#hellsite onboarding
atthebell · 3 months
do people understand that your reblog tags on a post do not impact whether or not a post goes into the main tag. like it does not matter how many times people in my notes tag a post of mine with "qsmp" or whatever the tag is, it's not going into that main tag; that's not how browsing tags work. the ONLY way a post goes into a browsible tag is by OP putting the tags on the original post.
relatedly, do people understand that tag blocking functions the opposite way-- if someone tags "discourse" on a post at any time, it is immediately blocked for anyone who has "discourse" on their filtered tags list. does not matter what op tagged, does not matter who puts it on your dash from that point forward, the tag is on the post so it's going to be filtered. this is how i end up not seeing a lot of those big "tag a piece of media that--" posts; it's because i have a lot of things blocked, so anytime a single person tags any of them on a post, i have the whole post blocked. [and i use xkit rewritten, which means i don't even see the post at all]
also related-- there is a difference between actually browsing a tag and searching a phrase-- tumblr has made it kind of strange to tell the exact difference, so i'll demonstrate:
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so when i type in "qsmp fanart", it gives me a couple of options.
first, i can click "Go to #qsmp fanart", which will take me to the tag "qsmp fanart":
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rad, exactly what i'm looking for, i'll scroll through latest to see what people have posted in the last couple hours.
however, secondly, it gives me the option "[search] qsmp fanart", which is NOT the same thing as opening the tag itself. it will open the search function and look up "qsmp fanart," meaning it grabs whatever assortment of posts tumblr's broken search engine has decided mention "qsmp fanart":
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[most of said posts are, in fact, qsmp fanart, as the way tumblr's search indexing works does include searching tags, but it also searches post content. i'm censoring because posting screenshots of people's art feels iffy to me, not because i have any issue with the art itself.]
these two things are NOT the same. one of these takes you do the actual tag, the other makes you search for those terms mentioned on a post. which, like i said, means it indexes not just the tags but the post content itself-- this means any mention of said search term on a post means it could be seen in this search (unless OP has their blog marked unsearchable). for a while, as well, tumblr made this the default whenever you pressed enter rather than manually clicking an option, meaning people would think they were opening the tag to browse it but instead were searching for whatever they entered. i believe they've fixed that now, or at least one of my extensions has; regardless, clicking the # option will get you to the right place.
this is, in part, how i think we get people going "you put neg in the main tag!!!" which, while it does happen often, is not always the issue; what actually happened is tumblr actually had them search for the term mentioned in the tag rather than going into the tag itself. regardless of this issue, though, i think it's just good for people to understand the difference between when they're searching posts (not very helpful at times, doesn't get you much of what you're probably looking for depending on the search term, drags up every single post (that tumblr can actually index properly) that mentions the term) versus when they're opening the tag (OPs here clearly actually want you to see their posts).
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gayemoji · 2 months
job that didnt onboard me ... public holiday on monday ... if they get mad at me for not showing tumblrinas will you have my back 🥺
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grandtreeangel · 24 days
On the note of my love for them playing Carpal Tunnel last night.
Man oh man did the "got postcards from my former selves saying how you been" line hit different after this tour, coming home to fandom again, and being with these boys through so many different phases and stages of life. This tour, every deep cut, every song I screamed in my car when I was 18, blasted through my headphones of my discman or iPod, cried to over breakups and teenage angst, old favs, new favs, they all have felt quite literally like postcards from my former selves. It has felt like reaching back in time and I'm forever reminded of Pete's comments about SMFS. You may never get back there, but this tour, these songs, let me time travel to all the best times.
I feel so lucky to be part of this fandom and to have found this hellsite. I am forever grateful for all the newer and younger fans that have continued to onboard era after era, bands don't survive without new fans picking up the torch and continuing to bring life and vitality to a fandom, so thank you. As Pete said it doesn't matter when you got here, you all belong, we all belong.
FOB4ever or whatever.....
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brokenlibrarygirl · 1 year
To any school principals on this hellsite…
If you approach a teacher who took a half day, arrived 15 minutes early, and still hasn’t had time to put their belongings away when you pass by them and have questions…
Take a moment, read the fucking room. They haven’t orientated their mind to work mode yet. They are still in onboarding mode. They forget that one of their paraprofessionals need to go to lunch. They are 47 and can’t remember details from a meeting from a month ago.
Also, after missing half the day, do not have the audacity to ask them to cover an unfulfilled absence. Like my god…how little do you value their time. You should be ashamed. They are already covering the other paraprofessional’s absence without a sub, don’t cut an additional 40 minutes of time off their actual job.
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prince-toffee · 2 years
Okay, so one final check if you’re all onboard for the ‘Yes And...’ project/challenge thingie (that’s what I’m calling it idk). I’m currently in the middle of writing the my/the first chapter and then it’ll be soranis’ turn to take the story, and so on. I guess, just relax and kick back, and do whatever you usually do on this hellsite on the daily and when I’m done I’ll tag you all again, so you can read it! I suppose this whole thing’s gonna be kinda slow, but I hope it can still be fun and enjoyable none the less. So I guess the biggest challenge now is just waiting for my slow butt to finish. I started yesturday and we said two weeks per chapter so I should be finished by the 30th, but I promise it’ll be faster than that, don’t worry, I’ve kicked into overdrive. Thanks, and read you soon! :)
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calliopechild · 2 years
Nooooo twitter people stay away my tumblr experience has only improved after they all left D:
Right? Listen, this hellsite is not perfect by any means and we absolutely have our own species of shitheads who love to be garbage on purpose, but the absolute last thing tumblr needs is an influx of the special kind of toxicity that is inherent to twitter. My only hope is that most (if not all) of the ones who try to migrate here will find it utterly inhospitable and leave again when they realize most of us are just here for memes and shitposts and aren't onboard with perpetuating the constant Drama(TM) they seem to live for/on in tweetland.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hi love, I'm sorry tumblr is acting up like this!💕
I swear they can make one ugly ass icon but can't fix these type of glitches💀
I hope it get fixed soon for you're part, it's bloody annoying to not know what is going on and everyone is experiencing this differently with other types of bugs so no one has an idea what is going on and that just causes a whole other level of stress and misunderstandings.
My friend has a small art blog on here where she shares her work and she woke up unable to log in and when she did her blog was deactivated and mine unfollowed so many people, it's shitty 😖
Tumblr will probably fix it eventually!
I hope you're okay now babes and have a great day!❤️
Much love
hello my beloved anon!! <33
bless you, don’t you apologise at all!! but i’m completely onboard with the slander, it really is a hellsite sometimes ☠️
thank you so much for your sweet and kind support my love!! it really does mean the world and i’m so pleased to hear you get it!! i was worried i was overthinking it.
that sounds so awful for your friend though!! i hope they were able to get back on track one way or another. the unfollowing is so weird, because i check peoples accounts and i’m still following them even though i’m not on their end.
i hope you’re all okay yourself my love and you’re having/had a great day too!! sending you all the love and forehead smooches, mwah!! 💌💖🫶🏼
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toachristor · 1 year
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
2013 feels like it was awful late for me to get onboard the Hellsite, but what can ya do?
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borderlinebelle · 1 year
I saw that you have an asterisk next to 15 years and your archive only goes back to 2011 (same here) and wondering if it's because you purged your old profile and if so... why/where is it? Here for the Live solidarity since it's painful watching these milquetoast people thrive by just appealing to their Kik audience. Best of luck and glad to have another weirdo try to reclaim this hellsite!
I heard they wiped things from another user who also tried to retrieve her old data but I’m unsure. 😔 Which kills me because I promised myself I’d print it all out and make a hideous little book. All my childhood memories GONE. All my screams into the void of being an angry sad sick nervous child disappeared. I too wonder where it has gone.
I’m bummed to see so much of the platform for LIVE going to folks who hopped on because I know us sad wenches have been languishing here for centuries. I am so happy you reached out because I was starting to wonder if we all just got grown up jobs and adjusted and became normal and I somehow missed the glow up. 😳 HAPPY TO HAVE YOU ONBOARD 🖤
MILQUETOAST is a delicious word.
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cydonian-mystery · 2 years
Okay, so here me out. The last few months have proved that collective action works and can get results. So I think that we need to protest tumblr's increasingly authoritarian, right-wing, and pro censorship stance (I just saw a post saying they're banning things that make religious nuts uncomfortable, like ffs people), and make it clear that these attitudes are not acceptable.
I'm personally sick and tired of the neo-puritan sanitizing of the internet, and this has gotten way too far. And I expect I speak for a lot of other people here.
So we need to pick a date, make sure as many people are onboard as possible, and log off in protest until our demands are met.
Organizers usually get punished pretty hard, so don't be surprised if I get called a 'chaos agent' or some bs and banned. But I'm more than willing to take one for the team here, because I am frankly so done with this hellsite and its behavior.
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atthebell · 2 months
#do i even want to know the context for this
Wave of twitter migrants
sigh alright
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fallenfirebird · 5 years
ALRIGHT Y’ALL. I came to Tumblr to get away from the sh!tshow that’s my Facebook right now because 80% of my dash involves Blizzard at the best of times, but really honestly I should’ve known better than to trust this hellsite to not rage about politics. Y’all may not know what I’m talking about, so long story short: Blizzard recently suspended a pro Hearthstone player for a year because mid-stream he donned a gas mask and spoke about the protests in Hong Kong. There’s more than enough articles about it, so you can find more at your own time, but I’m gonna shed some light on WHY they suspended blitzchung (the player). And yes, it all comes down to the mutually agreed upon, legally-binding contract that ALL tournament players are in.
And here’s the contract, so nobody yells about a source. You guys can follow along with me! Without further adieu, let’s just dive straight into this:
Section 5 covers prize money, and 5.1a clearly states that, “Prizes for Season 1 are not earned until the conclusion of the Season 1 Grandmasters Seasonal Playoff, and are subject to the deductions set forth in Section 6.” The exact same wording for season 2 repeats in 5.1b. In simpler terms, players don’t receive their prize money until AFTER the the tournament is 100% over, and if Blizzard finds a specific player has breached the code of conduct of Section 6, they hold the right to withhold any prize money from said player regardless of the amount.
Now, moving on to the famed code of conduct. Section 6.1 goes on to further account for the exact amount that will be deducted from any player’s winnings for any sort of breach, from equipment/resident property damage to hacking. 6.1o is the area Blizzard primarily called attention to over this whole issue, and so follows,
“Engaging in any act that, in Blizzard’s sole discretion, brings you into public disrepute, offends a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damage’s Blizzard image will result in removal from Grandmasters and reduction of the player’s prize total to $0 USD, in addition to other remedies which may be provided for under the Handbook and Blizzard’s Website Terms.”
This citation shouldn’t be any surprise to anyone who’s actually done their research - any semi credible news outlet has it quoted in their coverings too.  So I kinda feel like that one has been ripped apart enough and for the sake of I wanna get something to eat fairly soon I’ll leave it be.
Section 3.2 also opens with, “You may only participate in Grandmasters so long as your participation does not violate your applicable local laws.” Now assuming this part of the code isn’t about the age of participants or that sort of stuff I don’t know where in the world blitzchung comes from - I don’t personally follow the personal lives of celebrities but going by how much he cares about these events it’s somewhere in China, and clearly supporting Hong Kong is illegal in China or none of this would even be happening. So there’s that section also breached. I found a good, neutral article that specifically and swiftly focuses on his side of the story, so here.
GUYS. He EXPECTED the punishment from Blizzard. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing, EXACTLY what parts of the contract he was breaching, EXACTLY what the punishments for said breaches were. He just felt that getting more awareness for the protests was worth the sacrifice (even possibly coming down to his real life safety), which I personally find very honourable. But hey, you guys can run around ignoring his side and continue screaming corporate greed all you wish, I won’t stop you.
And, away from the contract, let’s not forget that if Blizzard hadn’t reacted how they did the Chinese government could’ve very easily turned on Blizzard in the sense of “they’re a safe space to harbour anti-government propaganda for all these terrorists” and outlawed them. With that, they would’ve been in a perfect spot to charge all the employees at the Blizzard HQ in China with treason and who knows what else. I don’t know enough about China or their law to know what the exact punishment would be, but treason is treason is treason and I think I’m safe to say it would not be pretty for any of them. Doing what they did saved maaaany people who were involved from being hurt (and no, I respectfully don’t account for the protestors/police/bystanders involved in the protests, because blitzchung’s actions are far from directly impacting how dangerous their situation is). That goes for any other company with an HQ in China who are “bending the knee” too - they all have employees and, by extension, their families to protect.
This all being said, do I feel for blitzchung? Yes, as a gamer I can’t imagine being forced out of games I love to play, and nobody likes to lose money even if they jump onboard willingly. Do I support China? No, but for the most part due to the ways they’re going about dealing with the protests; I have zero place to comment on the social situation and independence of Hong Kong, and thus will keep my thoughts to myself (and will ignore anyone who tries dragging me into a debate over this post). But the points that everyone is paying attention to about what happened to blitzchung is DRASTICALLY taking away from what he was trying to accomplish - people aren’t in uproar over the protests or what said protests are trying to accomplish, they’re in uproar over #BoycottBlizzard aka “most recent anti-capitalism hashtag of corporate greed and freedom of speech,” which focuses on the situation in America, NOT China/Hong Kong. And I personally? Am not just gonna stand by and let everyone trash a company who’s given me so much on false claims.
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pumpkan · 2 years
Hellsite high is cute
Makes sense that they’re trying to onboard more users
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A - Z (Fandom ‘Come At Me, Friend’ Meme)
WELL THEN *cracks knuckles* HERE WE GO 
(all 26 letters behind a cut bc this is very long)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
As of this hour, my top OTPs are Penelope/Schneider from ODAAT and Joyce/Hopper from Stranger Things. But I have endless numbers of them, even within each fandom.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Jean/Alice from TDBM. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Um…hmm. I’m such a multishipper, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about my NOTPs. I’ve never been onboard the Keens from The Blacklist, though. Not even a little. I only enjoyed Tom in his original villainous state.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
A couple of my spouse’s faves, I really wish I liked too, especially Sam/Josh and Mal/Simon. I don’t like one of the characters in each very much, so I’ve never been able to get into them–even though I understand them, and have had fun writing them…I just don’t love them too.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Yeah, mostly graphics, though. I don’t think I’ve ever written crackfic. I did New York Times Minus Content edits for TDBM, a ton of those. Also Sext Message Error sets for Lizzington and for Josh/Donna. And Welcome To Nightvale sets for iZombie and Lizzington. And OTP Bot sets for Lizzington.
And this isn’t EXACTLY crack, but my original tumblr claim to fame was this Hamilton/TWW crossover that got reblogged by Lin himself.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Mm, the first time I actively joined a fandom was Buffy, and I was about 14 when that started for me…so as of this year I’ll have been in that fandom for 20 years! But I’ve been a fangirl literally my whole life, I just didn’t really join fandoms before the internet, and I started using the internet more in junior high and HS.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Lou/Joey from Brotherly Love, or Claire/Trevor from Cupid (original run), or Dharma and Greg, or Allison/Wade from CryBaby, or Idgie/Ruth from Fried Green Tomatoes. I was a shipping prodigy, and the couples I was obsessed with as a literal child blur together a bit in the timeline, so I’m not completely sure which came first.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.) 
TV shows.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
The Aaron Tveit fandom made me uncomfortable watching BrainDead before I even had the chance to decide if I liked it or not. Most fandoms I love, though. I prefer to ignore the drama and focus on the people I actually like. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
SO MANY. Parks and Rec, TDBM, Stranger Things…a significant portion of my watchlist comes from this hellsite by now–I have friends with good taste.
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
@mossdonnatella is in a lot of my fandoms. She is a much better fic writer than she thinks she is!!
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
I really ended up disliking Jacob a lot, on Grace and Frankie. But I will say that in the beginning he is very respectful of Frankie’s boundaries and tries to be patient with her, and I did like that.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
I don’t actively ship Jancy on Stranger Things after seeing S1 (I don’t really ship Steve/Nancy either, though…I think I mostly just ship Nancy x happiness) but the moment when her mom knocks on her bedroom door and they reach for each others’ hands instinctively? That is a damn fine understated sweet connection moment and I really enjoyed and believed it.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Okay since a lot of my top fandoms are for shows that ended a long time ago, I’m going with One Day At A Time. In fic or in canon, I want to see a lot more of Schneider being Penelope’s BFF and her confidant. I want more serious!Schneider moments bc it turns out the actor rocks at them, and I want to see Pen really get to move on from Victor as her kids get older, I want real confirmation that she’s finally past any possibility of reconciliation with him bc she deserves SO MUCH BETTER.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Randomizing my music gave me “Quiet” by MiLCK feat. GW Sirens and Capital Blend. 
Sample lyrics:
Cuz no one knows me, no one ever willIf I don’t say something, take that dry blue pillThey may see a monster, they may run awayBut I have to do thisI can’t keep quiet, no A one woman riot
Despite the mature meaning behind the lyrics, and probably because I’m watching Stranger Things right now, it reminds me of Eleven, the tiny badass fighting her way to freedom.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Alright, I’m gonna invent one right off the top of my head right here and now since you asked. Um… a One Day At A Time AU in which Penelope meets Schneider not as her landlord but as a patient, once she becomes an NP. Doctor/patient “okay if you won’t stop asking me out then get a new doctor so I can say yes” fluff ensues.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
Lizzington. I’m technically still writing fic for it bc I have a chapter fic to finish, but I haven’t watched the show in years, I avoid content for it, and have no interest in it anymore besides the phantom limb feeling of having been so invested in a ship for that long and making friends around it.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Well, since I mentioned it earlier, I think I’m the only person ever to watch the scenes Bud and Brianna have together in Grace and Frankie and think “that should really be a thing.” 
Also…Kate/Donna from The West Wing. Based entirely on one scene.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I genuinely don’t understand this question, sorry. What’s an ‘example’ of my headcanon, and how does that relate to prompts? If somebody wants to explain this to me, I’ll answer it. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Yep yep yep. Andy was the leak, not Toby, and that is the hill I will die on always. I’m sure I have others, but that’s the big one.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Toby Ziegler (TWW), Alice Harvey (TDBM), Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Jim Hopper (Stranger Things), and Spencer Hastings (from what I just saw of PLL with @actuallylukedanes). 
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Luke/Lorelai, Gilmore Girls. Parker/Hardison/Eliot, Leverage. Joyce/Hopper, Stranger Things.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Josh/Donna (TWW), Donna in control. Matthew/Alice (TDBM), hurt/comfort sex. Alvareider (ODAAT), “whoops are we kissing wait do we like each other?”Jared/Miss Parker (The Pretender), conflicted kisses up against wallsI’m having trouble thinking of a 5th one but I used to really like Lizzington angry!sex bc damn that ship was angsty
Eleven, Toby Ziegler, Schneider, Lena Luthor, Logan Echolls, literally every main character on The Good Place.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Game of Thrones, Agents of Shield, Doctor Who (though I finally have started this one!), Jane the Virgin, The Worst Witch, and lots more…I like learning about fandoms secondhand. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
Every single one of these tiny Stranger Things children in S1 is the epitome of epic friendship and I love it. Mike jumps off a cliff to protect Dustin and Dustin’s willing to get his teeth cut out to protect Mike and Lucas offers a sincere apology when he’s wrong, something most adults still suck at, and Will tells Mike the truth even when he would benefit from lying and Eleven chooses death to save them all and they are beautiful and perfect and I love them.
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vivlet-evergarden · 6 years
i! hate! parental! headcanons! this hellsite has made me hate them!!
i hate parental sh//iro and a//ura! i hate parental r//oy and ri//za! regardless of if it’s sha//ura or ro//yai or if they’re just indepentently being parental
why are we always forcing (predominantly male/female ships) into parental roles all the time! why are adults that have a significant relationship with younger people always assumed to have a parental bond! 
do yall realise you shout about being sick of being pressured into parenthood, and heteronormativity and whatever else, and you still default to these tropes when they don’t even fucking fit? mostly talking about shiro and allura here but yknow
sh//iro and a//ura don’t act like parents to the Paladins, in my opinion. especially allura. but that’s subjective, so how about we talk about how the fandom uses these headcanons to alienate them from the other Paladins? ESPECIALLY Shiro. they’re all going through the same shit, in fact Shiro and Allura have arguably gone through the worst of it. 
stop devaluing their experiences so they can be loving space parents or whatever. Allura’s assumed to be younger than Shiro, and Shiro’s only 25. he’s not as old and mature as yall think he is. have you met a 25 year old? even without the whole ‘kidnapped and tortured’ thing, a 25 year old isn’t typically the picture of responsibility and parenthood. and Allura’s dealing with the death of her entire race she doesn’t have time to baby the Paladins.
not that the Paladins need babying because by golly they aren’t your precious little babies. they are fighting a war and they understand that, even if their view isn’t fully matured yet. they don’t need Shiro and Allura babying them for your uwu space children and space parents shtick
i might be especially salty about this because of the Voltron fandom, but FMA can be just as bad. have any of you seen Roy i mean that man has other problems to deal with, let alone Ed and Al. in fact, i don’t think they’d even be healthy in a parental relationship (as they are portrayed in canon). ed wants to be seen as an equal, and ed already hates his actual father (Hohenheim). would he really want a replacement?
yes Roy and Riza care about the Elrics but that doesn’t mean they are automatically parental figures towards them. alsoooo, catch me dodging the ‘Royai get together and have a child’ HCs. it’s fine if you like that and have fun with it but i Cannot get onboard that train, i don’t think either of them should be parents honestly, and i don’t think they’d want to be
and i get it if you’re just having fun, or if because of your own problems with parents, you’re using these headcanons to idk ‘cope’ i suppose. i get it! personally, im not into it because i hate being patronised for my age, and i have had a bad experience with my mom so im not into it. but i get it if you are.
but you know what’s uncool? when parental headcanons are used against ‘problematic’ ships like royed and shaladin. please remember your headcanons are not actually canon. it happens too damn much and im sick of it
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melatohnonin · 4 years
I had two dreams last night which was wild.
I dreamed I was in Minecraft? I had a huge bee farm for some reason, like, actually fucking massive. There is no reason to have as many bees as dream me did. Anyway, I accidentally punched one, and they all got pissed off. So I'm there with like, hundreds of pissed off bees trying to kill me, and I'm like "Ah, fuck." So I fuckin - This is ridiculous - I fuckin drop down on all fours like an animal and just go tearing off through the landscape. Like, what??? Am I a wereperson or something? Why am I on all fours? Why am I running so fast? It was, like, horse speed, but I was Not on a horse. Anyway, the bees finally stop chasing me around a thousand blocks out, and now it's nighttime, and there's a red beam in the sky like the targeting lasers from the Divine Beasts in BotW, and I'm just standing on the edge of a taiga biome like, "Well, now what do I do". And then I woke up at 3:30 for Some Reason and that was that.
Anyway, I woke up again at around 6 because my mother is Loud. Had another dream after I went back to sleep, a lot more mundane than the last one. I dreamed there was a new bus route that went up along Highland Ave. For some reason this route was labeled as 8, just like the one in Portland that goes around the peninsula and downtown and Hannaford. That's not confusing at all, I thought to myself as I got on the bus and just kinda sat there onboard checking out its route. Then De CALLED THE HOUSE BY MISTAKE and woke me up AGAIN because she refuses to get a functioning fucking PHONE and maybe I'm salty.
Anyway the melatonin seemed to help a little but I'm not sure really. Oh well.
Also this posted to the wrong blog because tumblr fuckin sucks. Thanks for working, you spaghetti code blue hellsite.
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