO hell to get his son back, you see. probably by trading his soul for bobby's, or whatever other crazy deal may be necessary. surely his demon neighbor knows a thing or two about how to help! he's kind of hot, too, so that's a big bonus.
cellbit's not the kind of demon who makes deals, and he doesn't collect souls, but he knows someone who does... so he agrees to try and help, as long as he doesn't have to go back to hell himself. he's curious about roier and his motives, so they start investigating ways to bring a human into hell without fucking killing them.
along the way, cellbit's disdain for hell's hierarchy and corrupt leadership are re-ignited, and he's reminded of why he was desperate to leave in the first place. but roier's determination is inspiring, in a way, and he kind of wonders if maybe he should be trying to help reform hell a little... maybe HE should be king, damn it. then he could visit his humans whenever he pleases.
and that's all i got so far but i think it's fun. cellbit has a demon form that he hides, but it takes a lot of energy to keep the mirage magic active, so sometimes he just has fucking black horns and black sclera and a long spade tail and roier thinks it's kinda sexy of him.
aaaand send post ^-^
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