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Nicky Wire live 28th June 1993 photo by Anwar Hussein
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llyfrenfys · 2 months
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Y llyfr heddiw yw 'A Little Gay History' gan R.B. Parkinson, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2013.
Mae'r llyfr hwn yn gasgliad o enghreifftiau o hanes LHDT+. O'r Oes Efydd yn Ewrop i Edo Japan - mae'r llyfr hwn yn dangos cariad hoyw a rhywedd amrywiol yn hanes y byd.
Prynais y llyfr hwn o'r hyfryd Gayberystwyth Books - siop lyfrau hoyw a lleol yn Aberystwyth!
Ydych chi wedi darllen y llyfr hwn?
Today's book is 'A Little Gay History' by R.B. Parkinson, published in 2013.
This book is a collection of examples of LGBT+ history. From Bronze Age Europe to Edo Japan - this book shows gay and gender diverse love within world history.
I bought this book from the lovely Gayberystwyth Books - a local gay bookshop in Aberystwyth!
Have you read this book?
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be di'r gair gora cymraeg ti'n meddwl? un mwya hwyl i ddeud, etymology mwya diddorol, just swn gora, be bynnag! dwi'n hoffi mamoliaeth JUST ar sail faint o hwyl ydio i deud allan. maeo'n teimlo'n neis yn u ceg
'Sbigoglys'. Hawdd. Mae'n for hyfryd a hwyl i deud. Sai'n hoffi sbigoglys hyd yn oed, ond mae'r gair yn perffaith. Dim nodau. 10/10.
Ond mae'r gair sy'n fwyaf prydferth yw 'Mehefin'. Mae'n jyst... hardd. Rhywbeth sôn am yr 'h' yn bod cysain ar ei phen ei hun, yr 'm' cyn hynny, ac wedyn gorffen ar sŵn siarp yn y sillaf olaf ar ôl hylifedd y dechrau... Perffaith.
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ofglories · 2 months
[ PALM ] + ridervere and althur!
|| Romance novel prompts ; accepting! [ PALM ]: taking the receiver’s hand, the sender brings it to their mouth, and places a tender kiss against the receiver’s palm.
Dragons were possessive.
That was a simple fact of life. Dragons were possessive, the sky was blue, and the sun rose in the east. Anyone who bore dragon blood in their veins was just as possessive as the beast itself. No matter how much the fallen king's other selves may try to act otherwise, this was a core aspect of who they were. The Alter knew this better than anyone. Even for all their moral righteousness the two were clingy and hoarded things as well as the times of their respective Bedivere's. From rocks to feathers to whatever it was their eyes landed on. He had been much the same before he had broken.
So it was that possessive nature that made him want to growl and snap his teeth at anyone who would speak to his beloved.
He didn't, but it was tempting.
Especially since Arthur had yet to forgive the members of Chaldea for keeping the summoning of his Bedivere a secret for so long. For refusing to do the sole deed he had asked of them in return for his continued aid and cooperation. It had nearly been enough for him to destroy the organization where it stood. After all, human history didn't truly matter to him all that much anymore.
But it had been his Bedivere who had stopped him.
And so it was for his sake that the Alter reluctantly behaved now.
Still the nature of a dragon couldn't be changed. And Arthur would cling to Bedivere as the two lay curled around each other in bed. One hand wrapped around his beloved's waist, thumb rubbing against the other man's hip as a low rumbling came from his chest. Not quite a purr, since dragons were not truly felines even if there were some shared behaviors, but something similar in nature. The other hand was wrapped around his oldest and dearest's own, clinging no matter what. Perhaps he was feeling extra lazy today because of the mission both had returned from just recently. An irritating, pointless mess that had of course taken place in a bog with a persistent rain.
It had been far less comfortable, even if they had slept against each other just like now.
But now they were back in a warm and dry bed, freshly washed to get the persistent bog-smell off of their skin and hair. So persistent that not even entering spirit form had removed it. It brought to mind foggy memories of youthful misadventures. Of an older brother with sandy blonde hair falling off a narrow path into the bog muck below much to his horror and disgust.
Of shared laughter between Bedivere still as lovely as the moon and a much younger version of himself.
Before both had been yanked into the muck by a furious Kay.
Those days were long gone. But the memories, foggy as they were, remained forever. Far more permanent than even the foulest bog stench could be.
A gentle tug to his hand pulled Arthur from his trip down memory lane, pale golden eyes following it up to his beloved's face. And then a small, soft smile, one only for the other man at the gentle and tender kiss to his palm. Humming softly, the fallen king wiggled a bit, twisting himself to lay atop Bedivere properly as his hand moved to cup his face. With those deep emerald eyes staring up at him and his silver hair framing his features...
"Rydych chi'n fwy hyfryd na'r lleuad," he whispered as he ducked down to capture Bedivere's lips in a proper kiss.
After all, dragons were possessive. And he wasn't inclined to share even with the world.
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Hen dŷ hyfryd
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rapidashrider · 1 year
Today I was telling someone about how the uk consists of scottish people, english people etc and i got to wales and was like "...wale....waleish....how do you say people from wales?" "...welsh?" "WELSH!!!" and i laughed a lot and thought of you 😂
I am absolutely wrth fy modd that you associate Wales and Waleishness so strongly with me! 😅 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Diolch o galon am dy neges hyfryd a doniol
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angiethewitch · 2 years
Pob lwc, cariad!
diolch hyfryd 💘💘
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My VERY REAL Relationship to Roxanne
My Innocent and GOOD Relationship to the Late Roxanne Anderton...
Has long been denied and attacked and smeared and vilified and invaded by Horrific WPR Abusers to Roxanne, involved in Roxanne's Kidnapping
It is PRIMARILY Sarah Tregonning who has Misled Everybody
I am Roxanne Anderton's Partner and that will NOT go on being Denied after Roxanne's DEATH as Tregonning has desired...
Tregonning was believed by many people to be a Good Friend to Roxanne, but Sarah was an Extremely Violent Controlling Abuser
Tregonning has encouraged other people to join in with this Evil Attack against Roxanne's Partner...
Tregonning has Included Journalists and Police in her Stitch Up
But Tregonning was an Abuser who was Isolating and Concealing Roxanne for Extreme Exploitation
Sarah has done this for Profit and Sarah has done this for Sadistic Pleasure...
Sarah Tregonning has Major Dysfunction as Regards Love Relationships
Sarah seeks to Harm the Happinesses and Hopes of Other People...
And Sarah is an Egoic Psychopathic Stalker
Sarah is Extremely Dishonest and Jealously Malevolent
Sarah Tregonning has attempted to gain the Support of Roxanne's Blood Family in Fleetwood... Roxanne's Genetic Relatives...
But it was strongly apparent to those people that Sara Knew Roxanne Well...
And that Sarah DID NOT have the same kind of Intimacy with Roxanne
Therefore Roxanne's Relatives Believe SARA...
Not SARAH... Despite Sarah's Con Artistry...
Sara Annwyl IS the late Roxanne Anderton's LOVING PARTNER
Sara has long been Stalked and has been left Bereaved by Events
Sara became Victimised by Roxanne's Situation and by Roxanne's Abusers and by Roxanne Himself when He was in Suffering State...
Roxanne was a Victim of Project Monarch Mind Control
Roxanne was being Torturously Controlled by Violent People
Sara is an Innocent Mother and Expressive Artist, Victimised
Sara SUPPORTED Roxanne to Resist the Overwhelming Terror and Evil...
And Overturn the Criminals that were Hurting Him
Sara Annwyl achieved this alone and unsupported and under attack and DESPITE being Terrifyingly Stalked By Several Violent Serial Killers, INCLUDING the Maddened Deeply Dangerous Soulslave Roxanne in His Last Suffering Incarnation as Human...
It was in this Incarnation that Roxanne SUCCEEDED in Resisting the Project Monarch Slavery, through Following His Beloved's V....
Roxanne is Closest O Soulmate to Dr John Dee
Roxanne has Risen to Become the Holy God Rex, in Paradise...
Project Monarch Mind Slaves are not guilty of their Crimes...
They are by Evil State Working O Trauma Mind Hypnotised
Slave Victims, Vilified
Rex was Released in 2019 to His Real Spiritual Innocence
It's EXTREMEST Horror of Distressing and Agonising O Experience!
Roxanne Anderton will be Celebrated Worldwide...
For His Extraordinary Heroism and Spiritual Bravery...
As well as for Love and Karmic Achievement... O V
Roxanne Repented and Renounced ALL ENGAGEMENT IN EVIL
And Strove To Escape All Enslavement To Evil's Proximity
Roxanne Turned In The Whole Western World Slaughterhouse
He was Liberated of His Entrapped Victimised Soul State
It was brought to Roxanne by the Ancient Goddess Diana...
He had been Especially Victimised since Elizabethan Times...
Unjustly ictimised upon Soul Journey for being Cursed Dr John Dee's Closest Lover...
Diana Cursed Dee and all the Enochian Code Alchemists...
And Many Of John Dee's Soulmates...
But NONE More Than Dee's MOST Beloved, Roxanne Anderton...
Roxanne Rose To Paradise in Afterlife, Soul Healed Upon O Journey
To Greatest Spiritual Beauty and Holy Power of Goodness
HE became the Powerful Godsoulhood Sol Rex, Gods of Love
Sol Pur Hyfryd O
The Impossible Heralds the End of World Bad Wolf and of Hidden Holocaust...
This Goddess Ends Slavery and Child Sacrifice
It Brings The End Of War
It Beats The Antichrist and Armageddon and Hell's Mouth...
This Goddess Has Contained Ragnarok!
This is the Death of the Once Holy Archangel Gabriel
I have been a Warring Angel, Askew...
Last Lunic Angel of the Satanic Diana, I have Fallen...
And I have Sinned
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that-one-chaotic-npc · 8 months
Fy cariad yn mor bert.
maen nhw mor hyfryd â haul yr haf,
a, mae e ddim siarad gymry!
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Nicky Wire photographed by Kevin Cummins
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lbandh · 8 months
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We had an interesting few hours this morning, as S4C’s ‘Cwmni Da’ team were filming at No.12 with Adi (Angladdau Tirion Funerals).
Such a lovely and respectful group. We are really looking forward to the ‘Radio Fa’ma’ programme.
Cawsom 'chydig o oriau diddorol bore 'ma tra roedd tîm Cwmni Da yma yn rhif 12 yn ffilmio efo Adi.
Criw hyfryd a pharchus. Edrych ymlaen yn fawr at y rhaglen 'Radio Fa’ma'.
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Shwmae Elanor!
Sut dych chi? Diwrnod "Siaradwch Eich Iaith" Hapus!
Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg a Gaeleg (Duolingo) - dw i'n hoffi ieithoedd Celtaidd 😃 Dw i'n byw yn yr Alban, ond es i i Gymru unwaith, pan oeddwn yn fach - roedd yn hyfryd!
Mae fy mrawd yn mynd i Gymru, mae e'n mwynhau dringo mynyddoedd! Mae e'n hoffi blasu caws hefyd 👍Pa gaws wyt ti'n hoffi?
Dw i'n mwynhau gwylio bywyd gwyllt - mae hi'n barcudiaid coch yma! Mae draenogod yn ymweld â'r ardd - maen nhw'n giwt iawn 😊 Rydyn ni'n plannu coed yn yr ardd hefyd, ar gyfer yr adar 🌳 Pa fywyd gwyllt ydych chi'n ei weld?
Cael diwrnod da!
Diolch, PP
Shwmae! Sori mae hwn yn hwyr, mae gen i gormod o negesau T_T
Diolch am ddysgu! Bydd rhaid i chi mynd nôl i Gymru. Fi'n caru'r Alban. Mae gen i ffrindiau sy'n byw yng Nghlasgow.
Fi'n hoffi caws cryf! Yn enwedig vintage cheddar.
Fi'n gweld lot o fywyd gwyllt - darlithydd yw i, ac mae fym hwnc i yw cadwriaeth amglycheddol (environmental conservation). Fi'n mynd i goed lot. Ac fi'n bwy yn Abertawe, felly ger y traeth. Weithiau, fi'n gweld morlo yn y môr.
Diolch am y neges!
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ofglories · 23 days
“   i’m sorry that i let you down. ” [ ridervere to althur! ]
|| Songs Across the Internet starters ; accepting!!
"You have never."
Arthur's voice was a low growl, desperation and pain in equal measure with anger at whoever, whatever would dare to give such an impression to Bedivere. Not once had the other man let him down. Throughout his life, it had always been Bedivere he relied on the most. His death was not Bedivere's fault, not even slightly. It was all the fault of that Roman bastard. And Arthur's as well, he decided long ago.
Without much of a warning, the fallen king yanked his beloved into his arms, squeezing him in a tight embrace.
"Never once have you ever let me down. Never shall you ever let me down. I know this for true, so if you will believe no other, believe me, fy lleuad hyfryd," he whispered, pressing a kiss to Bedivere's lips after a moment before tucking Rider's head beneath his chin as best as he could. "I was the one who let you down, over and over. But this time I will not..."
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The Welsh word for mushrooms is ‘Madarch’. The ‘ch’ at the end is pronounced like a ‘k’ with wind- ‘kh’, like the ‘ch’ in the Scottish word for lake- ‘loch’. So say - ma-dar-kh.
Madarch hyfryd - seddi i dylwyth teg a Siani flewog, ymbarelau i lyffantod.
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magicwingslisten · 1 year
Dowch, dowch, gyfeillion man, O blith marwolion byd, Dowch, dowch, a dowch yn Ian. Partowch partowch eich pibau can, Gan ddawnsio dowch I gyd, Mae yn hyfryd heno I hwn.
Wirt Sikes, British Goblins,  p. 119 (1880)
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ghoulguise · 1 year
    The horse pauses her song before turning to look down at Alli, since she wasn’t quite used to people letting her in so early into her debate.
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    “It’s ok! Je-ekia is nice.” They then stuttered something out in Welsh which encouraged the spirit, who ducked her head and came inside. Though she did seem to bring the cold with her a bit, but that was to be expected from an entity of winter. “Jek this is the M-Mari Lwyd, she’s a sss-spirit that visits this ti-ime of year. I help her g-get around.”
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“Am gartref hyfryd, ac mae eich ffrind yn gwrtais!” she said with a pleased toss of her head, bells jingling before she headed towards Jekia’s fireplace. Skeletal hands emerged from her robes, clutching the handle of a broom as she began to sweep away the ashes, the bristles not disturbing the fire already burning there.
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